
jdonghmm the box is a Mac Pro with FB-DIMMs and reproduces on 3 different machines00:00
penguin42ok ok, so it doesn't have to be a hardware bug!00:00
jdongaptitude doesn't say anything00:00
jdongbut I still don't see the packages00:00
jpdsjdong: You have a HTTP cache between you and your mirror?00:01
jdongclearing /var/lib/apt/lists fixed it00:01
jdongstupid if-modified-since handling?00:01
jdongthe livecd was built using us.archive.u.c as a mirror, and then the final installed system chose mirrors.kernel.org00:02
jdongI guess technically an older file hasn't been-modified-since the newer file00:02
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mrmondayIs this the right pace to ask about issues when trying to package apps for ubuntu, or is there a channel better suited to that?00:15
penguin42mrmonday: There is also a #ubuntu-packaging (I think it's ing) and #ubuntu-motu where the stuff in the universe set of repos get done (I only hang out here occasionally)00:17
mrmondayThanks, I'm in there now :)00:21
bdrungRiddelll: ping00:37
TheMusoScottK: Thanks, that was a quick decision. :)01:15
ScottKTheMuso: I figure that's high on your list of packages not to leave broken.  Not much of a risk.01:21
TheMusoScottK: Yeah this is true, thanks again.01:21
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ipatrolI was thinking about configuration GUIs05:31
hvWhat happened to the gnome-terminal? Alt+Backspace does not delete a word anymore. (Alt is not being sent)05:35
ipatrolopen xev and see what happens when you press that keystroke05:36
hvit's not from xev. xterm works fine. it is as if the gnome-terminal equivalent of "XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true" is no longer the case05:38
hvdo Alt+b, Alt+f, Alt+backspace, etc work for you in gnome-terminal?05:39
ipatrolI'm not on a desktop computer05:40
hvipatrol: I see.05:42
ipatrolIf you gave me ssh or vnc access I could try :D05:42
hvthere was an upgrade (2.30.2 -> 2.31.90) on Aug 17.05:43
ionDoes esc-backspace work?05:44
* micahg thinks there's a bug open already for that05:44
hvumm, how can I search for bugs for package $PACKAGE in launchpad? PACKAGE name is what aptitude tells me.05:46
hvthere is "search in one project", but apparently project-name is not exactly the same as package-name05:48
StevenKhv: First, you need the source package name, which you can find from aptitude (under Source: ), and then https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/<source package name>05:48
hvStevenK: "aptitude show" apparently does not have a section "Source". How can I get that automatically?05:51
StevenKhv: If one isn't present, it's the same as what you searched for05:51
StevenKhv: Actually, no, I'm wrong. aptitude show doesn't display it, but apt-cache show does05:53
ipatrolyeah, apt-cache05:57
hvStevenK: thanks.06:04
hvfunction view-package-info () { if PKGSOURCELINE="$(apt-cache show "$1" | grep '^Source:')"; then PKGSOURCE=${PKGSOURCELINE/Source: /} ; else PKGSOURCE="$1" ; fi ; xdg-open "https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/$PKGSOURCE"; }06:05
geserhv: see bug #619754 for the "Alt" key issue06:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619754 in vte (Ubuntu) "alt + backspace; alt+d etc. don't work anymore" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61975406:56
mdkemorning. Can someone tell me whether, if a source package builds more than one binary package, and a change is made so that a particular binary package is no longer built, does any additional act need to be taken to remove that binary package from the archive?07:32
geserno, it will appear on in the NBS list and get removed by the archive admins if no reverse (build-)dependencies are left07:35
mdkegeser: excellent, thanks for the information07:38
mdkeis there an easy way to tell what dependencies exist?07:39
geserapt-cache rdepends for dependencies but for build-dependencies you need use grep-dctrl on the Source file07:40
mdkegeser: thanks. I'm sure there aren't any build-dependencies in this case07:41
geseror you simply check http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/ once you dropped the package07:41
mdkelooks like no rdepends either :)07:41
mdkegeser: thanks again07:42
dholbachgood morning07:45
mdkemorning dholbach07:45
dholbachhey mdke07:45
bilalakhtargood morning dholbach07:46
dholbachhey bilalakhtar07:46
pittiGood morning07:48
pittierh, where did my control key go?07:48
pittiseems it's acting like another windows key07:48
nigelbpitti: Nice way to start the morning.07:50
nigelbGood morning :)07:51
mok0What GNU autotools files do you guys include in your brz repo? Do you have all files at the "make dist" level, or do you not include the autogenerated files?07:51
mok0Of course, you need "./configure" etc. for bzr-builddeb to work07:52
mok0But that could be restricted to the package branch07:52
mok0Do you consider the casual user, that might do a bzr branch lp:xxxx ; configure; make ?07:53
pittimok0: for upstream projects, definitively don't include autotools stuff; it's just noicse07:56
pittimok0: some packaging branches do that, when they import upstream tarballs instead of being a real branch from upstream trunk07:57
mok0pitti, so, in your opinion, I should have the GNU autotools only in the "ubuntu" branch? (The one that includes debian/ )07:57
pittimok0: depends on the packaging style07:58
pittibut upstream branches with autoconfiscation (or more generally, with anything that gets autogenerated) are pretty annoying07:58
geserpitti: is it bug 619754 or a different issue?07:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619754 in vte (Ubuntu) "alt + backspace; alt+d etc. don't work anymore" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61975407:58
pittigeser: ah, I did have a libvte upgrade yesterday afternoon indeed; trying07:59
mok0pitti, unless you have configure and friends, bzr-builddeb doesn't work07:59
pittimok0: so your packgaging branch derives straight from trunk?07:59
mok0pitti: yes07:59
mok0pitti, it includes trunk, and adds debian/07:59
mok0pitti, but I could also add m4/08:00
pittimok0: you could call autotools in debian/rules; if you use cdbs, you can just set the flags, otherwise call autoreconf before ./configure08:00
pittigeser: hmm, no new vte in this morning's dist-upgrade08:00
mok0pitti: yeah, that is a possibility...08:00
pittiah, vte failed to build on amd6408:01
mok0pitti: thanks for your input08:02
pittirobert_ancell: I'll give back vte on amd64 once glib has published (it just finished building on amd6408:03
robert_ancellpitti, thanks08:04
mdkeI believe that the ubuntu-docs and gnome-user-docs packages both used to have a "XS-Vcs-Bzr" field, but they seem to have disappeared somehow. Are these still in use generally?08:07
pittimdke: it's now called Vcs-Bzr:08:14
pittiah, keyboard sanity! thanks geser08:16
mdkepitti: thanks. That seems not to be there either, I'll readd it. No idea how it got lost08:18
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kblinhi folks08:34
kblinI take it's too late to get driver support for a wifi dongle into 10.10?08:35
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cjwatsonpitti: upstream autoconfiscation> disagree, just for the record.  (I'm not really trying to persuade you, but I want it to be on the record that not all upstreams act the same way.)10:57
pitticjwatson: hm, I've never seen one anyway10:57
cjwatsonanything I maintain for starters :)10:57
pitticjwatson: that makes upstream commits pretty noisy, though?11:00
cjwatsonYes, exactly as noisy as I want them to be11:00
cjwatsonI want to be able to see what changes the autotools are making, and having the generated files in revision control is an excellent way to do that11:00
cjwatsonit's a good way to spot mistakes11:00
pitticjwatson: hmkay :) seems I just haven't stumbled over one of those upstream VCSes then11:01
cjwatsonman-db, ubiquity (OTTOMH)11:01
sorencjwatson: That only really works for single-person projects, doesn't it?11:32
sorencjwatson: Or do you just have a rule that only one person gets to change those things or do you mandate a very specifically versioned toolchain?11:33
cjwatsonsoren: you do have to be reasonably close in autotools versions but that's often the case anyway.11:33
cjwatsonsoren: this way, at least it's explicit what random set of stuff the principal maintainer was using.11:34
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sorencjwatson: True. I'm with pitti, though. I don't recall stumbling upon vcs with autogenerated stuff in it that wasn't a mistake.11:35
cjwatsonit's certainly popular to not include it, but I thought it worth mentioning that the practice is not universal11:35
sorencjwatson: I acknowledge you do things differently, though, and I how it can be valuable.11:35
sorenGood to know.11:35
chrismsnzhey guys, do you know where i can find the people that run the xorg edgers ppa?11:36
cjwatsonin fact, if you do it very consistently, it avoids the need for a tarball branch sitting in between the upstream vcs and the packaging branch11:36
cjwatsonwhich can be convenient11:36
nigelbchrismsnz: #ubuntu-x perhaps?11:36
chrismsnznigelb, ty11:36
jibelpitti, hello, sru bug 595116, apache 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.1 failed to build in lucid, who should I warn ?11:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595116 in apache2 (Ubuntu Lucid) "ssl "error reading the headers"" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59511611:43
pittijibel: that already happened; the package was pulled from -proposed, and we asked zul to reupload11:44
jibelpitti, okay thanks.11:44
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dokoseb128: when is the next set of gnome updates expected, and when do you expect the archive be stable again after these are uploaded?12:22
dokoRiddell: when is the next set of kde updates expected, and when do you expect the archive be stable again after these are uploaded?12:22
seb128doko, what is not stable and what do you try to figure?12:23
seb128doko, is that for an archive rebuild? cd builds?12:23
dokotrying to figure out a good time to take a snapshot for a rebuilt test12:23
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seb128doko, next GNOME changes are august 30th12:25
ogradoko, the archive is in its best condition right before a milestone12:25
seb128doko, I don't expect GNOME to be unstable until then12:25
dokoseb128: ok, thanks12:26
bilalakhtarokay, I need an FFe for a new upstream release, should I file 2 separate bugs (one for sponsorship, other for FFe) or merge 'em ?12:27
gesermerge them12:27
geserit's easier to look at only one bug12:28
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Riddelldoko: probably next big KDE update September 9th12:33
webczatWhat usb-creator requires? i want to install it on gentoo and then create ubuntu liveusb pendrive12:39
webczatversion 0.2.2212:39
webczati'm extremely annoyed about that freeze!12:43
ricotzseb128, hi12:46
seb128ricotz, hey12:48
webczatis that freeze something normal?12:57
webczathmm, 0.2.20 also does not work13:19
* webczat curses13:19
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webczatdoes anyone have a clue why usb-creator freezes?14:15
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Piciwebczat: This isn't a support channel.  Please use #ubuntu for that.14:54
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cnd_seb128, I'm working on adding udebs to mtdev and utouch-grail15:16
cnd_I've pushed packaging commits to enable udebs to lp15:16
cnd_would you be able to review the changes?15:16
seb128cnd_, sorry but I'm over busy atm, I've at least 5 changes in my queue and 3 person who pinged me15:17
seb128cnd_, can you drop me an email with the references?15:17
seb128cnd_, I might review that later otherwise it will be tomorrow15:17
cnd_seb128, is there someone else you could recommend who could help?15:17
seb128or maybe somebody else there can do reviews15:17
cnd_I can also drop an email15:17
cnd_I just don't want to overburden you :)15:18
seb128well let's say that's the right channel15:18
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seb128but I suggest opening bugs with the change and subscribing sponsors15:18
cnd_seb128, ok, I'll open bugs like you suggest15:19
cnd_should I subscribe just yourself, or some team, or?15:20
dholbachcnd: subscribe ubuntu-sponsors15:20
cnd_dholbach, ok, thanks!15:20
cjwatsoncnd_: udebs> why?15:21
cnd_cjwatson, mtdev and utouch-grail handle gesture recognition, and they siphon events from xserver-xorg-input-evdev in Maverick15:21
cnd_(right now they siphon events off from a new *-gevdev package because we don't have udebs so we can't merge changes into the real *-evdev)15:22
cnd_we want to just have a patch against evdev for Maverick, but if we do that right now, the evdev udeb will also depend on mtdev and utouch-grail15:23
cnd_and the installer will burst into flames :)15:23
cnd_cjwatson, I'm sure you're busy too, but would you have a moment to check my udeb changes?15:24
cnd_np if you can't15:24
cjwatsoncnd_: what installer do you have in mind that uses evdev?15:30
cjwatsoncnd_: (noting that we don't actually use graphical d-i at the moment)15:31
cjwatsoncnd_: I don't object to adding the udebs, just surprised that it's a priority15:31
cjwatsoncnd_: happy to look at your changes15:31
robbiewcjwatson: noticed bug 620293, bug 620302, and bug 620338 all created in the last 24hours....could there be a possible bug in initramfs-tools (Lucid)...or is this a common error message for multiple failures15:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620293 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "package initramfs-tools 0.92bubuntu78 [modified: usr/sbin/update-initramfs] failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62029315:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620302 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "package initramfs-tools 0.92bubuntu78 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62030215:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620338 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "package initramfs-tools 0.92bubuntu78 [modified: usr/sbin/update-initramfs] failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62033815:38
cjwatsonrobbiew: I'll look, but it's a very common message15:39
cjwatsonand it's a "something broke" kind of thing15:40
robbiewcjwatson: ack..then no worries15:40
robbiewI thought it might be15:40
cjwatsonrobbiew: two undebuggable problems with no useful information attached; one problem which is odd but isolated15:45
cjwatsonall different15:45
robbiewcjwatson: cool...thnx15:46
robbiewand sorry to take 5min of your life that you will never get back :P15:46
cnd_cjwatson, sorry, didn't notice your messages15:47
cnd_cjwatson, I was under the assumption that the graphical installer was running through X15:48
cnd_if not, then this may all be a moot point :)15:48
cnd_or perhaps you're meaning that the ubiquity installer image isn't built from udebs?15:49
cjwatsoncnd_: so, there are two graphical installers.  one (which we may use for something in the future, perhaps the server) uses udebs.  the other (which we use for the desktop today) does not.15:49
cjwatsoncnd_: don't let me stop you adding the udebs - we will probably want them eventually and we might as well add them while they're uppermost in our minds15:49
cjwatsoncnd_: it just won't affect ubiquity in any way15:49
cnd_at least it lowers the priority for now :)15:50
cnd_cjwatson, you can review the changes at:15:51
cnd_I suppose we should do the udebs anyways because we don't want to break anyone wishing to play with graphical d-i15:52
cjwatsoncnd_: you can drop debian/libmtdev1.shlibs15:52
cnd_cjwatson, what about the shlib deps checking though?15:53
cjwatsonand likewise you can drop debian/libutouch-grail.shlibs.  the rest is fine15:53
cnd_the symbols file doesn't know anything about udebs15:53
cjwatsoncnd_: dh_makeshlibs will create that shlibs file all by itself15:53
cjwatsonkeep the --add-udeb stuff15:53
cnd_cjwatson, it didn't seem to do it for me...15:54
cjwatsonlet me check15:54
cnd_I'll check again15:54
cjwatsoncertainly there is no need to hardcode the udeb: line in .shlibs15:54
cjwatsonthe point of --add-udeb is to add that line15:54
cnd_ok, I'll try without the line to see15:54
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cjwatsonE: libmtdev1-udeb udeb: udeb-contains-documentation-file usr/share/doc/libmtdev1-udeb/15:55
cjwatsonE: libmtdev1-udeb udeb: udeb-contains-documentation-file usr/share/doc/libmtdev1-udeb/buildinfo.gz15:56
cjwatsonthat's probably a dh_buildinfo bug15:56
cjwatsonworks fine without the .shlibs file15:56
cjwatsonheh, how about I just purge dh-buildinfo here, since you don't build-depend on it :)15:57
cnd_cjwatson, you're right15:57
cnd_I think I was looking in the wrong place before15:57
cnd_thanks for the review!15:57
cjwatsonyep, it's fine now that I've purged dh-buildinfo.  I'll go report that bug15:58
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barryjames_w: ping16:26
james_whi barry16:26
barryjames_w: hi.  do you have a few minutes to walk through a udd scenario with me?16:27
james_wof course16:27
barrythanks!  okay, background: i'm trying to get subversion to build against py27.  it currently fails because of some test failures...16:28
barryfirst i did: bzr init-repo svn; cd svn; bzr branch lp:ubuntu/subversion16:28
barrythen bzr branch subversion py2716:28
barrycd into py27 and loomified that branch16:28
barrybzr create-thread disable-tests16:29
barry(note: the "fix" is currently to just disable a handful of failing tests)16:29
barryhack, hack, hack, build, test, commit change, bzr record16:29
barrypush to lp16:29
barryokay, so now i have a branch that builds, as a two-thread loom.  so far so good?16:30
barrycool.  so, subversion uses quilt and now i want to turn that patch in a thread into a quilt patch.  i've tried a couple of things that haven't succeeded, but i guess let's start with what you'd recommend as the next step?16:31
james_wsomething like "bzr diff -r thread: | quilt import disable_tests" would be my guess16:31
barryjames_w: should i do the import in the trunk thread?  in a pristine branch?  doesn't seem right to do it in the thread that contains the source change16:32
james_wbarry: is it quilt v3?16:33
james_wor v1 + quilt?16:33
barryjames_w: 'what-patch' just says 'quilt'16:33
james_wcat debian/source/format16:33
james_wENOENT means v116:34
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james_wbarry: ok, so you could either do the import in a thread without your changes, or do the import in the same thread, and then back the changes out of the working tree16:36
james_wI don't think it particularly matters, you will end up with the same tree state, so it just depends what you want in the history16:36
barryjames_w: i think i see what you mean.  thanks, let me try that...16:37
barryjames_w: this is interesting.  i tried creating a thread between trunk and disable-tests, called 'quilt'.  then i did a bzr diff -rthread:disable-tests -rthread:trunk and it returned an empty diff.  the same command returned the full diff only if i'm in the disabled-tests thread16:41
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james_wbarry: I don't think two -r does what you would expect there16:42
james_wtry -r thread:trunk..thread:disable-tests16:42
barryjames_w: oh right.  so many diff command syntaxes ;)16:42
barryjames_w: that did the trick.  thanks, let's see if quilt will import the diff16:43
james_wbarry: you might need a --prefix=a/:b/ to get it at the natural -p level for quilt16:44
cjwatsonquilt has -p options itself16:44
barryjames_w: quilt import doesn't read from stdin, so i think i need to save it to a file first16:44
cjwatsonso you can use -p016:45
cjwatsonalso, quilt import -p0 /dev/stdin :-)16:45
james_wbarry: huh16:45
barrycjwatson: yep, just saw that.  i think what tripped me up about trying to use edit-patch is that it *doesn't* take a -p argument, so edit-patch ends up rejecting the patch16:45
james_wnice :-)16:45
barrycjwatson, james_w: indeed... let's see!16:45
barryah, wait, i need to push all patches first before i import though, right?16:46
barrycjwatson: that works, except that the patch file is called stdin.  probably not quite right :)16:48
cjwatson           -P patch16:49
cjwatson               Patch filename to use inside quilt. This option can only be used when importing a single patch.16:49
barrycjwatson, james_w: very nice. i think i have a workflow now.  i'm going to write this up, and will send you a link.  thanks for your help!16:52
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* barry might even try to automate this16:52
james_wbarry: I'd love a command in bzr-builddeb to turn revisions in to a patch16:53
barryjames_w: you and me both!  do you have a suggestion for a command name?16:53
james_wlike turning a bzr revisionspec for diff in to something for edit-patch16:53
james_wimport-deb-patch for a pretty poor first thought :-)16:54
barryjames_w: i probably have to hack edit-patch to take -p and -P16:54
james_wbarry: it may be easier to get bzr to generate patches that don't need -p16:54
barryjames_w, cjwatson: oh, one other thing.  my thread included a debian/changelog entry.  i need to filter that out of my quilt patch16:54
barryjames_w: yeah, but -P is required i think if you don't use a tmp file16:55
james_wah, ok16:56
barrythis has been great, thanks guys16:57
SpamapSWhats the feeling on a FFE for a package to sync changes from debian that only change the build process to run the automated testing suite? Otherwise the package is basically the same.17:16
cjwatsonSpamapS: what's the feature requiring an exception?17:18
cjwatsonsyncing from Debian alone doesn't require an exception, it depends on whether it introduces new features17:18
Chipacais there something that would build up a changelog from bzr commit messages?17:18
Chipacanot a changelog, I mean a changelog entry17:19
SpamapSlibdbi-drivers (in main), the Debian Maintainer and I did considerable work to run automated tests against mysql, pgsql, and sqlite.17:19
SpamapScjwatson: ^17:19
SpamapScjwatson: so the feature is running the tests.17:19
asacjdstrand: are you awake?17:21
jdstrandI am17:21
cjwatsonSpamapS: it's a feature in the build system I suppose, but I don't think it's a feature visible to users of the package (other than "less buggy")17:21
asacjdstrand: what else besides the bug to track qt-qws code duplication did you want?17:21
cjwatsonSpamapS: so I don't think it needs an exception17:21
asacseb128: ^^17:21
asachere is the discussion now17:21
cjwatsonChipaca: more usual to do it the other way round, write the changelog as you go and use that to generate commit messages (with debcommit)17:21
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SpamapScjwatson: I'll just requestsync then. :) Thanks!17:22
jdstrandasac: well, I'm not sure I am the gatekeeper of that bug. I just wanted to make sure that enough people were in agreement that that is the only thing we can do. someone from linaro saying they will maintain it for -security (since it is universe) and people more knowledgeable than I saying the technical issues can only be resolved with a copy copy17:22
Chipacacjwatson: right, i want to generate the package changelog based on the individual commits made on the project itself (also in bzr)17:23
jdstrands/copy copy/code copy/17:23
cjwatsonChipaca: usually produces rubbish output, but as you like :)17:24
cjwatson(don't know of anything; the kernel team does this with git)17:24
SpamapSjames_w: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/libdbi-drivers.html#2010-08-07 15:12:07.002397 ... did we mess up by importing 0.8.3-1 upstream without tagging the change ?17:25
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james_wSpamapS: possibly. Is that version number (0.8.3-1-0ubuntu1) intentional? Do upstream release 0.8.3-1?17:28
Riddellasac: bug 61873317:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 618733 in Ubuntu "package qt4-qws" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61873317:29
SpamapSjames_w: yes17:29
james_wSpamapS: then it's probably a bug in bzr-builddeb17:29
SpamapSjames_w: though as of 0.9 they'll be moving to
james_wlet me look17:29
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SpamapSjames_w: let me know if I can help17:34
james_wSpamapS: so yeah, it's caused by a bug in merge-upstream17:56
james_wSpamapS: I can fix that branch, and then fix the bug as well18:00
SpamapSjames_w: well I'm glad to hear that we didn't screw it up.. but sorry to put more on your plate. ;)18:01
james_wnp, it's my fault for this stupid bug anyway18:02
james_wSpamapS: if you run "bzr pull lp:ubuntu/libdbi-drivers" and try again it should now work18:03
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
james_wSpamapS: let me know if that doesn't work18:05
james_wI'll fix the bug so that it doesn't happen in future18:05
james_wSpamapS: oh, if you are trying to merge a new upstream version of this package today then let me know and I'll help you workaround the bug.18:06
SpamapSjames_w: no, I just noticed that it had an error in package-import18:10
SpamapSjames_w: and it was uploaded to Debian today, so I wasn't sure if it was just out of sync w/ debian, or an error. Looks like both. ;)18:10
SpamapSjames_w: by it, I mean a new version of the same upstream.18:11
james_wSpamapS: ok18:11
SpamapSjames_w: I'll keep an eye on it as the new release is imported into lp:debian, thanks for taking a look.18:14
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== astralja1a is now known as astraljava
canesinHi all, I want to help maintain an package in ubuntu .. how can I do this ??18:46
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
johanbrcanesin, have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU18:48
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jcolequestion about the livecd... i am providing remastered versions and would like to "force" encrypted home directories by default... what config would i modify to make that happen?18:57
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks-away
seb128kees, hey, could you review bug #609081?19:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 609081 in libdmapsharing (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libdmapsharing" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60908119:37
keesseb128: sure, one sec19:39
seb128kees, thanks19:41
sorenStevenK: Doing AA stuff today?19:54
lifelesssoren: @5am? :P19:55
sorenlifeless: Hmm.. point. :)19:55
pittiisn't it funny how lifeless proves himself wrong? :-)20:04
dobeyis revu closed off now for maverick? or is it just confused at the moment?20:16
james_wSpamapS: fixed, and will be uploaded soon. Next time you do a new upstream of a package like you shouldn't have a problem. Thanks for catching the issue.22:13
=== sconklin is now known as sconklin-gone
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk

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