
=== fauconoeil is now known as eeg0hz
Ginbuntuwhat is the command to upgrade my system?00:46
GinbuntuI have 10.04 but I want to upgrade to kde 4.500:46
GinbuntuI have backports enabled00:46
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zusi found my Kubuntu 10.04 disc, if i use that can i upggrade to kde 4.5 or do i have to take all the steps.01:09
pendockcan anybody hell;01:25
pendockIm trying to associate activities with virtual desktops01:26
pendockIm using KDE 4.501:26
pendockIt doesn't make any sense at all01:26
wea0Problem: Dialogs which require elevated privileges no longer respect the widget style; it looks like this: http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/7374/nooxygen.png (lucid KDE 4.5)01:39
ansongso i've got a bunch of ebooks in epub format. i've upgraded from 4.4.5 to 4.5 and now okular won't open these files. is this just me or is it an okular problem?01:43
=== xenthral_ is now known as xenthral
richardjasonwhats this?04:15
novasaludos terricolas05:10
FloodBotK3nova: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:11
tom_why is firefox so slow?05:18
HERPADERPIts not.05:20
FloodBotK3HERPADERP: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:24
tom_what are we comparing to?05:28
xenthralnothing is the slowest man05:31
xenthralno wonder you think firefox is fast :P05:31
HERPADERPWhat are you smoking? Firefox and chrome are the only browsers i use.05:32
HERPADERPBoth are reasonably fast, with chrome having a SLIGHT advantage05:33
xenthralI think the start up difference is huge05:36
xenthraland also javascript on webkit is much faster05:36
xenthralother then that, for regular browsing, the difference is not that big IMHO05:36
HERPADERPHow long does yours take? For chrome its about 3 sec firefox is about 405:36
HERPADERPBut browsing is about the same05:36
xenthralreal    0m2.771s05:37
HERPADERPWhat? Chrome?05:37
xenthralreal    0m10.039s05:37
xenthralchrome, firefox05:37
HERPADERPWow i can understand now. Whats your specs?05:38
xenthraldual core E220005:38
HERPADERPGraphics card? or is it onboard?05:40
HERPADERPWell .....Don't know what to tell you ha05:43
xenthralI'm not sure what you're arguing05:43
xenthralI think you'll find massive consensus that chrome is indeed faster than firefox05:44
xenthralhow much that actually matters though, up for debate05:44
HERPADERPMy laptop runs fine with kubuntu, its an old toshiba with 3 GB of RAM, and a AMD turion x2 processor05:44
xenthralit all runs fine here for me :)05:44
HERPADERPOr, not kubuntu specifically, just firefox05:44
xenthralit runs fine, but, chrome runs finer :)05:45
HERPADERPeh, debatable.05:45
xenthralbut hey, firefox or chrome, pick what you're comfortable with05:45
HERPADERPI still like firebug in firefox05:45
xenthralspeed is only one measure of how useful the browser is to you05:45
xenthralI use it from time to time still05:45
xenthralthe dev tools on chrome are pretty good too05:46
HERPADERPLike for what? HTML editing?05:46
xenthralyeah inspecting the CSS and markup05:47
xenthralfirebug I'm more used to when i'm doing any javascript poking around05:47
HERPADERPIll give chrome the speed, but firefox IMO has more addons and is more customizable, which might explain why its slow05:48
HERPADERPBut chrome looks nice and simple, i'll give it that05:48
xenthralyeah I dont use addons much05:50
xenthralwhy I just transitioned to chrome quite easily05:50
HERPADERPEver used Opera? Im not to crazy about it.05:51
xenthralyears ago05:52
xenthralbefore firefox 2.0 was out05:52
xenthralloved the thing but firefox lured me away05:52
xenthralI only ever see it on a friend's computer now, its oddly nostalgic05:53
HERPADERPhaha I've heard its pretty fast05:53
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
phoenix__hello everyone06:16
phoenix__i want to change my desktop to look like the desktop of a kubuntu netbook desktop, how to do it06:17
phoenix__i like the search and launch functionality06:17
picharrashola gente06:56
jussigood morning all. I need a simple way of fusing together a string of photos, with a fade to black, fade in from black changeover from each one. any suggestions on a program that could help?06:59
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Guest63257What's this07:33
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines07:34
rorkIt's an Internet Relay Chat where you can get "direct" help to solve your problems or chat with other kubuntu users. Not every question van be answered within a minute.07:35
Guest63257So nice. I just installed KDE on Ubuntu, then find it.07:37
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:02
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate09:02
well_laid_lawn!info mondo09:03
ubottumondo (source: mondo): powerful disaster recovery suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.2.7-2.1 (lucid), package size 449 kB, installed size 1252 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 all)09:03
well_laid_lawn!info mindi09:03
ubottumindi (source: mindi): creates boot/root disks based on your system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.0.4-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 148 kB, installed size 604 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 ia64)09:03
illunatic^_^ thanks09:04
well_laid_lawnthey work together to replicate your present install - even let you repartition etc09:05
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glaucousIs there a way to configure panels and widgets with commands instead of GUI? Each boot when  changing resolution my panel (1) is too short, and I need to maximize it each time. Can I do this with terminal?11:45
jussirestart FloodBotK211:45
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=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest3433
=== peter___ is now known as polis
polison boot kubuntu12:58
polissay to me12:58
phoenix__hello everyone12:59
polisan error while monuting /media/cdrom012:59
phoenix__polis: is the cd present in the cd drive13:00
polisop no on bbot13:01
polisops no of boot13:01
polisMAY BE THE WRONG fstab13:02
polisor point mount13:02
phoenix__polis: did you edit the fstab13:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:03
phoenix__polis: one sec13:06
phoenix__polis: do you have two cd roms13:07
polissr1 sr013:07
phoenix__polis: which one is not getting mounted13:07
polisdo no know13:08
polissays me error booth13:08
polisan error while monuting /media/cdrom013:08
phoenix__polis: you enabled the setting to mount the cdroms on startup?13:08
polisin syetem setting13:09
phoenix__polis: ok, wait13:09
phoenix__polis: did it ask for the password13:09
polisyes passwor13:10
polisof the system13:10
polison aplsh screen13:10
phoenix__polis: did you enter13:10
polisyes on splash screen13:10
phoenix__polis: the one after logging in13:10
polisdo no put13:10
polisaccess automatic13:11
polisis set automatically13:11
polisescuse me13:11
=== Mike is now known as Guest82092
poliseven in the repo, I failed to mount cd rom error13:12
phoenix__polis:can you paste the snapshot of your removable devices setting dialog13:12
polison shell13:12
phoenix__polis: i will tell you something, can you do it13:14
polison software sources?13:14
phoenix__polis: goto settings->user management13:14
phoenix__polis: in the user accounts tab select your user name.13:15
phoenix__polis: then click modify button13:15
phoenix__polis: goto previliges and groups tab13:16
phoenix__on the groups panel see whether the cdrom is clicked13:16
phoenix__polis: on the groups panel see whether the cdrom is checked13:17
polisis there13:17
phoenix__polis: is it selected13:18
polisis marked13:18
phoenix__polis: on the previleges tab is "use CD-ROM and DVD devices " marked13:19
polisin marked13:19
phoenix__polis:  on the previleges tab is  "access external devices automatically" marked13:20
polisis marked13:20
phoenix__polis: also the administer the system13:20
polisall done13:23
phoenix__polis: wait13:24
polisis that sr0 sr1 is the mount point / media/cdrom0 or / media /cdrom13:25
phoenix__polis: run this command "sudo fdisk -l" and paste the output here13:26
phoenix__polis: wait13:26
gnomefreakplease dont paste it here13:27
gnomefreakuse pastebin13:27
polisok gnomefreak13:27
polisnot at all13:28
phoenix__polis: backup your fstab file13:29
phoenix__polis: sudo kate /etc/fstab13:31
phoenix__polis: remove the first two lines13:32
phoenix__polis: save it13:32
polisdo it13:32
polisdid it13:34
polisok now?13:36
phoenix__polis: restart and see if this works13:38
polisok phoenix13:38
AngelFireis there a way to search in ppa for specific package ?13:38
AngelFireit seems the search page searches only the names of ppa repos13:38
AngelFireand descriptions, but not the packages inside13:39
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=== peter____ is now known as polis
polisphoeni x ok13:41
polisin add repo cd rom13:42
polissays me E:Failed to mount the cdrom.13:42
polisin software sources13:44
polisi want o add cd how repo13:44
polissays me E:Failed to mount the cdrom.13:44
phoenix__polis: do you have a password13:45
polisin synaptic13:45
poliskapachege kit no13:45
phoenix__polis:  a system wide password13:45
polisdo not understand13:46
polishow passowrd of access is go in auto13:46
polisbut there is13:46
polisin synaptic he asks me passowrd13:47
phoenix__polis: when you installed kubuntu, did you set and password13:47
poliswith auto access13:48
arch0njwhowdy, all.  After updating to KDE 4.5 I am no longer able to toggle audio between the digital output (speakers) and analog (headphones).  Any tips on where I should start to fix this?13:48
polisIn fact the boot is not asking password13:49
phoenix__polis: sorry polis, i am not able to help you13:50
polistnks a lot13:51
[mors]hi folks13:58
=== cartman is now known as Guest94144
[mors]how do I disable/hide tray icons ?13:58
phoenix__[mors]: hi13:59
phoenix__[mors]: you can remove them13:59
zeltakhi..anyone know of a krusader 2.2 deb for 64 bit? i cant seem to find it online anywhere..wierd14:22
poseidon2010zeltak, nope........ whats that ?14:23
zeltakits a file manager14:24
zeltakthe best one for kde imho14:25
KukuNutzeltak: if it's that great then how come no one knows?14:26
KukuNutbut you?14:26
zeltakhmmm its pretty famous...u guys really never heard of krusader?14:27
alvinI use Krusader every day14:27
poseidon2010zeltak, there is a krusader.org  site14:28
zeltakalvin..you use it in kubuntu? did u compile it yourself or used a deb?14:29
alvinaptitude install krusader14:29
zeltakposeidon2010: see above link to site14:29
alvinIt's version 2.014:29
zeltakalvin: but thats the 2.0 version which is pretty old by now (ver 2.2 is out)14:29
zeltakbtw in an unrelated but very annoying issue..i just swithced back to kubuntu after a year using arch..really impressed with kubuntu but..14:30
alvinI try to keep to the default repositories as much as possible, except for the kubuntu backports ppa (and that one gives enough trouble as it is)14:30
alvinBut I might be happy with Krusader 2.2. Let me see if there's already a request to package it.14:31
zeltakmy wireless connection is really flaky..keeps loosing connection every 5 minutes14:31
poseidon2010Kubuntu is quite good with this KDE.... much better than Gnome in Ubuntu14:31
zeltakwired connection works well and i didnt have any issues with wirelss under arch..is that a known issue with 10.04?14:32
alvinAh, but Krusader 2.2 is the beta branch. That'll be the reason it's not packaged yet.14:33
zeltakalvin: it been in "beta" for ages...lol..been using it for a few months now and its pretty damm stable :)14:33
zeltakbut i see your point14:34
zeltakstill its weird i cant find a deb file for it...i hate compiling..lol :14:34
tranquilwaters_alvin: what trouble does the backports repo give you? Just curious14:34
tranquilwaters_alvin: apparently krusader 2.2 is available in the debian sid and squeeze repo's14:36
tranquilwaters_you could probably get one from there?14:36
alvintranquilwaters_: The upgrade itself was flaky (bug 615902), klipper is unusable (bug 616370) and krdc suffers from a bug in QT (bug 614699) Other than that, krunner crashes sometimes out of the blue.14:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615902 in Kubuntu PPA "Upgrade to KDE SC 4.5 blocked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61590214:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616370 in Kubuntu PPA "Klipper shortcut and usage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61637014:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614699 in Kubuntu PPA "Qt 4.7.0 breaks QX11EmbedWidget" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61469914:36
tranquilwaters_not sure about dependencies etc though14:36
alvin(Akregator and  the NFS kioslave are still broken, but that was already the case in all previous versions of KDE4)14:37
tranquilwaters_alvin: ok I agree upgrade to 4.5 wasn't perfect. And I still think the klipper icon is wrong14:37
tranquilwaters_filed that as minor bug as wel14:37
tranquilwaters_klipper has a scissors-icon now, and some other tool 'snippets' has a clipboard icon14:38
alvinThe icon doesn't bother me :-) Its the fact that left-clicking it to select something from the clipboard just doesn't work. Klipper lost its functionality.14:38
zeltaktranquilwaters_: ive never tried installing debs from debian..wont it frak my system?14:38
tranquilwaters_i actually don't use klipper that much14:38
alvinAnd krdc is something I use constantly, with several tabs open...14:38
tranquilwaters_zeltak: I have no idea XD I never tried either, I just googled for krusader 2.2 x64 deb14:39
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tranquilwaters_zeltak: and since ubuntu is based on debian...14:39
tranquilwaters_zeltak: but I really don't know... maybe someone else knows more about installing debian packages in ubuntu?14:39
alvinzeltak: It'll probably work well in this case, but debian warns against it in a FAQ.14:39
zeltakyeah i remember once doing that a few years ago and that didnt end welll14:40
tranquilwaters_krdc... :S *googles*14:40
tranquilwaters_zeltak: http://linuxappfinder.com/package/krusader14:40
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tranquilwaters_remote desktop, ok yeah I don't use that14:40
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest63498
PiciWe warn against it as well, there may or may not be issues in installing packages that were designed for Debian.  It all depends on (no pun intended) the package's dependencies, version, install location, etc.14:41
tranquilwaters_but i can imagine that might be annoying if you do14:41
tranquilwaters_Pici: ok that makes sense, I just looked for deb packages, and only those popped up14:41
tranquilwaters_zeltak: you can just install from source I guess?14:41
tranquilwaters_zeltak: that is, if you _must_ use 2.214:42
zeltakyeah i guess ill do that (from source)14:42
poseidon2010hey  this krusader  looks like a remake of MC ...... interesting14:42
zeltakso anyone having issues with wireless in 10.04? i keep loosing my connection every 5 minutes...annoying as hell14:42
zeltaki need to manually press connect again in network manager to get reconnected..anyone have any idea?14:43
zeltakposeidon2010: yeah its like mc (which i also use) but with tons of extra funcionality14:43
tranquilwaters_I haven't had any problems with wireless in kubuntu lucid or ubuntu lucid, tried it on two different laptops14:43
alvinI actually have never experienced wireless problems in Kubuntu, but I don't use wireless that much. There are a lot of messages on the mailing list though. The consensus there is that you should replace network-manager by wicd. (never done that myself)14:43
tranquilwaters_I don't like wicd myself14:44
zeltakhmm yeah used wiced a few times14:44
zeltaki preffer netowork manager but i may have no choice here..14:44
alvinOn the other hand, bug 524454 still exists14:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524454 in network-manager (Ubuntu Lucid) "Networking is disabled on boot (usually after suspend/hibernate)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52445414:44
=== zhang is now known as Guest84904
tranquilwaters_I do have trouble that the network-manager service sometimes dies after a hibernation or empty battery, but that's fixed easily enough14:44
tranquilwaters_alvin: yeah that's exactly what I mean14:45
alvinit's mighty irritating, but not a kde bug.14:45
tranquilwaters_but you can get it going again easily enough14:45
alvin:-( not me. I have to use rescue mode for that. My /home is mounted on NFS...14:46
tranquilwaters_although for me in kde only the stop/start service (option 1) works, rebooting does not help, and rightclicking has no options14:46
poseidon2010has any one used.....FAI  with Ubuntu ????14:47
zeltakk thx guys14:47
BluesKajalvin, NM worls much better on lucid than in previous release14:47
BluesKajerr works14:47
poseidon2010yes.....I used it in Debian.... allows u to install multiple machines at  once.....build clusters and things like that...... say... 80 machines from scratch in 2 mins ... :)14:48
alvinMight be, but NM didn't give me issues on previous releases and makes my system unbootable on Lucid, so I have another opinion about that.14:48
BluesKajalvin, ok , which chip ?14:48
BluesKajwifi chip, like broadcom or atheros or....?14:49
alvinOh, no, it's a wired network. Intel NIC.14:50
alvinIt's just the suspend. pc gets suspended -> NM is disabled at next boot -> /home doesn't get mounted -> time to get into rescue mode14:50
BluesKajok, most ppl nowadays just buse NM or /etc/network/interfaces settings14:51
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:51
alvinDoesn't trouble me that much /etc/network/interfaces is a good solution here. Upstart is much more irritating during boot.14:51
alvinzeltak: I see krusader 2.2 (beta) will be in Maverick! (see bug 616392). Maybe you can try that package.14:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616392 in krusader (Ubuntu) "[Maverick] Krusader_2.2.0-beta1 will sometimes not corectly end" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61639214:55
BluesKajthe new kde and gnome desktops/plasma are a bit much for my old desktop-pc , lots of crashes ....xubuntu seems to be the solution altho W7 aeros works fine on the old ati x200m onboard14:56
tranquilwaters_otherwise there's also Lubuntu nowadays, and I'm not sure if the fluxbuntu project is still alive?14:59
alvinOh, (KDE 4.5) krunner crashing while you type in it. That's annoying.14:59
illunatic!info libata15:14
ubottuPackage libata does not exist in lucid15:14
BluesKajatalibs maybe, illunatic15:18
illunatic!info altalibs15:20
ubottuPackage altalibs does not exist in lucid15:20
zeltakalvin: how do you "downgrade" a package from mavrick?15:23
alvinYou can download the deb, and see if the install works :-) (from packages.ubuntu.com)15:23
zeltakkk thx alvin15:24
wilhartdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu lucid main15:25
wilhartis this kde 4.5.0 ?15:26
illunatici think i found the problem. apparently i just attempted to backup my external hdd heh15:29
Roastedwhy do I have no shut down options in kubuntu?15:37
alvinRoasted: Go to System Settings and search for 'session management'. There you can enable the option to offer shutdown options15:40
Roastedalvin, is this a common side effect of installing kubuntu-desktop through ubuntu 10.04?15:41
=== Guest63498 is now known as LjL-Temp
alvinwilhart: No, you need the backports repository ($ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports  (tip: read bug 615902 first)15:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615902 in Kubuntu PPA "Upgrade to KDE SC 4.5 blocked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61590215:41
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest28122
alvinRoasted: Not as far as I know. By default it should be enabled15:42
harmandeepGuys, what is the difference b/w RELOAD and RESTART options with SERVICE command ,     is RELOAD equivalent to   process SIGNAL 1 = SIGHUP ( which re-reads daemon config file , instead of restarting it completely ) ???15:42
Roastedalvin, okay. I'm in Gnome now but I'll write that down and swing over to KDE quick.15:42
Roastedoh also, alvin... do you know how I can get 4.5 on there?15:43
RoastedI tried the PPA but it didnt seem to upgrade it.15:43
harmandeepi think i m right ... answer in #UBUNTU15:43
alvinRoasted: See my answer to wilhart above15:45
wilhartis there a way to --purge who KDE 4.5 install ?15:46
Roastedalvin, do you call the upgrade command offhand to get it upgraded once that repo is added?15:48
hagabakawhat package/ppa is needed to make gtk programs use the global menu in KDE?15:49
alvinRoasted: $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (aptitude will not want to start)15:49
alvinwilhart: What happened?15:49
wilhartalvin: menubordes are missing15:50
alvinwilhart: Are you sure the upgrade went well?15:51
wilhartalvin: yea it went, but i had some kwin-aurorae insted of kde-window-manager ?15:52
wilhartcould that be it?15:52
wilhartok trying now again15:52
alvinNever heard of it. You can search for bugs here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bugs15:53
RoastedWith KDE and Gnome installed side by side, is there any way to prevent KDE-isms from floating over to the Gnome side? Example - Im in Gnome now and I have the KDE mouse cursor...16:02
phoenix__i like to know about kdebug16:04
phoenix__how to see the kdebug messags16:04
Roasted_Nice. I have shutdown options enabled in session management - yet they are not listed in my leave menu. Awesome.16:22
lelamalRoasted_: try this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/reset-system-wide-cursor-theme.html16:29
wilharthow do i totally remove kubuntu (kde4) and reinstall it again ?16:32
gcalawilhart: here I am16:33
wilhartsudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop16:33
gcalawilhart: yes, but you should run it from a console login16:34
wilhartgcala: i do all apt things in konsole16:34
gcalawilhart: in this case isn't a good idea; you have to remove everything, kdm too16:36
tranquilwaterswilhart: he doesn't mean isn't konsole16:36
gcalawilhart: so netter is logout, from the kdm login screen press the option button and choose "console login"16:36
wilhartgcala: oh16:37
tranquilwaterslogout and then do ctrl+alt+f1 to get a tty16:37
gcalatranquilwaters: it's ok, too16:37
tranquilwaterslogin there, then do sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop, though maybe remove --purge is necessary, and of course reinstall kubuntu-desktop again16:38
gcalajust be sure that source.list contains the right repos16:38
gcalaand --purge is obbligatory, imho16:38
tranquilwatersyes you might want to check your sourceslists as well16:39
wilhartgcala: ok am in ubuntu now16:40
tranquilwaterscomment out all other repo's16:40
tranquilwaterskeep the standard ones and maybe the kubuntu ppa?16:41
wilhartgcala: btw how do i check it uninstalled it ?16:41
tranquilwatersaptitude show kubuntu-desktop will tell the status of a package16:41
wilhartPackage: kubuntu-desktop16:42
wilhartState: not installed16:42
wilhartVersion: 1.174.116:42
=== Guest28122 is now known as LjL-Temp
FloodBotK2wilhart: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:42
wilhartnow apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?16:42
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest19388
wilhartgcala: ?16:43
gcalawilhart: sorry, are you in ubuntu or in gnome? I mean, have you installed ubuntu and kubuntu in indipendent partition or you have installed gnome/kde togheter?16:43
wilhartgcala: i'm about to reinstall kde now16:43
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gcalawilhart: ok, but are you using gnome and kde on the same installment?16:44
wilhartgcala: no just gnome16:44
gcalawilhart: ok16:44
wilhartgcala: soo, how do i see what version of kubuntu-desktop it wil install ?16:45
gcalawilhart: since kubuntu-desktop isn't installed you colud try purging 'kdelibs5'16:45
wilhartgcala: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome.php16:46
wilhartgcala: i did that16:46
wilhartgcala: Package kdelibs5 is not installed, so not removed16:47
wilhartgcala: and kde<tab> shows nothing16:47
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wilhartgcala: should i remove ~/.kde now? or?16:48
gcalawilhart: if you are using ubuntu, you don't have kde packages. you need to do the work whitin kubuntu16:48
wilhartgcala: nope16:48
gcalawilhart: you have to start kubuntu but instead of login press ctrl+alt+f1 for a console login; then from that terminal you remove and reinstall kde16:50
wilhartgcala: already unistalled kde !16:50
Roasted_why do I have no shut down options??16:51
wilhartno need to be in konsole i'm in gnome16:51
gcalawilhart: ah, ok ;) which repo did you used?16:52
wilhartgcala: for what?16:52
gcalafor kde16:52
wilhartgcala: kubuntu-ppa-staging-lucid.list16:52
wilhartdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/staging/ubuntu lucid main16:52
wilhartgcala: so i do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?16:53
[ade]are there guidelines wrt the use of a string like "send file(s)" versus "send file" in ubuntu? I'm trying to argue someone that "send file(s)" is not only very '80s but also actively discouraged by usuability guidelines in common distro's.16:54
gcalawilhart: that repo isn't recommended; it is written: DON'T USE16:54
wilhartgcala: can i have other then ?16:55
wilhartgcala: proper one16:55
gcalawilhart: if you want kde 4.5: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu lucid main16:56
gcalawilhart: or: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports16:57
wilhartgcala: i just added it to sources.list16:57
wilhartis that ok ?16:57
gcalawilhart: yes16:58
wilhartok now install kubuntu-desktop ?16:58
wilhartgcala: i removed .kde again16:58
BluesKaj[ade], uhhm your argument is pretty difficult for most of us to understand, 80s or not :)16:58
gcalawilhart: are you working with two PCs right now?16:58
wilhartgcala: nope16:59
wilhart0 upgraded, 315 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.16:59
wilhartseems right?16:59
gcalawilhart: I asked before if you are using gnome and kde together, you answered no, right'17:00
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wilhartgcala: libqt4-script 4:4.7.0~beta217:01
wilhartkdelibs-bin 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid117:01
wilhartthis is beta?17:01
wilhartthe source u gave me?17:01
gcalawilhart: no17:01
gcalawilhart: 4.4.8x or 4.4.9x are beta17:02
wilhartgcala: ok, i installed ubuntu, yesterday and then installed kubuntu-desktop, then i upgraded it when deleteing .kde, now i remove kubuntu-desktop and am in ubuntu-desktop17:03
wilhartgcala: running that apt-get install kubuntu-desktop now17:03
wilhartso. this is right17:03
wilharti'm going to shops now. laters.17:04
gcalawilhart: for the moment but it is a bad idea have gnome and kde together17:04
wilhartgcala: why? how do i remove ubuntu-desktop then ?17:04
[ade]BluesKaj: ok, the question is -- 80s or not -- is "send file(s)" an acceptable string to show end users? my gut feeling says no, so i'm looking for guidelines that confirm that.17:04
gcalawilhart: I asked that before and you answered that kde and gnome were on different installment...17:06
BluesKaj[ade], sorry dunno, never used that command17:06
wilhartgcala: hmm17:06
gcalawilhart: for dirfferent installment I mean: one partition with ubuntu and one with kubuntu17:07
wilhartgcala: http://superuser.com/questions/28781/how-to-remove-the-ubuntu-gnome-desktop-after-making-the-switch-to-kde17:09
poseidon2010I had Gnome..... Then I just wiped out everuthing and installed KUBUNTU..... and then recovered the back up data....17:10
gcalawilhart: ok, so you have installed yesterday ubuntu and today remove gnome to install kde... why not installed directly kubuntu?17:11
gcalawilhart: btw, after installing kde login and remove gnome as written in that page17:12
polisone error say me17:14
polis sudo mount /dev/sr017:14
polismount: impossibile trovare /dev/sr0 in /etc/fstab o /etc/mtab17:14
gcalawilhart: one more thing: Ubuntu is not Gnome and Gnome is not Ubuntu17:15
wilhartgcala: ok in konsole ctrl-+ does not give +fontsize17:16
gcalawilhart: ??17:17
polishelp you  to me17:18
gcalawilhart: did you mean ctrl-shift-+ ?17:18
wilhartgcala: ah that's it17:18
wilhartgcala: if i installed ubuntu-desktop, then install kubuntu-desktop is that bad?17:19
wilhartgcala: i dont understand what your trying to tell me17:19
gcalawilhart: most of the times it gives problems to kde, so I always advice my friends who want try kde to install it in a new partition17:20
wilhartgcala: should i make new install with kubuntu-dektop.iso?17:21
wilhartgcala: i'm downloading it now17:21
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wilhartprobably gonna switch to kubunut.iso now17:21
gcalawilhart: you can try with this situation and if you got problems you install it.17:22
Stavaso i accidentally changed permissions on /var/lib/php5, how do i restore them to default?17:28
poseidon2010Stava........ Linux does not allow accidents...... sorry.... JK ..... maybe u can re-install the package17:29
Stavawell i have another machine with proper permissions, but i cant reproduce them :p17:30
Stavadrwx-wx-wt  2 root root17:30
Stavat, what? :o17:30
vivekhi friends. i need help with my kubuntu system17:31
tranquilwatersvivek: what's the problem?17:32
viveki was updating my system using synaptic17:32
vivekit downloaded all the packages and while the packages were being installed, power went off17:33
vivekand now if i open synaptic, it just wont load17:33
tranquilwatershmm I guess you would have to work from terminal17:33
vivekplease help\17:33
tranquilwaterssudo dpkg --configure -a17:33
BluesKajvivek, the pkges or synaptic ?17:33
tranquilwatersthen sudo apt-get update17:34
tranquilwaterssudo apt-get upgrade17:34
viveki tried sudo apt-get install -f17:34
vivekit didnt show up anything17:34
vivekwas stuck just like that17:34
BluesKajvivek, then the cmnds tranquilwaters gave should work17:35
BluesKajvivek, or sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a17:35
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vivekBluesKaj, i tried the commands tranquilwaters gave. its still stuck17:36
vivekdoesnt even show up a line17:37
Roasted_dumb question - if I install kubuntu desktop on ubuntu, does that mean I'm running kubuntu with pulse audio?17:37
BluesKajvivek, copy and paste this into the terminal , sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a17:38
vivekthanks BluesKaj.. Its working... :)17:39
BluesKajvivek, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:39
BluesKajRoasted_, usually kubuntu will install pulseaudio , but that can depend on the kernel source drivers for your soundcard17:40
vivekthanks BluesKaj.. God Bless You17:40
BluesKajvivek, well thanks for the blessing :)17:41
Roasted_BluesKaj, I see. Is there any way to determine if I am running pulse audio or not currently? I find that pulse audio actually has *less* issues than my native kubuntu installs that do not have pulse audio.17:41
Roasted_Is pulse coming to kubuntu for 10.10?17:41
BluesKajless..meaning fewer ?17:42
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BluesKajRoasted_, look in settings/ system settings/multimedia run the test in there if pulseaudio is listed17:43
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Roasted_BluesKaj, under system settings - phonon - audio output - music - pulseaudio sound server is the only thing listed. So I assume I am?17:45
Mad_DudHi guys, i have question about mouse middle (third click). i have logitech mx air, and it has button called "back" which used to work lime middle click in previous kubuntu versions (9.04 afar) but now it does not work and i have to do left+right to get middle mouse action17:45
Roasted_BluesKaj, is that because I installed ubuntu and then kubuntu-desktop on top of it?17:45
Mad_Dudcan someone give me clue, how to check, why middle mouse button does not work? where can i set it up to work?17:45
Roasted_BluesKaj, what I'm getting at is Ill only run kubuntu w/ pulse due to the significantly lesser amount of issues Ive had with it, so I just want to make sure I know how to easily get pulse installed on a native instance of kubuntu from ground up17:46
Mad_Dudit works (no problems) as middle mouse button in windows on the same computer.17:46
BluesKajRoasted_, no need to worry about it being native or not , if tou need PA , just install it.17:47
BluesKajRoasted_, I believe PA and phonon are default in kde 4.517:49
BluesKajstuff to do ...later17:49
Roasted_is it normal for kwin to shut off desktop effects if your battery gets low?17:49
wilharti'm gonna unetbooting and iso image too how do i see my usb stick in what drive it is in? /dev/sdd1 is defaul?17:51
wilharthow do i format usb stick to fat32?17:56
wilhartdo i have to format usb stick before i unetbooting image on it?17:56
progre55hi guys, what's npviewer.bin?18:04
pxcnpviewer.bin is Firefox's wrapper for Flash18:04
progre55is that some kind of a flash player or smth?18:04
progre55oh I see18:04
pxcsometimes it stays running after the Flash page is closed18:04
progre55well, I'm trying to play a cartoon online, and this npviever thing is eating up my cpu.. all 100%18:05
superbradi have to kill it frequently - it runs away, i think it's got a memory leak.18:05
pxcyeah. I kill it frequently as well. Flash on Linux has a tendency to eat up a lot of the CPU18:05
pxcif you keep the flash object smaller it'll lag less. it's really bad for me fullscreen at 1920x120018:06
superbradusually it starts behaving again if i close firefox, wait a few seconds, kill npviewer.bin, and restart firefox.18:06
pxcfor watching videos, you can get better performance out of, for example, minitube18:06
Roasted_is there a reason kde cannot unmount ANY usb device I plug in? It keeps saying its in use, even if I plug it in and try to unmount it right away18:07
superbradi have that problem with certain devices ... haven't got to the bottom of it.  in particular, my droid phone never unmounts.  i just have to yank it.18:08
superbradusually, my USB drives are OK though.18:08
pxccan you unmount them from a terminal?18:08
Roasted_if youre asking me - I never tried18:09
Roasted_I just dont see why it fails18:09
pxcwell if you wanna find out, you gotta do some detective work18:09
pxctake a look at the lsof command: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lsof18:10
pxcand the fuser command: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuser_%28Unix%2918:10
superbradi've done it before, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't for me.  it's usually too much hassle, as long as I know it's not being used by any programs, chance of corruption is negligible (not that i'm recommending htat for anyone else)18:10
pxcthey'll tell you what's accessing the drive, each in a slightly different way18:10
Roasted_yes it unmounts via terminal18:10
Roasted_does not mount via gui18:10
Roasted_not sure KDE is really pending too well during my user tests here :(18:10
Roasted_might have to wait for 4.6 before I try again18:10
Roasted_hmm. now all of the sudden it works iwth unmounting via gui...18:11
Roasted_going to try another usb device...18:11
Roasted_nope. errors out.18:12
Roasted_aight, time to go back to gnome. thanks guys.18:12
pxcI wouldn't be surprised if this were a kubuntu thing as much as a KDE thing. ah, well18:13
wilharthow do i in dolphine see .* files?18:20
pxcwilhart: view --> show hidden files, or press alt+.18:24
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polisma come mai tento di copiare un file nella mia chiavetta e non me  lo fa copiare18:30
polisaccesso negato18:30
macopolis: italiano?18:30
polishow to copy file in to key18:31
polisacces denied18:31
polissay to me18:31
polismy pc but sees the key18:32
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wilhartsorry but can i have sources to kde 4.5.018:48
wilhartW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F718:48
tuxifierkde-4.5 and krdc - the window with the remote desktop is somehow detached from krdc and has now window manager titlebar - therefor it cannot be moved on the desktop18:48
tuxifierhas "no" window manager title bar of course18:49
tuxifiernot now18:49
macowilhart: do you just want to add the key to your keyring?18:53
wilhartmaco: no18:53
wilhartmaco: but upgrade works now18:54
wilhartmaco: i ignored that error18:54
wilhartshould i apt-get keyring or seomthing?18:58
pog1Hi is it normal (Kubuntu 10.04 kde 4.5) that the graphics in kpackagekit (settings) is similar to Windows 95?19:06
macoroot's configured to use the redmond theme19:07
macocould do "kdesu systemsettings" and reconfigure root's theme, i guess19:07
pog1Thanks maco I try, the redmond theme (only in settings of kpackagekit) is very ugly!19:09
wilhartok insstalledkubuntu 4.5.019:13
wilhartwhy is there in appearance no windows border themes eengine ?19:14
wilhartoh it's new it's in windows decorations ?19:14
macothings moved a bit19:14
macokeyboard layout settings are now in *surprise* "input devices" (new name for mouse&keyboard) instead of in "locale" (where i never managed to find it)19:15
pog1also in system setting when i upgrade at kde 4.5 KDM have a windows redmond style...19:17
pog1why i don't select...19:17
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grifo74hello i try go to c: in wine and dont work help19:20
well_laid_lawnthere's #winehq for that stuff grifo74 :]19:22
wilhartis there no getting started with kubuntu 10.0419:31
cjaeanyone using the backport of kde 4.5 on lucid successfully19:37
nate_hi everybody... im trying to get pyrit running... but i cannot install it19:45
nate_im crushing with some sentences on konsole19:45
Peace-wth is it?19:46
nate_but i dont know what it does mean... or it wanna do o some else19:46
nate_is some kind o programm to use da gpu19:46
wilharti need pulseaudio where a good url for installing it19:57
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well_laid_lawn!info pulseaudio | wilhart20:00
ubottuwilhart: pulseaudio (source: pulseaudio): PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.22~0.9.21+stable-queue-32-g8478-0ubuntu14 (lucid), package size 623 kB, installed size 4460 kB20:00
wilhartubottu: so just apt-get install pulseaudio ?20:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:02
well_laid_lawnwilhart: yep20:03
well_laid_lawnmaybe with a sudo in there somewhere :]20:03
wilhartgtk = gnome ?20:04
well_laid_lawnmore or less20:05
wilhartok how do i install gnome SO that it doesant install the desktop just those other files20:06
wilhartwell_laid_lawn: or sehould i just ust pusleaudio-equalizer from konsole?20:07
well_laid_lawnFailed to open file '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/gnome-volume-control.svg' - suggests you need the hicolor icons20:07
well_laid_lawnI've never used pulseaudio and know nothing about it sorry20:08
wilhartto run gnome apps what do i need to apt-get ?20:08
well_laid_lawnnothing positive anyway...20:08
well_laid_lawnubuntu-desktop or gnome I would think20:09
wilhartwell_laid_lawn: does it matter anything on kubuntu-desktop20:09
well_laid_lawnthe package manger should bring in the deps an apps need so a gtk app should run on kubuntu20:10
well_laid_lawndid you install something without the package manager?20:10
wilharti need equalizer for kubuntu20:13
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BadegakkWhen i reinstalled my kubuntu 10.04 for some reason my shortcuts on my razor lycosa keyboard dont wanna work anymore20:16
BadegakkAny ides why?20:18
Badegakkis it a bit random how kubuntu setup it's driver, or is it a user fault, hehe20:19
well_laid_lawnyou might need to select a diff keyboard?20:19
Badegakkwell_laid_lawn, maybe sound like dumb Q, but how do i select new keyboard. I cant find nothing within kde.20:22
well_laid_lawnI don't know - you could try in konsole   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   and see if X gets the keyboard right this time20:23
WhitePelicanhow do I change the behavior in programs like Dolphin and Gwenview, where you can single click to enter a folder?20:24
BadegakkSystem settings20:25
WhitePelicanwhich part of system settings?20:25
BadegakkHave you been in the stsrem settings application20:26
Badegakksystem , typo, hehe20:26
WhitePelicanI have system settings running right ow, which element please20:27
BadegakkThen choose keyboard & mouse20:27
Badegakkand then choose the mouse section20:27
WhitePelicanI don't see keyboard and mouse20:27
WhitePelicanisn't that unusual?20:28
BadegakkThere is section called Computer Administration20:28
WhitePelicanI found it, it's under input devices20:28
WhitePelicanyet I have it set to single click to open files and folders but ti doesn't do it20:29
BadegakkWhat version of kubuntu do yous?20:29
Badegakkdo you use20:29
WhitePelicanI'm not sure, but I'm running kde 4.520:30
Badegakksry i cant help, i am running an older version of kde20:33
Badegakki am running kde 4.4.2 and i haveing no problems to setting it to singel click20:35
wilhartis it safe to run apt-get install gnome-desktop NOW?20:38
duckx0rhow do you configure keyboard layouts in kde 4.5?20:43
wilharti wand a global equalizer for KDE !20:44
wilhartusing pulse20:44
macoduckx0r: system settings -> input devices20:44
duckx0rmaco, thanks a lot... it's another regression to have it only there IMO20:45
macoduckx0r: why?20:45
macoits in keyboard settings now... where it belongs20:45
duckx0rmaco, before i could right click on the flag icon in the system tray and set my options. now i can't20:46
macoit used to be in locale, which always seemed silly to me. "i want to change my keyboard layout...*navigate to keyboard settings* WAHH not there??"20:46
macoer yes you still can...20:46
macoi added russian keyboard to my layouts through the keyboard settings thing...20:46
macothe flag doesnt show in tray until you have > 1 layout configured though20:47
duckx0rmaco, left clicking on it switches to the next layout and right clicking on it pops up a list of layouts for me to select. there is no way to right click and add an additional layout or configure the keyboard shortcut for switching20:47
macobecause why would you want to switch between 1 layout and itself?20:47
macohmm you mean it used to open up the locale kcm module?20:48
duckx0rmaco, i don't know what that is20:48
macohmm i think its redundant... kcm = kcontrol module20:48
macothe configuration window that you reach through systemsettings20:49
duckx0rmaco, it should also be available in a right click of the icon in the system tray IMO20:49
macono, it should be available for ANY click on the tray icon, is what you mean20:49
macobecause left and right do not do different things in the new system tray icons20:50
duckx0rmaco, they do for me20:50
maco(this way, people dont need to know which stuff is right click and which is left click)20:50
macoon the flag?20:51
macoi get the same 2 options (US, Russian) whether i left or right click20:51
macoanything that still has different options for left and right click just hasnt been updated to the new way yet20:51
duckx0rmaco, weird, that's not the same behavior for me20:51
macomaybe because im on maverick?20:51
duckx0rmaco, in fact of the 8 icons i have in the system tray, only 2 have the behaviour you mention20:52
duckx0rmaco, that could be. i'm on lucid20:52
wilhartcan i install ubuntun-desktop ON kubuntu-desktop ?20:53
duckx0rwilhart, yes20:53
wilhartduckx0r: so no conflicts?20:53
duckx0rwilhart, nope20:53
wilhartduckx0r: why did someone in #kde say that it's not good to run both in same partition ?20:54
duckx0rwilhart, if there were, the package manager wouldn't allow you to do it20:54
duckx0rwilhart, no idea. i've installed both kde and gnome and even xfce and fluxbox all side-by-side with no conflicts20:54
wilhartduckx0r: so gnome and kde are equalent ?20:54
duckx0rwilhart, what is equalent?20:54
wilhartduckx0r: hmm ok20:55
wilhartdunno i came up with that word20:55
wilhartok i'll apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ?20:55
wilhartand it's 2.30 right?20:55
duckx0rmaco, so... i see they took away the option to set the shortcut to what I want it to be... how can I set it to ctrl-alt-k ?20:56
duckx0rwilhart, 2.2820:56
wilhartno it's 2.3020:56
duckx0rwilhart, depends on what version of *buntu you have installed20:57
wilhartduckx0r: lucid20:57
duckx0rwilhart, me too and synaptic says gnome is 2.2820:57
wilharti have some backport i gues20:57
duckx0rcould be20:57
wilhartduckx0r: ok well now i install ubuntu then loginscreen says ubuntu not kubuntu20:58
duckx0rwilhart, you can select20:58
wilhartdpkg-reconfiure gdm ?20:58
duckx0rwilhart, if you choose kdm then it will use the kde login screen. gdm uses gnome's20:58
wilhartOK nice20:58
duckx0rwilhart, when you install, you will probably be prompted with the option to choose20:59
wilhartduckx0r: jsut prompted.20:59
wilhartselected kdm20:59
macoduckx0r: huh? ctrl+alt+k is set as the alternative shortcut by default..?21:02
macolucid is on 2.30 for gnome21:02
duckx0rmaco, oh... i didn't realize that you could arbitrarily set your own combination in the "alternate shortcut" field21:03
macolibgnome2-0 :  libgnome2-0 | 2.30.0-0ubuntu1 |         lucid | amd64, i38621:04
bbeckWhat package do I need to install to get debugging symbols for okteta?21:04
macowilhart: ^21:04
bbeckIt crashes on exit, and I'm not generating a very good backtrace.21:04
macowilhart: no backport. 2.30 is lucid21:04
wilhartmaco: ok21:04
ml__hello ladys21:05
ml__my name is harry potter21:05
macoml__: don't leave out the gentlemen21:05
ml__wath is your name?21:06
wilhart3~Warning: having KDE and Gnome together means you'll have cluttered application menus full of KDE applications and  Gnome  applications. You may also run into some other cosmetic problems (the KDE QT look taking over some of your Gnome themes, a  hidden file on your desktop that keeps appearing in Gnome after you've just logged out of KDE).21:07
ml__hello everybody21:07
bbeckNevermind I found it.21:07
ml__I'm Uruguay I talk spanish21:08
wilharto heck21:12
maco!es | ml__21:15
ubottuml__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:15
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Surlent777hello; I have a simple question regarding the recent release of KDE 4.5 as pertains to upgrades; namely, I have the kubuntu ppa installed and backports enabled, as per usual, and had just done a fresh install a couple of days before release, I think. Aptitude's safe-upgrade holds a ton of packages back, while Synaptic wants to uninstall a ton, install some, and upgrade others. It seems that waiting causes aptitude to push a few packa21:18
Surlent777(this seems to happen with every new KDE release but is usually resolved by now by waiting and using aptitude)21:19
macoSurlent777: use apt-get, not aptitude21:22
macoaptitude's resolver does stupid things21:22
Surlent777maco: I've actually heard quite the opposite in #ubuntu21:23
macotheoretically theyre supposed to do the same thing21:23
Surlent777maco: from what I understand apt-get is the same as Synaptic in terms of dependency handling21:23
Surlent777maco: but aptitude is supposed to be a bit more "intelligent" in some wa21:23
macoand it USED TO BE the case that aptitude would isntall recommends and handle /removal/ better than apt-get21:23
macobut apt-get now installs recommends by default and also tracks dependencies for removal21:23
macohowever, every time i use a kubuntu-ppa and try to install from backports, aptitude wants to remove lots of packages and hold back lots of packages21:24
macopeople in #kubuntu-devel tell me this is because aptitude's dependency resolver is braindead21:25
Surlent777usually aptitude wants to hold things back, and then eventually it lets stuff through; I assumed it was due to bug-fixing on the dev's part21:25
macoaptitude will not be included in default installs of ubuntu going forward21:25
Surlent777that's news to me21:25
macoit has already been removed from 10.10's seeds21:25
macoi think it's that aptitude is considering some things to be more necessary than they are, so if they're not packaged, it freaks out21:26
Surlent777I just don't quite understand what all it's trying to hold back or why, or why Synaptic is doing differently21:26
macopossibly it's considering recommends as if they were depends... which would violate the meanings in the debian policy manual21:27
macothis is the first time ive tried to think about what its braindead resolver is doing wrong... and that is a problem that would result in this symptom21:28
Surlent777I wish it could be fixed, as I rather like it21:28
macocan you code?21:28
Surlent777not yet21:28
Surlent777just entered college for it Monday21:28
macocomputer science?21:29
Surlent777not sure? the major is apparently listed as simply "Programming"21:29
Surlent777so far the only thing it's doing is making me take math/english, computers for idiots, windows 7 introduction, and XHTML21:29
Surlent777I know that later on it should start covering this like C++, according to the course book21:30
macoxhtml? whats that got to do with programming?21:30
Surlent777beats me21:30
macohttp://www.cs.seas.gwu.edu/academics/undergraduate_programs/bs/curriculum <-- that's my school's curriculum21:30
Surlent777what I'd like to know right now is why us.archive.ubuntu.com is not letting me connect/timing out21:30
maco*shrug* try a different mirror21:31
Surlent777I should21:32
Surlent777now other things are spazzing out21:32
Surlent777shoddy wireless21:32
Surlent777or maybe shoddy launchpad?21:33
Surlent777now even wine is not working21:33
Surlent777or pidgin-developers21:33
Surlent777or random user-made things21:33
Surlent777but I can connect to launchpad.net in my browser21:34
Surlent777crazy thing21:35
Surlent777it's like it's not giving it enough ti21:35
Surlent777now it's working21:35
xearolol talk to yourself much ;)21:35
Surlent777apt-get upgrade is behaving exactly like aptitude safe-upgrade21:35
Surlent777sorry, yeah, rambling a bit21:36
Surlent777but bottom line is that apt-get upgrade and aptitude safe-upgrade produce identical results at the moment, both differing from Synaptic21:36
xearoI just sit in here to learn stuff. Linux sold me when it ran World of Warcraft 100 FPS better than windows on Ultra Settings.. Now I am just trying to figure out what I am doing :P21:37
macoapt-get dist-upgrade21:37
Surlent777http://www.kubuntu.pastebin.com/rE95YTGi these are the suspect packages21:37
macosome packages were renamed21:37
Surlent777that might totally be why aptitude hates them too21:37
xearoIts sad how Linux runs windows programs better than windows :P21:37
macofull-upgrade & dist-upgrade will both remove packages that are gone and add new ones that are suddenly depended upon21:38
macosafe-upgrade & upgrade won't21:38
Surlent777xearo: I noticed that sometimes, like with native GZDoom vs. Wine'd GZDoom21:38
Surlent777maco: I suppose I never considered that option. I've heard if you use it wrong things break, I guess, so that probably made me forget about it21:38
macothings break?21:38
Surlent777maco: so I heard at one point. Never bothered testing for myself21:39
macoer... if you don't read the list of whats being removed and it includes like...removing the kernel and not installing a new one in its place...21:39
Surlent777maco: maybe I remembered it out of context21:39
macochanging the release name in sources.list then running apt-get dist-upgrade can result in brokenness21:39
xearoNo kernel is bad right? :P21:39
macobut apt-get dist-upgrade on its own shouldnt21:39
Surlent777maco: probably something like that and I forgot the context21:40
Surlent777maco: but interestingly, full-upgrade now matches Synaptic21:40
xearoIs a kernel like a popcorn kernel? It makes Linux all light and fluffy when you heat it up?21:40
Surlent777xearo: no, that's the microwave21:40
macokids these days... you can make popcorn on the stove too!21:41
Surlent777xearo: kernel == THEE IMMORTALE SOULE OFE LINNUX21:41
Surlent777maco: indeed. and it tastes better too.21:41
macoits the little drop of water in the middle of the corn kernel heating and evaporating and making the kernel explode that gets you popcorn21:41
macoSurlent777: or just plain... kernel = linux21:41
Surlent777I was unaware of that21:41
Surlent777haha, or that21:41
macowell i mean there are other kernels...like bsd's, mach, darwin, hurd...21:42
xearoMy Android phone has a kernel... I think the little robot ate it though... Damn robot...21:42
Surlent777bsd still scares me a little21:42
macobut linux technically is supposed to refer to *just* the kernel that's used in kubuntu, not the rest of the system21:42
maco(i would say "or debian" but there's debian/kFreeBSD and debian/hurd)21:43
xearoI remember FreeBSD thats the one with the devil right?21:43
macothe unix daemon21:43
Surlent777OpenBSD is the porcupine fish21:43
xearoTux is much more inviting :P21:43
maco(psst... say bsd quickly...sounds like beasty)21:44
Surlent777beasty reminds me of that monster in Jazz Jackrabbit 2 that was in all of the hell levels21:44
Surlent777Processing triggers for libc-bin ...21:44
Surlent777ldconfig deferred processing now taking place21:44
Surlent777Errors were encountered while processing: kde-window-manager21:44
FloodBotK2Surlent777: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:44
Surlent7772 broken21:44
xearoHaha Surlent777 got in trouble :P21:44
Surlent777it does that if you type too fast sometimes too21:45
Surlent777I imagine kde-window-manager is rather important though21:45
Surlent777clicking FIX in Synaptic tells me it's cool now and it should upgrade/install 37 and remove 1121:46
Surlent777but six are held back21:47
xearoWhat are you trying to do?21:47
Surlent777maybe that warning was valid after all21:47
Surlent777xearo: upgrade the stock KDE to KDE 4.521:47
xearoOh that was easy :P21:47
xearoThe topic has a source you add21:48
xearoThen run that upgrade dist command21:48
Surlent777well, yes, the kubuntu ppa21:48
xearoAnd poof!21:48
Surlent777but it broke a package or two21:48
Surlent777how rude21:48
xearoOh I didnt have that problem I guess21:48
xearorun it again? :X21:48
Surlent777trying, after hitting fix21:48
Surlent777so far it's plugging away21:48
xearoI spent 3 hours last night trying to get my windows to burn away...21:49
Surlent777now it seems to think everything's okay21:49
Surlent777xearo: wow, that would have been easy. Just use Gparted from a live cd/usb, delete your NTFS, expand to cover the new free space, and then you should still be okay to boot in and then update grub, if I remember right. You could probably do that from the cd/usb too.21:50
xearoOh no I got rid of windows right away... I mean the cool little burn effect :P21:51
xearoIm pretty good at destroying windows...21:52
Surlent777I keep it around for games that don't work in Wine21:52
Surlent777like Fallout 3 or Assassin's Creed21:52
xearoI have it on my desktop but my laptop is linux. I am going for my Masters in Comp Sci so I kinda need to know it... No more slacking21:53
Surlent777it's fun, I think21:53
Surlent777alright, managed to get this taken care of, with several attempts21:53
Surlent777thanks for pointing me in the right direction, maco21:53
xearoI noticed there are always a ton of people in here but no one ever talks :X21:54
Surlent777if you want non-stop action, try #ubuntu21:55
WickWoodyHi everybody. I want to ask a question.21:55
Surlent777WickWoody: don't think you have to ask to ask; just ask21:56
Surlent777it's what we're here for21:56
WickWoodyMy Kubuntu is running slowly.21:56
WickWoodyI installed Xubuntu for speed, but not.21:56
WickWoodyMy system:21:56
WickWoodyIntel Celeron 1.8 GHz21:56
WickWoody1 GB RAM21:56
=== xearo is now known as Xearo
FloodBotK2WickWoody: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:56
Surlent777WickWoody: well, there's a lot of things that can influence speed. an important factor is your graphics card. Can you tell us what model you have?21:57
XearoHe left :(22:00
Surlent777I blocked all the join/parts in this and #ubuntu for my own sanity22:00
XearoThere is no one in #ubuntu on mine22:00
Surlent777maybe not active, but there are a TON of people there. Just watch it, most of the time it's insanely active22:01
wilhartheya, i wanna upgrade to KDE4.5.0, where is repos for this i have some but they are not good22:01
wilhartthey are hacked22:01
Surlent777wilhart: I was just dealing with this myself22:02
wilhartsuperbrad: heh give repo source22:03
Surlent777wilhart: you need to enable the kubuntu ppa, backports, and then upgrade with synaptic. It will likely take several attempts and two broken packages, but it seems to work22:03
wilhartSurlent777: hmm22:03
wilhartSurlent777: i have the repo but not key !P!?22:04
wilhartdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu lucid main22:06
Surlent777instead of doing it with software sources, open Konsole and type sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports22:06
wilhartbut NO key !?22:06
Surlent777that will add it and download the key22:06
Surlent777so if you added it with software sources first, then delete the one there, and do that command22:06
Surlent777don't want duplicates floating around22:06
wilhartSurlent777: ok tnx works22:07
wilhartok running:D:D22:07
wilharti JSUT instelled lucid again 5 minutes ago22:07
wilhartguess why22:08
Surlent777broke it with excessive experimentation?22:08
wilhartFIRST i had to install kubuntu, then ubuntu-desktop, then login / logout run KDE again and get pulseaudio-equazlier and THEN change media audio to pulse server22:08
wilhartnow i have a global equalizer for kubuntu :D22:09
wilhartit works well22:09
wilhartbut now i have to install 10 softawaavees again22:09
wilhart100 things to do again22:09
Surlent777I wish my connection wasn't so terrible. I keep being unable to get update sources properly22:09
wilharti got 99m22:10
XearoKubuntu and Ubuntu are the same things except one is Gnome and one is KDE right?22:10
wilhartshouold be 21m but the box is so faaar from my hhouse22:10
Surlent777Xearo: more or less22:10
wilhartXearo: yses22:10
Surlent777this is weird22:11
XearoKDE just looks more polished to me... Looks like more time was put into it22:11
Surlent777not sure I've ever had an update to an existing kernel22:11
wilharti remember days when u had to make the kernel :D22:11
Surlent777Xearo: I often feel the same way. GNOME makes many silly decisions in the name of "simplicity", imo. KDE and Kubuntu do a great job of being conservative and yet fairly awesome, I think22:11
XearoOh job... My kernel would have never got updated then22:12
Surlent777I do love the GNOME menu though. It is the perfect example of what good simplicity should be. Usable, uncluttered, and easily tweakable22:13
XearoYeah I liked the social stuff on the main bar also22:13
wilhartSurlent777: not nice to play music in a building here where i live with BASS like BOOM BOOM22:14
wilhartand movies BOOOOM without equalizer22:14
wilharti like kde4.5.022:14
XearoIm still trying to figure out how to get my flash videos in Chrome to play sound lol22:14
Xearobrb need to go get something from the car22:15
wilhartXearo: get firefox 4 beta522:15
Surlent777I like Chromium a lot, but the Flash support in Linux is sub-optimal; some sites, like YouTube, don't always load the videos, while others, like watch-dragonball, are fine22:17
Surlent777well, time to do some rebooting. Have fun guys22:18
=== marco is now known as itsasecret
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bng007hi all, everytime I copy a file to my internal ntfs partition Dolphin bugs me that it cannot change permissions. is there any way to avoid this?23:46

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