
=== _doctormo is now known as doctormo
zniavregood evening20:46
zniavrehow to clean this part (zoom into menu )  of google chrome please ? > http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/2903/captureipe.png20:46
vishzniavre: afaik , you can not change that.. thats because , that 100%  is a disabled part.... *But* you try and change the color of the disabled button for chrome alone..20:53
vishnot sure how that would work though.20:53
coz_chaotic,  hey guy.... noticed the cononical page about new sounds.... I see you are on the desing team...but who exactly is going to be incharge of this ?20:57
zniavrevish "insensitive" stuff worked thank you for the idea  :o)21:03
vishzniavre: screenshot ? :)21:04
zniavrebut border_color does not work on this specific widget21:04
vishzniavre: and the lines did you actually changed? :)21:04
vishcoz_: michaelforrest is the person you are looking for..21:04
coz_vish,  cool thanks...any quick way to contact him?21:05
vishcoz_: well , he usually is here or on #ayatana during london work hrs , or maybe you can email him..21:06
vishcoz_: are you planning on submitting a theme?21:06
coz_vish,  yeah I have several I have been working on for some time....but only till now have they decided to change the sound theme which Ihave been asking for for th epast 3 yars lol21:06
zniavrebg[INSENSITIVE]   = @fg_color  is the line added21:06
vishcoz_: yay , looking forward to it :)21:07
* zniavre too :o)21:07
coz_vish,  :)   yeah I need to speak with this guy to get real specific with thim on what is really wanted ...so thanks a bunch :)21:07
vishzniavre: that was only for chrome or did it change everywhere else?21:07
zniavrevish,  i do not know any "button into menu "21:08
zniavrethunderbird filezilla still ok21:08
zniavrei should reinstall Ooo to try  :o(21:09
zniavreit looks ok also   :o)21:28
zniavre(i really want to see the border_color option available for menus too)  :o)21:29
zniavregood night22:01

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