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poolieit would be nice if ppas actually gave you an estimate of "if you uploaded now, it would take N hours to build"02:01
pooliei realize it depends a bit on the package02:01
bdrungare the daily build turned on again?02:18
pooliehi bdrung02:19
bdrunghi poolie02:19
poolieis it normal that the "build log" in https://edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/proposed/+build/1925839 is a small empty box?02:19
bdrungpoolie: it's normal at the beginning. you will see some progress there soon.02:20
bdrungpoolie: just keep pressing f5 :)02:20
wgrantpoolie: That just means there's no log yet. Which means the build hasn't started yet, or buildd-manager is being a bit slow and hasn't retrieved the latest log tail yet.02:22
bdrungpoolie: you can see now something there.02:24
pooliethere was just more lag than i expected02:38
lifelesswgrant: a bit slow as opposed to..02:47
wgrantlifeless: As opposed to what it will be in a few weeks.02:48
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pooliehm, lvm locks up my system again03:52
lfaraoneIs the Ubuntu SSO service compatible with launchpad? (if I create a Ubuntu SSO account, can I log in via Launchpad with it?)05:38
spmlfaraone: launchpad uses the Ubuntu SSO for sso05:40
lfaraonespm: so it's just branding?05:41
spmmore like hysterical raisons05:41
lfaraonespm: an Ubuntu SSO account works via the Launchpad Login service?05:41
spmlogin.launchpad.net and login.ubuntu.com are the same servers/setup etc05:41
lfaraonespm: ah, mik05:42
spmso yeah, same same basically.05:42
charringtonjpI am looking for help setting up a PPA on launchpad. I am experiencing a key related error.07:40
noodles775charringtonjp: Hi! What's the specific error?07:41
charringtonjpFirst the ppa is https://launchpad.net/~chris-harrington-jp/+archive/ppa-awaos07:41
charringtonjpHelp documentation says I can find the key on the overview, but there is no key shown on the page07:42
noodles775charringtonjp: how recently did you create the PPA? (it takes a while after creating the PPA to generate the key).07:42
charringtonjpSpecifically, documentation here: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Your PPA's key07:42
charringtonjpI created it days ago.07:42
charringtonjpOn my PC I tried  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-harrington-jp/ppa-awaos07:43
charringtonjpand got07:43
charringtonjpError: can't find signing_key_fingerprint at https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~chris-harrington-jp/+archive/ppa-awaos07:43
charringtonjpTrying dput gives me the local success but no package after many hours, error without error or email message syndrome07:44
charringtonjpThough obviously I haven't signed .changes with the PPA key07:46
noodles775charringtonjp: it needs to be signed with your own key, not the PPAs.07:47
charringtonjpthen I've done that07:47
noodles775charringtonjp: when did you upload, and what was the package? (I'll check the logs)07:47
charringtonjpI used the registered key when running debuild -S -sa07:48
charringtonjpone sec.07:48
charringtonjpTried those three. Perhaps a name conflict on two of them?07:50
noodles775charringtonjp: sorry, hrm, the logs are out of sync... I'll try to get them updated.07:50
noodles775charringtonjp: ok, I can't see those packages mentioned in the logs :/07:51
charringtonjpWas running debuild and pbuilder in a VM....network problem?07:51
noodles775If you saw dput success, should be fine. Just to confirm:07:52
charringtonjpActually, I used the -d flag because I got a signing error.....07:52
charringtonjpbut that gave me a success message07:52
noodles775On your PPA, you can see the "Adding this PPA to your system" section, but when you expand the 'Technical details about this PPA' there is no Signing Key/Fingerprint listed?07:52
charringtonjp1 sec07:53
noodles775Ah, what was the signing error?07:53
charringtonjpDid not write that down. I'll try again, 1 sec07:53
charringtonjpwas days ago07:53
noodles775And are you certain you've got the correct key on your VM (ie. the one that is linked with your LP account)?07:53
charringtonjpWell, I am pretty sure.07:54
charringtonjpI copied the key from my main (parent) machine to the VM07:54
charringtonjpexporting and then importing with gpg07:54
charringtonjpand then setting DEBSIGN_KEYID in ~/.devscripts07:55
noodles775OK - I'm just asking as 99% of the time, that's the reason for not receiving an email (https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors), but yeah, that should be fine.07:55
charringtonjpI am new at this though, so I could be missing something important and basic but less documented07:56
charringtonjpI do not see  'Technical details about this PPA'07:56
charringtonjpUnder Adding this PPA to your system, it just says "This PPA does not contain any packages yet..."07:57
charringtonjpPackages install fine locally by the way. Just getting them on Launchpad as the last step is not working.08:00
noodles775charringtonjp: I'll need to pop out for a bit, but just to summarise: either your PPA hasn't yet had its signing key automatically generated (normally only takes a few hours), or there is something wrong with the upload (I can't see any mention of your packages or PPA in the recent upload logs).08:02
noodles775StevenK: Could you look a bit further for charringtonjp while I'm afk for a bit? ^^08:02
charringtonjpActually I will be afk for about an hour or so, so I'll log back in later.08:02
charringtonjpAnd post the error I get without the -d flag on dput08:03
noodles775Perfect, I'll be back then too.08:03
charringtonjpGreat, thanks for the help.08:03
pooliefwiw I get "server error" with no oops number trying to update a mp08:23
charringtonjpnoodles775: could not reproduce the dput with -d option error09:14
charringtonjpInstead I got "Package has already been uploaded to ppa on ppa.launchpad.net"09:14
noodles775charringtonjp: can you use the -f option with dput (to force the upload again)09:17
charringtonjpwill do, 1 sec09:18
charringtonjpOK, error reproduced09:18
charringtonjpUnfortunately most of the error message is in Japanese ;)09:18
noodles775can you paste it to paste.ubuntu.com (or similar)?09:19
charringtonjpbasically that gpg cannot find "appropriate OpenPGP data"09:19
charringtonjplast line is09:19
noodles775OK, so I'd say your package is not being signed correctly...09:19
charringtonjp"No signature on /var/cache/pbuilder/result/osmo_0.2.10-0awaos1_i386.changes09:19
charringtonjpCopying the gpg key seems to work fine,09:20
noodles775charringtonjp: did you see https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage (it's hard to find, specifically the options when building).09:21
noodles775It has a note about explicitly identifying the key id.09:21
charringtonjpThat's why I defined DEBSIGN_KEYID in ~/.devscripts09:22
charringtonjpand the same key as is registered with my Launchpad account is the only key on the VM.09:23
noodles775Yes, I know, but that leaves me very puzzled as to why you see "No signature on /var/cache/pbuilder/result/osmo_0.2.10-0awaos1_i386.changes" when running dput.09:23
charringtonjpyes, it is strange.09:23
charringtonjpI guess I could try building again with -k09:23
charringtonjpalthough the process did work, asked for my passphrase twice etc.09:23
noodles775charringtonjp: you definitely used -S -sa (and were....09:24
charringtonjpThe only thing I can think of09:24
charringtonjpis that DEBFULLNAME and the name of the key after import are different09:24
charringtonjpDEBFULLNAME being my name, and the name of the key having "(main key)" in the name.09:25
charringtonjpThat is the reason I had to specificy DEBSIGN_KEYID in the first place09:25
charringtonjp(DEBFULLNAME as defined in ~/.bashrc)09:26
noodles775Yes, afaik that shouldn't stop the package from being signed... Hangon, thought:09:26
noodles775The "/var/cache/pbuilder/result/osmo_0.2.10-0awaos1_i386.changes" is the result of *building* the source package... I should have seen that earlier.09:27
noodles775You should be dput'ing the changes file created by dbuild (ie. the source package)09:27
charringtonjpI see09:27
noodles775OK, give that a go and let me know how it goes.09:28
charringtonjpOK I get it. Launchpad does the building, so why would I try to upload the .changes file created by pbuilder. right.09:28
charringtonjpI'll give it a go.09:28
noodles775Running it through pbuilder first is a great thing to do... it ensures that you know it builds locally in an environment very similar to that used by Launchpad, so saves you hassle when something is wrong with your package.09:29
charringtonjpOK, I got a success message09:30
charringtonjpI tried it with one of the other packages09:30
charringtonjpOne I'm sure I used debuild on because I changed source09:30
noodles775Great... now wait a few minutes and see if you get an email. If you don't have one in 10 or 15mins, let me know.09:31
charringtonjpWill do, thanks a bunch!09:31
noodles775Any time :)09:31
charringtonjpI'm documenting my experience in a blog. Is it OK if I mention your nick as the one who gave advice?09:32
charringtonjp( assuming it works)09:32
noodles775Sure :)09:33
charringtonjpPackage is up. Looks like it worked09:36
charringtonjpThanks again!09:36
noodles775Great :D09:36
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nigelbIs there a way to get cia-clients only use report the pushed commits?12:35
nigelbthere seems to be no man page or instructions....12:36
nigelbjelmer: around?12:37
jelmernigelb, hi12:38
nigelbjelmer: seeing that you wrote the cia plugin, can you help me with my query?12:38
jelmernigelb: the help can be found with 'bzr help cia'12:40
jelmernigelb: Though to answer your question, there's no way to only report pushed commits.12:40
nigelbAh, thanks12:40
* nigelb headdesks.12:40
nigelbI shoulda thought of bzr hep cia :/12:40
nigelbI tried every other combination :D12:40
jelmernigelb: The problem would be that every time you do a push a revision you generate a new notification; you only commit once.12:41
nigelbjelmer: true.  I wish LP had something at the server end.12:41
jmlnigelb, me too!12:46
nigelbjml: is it very hard to do? Or just way down on the list that you folks have?12:46
nigelb(or both?)12:46
jmlnigelb, getting Launchpad to push real-time computer-readable notifications is non-trivial.12:48
jmlnigelb, but reasonably high up on the list.12:48
nigelbjml: lack of hands?12:48
nigelbIf so, I don't mind getting my hands dirty if I have to.12:48
nigelb(but I only know PHP and very little python.  You folks would stab me at the mention of PHP :p)12:49
jmlnigelb, we wouldn't stab you12:49
nigelbok, good to know :D12:49
jmlafter all, then you'd have *two* problems.12:49
jmlnigelb, lifeless is a better person to ask about the implementation details (he keeps longish NZ hours)12:51
nigelbyeah, I run into him often.  I'll ask him in his a.m.12:51
jmlnigelb, cool.12:51
nigelbjml: thanks :)12:52
nigelbIt would be so cool to get cia working :)12:52
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seb128did any recent launchpad update added restriction on downloads?13:29
seb128ignore that I think that was a authentification token issue13:30
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LaibschHi, I just stumbled across something I felt was interesting.  Take a look at the latest release of gnucash 2.2.9-6 to maverick13:32
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Laibschthe changelog and Debian agree this release was made by Micha Lenk, but Launchpad attributes it to Ahmed El-Mahmoudy?13:33
LaibschHow can that be?13:33
wgrantLaibsch: He requested the sync.13:34
LaibschI see13:35
Laibschis that how LP does things now?13:36
wgrantIt's done that for roughtly four and a half years, since Ubuntu started using it.13:36
LaibschIIRC it used to be attributed to the one mentioned in the changelog?13:36
Laibschmust have been half-asleep, I guess13:36
Laibschbut something isn't right13:36
Laibschthe time mentioned is the time of the upload made to Debian13:37
wgrantYeha, the way it constructs that line is a little... off.13:37
geserit probably uses the Changed-By value which gets probably modified when building the .changes file for the sync with the sync requester13:37
wgrantWell, actually, it's more because sycning is a hack.13:37
wgrantgeser is correct.13:38
wgrantsync-source.py overrides Changed-By.13:38
Laibschjust wanted to make sure you know about it13:38
Laibschbut it seems to have be me not paying attention earlier ;-)13:38
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askhlHi.  Is the keyserver down?13:42
askhlThe PPA key server, that is13:42
noodles775askhl: the server itself seems fine to me? That is:13:44
noodles775responds as expected.13:44
noodles775askhl: or do you mean the script that generates the signing keys for PPAs? What's the issue you're seeing?13:44
askhlnoodles775, trying to add a PPA, and there's an error13:45
askhlHang on, I'll take a look again13:45
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nessitagood morning! quick question, I have releases 0.98 and 0.99 for this project https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client, yet the 0.98 is the one offered in the front page. Any ideas why?15:30
salgadosinzui, can you help nessita?15:32
salgadoI can't see why that's happening15:32
sinzuinessita, 98 may have a newer timestamp. I do not think it uses debversion15:34
* sinzui looks15:34
nessitasinzui: I've uploaded 0.98 before than 0.9915:34
nessitasinzui: so, I would expect timestamp for 0.98 to be older than the one for 0.9915:35
sinzuihttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+download also favours 9815:36
nessitayeah... any idea why?15:37
nessitaboth uploads were made the same day, but 0.98 early in the morning, and 0.99 late in the afternoon15:37
sinzuinessita, I needs to read the code to see what is happening here. I'll be a few minutes15:39
nessitasinzui: no problem, I have no rush. Thanks!15:39
sinzuinessita, I have a suspicion. The date field only accepts a date, and it adds 00:00:00 as the time. So Lp may think both releases happened at the same time. We are getting the first one back15:45
* sinzui peaks at staging db15:45
nessitasinzui: ouch!15:45
nessitashall I fill a bug for this?15:45
sinzuiIf this is true, I think the fix is easy by adding a sort on version15:46
sinzuinessita, the time is 00:00:00. I will report a bug to improve the sorting mechanism. This is a trivial change we can get fixed in a few days15:51
* sinzui looks to existing bug first15:51
askhlnoodles775, apologies for running away previously.  As it turned out, a funny proxy was used on the computer in question, and I was confusing it with some previous trouble with timeouts due to the keyserver15:51
askhl(which hasn't been a problem now otherwise)15:52
noodles775askhl: ah, thanks for letting me know.15:52
nessitasinzui: awesome! thanks15:53
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shadeslayererm are daily builds for maverick turned off?16:46
jmlshadeslayer, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/61707216:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 617072 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "Maverick recipe builds fail (affected: 2, heat: 10)" [High,Fix committed]16:50
shadeslayertoo bad :(16:51
shadeslayerbtw, i need to add more stuff into commit log of bzr, how do i do that?16:51
shadeslayeri already closed the commit editor16:52
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maxbshadeslayer: Once a commit has been created, it is immutable.17:22
maxbHowever, if the commit has not been pushed or merged anywhere else, an option is to uncommit it and commit again17:22
shadeslayermaxb: how would i do that? bzr uncommit?17:23
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hexmoderockstar: got this from one of my daily ppa builds:18:43
hexmode[ ! -f Makefile ] || /usr/bin/make maintainer-clean18:43
hexmode 18:43
hexmodeMakefile:358: *** multiple target patterns.  Stop.18:43
hexmoderockstar: looks like that is sometimes caused by colons in the make-deps18:43
hexmodeand, looking at my copy of the checkout, I don't see that18:44
hexmoderockstar: finally "bzr build" WORKSFORME on my local machine18:44
hexmodeanyway to find out what is in the Makefile on the build bot?18:44
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infinity0is it possible to host packages for debian on your launchpad ppa?19:25
lifelesstheres usually an ubuntu version which packages built on will work on Debian, but we don't have Debian specific buildds, sorry.19:27
infinity0hm, ok well i'm on debian, my dput doesn't support sftp, is there anything else that launchpad supports?19:31
infinity0i tried https/rsync/scp, none of them worked ("not allowed to execute commands on this server")19:31
infinity0also, 405 method not allowed19:32
alex88if i have created a deb file, and want to upload to ppa for the first time..what should i do?19:39
alex88i've already created the package and added ssh key19:39
nigelblifeless: morning.  I see you start early :)19:42
infinity0alex88, there's instructions on your ppa page19:42
nigelblifeless: I was asking earlier about having CIA hook into LP.  How hard would that be?19:42
* nigelb would like to help with that effort if possible.19:43
alex88well, i have only to rename deb to deb.changes?19:43
lifelessnigelb: what do you mean19:43
lifelessand yeah, I am an early riser; today was exceptionally early even for me - 5am.19:44
nigelblifeless: I'm talking about CIA bots (CIA.sv), right now we only have it at client side which isn't very ideal.19:45
lifelessnigelb: go on; I know what cia is etc, but there are many ways they good hook together, so I need to know what one you're thinking of19:45
nigelblifeless: I'm thinking of being able to ping cia everytime a trunk branch is updated19:46
nigelbit would be very useful for projects19:46
nigelbthe client side thingy is irritating because they may never turn up in the trunk anyway19:46
nigelbwhile the whole idea is to keep track of commits to the main project repo19:47
lifelessI'd like us to support a pubsub model for lp19:47
lifelesswhich would naturally cover this19:47
lifelessbut you could just use the rss feed today19:47
nigelband hook that to a bot? hm, not bad.19:48
lifelessask cia.* to subscribe to the rss feed; done.19:48
nigelbOh. That's helpful :)19:49
lifelessof course that won't be instant until we get pubsub in place19:49
lifelessif you wanted to work on that that would be awesome, but I rather fear its a large stack19:49
nigelbhm, I remember some conversation about this19:49
nigelbbut at that time I didn't care about it.19:49
nigelbI will run rocketfuel on my vm and see how much I can wrap my head around LP19:50
nigelbprobably need to first figure out how the thing works :D19:51
lifelessyou've seen the wiki about getting started ?19:52
nigelbI have it in my bookmarks, yes19:52
alex88wtf, but to public a package i have to make a change from ubuntu package?19:58
infinity0alex88: it looks like you don't understand the debian build system20:01
infinity0there's the original source package, a .orig.tar.gz, a .diff.gz or .debian.tar.gz to apply debian-specific patches, and a .dsc file20:01
infinity0the .changes  and .deb files are created when you run dpkg-buildpackage over the source package20:02
infinity0if you don't have the source package you won't have the .changes file20:02
infinity0so you can't just pick up a deb from somewhere and upload it to your ppa20:02
infinity0you have to have built it yourself, and got a .changes file20:02
alex88thank you..i'll have a look20:03
nigelblifeless: we don't have the rss feeds yet, do we?20:04
nigelb(I only see rss feeds for announcements and not commits)20:05
lifelessbranch feeds20:05
* nigelb goes to look again20:05
lifelessfor instance20:05
nigelbcant see that from the UI can I?20:06
lifelessget rid of edge from that url20:06
lifelessnigelb: depends on your browser20:06
nigelbhrm, on Firefox?20:06
nigelbI'm talking about the link20:06
nigelbI don't see an rss button on the UI for the branch...20:07
lifelessthe link is a rel tag in the page20:08
lifelesswhich rss aware browsers show as a 'subscribe' button20:08
nigelbI see it now :)20:11
alex88when i delete a ppa, or deactivate pgp key, does them disappear after some time?20:20
jenkinshi everyone how do I remove all revisions and the history of a branch? I would like to make the latest revision of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/maverick to be revision 1. As the branch is getting very bigged as it is derived from previous versions of the manual ?20:35
jenkinsI can't delete the branch as one other branch has shared revisions how do i work out what the linked branch is?20:43
lifelessjenkins: thats a pretty harmful thing to do20:49
lifelessjenkins: you'll make it hard for everyone collaborating on it.20:49
infinity0hey, https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Activating%20a%20PPA tells me i need to active my ppa, but no such link exists on my overview page20:50
jenkinslifeless:  noone is doing anything on it at the moment, its mostly because we have people with slow internet and we made the mistake of setting it up early on20:51
EruantalonIs it normal to have a delay of around 10-15 minutes from new stuff happening in a bug to me getting the e-mail?21:32
mtaylorthe windows bzr explorer walkthrough has no information on how to tell it where/what your ssh key is21:38
thumperpagent is your friend21:38
thumperssh on windows kinda blows21:39
mtaylorwell yeah21:39
mtaylorok. so putty set up will get used properly?21:39
mtaylorthumper: speaking of - it would be great if the first time I logged in on a new box and it redirects me to edge if I didn't have to click login again21:41
mtaylorjust saying21:41
lifelessmtaylor: we're deleting edge.21:45
lifelessmtaylor: problem solved21:45
mtaylorlifeless: woot21:46
jcastrolifeless: what can I do to get lp #596931 implemented?21:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 596931 in Launchpad Bugs "Provide dupe searching against upstream bug reports (affected: 1, heat: 8)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59693121:48
jcastrolifeless: we've wanted it for a long time21:48
lifelessjcastro: let me have a look21:48
jcastrolifeless: even if it was one big upstream, like either gnome or debian or something would be a tremendous help21:49
james_wjcastro: talk to marjo about requesting it through the stakeholder process21:49
jcastrogood idea21:51
lifelessjcastro: this is huge21:53
lifelessjcastro: as defined its extremely complicated21:54
lifelessjcastro: asking in the stakeholder process would make sense.21:54
lifelesswhat we need for this is:21:54
lifeless - defined API for searching upstreams21:54
lifeless - glue into +filebug to make that work21:54
lifelessthe first step needs to be time capped. E.g. searching upstreams in < 0.5sec per query21:54
lifelessthats going to be nearly impossible given many upstreams bugtrackers21:55
james_was a first cut search the tasks on the upstream /in launchpad/ would work21:55
jcastroin the past we've done an entire import of like, the BTS in lp.21:55
lifelessso I'd redefine this as21:55
jcastroif it did that say, once a night21:55
lifelesssearch in the matching product on LP for dups21:55
lifelesswhich is *easy*21:55
jcastrothen who cares about remotely queuing the remote tracker?21:55
lifelessand separately we can work on better prepopulation of the upstream products in LP21:55
lifelessjcastro: james_w: we're saying the same thing. I'm saying though that the bug *as defined* is going to be hard to do well if at all.21:56
lifelesswhomever is the stakeholder should redefine it;)21:56
* jcastro does that21:57
lifelessits a very small patch to make +filebug look both upstream-in-LP *and* downstream-in-LP.21:57
lifelessso that bugs on bzr find the ubuntu bugs for it, and vice verca.21:58
lifelessjcastro: I think you want two bugs.21:58
lifelessone, search upstream-in-LP in +filebug.21:58
lifelesstwo, which is likely a dup, populate-upsream-in-LP21:58
jcastroright, I swear we've been talking about  this idea for like 3 years21:58
jcastroI want #2 way more21:59
lifelessjcastro: so, separate the concerns out. Shove em in the stakeholder process.22:00
lifelessnow, you could do a patch for 1 yourself :) its pretty easy [as such things go :(]22:01
lifelessfor 2, I haven't looked into the bug federation logic yet.22:01
lifelessso I can't comment. I don't see why it would be harder than 'for bug in X; add-bug-watch' on a given product.22:01
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