
TrixboxerI cant boot in run level 1 fro ubuntu 10.0400:03
Trixboxeractually its directly going to GUI00:04
Trixboxeris there any way .. by which I can boot in grub and then change the runlevel00:04
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Sonjahow do i see a list of all the apt-get installations? I think i installed two mail servers, exim and postfix, and i want to remove postfix.00:15
zashSonja: a list or a log?00:16
xgorgGuys how to log in automaticly from a server?00:17
zashSonja: I would recomend aptitude00:17
Sonjathanks. aptitude looks neat00:18
Sonjawow a gui and everything00:21
Sonjaclickable putty00:22
zashyou can do "aptitude search mail | grep ^i" to list installed mail-related packages00:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #620174 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.6.5-3 failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62017400:36
Sonjai'm trying to set up a mail server at
Sonjai think i configured my firewall proprely00:37
Sonjaone sec00:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #246190 in nmap (main) "nmap reports wrong service for port 9102" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24619000:51
randomOfAmberis there a good way to lock your session in a headless install without logging out?01:02
randomOfAmbernevermind... found it (away or vlock)01:06
kandjarhi there01:24
kandjarI had to reboot my ubuntu server this morning, because the process table was flooded with root process running: /USR/BIN/CRON (all caps); does anyone know a possible reason? or has anyone seen that?01:24
mase_wkhmm seems a bit odd01:26
clustyhow the hell does one move NTFS and EXT4 partitions around with sizes specified in sectors and not MBs01:42
clustyparted does not support NTFS and asks me to flush the journal by hand before for ext401:42
clustyand gparted is stuck in MB01:42
RoAkSoAxhallyn: /win 301:59
RoAkSoAxups sry01:59
guest9876543210Hi all !02:08
guest9876543210could someone assist a stupid guy (not me ;) ) who has remove apt & aptitude from his server ?02:09
shaunoguest9876543210: that does sound awfully fun.  do you still have dpkg?02:10
clusty:D can you do apt-get remove --purge apt ?02:10
clustythis is fun :D02:10
guest9876543210yeap, I think he still has dpkg installed (thanks for the answer shauno)02:10
hallynRoAkSoAx: hate when i do that :)02:11
guest9876543210shauno : I'm looking for a .deb for apt, but I haven't find it yet02:12
pmatulisguest9876543210: try aptitude02:12
guest9876543210Of sure, it is a remove server and he doesn't have access to a physical CD-ROM02:12
guest9876543210pmatulis : he has removed aptitude too :(02:13
pmatulisguest9876543210: no, d/l aptitude package02:13
guest9876543210a remote server .. sorry for mistype02:13
pmatulisguest9876543210: and install it with dpkg02:13
shaunoguest9876543210: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/  appears to be current on 10.0402:13
pmatulisguest9876543210: not sure about any dependencies that may be missing02:14
guest9876543210shauno & pmatulis : thanks for the help, I'll let him know the deb place :)02:14
shaunoguest9876543210: I might advise duct-taping his fingers together so he doesn't do that again :)02:15
clustyguest9876543210: tell your "friend" to think twice and act once :D02:15
guest9876543210Yeap, I'm pretty sure he has type a long command and didn't take care ...02:16
shaunoapt should throw up a warning demanding that he types "Yes, do as I say!".  That's usually a big red flag.02:17
shauno(assuming he used apt to remove apt ..)02:17
guest9876543210shauno : I don't know the exact command he typed, but for sure, it was crazy02:18
shaunoif he's managed to nuke dpkg as well, you may be interested to know that .deb are just archives that can be peeled apart with the 'ar' command.  you can piece things back together by hand, it's just not fun02:19
guest9876543210shauno : I don't hink he removed dpkg has he has already tried to reinstall using it02:20
shaunoI didn't want to second-guess just how crazy crazy is :)02:20
guest9876543210arg .. he just told me he's using Lenny and not Ubuntu ..02:21
shaunoyou should be able to track it down with packages.debian.org and do the same thing02:22
guest9876543210shauno : thanks, that's the URL I was looking for :)02:23
guest9876543210Is someone here a bit used to vmbuilder ? (Virtual Machine)02:29
guest9876543210(this is a question from me, this time)02:29
guest9876543210So, in resume, I have installed a minimal Lucid server to run as a VM server02:32
guest9876543210I have installed successfully the first VM (a Lucid i386) and I can start it02:33
guest9876543210(I'm using a brdge network on the server)02:33
guest9876543210but once, the VM Lucid is launched, I can't access anymore to the VM server using SSH02:34
guest9876543210I have changed the SSH port of the LucidVM to 23, but I still can't access the VM-server ...02:35
guest9876543210Has anyone a track, or I am missing completely something about VMs ?02:35
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uvirtbotNew bug: #620243 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package libmysqlclient16 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.16.0.0', which is also in package mysql-cluster-client-5.1 0:7.0.9-1ubuntu7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62024304:12
superbradQuestion about DNS:  I've set up DNS according the Ubuntu server guide.  Do I need to do anything so that it propagates?04:12
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ScottKNeed to tell your domain name registrar where the DNS server is.04:48
monokromeI have a Ubuntu server that I have configured to have a static IP - but every few hours, it gets an IP over DHCP. My /etc/network/interfaces looks like this: http://dpaste.com/230918/05:02
monokromeAny ideas?05:02
twbmonokrome: did you install this server using the Ubuntu Server CD, or by some other means?05:17
qman__monokrome, have you run `sudo service networking restart` or rebooted the system since configuring it static?05:21
monokromeqman__: It's been doing this for 2 months now.05:38
monokromeAnd yes.05:38
monokrometwb: I used the official installer.05:38
monokromeand an official cd05:38
twbYou installed a server using the "desktop" or "alternate" CD?05:39
monokromeWhy would I install a server using a desktop CD?05:39
twbBecause you're an idiot05:39
monokromeWell, I didn't.05:39
twbIf you didn't do something stupid, that's great, but I have to check for stupid things first05:40
monokromeI used the Ubuntu Server distribution05:40
twbIs there a dhclient process running right now?05:40
twbIs Network Manager installed?05:40
monokromeJust a second. It kicked me off because it changed it's IP again.05:41
monokromeokay. Found it again.05:41
monokromeNetwork manager isn't installed - unless that's a default.05:43
monokromeThere is a dhclient process running - which is weird since I uninstalled it :|05:44
twbOK, so I guess the problem is that you changed it to static, then bounced the network -- but the network bounce script saw a static configuration, so didn't try to kill off the original dhclient process05:44
monokromebounced the network?05:45
twbIf I'm right, killing off dhclient, or rebooting the box, should be a permanent fix.05:45
monokromeI've rebooted and it didn't fix it05:45
twb"bounce the network" as in "sudo restart networking" or so.05:45
monokromeafter uninstalling dhclient05:45
monokromewhich means it's still there :|05:45
twbThen how the hell did the process start05:45
twbUnless you issued "shutdown -r now" but it didn't actually do so05:45
monokromeI rebooted the server a few minutes after "remove --purge" completed05:50
twbAnd did you try "which dhclient" after your spurious attempt to purge it?05:52
monokromeI did that about 2 minutes ago.05:52
monokromeI removed dhclient weeks ago.05:53
monokromeand yes, I've rebooted since.05:53
twbBecause "dhclient" isn't a package.05:53
twbit's either "isc-dhcp-client" or "dhcp3-client", depending on vintage05:53
monokromeugh. why were they both set to manually installed? :|05:54
twbBecause ALL packages in the base install are marked as manually installed, for hysterical reasons.05:54
twbHere is a dance I do to make most things markauto'd, immediately after install:05:55
twbaptitude --schedule-only markauto ~E '~i!~M(~Rdepends:~i|~Rrecommends:~i)' && aptitude --schedule-only keep ~aremove && aptitude install05:55
MatthewMIs this the right place to ask questions about Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud?06:34
alex88morning guys..06:34
alex88MatthewM: #ubuntu-cloud06:36
alex88as you can see from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList06:36
MatthewMalex88: thanks06:36
glickhey quick question, reading the server docs for installing postfix06:53
glickwhen it asks for a Root and postmaster mail recipient, does that have to be the username for an account on the system?06:53
glickor what what should i set that to?06:53
sailerboyhey, anyone rent a vps from thrustvps.com or damnvps.com?07:01
sailerboyanyone at all?07:02
sailerboyhey, anyone rent a vps from thrustvps.com or damnvps.com?07:10
* Pupeno is a happy Linode costumer.07:11
sailerboyPupeno, what virtualizaton do they use?07:11
sailerboyxen or openvz?07:11
PupenoNo idea, but I think they use xen.07:12
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sailerboyis it hvm or pv07:12
* mase_wk also uses Linode and is happy07:30
sailerboyLinode is a bit out of my price range07:31
sailerboyim happy with a less stable vps for cheaper07:32
sailerboyim just having trouble with downloading the server edition to my vps07:32
sailerboyi found out that the server i was downloading it from has a corrupt file07:32
kaushalis there a way to know from OS which Hardware RAID level has been configured on Ubuntu Server ?07:51
ivoksdepends on raid controller07:53
alex88mdadm -D /dev/md0 ?07:53
ivoksalex88: hardware raid07:53
Error404NotFoundhow can i exclude a directory, say /var/log from aide?07:53
alex88oh right...sorry :)07:53
glickhey in the postfix configuration screen when asks for the limit on mailbox files, what should i put? what does it mean when it says "The upstream default is 51200000"08:04
mase_wkglick it means that postfix shipped from postfix.org servers has a default value of 5120000008:07
glickwhats a good default for a website mase_wk08:08
mase_wkwebsite ? i thought you were installing postfix08:08
mase_wkpostfix is an SMTP server08:09
glickmase_wk, yeah i am, its the mail end for a website, for sending confirmation emails, and getting contact emails, etc08:09
glickfor a django frontend08:09
kaushalalex88: its a hardware raid controller and not a software controller08:09
alex88kaushal: ivoks already told me :)08:10
alex88so i don't know :)08:10
kaushal03:00.0 RAID bus controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic MegaRAID SAS 1078 (rev 04)08:10
kaushalivoks: 03:00.0 RAID bus controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic MegaRAID SAS 1078 (rev 04)08:10
glickwhat should i set for a mailbox size limit?08:10
glickive never set up a postfix install before08:10
mase_wkglick: well since i don't know anything about the amount of mail traffic for your site anything i give you is probably pointless08:10
mase_wkyou don't have to set a limit08:11
mase_wkyou can have unlimited08:11
mase_wkif in doubt just accept upstream default08:11
alex88glick: set something..when the disk is full erase all  mailboxes and set lower limit :)08:11
glicki guess ill set it to half a gig08:12
kaushalivoks: do you need more info ?08:12
glickit doesnt save sent email does it?08:12
glickor sent email doesnt contribute to the mailbox size08:12
glickonly recieved email right?08:12
alex88depends if you save sent mails08:12
alex88if yes, yes...08:13
glickalex88, oh, thats a config option?08:13
ivokskaushal: no :)08:22
ivokskaushal: there's megamgr management tool for those raid controllers08:23
glickdo i need to define a character for local adress extension?08:23
glickim not even sure what that is08:23
ivoksat least there was couple of years ago when i decided not to use LSI chips any more :)08:23
ivokskaushal: http://blog.irwan.name/?p=144008:24
kaushalivoks: so i need to install it to get to know the RAID Controller ?08:32
kaushalRaid Level ?08:32
ivokskaushal: yes08:35
alex88glick: no, it's not a config..just user decide to save sent mails or not..it goes to mailbox too so the space is shared..08:35
ivoksmaybe it's possible to get this from the driver itself08:35
ivoksi don't have LSI anywhere anymore, so I can't check08:35
glickwhen it asks to specify the network blocks for which the host should relay mail, should i enter the ip address of the host?08:40
alex88leave default08:41
alex88btw https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/postfix.html08:42
glickyeah thats what im reading alex8808:42
glickalex88, wouldnt the network block by my ip/32?08:43
glickby = be08:43
alex88dunno.. i've left default08:44
alex88and it worked08:46
ivoksdo you relay mail for others?08:46
alex88don't think he needs that...btw, community docs are better https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto08:47
ivoksstick with official docs :)08:48
alex88well, the start was about postfix... :)09:01
alex88yeah :)09:05
alex88someone knows how can i put ubuntu iso into /boot and boot via grub for restore?09:05
eagles0513875hey guys how can i find out what type of ram i have in my server with out taking it offline09:39
henkjaneagles0513875: use dmidecode or lshw09:41
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uvirtbotNew bug: #620330 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62033010:22
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raphaOh. What a netsplit.10:42
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glickshould my CSR have a passphrase or no?10:45
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alex88glick: csr?10:49
glickcertificate signing request10:50
alex88well...you should have a pass for everything :)10:52
alex88for more security10:52
twbAdding passwords doesn't necessarily improve security10:52
twbe.g. if <user> has four passwords instead of one, they're more likely to write ALL FOUR on a postit note10:52
alex88well..that's an example10:53
alex88a windows logon without password has not more security10:53
twbI've actually argued that making root's password the empty string is MORE secure than giving it a fixed password that nobody bothers to change10:54
twbSince the null string can only be used from secure TTYs10:54
alex88but if only one person remember a password is secure10:55
twbAny password can be brute-forced in enough time10:55
alex88right..but no one has years to brute-force a pass10:55
alex88if it isn't a 4-char pass...10:56
alex88that's not the case for most pass..10:56
twbThere's a nonzero probability that the any password can be brute-forced in O(1) time.10:57
twbSince it could guess it right the very first try10:57
twbDo you want to be that an attacker is never going to get lucky?10:57
twb*to bet10:57
raphaI need help, I just received warning from my hosting provider that an attack had been executed from my server. They sent a log of portscanning some IP addresses on port 21. I've asked my users if they did something like that and also ran rkhunter and chkrootkit, all of which came up wihout result. And there's not even nmap installed on the server. The hosting provider expects me to "solve the problem" and "report what countermeasures were taken" ... 10:57
alex88twb: well.. i've never been so lucky.. :)10:58
alex88and also brute-force is the last way10:58
maswantwb: That's a rather silly argument, really. Any security protocol could be broken by a really lucky guess, most of the good ones make that sufficiently unlikely though.10:58
alex88rapha: O.o Lol10:59
twbmaswan: I suppose that's true, when you consider that multi-factor authentication has to be digitized at some point, and the attacker could inject their brute-force guesses after that point10:59
maswanthat said, I only allow ssh key logins instead of passwords to the servers I run10:59
raphaalex88: you find that funny?11:00
maswanbecause those are way harder to guess than a password someone can remember11:00
alex88rapha: really not..11:00
alex88maswan: true11:00
maswan(and it has the bonus that you get two-factor auth to get root access with a password to sudo)11:01
raphabecause i could really use a helping hand here ... I've no idea about how computer forensics work11:01
alex88rapha: check on user logins at that time11:01
raphaalex88: how? i only know how to check who's logged in right now...11:01
twbrapha: key-based auth is already two-factor -- the passphrase (something you know) and the private key (something you have).11:01
raphatwb: i'm sorry?11:02
twbSorry, bad completion11:02
raphaoh k11:02
alex88ask on these 2 guys talking in the background :) btw i think /var/log has it11:02
alex88in some logs :)11:02
raphathere's auth.log11:03
raphamaybe that helps me11:03
raphabut why would www-data be opening an closing sessions?11:03
twbA good introduction to forensics is Venema's book11:04
alex88www-data? maybe you've got hacked by web..11:04
twbEVERY attack I've seen in the last decade has been via an insecure web app11:05
raphamy own account and the "admin" account are opening and closing sessions all the time, too11:05
raphaeven though I don't rly use my own account at all11:05
twbThey might use a kernel vulnerability to escalate from www-data to root, but it's PHP they use to get their foot in the door.11:05
raphathere's just a cron job running in it checking the response time of a website every 5 minutes11:06
alex88that's yours?11:06
raphaalex88: mine is called "rapha"11:06
alex88the cron job..11:06
raphathere's rly not much in /var/log/auth.log besides all the "opening session" and "closing session" chatter. not even failed login attempts.11:07
alex88the root passwords of the accounts are the same?11:07
raphathe root password is disabled; you can't log in as root - only through sudo.11:07
raphaand only user "admin" is allowed to do so.11:08
alex88and you never go into it?11:08
raphaoh yes, i mostly use the "admin" account, and also use "sudo" quite regularly, e.g. to install updates11:08
jussiHei all. Ive  a small issue, I have a mail server that is not in use anymore, except for archival purposes. on the same machine is bugzilla. now bugzilla's mail is being sent with the mail server on that machine, not the external one I need it to. how do I fix thsi?11:08
raphatwb: thx for the book ... i need some quick way though to find out who or what did those portscans yesterday evening, or the hosting provider will shut down the machine :(11:09
alex88rapha: check the apache log for hack attempts11:09
raphaalex88: not running apache but lighttpd ... let me check the logs anyway11:10
alex88same thing11:10
alex88search for some system commands like cd, ls, /tmp11:10
twbIf a machine is compromised, you should offline it anyway11:11
alex88make a backup of logs, save on your pc and investigate there11:11
raphatwb: i'm not sure it is compromised. both rootkit scanners came up empty.11:11
raphathe backup is prolly a good idea tho.11:11
raphagoing to backup /etc and /home as well in case it needs setting up again11:12
alex88rapha: also /var/lock/11:14
raphaalex88: already backed that up when you first suggested it :)11:15
alex88:) if you want give me apache logs and i make a qucik search11:15
raphafor the time being maybe it would be a good idea to install a firewall that blocks everything from the inside to the outside except for the services that need to run11:16
alex88rapha: csf is a very good choise for me11:16
raphait's no prob, i can do the work if somebody tells me what to do :)11:16
raphawhy not ufw alex88? any specific reason?11:16
alex88also has a intrusion detector..11:16
alex88rapha: more advanced features, also checks for suspicious process and send mail warnings11:17
* rapha 'll check it out11:17
raphahmmm backup of the home dirs will naturally take some time ... couple hundred gigs11:18
alex88rapha: which web apps do you have on?11:22
alex88rapha: http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/logging/detecting-attacks-web-applications-log-files_207411:23
sherrjussi: Check the bugzilla "administration" pages (log in as a user with "admin" rights). There's an "email" page, with a setting for "smtpserver".11:23
jussisherr: thanks a lot, Ill go look there.11:24
raphaalex88: one custom-built site that is in the process of being replaced by a Contao based one. One Joomla-based site, that will also switch to Contao in the near future. Loads of Redaxo sites. Postfix-Admin. RoundCubeMail. Those should be about it.11:24
alex88well...custom-built maybe11:25
alex88can you give me address?11:25
raphaalex88: yeah its pretty badly made thats why we're replacing it11:25
alex88i'll take as a no :)11:26
raphaoh ofc sry missed that .., www.overcross.de11:27
alex88uh..nice site :)11:28
raphawell, yeah, the design. the rest - not so much.11:28
kaushalif i provide access to a server and there if i want to block access to the internal lan machines ?11:29
kaushalhow can it be done using ufw ?11:30
kaushalI mean block the user to access all the hosts in the internal LAN11:30
alex88rapha: it's sql vulnerable11:31
glickwhat do i set the host name of the postfix, when its on the same machine as the webserver?11:36
glickset it to anything?11:37
glickor the actual hostname?11:37
alex88it's better to a fqdn11:38
qman__you set it to what you want to receive mail for11:38
raphaalex88: i was afraid so :-( ... can you /msg me where?11:38
glickeven if the phsyical host its on is named 43o5u711:39
qman__UFW isn't ideal for servers like that11:55
qman__it's a great easy-setup tool for desktops and low profile servers, but you're really missing a lot of things by using it11:55
qman__for example, the outgoing port scans could have been prevented entirely by a well-written firewall11:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #620382 in samba (main) "smbmount allows mounting the same ressource multiple times on the same mountpoint" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62038212:01
glickroot@localhost:/etc/postgresql/8.4/main# service restart postgresql-8.412:16
glickrestart: unrecognized service12:16
glickisnt that correct name for postgresql?12:17
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alvinglick: It is, but the command is # service postgresql-8.4 restart12:23
glickim an idio12:24
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alex88rapha: check pm12:33
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glickhmm it says i cant put aliases into httpd.conf13:21
glickwhere should i put them then?13:21
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tschundeeehey anyone knows if there is a way to install ubuntu on a pgpdesktop encrypted harddrive?13:23
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Ose so I just installed 10.04.1 server edition and googled a way to add a gui ( sudo aptitude install x-window-system-core gnome + sudo aptitude install gdm). However, the instructions there as to actually running the gui won't work. Help?13:27
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g0rd0ngui? on a server?13:28
Osejust a little home server experiment13:28
g0rd0nOse: have you tried via tasksel?13:29
g0rd0nrun tasksel and select "Ubuntu desktop"13:29
g0rd0nit should install everything you need and get the gui going13:29
hji've got a question about ubuntu server, sometimes it doesn't respond for a minute or so.. i can't find anything about it in the log files. what should I check next?13:30
OseActually it worked after a revoot13:30
alex88g0rd0n: and after having desktop? remote connect to desktop?13:31
wastlhj: faulty network driver?13:31
wastldid you try adifferent network adaptor?13:32
hji've got a question about ubuntu server, sometimes it doesn't respond for a minute or so.. i can't find anything about it in the log files. what should I check next?13:32
wastlhj: try a diffferent network adaptor?13:32
hjdo you mean replacing the NIC?13:33
g0rd0nalex88: i never tried remote connecting to a desktop, i just use headless servers :P13:35
g0rd0nhj: could be an hd issue as well, although you should see errors about that13:36
hjno, it's a virtual machine, and the ubuntu host server doesn't give any errors either13:37
hjthe 'downtime' is very random, so it's hard to test something.13:38
hjdowntime is like a minute max, at the moment i don't know if other VM's aren't reachable too13:41
nonamegi there13:42
alex88g0rd0n: me too...but i've just asked what you can do then13:45
g0rd0nalex88: well via rdp or similar you surely can take complete control over the gui remotely13:52
g0rd0nbtw i seem to be having some problems respawning the console to my ttyS0 via upstart, the login prompt doesn't show up in the serial console13:52
alex88right.. but i prefer command line :)13:52
g0rd0nyeh me too13:52
alex88btw, have you heard that on semptember will be released lots of 0day? i think it's gonna be a hot september :)13:53
g0rd0nin my /etc/event.d/tty file i have respawn exec /sbin/getty 57600 ttyS013:53
g0rd0nalex88: oh well, will just bit a little bit of aptitude commands then :)13:53
alex88update every 3 hours? :) btw, i've seen they release microsoft, apple, adobe stuff..13:55
alex88excel, ie, microsoft codecs and cpan will be exploited..13:56
wastlso may evil words on one pile insid a linux channel13:58
wastlshame on you13:58
alex88sorry :)13:59
g0rd0ni hate apple, adobe and oracle way more than microsoft nowadays14:00
alex88me too..maybe adobe is safe..but apple...bleah..14:01
* wastl recently banned his Mac from his office desk...now there is only a linux box left14:01
* alex88 likes wastl office14:02
jdstrandufw supports egress filtering btw14:08
wastlnow there is just one winsucks pc in out office and the rest is linux14:09
jdstrandnot to mention, you can add any rules you want with the ufw framework, so if you are iptables aware, just edit /etc/ufw/*rules14:09
wastlunfortunately we  need that one for rdesktopping  to it to use some business related apps that won't run in wine :/14:10
jdstrandqman__: ^ if there are issues running ufw in production environments for bastion hosts, please file bugs14:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #620428 in unixodbc (main) "unixodbc-dev: 64bit typedefs don't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62042814:11
joe-mac1if i put a new upstart job in /etc/event.d on hardy, how do i make initctl recognize it?14:15
joe-mac1initctl list does not show it14:15
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joe-mac1anybody, at all?14:19
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uvirtbotNew bug: #620441 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "MySQL upstart stop job does not cleanly shutdown mysql" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62044114:36
* zul shakes his fist at mysql and upstart14:37
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EgonisI need to use a static IP for my ppp0 interface, and can't seem to find any howto's. I'm using Ubuntu Server 10.0414:41
joe-mac1anybody else think replacing init in -server was a stupid idea?14:44
alvinTo be honest, I do14:45
EgonisDoes anyone have any pointers on using a static ip with ppp0 using pppoeconf?14:48
g0rd0njoe-mac1: replacing init?14:49
joe-mac1g0rd0n: yes, with upstart14:49
g0rd0noh you mean this upstart thing14:49
joe-mac1for my sub ten secfond boot times on servers i reboot once a quarter14:49
joe-mac1real awesome14:49
g0rd0nheh i am having trouble getting my freakin serial console to work with upstart14:49
joe-mac1same here14:49
joe-mac1in 10.04 i can14:49
joe-mac1in 8.04, having no luck14:49
joe-mac1i need this to work for the VPS on HP boxes14:49
g0rd0nuh? i am running 10.04 with upstart and the respawn on ttyS0 just doesnt work14:50
g0rd0ni cannot login via serial console14:50
joe-mac1i ddi initctl reload-configuration on 10.04 and it started working fine14:50
g0rd0ndoes not help here14:51
g0rd0nalso, if i type 'initctl start ttyS0'14:51
g0rd0ni get 'initctl: Unknown job: ttyS0'14:51
g0rd0nit's a fujitsu server with iRMC S2... only thing that works are the kernel messages... but not even grub does show up for some reason14:52
sherrg0rd0n: "Unknown job" is just a missing /etc/init/ttyS0.conf isn't it?14:53
joe-mac1g0rd0n: well you need to make the job14:53
joe-mac1did you make the job?14:53
joe-mac1my problem is it doesn't see the job after i make it on 8.0414:53
joe-mac1i get unknown job, even though it's clearly there14:54
g0rd0nsherr: ehm yeh i dont have that file... *embarassed*14:54
g0rd0nmy debian 5.0 server doesnt have that either... will need to google then14:54
joe-mac1it's just like the tty1 file14:55
joe-mac1but you use your com port instead14:56
joe-mac1not rocket science, point is, in 8.04 apparentlt upstart is something like a beta14:56
g0rd0njoe-mac1: oh so why is there /etc/init/tty1.conf AND /etc/events.d/tty1?14:57
joe-mac1g0rd0n: you did an in place upgrade from 8.04 to 10.0414:57
g0rd0nyes :(14:57
joe-mac1and the upgrade script didn't remove events.d14:57
joe-mac1which is now obselete14:57
g0rd0noh for fucks sake14:57
joe-mac1yes /etc/init is the place14:57
joe-mac1i have this working fien on 10.04, can somebody tell me how on 8.04 to get upstart to recognize new jobvs wiuthout rebooting?14:58
g0rd0nsorry cant help you on that15:00
g0rd0nyay, respawn works now :)15:00
g0rd0ni wonder why upgrade didnt migrate my events.d/ttyS0 file but whatever15:00
joe-mac1g0rd0n: so you had this owrking on 8.04?15:01
joe-mac1did you have to reboot to gegt it to work?15:01
g0rd0njoe-mac1: tbh i am not so so sure if it worked, but i suppose it did since 8.04 minimal came with the server15:01
sherrg0rd0n: Debian doesn't use upstart. Ubuntu 10.04 does - it is replacing sys-V init scripts. See : http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html15:02
sherr+ man init15:02
g0rd0njoe-mac1: want me to paste my old /etc/event.d/ttyS0 file?15:02
g0rd0nor pm15:02
g0rd0nbtw i have these two lines in /boot/grub/menu.lst (still using grub1) which are 'serial --unit=0 --speed=57600' and 'terminal serial' however i still don't see grub in the serial console... any ideas as to why?15:04
g0rd0nbtw i have a real problem with the video redirection, i suppose it has to do something with the framebuffer... while booting i see text normally, but at a certain point something changes and i just see garbage. i tried putting vga=normal kernel parameter, but it didnt help. any clues on this one?15:06
g0rd0ndidnt have this problem on 8.04, seems to be new to 10.0415:07
g0rd0nis also the reason why i couldn't freshly install 10.04 with remote media, cause the screen becomes broken...15:07
_rubeni guess plymouth is to blame for that15:09
_rubenand/or kms15:09
g0rd0ni seem to have plymouth... can i safelly uninstall it?15:10
_rubendunno, havent really looked into it15:10
g0rd0nlooks like i cannot... oh well... not so important now, as long as i get grub to display on serial i am happy15:13
alving0rd0n: You can't. It's tightly bound to upstart15:13
joe-mac1ubuntu 8.04 also uses upstart15:13
joe-mac1the very beginnings of it actually15:13
joe-mac1inittab is gone15:13
joe-mac1absolutely infuriating15:13
alvinyes, but in compatibility mode15:13
g0rd0nit sucks i cant clean install 10.0415:14
joe-mac1alvin: do you know an 8.04/10.04 agnostic way to reload upstart jobs?15:14
joe-mac1the docs are wrong15:14
joe-mac1sending SIGHUP to init doesn't do it15:14
joe-mac1on 10.04 it seems initctl reload-configuration works15:14
alvinIt seems to change every release and is different for different services. There's $ sudo reload/restart <service> and $ sudo <service> reload/restart15:15
g0rd0ni noticed that on a clean isntalled 10.04 the /etc/motd file contains some useful info... how can i get that on my upgraded 10.04 system?15:16
alvinNo, I meant sudo service <service> reload/restart15:16
joe-mac1no i added a new job15:18
joe-mac1to start serial console on ttyS0 and ttyS115:18
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joe-mac1says unrecognized job on 8.0415:18
joe-mac1you've gotta be kidding me15:23
joe-mac1the jobs for some reason in 8.04 can't be arbitrarily-named15:23
joe-mac1mine wasn amed serial-consoles15:23
joe-mac1changed it to ttyS0 and it worked15:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #620460 in net-snmp (main) "snmpd didn't support diskpartitions larger than 2TB" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62046015:26
g0rd0njoe-mac1: haha!15:32
smoserRoAkSoAx, ping15:39
smoserhttp://uec-images.ubuntu.com/.manifest-daily and http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/.manifest are available.15:39
RoAkSoAxsmoser: pong15:53
RoAkSoAxsmoser: awesome15:53
smoserso, our goal is to have this in and functional by next thursday.15:54
smoseras i said, i was expecting to do this myself(ish), so if you are planning on doing it, then please let me knwo what i can do to help.15:55
joe-mac1thank god i have puppe to handle this across all 80 or so boxes15:55
joe-mac1anyways, see ya, upstart sucks15:55
smosernot trying to add pressure at all, but rather to say, if you can't do it, just say so and I will, RoAkSoAx15:55
RoAkSoAxsmoser: well I'm planning to do the initial integration so that everything is showed in the UIs. Once that';s done, syncing will be easy. What would require more tweaking would be preparing the image and running in with kvm15:56
RoAkSoAxsmoser: btw... is this something that you are looking for to have in testdrive-gtk or in testdrive-cli15:57
smoserwell, ideally both.15:58
smoseri was expecting only -cli at the beginning.15:58
smoseri would have thought that having support in cli was a precursor to having support in -gtk15:59
RoAkSoAxsmoser: that's what we can do. First work on the cli, and then I'll work on getting it on the GTK15:59
smoserRoAkSoAx, ok... so i'm not perfectly clear, sorry for being dense. what do you / will you need from me ?16:01
RoAkSoAxsmoser: for now just how to prepare the .tar.gz to be able to launch it with kvm. And off course everything necessary to be to KVM to launch it (or if it's just a single 'kvm etc etc' command, an example one)16:04
RoAkSoAxs/be to/prepare16:04
smoserRoAkSoAx, see the final comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/testdrive/+bug/61997416:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 619974 in testdrive "[FFE] testdrive should support booting uec images" [Wishlist,In progress]16:30
smoserand let me know if that isn't enough16:30
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RoAkSoAxsmoser: that's enough. If I have something else I'll let you know16:39
iuliansoren: Hi.  I'm currently looking at bug#620367.16:47
iulianYou're talking about http://swift.openstack.org/, right?16:48
iulianA short description about this package would have been nice to see in the bug report.16:49
iuliansoren: Can you find an archive admin to process it?16:49
Kaeltenhow can I tell what apt-key I need for a given package?16:50
EgonisI'm trying to assign a static IP on my PPPoE connection using Ubuntu Server 10.04 -- how would I go about doing this? I can see in /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider that there is a setting called 'noipdefault', which tells me I can do this somehow. I cannot find any useful HOWTO's anywhere, unfortunately16:57
aljosawhat do you use for timezone when you setup an image for amazon or when you don't know timezone that will be used? UTC or something else?17:03
PupenoUnnatended upgrades on my ubuntu server are just not happening, any ideas what might be the issue?17:10
sherrPupeno: Check the logs? e.g. /var/log/apt ? How's it supposed to work - cron job? Check jobs?17:13
Pupenosherr: It's using unnatended upgrades: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/automatic-updates.html17:15
Pupenosherr: I don't see anything on /var/log/apt/* that is relevant... I might be missing something though.17:17
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sherrSo, nothing logged in /var/log/unattended-upgrades ?17:25
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daniele9821salve a tutti18:12
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:13
daniele9821sorry, hello all18:13
guntbert!hi | daniele982118:13
ubottudaniele9821: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-server! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:13
daniele9821i search a bit of information according to SNMP. I've an HP MSA2324sa Cluster and i've seen in configuration there's SNMP where i can set the ip address. I want now configure a server to receive the snmp trap sent by HP ( i don't want sent trap to hp but i want only receive), it's possible??18:16
jetsaredimanyone know what the current state of xen support is?18:23
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qweCan anyone give me proper details about using SpamAssasin??18:51
qweCan anyone give me proper details about using SpamAssasin??18:52
guntbertthere are people without any patience ...18:54
SpamapSguntbert: he was very patient.. he waited *2* minutes.19:07
guntbertSpamapS: and didn't ask every 30 seconds ... you are right :)19:09
SpamapSguntbert: maybe if he had asked 3 or 4 more times in his 2 minutes, he'd have gotten a response.. but.. we can't cater to lazy people who only ask once per minute.19:11
guntbertyou convinced me - I'll keep that in mind for dealing with my next problem19:11
qman__I'm having a problem with zoneminder on ubuntu 9.10, tried posting on their forum but got no response19:25
qman__the problem is that the ajax video control buttons aren't working19:25
qman__it records just fine, and playback works19:25
qman__but you can't skip around, fast forward, or rewind19:26
erichammondqman__: Ubuntu 10.04 has a newer version of zoneminder.  Don't know if it might fix your issues.19:27
qman__thanks, but I'm not sure if I want to open that can of worms just yet19:28
qman__I don't have local access19:28
erichammondqman__: I just upgraded my zoneminder server from 9.10 to 10.04 remotely last night with no problems.19:29
soreniulian: I'm sure I can once I get around to uploading it.19:29
erichammondqman__: Also, I've found that the zoneminder web UI only works for me on Firefox, and not Chromium.19:29
qman__well, the local firefox doesn't work either, but I haven't tried firefox on windows19:29
qman__don't have firefox installed on this desktop19:30
qman__yeah, it's doing the same thing, firefox on windows19:31
qman__alright then, I guess I'll try upgrading19:33
qman__but I'll need to go make a backup first19:33
qman__not risking it19:33
qman__thanks for the tip19:33
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alex88if i have created a deb file, and want to upload to ppa for the first time..what should i do?19:38
alex88i've created ppa etc19:38
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Friaranyone here at all familiar with openvpn? I'm having some trouble getting my vpn connection going.19:45
alex88Friar: tell me19:48
Friarhere is my log...I have no idea what it means: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480568/19:50
FriarI have a server running and I downloaded the 2 certificate files, a key file, and a config file from the server as per the instructions. I've loaded them into kvpnc, but for some reason it isn't connecting.19:51
alex88O.o what are you running? openvpn? ubuntu?19:53
alex88look at the server guide19:53
Friaralex88, the disconnect request was something that I did.19:53
FriarI'm running ubuntu on the client.19:53
alex88and on the server?19:53
Friarmy server is running clearOS. another linux distro...19:54
Friarso this might be the wrong place, but I need some openvpn schooling...19:54
alex88well..i've followed the server guide and it works fine..try to look at it and configure fine the server..because the oepnvpn software is the same19:54
FriarI see....is the server guide on ubuntuforums?19:55
alex88w8 a sec19:55
Friarhaha, i just found it right as you sent the link.19:57
FriarI'm going to read and learn!!!19:57
guntbertFriar: and if you forget/loose the link just ask ubottu: !serverguide20:00
Friarthanks guntbert20:00
guntbertFriar: no problem :) have fun!20:01
pmatulisSpamapS: re old-style partition nomenclature, it's to avoid having to deal with uuid conflicts on a restored system (from non-image backup)20:02
pmatulisSpamapS: of course we have bug #49948320:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 499483 in grub2 "/etc/default/grub cannot disable use of UUID" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49948320:03
alex88guntbert: is there a command list for ubottu?20:06
guntbert!brain | alex8820:06
hggdhkirkland: interesting: I am running a long term on r1232, and I am not seeing that many errors, in fact, pretty good -- so far --, 470 instances started, 21 failures20:06
ubottualex88: Hi! I'm #ubuntu-server's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:06
guntbertalex88: yes :)20:06
alex88thank you :)20:08
qman__Friar, yeah, that's pretty badly misconfigured somewhere, if you still need help, pastebin your server and client side config files20:08
Friarqman_, I'll do that...I just need to find them.20:08
Friarqman_, I have two files in /etc/openvpn on my client. one is .conf, and the other is .ovpn20:11
qman__I think the linux client uses the .conf one20:13
qman__windows clients use the .ovpn one20:13
PatrickdkI thought the linux one uses both20:13
Patrickdkthe windows gui will only use .ovpn though20:13
qman__the linux client might use both, but there should only be one configuration file for the client20:13
alex88linux uses which one you select.. :)20:13
Patrickdkif you use the *full* name :)20:14
FriarWell, I told it the .ovpn one....it is called server.neezer.poweredbyclear.com.ovpn20:14
Patrickdkinit.d script only uses .conf20:14
SpamapSpmatulis: but.. preseed.. ?20:15
Friarhere is the paste bin of the client .ovpn file  http://paste.ubuntu.com/480580/20:15
pmatulisSpamapS: sorry?20:16
SpamapSpmatulis: for grub yeah, I can see where you need to be able to distinguish for booting purposes... but once you're booted.. tune2fs /dev/X -U random works. ;)20:16
SpamapSpmatulis: the UUID vs. device location question20:17
SpamapSpmatulis: your original context was preseed20:17
pmatulisSpamapS: yes, preseed creates fstab essentially, and that file will conflict on a restored system20:19
pmatulisSpamapS: so the point is not to have to use tune2fs and edit fstab20:19
pmatulisSpamapS: actually, just discovering the new uuids and editing fstab, why you say to create new uuids with tune2fs?20:21
alex88does the gpg key stored in home dir?20:21
iuliansoren: Alrighty.20:23
FriarI'm having a real hard time finding my server config file as it is not an ubuntu machine. does it have to be in etc/openvpn/?20:25
soreniulian: Why do you ask, btw?20:26
alex88Friar: in ubuntu..yes...20:27
Friarhaha thanks alex88. I'll keep looking. does there look like anything is wrong with my client config? or can you not tell unless you see the server config as well.20:27
alex88there are no particular errors there.. :)20:28
iuliansoren: Hm, ask what?20:28
Friaron my server i have a clients.conf file in /etc/openvpn....could that be in?20:31
iuliansoren: You mean the last question I addressed to you?20:32
alex88it's clients.conf not server.. :)20:32
alex88if you look in man openvpn maybe there's the default config file20:33
Friarah...ok. so clients.conf is the config file for the server?20:33
iuliansoren: If that is what you meant, it is because as far as I know the archive admins don't really have the necessary time to review new packages once we are in FF.20:33
Friarhere is my clients.conf from my server in /etc/openvpn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480591/20:35
yonahwI want to add a new user to my server with admin rights to use instead of root. I don't have an admin group though. Is this normal? What should I be doing instead? Links to documentation would suffice.20:36
soreniulian: ah, right, ok.20:39
soreniulian: Yeah, don't worry about it. I'll pull a few strings.20:39
iuliansoren: Awesome. :)20:40
guntbertyonahw: what system do you have?20:40
yonahwguntbert: ubuntu-server 10.0420:41
MTecknologyAny of you set up mailman with nginx?20:44
guntbertyonahw: usually there  is an admin and an adm group, any administrative user should be member of those two to be able to use sudo, but you can go the "old linux way" too20:44
yonahwguntbert: I have an adm group but not an admin group. would it suffice to add to the adm group? what would the "old linux way" be?20:45
MTecknologyI have everything working except the nginx part - had it on apache but I'm pretty sick of Microsoft (err.. I mean Apache)..20:46
guntbertyonahw: old way: use sudo visudo to add a line to /etc/sudoers, like:  admuser    ALL=(ALL) ALL20:48
yonahwguntbert: would admuser in this case by my new user's login?20:49
qman__yonahw, you can add the "adm" group to sudoers in the same way, or create an "admin" or other group and add it20:50
qman__or add individual users20:50
guntbertyonahw: yes, thats what I meant20:50
yonahwguntbert: thanks for your help20:52
guntbertyonahw: you're welcome :-)20:52
worldsayshiI've previously set up lamp on my home server and now I try to get my head around php. But I have some trouble understanding the thought behind the default ownership settings. The var/www folder is set to be owned by root. Is that really right? Shouldn't the web content be owned by the same process that is running the lamp server? Hmm... That would allow the web server to edit the web content though. That might not be how it is int21:20
ewookworldsayshi: well, check what user apache is running under and you'll see.21:22
worldsayshiwow, seems I have 8 apache processes running :S21:26
shaunoI believe /var/www defaults to root:root, and apache as www-data.  It seems like a safe/sane default, but not sure what best practice on changing it is21:26
worldsayshiI guess that if I'm going to run an sql server the apache server needs write permissions to the data base. But maybe it only needs it for the database itself21:28
worldsayshiMy web server is run by www-data21:28
shaunothat'll depend what database you're using.  SQL for example, handles authentication when a process connects to it, rather than thru filesystem permissions21:29
qman__exactly, the directory is root-owned so that the web server can't modify it by default21:30
qman__if you want to allow it to edit certain files or directories, you must change the permissions on them21:30
worldsayshiGuess thats a good idea?21:30
worldsayshiseems sensical21:31
worldsayshishauno: But I assume the process connecting to the database must still have write access to it21:34
worldsayshi...If it wants to modify21:34
qman__database access is handled by the database21:34
qman__see mysql authentication21:34
worldsayshiaha, so the database is run as a separate process?21:35
qman__it's handled over either local unix sockets or IP21:35
qman__yes, the database server is separate21:35
worldsayshiokok. Thanks!21:35
qman__PHP does not modify files directly to write to the database21:36
worldsayshiI see21:36
RoyKworldsayshi: create a database user with something like "GRANT ALL on thisdb.thistable TO thisuser IDENTIFIED BY "thispassword"21:37
RoyKor even21:38
RoyKworldsayshi: create a database user with something like "GRANT ALL on thisdb.thistable TO thisuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "thispassword"21:38
RoyKthen connect to the db with that user and password21:38
veenenenworldsayshi: As for the ownership stuff for /var/www. I'd advise keeping it as root. That way the default is for www-data not to have write access to any folders that are visible to the outside world. However, when you want to allow php to write files to /var/www you can change the ownership of individual folders. Just make sure you're not writing the file to the server with execute permissions. If you need a place to write temporary files, there's a21:42
shaunoit's a sensible default for a reason.  I believe forums being able to write to the same files they're executing is the leading cause of buggy forums turning into system vulnerabilities21:44
JasonMSPi need help configuring VSFTPD  I have multiple sites with multiple users.  I want multiple users to be constrained to their /srv/www/theirwebsite folder.21:45
JasonMSP(with ftp access)21:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #620674 in apache2 (main) "package apache2-mpm-worker 2.2.14-5ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: el paquete apache2-mpm-worker ya está instalado y configurado" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62067421:46
JasonMSPusers won't have shell access.  only ftp so no need for home directories or any other access other than their webfolder.21:46
shaunoJasonMSP: if that's the only access they require, I'd be tempted to set that as their home directory.  then chroot_local_user=YES in vsftpd.conf is all that's needed21:50
JasonMSPshauno:  Maybe there is a better solution out there then VSFTPD for me but I haven't seen anything.  i've created a group ftpusers.  They don't have shell access and I've tuyrned on chroot_local_users and list_enable21:57
qman__there is a better solution, SFTP22:03
JasonMSPshauno: i set their local directories as such, but they are able to cd .. up.  Ie they are not locked into their home folde, thats just where they start out22:04
qman__with match blocks and chrootdirectory, you could simply add new users to the group and be done with it22:05
qman__and eliminate usage of the outdated, insecure, and cumbersome FTP, two birds with one stone22:05
JasonMSPqman: can you point me to a good setup page?22:06
qman__though I would skip the part where he sets their home directory to "/"22:07
qman__switch "/home/%u" with "/srv/www/%u"22:07
penllawenhey channel22:08
penllawenI have a problem with Screen permissions on a freshly build 10.04 machine, if anyone could help?22:08
JasonMSPqman:  switching to www/%u though would only allow one user and their name would have to be the same as the webfolder wouldn't it?22:10
qman__JamesHarrison, it would, I think there's an equivalent variable for $HOME if you want to use that instaed22:10
qman__probably %h but I need to look it up22:11
qman__yep, %h is their complete home directory22:11
qman__so you could just do "ChrootDirectory %h" and then set their home to their folder22:12
qman__the new built in features make this FAR easier than it used to be22:13
JasonMSPqman: so for every client that needs to upload files to their site, I would only need to create them with adduser and set their homedirectory correctly.  I'd like to make sure they are locked out of the rest of the server as well.  With VSFTPD I had created a ftpuser group and only those users could ftp in.  Is there a way to do this with SFTP?22:15
qman__JasonMSP, yes, it works the same way22:16
qman__the "Match group sftponly" part is for that purpose22:16
qman__add the user to that group, and then they are only allowed to sftp, and only to their home directory22:16
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qman__if you want, just change "sftponly" to your existing group, "ftpuser"22:16
JasonMSPqman:  thanks!  I need to head out.  Im sure ill have more questions later.22:23
hggdhkirkland: can you please have a look at bug 619843? I am not sure this is an Eucalyptus issue anymore22:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 619843 in eucalyptus "euca-get-console-output returns one single line" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61984322:39
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Andre_Gondimdoes any one knows how to solve this problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/480650/23:03
qman__Andre_Gondim, update-grub is missing23:05
qman__you can either download it manually from the package, or create an empty script to make it happy23:05
qman__if you do the latter, I suggest reinstalling grub and everything related, though23:06
qman__or copy it from another system running the same version23:07
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Andre_Gondimthanks qman__23:14
Andre_Gondimqman__, if I reboot my system, the system will crash?23:16
qman__Andre_Gondim, only if grub is currently in a broken state23:18
qman__update-grub being missing means that it can't update it with new information23:19
Andre_Gondimhow I could check this?23:19
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qman__the easiest way is by rebooting and finding out23:19
qman__but don't do that unless you have a live CD handy23:19
Andre_Gondimso complicated to me, my server is in other location and if I reboot with CD don't have wireless and ssh automaticaly23:20
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qman__while it's not a guarantee, check to make sure that /boot/grub/menu.lst (grub1) or /etc/default/grub (grub2) has sane settings, and that /boot/grub exists23:21
qman__and that there are kernels and initramfs files in /boot23:21
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Andre_Gondimqman__, yes, there is kernels and /etc/default/gub23:22
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worldsayshiwhat is the name of the process that is the svn server?23:37
worldsayshitrying to figure out what permissions my svn server has23:38
worldsayshiand what user is running it23:40
SpamapSsoren: I seem to recall you had some experience with glusterfs... any chance you're around?23:45

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