
doctormopleia2: Did you see the correction posted to the blog?01:12
doctormo"accessable user support" -> "accessible user support"01:12
pleia2doctormo: yeah, I didn't get to the copy shop yet so it's all good01:12
* pleia2 stuck at work saving a server :\01:12
doctormopleia2: Server Heroine away!01:13
* pleia2 eyeroll at "omg linux picnic" guy01:16
pleia2and commented01:16
doctormopleia2: linky?01:16
doctormoOh on my blog01:16
pleia2Linux Picnic is slightly older than Ubuntu ;)01:16
doctormoHeh, I wasn't quite sure what he was going on about since I didn't mention it.01:16
doctormoHe was referencing something that wasn't even there I guess.01:19
doctormopleia2: It's next week right?01:19
pleia2this saturday01:20
pleia2he was referencing "linux picnic" in my comment01:20
doctormopleia2: OK, can you let me know how the highly ubuntu branded flyer/poster I made goes down with the fedora table? I want to see if this is just an east coast thing.01:21
pleia2doctormo: I'm buddies with the local Fedora guys, but I'll ask them for their worst :)01:21
doctormopleia2: thanks :-)01:24
nigelbnhandler: thanks :)02:09
jcastrowoo new tattoo!02:53
nigelbjcastro: photo?02:53
jcastroworking on it02:53
* nigelb didn't think jcastro was the tattoo kinda guy :p02:53
nhandlerjcastro: What is it of?02:57
jcastroa dinosaur02:57
nigelbpleia2: what where?02:58
nigelbthe comment....02:58
pleia2oh, I said I was printing out doctormo's flier for the linux picnic, a commenter complained that it was called "linux picnic" rather than "ubuntu picnic"03:02
pleia2didn't realize that linuxpicnic.org was a Famous Thing, I guess03:02
nigelbjcastro: SWEET!03:04
nigelbjcastro: some day we'll have aching archeopteryx ;)03:04
nhandlerjcastro: Very nice03:06
* nigelb does happy dance05:26
nigelbI might get my passport on time after all.05:26
Pendulumnigelb: oh?05:38
nigelbPendulum: the police called me05:55
nigelbwhich means things are moving fast.05:55
nigelbonce I go and verify things and um..err bribe them...05:55
nigelbJust had great fun.05:55
nigelbI called mom and told her "the police called me"05:55
nigelbthe malyalam for "called me" is very similar sounding to "caught me"05:56
nigelbShe got worried and a bit scared at first.05:56
dholbachgood morning07:45
dholbachhey kim007:58
kim0dholbach: hey there07:58
kim0howdy all07:58
nigelbmorning kim0 :)07:59
kim0morning nigelb ... how's it going08:00
nigelbToday is marginally better than yesterday.  My passport renewal application is proceeding fast :)08:01
kim0Yaay :)08:01
nigelbmorning dpm :)08:28
dpmgood morning nigelb :)08:29
dpmgood morning all08:29
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachhey popey09:38
nigelbgood morning popey :)09:41
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
nigelbmorning czajkowski :)10:29
czajkowskiany wiki experts around11:29
czajkowskitrying to create a table with 3 columns11:29
dholbach|| A || B || C ||11:29
czajkowskiand in the first row I want to add content across all 3 columns as it's to fill that whole row, but it keeps thinking it's just one cell11:29
dholbach||<-3> content across 3 rows ||11:30
dholbach(at least I think that's how it works)11:30
dholbachI always look it up on the release schedule pages11:30
czajkowskiahhh was looking for an example11:30
czajkowskithanks dholbach11:30
* czajkowski hugs dholbach 11:31
* dholbach hugs czajkowski back11:31
dholbachtime to take the dog for a walk - see you later :)11:31
dholbachczajkowski, and thanks for the cleansweep blog entry11:31
popey\o/ toodles11:38
czajkowskigah doku wiki syntax is confusing11:40
_doctormoczajkowski: Yea11:40
_doctormoMorning Aloha and Salam czajkowski11:40
czajkowski^ Time ^ Room 1 ^ Room 2 ^ Room 3 ^11:41
czajkowski^ 10:00 am ^ Welcome to OSSBarcamp  ^11:41
czajkowski^10:15am ^ Stefano Zacchiroli Debain derivatives        ^11:41
czajkowskiso I want the 2nd and 3rd  lines to span across under the 1st under a table11:41
nigelb| 10:00 am | Welcome to OSSBarcamp  |||11:43
nigelbczajkowski: try ^^11:44
_doctormoWflr, that's one hell of a design gone bad.11:47
czajkowskinigelb: got it thanks it's still ^^11:49
czajkowskibut great :)11:49
nigelbNice :)11:58
=== ScottL_ is now known as ScottL
czajkowskiit;s the 4th one, so less nervous,12:03
nigelbheh :)12:03
czajkowskiless, not totally, there is still always the panic of will people talk, I know folks turn up, there is promise of beer and food, but I want them talking :)12:04
paultagWe should come up with an Ubuntu hand signal. Sometimes, I see people I think use Ubuntu, and I never say anything13:44
arapaultag, do you have a uradar?13:51
paultagara: hehe, yup. I've never been too far off yet13:52
=== JayFo is now known as JFo
=== dantalizing_ is now known as dantalizing
_doctormopaultag: Shouldn't that be: "An Ubuntu fist bump"?14:46
paultag_doctormo: no clue, we need to figure something out14:46
=== _doctormo is now known as doctormo
paultagjcastro: I don't count :(14:59
jcastronot yet anyway14:59
jcastroJFo: hey kernel bug man15:00
jcastroJFo: do you specifically look at bugs which are resolved upstream in kernel bugzilla but still open in ubuntu?15:01
jcastro(assuming remote watches are working)15:01
jcastro(and that there is a bugzilla bug to begin with)15:01
JFojcastro, I have not been but I do plan/need to15:02
jcastroJFo: let me know how useful that becomes15:03
JFothat is on the list of things I need to start doing religiously15:03
JFoI certainly will15:03
JForight now I am working up the plan for dealing with bugs with patches15:03
jcastroI am wondering if they will indeed be low hanging fruit or just a dream15:03
JFoI'm thinking in their current state most will not be terribly useful15:03
JFoI suspect a cross section will be useful15:04
JFobut the overall majority may just be bugs that are stagnant15:04
JForather upstream stagnant bugs15:04
JFoI still see tons of bugs in the unknown state15:05
jcastroI am more interested in "bugs fixed before our freeze" that we know for sure we're not shipping15:05
JFoah, I see15:05
jcastroyeah, stupid broken tracker15:05
jcastroideally you'd be able to just search for "fixed upstream and not in ubuntu"15:05
JFoyeah. I'm sure I can build a search15:05
jcastroyou don't need to15:05
JFoI'll put it in the wiki too once I get the work I'm on now done15:05
jcastrohmm, maybe we need a new column15:06
jcastrodude I can't believe you're almost down to 4000!15:06
* JFo is a demon15:06
jcastroI was thinking "hoss"15:09
czajkowskijcastro: deadly ink15:14
jcastroI am not even bleeding all over the place!15:14
paultag'tis a flesh wound!15:14
czajkowskijcastro: take long?15:15
jcastro3.5 h15:16
czajkowskinot bad15:17
doctormoMan, drawing faces that resemble people is hard15:41
doctormoI think I'm going to try measuring.15:42
cjohnstondoctormo: are you trying to draw me?15:45
doctormocjohnston: I just can't get your chest right, too many anime girls infecting my art.15:46
doctormocjohnston: What are you working on today?15:47
cjohnstonprolly a nap and some ld stuff15:48
cjohnstonwhich reminds me15:48
cjohnstoni had another gc issue15:48
cjohnstondidnt check to see if theres a bug tho15:48
cjohnstondoctormo: fetch branch > merge in (after changing branch.conf) > revert changes > update: Bazaar Error Working tree /path/ has uncommitted changes.15:54
doctormocjohnston: Sounds like the revert didn't work, can you check on the command line?15:54
cjohnstonyoull have to tell me how again15:55
paultagHey, jcastro, do we have a MIA team for Ubuntu?16:03
jcastroI think LP handles that16:03
paultagyeah, guess it does16:04
paultagWonder if we could do something nifty with ubot2 / loco bots, and create a DB of "heartbeat"16:05
paultagMLs too16:05
paultagjust snag any nick that matches ubuntu/member/$1, and log it as activity for lp:~$116:06
paultagor $1@ubuntu.com16:06
doctormocjohnston: bzr status16:16
jonohi all16:16
doctormojono: Hey welcome to the Ubuntu community ;-)16:17
jcastrohey jono16:23
jcastronow that you are here16:23
jcastroI can announce something I've wanted to say my whole life that I will finally be able to realize today.16:23
jcastroa dream.16:24
jcastro<--- Off to lunch to go hang out with Dave Mustaine, be back in a bit.16:24
jonodoctormo, ?16:24
jonojcastro, haha, enjoy!16:25
akgranerjcastro, have fun!  that's awesome...16:25
doctormojono: Are you out from under your crunch?16:25
jonodoctormo, nearly :-)16:27
doctormojono: Thoughts on poster?16:30
* czajkowski goes back to banging her head with inkscape stuid vecotors16:31
jonodoctormo, you mailed me about this right?16:31
doctormojono: Nope, on the planet and in here only.16:32
paultag+1 czajkowski16:32
doctormoczajkowski: what are you trying trying to do and can I help at all?16:33
jonodoctormo, didnt see it16:33
doctormojono: http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/en/material/poster/reasons-love-ubuntu16:34
jonodoctormo, looks awesome :)16:35
nigelbjcastro: hahaha16:36
pleia2doctormo: oops, got it printed with the "intergration typo" - no one will notice :)16:36
pleia2fixed accessible though16:36
pleia2jono: you coming down to the big linux picnic on saturday? (19th year!)16:37
doctormopleia2: Did you get my email with the leafy design of ubuntu women?16:38
pleia2doctormo: yeah, thanks :)16:38
pleia2doctormo: when we get them printed, do you need us to retain the copyright notice?16:38
jonopleia2, this sat?16:39
pleia2and we haven't gotten t-shirt quotes yet, time seems to be lacking16:39
pleia2jono: yep http://www.linuxpicnic.org/twiki/bin/view/Picnix19/16:39
pleia2ubuntu has two tables16:40
jonopleia2, ahhh bummer I will be in Vegas this weekend16:40
jonohave fun though!16:40
pleia2woo Vegas :)16:41
nigelb(as though being in Vegas isn't fun enough)16:41
akgranerpleia2, do you want the contact for the people who print the shirts for Linux New Media?16:41
pleia2akgraner: I'm trying to get someone else on the team to take a lead, I'm pretty swamped16:42
akgranerpleia2, okie dokie just thought I would offer :-)16:43
dholbachok my friends - I'm calling it a day - see you tomorrow!17:01
* dholbach hugs you all17:01
JFobye dholbach :)17:01
dholbachbye JFo! :)17:01
* JFo hugs dholbach 17:01
* dholbach hugs JFo back17:02
jcastroakgraner: what topic should I do?19:21
akgranermaco, is doing the Ubuntu Development Process, David is doing Ubuntu on Arm QA the Ohio LoCo Team (someone) will do LoCo FAQ's and how to get involved...so - what fits in with all that you would like to talk about :-)19:22
akgranerjcastro, Ubuntu Community Team - our secret to herding cats. :-)19:23
akgranercatnip :-P19:23
jcastroakgraner: let's do "Low Hanging Fruit - Getting Started"19:24
jcastroand I'll put something together19:24
jcastrobugs, cleansweep, etc.19:25
akgranerjcastro, alrighty :-)  you had to say low hanging fruit...:-P19:25
jcastroI did!19:25
akgraneroh the mental images I am having  - thanks man19:25
* paultag facepalm19:25
akgranerpaultag, what???  I didn't say what the images were :-P19:26
jcastrook fine fine19:26
jcastrodo like "Getting involved in Ubuntu is Hard, and 34957345 other myths about contribution"19:26
akgranerjcastro, no it's cool I like the title19:26
paultagakgraner: :P19:26
jcastroor something19:26
akgranerI was just giving you a hard time19:27
macojcastro: be careful we don't overlap too much :P19:28
jcastromaco: I'll do a bunch of low hanging fruit, like, as an intro to yours19:28
macoare you the 2-oclock-ish one?19:28
jcastroakgraner: actually, if you put me in the beginning I can help intro people to the different subjects19:28
macocuz thatd work out really well...19:29
akgranerjcastro, I'll go with low hanging fruit b/c I am sure no one (thank goodness) thinks like I do19:29
* nigelb yawns.19:29
nigelbWhat are you folks talking about?19:29
macooh! good friday's speakers are up19:29
maconigelb: olf19:29
akgranerjcastro, you are the second talk19:29
akgranerBethlynn is 1st with Bug #119:29
nigelbmaco: Aha.  I thougght you were all gonna podcast with akgraner and JFo19:30
nigelb(which would be awesome IMHO)19:30
akgranernigelb, oh good idea19:30
jcastroakgraner: perfect, I will act as a little intro to each area then19:30
akgranerjcastro, perfect!!!19:30
* nigelb goes back to sleep19:30
jcastrogo team!19:30
akgranerand Thank you!19:30
akgranerjcastro, was it an awesome lunch?19:30
* maco does math and staggers19:31
jcastroyes it was19:31
akgranerdid you take pictures?  are you going to blog about it?19:31
jcastrotacos and megadeth19:31
macofully > 1/3 of speakers at olf this year are women19:31
jcastroI am uploading the pics as we speak!19:31
akgranermaco, :-)19:31
nigelbmaco: w00t w00t.19:31
akgranerjcastro, awesome!!!19:31
maco(not counting panels, for which individual names arent listed)19:31
macooh um thats not counting the ubucon either. im not sure if it should be included in the numbers...19:33
jcastrothat new indicator is looking hot19:38
jcastrojono: http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/978281973/meeting-mustaine20:01
jonojcastro, sweeeet!20:01
scott-workjcastro: that's awesome!   the security guy behind dave looks a bit scary20:03
jcastrohe was pretty huge20:04
jcastroI felt so dumb talking to him20:04
czajkowskithink my arms are about to fall off me from the weights tonight, evil fitness instructor did re assessment and increased all of them ouches20:04
jcastrolike, as soon as I said "I've been a fan for my entire adult life" he looked at me and I could sense him thinking "man, we're OLD."20:04
jonojcastro, hehe I know what you mean, meeting your hero is tough like that20:04
jonowhat do you say?20:04
jonocool :)20:05
jcastroI tried not to sound like one of those drooling fan boys20:05
jcastrobut it's tough, because it's like man when I was an awkward teenager this stuff guided me and all that20:05
scott-worklol, yeah like, "do you know how much you've meant to me in my life!?!?"20:05
jcastroI was expecting much less people, there were at least 200+ people there20:06
jonothats awesome20:06
jcastroI was hoping to like, chat with him about stuff, talk about SF and music, etc.20:06
jcastroI even had one of the SF stickers20:06
jcastroit's like, he would totally be on our side when it comes to the record industry right? :)20:06
jonojcastro, you are a dude20:10
jonoI imagine he would think that the record industry sucks20:10
jcastrojono: I would have worn the shirt but you got trumped by megadeth20:10
jonoparticularly as he was screwed by Capitol20:10
jonojcastro, totally understand, dude20:10
jonoit was *your* moment20:10
jcastroI was reading part of the book in line20:10
jcastroman, there is some SERIOUS craziness in there20:10
jonohaha I can imagine20:11
scott-worki'm going to get his book this weekend, methinks20:21
scott-workjono: have you considered doing some metal drumming for other's music?20:30
scott-workjust the one-off every now and then20:30
jonoscott-work, not really, could be fun :)20:37
jcastrois sense on holiday?20:39
jcastrohey johhny depp!21:19
doctormoczajkowski: night!21:21
jcastroanyone know if forums mods are held to the leadership CoC?21:36
jcastroTechnoviking: ^21:38
czajkowskijcastro: I'd assume so22:13
czajkowskithe same way folks are on IRC or on mailing lists22:13
pleia2jcastro: "We expect anybody who takes on a leadership role to meet this higher standard of conduct."22:14
pleia2leadership is not so scrictly defined22:14
pleia2pretty much anyone in leadership anywhere22:14
pleia2doesn't have to be on boards, councils, etc22:15
czajkowskiaye the leadership is a bit iffy and does derterin if a leader or someone who leads an area within ina team.22:15
czajkowskiso say a web admin or mailing list admin22:15
* pleia2 nods22:15
pleia2but the first and second paragraph of the LCoC does set down some criteria22:16
pleia2er, second really22:16
nhandlerczajkowski: Well, most people "lead an area within a team".22:17
czajkowskinhandler: some do many dont22:17
nhandlerczajkowski: True (especially in the loco communities)22:17
jcastroI know one place I plan to lead right now22:18
jcastroto my car and to go see Megadeth and Slayer22:18
jcastrotalk to you all tomorrow!22:18
nhandlerBye jcastro22:19
nhandlerczajkowski: But I would definitely say that people who lead as part of a team are held to it. For instance, I would expect the CC to be held to it (even though they lead as part of that team)22:19
czajkowskijcastro: have fun22:20
czajkowskinhandler: oh I agree22:21
akgranernhandler, hey just sent you an email about the plugin for wordpress...:-)  I have to step away for a few and go pick my daughters friend but should be back in like an hour ... no worries if you can't look at it today - just wanted you in the loop...22:43

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