
emeryIs there a customized desktop available for fluxbox like Gnome ?00:00
H2Oi did the sudo apt-get update .... it listed the source list and then got black again :/00:00
lelleldwingate: open a terminal which you can find in start menu somewhere and just write freedroidrpg then enter00:00
Cryophileyou need to do upgrade00:00
H2Oupgrade? not update? ;)00:00
hikuLorgonJortle: did the file come with an md5sum file you could check to make sure the download is ok?00:01
Cryophileupdate will just update the package lists from your repo's00:01
nsawhiku, maybe its offtopic now but may I ask you another question? Do you know if it is possible to slow down the fans in the sun machines during installation?00:01
LorgonJortlehiku: Negative.00:01
dexiHey guys im having trouble finding a network printer. I'm not sure exactly how to search for it, but a blank search didn't find it00:01
itsux2bui just did a    sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade ..  but three items "been keep back"  linux-generic-pae, linux-headers-generic-pae, linux-image-generic-pae.. anybody know why it didn't upgrade them?00:01
H2Ooh ok...00:01
H2Oand that froze my pc too... :/00:01
ldwingateCommand No FOund00:01
hikunsaw: during install? doubt it unless you have ipmi configured, then you could do it that way00:01
H2Oi hope it works this time00:02
LinuxGuy2009Ok so I just tried installing "nvidia-current_195.36.15-0ubuntu2_i386.deb" and "nvidia-settings_195.36.08-0ubuntu2_i386.deb". And then I ran sudo '/usr/lib/nvidia-current/bin/nvidia-xconfig' in a terminal and it doesnt activate and I dont see the nvidia configuration tool in system, administration. What am I missing?00:02
H2Oi rebooted it like a 1000 times now00:02
lellewrite free then press tab and it should give you examples of any application starting with free00:02
hikuLorgonJortle: does vmware's website have an md5sum file for that file you could download then hash it to check the download?00:02
UmlautBananaAgain, here's the forum link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=973151600:02
nsawi have configured nothing yet but i see the server install cd has not much commands, so i am in doubt that it is possible00:02
hikuLorgonJortle: what do you get from $> file vmware-workstation-full-7.1.0-261024.x86_64.bundle00:02
ldwingatewhen i type free it just gives me discspace00:02
LorgonJortleNot sure. But I just tried another chmod +x and then running it and it said it "couldn't run the binary"00:03
LinuxGuy2009Im trying to install the nvidia drivers on an offline machine.00:03
H2OCryophile: nope...the screen goes black as soon as i press enter to execute the command... what now?00:03
hikuLorgonJortle: ah...., run the command "file" on it and see what it says00:03
LorgonJortlehiku: vmware-workstation-full-7.1.0-261024.x86_64.bundle: data00:03
ldwingatelelle when i type freedroidrpg it says COmmand Not FOund00:03
H2OCryophile: should i boot in in non-graphic mode?00:03
Cryophileif you can00:03
H2Ois that even possible? ;)00:03
emeryIs there a customized desktop available for fluxbox like Gnome ?00:04
H2Owhat's the hotkey00:04
LorgonJortleldwingate: Try typing "free" and hitting tab00:04
hikuLorgonJortle: hmm. usually vmware has .bin files for installation. Try a different download link?00:04
LorgonJortlehiku: Yeah, I'll redownload it. Thanks. :)00:04
hikuLorgonJortle: your welcome. good luck00:04
lelleldwingate: hmm try edit the start menu, and there you will see name you will have to run freedriodrpg in terminal..00:04
Cryophilei have no idea, if someone else could help him with that?00:04
ldwingateFreedroid has encountered a problem:00:05
ldwingateIn Function: set_video_mode_for_open_gl.00:05
ldwingateFreedroidRPG package and version number: freedroidrpg
ldwingateSDL reported, that the video mode mentioned above is not supported00:05
FloodBot4ldwingate: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:05
ldwingateit says the SDL reported that the video mode mentioned above is not supported00:05
wilhartwhat was channel for 10.1000:06
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LibertyZeroitsux2bu: try  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:06
lelleldwingate: dont know what to do.. i guess you need new drivers00:06
hikuwilhart: ?huh00:06
H2OCryophile: dead end huh?00:06
UmlautBanana[20:35] * assoupis (~assoupis@ Quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer )00:06
wilhartmean that is 10.10 nodays stable ?00:06
UmlautBananaum, sorry, icechat copied by itself00:06
ldwingatewell when i got the game to open the first time i changed the resolution and ever since then i cant get it to work00:06
hikuwilhart: I don't believe 10.10 has been released as stable yet.00:07
wilharthiku: what state is it?00:07
wilharthiku: beta?00:07
Quantum_IonDont take it until its stable00:07
ldwingateim getting an error from Set_VIdeo_Mode_For_Open_GL00:07
dexiCan anyone tell me how to get my trash icon back on my task bar?00:08
CryophileH2O: i think it's ctrl+alt+F100:08
hikuwilhart: my bad, just checked ubuntu.com and I guess 10.10 out00:08
ldwingateanyway i can change the resolution back to default from terminal00:08
H2OCryophile: nope ;)00:08
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hikuwilhart: nope, nevermind.... my bad.... it's still 10.0400:09
wilharthiku: ok i got a stick i need to burn iso on stick? is that same as burning for cd?00:09
lelledexi right click any open space in panel and press add widgets or something like that, look for paperbin, trash etc it should be there00:09
lov255I can't sudo alpine?  Seems like I need root in order to add the folder00:09
cfeddedexi: gnome? right click on it and select 'add to panel'00:09
oxidkorzodiac: can I private message you?00:09
Quantum_IonIs there a new release of Ubuntu about every 6 months ?00:09
ldwingateor anyway i can delete the game and all the data and just redownload the game....cause i tried doing it from the Software Manager and it just uninstalls the gam but eeps all the data00:09
hikuwilhart: hmm, do you want the stick to be bootable?00:09
jpdsQuantum_Ion: Yes.00:10
hikuwilhart: I use unetbootin (it's an apt you can install) to do that. some of the more exp guys/gals here might know of a better app to do it tho.00:10
Quantum_Ionty wilhart and jpds00:10
H2OCryophile: what could be the problem? when i log in everything seems cool...whenever i leave the mouse idle for 20 sec. it goes black, whenever i do anything it goes black.... i turned off the screensaver and visual effects and still...00:11
wilharthiku: hmm00:11
H2Oanyone else got any ideas?00:11
Cryophileim not sure what it could be, but if there are any update available it could fix it.00:11
H2Othere are...i'm sure of that...i just made a clean install00:11
Cryophiledo you have the restricted drivers installed?00:12
H2Obut i can't get the system to upgrade :( it freezes as soon as it starts00:12
wilhartok hiku unetbootin00:12
itsux2buLibertyZero, thx.. that worked.. i'm completely upgraded now00:12
H2OCryophile: don't know...probably not...it didn't notify me about any restricted drivers on install or after00:13
CoolwhoamiHello, I am having an issue creating a file in /usr/share/doc/, apparently I don't have the ability to change root file properties despite being the only user on this computer. Any ideas?00:13
dexilelamal, cfedde thanks00:13
H2OCryophile: i'll check now00:13
CryophileH2O: with it being a fresh install, have you tryed installing again?00:13
H2Oit froze again00:13
ldwingatehow do i delete files permanently from Software Manager00:14
H2Omaybe i installed it on a partition 2 small?00:14
H2O14 gb00:14
ldwingatereove just Uninstalls it00:14
Cryophilethat shouldn't matter00:14
ldwingatei want to delete it completely and redownload the file00:14
H2Oi don't believe i will solve this problem just by reinstalling it00:15
H2Oi didn't do nothing...no conf00:15
hiexpothan it don't matter00:15
hiexpoeven if config00:15
H2Owhat do you suggest then?00:16
H2Oto reinstall it anyway?00:16
hiexpoH2O,  why it did not work00:16
H2Oi don't know? lol ;)00:16
hiexpoit told u00:17
H2Oit installed with no problems00:17
H2Oi log in00:17
Cryophilectrl+alt+backspace should kill gdm or so this forum says00:17
H2Oand then, as soon as want to do ANYTHING ... the screen goes black00:17
H2Oand the system freezes00:17
H2Ocan't do sheet anymore ;)00:18
H2Oonly hard reboot00:18
hiexpowhat app missed that part00:18
hiexpowhat application00:18
H2Oany application ;)00:18
tarrantldwingate: apt-get remove --purge <file>00:18
H2Othe update manager, the terminal00:19
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H2Osound manager00:19
H2Odoesn't matter...whatever i do...the system freezes00:19
H2Oi somehow managed to get in to xterm session on login00:20
lilmonstahello all , apolagies for asking but is 10.01.1 still due today?\00:20
H2Oi saw the option on the bottom of the screen00:20
H2Oupgrading the system now...00:20
lilmonsta10.04.1 i mean00:20
H2O.hope it'll help00:20
H2Ohiexpo Cryophile freeze again ;) phuck man00:21
H2Oit's starting to eat my nerves00:21
welinux10.10 - is development branch do not use it for everyday life for now00:22
Cryophileboot into the live disk and check the partition is healthy00:22
C_OkieHow does journaling stop inconsistency if there is a crash in the middle of a write to the journal  like it could to an immediate write with non journaled FS00:22
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C_OkieI realize the Inodes could be saved from being leaked with journaled00:22
lilmonstawelinux I meant the lucid update due today?00:22
ARGGGhow do i get my00:22
H2OCryophile: how do i know it's healthy00:23
ThomasB2kNatty Narwhal <_<00:23
ARGGG(s-video) tv to work on 9.1000:23
AlanBDoes anyone aware of a possibility to install an older fglrx driver (like 8.24.8) to get my ati x1400 working (lucid)?00:23
Cryophileyou can use the disk utility inthe system-administration list to run tests on the partition00:23
H2OCryophile: actually now it froze even if i did nothing ;)00:24
robertwallAlanB: you'd need to install an old version of X.org. This has a very, very high chance of breaking your system completely and isn't supported.00:24
Cryophilewith you doing nothing it sounds (to me at least) as if it's tripping over something in the hardware00:24
AlanBrobertwall: god ... :(00:24
lov255okay I keep trying to add my inbox gmail server to alpine - it keeps coming back that it can not create the folder00:25
progre55hey guys, when you have exim installed on a server, where you co have your mails by default? how to see them on a terminal?00:25
jim_UbuntuHello everyone. Setting up firewire, is it me or does this seem harder then it should be?????? 4 cards installed and nothing works. external cdrom or hard drive...00:26
C_OkieHow does a journal turn push MOV   AX,1234H  PUSH  AX  MOV   AH,09  INT   21H  POP   AX into one step that can't be intermediated anyway00:26
H2OCryophile: maybe...00:27
H2Ocould it be the monitor?00:27
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H2Oi have a strange cable for it00:27
H2Oit need's an adaptor to connect to a pc00:27
tomoHow can i get to instal empathy irc channels list?00:30
ARGGGwhat would cause ubuntu not seeing my s-video when i try to detect it in display?00:30
coolwhoamiI am trying to add a file to a folder in /usr/share/doc/ but I do not have permissions, nor can I change them (only one account in computer), any ideas?00:30
sifter_"No network devices available" on my asus eee pc 900a with 10.04 netbook edition00:30
JamesVossI am running ubuntu-server and I am curious what program I can use to secure my server from normal users being able to ls / etc, I want them to only be able to see what is in there home directory00:30
C_OkieSo journals have certain interpreted 1.) deleting a files director and 2.) deleting and reallotting the inode00:30
sifter_i think i have to install the drivers manually00:30
sifter_is this possible?00:31
welinuxcoolwhoami: man sudo_root00:31
C_Okie*interpreted commands"00:31
pure_hatesifter_, what wifi card is it?00:31
C_Okiewith atomicity00:31
pure_hatesifter_, try "modprobe ath5k"00:31
JamesVossanybody have any ideas?00:32
sifter_error inserting cfg8021100:32
sifter_error iserting tah00:32
sifter_error inserting mac8021100:32
sifter_error inserting ath*00:33
psyberpnkanyone out there having trouble installing build-essential?  Synaptic says it cant find files on the server00:33
hikuJamesVoss: look into chroot-jail00:33
coolwhoamiwelinux: I am not really familiar enough with terminal commands to create a file in a folder using it, any help with that?00:33
JamesVossthank you00:33
C_OkieI get it00:33
hikuJamesVoss: your welcome00:33
welinuxcoolwhoami: you will have to00:34
hikuJamesVoss: alot of ISP's use chroot-jails to restrict users from doing harmful things.00:34
JamesVossthank you00:34
H2OCryophile: i'll try installing it on a different partition00:34
JamesVossi will look into it00:34
H2OCryophile: although i doubt it'll help00:34
H2Oi remember having the same issue with an older release of ubuntu00:35
sifter_error inserting cfg8021100:35
H2Owith this same computer00:35
sifter_error inserting tha00:35
sifter_error inserting mac8021100:35
coolwhoamiwelinux: So I will have to create the file using terminal. How do I do that (I apologize if this isnt really supported, if not give me a link to some basic terminal infos)00:35
welinuxcoolwhoami: open up Terminal. Type only two words ------------   gksu nautilus     ------ and use nautilus as administrator. But be careful.00:35
C_OkieAbout journal filesystems though, the wiki said "Instead of actually writing directly to the part of the disk where the file is stored, it first writes it to another part of the hard drive"...00:36
sifter_any other suggestion, pure hate?00:36
welinuxcoolwhoami: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:36
LinuxGuy2009How do I manually install nvidia driver package on an offline machine and get it working?00:36
hiexpogksu nautilus  hes toast00:36
C_Okiedoes it write a new file consisting of the changes so it's be a txt file with just "the end of the sentence" or does it copy the oldfile and write to it and note log changes00:37
conick hyb00:37
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H2Oext4 and ext3 ... what's the difference?00:37
psyberpnkis it possible for a file to be missing from the repo?00:37
H2Owhich is better? faster? more stable?00:37
JamesVossin ubuntu-server does anybody know of a tool that say typing tlock it would lock the terminal and require the person to enter a password to use it again?00:37
coolwhoamiwelinux: Thank you!00:37
welinuxcoolwhoami: http://www.linfo.org/command_index.html00:37
ectospasmLinuxGuy2009: download the deb (see apt-get/aptitude --help), transfer it to the target machine, and run dpkg on the deb00:37
powersurgeso uh... does anyone here know how to set up a wireless ad hoc network? I thought I had it but it continously connected disconnected :<00:37
sifter_"No network devices available" on my asus eee pc 900a (atheros card)00:38
JamesVossnvm got it00:38
welinuxcoolwhoami: glad to help you00:38
hybCan anybody help me, i need to trim the first few chars from a tail output00:38
thinkinginvainHi all, I have been reading up on and trying different media players in ubuntu. Rythmbox seems buggy, banshee sounds horrible, songbird has stopped l;inux development and amarok requires to many kde libraries. That leaves exaile which is sluggish. is there a media player/library management/playlist management tool for Gnome tahts solid, fast, feature rich and stable?00:38
jamiewanthinkinginvain: vlc player00:39
ThomasB2kBanshee is great00:39
thinkinginvainvlc doesnt do good library mangement00:39
hikuhyb: what are you trying to do?00:39
welinuxthinkinginvain: mpg123 or mocp :)00:39
thinkinginvainbanshee sounds horrible, play the same track in banshee and then play it in exaile, very noticable difference00:39
jamiewanthinkinginvain: audatious00:39
welinuxyes audatious00:40
ThomasB2kgrammar nazi: *audacious i think00:40
jamiewanvlc eq setting wont stick sometimes but audatious works great00:40
hybhiku, im running log files through tail and i need to trim some unnecessary chars from the beginning of each line00:40
ePiratsry.. i forgot how to auto run more than one command, was it like this: sh -c 'CMD1, CMD2, Lastcmd' ?00:40
C_OkieAm I asking a question that;s hard for you to understand what I am saying ( I am just wondering ) ?00:40
sifter_i'm having a problem with my wireless card (atheros) in ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition ("No network devices available"). does anyone have suggestions?00:41
ThomasB2kmaybe GNOME Media Player. It's based on VLC00:41
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H2Odoes it matter how much space you give your swap partition?00:41
psyberpnksifter_, is your card enabled?00:41
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sifter_how can i check? i never manually enabled it00:42
H2Ohow much should i give?00:42
thinkinginvainThans all! any plugins recommended for audacious?00:42
hikuhyb: try using the "cut" command00:42
hikuhyb: man cut00:42
ThomasB2ksifter_ in the network applet in the panel, right click on it and choose "Enable Networking" and "Enable Wireless"00:42
hikuH2O: 2x the amount of ram is a good place to start.00:42
jamiewanH2O: 2 or 3 time ya ram be ample00:43
LibertyZeroLinuxGuy2009: If you have an offline Ubuntu PC you might be interested in Keryx http://keryxproject.org/00:43
H2Oso can it be i've been experiencing problems with freezing because i had it set to 1.5 GB only? .. have 4 gb of ram...00:43
welinuxThomasB2k: grammar nazi doesn't sleep you are right00:43
sifter_"enable wireless" is not on there00:43
psyberpnksifter_, are you dual booting?  if so, you might need to enable the card from windows.  There is a walkthrough for connecting to the Internet in the help files that come installed with ubuntu00:44
C_OkieI mean the article I am reading ( the beginners article ) coulda told the answer to someones stupid question about ext2 and ext3 and I just dont undedrstand  one thing on the article : v00:44
sifter_only "enable networking" and "enable notifications"00:44
ThomasB2kH20, I have 4gb of RAM and my swap is 10 GB. Try that.00:44
sifter_i am not dualbooting00:44
H2Ohiku jamiewan one more question...the swap partition type should be Logical - Beginning ... right?00:44
H2Oor is it primary?00:44
dschuettDoes anyone know the proper way to change the mysql root password on mysql 5.1.4 on ubuntu 10.0400:45
StaleHello does anybody knows how a Ubuntu 7.04.4 installation would turn out?00:45
StaleI'm looking for some user experience00:45
amris there a channel on here for ubuntu on netbooks? (not using nbr)00:45
jamiewanH2O: i would imagine so mate00:46
Staleamr: netbooks are the same as laptops, right?00:46
welinuxthinkinginvain: http://paste.ubuntu.com/479664/ - the best player ever00:46
psyberpnkanyone have any idea as to why linux-libc-dev cannot be found?00:46
amrStale, essentially00:46
Oerdschuett, 7.04 Feisty is nolonger supported, current version is 10.0400:46
Brack10I'm trying to boot Ubuntu on different hardware and ethernet isn't working.  Tried to use modprobe to add e1000, but apparently I've got not business using that command.  Anyone got any advice?00:46
welinux Stale: netbooks kinda laptops00:46
dschuettOer: i said 10.0400:47
hikuBrack10: try sudo modprobe e100000:47
Stalewelinux: thanks for your input00:47
Oersorry dschuett, i mistyped00:47
OerStale, 7.04 Feisty is nolonger supported, current version is 10.0400:48
headkase314psyberpnk, "apt-cache search linux-libc-dev" returns a listing for the package for me.  You should do "sudo apt-get update".00:48
Brack10hiku: then restart?00:48
dschuettso do you know how to change to root password on 10.04 in mysql?00:48
eliezeris this the help channel ?00:48
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dibsCan anyone tell me where conky gets it's eth0 total up figures from?00:48
Brack10eliezer: yep00:48
hikuBrack10: no you don't need to restart for that command. it will load the network cards driver, then type dmesg to see if there are any errors etc. etc.00:48
i2cshould I use openjre and open jdk or the standard java one?00:48
headkase314psyberpnk, update before checking apt-cache00:48
eliezerok thanks00:48
psyberpnkheadkase314, I can see it, but when I try to dl it (more specifically, try to install dev-essential) synaptic says it cant find the file00:48
hiku!hi | eliezer00:49
ubottueliezer: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:49
StaleOer: that is true. My case scenario is that I still have a PC hold 128 RAM, and 7.04 is as low as it can go.00:49
JamesVossAre there any programs out there for linux like this one? http://www.securecentos.com/basic-security/install-les/00:49
eliezeri think i made a mistake during installation and now i have no swap memory00:49
eliezerbecause i specifi partition in a new disk00:49
jrib!swap | eliezer00:49
StaleOer: speaking for no minimal installation00:49
ubottueliezer: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info00:49
KrowTenhello, when i run virtualbox ose, is there a way to make the window larger, like maybe close to full screen, this little window is difficult to use effectively00:49
jribpsyberpnk: erm "dev-essential"?00:49
i2cyo yo openjdk/jre or java's jdk/jre!00:49
jribKrowTen: yes, what is your guest os?00:50
jamiewaneliezer: just allocate some more00:50
psyberpnkjrib, yeah, that one too.  :-)00:50
jribi2c: use what you want00:50
eliezerso i dont need swap,my computer neves sleeps00:50
headkase314psyberpnk, I get no apt-cache search result for dev-essential.  Are you trying to install build-essential?00:50
jribpsyberpnk: there's no such package00:50
Brack10hiku: so I did dmesg | grep e1000 and don't see any errors, but it fails when I run /etc/init.d/networking restart00:50
i2cwhich one is better jrib?00:50
hikuJamesVoss: that is a linux app00:50
Brack10eth0 not found00:50
JamesVossdoes not work on ubuntu though00:50
jribi2c: they each have their benefits00:50
JamesVossRedHat/RPM based environments00:50
eliezeri dont undesrstand allocate ??jaimiewan00:50
KrowTenjrib: windowsxp00:51
i2cjrib: what about ap computer science in high school?00:51
hikuJamesVoss: really? it's a tar.gz file with a .sh script how is that an rpm?00:51
eliezerhow can i do that ?00:51
JamesVossdo I just apt-get install rpm?00:51
JamesVossand then I can use it?00:51
Staleso... you can say that I want to make my 128 RAM PC more usable as in it is in the times.00:51
jribKrowTen: try #vbox, but you probably want to install guest additions and then you should be able to resize the window00:51
hybhiku, thanks worked a treat :)00:51
Oerdschuett, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP00:51
dibscan anyone tell me where linux stores it's netowrk totals i.e. total upload etc..00:51
hikuJamesVoss: No, you download the tar.gz file and read the install howto on the link you just pasted00:51
jamiewaneliezer: gpart some space on disc and format it to swap00:51
headkase314!info build_essential | psyberpnk00:51
ubottupsyberpnk: Package build_essential does not exist in lucid00:51
hikuhyb: oh great...congrats...00:51
jribJamesVoss: why do you want it?  What is your goal?00:51
headkase314!info build-essential | psyberpnk00:51
ubottupsyberpnk: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4build1 (lucid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB00:51
JamesVosssecure my ubuntu server00:52
KrowTenjrib: thank you00:52
eliezerjaimiewan, thans00:52
welinuxC_Okie: http://static.itmages.ru/i/10/0328/h_1269738388_29fe09e08c.png00:52
Brack10Wow Ubuntu boots in less than 30 seconds on my ESX server00:52
hikujrib: he's trying to lock down all commands from normal users like ls, etc ,etc. I mentioned chroot-jail and he found http://www.securecentos.com/basic-security/install-les/ and doesn't know how to set it up00:52
psyberpnkjrib, no such package as what?00:52
jribJamesVoss: erm, "secure" in what respect?00:52
jribpsyberpnk: as "dev-essential"00:52
Brack10of course this is without ethernet working00:53
Brack10hiku: still not there...00:53
JamesVossmake users not be able to view core system folders00:53
C_Okiewelinux is this about the types of filesystems or journal filesystem00:53
headkase314psyberpnk, jrb, no such package as "dev-essential" are you instead looking for "build-essential"?00:53
headkase314!info build-essential | psyberpnk00:53
ubottupsyberpnk: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4build1 (lucid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB00:53
p1und3rcan anyone help me get my mic working on a vaio with realtek ALC27500:53
carandraugI'm trying to create an ext4 filesystem in a device with a GPT partition table. I also want to change the reserved space for super user. I tried to use cfdisk and fdisk but they don't support GPT parition tables. I installed GNU parted but I can't specify the start and end correctly00:53
welinuxC_Okie: it is modern journal filesystem of my Ubuntu now00:54
hikucarandraug: you need to use parted /dev/sdXXXX00:54
jribJamesVoss: but that link you gave doesn't even mention that00:54
psyberpnkyes, I am looking for, and can find, build-essential.  The problem is that when I install through synaptic it cannot find one of the dependencies00:55
JamesVoss"enforcing root-only permissions on system binaries (binaries that have no place being00:55
JamesVossexecuted by normal users)"00:55
thinkinginvainHi, Thanks everyone for your tips on music players. Sadly audacious and gnome media player do not do what I want. I have a library of over 20,000 tracks i want a player that can track/monitor that library, manage playlists and is stable and reliable. Is there such a thing for Gnome? to recap: Banshee: sounds terrible compared to other players, Rhythmbox: to buggy, Songbird: stopped linux development, amarok: slow and dependant on kde libraries, e00:55
thinkinginvainxaile: slow, VLC: lacks library management as does audacious and Gnome media player00:55
headkase314psyberpnk, if there is a particular application you are trying to build perhaps a guide can be found on that topic?00:55
JamesVossfuck this channel scrolls so fast00:55
eliezerjaimewan, looks like im going to need gparted for that,,i dont see how to create swap using Disk Utility,,,just installed00:55
carandraughiku, yes. I did it. And I ttried to then use mkpart primary ext4 4big 0 100 (before that I used unit % to specify unit in percentage). However, that created me a partition but still left 120Gb out as free space00:55
eliezerand im downloading updates now00:55
hiku!languge | JamesVoss00:55
C_Okieso is the copy of the file an entire copy in the intermediate area that is written to?00:55
psyberpnkheadkase314, I am working my way through the packaging tutorial00:55
JamesVoss!language | James Voss00:55
ubottuJames Voss: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:55
headkase314psyberpnk, do you have the link for the tutorial you are following?00:56
jribJamesVoss: honestly, ubuntu is likely fine for what you want to do, I don't understand what exactly you want to accomplish00:56
welinux dibs: /var/cache/apt/archives --- for packages ; /tmp  ---- for flv video (YouTube and so on)00:56
JamesVossthank you00:56
chrisbuntunerdls 'yes' says ls: cannot access yes: No such file or directory00:56
jribJamesVoss: maybe you want to chroot jail your users but that's just a hassle00:56
headkase314psyberpnk, I installed build-essential last night on this machine without errors.00:56
jribchrisbuntunerd: are you addressing that to someone?00:56
Dr_Willischrisbuntunerd:  what are you even trying to do?00:57
chrisbuntunerdcrash my system00:57
hikuchrisbuntunerd: you might want to stay in #ubuntu-offtopic unless you have a legit ubuntu support question00:57
jamiewaneliezer: and you will have to turn the swap on i think also after you set it up00:57
eliezersorri i got it now,im creating Swap whats i Gb in Mb i want to create a 2G Swap ??00:57
hayoobonjour tout le monde00:57
chrisbuntunerdlahran said to00:57
C_Okielike C:\foo.c would be just int main(char argv[]) { }  and if you wanted to write to it as main(char argv[]) { BST tree; tree.push(new tree); } to the file would it copy the old one save the changes and then note changes in the intermediate area00:57
DARPAhayoo: Siegsigev00:58
eliezerhow can i run that swap partition ?00:58
headkase314psyberpnk, is there a specific point in that guide you have reached giving the error?00:58
sifter_when i try to run "sudo -C network" it simply displays "PCI (sysfs)" for several seconds and then disappears00:58
sifter_why is this happening?00:58
eliezerif i restart will that take effect con restart,,Swap partition00:58
dibswelinux: I am trying to get the total internet usage in a text format, is that stored somewhere in /var/cache/apt/archives?00:58
psyberpnkheadkase314, hum looks like updating apt did the trick.  It worked this time.  thx.00:58
jamiewaneliezer: have you created it yet00:58
jribsifter_: I'm guessing there should be a "lshw" in there?00:58
Dr_Williseliezer:  2gb  about 2000mb +- rounding.. since it may want round up to the nearest cylinder00:59
headkase314psyberpnk, have you double-checked the lines entered?  Ok, glad it's working for good!00:59
IdleOnechrisbuntunerd: please do not troll here00:59
welinuxdibs: it was about soft00:59
carandraughiku, I don't know how to adjust the reserved space with parted but is the only that I see that creates partitions only when using GUID partition tables. I plan to then make the filesystem with mkfs00:59
psyberpnkheadkase314, no, I am not having any problems, just trying to get the packages needed to start playing around with packaging00:59
dibswelinux: I'm not after soft?00:59
eliezernot yet,im just a few clicks away,,im making sure,,thanks Dr_Willis00:59
psyberpnkheadkase314, synaptic was just misbehaving.00:59
headkase314psyberpnk, ok good, done! ;)00:59
dibswelinux: Do you know where I can find the eth0 figures?00:59
sifter_i have been typing "sudo lswh -C network"01:00
C_Okiedid I make that really complicated01:00
jribsifter_: do you get network info if you don't include the -C?  Try typing "reset" first01:00
welinuxdibs: ifconfig01:00
dibsok cool, will see what I can find01:00
wilhartjust installed new ubuntu, i have windows 7 but grub didnt ask for what to boot to01:00
jamiewaneliezer: gparted should give you option to turn it on or off the swap partition that is01:00
wilhartwhat is the filename to edit that?01:00
thune3dibs: "cat /proc/net/dev" has stats since boot01:01
Dr_Williswilhart:  you are in ubuntu now? you may want to rerun 'sudo update-grub' and reboot and see if it shows Windows in the grub menus then.01:01
sifter_sorry, i was booted01:02
wilhartDr_Willis: trying that now01:02
sifter_what was your advice?01:02
eliezerjaimewan im using this   http://imagebin.org/11012501:02
welinuxdibs: sudo aptitude install ettercap-gtk   ----- a lot of interesting net tools :)01:03
eliezeris the one it brings as default01:03
wilhartDr_Willis: hmm01:03
eliezerim updating,,have to wait to get gparted01:03
jamiewanyep yep01:03
eliezercould this be done in terminal ?01:03
vol7ronwhat does that circle button do in the window ?01:03
vol7ronis it just a close window?01:03
wilhartDr_Willis: should there show windows after generating grub.cfg?01:04
hikueliezer: jamiewan are you trying to turn on your swap partition?01:04
Aemaethi've been having problems with the xbmc repositories01:04
sifter_when i type "sudo lshw -C network" all i get is  PCI sysfs for a few seconds and then nothing. what should i do?01:04
Dr_Williswilhart:  yes. I have windows in my grub menu..01:04
wilhartDr_Willis: hmm01:04
wilhartDr_Willis: it didnt say windows at all01:04
jamiewanhiku: hes creating some swap space01:05
CT1Hi all. Is it possible (if so, is it not advisable?) to have my home on an ntfs volume.  I dual boot (well, single boot now that W7 is broken) my OS('s) are on one partitioned disk. My "Data" is on a seperate, large drive.  Before windows "broke" I doctored the registry to see "My Documents"... etc... as folders/directories on my big disk.  Can I have Ubuntu see that as my home directory? Please point me to some documents describing how, or expl01:05
eliezerhiku , i just created a Swap partition,,need to run it01:05
Dr_Williswilhart:   No idea. Try rebooting and see if it shows up.. or look in the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file.01:05
wilhartDr_Willis: just linux image, initrd and memtest01:05
hikueliezer: try swapon /dev/sdX01:05
lax_hey guys, where is my root password stored?01:05
macoCT1: very bad idea01:05
hikulax_: there is no root password01:05
hiku!sudo | lax01:05
ubottulax: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:05
jribCT1: do not put home on ntfs, you'll have permission issues01:05
Gnealax_: the root password is stored nowhere01:05
sifter_i am troubleshooting my wireless connection. when i type "sudo lshw -C network" all i get is  PCI sysfs for a few seconds and then nothing. what should i do?01:05
lax_isint it in /etc/shadow?01:05
jriblax_: no01:05
macoCT1: however you could have an NTFS partition that mounts at ~/Data  or something01:05
hikulax_: !sudo > lax01:05
jrib!root | lax_01:05
ubottulax_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:05
eliezerno such file or directiry01:05
lax_what about sudo password?01:05
Gnealax_: it can't store what does not exist. please to be using sudo.01:06
Gneasudo uses your password01:06
lax_so where is my sudo password stored?01:06
jriblax_: there's a hash of your password in /etc/shadow...01:06
Gneait's your password01:06
blethow to add a user into sudo group?01:06
sifter_i am troubleshooting my wireless connection. when i type "sudo lshw -C network" all i get is  PCI sysfs for a few seconds and then nothing. what should i do?01:06
lax_yes, jrib can i encrypt my /etc/shadow?01:06
jribblet: add the user to the admin group: System -> Administration -> Users and Groups01:06
Gneablet: that website should explain it01:06
jriblax_: erm, why...01:06
Gnealax_: /etc/shadow is already encrypted.01:06
hikulax_: that wouldn't be a good idea01:07
lax_hash can be broken01:07
welinux blet: try to ad to *admin* group01:07
Dr_Willislax_:  if they can get to the hash...01:07
eliezerhiku,i t says no such file or directory01:07
jriblax_: really?  break it...01:07
Gnealax_: only if the password is weak.01:07
sifter_i am troubleshooting my wireless connection. when i type "sudo lshw -C network" all i get is  PCI sysfs for a few seconds and then nothing. what should i do?01:07
hikulax_: can anyone access your machine besides you like can they touch it?01:07
lax_md5 hash if u use a rainbow cracker.. takes a few hours to crack01:07
lax_def doable01:07
hikueliezer: what is the /dev/ for your swap partition?01:08
Gneaif you use a weak password, you deserve to get pwned01:08
jribyou guys are silly01:08
lax_hiku yes, via ssh01:08
DARPAlax_ : md601:08
sifter_i am troubleshooting my wireless connection. when i type "sudo lshw -C network" all i get is  PCI sysfs for a few seconds and then nothing. what should i do?01:08
jriblax_: look at permission on /etc/shadow for starters01:08
hikulax_: so, your saying that anyone with ssh can phycially touch your computer?01:08
eliezeru got me there,,i dont know what u mean01:08
sifter_i need help01:08
lax_well my ssh if its not updated can be vuln01:08
DARPAsifter_ type iwconfig01:08
lax_lots of ssh exploits out there01:08
DARPAlax_ : lol01:09
McLinuxlax_: do you have top clearance data on your machine?01:09
sifter_"no wireless extensions"01:09
hikueliezer: a partition of the disk will leave you with /dev(device/sda1 that would be partition 1 of the harddrive sda01:09
thune3Aemaeth: it looks like development has moved to https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc-svn/+archive/ppa , but some are still having problems. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=973069701:09
Gnealax_: lots of people who read them, too01:09
eliezerdo i need to run it as sudo01:09
eliezerok let me see01:09
CT1maco: I'm happy with my current setup. I know where things are. But I have siblings over from time to time that (I don't blame them) look in "Places>Music" for my music for example.  It seems logical to them, they instantly feel alienated from the entire linux scene because of my poor storage setup...01:09
wilhartDr_Willis: is it possible linux removed windows boot sector ?01:09
DARPAsifter_ :  lsusb make01:09
hikueliezer: yes, sudo swapon /dev/sd#01:09
eliezerhttp://imagebin.org/110125  see this01:10
lax_does anyone here enable root for their ubuntu?01:10
eliezeris a screenshot01:10
linogeis there any way for network manager to use /dev/ttyACM0 instead of /dev/ttyACM1 when using for usb modem?01:10
DARPAlax_: does a bear poop in the woods01:10
macoCT1: make symlinks01:10
hikulax_: lol I do.... =) but that's just me.01:10
headkase314lax_, root should be avoided completely.01:10
eliezerok let me try as sudo01:10
Dr_Williswilhart:  grub installs to the MBR of the first hard drive.. so Yes.. thast does remove the windows boot loader on the MBR and replaces it with GRUB - thats how it normally works,.01:10
macoCT1: ln -s ~/Data/My\ Music  ~/Music01:10
Dr_Williswilhart:  can you mount/access your windows partitions  at all from Linux?01:10
lax_gentoo and all the flavor distros use root01:10
Gnealax_, hiku: doing so is not encouraged here.01:11
wilhartDr_Willis: yea i can mount it.01:11
sifter_lsub make command not found?01:11
wilhartDr_Willis: sdb101:11
macoCT1: the goal is to keep things like .ssh, .Xauthority, .bashrc etc on your normal ext3 partition01:11
Gnealax_: they also have sudo01:11
hikuGnea: hmm, yeah, I know. been using linux way before ubuntu was a twinkle in anyones eye01:11
macoCT1: or ext4... but... a linux filesystem01:11
Gneaso you don't HAVE to use su all the time01:11
Dr_Williswilhart:  you could try using the pc's boot menus/bios to tell it to boot the 2nd hd..  I have several systems set up that way.01:11
sifter_darpa, lsub command not found01:11
CT1jrib: sorry, I was going to reply/ask something but that simlink stuff caught my attention.01:11
headkase314lax_, if you're in the recovery console you end up as root and that is the proper place to be root.  Every other instance of needing elavation beyond being in a recovery console should use sudo.01:11
Gneahiku: same01:11
eliezeri did like this,,,sudo swapon /dev/sda2,,,thats how my partition ends01:11
wilhartDr_Willis: yep. i tried the other disc too01:12
eliezeris that how it is done on terminal01:12
wilhartDr_Willis: have to try again or something01:12
jribCT1: what maco says is good advice01:12
McLinuxalso, sudo lets you track who's using commands and such01:12
hikueliezer: yes01:12
Gneahiku: but, this channel being what it is, it is expected that such a concept be respected01:12
macoCT1: then the Places menu would still work and the permissions that dotfiles need to have inside ~ are available01:12
lax_thanks headkase31401:12
McLinuxso you can easily see who's attempting to violate your system01:12
hikueliezer: perfect01:12
eliezerok i did and nothing seem to happend01:12
DARPAsifter_ lsusb01:12
eliezerjust got another line01:12
eliezerto run another command01:12
headkase314lax_, you're welcome - that is how I see it and it works for me! ;)01:12
eliezeris that mean it is ok ?01:12
hikuGnea: totally. and I didn't tell him how to do it. I only stated that I did it when replying to his question.01:12
Gneahiku: :)01:12
linogeis there any way for network manager to use /dev/ttyACM0 instead of /dev/ttyACM1 when using for usb modem?01:12
sifter_darpa, it lists several options -v, -s, -d, -D, -t, -V01:13
CT1maco: I'm rather new-ish to this, but the symlink stuff sounds perfect for my situation.  /me thanks all and fires up google to research.  Thanks!01:13
Gnealinoge: can't you change it in the settings?01:13
hikueliezer: yes, now add that to your /etc/fstab01:13
eliezerooo yes is now o system monitor01:13
DARPAsifter_ : is your wifi usb or pci compliance ?01:13
eliezerok how i do that ?01:13
hikueliezer: it should look like - /dev/sda2 swap sw 0 001:14
sifter_i believe it is pci, there is nothing external01:14
macoCT1: http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2009/11/links.html01:14
hikuok nite all.01:14
sifter_how can i check?01:14
eliezerrun that on terminal,hiku01:14
sifter_it is  atheros01:14
sifter_on my asus eee pc 900a01:14
hikueliezer: no, edit /etc/fstab and add that entry to the end of the file. sudo vi /etc/fstab01:15
headkase314!gksduo | lax_  Should be used for graphical applications.01:15
CT1maco: Thankyou!01:15
sifter_i am trying to troubleshoot the problem . . . "No network devices available"01:15
kapipiHey, I am having intermittent issues with mouse and keyboard input. Keyboard input stops working in non-gtk (apparently) applications like Netbeans and Opera. Also mouse ceases to work normally at intervals (maybe 3 times a day), meaning that I can still move the pointer around, but clicking does nothing, or sometimes clicks are misplaced, so that if I click on the windows border it instead registers as a click inside the windows. The issue 01:15
billybigriggersifter_, iwconfig01:15
DARPAsifter_ : dunno look at the serial number and google it01:15
billybigriggerwhat does it say?01:16
linogeGnea: where? There's no place to point ttyACM1 as the default device01:16
sifter_iwconfig "no wireless extensions"01:16
billybigriggersifter_, lsmod | grep ath01:17
billybigriggersifter_, will show you if any atheros modules are loaded01:17
headkase314!info gksudo01:17
ubottuPackage gksudo does not exist in lucid01:17
eliezerhow can i run the fstab editor,,on gedit01:17
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)01:17
headkase314^ lax_01:17
sifter_there was no output for lsmod | grep ath01:17
billybigriggersifter_, btw what atheros card?01:18
wilhartDr_Willis: ok it doenst ever show a grub i have 2 initrds01:19
wilhartDr_Willis: jsut hops over grub and boots directly01:19
wilhartDr_Willis: to the default kernel01:19
sifter_i'm looking for the specific name of the card01:19
wilhartDr_Willis: i have 2 kernels there and memtest should be visible too01:20
billybigriggersifter_, lspci | grep net01:20
Dr_Williswilhart:  sounds like grub isent seeing the windows drives.. Time to check the grub2 docs.01:20
billybigriggershould display your wireless card01:20
Dr_Willis!grub2  | wilhart01:20
ubottuwilhart: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:20
doctorZeusIs there an easy way to look at my hard drive usage (used/free) in GB?  In Nautilus it only shows it in 1.x TB01:20
billybigriggerdoctorZeus, df -h01:21
Dr_WillisdoctorZeus:  command line.. 'df -h'01:21
thinkinginvainanyone ever use gmusicbrowser?01:21
sifter_sifter_, lspci | grep net yields no output01:21
sifter_ther eis no sifter in there, i just copied it01:21
eliezerok hiku,,is this how look like when done adding that line ?01:21
sifter_lspci | grep net yeilds no output01:22
eliezeri havent save it yet01:22
Aemaeththanks thun3 finally got it to recognize after a lot of updating01:22
wilhartDr_Willis: should i boot with windows cd and go to console and type fixmbr ? or something01:23
=== DARPA is now known as A|phA_SIX3
thune3thune3: np, just to confirm: the ~team-xbmc-svn ppa is ok? (in case someone else asks)01:24
RPG-MasterOK, I've been having this terrible problem, where my system will randomly freeze and my screen will be filled with this random jagged pattern. No amount of key pressing will fix it. I just have to hold down my power button and kill it.... is this an issue with my NVIDIA drivers? Or even the graphic chip it's self?01:24
thune3Aemaeth: np, just to confirm: the ~team-xbmc-svn ppa is ok? (in case someone else asks)01:24
=== devink_ is now known as devink
jribRPG-Master: I've had a grahics card fail like that...01:24
Aemaeththe page you gave me linked to the correct ppa yes01:24
RPG-Masterjrib: D:01:25
gravyfaceI just installed Ubuntu 10.04 Server Edition and mistakenly choose "Mail Server" and would now like to remove it.  Is this possible?01:25
jribRPG-Master: can you swap it or is that not really feasible?01:25
RPG-Masterjrib: And then you can still turn it on  and it's fine for a little while?01:25
jribRPG-Master: yep and when you put a new one it works fine forever :P01:25
RPG-Masterjrib: Nope it's a laptop :(01:26
jribRPG-Master: try the open source drivers and see if it still happens maybe.  Yep, mine was a laptop card too01:26
happyface1994how do I enable screen compositing in unr 10.04?01:26
djznany chances to see 10.04.1 released yet TONIGHT ?01:26
ChogyDandjzn: why?  Isn't it just updated ISOs?01:26
headkase314RPG-Master, at any time do you have a legible display like showing a proper boot-screen?01:27
djznyes right01:27
happyface1994how do I enable screen compositing in unr 10.04?01:27
dr3mroplz where to download ubuntu 10.04.1 iso .... it should have been released today .17th aug 2010 ... but i can't find a link to it01:27
djznhowever, when you do installation production, it is handy01:27
djzni need to reinstall 50 machines01:27
en1ac3rwoooo aaaa....us here !01:28
RPG-Masterheadkase314: I'm using it right now.01:28
en1ac3rhave we any backtrack fans here tonight ?01:28
Dr_Willisen1ac3r:  not really.. they have their own support channel.01:28
headkase314RPG-Master, do you have a Live-CD you can boot the the desktop using and see if that temporary environment works as expected?  Come here from the Live-CD if you can?01:29
en1ac3rno backtrack 4 enthusiasts ?01:29
=== Sup|Lobby is now known as Sup|Away
Dr_Willisen1ac3r:  not really.. they have their own support channel. <------------------- Not here.01:30
djzndr3mro: you also want the .1 release01:30
RPG-Masterheadkase314: Well that problem is, I don't know what triggers it... Like, I'm doing fine right now, I can play videos and everything...01:30
en1ac3rim pissed off....milworm has finished...01:30
djzn10.04.1, please!!!!!!!!01:30
A|phA_SIX3en1ac3r: SUP01:30
wilhartDr_Willis: can you help please01:30
en1ac3rmilworm has left the building01:31
A|phA_SIX3en1ac3r: RSA3 MD601:31
headkase314RPG-Master, intermittent and not based on any specific program supports hardware failure as probable.01:31
Dr_Williswilhart:  all i can say is check the grub2 forums and wiki pages. I have rarely had issues with grub2. You have not even mentioned what version of windows you are using.01:31
dr3mrodjzn, yes ...01:31
en1ac3rrsa3 md6 ?01:31
A|phA_SIX3en1ac3r: conflick3r01:31
en1ac3rconflick3r  ?01:32
A|phA_SIX3en1ac3r: nvd hash01:32
RPG-Masterheadkase314: Once Again.... CCCRRRAAAAAPPPP01:32
evonanyone no where i can get some ubuntu wallpapers for dual monitors that are tall instead of wide?01:32
wilhartDr_Willis: windows701:32
wilhartDr_Willis: should i install ubuntu again ?01:32
dr3mrowhere is the 10.04.1 ISO file ... it's not on the servers yet ? and it should have been released a month ago but postponed twice for yesterday 17th aug ..??01:32
RPG-Masterevon: How about some beautiful photography? :D01:33
Dr_Williswilhart:  ive not used GRUB2 with win7 yet either. My only win7 box has 2 hard drives. one for ubuntu one for windows.01:33
headkase314RPG-Master, ideally just let it run MemTest from the GBUB menu?  See if you can get that to loop a few times for display corruption?  Hold Shift while booting to get the mem-test diagnostic utility?01:33
superjoeis mod_ssl no longer the preferred way of supporting HTTPS connections with apache?01:33
Dr_Williswilhart:  you may have better luck learning/reading up and figureing out how to fix GRUB then just trying to reinstgall.. (thats windows thinking)01:33
RPG-Masterheadkase314: I'll try that01:33
superjoelooks like libapache2-mod-gnutls is the closest alternative01:33
RPG-Masterevon: 'cus I can supply some of that ;D01:34
headkase314RPG-Master, if it never happens to corrupt as long as you keep Mem-Test looping then try another OS on it to rule out faulty-drivers.01:34
evonrpg-master: i'm down with that01:34
en1ac3ralpha six 3 : sweet3r my man..right on brother :)01:34
XearoQuestion, I am running a rooted Android phone with Wireless Tether and I am not seeing the SSID pop-up on my Ubuntu 10.04 laptop but it will pop-up on one of my Windows 7 machines. I tried manually putting the SSID in for the setting but no luck. Tried googling it with no luck. Any ideas?01:35
RPG-Masterevon: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rpgmaster94/01:35
dr3mroat least someone tell us it's delayed again ?? so we go away ??? ubuntu 10.04.101:36
evonrpg-master: thanks i'll take a look01:36
ubbuntuwhat did  maco say that package was again?01:37
RPG-Masterevon: I don't like how they hid the original size option for downloading... just ask if you need help finding it. :)01:37
headkase314RPG-Master, the period "never" is a few days of running MemTest and seeing if the graphics corrupt and it locks.  If it doesn't then try another os.  Whatever happens that machine just moved over from operating as normal to an "unstable" status so if you got stuff you want to save burn or backup data on that machine.01:37
wilhart   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System01:38
wilhart/dev/sdb1               1       30402   244196352    7  HPFS/NTFS01:38
thune3dr3mro, djzn: it'll drop when it's ready. to get 99.9% of the way there you could take your chances with http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lucid/daily-live/ , though sometimes it doens't fit on a cd (though i think these actually do.01:38
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wilharthow do i put in grub.conf to show this sector so i can boot to windows 701:38
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RPG-Masterheadkase314: Will do.... Thanks for delivering this sad news :(01:38
headkase314RPG-Master, Good luck!01:38
evonrpg-master: they look great. "Unreal" is one of my favourites01:38
solowwhat IM has webcam support?01:39
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en1ac3rwho,s backtracking tonight....01:44
CT1unbootable (PAID FOR!) w7 won't boot.  I'm happy, my siblings/room-mates are happy.  I've showed them where their files are (symlinks will come soon to make it even smoother) But I miss PCDJ Red and Cooledit Pro 2.1.  Are there REPLICAS (I say replica because when I'm in a "creative state of mind" relearning interfaces ruines the flow)01:44
the20yearanyone know when they're going to update ubuntu for idiots?01:45
eliezerhiku,i can just use sawp on only for seccion then i tur it on wigh gparted,,when i restart is gone,,i dont see it on system monitor01:45
headkase314!skype | solow, Skype will have the most likely to work for you if you have Windows counterparts using it.01:45
ubottusolow, Skype will have the most likely to work for you if you have Windows counterparts using it.: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga01:45
itsux2bucan a gui be added to server version of ubuntu ?01:45
en1ac3rwhere can i get a fake ap script from...?01:46
CT1the20year:  No specific date so far. Waiting with as much anticipation as you.... Idiots unite? :p01:46
eliezerhow cain i add Swap to fstab ?01:46
the20yearhaving an awful time installing a few games for ubuntu :(01:47
bastid_raZor!swap | eliezer :follow the guide here01:47
ubottueliezer :follow the guide here: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info01:47
eliezeri created the partition,,just need to add it to fstad ?01:47
thinkinginvainsudo apt-get install zim01:47
en1ac3ranyone knows of a goosd fake ap script...?01:47
thinkinginvainsoory, disregard, wrong window01:47
corespee1xxxI just change my umask in the /etc/profile, ideas what command to run to make changes take effect?01:47
en1ac3rfake ap script antone ?01:48
headkase314solow, my grammar really sucked on explaining that last line:  Skype is a good choice if you want to keep in contact with not only Linux users but also need Windows, and OSX users included.  It's proprietary but at the same time it is pragmatic.01:48
wilhartok my GRUB does not load on reboot01:48
wilhartit just jumps over the selecrion screen01:48
CT1eliezer: Idioticly, after many format/reinstall cycles (windows based) I found I ended up with 2 swap partitions on one disk, which ubuntu uses automatically.01:49
carlos111RhythmBox wants text/html decoder plugin. Does anyone know witch package contains it? i tried several already01:49
A|phA_SIX3headkase314: skype is the worst choice ever01:49
en1ac3ri need scripts...i live for scripts....i must have scripts....woooooaghhhh01:49
borja_alternative to skipe?01:49
headkase314A|phA_SIX3, explain the better options?01:49
en1ac3rscripts !01:49
solowheadkase314, thanks :)01:50
A|phA_SIX3en1ac3r:  That is a 10-4 DUH01:50
headkase314solow, you're welcome - getting your web-cam and microphone set up can turn out to be further issues and if so just come back here, you're welcome!01:51
en1ac3ralpha..do you know of a good fake ap script01:51
thune3itsux2bu: you can add desktop to server version. depends on how much of the desktop you want installed, but ubuntu-desktop package will install everything with the trimmings.01:51
A|phA_SIX3en1ac3r:  yea01:51
eliezerwell i created a swap about 2G for a 51G Hard Drive,,im reading how to add to fstab01:52
A|phA_SIX3en1ac3r:  L101:52
en1ac3rl1 ?01:52
A|phA_SIX3en1ac3r:  Bt4 r101:52
A|phA_SIX3en1ac3r:  tether a droid01:52
arturo393anyone knows how to improve the suspension time on start up?01:52
cliff_Does any1 know how to end an unresponsive terminal command? (not a running GUI program, but when you write a command in terminal and it never ends.)01:53
en1ac3ryes,seen that on there...01:53
A|phA_SIX3en1ac3r:  goal01:53
A|phA_SIX3en1ac3r:  goal ?01:53
bastid_raZorcliff_: press ctrl C01:53
en1ac3rbingo,japs a gud un :)01:53
arturo393cliff_: ctrl+C or ctrl+D01:53
borja_red like mars is the color of my flag01:54
itsux2bui have i have ubuntu 10.04 server.. how can i add a desktop to it? what the default gui for ubuntu?01:54
A|phA_SIX3borja_ : I like your status01:54
cliff_bastid_raZor, and arturo393: TY both!01:54
rafazedubuntu 32 bits vs 64 bits?01:55
rafazedi will buy and amd athlon II x4 with 64 bits support, should I install Ubuntu 64bits version?01:55
billybigriggeritsux2bu, why did you download ubuntu 10.04 server and want to put a desktop on it?01:55
billybigriggeryou should have just installed ubuntu 10.0401:56
orion_Xorgcorespee1xxx,    'source /etc/profile01:56
xanguaitsux2bu: why not better install the ubuntu desktop cd instead of server¿¿ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:56
arturo393cliff_: you always can kill a process if it does not respond , try htop to perform it.01:56
teejishas anyone had issues with installing wubi 10 on an ibm thinkpad t41?01:56
CT1Oh! Cooledit<=Wine!  Perhaps. I hope so. The, full featured and superior open source (+cross platform) alternative has a vastly different interface.  I'm sure is far better and more intuitive, but I'm drunk... I mean, I want my inspiration to shine, rather than being clouded with new...  Wrong channel.  Drink distorts things.  I respect and love you collectively for your technical help whenever it's needed... again, a little drunk.... I'm off.  01:56
corespee1xxxorion_Xorg: Yeah, I've changed it. How do I make changes come alive?01:56
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xanguarafazed: how many ram does it have¿01:57
itsux2buok.. next question..01:57
rafazedwhat is the key combination to restar the computer, it was like REISUB or something like that01:57
headkase314A|phA_SIX3, please answer truthfully if you are a bot?  What was your favorite childrhood memory?01:57
itsux2buis there a linux versuon of vlc ?01:57
coz_itsux2bu,  yes there is01:57
orion_Xorgcorespee1xxx, the command line is 'source' As I have told you01:58
A|phA_SIX3headkase314: AIDS01:58
coz_itsux2bu,   sud apt-get install vlc01:58
coz_itsux2bu,  yes sudo01:58
xanguarafazed: try 64bit then, you can also use 32bit with no problem01:58
headkase314A|phA_SIX3, achieved !troll status! ;)01:58
A|phA_SIX3headkase314: Wow can I become a wizard with mystical powers01:59
rafazedbut i have heard of some problems on 64bit version01:59
rafazedfirst it takes more ram01:59
xanguarafazed: the only issue with 32bit is it doesn't detect 4gb of ram but you can detect them with !pae01:59
rafazedand second it isnt compatible with all of the programs02:00
en1ac3ranyone got anygood wpa password lists ?02:00
rafazedxangua: btw how do i send you a private message like u?02:00
headkase314A|phA_SIX3, this is a courtesy comment to say I will not be feeding you - I will haughtily proceed to ignore you now.02:00
Guest69919I suddenly can't boot into Lucid. It freezes at Logo. No key combination will get response inluding alt-prtscrn-reisub. I'm in CLI now.02:01
dr3mroplease can any one help me with my laptop overheat02:01
Guest69919Previously was not doing anything I thought was suspect.02:01
A|phA_SIX3headkase314: Good because I bite the hand that feeds JIT02:01
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en1ac3rdr3mro....proceed to the window and let go in a forward fashion02:02
shawnboySo, if anyone has advice on what to try to fix my freezing on boot, I'd appreciate help.02:03
A|phA_SIX3headkase314: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6Gt2D5mbrU02:03
coz_shawnboy,  is this a fresh install... an upgraded previous version...or did this occur after updates?02:03
shawnboycoz_: no, been using it for quite some time. Latest updates I remember were seemingly insignificant lang_en updates.02:04
itsux2buoh wait.. i need to install  guest additions in vbox..02:04
coz_shawnboy,  mmm that;s odd if they were just language updates...not sure they could have this effect02:04
Tempus_FugitHello all...........does anyone know a simple way to make my laptop a hotspot to share my eth connection with my android phone?02:05
shawnboycoz_: s'what I thought.02:05
coz_shawnboy,  and each attemtp to boot  freezes?02:05
shawnboytried 4 times02:05
shawnboylocks hard.02:05
shawnboyat logo02:05
rafazed@xangua hi02:05
coz_shawnboy,  mm...at logon you mean ...yes??02:05
itsux2bui am liking this vm stuff..  have my windows, while i learn ubuntu/linux02:05
shawnboyno, ubuntu Lucid logo. never get to logon gdm screen.02:05
coz_shawnboy,  at that point  can you hit ctrl+alt+F1 to get into text console?02:06
coz_shawnboy,  oh02:06
xanguarafazed: ¿¿02:06
ChogyDanshawnboy: can you check your logs?02:06
coz_shawnboy,  do you have nvidia card by chance?02:06
rafazedhow do i send you a private message like your last message?02:06
zkriesserafazed: /msg nick02:06
shawnboyChogyDan: was only question I could think of.. but I've never done that, so would need some guidance (seeing what's going on when it freezes).02:07
Tempus_FugitLooking to turn my laptop into a hotspot for wifi on my phone anyone know how I can do this with lucid ???02:07
itsux2budoes vlc need a gui?02:07
AndrewMCTempus_Fugit~ right click network icon in menu>> edit connections>> edit eth0>> then ipv4 settings>> then shared with other computers02:07
shawnboyI'm basically familiar with CLI... nano et. in irssi now.02:07
ChogyDanshawnboy: I would check kern.log then Xorg.?.log or something   both in /var/log02:08
coz_ChogyDan,  ah  I thought he said it freezes with the  plymouth ubuntu theme...yes?02:09
ChogyDancoz_: yeah, it sounds like it is before gdm kicks in02:09
Tempus_FugitAndrewMC: Not seeing the shared with other computers ...was with you all the way to ipv4 settings...a box at the bottom is checked that says available to all users ..however that is just for all users with an acct on the laptop02:10
coz_ChogyDan,  not sure he can access the logs without perhaps the live cd02:10
AndrewMCTempus_Fugit~ its in the automatic(DHCP) dropdown menu02:10
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rafazedwhat else, besides recognizing more than 3.2gb ram, the 64bit version can do?02:10
coz_ChogyDan,  and even then the logs would not have recorded anything at that point  I dont believe02:11
the20yearis it possible that a program i've installed using ubuntu software center is stuck on my system? I'm trying to download a game off playdeb.net and for some reason every time i install it , i get the out of date version which i thought I removed from my system02:11
Tempus_FugitAndrewMC: mine does not show a drop down menu for dhcp just an input box however there is a icon that says "routes"02:11
shawnboyChogyDan: looks like last signif entry in kern.log is loading (or trying) kernel.02:12
AndrewMCTempus_Fugit~ do you see a drop down next to something like "Method:"02:12
xanguarafazed: with !pae 32bit can detect more than 3.2bgof ram02:13
headkase314the20year, playdeb and it's related getdeb both require a one-time install of a package from their respective web-sites to place their repository information into sources.list.02:13
itsux2buwhat is dkms ?02:13
the20yearis there a way to remove the getdeb that's on my system? playdeb.net says it has the newest compile of the program , but the software center has a 1 year old version  ,I installed the software center version , then uninstalled it02:14
avi_hey guys, I'm on Lucid, and I think my C/C++ compilers are broken. I can't compile from the command line (garbage errors) using g++, and I can't compile in Code::Blocks, running from the terminal it says it couldn't find Intel c/c++ compiler. I can't even launch codelite, because of the same issue. What02:14
headkase314the20year, have you done that?  Installed a .deb file using gdebi and then "sudo apt-get update" to ensure you were getting the latest versions?  "sudo apt-get upgrade" will do this.02:14
avi_'s up?02:14
ChogyDanshawnboy: yeah, I dunno, maybe coz_ has an idea?  Are you booting into recovery mode?02:15
the20yeari'm running it now , i did it somewhat recently, will it update even though the program is currently uninstalled?02:15
_pg_I'm wanting to make a media center on a weaker computer, can someone recommend the lightest/best way to go? It runs boxee decently as long as the content is local.02:15
shawnboyChogyDan: yes, I'm in recovery mode now... CLI root w/ networking.02:17
headkase314the20year, you can go to -> Aministration > Software Sources to remove the playdeb repository information but unfortunately just doing that alone may leave you with some programs that are installed as "greater version" number programs - you're system won't automatically remove packages that came from the playdeb repository.02:17
thinkinginvainGuayadeque Music Player looks promising02:17
ChogyDanshawnboy: can you pastebin your kern.log?  pastebinit makes it easy02:18
the20yeari'm looking at it now , and after looking at the 'install additional software' that was required to install it , the data that it says it used was from the old versiom02:18
cannonfodderis there a program that spits out the hex or ascii value of any key i hit on keyboard?  i want to see wat ascii value gets spit out when i hit the volume button on my new laptop...the volume doesnt seem to respond when i hit the volume buttons02:19
shawnboyChogyDan: I think. I'd have to check really quick if I have lynx installed and if it will be lynx friendly. Won't tak long. You'd only want latest few screens I'm guessing.02:19
headkase314the20year, research ppa-purge if you need to remove the repository in a sane manner.  ppa-purge right now comes from a few testing repositories.  Those aren't really good to get it from as they tend to include stuff you don't want.  Give me a minute with google.02:19
tone - -02:19
tonego home02:20
ChogyDanshawnboy: just use: pastebinit kern.log02:20
tarikkHey guys, I'm trying to connect MSN on empathy but I can't get it to login. I'm assuming this is because I'm behind a proxy. What do I do? I've setup system-wide proxy settings and everything works fine..02:20
_pg_I'm wanting to make a media center on a weaker computer, can someone recommend the lightest/best way to go? It runs boxee decently as long as the content is local.02:20
toneyou can use emesene..02:21
the20yeari'll look at it , i just don't understand i guess, i'm used to windows02:21
tarikkIts just empathy02:21
toneif you just hava empathy  i cant help you /02:22
toneim a newer.02:22
delawarehow often does your ubuntu have to be reinstalled from curroption like windows always has to?  just interested in other people's experiences.02:22
xaemonic_hi guys02:23
headkase314the20year, see this -> http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html <- for instructions and a download link as a .deb package you install with gdebi.  It will only install the ppa-purge command - nothing else.  Then you can try to work through those instructions and try?  I'm not sure if it will cleanly remove the programs if the repository isn't an actual ppa however: so, I don't know02:23
xaemonic_how do i install a fserv script into my xchat irc.....02:23
headkase314completely if ppa-purge will work for you! :(02:23
FloodBot4headkase314: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:23
thune3cannonfodder: maybe "xinput list | grep id" then "xinput test <id_number>"02:23
tone- -#02:23
shawnboy:)  anyone know how to copy / paste in pure CLI mode? ie from nano to lynx paste-bin ?02:23
cannonfodderthanks thune302:23
xaemonic_how do i install a fserv script into my xchat irc..02:23
pgpkeysany recommendations for a viable alternative to evolution?02:24
delawarepgpkeys: gmail02:24
pgpkeysi have gmail. i want something for local usage.02:25
cteetoDoes anyone know if its possible to get the 3in1 magicjoybox pc controller adapter to work in linux? It does not offiicially support linux, but it shows up when I run hwinfo02:25
pgpkeyshaving too many problems with evolution only getting so many emails and then gaking and forgetting passwords, and .. driving me nuts :)02:25
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Tempus_FugitAndrewMC: Hmm ok well that disconnected me02:26
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:26
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shawnboyChogyDan: I have log file in one screen, lynx paste-bin in another, but don't know how get part or all of log file into paste-bin without GUI.  :(02:26
delawarepgpkeys:  honestly i don't know.  i either use gmail's web client or check it on my blackberry.02:26
ChogyDanshawnboy: did pastebinit not work?02:26
pgpkeysactually since google handles the email for my domain as it is, I was hoping for an all-in-one that also integrated with google calendars02:27
shawnboyChogyDan: I am not familiar with pasti-binit. Is it command line utility package I can install?02:27
jellowshawnboy: yes02:28
coz_shawnboy,  did you get to your logs?02:28
shawnboyAhah! There's an answer for everything, it seems. I'll install really fast.02:29
AndrewMCTempus_Fugit~ sorry thats all i know on that matter02:29
Dr_Willisi was thinking ppa-purge is going to be in the default repos in the next release.02:32
Dr_WillisUbuntu-tweak also has ppa-purge support now i think02:32
gxa我是中国的LINUX用户,我使用的是YLMF OS 3.002:33
headkase314!ppa-purge | Will be standard in Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick -> http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/24755602:33
delaware^^ toyota02:33
wilhartwhere do i see if i have sill a working windows7 on my sdb1 ?02:34
shawnboyChogyDan: http://pastebin.com/KpgiQMSD02:34
wilharti think my install failed my windows 702:34
Dr_Williswilhart:  you had linux on its own hard drive? sda, and windows on sdb?02:35
wilhartDr_Willis: windows in 250giga and linux in 320giga now it said i ubuntu install that there is no operation system in sda02:36
Blue1wilhart: tried this?  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=31402:36
wilhartDr_Willis: the install02:36
gxa我的PC上安装了WINDOWS XP ,WINDOWS 7 ,PUPPY LINUX, YLMF OS3.0四个系统,运行非常稳定02:36
Dr_Williswilhart:  you have 2 hard drives? sda (linux) and sdb (windows) ? or 2 partitions?02:36
wilhartDr_Willis: yeap..02:37
maco!cn | gxa02:37
ubottugxa: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:37
wilhartDr_Willis: the first one02:37
Blue1!cn | gxa02:37
delawarewill someone kick gxa?02:37
Dr_WillisIf  You have 2 seperate hard drives. You could let grub stay on the linux HD.. and windows on its own.. and let each use their own bootloader.02:37
Dr_Williswilhart:  I would say Unpluyg the linux hd. and see if windows boots.02:37
Blue1delaware: ahh cap'n but I don' think I've got the pow'r!02:37
wilhartDr_Willis: i've tried everything ever windows repair didnt find no windows oh well .02:37
M5800@delware i think if ure install linix, u should only put 1 HD in and vice versa02:37
KB1JWQdelaware: Unrikery.  The !cn factoid seems to have worked. :-)02:38
IdeAleSsI need a simple image editing tool for my wife.  Something like irfanview.  Is there anything like that for ubuntu?02:38
Dr_Williswilhart:  you may want to ask in #windows.02:38
ChogyDanshawnboy: hmm, your wifi is getting there.  Have you tried alt+sysrq+k?02:38
Blue1IdeAleSs: gimp02:38
Richiiecould anyone help me02:38
Dr_WillisIdeAleSs:  thats more of an image viewer.. what editing tasks are you doing?02:38
wilhartDr_Willis: it wont help is't broken and os cant find windows 7 anywhere02:38
ChogyDanshawnboy: I'm only guessing about the wifi actually02:38
M5800delware: then from there u can use the BIOS to boot from which first. Im not sure whether it works anot, no experiance02:38
Richiiei have installed enlightment on my other PC and im trying to manually force my WIFI card to go on02:38
blaineHi can anyone help me? With Alacarte, I as normal user I can uncheck games from the Games menu but when I go to the the menu its unchanged. Reopening Alacarte shows the settings saved. All the other menus besides games work fine.  If i sudo alacarte it won't save changes at all.02:38
Richiieis it only ifup wlan0 or am i doing wrong ?02:39
Dr_Williswilhart:  for getting windows fixed - its best to ask in #windows  they may know some fix.. OR reinstall..02:39
delawareM5800:  your answering wilhart's question, not mine02:39
M5800richiie: same problem here, i think the driver is not ready out of the box02:39
Blue1Dr_Willis: this helped me (from jordon_u)  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=31402:39
IdeAleSsDr_Willis, Resizing and minor color adjustment.02:39
rafazedhow much ram does ubuntu lucid uses on a clean install?02:39
IdeAleSsBlue1, not a chance of getting my wife to jump into gimp.02:39
Dr_Williswilhart:  Ive often installed windows to sda, wuth the linux HD unplugged.. THEN unplugged the windows HD. and insstalled Linux to  the 2nd hd..02:39
delawarerafazed:  roughly 300mb02:40
Blue1IdeAleSs: sorry only thing I can think of....02:40
pbarroswilhart have you tried testdisk?02:40
RichiieM5800: are you sure ? im using Ubuntu 9.10 whit Enlightment 17 as Desktop Manager02:40
Dr_WillisIdeAleSs:  check the package manager. thers some image editing tools  and viewers that may do those.. Irvanview does work in Wine.02:40
IdeAleSsBlue1, np.  I live in gimp.  :-)02:40
wilhartpbarros: nope02:40
Blue1IdeAleSs: you can run photoshoppe under wine iirc02:40
RichiieM5800: is it impssible to force the network to come up ?02:40
macogxa: /join #ubuntu-cn02:40
headkase314rafazed, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements <- System requirements.02:40
M5800Broz, is it possible that a fresh install of linux, and when i boot into linux and use it, the OS might make my graphic card heat up as compared to using windows? Maybe because it has not have a better driver yet?02:41
rafazedi know the system requirements02:41
pbarrosif you have lost a partition testdisk will have a good chance of finding it02:41
rafazedbut i wanted to know exactly the consumption02:41
IdeAleSsyeah, did I read somewhere that conical was replacing gimp with something more straight forward?  I can't recall the application though.02:41
Richiiewhat other terminal commands can force a network to manually come up ?02:41
Richiieifup wlan002:41
Richiieand more ?02:41
headkase314rafazed, do you need to do anything that would require more or less system resources?02:41
blaineHi can anyone help me? With Alacarte, I as normal user I can uncheck games from the Games menu but when I go to the the menu its unchanged. Reopening Alacarte shows the settings saved. All the other menus besides games work fine.  If i sudo alacarte it won't save changes at all. Running Lucid02:41
Blue1blaine: sorry never heard of it.02:41
Dr_WillisM5800:  ive rarely heard of Video Card OVerheating issues.. those things tend to either kick the fans on HIGH  if the drivers are not properly controlling the fans.. or they throttle down if getting too hot.02:41
=== daves is now known as dsteele
shawnboycoz: http://pastebin.com/KpgiQMSD ChogyDan: no, but I tried alt-PrS-REISUB02:41
Dr_WillisM5800:  you playing some 3d games in linux?02:42
Dr_WillisM5800:  its possible the fan controlls under windows are not as optmized. but that should just make the fans run more/louder.02:42
Richiiecould anyone make a list for me about Network terminal commands ?02:43
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Richiielike ifup wlan0 ifconfig etc what more to get my network working under Enlightment 1702:43
M5800Dr_Willis: it's because i installed it, and i was using it as normal, trying to find a solution to get my internet working, so basically no better/new drivers are installed yet. Then half way, it shuts down. I opened up the top and can really tell the GFX is REALLY heated up. as compared to running it in windows02:43
M5800Dr_Willis: Happens all the time bte02:44
M5800Dr_Willis: btw i mean02:44
Dr_WillisM5800:  i would find it odd that just the normal desktop would overload any video card.02:44
Dr_Willispay attention to the fans under both os's - it could be the fans are being contriolled wrongly02:44
delawaredr_willis:  unless they had every option turned on compiz on a laptop gpu, then i could see that happening.02:44
pbarroswilhart:  Even if Testdisk doesn't find windows7 on your 2nd harddrive, you may still be able to recover the data02:45
Dr_Willisdelaware:  i would find that hard to do also.. of course could be some older overheat prone video cards as well. :)02:45
zacharyhi if i have a computer running ubuntu with localhost, what steps do i have to do to get that to be a server published online?02:45
Dr_Willisdelaware:  gotta love SLI enabled Desktops with Compiz! :)02:46
M5800Dr_Willis: yeah never encountered this before. my other installations went fine. only with this Desktop. Btw i can see the fans move the same in both WIN and LINUX. so i thought it was ubuntu running the clock too high? because of some incompatible out of the box drivers?02:46
zacharyi just need the files in the server to be accessed via web02:46
delawareDr_Willis:  oh yeah, until you see your electric bill at the end of the month for that 700watt psu your running!!!!!02:46
zacharylike any website02:46
Dr_WillisM5800:  what video card anyway?02:46
Dr_Willisdelaware:  700? Phhh.. ive seen systems with 1000W.. even seen them with TWIN 1000W02:47
M5800Dr_Willis: GT220 it's an Acer Desktop btw.02:47
Dr_Willisstill not sure what that guy used 2x1000W PSU's for..02:47
zacharyany help would be appreciated02:47
Dr_WillisM5800:  check the forums perhaps. Ive not seen anyone else mention similer issues with nvidia cards overheating.02:47
M5800Dr_Willis: Nvidia GT22002:48
delawareDr_Willis:  that's insane!  my hp laptop my be almost 3 years old, but once the batteries charged the most it will pull is 35watts from the wall at full tilt transcoding.  i'll sacrifice a little speed to save $50 a month in electricity bills.02:48
wilhartpbarros: yea i'm copyuing data from that harddrive02:48
Dr_WillisM5800:  as a test.. you could just boot to the console  and let it sit for a while and monitor the heat..02:48
wilhartpbarros: its no biggie windows 7 is easy to install02:48
rafazedhas anyone tried 64bits ubuntu version?02:48
wilhartyea i have 64bit02:48
M5800Dr_Willis: yeah... i might just give up on making it work haha. Because it's my siblings desktop anyways... i have my own machine to use it on02:48
Blue1rafazed: i am using 64 bit here02:49
delawareM5800:  if your pc is new enough just boot into the bios and monitor the temps from there for 15 minutes as a baseline02:49
Dr_Willisdelaware:  My New laptop has a ECO mode (windows only) and a graph showing its Watt ussage. :) idling/desktop = 20-30W.  Playing Crysis = 120W  :)02:49
headkase314rafazed, I had 64-bit but recently reinstalled 32-bit mainly because I only have 3GB of system memory.02:49
M5800Dr_Willis: yeah i was planning to do that, now waiting for the GFX to cool down02:49
ownerHello I did the Mac4Lin thing and I want to replace the Gnome Foot with the Apple logo.02:49
ownerHow can I do this?02:49
delawareDr_Willis:  that's a cool gadget I'd love to see!!  Blows only for winblows though.02:49
Dr_WillisIs there a tool/way to determine the "W" ussage of a machine in a general way? Ive never noticed sich a tool under Linux, only seen it on this one laptop under windows also.02:49
Dr_WillisTheres those Watt meter devices.. but thats not what this is measuring.02:50
delawareDr_Willis:  I'm using a kill-a-watt meter to measure all power consumption from my linux laptop.02:50
ownerI tried using Ubuntu tweak to Change my menu icon but it wouldn't let me do that.02:51
headkase314"Additionally, a plug computer uses 5 watts under normal operations, in contrast to the typical 25 to 100 watts for a dedicated PC." <--> http://www.itwire.com/opinion-and-analysis/the-linux-distillery/41230-cheap-linux-wall-warts-small-on-size-big-on-possib02:52
ownerHey maybe someone can help me figure out why I'm invisible in this IRC Chat02:52
Dr_Willisdelaware:  yea. well this is measuing what its actually using. I would think those watt meters on a laptop would be doing more of a 'charge' thing also.  But its nice to see the pc makers actually paying attention to the power ussage.02:54
headkase314rafazed, in response to your private message: since you have 4GB of system memory it would be appropriate to either use 64-bit or a 32-bit PAE kernel.02:54
delawareheadkase314:  where do you buy those?02:54
headkase314!pae | rafazed02:54
ubotturafazed: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info02:54
Dr_Willisdelaware:  it even has some way of throttling down the drives, cpu, video, and other things to reduce power.    I need to get one of those Killawatt meters to compare it under linux and windows.02:55
xomp_anyone know how I can verify that ubuntu is recognizing my SD slot? Acer Aspire One d26002:55
Dr_Willisxomp_:  for some of those laptops - it will ONOLY see the sd cards IF its plugged in when the system boots.. and can lose the slot if you use suspend/hibernate.02:56
delawareDr_Willis:  for $20 at lowes you can't beat it.  it's a nice handy little toy (er ah tool) to have around the house.02:56
Dr_Willisxomp_:  ive had a lot of 'fighting' with sd card/slots in the past. :(02:56
xomp_Dr_Willis, oh sheesh that doesn't sound too good heh02:56
Dr_Willisdelaware:  yea. I need to get one for my PC toolbox to sit next to my Decible Meter.02:56
jdsbluedevlHELP ME I'M IN INTERNET SHARING HELL!!!!!!!!!02:56
Dr_Willisxomp_:  the MB/PC makers do such odd things with built in slot readers.02:56
ownerI'm still waiting02:56
ownerAnyone know how to change the menu icon?02:56
jdsbluedevlsorry to be dramatic02:57
xomp_I will try booting my system with my card in and see if it mounts it02:57
Dr_Willisxomp_:  a $5 usb card reader = good investment.02:57
jdsbluedevlbut I have gotten ZERO help in the past two months02:57
jdsbluedevlfrom anyone here, from the forums, and from the dipwits at Roku02:57
* Dr_Willis dosent even know who Roku is02:57
jdsbluedevlRoku = the Netflix streaming box02:57
xomp_Dr_Willis, well, I'd much rather use the one I have in my laptop since it's an SDHC reader :P and having to carry around devices is so Windows 98'ish02:57
jdsbluedevlheck, I already changed my computer and moved everything over.  No dice.  Apparently the motherboard wasn't the problem02:58
xomp_reboot time heh02:58
iflema!patience | owner02:58
ubottuowner: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:58
jdsbluedevlso it's gotta be the SOFTWARE!!!02:58
Dr_Willisxomp_:  yea. also had friends with issues with SDHC cards.. in a normal SD slot..02:58
xomp_thanks Dr_Willis \o02:59
thune3owner: on my 9.10 system the image is /usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/places/start-here.png , which I can replace02:59
vol7rondoes anyone else have problems when installing Eclipse from the Ubuntu Software Center?02:59
MrPrinnyLet me try.02:59
Dr_Willisjdsbluedevl:  so far youve not really stated the problem.. all i can gather is 'roku dont work with internet shareing' (or somthing like that)02:59
rod__howdy! Has anyone here configured gedit to work with latex in ubuntu?02:59
jdsbluedevlDr_Willis: sorry, I just feel frustrated02:59
jdsbluedevlso the problem is that my Ubuntu computer fails to recognize the Roku box as a connection03:00
=== rod__ is now known as econdudeawesome
jdsbluedevlDr_Willis: for that matter, when I try to share the Internet with my laptop, it shows a connection, but the throughput is ZERO03:00
econdudeawesomeI'll ask with the right nick: Has anyone here successfully configured gedit to work with latex?03:00
MrPrinnyvol7ron: It seems to be downloading/installing just fine so far.03:01
jdsbluedevlDr_Willis: and the only response I got in the forums is a SPAMBOT!03:01
pbarrosowner,  try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147886403:01
rafazeddoes it really worth to install the 64bits version? what are the advantages?03:01
xomp_Dr_Willis, welp, no love with SD card inserted with reboot heh03:01
xomp_I may end up going back to Windows 7 Starter :/03:02
MrPrinnyvol7ron: I will admit that it's downloading rather slowly, though.03:02
Dr_Willisxomp_:  check the forums. for some of my laptops ive had to use some kernel boot options.03:02
Dr_Willisxomp_:  i recall on my old AAO i had to use some boot option to get both slots working. and even then one side slot had to have a card inserrted at boot time03:03
Dr_Willisrafazed:  if you can use 64bit.. i say YES . use 64bit03:03
headkase314rafazed, program executables are on average 9% bigger with 64-bit although just the programs, not the data.  And overall 64-bit programs run 3-4% faster than the exact same program compiled with 32-bit.  I would go 32-bit PAE if I were you!03:03
jdsbluedevlHere's my thread, complete with BUMP ranting: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1517232&highlight=roku03:03
headkase314!pae | rafazed03:03
ubotturafazed: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info03:03
ChigginsHow can I change the sudoers file to allow NOPASSWD on a specific set of commands03:03
Dr_Willisrafazed:  benchmark sites ive seen say that 32bit PAE can be SLOWER then normal 32bit. and definatly slower then 64bit.03:04
Dr_WillisChiggins:  theres a wiki page on editing the sudowers file with examples03:04
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo03:04
vol7ronMrPrinny, that's not the problem..  the problem is when installing plugins03:04
Dr_Willisbye all.. work time for me03:04
jdsbluedevlDr_Willis: I'm actually getting really close to doing a second wipe of my hard drive to fix the problem03:04
headkase314Dr_Willis, rafazed, thank you!03:04
vol7ronMrPrinny, at least on x6403:04
MrPrinnyOh, I didn't see the part about plugins.03:04
jdsbluedevlAnd once again, nobody hears my cry for help03:04
jdsbluedevlNot the chat, not the forums.  I might as well be dead to Ubuntu03:05
vol7ronMrPrinny, I didn't add it... it's hard to be noticed in #ubuntu03:05
MrPrinnyWell, there are lots of people trying to ask for help. I can understand why it may be difficult at times to get someone to help out.03:05
MrPrinnyWhich plugins are you having trouble with?03:05
headkase314rafazed, if you have a fast processor you may not notice much difference?  Do you know your general hardware specs?  Perhaps as Dr_Willis is seeming to recommend 64-bit would be best?03:06
excess^|homeDoes anyone know if there is an alternative to MySQL Workbench available on Ubuntu?03:06
ChigginsAlright, I see how to add NOPASSWD to ALL, but how do i add it to specific commands03:06
jellowhow can i force passwd to take a simple password ( with out touching /etc/shadow/ )03:07
vol7ronMrPinny: anything from: http://download.eclipse.org/releases/galileo/03:07
vol7ronMrPinny: found a post a while ago that said to 'apt-get install eclipse-pde', which seems to work, but who knows03:08
vol7ronMrPinny, this shows that there's a problem with the Ub Soft Center03:08
MrPrinnyvol7ron: I'm trying to see if I can have any luck.03:10
MrPrinnyone moment, please.03:11
ChigginsWhere is the location of the commands ifconfig and dhclient03:11
guampajdsbluedevl: sorry what's a roku box?03:11
pbarrosChiggins:   have you tried the which command in a terminal?03:12
excess^|homeDoes anyone know if there as a MySQL Workbench alternative on Ubuntu?03:12
pbarrosit will give you the locations of any command03:12
Chigginspbarros, ha didnt know that, thanks03:13
pbarrosnp...  I like the easy ones!03:13
hanasakiany reason why the screen saver in gnome would take 5mins or so to timeout on a bad password?03:13
vol7ronMrPrinny, I hope you didn't apt-get03:15
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MrPrinnyNot yet, why?03:16
malik_i hate ubuntu03:16
malik_and mac03:16
MrPrinnyAny particular reason?03:17
malik_ubuntu bcoz ov terminal commands03:17
malik_mac coz u get no u have to use mac software03:17
harovalihi , Today I try to edit a /etc/resolv.conf in a remote newly installed ubuntu (whose /etc/debian_version contains squezze/syd )  , and to my surprise /etc/resolv.conf  was a directory instead of a file. What am I supposed to do if I want to put a nameserver line in there ?  Whay has that changed ??03:18
vol7ronMrPrinny, because that seems to be the fix03:18
MrPrinnyOh, so you're all good to go?03:18
vol7ronI think so, but the fact that the Software Center doesn't come with the needed plugin is what I'm bringing up03:19
malik_maa choo haram khoor03:19
malik_maa di phudi03:19
malik_ubuntu di03:19
MrPrinnyWell, sometimes you have to go out a bit out of your way to change your repositories.03:19
Blue1malik_: chocolate fudge pudding cup?03:20
malik_maa lun blue03:20
malik_teri gand maraan03:20
MrPrinnyI'm wondering if anyone here could possibly help me with my network manager issue. For whatever reason last night, I lost the ability to connect wirelessly to my Internet. When I right click on the network manager I see that "Enable Wireless" is grayed out and I'm unable to check it back on.03:21
MrPrinnyI've looked at a few different threads and pages to see if resetting it would fix it, but nothing has worked yet.03:21
vol7ronMrPrinny, I noticed the same exact thing today03:21
MrPrinnyDid you? Are you unable to connect wirelessly?03:21
vol7ronMrPrinny, no I just restarted03:22
MrPrinnyBecause my netbook has had that issue since roughtly 11 PM last night.03:22
MrPrinnyAh, see, that didn't fix it for me.03:22
jellowMrPrinny: what does ifconfig show?03:22
McLinuxMrPrinny, is there a radio button to enable/disable your wlan card?03:22
vol7ronMrPrinny: /etc/init.d/networking restart03:23
thune3harovali: i'm not sure i follow, there is some /etc/resolvconf/ dir with some avahi thing in it, but /etc/resolv.conf is still the right file, unless I'm missing something.03:23
harovalithune3: you made me realize that the person over the phone might have missed the dot03:23
Blue1anyone here familiar with autofs?03:23
harovalithune3: thanks03:23
MrPrinnyjellow: what exactly am I looking for in the ifconfig? (Sorry, I'm still new at this) McLinux: Where would I find said radio button? When I right click I see that it's unchecked, but it won't let me change that. vol7ron: I ran that command actually, but it didn't help.03:24
harovaliinside the directory, effectively there is an avahi thing03:24
cappicardhrmm... when is adobe going to fix the atrocity called flash? It is crashing way too often when playing videos. I have to reload pages repeatedly.03:24
McLinuxMrPrinny: there's usually a hardware switch on your physical netbook that disables/enables the wireless radio03:24
vol7ronMrPrinny: /etc/init.d/dbus restart03:24
MrPrinnyOK, one moment. I'll try restarting my dbus.03:25
Blue1cappicard: 64 bit system?03:25
cappicardand this is happening alot in chrome as well03:26
Blue1cappicard: the 32 bit flash installed on 64 bit systems in problematic03:26
pgpkeysi hear so many problems with flash and while i have a couple, i rarely have them happen03:27
Blue1cappicard: http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=16103:27
McLinuxMy netbook has extreme issues with flash.. (32bit) while my 64bit install runs it flawlessly03:27
pgpkeys64bit here as well03:28
MrPrinnyvol7ron: I tried out that command, but it didn't restart. I got a message about using service dbus restart, instead03:28
MrPrinnyThen a message about it being an upstart job.03:28
Blue1McLinux: i've problems with the 32 bit flash operating in a 64 bit environ03:28
vol7ronMrPrinny: right03:28
vol7ronis your device in lsusb03:28
McLinuxvol7ron: how is dbus related to wlan?03:29
Blue1McLinux: i solved it with the alpha 64 bit plugin ---03:29
cappicardBlue1, the ftp site that it has linked there is invalid03:29
Blue1cappicard: let me look03:29
vol7ronMcLinux: it's about getting the computer to recognize the device again03:29
vol7ronor at least, refresh it03:29
Blue1cappicard: hmm works here what kind of error did you get?03:29
cappicardOops! Google Chrome could not connect to wayno.ath.cx03:30
MrPrinnyvol7ron: How would I go about checking that? I apologize once again for my extreme lack of knowledge in this area.03:30
ubbuntuhow do you change to another directory in terminal?03:30
MrPrinnycd /your/path/here03:30
Blue1cappicard hmm let me check somethin03:30
vol7ronMrPrinny: `lsusb`03:30
ubbuntulxterminal is telling me that "cd" isnt a command03:30
cappicardit's attempting to connect to and timing out03:30
McLinuxIs it even a usb device? Its a netbook...03:30
cappicardgot in that time03:31
Blue1cappicard: right ip gonign to try it in chrome03:31
ShrekLappyis there a way to integrate gimp and nautilus? i would like to change an entire folder of pictures at once instead of one by one03:31
McLinuxMrPrinny: open a term and type "dmesg | grep wlan" -- what does it show?03:31
ShrekLappyand scripting gimp seems ugly03:31
cappicardncftp works fine03:31
Blue1cappicard: hmm dunno it works here..03:31
cappicardit's something goofy with chrome03:31
MrPrinny[   17.177791] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready03:32
Blue1cappicard: most likely03:32
dwoxhi, how to find out what chipset my netbook is using in ubuntu?03:32
cappicardah, I see the file.03:32
ubbuntulxterminal is telling me that "cd" isnt a command anyone know what's wrong?03:32
MrPrinnyAnd vol7ron: I don't see anything in lsusb that looks like it pertains to my wireless card or anything network related.03:32
Blue1dwox: chipset for?  usually just lspci03:32
vol7ronMrPrinny: ok03:33
KB1JWQMrPrinny: lsusb to a pastebin. lspci too, while you're at it.03:33
vol7ronMcLinux: it may be, depending on the device.  I forgot I use vmware, so it's "usb" for me03:33
canthiswaitI'm having trouble sharing files on a USB drive, it says I need to allow read by others, and i've done that, but it still won't allow others to connect to that share03:34
Blue1dwox: might help:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=12703:34
McLinuxI would try to rule out the physical aspect.. it's so easy to "bump" your radio switch and disable Wireless03:34
vol7ronI agree03:34
MrPrinnyMy radio switch on my netbook actually does nothing as far as I can tell. I thought it was that at first, but it doesn't seem to have any affect on it whatsoever.03:34
MrPrinnyIT's never been an issue before last night.03:34
dwoxthanks Blue103:34
Blue1dwox: hope that helps03:35
vol7ronMrPrinny: not to say this is the reason, but it could also be that your card got damaged03:35
McLinuxIn my experience, the radio switch doesn't appear to do anything under linux beacuse it doesn't toggle the LED correctly.03:36
MrPrinnyI wouldn't rule out that possibility.03:36
McLinuxI usually have to flip the switch one time and reboot, to be sure.03:36
Niglopwhat is the guys name with the beard that talks about linux and stuff :P?03:36
Blue1Niglop: santa claus03:37
GanderCan i install ubuntu without deleting all my files03:37
zkriesseGander: A back up is recommended03:37
guampaNiglop: Gandalf03:37
Nigloprichard stallman..03:37
Niglopthanku lol03:38
McLinuxNiglop; oh yeah he's the other guy with the beard... be mor specific.03:38
guampaits less important than santa & gandalf tho03:38
nimbioticsHello everyone. I need help desperately. I havent been able to use the shares  on my ubuntu 10.04 PC on a windows 7 PC. I can see the Computer but when I click on it, Windows 7 tells me it cannot find my ubuntu PC. Heres my smba.conf: http://pastebin.com/8ZBDgDNT. Please help me.!!! TIA03:39
McLinux*especially* gandalf03:39
McLinuxnimbiotics: has this worked before?03:39
guampayes, hes a linux wiz!03:39
nimbioticsMcLinux: no, never tried before03:39
McLinuxgoogle "Windows 7 Samba not working".. there are issues and workarounds03:40
nimbioticsMcLinux: Thanks, wil do03:40
Blue1McLinux: this might help:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=30903:41
bullgardWhy does Ubuntu not offer a package for guayadeque_(music_player)?03:41
Blue1bullgard: they will in 10.1003:41
bullgardBlue1: Ah! Thank you very much for your information.03:42
Blue1bullgard: this will get you started:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=17403:42
cappicardBlue1, ah, got it it installed. let's see how this behaves.03:43
LorgonJortleI've a shell script and I want to make a shortcut to it in Cairo Dock. The only problem is, when I click it in the dock, it opens it with Gedit, and not in the terminal. Is there a way to specify how to open it?03:43
Blue1cappicard: it has rapidly become my fav.03:43
nimbioticsHow can I check if samba process is running?03:43
guampanimbiotics: pgrep -l smbd03:43
Blue1cappicard: light years ahead of amaschlock03:43
McLinuxLorgonJortle: is the executable bit set in permissions?03:44
cappicard10.0.45 seems more stable than 10.0.87 flash...03:45
Blue1cappicard: indeed03:45
LorgonJortleMcLinux: Yes03:45
McLinuxand if you double-click it in nautilus it works normally?03:45
cappicardi've been using banshee for my music player.  i prefer it over rhythmbox.03:45
cappicardbanshee works better with my sansa e260 loaded with rockbox03:46
LorgonJortleIf I double click it, it says it's an executable and prompts me with what to do. If I choose "Run" or "Run in terminal" then it works properly, yes. McLinux03:46
Blue1cappicard: give guyadeque a try -- it will be standard on 10.1003:46
nawkcappicard did they fix the problem with video playback problems in banshee?03:46
nawklast time i tried it was still buggy03:46
McLinuxguyadeque will be the standard music player on 10.10?03:46
Blue1cappicard: I am trying to figure hout how to put a video on my sansa03:46
Blue1McLinux: it will come pre-installed, if the rumours are to be belived03:47
McLinuxLorgonJortle: does it have the appropriate extension? e.g. .sh for shell?03:47
McLinuxBlue1: what the heck?03:47
cappicardah, it needs to be MPEG  video if you have rockbox on your sansa03:47
voss749flash is now at 10.103:47
LorgonJortleMcLinux: It hasn't an extension.03:47
Blue1cappicard: it's a sansa fuse03:47
LorgonJortleI'll append the appropriate .sh to it.03:47
cappicardah, rockbox does support the fuse i believe.03:47
Blue1i have noever heard of rockbox let me see what I can find brb03:48
cappicardif it's the original firmware,  i think the video has to be mp3 audio and wmv video.03:48
nimbioticsguampa: thanks03:48
LorgonJortleMcLinux: Appending .sh to the filename did the trick. thanks for the tip.03:48
bullgardBlue1: Thank you very much for your help.03:48
McLinuxNo problem, LorgonJortle03:48
Blue1cappicard: I have an avi file, and it needs to be resized, but I don't know the parms for resizeing03:48
Blue1bullgard: welcome03:49
guampanp nimbiotics03:49
cappicardah, the convert command works great for that :)03:49
cappicardi think it has options for compression or whatnot03:49
nitnatsnokI use xubuntu 10.04(but I removed XFCE and installed OpenBox). I have a problem with sound. Alsamixer shows at least 2 sound cards but I have no sound and all of programs that use alsa can not detect any sound cards. can anyone help me?03:49
Blue1cappicard: ;=( SanDisk: Sansa c200 series (not v2), e200 series (all models), and Fuze v1 (not v2)03:50
cappicardlet's try guaydeque. :)03:50
cappicardah, damn... yeah.03:50
cappicardyeah, i think the video has to be mp3/wmv03:50
cappicardfor the original firmware.03:51
Blue1cappicard: i could prolly transcode it --03:51
Blue1there's a programme calles fuzemux03:51
zacharyhi how can i make my localhost viewable on the web?03:51
Blue1zachary: why would you want to do that?  you mean like a webserver?03:52
nitnatsnokI use xubuntu 10.04(but I removed XFCE and installed OpenBox). I have a problem with sound. Alsamixer shows at least 2 sound cards but I have no sound and all of programs that use alsa can not detect any sound cards. can anyone help me?03:52
avisi tried to upgrade to alsa *.21 to alsa ending in .23 and now my sound isn't working03:52
avisin lucid03:52
avisis that rough one ?03:52
zacharyBlue1, ty for your help. yes i want to make my localhost viewable on the net03:52
zacharyBlue1, trying to find tutorials etc03:52
Blue1zachary: let's define first, what you mean by local host03:53
cappicardBlue1, oh the development builds seem to support the fuze v2.03:53
zacharyBlue1, i have up and running. i can view files on my computer via the local host web server03:53
Blue1cappicard: thanks I will give it a shot then...03:53
cappicardbut not the usb part03:53
zacharyBlue1, now i want to make that an actual web server domain so anyone can view it03:53
Blue1zachary: what do you mean by "localhost web server?"03:53
cappicardmy e260 is v103:54
zacharyBlue1, i mean
nitnatsnokI use xubuntu 10.04(but I removed XFCE and installed OpenBox). I have a problem with sound. Alsamixer shows at least 2 sound cards but I have no sound and all of programs that use alsa can not detect any sound cards. can anyone help me?03:54
McLinuxtrying out guayadeque03:54
McLinuxlike what I see so far03:54
ubbuntuhow do you copy a directory in terminal03:54
Blue1zachary: you'd use apache2 - but many isp's block incomingg http port 80 requests - -my isp does...03:54
cappicardwhee. time to run subversion.03:55
Blue1zachary: you can host on liquenox for $2.75/month -- has all the goodies03:55
nitnatsnokI use xubuntu 10.04(but I removed XFCE and installed OpenBox). I have a problem with sound. Alsamixer shows at least 2 sound cards but I have no sound and all of programs that use alsa can not detect any sound cards. can anyone help me?03:56
zacharyBlue1, if my isp blocks 80 then what can i do?03:56
cappicardah, looks like  this build may take a while03:56
McLinuxdid you check alsamixer, nitnatsnok?03:56
cappicardzachary, if it's a major ISP, probably not.03:56
Blue1zachary: you'd have to use a nonstandard port like 8080 for example...03:56
nitnatsnokMcLinux, of course03:56
zacharyBlue1, yeah  i know i can host somewhere - i spend $1k a month on hosting - i just want to be able to have my box viewable on the web for my developers to view notes, screenshots03:56
Blue1cappicard: cox blocks incoming http traffic03:56
McLinuxnitnatsnok: did you check that none of the outputs are muted / turned all the way down?03:56
zacharycappicard, i think my isp is  a major one. Insight in Kentucky??03:56
cappicardBlue1, oh yeah. i used to have cox cable03:56
nitnatsnokMcLinux, of course :D03:57
Blue1zachary: yeah google apache2 server install...03:57
zacharyBlue1, is it easy to change the port? i will install Apache2 now03:57
cappicardzachary, try another port.03:57
nitnatsnokMcLinux, I'm not fool03:57
zacharycappicard, ty so much for ur help i am going to install now03:57
nitnatsnokbe sure03:57
zacharyBlue1, ty so much for ur help i am going to install now03:57
Blue1zachary: usually other port is 8080 however03:57
cappicardor even 888803:57
Blue1zachary: you might want a lamp system (linux-apache-mysql-php)  you can do a lot with that03:58
jellowi need help with a sd card that fdisk and gparted will not pick up03:58
McLinuxnitnatsnok: i didn't call you a fool.  now check if you have gnome-vol-control03:58
zacharyBlue1, i thought LAMP was isntalled with my localhost03:58
BentFranklinIn the old days you had .login to do things in your login shell that you woudln't do in every .cshrc.  What do we do now for things like that?03:58
Blue1zachary: not on my system...03:58
nitnatsnokMcLinux, I don't have it03:59
zacharyBlue1, what constitutes a localhost setup on ubuntu?03:59
zacharyBlue1, sorry i'm confused03:59
McLinuxnitnatsnok: what app are you using to adjust your vol?03:59
Blue1BentFranklin: ssh authentication  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=25203:59
cappicardBlue1, still building. least I'm not building X itself. LOL04:00
cappicardI once build XFree86 on a K6-2 350 with 32MB of ram. took me 8 1/2 hours for it to build!04:00
Blue1zachary: well again depends on what you are trying to do, for web stuph, if that's all you want apache2 -- but the other stuff are nice addons -- do apache then add on....04:00
McLinuxso why is guyadeque adding songs randomly?04:00
nitnatsnokMcLinux, alsamixer04:01
Blue1McLinux: cause you didn't tellit differently04:01
nitnatsnokMcLinux, gvolwheel04:01
zacharyBlue1, i thought if i had localhost running i had LAMP already on my system04:01
zacharyBlue1, then it would be the task of just publishing it to the web04:01
Blue1zachary: apache, mysql, and php did NOT come pre-installed on my system.04:01
McLinuxah, play random tracks04:01
McLinuxthat hsould prob be off by default-- its a little annoying. ;)04:01
zacharyBlue1, so just install LAMP server on my system. but what do i do to make it publishable/viewable on web?04:02
jellowi need help with a sd card that fdisk and gparted will not pick up but is pick up in dmesg04:03
nitnatsnokMcLinux, but I can't adjust vol because I have no sound04:03
Blue1zachary: there is no lamp server - each component, apache, mysql, php, must be installed seperately04:03
j4eI installed ubuntu but when I boot it i guess unbuntu doesn't ready my tv sreen. is there anyway i can fix this problem...04:04
zacharyBlue1, seems like here i can do it all? http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/570-install-lamp-with-1-command-in-ubuntu-91004:04
Blue1zachary: the great thing about linux is, that you are your own system administrator - the worst thing about linux is, you are your own system administrator04:04
cappicardhmm... i'm getting alot of build errors.04:05
cappicardguayadeque/src/wxsqlite3/wxsqlite3.cpp:222: error: ‘SQLITE_IOERR_READ’ was not declared in this scope04:05
Blue1zachary: good call.  I didn't know it had changed - last time I played with that was 9.0404:05
nitnatsnokI use xubuntu 10.04(but I removed XFCE and installed OpenBox). I have a problem with sound. Alsamixer shows at least 2 sound cards but I have no sound and all of programs that use alsa can not detect any sound cards. can anyone help me?04:05
zacharyBlue1, cool. going to run that and then see what i have to do to make it viewable on web04:06
Blue1cappicard: what version of ubuntu are you using?04:06
zacharyBlue1, once i change port to whatever it should be do i just type in my IP to view the files?04:06
Blue1cappicard: also did you install all the precursors?04:06
Blue1cappicard: recipe heere:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=17404:07
vol7ronMrPrinny: outcome?04:07
cappicardi followed it to a T04:07
Blue1cappicard: you don't just install guayadeque lots of stuff before that...04:07
cappicardi know.04:07
cappicardi did the prerequisites.04:08
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Blue1cappicard: can you pastebin the output?04:08
cappicardlet me try again.04:08
shadowfleehey is there a thing like logmein on ubuntu04:09
cappicardi tried sudo apt-get install libsqlite-dev in addition to that first line04:09
Blue1cappicard: pastebin the output - -maybe we can figure it out04:09
cappicardok. let me see if i get that error again04:10
syntheadhow do I stop the creation of ~/.cache upon login?04:12
zacharyBlue1, installing LAMP :)04:13
syntheadhow do I stop the creation of ~/.cache upon login?04:14
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Blue1zachary: well done - -I'll have to try that...04:15
zacharyBlue1, just installed. now going to try to make it viewable via web04:16
Blue1zachary: excellent04:16
cappicardBlue1, http://pastebin.com/Ez4JzXnk04:16
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zacharyBlue1, fudge hostname and ip addy in browser isn't pulling apache204:18
MrPrinnySuccess! I'm now connected wirelessly.04:18
Blue1cappicard: omw (on my way)04:18
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Blue1cappicard: priv. message ok?04:19
JoeSomebodyhello, i have a multiboot os system , will this work on the latest ubuntu? GIGABYTE GV-R583UD-1GD Radeon HD 5830 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.1 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card04:19
JoeSomebodyit rocks on windows, but windows dont rock04:19
Blue1!hcl | Joesomebody04:19
ubottuJoesomebody: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:19
MrPrinnyThank you vol7ron, McLinux and KB1JWQ04:20
Blue1cappicard: private message ok?04:20
cappicardBlue1, yep. go for it04:21
brvalynteinMrPrinny: would your name happen to be derived from a penguin-esque anime character of the same name?04:21
* kakoi away: [bt] horario: 00:2104:21
MrPrinnybrvalyntein: Why yes, yes it is. I actually use Prinny for nearly everything, but it's taken on this server.04:22
JoeSomebodythat link aint helping , does anyone know the answer?04:23
JoeSomebodyRadeon HD 583004:23
cypher-neoJoeSomebody, You realize you could figure this out easily by inserting the disk into your computer and booting into Preview Mode.04:23
cypher-neoJoeSomebody, If it's not supported, you'll know right away04:24
JoeSomebodyi havent bought it yet, kinda need to know first04:24
zacharyif my IP or host name is not pulling up my webserver on my computer what should i do?04:24
cypher-neoJoeSomebody, Oh! You don't have that computer yet?04:24
JoeSomebodyitI WILL work on the other OSes04:25
C_OkieBaesball Famer Johnson Died today :(04:25
JoeSomebodyhave computer, upgrading video04:25
JoeSomebodywindows will like it, but thats not enough04:25
JoeSomebodyso i need to know to make a purchase decision04:26
cypher-neoJoeSomebody, Looking...04:27
cypher-neoJoeSomebody, It's compatiable04:28
brvalynteinMrPrinny: i've only ever seen a poster of the character, and took a wild guess04:28
JoeSomebodycypher-neo thanks04:28
cypher-neoJoeSomebody, There might be a couple issues with video at extremely high resolutions04:29
cypher-neoJoeSomebody, But those reports that I saw were several years old.04:29
JoeSomebodyi don`t need the highest res04:29
cypher-neoJoeSomebody, All the current reports say everything should work04:29
JoeSomebodyright on04:29
AvonGenesisHow can I access higher screen resolutions than what is on the list? I usually run at 1440x900 but the max i get is 1280x102404:30
JoeSomebodymy current video is an nvidia 512 mb, ubuntu likes it but its time for a bigger card04:30
C_OkieHi I have a question I tried to lookup and look around on but couldn't find exactly what I wanted to do.... Can you mount a drive in windows so the C:Documents and Settings\ stuff is stored in a seperate partition04:31
JoeSomebodyati is the better buy right now (i think)04:31
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C_OkieI am kinda stuck on this before I setup the rest of windows to then setup ubuntu04:31
apnC_Okie: sort of. You can install windows itself on D, but the Documents and Settings will be by default in C.04:32
* cypher-neo thinks Windows is retarded...04:32
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fRoMdOwNyOnDeRAny help with aircrack? pvt message me04:32
avisi have no sound and sound controller for gnome wont detect any audio devices.  i tried to get modules for ubuntu-audio-dev ppa but i already had a pae kernel so that did not work04:32
ThretenIs there anyone here who could help me?04:32
apnThreten: I am sure there is.04:33
Ganderyoure on your onw fucking faggot04:33
avisi had tried upgrading alsa.04:33
bazhangGander, watch the language04:33
pbarrosC_Okie:  I'm confused why you would wan't it set that way before you can install ubuntu04:33
avisthats where i lost detection of audio04:33
bazhangfRoMdOwNyOnDeR, what are you trying to do. explain04:33
ThretenCould someone assist me with an internet connectivity problem?04:34
cypher-neoThreten, Describe the problem. I'll try.04:34
C_OkieBecaue I dont know how mounting to a windows ntfs partition works for ubuntu and what I need to do pbarros barros:04:34
zushow do i do a md5 check sum again?04:35
pbarrosC_Okie:  you can mount to a windows ntfs partition just fine in Ubuntu.04:35
goofriderhi all, can someone help me with Openldap? I installed the package but dpkg-configure never ask me to set up an admin password04:35
MrPrinnybrvalyntein: Lucky guess, heh.04:36
ThretenWell until recently I hadn't been able to get my PCI network card to work, but I did. Afterwards, I saw a recommendation to disable IPv6, and somewhere, while I was editing sysctl.conf, something got changed that makes it so internet pages dont load (even though I appear connected), and even my USB WiFi plugin wont fix the issue (it previously worked).04:36
ThretenI am on my Windows hard drive right now, because I cannot connect to anything on Ubuntu.04:37
brvalynteinMrPrinny: My friends call me Sherlock due to my uncanny ability to figure things out, if only they knew how often i guessed x]04:37
C_OkieSo IF I want to store the data ( in C:\Documents and Settings\ ) I'd need to install it in D:04:37
cypher-neoThreten, Give me a couple minutes. Let me look up some stuff...04:37
ThretenAlright thank you.04:38
=== MrPrinny is now known as Prinny
Ganderbye and fuck off04:39
brvalynteingander: no need for the language04:40
cypher-neoThreten, All right... let's give this a try04:42
zusok what folders are the book marks only for  chromium and firefox? i dont care about the settings  but i need to copy and paste these into a thumb drive04:42
cypher-neoThreten, Open a Terminal window, and type in: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:42
cypher-neoThreten, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:42
ThretenIm going to write this down, Im on my Windows partition because Ubuntu wont let me connect.04:43
cypher-neoThreten, That should in theory in wipe all the settings from the Network Manager and restore it to the state as if it were a fresh install.04:43
pbarroszus:  look in the hidden folder .mozilla in your home directory04:44
ThretenAlright. And that includes the files I changed?04:44
cypher-neoThreten, I think so...04:44
overrideri often log into my server and ifstat tells me there is f.e 100kb in or outgoing traffic. Is there a beautiful console command i can use to quickly see WHAT that traffic consists of (pop,http,ssh,..,)? I know iftop and trafshow, am wondering if there is something better.04:45
ThretenOk. I will try to do that.04:45
cypher-neoThreten, I'm hoping you can try this soon. It's almost midnight here, so I can hang around for about 30 more minutes before i log off to sleep.04:45
ThretenThank you!04:45
Thretenill be back asap04:45
cypher-neoThreten, Log back in and tell me how it goes. :)04:45
adelcampohow do I share a directory on a removable drive?04:45
adelcamposharing works fine on everything else except removable drives04:46
PrinnyI'm not too sure, adelcampo. The only removable drive I've shared is connected to my Windows box and all I had to do was ensure I enabled sharing on it.04:47
Prinny(I know, it's not much help, but I didn't want you to think that no one was reading your question.)04:47
adelcampoPrinny, that's what it seems like should happen. gnome apparently sets the wrong umask and that won't allow me to share external drives04:48
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adelcampocool thanks Prinny04:48
pbarrosoverrider: have you tried netstat?04:48
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overriderpbarros: ya, its not what im looking for04:51
sacarlsondoes ubuntu or even linux have a way to print bank checks like with E13-B MICR fonts?  I think I found the font just need something that will print one check.04:51
ThreatenHi Im back.04:53
cypher-neoThreaten, And?04:53
cypher-neoThreaten, Any good news?04:54
ThreatenWell I did it, and it returned the response "Ignoring uknown interface wlan1=wlan1"04:54
ThreatenSo it did NOT work...04:54
zuspbarros,   by pasting the folders the browser gets all my book marks, i would still have to redown load read it later though right?04:54
ThreatenWell the good news is is that Im on a laptop so I dont have to switch my OS every time I need to talk to you.04:55
zuspbarros,  or will the readit later  add on be there04:55
cypher-neoThreaten, Other than the network reset I gave you, I'm at a loss. That should have completely restored your network settings to default.04:55
cypher-neoThreaten, Did you try to fire up the network after the reset?04:55
cypher-neoThreaten, It might establish your connection through another point than wlan104:56
ThreatenI did actually, and it seemed to work but then it disconnected and is not reconnecting.04:56
ThreatenIs there any steps for it to make wlan1 "known"?04:56
cypher-neoThreaten, So... we're halfway there.04:56
Threatenok well thats good.04:57
cypher-neoThreaten, Unless it means that it's a hidden network... I have no clue.04:57
cer___how can i determine my ctcp version?04:57
ThreatenWell its not hidden. The network is seen, and everything. Just wont connect.04:57
ThreatenWhat about restoring just the file i changed?04:58
jellowi need help reformating an sd card , i use fdisk and it gets stuck formating and gparted springs and error about it lable not being reconized04:58
jellowbut it gets picked up in dmesg04:58
homecablei just setup my 100mbit line need to test my inet line i need alot of people to wget http://evilbox.ath.cx/pub/iso/systemrescuecd-x86-1.5.8.iso04:58
pbarroszus:  I didn't understand your last two questions.  Are you just trying to backup your bookmarks from firefox?04:58
eigmaI'm trying to debug a segfault in a program; I've installed the corresponding *-dbg and get a backtrace in gdb with function names, but no source filenames/line numbers. is there a way to get those without rebuilding the package?04:59
cypher-neoThreaten, Hmmm04:59
zuspbarros,  yeah i essentially  yes, but i had addons and was wondering if they travel too if i were to drop this folder on my other machine04:59
cypher-neoThreaten, Are you using Lucid?05:00
pbarrosoverrider: are you trying to do packet sniffing or just see what kinds of current connections are on the machine?05:00
ThreatenYes. Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Linux x8405:00
cypher-neoThreaten, Well, the only other thing I can think to do would be to reinstall the network manager itself.05:01
sacarlsonThreaten: what is it that you changed to disable ipv6?  If I recall at one time I did that by rename of some file in the kernel.05:01
Arulidasiang ubuntu..05:01
ThreatenI looked it up on Google, and there was something you need to change in /etc/sysctl.conf05:01
ThreatenHow would I go about re-installing the network manager?05:02
cypher-neoThreaten, Open Synaptic and look for the "network-manager-gnome" and "network-manager" packages. Mark them for reinstallation.05:02
cypher-neoThreaten, Apparently your Googling is better than mine05:02
sacarlsonThreaten: oh ok,  I don't know how that could break anything.05:02
ThreatenI followed this http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu-1004.html05:04
sacarlsonthreaten: well you could just look at all your networking values with ifconfig,  iwconfig,  route  and the values that are in the /etc/resolve.conf file.  pastebin all that and let us see it.05:04
cypher-neoThreaten, Why do you need to disable IPv6?05:05
ThreatenI think I saw it in the Ubuntu Help, and read that it speeds up your internet as it is not supported well.05:05
cypher-neoI've never heard of v6 slowing down a connection before. And disabling it at a system level can sometimes lead to weird issues.05:05
Threatenposting on pastebin now05:06
PrinnyThreaten: Was this the article you saw? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv405:06
cypher-neoBut, meh... Threaten, sacarlson can help you with this hopefully. I'm going to bed. Good luck with your problem.05:07
pbarroszus:  yes, I believe it should.  but you should only need the "mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default"  folder as that is the folder with all your bookmarks and extensions05:07
Threatensacarlson: www.pastebin.org/57020505:07
Threatenthe realtek one is what im trying to use05:07
ThreatenTHANKS A TON cypher-neo05:07
ThreatenI really appreciate it.05:07
zuswhat about the crhome one?05:07
sacarlsonThreaten: the last one you sent is blank05:07
zuspbarros,  and for google  chromium?05:08
Threatensacarlson Ill try again. Sorry05:08
sikilpaakehow can i mount a truecrypt drive that's on a samba share?05:08
Threatensacarlson http://pastebin.org/57020505:09
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sacarlsonThreaten: oh realtek wifi?  I think that is your problem.  try use wire cat5 cable and see if your system works wired.05:09
ThreatenUse what?05:09
Prinnycat5 is the "standard" ethernet cable.05:10
ThreatenThis is a desktop computer with a Realtek NIC installed in the PCI.05:10
sacarlsonThreaten: but all that in paste 570205 look good05:11
ThreatenIll try rebooting now.05:11
sacarlsonThreaten: looks to have asosiated to your accesspoint.  you got a ip address from dhcp ok.05:12
sacarlsonThreaten: can you ping your gateway address ?05:12
Threatenscarlson, yes I can.05:13
sacarlsonthreaten:  oh I don't see the resolve.conf file05:13
Threatenscarlson, is that an issue?05:13
sacarlsonThreaten: were is the pastebin of /etc/resolve.conf ?05:14
Threateni need to make one05:14
pbarroszus:  for google chrome look in  ".config/google-chrome/Default"  under your home directory.  I've stopped using google chrome so not sure if that is still correct05:15
ThreatenApparently there is no file called resolve.conf05:15
Arulidaada yang dari indonesia ga neh?05:15
sacarlsonThreaten: sorry typeo on my side /etc/resolv.conf05:16
Threatensacarlson, it is extremely short. # Generated by NetworkManager <line break> nameserver
sacarlsonThreaten: ok can you ping google.com05:17
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Threatensacarlson, yes I can.05:17
sacarlsonThreaten: ok your online05:18
ThreatenIt seems that stuff like this is working, but I cannot install any packages.05:18
ThreatenAnd I disconnect and reconnect a lot.05:18
shawnboyMy Lucid just stopped booting. Freezes hard (only power button works) at Ubuntu logo before X login. Any help?05:18
sacarlsonThreaten: ok that's probly your realtek wifi device.05:18
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know what the fix in the 10.04.1?05:18
Threatenalright. anything I can do to improve that?05:19
zuspbarros,  thank you05:19
sacarlsonThreaten: can you browse in like firefox?05:19
sacarlsonThreaten: what error do you get in package install.  did you try apt-get update ?05:20
zuspbarros,  im thinking on going Kubuntu and dont know how my home folder will react to KDE from Gnome.05:20
Arulida<Arulida>  ombilin/sajadah mendukung intel GMA 500 ga gan? alnya laptop saya acer aspire one 1,33 GHz Intel GMA 500 hdd 250 gb ram 2 gb.. saya sudah pernah nyoba ubuntu dari 9.04 ampe 10.04 LTS, semuanya pasti pake resolusi 1024x768, yang harusnya khan 1366x768 fit on screen, kalo pake driver dari poulsbo ppa intel gma 500 bisa koq, tapi masalahnya kadang output videonya ngblank atu yang lebih parah lagi sound hilang padahal saya sudah install ubuntu-res05:20
Arulidatricted-extras?  karena masalah koneksi di tempat saya, saya ga bisa akses download ombilin, bisa ga blankon pake cara shipit dari ubuntu??05:20
ThreatenWell I am trying to re-install 2 packages (network-manager and gnome-network-manager or something like that) and it will not download the packages.05:20
sacarlsonThreaten: well that could be the package server.05:21
sacarlsonThreaten: you can change to another mirror site05:21
sacarlsonThreaten: how is the browser working?05:22
Threatensacarlson okay. Thank you. How do I do that?05:22
Threatenand the browser is not working.05:22
ThreatenI am still disconnecting. This same NIC doesn't disconnect like this in Windows though.05:22
sacarlsonThreaten: then try ping google.com again  also what site is not working did you try other sites in firefox?05:22
Threatenwell i tried google...05:22
sacarlsonThreaten: so network is down now?  ping yahoo.com?05:23
shawnboyLucid locks up  at logo before X login. Any ideas for diagnozsing and fixing this?05:23
Threateni am still trying to reconnect to my network.05:23
pbarroszus:  not sure there since I don't use Kubuntu.  I can't see it being to much of a problem though.  But just remember that firefox always generates a different name for the profile folder05:24
ubottuAutomount is the modern way to mount directories over a network. It is much easier to manage and  more economic in bandwidth than static mounts via fstab. For more info - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs05:24
ThreatenThis laptop im using to talk to you is on the same network, and hasnt lost connection yet.05:24
KaeporaHi, is anyone here a CISSP by any chance?05:24
cschneidI'm using apt-get in a script with no terminal attached, and it spews debug info about not being able to use frontends (dialog, then readline, then finally decides to go with teletype).  How can I give it a default frontend to avoid all that05:24
pbarrosYou'll need to paste the contents of the backed'up profile folder into the new one that firefox creates.  Or use the backup/import feature built into firefox05:25
Threatensacarlson, I can ping yahoo.05:25
ThreatenNow that I reconnected05:25
sacarlsonThreaten: well your most likly suspect is the realtek wifi device they have a history.  so I would try wired to verify that is the case.  if wire works then I would look at posibly install of anther wifi driver or try another kernel.05:25
maitrey Hi, I've tried it yesterday, but got no answer. So I'll try my luck once more. I've recently formatted ext. hdd seagate and I'm not able to set the permissions for more users (in whatever format -ext3,4,ntfs) - nothing works. Google is also somehow not useful. Please..05:25
zuspbarros,  i did not know that. i know readi it later keeps my bookmarks on web. neat little addon i cant use  FF without it. have it for chrome as well but i dont like chromes lookf and feel for it, i dont trsut it.05:25
Threatenanother wifi driver?05:25
sacarlsonThreaten: is ping slow?  if slow what is slow the look up of the name to number (called DNS)?05:26
maco!indonesia | Arulida05:26
ubottuArulida: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia05:26
i2cmy laptop has 0% battery left right now05:26
i2cwhy is it still on?05:26
i2cubuntu's battery detection is kinda wack on this laptop05:26
ThreatenWell pinging yahoo.com takes 76ms05:27
sacarlsonThreaten: well first you need to verify that wifi is the fault and yes if so upgrade the wifi driver note sometimes older drivers are better than new ones also05:27
Threatensacarlson, it also varies, it went down to 36ms, then up to 136ms05:27
ThreatenSo i could find an updated driver and install that?05:27
sacarlsonThreaten: those numbers are good05:28
sacarlsonThreaten: maybe try wget some file and verify the problem is not in the browser?05:28
Threatenand its still ok that I can't browse? im connected and pinging yahoo but I cant get to google.com05:28
ThreatenHow do I verify that?05:28
fotoflohi all, i have a ubuntu server question: is this the place to ask it?  I have a mediawiki server running on my server and i want to provide SFTP access to a directory with authentication based on the mediawiki username and password - is there a way to do this? how do i do it05:29
Threatenwell i can connect with google chrome05:29
sacarlsonThreaten: well first you need to find a file online that you want the wget http://thesite.com/thefile.something05:29
sacarlsonThreaten: oh so chrome is working?05:30
i2cmy laptop has 0% battery life right now, how can I recalibrate the ubuntu battery system?05:30
Threatenyes chrome will load pages05:31
sacarlsonThreaten: ok so firefox is broken not your network05:31
Soma_CruzI installed ubuntu on a separate partition on my harddrive..but I don't want it anymore how do I uninstall it?05:31
Threatenokay. so if i re installed firefox, it would work?05:31
sacarlsonThreaten: I'm not sure what's wrong with your firefox.  but you could give that a try.   oh maybe start a new account and login to it and run firefox in it.  it could be you changed some config in firefox that broke it.05:32
Threatenokay. will i be able to restore things using the install disk as well?05:33
sacarlsonThreaten: I don't know.  I always have connection when I install05:33
Threatenokay. thank you for your patience, but I have to go now.05:34
Threatenthanks for helping05:34
sacarlsonTheAnswer: no problem at least you part way there05:34
jellowi left fdisk reformating an sd card it has been going for 2 hours straight i think somthing is wrong05:35
coz_jellow,  how big is the the card?05:35
jellowcoz_: 8 gb05:35
Soma_Cruzum so is it possible to uninstall ubuntu from my harddrive?05:35
coz_Soma_Cruz,  sure it is05:36
nimbioticsI can see a flash of an error message on boot, just before GUI shows up. How can I see this error message?05:36
ELREYquestion is.. why would you want to uninstall ubuntu?05:36
coz_jellow,   this one i am not sure of  you may want to go to the ##linux channel and check there05:36
pbarrosSoma_Cruz:  yes it is.  do you also have another partition with windows on it?05:36
Soma_CruzYes I do pbarros05:36
nimbioticsI can see a flash of an error message on boot, just before GUI shows up. How can I see this error message?05:36
Soma_Cruzand I'm giving my laptop to my father and he's more of windows perons05:36
coz_Soma_Cruz, try foing into windows and format the linux paritions  or delete it05:37
nimbioticssorry, didnt mean to duplicate message05:37
coz_nimbiotics,   andything smb205:37
coz_nimbiotics,  did you see any part of the error message05:38
N4ck0hi all05:38
Soma_Cruzjust curious though..wouldn't that mess up the grub loader?05:38
pbarroscoz:  he may still have problems with the grub loader though05:38
nimbioticscoz_: only the word error05:39
_pg__I dont have a cursor anymore! even after I blasted it my install and now from a live cd i still dont have a cursor! Ive tried 4 mice! what can i DO?05:39
coz_nimbiotics,   "error probing  smb2" maybe?05:39
nimbioticscoz_: the issue with samba you mean? getting more complicated by the minute05:39
mkanatWow, Ubuntu starts up quickly.05:39
mkanatI like the coloring of the grep output, too.05:39
Soma_Cruzok I'll delete the partitions..05:40
nimbioticscoz_: i cant remember the word i saw, but it sound more like an issue with a drive05:40
coz_nimbiotics,  oh ok  ah   not sure you could try   pause break to see if it sticks that screen05:40
keithYeah my ubuntu loads in about 7 seconds05:40
pbarrosnimbiotics:  have you tried "ctrl-alt-f1"  while it's booting?05:40
pbarrosalso check dmesg05:40
keithWindows 7, about 20 seconds05:40
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coz__pg_,  whoa   that is not good05:41
pmarchhi guys, could someone tell me which software I could download to record audio on my pc?05:41
coz__pg_,  is it a usb mouse?05:41
coz_pmarch,   like  real recording     maybe ardour05:41
coz_pmarch,  or do you mean from a mic?05:41
pmarchok coz05:41
pmarchI'm new here on linx05:41
keithpmarch the software center usually has something good05:41
abhijit!manual | pmarch05:42
ubottupmarch: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:42
coz_pmarch,  ok   do you want to record from an instrument   or a microphone?05:42
pmarchno from whatever is playing on my system in audio... website sounds05:42
coz_pmarch,  ah ,,,,,mmmm05:42
pmarchOk thanks a lot05:42
nimbiotics_pbarros: its not while booting but after grub05:42
coz_pmarch,  hold on05:42
coz_pmarch,   look for  sound recorder under sound and video05:43
coz_pmarch,  I believe that can capture suond on the system05:43
DeanesHi guys, just wondering if anyone has used the maverick kernel backports with lucid?05:43
pmarchThis kubuntu for netbook is very different than what I used to see in ubuntu previous versions05:44
coz_pmarch,    Applications/  Sound and video/  sound recorder05:44
coz_pmarch,  oh you are on kde05:44
=== nimbiotics_ is now known as nimbiotics
SevithStupid question but which file and where do i edit to change my shell to only show the directory i am in and not the entire path05:44
coz_pmarch,  hold on05:44
macopmarch: hi i use kubuntu netbook05:44
pmarchNext time I will download ubuntu05:44
pmarchit's more user friendly05:44
pbarrosnimbiotics:  but after grub should be during the boot process05:44
macopmarch: what are you trying to find?05:44
pmarchoh something so I could record audio from the web05:45
pmarchstreaming audio05:45
SevithStupid question but which file and where do i edit to change my shell to only show the directory i am in and not the entire path05:45
keithHad a storm here knocked out my modem for a bit, along with my computer..tried to call home but wife doesn't know where to find the power button. Anyway spent almost two hours in Windows 7 reconfiguring my modem..Ubuntu never even missed a beat, booted correctly first time.05:45
macopmarch: hmm...is that something mplayer can do?05:45
pmarchdon't know at all05:45
pmarchsorry I'm new to linux05:46
pmarchgetting old I guess05:46
macopmarch: http://fosswire.com/post/2008/03/save-streaming-audio-and-video-as-a-file-with-mplayer/05:46
jimlovell777Someone gave me an HP touchsmart PC and I'm having trouble getting the display to work. It's a touchscreen (which does work) but the computer always boots into low graphics mode or not at all. I've tried the restricted nVidia drivers to no avail. Any suggestions? Google and the troubleshooting docs have thus far been unhelpful.05:46
SevithWhich file and where do i edit to change my shell to only show the directory i am in and not the entire path05:46
mkquistpmarch: a radio stream?05:46
nimbioticspbarros: guess u r rite, in just too tired of fighting with samba. will boot again and see what happens05:46
macoSevith: your ~/.bashrc i think05:46
shawnboyI'm reaching out for a life-line. Lucid stopped booting. Freezes before login screen.05:46
pmarchThe thing is in flash05:47
pmarchso all I can do really is to record the audio that plays on the computer05:47
mkquistpmarch: might wanna check for a flash-got plugin for your browser05:47
pmarchIn pc world, it would be coming out from 'what you hear'05:47
keithHP has some specific drivers for their touch screen. is the device manager showing the driver?05:47
pmarchyep, that was my second question05:47
macoSevith: see the PROMPT_COMMAND definition in there?05:47
Sevithmaco,  ok05:48
pmarchsudo apt-get install flash?05:48
Sevithmaco, im looking right now05:48
pbarrosSevith:  I think that is in your .bashrc file05:48
pmarchlet me check for flash-got05:48
pmarchthanks a lot gys05:48
coz_pmarch,  well  sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-restricted-extras  if you want flash05:48
jimlovell777I get the errors, "configuration found but no screens present", "You have an unusual laptop display, please report it", kernel panic --not syncing, attempted to kill init", "You don't appear to be using the nVidia xserver, as root type nvidia-xconfig" I can't figure this out and why is it always something different?05:48
coz_pmarch,  but that will also pull icedtea   and I am not sure you want that05:48
Sevithmaco,  Negative not in the bashrc05:49
Soma_Cruzhey coz I removed the partitions like you said05:49
Sevithpbarros, Negative not in bashrc05:49
pmarchok coz05:49
pmarchfor flash?05:49
coz_Soma_Cruz,  ok and were you able to boot into window also05:49
Soma_Cruzah no..05:49
SealedWithAKissWhy can't I enable advanced desktop effect in Ubuntu 10.04 when I have a decent graphics card?05:49
Soma_Cruzit won't boot anymore lol05:49
coz_pmarch,  yeah that will bring down  adobe flash05:49
coz_Soma_Cruz,  oh05:49
pmarchwhat's wrong with icedtea?05:49
keithI've worked on them with Windows 7 but not in Linux..have you checked the HP website to see if they have any support for Linux?05:50
coz_Soma_Cruz,  xp  vist  or windows 7?05:50
ThomasB2kSealedWithAKiss, do you have the proprietary drivers for your graphics card installed?05:50
Soma_CruzI have xp05:50
N4ck0SealedWithAKiss: what your graphic card05:50
pmarchOk let me download the restricted-extras first05:50
SealedWithAKissThomasB2k, I am using drivers that I obtained from the AMD website.05:50
coz_Soma_Cruz,  do you stll have the xp installation disk?05:50
SealedWithAKissN4ck0, ATI Radeon HD 4670.05:50
Soma_CruzYes I do...I gotta reinstall I'm guessing?05:51
coz_Soma_Cruz,   if you still have the installation  disk then look here to recover the bool lader for xp   http://www.ehow.com/how_4891476_reinstall-xp-bootloader.html05:51
pbarrosSevith:  hmm...   you are talking about your shell in terminal right?  let me look at mine05:51
SealedWithAKissThomasB2k, the basic drivers that Ubuntu installs were not allowing me to enable to advanced effects, that's why I decided to download and install the ones from AMD.05:51
Sevithpbarros, Yes05:51
ThomasB2kSealedWithAKiss, what about the ones in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers05:52
Sevithpbarros, I seen the PS1 Var right at the begging but it wont let me edit the var...where does it store PS1?05:52
Soma_Cruzok I'll give that a shot05:52
coz_Soma_Cruz,  that should work  well.... I would just write everything down there so you have it on hand05:52
SealedWithAKissThomasB2k, is displays the FGLRX driver which is currently disabled.05:53
coz_pmarch,  did you find something?05:53
pmarchcoz, I had to install my kubuntu here from windoze and I noticed that it didn't create me a ext 3 or ext 4 file system05:53
ThomasB2kI don't know, sorry :/05:53
abhinav_singhwhich is most popular email service ...yahoo,gmail,aol or hotmail?05:53
pmarchcoz it's downloading the extras05:53
pmarchright now05:53
ThomasB2kgmail, abhinav05:53
coz_pmarch,    ok   is this a wubi install ?05:54
songerhhelo how you doing?05:54
coz_pmarch,   is this a laptop or desktop?05:54
pmarchit's a netbook .. small laptop05:54
coz_pmarch,  ok that makes sense :)05:54
mneptokpmarch: you used Wubi?05:55
pmarchwhat is wubi?05:55
ThomasB2kwubi is the "windows program style" ubuntu05:55
coz_pmarch,  a way to install ubuntu onto a windows disk instead of its own partition essentially05:55
songeri have a question, if i install maverick alpha-3 when comes out the final vercion of ubuntu do i will to install ubuntu again?05:55
ThomasB2kUbuntu will actually install itself as a Windows program05:55
xanguasonger: yes05:56
ThomasB2kNo songer05:56
coz_songer,  if you are wise  yes...you want to download the actual release version05:56
xanguasorry, no songer05:56
pmarchI guess ubuntu would run faster if installed in its own native file system, right?\05:56
pmarchbecause this isn't very fast...05:56
coz_pmarch,  most likely and you would probably be much happier with it :)05:56
ThomasB2kSonger, it'd be better if you did install Ubuntu again. Apt upgrades don't always work too well.05:56
pmarchI have 2 GB05:56
mneptokcoz_: there will be no difference between installing from -final media and updating an alpha05:56
pmarchUnfortunately, I get errors when I do install it the normal way05:57
coz_mnemon,  my experience since day one  counters that but ok05:57
keithjimlovell777 I was able to look this link up about the touchsmart..maybe it'll help with your issue  http://www.touchsmartdevzone.com/article/1940/How-To-Install-Linux-on-HP-TouchSmart-tx2-1250/05:57
coz_pmarch,  ah ok05:57
pmarchI'll try to download the ubuntu version for netbook05:57
coz_pmarch,  do you remember any of the errors?05:57
ThomasB2k*Apt upgrades don't always work well if you're doing a dist upgrade, or even upgrading a lot of software.05:57
pmarchmaybe there's just bugs in kubuntu05:57
ThomasB2kOf course there's bugs in Kubuntu05:57
pmarchmmm well, there were two05:57
ThomasB2kThere's bugs in all Linux05:57
flowbee___ai cant hear audio out of my rear two speakers.  i have a sound blaster live card with 4.1 output05:58
coz_pmarch,   if you download the cd  make sure you check the disk for erros and also burn it at the slowest speed preferably 1x if possible05:58
pmarchthe first one was that I had to remove my pendrive out before going to the next step05:58
pmarchotherwise the installation would hang at 47%05:58
pbarrosSevith:  look for a line in .bashrc that has this    "PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ "05:58
macoSevith: ah its the PS1 variable05:58
pmarchI don't even have a CD rom here05:58
coz_flowbee,   open a terminal....    alsmixer      make sure non sliders are off or muted   if muted hit the keyboard lower case "m"  to unmute05:58
songerok ask because i', going to install ubuntu or xubuntu to my friend but almost the final maverick is coming out so05:58
XearoWould this be the right place to ask advice about how to get the xvid codec to run in chrome for Linux?05:59
pmarchI have to install from pendrive05:59
Sevithpbarros, Yeah I found it but  mine is a bit different I just commented out a few things and am messing with it now :) Thx05:59
macoSevith: oh you found that out already05:59
pbarroschange the lower case "w" to an uppercase W05:59
pmarchOk but it could be a good lead. Thanks05:59
macopbarros: too slow?05:59
coz_pmarch,  ah ok sorry05:59
pmarchAnd finally the other error was very extensive05:59
pbarrosyep :D05:59
macooh well id been wondering this a while too05:59
pmarchit told me sorry but the install crashed essentially05:59
robertwallsonger: Maverick is not stable at all right now. It's probably not a good idea to give it to your friend, unless you and/or him really enjoy fixing broken stuff.06:00
robertwallsonger: There's a reason why it isn't released yet :)06:00
keithsonger: You can upgrade easily from Ubuntu or Xubuntu to later distros06:00
etherealiteIf I install the FGLX package in the 10.4 repos can I expect a sucky experience with my Radeon X1900 XT?06:00
Some_PersonIs it possible to connect to an OpenSSH server and share the VPN over wifi?06:01
coz_etherealite,  not sure about ati  but I can show you the readout we use for compiz   ...    For 7000 to HD4xxx series cards, you can use the open source "radeon" driver. HD2xxx and later series cards are also supported by the proprietary "fglrx" driver.06:01
coz_pmarch,   I have "no" experience with netbooks at all06:02
coz_pmarch,  I have installe kubuntu netbook on my desktop a few times but that is a differetn procedure06:02
pmarchcoz_ thank you, the flash is working good!06:02
jimlovell777keith: thanks I'll give it a read.06:02
sacarlsonSome_Person: I would say yes.  but is the vpn server on the internet of is is local?  my local experience I found some complications in the local side.06:03
etherealitecoz_ whats the word on using the open source driver with an older card (2004 X1900 XT)06:03
samsunghi you all!06:03
Some_Personsacarlson: internet06:03
coz_etherealite, ` not really sure... I know far too little about ati to suggest anything other than that one post.... you could ask in #radeon channel though06:04
sacarlsonSome_Person: then sure why not?06:04
etherealitecoz_ thanx06:04
coz_etherealite,  no problem06:04
pmarchcoz_ so now, which apt would you suggest I download to record the flash audio?06:05
pbarrosetherealite:  actually with the older ati cards the opens source drivers are your only option now in 10.0406:06
pbarrosfrom what I understand06:06
pmarchIt would be nice if I could have the ability to stop recording after 1 or 2 hours automatically06:06
coz_pmarch,   well   again  not sure.... I believe kubuntu netbook uses  konqueror  for a browser yes??/06:06
pmarchcoz_ yes you are right but I downloaded chrome06:07
pmarchworks much better06:07
coz_pmarch,  it should yes but I dont know of any chrom plugins that will allow recording....06:07
pmarchmmm ok06:07
pmarchso it is browser related06:07
itsux2buwhat this mean?  "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place"06:08
Terminushello. i'm having trouble getting ldap to run. i'm getting the error "<olcDbIndex> failed startup". config is at http://pastebin.com/5RaRkFws anybody have any ideas?06:08
coz_pmarch,  well for me ... I use   video downloahelper for firefox06:08
pmarchI thought I could just download anything and it will record whatever plays on my ctr06:08
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coz_pmarch,  but firefox on netbook would probably be painfully slow06:08
IdleOneitsux2bu: it is post install configuration,nothing to worry about06:08
pmarchI don't think so...06:08
pmarchlet me check it out06:08
pmarchwill your software record only the audio tooo06:08
coz_pmarch,   I hate to say this but     google kubuntu desktop sound recording06:09
pmarchcoz_ Would your applet record the audio only?06:09
alexbevCan anyone help with properly installing a Hauppauge HVR-2200MCE on Ubuntu 64bit?06:09
coz_pmarch,  ah I havent tried that  let me check hold on06:09
prince_jammysTerminus: you may try also at #ldap06:09
pmarchcoz_ ok thanks06:09
z1lt0idHas anyone had much luck with any kernels above 2.6.32 with Lucid?06:09
macopmarch: what was wrong with the mplayer link i gave?06:10
macopmarch: it says it does audio & video...06:10
Terminusprince_jammys: thanks.06:10
coz_pmarch,  according to the preferences it does capture mp306:10
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pmarchOk let me try firefox06:11
macoive ripped mp3s out of flvs before06:11
coz_pmarch,  hold on06:11
coz_pmarch,  firefox is going to be a load on netbook is my guess06:12
macopmarch: http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/229/extract-audio-from-video-or-online-stream/06:12
pbarrosmaco:  just confirmed that the .bashrc change from w to W does work.  I know you said you were curious about that with the command prompt06:12
macopbarros: yep i changed it here06:13
coz_phaedra,  maybe vlc  would work06:13
pmarchthanks maco, let me check it out06:13
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coz_pmarch,  maybe vlc would work06:13
coz_phaedra,  sorry wrong nick06:13
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macocoz_: ff is pretty heavy for a netbook but not too awful... i can run ff, kmail, quassel all at once without using all the ram06:14
macocoz_: well then again i have 2 gb... that does get it pretty close to 1 for the load avg though06:14
coz_maco,  ok cool06:14
pmarchoh yes vlc06:14
macocoz_: i dont have 50 tabs open on here like i do on the main laptop, but 10? sure06:15
coz_pmarch,   look here    also    http://www.seoras.com/2008/05/26/how-to-record-streaming-audio-with-audacity-in-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron/06:15
pmarchcoz_ yes VLC good idea06:15
coz_pmarch,  try that link also for audacity06:15
pmarchapt-get install vlc?06:15
coz_pmarch,   that should work yes06:15
coz_pmarch,  but also read that link   http://www.seoras.com/2008/05/26/how-to-record-streaming-audio-with-audacity-in-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron/06:15
coz_pmarch,  its an older post though06:15
pbarrosdon't forget the sudo in front of it!  ;)06:15
coz_pmarch,  yes please  sudo apt-get install vlc06:16
coz_pmarch,  forget about audacity that is not  kde application06:16
pmarchthe suggestion from maco doesn't have a gui, it's all old style06:16
pmarchtomorrow I think I will try to install ubuntu for netbook instead06:17
XearoQuestion, How do I get video codecs I install (ex. xvid) to work with my web browsers?06:17
macocoz_: does it matter whether its a kde app? i use terminator & pidgin, and i'm a kde user/fan06:17
coz_pmarch,   you may want to go to the #kubuntu channel to see if they have a native application for recording streaming audio on kde06:17
macopmarch: dont like the search & launch?06:17
coz_maco,   well only if you are a purist...personally I use Edubuntu because it uses both kde and gnome libraies06:17
macocoz_: i have svn access in kde :P  i still prefer some gnome apps though. just use what works, regardless of target-DE06:18
itsux2buvlc require a gui?06:18
ssfdre38how do i get my ftp on my server to beable to upload06:18
coz_maco,    whatever  works :)06:18
mneptok!info vlc-nox06:18
ubottuvlc-nox (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer (without X support). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-1ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 2742 kB, installed size 7640 kB06:19
poi77Hi! I'm new to linux editors. I'm in VI -- using the -d option -- how do I switch between the side-by-side files?06:19
macossfdre38: install openssh-server and youll have ssh and sftp acess06:19
xanguaitsux2bu: you can use vlc with cli i believe06:19
macopoi77: ctrl+W followed by an arrow key06:19
poi77maco: Awesome! Thanks!06:19
ssfdre38and that will make it where i can upload maco?06:19
mneptokpoi77: why not get started with an easier editor? vi's learning curve can be steep.06:20
macossfdre38: yes, just sftp user@machine, put in password, and then "put filename"06:20
pmarchcoz_ looks like VLC is only a player, not a recorder06:20
pmarchmaco what is search & launch?\06:20
macopmarch: the menu thing that makes kubuntu netbook different from regular kubuntu... where you have the favourites at top and categories at bottom and a search bar in the middle06:21
SwedeMikepmarch: vlc can record/stream as well.06:21
sikilpaakehow can i mount a truecrypt drive that's on a samba share?06:21
XearoQuestion, How do I get video codecs I install (ex. xvid) to work with my web browsers?06:21
coz_pmarch,  o0   mmm let me check hold on06:21
ssfdre38what is the sudo to install it to the server?06:22
macossfdre38: sudo apt-get install openssh-server06:22
pbarrosmneptok:  true, but once you learn vi it can some times be faster than having to use a mouse to make edits.06:23
pmarchmaco oh yes, I hate this search06:23
poi77mneptok: Any suggestions?06:23
duanerousselleHello, I am trying to edit a book for an internet archive in the newest openoffice. Does anybody know if there is a way to turn all italics to <em>STRING</em> and all of the footnotes to [1] FOOTNOTE_HERE ?06:23
coz_pmarch,     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135429006:23
mneptokpoi77: ne06:23
z1lt0idWhat is the difference between the mainline kernels and the backported maverick kernels out of curiosity?06:23
mneptokpoi77: it's drop-dead simple to use.06:23
xanguaXearo: installing them should be enought06:23
Delvienz1lt0id: are you running lucid atm?06:23
poi77mneptok: Thanks, will look into this!\06:23
coz_pmarch,  older post but it should offer some insight06:23
z1lt0idDelvien: That is correct06:24
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macopmarch: ah well maybe give normal kubuntu UI a try then. systemsettings -> workspace lets you pick between desktop & netbook06:24
pmarchSwedeMike would you mind telling me how to record from VLC?06:24
Delvienz1lt0id: maverick kernels are for 10.10, and not 10.04 as you are using, it would be a bad idea to install them :)06:24
Xearoxangua: I read the INSTALL file and done everything it said including the linking and it said everything was successful and then I go back to the website to watch the xvid movie and it says I still mee the codec06:25
z1lt0idDelvien: Even though they are backported for the official kernel PPA.  Out of curiosity why is it bad to upgrade the kernel?06:25
Delvienpmarch google would be your best friend for that sort of question06:25
* kakoi voltou: [bt] duração: 2hrs 3mins 58secs06:25
maitrey Hi, I've tried it yesterday, but got no answer. So I'll try my luck once more. I've recently formatted ext. hdd seagate and I'm not able to set the permissions for more users (in whatever format -ext3,4,ntfs) - nothing works. Google is also somehow not useful. Please..06:25
pbarrospoi77:  why did you start using VI in the first place?  do you have to do most your editing via the command line?06:25
xanguaXearo: what install file¿ did you install restricted-extras¿06:26
Delvienz1lt0id:  well for one, none of the modules in lucid are built for maverick kernels. You probably would not be able to start X, some drivers, network prolly wouldnt work, etc.06:26
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XearoI downloaded the linux codec from xvid.org and done the ./configure, make and make install06:26
DelvienXearo: did you restart your browser?06:27
lonejackdoes anyone know why jdk has been removed from repo(10.4)?06:27
DelvienXearo: and did you do "make install" or "sudo make install"?06:27
Aerecwhats a good torrent client for ubuntu?06:27
Xearosudo make install06:27
Delvienlonejack: good question. I would assume its due to oracle :P06:28
XearoAnd yes I restarted my browser06:28
coz_Aerec,  transmission06:28
z1lt0idDelvien:  Ah that is a very good point.  Just have to wait till 10.10 to use that kernel build then.  I did try a mainline kernel update of .35 and i got some bizarre error messages, mainly with mountall.. it wouldn't mount my drives properly.  Must be a Plymouth thing06:28
XearoAnd I tried it in Chrome and Firefox06:28
coz_Aerec,  its already installed06:28
shawnboycoz_, I'm not stalking you.  :)  just happen to be back. I've looked at more logs and tried couple things. Lucid still freezes. Do you know what it means that the last kern.log stops hard after load kernel line?06:28
z1lt0idAerec:  You could try Vuze as well but it is a little bloaty, but tons of fantastic features.06:28
DelvienAerec: Transmission and Deluge are both good ones. Transmission comes default06:28
coz_shawnboy,  oh man still issues ?   yikes06:28
Aerecvuze can suck me06:28
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z1lt0idAelec: Deluge is good reminds me uTorrent06:28
Delvienutorrent is coming to linux soon btw06:29
coz_shawnboy,  did you reinstall lucid?06:29
z1lt0idAelec: If you can wait a bit longer uTorrent will be available for linux06:29
shawnboycoz_, I removed nomodeset & apic. no good.06:29
z1lt0idDelvien: You beat me06:29
xanguaXearo: uninstall what you have installed and better install: ubuntu-restricted-extras06:29
coz_Aerec,  vuze  is not nice :)06:29
Delvienz1lt0id:  :)06:29
Aerec<3 utorrent06:29
LucidFoxGreetings! When trying to use an Audigy SB Live sound card in Lucid, the device is identified, but all I get is static noise.06:29
shawnboynope. hoping to try to rescue this one if possible.06:29
LucidFoxAny iedas?06:29
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coz_shawnboy,  oh man.... mmm  not sure what to say at this point06:29
coz_LucidFox,  did you c heck in alsamixer?06:29
z1lt0idLucidFox: I find that the inputs are all weird of Sound Blaster cards in Linux06:30
coz_LucidFox,   open a terminal   tyep    alsamixer06:30
lonejackDelvien, is it no longer free?06:30
Xearook, I will try that now06:30
shawnboycoz_, ok. well, thought I'd ask. looks like from kern.log a hard freeze is happening when tries to load kernel, but that is way over my head to diagnose.06:30
z1lt0idLucidFox: But try alsamixer as well, I had to change around my inputs.06:30
LucidFoxcoz_> I have lots and lots of channels in alsamixer06:30
coz_shawnboy,  when does this freeze up on you?06:30
DelvienLucidFox: go to sound options, then the output tab, and play with the "connector" drop down, see if one of those work for you, other than that, make sure you have your volume up past 25%06:30
z1lt0idLucidFox: With my x-fi the rear and middle speakers are in different inputs compared to windows.  I hate getting behind my computer to change that06:31
coz_LucidFox,  same here   but make sure none are turned down or muted06:31
Delvienlonejack: I'm not sure if I understand your question06:31
moskKhow can I make a fake reverse to a domain?06:31
shawnboycoz_, with Lucid logo in middle of screen.06:31
moskKporn.com >
coz_shawnboy,  yikes06:31
coz_shawnboy,   how old is this install?06:31
shawnboycoz_, yeah. weird thing is I wasn't doing any "risky" stuff on the system lately.06:32
LucidFoxDelvien> I don't see any connector dropdown on the output tab06:32
DelvienmoskK lets not have any of that please :)06:32
goofriderhi all, can someone help me with getting PAM to authenticate via LDAP in Lucid06:32
coz_shawnboy,  did you say this was a fairly new install ?06:32
reggi_audoes anyone know anything about "RAID 1"? We're having a minor dissagreement here and I think I'm06:32
DelvienLucidFox: it's right below the balance slider06:32
shawnboycoz_, Gosh, installed when Lucide officially released, been updating regularly ever since.06:32
coz_shawnboy,  oh ok06:32
reggi_audoes anyone know anything about "RAID 1"? We're having a minor disagreement here in the office about a technical point (in which i think I'm right)06:33
coz_shawnboy, mmm  do you use  PPA 's  of any kind?06:33
coz_reggi_au,  not off hand but you could try the ##linux channel :)06:33
shawnboycoz_, yes. Trying to remember what PPA's I messed with last.06:33
LucidFoxDelvien> It's called the Russian word for "Channel", the only options I see there are "No Amplifier" and "Amplifier"06:33
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LucidFoxit's set to "Amplifier" now06:33
reggi_aucool thanks coz06:33
shawnboycoz_, nothing comes to ming specifically from lately.06:34
coz_shawnboy,  gimp ppa maybe?06:34
coz_shawnboy,  xorg-edgers ppa?06:34
DelvienLucidFox: I'm at a loss then on all of my machines I've never had anything say amp06:34
ubuntuрусский чат06:34
lonejackDelvien,  I thought jdk was no more free software... But on sun site it is possible download jdk. So it's quite strange that jdk isn't present on repo..06:34
shawnboycoz_, I don't remember doing gimp ppa, standard is good enough. Def not edgers.06:34
bazhangubuntu, #ubuntu-ru06:34
Delvienlonejack: i see, jdk is still free software, but oracle is changing alot of suns stuff, so I was just saying it could be that06:35
coz_shawnboy, mm  sometimes  ppa 's have versions of libraries  that can conflict with the current install  I am hoping this did not happen to you06:35
ssfdre38hey maco what is the sudo for sftp?06:35
shawnboyI do have previous kernel listing in grub. haven't tried yet because I'm trying to preserve log files of broken system, but may be time to try.06:35
macossfdre38: er...what?06:35
macossfdre38: i thought when you said that before that you meant "whats the command to install it?" and i said "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" .... is that not what you wanted?06:36
coz_shawnboy,   understood06:36
shawnboycoz_, I just thought... I can glance at my sources.list to see PPAs.06:36
ssfdre38you said that i need sftp as well06:36
Delvienmaco I think he wants to know how he uses sftp in terminal, and has his terminology confused.06:36
macossfdre38: that package includes ssh and sftp06:36
ssfdre38ohh ok06:36
coz_shawnboy,  that would be good but I believe you can also view log files via live cd  if I am not mistaken06:36
ActionParsnipssfdre38: ssh is a swissarmyknife of abilities06:37
LucidFoxBy the way06:37
LucidFoxthe background noise only appears when I don't try to play sound06:37
gary_inNYChow can i set my touchpad to trigger navigate forward/back (alt-left/right) actions?  i'm on a Thinkpad T40 laptop.06:37
LucidFoxwhen I do, it just mutes completely06:37
DelvienLucidFox: what is your volume at?06:37
z1lt0idArghhh still waiting for the XBMC repos to go back to normal.06:37
z1lt0idsigh ;)06:38
goofriderhi all, can someone help me with getting PAM to authenticate via OpenLDAP in Lucid?06:38
coz_LucidFox,  mmm  have you checked in #pulseaudio or #alsa channels?06:38
LucidFoxin alsamixer, master is at 91%06:38
macogary_inNYC: enable horizontal scrolling in touchpad preferences, then edit your browser's config for that06:38
macogary_inNYC: if youre using firefox, thats in about:config06:38
lonejackDelvien, my problem is that I use the netbeans+php. I understand that I can install it from repo with(Openjdk) but I don't know how to set the php-netbans...06:38
Delvienmaco horiz scrolling got borked in lucid for most touchpads btw.06:38
ActionParsnipgary_inNYC: you could configure the screen edges to do it but you will lose the ability to drag windows from cube side to cube side (I assume you use a full compiz)06:38
macoDelvien: oh. well if the driver's broken there's nothing you can do about that06:39
jamiewanLucidFox: pcm levels?06:39
macoDelvien: er...other than submit a patch :)06:39
Delvienlonejack: THat's greek to me man :C06:39
shawnboywell, coz_ I think I'm done for tonight. Thank you for taking a stab at it with me.06:39
Delvienmaco canonical is working on a fix. slloooooooooooooooooooooooowly06:39
coz_shawnboy,  I am interested in the soluton to ghis06:39
LucidFoxjamiewan> All at 100% in alsamixer, trying to change PCM below 100% drops master instead06:39
riisI find myself having to "echo disable > /proc/acpi/ibm/bluetooth" on every boot, is there a config somewhere that I can set it permanently, or should/can I rebuild the appropriate kernel module withot BT support?06:39
coz_shawnboy,  this   if you find one let me know06:39
ActionParsnipriis: add it to /etc/rc.local ,above the exit 0 line06:40
shawnboycoz_, will do.06:40
jamiewanLucidFox: whats the main prob only just got on missed it06:40
ActionParsnipriis: it will also run as root :)06:40
riisActionParsnip: would it be possible to disable it in the module itself?06:40
Delvienriis: you can remove the module so it doesnt run06:40
riisguess that's a per-module thing really06:40
LucidFoxjamiewan> No sound on an Audigy SB Live, just background noise06:41
riisDelvien: I think it's the thinkpad_acpi mod or something, so that might not be desireable as I'll lose other features too06:41
ActionParsnipriis: you could with module options in /etc/modprobe.d ,just make a new file ending in .conf and add the option line06:41
riisI already blacklist btusb and bluetooth06:41
rystraumHi guys, is there a way to convert a GPT to MBR under Ubuntu Live USB? And, if possible, without needing to clear out that particular disk?06:41
jamiewanLucidFox: white noise?06:42
ActionParsnipriis: you will add: option modulename something ,just change the something to the option. The rest will be the same06:42
riisActionParsnip: yeah tried that, but couldn't figure out the syntax. I guess I need to know exactly which module "hosts" /proc/acpi/ibm/bluetooth, how to do that?06:42
LucidFoxjamiewan> It's most obvious when I move the mouse, temporarily disappears when I press Enter on my keyboard, and disappears completely when I try to play audio06:42
Delvienriis what model of laptop do you own?06:43
riisLenovo thinkpad06:43
Delvienmodel number?06:43
ActionParsnipriis: lsmod ,will list the modules and you can play from there. I'd just go for the rc.local file as you will hit the gold immediately06:43
chemical-deathrystraum:  there is a way ...try this...http://greg.agiletortoise.com/2008/09/08/converting-gpt-partition-to-mbr-for-vista/06:43
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jamiewanLucidFox: mate thats weird, i dont know prob go over all the channels make sure the correct boxes check and unchecked06:44
LucidFoxI'm not your mater06:44
LucidFox* mate06:44
ActionParsnipLucidFox: is it a create audigy something06:45
DelvienLucidFox: he was just being friendly06:45
LucidFoxI tried setting different muted channels to 100% in alsamixer06:45
LucidFoxwith no result whatsoever06:45
riisActionParsnip: will that setting be applied immediately when the mod loads or "later"? (I hate BT with a vengance so want to kill it as hard as possible :) )06:45
LucidFoxActionParsnip> Yes, it is06:45
pmarchcos_ I'm now trying to play the website in Firefox, which addon would you recommend I download for playing flash ? Gecko, Totem, VLC or gxine?06:45
ActionParsnipriis: after everything, just before login prompt shows up06:45
jamiewanalsm funny sometimes and thats prob and understatement, but i found some things need to be on for it to work in my system anyway, like capture switches and other things.06:45
xorwhyHow do I enter a directory path into Nautilus with the keyboard?06:46
ActionParsnipLucidFox: thought so, those things are a pain to get nice. Not worth it.06:46
coz_pmarch,  you already have flash installed06:46
coz_pmarch,  isnt it showing up in firefox?06:46
ActionParsnipxorwhy: there's a hack in gconf-editor which is a boolean, switches from folder things to text.06:46
LucidFoxActionParsnip> Well, I wouldn't bother buying, but it's my work computer, and apparently it either doesn't have built-in sound or it's not connected06:47
xorwhyah ok, thanks06:47
gary_inNYCok, so I was able to set the backspace button to nav back in Firefox, but how about setting swipe hotspots on a touchpad to navigate back/forward in Nautilus & Firefox?06:47
coz_pmarch,  go to youtube.com and play one of the videos06:47
pmarchnope, it wants me to download one of those add ons06:47
johnathanis the a ubuntu console that one can install on a windows machine to allow one access to the server with out having to have a mouse, keyboard and a monitor connected?06:47
jamiewanLucidFox: but when you get it it is worth it, has been for me works great no dramas06:47
riisOkay, off for a reboot to test this06:47
pmarchlet me check (youtube06:47
coz_pmarch,  if that works   then flash is working06:47
LucidFoxjamiewan> I'm not an audiophile, I probably wouldn't even hear any difference06:47
ActionParsnipLucidFox: true, some people have had luck switching back to OSS06:47
LucidFoxDon't suggest that. Ever.06:47
riisActionParsnip: btw. I just threw it in a file thinkpad.conf, but the system will read all *.conf from there right? I don't have to add it somewhere?06:48
LucidFoxOn an unrelated note06:48
ActionParsnipgary_inNYC: you could use gestures to go back and forward in browser. There are packages for that sort of stuff06:48
LucidFoxwhy is the volume level in the indicator displayed as greater than in sound properties?06:49
ActionParsnipriis: they will all be read, yes06:49
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riisActionParsnip: thanks!06:49
billis this the nerd server ?06:49
coz_gary_inNYC,  if you want to use gestures systemically install easystroke06:49
xorwhyActionParsnip: you don't by chance know the name of the key I'm looking for?06:49
jamiewanLucidFox: prob one is master and the other pcm06:49
bazhang!ot | bill06:49
ubottubill: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:49
ActionParsnipxorwhy: not sure. There are guides around though06:50
spaceghost_anyone know how to fix tsclient not having a gnome border? I don't have compiz on. screenshot: http://i37.tinypic.com/2506kch.jpg06:50
pmarchcos_ yes youtube works06:50
gary_inNYCic, i'll check the repos06:50
demon1981hi all))) how I can rollback changes after apt-get upgrade?06:50
pmarchbut not this website I am trying to listen from06:50
xorwhyAh i found it06:50
xorwhy"Always use location entry"06:51
jamiewanLucidFox: open the sound gui and then adjust the vol on the indicator and see what moves06:51
coz_spaceghost_,  that screenshot shows borders :)06:51
spaceghost_not on the tsclient window06:51
johnathanis the a ubuntu console that one can install on a windows machine to allow one access to the server with out having to have a mouse, keyboard and a monitor connected?06:51
LucidFoxjamiewan> they move together, but the indicator one displays a greater value, it's at 100% while the dialog one still has some distance to go06:52
LucidFoxalthough the dialog also displays 100%, huh06:52
coz_spaceghost_,  which paint app is that ? :)  sorry not about issue06:52
spaceghost_coz_: the paint app is paint from windows 7, which is what my tsclient is connected to06:53
coz_spaceghost_,  ah gotcha06:53
pmarchcos_ ok I installed gecko and it works now06:54
pmarchcos_ now looking for a plugin that will allow me to record ouf06:55
coz_pmarch,   ouf?06:56
pmarchsorry coz, not cos06:56
pmarchouf... means in french... what a work06:56
pmarchor something like that06:56
z1lt0idI'm having issues with Conky disappearing occasionally, has anyone else had this issue before?06:56
coz_pmarch,  generally if you type the firs 2 or 3  letters of somones name then hit the tab button it will complete the name allerting that person:)06:56
BiggFREEyes it is ... pmarch06:57
coz_pmarch,  entendu06:57
BiggFREEI am speaking french06:57
coz_pmarch,  je compris06:58
=== Zero is now known as Guest45420
coz_pmarch,  it is nearly 2am here I need to get to bed06:58
etherealiteSo now that there is no xorg.conf, how do we configure X?06:58
coz_pmarch,  good luck on this ../... I am sure others can lend a hand for you :)06:58
RummageDoes anyone know about issues concerning wireless portals? - I know I'm to ask the question directly, but it's a long question.06:59
jamiewanLucidFox: get the gnome-alsa mixer it shows more options and channels07:00
chemical-deathz1lt0id: try "conkyrc" conf file there is a setting "use_own_window" switch it to "no" maybe it helps07:00
billmc cd doesn't open anymore07:00
billmy cd07:00
billit is stuck07:00
billhwo do i get it out07:00
FloodBot4bill: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:00
=== Guest45420 is now known as sdfkjasdkfjwer
Gneabill: press the button07:00
Gneabill: after you unmount it07:01
billmy cd is in the cd player but i pressed the button07:01
=== sdfkjasdkfjwer is now known as z
billwhat horse from ?07:01
Gneait needs to be unmounted first, then it will open07:01
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Gneabill: this is your first time using Linux/Ubuntu?07:01
=== Zero_0xfffff is now known as Zero_BOF
z1lt0idchemical_death: cheers i'll try that07:01
=== Zero_BOF is now known as Zero_fffff
billso did i lose my cd07:02
billdid ubuntu eat it ?07:02
Gneaa little known fact about Linux is that, when you want to read any device, be it a hard drive, cdrom, flash driver, etc, it needs to be mounted to a directory first07:02
=== Zero_fffff is now known as Zero_0xfffff
moawiai hear ubuntu gets hungry07:02
Gneain the case of a cdrom, when it is mounted, it locks the drive so that the disc can't be ejected accidentally during a read07:02
spaceghost_if I fixed a problem and there aren't any topics on it, can I post it on the forums for posterity? like [solved] blah?07:02
moawia<~~~ aka darth_tux71 on neighbors puter on a fresh install07:02
RummageBill: Right click its icon on the desktop (there should be one given most setups), select unmount.07:03
Gneathat way if you bump the button while watching a movie, for instance, it won't stop and eject the disc07:03
billhow does it come out07:03
billgreat idea07:03
billbut not right now07:03
bazhang!enter | bill07:03
ubottubill: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:03
Gneawell, first you need to unmount the disc - start by opening up Places->Computer07:03
xorwhyWhats a good little ftp program I can use to upload web files to my web server?07:04
Gneaor look for the CDROM disc icon on your desktop07:04
etherealiteSo now that there is no xorg.conf, how do we configure xorg??07:04
Gnearight-click on the CDROM disc icon, select 'unmount'07:04
etherealitexorwhy fillzilla07:04
billok found it07:04
pmarchcos_ thank you very much07:04
pmarchgood night07:04
z1lt0idchemical-death: that just made it disappear permanently07:04
billyes i have selected it07:04
xorwhyetherealite: k07:04
mneptokxorwhy: are you using GNOME?07:04
Gneabill: if all goes well, you should now be able to press the button and have it eject, if it didn't give any error messages07:05
RummageCaptive portals, anyone? Failing in that, the 'i agree' page before you can freely use wi-fi?07:05
chemical-deathz1lt0id: did you restart the conky thing?07:05
z1lt0idi did07:05
billit works07:05
xorwhymneptok: yes, i tried nautilus, it says it can't handle the ftp protocol?07:05
z1lt0idchemical-death: i did07:05
billnow i'm gonna install windows07:05
* moawia still remembers having to read about mount umount in the manual07:05
billthis is awefull07:05
billbut thanks07:05
FloodBot4bill: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:05
Gneawhatever suits you07:05
Gneagood luck07:05
chemical-deathz1lt0id: no prob switch it back to "yes"07:05
Gnealook: stop.07:05
bazhanglook, stop that07:05
xorwhymount unmount is still quite relevant07:05
z1lt0idchemical-death: i think it might be something to do with compiz.  do you want me to paste my conkyrc to pastebin so you can look at it07:05
mneptokxorwhy: it certainly does. use "Connect to server" from the "Places" menu07:05
excess^|homeWow! This Pandora icon looks terrible on the top panel. Anyone know how to fix it?07:06
Gneapeople have a right to their choice, it is disrespectful to try to dissuade someone who has already made up their mind07:06
chemical-deathz1lt0id: try this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/conky-disappears-after-i-click-anywhere-else-on-desktop-help-needed-724058/07:06
xanguaexcess^|home: no idea what are you talking about07:06
PrinnyIt's a shame that not being able to eject his disc discouraged him from Linux. Hopefully he'll give it a try again later.07:06
PrinnyI know it took me forever to make the plunge myself.07:06
GneaPrinny: I'm willing to bet it's a bunch of other things, and the disc issue was just the icing on the cake.07:07
RummageOkay, regardless: I can ping the gateway server but I cannot reach the captive portal system on a wireless network. Ideas?07:07
xorwhyCannot connect to server. You must enter a name for the server.07:07
Gneahe could have also been BSing us :)07:07
xorwhyThat's stupid there is only one input box.07:07
_BEASTRummage: WHAT ?07:07
Loneclockpoem time...anyone like my poem http://pastebin.com/516NPzaT07:07
pbarrosGnea:  I'm going to bet that was the case :D07:07
PrinnyEither of those two possibilities could be true, Gnea.07:07
bazhangLoneclock, wrong channel07:07
majdekalel_hello guys07:08
Loneclockbazhang, which channel?07:08
robertwallLoneclock: #ubuntu-offtopic07:08
majdekalel_nice to see you07:08
PrinnyHowdy, majdekalel_.07:08
_BEASTLoneclock: #pkill-907:08
majdekalel_howdy !!07:08
Gneapbarros: anything's possible, but maybe he'll feel likely to give it another shot sometime now :)07:08
Rummage_Beast: As I say. I connect to a wireless network, no captive portal appears. I use the windows partition to get the address of the portal system and the ip of the gateway server. I try inputting the portal address, an apparently hanging 'looking up. . .' from firefox. Pinged the gateway server, that immediately responds. Try inputting the IP into firefox, it attempts to connect for a moment before telling me the connection has timed out or so.07:09
chemical-deathz1lt0id: another one which helps maybe as well http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129037107:09
majdekalel_hi Prinny are you good in ubuntu server stuff ?07:09
majdekalel_i have a question07:09
PrinnyI'm afraid not. =( But I'm sure someone here is.07:09
sacarlsondoes ubuntu or even linux have a way to print bank checks like with E13-B MICR fonts?  I think I found the font just need something that will print one check.  I even tried windows and fail to find a free one07:09
PrinnyJust post your question and hopefully someone will be able to answer.07:09
xorwhymneptok: Does not work. Only two input boxes. One for bookmark. Other for location. After hitting OK, error: You must enter a name for the server"07:09
excess^|homexangua, look http://yfrog.com/nfscreenshotlep07:09
_BEASTRummage:  Are you using a proxy ?07:09
majdekalel_ok can i build domain controller on ubuntu like in that exist in windows server 2003 ?07:10
shawnboyWhat's the tar command to tgz all files in current dir without going into sub directories?07:10
Rummage_Beast: I should hope not. This is a public wi-fi node and I've got a clean 10.04 install.07:10
pmarchdoes anyone here would know how to record any sound that comes from my computer under mp3?07:10
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mneptokxorwhy: is this a public (anonymous) FTP server?07:10
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_BEASTRummage:  Hmm07:10
xorwhymneptok: it has a public ftp://foo address, if that answers the questions07:11
mneptokxorwhy: i suggest you look *carefully* at the "Connect to server" dialog box and make selections carefully.07:11
xorwhyService type, Custom Location.07:11
_BEASTRummage: could be the wifi07:11
xorwhyThis is the only available selection.07:11
Rummage_Beast: This is a problem on two different wi-fi nodes.07:11
majdekalel_ ok can i build domain controller on ubuntu like in that exist in windows server 2003 ?07:11
mneptokxorwhy: and ftp:// is implied by the connection type. just put an address.07:11
RummageOne run by a corporation, one by the government.07:12
_BEASTRummage: different subnets07:12
_BEASTRummage: k07:12
_BEASTRummage: obviously for a portal07:12
_BEASTRummage: what is the error message ? when it times out ?07:13
xorwhythis isnt going to work07:13
z1lt0idchemical-death: i'll look into thanks07:13
RummageStandard Firefox error message for timeout. Check you can connect to the internet, firewalls, that sort of thing.07:13
joschimajdekalel_: you'll probably have to wait until samba 4 will be released -> http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba4/HOWTO07:14
_BEASTRummage: hmm, you try to run nmap and find some open ports and see if you can connect ? Wait its a portal07:14
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joschimajdekalel_: there's also a similar project for linux: freeIPA (http://freeipa.org/), but it's not compatible to AD07:15
_BEASTRummage: do you have a smart phone07:15
RummageNo, unless you count the Rant in that (I don't).07:15
demon1981hi all How I can list all packages installed in my 10.04 with versions?07:15
ZykoticK9!clone | demon198107:16
ubottudemon1981: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate07:16
robertwalldemon1981: dpkg -l07:16
_BEASTRummage: did you try wget ?07:16
Rummage_Beast: Hadn't heard of it until you mentioned it. And, I'm sorry to say we're going to have to run off of theory for now.07:17
demon1981ZykoticK9: that it means?07:17
_BEASTRummage: ?07:17
tech-mikesup peeps....how can i change mouse wheel scroll sensitivity?07:18
majdekalel_thank you joschi07:18
_BEASTRummage: you lose connectivity ?07:18
RummageThat is, I appreciate the next step is to tell me to try wget, but I can't as I'm not at the node and indeed completely out of wifi range.07:18
_BEASTRummage: War driving ?07:18
excess^|homeWhy do when I connect through VNC Viewer to my home Ubuntu screen, I am able to login however not able to interact with the system?07:18
_BEASTRummage: Well if you are completely out of range and you are using two different wifi nodes my first inclination would be that you are war driving , just my 2 cents07:20
dubeyi am running ppp connection using USB Data Card on linux, and sharing that connection to other laptops using wirless AP using iptables. Everyone is able to use internet But they are not able to ping AP & linux box and Linux box is also not able to ping AP and any laptops07:20
RummageI don't know what war driving is. I'm connecting to a library and an internet cafe for these tests.07:20
_BEASTRummage: Gottcha07:21
_BEASTdubey: that is a high tech question07:21
RummageNow looking at wget's man pages, it appears the idea behind it is to manhandle spotty connections, which, whilst cool, is really not the idea. I'm going to university in. . . *checks time* eight days now, and they have a portal system on campus.07:22
dubeywhat does it mean ?07:22
_BEASTdubey: how do you pronounce that du bay  or du bee?07:22
dubeydu bay07:22
_BEASTdubey: I can only help you if if it is dubee sorry ;)07:23
dubeyanyone else ?07:24
etherealiteSo now that there is no xorg.conf, how do we configure X?07:24
_BEASTdubey: How do you have your iptables configured ?07:24
_BEASTRummage: What campus ?07:25
_BEASTRummage: G00d school07:26
dubey_BEST :  http://pastebin.com/9CDKM8AD07:26
RummageWell, thanks, but it's going to suck if I can't get onto the bloody wifi.07:27
_BEASTRummage: what do you mean you are connected right now im sure that the issue will be resolved the  portal could be down07:27
RummageThis is my tower computer.07:28
RummageOn a modem connection.07:28
RummageOn XP.07:28
mneptokRummage: who makes the wifi chipset in your machine?07:28
_BEASTgood call07:28
RummageRealtek 8172 to be precise.07:29
mneptokRummage: laptop or desktop?07:29
_BEASTdubee: I do not see where that affects your AP points07:29
mneptokRummage: embedded, cardbus, PCI-E ...?07:30
_BEASTOh wait a tower07:30
mneptok_BEAST: do try to keep up, dear :P07:30
* Rummage facedesks07:31
RummageThere are two machines. The one I am communicating with is an XP tower computer that will not be coming with me.07:31
RummageThe one I am working on is an Ubuntu laptop which will.07:31
mneptokRummage: is the Realtek embedded or an add-in card of some type?07:31
_BEASTso your wifi is embedded07:31
RummageIt came with the laptop.07:31
_BEASTRummage: iwconfig output07:32
mneptokRummage: my laptop came with WiFI, and it's a Mini PCI-E half-height add-in card07:32
RummageWell, it came installed and functional on W7. A toshiba satellite.07:32
RummageI don't see any wireless card ports on it :|07:33
_BEASTRummage: iwconfig output07:33
_BEASTRummage: terminal type iwconfig output07:33
_BEASTRummage: terminal type iwconfig then tell me the output07:33
RummageI'm trying.07:33
RummageWhat are you looking for? I have to manually type it to you.07:33
_BEASTRummage: what does it say when you type iwconfig07:34
therealpxcif only it was easy for a newbie to start a read-only screen session and share read access to a terminal over IRC... I guess 'til then we have the pastebin07:35
therealpxc(it's still a viable option for anyone who wants to try it, but it can't be a default recommendation)07:35
Rummagetherealpxc: The laptop and the communicating computer are separate. I have to manually type up the output, pastebin or no.07:36
_BEASTRummage: terminal type iwconfig output07:36
_BEASTRummage: terminal type iwconfig07:36
Rummagelo and eth0 both have nothing. wlan0 has 802.11bgn nickname:"rtl8191seva2" (weird since I know this is 8172, but the driver is 8192SE, this is supposed to function) Mode:managed frequency=2.412Ghz Access point: Not-Associated Bit Rate: 300MB/s Retry: on RTS thr: off Fragment thr:off Power Management: off07:36
_BEASTRummage: perfect07:36
RummageDon't want the rest, then?07:37
_BEASTRummage: no you can give the rest07:37
_BEASTRummage: but your wifi is working07:37
RummageLink Quality=10/100 Signal level=0 dbm Noise level=-100 dbm Rx invalid nwid:0 rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:007:38
RummageThat's all of it.07:38
therealpxcRummage: the two things you generally need to check for WiFi connectivity are whether or not you're associated (iwconfig) and if you have an IP address (ifconfig). You might also want to check your default gateway (route) or nameservers (cat /etc/resolv.conf), but probably not.07:38
RummageI'm willing to try anything at this point.07:39
RummageOn ifconfig, would that be the HWAddr?07:39
therealpxcI missed some of the earlier conversation. What are the symptoms? An apparent connection, but no actual connectivity?07:39
therealpxcUnder ifconfig, it's the "inet addr"07:39
Rummagetherealpxc: Can ping the gateway server of a wi-fi node, but can't connect to it for the portal page.07:40
therealpxchave you tried multiple browsers?07:40
RummageI only have an inet addr output for local loopback.07:40
therealpxcit may be a left-behind proxy setting or the like07:40
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therealpxcit looks like you aren't _really_ on the network with wlan007:41
Rummagetherealpxc: This is a clean 10.04 install, that has never been able to connect to the net. :|07:41
therealpxcrun "sudo dhclient wlan0" to try to get a new IP07:41
ubottu'Nice' is a property of a process that determines how willing it is to give CPU time to other processes.  A higher value makes it more likely to give away time.  A negative value makes it less likely. Values are from -19 to 19, with 0 being the default.  For more information, type 'man nice' at a terminal.07:41
mneptokRummage: and the WAP SSID is *really* "Not-Associated?"07:41
mneptok_BEAST: language, please07:41
Rummagemneptok: That's what it says.07:41
Rummagetherealpxc: Was that command predicated on the assumption that I am near a wifi node? Because I'm not.07:42
mneptokRummage: and you connected to this by using nm-applet to look for available access points?07:42
_BEASTlol @ the answer depart message07:42
therealpxcI'm sorry, mate. If you plug it into wired, you can install the linux-backports-modules-wireless which may help. Other than that, we can slug through setting up NDISwrapper together! :D07:42
therealpxcRummage: it was, I'm sorry. The other guy said you were connected so I didn't bother to check to read for association myself07:42
Rummagemneptok: Whichever one is responsible for our little connection widget on the status bar.07:42
RummageAnd I don't have the means to connect the laptop wired, unfortunately.07:43
mneptoktherealpxc: if Rummage can see access points in nm-applet, there's no need for ndiswrapper.07:43
RummageBasically, I have a USB drive that can handle files 5gb or less.07:43
RummageAnd that's the only way to get data to the laptop at the moment.07:43
therealpxcLet me see if I'm caught up. You can see nearby APs, but can't associate? Are they secured? Sometimes unsecured association works while WPA/WPA2 is flakey on some drivers07:44
RummageBoth of these networks are unsecured. No passwords. However, before you're free to go a-roamin' they require viewing a captive portal page, which gives you terms and conditions and an I Agree button. On most computers, apparently, this page comes up automagically. For me it does not, and my attempts to reach it have been futile.07:45
mneptokRummage: try "nslookup cnn.com" in a terminal07:46
therealpxcIt seems to me, though, that you're not even associated with the AP, let alone having a place on the network represented with an IP. It baffles me that you said you could ping the gateway07:46
Rummagemneptok: I am not connected in any way on this laptop. . .07:46
Rummagetherealpxc: It did give me an ip, .52 to the gateway's .107:47
mneptokRummage: then you cannot possibly ping anything.07:47
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Rummagemneptok: I am reporting on past attempts. I am not sitting in a library at 2am asking you these questions.07:47
mneptokRummage: then there's no point in trying to help, as anything we suggest cannot be tested.07:47
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Rummagemneptok: You guys are the only ones who've even responded to my queries, and I can test an idea later, and report back. It's a slow process, yes, but it's all I've got.07:48
LucidFoxActionParsnip, jamiewan, never mind, I'm really stupid07:48
LucidFoxI plugged my earphones into the wrong sound card07:48
HomeBoyHi, ive set up a real nice "conky" but cant work out how to make it wider! Any help gratefully received -:)07:48
WXZhey ubuntu, how do I send a command to an already existing instance of an application, for example I know pidgin -n creates a new instance of pidgin and sets it to offline07:49
LucidFoxthe onboard one, which doesn't work07:49
quentusrexWhat header file on Ubuntu 10.04 defines PATH_MAX ?07:49
LucidFoxwhen I plugged them into the SB Live, I got sound07:49
WXZanyway I can send the "-n" paramater to the already running instance of pidgin though?07:49
LucidFoxout of the box07:49
therealpxcRummage: well, it's gonna be hard to work on this with no APs nearby, and it's 1:49am where I am, but I'd like to help you through this problem when I can. Would you mind if I contacted you over email or IM?07:50
RummageMy next attempt I can use IM on my phone as I work on my laptop, so I guess that.07:50
dr0idhow do I open a rar file on ubunut ?07:51
therealpxcdr0id: you need to install "unrar", or something similar, since it's non-free. If you install the package "ubuntu-restricted-extras", it will take care of this and some other common things07:53
dr0idthanks,done :)07:54
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dr0idtherealpxc: I installed unrar-free07:55
dr0idbut when I extract the file isn't getting extracted07:56
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brontoeeedr0id, some rar archives may not be supported or b. your rar is borken07:57
kostkondr0id, better remove "unrar-free" and install "unrar". Also install "rar".07:57
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dr0idunrar is paid07:57
awkhi guys, hmm, using ubuntu 10.04 ... network manager / either cisco vpn or / windows pptp vpn connections, I can create them but I can't connect to them.. if I go to network manager -> vpn connections I click on the name and it does nothing, doesn't ask to connect or doesn't connect, anyone else experienced this bug?07:57
kostkondr0id, "unrar" is the non-free version but it has better support for the various formats of rar archives07:57
dr0idkostkon: so will I be allowed to install it, since its non-free ?07:58
kostkondr0id, yes07:58
dr0idlol, wait, let me try07:58
kostkondr0id, install "unrar" and "rar"07:58
dr0idthen what is the meaning of non-freE? :P07:59
kostkondr0id, err let's c07:59
kostkon!info unrar | dr0id07:59
ubottudr0id: unrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.3-1 (lucid), package size 100 kB, installed size 248 kB07:59
kostkonhmm not much info there07:59
IdleOneman unrar07:59
dr0idohh gr8 kostkon08:00
dr0idthanks a TON TON TON TON TON :)08:00
kostkondr0id, np08:00
dr0idyou don't even know how much your help as benefitted me ;)08:01
dr0idthanks :)08:01
kostkondr0id, :)08:01
awkhmm, in ubuntu how do I search a package eg: apt-cache info package.. what im trying to do is check what binary is used for the compiled/installed package08:01
awkeg: what binary would be used for execution for a specific package I installed08:02
litelhello, yesterday i pute mi computer into sleep for the night, during night the electricity was shuted down for some few seconds , now i wake up and i can't boot mi computer, when i try i hear some sort of clicing noise, and the alimentation fan, but nothing on screen, what should i do ?08:02
Kagami troll detector say beep08:03
PEN21hi all08:05
PEN21any taiwanese here?08:07
XearoSo I have been fighting with Chrome and xvid for about 3 hours now. I installed the restricted extras, the xvid plug-in from xvid.org and a couple other suggestions I tried using Google and I still cannot play Xvid that stream in the internet browser. Any suggestions to make this work? I am using Google Chrome for Linux08:09
raiffahow do I configure an ubuntu workstation to set it's hostname from dhcp?08:09
etherealiteI've got an issue with my mouse bing slow as molasses in 10.4, anyone know how to speed it up, its already maxed.08:10
cheeseexeeseehow do i start with ONE?08:12
Gneacheeseexeesee: what kind of mouse is it? ps2? usb?08:13
Gneaetherealite: that was meant for you ^^^08:14
Gneacheeseexeesee: 'ONE'?08:14
etherealiteGnea USB Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM)08:14
etherealiteaccording to xinput08:14
etherealiteGnea Its looking like I need to write a udev rule08:15
Gneaetherealite: is it slow all the time or only if it's plugged/unplugged?08:15
mneptoketherealite: or drink 15 Red Bulls and get a 6 hectare mouse pad08:16
Gneaetherealite: have you checked the laser portion on the bottom of the mouse to make sure there isn't like a small hair or piece of lint in the way?08:16
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OrbordeI'm getting errors to the tune of "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker" on my Ubuntu 10.04 torrents.08:19
OrbordeIs something broken?08:20
rebirthi'm trying to install yahoo msger and i'm getting this: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libgdk-pixbuf2 (>= 0.13.0)08:21
UMIThello, I have a problem with my ubuntu setup.  I get the unknown uid before login screen comes up, what could be the problem?08:22
etherealiteGnea yes I have checked for hair and stuff, there's none, plus it works fine with windows.08:22
quietoneWhen I choose Help->contents from epiphany, I get  "The requested URI "ghelp:epiphany" is invalid" How do I get the help? lucid08:22
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johnathandoes anyone know of a app that can be used on a windows machine to allow me access to my ubuntu server?08:23
well_laid_lawnputty might work08:25
johnathank thx lm checking it out now08:26
Gneaetherealite: have you tried it with gpm?08:26
ThomasB2kgood night08:28
trimetaWhat's a good KDirStat equivalent for Gnome?08:30
sacarlsonis there a way to kill this defuct process I see in ps -A  with dhclient <defunct>.  I tried sudo killall dhclient and it's still there08:31
sacarlsonI also tried logout and login again and it's still there.  I guess I have to reboot?08:33
etherealiteGnea does gpm that work with xorg?08:33
sacarlsonetherealite: yes it does08:34
trimetaAm I the only one getting random PMs asking for my bra size? It started happening after I posted in here and in #gentoo, and it seems more likely that someone is trolling here.08:34
Gneaetherealite: yes, you can switch between console and X and still have a working mouse.... well, that's a matter of debate at this point :)08:35
sacarlsonetherealite: opps maybe I thought you meant gdm08:35
etherealiteI have to install the entire gnome dep tree for gdm to work, gahhhh.08:36
GneaGPM, not GDM08:37
GneaP != D08:37
johnathanwell_laid_lawn: it worked thank you08:38
well_laid_lawnnp :]08:38
etherealiteGnea seems to me like its not going to help me when I'm in X, only in console .08:38
robertwalltrijntje: it's spam, let #freenode know about it (without pasting the message in there)08:38
Gneaetherealite: point is, will it be slow in console or not?08:39
robertwalltrijntje: ... mistab, sorry08:39
johnathanno to start playing08:42
johnathanlm now using my windows pc to type here :P08:43
ARGGGhow does one adjust overscan on ubuntu 10.04?08:43
johnathansay lm using putty to access my server how would l start my GUI from the windows machine?08:44
ARGGGis there any way to fix overscan?08:44
gimpy283Having problem with 10.04-Server setting the wrong resolution (no GUI).  It boots up to the point where Ubu tries to set its console resoltion but sets it wrong so it does not work and my monitor just shows "No input".  Setting GRUB_GFXMODE in /etc/default/grub did not help at all.08:45
johnathancos l tried it but it told me that l don't have the permission to startx08:45
gimpy283johnathan: you mean run a GUI through SSH so it shows up on the Windows box?08:45
johnathanyes something like that08:45
marekw2143hi, on ubuntu 8.10 I have mesa 7.2 installed, and would like to update it to 7.8 version, I downloaded .deb packages from https://launchpad.net/~bryceharrington/+archive/bronze/+build/1734305, what to do to upgrade existing version?08:46
gimpy283johnathan: It's a pain on Windows, but there are guides on Google.  It's called X11 forwarding and I've never had it work via Putty, only Linux to Linux (OpenSSH) and using Cygwin on Windows with the Windows variant of OpenSSH08:46
johnathanyou see l wanna be able yo remove my monitor,mouse and keyboard and only access the server via my windows machine.I put putty on and also tightvnc is installed as that is how lm typing here08:47
mick_I'm trying to move a cloned partition to a large disk and make it bootable using Clonezilla. Anyone have any experience of doing this that can help me out?08:47
gimpy283johnathan: ...or use VNC if you want a GUI always running like that.  You don't need putty for VNC.08:47
robertwallmarekw2143: Ubuntu 8.10 reached End of Life in April, and is thus no longer receiving security updates or supported by this channel. For information on upgrading to a supported Ubuntu version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Intrepid08:48
ARGGGno one with a suggestion on how to fix overscan?08:49
johnathanl do plan on only using the terminal for work needing done on the server but lm still new to ubuntu so lm still getting the hang of things08:49
johnathanso then l can use putty as lm hoping to stop using a GUI completely in the end.08:50
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:50
* robertwall steals IdleOne's pastry08:51
ARGGGdoes wine run ati drivers?08:51
gimpy283johnathan: I think you are mixing thigs up....VNC has nothing to do with Putty, it's for command line access and some others things like X11 forwarding.  If you want to see the GUI and have tightvncsever running on the Ubu box, then just use a VNC client/viewer to connect to it.08:51
* IdleOne gives robertwall a mill feuille08:52
johnathannot really gimpy283. As lm still new to ubuntu so lm using the GUI on it and am using tightvnc to be able to use the GUI on my server.But once l have better know how of ubuntu then l will only use putty to do everything via command line08:53
Seveas-trainjohnathan, fix your keyboard first. An l is not an I.08:55
Seveas-trainhi muneeb08:57
muneebi'm trying to recompile linux kernelwith k10temp08:57
jimlovell777I'm trying to convert VOB files from a Sony camcorder to avi, mpg, mp4 (I don't care which) so I can import the files into a video editor. What would be a good set of params for FFMPEG to not loos video quality or audio sync? I can't seem to use mp3 audio, read a little about it but I don't know what to do since the mediabuntu repo is throwing 404s for everything...08:57
muneebbut i'm getting error08:57
muneebcan anyone help me?08:58
Gneajimlovell777: avidemux can do that, forget about ffmpeg08:58
IdleOnemuneeb: ##linux08:58
johnathanSeveas-train: There is nothing wrong with my keyboard as lm not pressing shift and the i button together08:58
etherealiteI've got to conflicting docs here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input#Input Configuration with udev (Ubuntu 10.04) and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/X/InputConfiguration#Driver/device options (Ubuntu 9.10)08:58
Seveas-trainjohnathan, then fix your brain.08:58
IdleOnejohnathan: you are clearly not pressing shift+i because you are pressing l08:59
muneeb@idleone what?08:59
Gneaetherealite: of course you do, one is for 9.10 the other is for 10.0408:59
johnathanSeveas-train: that was a uncalled for comment08:59
IdleOnemuneeb: try asking in ##linux08:59
jimlovell777Gnea: Ok I'll give it a shot08:59
johnathanl will have it taken further08:59
etherealiteGnea look closer specifically this line in the 9.10 docs:  The x11_options properties are not supported in Ubuntu 10.04. Use xorg.conf.d snippets instead.08:59
Gneajimlovell777: just treat the VOB file as an MPEG08:59
muneebFATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.32-23-generic/build/System.map': No such file or directory08:59
johnathanyes lm not pressing shift+i l am pressing l08:59
muneebi'm getting this error09:00
Gnea!kernel | muneeb09:00
robertwalljohnathan: why?09:00
ubottumuneeb: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages09:00
Seveas-trainjohnathan, that's pretty damn stupid. That's why I suggest you get your brain fixed.09:00
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johnathanrobertwall: why what?09:00
Gneaetherealite: exactly.09:00
IdleOneSeveas-train: agreed, let's be civil anyway :)09:00
Gneaetherealite: still, you should be able to use GpM.09:00
muneebthank you guys09:01
johnathanSeveas-train: l will type how ever l want cos you seem to be the only one that has a problem with it09:01
Seveas-train!ops | please remove trollboy johnathan09:01
ubottuplease remove trollboy johnathan: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!09:01
Gnea!attitude | johnathan, Seveas-train09:01
ubottujohnathan, Seveas-train: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:01
etherealiteGnea I know I can use gpm when i'm doing console work, but most of my work is done in X in a web browser.09:02
marekw2143robertwall: thanks09:02
Gneaetherealite: you still haven't answered my question: is the mouse still slow with gpm or not?09:02
kyle_in ubuntu 10.4 explorer, how so i search in sub folders..09:02
Seveas-trainkyle_, explorer? You mean nautilus?09:03
etherealiteGnea haven't tried yet be right back.09:03
gsergiuhello people09:04
kyle_Seveas_train: um yes.. lol oops09:04
gsergiucan anyone help me with something09:04
vivek312Can we connect Tata Photon to Ubuntu 10.4??09:04
gsergiuwell I'm a ubuntu newbie and I have a really tricky modem09:05
gsergiuand I've been going through a lot of problems my current one is that09:05
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Gneagsergiu: what sort of modem? dialup? dsl?09:05
gsergiudsl speedtouch 33009:05
Gneathose are fun09:05
gsergiuyeah I've been trying to get it work before and just quit but this time I'm determined09:06
gsergiuwell the problem is09:06
Gneahave you read this guide yet?09:06
gsergiusec gotta search some file names09:06
Gnea!dsl | gsergiu09:06
ubottugsergiu: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE09:06
gsergiuI've read all I could lay my hands on09:06
gsergiuI'm tryign to get it work through usbadslmodemmanager_0.5.8_i386.deb09:06
gsergiuand the thing is it needs python-gnome2-extras_2.19.1-3.1_i386.deb to work which is troublesome09:07
vivek312ubottu: Can we connect Tata Photon to Ubuntu 10.4??09:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:07
gsergiuafter i uninstalled it from linux (had to uninstall another thing) then reinstall some dependencies09:07
gsergiui've ran into a brick wall09:07
gsergiuit says it needs python <<2.609:07
MouzzThe gdm face browser shows who is currently logged in. They have a green marker net to their name. It also possible to get this marker when logging in through the remote greeter using XDMCP?09:07
gsergiuwhich I believe I have09:08
Gneagsergiu: so you're trying to install these packages without an internet connection to it?09:08
bazhang!enter | gsergiu09:08
ubottugsergiu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:08
gsergiuwell I have a internet connection on windows (which I'm currently using)09:08
gsergiuand i've just been switching os09:08
gsergiueverytime i needed something downloaded09:08
bazhanggsergiu, stop using the enter key after a couple of words09:08
Gneagsergiu: so, my question to you is, and I'm only looking for a yes or no, nothing more, is have you read the website that I had ubottu point out to you? I don't care about any other site at this point.09:09
vivek312ubottu: Can we connect Tata Photon to Ubuntu 10.4??09:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:09
gsergiuno i have not, let me read through it09:09
Gneaplease do.09:10
c3lit seems dwm is installed by default on ubuntu, but where too? how do configure the header files etc as you would normally do? is it only a binary thats installed, thatd be quite pointless?09:10
bazhangvivek312, ubottu is a bot09:10
Seveas-trainvivek312, what is tata photon?09:10
vivek312Seveas-train: its a modem..09:10
GneaSeveas-train: it's a wireless modem, basically09:10
Seveas-trainc3l, it is not installed by default09:10
vivek312bazhang: so what it means??09:10
alex_jonihaving problems with grub2 installing 10.0409:11
MouzzIn what channel could I best ask a question about the gdm face browser in combination with XDMCP?09:11
Seveas-trainvivek312, then probably yes09:11
bazhangvivek312, not human09:11
alex_jonianything I've tried so far, and I always get: error: unknown filesystem09:11
alex_jonithen it drops into grub rescue>09:11
vivek312bazhang: ok..09:11
IdleOnevivek312: http://techie-buzz.com/how-to/how-to-connect-tata-photon-whizplug2surf-with-ubuntu-linux.html09:11
vivek312Seveas-train: do you know how to configure it?09:11
Seveas-trainvivek312, I'm afraid not. IdleOne's link sounds promising though09:12
Gneavivek312: see what IdleOne gave you09:12
c3lSeveas-train: for some reason I had it on both my desktop and notebook, maybe it came with dwm-tools I used for xmonad, anyways. where do I make the configurations?09:12
gsergiuI'll just save the page with save as and try to go through the instructions in ubuntu, if i have any problems I'll come back, and I'm sure I will09:13
gsergiuthanks for the help guys09:13
vivek312IdleOne: thankyou very much....!!!09:13
IdleOnevivek312: welcome, hope it works09:13
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Gneagsergiu: good luck09:13
x0r_After installing and updating my system was just hanging,  i reinstalled windows (had to anyhow) and now i'm booted from livecd ,  to reinstall grub(2) do I just need to use grub-setup w/ -d ??  I just need to rewrite the MBR ?09:14
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IdleOne!grub2 | x0r_09:14
ubottux0r_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:14
boxbeatsyhi, how can i pass a really long piece of text via command line argument without running into escaping issues?09:15
vivek312IdleOne: yes it works....!!!09:15
boxbeatsyis there an equivalent to """ in python?09:15
Seveas-trainboxbeatsy, you don't :)09:15
vivek312IdleOne: thanks again....09:15
IdleOnesure thing09:15
Seveas-trainpipe it to the commands stdin and make the command use it09:15
boxbeatsySeveas-train: what's the alternative?09:15
Seveas-traincommandline is not suitable for passing long strings09:15
x0r_IdleOne, thats not really helpfull atm ...09:15
boxbeatsySeveas-train: i see, can you give me an example of how to use stdin when calling a python script?09:16
boxbeatsyi want to do python scriptname.py longstring09:16
IdleOnex0r_: see section 11 on that page09:16
Seveas-trainboxbeatsy, where are you getting the long string from?09:16
boxbeatsya http request09:16
Seveas-trainand how are you getting it? Some cgi script?09:17
boxbeatsyo i meant php actually09:17
boxbeatsyso i want to do php scriptname.php longstring09:17
boxbeatsyand i'm getting the argument via the $_REQUESTS array09:17
Seveas-trainboxbeatsy, ok, in your php script, use something like popen() to start the python process. Then you can use write() to write the data to it and read() to get output. But this is fairly offtopic here, try #php09:18
Shishputting the data in a file makes most sense imo09:18
boxbeatsySeveas-train: ok thanks!09:19
x0r_IdleOne, ah i see .. so grub-setup -d ... is correct ,  but since i'm using a separate /boot partition and the fact that my root is lvm2 stripe make any difference ?09:19
IdleOnex0r_: heh, got me09:19
ibrahim-kasemI forgot my 10.04 login password what should I do ??09:21
robertwallubottu: password | ibrahim-kasem09:21
ubottuibrahim-kasem: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords09:21
x0r_IdleOne, yea not so common i guess ... thanks will just have to try it out I guess ... even before i wasn't getting any menus i think b/c it loads the fonts from /usr/share before it loaded lvm2 module ... which is kindof silly maybe i'll file a bug report09:21
gsergiuwell, I'm back as I guessed, I followed the instructions on the page you directed me to but the problem is that when it asks me if my ethernet connection is listed there the one that my moden used isn't there, in windows I had a extra connection that was used for my modem09:21
gsergiuI have no ideea where to go from there, how do I add the one that's used to connect to the internet?09:23
x0r_well here goes ... hopefully works b/c this livecd takes like 20mins to load up fully ... doesn't make multiple tries very fun hah09:23
gsergiuI'm the guy with the speedtouch 330 modem problems , sudo pppoeconf works but I don't have the connection that was used by the modem09:24
gsergiuGnea: are you still around?09:25
gsergiuwell what's the problem, how do I get that 2nd connection to appear so I can connect through it?09:26
Gneawell, you need to get the first connection through eth0 setup09:27
gsergiuhow do I go about at doing that , it's not included in the page you linked me to :)09:27
etherealiteGnea I tested out gpm like you said. Mouse was still slow.09:27
Gneaetherealite: okay, so the problem is definately with the mouse, or the way the protocol is trying to work09:28
Gneagsergiu: well, did you put your info in when you ran sudo pppoeconf?09:28
gsergiuI could not put in my info... because I cannot connect through eth009:29
Gneait asks for your username and password09:29
Gneathat's your info - that has no bearing on whether or not you can connect or not - in fact, you can't connect without it09:29
gsergiuIt doesn't because it can not connect through eth0, as I said in windows the drivers installed a 2'd (eth card) named "speedtouch ethernet adaptor)09:30
Gneagsergiu: you have to go through each step of pppoeconf and fill it out properly.09:30
etherealiteGnea so if I know that the problem is with udev?09:31
Gneaetherealite: well, I wouldn't say udev is the problem, but likely the solution09:31
dontputhi guys.. is there anyway i could do. Like Ubuntu 10.04 is my Server and my station is Windows. Acts like ActiveDirectory on Windows 2008 Server09:31
treehey guys...I have an acer 5930g..and the keyboard doesnt have numpad key..instead uses the fn key in combination with some other key...but the numeric numpad doesnt work..any ideas how to fix that ?09:32
gsergiuthe basic procedure doesn't work for speedtouch 330 as I said, I could not get to introduce my name and password, when asked if I have my ethernet card detected I pressed yes and it said it can't connect through it09:32
mick_dontput, try OpenLDAP09:33
Gneagsergiu: you're skipping ahead too many steps and going too fast. please to be slowing down and answering each question, one at a time, without assuming anything and trying to skip ahead.09:33
etherealitedontput yes there is a way09:33
etherealitedontput its not going to be easy09:33
dontputetherealite, :( well i could try.. theres no way to learn but to try it09:34
gsergiuplease understand the problem is not on my side, it's the modem09:34
Guest60820hi Tree can i try t help you with your question09:34
treeGuest60820, pls try :)09:34
Gneagsergiu: and please understand that I have used the speedtouch 330 modem before with linux and it worked fine.09:35
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etherealitedontput http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_&_LDAP09:35
gsergiuhave you used it with 10.4?09:35
Gneano, I used it with debian, this was years ago09:35
Guest60820Tree, try going to system > preferences > Keyboard for me - then click 'keyboard modle'09:35
etherealitedontput good luck and god bless09:35
treeGuest60820, so...some of the combination with the fn key work fine...the only problem is with the numeric and and the dot numpad09:35
Gneagsergiu: what I recall was that I could get into the modem config and change it between pppoe or using dhcp09:36
corniHey, my network manager applet disappeared from the panel. I've got a notification area set up there, and did a killall nm-applet and starting nm-applet in a terminal after that, but i still don't have it - Any ideas?09:36
corniit's Ubuntu 10.04, i should say09:36
corniupdated yesterday09:36
marekw2143how to install mesa and opengl on ubuntu 10.04 LTS?09:36
Gneagsergiu: I preferred using the pppoe method, but I tried dhcp just to see if it would work and then switched it back and got it to work09:36
ilovefairuzcorni: run it from a terminal and check if there are any relevant messages09:36
marekw2143which packages?09:36
gsergiuwell I don't know what to say, I don't get to the step where I'm asked to introduced my name/pass, when I press yes if my eth card is detected it's unable to connect through it09:36
treeGuest60820, done that...keyboard model is setup to acer laptop09:36
Guest60820tree > now click options09:37
Gneagsergiu: and you're sure that you're using pppoe in windows?09:37
corniilovefairuz: unfortunately there aren't any, except some stating that it wasn't shut down properly09:37
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Gneagsergiu: is eth0 the only card on the system?09:37
gsergiuin linux yes09:37
gsergiuin windows i have a 2nd one09:38
Gneaa 2nd one?09:38
treeGuest60820, did that...09:38
Gneawhy wouldn't it be in linux?09:38
ilovefairuzcorni: did you verify that the notification area applet is present in your panel?09:38
gsergiuyes a 2nd one installed by the driver on the cd09:38
Guest60820in numeric keypad selection > what is the selected option09:38
Gneano no no, I'm talking about a real, physical network interface card09:38
ilovefairuzgsergiu: pastebin: lshw -C network09:39
gsergiuas i said its named "Speedtouch ethernet adapter" and the network card one is called "realtek bla bla"09:39
ilovefairuz!paste > gsergiu09:39
ubottugsergiu, please see my private message09:39
corniilovefairuz: yes, the speaker symbol is there09:39
Gneailovefairuz: no need09:39
treeGuest60820, default09:39
erikwtI installed flashplugin-installer, but how can i actually install flash now? flashplugin-installer is not a executable in my path (nor root's path)09:39
gsergiuI don't have two physical network interface cards gnea09:40
Gneagsergiu: that's just the virtual interface that it uses with pppoe to connect - you'll likely get something like that working with ubuntu as well, but that software should already be installed to provide it09:40
Guest60820Tree > Thats OK > can you click on the button next to keyboard modle & make sure the right modle is selected  ?09:40
gsergiuI understand that, and with that problem I came here, the softwared needed for it is giving me trouble09:41
robertwallerikwt: flashplugin-installer downloads and installs flash during its setup. you don't need to do it after installation.09:41
gsergiubut you then just redirected me to that link09:41
ilovefairuzcorni: right click on the panel, select add, select notification area and see what happens09:41
Gneagsergiu: okay, so my question to you now is: when you went through pppoeconf, did it say anything else about other than eth0, like maybe tap0 or tun0?09:41
gsergiuno it didn't09:41
Gneaok, one moment please09:42
treeGuest60820, keyboard model is acer laptop..it was default earlier...but the numeric numpad didnt worked also09:42
corniilovefairuz: I get a second loudspeaker symbol...09:42
gsergiuok, and thanks for the help09:42
Guest60820OK tree one second....09:42
erikwtrobertwall, well, it still doesnt work :) even after i restarted firefox09:42
corniilovefairuz: ah no09:44
corniilovefairuz: I chose the wrong one, for a 'Notification Area' I get three horizontal lines with ~4px width09:44
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ilovefairuzcorni: try starting nm-applet now09:45
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corniilovefairuz: nothing...09:45
ilovefairuzcorni: ok, you can reset that panel but that will erase any customizations you did to it, is that ok?09:46
corniilovefairuz: yeah, i can redo them09:46
ilovefairuz!panels | corni09:46
ubottucorni: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:46
corniilovefairuz: now i got the default panel, but no network manager...09:48
ilovefairuzcorni: try starting it from terminal09:48
corniilovefairuz: nothing...09:49
corniilovefairuz: but there's sth wrong on my system, i can't setup a working network by hand there...09:49
corniilovefairuz: cable network09:50
lhavelund!bots > dontput09:50
ubottudontput, please see my private message09:50
treeit seem that the numeric numpad key works as arrows to navigate...but I want them to type numbers...how can I do that ?09:50
ilovefairuzcorni: did it work before the icon disappeared?09:50
gsergiuGnea: may I tell you how I tried to make it work and maybe we can go from there?09:51
corniilovefairuz: I never had that icon, i installed the system yesterday, and yesterday it worked without icon09:51
kostkontree, press the Num Lock key09:51
wespJust did a fresh install of kubuntu, initially audio worked fine, after installing nvidia video drivers and rebooting, skype audio dropped out, i tested flashed audio from youtube, no go there as well. I tried installing pulse audio server, it didnt help, though i recieve good boot up and shutdown audio09:51
ilovefairuzcorni: so no way to connect to internet and install updates?09:52
corniilovefairuz: no, but there's something weird in the dmesg output09:52
ilovefairuzcorni: open a terminal and try this: sudo dhclient eth009:52
corniilovefairuz: I don't have dhcp09:52
SnakkahHello. I just reinstalled Ubuntu, and it occurred to me as I was using Arch Linux... is there something similar to "yaourt" in Ubuntu? It's a package manager specifically for tarball files. It integrates with "pacman" (Arch's package manager). Is there a package manager for tarball files that would integrate with apt-get in Ubuntu?09:53
corniilovefairuz: I'll try a restart, maybe that'll fix my kernel problems09:53
ilovefairuzcorni: you can set it up statically in /etc/network/interfaces09:53
Ak1rai'm tryign to install ubuntu to a laptop with a faulty cdrom drive that presents to many read errors to successfully install (tho it does boot to trial mode)... i also can't seem to make a usb drive bootable, though i can easily mirror the cd to the usb..... is there some way to boot into trial on the CD, switch the source to the usb (chroot or something?) and continue with installation that way?  :)09:53
ilovefairuz!install | Ak1ra09:54
ubottuAk1ra: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:55
vltHello. After a machine crash I want to run vncserver again but I get "Warning: :1 is taken because of /tmp/.X1-lock". That file is owned by root:root so I can't remove it. Any idea why and how to solve it?09:55
DannyButtermanHi. Does someone know how is called the bluetooth tty in ubuntu ?09:55
sacarlsonI can't find ggv or gnome-gv in repository of 10.04, it's a GNOME PostScript previewer,  is there a replacement for this that works on the command line that I can pipe postscript into to view results?09:55
Ak1rayes yes, i have read all of that09:55
corniilovefairuz: A restart fixed my network problems, i just don't get the nm-applet for now, i think i can live with that, thanks09:55
ilovefairuzvlt: sudo rm /tmp/.X1-lock09:55
ilovefairuzcorni: install all updates09:55
gsergiuGnea don't leave me brother, you're my only hope ! :D09:56
corniilovefairuz: there are non, i checked with apt-get update&&apt-get upgrade09:56
vltilovefairuz: No sudo permission.09:56
vltilovefairuz: Any idea why it is owned by root at all?09:57
Gneagsergiu: havne't left, trying to find a solution... of course if anyone knows how pppoe works, feel free to jump in09:57
das_grosse_Wmy xserver won't start anymore. "ubuntu is running with low graphic settings" (EE) Microsoft Mocrosoft(R) Digital Media Pro Keyboard: failed to initialize for relative axes.09:57
gsergiuwell I've been trying to get it to work through usbadslmodemmanager_0.5.8_i386.deb09:58
ilovefairuzvlt: no, sorry09:58
baconHi please, can someone tell me where i can find informations about the exit codes of the dpkg-genchanges soft? I'm encoutering one while packaging a .deb, and I can't figure out why it is raised09:58
gsergiuwhich was a good solution till 10.04 as I saw on some forums09:58
gsergiubut the problem is one of the dependencies is python-gnome2-extras_2.19.1-3.1_i386.deb09:58
ilovefairuzbacon: pastebin the error messages09:58
baconit's in french :s09:59
gsergiubut the python-gtkspell python-gtkmozembed python-gksu2 python-gdl python-gda python-eggtrayicon replace it09:59
DannyButtermanHow can I know the dev bluetooth name ?09:59
baconilovefairuz: but here it is http://pastebin.com/yZ91BfXS09:59
gsergiuso I can't install it, so I tried uninstalling the conflictings packages and just09:59
gsergiuinstalling the dependent ones09:59
baconand my rules file http://pastebin.com/TaxvKvUj09:59
ilovefairuzDannyButterman: hcitool09:59
gsergiuare you following me till now ?:P09:59
baconilovefairuz: the traduction of the error should be "dpkg-genchanges failure cannot read files list file no such file or directory"09:59
ilovefairuzDannyButterman: hcitool dev, to enumerate all devices09:59
sftcrhi! I need to capture the audio multiple firefox windows at the same time. does somebody have a clue about how to achieve this and point me in the right direction?10:00
FrancoZuccottiHi everyone!10:01
gsergiuGnea: can you please read what I wrote?10:02
FrancoZuccottiHi everyone! May I ask you a question about the newest version of Ubuntu (10.04 LTS) please?10:02
SwedeMike!ask | FrancoZuccotti10:02
ubottuFrancoZuccotti: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:02
ilovefairuzbacon: what's the command you're using? and post your control file10:02
ilovefairuz!details | FrancoZuccotti10:03
ubottuFrancoZuccotti: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:03
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ilovefairuzsftcr: http://outrec.sourceforge.net/10:04
baconilovefairuz: i'm using dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc , here is my control file http://pastebin.com/UjpNUHEJ. I just found on the net that including the dpkg-gencontrol command in the binary-indep rule should help to resolve this error10:04
baconilovefairuz: but as i'm new to debian packaging I'm a bit confused.10:04
blu[Work]hi, im installing ubuntu server on a VM and i'm having some trouble, it seems the DVD has unmounted itself and i ended killing a few processes to be able to choose the install options again10:06
blu[Work]i can install the LAMP and stuff myself but how do i go about ltsp chroot?10:07
DannyButtermanilovefairuz: thanks. But hcitool list olny one device which is hci0. unfortunately there is no /dev/hci0 nor any hci0 under any of the /dev folders10:07
blu[Work]is it just a matter of ltsp-build-client?10:07
treecan anyone help me set my fn key right ?10:08
gsergiugnea, is there any chance I can talk to you by pm to make it easier?10:08
FrancoZuccottiI have a question about 10.04LTS. I tried to install it on my laptop (IBM Thinkpad R51)  but I didn't succeeded as my screen got blank and stuck. I read tons of docs about this and I realized that my laptop is probably too old to support some new Ubuntu video features which seems to be vital for it to be installed. Hence...will I have to be forced to be tied to my 8.04LTS forever? How is it possible that Ubuntu now shares the same Windows 10:08
sftcrilovefairuz: thx alot, but i need a command line tool, because i have to do this automatically10:09
ilovefairuzbacon: the rules file is debian/rules10:09
ilovefairuzDannyButterman: what are you trying to accomplish ?10:09
ilovefairuzsftcr: man pacat10:11
DannyButtermanilovefairuz: I'm trying to browse my mobile phone files using obextool. it requires a /dev name in its config file10:11
SnakkahAnyone used "apt-build world"? What happened when you used it? I'm seeing mixed opinions.10:12
SnakkahSome say it works great. Some say it's a horrible idea.10:13
SnakkahAnd some say it makes no difference.10:13
gsergiuGnea I'm sorry for being a bother but are you still here? can I pm you so the discussion is easier to follow?10:13
DannyButtermanilovefairuz:I eventually found /dev/bus/usb/003/001 but still obextool is not browsing my files10:13
baconilovefairuz: yes, and?..10:13
sftcrilovefairuz: thats the hint i was looking for. thanks!10:13
baconilovefairuz: sorry I did not understand what you pointed out10:13
ilovefairuzDannyButterman: have you tried just using hci0 ?10:14
ilovefairuzbacon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#rules10:15
laegis there anyway to easily switch from the prop nvidia driver to an open source one, but roll back if i choose to?10:16
DannyButtermanilovefairuz: you mean changing '-t /dev/somedev' to '-t hci0' ? obextool will look for a file named this way on the root folder and won't find it as far as I understand10:16
apersoncan anyone help me get vlc to support my logitec g11's multimedia keys? they work in totem10:16
JPThey, i've got some issues concerning mpd: everything is working except the mpd does not make any noise. the errorlog is "empty", i configured it to use pulseaudio. any hints? :)10:20
ilovefairuzaperson: check around vlc settings for keyboard shortcuts/bindings, and change them to the multimedia keys10:20
ilovefairuzDannyButterman: try /dev/ttyACM010:22
apersonilovefairuz, when I do that, it doesn't register the keypresses.  I know in totem I have to use the 'multimedia keys' plugin10:22
ubimanhow can i make requet for a free ubuntu studio10:22
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ilovefairuzaperson: perhaps they are blocked by the global shortcuts, check system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts10:22
apersonilovefairuz, they're shown in there Play/Pause is XF86AudioPlay, etc...10:23
ilovefairuzaperson: clear them there and try again in vlc10:24
DannyButtermanilovefairuz: I don't have such a dev. Meanwhile, using -t hci0 worked. Obextool isn't ok to download the only file I see, but I think it's a phone issue. thank you !10:24
ubimanaperson: how can i make requet for a free ubuntu studio10:24
ubimanaperson: how can i make request for a free ubuntu studio10:24
ilovefairuzubiman: i don't think it's possible for ubuntu studio10:25
gsergiuanyone here knows how to make a speedtouch 330 work on ubuntu 10.04?10:25
apersonilovefairuz, thank you10:26
ilovefairuzgsergiu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9498429&postcount=5 ?10:26
ilovefairuzcheck full thread10:26
ilovefairuzaperson: DannyButterman: you're welcome10:27
gsergiui did ilovefairuzi i have , python-gnome2-extras isnt compatible with 10.0410:27
gsergiui'll try the last post though if gnea doesn't respond, i think he's afk10:28
jaybirdI just synced my ipod touch and my iphone with rhythmbox10:29
jaybirdI can't believe it10:29
Gneagsergiu: I'm lost, can't seem to find any modern info on it10:30
jaybirdI've been fiddling and struggling with this for so long10:30
gsergiuyeah me neither10:30
JPThm.. may i bump my problem with mpd? :)10:30
Gneagsergiu: made a post to ubuntuforums.org yet?10:30
ilovefairuz!details | JPT10:30
ubottuJPT: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:30
gsergiunot yet, I'll try one more thing then I will10:30
JPThey, i've got some issues concerning mpd: everything is working except the mpd does not make any noise. the errorlog is "empty", i configured it to use pulseaudio.10:30
gsergiubrb 15 mins or so logging ubuntu10:31
JPTi'm using ubuntu 10.4, i don't know exactly, what sound system i'm using right now.10:31
JPTi tried to have mpd use alsa, but that failed with errors.10:31
ilovefairuzJPT: what errors? pastebin10:31
JPTmy first question is: what soundsystem is the default on ubuntu 10.4?10:32
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acidflashhello people,10:32
acidflashi am having some trouble with a startup script, is anyone familiar with bin/sh startup scripts?10:33
ALAYA[Question] How can I grant all rights to a simple user to manage a usb printer ? thanks :)10:33
ilovefairuzJPT: it's pulseaudio running over alsa, i suppose your problem is that mpd is unable to connect to a pulseaudio instance10:34
ilovefairuz!details | acidflash10:34
ubottuacidflash: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:34
JPTi'll paste the current errorlog, there are none about pulseaudio10:35
judgenCan i clear grub2 from mrb using the net-boot iso, and if so: How would i go about doing this?10:36
tmpchangeswhile the /tmp filesystem was mounted on /dev/sdaX and the whole system was up and running I made the mistake of zeroing the whole partition /dev/sdaX, thinking that erasing a /tmp folder would have no negative impact on the system. Was I wrong... Now the system cannot boot properly because it cannot mount /tmp (it expects to find a given UID).What can I do in order to fix this?10:36
ilovefairuzJPT: check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147652610:37
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPD JPT seen this?10:37
AiAliMasoudiAlavhi friends, i have a problem in ubuntu, after new update in my ubuntu my tab key does n't work, means i can use alt+tab but i cant use it single, also my ctrl+c and ctrl+p has problem, can anyone help me?10:37
acidflashi am running ubuntu 10.04 and i installed a software called squid which did not come with startup script for /etc/init.d/ i copied one from the internet and it works fine on other systems, but for me for some reason its not working.. its giving me a "/etc/init.d/squid: 43: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "}") "10:37
robertwalltmpchanges: boot from a Live CD, mount the partition that has /etc/fstab on it, edit that file and #comment out the /tmp line10:37
JPTbazhang: i've seen that. but that didn't really fix it10:37
acidflashubuntu 10.04 server10:38
JPTilovefairuz: i'll check it :)10:38
robertwalltmpchanges: or put a filesystem back on the /tmp partition and use "sudo blkid" to get the new ID, then edit fstab appropriately10:38
Gneawow, hard to believe wicd sucks as bad as network manager10:38
bazhangsudo usermod -aG pulse,pulse-access mpd  JPT this?10:38
JPTi did it10:38
bazhangJPT, then restarted it?10:38
tmpchangesrobertwall: what I dont understand is what the /tmp ID is all about, I thought this could be just mounted as such, with no ID or anything...10:38
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tmpchangesrobertwall: I did mke2fs -t ext2 /dev/sdaX10:39
tmpchangesshould I add the "Blkid" thing¿?10:39
* Gnea notes the lameness that results when trying to connect wireless and wired at the same time, with wired as a static ip, yet both can't be setup at the same time10:39
AiAliMasoudiAlavhi friends, i have a problem in ubuntu, after new update in my ubuntu my tab key does n't work, means i can use alt+tab but i cant use it single, also my ctrl+c and ctrl+p has problem, can anyone help me?10:39
ilovefairuzacidflash: it DOES come with an init.d script, http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/squid/filelist10:40
ilovefairuz!patience | AiAliMasoudiAlav10:40
ubottuAiAliMasoudiAlav: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:40
robertwalltmpchanges: by default, Ubuntu creates fstab with UUIDs instead of /dev/sdXY syntax. The old way caused issues when drive orders changed (because of cabling changes, removable drives, etc.)10:40
acidflashilovefairuz: its 64 bit version10:40
JPTbazhang: i restarted it, yes.10:40
ilovefairuzacidflash: same10:40
robertwalltmpchanges: run "sudo blkid", get the new UUID, put it in the Ubuntu installation's /etc/fstab10:40
judgenI find loads of info on installing and reinstalling grub.. but nothing on removing it.10:40
JPTright now, i used the "ao" type output thing and it caused some erros10:40
tmpchangesrobertwall: I see... and how should blkid invocated? "sudo blkid /dev/sdaX"?10:41
JPT"cannot open libao device"10:41
ilovefairuzjudgen: what are you trying to accomplish?10:41
fourcolorshi, is there an apt-get install for postgis on ubuntu 10.04?10:41
acidflashilovefairuz: it did not install a script though, i compiled from source...10:41
robertwalltmpchanges: just "sudo blkid" is fine. It'll list the UUID for each partition..10:41
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-setup-mpd-with-pulseaudio-independent-on-x.html JPT and this?10:41
robertwallI think your way works too, though10:41
acidflashilovefairuz: the apt-get version is outdated...10:41
tmpchangesrobertwall: but can it list UUID of partitions which are not mounted as well?10:42
robertwalltmpchanges: yes10:42
FrancoZuccottiHi all, I tried to install 10.04LTS on my laptop (IBM Thinkpad R51)  but I didn't succeeded as my screen got blank and stuck. I read tons of docs about this and I realized that my laptop is probably too old to support some new Ubuntu video features which seem to be vital for installation. Hence...will I have to be forced to be tied to my 8.04LTS forever? How is it possible that Ubuntu now shares the same Windows policy "if you want to r10:42
judgenilovefairuz, i am trying to remove grub from the windows disk as windows wont boot now that my ubuntu disk broke down.10:42
JPTbazhang: i'll check that, thanks for the new ressource :)10:42
bazhang!info postgis | fourcolors10:42
ubottufourcolors: postgis (source: postgis): geographic objects support for PostgreSQL -- common files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0-2 (lucid), package size 415 kB, installed size 1468 kB10:42
tmpchangesrobertwall: thank you very much. I am gonna try to do it and I will came back if I have a problem doing so.Thank you very much for your help!10:42
ilovefairuzjudgen: what version of windows is that? you'll have to use the windows cd to restore the mbr10:42
fourcolorsbazhang: where did u find that stuff?10:43
bazhangfourcolors, a web search10:43
ilovefairuzFrancoZuccotti: have you tried the alternative installation cd?10:43
fourcolorsbazhang: blah.. kk10:43
webczatHow to manually make the ubuntu live pendrive?10:43
judgenilovefairuz, Afaik it is possible to just clear the mbr, is that not possible?10:43
bazhangfourcolors, in this case a PM with ubottu actually10:44
ilovefairuzjudgen: clearing it won't boot your windows instance10:44
tmpchangesthe MBR can be restored by issuing from a ms-dos prompt the following command "fdisk /MBR". At least that restores windows' ability to boot, though it's not a command purists like10:44
bazhangfourcolors, /msg ubottu find postgis10:44
FrancoZuccottiilovefairuz: yes, I tried it...10:44
sacarlsonhow do I make a font.ttf file available to Ghostscript.  I thought when I opened the font file and hit install that would be it but this postscript generator still didn't get it.10:44
judgenilovefairuz, It did work on other systems, like BeOS and windows 9x.10:44
ilovefairuzFrancoZuccotti: and ?10:44
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bazhangwebczat, the reason not to use unetbootin or usb-creator is?10:44
ilovefairuzjudgen: it won't work in your case10:45
ilovefairuzjudgen:  simply use the windows cd to restore the mbr10:45
webczatthereason to not use it is: how to use tools you don't have?10:45
FrancoZuccottiilovefairuz: ..and I got my screen blanck and stuck as well.10:45
judgenilovefairuz, Impossible as i do not have a windows cd10:45
bazhangwebczat, download unetbootin then10:45
ilovefairuzFrancoZuccotti: during or after installation ?10:45
webczatbazhang: and install it on linux? :) unless it is possible?10:45
FrancoZuccottiilovefairuz: during installation10:46
webczatehh it is10:46
bazhangwebczat, you on linux now or windows10:46
webczatbazhang: linux text console10:46
FrancoZuccottihowever I'm doing well with my 8.04LTS so I think that....I will be tied with it until its end of support... :-)10:47
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ilovefairuzFrancoZuccotti: try the  "safe graphics mode" (by pressing f4 in installation screen)10:47
webczatbazhang: and unetbootin is qt that disallows me from using it, cause i'm the gtk user that is blind in addition. but i'm more of a text console than gtk user10:48
FrancoZuccottiilovefairuz: unfortunately I already tried it10:48
battlerCould anyone help me with a kernel panic error?10:48
FrancoZuccottiilovefairuz: thank you very much anyway, I'll be stuck with my old (and working) 8.04LTS :-)10:49
ilovefairuzFrancoZuccotti: try another distro10:49
ilovefairuz!details | battler10:49
ubottubattler: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:49
ilovefairuzwebczat: just use dd10:49
Suit_Of_Sablesdoes anyone know of a media library app for videos? where one could sort by and edit meta data?10:49
FrancoZuccottiilovefairuz: ...uhm...you're right: I'll do it for sure. Thank you, bye10:50
Suit_Of_Sableslike guayadeque for movies? :)10:50
webczatilovefairuz: can you directly dd ubuntu iso without changing it?10:50
bazhangwebczat, nothing stops you other than aesthetics ? qt vs. gtk2?10:50
JPTokay, i guess i just have to double-check my mixer settings10:50
webczatbazhang: you didn't read the next part of the message10:50
JPTonce kde stopped, i heard the music10:50
JPTthanks for you support :)10:50
bazhangwebczat, sure I did10:51
MSMANUJPT: thanks10:51
webczatbazhang: that is more important10:51
webczatbazhang: qt is completely inaccessible10:51
battlerThank you ubottu. I was going to upgrade from ubuntu 9.1 (server) to 10.4. After a freeze during the install I rebooted. After that the only message I get is Kernel panic - not syncing:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0). I downloaded the ubuntu image so I could perform a rescue. I was able to find my grub and I found out that i started using grub2 instead of 1. Now unfortunately I have no idea what to look for.10:52
ilovefairuzwebczat: not sure if lucid supports that, but you could try10:52
Simeon_Hhow can I repair my system now that I've broken python completely?10:52
ilovefairuzbattler: have you tried reinstalling grub ?10:53
webczatbazhang: and that completely disallows me from using qt in any program10:53
ilovefairuzSimeon_H: chroot from live cd, reinstall the broken packages10:53
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent#Method%203:%20Copying%20the%20ISO%20CD%20image%20to%20the%20USB%20drive webczat10:54
battlerilovefairuz: Thank you, i'm trying that right now.10:54
bazhang!usb | webczat please have a read10:54
ubottuwebczat please have a read: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:54
ilovefairuzbattler: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20210:54
fourcolorshey, im looking for a file onmy computer via command line, how can I find it? I need to do a system wide search for it10:55
ilovefairuzfourcolors: find / -name filename10:55
ALAYA[ Question ] : Please how can I grant all rights to a simple user to manage a usb printer ? thanks :)10:56
battlerilovefairuz. I see 3 partitions. Linux LVM, Extended and Linux. I'm doubting between Linux LVM and Linux10:57
battlerMount the partition containing the Ubuntu installation. <-- this should be Linux LVM10:57
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Simeon_Hdo you mean boot from a livecd and chroot my existing installation or chroot a livecd from my existing installation?10:58
ilovefairuzbattler: http://linuxwave.blogspot.com/2007/11/mounting-lvm-disk-using-ubuntu-livecd.html10:58
ilovefairuzSimeon_H: chroot your installation from a livecd10:59
shomonhi, I'm always getting this error when trying to install anything via apt: http://pastebin.ca/191933510:59
hassanzhi my sound is not working after the update10:59
battlerthanx, trying that right now10:59
shomonbasically, error processing fglrx11:00
shomondoes anyone know how to solve this on lucid? I upgraded from hoary which may be the reason. I hear this is a true pain to solve11:00
garymcHOw DO I find my PoE switch IP address that ive just plugged into my server?11:00
bazhangshomon, from hoary? or hardy11:00
garymcI know my server is using DHCP but how do I check ?11:00
shomonum... 8.06?11:01
shomonthat's the one bazhang !11:01
shomonsorry about my uselessness in remembering version numbers :)11:02
ilovefairuzbattler: are you boot files on a different partition? perhaps just the "linux" one11:02
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ilovefairuzyour *11:02
bazhangshomon, start in recovery mode remove the driver try again?11:02
shomonremove the driver?11:02
battlerilovefairuz: At the end of the tut. I should mount my found partititions. I found these to with lvscan: /dev/perfect-linux/root11:02
shomonhow do I start in recovery mode?11:02
bazhangshomon, hold shift at boot11:03
shomonand then run synaptic?11:03
battlerthats the hdd where everything should be on. Should I mount that like mount /dev/perfect-linux/root /11:03
ilovefairuzbattler: mount both linux partitions and check if /boot is on a separate one11:03
bazhangshomon, once you are into the desktop, then go to hardware drivers under system administration11:03
shomonah okay11:04
ilovefairuz!sound > hassanz11:04
webczatbazhang: a question: if i don't want persistent mode, do i need to change anything in the bootloader config?11:04
ubottuhassanz, please see my private message11:04
battlerilovefairuz: the partition that i've found is the entire root. How can I mount this?11:05
shomonthanks bazhang11:05
ilovefairuzbattler: pastebin11:05
battlerI found the root and the swap11:05
Professor_Gheadphones not auto connecting. help11:06
gimpy283Having problem with 10.04-Server setting the wrong resolution (no GUI).  It boots up to the point where Ubu tries to set its console resoltion but sets it wrong so it does not work and my monitor just shows "No input".  Setting GRUB_GFXMODE in /etc/default/grub did not help at all.11:06
shomonhmmm but when I open hardware drivers now, I get "no proprietary drivers", bazhang - will that change when in recovery mode?11:06
battlerilovefairuz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/3ewqLWW311:06
fourcolorsanyone here work with postGIS on ubuntu?11:06
fourcolorsI need some help with creating a template postgis database11:07
bazhang!pl | Guest6252911:07
ubottuGuest62529: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:07
ilovefairuzbattler: mount the other linux partition and check what's on it11:08
shomonok well, I'll try and see.11:08
battleryou mean the swap?11:08
bazhanghttp://www.pendrivelinux.com/  webczat tons of resources here; including multiple from a single usb stick; if you have grub2 you can also boot from an iso on the hdd11:09
ilovefairuzbattler: pastebin: sudo fdisk -l11:10
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c3lhow do I test if hostname == foo in a shellscript?11:12
Professor_Gheadphones not auto connecting. help11:13
gimpy283c3l: Something like: if [ "$HOSTNAME" = "foo" ];then.....but you are vbetter off asking in #bash11:13
bazhang!details | Professor_G11:13
ubottuProfessor_G: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:13
c3lgimpy283: ah thanks11:13
gsergiu_gea you still here?11:13
battlerilovefiaruz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/7q85ZtHD11:13
alejandro_hi bazhang - I just restarted using the same kernel, in recovery mode, went to "failsafe graphics mode" and then into hardware drivers.11:14
gsergiu_by the way Ilovefiaruz I managed to make it work11:14
alejandro_no proprietary drivers11:14
gsergiu_thanks for the help mate11:14
uatechi there11:14
ilovefairuzbattler: there's a non-LVM partition on sda5, are you sure your installation is  on sda1?11:14
uateci am trying to connect to my ubuntu machine via SFTP, but i'm getting "Authentication failed. Critical error. Could not connect to server." from filezilla11:14
Professor_Gok i plug my headphones in and thay dont automatically switch when pluged in i have to manualey activate headphones11:15
uatecwhere can i find out more about the problem? SFTP logs? security logs?11:15
ilovefairuzbattler: you could mount it and browse the files: sudo mkdir /mnt/sda5 && sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/sda511:15
battleri think sow. If i look at the start and end block size would'nt sda5 be to small?11:15
battleri will mount just to be sure11:16
Professor_Gbazhang,  whats the solution11:16
alejandro_I'm getting a different error now though: a window appears from a "!" icon - "sorry, the package fglrx bla bla failed to install or upgrade"11:16
Alchimistahow can i ad windows.forms to wine?11:16
Professor_G bazhang ok i plug my headphones in and thay dont automatically switch when pluged in i have to manualey activate headphones11:16
ilovefairuzbattler: to mount the one inside lvm use: sudo mkdir /mnt/b && sudo mount /dev/perfect-linux/root /mnt/b11:16
ilovefairuzbattler: browse both directories and check when one has your installation11:16
bazhangProfessor_G, so they work?11:16
battlersda5 is empty11:17
fourcolorscould someone help me compile postgis? Im getting this error when trying to compile when I run "make" http://pastie.org/109962011:17
Professor_Gbazhang,  when i manualy select analog headphones yes. but i want them to automatically switch on when connectes11:17
battleri'm going to try the root now11:17
fourcolorsI don't know what is wrong or why it's not working11:17
bazhangfourcolors, why compile when its in the repos11:18
battlerIlovefairuz: I;ve mounted both, but both dirs are empty:S11:18
uatecAlchimista, download winetricks. It is basically an installer for a whole bunch of windows components for wine.11:18
uatecincluding .net 2.011:18
Alchimistauatec: i already have it :S11:19
Deputaats_hi. I downloaded git with git://... from their homepage. But now in that newly created git dir I have bunch of files. I'm accessing my ubuntu server through SSH. But I'm windows user. So - what to do next?11:19
uatecand it hasn't installed System.Windows.Forms.dll?11:19
uatecwell in that case it's beyond me. sorry11:19
fourcolorsbazhang: does the repo have the latest version? The problem was when I installed postGIS and tried to find "geography_columns" when creating my postgis template database it wasn't there... so i figured the ubuntu package was out of date11:19
Alchimistauatec: nops, even with it installed, i have no forms :S11:19
ilovefairuzbattler: ah ..11:19
kohwjpalimpsest says that my 3-month old laptop hard drive (a TOSHIBA MK6465GSX) has 271 bad sectors. is this normal?11:20
fourcolors what is the lastest version in the repo of postGIS ?11:20
StaRetjiFolks, I need help with sound. Sound card is ALC662 and I raised volume to the end in mixer option. In mixer card selected is HDA Intel. Then, I've noticed pulsemixer, selected it and raise sound to the end. Why I had to do that? Why mixer didn't give me sound on HDA intel but gave on pulse? Thx11:20
Znudzoni have problem with libstdc++. When i try compiling program with GHC i have : can't load .so/.DLL for: stdc++ (libstdc++.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)11:20
Znudzon     It is my Ubuntu fault ?11:20
bazhang1.4.0-2 fourcolors11:20
battlerjust to be sure i've try a mount /dev/perfect-linux/root /mnt/b and it says its already mounted on /mnt/b so I think the mount is ok11:20
fourcolorsbazhang: I need 1.511:20
gimpy283Having problem with 10.04-Server setting the wrong resolution (no GUI).  It boots up to the point where Ubu tries to set its console resoltion but sets it wrong so it does not work and my monitor just shows "No input".  Setting GRUB_GFXMODE in /etc/default/grub did not help at all.11:20
fourcolorsbazhang: not sure 1.4 has geography support :(11:20
battlerilovefairuz: Am i screwed..?11:21
uatecgimpy283, you can press alt+f1 to get to a console. from there you can log in and change the resolution in the X config11:21
uatecsomebody else will have to tell you where the X config is though :S11:22
fourcolorsbazhang: why might this not be compiling do you know what the cause might be11:22
gimpy283uatec: As mentioned, there is no X, this is just a stock ubuntu-server.11:22
uatecwithout x installed i would have thought it would just sit at the normal 80x25 resolution... that's weird :S11:23
StaRetjiReally need help to understand why HDA Intel in mixer doesn't produce sound and on the other side selecting Playback from pulseaudio mixer produces sound?11:23
Professor_Gbazhang,  so whats the sulution11:23
gimpy283uatec: Not in 10.04, 10.04 changes to something higher if it can.11:23
bazhangProfessor_G, no idea, I dont use headphones11:24
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battlercould it be that it cant mount the /sda1 because its a Linux LVM?11:24
Professor_Gwho can help me?11:25
ilovefairuzbattler: you can't mount it directly because it doesn't have a single file system, it contains multiple ones, and so you have to use lvscan11:25
alejandro_what is the problem again Professor_G? I used to get both headphones and laptop speakers working when I plugged them in, until ubuntu forums showed me some secret hidden config somewhere to get the headphone jack to automatically switch off the main speakers11:26
battleri'm going to follow your tut once more maybe i missed something. Because when I look in my /etc/ i do see all my files11:26
alejandro_but that's all I know... sorry11:26
Professor_Galejandro_,  thats what i have at the momant unless i select analog headphones in settings11:27
ilovefairuzbattler: /etc on what partition ?11:27
battlerhow can I see this?11:27
battlerwhen I look in my root all my files are there11:27
battlerI asume that this is on /sda111:27
ilovefairuzbattler: that's only the livecd11:27
ilovefairuznope, not sda111:28
alejandro_bazhang, I'm going to try this solution, but it involves deleting an important looking library! do you think it's okay? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1092212.html11:28
ilovefairuzbattler: the livecd has it's own filesystem too11:28
bazhangalejandro_, thought you had a problem with fglrx?11:28
alejandro_yes I do11:28
battlerI can see my iptables config etc..11:28
bazhangalejandro_, that is ati, the forums link is for nvidia11:28
battlerI've made a few iptables scripts in the past, and stored them in /etc/iptables. I can see them right now11:29
alejandro_well, I want to remove fglrx.11:29
bazhangalejandro_, and fglrx is for ati; nvidia-glx is not11:30
alejandro_if that will get me the ability to use apt and synaptic again11:30
ilovefairuzbattler: type: pwd11:30
bazhangalejandro_, try going into synaptic and removing11:30
alejandro_in synaptic?11:30
battlerilovefairuz: /pwd: /etc/iptales11:30
Professor_Gare we actually getting a sulution here?11:30
bazhang!helpme | Professor_G11:30
ubottuProfessor_G: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude11:30
battlerilovefairuz: /pwd: /etc/iptables11:30
ilovefairuzbattler: are you on the livecd?11:31
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.11:31
battlerno, its the rescue part of the server install cd11:31
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:31
alejandro_Professor_G, I can suggest a search of ubuntu forums...11:32
battlerilovefairuz: in the boot menu of the cd i check the rescue a broken system part that brought me in this terminal11:32
alejandro_and yeah some audio headphone person might be here later on11:32
ilovefairuzbattler: well you should have said so instead of confusing me, anyhow, pastebin mount11:32
battlerrun from /perfect-linux/root11:32
alejandro_hmm, fglrx is outlined in red...11:32
battlerilovefairuz: I'm sorry didnt got that11:33
Professor_Galejandro_,  great mor shearching11:33
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ibrahim-kasem_ilovefairuz, hi11:33
ilovefairuzhello ibrahim-kasem11:33
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alejandro_isn't life just a big search for proper headphone config...11:33
ilovefairuzbattler: pastebin: mount11:33
harmandeephi guys11:34
ilovefairuz!hi | harmandeep11:34
ubottuharmandeep: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:34
harmandeep i need to what is Debain Default RunLevel Configuration file ... ( its path and name ) ... like /etc/inittab for RedHat and like11:35
Professor_Galejandro_,  yeah it is11:35
ilovefairuzharmandeep: what are you trying to accomplish ?11:35
alejandro_good luck!11:35
harmandeepi need to know the name and path of that file. ... thats it11:36
harmandeepi m not having debain installed11:36
alejandro_bazhang, same error: http://pastebin.ca/191935411:36
harmandeepis it    /etc/inittab    OR       /etc/event.d/rc-default     ?11:36
alejandro_would manually removing or renaming /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa work maybe?11:37
Kjeldorwhat is the weather code for Manila, philippines? I cant get yahoo to work on it11:38
ububu2I have a new hp dv600 pavillion and want to put ubuntu in it11:38
ububu2There is one thing i wanto to know befor i do so11:39
akheronI'm upgrading a server installation from karmic to lucid using do-release-upgrade. After the step "Setting up libc6-i686" all the following steps fail with an error:11:39
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akheron/bin/sh: /lib/tls/i686/nosegneg/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.11' not found (required by /bin/sh11:39
ububu2on this hp, before the windows boots up, hp has its own small OS thingy that allows me to surf internet and listen to music even bofore booting windows11:39
battlerilovefairuz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/2FTeMg9S11:40
alejandro_aah, that file doesn't actually even exist on my computer!11:40
ububu2so if I dual boot ubuntu, can i still have that hp OS boot up first?11:40
battlerilovefairuz: sorry it took so long, it was a lot of typing11:40
trijntjeububu, yes, you can set up grub to default to that OS11:40
ZnudzonHello. I have a little problem with ubuntu. When i would like to compile program ith haskell i have error : can't load .so/.DLL for: stdc++ (libstdc++.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)11:41
Znudzon   Can any help me ?11:41
phampcan anyone recommend a newsreader with nzb support for ubuntu?11:41
ububu2trijntje: would it be possible to choose between hp OS and Ubuntu, so I can log into which i want11:41
akheronZnudzon: try "sudo apt-get install libstdc++6"11:42
ARGGGis there any way to fix overscan?11:42
trijntjeububu2, yes, you can set grub so that it waits for your input before it boots to an OS11:42
theboredomSeony herE?11:42
ububu2i m afraid grub will remove the hp OS or something like, it wont let me choose between HP and Ubuntu11:42
ububu2ok, thanks,11:43
Znudzonahkeron: the problem is... i have this package11:43
trijntjeububu2, I would think grub wil recognise the small OS, but i'm not 100% sure11:43
th0rZnudzon: see if there is a -dev package for libstdc11:43
trijntjeububu2, it will remain on you PC anyway, even if grub cant find it11:43
trijntjebut then you will have to add it to grub manually later on11:44
ububu2trijntje: thats true,11:44
ububu2trijntje:  thanks, cant wait to use ubuntu again : missed it11:44
battlerilovefairuz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/2FTeMg9S11:44
Znudzonth0r: i have all packages from libstdc...11:45
stonitkazvam se stoqn11:45
zatanhi my master volume in the taskbar doesn't make any difference to the volume, I can adjust volume just only through terminal alsamixer, any solution?11:46
LucidFoxzatan> What about the slider in the sound properties dialog?11:48
ilovefairuzbattler: sda5 if your /boot partition, pastebin: ls /boot11:48
zatanLucidFox,  its still the same no sound11:48
LucidFoxzatan> What are your Master and PCM levels in alsamixer?11:49
LucidFoxdo you use PulseAudio?11:49
zatanLucidFox,  my master and PCM levels are 100.11:49
battlerilovefairuz: /bin/sh: /boot: permission denied11:49
alejandro_yaay! solved my issue! I think!11:50
ilovefairuzbattler: sudo ls /boot11:50
ilovefairuzbattler: or rather, sudo ls -R /boot11:51
battlerilovefairuz: ohh thats a lot, do I need to type the entire dir?11:51
fourcolorsI have a question about compiling programs. If i compile a program (with make, then make install) after it's done doin its thing, can I delete the file I configured, did a make and make install in? or do I have to keep that folder?11:53
itsux2buwhats the diff between putty and vnc?11:53
ilovefairuzbattler: does it have grub2 related entries?11:54
splashotehi, any alternative to "killall" in order to kill a zombie?11:54
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delijatii have a problem with removing a route ... ip route delete <ROUTE> works but after restart the route still exists ... in /etc/network/interfaces is the route commented ... same with route del <ROUTE>11:54
Terminusfourcolors: usually, a properly coded program will install it into /usr/local by default. you can erase the directory you used to build after that. SOP would be configure; make; make install. you can usually change the target directory by running ./configure --prefix=$SOMEWHERE_ELSE.11:55
Terminusfourcolors: for more info, you can run ./configure --help11:56
battlerilovefairuz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/3j4c6dqq11:57
theboredomhi any cute korean guys here?11:58
splashotei got to kill transmission.. it's a zombie! how do i get rid of it?11:59
dovdid you get the pid yet?12:00
Ober7!offtopic | theboredom12:00
ubottutheboredom: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:00
theboredomAny cute korean guys out therE? pm me12:00
[nrx]get a grip already12:01
hassanzim still lost at the sound issue12:01
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plitteranyone have any experience playing multiplayer in virtualbox+12:04
ilovefairuzbattler: the problem is, whether the grub files contain the correct configuration for your lvm partition or not, but anyhow, try to just run grub-install  /dev/sda12:04
plitteri cant get it to work12:04
trijntje!details | plitter12:05
ubottuplitter: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:05
joachimis it possible to downgrade php 5.3 to 5.2 on ubuntu 10.04 without breaking stuff?12:05
hhhhhhhhhivw tried to install ubuntu but it fucked me up12:05
trijntjehhhhhhhhh, please mind your language, what is the problem?12:06
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hhhhhhhhhit cannot even boot after install, i cannot see console and my clock is borkef12:06
[nrx]hhhhhhhhh, describe your problem12:06
hassanzhhhhhhhhh: +112:06
battlerilovefairuz: I tun the grub-install command, should i try to reboot ?12:06
hhhhhhhhhi see a grub menu with vista loader in it12:07
battlerhope it worked..12:07
ilovefairuzhhhhhhhhh: did you install using wubi ?12:07
plitterI have a problem with Virtuel box, i am running ubuntu 10.04. I am trying to play heroes of might and magic 3 in multiplayer and i cant find anyone else, but the other guys here find eachother ...12:07
hhhhhhhhhalso during install the console was displaying snow and screen was in vga mode12:07
hhhhhhhhhi did12:07
NTpspE@plitter is your virtualbox able to connect to the LAN?12:08
ilovefairuzjoachim: downgrade how? lucid doesn't ship a 5.2 package12:08
battlerilovefairuz: When I boot I directly get some kind of grub editor mode12:08
ilovefairuzhhhhhhhhh: get your windows cd and restore mbr12:08
hhhhhhhhhmy mbr is fine12:08
battlerilovefairuz: It says Minimal BASH-lke line editiing is supported.12:09
joachimilovefairuz: i don't know. i have a drupal site on localhost which doesn't work with php 5.312:09
hhhhhhhhhgrub on wubi disk is broken12:09
plitterNTpspE: yes12:09
NTpspE@plitter have you installed virtualbox guest additions?12:10
hassanzdamn i lost all my day just trying to make audio work12:10
plitterNTpspE: yes12:10
hassanzits still not working :@12:10
plitterNTpspE: well, i did run the script that i found on the cd, i hope thats the same ?12:11
ilovefairuzjoachim:  what version of drupal is that? newer versions support 5.312:11
hhhhhhhhhand now i am suppose to reinstakk that damned thing once again?!12:11
joachimunfortunately it's an older version of drupal, 4.7. it's not possible to upgrade it to 7 yet12:12
c3lhow do i remove gdm (or kdm) from automatically starting? Id like to take controll of the starting of X manually, and not use gdm (kdm) at all12:12
NTpspE@plitter you click on the bar that comes when you load the guest os, and there is a choic to "install guest additions"12:12
ilovefairuzhhhhhhhhh: wubi is problematic, install on a normal partition12:12
NTpspE@plitter that normally helps configure everything on the system, so it can use your hardware to full potential as if it was installed12:12
scotty00this makes my wifi pci card work how can i make this a constant fix and not type it all the time sudo modprobe orinoco_pci12:13
hhhhhhhhhi don't have normal partition, why it is on CD then if it doesn't work?12:13
ilovefairuzjoachim: ubuntu server hardy/8.04 is an LTS release and it ships 5.212:13
plitterNTpspE: trying to install now by using the script VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run12:14
joachimilovefairuz, i guess it's not possible, just wanted to know for sure.12:14
NTpspE@plitter yeah i think that's it. If not, make sure your network adapted is "connected to NAT"12:15
ilovefairuzjoachim: you can install it in virtualbox and access it on there12:15
battlerilovefairuz: When I boot I directly get some kind of grub editor mode12:15
StaRetjiCan someone help me out a bit. I need to remove decoration (title bar) of a running app. Is there a way to do it in ubuntu?12:15
StaRetjiCan someone help me out a bit. I need to remove decoration (title bar) of a running app. Is there a way to do it in ubuntu?12:15
StaRetjiah, sorry for double post12:15
joachimilovefairuz, ah. thanks. i'll research it12:15
amageehey, in ubuntu 10.04 the behaviour of rhythmbox in the system tray is rather stupid.  it doesn't show the currently-playing track on mouse over, and single clicking doesn't open the application window.  the rhythmbox people say it's something to do with the ubuntu package.  does anyone know of a ubuntu rhythmbox package with sane system tray behaviour?12:15
shomonhi, can I remove all the apt packages my computer is storing, maybe via synaptic somehow?12:16
hhhhhhhhhamagee: i wouldnt trust them, they always try to scunk the responsibility12:16
shomonjust to make space... also maybe all the old linux kernels?12:17
amageethis is ridiculous12:17
NTpspE@amagee what are you after?12:17
amageeNTpspE: my previous message is pretty complete12:18
ilovefairuzbattler: grub-install –modules=”pc ext4 lvm” /dev/sda12:18
shomonStaRetji, all I know is that that should be controlled by the window manager, and way back when I had a suse box you could hide window decor or just choose a window manager with minimal decoration12:18
hhhhhhhhhok so how can I make the console work, it prints the initial kernel stuff fine then poof and monitor is out of sync untill video mode started12:18
tweak_shomon: theres a program called computer janitor available in software center for that12:18
StaRetjithx shomon12:18
shomonah yeah I've seen it... ok will try it!12:18
shomonthanks tweak_ and no prob StaRetji12:18
NTpspE@amagee i think older versions of ubuntu worked it a different way, it's the new notification system that's to blame. When a song changes, it will tell you what the new song is12:18
amageeNTpspE: that's not what i want though12:19
amageecan i fix it?12:19
SauLusdo you know how to enable nfs-kernel logging?12:19
hhhhhhhhhamagee: yes, migrate to banshee12:19
amagee*tries this*12:19
amageerhythmbox is so close to being a decent player12:20
jamiewanamagee: use vlc player instead,12:20
hhhhhhhhhjamiewan: since when vlc has library?12:20
amageevlc for huge music collections?12:20
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nanixHello. My fresh installed ubuntu freezes even if started without X. Should not be a hardware problem as gentoo was working correctly in this machine as well as windows. Can someone provide some insight?12:21
tweak_amagee : you could use a screenlet12:21
amageewhat is a screenlet12:21
hhhhhhhhhnanix: boot other OS and check logs12:21
c3lhow do i remove gdm (or kdm) from automatically starting? Id like to take controll of the starting of X manually, and not use gdm (kdm) at all12:21
tweak_should be under Applications > Accessories12:21
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tweak_can be anything but the one i mean it keeps a now playing on ur desktop12:22
hhhhhhhhhcan someone tell me how to make console to stay in normal mode?12:23
[nrx]"normal" mode?12:23
nanixhhhhhhhhh, what do you mean by "normal"?12:23
hhhhhhhhh80x25,. 80x50 not the mess it does12:24
battlerilovefairuz: I tried: grub-install -modules="/dev/Perfect-Linux ext4 lvm" /dev/sda but is says unrecognized option12:24
dcat_?DCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 012:24
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.12:24
[nrx]you're talkin as though we can see what's on your screen. A little bit more information would go a long way12:24
nanixhhhhhhhhh, are you talking about number of characters on your screen while seeying ttys?12:25
c3lhow is gdm started? and how do I change that?12:25
battlerilovefairuz: you typed pc do I need to type Perfect-Linux (my pc name) because that doesnt work12:25
hhhhhhhhhme? during boot console swith to some mode the monitor cannot handle and theres a mess resulting12:25
nanixc3l, gdm is started with /etc/init.d/gdm start12:25
amageethanks for the banshee suggestion btw, it's fixed the problems that were most annoying me12:25
nanixc3l, do you wanna avoid it to start automatically or just stop it temporarily?12:25
amageewhy do rhythmbox and banshee both exist?12:26
hhhhhhhhhits some thin g new, 8.10 did not12:26
c3lnanix: prevent it from automatically starting12:27
c3lnanix: does everything inside /etc/init.d/ autimatically run at boot?12:28
nanixc3l, no, everything in init.d can be started at boot, but /etc/rcX.d/ determine what to start12:28
nanixbeing X the runlevel12:29
nanixsee http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44329812:29
_hans_c3l: no, only if there is a link in one of ther /etc/rc* files to it12:29
geirhac3l: You can use update-rc.d to set which init scripts to run in which runlevel, or just create the symlinks manually.12:29
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meatbunhow to tell crontab to print out warning before shutdown computer?12:30
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rob_p_meatbun: Why would cron shut down the computer unless you had a job (script or program) which told it to do so?12:32
nanixjust make that job to print out the warning12:32
meatbunrob_p_, just experimenting12:32
rob_p_meatbun: There's a clue in there, by the way! :-)12:32
ilovefairuzbattler: no, just use "pc"12:32
shomonmeatbun, as rob_p_ is saying, you need to look in the crontab and change the script that shuts the computer down to add some kind of message12:32
meatbunyeah. i go write a script and keep an extra file on my hdd12:33
ilovefairuzbattler: grub-install --modules=”pc ext4 lvm” /dev/sda12:33
meatbunshomon, was hoping cron has a default feature, so i dont have to write my own script12:33
shomoncron is as old as the god chronos... in unix time that is12:33
shomonman 5 crontab may still give good info12:34
battlerilovefairuz: unrecognized option '-modules-pc ext4 lvm'12:34
ilovefairuzbattler: it's --, not -12:34
ilovefairuztwo -12:34
OspreyJrDid 10.04.1 update the kernel?12:36
shomonI'm guessing to write something that actually sends an alert, you'd need to write something that could display a message on your screen like "rebooting! save your work"12:36
hhhhhhhhhOspreyJr: yes, among many other updates12:36
battlerilovefairuz I get the same error: : unrecognized option '--modules-pc ext4 lvm'12:36
shomonthe shutdown command does this on xterms, but I'm not sure if it actually displays a message on the gui12:37
battlermodules=pc ext4 lvm12:37
nanixDo you want a graphic alert or just something on tty?12:37
ilovefairuzbattler: --modules="pc ext4 lvm"12:37
pvh_sahey there, i'm trying to upgrade a machine here to 10.04, but apt-get keeps returning 403 Forbidden messages without even going out onto the network (i.e. i run tcpdump and there's no network traffic happening that could lead to those "forbidden" messages). any ideas?12:38
shomonnanix, it was meatbun who was asking...12:38
meatbunshomon, i got it to work12:38
pvh_saah, found it. bad proxy configured in apt.conf12:39
battlerilovefairuz: grub: unrecognized option '--modules=pc ext4 lvm'12:39
shomonjust out of curiosity, how did you do it meatbun ?12:39
OspreyJrhhhhhhhhh What kernel version is in 10.04.1? Can't find that info.12:39
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battlerilovefairuz: i typed: grub install --modules="pc ext4 lvm" /dev/sda12:39
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meatbunshomon, script12:40
ilovefairuzbattler: it's grub-install12:40
wastl0spreyJr: mine says 2.6.32-24-generic12:40
battlerilovefairuz: ahh men I suck..12:41
OspreyJrthank you wastl12:41
ilovefairuzdon't worry, it happens12:41
xorHow do we upgrade from 10.04 to 10.04.1?12:41
nanixWhich logs can be interesting to detect why a computer hungs without X. Probably a kernel problem. Nothing interesting in kern.log, dmesg, or others...12:41
nanixWhat should I be looking for hhhhhhhhh?12:41
hhhhhhhhhxor: you fdon't12:41
wastlxor: just do apt-get upgrade oder apt-get dist-upgrade?12:42
hhhhhhhhhnanix: dmesg of course12:42
lellewhy do i have a big x covering my sound speaker symbol in the tray and no sound? :s12:42
nanixIt's not apt-get safe-upgrade? (maybe it's a debian command)12:42
shomonlelle,  your sound is muted12:42
nanixhhhhhhhhh, nothing in dmesg as well, the last information is avout pdev: user-space parallel port driver12:43
battlerilovefairuz:  grub-install --modules="pc ext4 lvm" /dev/sda unrecognized option '--modules=pc ext4 lvm'12:43
rwwnanix: safe-upgrade is an aptitude command, not an apt-get one12:43
lelleshomon yes but why, it just stopped working yesterday12:44
nanixohh sorry, long time without using a debian based packing system12:44
ilovefairuzbattler: grub-install -v12:44
battlergrub-install (GNU GRUB 0.97)12:45
battlerohh maybe this is the old grub not the grub2?12:45
shomonlelle, did you try messing around in sound preferences? maybe some driver crashed.12:46
shomonall just guesses really though :(12:46
wastlbattler: afair GRUB 0.97 used to be an early beta of Grub212:46
lelleshomon: no nothing, but my laptop is ghetto so i dont know if a cord fell of inside of it or something..12:46
battlerwastl: maybe I should try to update my grub212:47
wastlbattler: maybe...however some distrbutions including ubuntu shipped whith 0.97 ...12:47
ilovefairuzbattler: that's grub 112:48
battlerilovefairuz: should i do a apt-get install grub2 ?12:49
nanixThe system hungs (even without X) and seems random. I didn't see any message in /var/log about any kind of error or problem (dmesg, kern.log...) How to track down this error? Thanks12:49
ilovefairuzbattler: i guess so ... anyway, upgrading is often problematic on significant releases, i suggest you back up your data, do a clean install and select "use entire disk" in the installer to erase the old partitions12:50
battlerIlovefairuz: I'm afraid that i'll miss configuration files. Is there a way to make sure that I get all my files/data/apps12:52
nanixThe system hang even using acpi=off noapic and nolapic when booting12:52
ilovefairuzbattler:  configurations of what applications?12:52
battlere-mail server, database, roundcube, cacti, log server and sow on12:53
sed`which code name scheme will ubuntu use in 2018?12:54
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battlerilovefairuz: i installed grub2 and run your command but it says. cannot stat /usr/lub/grub/i386-pc/pc.mod12:55
dubeyi am looking for opensource application to install on of my LAN Host and monitor the network traffic of my LAN, Special which ip used how much data transfer12:55
battlersoww i think its really broken12:55
ilovefairuzbattler: backup your /etc/ directory and hand-pick the files after you finish the fresh install12:56
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dubeyanyone ?12:57
wolveshi dubey12:58
battlerhmm too bad it will take a while to get the system up and running again as before the upgrade12:58
dubeywolves : hi12:59
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FloodBot2brizzio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:59
battlerilovefairuz: anyways thank you very much for your patience and help! too bad that this isnt fixable13:00
jatthow do I tell if cron is running?13:00
korst3nHi, apt-get started giving package unknown for every single package. any ideas?13:00
korst3n`you're about to install software that can't be authenticated` is the message i get for every single package13:01
dagb_wrkcurrent 10.10 snapshot does not boot for me. anyone here tried yesterday's snap?13:02
ravionrailsremote dektop viewer doesnot display live dektop13:02
ilovefairuzbattler: you could try converting the lvm partitions to normal ones but you'll need to resize the existing parition to make room for two new partitions with sufficient space and then use 'dd' to copy the lvm partitions over to them13:02
ravionrailsjust display a single image and it does not change after that13:03
dubeywolves : any idea ?13:03
battlerilovefairuz: I have a spare drive in the system same 80 gig that isnt being used. Can I do something with that?13:04
plitterI am having a problem with virtual box. I am running ubuntu 10.04 and virtually windows xp. The problem is that i am trying to play a game over LAN and it doesn't find the other people. I guess its because I am behind the virtual machine, but how do i fix that...13:05
ilovefairuzbattler: yes you can make the two partitions there (one for root and one for swap)13:05
wastlplitter: did you set virtual lan on that machine to nat or to bridge?13:05
ilovefairuzbattler: i'm not really sure if this will work for your case, so unless you're willing to put extra time in this, i still suggest the clean installation13:05
plitterwastl: nat13:05
plittershould i put bridge?13:06
hhhhhhhhhplitter: which game?13:06
plitterhhhhhhhhh: heroes of might and magic 3:D13:06
wastlplitter: so maybe the nat is the problem...if natted your vm gets an internal ip from virtualbox and due to nat the game cannot make direct connections on ports an all that13:06
battleri'm afraid that things wont work after a reinstall. squid proxy server, webserver, log server, mail server, dhcp server.. its a lot of work to get this working again.13:06
wastlplitter: i'd try bridge13:07
battlerthen again a full reinstall would be the best13:07
nanixplitter, isn't heroes of might and magic 4 out there already?13:07
plitternanix: 5 actually;)13:07
plitterbattler:  full reinstall?13:07
nanixwow, I feel out13:07
battlerhmm i'm think i'm just gonna do a full reinstall. that way i'll be sure that the apps are 10.05 compatible13:07
plitterwastl: when i put it on bridged adapter it doesnt connect13:08
plitterwastl: i put it on eth013:09
wastlno dhcp on your lan?13:09
OlytibarI have the following problem with tomboy: http://pastebin.com/LTjtkWtP13:09
bisahey, any idea why my gparted live usb freezes at the initial boot screen? or am I supposed to press a key combination of sorts to get it running13:10
plitterwastl: dhcp is on13:10
philinuxkorst3n: Post up your sources.list13:10
icerootbisa: doesnt sound like ubuntu-support13:11
bisaiceroot: point taken, sorry :)13:11
wastlplitter: did you check if your virtual interface got an ip address n your xp vm?13:12
martinb_Hi, anybody know where my volume control option has vanished to from my panel, and more importantly, how to get it back? Ubuntu 10.04?13:12
korst3nphilinux, http://pastebin.ca/191939313:13
Dr_Willis!resetpanels | martinb_13:13
ubottumartinb_: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:13
ikoniaOlytibar: ask a questions,13:13
plitterwastl: still getting
Dr_Willismartinb_:  theres the old gnome-volume-controll-applet (i think) you can also run for a alternative volume controll.13:14
odesk_any shell experts ?13:15
wastlhm maybe the VirtualBox internal lan and your lan use the same subnet? That would lead into routing chaos in vms ;)13:15
plitterwastl: same subnet?13:16
plitterwastl: incase thats the problem how do i fix it?13:17
wastlplitter: hm dunno if you can reconfigure virtualbox's internal lan13:17
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odesk_guys how to mach a string to a file exactly13:18
odesk_in shell13:18
ravionrailssomebody help me my remote desktop viewer does not show me live desktop after connecting the remote desktop changes but doesnot reflect on my pc13:18
ZykoticK9plitter, VBox by default gives out 10.x.x.x IPs if you are using NAT - if you want a real IP address which your VM to using Bridged or Internal I believe13:19
ilovefairuzodesk_: what are you trying to do?13:20
odesk_@ilovefairuz I try to check if variable $1 is exists EXACTLY in the file $2 or not13:21
ilovefairuzodesk_: grep string /path/to/file13:21
odesk_grep do not do that EXACTLY13:22
ilovefairuzodesk_: elaborate13:22
odesk_if any additional chars added to $1 it will still be found13:22
laegdoes anyone know how i can change the owner of a .pdf file and then 'secure' it?13:22
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plitterZykoticK9: i've tried both internal and bridged with different options, but i cant get to the internet with those settings... is there something i have to do in ubuntu to allow it to get through?13:22
odesk_I mean13:23
ilovefairuzodesk_: "\bstring\b"13:23
odesk_how to use that13:23
odesk_can you give me example ?13:23
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Professor_Ginternet explorer for linux? is there one13:23
actionparsnipplitter: you may need to manually set the DNS servers13:23
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actionparsnipProfessor_G: theres ies4linux but its pretty poor13:24
ZykoticK9plitter, i'd imagine that your /etc/resolv.conf may be the internet issue13:24
Professor_Gactionparsnip,  define pritty poor13:24
ZykoticK9Professor_G, ies4linux is using an old IE at this point...13:24
wastlProfessor_G: you do not want to scam your linux with ie !13:24
actionparsnipProfessor_G: bad rendering, unstable13:25
ilovefairuzodesk_: grep "\bSTRINGHERE\b" filename13:25
ilovefairuzodesk_: replace STRINGHERE with your string13:25
plitterZykoticK9: there is basicly nothing there:P13:25
actionparsnipProfessor_G: if yuo want to webtest pages using IE, the only real way to get a true test is to run a virtualbox and use IE there13:25
odesk_ok thanks13:25
Professor_Gyou see this site says a nee IE for it to work and i want it to work? how?13:25
odesk_I will try now13:25
ZykoticK9plitter, that "nothing" is your DNS server addresses13:25
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: google ie4linux13:26
actionparsnipProfessor_G: grab an agent switcher for your browser, it wil trick the site into thinking yuo have a different browser13:26
plitterZykoticK9: http://pastebin.com/wXWRYKWh this is what i got13:26
ZykoticK9Professor_G, actionparsnip's suggestion above is better then IEs4linux...13:27
actionparsnipplitter: set your primary dns to  and your secondary to    you will get a connection then#13:27
Professor_Gactionparsnip,  so the first step is to?13:27
solowIs it possible to install ubuntu without a usb flash drive of empty disk?13:27
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: what browser are you currently using?13:27
ZykoticK9plitter, if that is with DHCP turned on, you should try seeing if that info is there in Bridged mode13:27
Professor_Gilovefairuz,  Firefox13:27
abhijithello! :)13:27
Dr_Willissolow:  Huh?  Clarify that question.13:28
ibrahim-kasemabhijit, hiii :)13:28
actionparsnipProfessor_G: then search the firefox addons. Why not websearch a little based off the information I have given you rather than spoonfeeding. You will learn more13:28
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: install https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/59/ and switch from the tools menu (after you restart firefox)13:28
solowDr_Willis, uhm... It's just like I said. I dont have empty cd disks, and no usb stick atm. And I wish to install ubuntu using nothing but my laptop, and it's hd13:28
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: that will make your firefox appear as if it's IE but this may or may not get your site to work properly13:29
solowI thought I could create a nother partition with the installation files on it, and merge it with the installation afterward.13:29
Dr_Willissolow:  you could use unetbootin to make a 'live' install to a small parition at teh start of the HD.. boot it. then do a normal install to the rest of the HD. (Icky)13:29
solowDr_Willis, kind of like I said :p13:29
actionparsnipsolow: you can use a pxe boot but you will need another pc running the pxe server and your bios must be able to pxe boot13:29
deanesHey guys, after I do a sudo update-initramfs i get the error "cannot open scripts/casper-functions13:29
deanesany ideas why13:30
sachoDr_Willis: why icky? that's exactly how I install! :P13:30
Dr_Willissolow:  or if you had any other linux's out there.. you could set up grub2 to boot the ISo files from a partition13:30
wastlsolow: then the only way would be to boot from lan - if your laptoop's nic is capable of that..which would also require you to set up a pxe13:30
Dr_Willissacho:   I use flash drives. :) and iso/grub2.13:30
solownice idea13:30
solowI'll use the lan13:30
Dr_Willissacho:  or i set up a /restore/ type partition with the iso and grub2 :)13:30
Andycasdoes anyone know an app that allows you to specify custom file header magic to recover files?13:30
sachoDr_Willis: oh, so I was wrong..not exactly, yes, what you said. :s13:31
actionparsnipAndycas: you can recover files with foremost. Why do yuo not have a backup??13:31
Professor_Gaddon incompatable with my firefox13:31
Andycasactionparsnip, I did have backup, but forgot to backup 2 important configuration files for my VM13:32
AndycasI cant recreate them either, because they were encrypted :/13:32
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: take a screenshot13:32
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Professor_Gilovefairuz,  of the site or of the bowser13:32
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: where do you see this message? when clicking download button on the site or in browser?13:33
Professor_Gilovefairuz,  on the site13:33
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: no option to "download anyway" ?13:34
sieI acidentally deleted /etc, what should I do. (I logged in the login screen with 'root' and my password and thought I'd check out this thing. What should I do? Everything's pretty laggy now.13:34
Professor_Gilovefairuz,  nope its on a site13:34
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: take a screenshot of it13:34
ilovefairuzthe whole browser13:35
pheonixmanhey guys, any channel dedicated for database.?13:35
Professor_Gilovefairuz,  here is the browser displaying the site (with error)13:36
ilovefairuzpheonixman: depending on which database13:36
Professor_Gilovefairuz,  http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/2263/screenshotpny.png13:36
gaborn hello :) i have problem with dual monitors -  LCD + external CRT - image shows up - i even can set reresh rate via xrandr etc. but problem is I cannot get such good image as i get with default config.(general monitor without pnp) in win(7)  - it is old 20" panasync pro 6a - tx-d2032 - it can handle in win 1024x768 100hz but in linuxu image is not sharp and eges keep vibrating - i tried  different modeline generators with info i found13:36
gaborn - Panasonic, PanaSync Pro 6A,  20", 30-82kHz, 50-120Hz, 0.28mm - but it doesn t help. thx for advice nad comments13:36
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: this is not the addon page!! it's here https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/59/13:37
pheonixmanilovefairuz, mysql13:37
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Picipheonixman: #mysql oddly enough.13:37
Professor_Gilovefairuz,  no this is the browser in the site i'm having issues with13:37
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: did you install the addon, restart firefox and switch to IE user agent from tools menu ?13:38
laegdoes anyone know how i can change the owner of a .pdf file and then 'secure' it?13:38
gimpy283Having problem with 10.04-Server setting the wrong resolution (no GUI, no X).  It boots up to the point where Ubu tries to set its console resoltion but sets it wrong so it does not work and my monitor just shows "No input".  Setting GRUB_GFXMODE in /etc/default/grub did not help at all.13:39
Professor_Gilovefairuz,  same issue13:39
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: what did you select from the tools menu?13:39
lov255ilovefairuz: I returned the WUSB100 and picked up a belkin, worked right when I hooked it up and no issues13:40
Professor_Gilovefairuz,  IE 713:40
txwikingerwhy is /etc/acpi/lid.sh all the time respawn?13:40
ilovefairuzlov255: well done!13:40
txwikingerlike twice a minute13:40
actionparsniplaeg: you can chown and chmod it so only one user or group has access13:40
Professor_Gilovefairuz,  tried all of the IEs in list nothing shanges13:41
ZykoticK9Professor_G, if you "really" want that site - i'd recommend visiting a friend with Windows (or an internet cafe).  Good luck man.13:42
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: ok, open a terminal and type this:  wget http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/downloads/ies4linux-latest.tar.gz13:42
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: after it finishes, sudo apt-get install wine13:42
Jinxed-How would you from command line find the oldest file in a folder13:43
Vroomfondlels -alt | tail13:43
Jinxed-I know ls -c orders files by creation date13:43
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Vroomfondlethough... hrm, that might only work on bsd/solaris, not sure13:43
Vroomfondleah, works on Linux too - just checked13:43
Jinxed-Vroomfondle, I just tried it in ubuntu 10.04 but it didn't work for me13:44
Vroomfondlehmm. Am on MacOS/Solaris/Debian at the moment so can't confirm, but I don't see why Ubuntu is different13:45
Vroomfondlewhat did it do for you?13:45
sieIs it okay to do everything with root?13:45
Vroomfondleit's quite a bad idea as a rule, sie. You might accidentally trash your system.13:45
ortsvorsteherjust installed 10.04 and have problem with sound. lspci returns me a Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I I found something in the web that there is a problem with that device. so, how can i geht sound working?13:45
gsergiuanyone has a clue why I'm getting a "system tray is not avaliable" error?13:45
gimpy283sie: To do what?13:45
siegimpy283, Everythig.13:45
ortsvorsteher!root | sie13:45
ubottusie: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:45
sieI don't want to write passwords.13:45
laegactionparsnip: i just want it to read that i authored the document? when i say secure i mean that when i post my cv to people they can't copy and paste, i know this is possible with pdf.13:46
gimpy283sie: If you run as root one small mistake could kill everything.13:46
ortsvorstehersie, i wouldnt use root to do all. with sudo you are able to do anything what is needed13:46
gimpy283sie: You can tell sudo not to ask for a password though.13:46
ezrawsie: you can set your sudo command to be password-less13:46
ilovefairuzJinxed-: works for me13:46
fumanchu182Outside of server processes and init.d if I wanted a desktop app to start at system login how could I make that happen?13:47
sieOkay, but I can't sudo anymore. It says can't find /etc/sudoers. I think I deleted some folder.13:47
gsergiuI know this is a stupid quesiton but someone help me, I'm getting an error when trying to run a application saying "system tray is not avaliable, the application isn't able to run properly"13:47
Jinxed-ilovefairuz, that just listed all the files for me13:47
Jinxed-all I want is the name of the oldest file13:47
ilovefairuzsie: just great, you'll have to use the livecd to fix your system13:47
Jinxed-ls -c can list the files by creation date... i just need it to pick the first file from the stream13:48
ilovefairuzJinxed-: ls -at | tail -n 1 ?13:48
ZykoticK9gsergiu, what program are you running?13:48
sieilovefairuz, is that hard/13:48
Jinxed-ilovefairuz, perfect13:48
gsergiuubudsl, the thing is that program lets me connect to the internet13:49
Professor_Gilovefairuz,  yep wine is installed now what13:49
gimpy283sie: What he said, boot into a livecd, copy the live CD's sudoers to your real /etc and then modify it with a line like: username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL13:49
gsergiuand without it im pretty much ruined13:49
ilovefairuzsie: no but let's just say it's not smart to delete stuff like that, anyhow, boot from the live cd and come back here when you're don13:49
Professor_Gilovefairuz,  yep wine is installed now what13:49
ilovefairuzProfessor_G: follow the few commands at the bottom of http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation13:50
gsergiui've used it with no problem till a few moments ago13:50
sieilovefairuz, gimpy283, Okay, I'll do it some today, when I'll've time. :]13:50
minimecgsergiu: are you running on a console? Did you delete the systray applet in the panel?13:50
weed37ilovefairuz, mind if i pm you m813:51
gsergiui think I might have, i'm a newbie just installed it today and started tinkering with the looks13:51
ilovefairuzweed37: i don't mind13:51
enzo_5I've erased by mistake a config file of a awstats. What is the command to reinstall the config files please ?13:51
gimpy283enzo_5: Which file?13:52
gsergiuhow do I get it back?13:52
enzo_5awstats.conf ...13:52
ezrawgsergui: did you try to right-click and "add to panel?"13:52
ezrawgsergiu ^^13:52
gsergiuadd to panel what , is there an option to ad systray  with add to panel, if yes i feel retarded, thanks13:53
gimpy283enzo_5: I'm no help then, never heard of that one, but if it only had default entries, re-installing the package which provides it might work.13:53
ZykoticK9gsergiu, i think it's the "notification area" that you're looking for.  Not sure though.13:53
ezrawgsergiu: indicator applet I think13:53
rxdi have text file of packages to be remove how do i remove them automatically13:53
minimecgsergiu: ok. Go on your panel and 'right click' with the mouse on it... Add the corresponding applet. In german it's called 'Benachrichtigungsfeld'. I don't know how they call it in english now. Something with 'message' or 'notification area' maybe.13:53
ilovefairuzenzo_5: sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename13:53
gsergiuill go and try it now, thanks13:54
enzo_5ok ilovefairuz but it doesn't reinstall awstats.conf, that's strange13:55
vvvvI don't know why the sound don't work!13:55
rxdapt-get remove [package_name] <- it this the only way to remove the package and type each package name, how do i do it say if i have a file with all the packages to be remove13:55
vvvvi did try restore alsamixer levels, but nothing happend13:56
Professor_Gilovefairuz,  error BadIDchoice13:56
JamesWstubbsHello, Has anyone here used e17 and illume on Ubuntu?13:56
ZykoticK9Professor_G, ie4linux failed on my system too13:56
ilovefairuzrxd: cat filename | xargs apt-get autoremove13:56
rxdilovefairuz: yes! will try that13:57
Jinxed-ilovefairuz, do you know how to find the total filesize of certain files... like I have files starting video_* so I basically want the total file size  of ls -c video_*13:57
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minimecvvvv: Check the audio settings of the volume-applet on your panel. Check 'HArdware and 'Output' Does it use the right settings?13:58
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rxdilovefairuz: nah autoremove parameter maybe wrong not even remove13:58
lov255What is the hot key is Work Space to switch between desktops?13:58
ezrawlove255: ctrl-alt arrow13:59
amstani would like to download the whole repo for an offline machine, does anyone have a link to that and some size information?13:59
olokkiHello ppl. Anyone can direct me to a resource to solve the recent upstart mysql script problems with 10.04?13:59
webczatHow to run ubuntu's desktop cd with orca? i am not sure if instructions on the wiki are those i need13:59
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U8untuhey, how can i hide the grub menu? when i start the pc it logs me directly to ubuntu, but, it asks me about Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 10.04 (Recovery mode) and Windows .. how can I hide that menu?13:59
rxdilovefairuz: i did a small bash script reading the file each line and execute apt-get remove $line <- does not work also14:00
ilovefairuzrxd: what's the error you get?14:00
ilovefairuzrxd: with xargs, pastebin14:00
gimpy283Having problem with 10.04-Server setting the wrong resolution (no GUI, no X).  It boots up to the point where Ubu tries to set its console resoltion but sets it wrong so it does not work and my monitor just shows "No input".  Setting GRUB_GFXMODE in /etc/default/grub did not help at all.14:01
ilovefairuzJinxed-: wc video_ * | grep total14:02
cosmicis there any video software better than totem?14:02
webczatmplayer? etc14:02
gimpy283cosmic: VLC14:02
U8untuhey, how can i hide the grub menu? when i start the pc it logs me directly to ubuntu, but, it asks me about Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 10.04 (Recovery mode) and Windows .. how can I hide that menu?14:02
mweijts!grub2 | U8untu14:02
ubottuU8untu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:02
webczator vlc14:02
minimecgimpy283: What kind of GPU is that? With Intel or ATI (opensource driver) you could try to disable KMS (kernel mode settings) at boot.14:02
cosmic thank you gimpy28314:02
U8untumweijts and can i make it to dissapear? :D14:03
ilovefairuzrxd: the command is correct but some packages inside the file are not installed in the first place14:03
ActionParsnipgimpy283: use this until the embedded video: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/14:03
webczatno one knows?14:03
ilovefairuzJinxed-: i missed -c, it's wc -c14:03
rxdilovefairuz: most of the files are installed14:03
gimpy283minimec: It's nvidia.  I'll try kms, just found a page for it in the Ubuntu docs.14:04
rxdilovefairuz: apt-get remove acpid for example works14:04
ZykoticK9gimpy283, do you have the nvidia driver installed?14:04
olokkithe upstart scripts for mysql in 10.04 server are horribly broken (what a shame for an LTS) is there anything i can do to make my mysql-server installation boot on startup??14:04
rxdilovefairuz: only i have to type them on the terminal14:04
ActionParsnipcosmic: there is no better or best, just different14:05
ActionParsnip!player | cosmic14:05
ubottucosmic: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs14:05
mweijtsU8untu: GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 see !grub214:05
wilhartwhy does my grub not start in bootup ?14:05
wilhartthere should be a selection memtest and kernels14:05
wilhartbut it does not show14:05
U8untuand how do i go into its config file? i am new in ubuntu mweijts14:05
minimecgimpy283: what if you installed the property driver? I guess nouveau is still 'late alpha', when it comes to features14:05
ZykoticK9wilhart, if you are using grub2 hold down shift as computer starts to get the grub menu14:05
ActionParsnip!boot | olokki14:05
ubottuolokki: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto14:05
Jinxed-ilovefairuz, that is very close to what i need... now how would I get the exact value to display as just a number (trying to write a bash script). I got the total your way and using du --total video_* | tail -n 114:06
wilhartZykoticK9: oh..14:06
minimecgimpy283: 'nouveau' is the open source driver for nvidia cards.14:06
wilhartZykoticK9: where do i see what grub i use ?14:06
Kyuusai-Sandoes anyone one know of any command line browsers that let me view the internet with out using x14:06
mweijts!grub2 | U8untu read everything on that page !14:06
ubottuU8untu read everything on that page !: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:06
ZykoticK9wilhart, what version of Ubuntu are you using (was it fresh installed?)14:06
wilhartZykoticK9: just isntalled resh14:06
olokkithe upstart scripts are broken... u can see the bug reports on lauchpad, am looking for a workaround...14:06
wilhartZykoticK9: 10.0414:06
webczatis the ubuntu desktop cd a livecd?14:06
ZykoticK9wilhart, then grub214:06
wilhartZykoticK9: fresh14:06
Piciwebczat: Yes.14:06
jatthow do I insert a TAB character in gnome terminal shell14:07
cosmicgimpy283: thanks,vlc is good.14:07
gimpy283minimec: I'm going to try a few things but it will take a while.14:07
wilhartZykoticK9: oh are you sure? shift button ok..14:07
webczatPici: can you run a screenreader there?14:07
sivanghi all14:07
aeon-ltdsivang: hi14:07
Piciwebczat: I don't see why not.14:07
sivangI am trying to use rsyslog with gnu tls , but I get "/usr/lib/rsyslog/lmnsd_gtls.so missing"14:07
sivangis taht known?14:07
sivangI'm on Karmic14:07
sivangand then rsyslog goes to consume 100% cpu ;)14:08
minimecU8untu: Well it does that, because there is another OS (Windos)... You should be able to disable the brub boot by editing /etc/default/grub14:08
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sivanghi aeon-ltd14:08
webczatPici: for example because graphical install community docs say that i see a language selection then i must select a keymap, while the accessibility guide says that i see the language selection, i can press enter, then f5 to select accessibility options, ...14:08
Kyuusai-Sandoes anyone one know of any command line browsers that let me view the internet with out using x14:08
U8untumweijts windows and ubuntu are on the same partition Local disc C:\14:08
ruggerois somebody expert in setting up touchscreens ?14:09
ilovefairuzJinxed-: append: | cut -d " " -f 114:09
sivanga quick dpkg -S for this file shown nothing14:09
ZykoticK9!info links2 | Kyuusai-San14:09
ubottuKyuusai-San: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2-1build1 (lucid), package size 1972 kB, installed size 3044 kB14:09
ilovefairuzrxd: is that a comma delimited csv file or a space delimited one?14:09
Piciwebczat: I personally haven't been through the installer in a while, the folks at #ubuntu-accessibility might be able to point you in the right direction for accessable installer help.  Be aware that the channel is definitely not as busy as this one.14:09
Kyuusai-SanZykoticK9 thanks legend14:10
luisthey... im running ubuntu liveCD in a VM, how do i mount /dev/sda to access the HD of this VM?14:10
rxdilovefairuz: a text file14:10
ilovefairuzrxd: pastebin it14:11
ilovefairuz!hi | mike14:11
ubottumike: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:11
cain__how to catch TV?14:11
ruggeroI have an ACER T230H. Its a touch screen. I have lucid lynx, somebody has experience with this screen ?14:11
mikeThanks :D14:11
=== mike is now known as Guest82376
Guest82376Oh, how do i identify it?14:11
HandyGandyCan someone recommend a youtube downloader: one that allows you to que them up and download one at a time?14:11
lov255I am having a nightmare with alpine14:12
ActionParsnipluist: if you run: sudo fdisk -l   can you see the partitions?  you can't mount /dev/sda14:12
ilovefairuzHandyGandy: i think kget can do this14:12
ActionParsnipHandyGandy: youtube-dl14:12
PiciHandyGandy: abby perhaps.14:12
Guest82376How do i change my name? :)14:12
U8untui cant edit the etc/default/grub mweijts14:12
ActionParsnip!nick | Guest8237614:12
ubottuGuest82376: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.14:12
luistactionparsnip: no i dont... is there any way to access this filesystem?14:12
cain__i do not know14:12
erUSULHandyGandy: use unplug + download them all14:12
=== Guest82376 is now known as Mikebcbc
ActionParsnipluist: check your VM config so that the drive image is available etc14:12
=== e-jat is now known as ejat
ilovefairuzluist: mount it to what? to the VM to on the host?14:13
amstanhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline/Repository <<< this page tells me how to download the package list for offline use, but it doesn't tell me how to actually download the packages(all the debs)14:13
MikebcbcDoes anyone know a good program (or if its linux alerdy) to password protect files?14:13
ruggerohi, do some of you use touchscreen on Ubuntu ?14:14
amstanMikebcbc: truecrypt14:14
erUSULMikebcbc: individual files? use gpg14:14
MikebcbcNow i have to choose :P , which one is more light weight?14:14
wilhartZykoticK9: if i install my windows 7, i need to boot with live cd and start grub and?14:14
rxd ilovefairuz: one package name each line on the text file14:15
wilhartZykoticK9: root(hd0,0) and setup(0,1) or something?14:15
ilovefairuzMikebcbc: gpg, truecrypt is for whole partitions14:15
erUSULMikebcbc: truecrypt encryts whole partitions gpg is for individual files. So you first make your requirements14:15
dam_switchHI all14:15
Mikebcbcilovefairuz: thanks14:15
Mikebcbcthanks too erUSUL14:15
dam_switchdoes anyone know how to play windows server medias ?14:15
ZykoticK9wilhart, see details from the link in !grub214:15
ZykoticK9!grub2 > wilhart14:15
ubottuwilhart, please see my private message14:15
dam_switchon whs ?14:15
luistilovefairuz: well anywhere... im trying to access it from inside the liveCD14:16
luistilovefairuz: im trying to copy a /boot folder to be able to boot that image...14:16
=== PsyTrance_ is now known as PsyTrance
jrennerHey everyone. I set up an ubuntu live usb (on a microSD chip cuz its the only I had that was big enough) using the mac instructions and now I want to reclaim my microSD chip but I can't seem to mount it with anything. any suggestions?14:17
MikebcbcAhhh, so gpg is a command?14:17
ilovefairuzluist: your best shot is to attach it into an existing VM or something and ssh to it, i've searched before for a tool to mount virtualbox partitions and couldn't find much14:18
minimecjrenner: I guess you have to reformat it again to fat3214:18
erUSULMikebcbc: yes14:18
ruggeromikebcbc: just use a LINUX command, type this in a terminal and read : man zip | grep password14:18
jrennerminimec: I know I need to but since I can't mount it I can't format it...14:18
tyler_"gpg -c [filename]" to encrypt and "gpg -d [filename]" to decrypt14:18
Mikebcbcruggero: Okayy.14:18
Mikebcbcruggero: One sec.14:18
erUSULMikebcbc: but if you have nautilus actions you can just right click on a file and choose cipher14:18
c3lhow does the directory /etc/init/ work? is everything in there automatically started?14:19
MikebcbcerUSUL: Im new to this, so the only thing i no about nautlius is that i can use it to file browse in root.14:19
erUSULMikebcbc: nautilus is the file browser ( like explorer is in windows )14:20
ilovefairuzMikebcbc: http://ubuntufs.wordpress.com/2007/05/22/encryptingdecrypting-with-gnome/14:20
c3lMikebcbc: sudo nautilus14:20
=== bidabrain1 is now known as bidabrain
U8untuhow can i edit the /etc/default/grub file? i cant do it14:20
=== maco2 is now known as maco
ilovefairuzc3l: why??14:20
lov255sudo alpine14:20
mgjIn ubuntu (every release i have tried, including the newest 10.04) it is not possible for me to use Wireshark to capture from any interface if i am not root. How do i go about changing this so i can capture with a regular user?14:20
minimecjrenner: Try to install gparted once. It's a nice GUI for partitions. On the upper right you can choose a device. I personally don't see any reason why your microSD shouldn't work anymore. But maybe you are just unlucky...14:20
MikebcbcerUSUL: so when i go into nautilus, i can just right click and cipher ?14:20
c3lilovefairuz: he wanted to run it as root, thats what sudo is designed for14:20
erUSULMikebcbc: if you have nautilu-actions14:21
c3lcostas: works14:21
erUSUL!info nautilus-actions14:21
ubottunautilus-actions (source: nautilus-actions): nautilus extension to configure programs to launch. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.30.2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 776 kB, installed size 3352 kB14:21
Guest35740<meta name="verify-v1" content="1q1gxoRa+IZg8YHZopxBzhkMu01MsavulxEbD2cyLqw=" >14:21
costasthanks c3l ;)14:21
ilovefairuzc3l: root file system (/) is not the same as root user14:21
gimpy283Whoever was helping me before, looks I got it to work with a slightly older nvidia driver from the nvidia-vdpau ppa, I know can see the login prompt on that monitor.14:21
th0rmgj: you can add an exception in the sudoers file14:21
ZykoticK9c3l, don't use "sudo" with GUI applications!  use gksu if you have too use a GUI app with root privs (i'm not sure why you'd want too however)14:21
jrennerminimec: kk maybe my little USB adapter is just screwed I'll try something else. also do you know what format it's in now? having the live usb all set up14:21
mgjth0r, hmm?14:21
MikebcbcerUSUL: Okay, im still confused, do i ahve to download something? Nautilus-actions?14:22
c3lilovefairuz: I thought he wanted to make changes to those files, for that he needs rootpermission (or changing permission on the files)14:22
c3lZykoticK9: why? its worked for me the times I needed it14:22
th0rmgj: read the man page for sudo and google the sudoers file14:22
ZykoticK9!gksudo | c3l14:22
ubottuc3l: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:22
minimecjrenner: Well... I think it is also fat32... :(14:22
MikebcbcerUSUL: Found it.14:22
jrennerokay //grabs a new usb adapter14:22
visofi have lost the ~/.bashrc , can i remodify it14:23
visofis there standard ?14:23
c3lvisof: its the file your shell uses to configure itsel, for example adding aliases is probably whats its most used for14:23
erUSULMikebcbc: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/tech-tip-encrypt-files-gpg14:23
th0rvisof: there should be a default file in /etc/skel14:24
ZykoticK9visof, check /etc/skel/.bashrc14:24
erUSULvisof: copy it again from /etc/skel/.bashrc14:24
mgjth0r, thanks, i will. But adding an exception to sudo which allows me to auto-run wireshark as root is not a good solution in my case. I would much prefer if i could add a user to <somegroup> which would allow me access to the device.14:24
MikebcbcerUSUL: Basiccaly i just get Nautilus Actions and right click, cipher?14:24
c3lvisof: there should be one in /etc/skel/.bash_logout14:24
MikebcbcerUSUL: In Nautilus14:24
th0rvisof: don't modify it, copy it to your home dir and edit that14:24
c3l/etc/skel/.bashrc I mean14:24
erUSULMikebcbc: yes iirc14:24
ilovefairuzvisof: cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~/14:24
MikebcbcerUSUL: Thanks, You helped alot :)14:24
lov255Okay I need some help here alpine is driving me crazy - the goal is to hook up to my E-mail that is hosted through Gmail (google apps) - so it is like having a google account - I have edited the .pinerc file to include the following line: inbox-path{pop.gmail.com/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert/mosescomputer@josejr.com}INBOX - I keep getting an error returned that it can not connect14:25
ronnie_vd_Cdoes somebody know how to lower the delay of raising the focus of a window, by moving a file(or other 'object') above the windowlist in gnome panel?14:25
jrennerminimec: yeah the adapter was the problem. all fixed!14:26
wilhartZykoticK9: root(hd0,0) and setup(014:26
wilhartZykoticK9: ehmm.. shift did not work.14:27
minimecjrenner: cool ;)14:27
reggi_auhi folks does anyone here know a thing or two about "RAID 1"?14:27
Mikebcbclov255: Hmm. Try removing the INBOX, works for me jsut fine without INBOX14:27
c3lhow does the directory /etc/init/ work? is everything in there automatically started?14:27
ZykoticK9wilhart, sorry don't know then.  good luck.14:27
lov255So Mikebcbc - remove the INBOX keep the same command?14:27
Mikebcbclov255: Try it, I cant promise you anything though.14:28
pbxI'm troubleshooting video issues with 10.04 (fresh install) on an Inspiron 4000. Was told to try "radeon.modeset=0" or "nomodeset" via grub, but I'm not sure I did it right. There's a config file I can edit instead of doing it on the fly on boot, right?14:28
=== Blue-Omega_ is now known as Guest94280
reggi_auhi folks does anyone here know a thing or two about "RAID 1"?14:28
lov255reggi_au shoot14:28
abhijit!raid | reggi_au14:28
ubottureggi_au: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:28
reggi_auhey lov255, we're having some disagreement here in the office about something14:29
reggi_aulov255: heres the thing...14:29
korst3nHi, apt-get started giving package unauthenticated  for every single package. any ideas?14:29
reggi_aulov255: we had a software raid1 setup with two 80GB HDD14:29
reggi_aulov255: then we decided to replace one of the 80GB HDD with a 1TB HDD and rebuild it. this worked fine showing a Raid of 80GB total.14:30
reggi_aulov255: next, we replaced the remaining 80GB HDD with another 1TB HDD and rebuilt the RAID1. So now, there are two 1TB HDD running in RAID1 but the total size of RAID is only 80GB. Why isn't it 1TB?14:31
reggi_aulov255: I say that the RAID needs to be repartitioned and reformated to 1TB14:31
ikoniareggi_au: raid1 is a mirror, so you can only mirror the smallests disk size14:31
erUSULreggi_au: resized the filesystem ?14:31
Mikebcbcreggi_au: It's Possesed and pissed.14:31
lov255reggi_au Because when you had the both running the TB was partitioned into 80GB and the rest was left to no use14:32
reggi_auikonia: that is correct but now the smallest disk size is 1TGB14:32
ikoniareggi_au: no it's not, it's still 80GB unless you created a new mirror stripe of 1TB14:32
magnetronHi, i need to disable pulseaudio temporarily for a game. how to? (killing will only reboot it)14:32
mgjth0r, thanks for your suggestion, but i think you misunderstood my question. I can start tshark/wireshark with any user. But any user simply does not seem to have access to my eth0 device. Only root. Any ideas how i can change the permissions of the eth0 device accordingly? (To my surprise, ubuntu does not keep this in /dev/eth0)14:33
lov255reggi_au: What you need to do is copy over the data on the TB drive to the new TB drive, repartition the old TB drive and you should be all set14:33
guampamagnetron: pasuspender14:33
reggi_auYES! thanks everyone. That's right!14:33
reggi_aucool thanks for confirming it14:33
guampa*man pasuspender14:33
acegiakguys, my wacom tablet thinks that as soon as it's detecting location, that counts as mousedown, anyone good at xorg input stuff in 10.04?14:34
=== mike_ is now known as Mikebcbc
th0rmgj: I didn't misunderstand. I know better than to mess with the permissions and ownership of devices, and I offered the solution I would use. I am pretty sure you can do what you want the way I suggested.14:35
MikebcbcerUSUL: You still there?14:35
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
QuantitizingQuibLong story short, has anyone ever configured their Host Ubuntu OS to use a Anonymity service that only assigns a proxy by logging in with their client?14:35
=== e-jat is now known as ejat
MikebcbcerUSUL: Okay.14:36
MikebcbcerUSUL: Well,14:36
minimecisn't there a configuration GUI for these tablets now? Otherwise --> http://www.osguides.net/operation-systems/217-how-to-create-xorgconf-in-ubuntu-910.html14:36
=== garymc_ is now known as garymc
MikebcbcerUSUL: I installed nautilus actions, and i am in nautilus right now...  but when i right click my file , i  have no option to cipher it.\14:36
valiohi, I have a question about creating a new user in ubuntu.14:37
minimecacegiak: isn't there a configuration GUI for these tablets now? Otherwise --> http://www.osguides.net/operation-systems/217-how-to-create-xorgconf-in-ubuntu-910.html14:37
battlervalio: what do you want to know?14:37
erUSULMikebcbc: maybe you need to restart nautilus ? try loging out and log in again14:37
MikebcbcI have. I even restarted the computer.14:37
OpenSourceCodewhat does that command do?14:37
OpenSourceCodesudo -s14:37
OpenSourceCodesync && echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches14:37
valioWhen a user is created, by default it creates a folder with read option enabled for all users14:37
MikebcbcerUSUL: thats why i was logged out.14:37
FloodBot2OpenSourceCode: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:37
acegiakminimec, where would the gui be? all I've found online is "play with xorg conf files!"14:38
erUSULMikebcbc: maybe it is another program providing this ... do you have seahorse installed ?14:38
acegiakminimec, which I don't want to do14:38
MikebcbcerUSUL: I got it in software center though, not in terminal. But i wouldnt think that would be a problem14:38
MikebcbcerUSUL: No.14:38
mgjth0r, yes, i know its probably not wise to mess with the permissions. I simply want wireshark to be able to capture packets from interfaces, even if i am not using sudo. AFAIR changing the sudoers file will not change this in any reasonable. It seems more suitable for letting regular users run commands which they otherwise are not allowed to. This is not what i want.14:38
mgjin this case, messing with the permissions of the device is ok14:38
wilhartZykoticK9: i think grub waits 0 seconds in grub that's why it doesnt start, wehre do i change this?14:38
ZykoticK9wilhart, with grub2 in /etc/default/grub14:39
MikebcbcerUSUL: I think i jsut got it.14:39
MikebcbcerUSUL: One second14:39
erUSULMikebcbc: ok14:39
mgjth0r, a solution which requires me to, at any point, type "sudo" is not a solution in this case unfortunately14:39
wilhartZykoticK9: ok what GRUB_DEFAULT=0 this or ?14:40
ZykoticK9wilhart, that's which OS to boot14:40
MikebcbcerUSUL: Okay, as i said i got in in software center. and in hte picture there is a configuration tool. But i dont seem to ahve a config tool.14:40
wilharttimeout=10 ?14:40
battlervalio: I dont get your question14:40
ZykoticK9wilhart, yup14:40
wilhartZykoticK9: it's at 10 :P14:40
MikebcbcerUSUL: I foudn it.\14:41
erUSULMikebcbc: i tihnk you need to install seahorse14:41
ZykoticK9wilhart, GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=014:41
MikebcbcerUSUL: I was looking in applications, but it was under system..14:41
MikebcbcerUSUL: and what is seahorse?14:41
th0rmgj: you put an exception for yourself using wireshark in the sudoers file, put sudo in the shortcut to wireshark, and the whole thing should then be transparent to you as a user14:41
ZykoticK9wilhart, do you have the same value for hidden timout?14:41
wilhartZykoticK9: 0 at hidden timeout14:41
minimecacegiak: I was guessing for th GUI, as there is no xorg.conf generally anymore. It could also be a thing that you might have to add some udev rule, to seperate the xevents from the wacom tablet and other pointer devices.14:41
erUSULMikebcbc: is a tool to mange encryption keys and the like a kind of gui to gpg and ssh14:41
ZykoticK9wilhart, not sure then man, good luck.  that hidden timout =0 should SHOW grub on boot i believe14:42
lov255I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:42
g0tr00tDid what? :)14:42
=== CptPlankSpank is now known as thyri0n
MikebcbcerUSUL: hmm okay. if this doesent work i am going to install Seahorse... Its asking me to create a new action14:42
g0tr00tCan anyone recommend a good Emerald/GTK theme ?14:43
magnetronguampa: using pasuspender doesn't solve my problem. i get 25 second delays when using pulseaudio, and no sound at all when using pasuspender14:43
valiofor example if I create suer called test it creates folder /home/test with file permissions 75514:43
ZykoticK9!emerald | g0tr00t14:43
ubottug0tr00t: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.14:43
ronnie_vd_CMikebcbc: i think you have to install seahorse-plugins14:43
wilhartZykoticK9: guess what14:43
wilhartZykoticK9: it worked, i dont know why ubuntu made that 014:44
Mikebcbcronnie_vd_C and erUSUL, i m going to install it now.14:44
valioIsn't that a little unsecure. How to change ubuntu settings so when I create user to create its home folder with 75014:44
guampamm, try writing "pa" and tabbing, there are a bunch of pulseaudio commands, maybe some can be useful14:44
=== garymc_ is now known as garymc
mgjth0r, thanks14:45
QuantitizingQuibI have Ubuntu Operating System as HOST OS. My GUEST OS has a host interface,  and uses a anonymity program which creates its own public connection. How do I configure my host Ubuntu OS to also connect through the public connection on the guest? :Sorry I do not know if #ubuntu or #vbox is better14:45
MikebcbcerUSUL and rd, i alerdy have seahorse installed. i think -.-14:45
reggi_auI LOVE UBUNTU14:45
MikebcbcerUSUL: I search seahorse in Software Center and i get Manage encryption and key and somethin like that. But It says i ahve it installed.14:46
zMX3i want to run interactive script before gdm starts. I made config file for upstart. it works fine (starts before gdm. gdm runs after script execution). my PROBLEM is: script runs on TTY1 . output goes to graphics console TTY7.  active console is tty7. HOW can I keep text mode on tty1 until gdm starts?14:47
ronnie_vd_CMikebcbc: i think its seahorse-plugins is called in Software Centre "Decrypt files"14:48
ZykoticK9QuantitizingQuib, what you are describing Host OS using Guest OS's Internet connection - is not possible.14:48
FastReadingI am unable to log in to my account, the following message is displayed "Problem with the configuration of the server /usr/lib/libg-conf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with state 256"14:48
FastReadinghow can I fix this?14:48
Mikebcbcronnie_vd_C: ya i just noticed that. im getting it now, after that what should i do?14:49
ibrahim-kasemI get this error when I press check in the update manager http://pastebin.com/LeVCtGux14:49
ronnie_vd_CMikebcbc: log out and login to be sure nautilus is restarted14:49
Mikebcbcronnie_vd_C: Alright14:49
Mikebcbcronnie_vd_C: Its just downloading, so ill log out and in after it downloads xD14:50
Mikebcbcronnie_vd_C: Alright, Off i go.14:50
Mikebcbcronnie_vd_C: If i dont come back it worked XD14:50
ronnie_vd_Cok :D14:50
gzerpheyHello all I am running kernel 2.6.32-24-generic from 10.04LTS and I am having a wireless disconnect problem.  before I was able to solve this by installing backports-modules-jaunty, but that does not seem to be available for this kernel.  Is there any way I can get this package for my kernel in the repositories?14:51
gzerpheythank you14:51
FastReadingI am unable to log in to my account, the following message is displayed "Problem with the configuration of the server /usr/lib/libg-conf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with state 256". How could I fix this?14:51
QuantitizingQuibZykoticK9, i have bridge adapter and then host adapter14:51
wastlouch new security hole in linux kernels discovered14:52
ibrahim-kasemwastl, what security holes ?14:53
wastlnow old ones14:53
wastlin memory mangagement14:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:54
wilhartin .mplayer/config to use vpdau i should add: vo=xv14:55
funkyweaselWhy does Open Office 3.2 keep crashing?14:55
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)14:56
Indy__Hello, I bought a new computer with 2GB RAM and I will add another 2GB, for a total of 4GB RAM. I am going to install Ubuntu 10.04. How much swap space should I go for?14:56
corpsegrindrI am having problems with a cisco AE1000 wifi usb stick. It works great for a few awile then it will just disconnect. After every disconnect it then will tell me my password is incorrect, until i reboot then it works again.14:57
abhijit!swap | Indy__14:57
ubottuIndy__: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info14:57
wastlIndy__: there  is a directive that says swap should be at least 2x the size of physical ram14:57
gzerpheyHello all I am running kernel 2.6.32-24-generic from 10.04LTS and I am having a wireless disconnect problem. before I was able to solve this by installing backports-modules-jaunty, but that does not seem to be available for this kernel. Is there any way I can get this package for my kernel in the repositories?14:57
Indy__wastl: isn't 8GB of swap too much?14:57
sipiorwastl: that's a bit old-fashioned, i think.14:57
Indy__sipior: so, how much?14:58
Indy__abhijit: how much, then?14:58
abhijitIndy__, 2x when you dont have sufficient.14:58
Indy__abhijit: 8GB of swap?!14:59
th0rIndy__: with 4GB ram I wouldn't set up swap, but you might want to set aside 1GB or so if you can spare the disk space14:59
abhijitIndy__, in your case you 'will' have sufficeint 4gb space.14:59
abhijitIndy__, no no need ot 8 gb14:59
sipiorIndy__: frankly, it doesn't really matter. 4gb is probably more than enough, unless this is a laptop that you'll be suspending.14:59
acegiakminimec, are you still around? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/9Eb8VHMJ that's my 10-wacom.conf which is apparently the xorg setup for wacom devices these days, is MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" what you were talking about?14:59
abhijitIndy__, yah gb will be ok give a try you can add to it later if you need. bu you will not. 1gb is ok14:59
funkyweaselIs Open Office 3.2 unstable when ran in combination with certain applications?  e.g. Firefox, Eclipse?14:59
Indy__th0r: OK, I will set a swap of 1GB.14:59
mgjth0r, am i doing it wrong, or will the method you described still require me to type in the sudo password?15:00
Indy__thanks, everybody15:00
abhijitfunkyweasel, ask in #openoffice.org15:00
corpsegrindrIndy__: I have 4gb ram and use 2gb swap, and it hardly ever gets used15:00
SwedeMikefunkyweasel: shouldn't be.15:00
th0rmgj: if you do it right there will be no password....check the NOPASSWD option in sudoers15:00
funkyweaselabhijit: Nice one.15:00
abhijitfunkyweasel, hmm15:00
mgjth0r, alright thanks15:00
woblewhat could cause a pc not to respect BIOS boot listing? I have an old pc here that ignores my "boot from cd first"15:01
Piciwoble: This channel is only for Ubuntu issues, ##hardware would be your best bet for your question.15:01
itsux2buwhats the startup command for apache?15:01
minimecacegiak: When you plug your wacom device, it is recognized by the system and a /dev/input/event* is goven to it. * depends on the other devices plugged in. You can verify that when typing 'dmesg' in aconsole right after you plugged the wacom device.15:02
[nrx]./etc/init.d/httpd start15:02
[nrx]or apachectl start15:02
wastlitsux2bu: /etc/init.d/apache2 start or apache2ctl start if its apache 2.x15:02
woblePici, its an Ubuntu Live disc. I assume it should work on even the oldest pc's around? Right now it has an "old" 9.04 install running. I assumed 10.04 would work as well then.15:02
OpenSourceCodewhat does that do? sudo -s15:03
OpenSourceCodesync && echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches15:03
sipiorwoble: you're trying to install ubuntu? have you verified that the disk works in other machines?15:03
ARGGGhow does one update vlc to 1.2 on 10.04?15:03
sipiorwoble: how old we talking here?15:03
minimecacegiak: You can also add a udev rule to your system. Like that, your tablet is always recognized the same way. search the net for wacom udev or even better, take the 1b96:0001 product number in combination with 'udev' and 'ubuntu'15:04
woblesipior, yes, its the same disc i used on other machines as well. but it looks like it doesnt boot up or something. The system hangs on "atapi cdrom" and then continues with GRUB after 2 minutes. Its an old gateway, 256mb RAM,80gb HD15:04
acegiakminimec, I'll have a look15:04
minimecacegiak: bad news ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xf86-input-wacom/+bug/51031115:05
corpsegrindrI am having problems with a cisco AE1000 wifi usb stick. It works great for a few awile then it will just disconnect. After every disconnect it then will tell me my password is incorrect, until i reboot then it works again.15:05
funkyweaselabhijit: Sadly #OpenOffice.org looks dead.15:05
abhijitfunkyweasel, no its not15:05
abhijitfunkyweasel, 63 people there15:05
KianaThe links here are outdated: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#bt Where can I find the latest alternative amd64 torrent?15:06
funkyweaselabhijit: Few are interacting.15:06
abhijitfunkyweasel, yah15:06
acegiakminimec, aaah, bugger15:06
sipiorwoble: you might try the xubuntu live cd, with lower memory requirements.15:07
minimecacegiak: Well... at least you know the source of your problem...15:07
sipiorwoble: anyway, it would help to eliminate one variable.15:07
acegiakminimec, and I know where to watch as well15:07
woblesipior, i will give it a try.. i might try it with a bootable USB as well15:07
itsux2buhow do i find out if apache is already running?15:08
craigmarshall9I'm thinking of downloading the Alpha 3 of Maverick Meerkat, and I have a core i5 processor in my laptop, should I go for the 32 or 64 bit download?15:08
itsux2bups ?15:08
craigmarshall9itsux2bu: ps -aux | grep apache will tell you15:09
erUSULcraigmarshall9: ask in #ubuntu+115:09
craigmarshall9erUSUL: thanks15:09
minimecacegiak: just flying through the bug posts. They don't use a specific udev rule, as I see. There maybe some hope. udev is the service that manages the usb devices. adding a custom rule might help udev to do the right choice...15:09
HumanbombSalut les Geeks :D15:09
minimecacegiak: I would search the net a bit...15:09
acegiakminimec, ok I'll keep looking15:09
* Humanbomb search french15:10
henkpoleyOn default ubuntu, where can can you hook in specific kill signals upon hibernate?15:10
Pici!fr | Humanbomb15:10
ubottuHumanbomb: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:10
Piciabhijit: Yes?15:11
henkpoleySo.. when I press the sleep button, some program is quit when my machine wakes up again15:11
abhijitPici, :) nothing. you beat me !!! i was going to do !fr15:11
sipiorabhijit: i think you need a hobby.15:12
nanix_The system hungs (even without X) and seems random. With a kernel without PAE it happens as well. Ubuntu 10.4 fresh install.15:12
TOMSKiHi! Can anyone tell me how I do a fresh install of ubuntu on a software raid 5 array?15:12
abhijitsipior, like? e.g.?15:12
PiciTOMSKi: I believe  you need to use the alternate CD, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID for details.15:13
belinanix_: did you verify your hardware, in special your memory?15:13
nanix_I got no problems with memory. I verified, as well as the installation cd15:13
sipiorhenkpoley: have a look at the acpid man page. i think you can get it to do what you want.15:14
belinanix_: its just to make sure....so describe your problem from the start15:14
nanix_during installation the cdlive hand several times, I had to try again and again to install ubuntu15:14
nanix_The hardware works with a Ubuntu cd live 9.10 that I have. But not with the new ubuntu 10.415:14
=== kad_ is now known as help`
belinanix_: ok, you verified md5 checksum of the iso image? you tried to burn another medium?15:15
nanix_beli, the problem is that my computer hangs even without X, with just tty. It seems randomly, and it's very quick after the start.15:15
adityaghow do i recover mysql databases from a not working ext3 file system ?15:15
nanix_I checksum, I tried using a pendrive as well. Same result15:15
gwallace1553Just got the email about 10.04.1 available.  Was wondering if there is a way to to an upgrade / update to 10.04.115:15
ZykoticK9gwallace1553, try running "lsb_release -a" you might already have it ;)15:16
belinanix_: ok...seems to be kernel stuff....do you know what sysrq is?15:16
sipioradityag: depends on the extent of the damage. what happened, exactly?15:16
Picigwallace1553: If you've been applying updates, you're already at .115:16
abhijitadityag, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk15:16
belinanix_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key   you can do low level stuff with it on the linux kernel on most "hangs"15:17
nanix_I did chroot to the guest Os Ubuntu 10.4 from the cdlive and installed the kernel without PAE and same result.15:17
gwallace1553ZykoticK9, That shows a description of 10.04.1  Pici: I have been getting all the updates, just wanted to make sure that I was already there.  Thanks for the help guys15:17
lontrahi ... is there a way to use the unity docking bar with gnome?15:18
adityagsipior: my ubuntu installation has stopped working... how do i recover all the databases?15:18
nanix_beli, how can I system request is? If I'm logged in using ssh the connection fails15:18
nanix_I didn't see anything relevant on the logs, but I can post them15:18
nanix_Well... I didn't know what to look for, so I was looking for warnings and errors15:18
nanix_How can I see which system request causes the possible kernel hang?15:18
FloodBot2nanix_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:18
henkpoleybtw, the answer to my question is: create a script in /etc/pm/sleep/ that does the things you need. Other scripts in there can be used as template.15:19
belinanix_: you could also enable sync log file writing for the system stuff...so you may get information in the logs, you need to adjust the syslogd settings to log sync and mount the partition as sync (fstab)15:19
sipioradityag: when i asked you "what happened, exactly?", i was hoping for slightly more detail.15:19
jimmy51_on boot my wife's machine complained about a volume in fstab could not be mounted and dropped me to a maintenance shell. how can i figure out which device it is complaining about? there are 3 drives connected to her system. (9.10)15:19
nanix_beli, it sounds easier to enable the sync log. I'll try first that15:20
belinanix_: i would also try to drop acpi stuff....its just a guess...but had some systems in the past with acpi making problems/hangs15:20
adityag sipior: i have no idea what happened, but the HDD got corrupted some how & ubuntu does nt start, now i want to recover all the mysql databases.15:21
minimecacegiak: Is that a fresh install? Why don't you just step back and install 9.10? Could this be an option?15:21
nanix_beli, I tried with acpi=off noapic nolapic with same results15:21
sipioradityag: what errors are given at startup?15:21
sipior(if any_15:21
Vanadis_WorkA question to 64 Bit Ubuntu 10.04, do i still need --force-architecture to install 32 Bit Applications?15:21
belijimmy51_: cat /etc/fstab15:21
lontrais there a way to force a downgrade via apt-get?15:21
adityag sipior: unalble to mount /tmp15:21
acegiakminimec, it's not a fresh install but I could perhaps jump back if I needed to15:21
jimmy51_beli: ok, i see the items i want to mount15:22
jimmy51_beli: oh... i see.  i should write down the UUID that it compaliedn about15:22
acegiakminimec, I'm gonna have a go with chucking in a custom udev rule file because I've found a thread for similar with my device15:22
acegiakminimec, I'll keep you posted :P15:22
mweijtsFloodBot2: [16:18:55] [Notice] -ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! ... please use #ubuntu ! there...#ubuntu! sends to wrong channel15:22
sipioradityag: have you tried booting the system from a live cd? you could attempt to mount the disk, maybe give a better idea of what's going on.15:22
Picimweijts: Excuse me?15:22
minimecacegiak: If your /home is on a seperate partition, I would install 9.10..15:22
minimecacegiak: Nice. THat would be cool for the other affected people too..15:23
nanix_beli, how to enable the syslogd to log? Is in sysctl.conf or I'm completly wrong?15:23
acegiakminimec, well my /pile is on it's own partition which is my main storage area shared across both OSes15:23
adityag sipior: i have currently started the system from a live disk, now i want to locate the mysql databases in the file system, i have no idea where they are located15:23
jimmy51_beli: i just rebooted and noticed it's saying one or more and lists several UUID's.  how can i tell which one is the problem?15:24
nanix_oh I have rsyslog15:24
adityag sipior: i have mounted the ext3 partition15:24
belinanix_: untuntu is using rsyslogd15:24
mweijtsPici: thats the channel welcome message from the server for this channel15:24
sipioradityag: try /var/lib/mysql15:24
ZykoticK9Vanadis_Work, if you are installing 32bit DEBs then yes15:24
belijimmy51_: since its not booting, it may be something system involved.....like /  or /boot/15:25
minimecacegiak: So no problem with that... maybe backup the .* folders of your /home/yourname directory, and you are good... (just in case)15:25
acegiakminimec, disappearing for a second15:26
minimecacegiak: np15:26
monitoreai galera15:26
beliadityag: take care! DONT boot your faulty system. use a live cd, mount your disc, copy your mysql data directory away....THEN start to fix the problem or run a mysqld from your live run and try to dump the data15:26
adityag sipior: cool... i see all the databases15:27
jimmy51_crap.  it looks like it's her /home.  when i try to  mount it (mount /dev/sdb5 /home) i get "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock.  IO Error, dev sdb, sector 483143926 DRDY ERR, etc15:27
nanix_How to enable sync log for rsyslogd? I find nothing related to sync on rsyslog.conf man15:27
jimmy51_is there a utility to try to repair it?15:27
kyenteijimmy51_: fsck15:27
jimmy51_kyentei:  {  fsck /dev/sdb5  }  ?15:28
belijimmy51_: /home is not HERE home...its the home of ALL users but the superuser...thats under /root15:28
ZykoticK9jimmy51_, i'd check "dmesg" and see if your drive is getting errors15:28
kyenteijimmy51_: And if everything else fails, create a clone of the disk (dd if=/dev/sdb5 of=whatever.img) and then let forensic toolkit foremost recover the files on it.15:28
adityagbeli: im on live cd now.... at /var/lib/mysql ,15:28
kyenteijimmy51_: And yes, mind what beli said there. /home is everybody's home. But try and repair it.15:29
kyenteijimmy51_: fsck --help15:29
beliadityag: copy the whole directory to different storage medium15:29
adityagbeli: ok... wait let me copy15:29
monitornao etnetndi15:29
monitorbeli Brasil15:30
belimonitor: nope, german15:30
kyentei!brasil | monitor15:30
kyenteiDoes that work? ^_^15:30
kyenteiI guess it doesn't.15:30
adityag beli: done copying. Now ?15:30
Pici!br | monitor15:30
ubottumonitor: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:30
kyenteiPici: Buh. I'll remember that.15:30
minimeclastlog minimec15:30
acegiakminimec, no love with custom udev rules15:31
adityag beli: is there anything else i need to copy apart from /var/lib/mysql ?15:31
jimmy51_kyentei, beli: ok.  fsck'ing now, i'll DD after it's done.15:31
craigmarshall9will ubuntu resize an ntfs partition nowadays?15:31
blinki have mounted usb device on my pc. how can i remove its icon from desktop permanently?15:31
kimi_phi all!15:31
kyenteijimmy51_: After it's done and still does not work ;-) Remember to dd to a location with at least the size of sdb5.15:31
craigmarshall9blink: masking tape :)15:31
monitorgerman yes15:32
kyenteijimmy51_: But that's really your "if all else fails" option.15:32
craigmarshall9blink: sorry, don't know15:32
beliadityag: depends on your config. but i dont think so15:32
minimecacegiak: Looks tricky, but it's often easier than you think...15:32
jimmy51_kyentei: uh oh.  it's gotta be bigger, even if sdb5 isn't fully utilized?  it's a 500GB drive with about 1 GB of baby pictures15:32
beliadityag: take a look into the logs of your mounted partition15:32
acegiakminimec, well I created /etc/udev/rules.d/70-wacom-tablet.rules15:33
kyenteijimmy51_: Yea, because you're cloning the entire partition with dd. Just pray fsck works.. and search other alternatives before using dd.15:33
craigmarshall9Anyone? resize ntfs partition with ubuntu - possible?15:33
acegiakminimec, and put in the rules I found here: http://www.mail-archive.com/linuxwacom-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net/msg00987.html15:33
acegiakminimec, but no change in behaviour15:33
adityagbeli: i just installed mysql from apt, dint make any changes to its config... i want to format this ubuntu system & reinstall it15:33
acegiakminimec, unless I now also need to change my xorg.conf15:33
ZykoticK9craigmarshall9, "usually", i think you might need some ntfs package - i'm not the person to know...15:33
kyenteijimmy51_: I guess you could use foremost on the partition itself too.. you can filter for, for instance, .jpeg files and all that.15:33
kyenteijimmy51_: http://ion-box.org/#foremost15:34
beliadityag: dont do that....look out for the error....if its your hardware..the error is going to come back...next time maybe crashing more15:34
kimi_pi use ubuntu 10.04. i close my computer and i unplug all cablo s (the electricity). i re-open my computer but now there is no sound from ubuntu. but windows work fine. can you help me about this situation please.15:34
snowrichardthe darn cat stood on the keyboard15:34
craigmarshall9ZykoticK9: thanks. I will try to get hold of a knoppix cd too.15:34
kyenteijimmy51_: I'll be gone now. Goodluck with recovering the pictures! Best of luck to you.15:34
jimmy51_kyentei: thanks!15:34
belijimmy51_: take a look are systemrescuecd for hd/partition backups15:35
adityagbeli: ok. so how do i check for logs of mounted partition ?15:35
minimecacegiak: You have to check the product numbers and change them ... for your device...15:35
minimecacegiak: 1b96:000115:35
kimi_pi use ubuntu 10.04. i close my computer and i unplug all cablo s (the electricity). i re-open my computer but now there is no sound from ubuntu. but windows work fine. can you help me about this situation please.15:35
beliadityag: where did you mount your old root partition? mount point?15:35
jimmy51_kyentei: definitely!15:35
lov255well I am going to go home and get some sleep....night ubuntu world15:36
Bomboi installed ffmpeg on ubuntu but it cant find the x264 preset files, where can i find them?15:36
belikimi_p: muted sound maybe? what ubuntu version?15:36
acegiakKERNEL=="event[0-9]*", SYSFS{idVendor}=="056a", SYSFS{idProduct}=="0013",15:36
acegiakSYMLINK+="input/tablet-graphire3" matches the output of lusb for me15:36
minimecthe first 4 digits are 'vendorid' the others 'idproduct'15:36
belikimi_p: 10.04 i see...15:36
kimi_p beli: no muted sound. it is opened. i use ubuntu 10.04 updated.15:36
ZykoticK9Bombo, ffmpeg in ubuntu doesn't support AAC audio (default for MP4) BTW15:36
=== borne is now known as bash
belikimi_p: verify please with alsamixer15:37
minimecacegiak: it has to be 1b96 and 0001 ;)15:37
kimi_pbeli: verify ?15:37
=== bash is now known as bourne
BomboZykoticK9: thats ok for me, i want mp3 in mp4 ;)15:37
belikimi_p: check if its not muted...use alsamixer in terminal and see if it has OO under the first MASTER bar....andnot MM15:38
adityagbeli: at / .... next to the network connection, it says, *DISK HAS MANY BAD SECTORS*15:38
acegiakminimec, really? my lusb output has 1b96 for all my hubs, but not my actual devices?15:38
kimi_p beli:  i looked. it is opened.15:38
minchhHai, i got ubuntu on me laptop just the otherday. Then i could browse up my windows computers shared folders easily over the network. But now i installed ubuntu on that one too. How can i do something similar now so i can acces my storage on that computer through a file browser of some sort? thx15:38
Vanadis_WorkZykoticK9, kthx15:38
minimecacegiak: Well mine is mostly 046d (Logitech) ;)15:39
kimi_pbeli:  i looked it now from the terminal.15:39
beliadityag: ah it was auto mounted, ok...so bad sectors are a hardware problem....for secure work you should exchange your harddrive15:39
monitorbeli add me on msn luisteilor@hotmail.com15:39
belimonitor: i am not from brazil15:39
belimonitor: and, guess, i don't use msn ;)15:40
ZykoticK9minchh, did you try Places / Network / Windows Network?15:40
ExtremeDpupHow do I boot 10.04 LTS live CD to a command line?15:40
acegiakminimec, so do I want my rule line to look like if Bus 004 Device 003: ID 056a:0013 Wacom Co., Ltd Graphire 3 4x5 is the relevant line from the output of lusb?15:40
bazhang!nox | ExtremeDpup15:40
ubottuExtremeDpup: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode15:40
adityagbeli: ok. do you think it will work after formatting the entire disk ? or do i have to replace the HDD?15:40
minchhZykoticK9: Aye, but theres nothing there now. (since i got no windows machines o.O)15:40
ZykoticK9minchh, sorry then i don't understand your issue15:41
bazhangExtremeDpup, although if you want a text only installer, you can get the alternate installer cd15:41
minchhZykoticK9:  nps :)15:41
beliadityag: bad sectors are physically damaged locations on your harddrive...on new full format they will be marked as BAD.....and not used anymore15:41
minimecall 056a:0013 stuff has to be replaced with '1b96:0001' or only '1b96' and '0001'15:41
ExtremeDpupi have the mini distro and the full live.. i'll try "text" option..thanks.15:41
bazhang!ot | monitor15:42
ubottumonitor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:42
beliadityag: BUT a disk staring to get bad sectors is a risk for your data...i wont use it for really needed data anymore15:42
minimecacegiak: all 056a:0013 stuff has to be replaced with '1b96:0001' or only '1b96' and '0001'15:42
textencrypthello does anyone know of a simple good text or doc or file encrypter for linux15:43
adityagbeli: ok. thanks. I'll exchange the HDD,  i have copied all the mysql data from this disk, now how do i restore the mysql databases ?15:43
mlegerhello all, I'm having issues after messing around with the messaging menu in Ubuntu 10.04. Is there any way to re-install the messaging menu or reset it to default settings?15:43
ExtremeDpupwill nox do the same as text at bootup?  is it nox or !nox ?15:43
acegiakminimec, that won't stuff up the other usb devices on that hub?15:43
kimi_p has anyone installed ms office 2010 on Ubuntu ?15:43
minimecacegiak: But only on one line, as each line is a different devicein the pastebin you gave me... You could also chnage the Symlink to input/touchscreen15:43
minimecacegiak: no that should not be a problem.15:44
bazhangExtremeDpup, you want to install from a non live environment?15:44
nanixbeli, Shit, now that I'm waiting for the system to hang to try the magic sysrq I doesn't hang :)15:44
=== rain is now known as Guest62339
ZykoticK9kimi_p, you might want to try #winehq (if you don't get an answer here)15:44
bazhangnanix, watch the language15:44
bazhangkimi_p, check the appdb as well15:44
kimi_pZykoticK9: they havent yet. i justasked here maybe someone had it..15:44
bazhang!appdb | kimi_p15:44
ubottukimi_p: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:44
beliaddisonj: install the system to a new disc...disable mysqld...copy your saved var/lib/mysql dir over, then start mysqld...take a look ;)15:45
=== Guest62339 is now known as TsGh
mlegerhello all, I'm having issues after messing around with the messaging menu in Ubuntu 10.04. Is there any way to re-install the messaging menu or reset it to default settings?15:45
ExtremeDpupbazhang, i'm trying to boot 10.04 LTS (liveCD) to the desktop, but it's not recognizing my graphics card: radeon 365015:45
adityag beli: ok. thanks. I'll exchange the HDD,  i have copied all the mysql data from this disk, now how do i restore the mysql databases ?15:45
acegiakminimec, so this is my output from lusb: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/aFj7d47A15:46
TsGhGoodmorning everyone im trying to find a GUI that i would like any ideas15:46
ExtremeDpupit goes black each time i boot..even with "text' added to the kernel line.15:46
textencryptdoes anyone know of a simple good text or doc or file encrypter for linux15:46
bazhangExtremeDpup, for purposes of install? then the alternate would be a good choice as it works when the live sometimes does not15:46
beliadityag: and take care of the permissions...15:46
sipiortextencrypt: gnupg is quite serviceable15:46
=== TsGh is now known as TsGhAk47
bazhangTsGh, gui for what15:46
ExtremeDpupno.i just want to the live cd mode.15:47
TsGhAk47ubuntu 10.415:47
textencryptAwesome thanks sipior15:47
acegiakminimec, and this is what I've got as my udev rules file: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Vc1DfHMY15:47
bazhangTsGhAk47, it has one already15:47
TsGhAk47i want a different one15:47
adityagbeli: i gave 777 to /var/lib/mysql to copy to another storage medium. ..15:47
TsGhAk47i dont like it15:47
nanixOk beli after the system hangs, the magic sysrq doesn't work15:47
nanixActually the bloq num on the keyboard doesn't work as well15:47
ExtremeDpupCan i boot into an Xvesa server withh the live CD?15:47
bazhangTsGhAk47, gnome? kde4? xfce4? lxde?15:47
bazhangTsGhAk47, gnome is ubuntu15:48
TsGhAk47yea i know that is there any way i can change it thou15:48
ZykoticK9bazhang, lol "gnome is ubuntu" is a broad statement ;)15:48
blackMatrix_NYhi everyone. I have 10.0.4 on laptop. Is it necessary that I install laptop-mode-tools or it comes with a built in ?15:48
minimecacegiak: ok. you are right... Forget, what I said. This is good. now unplug the device, open aconsole and sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart Then plug in the device.15:48
bazhangTsGhAk47, change the theme?15:48
Jinxed-Is there a way to take a snapshot of my ubuntu 10.04 system so if something were to happen I could have it restored exactly the way it is today15:48
TsGhAk47not theme but whole gui like to kde15:49
bazhang!themes | TsGhAk4715:49
ubottuTsGhAk47: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:49
corpsegrindrTsGhAk47: you can use xbuntu for kde15:49
belinanix: sure its not hardware issue? did you boot from another live distro to verify if it hangs too?15:49
trijntjeJinxed-, if you have a big enough external drive you can make an image of your harddrive15:49
TsGhAk47ok gotcha thanks everyone15:49
lilii want to make a firewall (with iptables) on ubuntu 10.415:49
yaccWonder if the Ubuntu smartbook release 10.7 is available somewhere for download?15:49
bazhangTsGhAk47, kubuntu-desktop then15:49
lilii'm not proffessional on ubuntu and linux15:49
lilihow start to it15:49
bazhang!une > lili15:50
ubottulili, please see my private message15:50
adityagbeli: i gave 777 to /var/lib/mysql to copy to another storage medium. .. & how do i restore these databases ?15:50
Oernanix, is the numpad your mouse now ? change this in system > keyboard15:50
corpsegrindrTsGhAk47: err sorry kbuntu for kde xbuntu for XFCE15:50
bazhangwhoops sorry lill15:50
bazhanglili, you could try gufw15:50
acegiakminimec, done, try it?15:50
beliadityag: like i told you before....the databases are in /var/lib/mysql.......mysqld gets all the information from there....15:50
bazhangyacc, you mean ubuntu netbook edition15:50
TsGhAk47yea ubuntu is a lil different from fedora 13 i just switched yesterday15:50
minimecacegiak: well... try it....15:51
acegiakminimec, just checking there's nothing else to do first15:51
acegiakminimec, still getting the continual mousedown problem15:51
trijntjelili, install the package guwf15:51
bazhanglili, gufw is the graphical firewall frontend15:51
Jinxed-trijntje, how would i go about imaging it15:51
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adityagbeli: so i should put these backups again to the same folder & access them ? & hey i gave 777 to copy them, i know its wrong, can u tell me the right permissions ?15:51
beliadityag: to save wahts in there in sql foramt...use mysqldump15:51
liliubuntu bazhang trijntje: i dont know them15:52
adityag beli: & others?15:52
lilii have to install it from source15:52
yaccbazhang, Ubuntu Netbook Edition for ARM then :-P15:52
bazhanglili, install it and try?15:52
bazhangsudo apt-get install gufw lili15:52
minimecacegiak: Well we tried it... Maybe 9.10 is a solution, but first try the device with the live CD ;)15:52
korst3napt-get started giving package unauthenticated  for every single package. any ideas?15:52
lilibazhang: no15:52
bazhanglili, zero reason to compile it15:53
acegiakminimec, yeah I'll just have to survive without for now15:53
trijntjeJinxed-, best way to do it is to first zero all empty space on the drive with 'dd if=/dev/zero of=./bigfile'15:53
adityag beli: there are hardly any sql formats in it.... most of them are FRM, MYI, MYD15:53
beliadityag: try it with 777 and then look into the mysql log ;) but it has to be 700 and mysql:mysql15:53
ZykoticK9Jinxed-, you might want to check out Clonezilla (there is a LiveCD version), it's similar to Norton Ghost15:53
lontrahi i spelled my name wrong when i installed ubuntu .. how can i change this so that it shows up correctly when i log in?15:54
ottermatonI know there has to be some slashdot readers here. Has anyone else had problems with the auto-more feature, the one where it automatically loads more articles when you scroll to the bottom of the page? Any ideas why this may no longer be working for me?15:54
nanixOk beli after the system hangs, the magic sysrq doesn't work15:54
nanix. Actually the bloq num on the keyboard doesn't work as well15:54
ZykoticK9lontra, create a new user with the correct name15:54
lontrausers and groups .. ok15:54
minimecacegiak: ON the other hand... maverick comes with a new xorg... maybe that bug is gone with 10.10 ...15:54
adityagbeli: ok got you on that. restoring databases just requires me to copy these backed up files to a new installation of ubuntu to /var/lib/mysql ?15:54
nanixHow to enable sync log for rsyslogd? I find nothing related to sync on rsyslog.conf man15:54
belinanix: i read that...and i asked if you verified with another distribution or older ubuntu if its really no hardware problem15:55
trijntjeJinxed-, then remove that bigfile and use 'dd if=/dev/sda | gzip > /path/to/image.img' to create the image15:55
beliadityag: right, but stop mysqld before you do that15:55
ZykoticK9ottermaton, it stopped working on my system as well ???15:55
acegiakminimec, biding my time sounds more my style15:55
trijntjeJinxed-, then you can restore it later with 'gzip -dc /path/to/image.img | dd of=/dev/sda'15:55
adityagbeli: ok. thanks a lot.... god bless you!!!15:55
beliadityag: and take a look into mysqld log files after doing it...15:55
trijntjeJinxed-, modify /path/ and /dev/sda to suit your needs15:55
adityagbeli: ok. thanks15:56
beliadityag: and dont exscpect ALL dbs to be correct afterwards since you had bad sectors...15:56
minimecacegiak: If it's worth waiting...15:56
ottermatonZykoticK9, I wonder if it's something not working on slashdot's side15:56
adityagbeli: what if there were no bad sectors in these files? it will work correctly, right ?15:57
beliadityag: i would also first try to repair your actual harddrive...and after repair see if mysql is fine with the databases....15:57
beliadityag: right15:57
ZykoticK9ottermaton, that would be my "guess"15:57
adityag beli: im giving away my HDD for replacement15:57
adityag beli: its under guarantee, new HDD is cool15:58
nanix_My connection is really bad :(15:58
yaccbazhang, I don't see much beyond youtube videos of demos, but no download for the ARM stuff :(15:58
beliadityag: try to fix the problems first...then you can see if your dbs are fine15:58
nanix_I was saying that after the system freezes, magic sysrq cannot reboot the machine.15:58
belinanix_: thats why i thinks its an hardware issue...io/cable/memory/...16:00
beliadityag: read -> man badblocks16:00
nanix_mmm... If it's not the memory (it's tested) what else can it be? And how can I check it?16:01
adityaghow do i view hidden folders( . ) in nautilius ?16:02
trijntjeadityag, ctrl + h16:02
caballerohas anyone used mercurial? do they like it?16:03
Jinxed-trijntje, Is there a way to make a "live cd" with a gui of my current settigns so that if I wanted to install ubuntu on more computers I could have the exact same setup16:03
trijntjeJinxed-, It is possible but i've never done it, google for 'custom live cd' or something like that16:04
belinanix_: anything in the synced syslog?16:04
Jinxed-hmm maybe remastersys16:05
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FriarI just made a script to update/upgrade from command line and made a quick launch button. the script is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/479964/  The only problem is that when it finishes the terminal window closes right away. Is there a way to make the terminal window stay open after the script is done?16:09
beliFriar: what scripting language?16:10
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Friarbeli, I am pretty sure it is just bash...not sure what language...it is a shell script16:11
beliFriar: read foobar16:11
ninjaiDoes anyone know if it's possible to change gnome-terminal to have a different backspace and function key setup?  I'm looking to change these like you can in Putty.  Is this possible?16:11
beliFriar: just wait for an input ;)16:11
Jaguar01I have note-book  dell inspiron1501,linux ubunty 10.04. Wi-fi doesn't working. On the web-site ubuntu1501.com there are some adjustments for wi-fi, but it's only for old ubuntu (ubuntu 8.x).Is there any differens in adjustments for these versions of ubuntu(8.x and 10.04)?16:11
Friarbeli, I'm not quite sure what that means...what is foobar/16:11
beliFriar: exchange foobar with what ever you want ;) its the variable name i've choosen16:12
beliFriar: enter "read friar" on your shell and see16:12
mbeierlis it normal for X in lucid to be using 800m of memory with 2g of virtual?16:12
blinkquick question about the terminal.. how can i return to my sessions if i opened a document within the terminal?16:13
beliblink: not sure what you wanna do....be more specific16:13
sampleeehello people16:13
Friarbeli, I think I see what you mean. it hung until I hit enter. is there a way to get it to return to a prompt so that I can actually used the terminal after I launch the application?16:13
sampleeegotta prob with nvidia-drivers16:13
blinkbeli: from example, i used "man conky", now i want to return to my sessions and close this manual.16:14
Piciblink: press q16:14
sampleeesince ive installed em i can only choose between 320X something or 640x something16:14
beliblink: you can use "q" key to quit manuals16:14
blinkPici: thanks bro.16:14
sampleeeany ideas?16:14
blinkbeli: thanks as well16:14
ZykoticK9sampleee, did you restart after installing?16:15
sampleeesure i did16:15
ZykoticK9sampleee, did you use "Hardware Drivers" to install?16:15
sampleeejust got rid of em so i can use the machine16:15
beliFriar: what terminal emulator are you using?16:15
sampleeeja i did16:15
sampleeefound me some nvidia-drivers and i activated em16:16
ZykoticK9sampleee, is this a new Nvidia card?16:16
Jaguar01hello? can you help me? I have note-book  dell inspiron1501,linux ubunty 10.04. Wi-fi doesn't working. On the web-site ubuntu1501.com there are some adjustments for wi-fi, but it's only for old ubuntu (ubuntu 8.x).Is there any differens in adjustments for these versions of ubuntu(8.x and 10.04)?16:16
sampleeeits damned old16:16
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:16
sampleeeits a 1ghz machine16:16
ZykoticK9sampleee, sorry I don't know then.  Best of luck.16:16
sampleeejust there to play music16:16
Friarbeli, gnome-terminal....I think16:16
sampleeehow comes anyways that xorg.conf doesnt contain any information about resolution and shit?16:18
sampleeethat was one atempt of mine16:18
bazhangsampleee, watch the language16:18
sampleeejust trying to change it there16:18
ZykoticK9sampleee, did you using "sudo nvidia-xconfig" to create your xorg.conf?16:19
sampleeejaman :-) i did16:19
ZykoticK9sampleee, Find the VGA Controller section in "lspci -vnvn" and see what kernel driver is in use16:20
sampleeeill try16:21
sampleeewhile this machine here reboots, gimme a hint please. how do i manage to "pm" you. so that my nick s gonna be kinda highlighted?16:21
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:22
beliFriar: gnome-terminal -x "/bin/bash /path/to/youscript" maybe?16:22
Friarbeli, thanks I'll give it a shot and let you know how it goes...16:23
chimsjoin #backtrack16:24
ZykoticK9sampleee, to highlight you just put the persons NIC in the message (also you can use TAB for nic completion)16:24
sukimaI want to make my own live USB drive. The tutorials all assume that the live linux is the _only_ think on the drive. Using grub4dos I can have multiple bootable images. How can I create a live ISO (including persistence) compatable as only image files?16:24
wilhart$ cd Dowbash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (fi_FI.ISO-8859-15)16:24
wilharthow do i remove that error16:24
korst3napt-get started giving package unauthenticated  for every single package. any ideas?16:25
ZykoticK9korst3n, are you able to "sudo apt-get update" ok?16:25
sampleeeZykoticK9, kewl man! its like 10 years ago i last irc-ed16:25
will_Hello! Is there an app that will play music from shared iTunes macs?16:25
ARGGGis there a program that i can use for open source ati drivers to adjust overscan on my secondary monitor(s-video)16:25
korst3nZykoticK9, yes16:26
ZykoticK9korst3n, hummm, not sure man.  Good luck.16:26
Oerkorst3n, did you add a PPA without key ?16:27
Linux000will_: Is this a networked computer?16:27
ezhanginhey dudes16:27
korst3nOer, yes16:27
ezhanginDoes anyone know the difference between using mdadm from the command line and using the GUI in ubuntu 10.04 when it comes to creating a RAID array?16:27
wilhartwhere do i set LC_CTYPE=fi_FI.ISO-8859-15 to LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-816:28
sampleee2ZykoticK9, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] [10de:0110] (rev a1)16:28
sampleee2Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-16:28
sampleee2Status: Cap+ 66MHz+ UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR- INTx-16:28
sampleee2Latency: 64 (1250ns min, 250ns max)16:28
sampleee2Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 016:28
FloodBot2sampleee2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:28
Oerkorst3n, copy the ppa name, and we will hellp you add the key, so packages are 'trusted'16:28
sampleee2Region 0: Memory at ce000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M]16:28
cancuengthi. My eht0 is not starting automatically, any ideas how to find why?16:28
ZykoticK9!paste | sampleee216:28
ubottusampleee2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:28
korst3nOer, ah nope - i don't see it in my sources.list . i remember messing with repos though16:28
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will_Linux000: Yeah. Our office is mainly Macs, and we all share our music. So looking to be cool and join in. :) I see some apps that I can share music to iTunes, but not the other way around16:28
Friarbeli, That was close and it got me on the right track....I just added bash to the final line on my script. That way it runs the script and ends up with a prompt ready to go!! thanks for the help.16:29
Tricksalright guys, I've enabled vhosts and it's working fine. However, other people within the building need to access my server root (/var/www) and now when they enter the IP of my machine it goes to my vhost directory16:30
sampleee2ZykoticK9, sorry for the mega-paste16:30
sampleee2how does that past-framework workẞ16:30
Linux000will_: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46258216:30
sukimawill_: I maybe way wrong but I thought iTunes was an icecast server underneath16:30
Tricksanybody know why? I've tried creating another conf file within sites-available with <VirtualHost *:80> but this doesn't work :S16:30
beliFriar: i think you could have made it with the original shell by taking track of the right exit code...but ok...your solution works also :)16:31
korst3nOer, oddly enough, apt-get update seem to have fixed my problem. but thank you16:31
ZykoticK9sampleee2, paste to the pastebin page, and it will give you a link that you bring back and post in the channel16:32
Friarbeli, taking track of the right exit code?? what does that mean? can I put an exit code on a script?16:32
sampleee2ZykoticK9, my bad. its easy. here s the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/479973/16:32
Oerkorst3n, have fun :-)16:32
will_Linux000: Reading now, thanks!16:33
will_sukima: Checking up on that, thanks16:33
ZykoticK9sampleee2, i have no idea what's up with your system?  You don't have a "kernel driver in use" line for some reason???  Here is mine BTW http://paste.ubuntu.com/479974/16:33
KomiaPoikais linux better than freebsd?16:35
sampleee2ZykoticK9, question on the side are you french?16:35
sipior...he asked on a linux support channel16:35
ZykoticK9KomiaPoika, that's offtopic for this channel16:35
econdudeawesomeKomiaPoika: I don't know, never tried freebsd. I do think that everything in Linux works that I've run across. Ask in #ubuntu-offtopic16:36
ZykoticK9sampleee2, so sorry16:36
ZykoticK9sampleee2, s/so/no16:36
astra-xso i just installed another HD into my system. before i had a fakeraid with /home on a seperate partition. I added the HD (/dev/sdc1)16:36
astra-xthen i changed the old /home partition to /home/user/Downloads and the new hd to /home/astra16:37
astra-xwell user=astra16:37
fastaWhich program is supposed to popup that I inserted an usb key?16:37
astra-xyet nautilus is still confusing that has a /home16:37
astra-xand my nautilus mount points are all screwey16:37
fastaIt is not working, but the kernel shows I inserted a device without error messages.16:37
owd95which webbrowser you recommend? firefox feels so slow...16:38
ZykoticK9owd95, chromium-browser is one alternative16:38
fastaowd95, chromium-browser16:38
sampleee2ZykoticK9, anyways just cause that file had some french parts. this what installation of nvidia said: http://paste.ubuntu.com/479976/16:38
owd95fasta: whats the different between chromium-browser and google-chrome that you can download from ther website?16:39
fastaowd95, I never looked at the diff, but I think it does less tracking.16:39
ZykoticK9sampleee2, there appears to be a problem with your jockey (Hardware Drivers) for some reason - I'm affraid I have no suggestion though.  Good luck man.16:40
fastaowd95, if you really want to know, compile it yourself from source.16:40
wilhartany good pages for fixing locales16:40
owd95fasta, thx :)16:40
sampleee2ZykoticK9, well thanks a real lot for trying anyways dude. have agood time. bye16:40
ZykoticK9owd95, google-chrome is closed source, chromium is opensource that google-chrome is based off of16:41
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owd95ZakoticK9: alright, thx!16:41
ZykoticK9!tab > owd9516:41
ubottuowd95, please see my private message16:41
AviMarcusHi. I just lost the maximize/minimize/close buttons. What do I need to do to get that back?16:42
ZykoticK9AviMarcus, metacity --replace16:42
ZykoticK9AviMarcus, "compiz --replace" to try compiz again16:42
BertoHi - Does anyone know how to switch from 8.04 normal to 10.04 Server LTS on a VPS?  I don't have access to CDRom...16:42
BertoI can mount the 10.04 Server LTS CD locally...  but isn't there an easier way by just pointing it towards 10.04 Server LTS sources?16:43
OceanSurfIs it ..without great complication....easy for me to network a Ubuntu lapto and WinXP laptop via an ethernet cable?  If so how?  or link you can refer me to?16:43
econdudeawesome!chromium > owd9516:43
ZykoticK9Berto, you can't go from Desktop to Server without clean installing16:43
BertoZykoticK9, ugh... yuck.  I'm in a no-support zone :(16:43
guampaOceanSurf: easy16:43
ZykoticK9Berto, also you need alternativecd to upgrade with16:44
* guampa brushes teeth16:44
econdudeawesomeZykoticK9: why can't you? Seems like you should be able to. If nothing else, can install it to a separate partition...16:44
wilhartok gotit16:44
ZykoticK9econdudeawesome, of course you could dual boot desktop/server16:44
OceanSurfguampa i have teh ethernet cable plugged into both.....next step?16:45
guampaahh there16:45
guampawai a sec16:46
FirstgearOneI made a package with checkinstall but when I try and install the package I receive this error: "unable to create `/selinux/context.dpkg-new' (while processing `./selinux/context'): Permission denied" anyone know how to get around this problem?16:46
fastaFirstgearOne, reading the error might help?16:46
fastaFirstgearOne, obviously you don't have the permission to execute that.16:47
guampaOceanSurf: right  click on the connection manager, over the notification area16:47
FirstgearOneyes im installing it as sudo dpkg -i package.deb  so why isn't it working?16:47
fastaFirstgearOne, sudo is not root.16:47
OceanSurfin WinXP or in Ubuntu?16:47
guampaOceanSurf: in ubuntu16:47
fastaFirstgearOne, not that there is a default root on Ubuntu, but still.16:48
ZykoticK9fasta, yes it is..  sudo = execute as root16:48
[nrx]"Super User Do"16:48
OceanSurfim not sure where that is...looking now.16:48
ZykoticK9[nrx], actually no - switch user do16:48
guampaOceanSurf: near the clock16:48
fastaFirstgearOne, does it work when you do it really as root?16:48
[nrx]ZykoticK9, yeah, but I was trying to make it more simple to understand because in Ubuntu you don't *actually* switch user16:48
OceanSurfmy clock is at the bottom near the two Workspace icons16:48
OceanSurfcan i access this from teh systems tab16:49
FirstgearOnefasta:I'll try that now16:49
ZykoticK9bbl - good luck guys16:49
fastaFirstgearOne, and it might be that selinux has all kinds of special policies which disallow what you want to do. In principle root should be able to do everything.16:50
FirstgearOnefasta: still get the error even as root16:51
fastaFirstgearOne, then you have to find the exact call which returns there is no "permission".16:52
FirstgearOnemight be because I used "checkinstall" to make the package16:52
john__hello can someone help me? My laptop's internal wifi stopped working yesterday and has been working on and off since then, I'm on a usb wifi adapter now16:52
john__it's an atheros r5001 if that makes a difference16:52
Shishisn't /selinux a virtual filesystem like /proc? Not sure, but possibly worth checking16:52
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fastaFirstgearOne, what does mount | grep selinux return?16:53
ghassen_please help: how can i install python2.5 on ubuntu 10.04 i didn't find it in the synaptic16:53
FirstgearOnenone on /selinux type selinuxfs (rw,relatime)16:53
aarHi, as a home user, shoudl I be worrying about my system's entropy levels, or is that over-kill for everyday needs?16:54
H2OHello everyone...i've got a problem...i've just made a clean install of ubuntu 10.04 on my pc, and when i get in, after a couple of seconds the screen turns blank and i can only see and move the mouse pointer16:54
H2Ohad to hard reset16:54
fastaFirstgearOne, selinuxfs probably has semantics that I don't know.16:54
H2Oany ideas anyone?16:54
fastaFirstgearOne, since you use selinuxfs, I assume you know what you are doing.16:54
sipioraar: frankly, yes it is over-kill :-)16:55
FirstgearOnefasta: :o) how do I remove selinuxfs and place selinux on there16:55
ghassen_H2O, it's the graphics driver is not working, i assume that ur VGA is Intel16:55
john__hello can someone help me? My laptop's internal wifi stopped working yesterday and has been working on and off since then, I'm on a usb wifi adapter now16:55
ghassen_please help: how can i install python2.5 on ubuntu 10.04 i didn't find it in the synaptic16:55
fastaFirstgearOne, I cannot understand that sentence.16:56
fastaFirstgearOne, selinuxfs is the name of the file system.16:56
fastaFirstgearOne, it is also the layer which says you do not have permission.16:56
H2Oghassen_: i have Nvidia Geforce chipset, and ati radeon graphic card....i think it's the graphics driver too...but how to fix this??16:56
FirstgearOnefasta: that makes sense thanks16:56
sipiorghassen_: does apt-cache search python2.5 not report anything?16:56
fastaFirstgearOne, now, it might be that writing to selinuxfs is not possible to begin with.16:56
BertoIf I run  "do-release-upgrade -m server"  -- will this give me 10.04 Server LTS?  Is there a difference between 10.04 Server and 10.04 Server LTS?16:57
fastaFirstgearOne, so, it returns the silly message "no permission".16:57
fastaFirstgearOne, basically you are using a badly written program.16:57
FirstgearOnefasta: I think it's old16:57
fastaFirstgearOne, or rather one without special code for common cases.16:57
H2Oghassen_: i now booted in netroot and tried to upgrade, but i get a strange error... E: Method http had died unexpectedly! E: Sub-process http recieved a sementation fault16:57
fastaFirstgearOne, you could say it is a design flaw in the file-system API.16:57
fastaAlthough, there probably is a way to report to e.g. the kernel log that something went wrong or another log.16:58
FirstgearOnefasta: thanks for your help will look into it.16:58
fastaFirstgearOne, probably selinux has some kind of log.16:58
Rolandhi. I'm thinking of setting up a RAID array on my home computer.  Anyone know about some good guides/FAQ's/tutorials or what not to do? The end result: Ubuntu and W7 dual boot; RAID1 partition for pictures/documents/music/etc; RAID0 partition for video editing/movies/games16:59
fastaFirstgearOne, which package is it anyway?16:59
ghassen_H2O,  it happened to me one on when i wanted to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 , the only solution is to go back to a version that works fine on ur pc , and then upgrade by update manager, it worked from me :)16:59
FirstgearOneI made it myself. it's the later development of  swftools17:00
H2Oghassen_: but i don't remember which one worked... 8.04 i think17:00
ghassen_sipior, i found nothing17:00
FirstgearOnefasta, but I used "checkinstall" to make it17:00
H2Oghassen_: why does it say Segmentation fault when i try to do 'sudo apt-get upgrade'?17:01
ghassen_no 9.10 didn't work H2O17:01
H2Osegmentation fault? anyone?17:01
RolandH2O, the program crashed ;)17:02
ghassen_try it , u have nothing to lose17:02
Shishsegfault is the second most generic error message on unix, only beaten by "error" v.v17:02
H2Oi don't want to have an old version of linux17:02
ghassen_anyone knows how to install python2.5 on ubuntu 10.0417:02
ghassen_try another version then17:02
wilhartdoes medibuntu have latest mplayer ? smplayer says that my mplayer is too old17:03
ghassen_i assume that ur pc is old right?17:03
H2Ook i have another question then.... does the installation of ubuntu automatically download and install updates if internet connection is present during installation???17:03
H2Oghassen_ yes, but not that much old...17:03
c3lit seems my alsa crashed, how do i restart it?17:04
ghassen_try lubuntu is light weight version, it may work17:04
H2ORoland: could it be because i didn't update the source list before doing upgrade? :)17:04
RolandH2O, if you do an upgrade.. the latest packages are downloaded.. when installing from an USB disk/CD don't think so17:04
FriarWhat is a good transfer rate over an ssh tunnel? I'm getting about 80 - 90 KB/sec.17:05
wilharthow do i setup medibuntu to lucid17:05
RolandH2O, well segfault means the application tried to read some data from memory where it wasn't allowed to. So the cause could have been anything :D.... totally unhelpful :D17:06
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xiaohaooh yeah.. i can used xchat ... huhu~~17:06
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hassanzhi i mounted a partition but ls returns nothing17:06
H2ORoland now it stopped at a different point17:06
ZykoticK9!medibuntu | wilhart17:06
ubottuwilhart: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:06
coz_wilhart,   did you look here ?  http://medibuntu.org/17:07
dorbinI'd like to know the answer to Friar's Q as well - 80-90KB/sec sounds bad - I thought usenet downloads went through SSL tunnels17:07
H2ORoland kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! .... what does this mean17:07
coz_wilhart,  you can go to the "Repository how to "  on that link or  "Packages"  for downloading individual packages17:07
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phoenix90@h2o:probably your filesystem settings are incorrect17:07
Friardorbin, I have a server at home, and I want to transfer some movies from it...I'm abroad for work right now....but it takes forever. I'm transferring a few GB right now and it says 22 hours.17:08
hassanzcan someone help im sure its a simple problem17:08
H2Odoes anyone advise some other ubuntu-like desktop linux? ... coz this one is eating up my nerves pretty quickly17:08
ikoniaFriar: so what's the issue17:08
ikoniaH2O: no, we just discuss ubuntu in here17:08
RolandH2O, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=kernel+panic17:08
mbeierlis it normal for X in lucid to be using 800m of memory with 2g of virtual?17:08
dorbinFriar: have you checked the max speed of your line?17:09
ZykoticK9hassanz, if you type "mount" in a terminal does it show what you mounted?17:09
Friarikonia, it just seems like it is a really slow transfer rate. I'm just trying to clear up some confusion on what sort of rates I can expect, and if there is a way to check upload/dl speed on each end.17:09
ikoniambeierl: it can do, depends on your drivers and your compiz config17:09
odeskHi, how can I make sed deletes all the lines starts with $1 form file $2 ?17:09
beliFriar: depends on your line ;) and....your home server...maybe its really slow and encrypting stuff takes time...17:09
ikoniaFriar: that's not really anything to do with ubuntu, you'd need to speak to your line providers17:09
FriarI have checked here, and it is much higher than that....17:09
aliendude5300msg tcopeland http://www.yamaha.com/yec/compare/Detail.html?compitem1=&compitem2=5117694&compitem3=5117636&CTID=5000700&VNM=LIVE&B_compare.x=26&B_compare.y=14&comp_items=5117694&comp_items=511763617:10
hassanzZykoticK9: yes id does17:10
aliendude5300oops that was supposed to be a private message, sorry17:10
banishedIs it possible to force the use of the VESA driver by a grub parameter?17:10
mbeierlikonia: thanks.  nvidia and compiz, full wobbly and 4 sided cube.  been that way for many releases but this is the first time X has gotten so huge.17:10
ZykoticK9hassanz, so can you cd to where it is mounted?17:10
odeskHi, how can I make sed deletes all the lines starts with $1 form file $2 ?17:10
hassanzyes but it dont go any further17:10
luisthey... lets say i have a folder with a filesystem inside (used as chroot) and i want to transform that folder content into a .img file to transform to a .vdi and load into virtualbox... how do i make the .img?17:10
beliFriar: setup a webserver that points to your movie directory and has dirlisting available...try to download it that way....17:10
Friardorbin, beli, ikonia, thanks for the info...even if it isn't what I wanted to hear. at least I know there isn't anything wrong with my server...17:10
lava1Hi All, please help me my VGA is not working17:10
lucas-argi need help with plymouth... i guess, i have nvidia propietary drivers installed, and my pc just starts when it wants, i only see a black screen of death and thats pretty much it... any ideas how to solve this?17:11
Friarbeli, could my isp be throttling down certain ports?17:11
beliFriar: it CAN be your server.....a 133 mhz server is encrypting slowly17:11
ZykoticK9lucas-arg, what version of Ubuntu are you using?17:11
lucas-argZykoticK9: 10.04 32bits17:11
ZykoticK9lucas-arg, ok - i was just checking it wasn't 10.10 (which has an nvidia issue right now).  I have no suggestions for you - Good luck.17:12
lava1Hi All, please help me my VGA is not working17:12
Friarbeli, it is an old p4 at 1.7 GHz with 4GB of ram and 2 SATA I drives in RAID117:12
banished!ask | lava117:13
ubottulava1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:13
lucas-argdamn why plymouth? i was so happy before17:13
sipiorodesk: sed -e "/^foo/d"17:13
sipiorodesk: also: "info sed"17:13
hassanzZykoticK9: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/AW9JKH75 please help17:13
beliFriar: should be fine....but if no extra security is needed, try the webserver solution i told to you17:13
wilharti get flickering while watching 1080p17:13
Friarbeli, I'm going to try the webserver thing right now to see what I get.....i have a what if, but I'll wait.17:14
ZykoticK9hassanz, you have something gnome is automounting to /home/hunterseeker/.gvfs - is that what you are trying to mount?17:15
lava1I am using VGA to display to external monitor, when i did system test, i saw blank sreen on my tv but then the system hangs, how do i resolve this issue17:15
hassanzim just trying to access this automounted drive from console17:15
aliendude5300does anyone know of a good Skype alternative? The Skype client for linux is _horrible_...17:15
ZykoticK9hassanz, "cd /home/hunterseeker/.gvfs"17:16
wilhartshould i use vpdau or xv ?17:16
wilhartwith mplayer17:16
banishedlava1: which graphic card are you using?17:16
ZykoticK9wilhart, do you have nvidia?17:16
banishedwilhart: vdpau if you have a recent nvidia card17:16
lava1Banished, iam not sure how to check that17:16
hassanzits the IBM_PRELOAD i want to access :/17:16
banishedlava1: open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t), lspci | grep VGA17:16
vicpeng /quit17:17
ZykoticK9hassanz, "cd /home/hunterseeker/.gvfs" is still my answer?17:17
wilhartZykoticK9: iu have nvidia yes17:17
migue_alguien habla español17:17
wilhartZykoticK9: how do i enable vpdau then ?17:17
lava1Banished, this is the output for it "0:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)"17:18
banished!es | migue_17:18
ZykoticK9wilhart, you need to have libvdpau1 installed to use vpdau i believe17:18
ubottumigue_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:18
wilhartZykoticK9: in .mplayer/config ?17:18
ZykoticK9wilhart, install the lib then test with "mplayer -vo vdpau $FILENAME"17:18
hassanzZykoticK9: it says "bash: cd: /home/hunterseeker/.gvfs: Permission denied"17:18
ZykoticK9hassanz, what filesystem type are you using?17:18
banishedlava1: you just plugged in the external monitor and then?17:19
hassanzits ntfs17:19
ZykoticK9hassanz, oh sorry i can't help then, good luck.17:19
Arimoto_does apt or dpkg have a capability to list the attribute changes (e.g., permissions, ownership, modification date, etc.) for files installed as part of a package?17:19
pbxFresh install of 10.04 on an Inspiron 4000. Not seeing my wifi card, which worked with the last version of Ubuntu I used on this machine. How to get this working with minimal fuss?17:19
saganbyteHi :) I ve just installed the Hamster time tracking applet... I m aware that it does not create a short cut in the Applications menu dropdown and needs to be added in some other way coz its an applet.. just cant remember how to do that.. please help17:19
ZykoticK9pbx, plug in ethernet - do all updates, then check System / Admin / Hardware drivers17:20
lava1Barnished, "then i entered "fn+f8 on my keyboard i.e external crt/lcd"17:20
AviMarcusZykoticK9: thanks, the compiz --replace worked.17:20
pbxZykoticK9: No ethernet.17:20
wilhartZykoticK9: what lib?17:20
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lava1Barnished, I am not seeing the display on my tv17:20
banishedlava1: rather try the System->Settings->Displays applet17:20
ZykoticK9wilhart, libvdpau117:20
banishedpbx: which wifi card? can you post dmesg output?17:21
ZykoticK9pbx, you probably need it17:21
Vilemaximjust setup a system with a mdadm raid and it failed at boot asking if I want to boot degraded. The drives look like they are resyncing. Will booting degraded allow this to finish resyncing?17:21
John__whenever I boot up my ubuntu laptop it goes to an (initramfs) command prompt and not my desktop wtf17:22
banishedJohn__: what does it say?17:22
Friarbeli, when I set it to download a movie from the website it goes at about 110 - 113 KB/s but the speed of the SSH transfer didn't slow down at all.....it is still at 92 KB/s and has been going for a few minutes like this now.17:23
John__busybox v1.13.3 ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11 built in shell (ash) engter help for al ist of build in comamnds17:23
banishedJohn__: anything else?17:23
odeskit worked, thanks17:24
John__(initramfs) and a blinking _17:24
John__well above it it has a bunch of stuff17:24
John__let me take a picture17:24
kaushalis there a way to know which package contains /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg17:24
sipiorkaushal: dpkg -S /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg17:24
kaushaldpkg: /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg not found.17:25
beliFriar: so than its slow encrypting17:25
ZykoticK9kaushal, i'm just guessing but perhaps nagios3?17:25
pbxZykoticK9: I can't post full dmesg output because the machine is not online. Card is a Tellus C100 (I Googled its FCC ID). What next? Network access not an option. I could copy files to the machine via USB key if needed.17:25
wilhartZykoticK9: ok vo="vpdau" #video out, i'll add this in .mplayer/config then from filemanager open file with mplayer ?17:25
Friarbeli, I see....that is a matter of the server not being able to encrypt it fast enough? does it encrypt it if it is just password? I don't have a key activated on the ssh side.17:25
ZykoticK9pbx, it wasn't me who asked for dmesg output.  Without internet I can't help - hopefully someone else can.  Good luck.17:25
ZykoticK9wilhart, i'd test before you add that to config!!!17:26
banishedpbx: best copy dmesg to usb17:26
sipiorkaushal: not part of any package, then.17:26
wilhartZykoticK9: audio is coming after doesnt sync17:26
pbxbanished: OK, doing that now17:26
wilhartnow in sync again17:26
ZykoticK9wilhart, try with the xv output then17:27
banishedJohn__: did it do that right after installation?17:27
wilhartZykoticK9: i tried it flickers vpdau is good no flickering17:27
ZykoticK9wilhart, try with the gl output then (sorry)17:27
John__no I installed yesterday17:27
John__I booted it up today with the screen closed and it didn't go to my desktop17:27
banishedJohn__: so it worked at first?17:27
John__said like john-laptop login:17:27
John__yes banished17:27
John__and I typed john and my password, and tried startx but it didnt' work so I held in the power button17:27
banisheddid you do anything since then?17:27
ezhanginshould i be using ext4 on a raid array?17:27
John__and then I tried to turn it on again and this happened17:28
ezhangini would think no17:28
wilhartZykoticK9: gl output ?17:28
sipiorezhangin: why not?17:28
ZykoticK9wilhart, gl over xv, but vdpau is better!17:28
John__banished: am I going to have to reinstall?17:28
ezhanginsilverraindog: not sure, i've heard not to17:28
gdoteofI forgot my root password but have sudo access17:28
gdoteofcan I change it?17:28
banishedJohn__: can you type fschk there?17:28
ZykoticK9!root | gdoteof17:29
ubottugdoteof: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:29
sipiorezhangin: well, that's a powerful argument :-)17:29
John__/bin/sh: fschk: not found17:29
lava1Barnished, I did as you suggested, the tv was displayed with blank screen, and system came with blank screen and keyboard and mouse got hung17:29
ezhanginsilverraindog: can't find a guide for it also17:29
ezhanginsipior: i mean i've heard that multiple times17:29
banishedJohn__: sorry, fsck17:29
ezhanginlol, sorry for the vagueness17:29
sacarlsongdoteof: well sudo has the same access as root.  ubuntu has no root password17:29
John__not found17:29
gdoteofZykoticK9: I have a root, I just forgot the password17:29
ZykoticK9gdoteof, not supported here then17:30
gdoteofhrm.  maybe i don't have a root17:30
banishedJohn__: you can boot from a LiveCD and run it from there17:30
gdoteofok.  thanks17:30
gdoteofannoying to type sudo ..17:30
gdoteofsudo ..17:30
ZykoticK9!noroot | gdoteof17:30
ubottugdoteof: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.17:30
sipiorgdoteof: you can set it again with sudo passwd, or unset it with sudo passwd -d (generally recommended)17:30
sacarlsongdoteof: well if you sudo su  then you will have a # prompt and no need to add password17:31
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wilhartZykoticK9: is there some codecs that i must manually install ?17:31
gdoteofsudo su17:31
ZykoticK9sacarlson, "sudo su" is not a good idea - "sudo -i" is better17:31
ZykoticK9gdoteof, see above!17:31
gdoteofi see17:31
i2cok I'm back banished I had to change my name I'm downloading the livecd I only have the beta might as well get the new one17:31
wilhartZykoticK9: libmatroska or some ?17:31
ZykoticK9wilhart, you might need the vdpau PPA perhaps?17:32
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gdoteofwhy is sudo -i better17:32
sacarlsonZykoticK9: what is the diff in -i and su?17:32
wilhartZykoticK9: should i disable/enable something in nvidia-settings, and do i need to have glx in xorg.conf ?17:32
ZykoticK9wilhart, it's not a codec issue17:32
lava1Barnished, I did as you suggested, the tv was displayed with blank screen, and system came with blank screen and keyboard and mouse got hung, i have to restart the system unplugging vga cable17:32
saganbyteis there some way i can track for how long the system has been booted?17:33
ZykoticK9sacarlson, sudo -i sets environment variables better (less likely to break system)17:33
gdoteofsaganbyte: uptime17:33
saganbytegdoteof, thanks :)17:33
sacarlsonZykoticK9: ok cool,  I just tried it get the same # but not sure about env17:33
wilhartZykoticK9: what about glx in xorg.conf ?17:33
ZykoticK9wilhart, can you pastebin "mplayer -vo vdpau $FILENAME"17:33
wilhartZykoticK9: sure17:33
ZykoticK9sacarlson, "sudo su" is highly frowned upon here17:34
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North_Italian69It is possible to rename the menu names on panel, like 'Applications', 'Places', 'System' in 'App', 'Sys"?17:34
sacarlsonZykoticK9: not by me, but I'm old school17:34
lake<-- needs recommendations for a USB Wifi Card cuz my BCMXXX card/drivers b-b-b-bloooow17:34
gdoteofZykoticK9: why is sudo -i better?17:34
wilhartZykoticK9: http://pastebin.ca/191951517:34
pbxbanished: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/M9zdXp1M17:35
ZykoticK9wilhart, is the video playing?17:35
ZykoticK9gdoteof, environment is setup better (less likely to break system)17:35
wilhartZykoticK9: yea17:36
lakeI prefer a card with open source drivers from the manufacturer; I've heard anything with an atheros chip is good?17:36
ZykoticK9wilhart, so what's wrong then?17:36
gdoteofZykoticK9: how are you less likely to break the system?17:36
erUSULlake: correct17:37
wilhartZykoticK9: minor flicker once in a while, and i have 5.1 speakers that shows 2speakers17:37
ZykoticK9gdoteof, use "sudo su" if you want - but be warned...17:37
rwwyou may be eaten by a grue17:37
erUSUL!rootshell | gdoteof17:37
ubottugdoteof: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)17:37
wilhartZykoticK9: and it's 48000Hz it should be smaller17:37
ZykoticK9wilhart, that is an audio issue - sorry i can't assist with that?17:37
wilhartZykoticK9: ok.17:37
wilhartZykoticK9: minor flickering :( should i enable glx in xorg.conf ?17:38
North_Italian69It is possible on Gnome to rename the menu names on panel, like 'Apps' for 'Applications and so on?17:38
ZykoticK9wilhart, flickering?  does it flicker with "gl" instead of "vdpau"?17:38
owd95someone that knows when the spotify linux native client works with spotify free?17:39
ZykoticK9wilhart, you might want to try the "sync to vblank" in nvidia-settings and see if that helps???17:40
i2cbannished: I'm burning the cd stand by17:40
wilhartZykoticK9: yea it's ON17:40
ZykoticK9wilhart, do you get the flickering using gl instead of vdpau?17:41
wilhartZykoticK9: havent tried gl yes is that same than xv?17:41
ZykoticK9wilhart, no gl or gl2 are different from xv17:42
wilhartZykoticK9: ok17:42
wilhartmplayer -vo gl melite-coto-1080p-rpk.mkv ?17:43
wilhartZykoticK9: ^17:43
i2cbanished: I'm booting the cd right now what exactly is the command I issue?17:44
ZykoticK9wilhart, sure17:44
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wilhartZykoticK9: ok i'll try it if this doesnt flicker anymore i enabled vsync and glx17:44
ZykoticK9wilhart, if you are playing 1080p video your system might not be fast enough?17:45
dorbinwilhart: have you been getting bad flickering in lucid?17:45
wilhartZykoticK9: i have 2.33ghz dualcore 64bit with nvidia 8800glx17:45
ZykoticK9wilhart, that's fast enough ;)17:46
LintWadIm having trouble gaining internet connection after a new install on an Acer laptop. Looking for a little help if someone has the time.17:46
wilharthave to go for pizza now tnx for help ZykoticK917:46
lakeerUSUL: is that the best I could get?17:47
sacarlsonZykoticK9: I had to find out the diff of sudo -i and sudo su and you are correct there is a difference in them,  but the only thing I see is the XDG_SESSION_COOKIE is set in sudo su and not in sudo -i. as see here compared to sudo -i sudo su and a standard user  http://paste.ubuntu.com/480003/17:47
erUSULlake: intel and atheros both work in their drivers for linux17:48
i2cwhat about this http://cgi.ebay.com/Realtek-RTL8187B-802-11a-b-g-Mini-PCIe-Wireless-Card-/270590099957?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0#ht_790wt_91117:49
ZykoticK9sacarlson, interesting...  thanks man.17:50
sacarlsonLintWad: for any hope of help with you intenet connection you will need to provide much more info like pastebin us the results of: ifconfig , iwconfig, route, the contents of /etc/resolv.conf , lsusb , lshw, lspci ,  that's all I can think of. with that someone should be able to help you.17:51
pgpkeysand dmeswg output of what the system sees the device as, and lsmod as well so we can see what device modules are loaded17:52
pgpkeyserr dmesg even17:52
LintWadAlright. Let's see what I can do. Have to switch between machines.17:52
lakeerUSUL: I've got a laptop -- you think I should replace the pci card or just get a usb stick?17:53
sacarlsonZykoticK9: I always want to know why.  but I don't even know what XDG_SESSION_COOKIE is or what it does so I'll save that for later.17:53
lakeI'm not even really sure how to put a pci card in, so usb option is me being lazy/ignorant17:53
ZykoticK9sacarlson, nor i ;)17:53
i2cgood my ubuntu livecd doesn't even work WTF17:55
rwwZykoticK9, sacarlson: It's set by your login manager and used by ConsoleKit to determine which desktop session a given terminal belongs to17:55
ZykoticK9rww, thanks17:56
LintWadsacarlson, pgpkeys http://pastebin.com/bmH5Wwyi17:56
rwwmaybe s/terminal/process/. not sure.17:57
sacarlsoni2c: cool I have had many people with problems with that device I didn't know it was a laptop thing.  I thought it was a usb device.17:57
LintWadI think its important to note this is my first attempt at an install.17:57
erUSULlake: what wifi chip thoes the laptop come with ?17:57
North_Italian69How to rename the menu names on Gnome panel, like 'Apps' for 'Applications and so on?17:57
antlonghello, what command do i run to switch my system python from 2.6 to 2.7, i believe its update-alternatives but i dont know the rest17:58
VCoolioNorth_Italian69: don't know if possible; there are other, smaller menu applets for gnome-panel though, look into those17:58
erUSULantlong: 2.7 version is not aviable in lucid17:58
antlongi built it and installed it17:59
antlongi just need to switch17:59
antlongim on 10.417:59
sacarlsonLintWad: well I don't see any wifi device in that list.  is that what I'm looking for?17:59
LintWadI'm not getting internet period. Not even hardlined.17:59
LintWadBut it would be great to get the wifi up.17:59
sacarlsonLintWad: were is the more important info like ifconfig and iwconfig?18:00
LintWadHrms. I saved that output. Let me check.18:00
erUSULantlong: well that could lead to something braking at system level. why not just make a PATH hack or alias for your user ?18:00
sacarlsonLintWad: I put this list in the order of importance18:00
LintWadAnd I ran it in the order you gave me.18:00
LintWadseems it didn't save correctly.18:00
lakeerUSUL: I'm not sure -- It's a BCM431218:01
sacarlsonLintWad: or I viewed it wrong?18:01
LintWadProbably not. I opened the document I saved it in and it looks truncated.18:01
LintWadRunning again.18:01
erUSULlake: althout you have to install the firmware those cards seems to work ok ...18:01
bugalooguys... I'd like to make my ubuntu box (10.04) like a surveillance box... Using a webcam, what software can I use to a remote view?18:02
lakeerUSUL: it's working right now, yes18:02
LintWadsacarlson http://pastebin.com/NjF15vyV18:02
lakeerUSUL: seems to drop a lot for me18:02
lakeif i stream a video, for instance, it cuts out18:03
erUSULlake: tried installing the linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic package ?18:03
antlongis there a version of python_select for ubuntu18:03
lakeerUSUL: no, why should I do that18:03
styx993hello all18:03
sacarlsonLintWad: well from the looks of it you have no wifi device but I still have no lsusb to verify that.  do you have a wire connected like cat5 ethernet?  if so you have no ip address there.18:04
LintWadYes. I am connected via wire.18:04
erUSULlake: new version of the driver *may* be more stable18:04
styx993anybody know where i can find information on policykit?18:04
LintWadI was getting wireless when running w7, so the device exists.18:04
LintWadIt's just not being recognized.18:05
lake interesting -- so is that all I need to do?18:05
laegdoes anyone know how i can change the owner of a .pdf file and then 'secure' it? i have acroreader installed but it doesn't have that option.18:05
lakeerUSUL: will it automatically require the right module, etc18:05
erUSULlake: to try a newer version of the driver? yes. note the mephasis on *may*. there are no waranties of the newer driver being better18:06
sacarlsonLintWad: well the ethernet has a wire but no address so we could try install wicd  with apt-get install wicd  to see if we can manualy set it or we can do it with term commands.18:06
lake   erUSUL ok18:06
sacarlsonLintWad: this might be good to try at a command term dhclient eth018:07
lakeerUSUL: i'm going to hit youtube -- if it drops, I'll try the new driver. lol18:07
erUSULlake: good luck.18:07
LintWadGetting a lot of "permission denied" on that command.18:07
sacarlsonLintWad: oh sorry forgot no connection so that's the only thing we can do is dhclient eth018:07
LintWad"permission denied"18:08
LintWad"can't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases: permission denied"18:08
sacarlsonLintWad: oh yes so it's sudo dhclient eth018:08
glickhey can anyone recommend any good hosting services? anyone ever used linode?18:08
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LintWadOk. That loks like it's working18:08
LintWadWell, doing something at least.18:09
Oerhosting is no Ubuntu issue, join #Ubuntu-offtopic for that, glick18:09
sacarlsonLintWad: if that looks like it got something take a look at ifconfig again and see if we go an ip18:09
lucenutHey guys. How do I start getting a microphone and webcam to work on ubuntu 10.04?18:09
lakeerUSUL: yep, dropped.18:09
lucenutI plugged the usb camera in and nothing happened.18:09
LintWadIt almost looks like it's in a loop.18:09
sacarlsonlucenut: did you try the program cheese?18:10
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ZykoticK9lucenut, start with cheese as sacarlson suggests18:10
lucenutWill I find it in the software center?18:10
sacarlsonlucenut: well that might make you camera take pics18:10
c3lit seems my alsa crashed, how do i restart it?18:10
trismstyx993: there is the policykit-1-doc package, although the most useful information there are probably just the html versions of the manpages you already have, polkit(8) and pklocalauthority(8)18:11
mauriwhich is the channel for maverick?18:11
ZykoticK9mauri, #ubuntu+118:11
mauriZykoticK9: tnk18:11
lakeerUSUL: my kernel is 2.6.3418:11
lakethe install pulled me back down to 2.6.3218:11
truenoHi there!18:11
styx993trism: okay, thank you.  would you happen to know if i can allow a user to perform an action without entering a password?18:12
truenoIs there a way to use ipod touch 2g in banshee just as with rhythmbox?18:12
macostyx993: you want to give a specific user a specific command they can run as admin without a password?18:12
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) is released! | Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 | Download: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu | Unanswered question? try http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com
zonkers1how do I upgrade to 10.04.1???18:13
styx993maco: yes, i want her to be able to update the computer18:13
macostyx993: that can be done with "sudo visudo"  edit that file (comments in there explain what to do)18:13
macozonkers1: just install updates as usual18:13
ZykoticK9zonkers1, "lsb_realease -a" and see if you already have it.  Update as normal.18:13
zonkers1maco, that's it?18:13
macozonkers1: yep.18:13
styx993maco: edit what file?18:13
macozonkers1: 10.04.1 is just a CD release with all the updates bundled18:13
macostyx993: "sudo visudo" will open an editor to the /etc/sudoers file, but itll have checks in place to make sure you don't break it before you save18:14
macostyx993: you'll want to put her username, the command she can do, and NOPASSWORD18:14
styx993maco: i want to edit the system policies, not give her access to sudo18:14
blackMatrix_NYHi. I set a symbolic link in /var/www/ to point to a web application folder in my home directory. But the only way the web app works is if I chmod the directory to 777. This doesn't seem safe. Any other way around this ?18:14
br14n4b4nkscan someone help me with smplayer and wmap codec pls ??18:14
macostyx993: oooh ok18:14
zonkers1maco thanks.18:14
br14n4b4nksi have no sound18:14
styx993it's not a console command, its the system update applet18:14
styx993it's something with polkit, i just don't know how to work it18:15
macozonkers1: http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com/questions/3/how-can-i-set-the-software-center-to-install-software-for-non-root-users has an explanation18:15
dorbinmost of my home folders (Docs, Downloads, Music, etc,) are missing from 'Places' (top panel) - how do I restore them?18:15
styx993aha, that is perfect18:15
styx993thank you zonkers1 for asking the right question18:15
ZykoticK9maco, linking stackexchange already eh?  nice!18:15
styx993and maco, thank you for providing the right answer18:15
macoZykoticK9: i saw it on there a couple days ago :P18:15
zonkers1styx993,  I LOVE ubuntu....it's the best...18:15
styx993:)  i've appreciated it lately too18:16
lucenutDoes chrome work on ubuntu?18:16
truenoIs there a way to use ipod touch 2g in banshee just as with rhythmbox? It works with rhythmbox, but I can't get it working with banshee... Any clue? where could I have a look? I am using banshee 1.7.418:16
erUSULlucenut: yes18:16
macolucenut: yep18:17
lucenutHow? I googled and it doesn't seem straightforward.18:18
ZykoticK9lucenut, chromium-browser is in default 10.04 repo (open source version of chrome)18:18
lucenutOne place has a link to an old .deb version.18:18
zonkers1i have 10.04.1 wooo hooo18:18
zonkers1will i notice anything different if I install the newer version of freetype?18:19
lucenutAh Chromium18:19
oCean_!info chromium-browser | lucenut18:19
ubottulucenut: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.375.99~r51029-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 11557 kB, installed size 38420 kB18:19
ZykoticK9lucenut, FYI chromium is a game, chromium-browser is the web browser18:20
bihari_any one know how to install backtrack18:22
ZykoticK9!backtrack | bihari18:22
ubottubihari: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)18:22
bihari_!gyachi | ZykoticK918:23
bihari_!gyachi | bihari18:23
ZykoticK9bihari, we don't support Backtrack here - see #buacktrack-linux18:23
ZykoticK9bihari, type on the irc address there ;)18:24
bastid_raZorlucenut: one way of getting up-to-date chromium.. is the PPA. https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa18:24
zezuis skype on a PPA now ?18:24
bastid_raZorlucenut: updates are around 9PM EST daily.18:25
bihari_ZykoticK9,  ? i didnuthing happen18:25
ZykoticK9bihari, sorry s(ubstitue)/type/(for)typo18:25
solowomg u guys, this just proofs how awesome ubuntu is18:25
solowWith windows, my printer didnt work until I installed a 300mb app from hp18:25
rookszezu, i installed skype from that extra enabled repos that are by default disabled on fresh install of ubuntu18:25
solowI just plugged it in at ubuntu, 3 seconds, and it works18:25
IdleOnebihari: backtrack is not for beginners, if you can't even install it you really should NOT be using it18:26
zezurooks i thought so but don't see it,  then again i should prob. be asking in +118:26
bihari_Idle0ne i know but i have curiosity thats why i wants to try18:27
bihari_JUst for curiosity i wants to install18:27
lucenutHmm. I still haven't gotten ubuntu to realize I have a webcam and mic plugged in.18:28
IdleOnebihari: /join #backtrack-linux18:28
macolucenut: maybe its a bug?18:28
bihariIdleOne,  thanks18:28
rookszezu, just enable partner repositories in system/administration/synaptic/settings/repositories/other software18:29
rookszezu and then reload18:29
lucenutWould a guy have to do anything when you plug a mic in on ubuntu?18:30
lucenutThe webcam is usb so shouldn't ubuntu make a noise or throw up an alert or something?18:30
rookszezu and give a moment for quick search to catch up with updates, since it falls behind reload a bit18:30
shadowhywind_hay all, I just a replacement hdd in the mail, I am going to use dd to copy everything from my old hdd to the new one. Will dd also copy the mbr/grub ? also what should be the dd command I should issue?18:30
ZykoticK9lucenut, generally on unix/linux "no news is good news" ;)18:30
IdleOne!register | bihari18:31
ubottubihari: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:31
lucenutWell, I tried the Sound Recorder and it doesn't show any level or record anything.18:31
rooksshadowhywind_, dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb will copy all, including mbr, grub and whatever is on the drive18:31
=== henkpoley_ is now known as henkpoley
lucenutIs there a "Device Manager" of some sort like in windows?18:32
b1ankhi there. i'm looking for recommendations for a very low-cost, low-power and quiet home server running ubuntu. it's mostly going to be a backup, file and media server, maybe a low volume tor node. ~$100 barebones Atom boxes by foxconn look tempting on price, anyone used one? you can see them here http://bit.ly/zVA6y18:32
shadowhywind_rooks: would I have to include the bs flag or conv=notrunc or anything like that18:32
felicityhey, i downloaded the dina.ttf font but am having trouble using it.i use the command line alot, so i have no graphical file browser(slow internet, so i stick to small apps).so, how do i install the font?18:32
rooksshadowhywind_, tho better reinstall grub since grub operates on uuid's which can change due to different hdd serial nr18:32
ZykoticK9lucenut, you might want to try/install gnome-device-manager18:32
ranjanHi all, is it possible to connect two laptops kept side by side using wireless adapter/18:33
shadowhywind_rooks: k, I will first use dd to copy everything over, and see if grub is screwed up and then reinstall/fix if needed18:33
IdleOne!ot | b1ank18:33
wilhartis pulse no more available?18:33
ubottub1ank: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:33
rooksshadowhywind_, give bs 4 megabytes, dont do any conv voodo, it might corrupt fresh install18:34
QueopsHeya, I wanted to take a look at the default bluetooth application sourcecode but I can't figure how, any help?18:34
Bambrhey, i've got a problem with samba server, i installed on my 10.4 box samba and smbfs and configured samba according to tutorial and it's not accessible from windows18:34
shadowhywind_rooks: what does bs do in the first place?18:34
rwwfelicity: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts#Manually18:35
rooksshadowhywind_, it determines how much data dd reads and writes at one go, so it will read 4mb of data and then it will write it, 4mb should be ok, since cache on hdd's is about 8mb these days18:35
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rwwfelicity: (it uses nautilus, but just copying in the terminal with cp would work just as well)18:35
ninjaianyone here know how I can make the F1-12 keys function as ESC[n~ (from putty) in Konsole?18:36
shadowhywind_rooks: so would be dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=4mb or would it be bs=4120 (ish)18:36
rooksshadowhywind_, maybe dd operates differently when it deals with two seperate devices, but i guess it only passes read/write requests to kernel, so kernel will handle all the caching and such18:36
shadowhywind_rooks: otherwise, bs is what 512 bytes?18:37
rooksshadowhywind_, no idea on proper bs= synaptic, its in the man dd how to spell megabytes properly for it18:37
lucas-argi have problems with startup, ubuntu shows a blackscreen, i have to restart the pc and hope it actually starts up, i disabled splash to see that was going on and it stops in memory check or something... any ideas?18:37
rooksi think so, something like that18:37
Guest31764looking for help to load on system with internal RAID018:38
shadowhywind_rooks: ah, in that case I think i might just skip bs, since the other harddrive is dying, don't want to task it to much18:38
erUSUL!fakeraid | Guest3176418:38
ubottuGuest31764: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:38
rooksshadowhywind_, youre booting from live cd btw, not from hdd youre copying, right?18:38
shadowhywind_rooks:  that is true, live cd18:38
shadowhywind_not that stupid , hehe18:38
rooksshadowhywind_, well, its tasking it one way or another, having proper bs will help to smooth out the whole experience18:39
rookslike faster transfer times18:39
U8untuhey, i have installed Windows XP SP3 and Ubuntu 10.04 on the same partition C:\ .. how could i delete windows and stay with ubuntu?18:40
shadowhywind_rooks:  oh, so your still thinking go with 4 mb?18:40
lucenutIn the software center, it looks like Skype is already installed. There's no "Install" button.18:40
lucenutWhere would I find it?18:40
rooksshadowhywind_, yup, i would go with bs=4M if i was about to do that copying, given the hdd's are the same size18:41
i2cskype.com or w/e18:41
wildc4rdevenin' all18:41
lucenutIs it pre-installed?18:41
caseychi all - quick newb question - when i do dpkg -l | grep php, I'm getting an "li" or "rc" before the package name18:41
caseycwhat is this for?18:41
rooksshadowhywind_, it would make controllers happy i think :)18:41
ZykoticK9lucenut, "perhaps" you need to add the Partner repo?18:41
erUSULcaseyc: flags the indicate what is the package state in dpkg DB18:41
caseycwhat does rc mean?18:42
U8untuhey, i have installed Windows XP SP3 and Ubuntu 10.04 on the same partition C:\ .. how could i delete windows and stay with ubuntu?18:42
macocaseyc: the first 3 lines of output explain that18:42
rookslucenut,  enable partner repositories in system/administration/synaptic/settings/repositories/other software18:42
QueopsHeya, I wanted to take a look at the default bluetooth application sourcecode but I can't figure how, any help?18:42
shadowhywind_rooks: then one last thing, just to make sure im doing this right, since it seams very wrong, bs is in bytes, to do 4 mb.. i would have to do bs=4194304 ?? that just seams a bit wrong18:42
itterbiumyou cant18:42
itterbiumhow can i install ubuntu without internet ? i cant step over choose-mirror18:43
macocaseyc: first column corresponds to first line's guide, so r means its been marked as desired for removal (you hit remove at some point)18:43
rooksshadowhywind_, man says when you do "bs=4M" it will understand this as bs=4*1024*102418:43
shadowhywind_oh lol i think i missed that part18:44
macocaseyc: second column to second line, which says its for the actual current status. yours is c, so thats conf-files... the executables are gone but configuration files remain so you dont need to reconfigure if you ever reinstall it18:44
manuel_Can someone help me with the installation of my drivers? I tried "tar zxvf AR81Family-Linux-v1.0.1.9.tar.gz" and i get this error "gzip: stdin: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored18:44
manuel_tar: Child returned status 218:44
manuel_tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors18:44
FloodBot2manuel_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:44
rooksshadowhywind_, its below all the parameters :P18:44
shadowhywind_rooks:  or at least thats what I get for using a website..18:44
jfcarrollHow do I get a .deb file for a package in the Ubuntu repository?  Specifically, I'd like to download a .deb file for gnucash 2.2.  Thanks!18:44
U8untuanybody help me?18:44
macojfcarroll: packages.ubuntu.com lets you download any packages in the official repos18:45
ZykoticK9U8untu, do you mean you used Wubi and installed Ubuntu inside Windows?18:45
shadowhywind_rooks: thanks again for all the help18:45
caseycmaco - thanks, i appreciate it. so its not installed? or is it? if i try to remove it, it says its not installed18:45
U8untuyes ZykoticK918:45
i2chello everyone I'm having trouble with my wireless card, it worked earlier today but now will not work, seems like it just cut out of nowhere (no I haven't messed with drivers or anything) is there any way to debug it from within ubuntu?18:45
macocaseyc: its not installed but config files remain in case you reinstall some day18:45
rooksshadowhywind_, youre welcome:) http://planet.admon.org/howto/basic-understanding-of-the-dd-command/ btw :)18:45
wobleU8untu, installed two OS on the same partition? Sure about that?18:45
QueopsOh comon why others answers are being answered before :S18:45
U8untuyes woble18:45
macocaseyc: if you want to get rid of config files too, apt-get purge <packagename> will do that18:45
QueopsI'll ask for support somewhere >.<18:46
ZykoticK9U8untu, i doubt it's possible really - but I wouldn't know.  I've seen reference to a migrating Wubi to physical install, but it's probably MUCH easier to just fresh install.  Best of luck.18:46
wobleU8untu, ah wubi, well, if you'd like to stick to ubuntu i would do a complete fresh install with a separate home partition18:46
rooksshadowhywind_, when dd is running you can do from other terminal killall dd -USR1 so it will print nice statisctics on how its doing :)18:46
caseycmaco: when i try to install it, it says "php5-mcrypt: Depends: phpapi-20090626"18:46
dorbinmost of my home folders (Docs, Downloads, Music, etc,) are missing from 'Places' (top panel) - how do I restore them?18:47
caseycmaco: you know a solution to that?18:47
U8untuwoble my windows is fully virused..if i reinstall another windows..same virus appears.. so.. i want to get rid of it18:47
macocaseyc: is there more to it? like a complaint that phpapi isnt avilable?18:47
shadowhywind_rooks: repeate that one more time, wouldn't killall dd actraully kill the copy18:47
U8untuand i dont have and dont know how to make a ubuntu bootable disk woble18:47
wobleU8unti, just download the iso, and burn :)18:47
TrikkexHey there, my trackpad only works on the login screen. But once I've logged in it loses all functionality. any suggestions?18:48
dorbinU8untu: just boot up from CD/USB and format your c: partition while installing ubuntu - that take care of your worries18:48
rooksshadowhywind_, no, killall -USR1 dd will only send USR1 signal to dd, which will cause it to display statisctics on how its going, its all in the manual :) man dd :P18:48
U8untuwoble and how is that? how to burn? lol? i am newbie :D18:48
caseycmaco: says some packages could not be installed - the following information may help resolve the situation: the following packages have unmet dependencies18:48
maco!pastebin | caseyc18:48
ubottucaseyc: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:48
caseycmaco: E: broken packages18:48
wobleU8untu, do you know how to burn cd's?18:48
shadowhywind_rooks: hehe, i will have to issue that command, since its a 640 gb drive18:48
U8untuwoble copy/paste .. thats how i do cd`s :D18:49
teddy_I installed Ubuntu as my workstation. I moved our Windows XP as a second PC. Then I use TSClient to connect to the Windows XP from Linux. I toggle the full screen with CTRL-ALT-ENTER and switch between the 2 boxes. Then I have an ESXI with 20 OS's on it. It is a nice setup. I do this because not everyone can use Linux, and they can use TSClient to access their Windows XP.18:49
VCooliodorbin: check what ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs says18:49
IdleOneU8untu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto18:49
pardacHi. Help needed with video files, using Ubuntu 10.04. Can't seem to get any picture just the sound. Youtube videos play but blank out on full screen. Where should I start? I've followed many tutorials but failed.18:49
wobleU8untu, launch ubuntu with wubi, download the ubuntu .iso from the website. right click -> burn18:49
maco!pm | jfcarroll18:49
ubottujfcarroll: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:49
caseycmaco: http://pastebin.com/P8yYu49F18:49
IdleOneU8untu: the above link will explain how to burn the iso file so it is bootable18:49
GrimCrimsonHey everyone18:50
macojfcarroll: the page on packages.ubuntu.com from which you grabbed it lists the dependencies.  you dont need to worry about recommends/suggests. only depends are absolutely required18:50
i2chello everyone I'm having trouble with my wireless card, it worked earlier today but now will not work, seems like it just cut out of nowhere (no I haven't messed with drivers or anything) is there any way to debug it from within ubuntu?18:50
TrikkexCan anyone help me with my laptop trackpad? It doesn't work after login.18:50
wobleU8untu, make sure you test your livedisc before performing a format whatsoever, and be sure to backup your personal files before touching anything18:50
U8untuwoble and what if put the iso image to a usb flash driver? it will boot it?18:50
GrimCrimsonis there a way to run a bootable usb inside ubuntu?18:50
wobleU8untu, another possibility if your pc supports it. use the ubuntu startup disc creator18:50
IdleOne!usb | U8untu18:50
blinkybany good dock applications beside "Docky"?18:50
ubottuU8untu: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:50
jfcarrollMaco, thank you for answering my questions.  I apologize for the unapproved private message (pm?).  I am new to IRC, but not new to Ubuntu.18:50
GrimCrimsoni don twant to install to/from a usb18:51
ninjaiis there any way/program to capture the exact keycodes a terminal sends to a remote server?18:51
dorbinpardac: maybe reinstall flash - goto system - administration - synaptic packet manager and search for flash. Check the green square and choose reinstall18:51
en1ac3rrealtek problems in ultimate edition 2.718:51
VCoolioninjai: xev18:51
GrimCrimsoni have BT4 on a bootable usb and want to try to run it inside ubuntu, maybe using VBox or something18:51
VCoolioblinkyb: cairo-dock, awn (avant window navigator)18:52
teddy_i can even do multimedia and filesharing between XP and Ubuntu with TSClient. Then agian, I do have freenas as one my my 20 distros on my ESXI. Every admin should be running this setup. Its great stuff.18:52
jfcarrollPardac:  Could you give a specific example?  Perhaps a particular YouTube URL that won't play?  Are you familiar with video codecs?18:52
blinkybVCoolio: thx18:52
kandjarhi there,18:52
erUSULninjai: an sniffer captures all traffic that goes through an interface18:52
IdleOneGrimCrimson: install virtualbox :) you ansswered your own question18:52
erUSULninjai: what are you trying to do ?18:52
dorbinblinkyb: I cannot live without gnome-do18:52
en1ac3rrealtek 8187 driver problems in ultimate edition 2.718:52
U8untuwoble and if i dont touch the windows? and let the both on the same partition? will be a problem for ubuntu later? i made that way,that when my pc starts,in logs in directly to ubuntu18:52
erUSUL!ultimate > en1ac3r18:53
ubottuen1ac3r, please see my private message18:53
kandjarI had to reboot my ubuntu server this morning, because the process table was flooded with root process running: /USR/BIN/CRON (all caps); does anyone know a possible reason? or has anyone seen that?18:53
wobleU8untu you cant have 2 OS on the same partition.18:53
caseycmaco: did the pastbin make sense?18:53
U8untuwoble why?18:53
ninjaierUSUL: I'm trying to figure out what keycodes putty sends with ESC[n~, in hopes to use that keycode in Konsole18:53
wobleU8untu you can use the livedisc to make a new partition, be sure to check out the installation manual / guide on how to do this18:53
pardacjfcarroll: It happens with all videos. I've folloved tutorials to install video codecs but failed for some reason. I have the restricted extras and sort of things installed but no luck. Don't know how to go on.18:53
macocaseyc: yes. phpapi-20090626 isnt in the repos but php5-mcrypt depends on it. thats a bug...18:53
en1ac3rsorry,where message18:54
Loneclocksorry for my lack of computer knowledge but is there a way to chain 2 computers together to increase your processing power?18:54
U8untunow i`m on ubuntu, and dont want to go on windows ever18:54
caseycmaco: how can i fix that? its strange because it's not doing that on my local dev box, but on the rackspace dev box, it's throwing htis18:54
macocaseyc: oh...wait it was from my rackspace that i was looking too18:54
erUSULcaseyc: maybe you have a third party repo ?18:54
caseyci installed php5.2.10 so i can get memcache to work18:55
jfcarrollPardac:  Have you tried vlc?  It is a good player that plays just about everything.  http://www.videolan.org/vlc/18:55
en1ac3rubottu,where message18:55
wobleU8untu, if you feel the time is right to drop windows.. backup your personal files, format, and start with a new and fresh Ubuntu install. did you already take a look at the manual? ubuntu-manual.org18:55
macocaseyc: my local system agrees with my rackspace that that package doesnt exist in the repos18:55
erUSUL!ultimate | en1ac3r18:55
ubottuen1ac3r: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition18:55
pardacjfcarroll: Yes, I tried VLC but the same thing with that. Just sound, no picture.18:55
macocaseyc: not really something you'd fix though...its a bug on our (ubuntu's) side18:55
caseycmaco, so where does that leave me?18:56
macocaseyc: not using phpmyadmin?18:56
U8untuwoble how to make backup, how to format?i dont get it :(18:56
en1ac3rokay cheers....18:56
caseycmaco, how could it work on my local box though?18:56
caseycsorry, im new to all this18:56
rooksshadowhywind_, one more thing, be sure from what drive youre copying data to what :) its kinda important to know these things when doing dd :)18:56
macocaseyc: dont know18:56
wobleU8untu, i assume there are files on the disc you can not loose?18:56
shadowhywind_rooks: yah i know, already double checked with fdisk -l18:56
rooksk :)18:57
U8untuwoble what disc?18:57
jfcarrollpardac: Can you play audio files?  .ogg?  .mp3?  I assume you've tested your sound system, and it's working, right?18:57
macocaseyc: oh!18:57
wobleU8untu, on your computer18:57
wobleU8untu, like photo's, word documents, personal files etc.18:57
caseycmaco: ???!18:57
pardacjfcarroll: sound files work fine yes.18:57
U8untuwoble no, and even if i hafe, those are on other partitions like D:\18:58
en1ac3rif you want to try a ubuntu 64 bit in virtulization,use vmware,vbox not support virtulization,xtra software needed18:58
macocaseyc: install php5-cli18:58
macocaseyc: it provides phpapi-2009062618:58
caseycmaco, it's in18:58
DDAZZAHello, How can I kill X?  Ctrl+Alt+Backspace won't work.  Whats the shortcut?18:58
lucenutHey guys, I've been googling with no luck. Trying to get my Intel CS330 Webcam to work on 10.0418:58
jfcarrollpardac:  I wish I could help you more, but I don't know how.  Keep asking.  I believe you have come to the right place.18:58
caseycmaco, ill pastbin the dpkg -l, cool?18:58
en1ac3roh no.....ultimate editon website is down,can some one else check for me18:58
VCoolioDDAZZA: alt+sysrq+k18:58
bastid_raZorDDAZZA: alt + sysrq + k18:58
pardacjfcarroll: Thank you. I guess I have to find someone with the knoledge of video card drivers or smth.18:59
DDAZZAthank you VCoolio bastid_raZor18:59
bastid_raZorDDAZZA: you're welcome.18:59
bastid_raZoren1ac3r: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/18:59
corigoHow can I tell if my USB Wireless card has been loaded by the system?18:59
caseycmaco: http://pastebin.com/U6LUAAua18:59
Blue1corigo: lsusb18:59
bonksI installed a fresh ubuntu server edition so I can set up a subversion server. Is there anything I should do in terms of security, maintenance, etc before continuing? This server will only be accessible within my network.19:00
erUSULcorigo: run « iwconfig » see if a wlan0 appeared19:00
wobleU8untu, I will almost recommend backing up your entire disc, for the sake of being sure. But when you follow the guidelines it is quiet safe to grab a livedisc and install ubuntu on partition C:\  <-- C:\ is a windows partition so it will have a different name in the installer19:00
U8untuwoble so all my photos, music, and other documents are in other partitions.. not C:\ .. i want to put only the ubuntu on C:\ and delete the windows .. but i dont know how to make a bootable disc19:00
IdleOneU8untu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto19:01
pardacdorbin: I reinstalled the flash but the same thing. It plays videos embedded but on full screen I see only white blank full screen, no picture.19:01
Blue1U8untu: bootable - hard drive or bootable cd?19:01
macocaseyc: i dont know... assuming everything's up to date, it should work. my rackspace does seem happy to install phpmyadmin19:01
U8untuBlue1 cd19:01
caseycmaco: how can i verify that everything is up to date?19:01
Blue1U8untu: that will be done when you burn the iso image...19:01
macocaseyc: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:01
lava1Banished, I am still having issue for displaying on tv with VGA cable19:01
andrew__is there a rootkit detector in karmic koala19:01
caseycmaco, ill try right now19:01
dorbinpardac: have you tried another driver for your video card?19:02
corigoOk, in lsusb I see an Ralink device, and under iwconfig I see wlan0 as Managed... now how can I see a list of available wireless networks19:02
Blue1corigo: eggsalad!19:02
bastid_raZor!rkhunter | andrew__19:02
IdleOneandrew__: chkrootkit19:02
erUSULcorigo: click on the network manager icon19:02
lucenutIn Cheese Preferences I see the Device as USB Camera (0733:0401) but it won't take a picture.19:02
bastid_raZorandrew__: err.. wrong factoid. rkhunter19:02
corigoBlue1: no, that's eggsalad | fork19:02
lucenutJust black.19:02
LibertyZerobonks: ubuntu server has very reasonable defaults so you will be fine :-)19:02
pardacdorbin: As far as I know there is just one driver - openchrome for VIA and I'm using that. Do you know any other?19:02
erUSULcorigo: up right corner near the clock19:02
Blue1corigo: heh19:02
U8untuBlue1 and if i burn the image to a usb flash drive..will it boot it? will i boot it and install it on local disc C:\ (instead of windows)?19:02
Blue1U8untu: you'd use the usb creator19:03
dorbinpardac: ..or uninstall it to see if flash works without the video-driver?19:03
lava1Any one please help me iam having issue with my external display, when i connect my tv with vga cable the tv and system displays blank and system freezes.19:03
corigoerUSUL: A little too obvious, no networks listing up there, only options appear to be Create New or Connect to Hidden.19:03
en1ac3rno,ultimateedition is down....oh sh....!19:03
U8untuBlue1 what is that?19:03
andrew__I tried finding rkhunter and i could not19:03
glace1I registered a nickname in freenode ,"glace" . I use it every time, but it was used by another one now, why?...19:03
Blue1U8untu: System/Admnistration/Startup Disk Creator19:03
bastid_raZor!info rkhunter19:03
ubotturkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.6-3ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 218 kB, installed size 884 kB19:03
andrew__i could not find rkhunter19:04
erUSULcorigo: check in command line « sudo iwlist wlan0 scan »19:04
andrew__how do i get that?19:04
pardacdorbin: Can I do that? When video driver is uninstalled will I be able to see anything then?19:04
en1ac3rcan some one else try...see if you get the gator host page....?19:04
U8untuBlue1 i dont have that19:04
erUSULglace1: ask in freenode19:04
corigoCreate new works, not used to this XFCE interface19:04
erUSULglace1: ask in #freenode19:04
Blue1en1ac3r: url?19:04
U8untuooh..i have it19:04
IdleOne!ot | en1ac3r19:04
ubottuen1ac3r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:04
dorbinyes - the standard VGA driver works fine in most cases - just not able to have fancy effects19:04
U8untuand what i do there Blue1 ? :)))19:04
tejahie...i want to configure compiz config with some special effects like brick maximize can anyone help how to do it19:04
dorbinpardac: yes - the standard VGA driver works fine in most cases - just not able to have fancy effects19:05
glace1erUSUL: ok~19:05
pardacdorbin: I'll try that then. Just a moment, thanks.19:05
en1ac3rhttp://www.ultimateedition.info/                          sorry19:05
Blue1U8untu: okay what do you have?  have you downloaded the iso, and verified (via md5sum) that you got a good download?19:05
U8untuand where do i find the iso image for ubuntu? :D19:05
IdleOneen1ac3r: ultimate edition is not supported here and is offtopic. please search for support regarding that somewhere else19:05
erUSULU8untu: www.ubuntu.com19:05
U8untuBlue1 md what? :D19:05
caseycmaco: im reading that i need php5-cgi which also has the rc status19:05
Blue1U8untu: oh boy19:05
caseyccould that be it?19:05
U8untuBlue1 i`m newbie in ubuntu :D19:06
Blue1U8untu: you must be a noob19:06
macocaseyc: maybe? try installing both19:06
U8untuBlue1 no..i am just new in ubuntu.. i used just windows19:06
caseycmaco, can we do pm?19:06
Blue1U8untu: go there and download the iso19:06
macocaseyc: i dont really have any more solutions to offer, sorry19:07
en1ac3roh aircrack !19:07
caseycmaco: one last thing: php5-cgi says it needs php5-common (= 5.3.2), but  5.2.10 installed19:08
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Blue1U8untu: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download19:08
macocaseyc: 5.3.2 is whats in the repos19:08
U8untuBlue1 im downloading it..but..it says 3 hours remaining :D19:08
caseycmaco: i have php5-common installed though19:08
caseyc5.2 on my local box19:09
caseycand it works19:09
Italian_Plumberinteresting that all the default options during install are still "USA".19:09
U8untuBlue1 55 kb/s the download speed... good19:09
macocaseyc: is your local box running a different version of ubuntu?19:09
Blue1U8untu: kewl all the directions on how to make a cd or bootable usb drive are there.19:09
U8untui mean..god damnit :))19:09
caseycmaco: no same19:09
macocaseyc: disagree19:09
caseycubuntu 10.0419:09
macocaseyc: 5.2.10 is in 9.1019:09
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caseycmaco: i installed 5.2 so i can get memcache to work19:10
macocaseyc: then nothing php from repos will work for you19:10
U8untuthx 4 help Blue1  and the other ones... :) have a nice day19:10
caseycmaco, can i do anything manually?19:10
solowis it possible to do this: $this->addElement(((true) ? 'something' : 'something else'));19:10
macocaseyc: you need to manually install all your php (whether using 9.10's debs or compiling) and then lock version on it to keep updates from overwriting19:11
solowwrong channel sorry19:11
macocaseyc: of course... download the debs, and install with sudo dpkg -i19:11
leaheyis there a netbook remix specific channel?19:11
caseycthanks maco19:11
macocaseyc: then "sudo aptitude hold <package names>" to say that those should never be updated19:11
macocaseyc: from a security standpoints it's a stupid thing to do, but...19:11
projetahowdy, I need help setting up a cron job. the /var/log/cron.log says my script was run but some of the commands inside the script are not executed. how can I debug this?19:15
Blue1projeta: run it manually in a terminal window and look at the output19:15
projetaBlue1: if run on a terminal, the script runs just fine19:15
Blue1projeta: what about the system log -- dmesg19:16
leaheywhat does everyone use as a twitter client, if i may ask?19:16
Blue1leahey: what ever is built into ff19:16
projetaBlue1: it's only listing the startup stuff19:17
leaheya ff extension, Bluel?19:17
Blue1leahey: what ever comes with ff I just go to twitter url and login.19:18
xangualeahey: ubuntu brings gwibber for twitter, facebook, etc by default19:18
corigowhen I shut down, the OS closes, and video shuts off, but the machine remains powered up... any thoughts?19:18
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leaheyxangua, yeah I see that, I find gwibbers ui to be appealing but it doesnt seem to support lists19:18
bonksLibertyZero: i just saw your response, thanks for the tip!19:18
logan_wolfhi all19:19
logan_wolfI have an issue19:19
Blue1projeta: you can put in some debug statments like echoing back where you are in the script...19:19
wilhartis there a equalizer for ubu or so ?19:20
logan_wolfmy memory stick wont get mounted on the system....19:20
logan_wolfwhat shall i do19:20
sarthorHI, how to check that my computer is 32 bit or 64 and are all xeon are 64 bit pcs?19:20
projetaBlue1: I'll try that, thanks19:20
feydrwhat do I need to look at to see why my box isn't shutting down when i do a poweroff? I have ot manually press the power button on 10.1019:20
Blue1sarthor: uname -a19:20
pgpkeysanyone have any thoughts on how to track down why kdm can not correctly reset the screen when you log out but not shut down or restart the machine? the screen looks like the top is totally pinched and out of sync19:20
Blue1sarthor: oh the hardware - you'd have to have the make and model number and go to the manufacturers site...19:21
stijni would like to install: wireless-N network PCI card WL-18119:21
pardacIt's an issue of video card driver. Without it I could play video and flash. Strange thing is that I had no problems with video on previous verisons19:21
webczatWhy the newest syslinux tells me that vesamenu.c32 is not a com32 bootable image? he?19:21
pgpkeysgdm works perfectly, kdm doesn't reset the screen correctly19:21
erUSULsarthor: run this in terminal « if grep -q ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo; then echo "is 64 bits"; else "No luck :("; fi19:21
sarthorerUSUL, if grep -q ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo; then echo "is 64 bits"; else "No luck :("; fi19:22
sarthoris 64 bits19:22
blinkybi just uninstalled docky but it is still available. how can i close it using terminal? tried kill and killall19:22
FoolishOwlI'm confused about the release of 10.04.1. I don't see any way to upgrade to it from 10.04.19:22
erUSULsarthor: then your cpu supports 64 bits19:22
sarthorthis machine on which i ran this command, is 32 bit :)19:22
appamajigDo I need to boot from a LiveCD to increase the size of my Home partition with gparted?19:22
pgpkeysi usually have to CTL F1 to get to a vt, log in, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart and then it resets correctly19:23
erUSULFoolishOwl: if you are up to date with offered upgrades you already are19:23
erUSULFoolishOwl: lsb_release -a19:23
lava1Any one please help me iam having issue with my external display, when i connect my tv with vga cable the tv and system displays blank and system freezes., how to resolve this issue19:23
stijnhi there. problems getting my wireless network pci card running. anyone?19:23
Italian_Plumberhow can I get the alternate install CD to use my local apt-cache?19:23
Blue1lava1: might have to do with refresh rates...19:24
FoolishOwlerUSUL, thanks.19:24
Blue1lava1: System/Preferences/Monitors/Refresh Rate19:24
erUSULstijn: which chip ? « lspci | grep -i net »19:24
appamajigDoes anyone know if I can get away with not booting to a LiveCD to resize the home partition with gparted?19:25
stijnralink rt2800 802.11n pci19:25
appamajigI have some mission-critical services running on the installation that I'm hoping to resize19:25
sarthori have hp proliant ml110 no OS installed, how to check that this machine is 32 or 64 bit?19:25
Italian_Plumberappamajig: you have to boot to some other partition other than the one hta tyou want to re-size... the easiest way to do that is to use a live CD19:25
erUSULappamajig: you can boot into recovery mode and use command line tools from it ( after umounting the home partition )19:26
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erUSULsarthor: use a livecd ?19:26
Blue1sarthor: head on hover to http://www.hp.com and find that computer there - it will tell you the specs19:26
erUSULsarthor: or check the maker docs about the machine19:26
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appamajigItalian_Plumber, erUSUL: Ok thanks guys I appreciate the feedback!19:27
tstaerkHi, I get an error msg when trying to install anything:19:27
tstaerkkde: Depends: kde-core (>= 5:47) but it is not going to be installed19:27
tstaerkwhat does that mean?19:27
pgpkeysalso you can dmesg | less and read the output19:27
pgpkeysalso look in your /var/log/kern.log file19:27
wilhartis there a equalizer for ubu or so ?19:28
wilharti hvae soudblaster xfi audio19:28
stijnerUSUL. chip: RaLink RT2800 802.11n PCI19:28
wilharti need to decrease bass19:28
ChogyDantstaerk: I think you can: sudo apt-get install kde-core     to see why it isn;t installable.  Or maybe try using synaptic19:28
erUSULstijn: system>admin>hardware drivers do not offer a driver ?19:28
Blue1wilhart: no eq I am aware of - there is one is guayadeque19:29
sn3ipen_wilhart: Try to type alsamixer in the terminal19:29
sarthori am not an expert ,is this mean that this machine is 64bit? "Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 Release 2, Workgroup x64 Edition (320 GB SATA model)"19:29
tstaerkkde-core: Depends: arts (>= 1.4.2) but it is not going to be installed19:29
erUSULwilhart: there is a pulseaudio equalizer... i needed a ppa to install it19:29
erUSUL!ppa | wilhart19:29
ubottuwilhart: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.19:29
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ChogyDantstaerk: keep going  :)19:29
tstaerkapt-get install arts19:29
outer_spacemy sound icon got grayed out after an update yesterday and now sound doesnt work, what can I do?19:29
Blue1sarthor: again do your homework and go to the site and check.19:30
erUSULsarthor: if it can run x64 version of windows it is 64 bits19:30
kisplitIs there an easy way I can figure out what is fixed/new features to a package that is being upgraded? For example, chromium ppa has a new update and I like to know what's been fixed, etc19:30
ChogyDansarthor: FYI, you can just use 32bit, then you don't need to worry about 64 vs 3219:30
sarthorChogyDan, great, yes. i wanna install 32bit os on the machine.19:31
erUSULwilhart: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/02/pulseaudio-system-wide-equalizer-now.html <<< this19:31
Italian_Plumber how can I get the alternate install CD to use my local apt-cache?19:31
tstaerkYou might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:19:31
tstaerkThe following packages have unmet dependencies:19:31
tstaerk  psa-backup-manager: Depends: psa-9.3.019:31
ChogyDansarthor: yeah, then it doesn't matter.  64bit machines can run 32bit19:31
wilhartok tnx.19:31
stijnerUSUL: no driver inside system/admin/hardware19:31
pgpkeyschogydan ~ you can use apt-listchanges19:32
ChogyDantstaerk: oh, you need to run the apt-get -f install19:32
U8untuwoble how did you say? or it was Blue1  ?? how to verify if i have downloaded the right ubuntu? what command? md5 .... ?? what? :D19:32
sn3ipen_kisplit: No if the packager didnt include a changelog in the package you have to do a google search about the actual program.19:32
wobleU8untu md5 checksum.. but to be honest, i never check19:32
pardacWhere are video card driver settings stored in Ubuntu 10.04?19:32
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pgpkeysif its an official package it damn well better include a changelog!19:33
ChogyDanpgpkeys: was that for kisplit?19:33
stijnerUSUL: no driver inside system/admin/hardware19:33
U8untuwoble how is that md5 checksum?19:33
appamajigkisplit: often-times a google search for MyProgram changelog will give you that info19:33
pgpkeyschogydan ~ no for reading changes in packages19:33
IdleOne!md5 | U8untu19:33
ubottuU8untu: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:33
U8untuin a new terminal woble  ?19:33
Italian_Plumberyou can also verify it after you burn it and put it in the computer.. yeah it's too late by then if it's bad, but I've never had a bad one19:33
prefrontalin FF closing browser tabs that contain flash elements sometimes nukes all flash elements in all other browser tabs19:33
prefrontalhappens once to twice per day.19:33
tstaerkChogyDan, apt-get -f install hangs at19:34
Italian_Plumber"Verify disk contents" is the option19:34
tstaerkTrying to establish test connection...19:34
DrPoOi have an ati card and have been having flickering issues with my external monitor. After googling around I installed a new kernel -2.6.34-020634rc6 ... and now my window decorations in 10.04 disappear at random times. Help19:34
xanguaprefrontal: are you using 64bit OS¿19:34
nelliefor ubuntu 10.04 how do you get the floating dock like on osx ?  I have compiz running now with effects on if that means anything19:34
kisplitsn3ipen_ and appamajig: Thanks for the info =]19:34
OpenSourceCodeDoes anyone know how to solve problem watching flash movies (youtube,..) on fullscreen is laggy. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04, with ubuntu's graphics drivers.19:34
prefrontalxangua, yes19:34
ChogyDantstaerk: I dunno.  Can you pastebin all the output?19:35
xanguaprefrontal: well that's the problem :S19:35
Varuna_SeneviratHi I am new to Ubuntu, I want to know how to connect to the Internet after installing Ubuntu19:35
ChogyDanOpenSourceCode: I would start with the cpu frequency applet19:35
Varuna_SeneviratI have a router19:35
xanguaVaruna_Senevirat: clic in the network icon, select your network, enter your password19:35
stijntrying to install chip:rt2800 802.11n pci. wireless signals are visible, but unable to connect19:35
Varuna_Seneviratcan any body help?19:36
tstaerkChogyDan, http://pastebin.com/4pKJtvQE19:36
Varuna_Seneviratwhere is the network icon?19:36
OpenSourceCodechogydan, where?19:36
appamajigChogyDan: the cpu frequency applet? the one that changes the cpu frequency on the fly? I would think that that would not affect it...19:36
appamajigOpenSourceCode: Who manufactured your video card?19:36
david_is btrfs useable in ubuntu server?19:37
appamajigChogyDan: it should change the cpu frequency fast enough that it wouldn't affect anything except power consumption19:37
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xanguadavid_: i don't think btrfs is usable still19:37
appamajigOpenSourceCode: may want to try installing the newest drivers from the nvidia website newest non-beta drivers are 256.35.19:37
OpenSourceCodewhen I watch in normal mode... it's normal19:37
ChogyDanOpenSourceCode: you gotta right click your panel, and add to panel, add cpu frequency monitor.    it does, flash doesn't maintain a high cpu usage, so you get stuttering19:38
OpenSourceCodebut...they're not open source?19:38
appamajigChogyDan: ah, I didn't know about that bug19:38
david_xangua: but I read that btrfs is going to be the default fs in ubuntu 10.1019:38
NikieHello Folks ! Need some help19:38
Varuna_Seneviratxangua: what do u mean by network icon19:38
xanguadavid_: unless it was in mark's blog or something i don't think so19:38
appamajigOpenSourceCode: you'll be looking for CPU Frequency Monitor19:38
stijninstall nvidea drivers via system/admin/hardware drivers19:39
Oerdavid_,  no btrfs will be an option19:39
xanguaVaruna_Senevirat: the one little network icon in your upper corner19:39
ChogyDantstaerk: what are those packages?19:39
tstaerkno idea they are from my hoster.19:39
david_xangua: no, it for example is written in http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-10-10-Alpha-2-Gets-Linux-Kernel-2-6-35-and-Btrfs-145922.shtml19:39
DrPoO anybody here ever experienced problems with an ATI card on a laptop???19:39
BlueEagleNikie: Then I suggest you tell us what you need help with...19:39
Nikiewhat's the application similar to that of a winzip in ubuntu ?19:39
Varuna_Seneviratand what is the network that I should select19:39
DrPoOwith the VGA output...19:39
tstaerkChogyDan, they establish a connection to mysql somehow, but I do not want this.19:39
stijntrying to install chip:rt2800 802.11n pci. wireless signals are visible, but unable to connect. anyone?19:39
Picidavid_: Its not default.  And 10.10 discussion belongs in #ubuntu+119:40
Ober7Nikie: archive amanger19:40
NikieBlueEagle - Is Archive Manager19:40
ChogyDantstaerk: where did you get psa-imp?19:40
appamajigDrPoO: yeah, lots. It's a tough deal to get drivers installed for it. What video chipset do you have on your laptop?19:40
Nikieoh! alright :D Thank you !19:40
Italian_Plumbernikie: ubuntu (and windows) have archiving/zipping built in19:40
david_But Maverick Meerkat is quite near and I am just rebuilding my server and I want a good file system. Pici good to know, Ill switch over ;)19:40
tstaerkChogyDan, it was installed when I got the server from my hoster.19:40
Nikieso, we can zip the files with Archive Manager and unzip as well ?19:40
Ober7Nikie: just double click the zip file and it should work19:40
ChogyDantstaerk: are you running Ubuntu?19:41
stijntrying to install chip:rt2800 802.11n pci. wireless signals are visible, but unable to connect. anyone?19:41
tstaerkChogyDan, yes19:41
tstaerkroot@lvps83-169-3-117:~# lsb_release -d19:41
tstaerkDescription:    Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS19:41
Varuna_Seneviratxangua:network icon in your upper corner, is it the right upper corner19:41
DrPoOappamajig, I have an X1300 Mobility Radeon19:41
Ober7Nikie: or right click file/s and choose compress19:41
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DrPoOappamajig, had problems with the vga output... but fixed that by updating the kernel...19:42
Italian_Plumberrar and tar .. .and unzip ... are all available too... but if all you need is simple compression, use archive manager19:42
DrPoOappamajig, and now my window decorations are desapearing19:42
BlueEagleNikie: The .zip fileformat is not so popular in Linux as it is in Windows. Linux users tend to favour other compression algorithms like bz2 and 7z.19:42
Varuna_SeneviratXangua: what is the network that I should select?19:42
appamajigDrPoO: you mean the outline and top bar of the windows?19:43
xanguaVaruna_Senevirat: aah....your network¿19:43
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Ober7Varuna_Senevirat: the network of your router19:43
DrPoOappamajig, yup19:43
Italian_Plumberone of the main reasons I like ubuntu is that the unrar program/command is free and easy to install and use.19:43
DrPoOappamajig, and strange things happen when i enable composting19:43
Varuna_SeneviratDrPoO: I don't really get it19:43
Italian_Plumbermany torrents come rar'ed and it's nice to have a simple program to unrar them with19:43
NikieWhat's the importance of it ? I mean how is it better over .zip ? If you wouldn't mind ? :)19:44
bugaloopeople... does anyone know a good program to transmit an audio streaming with ubuntu 10.04? I want to listen remotly what is going on my remote laptop19:44
appamajigDrPoO: what driver are you using? fglrx? or the ATI-provided drivers?19:44
ChogyDantstaerk: well, it looks like psa-imp is failing to remove, but I've no idea what that is.  You can force it to remove by deleting /var/lib/dpkg/info/psa-imp.postrm and then running apt-get remove psa-imp19:44
NikieI'm quit new to LInux/ubuntu. Appreciate your time !19:44
tstaerkChogyDan, that sounds like a solution!19:44
DrPoOwoops its the ATI drivers19:44
TyphItalian_Plumber: combine it with atool :). "aunpack" will unpack/uncompress pretty much everything with the one command, no flags19:45
appamajigDrPoO: and what do you mean by 'strange things' with composite? (I'm assuming with compiz?)19:45
kyle_error on install of picasa, anyone help?19:45
kyle_/usr/bin/picasa: line 139:  2920 Segmentation fault      "$PIC_BINDIR"/wrapper check_dir.exe.so19:45
kyle_/usr/bin/picasa: line 175:  3023 Segmentation fault      "$PIC_BINDIR/wrapper" regedit /E $registry_export HKEY_USERS\\S-1-5-4\\Software\\Google\\Picasa\\Picasa2\\Preferences\\19:45
FloodBot2kyle_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:45
Varuna_Seneviratxangua: the network of your router, does it mean the router, how will it be displayed in the settings19:45
Italian_PlumberTyph: is that command-line?  I run ubuntu with no GUI19:45
Oeritś a wine problem, kyle_19:45
TyphItalian_Plumber: yep19:45
appamajigDrPoO: hmmm, might wanna try updating to the newest drivers from the ATI website. It can be an ordeal to get installed. I'll find the link19:46
Italian_Plumber*rubs hands together like mad scientist*19:46
kyle_not wine, is a linux install19:46
Ober7Italian_Plumber: no gui, why not debian them?19:46
apnNikie: zip by itself does not hold permissions and other attributes common for unix. To go around this problem, create .tar archive first, and zip the file. As to zip, there are better results with other compression methods.19:46
DrPoOappamajig, I can reproduce the dissapearence of the window decorations by simply changing the graphic settings on gnome from none to normal.19:47
wilharterUSUL: got it working .. changed video/audo to pulse server now eq works19:47
Italian_Plumberwow... the new .1 release of lucing is taking FOREVER to install on my virtual machine... maybe I should have given it more than 256 MB of RAM.19:47
DrPoOappamajig, thats what i meant19:47
Italian_PlumberOber7: not sure what you're asking19:47
DrPoOappamajig, i could try running fglrx?19:47
grubrecuehi, ive accidentally deleted the partition with ubuntu on, now my sytem is getting "error: unknown filesystem//grub rescue>" how do i boot into windows 7 from here19:47
Vardanhi all19:47
Varuna_Senevirathey guys my network type?19:47
Oerkyle_,  yes it does http://wiki.winehq.org/picasa19:47
=== alexandre is now known as Guest5132
weed37hey guys i have a question how do i run windows apps from ubuntu19:48
Ober7Why would your run Ubuntu w/ no gui, id rather run debian.19:48
Nikieoh! ya..I've heard of .tar n used it before..but wasn't sure of the importance..19:48
coz_grubrecue,  you will have to reinstall the windows boot ini19:48
xangua!appdb | weed3719:48
ubottuweed37: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:48
tstaerkChogyDan, big thanks - worx.19:48
Guest5132i'm a great problem with windows 7 , please help me19:48
ChogyDantstaerk: yw19:48
wilharterUSUL: there?19:48
coz_grubrecue,  look here   http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/720866-how-can-i-restore-the-windows-7-bootloader/  at  _Snow!'s response19:49
apnGuest5132: What's the problem?19:49
appamajigDrPoO: you could try fglrx for sure... might work19:49
PiciGuest5132: This channel is for Ubuntu support only, please use ##windows for Windows support.19:49
kyle_Oer: i'm not using wine.19:49
Italian_PlumberI run ubuntu without a GUI because I have a laptop from work that's XP... I use it for my GUI machine, but I like to have my own ubuntu machine to run rtorrent, subversion, and for virtual machine hosting... none of which needs a GUI19:49
Oerkyle_,  read after point 5 ... running the Linux version (with its built-in wine)19:49
Guest5132Pici : my windows 7 is dead tomorrow19:49
appamajigDrPoO: I would think that this is almost certainly a driver issue. what kernel version are you running? have you ran the update manager lately?19:49
coz_grubrecue,   or here    http://support.microsoft.com/kb/92739219:50
tstaerkChogyDan, rpm has something called nopreun19:50
tstaerkfor no pre uninstall19:50
Vardanpeople I have problem with my USB flash drive. When I plug it in ubuntu mount that, but I couldn't create/copy anything on that, also I can't delete anything from there. Here is an error message: "Error removing file: Read-only file system"19:50
tstaerkand nopostin19:50
tstaerkfor you info.19:50
rockhopperI'm running UNR on ma new netbook.. And i have a router, which has only two outputs, one's a normal ethernet adapter and the other's a usb ethernet . I want to use the usb port for the linux, but I amm unable to find the drivers nor any knid of information about it19:50
Varuna_Seneviratcan any body please explain what is the network that should be selected when configuring a network connection through Ubuntu using a DSL router19:50
apnGuest5132: I'm sorry. You will have to contact Microsoft channels or Windows community channels to get it back running.19:50
rockhopperCan anyone help me?19:50
ChogyDantstaerk: interesting.  I don't know if dpkg has those, I'll have to check19:50
Ober7Italian_Plumber: ubuntu is essentially debian + gui + other user friendly tools19:51
appamajigDrPoO: you said that you fixed a problem with the VGA output, right? does that mean that it would work on the laptop screen, but not to an external monitor? might want to take a look at this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver19:51
apnrockhopper: Probably, but you will have to express your problem first.19:51
tstaerkChogyDan, I have looked for them some hours.19:51
Ober7Italian_Plumber: so if u wanna ditch the gui, use debain lol19:51
Italian_PlumberOber7: I acutally run ubuntu server19:51
grubrecuecoz_: i have a problem that my dvd drive is broken so i cant put my windows disc in to boot from!19:52
kyle_Oer: I see. how do i fix?19:52
Ober7Italian_Plumber: ahh ok19:52
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
rockhoppercan someone help me please with how to configure a usb ethernet on my ubuntu?19:52
bhauffShould there be 5 or so postgres processes running on a stock 10.0.4 VM?19:52
coz_rockhopper,  check here maybe   https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/internet/C/connect-to-internet.html19:52
Italian_PlumberI dunno.. what does Debian have that Ubuntu server doesn't? ... or what does Ubuntu server have that I don't need? :)19:52
pgpkeysbhauff ~ yes19:52
coz_grubrecue,  that is going to be a problem then hold on19:52
bhauffpgpkeys: What are they used for?19:52
=== MichealH_ is now known as MichealH
DrPoOappamajig, its fixed in the sense that every works perfectly: my monitor, my external vga and i can use Fn+F7 to change xrandr modes19:52
Vardanany solution for my problem?19:53
itsux2buis X windows and gnome, kde all the same thing?19:53
Guest5132my great mother is dead19:53
apngrubrecue: please contact Microsoft channel for this, or #windows.19:53
itsux2buare they all desktop gui's?19:53
Italian_Plumberitsux2bu: They are all GUIs for Linux, but they are not the same.19:53
pgpkeyswriter, wal writer, autovacuuming of tables, and stats collector above and beyond the controlling server process itself19:53
DrPoOappamajig, im running 2.6.34-020634rc6-generic19:53
Varuna_Seneviratany solution for me please?19:53
pgpkeysbhauff ~ I'd suggest reading the postgresql docs from the main site19:53
pgpkeysexplains a lot of stuff for you19:53
bhauffpgpkeys: Ok, thanks for the help there!19:53
DrPoOappamajig, its on a amd64 platform19:54
kyle_anyone know of an app that works like picasa? for ubuntu 10.419:54
grubrecueapn: i though here was relevant because i can only get grub recue command to show and nothing else sorry19:54
ChogyDankyle_: have you tried f-spot?19:54
Picikyle_: f-spot?19:54
coz_grubrecue,   I cant think of any way to  recover the master boot record withouth the windows7 dvd19:54
erUSULwilhart: congrats19:55
coz_grubrecue,  do you have a working cd player?19:55
grubrecuethanks i will try windows channel :)19:55
appamajigDrPoO: aha! I think this is what you need: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI19:55
grubrecuecoz: im on a laptop :/ thanks again19:55
coz_grubrecue,  ok19:55
DrPoOappamajig, its on 10.04 though19:55
Oerkyle 3 is still beta To get patches on Picasa for Linux, go to http://code.google.com/wine.html. Please note that most of these patches are already in the main wine tree at winehq.org.19:56
pardacThanks a lot, have a nice time! Bye for now!19:56
Varuna_SeneviratDrPoO:  please explain what is the network that should be selected when configuring a network connection through Ubuntu using a DSL router19:56
kyle_PICASA, Well i have images on a smb://.  the thumbnails do not show pictures, so wanted something like picasa to show all pictures. if you get me.19:56
george_is there a program similar to Hamchi for ubuntu19:57
appamajigDrPoO: ah, yeah, that's not the one I was thinking of. I ran into problems getting ATI drivers installed on my laptop as well. I found a great link that explained everything. One moment I'm still looking for it19:57
appamajigDrPoO: I had to use those instructions to get decentish opengl working19:57
appamajigDrPoO: looking closer, that's definitely not what I used19:57
bhauffpgpkeys: Hmm, the documentation I found is describing how to install postgres on 10.0.4, but it seems to come preinstalled and running.19:57
apngrubrecue: Not really. It's not really up to grub, but Microsoft Windows design itself. Microsoft channel will have to help you with alternative means of installation.19:58
=== Ginbun2_ is now known as ginbuntu
DARKGuywhoah, crazy proxy stuff19:58
pgpkeysbhauff ~ you just need to dig through the docs19:58
DARKGuyanyways, anybody knows how do I avoid the dialog "run in terminal - display - etc" when I double-click a +x file on my desktop ?19:58
kyle_PICASA, Well i have images on a smb://.  the thumbnails do not show pictures, so wanted something like picasa to show all pictures. if you get me.19:58
pgpkeysi can't give you the EXACT sub-procs that are run. those are the ones it normally runs and I've generally explained what they do19:59
Varuna_Seneviratxangua: Please help19:59
DrPoOappamajig, ill give the binary drivers a shot20:00
DrPoOand see how it goes20:00
minimecDARKGuy: right click on the icon -> properties -> make it executable.20:01
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) is released! | Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 | Download: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu
nebula_now update 10.04.1 ...?20:01
itsux2bui installed Virtualbox and Ubuntu 10.04 server with LAMP on my windows vista system. my router has assigned ubuntu a "local" IP address.. but how can someone on the other side of my router see my ubuntu/LAMP system?20:01
LibertyZerokyle_: The File Manager does not show previews for remote locations by default. You can change that behaviour in the preferences20:01
LibertyZeroVaruna_Senevirat: Are we talking about wireless or a cable connection to the router?20:02
TrikkexI love ubuntu but not all my games work so I decided to try and dual boot with win7. But not a single copy of windows I have in my possession will work, they all say the HDD is missing. But yet ubuntu works fine. Am I missing something here?20:02
Varuna_SeneviratLibertyZero:cabel connection to the router20:03
bonksI'm using ubuntu server edition, how do can I make editing in the cmd line easier? Such as using arrow keys, copy/paste, last command, etc. I don't have these abilities20:03
DARKGuyminimec: I did, but it shows the dialog :/20:03
Trikkex@bonks to paste you have to do ctrl+shift+v20:03
redIn my nautilus there are no text next or below icons in any other view than List view :/20:04
redSame on desktop20:04
redAny idea what I could have misconfigured?20:04
pgpkeystrikkex ~ make sure that windows is installed first and on the first partition20:04
itsux2bubonks, you can't press up arrow for previous commands?20:04
bonksitsux2bu: I cannot. I'm also running it within vmware player20:04
pgpkeyswindows does NOT like being put elsewhere. also make sure that your particular IDE controller is supported by windows. most are but you might have an offboard SATA it doesn't have a driver for or something20:04
appamajigDrPoO: I have to run, I wish you luck!20:05
minimecDARKGuy: Is that a start script or or a prism WebPage Starter or something kike that?20:05
Trikkex@pgpkeys I tried to install windows before and after linux. I had windows installed and got a nasty virus (surprise surprise) and wiped out everything, but I accidently deleted all the partitions, so I'm guessing I killed the SATA drivers as well. How the F do I reinstall SATA drivers?20:06
vvvvthere is something strange in my windows, the X button to close, the _ button to minimize and the square button to maximize are in the left side od the window, how to change it to the right side? maybe with configuration editor Gconf?20:06
itsux2bubonks, i'm running ubuntu server in virtualbox20:06
Pici!controls | vvvv20:06
ubottuvvvv: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side20:06
mikeruwait, is this windows support channel or something?20:06
macovvvv: its just the theme20:06
macomikeru: no...ubuntu20:06
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DARKGuyminimec: it's a bash script :P20:06
mikeruthen... what's up with this windows discussion?20:06
pgpkeysmikeru ~ dual booting20:07
pgpkeysthe little gotchas that go along with it :)20:07
heoahow to reset buffalo whr-54g? press the top key down, press reset key down, power on, wait 30 seconds, power off -- but cannot reset it.20:07
vvvvmaco, got it20:07
macomikeru: vvvv was referring to the windows that are managed by your window manager in ubuntu...20:07
mikeruproceed :)20:07
LibertyZeroVaruna_Senevirat: Does the router establish the connection to the internet by itself? Please right click on the network symbol and click on Connection Information. D you have an IP address?20:07
Trikkex@mikeru Have you every tried to ask Microsoft for help? people here are much better lol20:07
vvvvI was trying Atlante to reduce cpu usage xD20:07
lookhow do i force a partition to mount?20:07
pgpkeystrikkex ~ yeah but we only respond as it relates to dual boots and possible driver issues20:07
mikeruTrikkex: have you? I have never bothered in my whole life.20:07
bonksitsux2bu: I think i'll switch over to virtualbox then20:08
pgpkeysif you are looking for specific windows help outside of that germane, you're pretty much screwed in here20:08
itsux2buhost OS windows20:08
Trikkex@Mikeru: Tried once. Never got through to anyone. Never tried again20:08
pgpkeysexcept for like samba and stuff20:08
vvvvsharing knowledge!20:08
vvvvsk8 or die20:08
lookDoes anyone know how to force mount a harddrive?20:08
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents20:08
mikeruTrikkex, ouch20:08
pgpkeysyeppers, except for where the 2 integrate20:08
Varuna_SeneviratNo the router does not establish Internet connection by it self,D you have an IP address? the IP address of the router is
minimecDARKGuy: Make a special starter fot it...20:09
TrikkexSo anyways... Is it possible to install SATA drivers with only ubuntu installed? I know its possible to install windows after Ubuntu with a little Grub tweaking20:09
Varuna_SeneviratLibertyZero:No the router does not establish Internet connection by it self,D you have an IP address? the IP address of the router is
mikeruTrikkex, try /join ##windows, afaik you need not an OS installed.20:09
pgpkeystrikkex ~ the windows installer usually gives you the option to add drivers from a disk. F6 option iirc20:09
itsux2bui installed Virtualbox and Ubuntu 10.04 server with LAMP on my windows vista system. my router has assigned ubuntu a "local" IP address.. but how can someone on the other side of my router see my ubuntu/LAMP system?20:09
pgpkeysbut as the others are pointing out, thats outside the scope of this channel20:10
DARKGuyminimec: aw, I wanted to avoid that :P20:10
Trikkex@pgpkeys alright thanks alot, I'm gonna go give that a shot. Sorry for abusing the room ;)20:10
pgpkeysIRC is called channels not rooms like AOL, but you're welcome20:10
minimecDARKGuy: I never start my scripts via GUI... ;) Why change default behaviour, if you have that quiet elegant workaround... ;)20:11
itsux2buand the difference between a room and a channel?20:11
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Varuna_SeneviratLibertyZero:Under WindowsXP, IP address is, subnet mask, default gateway is
coz_itsux2bu, nothing different    tomatoe  tomato20:12
pgpkeyslike fibre. makers call them strands, network guys call them channels. take your pick20:12
guntbertitsux2bu: you must configure your router to forward packets to your virtual host -- be careful  - direct access to a local machine could be harmfuls to your system20:12
Varuna_SeneviratPrefered DNS is
itsux2buin the US we have elevators.. in England they have Lifts.. same damn thing20:13
guntbert!ot | itsux2bu20:13
ubottuitsux2bu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:13
itsux2buso why bother correcting people?20:13
LibertyZeroVaruna_Senevirat: Have you opened the Connection Information? Which IP is shown there?20:13
_BEASTThx 4 Dns20:14
pgpkeysok come on guys, enough with the off topic pointers. we know. a tiny bit of side conversation never hurt so long as its not a huge bulk.20:14
Piciitsux2bu: We'll be happy to discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic, but #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only.20:14
pgpkeysjumans sometimes need a side commect or two to feel linked in. deal with it20:14
_BEASTpgpkeys: !nice20:14
_BEASTpgpkeys: love it20:14
pgpkeysi *do* try to be nice. and I agree in general with the OT split20:15
pgpkeyssome times though a comment here or there isn't bad20:15
Picipgpkeys: Its beyond 1 comment now.20:15
pgpkeysanyways, now *I* am OT20:15
itsux2buok.. back to ubuntu..20:15
Varuna_SeneviratLibertyZero:In windows I manully put it, IP is
itsux2bui installed Virtualbox and Ubuntu 10.04 server with LAMP on my windows vista system. my router has assigned ubuntu a "local" IP address.. but how can someone on the other side of my router see my ubuntu/LAMP system?20:15
_BEASTVaruna_Senevira: do you have a second DNS BLOCK ?20:16
pgpkeysitsux2bu ~ you need to port forward fromt he router to the virt's IP20:16
llutzitsux2bu: use port-forwarding20:16
harrisonanyone here good at filesystem recovery?20:16
pgpkeysi would also make sure you apply the windows firewalling to the vm interface for additional security (as an aside)20:16
Varuna_SeneviratBEAST: I don't knw what u mean by second DNS block?20:16
itsux2buand port-forwarding isn't part of this "channel's" topic20:17
YoJackany wimax guru here20:17
pgpkeysitsux2bu ~ i say that because I'm under the impression you are running ubuntu in a vm with windows as the host20:17
_BEASTVaruna_Senevira: NVD all g00d20:17
pgpkeysyeah thats your router's docs or its own channel20:17
technikfreakhello together is there a easyly remote tool like vnc sc for linux available?>20:17
minimecitsux2bu: If you have a local ip from the router for your virtual machine (bridge!) you should be able to configure the router to pass all incoming stuff to the IP of the virtual server.20:17
_BEASTVaruna_Senevira: I suggest you use :)20:17
Varuna_SeneviratLibertyZero: My DHCP is disabled so I hve put all the settings manually20:17
cn1109Hello. When I try and ping http://www.google.com unknown host but when I ping google.com I get replies.20:18
guntbertitsux2bu: I answered 5 minutes ago already20:18
zezuHow can I switch functionality of scroll wheels on a two wheel mouse?20:18
redMy filenames aren't visible in nautilus. Where do I configure this? Tried googling to no avail.20:18
YoJackcn1109 check your /etc/resolv.conf20:18
Varuna_SeneviratThe problem is I don't know where to put them in Ubuntu20:18
LibertyZeroVaruna_Senevirat: Then right click on the network icon, select Edit Connections...20:18
rwwcn1109: "ping http://www.google.com" won't work because ping takes a hostname as an argument, not a URL. try "ping www.google.com"20:18
itsux2busry guntbert, i missed it20:19
Varuna_SeneviratLibertyZero: Ok Ok thanks20:19
cn1109rww: That works. The only problem is I'm running apt-get update and it tries to connect to http://us.archive.ubuntu.com20:20
clericalHello guys! I have a question about 720p playback on a Lenovo Thinkpad X60 tablett PC, Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU L2400  @ 1.66GHz, is there any chance that would work?20:20
ikoniaclerical: possibly fine20:20
pgpkeyscn1109 ~ probably listed in your /etc/apt/sources.list file20:20
rwwcn1109: I assume "tries" means it failed?20:20
Arimoto_does apt or dpkg have a capability to list the attribute changes (e.g., permissions, ownership, modification date, etc.) for files installed as part of a package?20:20
cn1109rww: Correct.20:21
pgpkeysor if archive.ubuntu.com is the only thing listed the servers could be configured to check where you are coming from and kick you to that country's server20:21
clericalikonia: sweet, do you have any tips or tricks? i've installed / compiled mplayer with coreavc, but mplayer just hangs20:21
rwwpgpkeys: it's set at installation using the country you chose during installation, actually20:21
redMy filenames aren't visible in nautilus. Where do I configure this? Tried googling to no avail.20:21
ikoniaclerical: don't compile software, that's a good tip20:21
rwwcn1109: does "ping us.archive.ubuntu.com" work?20:21
pgpkeysrww ahh thanks for the clarification20:22
clericalikonia: oks? then point me in the right direction please :)20:22
ikoniaclerical: as long as the video is encoded with a sensible codec, and with reasonable settings, it should be fine, if not you either have to change encoding or get a better laptop20:22
jerryscapehey, I'm trying to install a LAMP server on my ubuntu desktop machine, I installed phpmyadmin, and apt-get says it is installed, but http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ does not exist20:23
=== _NG is now known as _ng
c3lIve removed kdm from autostart with sudo update-rc.d -f kdm disable, this was maybe not so smart in ubuntu as I now have no sound and the bootsplash never ends, I can get past it by logging in to a tty and starting x manually, but the sound is still not there, alsa reload etc doesnt help, any clues?20:23
clericalikonia: well, yes, but that doenst help me much cause all my videos will be jerky.. when played with eg. vlc and such20:23
cn1109rww: It does.20:23
clericalikonia: plays fine on windows 720:23
cn1109rww: Should I change the source list and remove http?20:24
rwwcn1109: no, the http's supposed to be there20:24
cn1109rww: okay20:24
rwwcn1109: try "sudo apt-get update", if it has errors again, copy the entire output to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and link the page it creates here20:24
clericali read somewhere that there was an issue with intels graphics chipset and hd-playback, anyone know something about that?20:24
hoodoosexcuse me, can anybody give me some help with "upstart"?20:25
ikoniaclerical: then it's probably a codec issue, find out what they where encoded with20:25
minimeccn1109: That might help too...20:25
minimeccn1109: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/20:25
vinduHello, when i use CTRL+ALT+F1 to open the tty¨s the only thing i see, is a blinking line :(20:26
muellisoftvindu: try alt+left or alt+right to cycle through the allocated ttys. If none is there, check /etc/init/. ttys are defined there20:27
vindumuellisoft: they are there, but it seems that nothing will happen on them, only the blinking line :(20:28
cn1109rww: Getting 404 errors on request. Still need the generated error?20:28
muellisoftvindu: check  i.e. /etc/init/tty1 whether a "getty" is actually spawned there20:28
hoodoosexcuse me, can anybody give me some help with "upstart"?20:29
clericalikonia: they are encoded with avc120:29
rwwcn1109: no. 404 errors just mean that the mirror didn't sync fully. The major ones (like the one that serve us.archive.ubuntu.com) sync pretty often, so it'll probably have fixed itself by tomorrow.20:30
ikoniaclerical: never used that on linux, just having a look at it's support now20:30
Greg-OI need help, i am currently running ubuntu  and i want to switch to windows 7, but i dont have a usb/dvd big enough to hold the. iso file. how can i install windows 7 without one?20:30
hoodoos_hello, anybody hear me?20:30
ikoniaGreg-O: ask in ##windows20:30
Pici!ask | hoodoos_20:30
ubottuhoodoos_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:30
pgpkeysnope. none of us can hear you20:30
Greg-Obut im running ubuntu20:31
rwwcn1109: if you need to use it before then, you can change to a different mirror. Do you want instructions for doing tha20:31
_BEASTvindu: try F1 with F720:31
ikoniaGreg-O: but you want to install windows20:31
clericalikonia: but that'20:31
ikoniaGreg-O: ask the ##windows guys for help20:31
ikoniaclerical: pardon ?20:31
clericalikonia: but that's kind of what the most videos are encoded with?20:31
Greg-Othey would know what to do if was running windows, but im not20:31
vindu_BEAST: all tty shows only a blinking line20:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:31
cn1109rww: That would be great if you don't mind. THanks20:31
ikoniaclerical: mine aren't, I use h264, xvid20:32
th0rGreg-O: you insert the install dvd in the drive and reboot20:32
rwwcn1109: or, hrm, actually, I forgot something. Which Ubuntu version are you using?20:32
ikoniaGreg-O: you can't install windows from within ubuntu20:32
ikoniaGreg-O: they will need to guide your on other windows install methods20:32
dougskois there some sort of trick to getting thegnome main menu editor to work right? i added a folder but i cant put anything in it20:32
Greg-Ough, ok20:32
pgpkeyshoodoos ~ basically..20:32
pgpkeysPlease ask SICCO questions :) Specific, Informative, Concise, Complete, and On-Topic. This means we need a description of the problem, it's symptoms, ect ect. Without this information, we can not assist you since we can not troubleshoot a problem if we have no info regarding what it should be doing and is not.20:32
cn1109rww: Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS20:32
clericalikonia: it's h264.20:32
rwwcn1109: oh, good. The other reason it might happen is if you were on an old Ubuntu version, but 10.04.1 is fine.20:32
ikoniaclerical: ok, so that's a good but cpu hungry codec, monitor your cpu while playing, that's a good start20:33
cn1109rww: :) That's good20:33
rwwcn1109: Are you using the command-line, GNOME, KDE, something else?20:33
cn1109rww: ssh terminal and on the console as well20:33
minimecGreg-O: You are asking us the following. He yI want to intall an illegal version of Windows and I have no install medium. What should I do? Do you really think we can give you some hints ;)20:33
ikoniaclerical: also pay attention to your video card config, poor performing video card drives/config can cause choppy video too20:33
_BEASTvindu: I dont copy ? Blinking where ?20:33
hoodoosguys, I got a problem with redirecting output running my upstart script, if I run something that will fail for sure, nothing is being written in logs, but standart output is being redirected. I use following line to run my script: "exec sudo -u www-data /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/mcore/core.js 2>&1 >> /var/log/mcore.log" core.js should generate error, but log is empty :(20:33
clericalikonia: yes, that was why I was wondering about the intel chipset and the latest ubuntu, lucid, release20:34
pgpkeys_beast ~ mine does it too. on bootup, the first vt just shows a blinking cursor in the upper left. aftger awhile it will present you with a login20:34
pgpkeysbut usually takes quite some time.20:34
pgpkeysonly the first one does it on mine, not all of them20:34
ikoniaclerical: ok, so to give you a clue, I'm currently on a dell laptop, with a core2 duo, and the intel driver is in use, 9 times out of 10 I can play 720p video or just under over a wirless network without any choppy effects, on rare occasions the audio pops20:35
_BEASTpgpkeys: Does it say press F1 to continue ?20:35
c3lIve removed kdm from autostart with sudo update-rc.d -f kdm disable, this was maybe not so smart in ubuntu as I now have no sound and the bootsplash never ends, I can get past it by logging in to a tty and starting x manually, but the sound is still not there, alsa reload etc doesnt help, any clues? easies might be to add kdm back to the automatic upstart, but how?20:35
ikoniaclerical: I have zero issue playing xvid4 and h264 locally20:35
hoodoosi also checked usual redirection and it works fine20:35
_BEASTpgpkeys: Then its not the bios20:35
pgpkeys_beast ~ nope. just the blinking cursor20:35
_BEASTpgpkeys: Hmm20:35
ikoniaclerical: just to give you an idea of what I'm seeing with a similar config/setup20:35
pgpkeys_beast ~ yeah I doubt its the BIOS, but not a problem worth looking into for me since my other VTs work20:36
pgpkeysi guess HIS are ALL not working though so he'll need to dig20:36
dxtrCan I add one interface twice to /etc/network/interfaces? I mean one for inet and one for inet620:36
rwwcn1109: Automatic way: run    sudo sed -i "s/us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu.osuosl.org/" /etc/apt/sources.list      Manual way: run "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list", change "us.archive.ubuntu.com" to "ubuntu.osuosl.org" (leaving the rest of the line intact), save, run sudo apt-get update again.20:36
clericalikonia: alright mate! how do I find out what driver that's in use for my intel graphics?20:36
ikoniadxtr: no20:36
hoodoosmaybe I should try another channel with my upstart specific problem?20:36
rwwcn1109: (ubuntu.osuosl.org is a mirror in Oregon. It's the one I use, and appears to be working fine.)20:36
dxtrikonia: So.. What's the solution? :P20:36
_BEASTpgpkeys: LOL @ dig I m am having VT isssues as well I think it  is a 64 bit issue20:36
ikoniaclerical: well, as X auto dectects it will eithe rbe i810 or intel (I have much better performance with intel over i810)20:36
pgpkeyshoodoos ~ well first off you can quit messaging people privately for help.20:37
ikoniaclerical: look in your xorg logs, OR try forcing the intel driver by building an xorg.conf20:37
pgpkeys*I* specifically run a whitelist of allowed nicks that can msg me, otherwise i don't see it20:37
cn1109rww: Thank you. Trying it right now20:37
clericalikonia: coolio, i'll check it, thanks mate20:37
hoodoospgpkeys: i'm just new here, i'm not even sure somebody hear me :)20:38
_BEASTpgpkeys: oR you could just use a blacklist20:38
pgpkeyshoodoos ~ its rude to msg without asking. and people have the right to NOT assist you know. now ask the question with as much meat as you can IN THE CHANNEL and see what happens20:38
cn1109rww: That worked. Wow that took an hour of my time.20:38
ikoniahoodoos: you've been told multiple times people can hear you20:38
pgpkeysit can take a bit for folks to respond as they might research the question, or they might need time to type out asking for more info20:38
hoodoosi'm sorry..20:38
cn1109rww: Is there a site with a list of mirrors?20:38
pgpkeys_beast ~ hehe it IS a blacklist. aka, everyone is on the blacklist until i allow them :)20:38
sanduz2 i bought a new router and i had to clone my PC's MAC address to get the WAN working. the only MAC address i registered with my ISP is my Cable Modem so why does it need my PC's MAC? doesn't make sense to me, just wondering.20:39
Greg-Oikonia: i asked ##windows, they scorned me and told me to ask #ubuntu20:39
ikoniasanduz2: ask your router vendor/isp20:39
route66rji not booting ubuntu 10.04 without monitor, someone can help ?20:39
sanduz2they are chinese so they barely understandable20:39
_BEASTpgpkeys: Unless they get a lumber list20:40
rockhopperi need some help with a driver installation20:40
ikoniaGreg-O: you need to explain you want to install windows outside of ubuntu20:40
pgpkeyslumber list?20:40
blinkanyone uses a Dock in here? Preferly Gnome-Do A/O Docky. Private message please.20:40
rockhopperI connected usb ethernet to my ubuntu installed pc20:40
_BEASTpgpkeys: wrong channel20:40
_BEASTpgpkeys: srry20:40
Greg-Obut i dont want to, i want to replace ubuntu with windows 720:40
ikoniaGreg-O: ok - tell them that20:40
ZtaWhen's the new Ubuntu going to be released?  What's its state?  And where can I read more?20:40
Pici!10.10 | Zta20:40
rwwcn1109: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors . The part that you'd put into sources.list is linked to the right of the first column. e.g., for the top mirror, you'd change http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ to http://ubuntu.innova-red.net/ubuntu/20:40
ubottuZta: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:40
hoodoosso, the question is: i'm running some nodejs script and I want to see something in log if it crashes, to demonize it i use upstart. so the question is how to write a run script so it will output STDERR to me, this one is not working: "exec sudo -u www-data /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/mcore/core.js 2>&1 >> /var/log/mcore.log" i get standart output but no STDERR, what to do?20:41
route66rji not booting ubuntu 10.04 without monitor, someone can help ?20:41
Greg-Oi did, and they scorned me and told me to ask here20:41
cn1109rww: Thank you! You have a been a great help.20:41
ikoniaGreg-O: they didnt, I'm in the channel, ask again and explain you want to replace ubuntu with windows20:41
rockhopperwhen i did lsusb, its showed as globespan Inc, LAN modem.. Then i searched in net and downloaded a driver for it, from http://sourceforge.net/projects/eciadsl/files/20:41
rockhopperbut its not recognising it yet20:41
rockhoppercan someone help me please20:41
Lukaszmsg NickServ identify $yiked66355tf20:42
route66rji not booting ubuntu 10.04 without monitor,  can someone  help  me?20:42
ZtaPici: thanks20:42
rwwLukasz: I'd recommend changing your nickserv password now.20:42
duffydackLukasz, oh dear... change your password quick.20:42
Lukaszyeah dam mistake20:42
Picirww: pm?20:42
pgpkeysyeah most ricky tick20:42
rwwPici: any time20:42
DarkasI'm having problems with ubuntu on my Acer Aspire 1830T20:43
guntberthoodoos: if I read correctly your primary problem is redirection of stderr, no matter if it is an upstart script or not - you might be lucky if you ask in #bash20:43
Darkaswhen I first installed it (10.4), I could enable wireless with the network manager, but now the menu item is gone20:43
Darkas(after updating)20:44
prince_jammyshoodoos: ... >>/var/log/foo 2>&120:44
ikoniaDarkas: that normally happens when you've knocked the kill switch (I do it all the time)20:44
Lukasz1someone please drop Lukasz Tarkowski account I forgot my password and can't remember the email20:44
rockhoppercan someone help me please?20:44
ikoniaLukasz1: ask in #freenode20:44
hoodoosprince_jammys: let me try :)20:44
Lukasz1The nickserv one20:44
Lukasz1Ok thanks20:44
ikoniaLukasz1: ask in #freenode20:44
Darkasikona: the kill switch?20:44
vindui still cant use the evil ttys :(20:44
minimecDarkas: First... LOoks like there is a site about your machine. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Aspire1830T20:45
rockhopperI need help about the driver installation20:45
rockhoppercan someone help me?20:45
monokromeDoes anyone know how to get Intel HDA 5 audio working in Ubuntu? :/20:45
zezuI have a usb phone that isn't working,  its detected in lsusb,  and its detected by pulse,  but In sound prefs. no matter of the config. i'm not getting any input from it20:45
prince_jammyshoodoos: you were saying 'send everything going to FD 2 to the same place as FD 1' _before_ sending FD1 to you log file.20:45
Darkasminimec, I've seen this one, but it didn't help20:45
corigorockhopper: what does iwconfig say for wlan0?20:45
Darkasmy cable network is working, but I can't enable wifi anymore20:46
ikoniaDarkas: check the kill switch20:46
minimecDarkas: What do you mean with 'menu item'? Where? What menu?20:46
Darkasminimec: the menu of the network manager20:46
zezuhey ikonia ;p20:46
ikoniazezu: hello ?20:47
Darkasikonia: I don't know any kill switch...?20:47
ikoniaDarkas: is this a laptop ?20:47
Darkasikona: yes20:47
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ikoniaDarkas: most laptops either have a switch or key sequence that enables / disabled the wirless hardware, it's called the kill switch20:47
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ikoniaDarkas: a lot of the time when the wirless option disappears, it's because you've hit the kill switch (I do it all the time)20:48
minimecDarkas: Right click on the network-manager icon on the panel... Is networking and wireless enabled?20:48
rockhoppercorigo when i did iwconfig, for wlan0, it says IEEE 802.11dgn ESSID:off/any20:48
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rockhopperMODE:managed Access Point:not associated20:48
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Darkasikonia: this isn't working... on windows, I have menu that pops up when I want to enable it, which lets me select wifi or bluetooth20:49
Darkasbut here, it just enables or disables bluetooth20:49
Guest95401Hello everybody. I have a hopefully simple question: Is there an easy way to install mySQL 5.1.6+ on Jaunty (I'm stuck with Jaunty because this is a VPS running OpenVZ and I only have access inside the host or I would upgrade to Lucid)20:49
Darkasminimec: Networking enabled, wireless menu item missing20:49
clericalikonia: do you use an xorg.conf file? i'm having trouble to figure out how to read the log-file and there find out what driver it's using20:49
minimecDarkas: open a console and type iwconfig in it. what so you get?20:50
DarkasI have lo and eth1 both without wireless20:50
Darkaseth1 is my cable network20:50
tuski need help with wireless20:50
rockhoppercorigo i have my wifi off20:50
tuskubuntu doesnt recognise my wireless pci adapter20:51
ikoniaclerical: I used to use one with 9.10 as xorg always forced the i810, but with 10.04 it's finding the card as intel now20:51
hoodoosprince_jammys: this works this way: "exec sudo -u www-data /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/mcore/core.js >> /var/log/mcore.log 2>&1"20:51
kyle_ok, got picasa working need to mount a smb folder.  how do in ubuntu 10.420:51
prince_jammyshoodoos: yep20:51
hoodoosprince_jammys: btw, what does sh -c "..." should mean? since it doesn't write anything with it20:52
clericalikonia: Ok, it seems like X is finding the correct driver for my card to20:52
LukaszTarkowskiI will be right back20:52
clericalikonia: and I that was hoping for a quick fix *sobs*20:52
llutzhoodoos: shorter: "..... & >> /var/log/mcore.log"20:52
tuskhello can anyone help me installing drivers for my wireless pci adapter.... The official website tells me to install madwifi and I get errors when installing it !20:52
erUSULkyle_: Places>Network>Windows Network  or Places>connect to server20:52
prince_jammyshoodoos: sh -c '...'  runs sh (the system shell) with '...' as the shell script.20:52
tuskhello can anyone help me installing drivers for my wireless pci adapter.... The official website tells me to install madwifi and I get errors when installing it !20:53
kyle_is there a way to do this at boot.20:53
_BEASTThere should be a separate Ubuntu wireless channel I bet half of the load would go there20:53
Darkasminimec: I've just recognized that I have a proprietary wireless driver, but it's not in use20:53
tuskcan anyone help me please... I need to get this wireless20:53
rockhoppercorigo you know of any solution?20:53
tuskcan anyone help me please ?20:53
tuskhello can anyone help me installing drivers for my wireless pci adapter.... The official website tells me to install madwifi and I get errors when installing it !20:54
ikoniaDarkas: that really sounds like a kill switch20:54
prince_jammyshoodoos: you probably needed that somewhere so that the redirections take place as a different user. otherwise >foo is set up _before_ sudo is run.20:54
LukaszTarkowskiYey I have my name back ;)20:54
Guest95401kyle_ yes you need to put it in /etc/fstab 1 sec and I'll get you the exact line20:54
kyle_erUSUL: can this be done at boot?20:54
tuskhello can anyone help me installing drivers for my wireless pci adapter.... The official website tells me to install madwifi and I get errors when installing it !20:54
banishedtusk: can you please paste your lspci -k and dmesg20:54
rockhoppertusk are you using a netbook/notebook?20:54
banished!paste tusk20:54
tuskno pc20:54
tusk!paste banished20:54
Darkasikonia: the wifi menu item in the network manager turned my wifi card on20:54
erUSULkyle_: yes via fstab20:54
minimecDarkas: That is a good start. ;) enable it...20:54
erUSUL!samba | kyle_20:54
ubottukyle_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:54
banished!paste | tusk20:54
ubottutusk: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:54
ikoniaDarkas: ooh, ool20:54
tuskhang on banished20:54
Darkasminimec: where?20:54
Guest95401kyle: //servername/sharename /mountdirectory smbfs username=windowsuserename,password=windowspassword 0 020:54
tusk!paste | banished20:54
ubottubanished: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:54
rockhoppercoz i've seen somewhere that the wifi pci card's not being recognised in ubuntu20:54
Guest95401in fstab20:55
tuskhey banished20:55
Darkasminimec: there's just a remove button ;)20:55
Seveas-traintusk, read what ubottu says instead of just repeating the command...20:55
tuskhow do i only view your replies20:55
hoodoosprice_jammys: i'm not quite sure i understood everything, but i'll do my best, thanks a lot :)20:55
tuskbanished i will paste but i need the commands again20:56
Darkasminimec: could it be that the module doesn't work anymore after a kernel update?20:56
minimecDarkas: PLay around with it. Just ensure, that it's on. Reboot the machines after a change.20:56
prince_jammyshoodoos: the shell sets up the redirections _before_ running a command. so ''sudo blah >somefile'' will fail if the _current_ user doesn't have permission to write to somefile.20:56
banishedtusk: dmesg and lspci -k20:56
kyle_Guest95401: Do i need to reboot to make this work?20:57
tuskive done lspci -k20:57
tuskhow do i paste it in here ?20:57
minimecDarkas: You can verify that... Load an older kernel. (left <shift> for grub menu)20:57
prince_jammyshoodoos: if you run ''sudo sh -c 'blah >somefile' ''  , you're running sh via sudo, so in sh's eyes, you are root, and the redirection works.20:57
kyle_Guest95401: Also, what happens if the smb is nt avalible20:57
tuskbanished: ive done it20:57
tuskbanished: how do i paste it ?20:57
banished!paste | tusk20:57
ubottutusk: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:57
tuskbanished: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480091/20:58
Darkasminimac: ok, I'll be back in a minute ;)20:58
tuskjust realised !20:58
rockhopperDoes anyone know the solution of my problem?20:58
Guest95401kyle_ you got my PMs right?20:58
emidiobuonasera a tutti20:58
prince_jammysrockhopper: yes: missing question.20:58
tuskhey banished20:59
crillywhere does apt-get install the 'zendframework' package?20:59
crillygot it20:59
tuskbanished: Ive written "dmesg" into terminal and i get too many lines, too many that i cant scroll up any more =[20:59
Guest95401tusk: dmesg | more21:00
rockhopperprince_jammys I plugged in usb ethernet from my modem to my ubuntu netbook, and when i used lsusb, it shows as globespan Inc LAM modem, Then i downloaded and installed driver for that from http://sourceforge.net/projects/eciadsl/files/. But even after i restart, the network's not getting recognised21:00
banishedtusk: the last few dozend lines should be enough21:00
tuskhuh ?21:00
hoodoosprince_jammys, ah! got it21:01
tuskhang on21:01
banishedtusk: you can also open /var/log/dmesg in an editor21:01
hoodoosprince_jammys, looks really strange indeed21:01
prince_jammysit's all a mess :)21:01
tuskbanished: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480092/21:02
tuskill do that if you need more21:02
kyle_Guest95401: PM..21:02
weedarI'm trying to find out what features seahorse-plugins provide, there isn't really much information about it online..Does anyone know?21:03
rockhopperprince_jammys do you know any solution for that problem?21:03
tuskbanished: I know that my pci adapter is there, i used the ubuntu troubleshoot wireless internet connection and there was a command to check if my device was plugged in21:03
banishedtusk: so you are using ndiswrapper?21:03
tuskbanished: ubuntu knows its there21:03
tuskbanished: i have it installed21:04
prince_jammysrockhopper: i don't21:04
tuskhow do i know if i am using it ?21:04
rwwweedar: right-click -> Encrypt in Nautilus, encrypt/decrypt plugins for gedit, double-click actions for encrypted files, signed files, and keyrings, etc.21:04
hoodoosprince_jammys, i got another problem now, following script (http://pastebin.com/XsQ91zeE) doesn't make my node see NODE_PATH variable when I run it. my guess is maybe export is not being made under root, however i use SUDO to start my script, where can be a problem?21:04
tuskbanished: I have got windows drivers for my card but they donot work in windows and neither do they work in the windows driver application in ubuntu21:04
LukaszTarkowskiofftopic wen't crazy little bit21:04
tuskbanished: correction - its called windows wireless drivers21:05
banishedtusk: can you do sudo modprobe acx and check if there is something in iwconfig afterwards? or dmesg21:05
tuskbanished: huh?21:05
rockhopperprince_jammys, when i tried to start the driver, it says, grep:/proc/bus/usb/devices: No such fule or directory21:05
weedarrww: Thanks, that was a great answer :) double-click action for encrypted files expect a specific filename-suffix I suppose?21:05
hoodoosprince_jammys, or maybe problem in -u www-data really? so i export variable in some other context?21:05
tuskbanished: ill do sudo modprobe acx and paste what is there ?21:05
ispirtohey, where is the config file for keyboard layout, it keeps changing, i'll lock it21:05
rwwweedar: I'm not sure. If it uses suffixes, it'd be .asc and .gpg. It might just detect, though21:06
rww(from the file contents)21:06
hoodoosand question for everyone: what should i read to stop ask questions like that? i mean that primitive :)21:06
prince_jammysrockhopper: address the main channel; someone might help21:06
tuskbanished: it says warning: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release21:06
tuskbanished: followed by FATAL: Module acx not found21:06
bhauffWhat would be the best way to login and use a Ubuntu Desktop install on a VM from Windows.  Is there a remote desktop kind of solution?21:07
rockhopperwhen i tried to start the driver, it says, grep:/proc/bus/usb/devices: No such fule or directory can someone help me?21:07
tuskbanished: ill do ifconfig now21:07
banishedtusk: hm, yes it's not included in mailine - you can get it at http://acx100.sourceforge.net/ but hang on…21:07
LukaszTarkowskiWhat picture resizer can I use in Ubuntu?21:07
tuskbanished: ok21:07
erUSUL!vnc | bhauff21:07
ubottubhauff: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:07
llutzLukaszTarkowski: convert/imagemagick21:08
guntberthoodoos: a starting point : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:08
prince_jammyshoodoos: sudo 'cleans' the environment. try: sudo -u www-data NODE_PATH=whatever /usr/bin....21:08
tuskbanished: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480096/21:08
LukaszTarkowskiIs there an gui one?21:08
bhauffubottu: How will the graphical performance be with VNC if both machines are on the same LAN?21:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:08
csisLukaszTarkowski, just use gimp21:08
erUSULLukaszTarkowski: for batch converting ¿? or just a few images one by one21:08
bhaufferUSUL: Are you saying not VNC?21:09
tuskbanished: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480097/21:09
tuskcheck that21:09
soap__hi all21:09
technikfreakbhauff normally good but you cpouldn"t watch a video over them21:09
MaRk-ILukaszTarkowski: you can use gimp, or phatch for batch conversion21:09
LukaszTarkowskiyeah for bath converting erUSUL21:09
rooksbhauff, its like using xorg on some old vesa grade non accelerated 2d graphics card21:09
tuskbanished: the -network UNCLAIMED is my wireless interface21:09
erUSULbhauff: vnc is one solution you can use a Xserver in windows to run apps in ubuntu and display output in windows21:09
bhaufferUSUL: Which is preferred?21:10
Darkasminimac: it works with the older kernel21:10
rooksbhauff, yes, tunneling X over ssh is my method of choice too21:10
hoodoosprince_jammys, ah it worked.. btw, i don't feel really goot to running my script as sudo.. it doesn't seem to use any privilages. so can i make owner of the script some other user? maybe www-data and run it under it?21:10
rooksbhauff, tho on windows you need xming21:10
bhauffrooks: Do you need to use cygwin to get X in Windows or is there a way to natively install it?21:10
rooksbhauff, xming21:10
banishedtusk: hm, that's odd, the driver seemed to have been included in ubuntu, but now it seems gone, you might have to compile it yourself, but beware that it is said not to work well with network manager21:11
bhauffIn the past I remember using cygwin, X, putty, and X11 forwarding to make a half way decent system21:11
tuskbanished: did you read sudo lshw -c network ?21:11
rooksbhauff, xming makes thing work just like that21:11
tuskbanished: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480097/21:11
bhauffrooks: Would you recommend that setup over vnc?21:11
tuskbanished: i dont know how to21:11
tuskbanished: can you guide me through it21:12
tuskbanished: somehow =[21:12
rooksbhauff, i use tunneled X over ssh quite often, i only use vnc when i need to have running program after i disconnect21:12
banishedtusk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/acx111 seems to be a bit dated, but might work21:12
oxidkorhello - my Xorg -version is 1.7.6 which is not the latest one - how can I install the latest Xorg drive into my ubuntu?21:12
erUSULLukaszTarkowski: i do not know of any but using mogrify or convert in command line is easy enough21:12
tuskbanished: what do i do once installed?21:12
banishedtusk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/acx10021:13
tuskbanished: yes21:13
rooksbhauff, i use vnc like screen in commandline :)21:13
tuskbanished: do i download both ?21:13
tmosCan anyone recommend a good download manager similar to Flashget. I have multiple Rapidshare links to download21:13
Darkasminimac: do you know a way to get the module also working with the newest kernel?21:13
tuskbanished: acx100/111 ?21:13
bhauffrooks: That makes sense21:13
hoodoosguntbert, thanks for link21:13
banishedtusk: the 100 one21:13
guntberthoodoos: you're welcome :-) I hope it helps21:14
tuskbanished: ok21:14
tuskbanished: what do i do once installed ?21:14
tuskbanished: ill report back to you21:14
minimecDarkas: What module are we talking about, and what kernel do you think is 'the newest'?21:14
hoodoosguntbert, it's a whole world to know.. who showed my windows when i was 12..21:14
oxidkorhello - my Xorg -version is 1.7.6 which is not the latest one - how can I install the latest Xorg drive into my ubuntu?21:15
rizzuh_laptopI want to restore GRUB2 config. While messing around I somehow got it to only display Windows 7 (loader) and not the Ubuntu entries. How do I get it back? I followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2, section Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD exactly, update-grub saw the Linux kernel and Windows 7 loader, but it only added W7 to the config file :|21:15
tuskbanished: hey my driver isnt in the device list it tells you to downlaod21:15
Darkasminimec: It's the Broadcom-STA-WLAN Driver21:15
guntberthoodoos: here is another one: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/   (don't be frightened by "adavnced...")21:15
borkrunning 10.04 netbook. I've tried to watch a video a couple of times, and each time my X has crashed (and sudo service gdm restart won't restart it)21:15
tuskbanished: i mean my device isnt listed21:15
rizzuh_laptopI need to grab some data off of /home but it's encrypted, so I have to boot in the installed system.21:15
hoodoosguntbert, it looks like a huge thing, will look into it.. thanks21:16
RummageCentral problem: speakers work, headphones don't (laptop). Yes, I've fiddled with alsamixer.21:16
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hoodoosthanks everybody!21:16
Darkasminimac: the kernel is the 32-24 kernel21:16
hoodoosprince_jammys, thanks a lot :)21:16
rizzuh_laptopThis is 10.04.21:16
erUSULLukaszTarkowski: for example to resize to half size all jpeg images of a folder do « cd folder/ ; for file in *.jpeg; do mogrify -resize 50% "$file"; done »21:16
oxidkorhello - someone please help me - my Xorg -version is 1.7.6 which is not the latest one - how can I install the latest Xorg drive into my ubuntu?21:16
rwwubottu: latest21:16
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.21:16
erUSUL!latest | oxidkor21:16
ubottuoxidkor: please see above21:16
minimecDarkas: IS that the module that the 'Computer Janitor' Software found?21:16
tuskbanished: hey you there ?21:17
prince_jammyshoodoos: welcome21:17
oxidkorubottu: in fedora - they have version 1.8.something...21:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:17
tusklol oxidkor21:17
charley__where can i look up available wireless networks in lxde dsktop21:17
Darkasminimec: no, I found it in the proprietary hardware drivers21:18
oxidkorthat's why my compiz freezes sometimes I guess because of the Xorg driver...21:18
minimecDarkas: Yes... MY fault. So did you activate that one?21:19
LukaszTarkowskiI found a program called gthumb ;)21:19
tuskbanished: hey banished i dont know which link to download from the acx100.erley.org !21:19
MaverickXeroHello everybody. I have a hopefully simple question: Is there an easy way to install mySQL 5.1.6+ on Jaunty (I'm stuck with Jaunty because this is a VPS running OpenVZ and I only have access inside the host or I would upgrade to Lucid)21:19
tuskhey banished21:20
Darkasminimec: not really... in the 32-21 kernel it just works, and in 32-24 not21:20
rizzuh_laptopWhile messing around I somehow got Grub 2 to only display Windows 7 (loader) and not the Ubuntu entries. How do I get it back? I followed the Grub2 article on the wiki, section Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD exactly, update-grub saw the Linux kernel and Windows 7 loader, but it only added W7 to the config file :|21:21
sipicklesHello, can anyone tell me the simplest way to get an application to run at power on. I've googled and there seem to be so many ways - rc this and init that! Help! :)21:21
Seveas-trainMaverickXero, download the sources for the lucid or maverick package and rebuild on jaunty21:21
erUSULsipickles: what app ? gui ?21:22
Seveas-trainsipickles, what kind of application?21:22
sipicklesubuntu server21:22
sipicklesah sry21:22
minimecDarkas: So we are talking about a regression... Did you find any bug on launchpad on that? As dirty workaround, you could edit /etc/default/grub to make the *.21 Kernel default on boot.21:22
erUSULsipickles: easiest way add to /etc/rc.local an entry for it21:22
sipicklesone is flashpolicyd21:22
sipicklesother is my own python socket server21:22
erUSULsipickles: if you need more control do an init script based on /etc/init.d/skeleton21:23
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sipicklesno control required, just a pure background process21:23
sipickleserUSUL: what is 'an entry' in rc.local? the command to run it?21:24
sipicklesor symlink?21:24
sipicklesbit of a noob sry21:25
borkmy X sometimes crashes, and 'sudo service gdm restart' won't restart it. It says "Fatal server error: Failed to submit batchbuffer: Input/output error" in /var/log/Xorg.0.log, which I suspect is the relevant error.21:25
erUSULsipickles: yes and a & at the end ;P21:25
tuskhey can anyone explain to me how to install the following ?21:25
tusksudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`21:25
tuskhow do i type it into terminal21:25
tuskthe linux headers bit21:25
sipickleserUSUL: ok thx will try21:25
tusksudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`21:25
kermitmy wireless cuts out hourly, *exactly* hourly.21:25
erUSULtusk: « sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) »21:25
tuskhuh ?21:26
tuski only need linux headers21:26
erUSULtusk: it is equivalent but easier to type (hopefully)21:26
tuskerUSUL: i dont know what the 'uname -r' is21:26
tuskso i just type what you just typed21:26
tuskinto terminal ?21:26
erUSULtusk: that will get replaced by your kernel version21:26
tuskerUSUL: ?21:26
tuskerUSUL: if i type what you just wrote it will work21:27
erUSULtusk: is a shell trick. when you run this $(uname -r) will be replaced automatically with your kernel version21:27
antlongis it possible to remove the gui from ubuntu, so there is just a terminal when you boot in21:27
erUSULtusk: yes it will work21:27
Seveas-train!info mysql-server-5.1 | MaverickXero21:27
ubottuMaverickXero: mysql-server-5.1 (source: mysql-dfsg-5.1): MySQL database server binaries. In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.6 (lucid), package size 6843 kB, installed size 14624 kB21:27
erUSULantlong: yes21:27
tuskerUSUL: ill try and tell you if it works21:27
Darkmoon_UKantlog: if you mean, stop the gui loading, then yes.21:27
erUSULantlong: a server install has no gui21:27
antlongerUSUL: hmn, would that be practical for running in a VM21:28
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tuskerUSUL: thx21:28
Darkmoon_UKTo do that, first install boot up manager21:28
tuskerUSUL: turns out i already had it21:28
Darkmoon_UKapt-get install bum21:28
antlongDarkmoon_UK: ty21:28
Darkasminimec: I guess it's this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/51462321:28
LukaszTarkowskithank you for your help ;)21:28
Darkmoon_UKthen, antlong, disable gdm for runlevel 321:28
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.21:28
RummageSo irritating. Windows is working perfectly at everything, but it was a preinstall so of course it is, and I hate it.21:28
Darkmoon_UKgdm will appear in the list of things that load21:29
tuskhey im stuck21:29
jsphslgrhey, quick question, I might have to come back later, but is there a script that I can edit to perform an action after my wireless connection reconnects?21:30
tuskerUSUL: make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd`21:30
belkinsaWhat's the problem?21:30
tuskit doesnt work21:30
tuskit gives me errors21:30
Seveas-trainjsphslgr, yes there is21:30
erUSULtusk: error message ?21:30
Seveas-trainjsphslgr, you can stick things in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/21:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:30
jsphslgrcool. thanks. I'll check that out21:30
_jesse__hey all, I'm having a bit of trouble remembering the command that lists profiling information for a particular program (e.g. system time, user time, etc.)21:30
sipickleserUSUL: if a command fails in rc.local, where will it put any error output?21:30
minimecDarkas: It's a rather old bug (2010-01-30). You update more recantly, I guess ;)21:31
Darkasminimec: that's true, but it looks at if it's exactly the same ;)21:32
erUSULsipickles: lost; afaik. use "comand > /tmp/command.log 2>&1 & " in the file so stueff gets logged in /tmp/command.log21:32
gonzojivemy computer keeps crashing.  it will lock up, ofter freezing the mouse and keyboard, but things like the mouse cursor still blink.21:32
minimecDarkas: So you have to use the *.21 kernel...21:33
Darkasminimec: this is bug looks also like mine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/50463921:33
sipickleserUSUL: good idea, ta21:33
erUSULtusk: maybe the driver acx-20080210 ( from 2008) is too old21:33
gonzojivevar/log/messages shows chrome segfaulting but that's it21:33
Darkasbut that's even older...21:33
gonzojivewhere to look for info on why my computer's crashing besides dmesg?21:34
Seveas-traingonzojive, /var/log/*21:34
RummageOkay, fellows, I have confirmed that it is a software issue: Ubuntu won't play the headphones.21:34
sipickleserUSUL: what does the "2>&1" bit of that command do?21:35
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tuskerUSUL: what do yo ureccomend21:35
tuskerUSUL: i know that it will work21:35
tuskerUSUL: its not that old21:35
tuskerUSUL: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/acx10021:35
gonzojiveSeveas-train: libflashplayer.so has a lot of segfaults, but that's all I see in the logs21:35
tuskerUSUL: i am doing that21:35
tuski am fixing my wireless pci adapter21:36
tuskwell installing it actually21:36
erUSULtusk: instructionsa are for Ubuntu 6.06 a 4 years old release21:37
tuskwhat do you propose erUSUL ?21:37
tuskerUSUL: what should i do ?21:37
SnakkahCan someone tell me where the file(s) are that contain the hooks that are run at startup?21:37
minimecDarkas: If you want to trace the bug, check your exact hardware with tools like 'lspci' 'lsusb' and 'dmesg' The output of these files give you a lot of information.21:37
tuskerUSUL: i want to get my wireless pci adapter up and running but ubuntu doesnt acknoledge it !21:37
erUSULtusk: see this threath http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1404097&highlight=acx21:37
tuskerUSUL: ok will do21:38
erUSULSnakkah: /etc/init/ /etc/init.d/ for example21:38
monokromeIs anyone here familiar with xcompmngr works regarding transparency?21:39
greyneoni have a 5.1 USB headset and when i start a music player i go into system,settings, sound and changes my headset from analog 5.1 to 4,1 and then back to 5.1 abd the vibration comes and then when my music player (doesent matter wich cuz this happens in everyone) changes song the vibratien is gone and i have to change back21:39
monokromeI am wondering if I can set window transparency in .Xdefaults21:40
SnakkahOh my...okay...umm...well then, how do I add hooks?21:40
Darkasminimec: I'll try reinstalling first ;)21:40
minimecDarkas: You don't need to reinstall. THat will change nothing, I guess!!!21:41
sipickleserUSUL: what does the "2>&1" bit of "comand > /tmp/command.log 2>&1 & " do?21:41
minimecDarkas: Just start the system with the *.21 kernel21:42
erUSULsipickles: redirect both normal output and errors to the file21:42
sipickleserUSUL: cool thanks21:42
greyneonanyone having a solution to my problem? =)21:43
_jesse__found the profiler, 'time', but how do I supply arguments to it? e.g. < time -v ls > reports that '-v: command not found'21:43
LukaszTarkowskilets see if offtopic calmed down21:43
erUSUL_jesse__: bash has a built it time that has no -v option21:44
erUSUL_jesse__: /usr/bin/time -v ls21:44
erUSULbuilt in*21:44
LukaszTarkowskiWell I will stick here for a while21:45
_jesse__erUSUL: ah there we go, thanks :) that was confusing21:45
erUSUL_jesse__: no problem21:45
LukaszTarkowskiThanks for fixing the skype problem ;)21:45
OpalMoonAny suggestions on getting Ubuntu installed on my laptop - install components keep crashing - TZ and ubi-disk21:46
neriis there a file like .bashrc for bash, but for when a user logon onto gnome?:21:46
khamerjseval setTimeout(function() { print("hi"); },10);21:46
khamerjseval print("hi")21:46
khamerwhoops, wrong channel :P21:46
rwwubottu: startup | neri21:46
ubottuneri: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot21:46
OpalMoon@neri - look at /etc/bashrc and /etc/profile21:46
antlongdoes python_select exist for ubuntu21:46
antlongif not, whats the best way to upgrade the system python or side install python 2.721:47
tuskubuntu sucks for wifi users, im switching to knoppix !21:47
ikoniaantlong: neither21:47
ikoniaantlong: why do you need 2.7 ?21:47
MauiI generally use the ActiveState binaries, Antlong21:47
ikoniatusk: ok, bye21:47
tuskhey is KDE 4.0 like ubuntu ? like an actual os ?21:47
antlongi code in 2.7 on my mac21:47
tuskor is it like a skin ?21:47
ikoniatusk: its the same OS21:47
antlongi need to keep it the same on the vm21:47
tuskits like a skin ?21:47
ikoniatusk: all the linux distros share the same kernel and libraries, good luck with the others21:48
LukaszTarkowskiI just moved empathy to desk2 how can I get it back?21:48
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/21:48
tuski really like ubuntu but cant seem to setup my wireless pci card21:48
ikonia!info python21:48
mneptoktusk: who makes the chipset?21:48
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.5-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 144 kB, installed size 640 kB21:48
ikoniatusk: good luck with knoppix21:48
tuskcan i install kde 4.0 like i did to ubuntu ?21:48
neriOpalMoon: I used the ~/.bashrc but it only works when i open therminal. rww I'll checkout... but i need to do it in a file so i can alter /etc/skel21:48
ikoniatusk: yes, it's just  desktop21:48
LukaszTarkowskinevermind ;)21:48
tuskso cnt install ?21:48
ikoniaantlong: if you really need 2.7 I'd suggest installing it into your home directory21:48
tuskits alright21:48
tuskim more familiar with knoppix21:49
ikoniatusk: yes, it's just a directory, use the kubuntu-desktop pagage21:49
ikoniatusk: ok - then go and use it21:49
tuskthat is why im using it21:49
mneptoktusk: and is there a driver in the mailine Linux kernel for that chipset? if not, switching to Knoppix won't help.21:49
tuskoh ok21:49
tuskthere was21:49
tuskbut apparently it was too buggy so they removed it21:49
tuski came accross this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/acx10021:49
greyneoni have a 5.1 USB headset and when i start a music player i go into system,settings, sound and changes my headset from analog 5.1 to 4,1 and then back to 5.1 abd the vibration comes and then when my music player (doesent matter wich cuz this happens in everyone) changes song the vibratien is gone and i have to change back21:49
tuskbut it is for ubuntu 4 years ago21:49
mneptoktusk: why not just buy a well-supported card for US$20?21:50
tuskbecause im stingy !!!21:50
tuski want to use this one21:50
tuskit has worked before21:50
antlonghow can i make the system use 2.721:50
tuskbut i just cant get it working on here21:50
mneptoktusk: no G or N speeds. probably no WPA WPA2.21:50
ikoniaantlong: I explained earlier21:50
macotusk: kde 4.4 is in 10.0421:50
antlonginto my homedir?21:51
tuskit is G with WPA221:51
antlongi need it to be systemwide21:51
hiexpogotta break down and spend 2021:51
tuskis it ?21:51
tuskthats good21:51
macotusk: the version of ubuntu that comes with kde is called kubuntu21:51
ikoniaantlong: it's not packaged for 10.04 so you'd have to build a package, hoever having 2 different versions on the same system is dangerous, so I'd advise using your home dir for python 2.721:51
blackrosejtanyone in here using jolicloud?21:51
ikoniaantlong: why do you need it installed outside of your home dir ?21:51
mneptoktusk: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833166038  <--- problem solved21:51
tuskthe guy helping me with installing the driver left and gave me a webpage which is for 4years ago !21:51
antlongikonia: eh not sure, probably dont21:51
antlongwhats the prefix to install it in home21:51
tuskmneptok: i cba21:52
ikoniaantlong: ok - so that would be my best advice to make sure it doesn't conflict with your system installed python21:52
tuski want to use the current one i9 have21:52
ikoniaantlong: it's --prefix at the configure time21:52
antlong--prefix=~/opt ?21:52
mneptoktusk: OK, best of luck.21:52
tuskput it this way, ubuntu took the micky setting up WIRED internet !21:52
ikoniaantlong: no, --prefix=/home/$username21:52
tuskknoppix = plug n play21:52
erUSULtusk: i left you with a pointer at using ndiswrapper you never come back with any problem or issue21:52
tuskeven bloody windows plug n play21:53
ikoniatusk: then use knoppix, it's getting old hearing you cry21:53
tuskoh yeah21:53
tuskersul: the topic was no help21:53
tuskerUSUL: the topic is not compatible with my device21:53
erUSULtusk: how come; i guy with the same card as you asked for help and got the problem solved21:53
antlongikonia: whats the prefix?21:53
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tuskdid he ?21:53
tuskwhat do i do21:54
ikoniaantlong: your home dir21:54
antlong--prefix=~ ?21:54
tuskive got that nt thingy installed21:54
tuskbut havent tried21:54
tuskhow do i try21:54
ikoniaantlong: prefix=/home/$your_uername21:54
LicuadoraDoes anyone here knows about PHORONIX?21:54
tuskerUSUL: walk me through it21:54
erUSULtusk: see the comment 1321:55
tuskhang on21:55
tuskon that topic ?21:55
erUSULtusk: you mjay have to change the inf file to match your device21:55
tuski need link again21:55
tuskhow ?21:55
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nerirww: is there a file to edit ? like .gnomerc?21:55
erUSULtusk: see comment 12 too21:56
erUSULtusk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=044fc78e88b685c7cff88e2a0caff52a&t=1404097&highlight=acx&page=221:56
tuskerUSUL: thanks21:56
tuskerUSUL: ill try hang on21:56
RummageNew problem guys: Apparently to get my wireless card working I need to update the linux kernel via lucid-updates. However, since my wireless card isn't working, I can't download it directly using synaptic or aptitude, and have to sort out dependencies by hand. A little help?21:56
erUSULLicuadora: only that the benchmarks are most of the time meaningless21:57
rwwneri: I'm not sure. If it's stored in gconf, it'd be /etc/gconf/ , I think21:57
erUSULRummage: download from packages.ubuntu.com ( linux-image-whatever-version ) copy in a usb key21:58
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:58
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
cn1109has anyone tired vhcs2 on Ubuntu.21:59
Darkasminimec: ok reinstalling + rebooting did not help21:59
nerirww: doesnt make much sense, because every user has a profile... imagine everyprofile in a single file21:59
hiexpowho did that21:59
cn1109So far no good. I get {TR_GENERAL_INFORMATION} tags and no images.21:59
Darkasminimec: the problem is that cable network doesn't work with the older kernel :P22:00
wilhartis there any way to reset and reinstall locales all files and settings? i fucked this up22:00
tuskerUSUL: hey i lost the cd with my drivers22:00
tuskerUSUL: so i need to download the driver22:00
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:00
tuskerUSUL: but cant seem to find it22:00
minimecDarkas: press (and hold)  the left<shift> button just after the BIOS screen and choose an older kernel (you said, that was working)22:01
IdleOne!locales | wilhart Please watch your language22:01
ubottuwilhart Please watch your language: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf22:01
LicuadoraerUSUL: Anyway, when i was about to install it, a message tells me that there is another version in the Uuntu Software Center, but i installed the most recent version from the main site22:01
minimecDarkas: Sorry. se the cable problem now...22:01
avi_hey guys, how do I tell nautilus to forget logins/passwords for samba shares?22:01
LicuadoraerUSUL:U think thats the reason i can't open it?22:01
Darkasminimec: that's ok for now22:01
=== askhl__ is now known as askhl_
RummageerUSUL: I can't find the package :|22:02
Darkasminimec: ah, I wanted to look at dmesg ;)22:02
minimecDarkas: Always a good idea...22:02
tuskerUSUL: hey22:02
tuskerUSUL: i have got the driver22:02
cn1109How can I install php4?22:02
tuskerUSUL: what next ?22:02
wilharthow do i fix this?22:03
LukaszTarkowskibye bye for now22:04
pasHey all22:04
Darkasminimec: I've found this: [   18.886660] wl: disagrees about version of symbol lib80211_get_crypto_ops22:04
=== kyentei_ is now known as kyentei
wilhartubottu: oh u gave link tnx22:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:04
pasIs there a linux distribution that naturally stores all config files into source control of some sort?22:04
Daekdroom!ot | pas22:04
ubottupas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:04
pZombieI am looking to install ubuntu 10.4 SERVER NOT client on a computer without a cdrom drive. Is there a way to put the iso or the extracted iso on a USB stick/drive which is bootable and install it from there with grub4dos or similar?22:04
rwwcn1109: PHP4 was dropped from Ubuntu's repositories in 2007, and isn't supported any more. If you need it, you'd need to compile it from source (which is also not supported here).22:05
Friar If I install kvpnc will I be able to run it in a gnome session? I'm trying to configure my vpn and I've been told that using kvpnc is the best way.22:05
pZombiei am getting to the point where it starts the installation using grub4dos, but then complains about missing the cdrom22:05
FriarWhen I do sudo apt-get install kvpnc it has all kinds of things it wants to install with it. I think lots of KDE type stuff....22:06
raiffais it safe to remove lucid-updates? I have server that I configured for a single purpose and don't ever want to change it22:06
Tonus!unetbootin | pZombie22:06
ubottupZombie: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:06
macoraiffa: updates, yes22:06
rwwraiffa: -updates is optional. you should probably keep -security, though.22:06
macoraiffa: disabling -security is a bad idea though22:07
pZombieTonus - that tutorial does not apply to the server iso22:07
Suit_Of_Sableshmmm I'm having a hard time finding where I set the iPod's mount point in gtkpod. I have the ipod mounted in /mnt/ipod but gtkpod doesn't see it. and I don't see a field to set the mount point in the program's preferences22:07
minimecDarkas: That error could be a goof start for a bug trace ;)22:07
istvanhey, when i try to connect to the wired netowork in my house, i click 'auto eth0' from the toolbar, the, the symbol does it's connecting dance, after which i am told that the wired network is disconnected. want logs or anything?22:07
raiffamaco, rww: okay. yeah, I figured -security was necessary22:07
MaRk-IpZombie: doesn't matter22:07
TonuspZombie, but it works just as well. unetbootin allows you to turn any bootable iso into a usb stick.22:07
Darkasminimec: google points to 2 bugs in launchpad, both with this module22:08
Darkasbut with different kernels22:08
Darkasminimec: seems like this appears and disappears sometimes...22:08
pZombieTonus - You CANNOT boot ANY bootable iso using unetbootin from a usb stick. It works only with SOME bootable isos ...22:08
thune3wilhart: it looks like the main LANGUAGE = "en_US:en" is no good. You might set this in /etc/default/locale to something known good LANG="en_US.UTF-8", and then move forward.22:09
semi-flyis anyone using ubuntu netbook on their desktop?22:09
TonuspZombie, I've never had one that didn't work.22:09
xymptlx1st time on, During Ubuntu installer for windows install, I get this message: ERROR  root: [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found.  Can anyone here help?22:09
pZombieTonus - have you tried 10.4 lucid lynx SERVER this way?22:09
TonuspZombie, yes.22:09
h00k!anyone | semi-fly22:09
ubottusemi-fly: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:09
pZombieTonus - i will try and will stand corrected i guess22:10
erUSULtusk: you have to extact the *.inf file from windows drivers and install ndiswraper22:10
TonuspZombie, mind you, I was not refering to the default tool that comes with ubuntu, called usb-creator-gtk, that doesn't take all iso's as you said.22:11
rkavalapHi guys, I am having a slow boot, I checked dmesg and find several errors.22:11
RummageerUSUL: I know the procedure, I can't find what I'm looking for. The instructions just say to install the linux kernel from lucid-updates, which is, given what my searches have turned up, REALLY vague.22:11
wilhartthune3: move forward? my locales are not kind to me22:11
pZombieTonus - the site you linked me to, does not apply?22:11
untwistedHowdy, quick question for anyone that may know about the photo submission for desktop backgrounds.  The photos have to be 1920x1680 but to offer photos at that resolution the submitter must have a pro account (which I do not) can I still submit?22:12
erUSULRummage: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-image-2.6.32&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all22:13
istvanhey, when i try to connect to the wired netowork in my house, i click 'auto eth0' from the toolbar, the, the symbol does it's connecting dance, after which i am told that the wired network is disconnected. want logs or anything?22:13
wilhartthune3: how to i change fi_FI to en_US ?22:13
wilhartthune3: where is the file that determinates that locale22:13
wilhartthune3: how it looks like22:13
kyenteiistvan: Could you type "sudo dhclient eth0" in terminal and see if you get an IP adres?22:13
RummageerUSUL: Okay, that's one step closer, but I still have no clue which one to get.22:14
domedagenWhy do they keep saying we need to make one distrobution standard in order to get apps ported? Doesn't .bin work on every major distro?22:14
erUSULRummage: that would be linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic22:14
Odd-rationalewilhart: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales ?22:14
erUSULRummage: the one from updates22:14
RummageRetracted, I think I have it.22:14
istvankyentei, yes, i have an IP22:14
wilhartOdd-rationale: did it like 100 times now22:15
shcherbakI run 10.04 with counter-strike (steam) on vt6, trouble is when i swap back to 7, cs crash after 1 minute, but fast swaps are ok, any thoughts?22:15
kyenteiistvan: On eth0?22:15
kyenteiistvan: type "ifconfig eth0" to check22:15
Moggahow can i query the fs type of a volume?22:15
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hiexpopure_hate,  hola22:15
delawareis there any real world performance increase running the 64bit version of ubuntu on amd 64 turion x2 laptop cpu's?22:15
istvankyentei, yup, that shows the same ip (
SwedMikedelaware: if you need to ask, most likely no.22:16
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kyenteiistvan: Okay. So your eth0 should be working and DHCP works just fine. Do you, by any chance, have changed the settings of eth0 in the connection manager applet you use (top right icon)22:16
delawareSwedMike:  i only ask since i have never tried the 64 bit verion of either linux or winblows.22:16
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SwedMikedelaware: 64bit isn't a performance upgrade, it's a addressing size upgrade, you do it because you need to address more memory22:16
wilharti cant see my scandit now this is great22:16
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tom_co tam22:17
pZombieTonus - "install cdrom-detect/try-usb=true"  i think this is what i missed22:17
wilharti need a url for remove all locales settings and then reinstall them again22:17
SwedeMike... or you need AES-NI on newer intel CPUs, because that's 64bit only.22:17
pZombiegoing to try now22:17
istvankyentei, i have been in here a week trying to get it work - in the process I have changed settings in gui and cli. i think they are back to normal though now (think)22:17
delawareSwedMike:  in that case no i don't need it with only 3gb of ram22:17
kyenteiistvan: Is that PC connected to the internet with any other interface? If not, try pinging google.com22:17
SwedeMikedelaware: for a desktop system I'd advice against it then, it's more trouble than it's worth.22:18
istvankyentei, ok, one sec22:18
varlonhi, I have a laptop with ubuntu 9.10. Something happend and system can't boot. When I got this notebook I had saw, that root (/) partition damaged (this ubuntu have /, /home, /var, /usr, /tmp, swap). So, I boot by livecd 10.04 and call fsck -y -f /dev/sda1, this improoved all errors. But lost /sbin. So, what a best way to repair this system?22:18
SwedeMikevarlon: if /sbin is completely gone, I'd recommend re-install to be safe, it can be rescued but since you're asking, I'd advice against it.22:19
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gasullHi.  I'm trying to set ACLs in my system.  I did sudo aptitude install acl and modified /etc/fstab.  Whenever I try to use setfacl I get the error "Operation not supported".  I don't see "acl" anywhere in /etc/mtab.  Should it be there?  Thanks.22:20
guestneed urgent help, screwed up display by hitting monitor change key  (Fn + F7) on sony laptop F series. Monitor will shut off the screen backlight and wont let me see anything this happens after restart too.22:20
varlonis it passible to save /home with new installation?22:20
istvankyentei, nope, no go22:20
erUSULguest: what did you put in fstab ?22:20
SwedeMikevarlon: yes.22:20
glassresistorrunning 10.4 netbook remix and alt-tab just shows the highlighted border and does not bring the window to the front22:21
glassresistorhow would i change this22:21
LukaszTarkowskiI am back now ;)22:21
wilhartok got scandit working but not in tinyfugue22:21
kyenteiistvan: And if you type "route" in terminal. Does it go all the way to your gateway & can you ping your gateway?22:21
thune3wilhart: locale variables settings can be set anywhere along the environment settings chain. ' grep "fi_FI.UTF-8" ~/.* /etc/environment /etc/default/locale /etc/security/pam_env.conf ' may find it.22:21
guesterUSUL, dont know what fstab is. Im using another acc with root priv. can you tell me so I can check from here?22:21
erUSULguest: sorry wrong nick22:21
gasullvarlon: Using the alternate installation CD and entering in the shell you might be able to mount the filesystem again.22:22
varlonI need  unuse them while installation and mount mounualy after or ubuntu 10.04 can use existens /home whithout clearing?22:22
erUSULgasull: show the fstab line you used ?22:22
SwedeMikevarlon: you can make it use /home just tell it to not format it.22:22
varlonok, thanks!22:22
glassresistornot having the windows immediately focus when selected if everything is full screen makes it hard to figure out which window im selecting22:22
guestcan any1 else help with my problem?22:22
SwedeMikevarlon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85933622:22
gasullerUSUL: /dev/mapper/sanfran-root /               ext4,acl    errors=remount-ro 0       122:23
gasull(I have full-disk encryption, BTW)22:23
LukaszTarkowskibrb gonna reset my connection22:23
wilhartthune3: hmm, those are all good, can i delete the files?22:23
istvankyentei, route is empty, and pinging the router gives me 'network unreachable'22:23
erUSULgasull: wrong filed it would be " .... ext4  errors=remount-ro,acl ... "22:23
erUSULgasull: wrong field it would be " .... ext4  errors=remount-ro,acl ... "22:23
thune3wilhart: delete what? i wouldn't recommend it...22:24
gasullerUSUL: ok, thanks22:24
varlonSwedeMike, thanks twice :)22:24
wilhartthune3: what should /etc/enviroment have?22:24
kyenteiistvan: So could you, by any chance, have set that IP static? When you did the dhclient, did you get a dhcpoffer from your gateway, or did it just enter an IP address right away?22:24
wilhartthune3: i wonder where it definse to that fi_FI.UTF-822:24
wilhartthune3: i want that to en_US.UTF-822:24
lookCan i get some help booting ubntu 10.04? i can't boot because of some driver issue with the Nvidia cards22:25
DJAshnarHello, I have a Toshiba Sattelite c655d AMD Athlon II 2.1ghz laptop, and  Ubuntu 10.04 freezes on boot UNLESS I use acpi=off on boot.  Is there any fix for this?22:25
thune3wilhart: my /etc/environment just has a path and that's it.22:25
DJAshnarFor the record, BackTrack 4 boots fine, tho22:26
DJAshnarAnd it is based on Gentoo22:26
istvankyentei, it's not static, i think that dhclient did show an offer22:26
wilhartthune3: damn i havent got thos paths there.22:26
istvanlet me go check22:26
wilhartthune3: sorry wrong allert i hvae em22:26
kyenteiistvan: Not static in gui? How about /etc/network/interfaces ?22:26
MaRk-Ilook: reboot and when you see the 2 icons press shift or spacebar and then press F6 you get a line that at the end says"  quiet splash --    add nomodeset to that line before the 2 dashes like so:   quiet splash nomodeset --22:27
hiexpoDJAshnar,  backtrack is not based on gentoo and this is not backtrack channel you just left there22:27
DJAshnaroops Pentoo is gentoo22:28
kyenteiDJAshnar: BackTrack 4 is based on Ubuntu 8.10. Your issue could very well be a kernel issue.22:28
wilhartthune3: ok scandit works in konsole and irssi but not tinyfugue22:28
lookMaRk-I, thanks ill try that22:28
kyenteiDJAshnar: I've had Toshiba issues on a laptop too. That was with 9.10. Perhaps 10.10 will fix it for you.22:28
DJAshnarI updated the Kernel22:28
DJAshnar10.10 beta out yet?22:28
kyenteiDJAshnar: No, it's in alpha 3 now.22:28
lguenhaelhello everybody22:29
istvankyentei, it did the whole request pack bound thing accouridn to dhclient22:29
DJAshnarHmmm.  Can I use Wubi to install the alpha?22:29
kyenteiistvan: And can you ping the device from which you received your IP Address?22:30
bruce__DJAshnar: wubi install isn't working yet in 10.1022:30
itsux2bui installed Virtualbox and Ubuntu 10.04 server with LAMP on my windows vista system. my router has assigned ubuntu a "local" IP address.. I know i need to port forward.. but what port(s) and how does someone on the other side of my router "surf" to my LAMP webserver? i don't have a domain name pointing to my system..22:30
AndorinSo I'm trying to make a video for someone with limited hardware... I recorded video with Cheese and gtkRecordMyDesktop, audio with the Sound Recorder, blended them together with Pitivi and rendered it as both .ogv and .mpeg... when I open the file in WinFF to convert to another format, it plays the video all wrong... colors are screwed up, the whole thing looks staticy, it's made up of large blocks of discolored pixels. Are there no other22:30
lguenhaelI would like to know if it is possible to do a virtual installation of a 64bits OS if the real computer is a 32bits one?22:30
Andoringood converters?22:30
aeon-ltdAndorin: for what?22:30
Andorinaeon-ltd: Video files22:30
hiexpolguenhael,  no22:30
kermitwhy is something sending signal 15 to my ntpd whenever my wireless connection changes?22:30
kermit(and how do i stop it)22:31
h00kitsux2bu: that's probably better suited for #vbox or ##windows for how to set that up22:31
kyenteiAndorin: ffmpeg?22:31
Andorinkyentei: WinFF is a graphical front end for ffmpeg22:31
istvankyentei, and /etc/network/interfaces has only 2 lines. one is auto lo, and the second is similar. and i can't ping the device i got the ip from22:31
axisyshow can convert this [858919.623359] in human readable time format like Aug 18 06:27:12 or something similar ?22:31
axisysthat was from dmesg22:31
kyenteiAndorin: Then I do not know, sorry22:31
istvankyentei, after tying to connect for a few seconds it shows me that error "wired network - you are now disconnected"22:32
kyenteiistvan: Pff..22:32
DJAshnarHmmm.  Need to learn a non Wubi install for the lappie then22:32
kyenteiistvan: yea, I'm familiar with that error. That's just the popup though, doesn't give us any info about the cause22:32
istvankyentei, where would i find the log for that error?22:32
h00kaxisys: you could do the math, that's how many seconds *after* power-on22:32
aeon-ltdAndorin: handbrake22:32
kyenteiistvan: All your logs are saved in /var/log22:33
kermitaxisys: date -d "-858919.623359 seconds"22:33
bruce__DJAshnar: I don't recommend an alpha release to fix a problem. You could try the live CD version of 10.10, but I wouldn't mess with it unless you have good backups22:33
rkavalapHello, require some help in debugging firmware failure22:33
istvankyentei, which one should i look at for this?22:33
istvankyentei, messages?22:33
kyenteiistvan: I have no answer to that. I don't think this is an error that will be logged.22:33
glassresistorwhy did they switch the default alt-tab behaviour(switch window immediately focus) to show borders but not the window?22:33
axisyskermit: awesome! thanks a lot22:33
kyenteiistvan: Is there an "auto eth0" in your /etc/network/interfaces?22:34
LukaszTarkowskialright everything seems to be working fine now ;)22:34
kyenteiistvan: Nevermind, I don't have that in there either.22:34
wilharthow do i setI set recode_out_default_charset to ISO-8859-1. default22:34
axisyskermit: time to read the date manual again :-)22:34
kyenteiistvan: Pff.. I don't think your problem is ubuntu related. Unless, of course, any other operating system on your PC does fine.22:35
LukaszTarkowskiWell I'm gonna get something to eat so bye for now22:35
Andorinaeon-ltd: Latest version of handbrake is incompatible with Ubuntu's GNOME22:35
istvankyentei, there is a message in that log that says 'eth0 pausing enabled'22:35
toaderhi, how to restart Ubuntu to recovery mode by command line? As now i am at home, i can ssh to my computer in office. I want to restart the Ubuntu without starting X-window as i need to run a program. thanks22:35
istvankyentei, i have other computers connected to the same switch (including ubuntu) that work fine. no idea why this one won't22:35
kyenteiistvan: Okay, does it give you any other information?22:36
kyenteiistvan: And live cd's? Could you try a live cd in that PC for me and test network connectivity?22:36
istvankyentei, sure, i'll go try a live cd now22:36
Moggahow can i query the filesystem type of a volume?22:36
hiexpoDJAshnar,   why are you in all of are channels pentoo backtrack_linux and here in ubuntu are you trying to do a specific thing or just roaming for any free info you can get ?22:37
gimmickless_anybody know the terminal command to sniff out wireless access points?22:37
erUSULMogga: sudo blkid ?22:37
axisyskermit: 858919 sec should be 9 days since I last reboot on Aug 522:37
aeon-ltdAndorin: hows it?22:37
toaderhi, how to restart Ubuntu to recovery mode by command line? As now i am at home, i can ssh to my computer in office. I want to reboot it  but without starting X-window in order to  run a program. thanks22:37
kermitaxisys: yeah i figured22:37
binthi there22:37
axisyskermit: but date -d "-858919.623359 seconds" give Aug 822:38
bintis it easy to change the language of an ubuntu system after installation?22:38
axisyskermit: thats only 3 days22:38
jaymoni noticed that jaunty auto starts monit. how do i restart monit ? i22:38
kermitaxisys: aug 5 was 13 days ago22:38
axisyskermit: and 858919 secs later it should be aug 1422:39
jaymoninitctl list doesn't show 'monit' on its list22:39
MoggaerUSUL: thanks that's perfect22:39
toaderhi, how to restart Ubuntu to recovery mode by command line? As now i am at home, i can ssh to my computer in office. I want to reboot it but without starting X-window in order to run a program. thanks22:39
kermitaxisys: i don't understand what you're trying to do22:39
axisyskermit: [858919.623359] device-mapper: table: 252:0: multipath: error getting device22:40
axisyskermit: i want to find out what day is that22:40
toaderhi, how to restart Ubuntu to recovery mode by command line? As now i am at home, i can ssh to my computer in office. I want to reboot it but without starting X-window in order to run a program. thanks22:40
erUSULtoader: recovery mode wont run sshd; will it?22:40
axisyskermit: normal math says sometime aug 1322:40
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axisyskermit: how do I get aug 13 using date tool ?22:40
aeon-ltdAndorin: it claims 10.04 should have fixed the issue with 9.1022:40
sammarkshey guys, im experiencing a major problem.22:40
axisyskermit: i am getting aug 822:40
kermitaxisys: oh, that time, n, is ((field 2 of /proc/uptime) -n) seconds ago22:41
toadererUSUL: oh, yes, so how can i restart it without start the x-window22:41
AndorinNow it looks like my problem is that ffmpeg won't correctly play back an .ogv file.22:41
Cl1FFany1 know how to empty Ubuntu's recent memory? (it might be called the cache) Lucid 64bit22:41
bruce__DJAshnar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152061822:41
kermitCl1FF: aptitude clean22:42
sammarksokay, so whenever i install ubuntu separate from windows, as in a dual boot, and i get it started and running, after a short period of time it'll either log me off or shut down completely. I've heard that it's because of X-Server, but i disabled that and the problem is still occuring. Any suggestions?22:42
harrisondoes anyone here know of datarecovery software other than testdisk?22:42
sammarksbut when i install it in a virtual machine, it runs fine.22:42
sammarksi think it may be because my processor is a little warmer than it should be22:42
erUSULtoader: disable gdm from starting. edit /etc/init/gdm.conf and comment ( put # in front) lines from "start on" to "stop on" included ( make a backup of the file just in case )22:43
sammarksbut that doesn't mean my computer should crash on me :/22:43
erUSUL!undelete | harrison22:43
ubottuharrison: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:43
PeterDropNot recommended for daily desktop usage <--- what mean that?22:43
PeterDropubuntu 64 bits22:43
axisyskermit: so is there a way I can get the time in same time format as in syslog.. so that i could say it happend on aug 1322:43
BiggFREECan we trust the wubi app ?22:43
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axisysinstead of doing the math myself everytime22:43
foul_owlI'm having some wierd freezing issues. I'm running Ubuntu Hardy on a Dell Poweredge R200. Running firefox, nautilus, and gkrellm. Sometimes the mouse pointer will just freeze during periods of high CPU load, despite having two processors. Running top when idle, xorg seems to be using the most processor power, somewhere between 13% and 23%.22:43
harrisonubottu  I am useing an ext4 file system22:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:44
harrisonto bad22:44
Cl1FFkermit, thanx a ton!22:44
BiggFREECan we trust the wubi app ?22:44
PeterDropwhat about the 64 bit, ubuntu installation warning?22:45
kermitaxisys: read a b < /proc/uptime;date -d "-$((${b/.[0-9]*/}-858919)) seconds"22:45
PeterDropi have a 64 bits machine, what its supose to do22:45
tuxifierPeterDrop: works like a charm - maybe you will encounter some problems with flash22:45
gasullHi.  Can anybody tell me why I can't use gedit to edit a file as another user? http://dpaste.com/230816/  Thanks.22:46
aeon-ltdgasull: sudo makes you root? not chnage users22:46
PeterDroptuxifier: what about the sound? nvidia integrated22:46
RummageBecause gedit hates you. Or maybe you don't have the file in this other user's possession.22:46
tuxifierPeterDrop: can't tell22:47
gasullaeon-ltd: sudo -u makes you the user you want22:47
axisyskermit: that gives aug 16.. not aug 1322:47
PeterDropgrgrgr, well i have to test xD thanks tuxifier22:47
aeon-ltdgasull: 2nd thing, your using vim?22:47
gasullaeon-ltd: try sudo -u anotheruser whoami22:47
axisyskermit: so what are those two seconds in /proc/uptime22:47
axisyskermit: in the meantime.. /var/log/kern.log gives the right format22:48
gasullaeon-ltd: I am able to edit the file with vim as another user, but not with gedit22:48
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:48
gasullerUSUL: thanks22:48
axisysaccording to /var/log/kern.log that time is from Aug 15 06:52:1422:48
axisyskermit: ^22:48
gasullerUSUL: same error: (gedit:2443): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.022:49
axisyskermit: so your one liner should give a date something similar..22:49
C_OkieSo I think I confused what I wanted to do when I wanted to explained it last night, I would like to have the %UserRoot% in windows be stored on a seperate partition as from the OS and System Files , could mounting do this? And I want to do this for backup ease purposes, would this be best to keep the system files with the os , or store it on another partition?22:49
TheSimkinhey guys, how do you install kdevelop on ubuntu ?22:49
erUSUL!software | TheSimkin22:49
ubottuTheSimkin: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents22:49
axisyskermit: it is giving Mon Aug 16 15:59:42 EDT 2010 instead22:49
displayI just want everyone to know that using this nickname on this channel is a really really bad idea.22:49
edbiandisplay, Why is that?22:50
erUSULedbian: constant highlighting ?22:50
axisyskermit: so I guess easy answer is if you want to get the dmesg timestamp in human readable format .. just look at /var/log/kern.log22:50
displayevery other message is someone who can't get their "display" driver to work, so I keep getting beeped, edbian22:50
hiexposup edbian22:50
C_Okieback '22:50
edbiandisplay, ha, that sucks22:50
edbianhiexpo, Hey.  How are you?22:50
magicianlordwhat is the correct time on the moon right now?22:50
trismgasull: if you want to use gedit with another user other than root, you need to add them to xhost, so they can use the x server: xhost +si:localuser:username;22:51
tuxifieredbian: would be wheel of fortune feeling :P22:51
hiexpogood and you edbian22:51
tuxifierding ding ding ding :P22:51
twisted_yo :) I have a server with ubuntu server on it. However I have a file (multiple actually) that have unicode characters. The server claims it doesn't exist... so I have the feeling the charset is not properly set. Is the kernel compiled with UTF-8/16 or... C?22:51
bsmith093im downloading an extremely large (5.6GB) bz2 file will my ext4 partition have any problem with it22:51
erUSULgasull: just use a terminal editor22:51
PeterDroptuxifier: nice post here ""Not recommended for daily usage" is ridiculous. Does it work only if you use it once a week? Three times a month? On the second Tuesday after Easter? If it works once a week it will work every day right?22:51
edbiantuxifier, ha ha22:51
duffydackbsmith093, no22:51
edbianhiexpo, I'm good.  Here to help! :)22:51
bsmith093so what are the size limits if any?22:52
gasulltrism: would it be xhost +si:myuser:otheruser ?22:52
hiexpoedbian,  ya and learn a little both ways22:52
trismgasull: no, just replace username with the username you want to add: xhost +si:localuser:someguy;22:52
duffydackis it TB or XB, i dont know22:52
trismgasull: if the username was someguy22:52
tuxifierPeterDrop: :)) I'm using ubuntu 64 bit cause I have 8GB of RAM on my notebook22:52
gasullerUSUL: actually, I'm trying to run Windows apps in Wine as another user, but I'm starting with something simpler first :-)22:52
rizzuh_laptopWhile messing around I somehow got Grub 2 to only display Windows 7 (loader) and not the Ubuntu entries. How do I get it back? I followed the Grub2 article on the wiki, section Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD exactly, update-grub saw the Linux kernel and Windows 7 loader, but it only added W7 to the config file :|22:52
rwwbsmith093: 16 TiB on a 4k block filesystem22:53
tuxifierPeterDrop: and I can't tell any problems except flash issues from time to time22:53
gasulltrism:  got it. thanks22:53
tuxifierPeterDrop: the 32bit flash wrapper consumes a lot of cpu in some cases22:53
PeterDroptuxifier: humm, what a bout use gnome or kde?22:53
tuxifierPeterDrop: I am using both22:54
trismgasull: you can remove the user when you're done by replacing + with -22:54
PeterDroptuxifier: iam just devel, and i dont care about nice widget or that stuff22:54
kermitwhy is NetworkManager sending signal 15 to ntpd?22:54
tuxifierPeterDrop: as I said - only flash issues on some websites that's all22:54
PeterDroptuxifier: why use both? one is not enought? just curious, before ..22:54
TheSimkinubottu: the problem is i used to do apt-get install kdevelop22:54
TheSimkinubottu: but now it's not there.22:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:54
gasulltrim: great.  It works now.  Thank you :-)22:55
TheSimkinit says to install qdevelop, not the same thing22:55
axisyslooks like going with kern.log is the recommended method22:55
tuxifierPeterDrop: I'm a curious guy and linux professional - just wanna be on track :)22:55
PeterDroptuxifier: ahh ok :)22:56
rizzuh_laptopWhile messing around I somehow got Grub 2 to only display Windows 7 (loader) and not the Ubuntu entries. How do I get it back? I followed the Grub2 article on the wiki, section Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD exactly, update-grub saw the Linux kernel and Windows 7 loader, but it only added W7 to the config file :|22:57
tuxifierPeterDrop: I am playing and working a lot with linux which includes a lot learning by doing - and sometimes learning by burning :P22:57
binta question: when i set up ubuntu22:58
bintit asks me for a username and a password22:58
bintis this the standard root user?22:58
PeterDroptuxifier: well i burn a lot22:58
webczatHow to make a live usb pendrive with language selection/etc, if i can't really use startup disk creator or unetbootin?22:58
webczati mean this requires gfxboot that i'm not sure how to use22:58
h00kubottu: sudo | bint22:58
ubottubint: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:58
bintwell i just installed unbuntu.. never had linux before..22:59
bintbut if i do a sudo command i need a password? don't i?22:59
PeterDroptuxifier: i am just researching what linux dist choose, u are test another dist apart of ubuntu?22:59
bintand this password is the one i did choose while installing ubntu=?22:59
tuxifierbint: thats the pw you specified on installation22:59
badnaamhello all22:59
edbianPeterDrop, I use Debian :)22:59
bintso my login passwd and the sudu passwd are the same22:59
badnaamI am having an issue where sound comes out my laptop speaks and external connected speakers at the same time23:00
aguitelhow uninstall all games?23:00
bintso if i wanna have 1 account for too ppl without permisson for sudo i have to create another account and call this one administrator23:00
PeterDropedbian: iam just whatching some screenshots23:00
badnaamlooking through the forums it seems I need to install linux-alsa-driver-modules-2.6.32-13-generic but I don't know how to, can someone please help?23:00
tuxifierPeterDrop: I testet a lot suse, redhat, debian, gentoo, fedora, mandrake, slackware, lfs, yellowdog, puppy, easy linux, ubuntu, kubuntu :)23:00
webczatno one knows what i can do?23:01
tuxifierbint: ?23:01
badnaamlooking through the forums it seems I need to install linux-alsa-driver-modules-2.6.32-13-generic but I don't know how to23:02
duffydackbadnaam, sudo apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-2.6.32-13-generic23:02
badnaamduffydack it says can't find package23:02
tuxifierPeterDrop: if you want to learn how linux "reallly" works - give gentoo a try - but consider a lot of frustration :P23:02
aguitelhow uninstall all games?23:02
tuxifierPeterDrop: and a lot of rtfm23:03
duffydackbint, first user created has sudo rights.  make another user and add them to sudoers if you want 2 accounts with sudo23:03
PeterDroptuxifier: nono, i dont have to many time for spend23:03
foul_owlI'm having some wierd freezing issues. I'm running Ubuntu Hardy on a Dell Poweredge R200. Running firefox, nautilus, and gkrellm. Sometimes the mouse pointer will just freeze during periods of high CPU load, despite having two processors. Running top when idle, xorg seems to be using the most processor power, somewhere between 13% and 23%.23:03
PeterDroptuxifier: i dont wanna be frustrated a week instaling some driver or exploring some rare config file23:04
babu__how to install skype messenger in lucid23:04
duffydackbadnaam, seems it doesnt exist.  odd23:04
tuxifierPeterDrop: they live, they learn, they die. they live :P23:04
neverbluebabu__, there is the ubuntu guide23:05
* dreamtraveler geia23:05
PeterDroptuxifier: no time23:05
neverbluei believe its covered in it, as well as, many other application installations23:05
badnaamduffyback: thanks for checking, any ideas on how to fix issues with sound. my sound comes out of the laptop speaker and external speakers (connected to headphone jack) at the same time23:05
bintif i wanna see everything listed (ctrl 2) is there an option to activate it for everything?23:05
PeterDroptuxifier: i think iam gonna master ubuntu+gnome , just i need a nice programing desktop23:05
PeterDroptuxifier: i get the less side problem posible23:06
tuxifierPeterDrop: if you are a dev guy - you may check out kdevelop :)23:06
tuxifierPeterDrop: can be installed in ubuntu but needs some kde libs23:06
duffydackbabu__, http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-p423:06
PeterDropi use netbeans for dev23:06
tuxifierPeterDrop: I see23:06
duffydackbadnaam, thats a bug, it happens to me23:07
rizzuh_laptopWhile messing around I somehow got Grub 2 to only display Windows 7 (loader) and not the Ubuntu entries. How do I get it back? I followed the Grub2 article on the wiki, section Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD exactly, update-grub saw the Linux kernel and Windows 7 loader, but it only added W7 to the config file :|23:07
badnaamduffydack: no resolution? thats a bad bug!23:07
jsemarcan someone recommend a linux tool for me to take an .mpeg => crop out about 45 seconds => convert to .mp423:07
duffydackbadnaam, wouldnt be a bug if it had one23:07
underdevhi- how do i get the total size of a directory + all it's sub directory23:07
badnaamduffydack: :)doh!23:07
tuxifierjsemar: ffmpeg maybe?23:07
ChogyDanjsemar: avidemux23:07
duffydackjsemar, avidemux23:07
tuxifierunderdev: du -s <dir>23:08
duffydackbadnaam, file a bug report23:08
badnaamok, thanks for your help23:08
underdevjsemar: to crop use audacity23:08
duffydackbadnaam, or wait for 10.10, it might fix it :)23:08
underdevjsemar: to convery use winff23:08
underdevjsemar: if you want the simple graphical tools23:09
jsemarsounds right23:09
underdevtuxifier: thank yuo!23:09
duffydackjsemar, for cropping with easy tools, use avidemux23:09
tuxifierunderdev: or check my blog post http://www.tuxify.de/?p=27 - this article is in german but the commands are international of cource23:09
russellcoxso what do people normally use this for?23:09
duffydackwinff isnt quite the same anymore now ffmpeg has presets.. not as useful as it once was.  if I need ffmpeg for something I use shell23:10
underdevtuxifier: no, that's exacltly what i needed23:10
RummageHey guys, I'm having a problem with alsamixer. Every time I boot the speaker volume is muted.23:10
tuxifierunderdev: the post gives you disk top ten and stuff23:10
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=== cahl_hith is now known as cahl-hith
underdevduffydack: we can't all be that cool :)23:11
tuxifierunderdev: a tool you might also consider is ncdu23:11
trijntjeHi all,  I want to run a program sequentially on a map and all its submaps, how would I do this?23:12
=== pbarros is now known as turt1e
babu__wat's the main difference bn java and j2me23:12
tuxifierfolks I am out for today - time to take a nap in germany :)23:13
duffydackunderdev, winff is missing a lot of what I once used.  it only has presets itself for extensions I dont need.  ffmpeg -vpre {preset} much more useful23:13
TyphlosionCan someone help me with a wlan problem?23:14
underdevduffydack: okay.  I just use it mostly to turn flv's into mp3s23:14
soreauTyphlosion: Not if you dont ask your question23:14
shawnboyChogyDan, Remember I was having lock ups at boot? I don't know what changed, but I uninstalled fglrx ati proprietary driver and reinstalled. That fixed it. FYI.23:15
meltingwaxdoes ubuntu install any firewalls by default?23:15
babu__wat's the main difference bn java and j2me23:15
duffydackunderdev, ok.  ffmpeg -i file.flv -ab 192k -ac 2 file.mp323:15
ChogyDanshawnboy: maybe it was just a harddrive error23:16
trijntje!firewall | meltingwax23:16
ubottumeltingwax: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.23:16
underdevduffydack: lol- see that's why i need winff :)  i'll never remember that :)23:16
wilhartanyone know how to set all these: http://pastebin.ca/1919705 to en_US ?23:16
underdevduffydack: i don't even know my cell phone number offhand23:17
underdevyet i'm linux all the way!  Ubuntu- so easy a caveman can use it.23:17
=== wildbat_laptop is now known as wildbat
TyphlosionI recently installed updates, then I restarted and now my wlan does not want to work anymore. It says all wireless networks would be deactivated. dmesg http://pastebin.com/aG1pJz0123:18
Alan502Hi, Please i need help! i cannot access my /home/ directory unless it is from a live cd!23:18
Alan502Two weird files are on that partition: al?.s?id?.pub  al?.s?id?.pub.pub23:19
Alan502does anybody know what are those_23:20
monokromeI am using Intel HDA version 5 audio as my sound card and Ubuntu does not automatically start snd_hda_intel, so I have to use modprobe to do it23:20
monokromeNow that I've used modprobe, how can I make it default?23:20
Alan502is anybody helpful here by the way?23:20
RummageOkay guys, I've set up a dirty workaround that requires me to enter my password twice on login, because the only way I've found to get my speakers set up quickly is sudo alsactl restore.23:21
TyphlosionI think not23:21
rizzuh_laptopWhile messing around I somehow got Grub 2 to only display Windows 7 (loader) and not the Ubuntu entries. How do I get it back? I followed the Grub2 article on the wiki, section Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD exactly, update-grub saw the Linux kernel and Windows 7 loader, but it only added W7 to the config file :|23:21
Xx-Dark_Neo-xXWindows is better than Ubuntu !23:21
=== Dragon is now known as Guest7277
Xx-Dark_Neo-xXUbuntu SUXXXXX !23:21
Xx-Dark_Neo-xXUbuntuis for THE GAY !!23:22
ubuntuXx-Dark_Neo-xX: please leave23:22
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!23:22
rizzuh_laptopHere's another troll23:22
FloodBot2Tulutu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:22
rizzuh_laptopubuntu, you stole the name.23:22
klappimonokrome: add it to /etc/modules23:22
=== ubuntu is now known as jstar
macodangit wrong xx<tab>23:22
datacrusherTulutu, you bet there will be23:23
iceroot!ops | Tulutu23:23
ubottuTulutu: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!23:23
datacrusherget your cheers to #windows23:23
rizzuh_laptopthanks maco and h00k23:23
* datacrusher likes to feed trolls23:23
rizzuh_laptopWhile messing around I somehow got Grub 2 to only display Windows 7 (loader) and not the Ubuntu entries. How do I get it back? I followed the Grub2 article on the wiki, section Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD exactly, update-grub saw the Linux kernel and Windows 7 loader, but it only added W7 to the config file :|23:24
wilhartanyone know how to set all these: http://pastebin.ca/1919705 to en_US ?23:25
cenohi guys23:25
shawnboyChogyDan, sometimes I run my notebook on AC with removed battery. Could've been low power "dip." Who knows. Glad I didn't have to reinstall.23:25
displayCan someone do me a big favour and send me a PM real quick?23:25
xxploitmaco, what was i kicked for?23:25
TyphlosionI think that it is easier to build a linux myself than to use Ubuntu with all its annoying bugs23:25
IdleOnexxploit: it was a tab fail I believe23:25
macoxxploit: by accident23:25
underdevAlan502: people are helpful, i just don't think anyone knows what your problem is23:26
* MSHughes gives _ng a hearty slap23:26
underdevAlan502: i don't23:26
macoxxploit: someone else who started with xx was trolling and i was trying to kick them and missed23:26
* _ng smacks MSHughes with a red Swingline stapler23:26
duffydackmoan whine bitch moan.23:26
cenoI'm trying to share a folder on a usb hard drive (FAT32) over a samba network share but I get "Unable to mount location". Is this a permission problem?23:26
aeon-ltdTyphlosion: everything has bugs23:26
xxploitmaco, ok thx thought maybe my ferret got on my comp and sent stuff to the channel lol, cause usually i just idle here23:26
IdleOne!language | duffydack23:26
ubottuduffydack: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:26
macoxxploit: i sent you a PM to tell you what happened...or at least i think i did23:26
rizzuh_laptopWhile messing around I somehow got Grub 2 to only display Windows 7 (loader) and not the Ubuntu entries. How do I get it back? I followed the Grub2 article on the wiki, section Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD exactly, update-grub saw the Linux kernel and Windows 7 loader, but it only added W7 to the config file :| I'm leaning towards wiping the partitions.23:27
xxploitmaco, yes i see that now, have so many channels open i didnt take notice, thx man23:27
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, I wish I had an explanation to that.  How much was you "messing" around23:27
Alan502underdev: do you know what those files might be_23:27
Alan502underdev: I know many people here are better with ubuntu than me!23:27
zuslol i likr the tabs in xchat but ive so many channels i went to tree view23:27
zusdisplay,  are you all set?23:27
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, trying to get Grub to only display "Ubuntu 10.04" and "Windows 7" in the menu.23:28
Typhlosionaeon-ltd, yes, but if you create your own os you would have a far better ability to fix the bugs. At least in my own program I know when a bug occurs why it occurs or I can easily find it out.23:28
displaydid the messages send before, zus?? The ones I sent?23:28
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, did you chroot ?23:28
zusdisplay,  yeah23:28
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, when I tried recovering?23:28
zusdisplay,  your a star and are you getting this23:28
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, yeah23:28
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, at that time, yes.23:28
displayzus, aces. I'm working on my first real attempt at an IRC client, which promptly crashed for some reason23:28
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, I followed the guide on the wiki23:28
displayzus, thanks for your help though :D23:29
TyphlosionBut with Ubuntu there are too many programs doing stuff so I have to search in the internet for days to find a solution - or no solution... :/23:29
Typhlosionsame as with Windows23:29
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, odd..    do you have a seperate home partition?23:29
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, yeah.23:29
russellcoxhow do i install a .sh file?23:29
lookI need a bit of help23:30
mneptokrussellcox: what is the file?23:30
underdevAlan502: i don't.  but it's not due to lack of helpfulness.  See the pure gold about audacity/winff earlier :)23:30
mneptokrussellcox: what do you expect it to install?23:30
MSHughesrussellcox, make it executable and just ./install.sh23:30
looki have installed ubuntu 10.04 and need to install the latest drivers but i can't ping google...23:30
mneptokrussellcox: WHAT game?23:31
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, well its not ideal but since you have been asking for a while... it might be worth marking your installed packages, then reinstalling, but not formatting your home partition.23:31
looki know i had an internet connection on it before23:31
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, it's encrypted :|23:31
mneptokrussellcox: install from the repos23:31
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, if you have followed the wiki, and chrooted etc, then I dont know what else23:31
mneptokrussellcox: sudo apt-get install wormux23:31
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, and me hasn't saved the encryption key.23:31
russellcoxlook: are u using a wired or wireless connection?23:32
FriarI'm getting an error when trying to connect to my vpn with kvpnc...it says:the current -script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts23:32
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, your home or your whole hd.23:32
meltingwaxubottu: thanks23:32
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:32
FriarIs that the reason that I can't get connected23:32
webczatCan i use usb-creator on non-ubuntu?23:33
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, home.23:33
lookrussellcox, a wired connection23:33
webczatThe problem is that i downloaded it and it sait that i don't have udisks running while i do!23:33
russellcoxask it again for others i personally have never used a VPN23:33
lookrussellcox, i just installed ubuntu 10.04 from the CD to a system that i had to force xvesa to get the nvidia driver23:33
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, any chance of just backing up your files and remaking it23:34
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, might be time consuming but it would fix it :(23:34
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, I can't access them, that's the issue. Can't boot into Ubuntu.23:34
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, oh, duh me23:35
cenoAnswered my own question, it was a permission problem. Does anyone know if samba logs errors to some file? "failed" isn't really much of an error >_<23:35
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, you cant access them from the livecd?23:35
okapi14Hi all I can I fix this error "dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libswt-gtk-3.6-java_3.6-1~ppa4_amd64.deb (--unpack):23:36
okapi14 trying to overwrite '/usr/share/java/swt.jar', which is also in package libswt-gtk-3.5-java 0:3.5.2-1~ppa123:36
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, no, as /home is encrypted :|23:37
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, odd.  my usbstick is encrypted but it mounts, with the proper password23:37
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, I guess it will work if I enter my password, but how do I mount it and log-in? xD23:38
hassanzhi my alsa mixer setting reset after reboot anyine got any idea why?23:38
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, from the live CD?23:38
cenoDoes anyone know the default "configuration" used when auto mounting an external usb disk?23:38
babu__is there any room for ieee23:39
lookubuntu does not have a driver for my network card...23:39
duffydackrizzuh_laptop,  like any other drive?23:39
lookany ideas on how i can install this driver?23:39
xanguababu__: ieee¿23:39
=== _ng is now known as _NG
xangualook: what driver¿23:39
lookxangua, the nvidia drivers...23:39
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, well, I have no idea xD I'd need to mount it as /home at the login screen, but I have no idea how.23:39
lookxangua, and i have no idea what driver i need23:39
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, you dont need to mount it as /home, just mount it to get your data off it23:40
xangualook: just go to system>administration>hardware support, install the one that recomends you23:40
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, it needs to be decrypted first though.23:40
lookxangua, that would be easy if i had the drivers for the internet connection23:40
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, which it does, when you give the password23:40
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, it never asks for the password when I mount it.23:40
xanguaand what is your wireless card look¿23:41
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, ah.  how did you encrypt it23:41
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, during the install I selected the "ecrypt my home directory" option.23:41
lookxangua, i don't have a wireless card in a desktop, i didn't say i had a laptop, i have an Nvidia made wired connection NIC23:42
hassanzhi my alsa mixer setting reset after reboot anyone got any idea why?23:42
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, any way to completely remove grub2 and reinstall it from live cd when chrooted?23:43
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, will aptitude work fine?23:43
mneptoklook: most nVidia wired NIC chipsets have open drivers that are included in the kernel by default.23:43
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, it should have worked as is...   grub-install /whatever and update-grub23:43
=== bialal is now known as Bilal
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, well update-grub said it detected Linux kernel and Windows 7, but only 7 shows up on the menu.23:44
lookmneptok, well my ubuntu install does not see the NIC card at all only the local loopback23:44
=== Bilal is now known as Bilal_yousef
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, to remove it I guess you`d need your windows 7 cd and boot it choose repair and bootsect /nt60 c:\ /mbr23:44
=== Bilal_yousef is now known as Bilal_yousef2001
mneptoklook: is the interface enabled in the BIOS?23:44
=== Bilal_yousef2001 is now known as Bilal_yousef
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, but that wont fix it23:44
lookmneptok, in my BIOS?!23:45
mneptoklook: ys, in the BIOS.23:45
rizzuh_laptopduffydack, I know how to restore the Windows bootloader to the MBR, but I mean, will I be able to remoev the grub2 package completely with settings and so on and reinstall it?23:45
KE1HArizzuh_laptop, have you tried the ALT then F4 and got to the Recovery mode?23:45
KE1HAALT meaning ALT ISO23:45
rizzuh_laptopKE1HA, nope.23:45
rizzuh_laptopKE1HA, when should I press that?23:46
lookmneptok, can you explain a bit? ive had a huge hassel getting this install to work im just getting rly annoyed at it.23:46
duffydackrizzuh_laptop, I dont think it will make a difference.  update-grub isnt adding ubuntu to your grub.cfg for some odd reason.23:46
mneptoklook: reboot the machine. press the correct key to enter the BIOS. look around in the BIOS settings and make sure that the onboard Ethernet has not been disabled there.23:46
rizzuh_laptopYep, but I guess reinstalling clean will fix that, the grub2 files may be corrupted or something IDK :|23:46
KE1HAGive that a Shot, get an ALT ISO. When your presented with Install test, etc. select recovery mode, you can repair / re-install Grub from there.23:47
lookmneptok, ok and once that is done tell me the drivers i need to install if the BIOS does not work23:47
mneptoklook: i have no idea.23:47
rizzuh_laptopKE1HA, oh, alternate CD. Will try.23:47
tuga3dhi, i'm on a dell laptop and ubuntu 10.04 and my laptop has random freezes, how can i make sure is hardware related?23:48
mneptoklook: *what* nVidia NOC shipset? what revision? who supplies the Linux drivers, nVidia ... or? where do you get them? do you have to compile a Linux kernel module yourself? is it already compiled?23:48
lov255look: your BIOS is not working?23:48
KE1HAYeah, I tested allot of those this week, works pretty well. Just make sure you recover the right partitions :-)23:48
zusdisplay_ hello23:48
wabashCan anyone point me to a good resource for getting wireless networking working?23:48
Blue1tuga3d: have you tried another operating system?23:48
hiexpolook,  relax everyone here is just here to help free of charge we help others on our own time not yours thanks23:48
mneptoklook: you need to provide a LOT more information about your hardware before anyone can give you educated advice.23:48
lov255wabash: explain a little more of what you are trying to do23:48
Blue1wabash: what kind of lan?23:49
vieiraestou usando o lubuntu23:49
bcbc2tuga3d: does it freeze during boot up (before the login screen)?23:49
hassanzhi my alsa mixer setting reset after reboot anyine got any idea why?23:49
Blue1!es | vieira23:49
ubottuvieira: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:49
tuga3dBlue1: yep, other linux distros, also freezes23:49
mneptokBlue1: too bad that's Portugese :P23:49
binthey there... i'm using ubuntu for 5 minutes now.. but there's something i really dont like.. if i change a directory it doesn't show me the full path where i'm in right now and i can't copy the path of my current location23:49
bintcan i somehow change this?23:49
xanguathats portuguese Blue23:49
wabashBlue1:  lov255: Well, I don't know much about wireless on Ubu yet. I am not seeing wlan0 as a device, so I'm not sure how to get started. The wiki is really really full of holes.23:50
Blue1mneptok: I have enough difficulties with english23:50
bintand is it possible to display everything listed (ctrl 2)23:50
lov255bint: pwd23:50
tuga3dblue1: are you portuguese?23:50
aeon-ltdTyphlosion: you still here?, i think arch linux is a distro you'd like, its almost completely barebones from base, and everything is built by you(and the package manager) so all conflict bugs are easy to spot23:50
Blue1tuga3d: that would indicate a hardware problem23:50
lookcan some one tell me the drivers i need for a ubuntu 10.04 install?23:50
lov255wabash: what are you using for Ubuntu box and wireless card?23:50
* Blue1 checks23:50
ThomasB2kbint, in the file manager, press Ctrl L23:50
* Blue1 is american today23:50
wabashlov255: it's all built in. Newish laptop23:50
tuga3dblue1: thanks23:51
hiexpolook,  what wifi card you have  > thats first ?23:51
lov255bint: type pwd to get your current full path23:51
Typhlosionaeon-ltd: Thank you, I will tray it :)23:51
bintahh thx ThomasB2k23:51
wabashhiexpo: How do you do that?23:51
lookhiexpo, i have a Nvidia made wired card23:51
tuga3dBlue1: is there some software to try to pinpoint with hardware part is faulty?23:51
bintis this permanent when i pressed ctrl L?23:51
bintwell i'll see thx :)23:51
Blue1tuga3d: yeah you can run a sytem diagnostic hang on23:51
lov255wabash: awww you are going to have problems, let me suggest you do what I did, go out and buy a cheep Belkin USB wireless G adapter, I got mine from PC Richard & Son for $2923:52
wabashlov255: Ok, good idea. But I'd also like to learn how to deal with the system.23:52
Blue1tuga3d: System/Adminstration/System Testing23:52
tuga3dBlue1:  thanks again :)23:52
hiexpoone sec busy in another channel23:53
lov255wabash: last week I spent 5 days trying to get a Linksys USB card to work with my Ubuntu, with the help of major guru's in this chat room we where not able to make it work...I am very hard headed and spent over 50 hours trying to get it to work...trust me I bought my Belkin and pluged in to laptop and worked in 2 sec23:53
lov255wabash: 50+ hours or 2 sec. it s up to you, there are people in thie room that will work with you for the 50+ hours LOL23:54
Blue1lov255: would that work with a network printer, you think?23:54
lov255blue1: to connect to the Network printer?23:55
hiexpolspci -v | less23:55
Blue1lov255: yes23:55
hiexpolook,  lspci -v | less23:55
Blue1lov255: it's either that, or I need either get a wireless router with more then 4 ports, or put a router behind a router23:55
lookhiexpo, i have given up and just going to install 9.10 till the driver issue is fixed23:56
itsux2buyou just ned more wired ports??23:56
lov255blue1: I really am not sure, I do not know enough about the communications with printers in ubuntu...I would assume Linux would be looking for printer on LPT or USB ports...and well card is attached to USB, however the driver would have to tell the USB to detect the wireless printer23:56
lov255blue1: however on the other hand if the printer has an IP address on your network I do not see why Ubuntu would not be able to pick it up23:57
hiexpolook,  you may never get the driver than23:57
=== twisted`_ is now known as twisted`
Blue1lov255: YEAH that's excatly what I don't know....23:57
Sonjais it really gonna be called Orgasmic Ocelot?23:58
lov255blue1: last time I worked with wireless printers was over a year ago...to make it work it needed an IP on the network through the router23:58
* Blue1 is proud of himself - only took about 2.5 hours to debug and get autofs up and running yesterday 23:58
hiexpolook and yes i still use 9.1023:58
harmandeephi guys23:58
lov255blue1: if you get the IP from the printer and set it up on Ubuntu as a network device you should not have a problem23:58
harmandeepnewbie here23:58
hiexpo!ask  | harmandeep23:59
ubottuharmandeep: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:59
Blue1lov255: ahh that's twhat I thought I might put some of my less used devices like dvr and phone on to another router behind the router -- chepeast way to go, that would free port for printer23:59
iuryHi Guys23:59

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