
pleia2updated with doctormo's new branding revision of maco's vines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Ideas/TShirtDesigns02:28
IdleOnemaco: :)02:28
hypatiaooh, lovely02:29
IdleOnecould you please remove that I seem to have locked myself out lol02:29
pleia2twit :)02:29
IdleOnebtw if you +q yourself chanserv wont op you02:30
IdleOneso um if someone could remove that :/02:30
macoIdleOne: i already did02:30
IdleOneon the upside pleia2 called me a twit02:31
valorieso, has anyone passed this along to zareason?02:40
valoriebecause she is starting a tshirt etc. company02:41
* valorie wants one02:41
hypatiawe should totally get her to print it :)02:41
pleia2valorie: last time I spoke with cathy about it she said she didn't have time to help right now02:44
pleia2going to need to find another supplier :(02:44
pleia2I haven't had the time, so if someone else wants to work on that - please do!02:45
pleia2not sure about zareason selling them directly TBH, trademark concerns and all02:45
pleia2MarkDude: o hi02:46
MarkDudeWhat did ZA do pleia2 ?02:47
pleia2MarkDude: we have pretty http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Ideas/TShirtDesigns02:47
pleia2valorie suggested zareason print them up, with cathy's new t-shirt company02:47
MarkDudeI'll hella wear one of those02:48
MarkDudeUnless it has a v neck02:48
valoriebut you can't, since we don't have Tshirts printed!02:48
valoriewhich is the problem....02:48
pleia2if someone wants to nudge canonical's trademark department and then follow up with zareason to suggest it that'd be great02:49
* pleia2 drowning in work for the foreseeable future02:49
MarkDudeTell them that Fedora and Red Hat are very nice to ZA if need be :)02:49
pleia2zareason did sell the case badges for a while, presumably without being bothered02:50
* MarkDude is going through some books to put on ZA site02:50
MarkDudeThat is true02:51
MarkDudeFedora offered to *give* us some so we could put those badges on machines we install with F1302:51
MarkDudeWe dont make $ on the Ubuntu badges, nor the books we have up.02:52
MarkDudeIts more ZA being interested in community :)02:52
pleia2if ZA was willing to sell them at cost, that might help the trademark dept sleep easy02:53
pleia2I don't know though02:53
MarkDudeI of course offer my help to talk to Canonical about the shirts, I am not the 1st choice of representatives for UW tho :)02:53
MarkDudeI can get something from Cathy to be given to them02:54
pleia2someone needs to do it, you can Cc: me on the trademarks email if you want02:54
MarkDudeWhat stage are the shirts at nw?02:55
macopleia2: didnt cathy give you the name of her printer so you could negotiate on behalf of UW?02:58
pleia2maco: I don't have a relationship with the printer like cathy does, and it's actually quite a trek from where I am (it's up in berkeley)02:59
macopleia2: when they wanted to put something about ubuntu on the flash drives that have ubuntu pre-installed, cathy had to talk to the trademark people to get the precise wording that was allowed02:59
macoMarkDude: we have a svg02:59
macoand we have a request that it NOT be across the chest as on well-endowed women it enhances too much if you put big things there03:00
nigelbpleia2: whenn somone from india loco talked to canonical, they're okay as long as there is no profit margin involved.03:00
pleia2nigelb: good to know :)03:00
macoi think a little ubuntu-women °  on the breast pocket area or middle of chest with the svg thing on the back could work03:01
nigelb(i.e., it is printed for use by ubuntu enthusiasts and not for sale)03:01
MarkDudethat and the placement limits what can be seen in front, it does move some images to the side03:01
pleia2well, maybe we can ask zareason if they'll do it and negociate the trademark waters03:01
macoor just the venus-buntu logo circle...03:02
macobut like, little thing front, big thing back03:02
* MarkDude will let the women decide the details on the clothes, I am of the opinion that men should shut up on these matters. I can help with whatever UW wants :)03:03
pleia2maco: can you take the lead here and talk to zareason?03:04
pleia2I don't care what they look like, I'll buy whatever comes out :)03:04
* nigelb hugs pleia2 03:05
macolast time i asked cathy about this she was like "well yes we could do UW shirts at cost...but hey you should be sending me designs i can put in my store!"03:05
macohowever i dont have enough creativity to come up with two t shirt designs in one year!03:05
macook i did think of something that could go on a shirt for women who go to hacker cons, but its crude, and she said no crude03:06
nigelbmaco: talk to doctormo then!03:06
MarkDudemaco and crude, I am shocked ;)03:06
macothere's an oft-recurring bit of innuendo when it comes to hacking shirts03:07
MarkDudeDiffering standards03:09
elkyThere's one thing quite wrong with the new vines... there's no yellow in it.03:40
nigelbelky: like yello? :)03:42
elkyThere's the red on the edubuntu flower, orange on the ubuntu and ubuntu-women flowers, but there's no gold anywhere.03:42
macoyou need a rainbow?03:46
macothere's also pink on the little debian swirl03:46
elkymaco, it's just a bit heavy without the yellow imho.04:10
vishelky: 'Narwhale' -> "Narwhal" :)16:14
elkyI blame midnight.16:14
elkyI'm the person who struggles to type 'usr' and keeps messaging chanserve, so :P16:15
vishelky: hehe, actually why i noticed it was because, i thought i had imagined the spelling wrong.. and had to check with google first ;)16:17
macoelky: i struggle more to type "user"16:26
maconever remember that darned e16:26
* czajkowski hugs maco 16:26
elkymaco, I struggle to use sms speak, always have.16:27
macosms? i'm thinking of /usr/bin/...16:27
elkymaco, same concept. I learned how to spell the words. Why do i need to leave stuff out of them?16:28
macoto avoid "no such file or directory" errors?16:28
elkyexplain that to my brain, it's stubborn.16:29
macoin that case:  sudo ln -s /usr /user16:41
* nigelb likes the idea16:42
elkyI think it's past my bed time16:42
nigelbnah, bunk work tomorrow. :p16:42
nigelbelky: oh, wait.  2 am.  It might be.16:43
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