
charlie-tcaIt's gonna be an easy one. 5 bugs turns out to be two00:06
charlie-tcahmm, probably should have just kept quiet. wrong spirit again00:07
penguin42always the best way round though; 2 turning into 5 is much worse00:08
paul__has anyone noticed that suspend stopped working after a recent software update?00:46
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paul__can anyone give any advice on this issue?00:48
paul__anyone here?00:56
penguin42paul__: Is this on lucid?00:57
penguin42have you any idea which update broke it?00:58
paul__no, i don't. it was something recent, though. is there any way that i can find that out?00:59
penguin42 /var/log/dpkg.log has a list of all package installs/updates00:59
paul__i am thinking something from around 13 August.01:01
penguin42paul__: Personally I've only got one machine installing Lucid and it was installed in the last few days and suspend still seems OK; however that doesn't help you01:02
paul__do you think that may have been a kernel update?01:03
paul__maybe a fresh install is in order then01:04
penguin42if it was a kernel upgrade it sohuld have left the previous one on the grub menu and you should try that01:06
paul__okay... i will give it a go... thanks for the help, penguin01:07
penguin42no problem01:07
paul__@penguin42 i booted into the older version of the kernel and suspend is working just fine01:12
penguin42paul_: OK, well that's pretty clear cut01:12
penguin42paul_: Boot back into the failing one and then report the bug using ubuntu-bug01:12
penguin42do it from the failing one because it will collect a load of logs and please make it clear it's a regression in Lucid01:13
paul__okay... i will do that... thanks again for the assistance01:13
penguin42no prob01:15
paul__where are you in the UK?01:15
penguin42which kernel version is it that breaks for you?01:16
penguin42what's the hardware and how exactly does it fail?01:18
paul__compaq f730us laptop... i shut the lid and it suspends normally, but upon resume it looks to start up but the screen will not turn on and then it power cycles over and over again01:19
paul__when i did a shut down, it did the same thing01:20
penguin42it's one for the guys who know the suspend code and what changed in the kernel'; 2.6.32-24 is suspend/resuming my eeepc (just tried it)01:21
paul__okay... then it is something with my specific hardware.01:22
paul__how can i use ubuntu-bug with no specific package name?01:22
paul__i am new to bug reporting01:22
penguin42I think if you don't give it a name it will give you a choice of symptoms; however since you know it's the kernel you could do ubuntu-bug linux01:24
paul__okay... i will try that01:24
paul__thanks, again01:25
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alucardniHello everybody, how should I classify a need-packaging bug report that include a repo/PPA for application needing packaging???04:29
alucardniExample: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/61889204:29
ubot2Ubuntu bug 618892 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] paramsearch (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]04:29
micahgalucardni: huh?04:31
micahgalucardni: it's fine, we use source pacakges04:32
alucardnimicahg: the bug report says need-packaging, but the package already exists in a repository external to Ubuntu/Debian04:32
micahgalucardni: right, it needs to be packaged in Ubuntu/Debian04:33
alucardnimicahg: ok, but that repo already offer packages for both Ubuntu and Debian.04:34
micahgalucardni: right, but like I said, we use source packages so everyone has access to the code that made the binaries04:35
alucardnimicahg: What is the "protocol" for triaging this kind of bugs?? ;)04:37
micahgalucardni: same as any other needs packaging04:37
alucardnimicahg: in the particular case a mentioned, just add the needs-packaging tag and that's it?04:40
micahgalucardni: sounds right bdmurray's script will do the rest04:40
alucardnithanks for your help micahg04:41
micahgalucardni: np04:41
alucardnimicahg: how do I know if the work I'm doing with bugs counts for my 5-a-day? :D05:57
micahgalucardni: any time you touch a bug it counts05:57
micahgalucardni: you just need an e-mail address visible on launchpad if you want it to show up on the report05:58
alucardniI'm not sure what "an e-mail address visible on launchpad" means :-s I have 3 e-mail addresses on LP right now06:00
micahgalucardni: you should be ok then06:00
alucardnimicahg: ok, thanks again. I was curious about the 5-a-day 'cause I don't see myself on yesterday's report06:02
kermiacalucardni: another thing that sometimes causes confusion is that only bugs with an Ubuntu task are counted towards 5-a-day06:07
nigelbmicahg: wow, strong mail :)06:12
micahgnigelb: did it sound bad?06:12
micahgnigelb: maybe this is why I never respond to applications ;)06:12
micahgnigelb: I tried to keep to the facts06:12
nigelbmicahg: A bit strongly worded, yes.  But I'm not sure if it was out of line.06:13
nigelbPersonally, I think it was fairly okay.06:13
kermiacnigelb: you around mate? re bug 57312408:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 573124 in cheese (Ubuntu) "Make cheese debugging log attach as a .log file (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57312408:24
nigelbkermiac: yep08:25
kermiachey nigel, how are you going mate?08:25
nigelbkermiac: going good.  About to stab google maps thought.08:26
kermiacnigelb: make sure you take a very sharp knife hehe08:26
nigelbanyway, re: the bug08:26
kermiacnigelb: anyway, vish asked me to take a look at the cheese hook & I noticed your last comment to ping you or pitti on how we should best do it08:26
nigelbcan you contact pitti? tell him that the log is getting created as a tar automatically and you want to force it to be txt.08:27
nigelb(I don't have the logs of the conversation pitti and I had when I had tried to do this last)08:27
kermiacok, no probs... I'll go hassle poor pitti ;)08:27
kermiacok, thanks nigelb... have fun stabbing google maps mate08:27
nigelbkermiac: heh, thanks for taking over :)08:27
nigelbI'm glad you've become an expert :)08:28
kermiacno probs, apport hooks are something I actually feel comfortable doing :)08:28
nigelbYeah, we'll slowly drag you to packaging and then you'll end up on the desktop team ;)08:28
kermiacoh noes! don't drag me down nigel hahaha08:29
kermiacnigelb: but seriously though it's funny you should mention that... I've actually been playing around with packaging a little lately08:30
nigelbkermiac: heh, thats sort of how I started, packing apport hooks and then got dragged on.08:30
nigelbNow I hardly have time for packaging though.08:30
* micahg needs to write a hook still08:31
kermiacnigelb: it's ok.... if I get too involved I'm totally going to blame you for getting me all excited about writing apport hooks haha08:32
nigelbkermiac: hahaha08:42
bilalakhtarnigelb: should I work on getting bug #395692 into Ubuntu and upstream?08:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 395692 in alacarte (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Drag-and-Drop behavior in the menu editor is inconsistent and confusing (affects: 3) (heat: 29)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39569208:49
bilalakhtarnigelb: sorry, wrong bug08:49
bilalakhtarnigelb: bug #11193908:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 111939 in mutter (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "Not possible to alt-tab during a drag-and-drop operation (affects: 15) (dups: 3) (heat: 104)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11193908:49
bilalakhtarnigelb: your debdiff is waiting there08:50
nigelbvish: what happened to this? I remember you poking didrocks about it...08:50
bilalakhtarnigelb: 'coz the debdiff is somewhat stale now since many new versions of metacity came08:50
nigelbbilalakhtar: if you want to take over and push it, feel free ;)08:51
nigelbvish tested it some time back (when I made it) and it did work08:51
bilalakhtarnigelb: and let you remain as uploader, right?08:51
nigelbbilalakhtar: no, go ahead08:51
bilalakhtarBTW, we need to poke the upstream guys08:51
nigelb(don't use my name, you're doing the work)08:51
vishbilalakhtar: upstream seems to just have gotten stagnant on that bug. it probably just needs an update08:51
micahgbilalakhtar: we don't have uploaders in Ubuntu generally...08:51
* nigelb hugs vish08:51
vishnigelb: didrocks said it was on his list..08:52
nigelbvish: probably in the end :p08:52
vishnigelb: but not sure how long his list is :D08:52
nigelbvish: we're thinking on the same lines :p08:52
nigelbI'm pretty sure his list has been emptied now that he's on vacation....08:52
vishnigelb: heh no!08:53
vishnigelb: he still has a long list .. he wanted to get that for Unity as well.. and opened the mutter task, but it is not close to release yet..08:54
nigelbvish: yeah, its a nifty feature to have.08:55
nigelbcompiz doesn't have it either does it?08:55
vishnigelb: nope..08:55
nigelbI do the Always on top thingie to drag-drop.08:55
vishnigelb: it works with cairo-dock on compiz.09:02
vishnot sure how it does though...09:02
vishnigelb: not alt+tab , but drag-n-drop09:03
vishmicahg: ggah! how many ways are there to change a password! :s09:04
vishthere is another one from "about me"09:04
micahgvish: that was the 3rd :)09:04
* micahg really needs to go to sleep09:04
vishmicahg: http://weebls-stuff.com/songs/Narwhals/ to keep you awake ;p09:06
micahgvish: saw that about 12 hrs ago09:06
vishmicahg: now to to keep you awake :p09:07
micahgvish: I have to be up in less than 6 hrs09:07
vishsleep... overrated!09:08
* micahg thinks we need a override_dh_sleep :)09:08
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RafalRI can not run Ubuntu because the system drive is full and there is no free space (version 10.04). I can not login, even with the use of the terminal.11:04
njinhello folks, wich is the equivalent of palimpsest in kde ?11:17
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abhijithi :)12:02
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abhijitom26er, hello12:16
om26erabhijit, hi :)12:18
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njinpedro_: hello !!13:24
pedro_njin, hi!13:25
njinpedro_: we support backported packages?13:28
pedro_njin, yes, have a look to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports for more info about those13:36
njinpedro_: thanks13:37
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Laibschanybody else experiecing something similar to bug 610287 on their netbook?13:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 610287 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "[regression] hardware wifi switch kills eth0 as well (affects: 1) (heat: 169)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61028713:58
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abhijitwhere is omer?15:16
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MichealHHello. I have requested to be part of the Bug Control but I havent gotten a reply?15:30
pedro_MichealH, one of the messages there stated this "I just received a user not found message from my reply for michealh@michealh.co.cc . "15:32
pedro_MichealH, you need to provide a valid email15:32
MichealHIt should work.15:32
* MichealH investigates15:32
pedro_well if you're not getting any reply that's probably why, two members already answered your request15:33
MichealHpedro_, What was the replied?15:38
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hggdhMichealH: you should subscribe to the ML16:00
MichealHI looked at the archives16:00
micahghggdh: non-members can't subscribe to the bugcontrol ML16:00
MichealHmicahg, About the memtoring...16:01
hggdhmicahg: ugh! I forgot about that...16:01
micahgMichealH: we actually have a bugsquad mentoring team16:04
* micahg is not running it16:04
micahgMichealH: https://edge.launchpad.net/~bugsquad-mentorship16:04
devildantepedro, kamusin: thank you guys, you've done an excellent job on the bug day :)16:15
vishnigelb: actually that metacity bug was in a list of bugs i had to to seb128 to review/upload as well.. so would probably be taken care of this cycle16:16
kamusinhey devildante , we have been waiting for you , hugday needs you!16:16
pedro_there's still plenty of bugs waiting ;-)16:16
pedro_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100819 <- come on folks let's make didrocks happy16:17
devildanteDon't worry guys, I'm on a sweep muhaha :p16:17
devildanteis there a way to test appmenu-gtk on desktop edition?16:18
vishoh bug day!16:18
vishbeen a month since i'v done that :(16:19
* vish looks at banshee bugs :)16:19
vishdarn it! pedro_ left nothing for us ;p16:19
pedro_vish, no no there's still a lot of white spots there :-)16:20
devildantevish: kamusin also did a good job :)16:22
abhijithi devildante16:23
devildanteabhijit: hi :)16:24
kamusinhaha pedro, bug eater16:24
pedro_sorry, i'm an addict :-P16:24
nigelbvish: great :)16:32
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vishnjin: hi, are you using bug day tools?16:48
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njinvish: no17:00
njinvish i don't know this tool17:00
vishnjin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Tools , if you use that you can easily close bugs..17:01
njinok, thanks17:01
devildantenjin, as a test, you could close bug 423481, which you marked Incomplete ;)17:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 423481 in banshee (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Banshee refuses to play internet radio stream (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42348117:02
njindevildante: ok17:02
devildantenjin: I don't think bug 550426 is a feature request, since the behavior described also causes issues with syncing.17:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 550426 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Banshee does not tell you when music is unavailable/unmounted (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55042617:09
micahgwow, there's a shot for a clean sweep this bug day17:11
devildantemicahg: Operation Cleansweep, Banshee Edition? :p17:12
abhijitwhat we are supposed to do on bug day? :(17:14
abhijiti forgot about today. i just remember17:14
micahgdevildante: well, we'd have to redefine operation cleansweep for that ;)17:15
micahgabhijit: triage bugs :)17:16
abhijitmicahg, ohh17:16
micahgabhijit: make the bugday page all green :)17:16
abhijitmicahg, but we do that daily?17:16
micahgabhijit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2010081917:16
devildanteabhijit: each tuesday17:16
micahgdevildante: Thursday :), when someone organizes it17:16
devildantei meant thursday17:17
devildantemicahg: :p17:17
abhijitdevildante, no i mean we do triage bug daily. then whats the difference in bug day?17:17
nigelbabhijit: its when we focus on a package.17:17
devildanteabhijit: it let us concentrate on a specific package17:17
* nigelb ^5 devildante :)17:17
abhijitnigelb, devildante ohhhh okk17:18
nigelbmicahg: did you sleep in between or are you a bot (which we all fear :p)17:18
micahgto have a specific target (bugs w/out a package or with a patch are not packages) :)17:18
devildanteargh, nigelb beat me to a pulp :p17:18
* micahg answers questions randomly at all hours17:18
nigelbdevildante: haha17:18
micahgnigelb: about 5 hrs...17:19
nigelbmicahg: oh, that's good enough :)17:20
* nigelb hugs micahg :)17:20
* micahg learned from persia at UDS about not sleeping :)17:20
nigelbmicahg: persia not sleeping is a myth.17:24
micahgnigelb: I know :)17:25
abhijitwhat is that myth?17:25
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vish\o/ used my first double dup \o/18:00
vishwow, thats makes life so much more easier!18:01
abhijitwhat is double dup?18:01
abhijitvish, ?18:02
mrandabhijit: launchpad now allows marking a bug as a duplicate of another bug, which is a duplicate18:02
vishabhijit: are you subscribed to the bugsquad mailing list?18:02
mrandor that ;-)18:02
abhijitvish, yes18:03
vishabhijit: ah, see bd-murray's latest mail.. :)18:04
abhijitvish, ok18:04
vishdevildante: damn you! i was just 50secs late :?18:14
devildantevish: muhaha :p bug 534079?18:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 534079 in language-pack-gnome-it (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "volume applet options are not translated in italian (regression from 9.10) (affects: 1) (heat: 22)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53407918:14
devildantebug 53794018:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 537940 in linux (Ubuntu) "[RESUME 16.288s] WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.32/kernel/power/suspend_test.c:53 suspend_test_finish+0x89/0x90() (affects: 11) (heat: 32)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53794018:14
devildantefail again :p18:14
vishdevildante: double fail!18:14
devildantebug 53704918:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 537049 in transmission (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Indicator menus should not use icons except for dynamic objects (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53704918:15
njinhello i receive just this  (hugday init --user fabiomarconi --wiki-id FabioMarconi --cookie /proc/6210/fd/41/cookies.sqlite) You are not allowed to change the content of 'https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100708'. Plase run 'hugday init' and try again.18:18
devildantenjin: wiki-id is supposed to be the contents of the MOIN_ID cookie18:18
njinwhy 08/0718:19
devildantenjin: can you run "hugday current"?18:19
devildantenjin: what's the output?18:21
njindevildante: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2010081918:21
njindevildante: now i've to found the cookie in FF18:22
devildantenjin; now, run "hugday current --remember"18:22
njindevildante: done18:23
devildantenjin: now run "hugday init --user fabiomarconi --cookie XXX", where XXX is the path to your mozilla cookies.sqlite18:24
njindevildante: ok18:24
devildantenjin: for me, it's ~/.mozilla/firefox/e8bqdtch.default/cookies.sqlite , but it will certainly be different for you, just search for it ;)18:25
njindevildante: TypeError: Error while trying to read cookie in sql format, cannot handle format of '/proc/6210/fd/41/cookies.sqlite'18:26
devildantenjin: what is the output of "~/.mozilla/firefox" for you?18:27
devildantels ~/.mozilla/firefox, I mean18:27
njini haven't .mozilla18:27
devildantenjin: do you run firefox?18:29
njindevildante: yes, mozilla firefox18:30
njini use Lucid18:30
njindevildante. using search tool for cookies.sqlite the only that found is in /proc18:33
njindevildante and if i close the FF it delete, the path but it's not allowed to do18:34
njindevildante: launch time, bbl18:34
devildantenjin: open the firefox cookies window, and search for the wiki.ubuntu.com cookie18:37
devildanteeveryone: any reason why bug 410763 doesn't have an expiration countdown?18:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 410763 in banshee (Ubuntu) "[karmic] Banshee freeze after some song playback (affects: 3) (heat: 22)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41076318:39
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charlie-tcaDoes incomplete us the countdown?18:47
devildantecharlie-tca: yes, it triggers the countdown18:48
* charlie-tca slaps head... I knew that18:48
devildantecharlie-tca: well, "us" isn't very comprehensive, I think :p18:49
charlie-tcaWell, that was not the best question I have asked :-(18:49
charlie-tcayou are right! I did mean "use"18:49
devildanteyes, it uses it, but this bug is not18:50
charlie-tcahmm, I wonder if the remote bug watch has anything to do with that?18:56
charlie-tcaI don't really know, but that is one possibility18:57
devildantewhy doesn't it show at the top?18:58
njindevildante: i found it, but no path associated in everyone of the 5 cookies19:01
charlie-tcaIt was never added as an upstream bug. Launchpad will pick it up automatically from scanning the report.19:01
devildantenjin: did you connect to the wiki?19:01
njindevildante. yes, i'm logged19:01
devildantecharlie-tca: I just removed it, and the countdown begun! ;)19:02
devildantenjin: is there a MOIN_SESSION cookie?19:02
devildantecharlie-tca: should I re-add it?19:02
charlie-tcaNot unless someone verified it really is valid for this bug19:02
charlie-tcaSense in his comments just asked for someone to check and see if it applied19:03
devildantenjin: now, replace XXX with the MOIN_SESSION cookie contents19:04
devildantecharlie-tca: so, it should be marked as Confirmed?19:05
charlie-tcaIs that upstream valid for it?19:05
charlie-tcaI didn't read through all the comments19:05
charlie-tcaI just looked for reasons there was no countdown19:06
charlie-tcaLooks to me like it should have been confirmed and that gnome bug is the upstream bug for it19:08
charlie-tcacomment #619:08
pedro_http://people.canonical.com/~brian/complete-graphs/banshee/plots/banshee-1day-triaging.png <- OMG!19:10
pedro_that's looking *amazing* thanks folks!19:10
* pedro_ hugs the bugsquad19:10
micahgpedro_: that's why I said we have a chance at a clean sweep, the day is young still19:10
pedro_micahg, indeed ;-)19:11
devildantethank you, pedro :)19:12
devildantecharlie-tca: done :)19:12
* devildante hugs everyone19:12
charlie-tcaThank you, devildante19:13
devildantecharlie-tca: np ;)19:13
njindevildante: sorry, i try antother day.19:18
njinpedro_: around19:18
devildantenjin: can I close your bugs on the bug day list, then?19:18
njindevildante: yes19:19
micahgdevildante: the hugday tools let you close with someone else's nick19:19
devildantemicahg: --user?19:19
micahgdevildante: yeah, you can pass another name to put on the hugday page19:20
devildantemicahg: okay, thx :)19:20
njinhelp i don't know at wich package assign this https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/43050519:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 430505 in ubuntu "MCP61 (rev a2) Ethernet card with mirror-inverted Mac adress! (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:21
njinnetwork manager?19:21
* penguin42 looks19:26
penguin42njin: linux19:27
penguin42njin: It's more likely a device driver screw up19:27
devildantenjin: I also think it's linux19:27
penguin42almost feels like a manufacturing screw up when they programmed the proms19:29
njinpenguin42, devildante : thanks19:31
devildantenjin: np ;)19:31
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devildanteonly 10 new bugs remaining! keep it up, guys! :)19:35
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micahgdevildante: more than 10 left19:37
devildante+ 2 incomplete + 2 confirmed... That makes a total of only 14!19:37
devildantemicahg: I meant bugs marked as "new"19:38
micahgdevildante: 13 new bugs :)19:38
micahg1's an MIR so that won't count19:39
devildanteI'm counting 1019:39
micahgdevildante: I'm looking on LP :)19:39
devildantemicahg: I'm looking on the bug day page19:40
devildantemicahg: that's the main objective ;)19:40
vishmicahg: how do we change the pword from console?19:56
micahgvish: passwd19:56
* vish tries19:57
vishmicahg: hmm , i dont get a prompt to run it as sudo? i just get "You must choose a longer password"19:58
penguin42vish: That'll be changing your password19:59
micahgvish: for your own password?19:59
penguin42vish: You don't need root19:59
penguin42vish: anyone can change their own password19:59
micahgvish: yes, you just asked how to change your own password, not how to set any arbotrary passwd19:59
micahgvish: to set it to anything, sudo passwd USERNAME19:59
vishmicahg: i dont want to change.. :)  i want to test where you got the prompt to run as sudo? :)20:00
vishmicahg: btw, how do i quit those continuous prompts?20:00
micahgvish: why should you be prompted to run as sudo?20:00
micahgvish: what continuous prompts?20:01
vishmicahg: hmm , wasnt that what you said yesterday? that it mentions to run as sudo?20:01
penguin42vish: Ctrl-c20:01
vishyeah, that doesnt do it..20:01
micahgvish: to set any passwd, yes20:01
micahgvish: you need to ctrl-c a 2 or 3 times20:01
vishbah, i broke something in my ctrl+c .. there is some problem there , i had same problem when doing a gdb :s20:02
penguin42vish: Broke something?20:04
vishyeah.. for some reason i thought having a consistent ctrl+c[copy] everywhere would be nice!20:05
vishthen when i reverted it does not allow me to quit always :/20:05
penguin42ah, blocking ctrl-c in a shell would be bad20:06
mrandvish: ctrl-d or period will sometimes stop continous prompts20:06
mrandctrl-d is also logout though, so be careful ;-)20:07
vishooh! dint know that one.. for next time  :)20:07
mrandvish: depends on the situation/app.20:07
vishif my ctrl+c doesnt work, i just use the metacity close :D20:07
Kangarooocharlie-tca: is bug 620399 dublicate of bug 620371 ? one is about if using xscreensaver other is if disabling xscreensaver20:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 620399 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "xfce4-power manager Monitor doesnt go to sleep and off mode if Disabling xscreensaver (dup-of: 620371)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62039920:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 620371 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "xfce4-power manager Monitor doesnt go to sleep and off mode if Using xscreensaver (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62037120:08
vishmrand: ah ok .. will try to remember..  thanks :)20:08
vishi have to format up my /home .. [and probably use btrfs] all these old crufts are killing me :/20:08
penguin42brave :-)20:09
vishheh , they say its stable and meego uses it already by default?20:09
vishmicahg: re: the password bug .. i'm confused now.. i wanted to test the bug we saw yesterday. and wanted to see what prompt we get when we choose an insecure pword from a console and see if we are provided with info to run as root to change the password20:12
vishmicahg: i thought you mentioned we get prompted to run it as sudo , or were you just informing that we can run as sudo to change?20:13
vishor to override that prompt..20:14
micahgvish: informing20:14
micahgvish: root is all powerful :)20:14
vishheh! :D20:14
vishmicahg: oh well , i dont see what/where we can make it better!  i thought you said the console gives more info.. since the gui doesnt we could improve the prompt.. but :(20:15
vishboo security! ;p20:16
micahgvish: the only place it might be appropriate to change is users and groups since that's run as root20:16
micahgbut a user's own password, idk about that20:17
micahgvish: maybe a GUI to set PAM policy?20:17
vishmicahg: hasnt that been switched to policykit too?20:17
micahgvish: maybe, I never use it...20:17
vishyeah , we get the policykit prompt for authentication..20:17
vishmicahg: hehe , GUI for pam policy ;p20:20
vishthere is a bug about that somewhere though20:21
bbordwellI have a bug with gnome-themes (clearlooks and high contrast inverse) where some icons do not load in software center. Should I forward it upstream or are the icons used in software center Ubuntu specific and should be added by Ubuntu developers?20:36
vishbbordwell: Bug #55633520:40
pedro_bdmurray, looks like your script tagged an screenshot as a patch, bug 62043620:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 556335 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Icons not displayed when using certain icon themes (affects: 6) (dups: 2) (heat: 61)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55633520:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 620436 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "All title bars not properly show (with a white dot-line) when extra visual effects were selected (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62043620:40
vishpedro_: easy bug to review!  :D20:41
bbordwellvish, thanks20:42
bdmurraypedro_: its because the reporter said it was a patch ;-)20:47
pedro_bdmurray, ok i thought it was making a check before marking those :-)20:48
bdmurraypedro_: still looking20:49
bdmurraypedro_: in comment 1 do you have a bandaid next to "a picture"?20:50
pedro_bdmurray, yeah , and it was already unmarked as being a patch, but the icon is still there20:52
pedro_probably it's only on edge though20:52
bdmurraypedro_: that sounds like an lp bug to me :-(20:52
devildanteshouldn't bug 429579 be triaged?20:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 429579 in vlc (Ubuntu) (and 8 other projects) "all (audio)players should have the same preset sound volume (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42957920:54
vishdevildante: heh , i would probably mark them all wont fix ;p20:59
vishdevildante: comment #420:59
devildantevish: true. but maybe we should let it as-is21:02
vishdevildante: use the "opinion" ;)21:02
devildantevish: all right, time to use that new feature :)21:02
devildantevish: done :)21:04
bdmurraypedro_: well it sorted itself out for me21:04
vishdevildante: marked them all? or only banshee task?21:05
devildantevish: all that weren't invalid or won't fix21:05
* hggdh is amazed by the amount of people that request membership to the bugsquad *without* signing the CoC :-(21:05
devildantehggdh: Really?21:12
devildantehggdh: even with: *************21:13
devildante   TO JOIN:21:13
devildante* Sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.21:13
devildanteguess people just don't want to read sometimes :p21:13
devildanteonly 6 bugs to go! great job, guys! :)21:15
hggdhdevildante: even though21:15
devildante(and micahg, it's on the bug list, no lp :p)21:16
hggdhand I wonder, if they cannot even read THAT, would they read the Wiki?21:16
micahgdevildante: huh?21:16
devildanteflashback: <micahg> devildante: more than 10 left <micahg> devildante: I'm looking on LP :)21:17
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vishdevildante: not more flashbacks!  "Lost" is over, they were all dead ;p21:49
devildantevish: I never watched Lost for more than 5 minutes :p21:50
vishdevildante: you saved valuable time in your life!21:50
devildanteI lol'd :p21:50
devildanteIs there someone running Unity to (not) confirm bug 602760?21:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 602760 in banshee (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Banshee doesn't display application menu in netbook mode (affects: 1) (heat: 88)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60276021:51
pedro_4 bugs left? you guys are crazy :-P21:55
devildantepedro: refresh bug day page, there is only ONE BUG REMAINING! :p21:56
devildanteand it's bug 60276021:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 602760 in banshee (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Banshee doesn't display application menu in netbook mode (affects: 1) (heat: 86)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60276021:56
pedro_only 1 in the bug day page? WOW21:57
pedro_jcastro, ^21:57
* micahg thinks we should schedule a FF bug day before the energy leaves the channel :P21:57
pedro_jcastro, look at the graph for banshee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2010081921:57
devildantepedro: it's him who reported it :p21:58
pedro_jcastro, it's all your fault!21:58
jcastropedro_: !!!!!21:59
jcastrolet me go tell upstream21:59
devildantejcastro: are you sure it's not appmenu-gtk's fault?21:59
jcastrodevildante: not sure, I'll just assign it to didrocks22:00
jcastrowe need it for UNE22:00
mrandgreat job guys!22:01
pedro_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100819 <- ALL GREEN!22:02
pedro_Awesome job folks!!!!22:02
* pedro_ hugs the bugsquad22:03
pedro_wow long time without seeing all the bugs in the page triaged!!22:03
* devildante hugs pedro_22:03
pedro_our bugsquad rock or what? ;-)22:03
devildanteokay, the overall classment is:22:03
devildante1st - pvillavi with 52 bugs! great job pedro_ :)22:04
pedro_i'm an addict22:04
pedro_ok guys gotta run, see you later!22:04
pedro_great job everybody22:04
devildante2nd - me with 20 bugs :p22:05
devildantepedro_: bye :)22:05
devildante3rd: kamus with 13 bugs - good job mentor :)22:05
devildante4th: vish with 11 bugs - good job too :)22:06
devildante5th: njin with 8 bugs - not bad!22:06
kamusindevildante, bug 555141 is waiting for you22:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 555141 in banshee (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Can't delete files from removable device using DELETE key (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55514122:07
vishdevildante: 19..only ! you stole one from me!22:07
devildantevish: haha22:07
kamusinuse the force luke22:07
devildanteand 6th: jorge with one bug.... pretty good :p22:08
kamusinwe are done :) yay!22:08
devildantekamusin: ah, a bug lands when I'm bored, perfect :p22:09
vishjcastro is a happy man today! met Mustaine , banshee bugs got triaged.. !22:09
jcastrovish: all that's left is to switch to it by default! :)22:09
vishjcastro: snap , was about to type the same thing :)22:10
devildantevish, jcastro: what is Mustaine?22:15
devildante(girlfriend? :p)22:15
vishdevildante: http://tumblr.com/xofg6fz7922:15
* vish lol'd at : https://twitter.com/jonobacon/statuses/21600599691 ;p22:16
devildanteoh, I see. Not a good candidate for a girlfriend though :p22:16
devildanteI second Jono Bacon, even though I don't know at all Dave Mustaine :p22:17
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=== BUGa_OngBak3 is now known as BUGabundo

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