
=== gambs_ is now known as gambs
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
davidbarthhey MacSlow, could you help Cimi prepare some compiz settings update? he'd like to adjust a few variables and is the looking for the best way to submit a patch for that14:17
oubiwannCimi: you around?14:28
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
=== LucidFox is now known as lucidfox
MacSlowdavidbarth, ok14:37
MacSlowCimi, ping me whenever you need14:37
iainfarrelloubiwann: He's chatting to Otto right now14:38
iainfarrellOtto's away from tomorrow until Tuesday14:38
oubiwanniainfarrell: ah, cool -- thanks!14:38
ronocCimi: ping15:34
Cimironoc: yeah I'm here15:35
CimiI heard you ;)15:35
ronocgood stuff15:35
Cimirestarting so15:36
Cimione sec15:36
ronocCimi: okay15:36
Cimironoc: ok here15:39
ronocCimi: so I hear you were talking about storing all the necessary colours of things in the theme15:41
ronocCimi: I have setup the code to be aware of theme changes, I was just waiting for someone to take care of the themes :)15:41
ronocCimi: we just need to be clear in which fields you store which colours.15:42
ronocwill we start with the transport bar15:42
ronoc(play button)15:42
Cimisorry had a disconnection15:46
ronocno worries15:46
CimiI never said I would like to store colors15:46
CimiI said two things15:46
Cimi1) for the scrubber please set a custom widget name for example ide-scrubber15:47
ronocsure I can do that15:47
Cimi2) for the player buttons15:47
Cimiwe can have two solutions15:47
Cimi1) you can draw just the border and fill with alpha (gradient from black to grey with alpha)15:48
Cimithat will work for dark menus and white menus as weel15:48
Cimianother idea is using gtk colors15:48
Cimifor example bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] and bg[GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT]15:49
Cimibut then, you could set up a different widget name15:49
Cimiso in the gtkrc we can just do15:49
ronocsure thats easy15:49
Cimiwidget_class "*ido-playerbutton" style "ido-playerbutton"15:49
Cimistyle "ido-playerbutton" {}15:49
Cimisorry { bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color ... whatever }15:50
ronocyep my thoughts exactly, this is what I meant by you storing the colour15:50
Cimiso we can use shades or which color we want just playing with the gtkrc15:50
ronocsounds good15:50
Cimiyou don't need to store any color15:50
Cimijust use gtk colors15:50
Cimiand set a custom widget name15:50
ronocsure which ever I get the colour from the style object passed to me from gtk and do not have hard coded colours in my C file ?15:51
Cimionce you have colors from gtk15:51
Cimiyou have to do color operations to have nice gradients15:52
ronocCimi, can we work on this maybe late tmrw or Monday. I basically need to finish up some stuff for seb for the freeze that was last week15:53
Cimitomorrow, not monday15:53
ronocCimi, any other day next week ?15:54
ronocI could maybe do tmrw ?15:55
ronocBut I would prefer to get a release ready for seb15:55
ronocat the moment15:55
ronocCimi ?15:57
Cimimaybe on tuesday15:57
Cimibut starting from the next week I will me much more busy15:57
Cimiand davidbarth wants me even on other tasks so my brain is about to explode xD15:58
* Cimi imploses15:58
ronocCimi: I can imagine you are popular man !15:58
Cimianyway it shouldn't be that complicated15:59
ronoclet me ping you in the morning, and hopefully we can crack something together tomorrow.15:59
Cimiif you point me to the file where the rendering code is15:59
CimiI can write a patch15:59
Cimiok cool15:59
ronocokay cool, for the play button15:59
ronocits in play-button.c15:59
ronocthat covers the full transport bar15:59
ronocin the src dir of lp:indicator-sound15:59
davidbarthCimi: ;)16:00
davidbarthklattimer: hi ;)16:00
Cimilooks like mirco made his appearance here ;)16:01
ronocindeed :)16:01
Cimihis coding style eheh16:01
davidbarthklattimer: the ibus patch is ready now it seems16:01
davidbarthklattimer: i've re-pushed the icon set request yesterday16:02
davidbarthklattimer: did you get a chance to look at the g-p-m bug yet?16:02
klattimerdavidbarth: can you test the packages from my ppa before you say that16:02
klattimerI've had some quirks pop up16:02
klattimerI'm currently looking at fixing the g-s-d bugs again16:02
davidbarthklattimer: ah, ok, testing16:02
klattimeras it seems the initial fix didn't fix properly16:02
klattimerI've got an almost perfect patch working now16:02
klattimershouldn't be too long16:02
klattimerhopefully before 516:02
davidbarthklattimer: ibus-setup breaks here16:06
davidbarthklattimer: but i did a crude manual install16:06
klattimertry from ppa:karl-qdh/ppa16:08
klattimerthat should work16:08
davidbarthklattimer: doing that16:10
davidbarthneed to restart my session16:10
davidbarthklattimer: which ibus-* package do i need to get some more input methods registered; ibus-setup crashes (now that i have a proper ppa instlal) because its enginedesc table seems empty16:16
klattimerdavidbarth: you'll need at least ibus-table and pinyin or other engines are a good idea to add17:25
davidbarthklattimer: sorry, i totally broke my install here with an upgrade -f17:38
davidbarthklattimer: can't confirm the fix is working17:38
davidbarthkenvandine: can you test klattimer ibus package from is ppa before the package goes into maverick?17:39
davidbarthkenvandine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/564034/comments/4117:40
ubot5Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list.index(x): x not in list (https://launchpad.net/bugs/564034)17:40
kenvandinedavidbarth, sure17:40
lucidfoxI wonder, can libappindicator be used as easily with Qt as with GTK?18:13
kenvandineklattimer, so how do i test ibus?18:33
kenvandinei have it installed, plus some engines and stuff18:33
kenvandineibus-setup worked, changed keyboard input to ibus18:34
kenvandinebut i can't tell that changing it in the indicator actually does anything18:34
* kenvandine knows nothing about input stuff, so it might be working and i have no idea :)18:34
lucidfoxWhat would the Powers That Be say about this possible usability improvement for the new keyboard indicator? bug #62057118:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 620571 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "[Maverick] Move keyboard layouts out of the submenu (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62057118:36
jcastrolucidfox: it would be helpful to get some feedback from the design people on that bug19:39
jcastroperhaps mpt or so19:39
jcastroand if it's all good we can ask klattimer to bust it out!19:39
jcastroklattimer: http://lucidfox.org/posts/view/60719:39
jcastrothat's starting to look quite awesome now19:39
lamalexpretty confusing that the menu opens on the opposite side of the arrow19:49
lamalexthere's a gtk papercut19:49
AlanBellhi all22:15
AlanBellwe have a user in #ubuntu-accessibility who wants to remove the suspend and hibernate options from the shutdown menus22:16
AlanBellcan someone help me understand how the menu options in the indicator applet are controlled please22:17

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