
duanedesignevening U1inites :)02:03
duanedesignajmitch: did your music get downloaded?02:08
ajmitchall it really took was u1sdtool -q02:09
ajmitchtelling it to disconnect & reconnect wasn't enough for it02:09
duanedesignajmitch: good you got it02:09
ajmitchrhythmbox restarted the syncdaemon, the music finished downloading02:09
ajmitchI'll see if I can fetch the relavant log if it's useful02:09
duanedesignwas this the disconnect/reconnect in the Ubuntu One Preferences Panel, under Devices tab02:10
ajmitchno, with u1sdtool02:10
ajmitchas I was watching syncdaemon.log :)02:10
duanedesignajmitch: weird. So it had to be auto-started by Rhythmbox02:11
ajmitchwhat's weird is that it downloaded 9 of the 10 songs of the album & stalled at 0.8MB on the last one02:12
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* huntz0r is away: I'm busy03:58
hallynchatting elsewhere about Ubuntu One, it occurred to me that I'd be more likely to store music there if I coudl specify priorities - "download this (smaller, but important) stuff first when I sync a new machine".  Then music can d/l later.  Is that being considered?04:01
Chipacahallyn: you can do that now04:23
Chipacahallyn: not super user friendly-ly04:23
duanedesignyou can? /me wonders how :)04:24
Chipacahallyn: but, with u1sdtool, you can temporarily unsubscribe a user-designated folder, so if all your music is in a user-designated folder (such as the one the music store creates, or any other one), you can unsubscribe it while the important stuff syncs, and then resubscribe04:24
Chipacasubscription is a local action, so it doesn't affect your other computers synced. This is different from udf creation/deletion, which does. So take care.04:25
Chipacaduanedesign: what do you think of the submenu and the location bar now, btw?04:26
hallynChipaca: cool - i'll give that a shot, thanks04:29
ajmitchChipaca: UDFs like the music folder are synced to each computer, right?04:30
Chipacaajmitch: to each computer subscribed to the UDF, yes04:31
ajmitchis subscription to the music folder automatic?04:32
ajmitchhm, 'invalid openid transaction', that's a new one04:32
ajmitchChipaca: why I ask is that I don't really need 500MB of music synced to each VM that I have :)04:33
Chipacaajmitch: not sure what you mean by 'automatic'. yes or no, depending on that :)04:33
duanedesignChipaca: i havent booted into Maverick recently, I will check that out04:34
Chipacaajmitch: ah, yeah, default is to sync04:34
Chipacaduanedesign: thanks04:34
ajmitchI should clarify, I mean with a default desktop install with ubuntuone-client-gnome installed04:34
Chipacaduanedesign: I ask because I only hear about it when it's really bad, and want to hear it also when it's merely bad :)04:35
duanedesignChipaca: been neading to boot up my Maverick install, got some packages to test..04:35
ajmitchyou've been improving the nautilus widget?04:35
Chipacathere are more improvements scheduled, but yes04:35
Chipacawe won't get to do everything we would've hoped, but it should be less painful04:35
* ajmitch can't really see visible improvements at the moment04:36
Chipacaajmitch: if you sign up with an account that has a music folder, it'll download that by default, yes04:36
duanedesignChipaca: /504:36
Chipacaajmitch: you should set up an account just for testing, and use that :)04:36
* Chipaca hopes that wasn't a password04:36
ajmitchChipaca: right, but how should I setup multiple U1 accounts with the single ubuntu SSO login? :)04:36
ajmitchfrom what I know that's not allowed/supported?04:37
Chipacaajmitch: inside the vm, use a different sso login04:37
Chipacaajmitch: not sure I understood you correctly04:37
ajmitchthat's more or less what I mean04:38
ajmitchwith PPAs, you can have multiple 2GB PPAs on the one launchpad account04:38
ajmitchbut from what I know of U1, the U1 account is just the ubuntu single-signon account04:38
Chipacaright, no, ubuntu one subscriptions are 1:1 ubuntu one accounts, and you can only have one of these for a sso account04:39
ajmitchit's just due to me wanting to keep different kinds of files in the one place04:39
Chipacaso, yes to what you just said (more or less)04:39
Chipacaclearly i'm tired, or i would've stopped using non-contextual references in my reply04:40
ajmitchor it's mid-afternoon & I'm making no sense whatsoever :)04:40
Chipacaduanedesign: no problem and no hurry. Just please ping me re that when you can, please; I want to know.04:41
ajmitchok, now I need to figure out why I can't connect in my maverick VM04:42
* ajmitch hunts04:42
ajmitchInvalid request token in u1-prefs.log after going through the 'add my computer' step04:43
ajmitchah, there's a traceback in ~/.cache/sso/oauth-login.log04:44
Chipacathe oauth-login log sucks04:48
Chipacait has no dates :(04:48
ajmitchI suspect my problem is that I'm a release behind on ubuntu-sso-client04:48
* ajmitch is patiently waiting to install updated packaged04:49
Chipacaajmitch: ubuntu-sso-client isn't talking with syncdaemon just yet04:53
Chipacaajmitch: so it shouldn't be that04:54
ajmitchso the AUTH_FAILED I'm now getting in syncdaemon.log is due to something else?04:55
Chipacaajmitch: I hope so :)04:56
ajmitchthen I'm not sure what's going wrong, since the u1 token in gnome-keyring is just new  :)04:57
Chipacaajmitch: how did that token get into the keyring?04:57
Chipacaajmitch: through a browser, right?04:58
Chipacaajmitch: and not through ussoc, i mean04:58
ajmitchby trying to connect through the preferences app, which took me to the page in firefox04:58
Chipacaah, ok04:58
Chipacaajmitch: you're in maverick, not the nightlies, right?04:59
ajmitchyes, maverick04:59
ajmitchnot all packages are up to date, but the ubuntuone-client* packages are05:00
Chipacaajmitch: can you killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon; /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug ?05:00
Chipacaajmitch: then in a different terminal u1sdtool -c05:01
Chipacaajmitch: then, pastebin the bit of the log around the auth failed05:01
Chipacayep, you're getting auth failed05:04
* Chipaca cap'n obvious05:04
ajmitchnot very helpful, is it?05:04
ajmitchno more than what I saw in syncdaemon.log , anyway :)05:04
ajmitchis it worth removing the ubuntuone token from the keyring again & retrying from the preferences app?05:05
Chipaca1 sec05:05
Chipacaajmitch: what is the token in the keyring called?05:06
ajmitchUbuntuOne token for https://ubuntuone.com05:06
ajmitchold url?05:06
Chipaca^C syncdaemon, remove from keyring, relaunch syncdaemon --debug, u1sdtool -c05:07
ajmitchdone, and giving tracebacks now05:08
ajmitchone sec, it's complaining about expired timestamp & the threshold05:08
ajmitchit *appears* that the VM clock has skewed a bit05:08
ajmitchFailure: ubuntuone.syncdaemon.main.NoAccessToken: OAuthError: Expired timestamp: given 1282103412 and now 1282104473 has a greater difference than threshold 90005:09
ajmitchis there some way this can be made more robust than looking for errors such as this?05:10
ajmitchthe VM clock is out by just over 15 minutes05:10
Chipacaajmitch: that's one weird oauth error you're hitting. Nice one.05:11
ajmitchsorry to waste so much of your time with it, I should have looked at the time there :)05:11
Chipacano prob05:11
Chipacabut it wasn't showing that error (in the pastebin at least)05:12
ajmitchyeah, I'm surprised at that, because I'm sure that I didn't miss that much of the log05:12
ajmitchthis reminds me of kerberos tickets & the fun with clock skew there05:12
* ajmitch wonders what to write in a bug report for this05:14
Chipacaajmitch: "syncdaemon not working because chipaca too sleepy"05:16
Chipacaor something05:16
* Chipaca looks longingly towards the bed05:16
ajmitchyour sleepiness isn't what's caused things like a clock skew error to be hidden from the user :)05:16
ajmitchI'll keep the clock as-is & take a further look at it if I get time this evening05:17
ajmitch& then I'll get around to updating the debian packages :)05:18
ajmitchthanks for your help with it05:18
Chipaca thank you05:22
Chipacaand g'night :)05:23
ajmitchnight, sleep well :)05:23
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mandelgood morning!! :D08:42
duanedesignmandel: good morning08:55
mandelduanedesign, morning :D08:56
duanedesignmandel: had not booted into Maverick in awhile. Booted it up just now to do some testing. The work that has been done on the nautilus extension look good.08:57
mandelduanedesign, oh, dont talk me about that... I'm working on the windows port and I have not been able tow ork on linux for far too long :(08:58
mandelduanedesign, I need to get some time to see the improvements08:58
duanedesignmandel: how is the windows port coming along?09:00
mandelduanedesign, nice, we are goign to work with the python code we have but we are writing the UI and other stuff with c#so it is as native as posible to the OS, we have done the IPC betwenn python and c# and now moving to remove the dependency on dbus and pynotify09:02
duanedesignmandel: nice.09:03
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mkarnickihi all :)10:34
duanedesignhello mkarnicki10:36
mkarnickihi duanedesign :)10:38
Chipacamandel: vds: ping13:28
vdsChipaca: pong13:33
mandelChipaca, pong13:35
Chipacavds: mandel: I've got to talk with __lucio__ about the branch some, but it looks complicated. What are you guys doing meanwhile?13:36
mandelChipaca, I'm finishing the issue with the firewalls and it is vds who can give you more info, last I know we where between suing verteroks branch and try to merge with trunk or use __lucio__ branchs and start from scratch13:38
mandelChipaca, from what I know verterok says is better to use what __lucio__ did13:38
Chipacaright, my question was more: are you guys blocked on this?13:39
Chipacano matter what we do it'll take a few days, so I want to find a way for you to move forward without this, if it is blocking you that is13:39
mandelChipaca, oh, that, well I'm not for the next days since I'm goign to use tdd to remove pynotify, I'll try to make our change pass all the same tests, but I think vds will soon be blocked by this13:40
mandelif he is not already13:40
vdsChipaca: I'm working on the ipc side with protobuf13:44
vdsChipaca: I'm not blocked in the short term13:45
kklimondawhat documentation on couchdb do you recommend?13:47
kklimondai.e. books, web pages etc.13:47
kklimondahonk can someone take a look at bug 601932?13:48
kklimondaoh, ubottu isn't here13:48
vdskklimonda: the o'reilly book?13:49
kklimondathe definitive guide?13:49
Chipacakklimonda: the bug is re funambol, not couch, right?13:50
mandelI though ubottu was here right? bug 60833313:50
kklimondaChipaca: yes, the bug isn't related to my question - I've just remembered to poke someone about it again :)13:51
Chipacakklimonda: ah. thisfred maybe?13:51
mandelmeh, is not :(13:51
Chipacakklimonda: looking at rye's comment on that bug, it might actually be couchdb and not funambol13:51
* thisfred looks13:52
Chipacaok, this connection sucks, I'm going to go back to the other one13:52
Chipacahopefully it'll be working again13:52
thisfredrye: do you have the full traceback of the oops? What you posted stops short of the actual error.13:53
ryethisfred, /srv/ubunet-logs/app-logs-prod/lardizabala/2010-07-07/36271-1649appserverZADGBdIHcDAFEECGFIefHCdIJHaAIeECe244990.oops.bz213:54
ryethisfred, on buffaloberry13:54
thisfredrye Chipaca: the error is thrown in django wsgi translogging. It might well be that the underlying cause is corruption of a contacts record, but it's hard to tell. I think this is one for the web & mobile team13:58
thisfredUntil they can trace it back to what went wrong, or show us an error in the cloud_server code13:59
ryethisfred, i believe some application_annotations subtree is not in an expected format, probably a string instead of hash object14:00
thisfredrye, that could well be it14:01
kklimondaare there some examples of how to use views viwth couchdb-glib ?14:45
rodrigo_kklimonda, no, sorry, but the API is straightforward14:48
rodrigo_kklimonda, you get the docs containing views as CouchdbDesignDocuments14:49
rodrigo_GSList          *couchdb_database_get_design_documents (CouchdbDatabase *database, GError **error);14:49
rodrigo_GSList          *couchdb_database_execute_view (CouchdbDatabase *database,14:49
rodrigo_                                                const char *design_doc,14:49
rodrigo_                                                const char *view_name,14:49
rodrigo_                                                GError **error);14:49
rodrigo_CouchdbDesignDocument *couchdb_database_get_design_document (CouchdbDatabase *database,14:50
rodrigo_                                                             const char *docid,14:50
rodrigo_                                                             GError **error);14:50
rodrigo_that's the whole API for views14:50
rodrigo_kklimonda, you will also get the DesignDocuments when you call list_documents or get_all_documents14:50
kklimondarodrigo_: mhm, thanks14:52
kklimondabah, gedit in maverick has some huge memory leaks..14:59
kklimondait's using over 2GB of ram..15:00
mkarnickikklimonda: :O wow15:00
mkarnickia bit too much as for a text editor ;D15:01
kklimondaany idea how much memory does couchdb for android use?15:18
kklimonda8MB in idle according do couch.io.. hmm..15:19
kklimondaor is it 8MB less than in previous release?15:19
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jan____kklimonda: 8MB idle15:50
jan____kklimonda: hop on #couchdb for couchdb questions :)15:50
mandelping vds16:22
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kklimondarodrigo_: do you have a moment? I get weird errors somewhere inside couchdb-glib and I can't decide whether I do something wrong or are vala binding to blame or maybe there is an actual bug.. I have this piece of code in vala: http://pastebin.com/JsQc9KKY which translates into this sweet little thing: http://pastebin.com/xbuNEqma and I get this output in the terminal http://pastebin.com/M7tCe1a416:47
rodrigo_kklimonda, looking16:59
kklimondait may be that I'm misusing weak in vala again and the list of documents returned is freed too fast..17:02
rodrigo_kklimonda, hmm, value: null on the response from , that seems wrong from couchdb17:02
rodrigo_kklimonda, let me have a look at the doc17:03
kklimondaah yes, it may obviously be a bug in my couchdb view :)17:03
rodrigo_kklimonda, http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/HTTP_view_API#Access.2BAC8-Query17:04
rodrigo_kklimonda, well, do you have the source code of your view?17:04
rodrigo_kklimonda, it can be also a bug on couchdb-glib, I didn't do a lot of testing, just with a simple views I had17:05
rodrigo_kklimonda, also, see what does couchdb return if you just enter the URL on the browser17:07
kklimondawell, the map function is just "function (doc) { emit (doc.guid, null) }"17:08
kklimondaand there are no errors when I run it in browser (or visit this the url you pasted directly)17:09
rodrigo_kklimonda, and what does it have in value: ?17:13
rodrigo_I guess the null in your emit causes that17:13
rodrigo_although I think value should also include the doc.guid17:13
rodrigo_thisfred, ^^ ?17:13
thisfredsry really busy atm17:14
rodrigo_kklimonda, try replacing that emit (...null) with some field and see what happens in both the browser and couchdb-glib17:15
rodrigo_kklimonda, couchdb-glib creates the CouchdbDocument from the value: field, so if it's null, you'll get nothing17:16
rodrigo_couchdb-glib should probably deal better with that, and just return an empty document with the id17:16
rodrigo_kklimonda, file a bug for that, and I'll fix it17:16
rodrigo_I need to go now, bbl17:17
kklimondarodrigo_: how to title it? "ugh, something broke but still, couchdb-glib, you coud do better than that"? ;)17:17
kklimondaok, filled17:20
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kklimondagreat, now I can't access my contacts from browser..19:29
kklimondaand I've wiped my phone and computer :D19:29
kklimondaah, I have one more backup fortunately19:31
mkarnickikklimonda: I didn't give it much thought while stress testing ubuntuone-android-contacts recent days :D It's good to have a backup!19:32
kklimondawell, it doesn't work for me ;)19:34
kklimondait hasn't worked for over a month19:35
kklimondaoh wait, it's not funambol19:35
kklimondabut the error is serverside anyway19:35
mkarnickikklimonda: we've been working on it19:36
kklimondaah, it's still funambol.. i see, i see..19:36
mkarnickiactually sil has been working on it, I've been only helping19:36
mwhudsoni'm still trying to use u1 to save my notmuch mail store22:11
mwhudson(70k messages + a xapian db)22:12
mwhudsonit's not working very well :(22:12
duanedesignhello mwhudson22:13
ajmitchmwhudson: has it still not finished syncing them? :)22:32
mwhudsonajmitch: no :(22:34
mwhudsonthough i have been stopping the daemon occasionally because it's doing so much io it's interfering with my using the machine22:34
ajmitchthat's kind of depressing22:35
lifelessmwhudson: bzr it22:37
mkarnickiurbanape: Hi Zachery :) I'm author of AndroidU1 and helping out with ubuntuone-android-contacts -- I applied for ubuntuone-android-client-team, is it ok for me to join :) ?22:44
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