
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
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amitkogra: where is the system-wide fstab that mounts the initial filesystems?11:51
ograyou mean /etc/fstab ?11:51
amitkogra: no, the other one that upstart uses11:52
ograupstart ?11:52
amitkwhere things like /var/run are mounted as tmpfs11:52
ograoh you mean mountall11:52
amitkaah, right11:52
ograthats /lib/init/fstab11:52
amitkperfect, thanks ogra11:52
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mopdenackerrsalveti, robclark : hi! At last, here's the result of the parse-edid command:13:53
mopdenackerProduced on Panda ES1.0,  2.6.34-903-omap4 #7resalveti2 kernel13:54
robclarkk.. will look at that in a few min.. in a call atm..13:54
mopdenackerThanks! Here's my kernel log too: http://pastebin.com/MT3QJCDR13:55
mopdenackerStill observing the interlaced screen effet.13:56
robclarkmopdenacker: btw, can you point me at a git tree and commit-id for the kernel you are using.. just so I know which patches you do and don't have?14:00
mopdenackerrobclark: unfortunately, this info is not available. I just used rsalveti's pre-built kernel.14:11
mopdenackerrsalveti: do you have a git tree and commit id for your 2.6.34-903-omap4 #7rsalveti2 kernel, please?14:12
robclarkahh, ok.. so I'm guessing you do not have this patch http://gitorious.org/~robclark/pandaboard/robclarks-kernel-omap4/commit/6b36538ae4495bc4e6c44b01192814b4d702882f14:12
robclarksince it was causing rsalveti some issues..14:12
robclarkbut it is required for monitors that can't do 1920x1080.. otherwise, what happens is fb configures itself for 1920x1080 (which is the default at boot-up before hdmi driver has a chance to read the EDID), and doesn't realize when the resolution changes to 1280x102414:13
robclarkwhich causes the weird repeating pattern.. because at start of row 2, the display is reading what the fb client thinks is 2/3rds of the way thru row 1..14:14
robclark(hopefully that made sense)14:14
robclarkrsalveti: do you have time for an experiment, to see if adding that console lock stuff around the fb_set_var() calls helps w/ your monitor?14:15
robclarkI can make an updated patch quickly.. but at moment don't have any good way to test it14:15
* robclark is pandaless at the moment :-(14:16
mythripkmopdenacker: Btw can you try sysfs? ie do a echo 350 > custom_edid_timing ?14:50
robclarkmythripk: I think his problem is the framebuffer resizing.. fwiw14:50
robclarkhdmi driver itself is ok.. it is finding and using a supported resolution correctly14:50
robclarkbut unfortunately fb still thinks resolution is 1920x108014:51
mythripkyes :) i saw that , it is picking 1280 * 102414:56
mythripkbut i guess the sysfs trial might trigger FB , so wanted to confirm that.14:57
robclarkI guess I need to figure out a good solution for making the omapfb size-change callback work in all cases..14:57
robclarkno, don't think it would trigger fb if he doesn't have the patch to add callback..14:57
robclarknot if resolution changes, at least..14:57
mythripki will be adding uevent for all the hot plug trigger in timing change , would that help fb to listen?14:58
mythripkcan fb listen to the uevent ?14:58
robclarknot really sure..  that might help userspace.. but I think normally that sort of notifcation would come thru DRM driver somehow..14:58
mythripkoops sorry my last bus time14:59
robclarkk, don't miss the bus ;-)14:59
mythripk:) good day14:59
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mopdenackermythripk: thanks for the tip. Writing to custom_edid_timing didn't help15:06
rsalvetimopdenacker: robclark: hi15:37
robclarkahh, hi rsalveti15:38
rsalvetimy tree15:38
rsalvetimorning :-)15:38
mopdenackerrsalveti: morning! Where are you?15:38
rsalvetifine thanks :-)15:39
rsalvetilet me read the backlog15:39
robclarkrsalveti, do you have some time to try an experiment?  I can make a patch for the omapfb size-change callback with added acquire/release console lock, to see if that works on your monitor..  but no way to test it at the moment..15:39
mopdenackerrsalveti: like your answer ;-)15:39
rsalvetirobclark: sure15:40
robclarkok.. I'll send you a patch in 10 or 1515:40
lagprpplague: Good morning :)15:48
prpplaguelag: greetings15:48
lagprpplague: Looks like we missed one another yesterday15:50
prpplaguelag: rough day15:52
prpplaguelag: L24.9 release yesterday fully supports panda audio15:52
lagprpplague: Very nice15:54
prpplaguelag: you'll need an update pulse config and alsa.state file, but other than that it works fine15:54
lagprpplague: Has L24.9 been released to us yet?15:54
prpplaguelag: yesterday15:54
lagprpplague: Why doesn't anyone tell me these things - I'm meant to be reviewing it!15:55
lagAre ndec and sebjan away?15:56
prpplaguelag: i know ndec is15:56
prpplaguelag: iirc ndec will back on the 23rd15:57
lagprpplague: I think he may be on holiday15:57
lagAnd sebjan has only just came back15:57
sebjanlag, prpplague: hi, I just came back today :)15:58
lagHi sebjan15:58
sebjanI aligned with cooloney earlier today15:58
lagHave you spoken to Bryan today?15:58
lagThen the fault lies with him :)15:59
sebjanI'll do some cleaning on the L24.9 patch-set (checkpatch is shouting a lot)15:59
lagsebjan: On here?15:59
mopdenackerrobclark: I tried to clone your tree, and compile the kernel with your commit:15:59
mopdenackergit clone git://gitorious.org/~robclark/pandaboard/robclarks-kernel-omap4.git15:59
mopdenackerHowever, it fails with15:59
lagsebjan: Yeah, I know15:59
mopdenackerResolving deltas: 100% (1301615/1301615), done.15:59
mopdenackerwarning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.15:59
lagsebjan: I ran it through last week15:59
sebjanand hand-off a branch to him to add the ubuntu patch set15:59
lagsebjan: Are you going to try and fix the errors?15:59
mopdenackerThat's just a warning, but I don't see the master branch16:00
prpplaguethats odd16:00
sebjanlag: yes as far as I can in few days16:00
lagsebjan: When do you think it will be ready for us?16:00
robclarkmopdenacker: hmm, possibly there is no master branch..  I do that sometimes to confuse people ;-)16:00
lagsebjan: If you can send me an email when it's ready, I can cast my eye over it16:00
robclarkyou'll anyways want to checkout L24.8_panda-hdmi-patches branch16:01
sebjanlag: I think sometimes next week16:01
sebjanlag: usre, I'll keep you posted as well as bryan16:01
lagsebjan: Okay, it will be worth us waiting until then16:01
mopdenackerrobclark: successful attempt. ;-) Thanks16:01
lagsebjan: No problem16:01
robclarkheheh, no prob16:01
mopdenackerrobclark: Oops, I don't get *any* branch:16:03
mopdenackergit branch16:03
robclarkgit branch -r16:03
robclarkgit checkout --track -b L24.8_panda-hdmi-patches origin/L24.8_panda-hdmi-patches16:04
robclark(or something roughly like that)16:04
mopdenackerThanks, sorry for my lack of practise with git...16:04
robclarkheheh, I'm same way w/ bzr ;-)16:04
robclarkrsalveti:  I'm thinking the following patch on top of the "OMAP4:OMAPFB: register callback to get notified of resolution change" patch:  http://www.pastie.org/110222416:05
rsalvetirobclark: sure, will build and test it here16:06
rsalvetijust a min16:06
robclarkif it isn't working, don't spend time on it.. I'll just see if I can find a panda to borrow from prpplague for the afternoon, or maybe over the weekend16:06
robclarkthere are a couple other display issues I want to look into anyways16:07
prpplagueme too16:07
rsalvetimopdenacker: I can build the uImage with the patch for you, if needed16:07
rsalveticause I'm going to test another patch on top of the patch you need16:07
mopdenackerrsalveti: perfect, thanks!16:08
mopdenackerIs there a place where I can get Lucid packages for CodeSourcery cross toolchains? Or shall I install these toolchains manually (errk)?16:09
mopdenackerFor armel of course...16:09
rsalvetihm, cs packages I don't know16:16
rsalveticurrently I'm using maverick with linaro's cross compiler16:17
rsalvetimopdenacker: http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/kernel/uImage-mopdenacker16:27
rsalvetiwith the patch from robclark16:27
rsalvetinow I'm going to build mine to test16:27
rsalvetiwith latest changes16:27
mopdenackerrsalveti: hope I can find a package for lucid. We have a fast buildserver, which should run something stable...16:28
mopdenackerrsalveti: thanks! Do you have a deb package with the modules, or is it enough to test without the modules?16:28
rsalvetimopdenacker: it's enough to test without modules16:29
rsalvetiI can generate a full deb file if it works16:29
mopdenackerrsalveti: all right, more soon.16:30
mopdenackerrsalveti: Ouch, my uInitrd got corrupted (bad luck). I have to restore it first from the image.16:40
rsalvetimopdenacker: you have to recreate your fat partition :-)16:41
rsalveticopy the files, run mkfs.vfat -F 32 and then copy the new files again16:41
rsalvetimopdenacker: a bug in u-boot16:41
rsalvetirobclark: nops, same odd behavior16:43
rsalvetiscreens turn on, but nothing goes on it16:43
rsalvetiso it's not a lock issue16:43
robclarkhmm.. ok16:43
robclarkis ubuntu kernel already based on 2.6.35?16:44
rsalvetibut then you just set the overlay_info16:44
rsalvetirobclark: nops16:44
robclarkhmm..  I wonder what is the difference..16:44
rsalvetilag is still waiting the final tree from sebjan16:44
rsalvetirobclark: what change in both cases is that in one the resolution is wrong, than it get fixed16:45
rsalvetiat my case I believe the resolution is right already16:45
mopdenackerrsalveti: thanks for the tip. That's easier than I thought :-)16:45
robclarkI mean, I wonder why I wasn't seeing that issue when I was testing on smaller monitors..16:45
robclarkand in fact, why there is any change on a monitor that can already support 1920x1080 natively..16:46
mopdenackerrsalveti: I'm not sure it's a U-boot bug:16:47
mopdenackermkimage -l uInitrd16:47
mopdenackermkimage: ERROR: "uInitrd" has corrupted data!16:47
rsalvetimopdenacker: at least this corrupt issue should be16:47
mopdenackerThe image really looks corrupted.16:47
rsalvetibut why are you running mkimage on uInitrd?16:47
rsalvetiyou can just grab it from my deb package16:48
mopdenackerJust to check whether the image is corrupted or not.16:48
rsalvetiget the new uImage, write it again at the sd card and test16:48
ograrsalveti, -l just lists the setup16:48
mopdenackerIt was "mkimage -l"16:48
rsalvetiyep, sorry, was thinking you were trying this before -l16:49
rsalvetibut you were just checking it :-)16:49
rsalvetimopdenacker: in my case if I get the sd card and write a new uInitrd or uImage, u-boot says it's corrupted during the boot16:50
rsalvetiand recreating vfat fixes it16:50
rsalvetirobclark: I'm getting a size_notify for 640x480 first and then to 1920x108016:56
mopdenackerrsalveti: obrigado, I could recover just by replacing the corrupt uInitrd file (didn't have to format the partition again).16:56
robclarkrsalveti: oh.. ok, that is odd..16:56
robclarkit is like at first it can't read EDID..16:56
rsalvetimopdenacker: np :-)16:57
rsalvetirobclark: yep, weird16:57
mopdenackerrsalveti: now I think I need your .deb file for the modules. The screen is just black (but the good news is the monitor doesn't complain... it's actually getting a correct signal).16:57
rsalvetimopdenacker: hm, just blank or are you able to at least see some messages on it?16:58
robclarkso an interesting question might be why we can't go from 640x480 -> 1920x1080..    but I have a small monitor here so maybe I can recreate the situation..16:58
rsalvetimy current problem with this patch is that my screen stays blank :-)16:58
robclarkyeah.. question is just *why* it stays blank..16:59
mopdenackerrsalveti: just blank, but I haven't enabled the console on it. Will it go to tty0 if I remove "console=ttyO2,115200n8", or shall I explicit this?16:59
robclarkmaybe that intermediate step of 640x480 triggers some problem..16:59
robclarkmopdenacker: you should at least see some penguins17:00
rsalvetimopdenacker: you can set another console argument at the same line17:00
robclarkbtw rsalveti / mopdenacker ..  are you using just console-only filesystems.. or one w/ x11?17:00
rsalvetiremove quite and splash, if you have it17:01
rsalvetirobclark: currently I'm using a console-only fs17:01
mopdenackerI'm using with x1117:02
robclarkok.. I've done mainly full X11 fs..  sometimes I don't see the console, but I think (or thought) that was just because the monitor didn't come on fast enough before xserver starts.17:02
mopdenackerrsalveti: good idea to enable both consoles.17:02
mopdenackerrobclark: I added "console=tty0" and removed "splash", but I didn't see any penguin. The fb console stays blank after getting initialized.17:06
robclarkhmm, ok.. sounds like same issue rsalveti sees..17:07
rsalvetirobclark: omapdss HDMI: fallback to VGA17:07
rsalvetishould it fallback?17:07
rsalvetiit got the right resolution before this message17:07
robclarkwell.. possibly if the monitor doesn't support anything else17:08
robclarkbut not in your case17:08
robclarkcould you paste your bootlog again?17:08
rsalvetisure, 1 sec17:09
prpplagueis this for L24.9?17:10
robclarkhmm, if you haven't already, please enable dss traces too17:10
robclarkomapdss.debug=1 bootarg17:10
rsalvetirobclark: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480499/17:11
prpplaguerobclark: thats the similar issue that i have with the L24.917:12
robclarkmonitor cycling through modes?17:12
prpplaguerobclark: basically it thinks there was a physical disconnect when there was just a soft disconnect17:12
prpplaguerobclark: see line 44417:13
robclarkrsalveti: do you have any way to set your monitor to only HDMI input, so it doesn't cycle between VGA/DVI/HDMI ports when it doesn't find a signal?17:13
robclarkprpplague: hmm, yeah17:13
prpplaguersalveti: i'm trying to collect a list of monitors that show these symptoms, can you give me your make and model?17:14
rsalvetirobclark: nop, my monitor tries to be smarter than me17:14
rsalvetiprpplague: LG W2253V17:14
robclarkhmm.. damn17:15
rsalvetimopdenacker: what monitor are you using?17:15
robclarkprpplague: maybe you could paste the patch for the change you made so rsalveti could try it17:15
rsalvetiprpplague: hm, you fixed that already?17:15
rsalvetioh, #pandaboard talk17:16
prpplaguerobclark: the one i have is against L24.917:16
mopdenackerrsalveti: does parse-edid answer your question? http://pastebin.com/9QwDri4a17:16
mopdenackerIt's a Dell Monitor17:16
rsalvetiprpplague: DELL 1707FP ^17:16
robclarkyeah.. so might need some manual massaging to apply.. but it is a small change so I guess rsalveti can do it17:16
prpplaguerobclark: i can have a quick look at the L24.817:16
rsalvetiprpplague: paste me the patch17:16
robclarkprpplague: rsalveti is using this tree: http://gitorious.org/ubuntu-experimental/kernel-maverick/commits/rsalveti-ti-omap417:16
prpplagueone sec, let me get it for you17:17
rsalvetione line :-)17:20
prpplaguersalveti: please note that this is very hackish and i am researching a proper fix17:20
rsalvetiprpplague: sure, np, we just want to know if it works first :-)17:20
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rsalvetiprpplague: shit, did work :-)17:23
rsalvetirobclark: ^17:23
robclarkah-ha!  prpplague you are the man!17:23
rsalvetirobclark: now it doesn't call size_notify17:24
mopdenackerThanks Dave!17:24
rsalvetimopdenacker: let me post you the kernel17:24
mopdenackerrsalveti: sure! With great pleasure!17:25
robclarkrsalveti: good.. in your case, it should not.. since the resolution should stay at 1920x1080 and fb doesn't need to be notified..17:25
rsalvetirobclark: yep :-)17:25
robclarkso now I think with the combo of my patch and prpplague's patch, it should work for mopdenacker17:25
rsalvetiprobably, let's see17:25
rsalvetimopdenacker: http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/kernel/uImage-mopdenacker-217:27
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mopdenackerrsalveti: ouch, still blank!17:30
rsalvetimopdenacker: please boot with omapdss.debug=1 at your cmdline and show us the dmesg output17:30
mopdenackerrsalveti: http://pastebin.com/L7c9NE3e17:33
rsalvetimopdenacker: please run dmesg at your console, then you'll get more messages17:34
rsalvetilike the dbg ones17:34
rsalvetiif you're able to login17:34
mopdenackerrsalveti: no, I can't login, but I can put loglevel=8 in my bootargs17:35
rsalvetimopdenacker: could be, but you can grab the console by creating the following file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480507/17:35
rsalvetithen you'll get a tty at ttyO217:36
rsalvetirobclark: he's getting just one size_notify: size_notify: 1280x102417:36
robclarkhmm, ok... I'm back to thinking there is a prob w/ the size_notify..17:37
robclarkI think I will need to get a panda and spend some time on that..  but I have the link to your kernel, so I should be able to build with that kernel and hopefully reproduce it17:38
rsalvetirobclark: you have the sources and the binary, if needed17:39
mopdenackerrsalveti: good idea. I should have thought about it before.17:39
robclarkok.. now I just need a panda..  but ok, need to finish looking into something else first17:39
mopdenackerrsalveti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480512/17:43
mopdenackerrsalveti, robclark : sorry, I really gotta go. Mustn't miss my bike ;-)17:43
rsalvetinp, see you tomorrow!17:44
robclarknp mopdenacker :-)17:44
mopdenackerc-ya, hope the dump will help!17:44
rsalvetirobclark: weird, what mopdenacker got is basically your main base case when you tested your patch17:46
rsalvetitried 1920x1080, set 1280x1024 and calls size_notify17:46
robclarkyeah..  it does the same thing that your's was doing before prpplague ... hdmi_display_suspend() and then starting over..17:47
* prpplague looks17:48
prpplaguehmm, looks like it is grabbing an odd config17:50
* prpplague looks some more17:50
prpplagueare we sure that this is an HDMI display and not a DVI-D display?17:51
robclarkDVI-D should be supported too17:52
prpplaguerobclark: yea DVI-D should be supported, but it does look as though it is going into vesa mode for 1280x102417:53
prpplaguerobclark: which would indicate that it is a DVI-D display17:53
rsalvetiprpplague: I think he's testing on a dvi monitor17:55
rsalvetiyep, this monitor is only DVI-D and VGA17:57
rsalvetirobclark: prpplague: why do we suspend and then resume the hdmi again during the boot?18:00
robclarkrsalveti: that is a good question ;-)18:01
prpplagueyea very good question18:01
prpplaguei was just looking at that18:01
prpplaguethat is very odd18:03
prpplagueguess i need to do some testing with some DVI-D displays18:03
rsalvetihm, 2pm already, need to grab something to eat18:08
* prpplague hands rsalveti some coffee and says "get back to work!"18:09
prpplaguerobclark: setting up to test with my samsung dvi-d display18:09
rsalvetiprpplague: were you able to test with your dvi-d monitor?19:43
prpplaguersalveti: yes and no19:44
prpplaguersalveti: looks there is a problem with calculating the 1280x1024 PLL values19:44
prpplaguersalveti: looking into it now19:44
rsalvetihm, ok19:47
rsalvetiGrueMaster: were you able to test the es2 kernel?19:48
prpplaguersalveti: 1280x1024 doesn't appear to be calculating properly19:49
prpplaguersalveti: the other freqs seem to be ok19:49
rsalvetithat could be the reason why it worked for robclark19:49
prpplaguersalveti: yea it seems to be only an issue with 1280x102420:19
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prpplaguersalveti: found the problem with the dvi21:59
prpplaguersalveti: i'll have to get a fix tomorrow21:59
rsalvetiprpplague: cool, what is it?21:59
rsalvetiops :-)21:59
rsalvetirobclark: ^21:59
rsalvetimopdenacker will be happy about it21:59
robclarkoh cool22:00
GrueMasterrsalveti: Unfortunately no, not yet.  Will try tomorrow.  Do I need a new xloader & uboot?22:13
rsalvetiGrueMaster: yep, do you want me to cook them for you?22:14
rsalvetieasy task22:14
GrueMasterYes, please.  (and don't say cook - I've had English meat pies for dinner every night).22:17
ograGrueMaster, did you find any reasons for the broken oem-config yet ?22:19
GrueMasterno, not yet.22:20
GrueMasterVery slow process.22:21
ograyeah, i know22:21
GrueMasterAll of my systems are going through a switch connected through my laptop, and my lt is thethering wifi.22:21
ograyou should run an approx instance on your lappie then :)22:22
GrueMasterYopu mean apt-proxy?22:22
persiaThe problem with packages is that there are so many that it's hard to tell typos from real names :)22:25
GrueMasterAlso, I only have a 16G ssd.22:27
ograi mean approx22:27
ograogra@osiris:/var/build/images$ du -hcs /var/cache/approx/22:27
ograthats for all releases since jaunty (main only for i386 and armel)22:28
GrueMasterSure, Now you tell me.  On the last day of the sprint.22:29
ograi tell everyone since years :P22:30

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