
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
=== zkriesse is now known as Guest13344
=== Guest13344 is now known as zkriesse
akgranernigelb, dpm pleia2 - wanted you all to see this page - I'll add the schedule for the interviews I am working on.  nigelb if you could get someone to add the schedule and links to the Behind the Circle ones as they happen that will be great15:00
internalkernelquick someone mention my nick... :)15:02
akgranerinternalkernel, :-P15:06
internalkernelIm trying out xchat, in an attempt to ditch smuxi... but it just doesnt cut it...15:07
akgranerI love xchat15:07
akgranerbut that's just me :-D15:07
akgranerand it works beautifully on the n90015:08
internalkernelyeah... x-chat is lacking a few features...15:09
dpmthanks for the info akgraner15:52
akgranerdpm, yeppers - I'll get the translation team interviews schedule added there sometime over the next few days15:53
dpmakgraner, if you tell me about the schedule format, I can give you a hand with those if you like16:04
dpmjust give me a shout16:05
akgranerdpm can do I'll add an example or two in ther and I'll be pulling the information from the googledoc spreadsheet16:06
nigelbinternalkernel: for next time16:35
nigelb!ping | internalkernel16:35
nigelb(wait, where's the bot?)16:35
internalkernellol... thanks...16:35
nigelbakgraner: we haven't gotten organized yet, we're getting there though :)16:36
akgranernigelb, if you identify who on the spread sheet I'll add them in the order you suggest16:39
akgranerI hope the the spreadsheet helps some :-/16:40
akgranerI used the names listed as MOTU on Launchpad16:40
nigelbakgraner: the spread sheet helps loads!16:40
nigelbI'm trying to figure out who's new and who isn't :D16:41
akgranerdid I include the dates when they were granted membership16:41
akgranerI thought I did16:41
akgranerso you should be able to sort by that16:41
nigelboh yeah :/16:43
nigelbdoh, I should try that when I get the time.16:44
* nigelb goes to download 10.04.0116:46

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