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adayhi all13:09
mpthi aday13:09
JanCBorchardthey everyone :)13:10
* mpt is almost finished upgrading to Maverick13:11
adaywhat's happening? anything on the agenda?13:13
JanCBorchardtI don’t know if it’s related, but after Pongo was featured on OMG Ubuntu, activity on Launchpad has increased. One guy has even started on a GUI. :)13:14
mptJanCBorchardt, is the GUI part of the same project?13:15
adayJanCBorchardt: great news!13:15
JanCBorchardtyes, he is developing it in a separate branch. I didn’t have the time to look at it yet.13:15
mptoh, separate project: https://launchpad.net/pongo-gui-version13:15
JanCBorchardtand I contacted the developer of Screenkey (a tool which captures key presses) if he would like to collaborate since his tool is really only useful when combined with a recording program. He has a lot of work to do but seems enthusiastic about collaborating. :)13:16
JanCBorchardtmpt, I guess he just opened a new project instead of branch by mistake. We mailed, so as soon as I have time I will take a look at it and hopefully incorporate it.13:18
JanCBorchardtmy goal is to have just this one Pongo package that needs to be installed (automatically getting istanbul, screenkey etc) and just work.13:18
mptThat would be ideal13:19
JanCBorchardtsomeone has pointed me to Deskscribe, a program which graphs mouse movements and clicks: https://launchpad.net/deskscribe13:19
JanCBorchardtI didn’t know about that and it would certainly be interesting to incorporate it somehow13:19
JanCBorchardtso it will likely move away from being a »lightweight script« – but instead be more independent and grab its dependencies automatically.13:20
adayit's great to have some momentum behind pongo13:21
adaymakes sense13:21
JanCBorchardtyes, definitely. Many thanks out to Joey who blogged it. The second use as a screencasting tool is really helping there. :)13:21
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JanCBorchardtso, that’s it from me13:21
mptHi andreasn_13:22
mpt(and hi thorwil too)13:22
JanCBorchardtI’ll incorporate some development progress in my next blog post where I want to describe Guerilla usability testing with Pongo13:23
JanCBorchardthey andreasn_ :)13:23
JanCBorchardtand thorwil ;)13:23
mptaday, would you like to talk about what's going on with Gnome design and Gnome OS etc? I saw there were office hours yesterday in #gnome-design but I was in a meeting and missed them13:23
adaympt: sure... for those that don't know - there are weekly office hours happening on #gnome-design 14:00 - 15:00 UTC13:24
adayit's intended as a chance for designers to get together, and for people to get involved in gnome design13:25
adaywe had our first one yesterday. bit quiet to begin with, but hotted up. had some good discussion about the new control center designs13:25
adaythere's a fair bit to do there, if anyone's interested ;)13:26
adayas for GNOME OS, that's an idea to model GNOME on something like android or meego - so it would be a whole stack with a single 'app store'13:27
mptI'm in the "interested but swamped" category13:27
JanCBorchardtaday, sorry I couldn’t really attend, I was travelling13:27
wers-androidooh. so the intention is to accommodate an app store? is that the main motivation?13:28
adayJanCBorchardt, mpt: sure, there will be more meetings. we had pretty good attendance yesterday though13:28
adaythe specifics for what 'GNOME OS' might mean are still being worked out. it's very much a concept that is in development13:29
andreasn_the control center discussion ended up with a list of stuff that needs to be supported in the new control center http://openetherpad.org/4ISiGNbKEl13:29
adaywers-android: i don't really know that much about it, but i think it will be a topic of discussion at the upcoming boston summit13:29
wers-androidshucks i can't go to the Boston summit...13:30
adaybut yes, i think the general aim is to reduce some of the current fragmentation - so that a 'gnome' app can run on any 'gnome' installaiton (whatever that meanns ;) )13:30
aday(i'm reading between the lines here)13:30
adayandreasn_: ah yes, thanks. that still needs to be finished off! anybody got any suggestions for the etherpad?13:31
wers-androidso I'm wondering about solaris. that could be offtopic, tho13:31
thorwiladay: btw, etherpad allows custom urls instead of character-salad ;)13:31
wers-androidi meant, what will gnome os do to non-linux platforms13:32
adaywers-android: i guess that's one of the details that still needs to be worked out :)13:32
wers-androidyep. i guess, the heavy JavaScript usage on Shell is a good first step13:33
andreasn_regarding the control center. This is the main page http://live.gnome.org/Design/SystemSettings/13:33
adaythomas wood is doing most of the control center implementation: http://blogs.gnome.org/thos/13:35
adayand mockups are in the gnome-design gitorious repo: http://gitorious.org/gnome-design/gnome-design13:35
adaywhich works really nicely with sparkleshare :)13:36
adaympt: what do you make of the etherpad?13:37
mptaday, I don't understand why anyone's trying to decide from scratch what should be included13:38
mptinstead of porting what exists now, and making individual decisions about adding/removing things.13:39
andreasn_indeed, that sounds like a better list to make13:40
adaympt: there was some talk about how the different parts should be grouped and categorised. thomas wanted to get an overview... that's all i can say ;)13:40
mptWell it might be interesting to list what *is* available now, to make sure you don't miss anything, and then (re-)categorize that13:41
adaympt: indeed13:41
thorwila clear strategy behind what to include and what to exclude would be good to have13:41
mptAlso think about where custom items would go (e.g. if you buy an input tablet with its own control panel, how can that slot in next to the Keyboard and Mouse panels?)13:42
adaympt: yeah. it would be great if you could talk this over with thos, if you've time13:42
adaythe parts of the control center that have been looked at are shaping up really nicely, i might add. there are some really cool mockups13:45
adayweb integration is going to be one focus - we're hoping to have a 'web accounts' panel, and there is already flickr integration in the background chooser13:46
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mptIs that all for this week, then? :-)13:50
thorwilwas there a topic before pongo?13:50
mptthanks everyone13:52
* mpt restarts into Maverick13:52
JanCBorchardtok, bye all :)13:52
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jesusda91bnas alguien a utilizado aircrack?15:13
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