
jelmerthumper: This one should be ok: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jelmer/launchpad/always-import-link/+merge/3307000:40
thumperjelmer: while this solve the immediate problem, what I really want is a single view to register a new branch whether that be an import or mirror00:41
thumperbut this is fine for now00:41
jelmerthumper: That makes sense. I guess all that's needed is a single URL in most cases?00:43
thumperwe could even have a validator that splits the URL for cvs imports00:44
thumperso they go 'pserver...location module'00:44
thumperand don't allow creation of remote or hosted branches that way00:44
thumperbut we'd need push instructions00:45
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jtvEdwinGrubbs: you still reviewing?04:18
EdwinGrubbsjtv: sorry, no04:19
=== EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || reviewing: || queue: || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
jtvmwhudson, can you review a branch for me?  I was hoping to get it CP'ed.  Yesterday's reviewer left me in the lurch, and now there's no OCR.04:20
mwhudsonjtv: i can take a look04:20
thumperanyone? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/fix-canonical-url/+merge/3307904:20
jtvthumper: ah what the hell… ok04:21
thumperjtv: since I have you anyway, did you see my branch that changed a translations test?04:24
* thumper digs04:24
thumperjtv: the gc.get_objects() was fouling up another translations test using bzrlib and lazy imports04:25
thumperjtv: so in consultation with lifeless I rewrote the guts of the test04:25
thumperjtv: do you want to check it over to make sure I didn't screw up?04:26
thumperjtv: convenitently I'm using POFile to test the canonical_url fix too04:28
jtvthumper: I'm looking at it04:28
thumperah fooey, spelling fail04:29
thumperfingers not obeying brain04:29
jtvsounds very catholic somehow04:29
thumpertoo many Ts04:29
thumperjtv: which are you looking at?04:31
jtvthumper: the last one you mentioned04:32
mwhudsonthumper: does removing04:32
mwhudson        if rootsite is None:04:32
mwhudson            rootsite = 'mainsite'04:32
mwhudsonnot affect anything?04:32
thumperno, because by the time we get there, we have already set rootsite if it is None04:33
thumperit is done further up the method04:33
jtvthumper: your changed test for memory usage in the message-sharing migration script is stricter than the original—it'll break if we should want to mention those tables in the SQL—or possible even foreign keys to them.  But if it works, I guess it's good enough for now.04:34
thumperjtv: yes I know it is more strict04:34
thumperjtv: but it passes now04:34
thumperjtv: we can change the test if you need to reference the tables later04:34
thumperjtv: sound OK?04:34
jtvthumper: back to your canonical_url branch… I really only have one concern: in lines 80—83 of the diff, are you going to take a lot of exceptions to get to LaunchpadLayer?  If so, is there any performance risk to that?04:38
mwhudsonthumper: obj_urldata.rootsite can't be None?04:39
mwhudsoni guess tests will find out04:39
thumpermwhudson: I'm pretty sure not04:40
thumperjtv: I'm not sure I understand04:41
jtvthumper: you're catching ComponentLookupError there… AIUI exceptions in python can be very very slow (although mostly from a cold cache I hope).  So do you expect these very often?04:43
thumperjtv: the overhead isn't particularly big, and we'll get an error for any view for an object on the mainsite04:44
thumperjtv: no I don't expect any performance issues here04:44
thumperjtv: remember this is only used when someone specifies view_name04:44
jtvRemember?  Is this something I knew before?04:45
jtvHonestly, *what is the point* in having the little sticking-out plastic lip on a patch cable that makes the satisfying little click when you slot it in if *it doesn't help keep the plug in the socket*?04:46
jtvI know, I know.  It gives the satisfying little click.04:46
thumperit should keep it in the socket04:46
thumperif it doesn't04:46
thumperit is broken04:46
jtvTIT.  Everything's broken.04:47
mwhudsonjtv: reviewed04:50
jtvmwhudson: thanks!04:50
thumpermwhudson: do you remember the process for getting a CP?04:51
mwhudsonthumper: no04:51
jtvYou branch off production-devel04:52
thumperjtv: I branched of devel before the rollout04:52
mwhudsonthumper:  https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/PolicyandProcess/EmergencyChange  maybe?04:52
jtvYou MP against production-devel, requesting "code" review and a CP one04:52
mwhudsonmight be very out of date for all i know though04:52
* thumper looks04:52
jtvYou get approval to land on production-devel04:53
jtvYou land, then wait for the branch to percolate through to production-stable04:53
jtvYou register the request on LPS.04:53
jtvthumper: the review type for the CP is "production-change."  I think you normally go to the RM for that.04:53
jtvthumper: I reviewed your canonical_url branch btw04:54
jtvthumper: btw if it wasn't clear, what I describe above is the current CP procedure ^^04:55
thumperjtv: yeah, I'm just thinking that my change isn't really a CP candidate04:55
jtvthumper: it needs a Critical bug and an Incident Report.04:55
thumperit is just blocking landing other work which is making our SLA longer04:55
jtvI don't think that qualifies, no.04:56
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leonardrsalgado, can you do a quick review for me of https://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/lazr.batchnavigator/build-url-without-length/+merge/33045 ?15:24
salgadoleonardr, sure, but I'm about to jump into a call, so it may take a while15:30
leonardrsalgado, np. anyone else, feel free to take it15:30
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leonardrmars, could i maybe get you to look at that branch? -^16:04
* leonardr just trying random people16:04
marsleonardr, awesome doctest :)16:08
salgadoleonardr, r=me16:09
leonardrsalgado, thanks. mars, nevermind16:10
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jsackettEdwinGrubbs: when/if you have a moment, I believe I addressed your notes on my mp.17:02
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EdwinGrubbsjsackett: I've replied to your changes. BTW, do you preferred to be called Jon or J.C.?17:37
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leonardrmars, maybe you can review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/optimized-length/+merge/33132 for me?17:56
* leonardr finds it hard to believe he's the only one with branches that need reviewing today17:56
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jmlleonardr, don't worry, you aren't :)18:04
jml#launchpad-reviews is only one of many ways to get a review.18:04
=== jsackett is now known as jcsackett
marsleonardr, still need that review?18:30
leonardrmars, yes please18:31
marsleonardr, looks great, r=mars18:37
jcsackettEdwinGrubbs: reviewed your notes and made the changes. and Jon or JC work, I answer to both.18:40
henningebac: Hi! I assume I have your rs on landing the imports reformatting branch? ;-)18:57
bachenninge: yes.  i'm pondering how disruptive this will be18:58
bachenninge: but week 1 is as good a time as any, right?18:59
henningebac: yes. Directly after roll-out would have been best, but ... oh well ;)18:59
bachenninge: rs=bac19:00
henningeBut I agree that earlier in the cycle is better than later.19:00
henningebac: thanks ;)19:00
bachenninge: thanks to you!19:00
lifelessif you were to hook up a bzr merge plugin19:01
lifelessthen it would be painless anytime19:01
henningebac: I messed up the first ec2 run, the one that succeeded. It ran on plain devel. That ought to succeed :(20:07
bachenninge: ok.20:08
henningebac: the real one is failing badly.20:08
henningebac: can you make anything out of this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480557/20:09
bachenninge: otp right now20:09
bachenninge: what have you done?20:14
bachenninge: did your process munge a bunch of stuff you didn't expect?20:15
henningebac: what do you mean?20:15
bachenninge: that paste.  it's frightening20:16
henningeyes, that's truw20:16
EdwinGrubbsjcsackett: your branch looks good. As long as it's passing the full test suite, it can be landed.21:26
jcsackettit's passing most of what i've touched, EC2 will tell us the rest.21:26
jcsackettthanks, EdwinGrubbs.21:26
jcsackettrather, it's passing all of what i've touched.21:27
jcsackettEdwinGrubbs: sorry about not posting the incrementals; i had assumed those were easily accessible from the mp, but hadn't really looked.21:33
EdwinGrubbsjcsackett: I believe incremental diffs will be automated shortly, so you may end up learning a procedure that is immediately abandoned.21:35
jcsackettEdwinGrubbs: won't be the first time, nor the last, i'm sure. :-)21:36
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk

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