
falktxhey guys12:00
falktxI've got an interesting bug report I would like to share:12:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619014 in KXStudio "jackdbus file grows to enormous sizes" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:00
falktxbasically, when using jackdbus, the log file can grow really quick12:01
falktx512mb here, Blank_ from IRC reports 974Mb12:01
falktxI'm linking the bug to the jack package12:01
scott-workastraljava: are you still having trouble getting a maverick isntall to work?14:29
scott-workhi abogani :)14:29
aboganihi scott-work :-)14:30
falktxscott-work: hi14:32
falktxscott-work: i have something I want to to see:14:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619014 in KXStudio "jackdbus file grows to enormous sizes" [High,Confirmed]14:33
falktxscott-work: this will affect ubuntustudio too14:33
quadrisproehyla guys14:50
falktxhi quadrispro14:54
falktxquadrispro: i wanted to talk to you14:56
falktxquadrispro: what do I (really) need to do to get festige into debian ?14:56
quadrisprogive me an URL, please14:56
quadrisprois fst alive?14:58
falktxhave to go14:58
scott-workhi falktx 14:58
scott-workby falktx 14:58
scott-workerrr bye  :)14:58
scott-workquadrispro: any progress on guitarix ?   several ubuntu studio users have been asking about this14:59
quadrisproehy scott-work, I don't know, need to take a look15:00
quadrisprofalktx, please ping Free15:00
quadrisprofalktx, the package was part of debian but it has been kick'd out15:01
quadrisproah, this is about fst -> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=40294515:02
ubottuDebian bug 402945 in ftp.debian.org "RM: fst -- RoQA; license issues" [Serious,Open]15:02
quadrisprowhich festige depends on15:02
scott-workquadrispro...i'm amazed at the work you guys do at debian multimedia15:02
scott-workquadrispro: i don't read every mail on the mailing list but i keep up with them mostly...just amazing15:03
quadrisproscott-work, yep, most of us are very active: we love our job! :D15:04
* quadrispro away for a bit15:06
scott-workbut i can also see the benefit with the way ubuntu handles package updates though15:11
scott-worksince updating one package can have a hugely cascading effect on other packages15:11
scott-workwell, at least for a non-robust, smaller amount of developers/contributors15:12
scott-workbut i also now have a better respect for the way debian handles testing/stable/unstable15:12
falktxquadrispro: still here?16:24
falktxquadrispro: i just noticed jokosher in maverick, thanks!16:25
astraljavascott-work: I think it was a one-time issue only. I'm a bit busy at the moment, I'll try again tomorrow.16:26
quadrisprofalktx, just to ease sync jokosher in the future, the fix was already available16:30
falktxquadrispro: did you looked at festige ?16:31
scott-workfalktx: he said that festige depends on fst which is having license issue16:35
falktxnot anymore16:35
falktxvestige headers16:35
scott-workeerrr...scratch that link, my bad16:36
falktxI have festige on PPA...16:36
scott-work<quadrispro> ah, this is about fst -> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=40294516:36
ubottuDebian bug 402945 in ftp.debian.org "RM: fst -- RoQA; license issues" [Serious,Open]16:36
scott-workbut it still needs to move through the system in debian though and the bug closed16:36
falktxfestige doesnt apply to this bug16:37
falktxfestige doesn't need any restricted headers16:38
quadrisprofalktx, yep, but festige would depend on fst16:39
falktxand, btw, if you don't accept the steinberg license, you can freely reverse engineer it16:39
falktxquadrispro: festige has it's own fst copy, patched to work the way I need/want to16:39
falktxquadrispro: you just need wine and gtk/cairo16:39
falktx(not even lash)16:40
quadrisprofalktx, the information that I have about festige&fst are not up-to-date, so please get in touch with Free Ekanayaka, I'm sure that he's able to help you16:43
falktxI'll some time soon16:44

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