
=== ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca
jpdsnewz2000: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+question/12180816:32
newz2000thanks jpds, just saw that, will fix shortly16:33
thymoxHi peeps - had an unexpected 404 on the ubuntu.com site just now.  http://webapps.ubuntu.com/course_locator/country_GB/ links to http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/trainingpartner/locate but the latter doesn't exist.17:09
* newz2000 looks into it18:15
=== daker_ is now known as daker
Viper550I finally posted on the mailing list about the fluxbb 1.4 theme19:15
=== ofirk_ is now known as ofirk

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