
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
dipankaralsroot, hello. good morning16:25
alsrootdipankar: hi16:25
dipankardfarning, hello, good morning :)16:25
dipankaralsroot, I didn't receive any mail from sugarlabs. Is it usual?16:27
manusheelYOur subscription to sugar-devel was rejected.16:28
dipankarmanusheel, oh.16:28
manusheeldipankar: You used dipankar@seeta.in as your username.16:28
dipankarmanusheel, ohk sir16:28
alsrootdipankar: to speed up process, you can discuss your patch with module maintainer (http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Development_Team/Release/Modules) on #sugar16:30
dipankarmanusheel, sir, now its accepted my request16:31
dipankaralsroot, there it is mentioned that you are a maintainer of 'sugar' (journal) :P. I guess I should contact tomeu to review my package?16:36
alsrootdipankar: you can ping Co-maintainers as well16:36
dipankaralsroot, sure16:37
dipankaralsroot, is there anyway (except pastebin) where I can refer others to my patch?16:37
dipankaron #sugar16:38
alsrootdipankar: better to follow http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Development_Team/Code_Review, did you get approve from silbe?16:39
manusheeldipankar: Let me make your FTp account.16:39
alsroot..on bugs.sl.o16:39
dipankaralsroot, no :(16:41
alsrootdipankar: well, use pastebin for a while16:42
kandarpkalsroot, I am not able to start different module of some activity using the same activity bundle_id17:01
kandarpkalsroot: what I am trying to d is to have different buttons, and clicking on the buttons should launch the same activity but some different module17:02
* dipankar is away: Be Right Back17:03
* dipankar is off for dinenr17:03
alsrootkandarpk: I think you have to follow complicated way, the thing is that sugar-launch uses sugar db of installed activities, thus when you calling it with the same bundle_id, the code will be invoked -- try to pass additoinal info(e.g. module to start) via envars (unfortunately sugar-launch doesn't support custom args)17:07
alsroots/the code will be invoked/the same code will be invoked/17:07
kandarpkalsroot, will os.system('export option=1')17:08
kandarpk        os.system('sugar-launch org.laptop.HelloWorld')17:08
kandarpk    work ??17:08
alsrootkandarpk: use suprocess module instead http://docs.python.org/library/subprocess.html#convenience-functions, e.g. call() method has env argument http://docs.python.org/library/subprocess.html#using-the-subprocess-module17:10
kandarpkalsroot: I dont have much knowledge on how to check the envar in python17:10
kandarpkalsroot: ok.17:10
* dipankar is back (gone 00:15:51)17:18
* dipankar is away: Be Right Back17:18
* dipankar is back (gone 00:00:02)17:19
kandarpkalsroot, what will happen if I launch the running activity itself using sugar-launch ?18:07
alsrootkandarpk: it will launch new activity instance18:08
alsrootsugar-launch does it in any case18:09
kandarpkalsroot: ok, thanks.18:13
dipankaralsroot, tomeu assigned me some work.18:14
dipankaralsroot, can you help me a bit in understanding the code?18:15
alsrootdipankar: yup18:15
dipankaralsroot, I am to understand the scaling and gtkrc.em18:15
dipankaralsroot, how I find a file whose partial content I know using grep18:18
alsrootdipankar: the thing is simple, there are two gtk.rc files /usr/share/themes/sugar-72 and -100, the only difference is that them have different scale, one for huge dpi(200 on XO) and one for more regular desktops w.g. 1024.76818:18
dipankarI tried searching a lot18:18
alsrootdipankar: see artwork project18:18
dipankaralsroot, artwork project == http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=artwork+project&aq=f&aqi=g2&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=18:23
alsrootdipankar: just search on git.sl.o, http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/sugar-artwork18:24
dipankaralsroot, ohk! I already have that with me18:25
dipankaralsroot, tomeu referred to a file : gtkrc.em18:26
dipankarI found that in data/ in sugar-toolkit18:26
alsrootdipankar: hmm, it should be in artwork/gtk/theme/18:27
alsroot..in artwork git repo I mean18:29
dipankaralsroot, ohk, that git repo is somewhat different from ubuntu package18:36
dipankaralsroot, so in which file shall I target for patch18:39
alsrootdipankar: what your idea is18:40
dipankaralsroot, my plan is to increase the scaling a bit so that cropping in nullified18:41
dipankaralsroot, this is what tomeu said: <tomeu> yeah, we want less pixels per cell18:42
alsrootdipankar: are your planing to compose several gtk.rc files for different resulutions/dpi?18:42
dipankaralsroot, I have no idea about gtkrc at all. :(18:43
dipankaralsroot, I need sometime to understand the code18:43
alsrootdipankar: I mean if you decrease/increase scaling you just will target it from one resolution/dpi to other nothing more (i.e. you solve probelem in one case but create new one)18:44
dipankaralsroot, ohk. that I didn't think of18:45
alsrootdipankar: there was idea to create several gtk.rc files fot different resolutins/dpi, but in my mind it sounds pretty undoable for distros like ubuntu (but ok for derivates like XOOS)18:46
dipankaralsroot, then its a bit risky to try them18:47
dipankaralsroot, I mean there is a chance that it might affect other resolution18:47
alsrootdipankar: yeah, that's the core issue of this problem :)18:47
dipankaralsroot, why do you think tomeu rejected my patch?18:47
dipankartomeu told about 'what user want'18:48
kandarpkalsroot: what should I do to set text wrapping in HBox ?18:48
kandarpkalsroot: its text goes under the button if too long instead of splitting to two lines18:49
kandarpkI mean the text of the label I added to HBox18:49
alsrootdipankar: dunno, at then end, there are different usecases, and there is no need in having some of presets in code code -- e.g. in jhconvert ditros I use this patch http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/174718:50
alsrootkandarpk: you need to wrap text on label widget not on HBox, http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/GtkLabel.html#GtkLabel--wrap18:51
kandarpkalsroot: Ok.18:53
dipankaralsroot, looks like Its not the first time with me :).18:57
alsrootdipankar: well, there 11 months old ticket http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/1396 :)18:58
alsroot*there is18:58
dipankaralsroot, I have seen that a lot of times19:00
dipankar*while searching19:01
dipankaralsroot, I hate to say this,  but I think I should catch some sleep now19:01
dipankaralsroot, see you again tomorrow19:01
alsrootdipankar: see you19:01
dipankar* I will try my best to understand some part of code19:02
dipankaralsroot, bye19:02
* dipankar is off for the night19:02
manusheelkandarpk: Hi Kandarp.19:10
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir.19:11
manusheelkandarpk: How is the development of the activity coming along?19:15
kandarpkmanusheel sir: the basic framework is ready19:16
kandarpkmanusheel sir: let me upload some screenshots19:16
manusheelkandarpk: Neat.19:16
manusheelkandarpk: Do you have an FTP account?19:16
manusheelThat is, SEETA FTP account.19:16
manusheelLet me know. I'll get it created it right away.19:17
manusheelYou should get your screenshots uploaded over there.19:17
kandarpkmanusheel sir: you sent me the details of the account of vijaykansal19:17
manusheelOk, you can use that FTP account.19:18
ishanlfaraone, hi19:19
manusheelkandarpk: Please upload screenshots where we used to upload files. You can create a new activity folder too.19:21
kandarpkmanusheel sir: sure sir.19:21
manusheelkandarpk: Great.19:24
manusheelkandarpk: Also, please do let me know the results of the browse activity too.19:24
kandarpkmanusheel sir: that needs to be tested on debian ?19:25
kandarpkmanusheel sir: screenshots uploaded at http://seeta.in/sugar/api/documentation/activity/19:39
kandarpkI'll try browse on debian now.19:40
manusheelkandarpk: Neat.19:45
manusheelkandarpk: Reviewing it.19:46
kandarpkmanusheel sir: We can pick the code of various activities, split that into basic parts and add to the activity to provide the steps involved.19:48
manusheelkandarpk; Interesting.19:51
kandarpkmanusheel sir: this way users/developers can see the modules used and the reason for their use too becomes clear19:53
ishanalsroot, hi19:53
kandarpkmanusheel sir: as now we can run the activity by adding the modules step by step to it.19:54
alsrootishan: hi19:54
ishanalsroot, i am having problem with starting browse activity on sugar19:55
ishanit is related to hulahop package19:55
alsrootishan: what does it log?19:55
manusheelThat is neat.19:56
ishanalsroot, http://pastebin.com/jgrDjauF19:56
ishanhere is my log file19:56
alsrootishan: what distro are you using?19:57
kandarpkmanusheel sir: browse needs to be tested on debian ?19:57
alsrootishan: anyway, do you have hulahop package?19:57
ishanalsroot, i am facing problems in installing hulahop package19:58
ishani tried sudo apt-get install python-hulahop but it failed19:58
alsrootishan: w/ what error19:59
ishanalsroot, http://pastebin.com/ZYUDcJFY20:00
ishanit shows broken package20:00
alsrootishan: you are on karmic?20:01
ishanalsroot, i am presently on lucid20:01
alsrootishan: just ping python-xpcom maintainer, I guess it should be just rebuilt20:02
ishanalsroot, okay20:02
lfaraonehi ishan20:48
ishanlfaraone, hi20:49
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
manusheelalsroot: Hi Aleksey. Around?22:08
alsrootmanusheel: yup22:27
manusheelalsroot: Thanks for the pointers on the entry point for a.s.l.o project. Very helpful.22:38
alsrootmanusheel: hope, it will be helpful to create django based one22:40
alsroot*I hope22:42
manusheelalsroot: Sure, absolutely.22:47
alsrootmanusheel: btw, in sugar, we need a portal to share sugar objects (i.e. journal objects) as well, something like http://scratch.mit.edu/ i.e. gallery of user objects, if you think if AMO could be useful for that (it supports not only addons but also themes), would great to start thinking about it22:51
manusheelalsroot: Sure, alsroot. This is something that I wanted to discuss. Yes, this is a very important use-case.23:00
manusheelalsroot: Do we have a strategy in place to create a framework for uploading user objects, and then develop a Web 2.0 wrapper around it.23:01
manusheelalsroot: Can you point me to some examples that could help us define an architecture for the same?23:02
alsrootmanusheel: heh, in that case I'm really wrong man to ask :)23:02
alsrootmanusheel: but afaik we don't have such strategy at all :/23:03
alsrootmanusheel: would be really great if someone take it into their hands23:03
alsroot..but better is more useful :)23:04
alsroot*better "their"23:04
manusheelalsroot: Ok. Thank you for bringing this idea on the table. Indeed a very important idea.23:05
alsrootwell, it is new idea..23:06
alsroot*is not23:06
* alsroot need to take a rest at the end :)23:07
manusheelalsroot: Yes, indeed. And, I am not sure whether we have open source CMS to implement such a portal. We'll have to start from scratch.23:07
manusheelalsroot: Sure.23:07
manusheelalsroot: We'll talk tomorrow.23:07
alsrootmanusheel: see you23:07
manusheelalsroot: Talk to you soon. Take care.23:08
dfarningalsroot, how are thing going?23:08

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