
tgm4883Azelphur, mythfrontend --version00:09
tgm4883and for 0.23.1, you could do 'dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-repos' and select 0.23.100:09
Azelphurtgm4883: I get 404 when doing apt-get update00:12
Azelphurapparently lucid/main/source/Sources.gz for 0.23.1 is dead00:12
=== henkpoley_ is now known as henkpoley
tgm4883Azelphur, use either ppa or de00:13
Azelphurdownloading the upgrade :)00:15
Azelphurtgm4883: hehe, now I have the age old protocol version error00:19
tgm4883ah yea, you will get that as the protocol version change is what prompted 0.23.100:19
tgm4883so you would need to upgrade your backend as well then00:20
tgm48830.23.0 is on the old version00:20
Azelphurwill my backend upgrade too if I get them all on the same repo?00:21
Azelphurwhat version should I go with00:22
tgm4883if you use 3rd party apps like the osx frontend, then 0.23.000:22
tgm4883otherwise update00:22
tgm48830.23.0 won't get any more updates00:22
Azelphuryea all I use is Linux and web frontend00:23
mito_Hey all03:27
mito_Just getting back into the MythTV thing after being away from it for 2 years and having an issue I don't remember having before03:27
mito_Right now I have an ATI card that needs the custom drivers (a Radeon 9600), I enabled it via the MCP and that thinks it's there, because it shows me the icon for the aticccp but when I try to use the aticccp it tells me there are no valid drivers installed03:29
mito_the display works fine when connected to a PC monitor, but when connected to a TV it can't display the resolution and goes to "unusable signal"03:30
mito_I checked my xorg.conf and it is set to use the "radeon" driver like it's supposed to... I'm thinking about just changing the resolution in the xorg.conf as well but haven't tried that yet03:31
mito_anyone have any ideas on how to get the ati driver utilities to work again?03:31
rhpot1991mito_: what is MCP03:36
rhpot1991you should use the restricted driver manager to enable the ATI drivers, and it should detect everything for you03:36
mito_Mythbuntu Control Panel03:36
mito_I tried, but it says there's no drivers present03:36
mito_sorry, MCC03:37
corigoI have my network claiming it is connected, ifconfig shows wlan0 with an 10.x.x.x IP address, but my router is distributing 192.168.2.x07:31
rileypsymbolic link of recordings on front end not showing up in mounted dir14:31
rhpot1991corigo: connected to someone else's router?14:32
rileypIM using mythexport to create symlinks and tehlinks work on my backend14:33
rileypI trhen mount recording and symlink folder on fromt end and the recodings show up and play on FE but the symlinks do not appear in the folder14:34
rileypthats in the symlink folder and  I have used exact same dir stucture14:35
rhpot1991rileyp: so you are sharing out a folder from your backend to your frontend, via nfs or something?14:53
rhpot1991or am I not understanding it14:53
rileypyes with samba14:53
rileypits a permissions problem14:53
rhpot1991permission, or something is outside the scope of your share14:54
rhpot1991why it this necessary?14:54
rhpot1991mythbackend should automagically have recordings available to mythfrontend14:54
rileypI have a network media player front end  So I need symlink folder with decent names to read of my myth recordings14:55
rhpot1991oh so by frontend you don't mean mythtv frontend14:55
rileypI test that symlink folder works on my mythbuntu front first though14:55
rileypyes I do meanmythfront end But I dont usually open that folder on my mythbuntu front end its only there to ensure it will work on my network media player14:57
rileypl????????? ? ? ? ?                ? Blackadder Goes Forth.3.mpg14:58
rileypwhen I do  ls -l that what I get on the front end14:58
rileypall recodrings look like that How can I fix that14:58
rileypsudo chown dad *15:00
rileypchown: cannot access `Adaptation.2.mpg': Permission denied is the result I get15:00
rileypI did sudo15:01
rhpot1991sudo chown mythtv:mythtv file15:01
rileypIve tried that too15:02
rileypIve tried that too sudo chown mythtv:mythtv *15:02
rileypit says chown cannot access as above15:03
rhpot1991cause a symlink inherts its owenership15:06
rileyphmm so attempting to change the ownership fails?15:07
rileypis this correct?15:07
rhpot1991ya thats normal15:08
rhpot1991dunno why you are seeing ? all over there though15:08
rhpot1991seems like the link may be bad15:08
rileypthe links open on the back end so they are good15:09
rhpot1991how do you know its opening that link and not the recording itself?15:09
rileypthe symlink opens the recording thats correct15:10
rhpot1991but how have you tested it15:10
rileypeg merlin open a recording called 10107097654468.mpg15:10
rileypexxacgerated but you know what I mean15:10
rhpot1991running mythfrontend is still going to go right to the recording itself15:10
rhpot1991so unless you have done something outside of myth you haven't really tested it15:11
rileypIm not using it in mythfront end15:11
rileypmythfront end woks fine  :D15:11
rhpot1991yes I know, but I'm saying that doesn't test the symlinks, so saying that doesn't mean theya re ok15:12
rhpot1991also I'd venture using mythlink.pl in /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/user_jobs may be a better choice for you here15:12
rileypwell the symlink I open on the backend from the backend  opens my recording15:13
rhpot1991rileyp: right but how did you "open" them?15:13
rileyppoint and click15:13
rhpot1991rileyp: ok15:13
rhpot1991then yes they should be ok15:13
rileypon symlink icon in symlink folder15:13
rhpot1991when you ls -l, was that from your backend, or from this frontend you are setting up?15:13
rileypon front end15:14
rhpot1991what do the links look like on the backend?15:14
rileypon back erd hang on15:15
rileyplrwxrwxrwx 1 dad mythtv 58 2010-08-16 23:52 Underbelly- The Golden Mile.3.mpg -> /home/dad/Documents/video/recorded/1009_20100516202500.mpg15:15
rileypI have fiddled with permissions on both trying to resolve15:15
rhpot1991backend looks good, I thought your paste from before was on the backend15:16
rhpot1991ok so what folder are you sharing out via samba?15:16
rhpot1991also you should use ciffs anymore not samba15:16
rileypI share the symlink folder called recordings and the originial mythtv recording folder called recorded15:17
rileypIll show fstab setting15:18
rileyp/   /home/dad/Documents/video/recordings   cifs auto,iocharset=utf8,uid=dad,gid=users,credentials=/root/.cifscredentials,file_mode=0775,dir_mode=0775 0 015:19
rileypand same for recorded15:19
rileypI use same dir stucture on frontend as backend  the original files play fine in vlc on my front ned when i point and click on the file15:20
rileypin the /recorded folder on my front ned which is mounted as above15:21
rileypbut the symlinks the stupid bl!@$##@ symlinks wont play football15:21
rhpot1991ok, well you generally want to avoid using your home directory for mythtv folders15:22
rhpot1991causes all sorts of permission headaches15:22
rileypok thats good to know15:23
rileypIll have to work on that15:23
rhpot1991may be part or all of your issue here15:24
rhpot1991here is what I would recommend15:24
rhpot1991move that directory back to /var/lib/mythtv/recordings, or make /mythtv/whatever15:24
rhpot1991then look into mythlink.pl like I mentioned above, the advantage there is that you can actually rename the recordings with it and not need to symlink15:25
rhpot1991then you will get myth's autoexpire features and all for free15:25
rhpot1991and will only have one folder to share out15:25
rileypI have used mythlink.pl previoiusly and i found joy15:28
rileypOk Ill go mythlink  I have only tried mythexport as it seemed like an easy ay to create nice names for recordings which it does do very well and easilly but Its problematic when using in a network enviroment as I have found out15:32
rhpot1991rileyp: yep mythexport can do this, but I think using mythlink so everything can expire from mythtv itself is a better choice15:35
rhpot1991with mythexport it does its own expiring separately15:35
rhpot1991mythexport is more meant to make your latest recording available for 10 days, not to make all recordings available.  Though you can make all of them available, but its not smart enough to know when they get deleted by the backend.15:38
rhpot199110 was a random number I picked there, you can specify how many days you want15:39
asscohi! having trouble with putting my system to sleep (s3) using mythbuntu 10.04. i've tried almost everything in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-173/+bug/34043 with no luck. issuing pm-suspend leaves my system hanging and after hardreboot it informs that no working configuration exists for my screen and has to run in low-graphics mode. Using onboard graphics 20:58
Zinn[help.ubuntu.com] NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend - Community Ubuntu Documentation20:58

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