
netbookWait topic link is about a Massachusetts loco00:19
tonyyarussowth, you're right.  Did I manage to fail at copy and paste?00:20
tonyyarussonetbook: oh, they changed they're URL format without backwards compatibility :(00:21
=== tonyyarusso changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-mn to: Have a read: http://ubuntu-us.org/2009/12/06/what-individuals-can-do-for-their-loco-team/
tonyyarussoThere we go.00:22
TakyojiIn case if others haven't seen the petition yet: http://www.fsf.org/campaigns/acta/acta-declaration02:36
TakyojiIs there any difference between PGP, GPG, and GnuPG?04:46
TakyojiErm, I guess GPG = GnuPG04:47
TakyojiSo GnuPG is just an open implementation of PGP?04:47
TakyojiRepeat; in case if I missed anything.05:17
tonyyarussoTakyoji: basically, yes.05:35
TakyojiAny reason why meaningful software version updates aren't ever available in the Ubuntu repositories ever?07:52
TakyojiFor example; VLC 1.1.2 not being available; instead, 1.0.6 is only available, which even the VideoLAN team implies it's outdated: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html07:54
TakyojiSo for now I guess my web browser has to be the video player for locally stored WebM files..07:56
=== rlaager1 is now known as rlaager
tonyyarussoTakyoji: Because the VideoLAN team either missed the feature freeze cutoff or failed to follow up with overstretched package maintainers.17:39
tonyyarusso!info vlc maverick | Takyoji17:40
lubotu1Takyoji: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2-1+exp1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 1998 kB, installed size 4508 kB17:40
wildmustangsI was wondering if I could get some help with getting a ltsp sever working19:27
wildmustangsis there any one who can help with terminal server set up19:32
TakyojiI'm a bit unfamiliar with setting up LTSP19:46
tonyyarussoIf he comes back, there is someone on the mailing list who has extensive LTSP experience.22:48

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