
zusif i was going to master a song, how would i go about it? can i tell my friend to give  me the tracks in ..wav or .flac .mp3? is there even a tutorial on the master software?01:17
holsteinzus: not reall01:18
holsteinlet me find an article for you01:18
* holstein like to use Jammin01:18
holsteinfor a pre-mastering type of thing01:18
holsteinanything that i acutually produce though i have mastered01:18
holsteinzus: http://www.64studio.com/howto-mastering01:20
zushey holstein  :) thanks,..01:20
loadedtried to find some reading material on how to use ninjam without success01:23
loadedbuild it but got couple of errors while @ it01:23
zuscan i import  files from cubase and  ableton, i'd like to  see if i can  put his track into my  ubuntustudios, and even KXStudios01:23
loadedgonna have to wait for todoesverso01:23
loadedhi zus01:24
loadedwhats up?01:25
holsteinzus: you'll want to export to wav or whatever01:25
holsteinfrom those systems01:25
holsteinthen you can import those wavs into ardour01:26
holsteinand others01:26
holsteinloaded: :/01:26
zuswhat about the Vst's?01:26
holsteinask around in #osmp channel01:26
holsteinthose guys have installed it in ubuntu01:26
holsteindid you get build-essentials?01:27
zushi loaded not much, my buddy has finsihed  tracks and i am looking  into what i need for  mixing producing and mastering them in UBS or KXS01:27
holsteinzus: depends on the Vst's01:27
holsteini havent missed any of my old .exe's01:27
holsteinbut i didnt have any soft synths i really liked01:27
loadedhttp://www.kvraudio.com/ free vst btw01:28
holsteini like these http://www.linuxdsp.co.uk/01:29
holsteinloaded: nice01:29
loadedi dont use vst that much and thats the only site i know that has free ones01:30
loadedwhats the most versatile instrument on the planet?01:31
holsteinacoustic bass01:31
loadedor whatever format ur keyb is xD01:32
holsteinyoshimi is nice01:32
holsteinand easy to get going01:32
loadedthat comes in UBS01:32
holsteinwhysynth and the others like it are cool too01:32
holsteinzynaddsubfx does01:32
holsteinyoshimi is the newer version01:33
holsteinless buggy01:33
holsteini get it from a PPA i can find if you need01:33
loadednever tried it tho except maybe the fact that rakarrack is based on it01:33
holsteinand those ^^01:34
zusoo im late for  the florida team meeting ,... :( brb01:34
loadedxD nice stuff holstein01:34
holsteinloaded: thats [lsd] 's01:35
holsteinfrom #osmp01:35
loadedthats like the 3rd or 4th [lsd] page someone links me to today01:36
loadedhes a busy man01:36
holsteinhey Zed_01:41
loadedhi Zed_01:42
Zed_still can't get jackd to run01:43
holsteinZed_: whats the error?01:43
holsteincan you pastebin the output here01:43
Zed_tried the upgrade of alsa, no change, watchdog timeout01:44
holsteinOH thats right01:44
holsteinyou got a funny card or something01:44
Zed_maybe so01:44
holsteinor the USB one?01:44
Zed_SBlive pci01:44
holsteinyou can get one of those *so* cheap01:45
Zed_checking it out01:46
holsteinand the quality is way better than what you'll be dealing with01:46
loadedZed_: i use the SBlive pci on my desktop with no prob01:46
holsteinwith that SBlive01:46
holsteinloaded: im assuming its got a funny chipset01:46
holsteinive always gotten them to work01:46
loadedactually its a EMU10k01:46
holsteinZed_: you dont get any sound right?01:46
loadedworks like a charm m801:47
Zed_no, i get sound alright, just cannot run jackd01:47
loadedi run it with jack01:47
holsteinZed_: interesting01:47
loadedno probs01:47
loadedone thing01:47
loadedwhats the samplerate ur runnig njack01:47
holsteinZed_: output your error message here01:47
holsteinin pastebin01:47
holsteinfrom jack control01:47
loadedcause SB only goes up to 44.1401:47
holsteinloaded: good point01:47
Zed_i'll retry starting it01:47
loadedif u run jack over that01:48
holsteinloaded: do you check 'force 16 bit' ?01:48
loaded<<<< starting to learn some stuff xD01:48
loadedrun it on RT with monitor01:48
loaded2 steps 128 frames01:48
loadedand it flies tbh01:49
loadedcompared to my USB one @ same samplerate01:49
loadedZed_: have u checked the input - outputs correctly01:50
loaded@ jack setup01:50
loadedi had that problem when i started using jack01:50
Zed_they're the defaults01:50
loadedwas set to default so it was sending to built in soundcard01:50
loadedif u have a built in its not01:51
Zed_i have onboard audio disabled in bios01:51
loadedclick on the ">" button01:51
loadedand select it from there01:51
loadedshould be something like hw001:51
Zed_still getting "jackd watchdog: timeout - killing jackd01:54
loadedcan u paste bin like holstein  said?01:54
Zed_tell me how/where to pastebin01:55
loadedand a screen of ur settings tab01:55
Zed_btw, u cant copy from jackctl messages dialog01:56
loadedsample format for capture: 24bit little-endian01:56
loadedALSA: use 2 periods for capture01:56
loadedALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 24bit little-endian01:56
loadedALSA: use 2 periods for playback01:56
loadedJACK: unable to mlock() port buffers: Cannot allocate memory01:56
loadedJACK: unable to mlock() port buffers: Cannot allocate memory01:56
loaded01:56:17.073 Server configuration saved to "/home/loaded/.jackdrc".01:56
loaded01:56:17.079 Statistics reset.01:56
loaded01:56:17.094 Client activated.01:56
loaded01:56:17.099 JACK connection change.01:56
loaded01:56:17.108 JACK connection graph change.01:56
loadedEnhanced3DNow! detected01:56
loadedlike that01:56
loadedctrl + c01:56
loadedctrl + v01:56
loadedholstein: u ever seen zappa live?01:59
holsteini would though01:59
loadedi wish i had01:59
Zed_changed default to hw:0, set force 16-bit, now messages fills up with xruns, then turns "gray" cannot copy ctrl + c01:59
loadedZed_: why the force 16bit btw?02:00
Zed_i thought you said to try it02:00
holsteinZed_: nah02:00
Zed_how do i get my setup tab to pastbin?02:00
holsteini was just checking to see if loaded was doing that02:00
loadedi can send u a png with my settings02:01
loadedlet me just power on my desktop02:01
loadedif u want that is02:01
loadedok 1min02:01
holsteinyou should be able to mirror those settings02:02
Zed_ok, but still would like to know how to capture my status tab02:02
Zed_to be able to pastebin it02:04
holsteinZed_: pastebin the error window02:04
holsteinthat comes up02:04
holsteinjust right click and select all and copy02:04
holsteinand pastebin02:04
Zed_message (error) window locks up after giving error msg, cannot copy from it02:06
Zed_have to xkill it02:06
holsteinthats gotta be somewhere02:07
Zed_hold on, i'll try to get a screenshot of all02:07
loadedZed_: theres the screenshot02:09
loadedim waiting 4 u to accept the file02:10
Zed_how do i do that?02:11
holsteinyou can http://imagebin.org/02:11
loadedjust timed out02:11
loadedsending again02:11
Zed_my setup: http://imagebin.org/11014002:15
holsteinunckeck realtime02:16
holsteinframes/period 51202:17
holsteinperiods/buffer 302:17
loaded_the only dif between yours and mine02:18
loaded_is that i have monitor mode on and no midi02:19
loaded_cause unless u have the midi cable it wont work XD02:19
holsteinloaded_: thats great02:20
holsteinyou get 5.8ms pretty stable?02:20
Zed_error msgs: http://imagebin.org/11014202:20
loaded_holstein: yes02:20
loaded_Zed_: did u restart alsa?02:21
Zed_will do it now02:22
loaded_and btw02:22
loaded_u have input and output channels configured as the same channel02:22
loaded_srry same interface02:22
loaded_just checked it u do02:23
holsteinloaded_: OH02:23
holsteingood eyes02:24
loaded_one thing i forgot to ask .. dunno if holstein did... do u have RT installed?02:25
Zed_yes, Linux rocky 2.6.31-11-rt #154-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT RT Wed Jun 9 12:28:53 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux02:26
loaded_do u have all the jack libs installed?02:26
Zed_errors: http://imagebin.org/11014502:32
loaded_u still runing the 16bit?02:35
holsteini would go to #jack02:35
holsteinand ask what 'got smaller periods 2 than 3 for capture' means02:36
holsteinand just go from there with the errors02:36
holsteini have no idea why thats not working02:36
holsteinbut if you get sound02:36
holsteinyou should get sound with JACK02:36
holsteinor be able to02:36
Zed_i have a turtle beach santa cruz i will swap with the SBlive and see what happens02:37
holsteinZed_: good idea02:37
holsteinand maybe try a live CD02:37
holsteinlike avlinux02:37
holsteinsee if JACK starts02:37
Zed_i tried avlinux, got same error exactly02:37
holsteinZed_: AH02:37
holsteinthats good to know02:37
holsteinso its probably not your config then02:38
holsteinyeah, try the other card02:38
holsteinthats easy enough02:38
Zed_ok, bye for now, swapping cards02:40
loaded_i was really hopping todoesverso showed up so i could setup ninjam02:44
loaded_that idea of jamming along with ppl @ 5000 miles away its to good to be true02:45
zusloaded_,  what??!?!02:49
zusno way02:49
zuswhat is this  ninjam?02:49
loaded_im about to leave02:49
loaded_u can check it out @ http://www.ninjam.com/02:50
loaded_i heard lost of folks in here done jams with it02:50
loaded_including holstein02:50
loaded_cya later on02:51
loaded_nna ll02:51
zussweet, take it easy if  ya leaving, holstein  gave me a bit to read lol02:51
holsteinOH zus02:51
holsteinyour in the US right?02:51
zuslol yup02:52
zusbelow you02:52
holsteinthis is a free mag02:53
holsteingreat stuff02:53
holsteinand its free in the UK too02:53
* holstein just noticed02:53
zuslol in florida even02:53
holsteingreat articles in there02:53
zusholstein, haha the  UDS is going to be  in Orlando Florida from what i understand02:57
holsteinyou going?02:58
zusholstein,  i miihgt if i can get a ride,..03:14
zusthat magazine survey doesnt have an option for software i got  lol03:16
ubimanhow can i make request for ubuntu studio cd10:21
elix1onHi! I'm quite new to GNU/Linux OS's, and i'm trying out a few distros, like ubuntu 10.04, and ubuntu studio 10.04. Running them in VMware Fusion under Snow Leopard. Trying to install ubuntu studio, but after installation i can't launch the desktop environment, it doesn't launch automatically. Gnome not installed, startx (X server) not isntalled, and no Grub installed, that's what it tells me when i try to launch them all22:05
elix1on. What's gone wrong?22:05
elix1onUbuntu 10.04 works fine, so does Fedora KDE Spin and Ultimate Edition in my virtual machine.22:06
elix1onI know I can run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, or something like sudo apt-get install gnome/gdk or something22:07
elix1onbut why isn't it already installed as it should be?22:07
loadedelix1on: should start gdm22:15
loadedwithout need to run it from console with startx22:15
loadedand yes it should be ready to run22:16
elix1onloaded: i've tried that, but it says that gdm ain't installed22:16
loadeddo u have access to console under the VM22:16
loadedtry runnign dmesg and look for error mssgs22:17
elix1onok, will try that22:17
loadedlet me know what u find22:17
elix1onwill do22:17
loadedtry this22:18
loadeddmesg | grep -i -e error -e warning22:18
elix1onyeah cos regular dmesg comes up with a lot of things, it's still running through22:18
loadedyeah xD22:19
loadedelix1on: ??22:25
loadednothing yet?22:25
elix1oncan't find any errors!22:25
elix1onwell, the .ISO file was burnt on a DVD and then installed from the DVD, no errors during installation. could it be that I should try downloading and burning it again?22:26
elix1onor is that not the problem22:26
zusloaded,  how ya doing?22:26
loadedelix1on: can u cat gdm.conf?22:26
loadedhi zus22:26
loadedhave u tried out ninjam?22:27
elix1onit says The program 'gdm' currently not installed, etc etc, when i try to run gdm22:27
zusnot yet,22:27
elix1oncat gdm.conf, lemme try22:27
zusim have a few thigns to get through before i got to ninjam  :L)22:27
elix1onnope doesn't work22:27
elix1oni mean i can always just install gdm, but i don't get why it isn't already installed, bit annoying.22:28
loadedtry this22:29
loadedelix1on: dpkg-reconfigure gdm22:29
elix1oni get: gdm is not installed22:30
elix1on/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: gdm not installed22:31
loadedgod dam22:31
loadedelix1on: sudo apt-get install –reinstall gdm22:32
elix1onloaded: Couldn't find package reinstall22:32
loadedzus: u need to get that going so we can have a massive jam22:33
loadedelix1on: sudo apt-get install gdm22:33
zusloaded yeah, man i can only imagine...22:34
loadedelix1on: im assuming u have xserver-xorg22:34
loadedzus: did u listen to the jam @ the Db stream?22:35
loadedzus: some nice jams in there22:35
elix1onloaded: yes that works fine, thanks. did that after my first installation attempt, but tried installing it again to see whether it would work without having to install gdm the second time.22:35
loadedelix1on: so all is good yeah?22:35
elix1onloaded: yes, it's getting gdm now :)22:36
zusim going to try to install windows 7 on a 20gigHDD and reinstall KXStudios from a livedvd.  maybe flash would stop crashing22:36
elix1onloaded: just curious why it isn't installed by default really :P22:36
loadedzus: waaattt winblows???22:36
loadedelix1on: way outta my head dude...cant really say22:36
loadedelix1on: did u run it from live dvd?22:37
elix1onloaded: alright, well thanks anyway, appreciate it22:37
zusyeah, windonts722:37
elix1onloaded: no not live dvd, there's no live cd/dvd of ubuntu studio22:37
zusi spent the last 2 day playing with mint 9 KDE22:39
loadedelix1on: i meant from a dvd iso22:39
loadedelix1on: or cd whatever22:40
elix1onloaded: yes dvd iso22:40
loadedelix1on: did u check md5?22:40
elix1onloaded: umm that's prolly outta my league, did a regular verification in Toast (mac os x), but that's not to much help is it22:41
elix1onforgive me, pretty new to this, been running Mac OS since i was a kid, but never really used a CLI until a few weeks ago, been trying to learn the basics for everything that ahs to with linux, but takes time..22:42
loadedelix1on: np im a noob myself22:43
loadedelix1on: just do this22:44
loadedif u still have the iso22:44
loadedelix1on: cd to iso path ... then "md5sum isofile"22:44
loadedit will return something like - 8895167a794c5d8dedcc312fc62f1f1f ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso22:45
elix1ondon't have the iso, will download it again. but ok, i know how to do that.22:45
loadedelix1on: u get the idea the return value must be the same as the one from source22:46
elix1onoh yeah i see, that's why they always post the md5 sum22:47
elix1onalright, i get it then, will download it again and check it22:47
loadedelix1on: i think ubuntustudio md5 is actually within the iso itself so u can do md5sum -c isofile22:47
loadedif it matches it will return "ok"22:47
elix1ondo you have to check it again once it's burnt to a dvd?22:47
loadedthats the deal22:48
loadedsometimes after burning u can loose something22:48
loadedif u checksum22:48
elix1onso check it with the original (if posted), then once downloaded, then checksum again after burning22:48
loadedyou´l be sure nothing was left behind22:48
loadedyes xD22:48
elix1oncool, thanks for the help, appreciated!22:48
elix1onprolly the nicest thing so far with  gnu/linux, people are very willing to help, love it!22:49
loadedelix1on: np22:49
loadedelix1on: im having huge support also22:50
loadedelix1on: learned some nice stuff in here22:50
elix1onwell, gdm start's up nice, but there's defo something still wrong, everythings missing, installed applications etc..22:50
elix1onloaded: yeah i'm gonna stick to this channel, will prolly need a lot of help now that im about to switch from dual booting mac os x/win xp to single-booting linux (what distro i'll choose)22:52
elix1onwhatever distro*22:52
loadedelix1on: sudo apt-get update22:52
elix1onseem like system entries are missing, there's about four alternatives under system - preferences22:53
loadedelix1on: well kinda depends what ure looking for22:53
elix1ondefo gonna re-download and checksum22:53
loadedelix1on: afaik everyone has a distro of choice22:53
elix1onloaded: well im a design student, using photoshop indesign etc ec under mac os x, and rhino 3ds max and autocad etc etc under win xp, but i figure ubuntu studio comes with some nice pre-installed things for multimedia, and then i figured using either wine or most likely crossover for photoshop and all the rest, thino etc22:55
loadedelix1on: well in that case i supose studio is the one for you22:55
loadedelix1on: altho im not familiar with gimp cinelerra and other graphic tools studio comes along i hear good things about them22:56
elix1onloaded: yes probably studio or just ubuntu lucid and then install whatever i might need. had a look at opensuse too but i figured i might stick to any *buntu derivative22:57
loadedelix1on: but u can allways check in the channels and im almost sure someone will come to aid22:57
elix1onloaded: yes i've heard gimp is sposed to be really good, and there's blender as well for 3d modelling, but it takes a bit of time to learn anyway.22:58
loadedblender is awsome22:59
elix1onloaded: will check in the channels, but if i get the studio install alright i probably won't have to much problems to start with :)22:59
loadedi had the chance to check out some tuts when i 1st installed studio22:59
loadedcinelerra is great for video22:59
loadedinkscape for vectorial graphics etc23:00
elix1onloaded: they tought us rhino and 3ds max in school, so i guess im just being convenient by sticking to them for now, but i will give blender a go, if i can learn would be awesome since it's free, rhino etc are well expensive, if you buy them.23:00
elix1onif i can get free from photoshop and all other adobe software i would be very satisfied, would save me a lot of hassle23:01
elix1onloaded: any idea whether crossover is better/ more stable than wine? googled it for a few hours, and it seemed like crossover was a bit more popular and better23:02
loadedelix1on: afaik winehq is the way but hey i only use it to run pokerstars software xD23:03
loadedlet me ask trans23:03
elix1onis there a difference between wine and winehq, or is winehq just the new name? read on some forum that wine was still in alpha or beta stage or something, and that winehq was way further ahead23:04
loadedelix1on: i thought they were the same ... anyway winehq has a really nice DB Application feature u might wanna check it out23:06
elix1onyeah i had a look there, all the software i wanna run is supposed to work perfectly!23:08
loadedelix1on: humm even PS?23:08
elix1onhm no23:10
elix1oni only looked "overall" or something23:10
elix1onaparrently cs4 and cs5 only works "ok" or "silver"23:10
elix1onis crossover not an emulator, like wine?23:11
loadedelix1on: cant really say since i dont know crossover .... but afaik winehq is the way to go23:12
loadedelix1on: might be wrong tho23:12
elix1onloaded: alright. says on crossovers DB that only photoshop works, doh.23:13
loadedelix1on: dunno about PS on winehq but last i read it had like silver or something23:15
elix1onyeah it says silver23:15
loadedelix1on: u might wanna check what features dont run then23:16
elix1onwell rhino and PS has it's equivalents blender and gimp, but it's indesign and illustrator i'm more worried about now.23:17
loadedelix1on: have u checked them under wine?23:17
elix1onyeah they have garbage23:18
elix1onlooks like i have to either dual boot or run a virtual machine anyway i put it, bit annoying.23:18
elix1onbest way would be to run win 7 only, but i dont like winblows for many reasons :P23:19
loadedelix1on: well deppending on ur pc specs u might run a VM but u know that sucks up a decent part of resources right?23:20
elix1onloaded: i know.. but i dunno what else to do unless sticking to dualbooting mac os x/win xp/7.23:21
elix1ongot a macbook, intel core 2 duo, 2.13 ghz, 4gb 800 mhz ddr2 ram,nvidida geforce 9400m23:22
loadedelix1on: that should be enought23:25
loadeddont forget to install RT kernell tho23:25
elix1onreal-time kernel? yeah that was default in the earlier studio releases but i remember reading it's not anymore23:26
plotinohi holstein23:27
loadedelix1on: since 2.6.28 i think u need to check the packages23:28
plotinoyou remember me?23:28
plotinotoday my jack is working23:28
elix1onloaded: can i use an emulator to install only the software i wanna run without having to install the whole OS, or is it easier ro just run the whole OS under a VM?23:30
loadedelix1on: u mean under studio?23:31
elix1onyeah, or any *buntu23:31
loadedelix1on: afaik u can and should just install the Apps u want23:31
loadedelix1on: no need to install the extra crap23:32
elix1onloaded: well in VMware Fusion (the one for os x) for example, i can choose to run only the software i want, but i still need the whole OS installed to run it under afaik23:33
loadedelix1on: sure u need the libs i meant the Apps23:35
loadedelix1on: no need for those23:35
elix1onloaded: oh right, i see what you mean23:36
elix1onloaded: found Macindows, which lets you run windows applications with the OS, dunno how good it is tho, and if there's a linux alternative, gaah23:40
loadedelix1on: Macindows ... wonder what uncle Bill and uncle Steve feel about that xD23:41
elix1onloaded: probably crying in their sleep about it! need to find a good solution tho, triple-booting seems like too much hassle xD23:42
loadedelix1on: if it wasnt for gamming i could tell u i was 100% soft free23:44
elix1onloaded: i would love to be, and it probably possible, will just take a lot of time to find good equivalents for everything i use23:46
loadedelix1on: i think the trick isnt in the software itself but in the way u have it tweaked to match your system23:48
loadedelix1on: all music software i used under windows i´ve found an equally good under linux23:50
loadedelix1on: with the advantage thats free...and in most cases i get much better support23:51
elix1onloaded: that's true i suppose, and although there are file format converters etc for linux, i will still face problems in the workshops at my university. we make design products using CNC routers etc, and it has to be in the autocad, rhino and 3ds max formats to work etc..23:51
elix1onloaded: the free and good support part is what makes me wanna switch to linux23:51
loadedelix1on: i used to to shoe design using CNC and cad software and it was all Linux based23:52
elix1onloaded: but there's always that same problem with being convenient that makes it a bit harder for people to switch from os x or win to linux, they find ways to get you "stuck" to their OS's in several ways :P23:52
elix1onloaded: really? so they support the same formats?23:53
loadedelix1on: well the Apps they use for CAD/CAM yes23:53
elix1onloaded: that's good news for me. did you use QCad? trying to find good replacements for AutoCAD23:54
loadedelix1on: we had Delcam as software and some Italian co that supplied the CNC but it was all under Linux23:55
loadedelix1on: Shoe design we use an Industry written Apps23:56
elix1onloaded: indsutry written as in you buy the product? or what do you mean23:56
loadedelix1on: never tried qcad tho but i have a friend thats a civil eng that tried it and didnt like it23:56
loadedelix1on: yes the App is written from a source code block but to your own specs23:57
elix1onloaded: oh i see23:58
loadedelix1on: otherwise would be a nightmare to keep up with so many different work envyronments and work flows23:59

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