
david_ hmm, "creating" ext4 now for 10 minutes. This shouldnt take so long, right?00:01
penguin42wouldn't have thought so - how big a partition?00:02
david_500GB and before the btrfs xfs was done in 5 seconds00:02
david_hanging at 33 percent all the time00:03
penguin42yeh I seem to remember xfs's creations take almost no time00:03
penguin42ext* does tkae some reasonable amount of time, and I think it is vaguely proportional to size00:03
penguin42I haven't created a large one for a while though00:03
david_ok, so Ill keep waiting00:03
philip___I just changed my scheduler to deadline. God what an awesome improvement00:14
david_penguin42: I rebooted and tried again: it took 3 minutes.00:16
smallfoot-how is the rootless X blueprint coming along?00:20
smallfoot-is it implemented yet?00:20
funkyHatalt + key doesn't appear to be working in gnome-terminal as of today :/ Seems to just input the key without a modifier00:30
penguin42someone said that earlier00:34
penguin42funkyHat: Bug 61993900:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619939 in vte (Ubuntu) "Alt/Meta escape keys no longer work (dup-of: 619754)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61993900:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619754 in vte (Ubuntu) "alt + backspace; alt+d etc. don't work anymore" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61975400:35
funkyHatpenguin42: thanks ⢁)00:36
david_penguin42: using the standardsettings the installer succeeds after 20 min. As a review I didnt feel btrfs slower than ext4 installation.00:36
h00kfunkyHat: I'm having that same issue, actually, and that's why I just came in here.01:05
h00kfunkyHat: jpds showed me a cool dealio to bind /n to /window n in a one-line script01:06
funkyHath00k: too many keypresses ;(01:07
h00kfunkyHat:  /script exec for (1 .. 200) { Irssi::command("/alias $_ window goto $_") }01:07
h00kfunkyHat: and /save if you'd like01:08
funkyHath00k: /n<enter> is too many keypresses ;(01:08
funkyHatI'm putting up with using esc for the time being ;)01:08
penguin42actually, I've just noticed I've gained an opposite bug in gnome-terminal  - ctrl+pageup/down no longer switches tabs01:09
h00kso. Unity was being silly and mutter was dying when I opened something not-maximised01:10
h00kI installed ubuntu-desktop and logged into that session, now everything opens full screen.01:11
h00kI'm not sure what to report this bug against01:12
h00kubuntu-desktop metapackage?01:12
david_penguin42: w00t: Now the system was installed as I wanted and no problems occured, although I truely did the same setting!01:12
penguin42very odd01:13
david_how do I turn on the grub boot menu?01:47
MTeckAny ideas what's causing this?  Please set a terminal type.01:49
MTeckSince almost everything I do is cli it's kinda getting in the way :P01:50
MTeckI tried doing TERM=xterm but that was a no go01:51
MTeckI don't really understand what happened in this last set of updates. They all seemed to do fine - but now anything command line seems pretty messed up.01:59
h00kAlso, flash is broken.02:04
MTeckYup.. still hates me02:05
funkyHatI'm also getting that high-ish pitched sort of crackly noise when sound plays ⢁(02:13
david__is there a repository for ubuntu 10.10 marvic that contains a kernel with linux-vserver? Something like linux-image-vserver?02:14
philip___I'm getting dependency hell with the package libgirepository03:15
funkyHatphilip___: I had that too, I think it was because of the nautilus elementary PPA, but I'm not certain03:16
johnjohn101what nvidia drivers will be coming with 10.1003:28
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philip___funkyHat: I resolved the libgirepository dependency by switching repositories, figures03:51
h00kI haven't solved my flash problem yet03:55
sinurgewhile testing, what is a proper practise , using hte terminal to upgrade or using update manager04:20
Bookmanhas anyone gotten gnome shell to work?04:21
sinurgenot me04:21
sinurgegave up on it04:21
BookmanAh, so it is not just me.04:22
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BreetaiI installed xubuntu maverick alpha3 and installed the nvidia drivers via the Hardware Drivers Tool. They did not work so I uninstalled them. I did not realize the nouveau driver was the default. It works, but when I Kubuntu-desktop KDE shows up as one great big "white" screen05:04
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rlaagerWhy aren't packages in maverick listed on packages.ubuntu.com?06:16
vegarlaager: was wondering same thing yesterday06:34
vegatried to check which alsa version is in maverick06:34
craigmarshall9Does anyone have any idea why it takes my laptop so long to reconnect to wireless after a resume? I'm using Meerkat with a proprietary Broadcom driver.08:30
craigmarshall9Is there perhaps a setting that controls how often the software scans for new networks or similar?08:31
craigmarshall9The wireless connection comes back immediately (approx 3-4 seconds) after a Windows resume, and it's around 1+ minutes for meerkat.08:32
craigmarshall9Just ran an update on meerkat aplha 3, and a libgirepository crashed out with a dependency error.08:43
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DanaGhumphreybc: say, my battery icon is missing, yet g-p-m itself sees the battery fine.10:36
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minimechumphreybc: THat is true. No notifications here either (never had notification when changing brightness on a HP LAptop)10:36
minimechumphreybc: Verify by installing the ubuntu-desktop package.10:36
DanaGgnome-power-statistics is handy.10:36
DanaGThu Aug 19 02:36:59 PDT 201010:36
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humphreybcI'll reboot in a minute10:37
humphreybcand see if installing acpi and all that junk does anything10:37
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humphreybcthis laptop ran for a few days just on AC with no battery present10:38
humphreybcI wonder if that had anything to do with it10:38
david__is there a 'linux-image-vsever' for ubuntu 10.10 marvic that contains a kernel with linux-vserver? Maybe a repo?10:42
humphreybcokay rebooting10:46
humphreybcback in a bit10:46
humphreybcnope, didn't fix it10:49
humphreybcannoying because I don't get notifications of battery level running out10:49
humphreybcand I can't set behaviour on battery10:50
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david__Since there is no linux-image-vserver for marvic, yet, I am thinking about using lucid server 32b with bttrfs for root and ext4 for /boot. How is the experience about that? Will I ran into too much trouble?11:15
minimecdavid__: bttrfs is pretty new. Don't know if much people run that by now...11:16
bazhangdavid__, I'd wait for lucid to have it, mixing will make unstable even more so11:22
bazhangdavid__, err sorry maverick to have it11:22
david__bazhang: I now have to decide and start installing my next os in a few minutes. So I am thinking about maverick + my own kernel11:24
bazhangdavid__, okay, that's not supported, but do what you wish11:25
bazhangI'd wait at least until beta to start using Maverick personally11:25
david__well, when maverick is out and the linux-vservers I can easily change to the ubuntu kernel11:25
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sbdccjtdoes there exists a cd image of 10.10 Alpha 3 that is smaller than 650MB?12:19
sbdccjtI only have rewritable 650 MB disks12:20
sbdccjtI there a way to manually create an image?12:20
geserthere are already problems to fit into 700MB so I doubt there is a 650MB ISO12:20
sbdccjtI only need a disk to install12:21
sbdccjtI know the Debian project has very small disks of only about 100MB12:21
geserno spare USB stick large enough?12:21
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sbdccjtbut I get "boot error"12:21
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sbdccjtany suggestions?12:24
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sbdccjtI really want to avoid buying new CD-R's12:25
sbdccjtI don't think it is ethical to burn Ubuntu on a disk for which the Belgian music industry receives money12:28
sbdccjtthey don't own the author rights on Ubuntu and I don't want to accept their theft...12:29
sbdccjt...so I need another way to install Ubuntu 10.10 alpha 3...any ideas?12:29
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sbdccjtmaybe there is a way to verify bootable USB sticks to find out why I get "boot error"?12:34
minimecsbdccjt: Did you create a MAverick Boot stick with ubuntu Lucid?12:35
sbdccjtKarmic Koala12:37
minimecsbdccjt: This is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux/+bug/608382 / and this is the solution ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux/+bug/608382/comments/512:37
penguin42karmic? Bit old isn't it?12:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608382 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Maverick images build on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version" [High,Triaged]12:37
minimecsbdccjt: I see ;)12:37
penguin42sbdccjt: So you made a maverick boot thumb from karmic? Probably the same bug12:37
sbdccjtpenguin42: yes, I'm now switching to 10.10 alpha312:38
minimecsbdccjt: Same think I guess. The syslinux version has changed. I guess this solution is working for you too...12:38
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sbdccjtok, I'll take a look to that page12:38
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minimecsbdccjt: Open /syslinux/syslinux.cfg on the stick and verify the 'ui ...' line12:39
sbdccjt(I always try to keep an older Ubuntu version on one of my machines so that I can test the alpha's without fear)12:40
minimecsbdccjt: I still have a jaunty install on my productive system ;)12:40
sbdccjttime for a reboot :-)12:43
mikebeechamhi guys..I'm thinking about upgrading to 10.10 since upgrade manager (-d) allows me to...is it worth it yet?12:47
minimecmikebeecham: That is always a tricky question. If you are using an ATi GPU, my opinion is No!12:48
mikebeechamhi minimec I'm using an Nvidia 7600GT12:49
mikebeechambut this is also a family machine12:49
mikebeechamI'm worried that something major will break and will affect more than me12:50
minimecmikebeecham: Verify, that the Nvidia property driver is available for 10.10...12:50
minimecmikebeecham: I would wait...12:50
mikebeechamminimec, perhaps the best policy I reckon :S12:50
mikebeechamshame, I'm always itching for the 'new' thing :D12:50
minimecmikebeecham: I know that... Ubuntu is a game and you want to check the next level... 'The little child in man' ...12:53
mikebeechamhehe....something along those lines, yes12:55
mikebeechamI guess I'll have to stick with gtk themes, wallpapers, fonts and icons to keep me happy for now12:55
mikebeechammind you, I noticed that Ubuntu have now released 10.4.1?12:58
mikebeechama lot of bug fixes12:58
mikebeechami wonder if I can ask another quick question....obviously on a windows environment, you can clean up the system after a while.  I would know how to do that.  However, I've been running Linux for a couple of years now, upgrading as I go.  I've installed new software, tried different things, etc.13:03
mikebeechamHowever, I wonder if it's time to either clean or re-install Ubuntu again..start from scratch, as it were13:03
mikebeechamis this wise, or just leave things alone?13:03
minimecmikebeecham: unused dependencies can be deleted with sudo 'apt-get autoremove', then I normally do 'sudo apt-get autoclean'. That's for the OS part...13:09
minimecmikebeecham: autoremove may also include old Kernel versions.13:09
mikebeechamok, so autoremove didnt remove anything :D13:10
mikebeechamautoclean did some stuff13:11
minimecmikebeecham: With 10.04 there is a new version of the partitoning tool, which makes 'cleaner' partitions specially for ext4 (which is default in lucid), as i read somewhere. So if you are on a older version than 10.04 lucid, I would consider a fresh installation.13:13
mikebeechamwell, I'm on the original 10.04 at the moment13:26
mikebeechamI guess it would mean a complete re-install of a load of stuff :D13:27
mikebeechamI'm a designer, so I have a shed load of fonts, for example!13:27
gnomefreakthat is not a question, i also dont see a point of that for a support channel13:28
mikebeechamgnomefreak, well, with respect...no-one else is really 'talking' in the channel.  Considering neither myself nor minimec have a problem with talking in a silent room I dont suppose there is an issue....do you?13:29
mikebeechamunless you like silence13:29
mikebeechamin which case it would be a problem for you, I guess!13:29
gnomefreaki suggest talking in #ubuntu-offtopic about non support related topics13:30
mikebeechamthank you for your suggestion13:30
minimecmikebeecham: gnomefreak It is a valuable question to ask ir a fresh install is nessesary... I you are on 10.04. In my eyes a reinstall is not nessesary...13:30
mikebeechamin this respect, I would class this as support, however....minimec is supporting me, so whilst it's an issue for you, I'll continue asking my 'support' question if thats ok?13:31
gnomefreaki didnt see a question in that, he stated it as a comment13:31
mikebeechamsorry, I'll try and use more 'open'-structured questions in order to meet your requirements since you're 'listening in' :D13:32
mikebeechamfor example:13:32
gnomefreaki have to listen in13:32
mikebeechamminimec, wouild you consider a free install to be the appropriate course of action in this case, considering that I may have issues with time-allotted incumbunt files gathering on my hard drive?13:32
mikebeechamfresh, rather!13:33
mikebeechamAlso, I have double entries on my samba shares, which I cannot seem to get rid of..so would a fresh install into 10.04.1 be a good course of action?13:33
mikebeechambetter gnomefreak ?13:34
mikebeechamwhich is, in itself, a question!13:35
minimecmikebeecham: in ubuntu packages are mostly replaced and 'conflicting' packages are removed. So you shouldn't have problems with that. After the upgrade you could try the 'autoremove' thing again... Obsolete software can always be removed with a package tool too...13:35
gnomefreakdont know im waiting for a 10.10 support quesion but atm im looking in anohter room but i scan ~15-20 channels13:35
minimecmikebeecham: you could delete the samba config in /etc, and reinstall samba for a clean samba configuration, I guess.13:37
minimecmikebeecham: Or simply purge samba and reinstall it again.13:38
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mikebeechamminimec, thanks mate...I'm actually backing up my stuff now, and I'm going to reformat and clean install I thnk14:19
minimecmikebeecham: If you do that, be sure to have a seperate /home partition, if you don't have that right now...14:20
johnjohn101when will the new art work be part of the 10.10 release?14:20
minimecmikebeecham: In my eyes that is a must, as it gives you all the flexibility for a fresh install or a backup...14:20
mikebeechamminimec, oh crumbs!14:22
mikebeechamnot thought that far...I'm not that great with partitions14:22
mikebeechamI have /home at the moment14:22
mikebeechamfor example14:22
minimecmikebeecham: The clue is to seperate the OS (ubuntu packages and config) from your user data (/home directory).14:23
gnomefreakjohnjohn101: it should be in the release schedule14:23
gnomefreakjohnjohn101: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule14:24
mikebeechamminimec, well, I tend to have a shared external HDD connected to my mac downstairs, where all my important stuff is kept14:24
gnomefreakjohnjohn101: it is normaly one of the last things14:24
minimecmikebeecham: You can do that by choosing manual partitioning during install.14:24
mikebeechamso would that be about half my hard drive space?14:25
minimecmikebeecham: I really recommend that. MAybe the guided partitioning offers that solution too14:25
mikebeecham...so create two partitions...1) OS and 2) File Space14:25
mikebeecham..and this will be clear to me during install?14:26
mikebeechamI only installed once, and with the help of someone...and that was about 3 years ago14:26
minimecmikebeecham: Exactly. I would consider 12-15GB for /, same amount of RAM as SWAP (if you need suspend... ), and the test for your files.14:27
mikebeechamtell you what...would you be willing to throw me an IM address, and if I get stuck (since I wont at that point have irc) I could shout you?14:28
mikebeechambut thats ok if not14:28
minimecmikebeecham: Stay public. That is also some kind of control. Yu can ensure that I am not telling you some ... ;)14:31
mikebeechamyeah..ok.  I have a windows machine, so I'll try and get irc on it for when I'm installing14:31
mikebeecham...and you wouldn't feed me ..... you seem ok :D14:32
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mikebeechamquick question...could I download the iso and run it from the desktop, or will I need to burn to a disc and install from the live CD?14:35
bazhangmikebeecham, you have grub2?14:35
mikebeechambazhang, ....nope, sorry you lost me :D14:36
bazhangmikebeecham, lucid now?14:36
mikebeechamNot THAT experienced with Linux, I'm afraid...know enough to get by!14:36
PiciAnd you're running Maverick?14:36
mikebeecham10.04 at the moment14:36
bazhangyou can boot the iso from hdd with grub214:36
mikebeechamdoes 10.04 use grub2?14:37
Picimikebeecham: You're installing 10.04?14:37
bazhangmikebeecham, yes14:37
bazhang!grub2 > mikebeecham14:37
ubottumikebeecham, please see my private message14:37
mikebeechamPici, I'm wanting to do re-do a clean install of 10.04 because I think over the last 3 years I've been running linux I've accumulated so much CRAP!14:37
mikebeechamso I have 10.04 and I want to reinstall 10.04, from a clean HDD14:37
Picimikebeecham: #ubuntu+1 is only for Maverick questions, #ubuntu is for the supported versions of UBuntu.14:38
mikebeechamok...the conversation kinda got off topic... it started with questions about Maverick with minimec14:38
mikebeechamone more question, if you would, before I leave...14:39
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PiciDepends ;)14:39
mikebeechambazhang, where would I see the option to boot from the iso on my hdd, at login? or would I need to place the ISO somewhere, or just double click on it once downloaded?14:39
mikebeechampici...safe questions, I promise ;D14:39
bazhangmikebeecham, #ubuntu please14:40
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sbdccjtminimec: it didn't work :(14:46
sbdccjtI still get the error "boot error" without any addiational clue14:47
sbdccjt(so my error is slightly different as noted at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux/+bug/608382 )14:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608382 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Maverick images build on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version" [High,Triaged]14:47
sbdccjtI already tried to recreate the USB stick on my 10.4 system14:48
sbdccjt...same error14:48
minimecsbdccjt: so You deleted the 'ui' letters in /syslinux/syslinux.cfg on the stick. Guess the 9.10 tool is not working. The bug I sent you was for lucid, but I giessed it would also work with previous versions.14:48
sbdccjtminimec: I tried your trick also when I recreated the USB stick on my lucid system...14:49
sbdccjtbut I still see "boot error"14:49
minimecsbdccjt: So you have another problem, maybe. That 'ui'-trick did for me...14:50
sbdccjtcan it be related to the size of my USB stick?14:51
sbdccjtit is 8GB14:51
sbdccjtmaybe that is too big?14:52
minimecsbdccjt: That shouldn't be the problem. MAybe the boot sector. Did you format the stick before you created the 'Ubuntu-Stick'?14:53
sbdccjtI did format the stick using the usb-creator tool14:54
minimecsbdccjt: That should be enough. Did you seperate any space for files (how much)?14:55
minimecsbdccjt: So you did everything right.14:55
sbdccjtI will try with a 3,7 GB stick14:56
minimecsbdccjt: DO you have an alternative USB option? 4GB is enough for an installation. Sometimes USB sticks can be tricky...14:56
minimecsbdccjt: MY guess ;)14:56
minimecsbdccjt: DOn't forget the 'ui' thing, as you will have that bug ;)14:57
sbdccjtlet's see if Apace is a better brand than Sandisk :-)14:57
nocturnHi, I just dist-upgraded to Maverick and now my nvidia driver won't load any more15:40
nocturnit seems blocked by the nouveau driver already loaded on the hardware15:40
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* nocturn another reboot15:43
nocturnOk, following this howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia also failed to restore the driver15:53
nocturnJockey-gtk keeps saying that the nvidia driver is activated but not currently in use16:16
nocturncopying back xorg.conf that loads driver 'nvidia' hangs the system :-(16:16
ZykoticK9nocturn, if you are using nvidia-current you need to add a ignoreABI line to xorg - see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/61602316:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616023 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found" [High,Triaged]16:16
nocturnZykoticK9: will try that, thanks16:18
* nocturn rebooting16:20
nocturnZykoticK9: that failed too, in syslog I get the message16:29
ZykoticK9nocturn, are you using "nvidia-current" or did you download the driver from nvidia.com?16:29
nocturnNVRM: The NVIDIA probe routine was not called for 1 device(s).16:29
nocturnNVRM: This can occur when a driver such as nouveau, rivafb,16:30
nocturnIt seems it cannot load the kernel module16:30
nocturnbecause nouveau is blocking it16:30
nocturnI tried blacklisting nouveau but it gets ignored16:30
nocturnIt's nvidia-current16:31
ZykoticK9nocturn, does "apt-cache policy nvidia-current" show driver as 256.44-0ubuntu116:32
nocturnYes, Installed: 256.44-0ubuntu116:32
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houserockrhey guys! I am running lucid (10.04) and I've just installed kernel (from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.35.2-maverick/). I am now encountering some severe lag-issues where my mouse hangs for a certain amount of time and the sound playback also hangs. are there any known issues?16:58
VolkodavI have update manager hung on me - how do I kill it ? can not find it in process menu ?17:06
Volkodavi killed this sucker :-D17:10
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lucidfoxHow do I start tomboy minimized to the indicator?18:10
ZykoticK9lucidfox, I hope you get an answer, I'd like to know as well :)18:11
charlie-tcaI doesn't do that?18:14
charlie-tcaI think there was a plan to get it integrated before maverick releases18:14
DanaGSay, that glmark2-es2 won't run...18:34
DanaG[ Fail ] - Video initialization failed: No available video device          [ Fail ] - GLES initialization failed: SDL_gles is incompatible with this SDL version                 [ Fail ] - GLES create context: EGL failed to find any valid config with required attributes: EGL_BAD_DISPLAY                    Error: main: Could not initialize screen18:34
DanaG"Sorry, Report a problem... closed unexpectedly."18:37
DanaGNow I have like 35 of those windows open.18:38
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wechatWhat's this terrible? http://itmages.ru/image/preview/50998/d3c903e418:52
ZykoticK9wechat, i'm not sure how to remove that with default ubuntu tools - BUT "Ubuntu Tweak" / Gnome Settings has a checkbox for "Show Input Method menu in the context menu" which *MIGHT* help, not sure however (i don't get that icon, as I only have english installed)18:55
saxinCan anyone point me in the right way for installing nvidia drivers in Ubuntu 10.10 ? Need to use the official drivers from Nvidia :) My graphic card is Nvidia 9800 GTX18:55
ZykoticK9saxin, using nvidia-current and making a change to xorg.conf got my nvidia working yesterday - but if you need nvidia.com driver i'm really not sure.  Good luck.18:56
saxinI want to be able to play sc2 :)18:57
saxinnvidia-current can do that?18:57
ZykoticK9saxin, you might want to see bug #30841018:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308410 in jockey (Ubuntu Jaunty) "Latest Xorg removes nvidia driver ... conflicting xserver-xorg-video-4" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30841018:57
ZykoticK9saxin, sorry wrong bug.  it's bug 61602318:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616023 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602318:58
* penguin42 is going to have to have a 'discussion' with F-spot in Maverick - it's not happy at all for importing for me18:58
jcolequestion about the livecd... i am providing remastered versions and would like to "force" encrypted home directories by default... what config would i modify to make that happen?18:59
wechatZykoticK9, Thanks for the attention.19:06
CarlFKwhat do I apt-get install to view pdf?  (nothing included, installed a3 a few weeks ago, just did a dist-upgrade)19:48
CarlFKevince - Document (postscript, pdf) viewer19:49
DrHalanevince is the gnome pdf viewer19:49
DrHalani would recomend that19:50
DrHalanyou can also use adobes reader through medibuntu19:50
penguin42CarlFK: Hmm I'm surprised evince isn't in by default19:50
CarlFKme too19:50
CarlFKThe following NEW packages will be installed:19:50
CarlFK  evince19:50
wechatCarlFK, there were problems when beta-updating with evans in my previous version of ubuntu distro. evince [2.30.1-0ubuntu1 (lucid-proposed, now) -> 2.30.0-0ubuntu1 (lucid)] It doesn't open anything Aftr some days new updated version of it worked fine.19:56
CarlFKk - i was wondering if it needed proper reporting. guess not.19:57
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ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Maverick Meerkat and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maverick. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:51
penguin42That really could do with qualifying as being 'almost' the same as the latest version20:52
bleakedi know you guys probably dislike questions like this, but will synaptics touchpads work better in 10.10?  even as a seasoned user, it took weeks to get anything useable and even then it was jumpy and had lost of false hits and no dragging or highlighting features.20:53
penguin42bleaked: Mine just double-tapped and dragged for me20:54
penguin42bleaked: There are a couple of tools to fiddle with the settings20:54
* wechat Experiencing some new issues: there is a new icon on top panel; new folders in addition to default our localized "Working table" there are new also non-localized "Desktop" and something really new - a folder with a name "Working". Some time in future it will be not OMG! Ubuntu but Oh My Heart! Ubuntu.20:56
minimecbleaked: There should be a 'Touchpad'-TAB in <system<preferences<mouse (starting with 10.04) That did the trick for my synaptics touchpad.20:56
penguin42minimec: That tab doesn't have much in the way of sensitivity stuff in it, just options20:56
alex_mayorgaso merkat is out?20:57
bleakedyea, it was so frustrating that i actually went back to windows for teh first time in 10 years and it's really sucking in it's own ways.. runs video better tho20:58
minimecbleaked: Did you try the configuration tool gsynaptics? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gsynaptics&suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names20:59
chrisl2424hi, can anyone help me install limewire or any other good music down loader?21:00
penguin42bleaked: There is a new tool called 'gpointing-device-settings' - just found it21:00
wechatalex_mayorga: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule21:01
penguin42bleaked: Has lots and lots of tweakables on21:01
bleakedused both of those tools but to no avail.. perhaps i could read even more and revisit them again21:01
penguin42bleaked: If it doesn't work then if you haven't already done so report it as a bug - it should!21:02
bleakedyea, it's for a hp netbook.. and in my experience, hp hardware just does not play nice with linux21:02
alex_mayorgawechat: thanks21:03
bleakedmaybe i'm an exception21:03
alex_mayorgaso now that the feature freeze is passed it should be "stable"?21:03
bleakedpenguin42, minimec: thanks for your suggestions :)21:05
minimecbleaked: np21:05
wechatalex_mayorga: NOW we do not have *Compiz Cube* and some problems with sqlite3 apps: it's IMpossible to add a folder with music from context menu File -> Add folder... in Rhythmbox. You can use drag'n'drop but  not menu. Everything else is working as usual for me. Probably great alpha-development-problems are in the past.21:08
penguin42still has a bunch of problems for me; Couple of kernel boot issues (one grub/kernel video, the other interrupt remapping), virt-manager keeps crashing, F-spot doesn't import, some moans from gnome-terminal sometimes in the logs, and a few other minor ones21:10
wechatand screenshot-tool doesn't make Active window screenshot - only Full Screen21:11
=== Guest44571 is now known as LjL-Temp
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alex_mayorgadid firefox 4 got included?21:25
wechatalex_mayorga: firefox 4 only from nightly.mozilla.org21:26
alex_mayorgapenguin42: do you know why?21:26
penguin42alex_mayorga: No, I just did an apt-ache search21:28
BUGabundowechat: alex_mayorga or ubuntu mozilla team PPA21:28
penguin42alex_mayorga: Is it out yet?21:28
wechatalex_mayorga: ff 4 doesn't support a lot of adons, ff 4 is developing now only, not exact desigion about design and look, the latest is Minefield version 4.0b5pre21:28
BUGabundoMozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.0b4pre) Gecko/20100816 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Minefield/4.0b4pre21:29
alex_mayorgapenguin42: now, but is getting there in in beta 421:29
wechatBUGabundo: repo?21:29
alex_mayorgaI think it'd be when 10.10 releases21:29
BUGabundodaily ppa21:29
wechatBUGabundo: ok I see it thanks21:30
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo: is that PPA mozilla "powered"21:30
BUGabundoits *our* official team21:30
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo: what I wonder if issues on these are reportable to mozilla's bugzilla21:40
BUGabundothe new nautilus replace tool is neat21:40
BUGabundoshame it crashes a LOT21:40
BUGabundoalex_mayorga: they are21:41
BUGabundoand since they are daileis21:41
BUGabundoyou can use the trunk revisions to21:41
BUGabundotrack down the21:41
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_OngBak3
robertzaccourhey yall21:54
robertzaccouri'm having trouble installing skype in maverick21:54
robertzaccouris it normal to have trouble installing software in alpha 3?22:01
robertzaccourthere's a problem with dpkg is this a common issue?22:34
robertzaccourcan't install stuff via dpkg atm22:34
penguin42robertzaccour: What errors are you getting?22:35
robertzaccourpenguin42, I tried to double click to install skype, but there was an error. then i tried in the terminal and got this sudo dpkg -i ~/downloads/skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_amd6422:36
robertzaccourdpkg: error processing /home/robert/downloads/skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_amd64 (--install):22:36
robertzaccour cannot access archive: No such file or directory22:36
robertzaccourErrors were encountered while processing:22:36
robertzaccour /home/robert/downloads/skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_amd6422:36
penguin42robertzaccour: I think you missed the .deb off the end of the command line22:37
robertzaccourpenguin42, sudo dpkg -i ~/downloads/skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_amd64.deb22:40
robertzaccourdpkg: error processing /home/robert/downloads/skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_amd64.deb (--install):22:40
robertzaccour cannot access archive: No such file or directory22:40
robertzaccourErrors were encountered while processing:22:40
robertzaccour /home/robert/downloads/skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_amd64.deb22:40
penguin42robertzaccour: OK, so cd into /home/robert/downloads and do ls -l skype* - and please put the output on a pastebin rather than pasting it here if it's more than 1 or 2 lines22:41
robertzaccourpenguin42, in the GUI I got "unable to read filedescriptor flags for <package status and product file descriptor>: bad file descriptor22:43
penguin42robertzaccour: ok, but can you do that ls please22:43
robertzaccourpenguin42, how do I do the command with cd and ls?22:44
penguin42robertzaccour: Open a terminal; then type   cd /home/robert/downloads22:44
penguin42robertzaccour: Then hit return and do ls -l skype*      and tell me what it shows22:44
penguin42robertzaccour: Are you using Ubuntu Maverick or normal released Lucid ?22:45
penguin42robertzaccour: You're going to need to issue exactly the commands I ask; now, in a terminal hit return then   type      cd /home/robert/downloads      then hit return again   then type    ls -l skype*     then hit return again22:51
penguin42robertzaccour: Make sure that you include all spaces between parts of the commands22:51
forrestGimpI believe it needs to be Downloads to find the file22:52
robertzaccourpenguin42, after cd /home/robert/downloads it says no such file or directory22:53
penguin42robertzaccour: OK, try it with a capital D in Downloads22:53
robertzaccourpenguin42, robert@robert-laptop:~/Downloads$ ls -l skype*22:54
robertzaccour-rw-r--r-- 1 robert robert 20165018 2010-08-19 15:50 skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_amd64.deb22:54
penguin42ok, so there were you're two problems with your dpkg command - you missed the .deb off the end and your Downloads needed a capital D - so22:55
penguin42sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.8.81-1_amd64.deb22:55
penguin42robertzaccour: However, I don't know if Skype's intrepid version works on Maverick or not22:56
forrestGimpworks for me, the same file22:56
forrestGimpskype file that is22:56
penguin42robertzaccour: The other thing though, is I would say that you will probably need to learn more command line tools if you want to use the alpha release; the alpha release often does odd and wonderful things that you really need to know how to get out of22:57
ZykoticK9Skype worked here too22:57
robertzaccourI'm using Xubuntu. could Xfce be the issue?22:58
forrestGimpmy momma always said "Alpha releases are like a box of chocolates."22:59
robertzaccourpenguin42, http://pastebin.com/Humy8fnc23:00
robertzaccourforrestGimp, so i have a very odd issue here?23:00
penguin42robertzaccour: Sorry, it's not - I'm only copying the name that the ls showed; please WATCH what is happening23:01
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* penguin42 goes to get food23:04
robertzaccourpenguin42, I got it :) thanks23:05
robertzaccourpenguin42, I'm gonna email this example to myself for future reference in this kind of case23:05
forrestGimprobertzaccour;   just a pathname problem23:06
robertzaccourpenguin42, what do you think is wrong with the GUI?23:06
robertzaccourwhat was different about the command that worked than the normal GUI?23:07
magicianlordrobertzaccour: tv. yes or no23:08
robertzaccourmagicianlord, tv what?23:08
magicianlordjust yes or no23:09
robertzaccourmagicianlord, I don't watch tv23:09
magicianlordwhat is it that you had a problem with in the gui?23:09
magicianlordme neither23:09
magicianlordthank you23:11
bazhangmagicianlord, palin edition?23:13
magicianlordwow. intel purchased mcaffee23:15
bazhangmagicianlord, this is a support channel23:15
magicianlordhow do you get meekat to boot when it freezes on the cursor?23:18
welinux /help23:19
BUGa_OngBak3you won't find any help here :)23:20
=== BUGa_OngBak3 is now known as BUGabundo
penguin42magicianlord: So, that depends exactly where it froze and what was before it - whats the last thing you saw before the cursor?23:23
penguin42magicianlord: Oh, and what graphics card do you have?23:25
magicianlordit starts blinking before the normal pre-grub selection wiht hte ubuntu logo: install, boot into live, etc23:26
penguin42magicianlord: Which graphics card, and are you booting off a CD or thumb drive?23:27
magicianlordboth. nvidia andintel23:27
penguin42ooh that adds a bit more spice to it23:28
magicianlordblacklisting ssb and b43 in grub doesnt work either23:28
penguin42and you have monitors plugged into both ?23:28
magicianlordboth computers have monitors23:28
penguin42oh this is two computers; one with Intel, one with Nvidia and both hang at the same place?23:29
magicianlordyou got it23:30
magicianlordi've researched this. it's common23:30
penguin42ah right ok; so CD or thumb drive?23:30
penguin42ok, was the image created on a Lucid box?23:32
penguin42if so you have bug 60838223:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608382 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Maverick images build on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60838223:32
penguin42ok, how did you create the thumb drive image?23:34
magicianlordnever mind. i'm tired now23:36
penguin42shrug ok23:36
magicianlordit has issues23:37
magicianlordgood luck on finding hte oslution23:41
penguin42feel free to come back and we can try and suggest stuff when you're able; but as far as I can tell a fair chunk o people seem to have booted off thumb drive OK after working round one of the things in 60838223:43
penguin42(I haven't - I've done fresh installs off isos and done upgrades, but no thumbdrive)23:43
magicianlordhave you tested unity23:46
penguin42no, I've been running desktop, not netbook stuff23:46
magicianlordvery good23:47
=== FireMed1c is now known as FiremanEd
penguin42hmm, now I've got 3d working a VM I could actually try that23:50
penguin42 'working' but slow I guess23:50
magicianlordgood luck23:53

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