
itsux2buwhy get a router, just get a switch..00:00
iuryMy touchpad is freezing00:00
lov255blue1: just make sure you set the other router with a base IP address that is different from your first or they will conflict00:00
wabashIs there any way to find out, through the OS, what model of computer you have? something in /proc, maybe?00:00
iuryI got a dell xps studio 1340 with ubuntu lucid00:00
Striker723if i recompile the kernel manually outside of gmerge, what do i need to copy over correctly to ensure it boots up fine? just the vmlinux.uimg ?00:00
harmandeepalthough CHKCONFIG can be installed on UBUNTU LUCID via repositories ... ||| i m not able to configure services via it ... it throws some errors at output ........ so can we CHKCONFIG on UBUNTU/DEBIAN systems or not for  CONFIGURING SERVICES00:01
lov255itsux2bu: I was assuming he wanted two seperate lans, good idea with a phone system00:01
KE1HABlue1, you don't need a second router, just a hub to hang off your existing router is more than sufficient.00:01
harmandeepor do we need to use some DEBIAN BASED utils ?00:01
iuryEven restarting the gnome the cursor stays freeze00:01
itsux2buyea.. KE1HA00:01
lov255I think he said VOIP00:02
lov255blue1: you still here?00:02
Alan502Hi! I cannot mount the partition where i have my /home in any directory, i can only view it from a live cd. When i try to mount he parition it says that it "is already mounted or <directory> is busy." However, when i run umount /dev/sdb7 (which is the partition with my home directory) it says /dev/sdb7 is not mounted. What could be the problem, any help will be appreciated!00:02
C_OkieHei Hvordan Er Deg00:02
lov255alan502: New install of Ubuntu?00:02
Blue1lov255: i can be00:03
jetHi, I've just installed ubuntu on an old iBook G4, but the keymap is wrong, and i can't do no pipe or tilde, I only could find on forums old answers which don't work for Lucid, thanks for your help00:03
LukaszTarkowskiHi people00:03
Alan502lov255: not at all, i installed it like 4 months ago00:03
lov255blue1: LOL we where wondering if you where talking about VOIP - I was assuming you where talking about VOIP that is why I did not say anything about the double router00:03
hiexpowabash,  yes i just don't rem the command though00:03
Alan502lov255: i didn't do anything unsual for it to happen, i think the last thing i did was run the update manager00:04
C_OkieNo responce :)00:04
Blue1lov255: no, no voice over ip.  I have a captioning telephone -00:04
C_Okieparse error ?00:04
lov255Alan502: Sorry I can not help you someone else will have to help, if it was a new install I figured you might have had the same prob I had00:04
wabashhiexpo: thank you.00:04
wabashAnyone else maybe know it?00:04
MaximillionI just installed IDLE and it's using python 2.6.5, is there a version for python 3?00:04
harmandeepguys ... please answer00:04
MuscovyCould someone tell me how to download a file using "ftpes"? I can't find any mention of it in the manpage.00:04
MuscovyI'm trying to use wget.00:05
Alan502lov255: what problem did you have?00:05
erUSULwabash: sudo dmidecode | less or sudo lshw | less00:05
hiexpowabash,  no prob00:05
wabasherUSUL: thank you00:05
Blue1lov255: http://www.captel.com/captel-800i.php00:05
C_OkieHiexpo, is having a seperate partition for C:\My Documents and Settings\ possible00:06
lov255blue1: I would still say if you are doing telephone on the internet throw it on another router or acutally use your first for the telephone and second for all other...I would figure talking on the phone is more important then internet actavity, so your first router will run faster then 2nd...might sound a bit confusing the way I explained it00:06
pgpkeysi sure would like to know what the heck is causing my system to completely stop responding when an email is being delivered and then respond fine once it's delivered00:06
enavhi people.. i got some crazy problem with my computer.... im ubuntu user and 4 days ago i decided to use my second partition to install WinXp just to play online games.... well before 3 days my network card just stop to work on winxp, i made it work changing the speed mode of my NIC to 10PMPS,   and all is ok... the crazy thing of this is after doing that and rebooting my pc to load ubuntu... those changes just got permanent on the NIC...   how this is possible00:06
Blue1lov255: I get fewer than 5 calls/week00:06
pgpkeysi mean come on, can't be generating THAT damn much i/o to make the laptop go slughead first00:06
lov255blue1: lol then do the oppisit00:07
enavnow i cant use my NIC on Ubuntu this is crazy i thought drivers only load on RAM not in the devices00:07
lov255blue1 or use switch00:07
lov255Although unless you get a managed switch you run into lost packet problems and etc...if you have the 2nd router best way to go00:07
erUSULenav: change the mode in ubuntu use ethtool ?00:08
Blue1lov255: i will put a router behind a router - I have a non-wireless router, just taking up space, so no is the time to to it.  no cost just time to set up -- iirc the gateway for the 2nd router must be the ip addy of the first router.00:08
hiexpoC_Okie,  i am not a windows guy sory00:08
enavok but is posible that my NIC save setting on some kind of temporal memory?????00:08
enavi neve saw this before never00:08
itsux2bumy voip box is a router00:08
Blue1itsux2bu: yeah this is NOT voip00:09
itsux2bui can browse to it using its ip address00:09
erUSULenav: some nic hve a eeprom dunno if that saves settings or not... maybe they just keep whatver setting they had on shutdown00:09
C_OkieDoes ANYONE know if you can store C:\My doc and Settigns on a seperate partition?00:09
erUSULC_Okie: ##windows should know00:09
KE1HAYep same here, I dont understand this one, never see a need for a router behind a router, unless a DMZ was / is involoved.00:09
Blue1C_Okie: i don't understand the question....I'll bet no one else does either00:09
wilhartwilhart@dragonfly:~$ export LC_CTYPE=en_US.ISO-8859-100:09
wilhartbash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (en_US.ISO-8859-1): No such file or directory00:09
enaverUSUL:  yes i thought that  some NVRAM or EEPROM....00:09
wilhartwhat directory and file does this search for?00:09
itsux2buoh.. what is it?  not Magicjack shit?00:09
lov255blue1 gateway  - just make sure you change the defualt router IP to something different then the first - it is going to pull DHCP from your ISP00:09
hiexpoC_Okie,  put them files  on a usb drive00:10
zarewC_Okie: yea00:10
Blue1itsux2bu: http://www.captel.com/captel-800i.php00:10
zarewC_Okie: yea you can00:10
enaverUSUL: is the first time i see this kind of feature on a device00:10
Blue1lov255: okay00:10
erUSULlov255: gateway ?? surely you meant netmask ?00:10
magicianlordis it safe to use broadcom's closed source wireless driver? could it be leaking infoermation unsafely00:10
C_OkieI mean a seperate partition on the same drive hiexpo00:10
Blue1lov255: yeah I'd have a 192. net work and a 10. network -- and they don't need to talk to each other00:10
C_Okieand zarew: how00:11
erUSULmagicianlord: you are only using the firmware from them00:11
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magicianlorderUSUL: as in00:11
magicianlordwhat is firmware00:11
Blue1erUSUL: i always thought the gateway of the 2nd router, had to be the IP of the first router00:11
hiexpoC_Okie,  i understand that why u wanna do that though ?00:11
tuskwhenever i open System -> administration -> windows wireless drivers     It crashes and doesnt respond (becomes black), i have tried reinstalling aswell as removing->installing again. This has not worked. Any help ?00:11
erUSULmagicianlord: some kind of "bios" for the card00:12
zarewC_Okie: right click my docs icon allows one to set any path00:12
lov255blue1: do  your default is probably or
Blue1lov255: ahh okay...00:12
zarewC_Okie: what version of windoze u on?00:12
itsux2buthis for a deaf person?00:12
C_Okietoo have a backup of just that data i can backup on an ext hd once a while00:12
tuskwhenever i open System -> administration -> windows wireless drivers     It crashes and doesnt respond (becomes black), i have tried reinstalling aswell as removing->installing again. This has not worked. Any help ?00:13
LukaszTarkowskiOk so now I'm identified ;)00:13
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erUSUL!ot | C_Okie zarew00:13
ubottuC_Okie zarew: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:13
tuskwhenever i open System -> administration -> windows wireless drivers     It crashes and doesnt respond (becomes black), i have tried reinstalling aswell as removing->installing again. This has not worked. Any help ?00:13
hiexpoC_Okie,  buy a usbthumb drive you can do that also and id is better also no partion computer crashes you don't00:14
zarewsure I agree00:14
magicianlorderUSUL: thanks00:14
tuskhey erUSUL I found another wireless adapter - a USB NETGEAR MA111, I installed driver using windows wireless drivers then the system crashed -> rebooted -> windows wireless drivers nolonger works =[ what should i do ?00:14
hiexpo^ sorry meant it00:15
hiexpoC_Okie,  ^00:15
tuskhey erUSUL I found another wireless adapter - a USB NETGEAR MA111, I installed driver using windows wireless drivers then the system crashed -> rebooted -> windows wireless drivers nolonger works =[ what should i do ?00:16
erUSULtusk: does not work out of the box ? without the windows thing ?00:16
KE1HAtusk, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsNetgear00:17
erUSULtusk: « sudo modprobe prism2_usb »00:17
C_Okiesorry i am  just a lil out of it had wisdom teeth pulled00:17
tuskerUSUL: will try00:18
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tuskWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.00:18
tuskwhat do i do ?00:18
LukaszTarkowskiI am having trouble with Ubuntu-One won't start the settings00:18
erUSULtusk: is just a warning. ignore00:18
tuskhow ?00:18
tuskthe terminal isnt doing anything00:19
erUSULtusk: it does not have to. do « iwconfig » do you see a wlan0 interface listed  ?00:19
LukaszTarkowskioops I forgot I installed firefox extension and need a reboot00:19
tuskerUSUL: I dont have the option to type anything in yet00:19
hiexpoattention windows users < the best thing to do is determine if your computer is all comparable  with linux before  installing it / why yell at us ?00:19
tuskerUSUL: i dont see a $ sign00:19
bonksI am running ubuntu servfer edition and whenever I type 'sudo su' and enter my password, it says "[username] is not in the sudoers file". How do I fix this?00:20
jellowbonks: do sudo -i00:20
erUSULtusk: ?? weird. the modprobe should return imediatly or error out00:20
tuskerUSUL: i opened a new terminal and typed ifconfig -> no wlan000:20
bonksjellow: I get the same error00:20
erUSULbonks: is the user in the admin group ?00:21
tuskerUSUL: i opened new terminal and tried again00:21
tuskerUSUL: still no luck00:21
jellowbonks: well edit /etc/sudoers00:21
erUSULtusk: :/ maybe uninstall ndiswrapper ?00:21
bonksi think I must've overwritten my groups for my user... 'id ryan' shows 3 instances of group 'ryan'00:22
tuskerUSUL: how ?00:22
tuskerUSUL: through sypnatic ?00:22
hiexpo^ linux is an operating system not god linux did not build it00:22
erUSULtusk: yes00:22
tuskerUSUL: will try00:22
zarewhiexpo: god didbuild linux :P00:23
hiexpowe just try to make it work :)00:23
erUSULbonks: well you will need to add yourself to the admin group again. boot in recovery mode an run « adduser youruser admin »00:23
bonkserUSUL: I'll try that00:23
erUSULbonks: once you can use sudo again add yourself to the other usefull groups in the same way00:24
bonkswhat are the default groups, that I may have overwritten?00:24
BluesKajunfortunately my old desktop pc suffers from poor ati graphics support ... i'm wondering if any of you can recommend a desktop that might be stable with ati x200m card ?\00:24
tuskerUSUL: uninstalled00:24
tuskerUSUL: shall i modprobe again ?00:24
erUSULbonks: fuse plugdev audio cdrom lpadmin kvm etc etc00:24
pieroHi! I can't configure an ad-hoc network on my 9.10 due my module for realtek 8185 seens to not work so well... Can I fix it? Do you have a suggestion?00:24
tuskerUSUL: still not working00:25
tuskerUSUL: still stuck00:25
erUSULtusk: sudo modprobe -r prism2_usb && sudo modprobe  prism2_usb00:25
erUSULtusk: reboot00:25
BluesKajgnome and kde are really crashy on my old desktop00:25
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tuskerUSUL: hey when I sudo modprobe -r prism2_usb && sudo modprobe  prism2_usb00:25
KE1HAerUSUL, did he add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules ?00:25
tuskerUSUL: I get prism2_usb            174122  100:25
jellowBluesKaj: There are alternatives like fluxbox and xfce00:26
tuskKE1HA: i dont remember doing that00:26
erUSULtusk: do « iwconfig » no iface with wireless extensions ?00:26
zarewBluesKaj: why are they crashing?00:26
bonkshmm, my uid and gid are  both 'ryan', how and what should they be?00:27
tuskerUSUL: there was before when i used windows wireless drivers but now that is obsolete since it decides to crash on me and only way to stop is to force quit00:27
AndorinSo WinFF seems to have a problem playing .ogv files that I create... the video doesn't display quite right. Anyone know why? Here's the output of ffmpeg -i on the file: http://pastebin.com/VXepjMiu00:27
erUSULtusk: i'm out of ideas sorry. i am quitting for today00:28
erUSULtusk: good luck00:28
BluesKajzarew, I wish I knew why , i'd try to fix the problem ..but I think the ati graphics driver is unstable on lucid with my card00:28
tuskerUSUL: owwww00:28
kermitwhy would my wireless disconnect at the same time every hour, only when connected to a certain access point that works fine for everyone else?00:29
tuskerUSUL: shall i reinstall ubuntu ?00:29
zarewBluesKaj: ati and ubuntu is buggy00:29
BluesKajI'm not willingh to put money into a 5yr old pc00:29
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jellowkermit: Check the router00:30
BluesKajso suggestions about a new graphics card aren't gonna be considered00:30
zarewBluesKaj: its more likely ati card than ubuntu00:30
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tensorpuddingWhich card?00:30
kermitjellow: for what? it works fine for everyone else00:30
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thansenis there a generic linux way of creating an ubuntu boot usb drive?00:31
BluesKajI run ubuntu server and kubuntu on this laptop so I know it's stable on newer nvidia and intels00:31
KE1HABluesKaj, Have your tried Xubuntu, with the ALT ISO installation, if not, may want to consider that one.00:31
tensorpuddingthansen: unetbootin00:31
thansenI don't have ubuntu installed and would like to get downloaded iso properly installed on it00:31
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BluesKajKE1HA, ok I'll check that out, thanks00:32
jellowkermit: how exactly are you disconnected, Can you reconnect after00:32
tensorpuddingthansen: unetbootin will download the right ISO for you00:32
Andorinthansen: What OS are you running right now?00:32
kermitjellow: yeah, it disconnects then reconnects.. but not for anyone else in the house.00:32
kermitjellow: wireless disconnects00:32
thansenI'm on gentoo, I already downloaded the daily iso image and would prefer to not download another iso00:32
tensorpuddingthansen: you can install it from an iso file also00:33
AndorinDoesn't Gentoo have a package that lets you create a bootable system with a USB drive and .iso?00:33
tensorpuddingthansen: unetbootin should be in portage00:33
thansenunetbootin is00:33
thansenI can use that with my already downloaded is?00:34
jellowkermit: have a look in /var/log and dmesg00:34
tensorpuddingthansen: yes00:34
* thansen tries...00:34
* thansen swears...qt00:35
jellowkermit: no one will be able to help you with out some kind of error message00:35
congimanhello, i have been running into an issue with preseed and serial support in grub (the /etc/default/grub) file that gets installed seems to bepopulated with incorrect values.00:35
congimanheres an example:00:36
bsmith093how do i create a revocation cert using seahorse ( the default gpg client in lucid)00:37
congimanGRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --unit=0 --speed=8 --word=1 --parity=no --stop=1"00:37
congimanit should read:00:37
congimanGRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=115200 --unit=0 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1"00:37
FloodBot2congiman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:37
kermitjellow:  wlan0: deauthenticated (Reason: 16)00:37
Tosko_Is there anyone here who can tell me whether the high frequency of load/unload cycles has been fixed in 10.04 (Lucid)?00:37
Ariocan anyone help me with a boot problem00:37
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zarewTosko_: thats not a beginners help question00:38
bcbc2Tosko_: if you have lucid installed you should be able to check with powertop00:39
VilemaximAnyone else having a problem installing ubuntu server with linux software raid?00:39
Tosko_I don't have it installed yet, I really want to install ubuntu again. What if the problem is there, how could I possibly solve it?00:40
Ken-YoungWhen I turn off the backlight on my Sony Viao laptop, Ubuntu makes a LED array under the keyboard slowly dim and brighten, at about 1/2 Hz.   I find that very annoying - does anyone know how to disable that behavior?00:40
bcbc2Tosko_: Here's the bug - it says triaged. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/52428100:41
Ario I have just installed gentoo on a new clean partion of my harddrive but it installed or changed my boot loader so it no longer shows up ubuntu, how do i a) get ubuntu back onto my bootloader with out losing gentoo and B) check my ubuntu partition is alright??00:41
KE1HATosko_, that's asking a hypercritical question of which we have no way to answer.00:41
galuszkakArio: Well I think if you are using Gentoo that should be easy for you. Please go to Gentoo Docs there will an answer :]00:42
Ariook thanks for the advice00:43
KE1HAArio, Try the ALT ISO, Rescue Mode.00:43
zarewKen-Young: the keyboard slowly dim and brighten, at about 1/2 Hz    how do you work this out?00:44
KE1HAYou can chroot from there.00:44
zarewKen-Young: just curious00:44
babu__wat is meant by fault injection framework00:45
Ken-Youngzarew, It's not the LED array illuminating the keys - it's this other array of LEDs under the keyboard.   It's apparently done to let you know that the laptop is still on, even thogh the backlight is off, but it is *bright* and makes it impossible to sleep in the room with it, unless I physically block the LEDs.00:45
z1lt0idHi guys, just wondering I am upgrading from a quadcore intel chip to an amd hexacore cpu with a new mobo and memory.  Would it be wise to reinstall linux?00:46
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KE1HAbabu__, that could be any number of, in which applicaiton or process are you referring too ?00:46
strangeseraph_quick question; I have the default ubuntu chat client set to startup when the computer starts, but it doesn't.00:46
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AndorinSo WinFF seems to have a problem playing .ogv files that I create... the video doesn't display quite right. Anyone know why? Here's the output of ffmpeg -i on the file: http://pastebin.com/VXepjMiu00:47
zarewKen-Young:  sure so tape helps    but how do you figure at about 1/2 Hz?00:47
jellowkermit: After googling all i could see was changing from TKIP to AES on the router but this more than likely irrelevant to good luck00:47
coz_strangeseraph_,  you mean   pidgin?00:47
_F-1172010 64 bit still not stable , I got an idea lets make 128 bit OS WTF!00:47
strangeseraph_it comes with Ubuntu 10.0400:48
harmandeepwhen we use  service command to manage SERVICES .... what is difference for these two OPTIONS .... 1) Restart 2) Reload00:48
coz_strangeseraph_,  ok and you are sure you have  "empathy"  as the command for start up...yes?00:48
strangeseraph_its got an option under preferences to start when I login, but it doesn't start.00:48
jellowkermit: also update to latest kernel and cross fingers00:48
strangeseraph_I just went to the program, clicked about and it says 'Empathy'00:48
Ken-Youngzarew, I figued out the 1/2 Hz by timing it.   I am tempted to solve the problem with a soldering iron.00:48
coz_strangeseraph_,  ok open   /system/preferences/ startup applications00:48
Vilemaximz1lt0id, unless the system was giving me a problem I wouldn't00:48
valbacaI have a few questions about 10.04.1. #1: is the ubuntu that is downloaded from ubuntu.com 10.04 or 10.04.1. #2: how do I "upgrade" to 10.04.1? is sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get update && sudo-apt get dist-upgrade enough?00:49
coz_strangeseraph_,   click  "Add"   name it  and the command is      empathy00:49
z1lt0idVilemaxim: So it will just modularly pick up what hardware it is00:49
Vilemaximz1lt0id, no reason to lestin to me though00:49
z1lt0idVilemaxim: haha00:49
KE1HAvalbaca, the new ISO's are 10.04.100:49
strangeseraph_thanks :)00:49
Vilemaximz1lt0id, yeah... linux is much better about those things now days00:49
coz_strangeseraph_,  no problem... test it to be sure...if that doesnt work then it's empathy  that is the problem most likely00:49
_F-117Anybody having issues 64 bit wise ?00:49
KE1HAfor upgrading, all you should have to d is sudo ap-get install dist-upgrade00:50
z1lt0idVilemaxim: Ah k00:50
valbacaKE1HA, thanks00:50
coz__F-117,  you mean wine  yes?? :)00:50
zarewKen-Young:  cool but VERY geeky!00:50
z1lt0idDoes anyone ever come across an issue with casper-scripts.  I can't update initramfs00:50
Oervalbaca, 10.04.1 comes with normal updates, maybe you have it now , check with terminal > cat /etc/lsb-release00:50
coz__F-117,   oh I see what you meant... sorry I dont use 64 bit here00:50
_F-117coz_ : Everything Thundebird, pgp , vbox00:50
KE1HAvalbaca, to check if you have it already, in a terminal lsb_release -rd00:50
Ken-Youngzarew, It will be very satisfying to disable those damn LEDs permanently.   I have *no* use for them.00:50
valbacaKE1HA, I do! :D00:51
KE1HAJob Done :-)00:51
harmandeepanyone please ...00:52
zarewKen-Young:  so just snip one end of the leds in question00:52
zarewKen-Young:  but thats your warranty F**ked00:53
Ken-Youngzarew, I'll bet it's a surface mounted array.00:53
Ken-Youngzarew, The laptop is 3 years old...00:53
KE1HAjust use a pencil, H2 and write on the SM-LED00:53
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binthow can i open the root directory00:53
binti dont have the permission right now00:54
KE1HAcd /root00:54
bintpermission denied00:54
binti tried sudo cd /root but cd isn't a command then :)00:54
shcherbaksu root00:54
LeempWhat does "futex_wait_queue_me" mean in an process status? I've got a process that goes into that immediately (python's pip, heh)00:54
KE1HAoh, well now what did you do to get into that fix?00:54
TxMattsudo -i00:54
zarewbint: cd isnt a command???00:55
bintcontainer@container-desktop:~$ sudo cd /root                            sudo: cd: command not found00:55
sdfghjkIs 06:00 the middle of the morning?00:55
TxMattokay, become root by typing sudo -i then do the command00:55
strangeseraphAnother problem I have I've already checked the bug site about, rhythmbox crashing when the volume control is used during playback. So far I don't know if they're fixing that or not.00:56
KE1HAsdfghjk, yes00:56
hassanzcan anyone guide me on installing compiz?00:57
soreauhassanz: Its already installed by default00:57
hassanzlol didnt know that00:58
binti did sudo -i00:58
bintnow i'm root00:58
coz_hassanz,  do you know which video card you have?00:58
zarewsdfghjk    depends on whether your on top of of the world or below it! :P00:58
bintbut when i type cd /root nothing happens00:58
TxMattokay now type ls bent00:58
hassanzits ati radeon 950000:58
coz_hassanz,  ok and is the driver already installed for that?00:58
TxMattsee what dir your in00:58
bintjust a new line drops but i'm still nowwhere00:58
soreaucoz_: There is no driver to install00:58
TxMattif your not in the correct dir type cd .. and it will bring you back one dir00:58
zarewbint: pastebin it please00:58
coz_soreau,  oh ok00:58
soreauIt is already installed by default00:58
TxMattthen type ls to see what dir your in00:58
bintbut i can change to media00:58
coz_soreau,  understood00:58
bintand media is in the same directory like root00:59
KE1HAor pwd00:59
soreau! compiz | hassanz00:59
hassanzi guess its installed because extra desktop effects are working but games are quite laggy when i run them with wine00:59
ubottuhassanz: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz00:59
coz_hassanz,  so  first thing you might want to do is open a terminal   sudo apt-get install  compizconfig-settings-manager   compiz-fusion-plugins-extra00:59
hagerany one can speak arabic?00:59
coz_hager,  I only wish :)00:59
soreauhassanz: If you have anything other than None set in sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects, compiz is running. You do not need fusion-icon00:59
zarewbint:  you could    pwd and tell what it says00:59
bintif i enter pwd it drops one line and sais root01:00
zarewcome on VOGUE01:00
bintif i enter just /root without cd it says: root is a directory01:00
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z1lt0idWhen I use "sudo update-initramfs -u" i get the error message "Can't open /scripts/casper-functions". Any ideas how to resolve this problem?01:00
KE1HAbint, reboot the box, and go back to aterminal01:01
zarewbint:  HEY COME ON   CD INTO ROOT01:01
KE1HAhe tried that, said it was not a command.01:01
hassanzsoreau: it says i have to install when i wrote that command in the terminal01:01
hassanzdoes this mean its not installed?01:01
bintits rebooting right now01:01
Arioi am still having problems with getting ubuntu back on my opensuse bootloader anyone got a link to a tut or video show how to do it?01:01
coz_hassanz,  for ccsm     sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager01:02
zarewdance on air01:02
bintso here i am container@container-desktop:~$01:03
zarewbint:  so this is a second pc?01:03
binti gonna enter sudo -i now01:03
bintno its a virtual machine01:03
KE1HAtype pwd what's that say01:03
coz_hager   لا اعلم لأحد أن يتكلم العربية01:03
bintcontainer@container-desktop:~$ pwd01:03
zarewbint:  any vm is a second pc01:03
bintcontainer@container-desktop:~$ pwd01:04
naebethhas anyone here got time to talk me through editing my GRUB2 system? just installed Ubuntu next to Win7, but there's about 9 entries and I'd prefer to get rid of all but the OSs and their recovery systems (so strip 5 off)01:04
TxMattbint: type cd .. go back one dir, then type ls..01:04
TxMattand you should see your root folder01:04
coz_hassanz,   also you might want to join  #compiz channel01:04
KE1HAbint, ok cd /etc01:04
KE1HAwhat's that do ?01:04
TxMattcd ..  <like that01:04
aeon-ltdKE1HA: changes directory01:04
zarewbint:  ok thats normal output01:04
KE1HAThere ya go, now what you trying to do, sounds like things are working.01:05
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:05
bintroot@container-desktop:~# pwd01:05
bintroot@container-desktop:~# pwd01:05
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FloodBot2bint: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:05
bintgot it :)01:05
bullkrami changed monitors and cannot get more than a 60hz refresh rate..  in windoze i can get up to 8501:05
magicianlordwhat a fantastical idea01:05
bintdid i really flood?01:05
magicianlordbullkram: sometimes it's not supported under linux as well01:05
bcbc2naebeth: this guide is pretty good http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128760201:06
bullkramthat bites01:06
zarewbint:  stop flooooooding !01:06
AndorinSo WinFF seems to have a problem playing .ogv files that I create... the video doesn't display quite right. Anyone know why? Here's the output of ffmpeg -i on the file: http://pastebin.com/VXepjMiu01:06
KE1HAbint, what are you trying to do to the system  and you think it's not doing it correctly ?01:06
bullkram60hz gives me a headache01:06
jinxzswhat code can go to other channel.01:06
bintKE1HA nothing i just wanna be able to access every folder...01:06
magicianlordif you have an lcd, you shouldnt need more htan 60hz01:06
binti kinda dont like it if a system forbids me to enter anything01:06
KE1HAsounds like your there then.01:06
aeon-ltdbullkram: you could google how to force it in xorg.conf, but then again xorg.conf is getting pretty deprecated01:06
bintcoz its my system..01:06
bullkrami have a crt.01:06
binti wanna be the master :)01:06
magicianlordbuy a flat panel bullkram01:06
KE1HAYou are.01:07
=== twisted`_ is now known as twisted`
bullkrami need one.. just getting by for now01:07
bintif i enter "dir" it doesn't list anything01:07
zarewbint:  what are you doing that needs help01:07
bintisn't this a command or is root really emty?01:07
bintzarew i'm getting into ubuntu and linux01:07
binti gonna rent a server the end of this month01:07
bintand i wanna be able to set up a ftpd server, host websites etc..01:08
bintjust the basics01:08
zarewbint:  for the firat time :P01:08
KE1HAbint, I would sujject reading this: Ubuntu Manual - http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:08
bintthx :)01:08
KE1HA:-) suggest :-)01:08
bintwhat is firat :D01:08
zarewbint:  for the first time :P01:08
coz_hassanz,   everything working?01:08
zarewbint:  thought so :P01:08
bintis this manual for desktop and server edition?01:09
KE1HAbint, and to further expand your horizons: Other Documentation - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/index.html01:09
KE1HAbint, Server manual: Server Manual - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/serverguide.pdf01:09
hassanzcoz_: yeah01:09
lubuserI have used ubuntu and lubuntu... and I am changing distros01:10
bintshould i use ubuntu in my native language or in english01:10
coz_hassanz,  it might be easier  on the #compiz channel to get help.... we are there most of the time and not as many people in that channel as this one :)01:10
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KE1HAbint, your choice01:10
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binti think it would be easier for me in german... but i think support from irc and friends would be easier in english01:10
hassanzok catch you there :) thanks man01:11
KE1HAbint, again, your choice.01:11
bintis it easy to change the language once you installed it?01:11
bintlike the whole system language01:11
zarew bint what is your actual issue please :)01:11
lubuserdebian is better01:11
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bintmy issue is that i dont know weather i can change languange once its installed or not01:11
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bintif i can't i'll install it in english01:11
magicianlordbint: yes01:11
lubuserhow come xubuntu is seen as so bloated when it is just using xfce desktop?01:12
KE1HAbint, make a VM of each, then descide.01:12
zarew bint  weather    HAHA01:12
bintweather :D01:12
pgpkeyswho cares why people see X Y or Z as bloated01:12
bintyou see.. english is not my 1st language :D01:12
KE1HAIm sure sombody cares, jsut not me.01:12
pgpkeysthere will always be someone who thinks this or that is bloated. most of the ones thinking that don't know their butts from their faces01:12
pgpkeysso why worry01:12
johnjohn101ubuntu just keeps getting better and better01:12
magicianlordlubuser: because it01:12
lubuserpgpkeys,  because every distro comparable is said to run better than $buntu's version01:12
magicianlordbecaues it doesnt fullfill the purpose ofa  lightweight desktop01:13
lubuserjohnjohn101,  worse01:13
magicianlordif you want light, you use openbox01:13
pgpkeysyeah well windows runs better than all of them, freebsd runs better than windows and linux01:13
lubusermagicianlord,  xfce is lightweight by design01:13
pgpkeyscan we get any more subjective01:13
johnjohn101lubuser: ubuntu is getting worse?01:13
lubuserpgpkeys, I am not talking about windows!01:13
magicianlordlubuser: its not light enough as a desktop. it fails at that. only components of it are01:13
lubuserjohnjohn101, I think so01:13
KE1HApgpkeys, Well, I'd ahve to say, that's a matter of how its tested, and against what standards.01:13
pgpkeyslubuser ~ never mind your too slow01:13
lubusermint kde is better than kubuntu01:13
lubusermint xfce is better than xubuntu01:14
johnjohn101don't use KDE,  I left it01:14
pgpkeysand kubuntu is better than ubuntu right?01:14
lubuserdebian and mint is better than ubuntu01:14
magicianlordopenbox is better01:14
pgpkeyshehe nevermind. not worth this discussion01:14
tdawglove me some openbox01:14
LinuxGuy2009"Could not apply stored configuration of monitors" is the error message that I get when using the nvidia driver from the nvidia website. What am I missing?01:14
magicianlordarch and openbox01:14
xanguaplease keep in the topic :)01:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:14
lubuserxfce mint works how it should and debian integrates either lxde or xfce as it should01:14
valbacalubuser: why are you in an ubuntu support forum doing nothing but bashing ubuntu01:14
IdleOnelubuser: can you please stop trolling01:14
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aeon-ltdmagicianlord: +101:15
xanguaLinuxGuy2009: what about the open source driver¿ was there a problem with it that forced you to use the colsed driver¿01:15
aeon-ltdmagicianlord: nice n lite :)01:15
zarew bint try english if it suits01:16
magicianlordaeon-ltd: yeah. works great on netbooks too01:16
KE1HAWell permission granted to change channels.01:16
magicianlordaeon-ltd: with arkid theme01:16
tdawgI put openbox on this 10 year old hunk of junk yesterday and it runs like a champ01:16
aeon-ltdmagicianlord: yeah, very minimal much nicer than gnome + metacity01:16
zarewbint:  try english if it suits01:16
IdleOnemagicianlord: conversations in #ubuntu-offtopic01:16
IdleOneaeon-ltd: same for you01:16
magicianlordlol ok. calm down01:16
IdleOnemagicianlord: you know the rules of #ubuntu why do I even have to ask you to stop?01:17
gimmickless_trouble installing Ubuntu Server. Known good USB wireless card installed. Network autoconfig fails. Appears USB wireless card does not power on (no LED blink). Ideas?01:18
magicianlordIdleOne: dont worry. it was a 3 line exchange01:18
=== Harry_Slaughter is now known as Harry_Slaughter|
axisyssudo add-apt-repository ppa:my/repo  adds it.. how do I remove it short from removing it from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?01:19
drgbrhi there01:19
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drgbrdoes anyone knows of an alternative to centerim?01:20
drgbrthat supports utf801:20
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IdleOneaxisys: there is no command to remove PPA afaik, deleting from sources.list or from Software Sources is the only way01:20
bintwhy is ubuntu.de invite only?01:20
LinuxGuy2009xangua: I cant seem to get the nvidia driver from the repo to install on my offline machine.01:20
xanguaaxisys: with ppa-purge: sudo ppa-purge ppa:my/repo01:21
axisysIdleOne: i guess so.. thanks01:21
axisysxangua: wow! just when we thought there is none.. hehe01:21
IdleOneaxisys: seems xangua knew the way :)01:21
axisysIdleOne: :-)01:21
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xanguaaxisys: ppa-purge is not in lucid but it will be in maverick; you will need to find a ppa-purge .deb01:21
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axisysxangua: that were going to be my next question.. thanks for url01:22
kandjarHi there, I had to reboot my ubuntu server this morning, because the process table was flooded with root process running: /USR/BIN/CRON (all caps); does anyone know a possible reason? or has anyone seen that?01:22
ivarsonI have a pretty annoying behavior with my mx1000 mouse in 10.04.. mouse works initally, but after random time, it gets stuck in some area, rendering it unusable.. Ive read that this bug has existed even since 2005, is there anyway of getting rid off it?01:22
R-learnerhow can I connect to port 88 of a remote machine ? I thikn its for svn01:22
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IdleOnekandjar: you can also try #ubuntu-server and see if anybody there can help01:23
ivarsononly "solution" now is to unplug/replug it01:24
bintstrange bug01:24
R-learnerhow can I svn into port 88 of a machine ?01:24
rookshmm.. is there something like µubuntu, like only a core is provided with package systems in place?01:24
IdleOne!minimal | rooks01:24
ubotturooks: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:24
rookswow, sweet01:25
ivarsonit is.. fedora seems to have a fix bundled.. but then again.. i rather live with tty1-6 than with RPM's01:26
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drgbrcan anyone recommend a console based IM client that supports utf8?01:26
edbianI'm helping a friend boot a live CD for the first time.  It's taking a very long time to boot Ubuntu but it is making progress.  After 30 minutes of waiting for the desktop to finish loading I told him to reboot and try again.  Any suggestions for why it might be taking so long??01:27
IdleOneedbian: low ram?01:27
xanguadrgbr: if you like pidgin try finch, it's a cli app that uses the same configuration01:27
drgbrivarson: centerim doesn't support utf8 =/01:27
edbianIdleOne, It's a newer PC.  I don't know how much ram he has but I know he's running windows 7 just fine.01:27
drgbrxangua: I've tried it a long time ago and hated the interface, but I will give it another try.. thanks01:28
ivarsondrgbr: mm.. sorry then.. i ws pretty sure i saw utf8 as a choice when hitting F4 for settings01:28
drgbrivarson: np.. it seems that the next version, CIM5, is going to support it...01:28
KE1HAdrgbr, have a look at: climm01:28
drgbrKE1HA: I will, thx01:28
KE1HAdrgbr, http://linux.softpedia.com/progScreenshots/climm-Screenshot-36647.html01:29
drgbrKE1HA: thx, dude, I'll try it :)01:29
R-learnerhow can I connect to port 88 on svn01:31
R-learnerin that host it shows tcp
Some_PersonWhy isn't the "Dingbats" font working in Gimp?01:32
KE1HAR-learner, Lots of SVN info + Tips: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch06s03.html01:33
drgbrKE1HA: dude, perfect.. thx a lot =)01:33
Some_PersonHow can I get the "Dingbats" font to work properly in GIMP?01:35
R-learnerKE1HA, I want to ssh into that machine, the admin said that ssh is closed by I can svn into port 88 into that machine01:35
R-learnerhow do I do that01:36
R-learnerI tried svn co svn+ssh:\\x.x.x.x:88\home\user01:36
jasonbournehow do i create post script files for a .deb file?01:36
R-learnerdoesnt work01:36
linushow can i use medusa with ubuntu?01:36
KE1HAR-learner, I think, but not an SVN expert, you ahve to use the http://address:8801:36
johnjohn101how do I fix my ubuntu to come up in the screen resolution that I want. it always comes up at 1024x768 and I'd like 1400x90001:36
linussomebody can i help me?01:37
zkriesse!someone | linus01:38
ubottulinus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:38
KE1HAR-learner,Here's an example: svn checkout http://host.example.com:88/repos/project01:39
ivarsonjohnjohn101: check with xrandr if that resolution is supported01:39
vitalyanyone mounted BSD partitions under Ubuntu 10?01:39
johnjohn101ivarson, yes, I can reset to 1400x900 after reboot xrandr supports it.01:40
glickin ubuntu when i install postgres, is an initial datastoreage area already created?01:40
toe_does anyone know of a ip address rerouting program .01:40
toe_you know so my address changes every few mins01:40
bastid_raZortoe_: dyndns can give you a dynamic domain and they also offer a dns-domain-ip-updater script01:41
vitalymounting bsd drives under l00nix, anyone?01:41
=== twisted`_ is now known as twisted`
ivarsoncant u just set the desired resoltion in settings/monitors (not sure on the english labels01:41
bastid_raZortoe_: oh, i misread your statement. nevermind me.01:41
johnjohn101ivarson, I can reset after reboot but it's a pain. I'd like to boot into the resolution that I want01:41
R-learnerKE1HA, does it has to svn into the svn directory of the host machine ?01:42
johnjohn101ivarson, i set it with the nvidia program and do save to xorg.conf01:42
pZombieok, after trying some time, i have to come back and ask again01:42
ivarsonjohnjohn101: yeah sure.. if you're root (or sudo) and manually hit save conf. to xorg.conf01:43
KE1HAR-learner, what are you trying to c/o ?01:43
johnjohn101ivarson. I've done that 100 times. I've even deleted the xorg.conf file 100 times01:43
pZombiedid anyone in here manage to install 10.4 lucid lynx SERVER _from_ a bootable USB stick onto a computer without network access and without a CDrom drive?01:44
R-learnerKE1HA, just to get access to the machine so I can run R code01:44
KE1HApZombie, yes, abotu 10 times yesterday.01:44
KE1HAR-learner, if they have SSH disabled, no chance.01:45
KE1HApZombie, use the Start Up Disk Creator, works well.01:45
pZombieKe1ha mind sharing the knowledge? I came quite far.. using grub4dos with following entries find --set-root /ubu-s.iso01:45
pZombiemap /ubu-s.iso (hd32)01:45
pZombiemap --hook01:45
pZombiechainloader (hd32)01:45
R-learnerso I can ssh into port 88 ?01:45
FloodBot2pZombie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:45
ivarsonjohnjohn101: have you verified that the settings are stored?01:45
R-learnerKE1HA, I have access to both machines01:45
pZombieit starts booting, but then gets stuck at the CDrom01:46
R-learnerKE1HA, can I start ssh into port 88 insteead or port 22 ?01:46
pZombiewhich i read is normal, because a usb stick cannot do a full cdrom emulation01:46
bastid_raZorR-learner: yes, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config01:46
KE1HAR-learner, No, only way you can SSH to Port 88 is if they set that port to SSH, but I highly doubt they'd do that.01:46
johnjohn101ivarson, I can post my xorg.conf01:46
KE1HAR-learner, if you onw the server, yes, you can set the port to whatever you want.01:47
mikerujohnjohn101, use ubuntu.pastebin.com01:47
pZombieKe1ha - why would the startup disk creator be useful? And how would i use it?01:47
ivarsonjohnjohn101: nah.. just "grep <yourresolution> /etc/X11/xorg.conf" or something01:47
ivarsonjust to make sure its written ok01:48
KE1HApZombie, it puts the ISO on the USB key for you. The boots like a CD-Rom ISO01:48
mikeruwait, who reversed http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ in the channel topic?01:48
R-learnerKE1HA, yes I do own it, so can I change the Port from 22 to 88 in the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart ssh it should work fine ?01:48
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ivarsonjohnjohn101: btw are u using an old CRT monitor?01:48
pZombieke1ha - do you maybe use a special usb stick which can emulate a cdrom?01:49
turt1epZombie:  are you trying to USB boot a machine that doesn't have support for booting via USB in the bios?01:49
johnjohn101ivarson, no I have a 22" flat panel01:49
bastid_raZorR-learner: if you're behind a router you will need to portfoward the port to your internal ip as well.01:49
R-learnerKE1HA, I see almost the entire file been #d01:49
Zed`CAn someone point me to documentation on getting remote desktop working? I would like to control a VM from a mac. thx01:49
pZombieturt1e - i made a partition on my usb 250gb HDD, and i made it boot grub4dos01:49
KE1HApZombie, Yes, it makes a bootable ISO image so you can install from it.01:50
KE1HAR-learner, is this fer an Active Directory situation ?01:50
ivarsonjohnjohn101: is your desired resoltion mentioned in xorg.conf? and only that one?01:50
johnjohn101i just posted01:51
pZombieke1ha - sorry, but this makes no sense to me, because i have no clue which startup disk program you are talking about, and how it is supposed to make my usb stick or usb hdd bootable and put the iso on it. then make sure it all acts like a cdrom.01:51
johnjohn101ivarson:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/480192/01:51
KE1HApZombie, Ok, let me find a link fer you to read so it explains better.01:52
LintWadSeems whenever I try to install a package I get an error which returns "bcmwl-kernel-source failed to install". Anyone running into this? Know how to fix it?01:52
KE1HApZombie, : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick01:53
pZombieke1ha i already read that. the information it contains is less than incomplete01:53
SnakkahEvery time I start Rhythmbox, I get a notice that says something about a plugin needing to be installed. "ID3 tag demuxer." I tried searching for said plugin in Synaptic, and was led to something called "id3" and installed it. Still no luck getting this annoying notice to go away. It pops up every time I start Rhythmbox.01:53
KE1HAR-learner, is the machine your trying to SVN to an Active Directory machine ?01:53
SnakkahIs there any way to get that notice to go away?01:53
KE1HApZombie, Well, System >> Statup Disk Creator, that's all there is too it.01:54
pZombiethere is no usb-creator.exe on the 10.4 server ISO01:54
pZombieyou assume i already have a ubuntu system installed, right?01:54
KE1HApZombie, then you select the ISO, and the USB Key and go, that's it, no magic to it.01:55
KE1HApZombie, Use the Live CD from a System that you Can connect to the Inet too / with, and download the ISO image and do the same.01:55
bastid_raZorpZombie: since you're less than forthcoming of all the information.. if you're using windows then use 'unetbootin'01:56
pZombiei think i understand now where all the confusion came from01:57
pZombieyou were assuming i am very experienecd with ubuntu and that i already have it installed01:57
Licuadora!ubuntu | pZombie01:57
ubottupZombie: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:58
pZombiewow thanks, now i know!01:58
turt1epZombie:  so explain to us the current state of the system as far as operating systems installed on it.  and how you got Grub loaded on it01:58
pZombiei have win32bit, win64bit, and plan on linux ubuntu server because i want to test xen01:59
mikeruhopefully that will take care of the burning smell in my macbook01:59
pZombiei want to have several OSes installed, and be able to switch between them, with all having hardware access01:59
pZombienot sure if xen will do that for me, but i want to try it02:00
mikeruOOPS wrong channel hahahah02:00
pZombiethe grub4dos is on a 250gb external usb hdd i managed to partition and make bootable02:00
KE1HApZombie, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot#Install%20Ubuntu%20after%20Windows02:00
ilovefairuzpZombie: why not use virtualbox ?02:00
KE1HABackup your data first !!02:01
ilovefairuz!hi | duanpiyu02:01
ubottuduanpiyu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:01
LintWadIm getting a bcwml-kernel-source failure when I try to install packages, any clue what might be causing this? Anyone want to give me a hand?02:01
KE1HAor Yes, VMware / VirtualBox ose02:01
turt1epZombie:  ok, and just to be clear,  this system has no support for booting via USB in the bios right?02:01
pZombiebecause virtualbox does not allow to install 32bit or 64bit drivers. it uses emulated drivers02:01
pZombietrut1e - yes, it does. it actually boots grub4dos, the menu02:01
pZombiebut grub4dos, while it can run some ISOs, is not a substitute for a read CDrom booting sequence02:02
pZombieit works only up until some point, for some indepth reason i only partly understood02:02
pZombiehas something to do with int1302:02
ilovefairuzLintWad: pastebin02:02
KE1HApZombie, the Install a Dual Boot Native System.02:02
LintWadilovefairuz, the error report?02:02
ilovefairuzLintWad: yes02:02
pZombiedual boot means that i have to boot every OS02:03
pZombiei want xen so all OSes run parallel02:03
LibertyZeropZombie: Low Level Virtualization can be very tricky. Have you already asked the guys over at #ubuntu-server?02:03
ilovefairuz!enter | pZombie02:03
ubottupZombie: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:03
turt1epZombie:  wait,  if you have a bios option that you can set the boot order to USB first I don't understand why you are using grub4dos02:03
KE1HApZombie, Pass, can't help with that.,02:03
pZombieLibertyZero - No need yet. First i need to get the server installed on this PC without cdrom02:04
johnjohn101ivarson:  I had to reboot. and it still came up as 1024x76802:04
LintWadilovefairuz, I'm somewhat new to dealing with these problems. I seem to be having trouble getting the error report to output.02:04
KE1HAturt1e, it's a paravirtual enviroment.02:05
LintWadLet me try something real quick.02:05
glickhey in ubuntu how do i reload postgres?02:05
pZombieturtl1e - i was using it because it allows me to install a lot of other ISOs. Just ubuntu server fails at some point using it02:06
ilovefairuzLintWad: open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source02:06
=== zeeek is now known as Guest41541
SaladCopperI am having USB speed issues with a fresh install of 10.04 Getting about 800kbps. How do I check if the drive is being mounted synchronously and whether it is being mounted as a USB 2.0 device?02:06
xNicecan i use vnc or other to view the current desktop? i dont want to start another x session i want to use the same one running in my monitor02:07
detrate`is youtube-dl working for anyone else? I've tried about 6 videos without luck02:07
KE1HAdetrate`, http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/#02:07
ilovefairuzglick: sudo service postgresql-8.4 restart02:07
IdleOneyoutube-dl is an app02:07
detrate`I don't think you understood the question >> youtube-dl is an app02:07
KE1HAput the url in that box, it will check it for you02:08
IdleOnedetrate`: msg me the link I'll try02:08
KE1HAOh, SRI mate.02:08
KE1HAI thought you met the Site. Whoops :-)02:08
pZombiegoing to try unetbootin now first just because it s the fastest i have access to. if that does not work, i try the live C ke1ha suggested.02:08
ilovefairuzSaladCopper: unplug is; sudo tail -f /var/log/messages; plug it and watch for relevant messages02:08
=== hannibal is now known as Guest41782
BeeBuumy program was killed unexpectly, i think maybe it was over the source of system,how can i know how many source used of my running program?02:09
ilovefairuz!hi | xNice02:09
ubottuxNice: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:09
KE1HApZombie,  I dont set up those env's so not much help on that configuration.02:09
SaladCopperilovefairuz: thanks! is udev responsibile for the task of automounting usb drives, or is it gvfs or something?02:09
ilovefairuzBeeBuu: use gnome-system-monitor for htop in terminal02:09
ilovefairuzSaladCopper: udev + udisks02:10
BeeBuuilovefairuz: i had run htop02:10
SaladCopperilovefairuz: thank you!02:10
BeeBuubut i can't see more msg..02:10
pZombieke1ha - i am completely clueless what awaits me. vmware esxi didn t work at all. all i got was a screen telling me that my network card was not compatible, and no option to install guest OSes02:11
ilovefairuzBeeBuu: what "message" are you looking for?02:11
xNicecan i use vnc or other to view the current desktop? i dont want to start another x session i want to use the same one running in my monitor02:11
=== tyler is now known as Guest2813
Guest2813what's the keyboard shortcut for creating a symbolic link?  I remember you have to hold something down whilst dragging the folder to it's location02:11
KE1HApZombie, I dont work in parallel environments, I've never needed that. VM-ESX may halp but have no idea really.02:12
BeeBuuilovefairuz: for example, stack size02:12
BeeBuuwhere i can get that?02:12
Suit_Of_Sablesdoes anyone know of a media library for video? I want to be able to tag my movie files by director and genre and be able to sort/browse them by such tags. :) adding movie poster/cover art would be awesome to :D02:12
pZombiei need paravirtualization for dummies, so i don t bother with something as unintuitive like vmware esxi02:13
Suit_Of_SablesI use guayadeque for music and calibre for books. just need something for all my videos!02:13
=== Guest2813 is now known as Mike2
Mike2what's the keyboard shortcut for creating a symbolic link?  I remember you have to hold something down whilst dragging the folder to it's location02:13
KE1HAI suggest the #ubuntu-server channel :-)02:13
pZombiewhat i imagine is me installing xen, then get a menu which OSes i want to install, and then be able to switch between them in an easy manner02:13
pZombiei will go there once i got server installed02:14
Blue1Mike2: ln -s <source> <destination>02:14
ilovefairuzBeeBuu: /proc/$PID/ has all that's there to know about a process02:14
pZombieanyway, thanks for the help.. got to reboot now, unetbootin is done - bbl02:14
Tac_Homedoes anyone in here have 10.04 installed on and acer aspire one netbook, that's gotten microphone/video working?02:15
Tac_Homewith skype ( sorry )02:15
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:15
BeeBuuilovefairuz: thanks, let me check that. tons of thanks to you.02:15
Tac_Homexangua, that was my question.... video/microphone does not work with skype...02:16
xNicecan someone point me to the solution to remote desktop access viewing the current running x session...i dont want to start new x session like vnc doing02:16
ilovefairuzxangua: i suggest you use !details, it's a lot easier to understand02:16
ilovefairuzTac_Home: have you check the input table in sound preferences?02:17
bebo_m_zhi i need help when i get install update from update manager and when remove a program get a masseage say package operation failed02:17
BeeBuuilovefairuz: any document about that /proc/$PID/stack ? i don't know what the mean about the context in it02:18
edbianHow do I do something with sudo on a live CD?  What's the password?02:18
xNiceedbian: sudo passwd root02:19
xNiceand put your own root passwd02:19
ilovefairuzBeeBuu: there are some tools to analyze the whole directory, let me try to find a link02:19
ilovefairuzedbian: no root password or sudo password needed for livecd02:21
edbianilovefairuz, I noticed :)02:21
BeeBuuilovefaiuz: thanks, you are so kind02:21
pinPointi need help with my cron.02:21
pinPointi made a cron to run in intervals in ubuntu 802:22
pinPointno im upgraded to 10.04 lts and cannot get crontab -e to work02:22
geekaiai'm having some problems to setup OpenLdap02:22
pinPointit just returns a nuber02:22
Blue1pinPoint: try sudo crontab -e02:22
geekaiaon ubuntu 10.0402:22
geekaiaanyone can help me02:23
pinPointBlue1: it returns 86802:23
ilovefairuz!details | geekaia, all on one line02:23
ubottugeekaia, all on one line: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:23
edbianIf I want to install software from the repos on the live CD do I have to do anything special?02:23
Blue1pinPoint: when you do a sudo crontab -e ?02:23
pinPointBlue1: no crontab for root - using an empty one02:23
Blue1pinPoint: hmm dunno  -- it works priv/unpriv for me.02:24
turt1eBeeBuu:  would this help?  http://www.linuxforums.org/articles/understanding-proc_82.html02:24
Tac_Homeilovefairuz, sorry .... so anyways video / microphone work outside of skype.... but skype doesn't pick up either... I do  test call, and get nothing, and when I click test video, the little video box hangs..02:24
Tac_Homeilovefairuz, i test microphone with sound recorder, and video with cheese02:24
gsergiuhello there, ubuntu newbie here, can anyone tell me what's the shortcut to show desktop? like WINDOWS+D in windows?02:25
turt1eTac_Home:  I remember in Skype there being an option for selecting which hardware device to use for outputing audio, mic, etc...   did you see that by chance?02:25
pZombieturt1e - amazing, how easy unetbootin worked. it works02:25
bebo_m_zhi i need help when i get install update from update manager and when remove a program get a masseage say package operation failed02:25
geekaia_Do you know any tutorial that implements OpenLdap and Samba on Ubuntu 10.04 ??02:26
valbacagsergiu, ctrl+alt+D02:26
ilovefairuzgsergiu: ctrl + alt + d02:26
Oph5pr1n6Is it necessary to upgrade to 10.4.1 if I'm already using 10.4?02:27
Qudiehello everyone02:27
rwwOph5pr1n6: no02:27
rwwOph5pr1n6: 10.04.1 = 10.04 + the routine updates you should have been getting already02:27
pZombieturt1e - of course it killed my original MBR booting grub4dos, but that can be fixed easy later. i have one more question however if you happen to know. is what unetbootin does with one ISO, possible with many ISOs, so i can pick which ISO to install, or do i have to use unetbootin everytime i want to install a different ISO without the CD?02:27
pinPointBlue1: i made a cron file a while back on 802:27
turt1epZombie:  very cool, glad you got that resolved.  and I'll have to file unetbootin away for future use.  Hadn't seen that one before02:27
BeeBuuturt1e: let me see02:28
gsergiuthanis, also in pidgin can anyone tell me how to reconnect to you yahoo after going offline? there's no "Connect" button http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/9404/screenshotcm.png02:28
pinPointBlue1: now I am getting emails set from my script. all over sudden. There is a .sh tied to cron somewhere that updates my IP02:28
Oph5pr1n6Okay Thanks!02:28
gsergiuthanks* and its empathy not pidgin, im sorry its late02:28
pinPointBlue1: how do I look into that crob job?02:28
xanguagsergiu: that's not pidgin02:28
Tac_Hometurt1e, there are only options for pulse audio for the sound prefs, and WebCam ( /dev/video0 ) for video.. no other options02:28
gsergiuI know I rectified :D02:28
turt1epZombie:  I've never used unetbootin before02:28
itsux2buwhat is unetbootin?02:29
xanguagsergiu: just clic in the indicator session aplet and set your status online02:29
Blue1pinPoint: easeast way is just to edit the file:  crontab -e   or sudo crontab -e02:29
pinPointBlue1: i just returns 86802:29
pinPointwhat does that mean02:29
Blue1pinPoint: don't know you'd have to google that one -02:29
pZombieitsux2bu - it s a program i used in windows to get ubuntu 10.4 server onto my usb HDD and make it bootable, so i can install without a CD rom drive02:29
gsergiuit's greyed out02:30
KE1HAitsux2bu, easier to read than explain: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/02:30
pZombieit extracts the ISO and creates the right MBR on a usb stick/hdd02:30
mhzdyri want to ask02:30
mhzdyrhow to reload a service samba in ubuntu 10.0402:30
xanguagsergiu: how about in the empathy window¿02:31
gsergiuxangua: I can't find a connect button in the empathy window02:31
gsergiuxangua: i must say this new default messenger is a piece of garbage, and if I uninstall it I'll have right upper icon with the message icon just laying around useless02:32
xanguagsergiu: clic where it says 'offline'02:32
itsux2buKE1HA, does it just turn a usb drive into an install drive?02:32
KE1HAmhzdyr, sudo service smdb restart02:32
turt1eTac_Home:  so the drop down menus in those device sections only give you one option, or does it present multiple to choose from.  If so have you gone down the list trying each available device?02:32
mhzdyrKE1HA thank you02:32
Tac_Hometurt1e, no, just one option for everything02:32
* kakoi away: [bt] horario: 22:3202:32
rwwubottu: away > kakoi02:33
ubottukakoi, please see my private message02:33
KE1HAitsux2bu, is can do either I believe, LiveUSB ot install to the HD02:33
=== wildbat_laptop is now known as wildbat
gsergiuxangua: works xangua, do you have any clue why I can't select my status from the indicator session?02:33
xanguagsergiu: looks like when you put 'offline' in the indicator session you can't change it back, happens the same to me with pidgin02:34
turt1eTac_Home:  hmmm... then if your devices work ok outside of Skype then it most likely is a skype issue.  and because  it's proprietary it's tuff getting issues like these resolved02:34
Tac_Hometurt1e, it's funny because the only reason I'm trying to get skype working, is because google doesn't support video chat in gmail for linux, and I figured this would work :-p02:34
gsergiuxangua: i'm "invisible" right now but still can't change it02:34
Tac_Hometurt1e, I didn't expect much 'support' for those very reasons... I was more or less hoping someone else had run into a similar issue02:35
zuscan images be erased from dvd rw?02:36
turt1eTac_Home: what version ubuntu are you running again?02:36
Tac_Home10.04, netbook remix02:37
h00kTac_Home: Sorry, I missed your question, what was it again?02:38
bebo_m_zhit to all02:38
Tac_Homeh00k video/mic don't work in skype, but work in sound recorder/cheese02:38
bebo_m_zi need help when i get install update from update manager and when remove a program get a masseage say package operation failed02:39
ilovefairuzzus: not particular files, all the disk at once02:39
zusseriously i cant get braserio or k3b to erase a dvd rw02:39
ToStItOsI have a 3G usb cellular modem. I installed wvdial but now I need to edit the Isp info. how do I do this???02:39
h00kTac_Home: Ah, I'm not sure then, I know it works on my netbook in both places. Ensure the sound settings are set to PulseAudio02:39
mhzdyrafter i reload smbd with #service smbd restart...the result is smbd start/running, process 6260. Is that right result?02:39
h00kTac_Home: incoming/outgoing/ring02:39
Tac_Homeh00k, they are, they are the only options as well02:40
coz_ToStItOs,  if no one  knows here right at this moment   try the  ##linux channel02:40
Tac_Homeh00k, sound works, mic doesn't02:40
dclakewhere can I get evolution express which should be in 10.10 netbook?02:40
ilovefairuzzus: wodim blank=fast02:40
KE1HAmhzdyr, looks ok to me.02:40
xanguadclake: just launch: evolution -express or something like that02:40
turt1eTac_Home:  if you have the capability of booting into a liveCD/USB  then you may try 9.10 and install skype in a live session and see if it works on a downgraded version of ubuntu02:40
zusilovefairuz,  keeps asking for blank media.. i'd have blank media if it only did what i want whats wodim?02:41
dclakedo I do that from terminal?02:41
Tac_Hometurt1e, I don't have the usb here, it's in the office, but I could do that at some point02:41
ilovefairuzzus: a shell command, open a terminal and type it02:41
Blue1Tac_Home: I have skype installed here on 10.04 (64 bit) seems okay - and it works on my netbook (32 bit)02:41
pZombiedoes anyone know if recent motherboards have an "intel trng" or similar hardware random number generator included?02:42
xanguadclake: evolution --express ; only works with evolution 2.30, i have 2.28 in lucid02:42
turt1eTac_Home:  I had to do that for my sister's Acer,  skype would only work on 8.10, but not 9.04 if I remember correctly02:42
Blue1pZombie: not that I know of - realise that random number generation is really pseudo random numbers02:42
dclakeit tells me it does not recognise the comand02:42
Tac_HomeBlue1, which netbook?  I have an acer aspire one02:42
mhzdyrhow to configuration for sharing printer in smb.conf?02:42
Blue1Tac_Home: that's what I have02:42
Tac_HomeBlue1, 250?02:43
Blue1Tac_Home: yes02:43
pZombieblue1 - not if it is done via an intel trng which some motherboards have. i am trying to check if mine has one, which i doubt02:43
Blue1Tac_Home: with 2 gig/ram02:43
Tac_HomeBlue1, did you install skype via synaptic?02:43
Dr_Willismhzdyr:  i thought it was conigured that way by default.02:43
Blue1Tac_Home: negative02:43
Tac_Homewait, maybe i didn't either... I think I tried but it wasn't in there02:44
Tac_Homemaybe I'll try re-installing :-/02:44
zusilovefairuz,  well tried it wont work its aborting,... im out of a dvd rw...02:44
Blue1Tac_Home: yeha I just grabbed it off their site and installed it...the 64 bit one is an alpha iirc but seems to work fine02:44
dclakeis evolution 2.30 available?02:44
KE1HApZombie, that would be an Intel HW questoin, not a UB general support question.02:44
mhzdyrDr_Willis, succesful?02:44
Dr_Willismhzdyr:  uncomment the proper lines that have ; at the front. remove the ;   (thats a comment character like #)02:44
turt1eTac_Home:  I hope it's that simple for you!  ;)02:44
ToStItOsHow do I edit the isp info in wvdial???02:44
dclakethink I found something on it02:45
Dr_Willismhzdyr:  ive shared printers befor with minimal effort. Cups does most of the work.  I got a networked printer now. no pc needed. so havent used cups/samba for a printer share in 9+ Mo.02:45
Blue1ToStItOs: wow I haven't used dailup in about a decade pretty rusty...02:45
pZombieke1ha - the UB question was going to follow once i found out if i have such hardware, but you are right02:45
stickyToStItOs, gedit wvdial.conf ?02:45
ilovefairuzzus: if you don't have a dvd rw disk in the dvd drive, then what were you trying to erase?02:45
xanguadclake: you can try a PPA under your own risk and safetely remove it woth ppa-purge; first, do you have ppa-purge¿02:45
Dr_Willismhzdyr:  the default print$ share I Thought handled it all02:45
stickyToStItOs, http://linux.die.net/man/1/wvdial02:45
EpiclyHey does anyone know the help section of Ubuntu IRC?02:46
Epiclyi forgot the name02:46
zusilovefairuz,  the disc is in the drive, of course,..02:46
ToStItOsBlue1, I am actually using a 3G usb broadband modem02:46
stickyToStItOs, http://linux.die.net/man/5/wvdial.conf02:46
dclakewhere do i get the ppa-purge and what does it do?02:46
zusilovefairuz,  im trying to erase an old LinuxMint image so i can have a blank dvd...02:46
ToStItOsI have to use wvdial to get it to recognized02:46
stickyToStItOs, <yourphonenumber>@<yourprovider> for username, and then <yourprovider> typically for password, and number #77702:46
Epiclyis it a CD-R?02:46
Epiclywont work02:47
Epiclythey cant rewrite02:47
Blue1ToStItOs: well wvdial, iirc is for dailup02:47
* sticky hears a wood duck outside02:47
ToStItOssticky a question what if I do not have user name and password and I just have a phone number????02:47
Epiclynot sure whu but yeah02:47
stickyBlue1, what do you think 3g modems are....02:47
stickyToStItOs, yes...read what I said02:48
Blue1sticky: I dunno, I don't have one....02:48
zusi know dvd and cd "R" cant but why wont a "RW" not be formatted?02:48
stickyBlue1, cell modems == dialup modems that are way faster02:48
Blue1sticky: ahh02:48
Blue1sticky: but the question is....in the world of broadband.....nvm02:48
ToStItOssticky thanks a lot02:48
ilovefairuzzus: is the disk rw?02:49
stickyToStItOs, no problem02:49
segalocookay, quick question that nobody else could answer :P02:49
stickyBlue1, what's your question?02:49
segalocoso im installing gcc 4.5.1 from source, could i remove the 4.4.3 that came with ubuntu?02:49
zusilovefairuz,  dvd+RW yeah02:49
Blue1sticky: why dialup in a broadband world?02:49
stickyBlue1, because that's how it works02:49
segaloco(i cant though the normal channels as its a dependency of a lot of stuff :P)02:49
ilovefairuzzus: what happens when you run: wodim blank=fast02:49
Blue1sticky: I have a plain jane cell phone - so......02:49
KE1HABlue1, BB availability, not always an option.02:50
stickyBlue1, even that phone would call #777 if it was to access the net02:50
mhzdyris different between content smb.conf before ubuntu 10.04?02:50
Blue1sticky: it's so plain jane, that even lipstick wouldn't make it look like a pig02:50
zusilovefairuz,  one sec02:50
ToStItOshad to install gedit02:50
stickyToStItOs, here's an old guide that I found on google. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23563002:50
stickyToStItOs, gedit/nano/pico/vi/vim/kedit, any of them would work02:51
epinkysegaloco: are you using --prefix ;?02:51
zusilovefairuz,  i got Errno: 5 (Input/output error), blank unit scsi sendcmd: no error,02:51
Blue1KE1HA: DE ka5fve - -thanks didn't know that....I guess unlike at&t that bp oil slick is guarenteed to cover everyone.  ;-)02:51
segalocoits in /usr/local (id do just /usr and overwrite... but can you overwrite the compiler with the compiler???)02:51
segalocoand package management would probably start acting weird then :X02:52
yuehaiDoes anyone ever use the asynchronous mode for samba? I tried it but failed.02:52
KE1HAIndeed :-)02:52
* sticky moves away from #ubuntu 02:52
stickyI've been helpful enough02:52
zusilovefairuz,  before that it detected the disc and tried to erase but then it stops and aborts02:52
stickyToStItOs, if you need more help just /msg me02:52
yuehaiI rebuilt the samba with "--with-aio-support" and add "aio read size=1" the smb.conf, but the requests seems still synchronous.02:52
ToStItOsI will in a sec02:52
epinkysegaloco: if you're using --prefix then no problemo, else be careful02:53
ilovefairuzzus: looks like the disk is busted02:53
Blue1yuehai: the article pointed to here:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=309  might help - YMMV applies02:53
segalocoah, well still, wont it mess with package management either way, its expecting 4.4.3-ubuntu or whatever, and im putting 4.5.1 in its place :X02:53
cheese1756Hello #ubuntu! I have one quick question: What do you think is the best Ubuntu compatible wireless card?02:53
segalococheese1756: i use a linksys WUSB100v2 and it gets me by :P02:54
Blue1cheese1756: one that works02:54
segalocoanything with ralink chips in it02:54
segalocobcm is .. tricky02:54
cheese1756Blue1: My criteria is that it works well02:54
Blue1so is atheros02:54
ilovefairuzcheese1756: intel stuff usually works fine02:54
yuehaiBlue1, thanks!02:54
zusilovefairuz,  it cant be, i used it to make the image file... however never ever had i needed to re-use a disc before02:54
cheese1756Thanks, I'll look both of those up02:54
segalocomy best experience have been WUSB54GC and WUSB100v2 ;) both ralink02:54
segalocomy worst experience (not even working) was WUSB54GSCv2 <_<02:55
Blue1i had problems with atheroes in 9.10 on my netbook, had to backport - fixed in 10.0402:55
segalocoand that was b43 or something02:55
ilovefairuzzus: why not, could be bad media02:55
segalocodang tests on gcc take forever :P02:55
zusilovefairuz,  true, my maxwelldvd+RW werent even detected  and they're new02:56
segalocoso while im messing with gcc, whats everyone else up to in ubuntu land :P02:56
BiggFREEWhy my display desktop of Ubuntu 10.04 is wrong and all icons of my up taskbar are always moving at each start or restart ?02:57
Blue1segaloco: I spent 2 hours yesterday getting automount to work02:57
segalocoah, i had automount screwed up for about a month02:57
BiggFREEI am using an LCD monitor.02:57
segalocothe culprit, a second install of glib i did myself :P02:57
zusilovefairuz,  but would it then only  burn and image boot up into mint and then decided its bad media on re-write?02:57
segalocoturns out glib doesnt play nice with other versions still installed02:57
N3VV3Khi guys i have a computer with ubuntu on the whole harddrive id like to shrink the partion and install windows xp on half of it how could i install the boot loader and shrink the partion with out wiping out my ubuntu partion02:57
Blue1segaloco: tis easy, once you look at /var/messages and realise that notail is an invalid option for ext402:58
cheese1756Does anyone know any good PCI Ubuntu compatible wireless cards?02:58
BiggFREEWhy my display desktop of Ubuntu 10.04 is wrong and all icons of my up taskbar are always moving at each start or restart ?02:58
BiggFREEI am using an LCD monitor.02:58
Blue1!hcl | cheese175602:58
ubottucheese1756: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:58
ilovefairuzzus: reading and rewriting are very different02:58
zusilovefairuz,  ill try a few others then,... im sure i can find a disc i can delete....thanks for the help i didnt know what wodim was :)02:58
segalocobut yeah, it was glib in my case02:58
XuzzSo I'm trying to switch to Ubuntu, I /really/ want to stop using all this closed-source crap.02:58
=== JamesVoss is now known as _james
XuzzBut I'm finding it really hard to want to use Ubuntu once I start.02:59
Blue1Xuzz: how can we help get you there?02:59
BiggFREEAnyone ?02:59
Blue1Xuzz: start with wubi02:59
segalocoonly closed source thing i use is the nvidia graphics driver :P02:59
XuzzBlue1: I'm on osx.02:59
Blue1Xuzz: linux running under windows02:59
Blue1Xuzz: my bad02:59
XuzzI don't use Windows.02:59
XuzzI did mess with it in a VM, and it worked reasonably well there.02:59
BiggFREEIt is a NDIVIA card.03:00
=== _james is now known as JamesVoss
Blue1Xuzz: is dual boot an option for the mac?03:00
Xuzzbut when i installed it, i had to go steal my wifi card out of my laptop to be able to get internet03:00
zusilovefairuz,  i got one of them +/- tscorp dvd burnners  worked well on my cd's  but dvd's03:00
segalocoman, the gcc checks are taking a toll on my performance Dx03:00
XuzzBlue1: It is: I'm fine with Linux usage, it's just getting it setup is the issue,03:00
XuzzMy iPhone didn't work correctly to let me sync once I finally got online.03:00
ilovefairuzzus: i have one and works fine with dvds03:00
cheese1756Blue1: Yes, it's called Boot Camp03:00
mhzdyris update important?03:01
BiggFREEWhy my display desktop of Ubuntu 10.04 is wrong and all icons of my up taskbar are always moving at each start or restart ?03:01
XuzzAnd just a bunch of other small, "not working" things.03:01
BiggFREEI am using an LCD monitor.03:01
BiggFREEIt is a NDIVIA card.03:01
cheese1756Blue1: It's made for dual booting Windows but it works perfectly well with Ubuntu03:01
XuzzOf course, I might just not know how to make them work, but shouldn't Ubuntu just work out of the (proverbial) box?03:01
segalocowell, worst case scenario you could try to install more gnu and open source stuff on mac os x :P03:01
segalocoXuzz: not always03:01
Xuzzsegaloco: :(03:01
Blue1BiggFREE: once you get things set up... try System/Preferences/Startup Applications/Options/Remember currently running application (check mark)03:02
segalocoalthough it is one of the simplest linuxes to set up03:02
segalocoim sure it can be done, in fact, i know it can be done03:02
segalocomy friend with a mac had ubuntu set up03:02
segalocoi just cant remember how he did it...03:02
* kakoi voltou: [off] duração: 29mins 42secs03:02
segalocoits something with the EFI, choosing boot devices is... different03:02
cheese1756Xuzz: Most of the time it works out of the box, there is a mac compatibility list out there somewhere03:02
Blue1BiggFREE: click on I mean...03:02
BiggFREEThanks a lot ... Blue103:02
Blue1BiggFREE: hope that helps...03:03
XuzzI find it sad that my computer here (random PC) worked easier with getting OSX working (not even allowed via EULA!) than getting Ubuntu up to the same level :(03:03
segalocosimple is too boring for me though >:D03:03
segalocothats why im replacing a ton of the major system components from source03:03
BiggFREEI will try03:03
q_a_z_steveokay, my liveCD session is totally hosed, I just hit Ctrl+Alt+Del and got a box full of [] [] [] . I clicked the first one, what did I pick?03:03
segalocowhat version?03:04
segalocoshutdown if its the same as mine03:04
segalocothen again ive replaced so much from source its not even right to call it ubuntu anymore :P03:04
q_a_z_steveit's definitely not going quietly...03:04
ilovefairuzXuzz: it's a free country down here, feel free to try other distros and see what works well for you03:04
segaloco:D first build test is successful on gcc03:05
segalocospeaking of distros and whatnot, ive always wondered, could lfs be built from mac os x? or does it have to be a linux kernel03:05
Blue1segaloco: I always thought mac was bsd based....03:06
pgpkeysI pledge allegiance to the Ubuntu of the united countries of the world. And to the freedom for which it stands, One user under no one, with liberty and computing freedom for all!03:06
segalocoyeah, sorta :P03:06
segalocobsd isnt linux though, its bsd xD03:06
Blue1pgpkeys: I pledge no allegiance to Mark Shuttleworh03:06
syn-acksegaloco: has to be a linux based host, though it's offtopic03:06
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Xuzzilovefairuz: Are others more "otb" than Ubuntu?03:07
segalocoXuzz: in my experience, ubuntu is one of the simplest to set up and use03:07
cheese1756Blue1: Mac is unix based03:07
segalocothen theres fedora, a pain in the butt03:07
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segalococheese1756: unix like doesnt necessarily mean linux03:07
pgpkeysso glad I don't work for redhat anymore.03:07
segalocoand bsd is a unix-like kernel too :P03:07
Xuzzsegaloco: ok, if ubuntu is too hard for me, I'm staying away from linux then :/03:07
xawanHey all! I wanna know...the best free way to play games of windows (like starcraft) on ubuntu :B03:07
cheese1756pgpkeys: How is redhat? I've never tried it.03:08
pgpkeysrpm was killin me. give me dpkg/apt any day (native, not alien)03:08
segaloconah, its just your mac, theres a way to do it, i know it03:08
syn-ackcheese1756: OS X is Darwin based, not BSD based03:08
ilovefairuzXuzz: some strive to be an OTB experience (regardless of how does it compare to ubuntu, could do better at things and worest at others) try fedora or opensuse03:08
segalocomacs are different from pc's in system setup03:08
Blue1I cut my teeth os SuSE  but 11.0 was so bad...03:08
Xuzzilovefairuz: ok03:08
segalocosyn-ack: darwin is bsd based :P03:08
pgpkeyscheese1756 ~ solid distribution, until you start making RPms or trying to resolve RPM dependencies03:08
Xuzzsegaloco: this is a PC03:08
Xuzzsegaloco: (just happens to be running OSX)03:08
segalocoin that sense yes03:08
syn-acksegaloco: not completely03:08
pZombieis there anything BSD cna do which linux cannot and vice versa?03:08
segalocooh, you running osx86 or something?03:08
Xuzzsegaloco: yeah03:08
syn-acksegaloco: it's got a mach kernel03:08
cheese1756pgpkeys: The only thing I don't like about it is that it's paid. Doesn't that defeat the point of Linux?03:09
segalocothen it uses BIOS and not EFI, it should be simple to set up compared to osx86, that's a nightmare @_@03:09
Xuzzosx uses a hybrid of freebsd and mach03:09
Xuzzan insane hybrid, IMO, but meh03:09
segalocosyn-ack: yeah, i was about to say that, busy talking to Xuzz dX03:09
pgpkeysuhh no not really03:09
segalocobut yeah, Xuzz: just get the iso, burn it, and pop it in03:09
segalocoshould work03:09
pgpkeysyou're paying for the support and additional addons they've written from scratch that are not released to the general public if you so desired they were written03:09
Xuzzsegaloco: if my wifi works... that'd be awesome03:09
segalocoBIOS is much easier to work with than EFI (well i dunno, its just what most are more familiar with)03:09
Xuzzsegaloco: because i had to use some ndiswrapper crap last time03:10
segalocowhat card do you have?03:10
syn-ackI love my EFI03:10
Xuzz(the bcm43xx website says mine is not supported)03:10
mawstI keep hearing that, wth is EFI?03:10
segalocoyeah, bcm43xx is a tough cookie03:10
segaloco:/ i dunno what to say then03:10
syn-ackmawst: it's a BIOS replacement03:10
Ddordahow do i reinstall a program via apt-get?03:10
segalocoits not a matter of the distro, its a matter of whatever the current kernel has in its driver pool03:10
Xuzzsegaloco: weirdly, every computer in my house (all 5) have bcm43xx cards :(03:11
segalocoDdorda: like if you removed it or something?03:11
Xuzzwhich the mac natively supports :/03:11
Blue1Ddorda: depends - normally you'd remove it, then install it again - then there's the purge option which is akin to kill03:11
Ddordasegaloco: no. to reinsatll03:11
rwwDdorda: sudo apt-get --reinstall install packagenamehere03:11
Ddordarww: thanks :)03:11
segalocowell, i dunno, a friend of mine has this same problem (a different chip, but still bcm43xx)03:11
Blue1rww: I've had problems with that  why I nuke first03:11
segalocobcm43xx is just a nasty family to use compared with ralink cards and the such03:11
* syn-ack kisses is ath5k03:12
pZombiei want to write my own OS03:12
syn-ackRule #1 when shopping for new hardware. ALWAYS check the HCL03:12
pgpkeysath9k here03:12
doctorZeuson the Ubuntu download site, next to the 64 bit version it says: Not recommended for daily desktop usage .. all patronizing aside, can someone elaborate what this really means?  Is it simply considered to be "not completely stable"?03:13
segalocowell, due to the legacy of 32bit03:13
segalocoa lot of stuff has some stuff that makes it ... kinda yucky on 64bit03:13
macodoctorZeus: more to do with people not knowing whether they have 32 or 64 but figuring big number = better and downloading something incompatible03:13
Blue1doctorZeus: I use the 64 bit version for daily use03:13
syn-ackdoctorZeus: well, OS wise, it's completely stable, but you may run into some things not working(right) on 64 bit03:13
pgpkeysnot sure. I run a 64bit every day03:13
segalocothat too :p03:13
sam555hello all!03:14
macodoctorZeus: meanwhile 64bit machines can run 32bit03:14
syn-ackor are just a pain in the butt to get working03:14
segaloco64bit for me though ;)03:14
pZombiethe world is moving to 64bit03:14
sam555i had a dual boot of ubuntu 9 and win7.  I had to reinstall win7 and now I'm not seeing the grub.  Any ideas?03:14
segalocothere is just a handful of software that doesnt work with 64bit03:14
macodoctorZeus: there's also not a native flash player for 64bit currently, but the ubuntu packages are made to workaround that anyway so in practice it ends up not mattering03:14
Blue1doctorZeus: however, the 32 bit flash shipped with the 64 bit firefox, makes it quite unstable03:14
syn-ackAnd considering that Adobe pulled their 64 bit flashplayer, you get really REALLY crappy flash support in 64 bit linux03:14
segaloco(although in ubuntu at least you can install 32bit libraries and run 32bit software anyway :P)03:14
Blue1segaloco: yes but I have a copy on my ftp03:14
segalocosyn-ack: got it before they pulled it :P03:15
pgpkeysthe world has to moev to 64bit. 32bit has already been marked as legacy, manufacturers and software companies are rewriting for 64bit system or writing from scratch for them..03:15
pgpkeyspretty soon we'll probably end up having the first 128 bit machine released :)03:15
doctorZeusI just heard the christening hum of a new rig I just put together and was going to put 64 on there .. thanks for all the responses03:15
Blue1segaloco: http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=16103:15
segalocospeaking of 32bit vs 64bit, i havent checked in forever03:15
segalocois wine 64bit native yet?03:15
syn-ackReally though, 64 bit is alright if you have a need for. Heck I have 64 bit machine and I'm running Ubuntu 32 bit for the time being03:15
Blue1segaloco: they do have a 64 bit version, yes03:16
segalocono 32bit deps in any way?03:16
pZombie32bit is simply too little for the memory demands some new software requires03:16
cheese1756Does anyone have any experience with the TP-LINK TL-WN321G wireless adapter?03:16
pZombieyou run into tons of problems coding in 32bit03:16
cheese1756Or anything TP-Link?03:16
pZombiebecause of memory issues03:16
Blue1segaloco: i forced installed lightscribe (32 bit app) and installed the ia32 libs03:16
BiggFREEBlue1: My computer cannot remember the resolution settings after a start or a restart,03:16
pgpkeyspzombie ~ due to the 4GB limit, sure03:16
Oersam555, http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html03:16
Blue1BiggFREE: that's an X issue - and that's not my forte' unfortunately....03:17
BiggFREEBlue1: It is my main problem now.03:17
segalocoOer: shoot, speaking of windows and grub and whatnot03:17
segalocomines kinda backwards, my windows install is still there, but its lost its ... osness? i guess03:17
charmeri also run 64bit as my main OS, and have no issues with it whatsoever03:17
Blue1BiggFREE: we can check a couple of things03:17
segalocoNOTHING recognises it as a system disc03:17
Blue1BiggFREE: what country are you located in?03:17
sam555Oer: thanks!03:17
segalocono grub autoconfigure stuff, ubuntu doesnt request a password before mounting, etc....03:17
cheese1756If a driver is supported in Kubuntu, will it work in Ubuntu?03:17
segalocobut all the files are still on the hard drive, untouched, is there a way to save it :/03:17
syn-ackcharmer: I really didn't either. Just didn't feel like futzing with the 32 bit only software I install and making it work03:17
pgpkeysits just the progression of computing. another 50 years and we 8will* have 128 bit or greater systems03:17
Blue1BiggFREE: okay let's check the refresh rate...03:18
johnjohn101i want to have my 10.04 system boot to 1400x900. It boots to 1024x768 not matter what I try to configure.  can someone help?03:18
syn-ackcheese1756: yes03:18
syn-ackcheasee: drivers are kernel thing so yeah03:18
cheese1756syn-ack: Thanks. I've now found a good wireless card.03:18
Blue1BiggFREE: are you using any hardware drivers?03:18
segalocojohnjohn101: like... what do you mean, the desktop resolution, or the usplash/vterminals03:18
BiggFREEI do not03:18
pgpkeyscheese1756 ~ kubuntu is ubuntu with KDE for the desktop environment rather than gnome which is the default in ubuntu03:18
johnjohn101segaloco, the desktop resolution03:18
segalocookay, what video driver do you use?03:19
th0rjohnjohn101: it used to be done with a vga= parameter in the grub boot line, but I don't know now with grub203:19
BiggFREEIt is not a LCD PnP Monitor03:19
johnjohn101i use nvdia03:19
syn-ackcheasee: for best case man, I always suggest an Atheros based card. Preferably something that uses the ath5k driver03:19
Blue1BiggFREE: do:  lspci | grep VGA03:19
rtaibahHello guys. I got /boot on a seperate partition (around 100 MB,) now when I want to update newer kernels it tells me no space. So I went on and deleted older kernels and what not. "ls -lh" tells me /boot is still almost full, but in reality there no files that total up to more than 20 MB any ideas?03:19
Blue1BiggFREE: and post the line here03:19
segalocoah, i know that problem, just set the res to 1400x900 in the nvidia settings03:19
segalocothen.... lemme try and remember03:19
johnjohn101segaloco, I've done that a zillion times03:19
BiggFREEMy eyes are really bad tonight.03:19
segalocowait wait im not done :|03:19
johnjohn101and have have it save to xorg.conf03:20
segalocothen open up the regular monitor setting03:20
segalococlick no when it asks do you want to use yoru vendors tool03:20
Blue1rtaibah: 100 meg is too small for just about anything except maybe server03:20
segalocoand click apply in that window03:20
charmersyn-ack: i have only run across a single package that i couldnt get via the repos, and just found a 64-bit package for it on the dev's site.03:20
Chowderhi all. I just bought a laptop and its running Windows 7. Obviously I wanna get rid of Windows 7. However, when I booted up the live CD the touchpad wasn't working properly. Any advice? I'm on a lenovo Ideapad Z560 if that helps.03:20
segalocoif that doesnt fix it then its a different problem altogether03:20
segalocothen for a quick test03:20
johnjohn101segaloco, where is that monitors screen?03:20
syn-ackcharmer: I run a lot of *gasp* closed source stuff03:20
segalocosudo service gdm restart03:20
rtaibahBlue1 100mb works fine for a couple of kernels (2-3)03:20
segalocojohnjohn101 system->preferences->monitors03:21
Blue1rtaibah: YMMV I guess...03:21
johnjohn101segaloco, i got it brb03:21
pgpkeysyou might be running into the reserve limit of the fs for root03:21
pgpkeysuse tune2fs to change the reserved amount.03:21
pgpkeys-m iirc03:21
Blue1rtaibah: I installed ubuntu server and the best I could do, was to get it down to like 500 meg03:21
pgpkeysdon't drop below 3%03:21
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turt1eChowder: is the touchpad working at all, or just some of the features like scrolling not working?03:22
rtaibahBlue1 I don't know why I chose to put /boot on a different partition, I guess it was just something I picked up from Gentoo03:22
segalocodang, its been like an our since i started the make check-gcc on this....03:22
Blue1BiggFREE: are you there?03:23
Chowderturt1e, its pretty much not working at all. I move my finger around on the touchpad and the cursor moves like a minute alter03:23
johnjohn101segaloco, that fixed it03:23
segalocogood :D03:23
BiggFREE01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX - nForce GPU] (rev a3)03:23
rtaibahBlue1 Anyways, any ideas why its full? I mean just going through the files they could never add up to 90mb. 3 under 10 mb, the rest are in kb's03:23
johnjohn101wow, I've been struggling with it for months and months03:23
Blue1rtaibah: sorry beyond my experience level03:24
pgpkeysrtaibah ~ reread what i said\03:24
BiggFREEDid you read my post ? ... Blue103:24
segalocojohnjohn101: its because nvidia doesnt work with xorg.conf correctly or something03:24
segalocousing the builtin configuration writes it correctly03:24
Chowdersegaloco, doesn't the latest xorg not use the config?03:25
rtaibahpgpkeys, run tune2fs?03:25
segalocono clue03:25
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:25
Chowderpretty sure that's the case03:25
johnjohn101i am using nvidia 195.x. is there a way to get it use the latest nvidia?03:25
pgpkeysyes yes yes03:25
segalocojohnjohn, yeah03:25
segalocotheir nvidia unix drivers page03:25
segalocojust download the driver03:25
pgpkeysman tune2fs for more details. look at the -m switch03:25
segalocoput it... wherever03:25
segalocosudo service gdm stop03:25
segalocothen sh <name of the driver>03:26
segalocoand follow the directions03:26
johnjohn101ok i can do that03:26
pgpkeysand again, do not drop below 3% on the reserved space03:26
segalocoyou might need to chmod a+x it though03:26
pgpkeysanyways.. cig break03:26
rtaibahpgpkeys 10%?03:26
pgpkeysno, default is 5%03:26
Oersegaloco easy way is download the nvidia driver tru system > hardwaredrivers03:26
johnjohn101will I see any difference if I load freetype 2.4 on 10.04?03:27
segalocoits not up to date though03:27
Blue1BiggFREE:  can you do this, then pastebin the results:  grep -i glx /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:27
segalocohardwaredrivers has .. 192.x i think, the latest is 256.x or something03:27
tehuffhello... I have a clean install of ubuntu 10.04.  everything installed ok, but the generic SVGA driver was a little glitchy w/ my 64MB ATI agp 9200 card.  so, I upgrade via pkg manager to the incld. ATI drivers.  Big improvement.  But, now my fav screensaver glMATRIX doesn't work?  Am I missing some 3D lib?  What do I need to configure?  TIA.03:27
segalocoyeah, 256.44 is the latest03:27
johnjohn101so why are the 256.44 drivers not in a repo somewhere?03:28
segalocojust new is all03:28
pgpkeystehuff ~ naa, the ati cards goof with the screensavers that are gl based. even with the fglrx kernel mod installed03:28
segalocoati's implementation of opengl is probably to blame03:28
segalocoyeah, what pgp there said :v03:28
tehuffanything I can do?03:28
johnjohn101do u think they will ship with 10.10?03:28
segalocono clue03:29
segalocoi dont care what ubuntu ships with though, if i dont like it i grab the source and install the latest :P03:29
segaloco(or binary distribution on closed source stuff)03:29
segalocolike im doing with gcc right now :P03:29
johnjohn101only thing I dont like about that is that it doesn't show up in package mgmt03:29
segalocogcc is a bit out of date :P03:29
pgpkeysi'd do the same, i just hate having to pin everything03:29
tehuffbummer... luv that MATRIX screensaver  :(03:29
pgpkeyssort of defeatts the purpose of the pkg system :)03:30
segalocojohnjohn: yeah, i just ignore package managements existence03:30
segalocotehuff: i know, i use that one too :P03:30
tehuffthx all03:30
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tehuffwhat card segaloco?03:30
segaloconvidia :P03:30
pgpkeysyeah i use that damn triangle that bounces around the screen since the matrix one doesn't work with this ati card03:30
turt1eBiggFree:  isn't the issue you are having the exact same thing that johnjohn101 just resolved?03:30
segalocoati is ... funky03:30
pgpkeysthis is an 8800 or some such. i forget03:30
pgpkeyshp laptop03:31
johnjohn101i'm never going back to suse03:31
Blue1turt1e: that's why I am trying to see what driver he's using...03:31
rtaibahpgpkeys, how would the syntax be? tune2fs -m 3? Sorry this is all new to me03:31
segalocopffft, why would you :p03:31
segalocopgpkeys: hp uses ati??? every hp machine ive seen uses nvidia???03:31
BiggFREEBlue1: I did not read him03:31
turt1eahhh... gotchya03:31
tehuffso, you all think NVDA is more "stable" under the ubuntu pkg?03:31
pgpkeysati raedon03:31
syn-acksegaloco: No. ATI is evil.03:31
Blue1johnjohn101: suse 11.0 was a big disappointment03:31
segalocotrue dat03:31
johnjohn101blue1:  kde 4 has been a big disappointment03:32
segaloconvidia here :303:32
Blue1BiggFREE: did you postbin the output yet?03:32
syn-ackBlue1: It was better than 10.x03:32
segalocokde is a disappointment :/03:32
Blue1johnjohn101: yeah you'd conclude linux is broke03:32
segalocoit reminds me too much of windows though :P03:32
pgpkeyshehe love my kde. kde4 is a major improvement over previous releases03:32
segalocoill stick to good old gnome 2.3003:32
tehuffthx all03:32
Oersegaloco how can you say, if Johnjohn101 use 195.*.* driver, he can use 255..*.* driver  ? > complete higher grade video class driver, not suitable fot 195 like cards03:32
BiggFREEBlue1: ... I did the command but nothing happened03:32
pgpkeyscant wait until kde5 is released and put into ubuntu03:32
Blue1there's no placd like gnome03:32
syn-ackI liked KDE 3.5x03:32
segalocoOer: i used to use the old one, and i use the new one03:32
Blue1BiggFREE: you are probably running stock drivers03:33
pgpkeysi'm a died in the wool gnome desktop hater :)03:33
Blue1BiggFREE: go into System/Administration/hardware drivers03:33
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syn-ackI was kinda happy to see that Gnome 3 was NOT going to be included in 10.1003:33
pgpkeyseven tried using gnome again with 10.04 ubuntu. used it for 3 months. couldn't wait until the time was up so i could go back to my kde03:33
Blue1BiggFREE: but you should have gotten something back like this:  (II) NVIDIA GLX Module  195.36.24  Thu Apr 22 19:52:00 PDT 201003:33
segalocosyn-ack: is gnome 3 even ready?03:34
thune3are there any active questions that scrolled off the screen becasue of this OT fest?03:34
pgpkeys(i ordered myself to give gnome a fair tryout and gave it a 90 day usage requirement)03:34
syn-acksegaloco: no, they were banking on tho03:34
segalocoisnt even gtk 3 still in development03:34
syn-ackUbuntu that is03:34
BiggFREENo driver is active ... Blue103:34
syn-acksegaloco: it's still very much under development03:34
Blue1BiggFREE: okay choose one of the nvidia driver (recommended one) should be latest version03:34
segalocoyeah, gnome 3 is far off then :P03:35
segaloco2.30 for me :P03:35
BiggFREEMy puter do not support the propriatery driver suggested03:35
turt1epgpkeys:  what exactly is it about gnome you don't care for.  menuing structure?  layout?03:35
syn-ackapparently Debian 6 is still on schedule to drop when 10.10 does though03:36
Blue1BiggFREE: hmm03:36
BiggFREEMy puter is not enough fast for it ... Blue103:36
BiggFREEI tried it03:36
syn-ackBiggFREE: wait, what?03:36
segalocoi've always wondered, when a version number is x.y.z-ubuntu or something, what exactly has been changed :/03:37
Blue1BiggFREE: how old is your computer?03:37
syn-ackBiggFREE: how is it not fast enough? What do you have for a video card?03:37
segalocoor do they just like sticking their name in there03:37
BiggFREE2 years03:37
pgpkeysboth, plus its looks are generally shabby, regardless of theming, looks like something my 12 year old would build. Plus the interoperability with kde applications is shaky. lots of little things that bug the hell out of me03:37
pinPointI have -- 25 6    * * *   root    test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )03:37
Blue1syn-ack: he has:  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX - nForce GPU] (rev a3)03:37
syn-ackoh, thats kinda old03:37
pgpkeysif i was a better coder i'd work on it.03:37
pinPointin my /etc/crontab... and crontab -e. Do they need to be there?03:37
johnjohn101segaloco life is good again03:37
syn-ackBlue1: try the legacy driver03:38
Blue1syn-ack: yeah he may be in legacy support with that...03:38
segalocoyeah, i remember my first time with linux, same problem03:38
syn-ackrather, BiggFREE, not Blue103:38
segalocoalmost done with gcc tests hopefully :)03:38
Blue1okay need a break bbl03:38
johnjohn101why new gcc?03:38
segalocob/c im me, im just like that :P03:38
Oeruse the nvidia 96 driver for mx400,03:39
BiggFREEsyn-ack: What is a legacy driver ?03:39
segalocoand i dont like that window users have a newer version of gcc than me03:39
segalocolast i checked mingw has 4.5.003:39
syn-ackBiggFREE: what Oer said. heh03:39
segalocoand i had 4.4.3 :/03:39
johnjohn101what will happen if you have to compile a kernel module03:39
segalocoso im updating 4.5.1 :P03:39
turt1epgpkeys:  funny you should mention the 12 year old comment.   My feeling on kde every time I tried it was that it seemed like the fisher price version of gnome.  Kind of like windowsxp.  It was maddening to me how many clicks it took to get into system preferences or applications03:39
BiggFREEI tried it03:39
pZombiewindows users don t even know what gcc is :D03:39
syn-acksegaloco: careful when you start messing with the toolchain03:39
segalocojohnjohn101: keeping 4.4.3 :P03:39
segalocoor i could just update the kernel too03:39
rtaibahpgpkeys, well that fixed it, but barely put me over the required threshold for the update, still doesn't explain where all the MB's gone03:39
turt1eI guess different strokes for different folks03:40
pgpkeysturt1e ~ hehe yea. depending on which 'camp' you belong to that's usually the same complaint you hear on both sides of the aisle03:40
johnjohn101segaloco, I dont' mess with any of that stuff once it's working I'm no messing with it03:40
bebo_m_zhi every one03:40
segalocowell thats you, this is me :P03:40
bebo_m_zi need help03:40
johnjohn101i used to be the same way. no time03:40
segalocoi want any software i write to be built on the latest03:40
thune3pinPoint: in your personal crontab? no. But the system crontab (/etc/crontab) needs that line.03:40
BiggFREEoer syn-ack Blue1 ... I will try again03:40
valbacaplease ask your question bebo_m_z03:40
sarthorHI, using lucid,  HELP , modprobe tun03:40
sarthorFATAL: Module tun not found.03:40
pgpkeysrtaibah ~ they didn't go anywhere. some of the space is saved for root so that non root apps can't take over everything and cause a filesystem to get so full that not even root can do anything03:41
segaloconext... binutils03:41
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:41
pgpkeysturt1e ~ yeah that's generally where i leave it myself03:41
BiggFREEBut I will come back tomorrow Thanks for now03:41
pinPointthune3: its in my /etc/crontab03:41
syn-ackBiggFREE: pastebin your output from the error for us, please03:41
bebo_m_zvalbaca:when i get install update from update manager and when remove a program get a masseage say package operation failed03:41
pinPointthune3: I want it to stop mailing me03:41
pgpkeysturt1e ~ i figure use what you like03:41
sam555Oer: it worked!!!03:41
sam555Oer: thank you thank you!03:41
rtaibahpgpkeys yeah I got the the idea, but thats not what I meant. ls tells me that /boot is almost full, but there isn't any files to make it full03:41
valbacabebo_m_z are you able to update from the terminal using sudo apt-get update ?03:42
Oerhave fun03:42
BiggFREEWhat exactly ? And how ? syn-ack03:42
pinPointthune3: /bin/sh: root: not found03:42
pinPointthats in my email.03:42
segalocogonna update to
BiggFREEsyn-ack: ?03:42
syn-ackBiggFREE: nm that03:42
bebo_m_zvalbaca: yes normally03:42
segaloco2.6.32.21 just seems... old compared to that :03:42
BiggFREEsyn-ack: Did you read me ?03:42
pgpkeysrtaibah ~ hrmm add up the total used + the free space + the reserved space and see what you come up with. remember 100MB partition will be smaller than that when formatted03:43
pgpkeysso you lose some there as well03:43
valbacabebo_m_z so is the problem when you deselect an update from the GUI update-manager?03:43
syn-ackBiggFREE: sure did, that's why I said never mind to that idea03:43
pZombielinux as a desktop has some way to go still imo. the ubuntu way of installing packages is as good as it gets when it comes to linux as a desktop, but there is a lot of shortcoming still03:43
BiggFREEsyn-ack: ... I did not get the log.03:43
pgpkeysyou just changed it to 3% reserved so thats 3MB, you lose .. what? 3 - 5MB in the formatting?03:43
bebo_m_zvalbaca i not understand03:43
pgpkeysadd it all up03:43
Oermaybe this is any help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia#Low%20Screen%20Resolutions03:43
mikeruhey, I had to build the r8001 (or something like that) ethernet driver for my lap for it to work. however, I've heard that those make installs only work for the current kernel and when there's an update I will have to do it again, and again... how do I set it up to use DKMS?03:44
segalocowell, binutils, then gdb, just.. i want an up to date build system :P03:44
valbacabebo_m_z neither do I. what is the problem?03:44
pgpkeysother than that, I got no clue. been my experience since '94 that thats normally the issue. people forget the formatting loss and the reserved space loss03:44
sarthorHI, using lucid,  HELP , modprobe tun03:44
thune3pinPoint: that's weird. could you pastebin your /etc/crontab? you could try adding MAILTO="" line up near SHELL and PATH to *possibly* disable the mail.03:44
sarthorFATAL: Module tun not found.03:44
pZombiei don t like that when you install something manually, you end up not knowing where it installed all files at times, as well as there is no central application dedicated to uninstalling installed software you installed manually03:44
segalocowhat is tun?03:44
BiggFREEsyn-ack: I will try again the legacy driver later.03:44
pinPointthune3: can I pm?03:44
thune3pinPoint: sure03:45
BiggFREETomorrow I will login again.03:45
pgpkeysmikeru ~ if you're not using a prebuilt package then you'll have to write your own deb03:45
mikerupgpkeys, will checkinstall suffice?03:45
BiggFREEsyn-ack: I will give you the result.03:45
syn-ackBiggFREE: k03:45
segalocomikeru: what are you building, a kernel module?03:45
BiggFREEsyn-ack: Thanks for now :)03:46
mikerusegaloco, yes, for a realtek ethernet card03:46
sarthormodprobe tun03:46
sarthorFATAL: Module tun not found.03:46
sarthor, I am using lucid, and am trying to configure chillispot with this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ChillispotHotspot/8.0403:46
BiggFREEBlue1 oer03:46
segalocoyeah, it'll have to be updated with any kernel updates03:46
pgpkeysmikeru ~ could03:46
bebo_m_zvalbaca:i say to look to the massage 1-http://pastebin.com/104VUDXL and 2-http://pastebin.com/24XJXeXy and i also have pis for this03:46
thune3pZombie: it doesn't have every file generated, but /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list files show what was installed.03:46
pZombieimo, software which installs any files outside a single folder should be required to send information to a central uninstall application, telling it which files it added removed or replaced, otherwise it should not be allowed to install any files outside a single folder the user picks03:46
segalocoso you could either keep the source around and just rebuild whenever you update03:46
segalocoor something like that :P03:46
syn-ackI'd love to be of help with DKMS but, I've never played with it. :/03:47
segalocooh come on gcc, finish testing already Dx03:47
syn-acksegaloco: Testing? Are you beyond it bootstrapping it's self?03:47
rtaibahphpkeys outputs of ls -lh and df -h there is a discrepancy http://i.imgur.com/n0Mxx.png03:47
=== TJs is now known as Guest65089
segalocojust running the make checks03:48
syn-acksegaloco: ah, gotcha03:48
rtaibahpgpkeys, its /dev/sda103:48
segalocoim starting to wonder if thats even necessary :P03:48
syn-ackyeah, it is03:48
valbacabebo_m_z, that's beyond me. Can anyone else help him out?03:48
segalocoits taking an eternity to do it though Dx03:48
syn-ackMakes sure it's got everything setup correctly like the linker and such03:48
segalocotrue, true03:48
syn-acksegaloco: still have fun when you completely and utterly break your toolchain. :D03:49
bebo_m_zvalbaca: did you get know what is the proplem03:49
segalocoxD i will03:49
pgpkeys:shrug: I'm not going to try to troubleshoot where your space is going. checking that info i told you is all i have to give you. 99.999% of the problems related to 'lost space' are covered by those 3 things. total used, free available, and root reserved03:49
segalocoi mean, im keeping 4.4.3 on until i make sure it works03:49
Zelozeloshow do i discover what vid card this computer has?03:50
valbacabebo_m_z, sorry,  I have no idea03:50
pgpkeysunless you've changed your block size, and/or the installer isn't realizing the correct block size the partition was formatted at, that which i've told you covers it03:50
segalocosince when did nano do syntax highlighting03:50
BalSakhi guys & gals. is anyone here fairly familiar with rsync? I want to copy over the network & then delete the source after a sucsesful checksum comparison03:50
segaloco4.5.1 works03:50
syn-ackZelozelos: sudo lspci | grep video03:50
pgpkeysok i seriously need a cig. bbiab03:50
sarthor, I am using lucid, and am trying to configure chillispot with this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ChillispotHotspot/8.0403:50
bebo_m_zok , anyone can help me03:51
monokromeHey. Why can't Ubuntu 10 play DVDs?03:51
syn-acksarthor: what you just said is like me coming in here and saying "I drive a For Focus and it wont start"03:51
Jordan_U!dvd | monokrome03:51
ubottumonokrome: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:51
Zelozelossyn-ack thats not reporting anything, after enter it asked for password, then just returned to prompt03:52
syn-ackZelozelos: standby03:52
coz_hey guys   is eject -T  and eject -t  working for anyone?03:52
segalocolol my leg randomly started bleeding03:52
RamsRamboAfter upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 it is not booting ? I have wubi installer03:52
monokromeJordan_U: Thanks, but there is no libdvdcss2 package. Already saw that page.03:52
Jordan_URamsRambo: What happens when you try to boot?03:52
zkriessesegaloco: off topic03:52
zkriessesegaloco: and fix it03:53
segaloco:X k03:53
sarthorsyn-ack, Ok. i will wait, you are right, Sorry !!03:53
RamsRamboJordan_U : it resets the machine again03:53
syn-ackmonokrome: you have to add the mediubuntu repo to install it03:53
monokromeaha. install-css.sh03:53
coz_monokrome,    *03:53
coz_ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh03:53
syn-acksarthor: give us some more info and if someone knows what's going they be able to help03:53
monokromeYep. That fixed it. Thank all of you :)03:53
RamsRamboJordan_U :any suggestion you hv?03:54
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:55
RamsRambo After upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 it is not booting ? I have wubi installer03:56
syn-ackZelozelos: sudo lshw | grep Multimedia03:56
sarthorsyn-ack, my lucid is not loading tun module, i read / followed this thread, but no success, i made faketun as said in this thread, but no result for me. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145955903:56
zuscan soeone please tell me the command  when editing a launcher on a widget to get chromium going? everything i've tried is not working03:56
sarthorit seems there is not tun module in 10.04.03:57
ubuntui'm booted into a liveusb, trying to install some packages.  I get an error. "you dont' have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives"  How do I point that directory to the hard drive where there is more space?03:57
etherealitezus chromium-browser %U03:57
Zelozelossyn-ack, pci (sysfs) scsi im thinking its sayin i have on-board graphics?03:58
zusthans thats what i thought,... something else must be wrong then... thakn you03:58
syn-ackZelozelos: Go ahead and run sudo lshw without the grep as it seems that grep isnt wanting to play right with it03:58
syn-ackit'll be in there, you'll just have to scroll the page is all03:59
=== Guest65089 is now known as edit
tpmccallumCan anyone help me with iptables rules to allow RPD from Ubuntu machine (firewall machine, mu computer) to Windows machine (wifes laptop), eth0 and eth1 are in the Ubuntu machine. eth0 is WAN, eth1 is LAN.03:59
etherealitezus check its in your bin DIRs03:59
Zelozelossyn-ack, says Multimedia command not found that was "suso lshw | Multimedia" right?04:00
syn-ackZelozelos: no04:00
syn-ackjust run04:00
syn-ackZelozelos: just run 'sudo lshw'04:00
syn-ackwithout the quotes04:00
Talon^I'm running ubuntu 10.04 64bit version, I recently purchased a replacement printer for my home network which has built in wireless, so my printer is on the wireless network. How do I get ubuntu to recognize the printer?04:01
EvilTrekTalon^:  you need to tell Ubuntu where it is04:01
EvilTrekTalon^:  when you add a printer that is04:02
Talon^I've never printed anything from ubuntu, only windows, so I don't know where to begin.04:02
Zelozelossyn-ack, it didnt list the video card, just the hd, cdrom, serial and battery04:02
LicuadoraIs there a way to turn off the PC after like, 3 hours from now?04:02
posciakhi, could anybody help me configure networking in such a way, that static ip settings would persist across device connections/disconnections?04:02
Licuadorawith a command or something?04:02
syn-ackZelozelos: weird04:02
syn-ackZelozelos: Came up fine on my end04:03
syn-ackZelozelos: what type of computer is this? Bought or built?04:03
LicuadoraI am rendering a scene in blender, but i want to turn it off automatically, because i am going to sleep now04:03
Zelozelosbought, its a dell vostro04:03
syn-ackZelozelos: check Dell's website.04:03
mikeruLicuadora, leave it on :)04:03
syn-ackZelozelos: standby04:03
syn-ackLicuadora: you could set an anacron for it04:04
Zelozelossyn-ack, ahh just found it, its intergrated vid04:04
mikeruLicuadora, otherwise, use shutdown TIME_IN_SECONDS04:04
Licuadoramikeru: poor PC has been ON all day04:04
syn-ackZelozelos: think it's intel04:04
syn-ackmikegerwitz: could do that too.. heh04:04
Zelozelossyn-ack, i ws hoping to find a better driver for it it gets laggy sometimes04:04
hanasakiwhat is a network based / wireless? printer / scanner / that works w/ ubuntu?04:04
syn-ackZelozelos: it's not the driver.04:04
Licuadora$ sudo shtdown 10000 (like that?)04:04
mikeruLicuadora, could work04:05
syn-ackLicuadora: no04:05
LicuadoraAh, naughty mikeru04:05
mikeruLicuadora, read the man page ('man shutdown')04:05
syn-ackLicuadora: shutdown -h then your time04:05
mikerusyn-ack, why the -h04:05
LicuadoraCan i trust you syn-ack?04:05
Zelozelossyn-ack, ahh its just the crappy vid...shux cant do anything about it cept throw it in the trash rofl04:06
syn-ackmikeru: halts the system04:06
mikeruAHHHH, sorry I did forget halt04:06
LicuadoraI am going to trust you syn-ack04:06
syn-ackmikeru: otherwise, it doesnt shutdown, just displays the message04:06
mikeruLicuadora, yes, add the -h or it will only bring it down to single user mode (a console with no other ttys and no services basicaly)04:06
itsux2budamn.. bittorrent downloads the ubuntu .iso lightning fast compared to the ubuntu website..04:07
tpmccallumposciak: When you say connections and disconnections do you mean physically removing devices or just powering up and down?04:07
syn-ackZelozelos: try upping the memory it uses in the bios if you can04:07
tpmccallumDo you know how to use the /etc/network/interfaces file?04:07
rocodeLicuadora, If you can't trust people in this channel, then you are beyond community support, and should consider commercial support from Canonical.04:07
syn-ackZelozelos: otherwise you could buy an aftermarket card for it04:07
LicuadoraWell, mikeru... you know04:08
turt1eLicuadora:  but do you trust the your blender rendering will be done by the time you set your shutdown.  Would be a shame for the system to shutdown before your rendering finished processing04:08
LicuadoraAnywho.... Is there a way to cancel it?04:08
Zelozelossyn-ack, not sure im capable. idk much bout nuthin, its a lappie also sooo...it tis what it is04:08
mikeruLicuadora, you will understand better if you read the man page.04:08
syn-ackLicuadora: shutdown -c04:08
LicuadoraI typed 1000, and that is a 1000 minutes, not seconds04:08
syn-ackbut yeah man shutdown04:08
mikeruLicuadora, WHAT? weird...04:08
syn-ackshould be seconds04:08
Licuadoramaybe is because i have the most recent kernel04:09
syn-ackoh wow04:09
Zelozelossyn-ack, thanks for the help though04:09
syn-ackit was changed to minutes04:09
mikeruLicuadora, yes, it should be seconds. whatever, to cancel you use sudo shutdown -c04:09
syn-ackZelozelos: np04:09
mikeruabout the seconds thing, which kernel is that?04:09
Licuadorathere you go04:09
posciaktpmccallum:  both would be preferable, is there a difference? I know only basic /etc/network/interfaces syntax04:10
mikeruLicuadora, in that case, then i highly suggest you read the manpage considering things have changed.04:10
syn-ackmikeru: last time I used a time was with a 2.4 kernel04:10
syriusesperanto + ubuntu best buds04:10
syn-ackmikeru: Even I had to pull the man for that. heh04:10
mikerusyn-ack, I'm using 2.6.32-24-generic and it's still seconds04:10
syriusubuntu + google + wikipedia + esperanto = best buds04:10
mikeruit is minutes04:11
LicuadoraI just adjusted the time04:11
LicuadoraThanks a lot everyone04:11
LicuadoraYou too mikeru04:11
mikeruyour welcome04:11
Licuadoranow, i am going to sleep04:11
Licuadoragodd night04:12
syn-ackmikeru:  "All logged-in users are notified that the system is going down and,  within the last five minutes of TIME, new logins are prevented."04:12
syn-ackfrom the manpage04:12
mikerusyn-ack, I'm confused but whatever. not like I used the time option all teh time. but i'm curious as to how you use seconds now though...04:13
justin__Hi, I need some help. Does anyone know how to transfer GRUB from a partition?04:13
justin__I was dualbooting Ubuntu and XP, and I did something in gparted to mess up GRUB04:13
justin__so then i instaled another partition so grub would work04:13
syn-ackmikeru: Not really sure, tbh though it says it can accept any valid TIME format04:13
EvilTrekjustin__:  it installs to whichever partition has the MBR.  Or it rewrites the MBR.04:14
justin__now i have 2 ubuntu partitions, and i need to delete one. any help?04:14
mikeruand what's the TIME format?04:14
syn-ackmikeru: so I would assume HH:MM:SS04:14
EvilTrekjustin__:  you need to reinstall GRUB04:14
EvilTrekjustin__:  after removing the partition you arent using04:14
mikerusyn-ack, hm...04:14
pZombieeviltrek - you cannot tell grub to create an MBR on a particular HDD?04:15
EpicCyndaquil1my wireless connection randomly dies. then after about a minute it tells me I need to enter the WEP key. It's already entered, it works. This isn't a problem with my router, I'm 110% sure of that. Any ideas?04:15
justin__EvilTrek: ok, so delete the extra partiton, and install grub with glapted live?04:15
EvilTrekjustin__:  i'm not a pro with grub, but i know that you need to reinstall it.  ask someone else here how to, they might know.04:15
syn-acksudo update-grub, iirc04:15
syn-ackit could come up with a curses screen asking where you want it installed04:16
dsnydersHI all!  Now that /etc/resolv.conf is generated by code, what file do you edit to manually add nameservers?04:16
justin__thx eviltrek. syn-ack: do this from the partition with grub installed?04:16
syn-acknah, from where ever you're running it04:17
syn-ackit'll scan your parts and ask you04:17
justin__ok thx ill give it a try04:17
arosen1Hello, After setting up my display and rebooting my gnome toolbars seemed to have disappeared. I can login as root and then run startx and  roots X will start with the gnome-toolbar but my user won't. Anyone know why?04:17
syn-ackarosen1: you need to fix your .xauthority file in ~/04:18
justin__syn-ack: the command in "sudo update-grub, iirc"?04:18
flomaster_any sound gurus up in here... when playing AAC audio it gets sent as PCM to my amp but my center channel and rear left channel speakers are switched04:19
justin__command is*04:19
arosen1syn-ack: can i just copy roots .gconfd to my dir?04:19
syn-ackjustin__: no "sudo update-grub"04:19
arosen1syn-ack: whats wrong with my .xauthority ?04:19
dsnydersflomaster_, Not a sound guru, but dumb question... have you checked that the speakers are plugged in the right jacks?04:19
syn-ackarosen1: Don't know..04:20
syn-ackarosen1: lemme check mine, been a few years since I've had that issue04:20
StalkerNOVAHi, trying to start RAID on Server, but it's not detected. Intel offers drivers for redhat and opensuse. Tried redhat rmp to convert to deb, smth went wrong and installation failed. Can anyone help?04:20
justin__syn-ack: ok thx, so now grub is on this partition? and i can delete the unused one?04:20
arosen1syn-ack: mine is empty04:20
flomaster_dsnyders:  yeah its all good when playing dts, and dolby digital just the AAC audio is fubar i have the alsa sound drivers intalled  on my zotac ionitx mobo with onboard Nvidia chipset04:20
syn-ackseems that things have changed a bit, arosen1 standby04:21
arosen1syn-ack: i'll tryp copying my .gconfd and see if that fixes it since it works fine as root04:21
syn-ackjustin__: did it bring up the screen asking you where you want it installed?04:21
flomaster_dsnyders: this is an HTPC running xbmc-live so its only purpose is to play movies, music, tv.shows and photos so having the aac audio mixed up is no bueno04:21
syn-ackjustin__: if not, DO NOT REBOOT04:22
justin__i ran sudo update-grub, and it gave me a list of the entries04:22
andrew_708476anyone in here good with Ubuntu04:22
syn-ackwhat did it say? do you still have the output to pastebin?04:23
* Prophet1337 =/04:23
EvilTrekandrew_708476:  several of us are04:23
EvilTrek!ask | andrew_70847604:23
ubottuandrew_708476: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:23
TeekinI'm trying to configure my wireless network through 'iwconfig', but every time I set the ESSID, it turns it into escaped nonsense like this: \xA3\x84\x7F-\x...04:23
justin__Generating grub.cfg ...04:23
justin__Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic04:23
justin__Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-24-generic04:23
justin__Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-23-generic04:23
justin__Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-23-generic04:23
FloodBot2justin__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:23
TeekinNever seen that before. Anyone know what it might be?04:23
justin__Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic04:23
syn-ackjustin__: I said to pastebin. :/04:23
_klk_ hi all, i'm trying to test responsiveness of a service running on my server using the following command:04:24
Prophet1337Teekin, are you using a laptop or a desktop?04:24
=== EvilTrek is now known as EvilPhoenix
TeekinProphet1337: Laptop.04:24
_klk_perl -e 'printf "<policy-file-request/>%c",0' | nc -v <server name> 84304:24
syn-ackWell, it seems to have found your images, so that's good04:24
TeekinProdego: A Compaq uhm... something, specifically. ;)04:24
_klk_it works on all machines i've tried it on so far04:24
andrew_708476ok well Im having a few problems installing one Anti Virus04:24
EpicCyndaquil1Ubuntu. Wireless. Crashing. Help.04:24
_klk_but when i try it on my ubuntu 10.04 desktop, it doesn't work04:24
syn-ackjustin__: give me a couple to start a vm real quick04:24
_klk_meaning i don't see the server response04:24
_klk_anyone have an idea why?04:25
* Prodego redirects to Prophet1337 04:25
Prophet1337And you have your own wireless network? Does your wireless card identify your network?04:25
justin__syn-ack: sorry about that. ill waic04:25
_klk_i should also mention that this ubuntu instance is running in a vmware VM hosted on windows xp, with bridged networking setup04:25
gary_inNYCa minute ago, my system went black, the mouse pointer was still on screen although it wouldn't move, and my caps lock light was flashing04:25
dsnydersflomaster_, I know almost diddly-squat about sound.  It just seems like an odd pair of channels to get swapped.  Front/rear, left/right, I could see, but center and rear-left?  Seemed like miswiring to me.  However, as you say, it's fine with other software, so it ain't the wiring.04:25
wilow49is there a french here?to explain to me one thing i don't understand what ii must do to keep my 6 wallpapers on my six differents desktop in kubuntu with the cube 3D? because after each reboot, wallpapers are removed to wallpaper basic.thanks to answer in private message....thks04:25
IdleOne!fr | wilow4904:25
ubottuwilow49: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.04:25
TeekinProdego: Oh yes... well, thing is, it works fine with the Gnome network manager thing (GUI). So drivers and such are not a problem. But now I'm trying to connect when using XFCE.04:25
syn-ackgary_inNYC: core dump04:25
TeekinProphet1337, even.04:25
Prodegoyes :)04:26
TeekinI figured piece of cake with a command line, but then this happens.04:26
gary_inNYCsyn-ack: what do i do?  i just rebooted and it's working but i just want to know what happened04:26
TeekinAnd the command line shows the right network and all when I'm in Gnome connected through the GUI thingy.04:26
wangjiachengHello. I come from China04:26
TeekinAnd I thought I was so elite. ;) Beating by the command line after only a few months getting hooked on Gnome.04:26
wangjiachengHow about you?04:26
wilow49hello i m in france :)04:26
IdleOne!ot | wangjiacheng04:27
ubottuwangjiacheng: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:27
syn-ackgary_inNYC: if it's working, great. now you need to figure out what caused the core dump. Usually video driver or something04:27
gary_inNYCsyn-ack: where do i go to find out?04:27
tpmccallumwhat does error "unknown option --dport" mean ?04:27
syn-ackgary_inNYC: you should see something either in your home or roots home called "core"04:27
wangjiachengYou came to China?04:28
mateoHello.  I am having trouble using my iphone 3GS with rhythmbox - I keep getting a message asking if i want to initialize my iphone. running lucid04:28
Teekinmateo: You're running Ubuntu on the iPhone?!04:29
mateoha! no04:29
=== twisted`_ is now known as twisted`
syn-ackjustin__: found it04:30
mateo3gs 3.1.3...i think04:30
hanasakiprinting to cupsPDF the syslog is showing the following.    looks like apparm...   how can it be fixed ?  profile="/usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf" requested_mask="::r" denied_mask="::r" fsuid=1001 ouid=0 name="/proc/filesystems"04:30
syn-ackjustin__: dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc04:30
mateoi have not upgraded04:30
fancybitgood day gentalmen04:30
muellis3hanasaki: uh. file a bug. that looks serious.04:30
BiggFREEsyn-ack: Are you still there ?04:31
syn-ackjustin__: make sure to add a sudo at the beginning of that04:31
syn-ackBiggFREE: yeah04:31
hanasakimuellis3: they say it is fixed... https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/14755104:31
pZombiesyn-ack how does grub-install work?04:31
fancybitI use rsync making a mirror from linux kernel srouce to my own laptop04:31
justin__syn-ack: it brings up linux default command line04:31
dsnydersHI all!  Now that /etc/resolv.conf is generated by code, what file do you edit to manually add nameservers?04:31
BiggFREEsyn-ack: I solved my problem for now.04:31
syn-ackjustin__: good04:31
syn-ackjustin__: TAB enter04:32
syn-ackBiggFREE: yeah? what was it?04:32
gary_inNYCsyn-ack: no luck, i don't see the file04:32
mateo@teekin no ubuntu on my iphone -04:32
BiggFREEsyn-ack: I installed the proprietary driver and I changed the all fonts.04:32
syn-ackgary_inNYC: Check /var/log as well04:32
syn-ackBiggFREE: Good deal04:32
pZombiesyn-ack - can i use grub-install to put an MBR and file on any HDD including USB sticks/HDDs?04:33
justin__syn-ack: now it says GRUB Install Devices04:33
syn-ackjustin__: good good04:33
syn-ackjustin__: select the partition to which you want to install GRUB04:33
BiggFREEsyn-ack: ... Maybe my monitor is not working very well.04:33
syn-ackpZombie: I'm sure you can, you'd have to refer to it's documentation04:33
BiggFREEsyn-ack: Maybe it needs some reparations.04:34
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
mateoHello.  I am having trouble using my iphone 3GS with rhythmbox - I keep getting a message asking if i want to initialize my iphone. running lucid on my laptop. any help would be appreciated04:34
justin__ok, now it says Installation finished. No error reported. Then it lists the images, and ends terminal process04:34
fancybitI use rsync making a mirror from linux kernel srouce to my own laptop. but forgot to set the sub directory, then the owner of /home/fancybit/ directory  become a strange user. when I reboot my computer ubuntu seems like encrypted my /home/fancybit/ left a script. I use "su" command and "chown" change the nearlay exec it,04:34
syn-ackjustin__: There you go. Fixed04:34
gary_inNYCsyn-ack: no file named core in /var/log04:34
fancybitlot's of data lost04:34
BiggFREEsyn-ack: I did apprecite your help. Thanks a lot :)04:34
turt1egary_inNYC:  look in /var/crash maybe?04:35
syn-ackjustin__: Sorry about taking so long, I forgot what grub2 was named. ;)04:35
syn-ackBiggFREE: np,04:35
fancybitI must desc the situation in long text...04:35
syn-ackgary_inNYC: hrm04:35
mhzdyr1i have update software hp and any trouble with the printer...04:35
Nemo127looking to install Ubuntu 10.04 on a Mac PPC, the docs im finding say its community supported. Does that mean it wont work "out of the box"?04:35
gary_inNYCturtle: not there either :(04:35
justin__syn-ack: thanks! no problem about waiting at all. i could not figure it out for hours. restarting now, thanks again04:35
mhzdyr1HP Deskjet f2100 Series hpijs, 3.10.2 (color) is the true driver for HP Deskjet F217904:35
gary_inNYCit's odd, my computer just locked, went black and my caps lock light kept flashing04:36
hypercube32ok someone tell me how in the world to change the mysqld password for root (the fact that there is a default set is just plain stupid)04:37
gary_inNYCi google searched it and it could be a kernel panic?04:37
itsux2buwhere does ubuntu store its mounted cd-rom devices04:37
turt1egary_inNYC:  do you remember a time frame of when it possibly happened?04:37
fancybitI use rsync making a mirror from linux kernel srouce to my own laptop. but forgot to set the sub directory, then the owner of /home/fancybit/ directory  become a strange user. when I reboot my computer ubuntu seems like encrypted my /home/fancybit/ left a script. I use "su" command and "chown" change the nearlay exec it,04:38
gary_inNYCyes, about 15 mins ago04:38
gary_inNYCi had to force power off and power on again04:38
turt1eif so you can maybe check /var/log/syslog time stamps and see if you have a CPU panic showing up04:38
fancybitbut ubuntu tells me ,the directory isn't yours- -04:38
Dice-Manhi all people04:38
fancybitdamm ownership04:38
fancybitanyone help?04:39
Terminusitsux2bu: when you insert a cd/dvd, it will appear as a directory in /media04:39
Dice-Mani wonder if someone here had troubles with the integrated graphic card intel gma 115004:39
Dice-Manintel gma 1150 is on most of netbooks04:40
user_Question: Using 10.04 LTS,  connection to my wireless router keeps failing, even though it is on an auto connect sometimes it gives up, is there a way I can keep it connected to it even when it fails?04:40
user_itsux2bu: /media04:40
Dice-Manamidelalune, bonjour04:40
amidelaluneDice-Man, bjr :)04:41
Dice-Manamidelalune, some troubles ?04:41
gary_inNYCturtle: this was the first time this happened, i don't understand what went wrong04:41
amidelaluneDice-Man, no why?04:41
Dice-Manno idea with my question people ?04:41
macoDice-Man: is that a poulsbo?04:42
uiooiudoes bleachbit clear your bookmarks?04:42
Dice-Manmaco, ka ou di la ?04:42
macoDice-Man: what?04:42
turt1egary_inNYC:  did you check /var/log/syslog and the other syslog.1 files for errors around that time frame?04:42
Dice-Manmaco, what a poulsbo is ?04:42
gary_inNYCturtle: k i'll check now04:42
Dice-Manmaco, i did not understand this word04:43
macoDice-Man: a graphics chipset intel dropped support for04:43
macoDice-Man: its a name04:43
maconot actual english word ;-)04:43
Dice-Manintel gma 1150 is on atom04:43
WXZhow do I install the java plugin for 10.10?04:43
WXZI already added the partner respository04:44
macoDice-Man: im using an aton right now but my graphics are called N1004:44
WXZforgot package name04:44
Dice-Manmaco, wich netbook are you using ?04:44
macoDice-Man: zareason terra hd04:44
macoDice-Man: googling, i think poulsbo is gma500, which isnt what you have, so im going to assume that the poulsbo drivers arent what you need04:45
macoWXZ: the one in partner is sun-java6-jre04:45
macoDice-Man: in which case, no idea04:45
marca311hello, anyone good with apt-get errors?  mysql-server-5.1 refuses to do anything04:45
gary_inNYCturtle: i have the syslog files open, what am i looking for?04:46
ilovefairuzmarca311: pastebin04:46
dislohey guys i want to set up keyless ssh authentication and it works for unprivleged accounts but when i try to connect using root it fails and gives me a password prompt.04:46
Dice-Manmaco, i got wrong with the name of the chipset, the correct name of mine is intel gma 315004:46
dislowhat am i doing wrong04:46
marca311ilovefairuz: k, hold on04:46
tkrooi'm unable to install firefox (or abrowser) in lucid. http://www.pasteall.org/15069 can anyone help?04:46
nikk1so I am going to put ubuntu on my new HP04:46
glickin ubuntu for apache2 do i want to edit apach2.conf or http.conf?04:46
guampadislo: check PermitRootLogin and AllowUsers04:46
macoglick: the one that's not empt?04:46
WXZmaco thanks04:47
nikk1when it boots up, the OS of HP boots up before Win7 - which is cool and fast for using internet. After installing Ubuntu, will I lose that OS of HP ?04:47
glickthen whats the poitn of http.conf?04:47
Dice-Manmaco, what is a maco ?04:47
macoDice-Man: my nickname04:47
macoglick: for not confusing red hat users who are used to that name? *shrug*04:48
macotkroo: can you just install firefox-3.6 and not the firefox metapackage?04:48
macotkroo: why is firefox not installed to start with?04:48
tkroomaco, i'm not sure...04:48
marca311ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480236/04:48
macotkroo: it shouldve been part of the default install04:49
tkroomaco, i've tried installing it from software center, synaptic, and using apt-get, none work04:49
ilovefairuzmarca311: sudo dpkg --configure -a04:49
tkroomaco, ok, so how do i get it back?04:49
turt1egary_inNYC:  for the time period you think the panic happened look for any Warning, ERROR,  Panic msgs in the log.04:49
tkroois there some sort of apt-get clean or rebuild command ?04:49
marca311ilovefairuz: i have (output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480237/)04:50
ilovefairuzmarca311: sudo apt-get install --reinstall  mysql-server-5.104:50
user_Question: Using 10.04 LTS,  connection to my wireless router keeps failing, even though it is on an auto connect sometimes it gives up, is there a way I can keep it connected to it even when it fails?04:50
macoDice-Man: wikipedia says we have the same graphics because i have a N420 and that apparently is GMA 3150. works fine for me04:51
turt1egary_inNYC:  you may also check the dmesg files in that same directory.   From a terminal try something like   "grep Warn syslog*" with out the quotes of course04:51
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:51
Dice-Manok maco thanks04:51
tucemiuxubottu, thank you !04:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:51
lov255Okay guys - to play farmville on Ubuntu what do I have to do?04:51
Dice-Mani did not know the brand Zareason04:51
ilovefairuzuser_: it should autoreconnect by default04:52
Dice-Manit seems good04:52
tucemiuxlov255, what's farmville?04:52
gary_inNYCturtle: i see 2 warnings... "no seat id found" and "unable to load file /etc/gdm/custom.conf no such file or directory"04:52
marca311ilovefairuz: it just freezes on: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480238/04:52
dsnyderstucemiux, a farm simulation game.04:52
Dice-Manhow much did you pay your netbook maco ?04:52
gremlin133ello, does anyone know a way to stop apache from asking for the SSL passphrase on startup? and just ignore that certificate unitl apache can be manually restarted04:52
macotkroo: try:   cd /usr/bin ; sudo ln -s ./lib/firefox-3.6.8/firefox.sh firefox04:52
marca311ilovefairuz: and i have to restart for anything to work again04:52
Dice-Mangremlin133, try #apache04:52
macotkroo: then re-run the install?04:52
tkroomaco, ok i'll take a look04:53
gremlin133ah yeah.. true lol04:53
dsnyderstucemiux, check it  out here: http://www.farmville.com/04:53
tkrooa symlink, ok thanks maco04:53
tucemiuxdsnyders, oi thanks !04:53
macoDice-Man: 650, but i got extra ram, an SSD, and a 3G modem built in04:53
turt1egary_inNYC: do the time stamps for those two warning match the time you had the issue?04:53
Dice-Manmaco, did they ship to europe ?04:53
ilovefairuzmarca311: pastebin: ps axjf04:53
disloguampa, it all looked good on the server04:53
macoDice-Man: oh...and the carrying case is included in that...  and yes, they ship to europe and can do european plugs04:53
lov255Anyone know command for the lastest flash drivers on firefox?04:54
gary_inNYCturtle: roughly yes 11:20 to 11:30 or so04:54
Dice-Manmaco, zareason seems to be espacially built for ubuntu :D04:54
disloguampa, i can pastebin a verbose output of ssh04:55
ilovefairuz!flash > lov25504:55
macoDice-Man: yep, though they've recently started offering other distros like fedora, qimo, debian...04:55
ubottulov255, please see my private message04:55
=== Andy is now known as Guest70894
Dice-Manoh good04:55
marca311ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480240/04:55
tkroomaco, i see that /usr/bin/firefox -> /opt/firefox/firefox (which doesn't exist)04:55
bandeirahi, there! i expect this error while i'm trying to move a folder into another one by console.. "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' " how do i fix it?04:56
lov255Thanks !ubottu | ilovefairuz04:56
macobandeira: is there a ( in the name of a file/folder?04:56
guampadislo: ok04:56
bandeirayes. that's what it shows on bash error.04:56
macobandeira: if so, you need to put a \ before it or put " " around the whole path04:57
macobandeira: if you use <tab> key to finish names of files as you go, it'll automatically put the \'s in04:57
user_please!! Question: Using 10.04 LTS,  connection to my wireless router keeps failing, even though it is on an auto connect sometimes it gives up, is there a way I can keep it connected to it even when it fails?04:57
turt1egary_inNYC:  ok from here I would suggest a google search on those warnings to see if it leads you any were.  But be aware that warning msgs usually don't amount to much.  Try the grep search again but this time instead of warning try error or panic.  Are you familiar with grep and its options?04:57
flourishhello everyone, quick question. Is there a scripting language with sys or sqs as the script extension04:57
ilovefairuzmarca311: did you kill the apt-get process? don't04:58
gary_inNYCturtle: unfortunately no04:58
tucemiuxuser_,  sounds like a bad bug on your wireless card, what card do you have?04:58
marca311ilovefairuz: haven't yet04:58
monokromeI have a Ubuntu server that I have configured to have a static IP04:58
bandeiramaco: it works by using "" on its name.04:58
monokromeevery few hours, it gets an IP over DHCP04:58
tucemiuxmonokrome, what is the question, all in ***one line***04:58
ilovefairuzmarca311: so it's still running and hanged?04:58
marca311ilovefairuz: whoops, only apt-get is hanging04:59
monokromeI have a Ubuntu server that I have configured to have a static IP - but every few hours, it gets an IP over DHCP. My /etc/network/interfaces looks like this: http://dpaste.com/230918/ . Also, you will need to make your screen wider so that this all fits on one line, tucemiux.04:59
gary_inNYCturtle: i found "registered panic notifier" in syslog05:00
ilovefairuzmarca311:  that's not the full output, do: ps  axjf > ps.txt  .. and then pastebin the file05:00
turt1egary_inNYC:  grep is case sensitive but it can be used to search through files and directories for specific patterns.  try a "grep -i pattern file" to make the search case insensitive05:01
mikeruwhy uname -p == "unknown" yet arch == "i686" ?05:02
turt1egary_inNYC:  no clue what that is unfortunately.   try google search on it05:02
mismatsoHola, alguien aquí habla español?05:02
guampamismatso: #ubuntu-es05:03
mikerumismatso: yes, but you should /join #ubuntu-es05:03
disloguampa, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480245/05:03
marca3111ilovefairuz: sorry, i forgot my computer is set to turn off at 1105:03
ilovefairuzmarca3111: , do: ps  axjf > ps.txt  .. and then pastebin the file05:03
mismatsook, thanks05:03
TxMattQuick question, I'm using wine and running convertx2dvd  and sometimes it likes to disappear from my screen without leaving a running icon but its till shows up in running processes, is there a command i can use to make it visible again?05:03
gary_inNYCturtle: perhaps this pastebin might help?  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/QkKnrX9G05:03
tkroomaco, thanks again.05:04
flourishhello everyone, quick question. Is there a scripting language with sys or sqs as the script file's extension05:04
AndymanHow can I start the installer after installation finished?05:04
marca3111ilovefairuz: nothing05:04
mikeruflourish, why?05:04
ilovefairuzmarca3111: nothing what? there's a file created now, ps.txt, open it with gedit and pastebin05:05
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tucemiuxmonokrome,  your configuration looks OK, as long as your router's IP is, that is a very weird problem you are having, I would check your logs and check your router05:05
Andymanor rather, how can I install the LAMP task without having to name each separate package?05:05
marca3111ilovefairuz: sorry, complete mind blank, i'll get right to it05:05
mattypI am having trouble using my iphone 3GS with rhythmbox - I keep getting this message: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/RR74RLKe  Running lucid on my laptop with all the updates and libmobile device installed.  (yes this is same person as mateo who posted this question earlier)05:05
flourishmikeru: maybe my next job is just writing such scripting05:06
Andymanah, found it.. sudo tasksel install lamp-server05:06
guampadislo: it doesnt say much, id do all this: 1) use ssh -i and use the same private key you use with another user, 2) check permissions on /root/.ssh and everything below (700 / 600)05:06
mikeruflourish, but my question is, why is the file extension so important??05:06
guampadislo: what do you have in PermitRootLogin?05:07
marca3111ilovefairuz: here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480246/05:07
tucemiuxmonokrome, did a reboot and a /etc/init.d/networking restart help at all?05:08
flourishmikeru: ??? i didn't see the extension is important, but the file usually saved with a sys/sqs suffix.05:08
mikeruflourish, "Is there a scripting language with sys or sqs as the script file's extension"05:08
ilovefairuzmarca3111: did you do: sudo apt-get install --reinstall  mysql-server-5.1  .. and left it stuck ?05:08
mikeruanyhow, no idea05:08
marca3111ilovefairuz: yes05:09
shawnboyHow do I exit gpg at terminal?05:10
flourishwell, think about python and perl? python's extension is .py and perl's is .pl or .plx05:10
ilovefairuzmarca3111: where did you leave it? in another gnome-terminal tab?05:10
disloguampa, i would need to change that setting on the server05:10
guampashawnboy: ctl+d05:10
marca3111ilovefairuz: my computer restarted, remember?05:10
shawnboyguampa: thanks.05:11
guampadislo: set it to "without-password" so it only allows root login with keys05:11
guampaotherwise you are exposed to dictionary attacks05:11
editIs there any way to use wine to install .net support in the fake c:/ path?05:11
ilovefairuzmarca3111: naturally, you should redo the command after the computer boots up, sudo apt-get install --reinstall  mysql-server-5.1 .. then open another terminal and do: ps  axjf > ps.txt05:12
turt1egary_inNYC:  couldn't find much of relavance about those warnings.  GDM is your Gnome Display manager and is essentially the gui login window.05:12
marca3111ilovefairuz: k05:12
turt1egary_inNYC: my only real suggestion at this point would be to monitor and see if that error occurs again or if it was a one time only thing05:13
marca3111ilovefairuz: it just gave me the apt-get --configure error again and nothing else05:13
ilovefairuzmarca3111: pastebin05:14
TeslaTonyIs there any way, in Ubuntu Netbook Remix,  to add a program to the favorites menu that is run from a folder in the home directory?05:14
a3DmanWeird, nautilus file transfer starts fast then it slows down very badly05:15
marca3111ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480248/05:15
Blue1a3Dman: yeha I've noticed that - for large files05:15
ilovefairuzmarca3111: sudo dpkg --configure -a05:15
Blue1a3Dman: starts at 19m and then settles somewhere around 5 meg05:16
a3DmanI'm transferring 100GB files05:16
marca3111ilovefairuz: same as before05:16
a3Dmanit started at 30MB/s (device speed)05:16
Blue1a3Dman: smoke em if you have em05:16
a3Dmannow 11.7 and it gows down05:16
ilovefairuzmarca3111: now stuck ?05:16
marca3111ilovefairuz: no05:16
Blue1a3Dman: i wonder why it throttles like that?05:16
marca3111ilovefairuz: not yet05:16
ilovefairuzmarca3111: please pastebin the output of any command i give you05:16
a3DmanI don't know, I will cancel it...05:17
marca3111ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480250/05:17
gary_inNYCturtle: ok thanks05:17
Blue1a3Dman: i just let it run all night, and then when I get up, it's done.  I think I moved about 55G in about 4 hours or so05:18
ilovefairuzmarca3111: sudo apt-get install --reinstall  mysql-server-5.105:18
a3Dmanit will go down till it gets 100KB/s with 100GB of files05:18
Blue1a3Dman: want a slow copy?  copy from ntfs to anything else...05:18
Blue1a3Dman: you'd be there for days...05:18
syn-ackjust got back... turt1e not completely unheard of a kernel panic not producing a core... Strange but not unheard of. I wonder what he was doing when it happened05:18
marca3111ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480252/05:19
kifferhello bill here05:19
Blue1kiffer: sup?05:19
ilovefairuzmarca3111: stuck now?05:19
kifferis there some guy named tux something here05:19
mattypI am having trouble using my iphone 3GS with rhythmbox - I keep getting this message: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/RR74RLKe. How can I fix this problem?  Running lucid on my laptop with all the updates and libmobile device installed.05:19
marca3111ilovefairuz: yup05:19
kifferdark tux or something05:19
ilovefairuzmarca3111:  ps  axjf > ps.txt05:19
kifferhi Blue1 nothing much05:19
a3DmanI'm getting pcmanfm05:20
turt1esyn-ack:  that is actually more common that not  on some systems,  for kernel panic to not produce a core that is.05:20
syn-ackturt1e: right...05:20
Blue1a3Dman: yeah anything has to be better05:20
marca3111ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480253/05:20
a3Dmanno one reported this nautilus bug?05:20
Blue1a3Dman: dunno.  almost makes me want to see what another distro would do.05:21
ilovefairuzmarca3111: sudo kill -KILL 385705:21
marca3111ilovefairuz: done05:21
=== Mike is now known as Guest43373
kifferhello there is one big thing05:22
kifferabout ununtu that i do not like05:22
ilovefairuzmarca3111: now check the other terminal05:22
kifferand i haven't liked it since well 6 7 years05:22
Blue1kiffer: what's that?05:22
kifferit has no 7.1 sound support05:22
kifferi really miss that05:22
kifferthat is the only reason i come back to windows05:22
Blue1kiffer: never heard of that what is it?05:22
kifferi can do anything in ubunutu05:22
marca3111ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480254/05:22
kiffer7.1 souround system05:22
kifferyou know05:22
syn-ackkiffer: disable Pulseaudio and use straight ALSA. ;)05:22
kiffer7 boxes one subwoofer05:23
turt1ekiffer: what, are you running a home theater off a windows box or something?05:23
kifferalsa has only 5.105:23
syn-ackkiffer: Not sure you have to now, but back in the day you did, iirc05:23
Blue1kiffer: ah no -- we have 5.1 dolby here.  I live in an apt - so surround sound05:23
kifferbut only 5.105:23
kifferso i will be missing 2 boxes05:23
kifferi can get 5.1 to work sure fine no problem05:23
kifferbut there has never been build a proper 7.1 support it seems05:23
a3Dmanpcmanfm is a lot faster05:24
kifferi could be wrong it could have been build by now05:24
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kifferbut i do not like to miss 2 of my boxes05:24
turt1emaybe it's because I'm just not that much of an audiophile but really?  2 speakers makes that much of a difference?05:24
kifferto me it does05:25
kifferi can twinker with ubuntu and i'm kinda a perfectionist05:25
HinHinhi there05:25
=== stephen is now known as Guest23782
kifferi can make my graphic card everything work05:25
kifferexcept for this small thing05:25
HinHinhow do i stop the iptables service in 10.04?05:25
guampakiffer: a quick check on google shows 7.1 in fact works in linux05:26
troopperiHinHin: http://blog.hbcom.info/archives/4405:27
syn-ackguampa: He did quantify it in the beginning by specifically pointing out Ubuntu05:27
ilovefairuzmarca3111: sudo apt-get remove  mysql-server-5.105:27
HinHintroopperi, thanks05:28
kifferwhere guampa05:28
kifferi can only find 5.1 with some wire twinkering05:28
kifferi don't like that05:28
kifferof losing sound by adding wires to a surround set05:28
guampagoogle linux "7.1" surround05:29
ilovefairuz!enter | kiffer05:29
ubottukiffer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:29
syn-ackkiffer: dude, it's the first friggin hit on google05:29
marca3111ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480256/05:30
syn-ackkiffer: and Wouldn't ya know it, it's in Ubuntu Forums.05:30
marca3111ilovefairuz: do it kill dpkg?05:30
kiffersyn-ack that is still 5.105:30
kifferbeing adjusted to 7.105:30
ilovefairuzmarca3111: is the other terminal still hanging?05:30
marca3111ilovefairuz: yes05:30
turt1ekiffer:  you have 2 more speakers, of course you are going to add more wires right?05:31
ilovefairuzmarca3111: no more output?05:31
marca3111ilovefairuz: no more than the second last pastebin link i sent you05:31
kifferno i was refering to adding plugs to have those 2 boxes work on the others05:32
kifferso you don't really have surroun but you do have sound05:32
ilovefairuzmarca3111: pastebin: /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.1.prerm05:32
kifferbut i do not like it that way and what i read from it linux still have no 7.1 support05:32
syn-ackkiffer: Please stop using your enter key like that. You were already asked once.05:32
kifferThe dynamic range compression requirement also indicates why it's bad for the "standard" to become 7.1 when you only have 5.1 equipment (like most people do).05:32
kifferi do make full sentences now i do not enter all the time05:33
joebobjoewow the ubuntu bots are tough on you05:33
ilovefairuzkiffer: group them05:33
mattypI am having trouble using my iphone 3GS with rhythmbox - I keep getting this message: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/RR74RLKe. How can I fix this problem?  Running lucid on my laptop with all the updates and libmobile device installed.05:33
wombatguyanyone know a program already in existence that's capable of sorting files into directories based on file extension and possibly other criteria05:34
ljsoftnethello people05:34
marca3111ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480262/05:35
syn-ackwombatguy: use sort and some regex and you should be good to go05:35
wombatguyi've been trying to write a script for this but i run into problems and i am kinda hoping something like what i want already exists. The particular idea would be to look at a directory of files and then if they are n days old they will be moved into directories based on extensions and such05:35
plouffewombatguy, can't you have your wombat do it for you?05:37
wombatguyi might have to05:37
wombatguyim surprised this hasn't been done yet05:37
syn-ackwombatguy: like I said, sort and regex and you'll be ok05:38
wombatguyi'd like to add some ability to look into compressed archives and further sort based on contents05:38
wombatguyyea i guess i didn't understand sort05:38
wombatguylooking into it now05:38
Terminuswombatguy: you can use find to select files by age.05:38
wombatguyyea mtime05:38
wombatguythat's how i was doing it05:38
syn-ackwombatguy: wombatguy check this out: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/05:38
guampakiffer: i still see people geting output to all the 8 channels05:38
kifferguampa well i guess you see more than me05:39
kifferdid you read that update ?05:40
kifferi already tried all of that05:40
kifferlike 2 years ago05:40
kifferthe last link is 5.105:40
ilovefairuzmarca3111: looks like there's a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.1/+bug/55113005:40
kifferthe build in sound surround thing by ubuntu only gives out 5.1 why nobody know05:41
guampakiffer: dude, second link, point 105:41
guampawhat does it mention?05:41
HinHinhi there >.< anyone good with iptables here?05:42
kiffero well05:42
kifferi might get a new ubuntu05:42
kifferand install it05:42
guampaas to the first link, it doesnt say it doesnt work anymore, so if your system by default dont show all the channels may well be something to try05:42
HinHinI want to allow local port 80 connections05:42
kifferand try it out05:43
HinHinbut block remote connections to port 8005:43
ilovefairuzmarca3111: kill it and try05:43
kifferi just have to back up my stuff05:43
ilovefairuzmarca3111: sudo apt-get -f remove05:43
marca3111ilovefairuz: k05:43
StaleGuess what everybody? I installed Ubuntu on a PC with 128 RAM05:45
kifferyou are using ubuntu for a good propuse05:45
StaleIt took almost a day, lol :D05:46
greezmunkeyStale: Now, turn your swap file off... ;)05:46
kifferi did that once on a friends computer05:46
kifferhe went beserk05:46
kifferi did it with ssh05:46
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:46
Stalegreezmunkey: I do not know what would happen, but I do want to know what would happen... (it's a dual-booted PC).05:47
marca3111ilovefairuz: seems to have worked, i'll reboot05:48
tonsilitishow do you install wine from the command line?05:48
greezmunkeyStale: check this: man swapoff and swapon05:48
troopperitonsilitis: sudo apt-get install wine05:48
Staletonsilitis: that is easy if you follow a webpage's instructions.05:48
mazafakahi :D05:49
ilovefairuzmarca3111: pastebin05:49
Stale!man swapoff05:49
ilovefairuz!hi | mazafaka05:49
ubottumazafaka: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:49
glickhey whats a good mail server to use with ubuntu? the docs list a few, but whats the difference?05:50
greezmunkeyStale: try that in a terminal window on your U-box.05:50
guampaglick: postfix is one good05:50
marca311ilovefairuz: it worked! thank you very much!05:51
ilovefairuzmarca311: you're welcome05:51
marca311ilovefairuz: now i can go to bed, thank you!05:52
Stalegreezmunkey: I will do that .05:53
marca311ilovefairuz: one quick question though, what's the username?05:53
ilovefairuzmarca311: of what? mysql?05:53
marca311ilovefairuz: no, your irc username05:54
ilovefairuz <--- marca31105:54
marca311ilovefairuz: no!, i'm not that stupid, why the username "ilovefairuz"05:55
StaleI was just kidding about inputting the terminal commands hehe ^^, zzzz.05:55
ilovefairuzmarca311: check the link in the pm05:56
Stalehalo amigos!05:56
=== kiffer is now known as bill
marca311candive: i agree (what are you talking about?, forget it, i don't want to know)05:56
Stalehola amigos!05:56
marca311ilovefairuz: k05:56
=== joshuatobin is now known as tobin_
ilovefairuz!es | Stale05:57
ubottuStale: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:57
zilli've got some problems with formula-editing.any good editor?05:58
Stalethank you and gracias, ilovefairuz.05:58
ilovefairuzzill: check out 'kile'05:59
candiveilovefairuz: sorry i thought your nickname refered to the lovable ferret (weasel)05:59
smwzill, what about openoffice math?05:59
syn-ackor gnumeric06:00
candiveover tired nite06:00
ilovefairuzcandive: join #ubuntu-offtopic or pm, it's not really appropriate place here, but it's not a ferret, she's a vocalist06:00
Stalebig ole smiles06:04
tonsilitisdoes anyone know if AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) works on Wine?06:06
Staletonsilities: that depends what version you are using.06:06
ilovefairuz!appdb | tonsilitis06:06
ubottutonsilitis: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help06:06
ssspogyeah it does hella06:07
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
Staletonsilitis: what aol version you are using?06:08
tonsilitisStale, I'm not using AOL.06:09
dr770hello, from netstat I get this line: tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN06:09
dr770hiw can I tell what service in using this port?06:09
Staletonsilitis: okay, what version of AIM you are using?06:09
tonsilitisStale, none06:09
ilovefairuztonsilitis: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=109 .. the gold and bronze ratings are what to look for06:10
ssspogdude all of em do06:10
ilovefairuzhello abhijit06:10
Staletonsilitis: okay, here is the list of many versions for the WineHQ, http://www.oldapps.com/aim.php . You can give them a try. One is bound to work :D06:11
abhijitilovefairuz, :)06:11
rlaagerWhy aren't packages in maverick listed on packages.ubuntu.com?06:13
thune3dr770: lsof -i06:13
thune3dr770: sudo lsof -i    maybe06:13
abhijit!10.10 | rlaager06:14
ubotturlaager: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:14
dr770thune3, got it  thanks06:14
rlaagerabhijit: That doesn't answer my question, unless your implied answer is, "At some point in the recentish past, a decision was made to not show the development version on packages.ubuntu.com any more."06:15
wissemhello all06:15
wissemdoes anyone know how to change offline mode by default in firefox ?06:16
Stale10.04 is dangerous, I think that's the message.06:16
ilovefairuzdr770: sudo netstat -pant06:16
abhijitrlaager, the answer is this channel is only for upto lucid discussion. for marverick discussion join #ubuntu+1 and talk there06:16
tonsilitisI cant even get the damn thing to load06:16
Staletonsilitis: the WineHQ won't load?06:16
* cystic has been grinning ear to ear since installing 10.0406:17
tonsilitistonsilitis, no, the AIM that had the bronze rating wouldn't load06:17
turt1eany of you here share are /home partition among multiple ubuntu installs?  curious how the installer for each subsequent ubuntu/kubuntu install handles the /home partition that was created by the first install06:17
ilovefairuzwissem: by default? it's not, it goes offline when network manager goes offline06:17
wissemilovefairuz, no i have ubuntu with lxde as gui , it have wiced as the network manager :)06:18
SteveThingevening all... anyone have any experience with transparent proxies and/or stateful firewall software?06:18
Staletonsilitis: You can try out the other AIM versions.06:18
turt1eprimarly if you set the flag to not partiion /home will it play nicely with the files already on that partiion?  I assume different usernames for each install is a neccessity?06:19
_F-117SteveThing: transparent proxies socks ?06:19
ilovefairuzwissem: that's probably why it goes offline06:19
Kebert_Xelaim rather pleased with 10.0406:19
Kebert_Xelalast time i used ubuntu was like 7.1006:20
wissemis there anything , i can do to solve this ?06:20
tonsilitisStale, do you use AIM for windows?06:20
wissemi've that's a firefox bug06:20
SteveThing_F-117, i'm wanting to see if they are compatible with gaming consoles (Wii and PS3) or if they really don't care06:20
ilovefairuzturt1e: depends on whether the application in question can handle old config files or not06:20
Kebert_Xelamy father used to tell me that drinking a cup of bleach can solve all of your problems06:21
HeLLRaZeRwindows suck06:21
_F-117SteveThing: dam thats a good question , you have ubuntu running on PS3 ?06:21
abhijiti was disconnected.06:21
ilovefairuzwissem: is firefox-gnome-support installed? if so, try removing it06:21
SteveThing_F-117, no, just sitting on my network06:21
Kebert_Xelasay, how does one release their ip address and renew it?06:21
Kebert_Xelain ubuntu gnome of course06:21
SteveThing_F-117, stupid sony update disabled my linux install... real f-tards06:22
ilovefairuzKebert_Xela: sudo killall dhclient && sudo dhclient eth006:22
Staletonsilitis: yes, so I would try install the Windows AIM. The WineHQ will take care of the rest.06:22
tonsilitisStale, do you use AIM for windows?06:22
wissemokay , ilovefairuz , thnks06:22
Kebert_Xelaalright ill make a note of that06:22
Kebert_Xelathanks ilovefairuz06:22
_F-117SteveThing: Dam, I know I use to have a setup all networked when i ran windows , but never did proxies with xbox never really thought about it06:23
_F-117SteveThing: Whats the goal ?06:23
tonsilitisStale, good. The reason I'm trying to download it is because I'm looking for a friend I met online, I only know him by his username, is there a search option in AIM to search by username?06:23
SteveThing_F-117, I don't really need to, but I'd like to see how robust they are for experience purposes06:24
tonsilitisStale, actually i just know what he went by06:24
tonsilitisStale, not his actual username06:24
Kebert_Xelaanyone have any tips for learing the code faster? other than just fixing and customizing with terminal?06:24
tonsilitisStale, just his alias06:24
_F-117tonsiltis: intitle : AOL username on google06:24
turt1eilovefairuz:  well the application would be ubuntu installer from livecd.  I just want to make sure that if I share my existing /home partition if I decide to install say ubuntu 9.10 that it won't try to format /home partition even though I leave the option unchecked during install06:24
tonsilitis_F-117, I've tried that.06:25
SteveThing_F-117, good concept and seems pretty simple... but i'd like to test it with various hardware on my network06:25
_F-117SteveThing: Thats some shit I would do06:25
Staletonsilitis: I'll see if AIM have a search option.06:25
tonsilitisok thanks06:25
Pink_Floodhi.... im using gnome... everytime i want to uninstall an app like.... chesse.... the apt wants to uninstall a lot of gnome apps as well.... how can i fix that06:25
Pink_Floodand make apt remove only the app i want06:25
wissemnegative , ilovefairuz  , that dosent work06:25
ilovefairuzturt1e: no, the applications are the individual applications you use inside ubuntu after it's installed, these are the ones that read/write config files in your home directory06:25
SteveThingPink_Flood, apt-get check?06:25
_F-117SteveThing: Thats c00l throw a phone into the mix to spice it up and proxy using your phone06:26
SteveThing_F-117, already planning it :)06:26
_F-117SteveThing: Do you have a smartphone06:26
SteveThing_F-117, my neighbor does and I let him use my wifi06:26
SteveThing_F-117, one of the T-Mobile ones hat needs updates constantly... should be an interesting test06:27
Staletonsilitis: I can see the webpage version of AIM here. http://www.aim.com/06:27
turt1eilovefairuz:  oh!  yeah no those I'm confident wouldn't be an issue because I would have a different user name for each install.  More worried about the installer doing something silly like formating or overwriting the data already on /home partiion06:27
_F-117SteveThing: android ?06:27
ilovefairuzwissem: open new tab, about:config, in search box type "toolkit.networkmanager.disable" .. when it comes up double click to set to false06:27
Staletonsilitis: or this link. http://o.aolcdn.com/aim/gromit/aim_express/gm/100426.2.4571.en-us/WidgetMain.html06:28
Kebert_Xelai have a stupid question, is the code used in terminal: UNIX or otherwise?06:28
ilovefairuzturt1e: no it wouldn't06:28
SteveThing_F-117, some google phone.. i dunno... he just got it and keeps jizzing in his pants about it06:28
ilovefairuz!language | SteveThing06:28
ubottuSteveThing: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:28
wissemilovefairuz, i ll be careful i promise lol06:28
wissemonna try that :D06:29
_F-117SteveThing: lol use Sip and pre pay and you get non traceable free service06:29
SteveThingSo neat trick for anyone with a bluetooth capable laptop and a bluetooth unit in your car/truck... you can stream movie audio through your car stereo using bluetooth A2DP :) Sounds alot better than those tinny laptop speakers06:30
SteveThingreally easy with netbook remix too06:30
Kebert_Xelais gparted capable of resizing a raid 0 partition? and actually maintain the integrety of the data strip?06:30
SteveThingKebert_Xela, don't think so06:31
Kebert_Xelaso doubtful that i could install with raid 0 on a partition, copy my backed up stuff onto it, then resize the raid partition to aquire the remaining 150gb or so?06:32
ilovefairuzPink_Flood: pastebin06:32
ilovefairuz!paste > Pink_Flood06:32
ubottuPink_Flood, please see my private message06:32
SteveThingKebert_Xela, don't think so... but i'm sure there is a way to do some fun image juggling to achieve that if you've got a spare drive laying around06:33
Kebert_Xelaunfortunately i dont really06:34
Kebert_Xelanot one capable of06:34
Kebert_Xelawell maybe06:34
SteveThingKebert_Xela, i'm no expert, maybe someone else on here knows...06:34
Kebert_Xelathanks anyways06:34
Staletonsilitis: you can also let that username to search for your ID (so you don't have to).06:36
tonsilitisStale, thanks that worked!06:36
SteveThinganyone know if a picoITX machine would be capable of running ubuntu server for the purposes of stateful firewall and transparent cached proxy?06:36
valbacacan anyone else confirm that the ubuntu torrents are not working? http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#bt06:36
ActionParsnipSteveThing: fitpc :)06:36
Staletonsilitis: The "forcing the other user to find your ID" idea works?06:37
valbacalet me rephrase that: the .torrent files are not available for download06:37
tonsilitisno stale06:37
SteveThingActionParsnip, heh, i forgot about those... i wonder if the price has dropped since release... /google06:37
tonsilitisthe original idea worked06:37
SteveThingActionParsnip, thanx bud06:37
Staletonsilitis: oh, cool.06:37
ActionParsnipSteveThing: grab the dual lan one and you are smug06:37
ActionParsnipSteveThing: could set it use as a router and ditch your home grade pos06:38
SteveThingActionParsnip, I'm using Cisco... nothing "home grade" about it :)06:38
ActionParsnipSteveThing: nice. Do you mean a real cisco, or a linksys?06:39
SteveThingActionParsnip, but I will probably be using the new device as a router to seperate broadcast domains06:39
Stalevalbaca: I know where are the archives at.06:39
SteveThingActionParsnip, Cisco 877W... it's a branch office router... not cheap either... got it for $5 at a pizza-hut closeout auction :)06:40
ActionParsnipSteveThing: there are tiny devices which can run as file/torrent clients and are pretty spot on. For the proxy you'll need a bit more bite06:40
thune3valbaca: that page doesn't seem to have been updated since 10.04.1 release. just add the .1 as appropriate in the address e.g. http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso.torrent06:40
valbacaStale, the website links to the 10.04 torrents, not the 10.04.1. The 10.04.1 torrent that I was looking for is here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ problem solved06:41
Stalevalbaca: that is good.06:41
U8untuBlue1 hi .. i have a question .. i reboot my pc..and press F8 to go in SAFE MODE .. but..it shows me only Ubuntu there..is it possible that the Windows was automatically deleted?06:41
ActionParsnipSteveThing: wow, nice. I'm moving my fileserver to router soon to replace my linksys. Just need time when I'm not tired or out06:41
valbacathune3, thanks.06:42
valbaca Is there anyway to let Canonical know to update the site?06:42
ActionParsnipvalbaca: id inform in #freenode06:43
U8untuhey, i had both windows and linux on same partition C:\ ..is it possible that windows was deleted?06:43
StaleU8untu: the boot options usually shows a list of kernels/OS.06:44
ActionParsnipU8untu: doubtful. Sounds like you need to run: sudo update-grub ,in ubuntu06:45
maco!cn | creast06:47
ubottucreast: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:47
StaleU8untu: You can also try rebooting.06:47
Aliselynhi, I'm having some trouble connecting to the internet on my laptop. is it possible to get some help?06:47
wombatguyanythings possible06:47
ActionParsnip!details | Aliselyn06:47
ubottuAliselyn: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:47
Stalecreast: sweet, yes.06:48
macovalbaca: there's a ubuntu-website project on launchpad.net  -- report a bug06:48
wombatguyask the question though06:48
riyahello i have problem with my internet connection06:48
wissemwhat's your problem Aliselyn ?06:48
valbacamaco, thanks I actually just opened launchpad.net :)06:48
zhoubingThere is no boundary in communication.06:49
Stalecreast: this is not a cyberin'. No offense intended.06:49
frogzoo1any idea why OpenProj isn't in the repos?06:50
creastthank u ! just know a little English .06:50
Aliselynthank you..... I'm running 10.04 on a Sony Vaio, and am trying to connect to dialup. I tried adding a connection using pppconfig, but when I try to connect, it says "Error: only members of the 'dip' group can use this command"06:50
Stalecreast: that is ok too.06:50
zhoubingme too06:50
abhijitfrogzoo1, i think may be #ubuntu-motu and/or #ubuntu-packaging people have more info on this06:51
glickhey im reading the ubuntu server documentation for installing postfix06:51
glickwhen it asks you for Root and postmaster mail recipient, do i make up an account, or does that account have to be on the system06:52
Mano_Chaoalguem ae do brazil???06:52
abhijitglick, ask in #ubuntu-server06:52
abhijit!br | Mano_Chao06:52
ubottuMano_Chao: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.06:52
Mano_Chaoto lah tb.. soh quero sabe se aqui tem alguem que fala portugues tb06:53
Aliselynoh, sorry, the command I used was "pon Intergate"06:54
wissemAliselyn: did your connection work on a windows installation ?06:54
creasti can't find #ubuntu-cn !!06:54
Aliselynwissem: yes, it worked on XP06:54
abhijitMano_Chao, join # ubuntu-br você encontra todas as pessoas que falam português lá06:54
Stalecreast: "/join #ubuntu-cn"06:54
Mano_Chaotah... isso quer dizer que nao posso ficar aqui...06:55
Mano_Chaoou que se eu encontrar alguem que fale portugues aqui nao posso conversar...06:55
sailerboyhey, does anyone have a vps at thrustvps.com or damnvps.com? (they are the same)06:55
rparedesalguna mujer en esre canal06:55
wissemAliselyn: try adding your user to the dip group06:55
StaleMano_Chao: you can stay.06:56
Aliselynwissem: already did, and it says when I try to add that it has already been added06:56
creastnobody was in ubuntu -cn.-.-06:56
creastso sad!06:57
jellowThere is a key i can't find is there a way to implement another key for that character im missing?06:57
abhijitMano_Chao, você pode ficar neste canal o tempo que desejar06:57
zhoubingthere is aways few peple in  #ubuntu-cn.06:57
duliozhoubing, that's right...06:57
Mano_Chaoobrigado... vc eh do brasil06:57
Stalecreast: no problem, that is why there is #ubuntu06:57
wissemAliselyn: does the user that you added is in the sudoers file?06:58
abhijitwhat is the meaning of vc eh of Brazil?06:58
zhoubingi come here just listening and  study.06:58
duliozhoubing, me206:58
Mano_Chaovocê é06:58
lili1hello. i want install a distro of ubuntu. my frineds say that ubuntu 10.4 have very bug?06:58
abhijitMano_Chao, Ei, eu estou falando com você usando o Google Translate ferramenta. Eu não sei português!06:58
lili1is it itru?06:58
zhoubingdulio ,so you come from china too ?06:59
Mano_Chaoentendi então melhor falar mais formal né06:59
dulioMano_Chao, yes06:59
Aliselynwissen: I'm sorry, does that mean that I can use sudo as an admin?06:59
duliozhoubing, yes06:59
Stalelili1: any version is bound to have bugs.06:59
abhijitlili1, answer is - try it yourself and have yoru own opinion. because 50% will say lucid is bad nad 50% will say its good. i say its really awesome!06:59
dooglusI just installed ubuntu on a netbook.  it crashes every time I boot.  seems to be when the 'drumming' sound is played on the login screen.  which file can I edit to disable the drums?06:59
Mano_Chaopreciso dessa ferramenta06:59
duliozhoubing, i am finding a client for blackberry07:00
duliozhoubing, do you know?07:00
Mano_Chaotem nos repositórios...??07:00
Aliselynwissem: I'm sorry, does that mean that I can use sudo as an admin?07:00
abhijit!en | Mano_Chao07:00
ubottuMano_Chao: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:00
wissemi don't like the 10.04 , i moved to lxde to avoid crashes :/07:00
lili1abhijit: i'm not professinal to work linux. is ubuntu 10.4 fitt for me to start work with liinux?07:00
wissemAliselyn, i mean does your user is whithin the root group?07:01
abhijitlili1, ofcourse its good. i rocomment lucid to you. and also if you have 64 bit cpu go for 64 bit lucid :)07:01
Aliselynwissem: I'm pretty sure it is, I'm the only user. How can I check?07:01
cysticwhat do you guys think about that as an htpc? I think I might buy07:01
Flannelcystic: That'd be a better question for #ubuntu-offtopic07:02
prince_jammysAliselyn: type 'groups' in a terminal. you should see 'admin' listed.07:02
glickhow can i give a new user sudo root capability?07:02
SteveThingcystic, what are you trying to do with your HTPC? DVR? Blu-Ray playback?07:02
prince_jammysAliselyn: if you just added yourself to a new group, log out and back in again.07:02
wissemAliselyn, type id in your console07:02
Aliselynprnce_jammys" thank you, it is listed07:02
HinHinhas anyone installed GetSimple CMS here?07:02
wissemand look for gid07:02
cysticdownloading 1080 torrents on ubuntu and displaying them on the big screen07:03
Aliselynso log out then back in again since I added myself to dip?07:03
prince_jammysAliselyn: yes.07:03
thune3lili1: 10.04.1 just came out, many bugs were fixed. I recommend running 10.04.1 live cd. If it loads, detects your hardware, and you like it: then it's good. (64-bit is not a standard recommendation for someone new to ubuntu)07:04
Aliselynprince_jammys: ok, did that07:04
werswebpage fonts on Firefox 4 beta aren't rendered well. this is always the case for beta releases of firefox. any fix? :)07:04
abhijit!64 | thune307:05
SteveThingcystic, looks like it would work just fine for that... looks like a great deal actually07:05
ubottuthune3: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.07:05
ak-tomCurrently am on 10.04, I erred badly in using the sudo commands for loading Qgis. Consequently it deleted many files from my system, I suspect xorg and window manager routines. My system is operative but marginal. Is there anyway short of a total system load to accomplish repairs?07:05
SteveThingcystic, if you plan on using linux, i'd do some research on that graphics card and HDMI out first... see if it works with linux07:05
prince_jammysak-tom: what did you do, and what symptoms are you seeing?07:06
cysticgraphics card would be the only thing I need to look at for compatability?07:07
Aliselynwissem: ok, when I try to connect again using pon, it does nothing07:07
abhijit!hardware | cystic07:07
ubottucystic: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:07
ak-tomnumerous- jittery screen on gnome. KDE screen relatively ok.07:07
SteveThingcystic, well, check the drivers for the motherboard too... the audio chipset might not be compatible... or mayve the gfx card can't output sound over HDMI, just look around for anything that will require a driver... NIC drivers, etc07:08
cysticcool i will check it out further then instead of impulse buying it07:09
dooglusI just installed ubuntu on a netbook.  it crashes every time I boot.  seems to be when the 'drumming' sound is played on the login screen.  which file can I edit to disable the drums?07:09
=== syd is now known as |syd|
abhijitdooglus, remove/disable gnome login sound from system>preferences>startup aps07:11
ak-tom<prince_jammys>  numerous- jittery screen on gnome. KDE screen relatively ok.07:12
=== Q_Continuum_ is now known as Q_Continuum
dooglusabhijit: it crashes at the gdm screen.  I can't see 'system>preferences>...' because I can't log in07:12
abhijitdooglus, amm dunno then07:12
Aliselynwissem: have I lost you?07:12
dooglusabhijit: I can boot from the alternate iso and get a shell07:13
=== Manuel_ is now known as SaLoMoN
dooglusabhijit: from there I can edit files, but can't run X it seems07:13
thune3dooglus: does the login screen show? (the drums are sort of coincident with the starting of X). Do you maybe have one of the common graphics startup "black screen" issues: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/07:13
abhijitdooglus, hmm07:13
dooglusthune3: the login screen shows, but with no users listed.  it plays the beginning of the drumming sample 3 or 4 times in a loop, then freezes.  no black screen07:14
dooglusthune3: I tried recovering 'factory settings' (windows 7) but that didn't work either.  I suspect the machine isn't compatible with ubuntu, but the shop won't take it back without windows 7 working on it07:15
abhijit!hardware | dooglus07:15
ubottudooglus: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:15
sacarlsonc3l: were are those dooglus sounds like a interupt comflict problem in the sound card.  did you try disable sound in bios?07:16
dash9I set the Alt+AltGr combination to switch the current keyboard layout to the next one, and it works fine when the current keyboard layout is USA, or Deu, but it does not work when the current layout is Rou. Is this a known problem?07:16
hubi123Hi, I lost the data on the HDD in NTFS. Movies, programs, ISO images ... How can I restore the data?07:16
dooglussacarlson: I didn't know there was any such option.  I was thinking of blacklisting the sound kernel module, but don't know how07:17
thune3dooglus: do you make/model# for your netbook?07:17
Aliselynprince_jammys: I seem to have lost wissem.... when you aren't busy, would you mind helping?07:17
dooglusthune3: it's a gateway LT3201h07:17
Seveas-traindash9, not all keyboard layouts differentiate between alt and altgr. My guess is that Rou sees altgr as simply another alt07:17
prince_jammysAliselyn: repeat the whole question to the channel. if i have an idea, i'll help. i don't know what you're doing.07:17
sacarlsondooglus: I assume it's a laptop or a unit with build in sound?  if so then you can boot get into bios and disable it07:17
hubi123Hi, I lost the data on the HDD in NTFS. Movies, programs, ISO images ... How can I restore the data?07:17
dooglussacarlson: it's a netbook.  lspci tells me it has intel sound07:18
=== gimped is now known as Gimped
Seveas-trainhubi123, wrong channel. Try ##windows07:18
dooglussacarlson: I'm currently reinstalling from the alternate iso - doubt it'll help, but I was out of ideas07:18
Seveas-trainhello tvsophie07:18
sacarlsondooglus: I don't recall any problems with intel sound but the loop sound is what I'm used to with conflicting interupts07:19
tvsophiesalut seveas07:19
abhijithubi123, wait07:19
tvsophiei try tuo join undernet07:19
U8untuhey, i am going to System --> Preferences ..and i have no sound settings..why ?07:19
abhijithubi123, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk07:19
tvsophieit work before i want to go undernet07:19
Aliselynprince_jammys: oh, I'm sorry, I thought you might have seen it. my fault. my problem is that I'm having trouble connecting to dialup on my laptop. I'm using 10.04, and using pppconfig to add a connection. I have tried connecting via "pon", but to no avail07:20
PakamamaniThefirst Time here...Halloo everybody!!!07:20
Seveas-traintvsophie, /server eu.undernet.org07:20
prince_jammysAliselyn: address the whole channel; i really don't know about dialup. tell everyone the problem, and what you've already tried.07:20
tvsophiewhere i do that07:20
abhijit /newserver will be better07:20
Seveas-traintvsophie, same box as you type text :)07:20
Aliselynprince_jammys: thank you for the help you've already given me :)07:21
abhijittvsophie,  /newserver en.undernet.org07:21
Seveas-traintvsophie, no, you need to type the /server part too :)07:21
U8untuhey, i am going to System --> Preferences ..and i have no sound settings..why ?07:21
Seveas-traintvsophie, here are some more undernet servers: http://www.undernet.org/servers.php07:22
AliselynI'm having trouble connecting to dialup on my laptop. I'm using 10.04, and using pppconfig to add a connection. I successfully made the connection, and I have tried connecting via "pon", but to no avail07:22
=== alex_ is now known as alexbev
sacarlsondooglus: oh netbook with no cd?07:22
alexbevDoes anyone have any recommendations on the best media center software to use on Ubuntu?07:22
alexbevI've been trying to get XBMC and MythTV working with my WinTV-HVR-2200 MC but its just too hard07:23
prince_jammysAliselyn: have you looked at this? seems to provide a few different methods, including 'pon': http://www.ubuntugeek.com/setting-up-dial-up-connection-in-ubuntu.html07:23
Seveas-trainalexbev, moovida?07:23
abhijitalexbev, go thro the full circle issue 3207:23
tvsophiefuck i have it before07:23
Seveas-traintvsophie, no swearing in here07:24
tvsophieok scuse07:24
Seveas-traintvsophie, and you keep forgetting to type /server07:24
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up07:24
prince_jammysAliselyn: see that too ^^07:24
U8untuhey, i am going to System --> Preferences ..and i have no sound settings..why ?07:24
tvsophie /server en.undernet.org07:24
abhijittvsophie, without space before '/'07:25
prince_jammysAliselyn: in fact, look at that URL first. it's from ubuntu.com07:25
Aliselynprince_jammys: yes I have. the gnome is not installed, ppp is not listed in the networking tab07:25
Seveas-traintvsophie, no spaces before the /07:25
abhijitalexbev, http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-32/07:25
hubi123And how do I join the ATI UbuntuLive USB? Because otherwise I can not run the latest ubuntu.'07:25
Aliselynoh! thank you both prince_jammys and ubottu07:25
prince_jammysAliselyn: ah, ok. i don't have clue, so i can just throw links at you :)07:25
AfterTechHello I need some advice07:25
abhijit!usb | hubi12307:25
ubottuhubi123: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:25
abhijitAfterTech, ask07:26
sidhi have xubuntu 10.04 and i really dont' like the fact that network is dependant of the desktop environement, i would like to have my NIC up in the old school way (filling interfaces file) is it possible ?07:26
AfterTechabhijeet, I was wondering about a hardcore version of ubuntu07:26
abhijitabhijeet, now answer!!!07:26
U8untuhey, i am going to System --> Preferences ..and i have no sound settings..why ?07:27
sacarlsonsidh: yes that's how I still do it.  setup a static ip address?07:27
Seveas-trainU8untu, but do you have sound?07:27
AfterTechguys I really need help here07:27
abhijit!details | AfterTech07:27
Seveas-trainAfterTech, with what?07:27
ubottuAfterTech: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:27
U8untuSeveas yes..i`m listening to radio07:28
AfterTechI need a more hardcore version of ubuntu07:28
abhijitwhat is hard core version?07:28
U8untui mean Seveas-train  yes07:28
AfterTechthat's what I'm asking you, brosef07:28
sacarlsonsidh: I'm not sure my solution is quite right yet sometimes it seems network-manager tries to take back control if the plug gets unpluged and pluged again.07:28
bazhangAfterTech, that makes zero sense07:28
AfterTechI want Ubuntu07:29
AfterTechbut more hardcore07:29
AfterTechI dont see what doesn't make sense07:29
acwhey, i'm trying to run a computer headless, so that i just VNC into it. but each time it boots up that damn auto config of X sets it to 640x480, even though i set it to 1024 when i left it. wat do07:29
sidhsacarlson: yes but via the interfaces file, not through a UI , thes week i experienced freezes of ubuntu and was not able to login through ssh to reboot the machine07:29
bazhangAfterTech, if you have an actual support issue then ask. nonsense in #ubuntu-offtopic07:29
rwwAfterTech: try http://ur1.ca/16g7007:29
GneaAfterTech: hardcore? you mean to compile stuff?07:29
pthsWorkAfterTech: Ubuntu is not meant to be hardcore. If you want a hardcore Linux distro go for Slackware or Gentoo07:29
Seveas-trainU8untu, try the gnome-volume-control command07:29
AfterTechrww, I make it a rule not to follow random shortified links07:30
rwwAfterTech: your loss07:30
sacarlsonsidh: yes /etc/network/intefaces07:30
bazhang!ot | AfterTech07:30
ubottuAfterTech: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:30
pthsWorkor Linux from scratch07:30
GneaAfterTech: it is clear that you do not understand how this channel works.07:30
sacarlsonsidh: it seems to work fine at boot but I still loose it at times07:30
cattlefraudIm using ubuntu netbook 10.4 (i think) ... How can I prevent every new window from being fully maximized, its getting annoying as hell!07:30
AfterTechbazhang, I saw the first time you mentioned that, and I ignored it because it wasn't off topic, but thanks for your concern07:30
bazhangAfterTech, not concern. Please stop07:31
thune3dooglus: i'm going to guess that X is crashing repeatedly, causing multiple bongos. I'm *still* going to recommend you try xforcevesa grub option, to see if you can at least get into desktop.07:31
AfterTechpthsWork, Slackware and Gentoo are both bad distros07:31
AfterTechSlackware doesn't have repos and portage sucks07:31
cattlefraudAfterTech: no one cares but you07:31
U8untuSeveas-train it said that i dont have installed it07:31
Seveas-trainU8untu, did you install ubuntu or kubuntu?07:32
sacarlsonsidh: like yestarday we had a power failure that knocked out my router but my computer has UPS power but in recovery of the router my pc some how lost route07:32
Seveas-trainU8untu, looks like you're missing a chunk of your system. Try this: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:32
sidhwhen we have a freeze is it possible to check somewhere some log before the hard reset07:32
pvl1is there a way to install x64 over a 32 bit install?07:32
Gneabazhang: do you have any experience with building a .deb?07:32
Seveas-trainpvl1, boot the x64 installer and wipe the x32 install :)07:33
cattlefraudhow to prevent new windows from opening maximized? Anyone?07:33
pvl1Seveas-train, i cant just install a 64 bit package over the 32 bit ones?07:33
rwwpvl1: nope07:33
Seveas-trainpvl1, no.07:33
bazhangGnea, sorry a bit busy atm07:33
sacarlsonsidh: a freeze?  do you mean you lost network?  sounds like you remote in and all you lost was a connection.  normaly if it locks up the logs won't show much.  doesn't hurt to look.07:33
pvl1eh oh well im sure ican partition the important stuff out07:34
GneaI bought a new wifi card today and was able to hack the driver from ralink's site to work.  I'm typing over it right now.  There's no .deb package for it and it hasn't been integrated into the kernel yet, and I'm wondering if there's a general area where I could store the .deb for public consumption that would be acceptable07:34
Gneabazhang: okay07:34
acwya so how come my ubuntu boots into 640by480 and not 1024 like i told it to?07:35
Gneaacw: no idea, are you on a KVM?07:35
Seveas-trainGnea, if the thing is open source, create a ppa on launchpad.net. If not: stick it on your own server07:35
acwim trying to run it headless and jsut vnc into it07:35
sacarlsonsidh: my total lock up problems are normaly bad memory or just dirty contacts on memory sims.  you can try run a long mem test.07:35
acwbut it boots up to 64007:35
acwand i cant change it07:36
Seveas-trainacw, if no monitor is connected you need to force a resolution in xorg.conf07:36
GneaSeveas-train: well ralink provides the source on their website for the card, so it's plenty open source. Sounds like a good idea though, I'll host it myself for now and make a ppa once it's refined.07:36
acwi looked into that but somehting somewher said not to because it auto does thing?07:37
Seveas-trainacw, well, it can only autodetect supported resolutions when an actual monitor is connected07:37
sacarlsonacw: what is you want to run on this headless machine?07:37
acwi jsut vnc into it to check this webcam streaming app07:38
acwno need to even have a display07:38
sacarlsonacw: why not just ssh into then?07:38
acwit runs inside the browser07:39
acwand i dont want to x forward07:39
acwfor its flash07:39
acwand errors liek mad07:39
sacarlsonacw: that might make sence07:39
Seveas-trainacw, why not use a different webcam app?07:39
acwwell im streaming it to ustream. i just used their web browser flash streamer07:40
77CAA3LEKhi guys i have a computer with ubuntu on the whole harddrive id like to shrink the partion and install windows xp on half of it how could i install the boot loader and shrink the partion with out wiping out my ubuntu partion07:40
prince_jammysperhaps serve it over http.07:40
Seveas-trainmakes sense07:40
dooglus thune3, sacarlson: the alternate iso is taking a long time to install07:40
acwis there another way?07:40
dooglussacarlson: no cd drive, right.  I'm installing from USB stick07:40
sacarlsondooglus: with a usb flash?07:40
hubi123Testdisk nie przywraca plików, a photorec odzyskuje pojedynczo... My tutaj rozmawiamy o kilkudziesięciu tysięcy plikach...07:41
dash9Seveas-train, when I use keyboard layouts Rou, Deu, "xev" reports the same keycodes when I press Alt (64). Also for AltGr (108). But still, Alt+AltGr only works from Deu->Rou, not the other way. And in the "Choose a Layout" window, both layouts show "ISO_L..." for the AltGr key (USA has "Meta_R Alt_R"). Oh, and AltGr in Rou is different than Alt, it has different effects on keys, so it's not the same.07:41
hubi123TestDisk does not restore the files, and recover PhotoRec one ... We are here talking about tens of thousands of files ...07:41
sacarlsondooglus: I have an eeepc that I installed easy peasy07:41
abhijit!fixgrub  77CAA3LEK install xp in regular way fter that you need to do this07:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:41
jlabhey guys i dont know if this is the right place but I just installed Ubuntu and can't figure out how to install basket notes07:41
abhijit!fixgrub  | 77CAA3LEK install xp in regular way fter that you need to do this07:41
ubottu77CAA3LEK install xp in regular way fter that you need to do this: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:41
sacarlsondooglus: It's like yours with no cd and I had to install with usb flash drive07:41
prince_jammysjlab: sudo apt-get install basket07:42
prince_jammys!info basket07:42
ubottubasket (source: basket): a multi-purpose note-taking application for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~beta1-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 3334 kB, installed size 6612 kB07:42
dooglussacarlson: I've installed that way on lots of computers.  this one didn't work though.  I didn't even try the 'try ubuntu' option first, just went straight for the install.  should have, because it doesn't work either, and I wouldn't have ended up trashing windows then07:42
abhijiti like basket. :)07:42
abhijithubi123, look for professional help then07:43
sacarlsondooglus: ya if it's an option to try then always try first. newer is not always better.07:43
jlabprince_jammys: thanks!07:43
prince_jammysjlab: welcome.07:43
Aliselynok, trying to install wvdial-1.61.tar.gz with tar -xvzf wvdial-1.61.tar.gz and I'm getting this error "cannot open: no such file or directory" I have the file on the desktop, so I'm not sure what is going wrong (sorry, very new at this)07:44
77CAA3LEKabhijit, so how do i shrink my ubuntu partition07:44
dooglusAliselyn: try just: tar xf wv*gz07:45
=== 77CAA3LEK is now known as N3VV3K
abhijit!gparted | 77CAA3LEK using this from ubutnu live cd07:45
ubottu77CAA3LEK using this from ubutnu live cd: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:45
abhijitN3VV3K, ^^07:45
Aliselyndooglus: same error07:45
cattlefraudThis channel is too broad07:46
Seveas-trainAliselyn, you don't need to install it from source. sudo apt-get install wvdial07:46
Seveas-traincattlefraud, it's been on slim-fast for a while now :)07:46
Gneacattlefraud: that's why other channels exist.07:46
AliselynSeveas-train: I would, except I cannot connect to the internet without it07:47
cattlefraudOh yeah? Is there one for the UI?07:47
Gneathere are channels for multiple UI's07:47
Seveas-trainAliselyn, then download the appropriate .deb package the same way you downloaded the tar.gz and install it07:47
cattlefraudIs there one for Ubuntu UI?07:47
AliselynSeveas-train: is it the same install procedure?07:48
Gneathat would be gnome, for Ubuntu, kde for Kubuntu, xfce for Xubuntu07:48
Seveas-trainAliselyn, sudo dpkg -i wdial_*.deb07:48
cattlefraudOh yeah, duh (*slaps himself*)07:48
Gneait shouldn't take a rocket scientist to put 2 and 2 together07:48
Gnea(although I do happen to know some of those hehe)07:49
Seveas-trainGnea, sometimes it does. For obscure values of 207:49
dooglusAliselyn: type "cd; cd Desktop" first07:49
GneaSeveas-train: like 7?07:49
dooglusAliselyn: to make sure you're "in" the right place07:49
dooglusthune3: where do I add "xforcevesa" to the grub script?07:50
Aliselyndooglus: thank you, that worked perfectly (I really didn't know how to navigate via terminal, thank you)07:50
KFCI need some help07:50
GneaI need some chicken07:50
KFCIs it possible to get some?07:50
bilalakhtar!question | kfc07:50
ubottukfc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:50
Gneaj/k, what's the problem?07:51
Seveas-trainKFC, not if you don't tell us what the problem is :)07:51
KFCRemove the executable bit from /etc/grub.d/10_linux, /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ and /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober07:51
KFCRemoving the executable bit from any file in /etc/grub.d will exclude the file from being included in grub updates.07:51
KFCsudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/10_linux /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober07:51
KFC 07:51
FloodBot2KFC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:51
KFCis this refering to07:51
GneaI said chicken, not spam!07:51
dooglusAliselyn: "cd" is "change directory".  just "cd" on its own takes you "home"07:51
bilalakhtar!ot | Gnea07:51
ubottuGnea: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:51
Seveas-trainGnea, spam, spam, chicken and spam :)07:51
thune3dooglus: for a normal boot, you hold down shift during boot to get grub menu, then hit 'e' and add it right after 'quiet splash'. ctrl-x to boot07:51
Gnea!pastebin | KFC07:51
ubottuKFC: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:51
Gneabilalakhtar: hardly, please to be backing off now.07:52
KFCwell anyway07:52
KFCLemme pastebin07:52
dooglusthune3: I had just hit ctrl-x as you said that :)  thanks07:52
bilalakhtarKFC: yes, that's the good way07:52
KFCit's only 3 lines of code07:52
dooglusthune3: this time it crashed shortly before the user list appeared07:52
KFCfirst time07:52
FloodBot2KFC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:52
Aliselyndooglus: I wasn't sure if the same held true for ubuntu as windws, and cd.. didn't work :)07:52
dooglusthune3: but still the sound looped a few times before it did07:52
bilalakhtarKFC: we understand ;)07:52
dooglusAliselyn: "cd .." needs a space in ubuntu07:52
abhijit!dcc | hubi12307:52
ubottuhubi123: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit07:52
Aliselyndooglus: ahh, that explains it07:53
thune3dooglus: can you get to a vterm/tty ctrl-alt-f107:53
abhijit!pm | hubi12307:53
ubottuhubi123: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:53
* look sighs and stares at all the bot abuse07:53
dooglusthune3: nope.  can't even alt-sysreq-b to reboot it07:53
dooglusthune3: it's frozen solid07:53
alexbevthanks abhijit & seveas... sorry I was AFK for a while07:54
abhijitalexbev, yah07:54
KFChttp://paste.ubuntu.com/480298/ is this asking me to do the command, or am i supposed to do something else @line 107:54
lookdooglus, now is the best time to just unplug it....unless your doing somthing important07:54
* bilalakhtar looks at KFC 's paste07:54
* KFC smiles and waits. he is very thankful people are so friendly here07:55
bilalakhtarKFC: Could you please explain what you are trying to acieve?07:55
code64try going to other channels you'll get RTFM for all your answers lol it sucks07:55
doogluslook: it's a netbook.  unplugging it has no effect07:55
bilalakhtar!language | code6407:56
ubottucode64: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:56
KFChttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 customize menu07:56
bilalakhtarKFC: ah thanks07:56
KFCcustomized menu*07:56
lookdooglus, does it have a battery?07:56
code64seriously? i didn't even curse07:56
lookdooglus, if so yank it07:56
doogluslook: ye07:56
doogluslook: holding the power button for 5 seconds turns it off07:56
code64i used acronyms and you don't know what my interpretation of the acronym is07:56
lookdooglus, that works to07:56
lookdooglus, whats the main problem?07:57
KFCsucks <just testing07:57
KFCoh ok07:57
Aliselyndooglus: does the tar -xvzf just extract it, or does it install?07:57
bilalakhtarKFC: hmm, so you want to remove the unnecessary entries from GRUB ?07:57
mintypuHi every one I have downloaded urban terror from http://www.urbanterror.info/news/home/ this site and followed the instruction on how to install it but when I run it I get a black screen and my monitor say input signal out of range can anyone help me with this07:57
doogluslook: I installed ubuntu over windows7 on a new netbook.  ubuntu doesn't work on it, and I can't recover win7 from the restore partition, so the shop won't take it back07:57
KFCRight bilalakhtar i'm at the part were you edit menus07:58
code64probably your resolution minitypu07:58
lookdooglus, ubuntu 10.04? try installing 9,10 or Lubuntu 10.0407:58
dooglusAliselyn: what you have there is a source code archive I expect.  you'll need to extract (you did it), compile, and install it.  you probably can find a package though where that's all done for you07:58
mintypuhow can I adjust that07:58
=== root is now known as Guest31968
doogluslook: tried 10.04 and 10.04.107:58
code64change your resolution07:58
lookdooglus, try 9.1007:58
bilalakhtarKFC: then you can execute this code07:59
lookdooglus, ubuntu 10.04 kinda sucks right now07:59
Suit_Of_Sablescould someone do me a favour and look at this error output I get when I try and launch xbmc: http://pastebin.com/ddNmnJqH  It seems to be a dbus problem but I don't know how to go about sorting it out07:59
KFCso that snippet I showed you is refering to the command?07:59
bilalakhtarKFC: yes07:59
Suit_Of_Sables#xbmc has been dead for about 6 hours :/07:59
KFCok thank you07:59
dooglusAliselyn: wvdial is in the ubuntu repositories, ready to install from the software centre:07:59
abhijit!patience | hubi12307:59
ubottuhubi123: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com07:59
dooglus!info wvdial07:59
ubottuwvdial (source: wvdial): PPP dialer with built-in intelligence. In component main, is optional. Version 1.60.3 (lucid), package size 170 kB, installed size 456 kB07:59
bilalakhtarKFC: but you just need to run that command07:59
thune3dooglus: i might look into bios, and see if you can't make some graphics related change (or audio). You have cli if you boot text, wouldn't it be possible to do whatever you planned for restore from cli?07:59
KFCok, is it supposed to output anything?08:00
mintypuI am new to ubuntu where do you go to change your resolution08:00
KFCI just ran it as root08:00
dooglusthune3: I can boot to a shell from the alt. iso, yes, but don't know what to change there08:00
dooglusthune3: I don't see anything in the BIOS setup about turning off sound08:00
bilalakhtarKFC: no, it won't output anything08:00
bilalakhtarKFC: unless there is some problem08:00
KFCok thank you08:00
KFCIt's done now:) I will be join this irc alot from now on08:00
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode08:01
hubi123abhijit: TestDisk recover single files, but we are here talking about many thousands of files ... Maybe a Windows run a program to recover the wine?08:01
bilalakhtar!resolution > mintypu08:01
ubottumintypu, please see my private message08:01
thune3dooglus: you might try older live OS. What were you planning to do exactly. Certianly everything *could* be done using cli.08:01
code64mintypu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZKNGXMSChE08:01
KFCbye bilalakhtar thank you so much08:01
KFCgoing to test now night08:01
bilalakhtarKFC: np08:01
dooglusthune3: I think it best to restore factory settings (win7) and return the computer to the store and get a replacement.  a dell, acer, asus, maybe - not a gateway!08:02
dooglusthune3: the manual says holding alt-f10 at boot will restore win7 from the restore partition, but it doesn't - it just takes me to the grub menu08:02
Aliselyndooglus: thank you, but I'm still getting errors when I try to compile it08:02
alexbevabhijit, right now I just want to see if I can use it with VLC but I don't understand the dialogues in VLC08:02
dooglusAliselyn: don't try to compile it - just install it from the software centre08:02
abhijitalexbev, vlc is great tool to use. :P08:03
dooglusAliselyn: see at the bottom of the 'applications' menu?08:03
hubi123abhijit: TestDisk recover single files, but we are here talking about many thousands of files ... Maybe a Windows run a program to recover the wine?08:03
abhijithubi123, i think test disk does that. you just read their manual and give it a try08:03
Aliselyndooglus: I'm not connected to the internet on ubuntu. I need wvdial working so I can attempt to get it to connect to dialup08:03
thune3dooglus: so you need to boot your restore partition (and you didn't delete it). The question is still: what do you need in gui that is essential to doing that? (i'm checking into gateway restore...)08:03
billi don't like to read manuals08:04
ByteProjectjoin macdev08:04
billi'm allergic to them08:04
Aliselyndooglus: I'm currently on my desktop, and ubuntu is on my laptop08:04
dooglusthune3: I don't need the GUI for that.  either (a) I get ubuntu working (with the gui) or (b) I restore win7 and take it back08:04
dooglusAliselyn: ubuntu 10.04?08:04
Aliselyndooglus: yes08:05
code64why not run ubuntu inside windows 7 using vmware or virtual box dooglus ?08:05
glickdamn no one in #ubuntu is up08:05
glickor alive08:05
code64or run win7 inside ubuntu!08:05
hubi123abhijit: My English is weak, so I ask again. TestDisk can help me?08:05
alexbevI think I have the card installed correctly08:05
_F-117code64: vmware or vbox ?08:06
K-RichDoes anyone know of a Mouseposé  type program for Ubuntu/Linux ?08:06
alexbevHow should I configure the capture device section in VLC?08:06
alexbevVideo For Linux looks complicated08:06
abhijithubi123, yes08:06
rwwglick: the account should be on the system. "sudo adduser usernamehere admin"08:06
bilalakhtaralexbev: try asking your question in #videolan, if you don't get an answer here08:06
abhijithubi123, you can translate that testdisk page your your language using google08:06
rwwdon't see anything else in my scrollback you didn't get answered ;P08:07
abhijithubi123, there is google tool to do this08:07
code64yeah _F-117 vmware player and virtual box will let you run other operating systems inside of them08:07
code64they are virtual machines08:07
K-Rich_F-117: http://www.virtualbox.org/   alows to run other OSes inside a window on your current OS08:07
abhijithubi123, or just ask in the your language channel so they can tell you more specific about it. which is your langauge?08:07
thune3dooglus: got ya. the first paragraph here seems to indicate that grub2 should have found your restore partition: http://www.familytidings.com/blog/?p=48308:07
code64so you can run an operating system or multiple inside of another08:07
K-Rich(or fullscreen)08:07
_F-117yes I am debating08:07
_F-117Vmware vs vbox08:07
code64both are easy to use08:07
alexbevok thanks bilalakhtar08:07
_F-117i know08:07
code64vmware player is easier to set up imo08:07
_F-117I just cant find a dl for vmware for ubuntu08:08
jlabHey I cant get firefox to start. I've restarted twice but each time I try to start firefox it says its already running08:08
hubi123abhijit:So I choose the advanced testdisk'u? I'm from Polish;)08:08
abhijit!pl | hubi123 ask in this chennl they will explain you in your language08:08
ubottuhubi123 ask in this chennl they will explain you in your language: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.08:08
code64_F-117:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Player08:08
abhijithubi123, test disk may damage your hdd if used in wrong direction.08:09
HomeBoyI accidentally deleted some mpg files, so i used testdisk to recover them. now i have two folders that i cannot delete! Any suggestions?08:09
spinningcompassYeah but it makes for a great Run DMC / Aerosmith mash-up.08:09
_F-117Yes but I need workstation08:09
code64oh, i'm not sure then _F-11708:10
hubi123abhijit: This may the Lord will guide me? I think a long time it would not last, and health, I would have saved ...08:11
K-RichDoes anyone know of a Mouseposé like program for linux?08:11
code64_F-117:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Workstation08:11
abhijitalexbev, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-143732.html08:11
jlabfirefox will not open, it says the process is already running, restarting has not helped!08:12
code64kill the process08:12
code64see if it's running08:12
abhijithubi123, i only know that test disk does the thing you want. i never used test dis. using test disk may damager your hard disk. for polish join #ubuntu-pl08:12
Gimpedjlab: ps aux | grep firefox08:13
_F-117code64: thx i tried that before and had no luck08:13
code64oh okay sorry then08:13
code64then go with virtual box :D08:13
Gimpedjlab: kill -9 [firefoxPID]08:13
_F-117code64: dont be sorry I appreciate it08:13
thune3HomeBoy: i would go this route (substituting your user name) : sudo chown HomeBoy:HomeBoy /path/to/dir1 /path/to/dir208:14
thune3HomeBoy: chown -R H.......08:14
code64haha whenever i hear homeboy i always think of that youtube video with antoine dodson who was on the news08:14
code64you guys seen it?08:14
Gimpednope sorry08:15
code64haha it's hilarious08:15
Aliselyndooglus: ok, so I cannot get wvdial to work, even with a deb.... I'm going to try gnome-ppp next, and hope that works08:15
code64has over 10 million views08:15
jlabGimped: that didnt work and that second line you gave me didnt work either08:15
code64in like 2 weeks08:15
hubi123<abhijit> At the polish join # ubuntu-au discourage the use of TestDisk me, because he only recovers partitions, and recover PhotoRec using signatures.08:15
code64they pretty much took this guys news story and auto tuned it and put it to music08:16
Gimpedjlab: have to run those commands in terminal, (you need to take the PID from 1st command i gave and use that to kill firefox in 2nd command i gave)08:16
code64they have a whole series of them called "auto-tune the news"08:16
Gimpedjlab: in anycase, restarting X should work08:16
abhijithubi123, amm then test disk is not the solution. i cant help further. sorry08:16
HomeBoythune3, No luck it gives the usual response: "no such file or directory"08:17
Gneawooo, the package is building :D08:18
bassohello, im having problems getting the tty working on ctrl+alt+f1, the only think im getting is a blinking line08:18
jlabGimped: i still couldnt figure out terminal, kept on giving me bash: kill: [firefox]: arguments must be process or job IDs08:18
jlab I will restart again and see if it works this time08:18
Gneabasso: what about alt-f2 or alt-f3?08:18
hubi123<abhijit> but you say that TestDisk can help, and Polish ubuntu, they say they do not ... I do not know what I think about it.08:18
bassoGnea: same story08:19
Aliselynok, having trouble with my deb files.... I dled a wvdial deb file, and it had the error "Dependency is not satisfiable: libuniconf4.4" can someone explain this?08:19
jubobawhat is the most cutsomizable window manager?08:19
jubobawhich is the most cutsomizable window manager?08:19
abhijithubi123, i dont know. actually i never used test disk i only know what is written on their web site. and you can test test disk by testing it yourself!!! :P08:19
abhijitjuboba, kde08:20
jlabGimped: I havent restarted yet but firefox isnt in my list of processes in system monitor08:20
Gimpedjlab: ok try launching firefox now =)08:20
thune3HomeBoy: you can see these dirs in an "ls -l" listing from the parent dir?08:20
Aliselyndooglus: busy?08:20
jlabGimped: haha i try and then it gives me the error message. it makes no sense08:20
Gneabasso: try running this in a terminal:  sudo init q08:21
Gimpedjlab: restart X (ctrl+alt+bs)08:21
Gneajuboba: Enlightenment08:21
abhijit!kde | juboba08:21
ubottujuboba: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde408:21
prince_jammysbut it's not a window manager!08:22
Gnea!englightenment | juboba08:22
Gnea!enlightenment | juboba08:22
ubottujuboba: Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.08:22
Gneayes, KDE is a Desktop Environment08:22
billit is08:22
billGnea are you sure08:22
HomeBoythune3, huh? im new at this08:22
Gneabill: 100%08:22
abhijit!compiz | juboba08:22
ubottujuboba: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz08:22
vdpHi! Ubuntu 10.04 amd64 install disk doesn't recognize the video modes supported by my display. How can I set custom resolution?08:23
bassoGnea: nothing happened it seems :308:23
jubobahow about enlightenment?08:23
Aliselynprince_jammys: I think I might have a question you can help me with08:23
prince_jammysjuboba: ask at #ubuntu-offtopic08:23
jlabdidnt work :( still getting the error message08:24
jubobawhy is it offtopic?08:24
jlabGimped: didnt work08:24
prince_jammysbecause "which is the best ____" is offtopic here08:24
Gneabasso: it's not supposed to echo anything, should just return the next line08:24
abhijiti dont think its ot08:24
prince_jammysi do :)08:24
Gnea!best | abhijit08:24
ubottuabhijit: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:24
Gimpedjlab: can you pastebin the error msg? http://pastebin.com/ <<<08:24
bassoGnea: ah, but still, didnt fix it :p08:25
Gneabasso: odd.. what changed previously?08:25
jlabGimped: how do i get there if i dont have a browser?08:25
Gimpedjlab: use epiphany or konqueror or another native linux browser08:25
jlabGimped: before this happened I pressed like ctrl alt f1 and got into a weird screen maybe i messed something up?08:25
thune3HomeBoy: pm ok?08:26
Gimpedjlab: was it black screen with login?08:26
jlabGimped: yes08:26
bassoGnea: i think my computer has always been like this, since i never access the TTYs, but now, when i need to access it to install drivers, i figured it dont work xD08:26
Gimpedjlab: lol...reboot your system plz that should do the trick08:26
Gimpedjlab: you went to a tty screen08:26
jlabGimped: i have, for a total of 3 times now08:26
FreeGhosthello world08:27
Gimpedjlab: hm..ok pastebin the error log with a native linux browser (ie. epiphany or konqueror) plz08:27
Gimpedjlab: msg*08:27
craigmarshall9Does anyone have any idea why it takes my laptop so long to reconnect to wireless after a resume? I'm using Meerkat with a proprietary Broadcom driver08:28
raiffahow do i add 32 bit repositories on a 64 bit installation? I want to mirror (via apt-mirror) both but copying lines from sources.list to mirror.list only get the 64 bit repos...08:28
abhijit !10.10 | craigmarshall908:28
ubottucraigmarshall9: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:28
golgo13i just upgraded to 10.04 lucid i am trying to repair a usb disk that is not mounted. e2fsck -p -v /dev/sdb1 returns  Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sdb108:28
golgo13how can i force it to repair08:29
craigmarshall9ubottu: Okay I knew that - I just thought there might have been some general advice, perhaps a setting for how often the software scans for new networks or similar.08:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:29
AliselynI need some help on compiling a file. I have it extracted, and the deb has dependency issues.08:29
craigmarshall9ubottu: I will ask in ubuntu+1 though, thanks08:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:29
craigmarshall9Oops :-)08:30
abhijit!compile | Aliselyn08:30
ubottuAliselyn: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:30
bassoGnea: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1545652&highlight=blinking+line+tty same problem08:30
Aliselynthank you abhijit08:30
ThomasB2kwow, ubottu is pretty smart :D08:30
prince_jammysAliselyn: there should be documentation either shipped with what you downloaded, or at the website. You should not have to go through this charade.08:31
prince_jammysmaybe a README file08:31
jlabGimped: so post it to pastebin now? i typed in what the pop-up said08:32
Aliselynprince_jammys: I have been trying to ask as few questions as possible, and try to get to know ubuntu independently, but sadly that is proving to be difficult when I don't know even what to search for. thank you for helping me, really. I'm sorry if I'm causing any trouble08:33
prince_jammysAliselyn: i'm not suggesting at all that you're causing trouble08:33
jlabGimped: also I held down the power button on my laptop cause I couldnt figure out how to exit tty08:33
jlabdidnt know if that was relevant08:33
prince_jammysAliselyn: i'm saying you shouldn't have to go through all this to get dialup to work. The help.ubuntu.com site wasn't useful?08:33
prince_jammysthe one from ubottu08:34
Gimpedjlab: paste the error msg into pastebin, upload it, then send the link of that here08:34
Aliselynprince_jammys: it was helpful up to a point, but it assumes that you already have an internet connection08:34
Aliselynprince_jammys: I also seem to be missing a lot of the files that are required for the packages and debs to run correctly08:35
prince_jammysAliselyn: ah, to install a package, i suppose.08:35
Aliselynprince_jammys: yes08:35
jlabGimped: http://pastebin.com/zeT8X2np08:36
Aliselynprince_jammys: do you mind if I just pm you? I think it's just me being so new to ubuntu that I'm having so much trouble08:37
abhijit!manual | Aliselyn for beginners08:37
ubottuAliselyn for beginners: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:37
prince_jammysAliselyn: so, you're downloading files in another box and somehow transfering them to ubuntu?08:37
prince_jammysAliselyn: well, it's extra difficult when you don't have internet.08:38
prince_jammysAliselyn: talk here, because i know little about this, and others might.08:38
prince_jammysit's not a problem.08:38
abhijitAliselyn, are you trying to install wvdial offline?08:38
ex_hi all08:38
Aliselynprince_jammys: I'm using my desktop to get the files, and transferring via a flash drive to get the files onto ubuntu08:38
Aliselynyes, abhijit08:39
abhijitAliselyn, see this: http://jimstech.wordpress.com/2010/02/09/how-to-install-wvdial-in-ubuntu-offline/08:39
prince_jammyslooks promising08:39
ex_sry guys do u know some czech servers?08:39
Gimpedjlab: you said you had pressed "ctrl+alt+f1" earlier correct?08:39
Aliselynthank you, abhijit, I'm loading it to look at08:39
prince_jammysex_: do you mean #ubuntu in czech?08:39
K-RichDoes anyone know of a Mouseposé like program for linux? To display key presses on the screen ?08:40
abhijitAliselyn, hmm08:40
Gimpedjlab: how did you exit that TTY screen?08:40
ex_yes becouse my english is not good and i need help :)08:40
prince_jammys!cz | ex_08:40
ubottuex_: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.08:40
jlabGimped: I held down my power button, forefully shutting down my laptop08:40
K-RichApplications > Accesories > Terminal -> 'pkill firefox'08:41
nordroidHello everybody!08:41
Gimpedjlab: is there a firefox running still? (do "ps aux | grep firefox" for me again plz)08:42
Junikszhello, can i watch later the recommended programs, because i've installed the mp3blaster and isn't working well. Maybe something missing08:43
jlabGimped: what am I looking for here? sorry, I just installed Ubuntu today08:43
jlabK-Rich: didnt help08:44
Gimpedjlab: look to see if there is a process called "firefox" running (since you grepped it, it should be the only process, if any, to be shown)08:45
jlabGimped is trying to help me. Before this happened I entered tty, didnt know what it was and held my power button to shut down08:45
atude_I need software to add music to my iPod.. who do I speak with?08:45
abhijit!ipod | atude_08:45
ubottuatude_: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod08:46
GimpedK-Rich: jlab went into TTY1 with ctrl+alt+f1, he is currently having firefox instance running and unable to launch another instance08:46
jlabGimped: I have no clue what Im looking at, want me to paste bin it again? lol08:46
GimpedK-Rich: I've already had him restart X to reset system, he said he's rebooted it also, and no luck08:46
Gimpedjlab: yes plz08:47
abhijitso if my / and /home are sepearte partitions. if i reinstall ubuntu then will it cause any compatibility issue? i currently have lucid and i wll insallt lucicd only?08:47
golgo13can anyone help me?08:48
abhijit!ask | golgo1308:48
ubottugolgo13: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:48
nobarkingis firefox 4 beta in the repositories?08:48
jlabGimped: http://pastebin.com/GupvYNJ408:48
K-Richcould always do ummmm.... 'sudo apt-get autoremove firefox && dpkg -P `dpkg -l | grep ^rc | awk '{print $2}'` && sudo apt-get install firefox'  lol08:48
abhijitso if my / and /home are sepearte partitions. if i reinstall ubuntu then will it cause any compatibility issue? i currently have lucid and i wll insallt lucicd only?08:49
Gimpedjlab: hm...type in terminal "firefox" and see wht happens08:49
Gimpedjlab: let me know if it sends out error msg again08:49
jlabGimped: yes08:49
jlabshould i just uninstall and reinstall?08:50
Gimpedjlab: ok go into TTY2 (ctrl+alt+F2) and type "reboot" at command prompt or you can just uninstall/reinstall08:50
Gimpedjlab: up to you =)08:50
Gimpedjlab: brb real quick08:51
jlabGimped: okay ill uninstall/reinstall and let you know how it goes08:51
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K-Richthe command i gave above, will uninstall firefox, remove any leftover cruft and config files, then reinstall firefox08:51
jlabk thanks08:51
jlabwill use08:51
K-Richyou could also try 'rm -rf ~/.mozilla'08:51
K-Richand try to rerun.... you'd loose your bookmarlks though08:52
K-Richand i think extentions08:52
abhijitwhich is recommendd? having /home on separate partition? or not having?08:52
andrew_708476anyone here good with Ubuntu08:53
KB1JWQ No, nobody.08:53
andrew_708476then why do they call it the Ubuntu room08:54
K-Richabhijit: i have /home on a seperate partition..... i also use a command to copy all installed app names to a file then pipe it into apt-get on reinstall08:54
the_germanandrew_708476: so that you got something to ask...pfff08:54
abhijitK-Rich, ok08:54
abhijit!ask | Andre_Gondim08:55
ubottuAndre_Gondim: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:55
abhijitandrew_708476, ^^^ that was for you08:55
K-Rich`dpkg -l | grep ^ii | awk '{print $2}' > installed      will list all files you have installed08:55
ex_have someone manual(for newbee) to isntal ubuntu from network ?08:56
K-Richand put them in a file called 'installed'08:56
K-Richdpkg -l | grep ^ii | awk '{print $2}' > installed08:56
abhijitex_, is this what you want? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Desktop/PXE08:57
K-Richthen 'sudo apt-get install `cat installed`' will reinstall all you have...... then you don't need to remember everything and your config files in /home/USER will still work08:58
abhijitK-Rich, if i reinstall ubuntu then will there be any compatibility issues? should i format /home also?08:59
andrew_708476How do you register a nick name08:59
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abhijit!register | andrew_70847608:59
ubottuandrew_708476: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode08:59
abhijitK-Rich, ??? help???09:00
ex_abhijit/ yes, but thisone is very difficult for me :/09:00
K-Richnot really, you just need to mount the /home partition to /home...... i personally also suggest a seperate /boot partition09:01
abhijitex_, :(09:01
abhijitK-Rich, this pc is just for day to day purpose. no critical applications. so do i really need separate /home and /boot ???09:01
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:02
billi took controle09:02
K-Richnot really09:02
billi mounted the swap drive of irc09:02
ikoniabill: please stop talking nonsense09:03
billi'm not doing so09:03
billi took over the server09:03
billyes i did09:03
PigeonClusteraand join flood in 5... 4 .... 3 ....09:04
PigeonClustersplitties are fun in these big channels09:04
jlabK-Rich: hey it didnt work09:05
jlabGimped: rebooting didnt work either09:05
K-Richjlab: i beg your pardon?   Which/what didn't work?09:05
jlabuninstalling and reinstalling09:06
davidossplit i like split ;]09:06
Suit_Of_Sablesis that an automated freenode thing to boot idle connections?09:06
kpkarla netsplit is where a link between IRC servers is broken09:07
K-Richjlab: could you try (in a terminal) 'dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep firefox'    this will display WHAT firefox packages are installed09:07
K-Richjlab: and post results here or to pastebin09:08
jlabK-Rich:ii  firefox                               3.6.8+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1         safe and easy web browser from Mozilla09:08
jlabii  firefox-branding                      3.6.8+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1         Package that ships the firefox branding09:08
RandyRKellyHow can I remove Ubuntu09:10
zkriesseRandyRKelly: ah delete it/reformat your harddrive09:10
RandyRKellyLike I Gage moto many damn log in for Linux09:10
RandyRKellyThe hole drive?09:10
kpkarlRandyRKelly: you can also delete the ubuntu partitions and resize the windows partition to fill the hard disk09:10
ikoniaRandyRKelly: you need to install a replacment operating system09:10
ikoniaRandyRKelly: that's how you remove it09:10
RandyRKellyI have win 7 on the side09:11
abhijitK-Rich, is 100mb /boot is ok for my ubuntu?09:11
K-Richjlab: hmmmmmmm same as i have minus a few things that are optional......09:11
the_germanAnybody here use LVM with Ubuntu 10.04 ??09:11
K-Richabhijit: more than enough i think09:11
ikoniaRandyRKelly: ok, so y ou can remove the ubuntu partition, and then re-install the windows boot loader, ubuntu will be %100 gone09:11
ikoniathe_german: yes09:11
abhijitK-Rich, ok09:11
RandyRKellyXaudr I upgraded the kernels now I have 3. Different log in09:12
jlabK-Rich: im at the point where i wanna just reinstall ubuntu , will that fix it?09:12
K-Richabhijit: my /boot is currently 33mb in size... i have it on a 50mb partition, though i only run ubuntu09:12
K-Richjlab: most likely... i'm not sure what it's doing.... makes no sence to me really09:13
abhijitK-Rich, i am gointg have more linux os! not only ubuntu09:13
abhijitK-Rich, for distro hopping09:13
K-Richabhijit: than 100mb should be fine09:13
abhijitK-Rich, ok09:13
abhijitK-Rich, and what is the real application of having /boot in seperate partition?09:14
K-Richabhijit: helps to stop boot corruption...09:14
abhijitK-Rich, ok. thanks09:14
jlabIf I have 4GB ram is swap necessary?09:14
rwwnot really09:15
well_laid_lawnjlab: I make a 512mb swap just in case an app expects it09:15
kpkarljlab: not really. Unless you want to use hibernation09:15
jlabkpkarl: is 512mb enough for hibernation?09:16
well_laid_lawnyou can set a file as swap like windows does apparently09:16
abhijitok guys. now reinstalling. will come back!!! (pray for me!!! ) :D :D09:17
kpkarljlab: if you have 4 GB of RAM, then you need 4 GB of swap. I recommending setting the swap to 1.5 times that of your RAM09:17
jlabis there a walkthrough that explains how to set swap as a file?09:17
Aliselynafter installing all the dependencies for wvdial and getting gnome-ppp working, now I have another issue: when I try to connect with gnome-ppp, it cannot open the modem. I have the modem set as /dev/ttyS0, which when I did ls -lt /dev/modem it showed as being the modem09:18
well_laid_lawnjlab: I've only heard it mentioned - never paid attention since it is not something I need09:18
gimpy283Running 10.04 SERVER, having trouble getting sound to work.  I've installed PulseAudio and apps appear to connect to the card just fine but I don't hear anything.  Using alsamixer and aumix I have confirmed nothing is muted and the volume is up.  Logs show nothing about this, what can I do to get audio to work?09:20
csisgimpy283, alsa reload09:24
gimpy283csis: Could you provide a little more detail please?09:25
csisYes, try reloading alsa09:26
gimpy283csis: I'm using pulseaudio, not alsa, alsa could not even see the card.09:26
Aliselynlif gnome-ppp says that it cannot open the modem, is that most likely because it doesn't have the driver for the modem?09:29
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csisgimpy283, check if pulsaudio daemon is running09:31
csispulseaudio --check09:31
gimpy283csis: It was not tunnimg, I strate dit as the user who needs it, still no sound.09:34
csisTry reconfiguring it with pacmd while playing something in the background. And be sure to check preferences of your audio playback application.09:37
royprateekhey can anybody tell me whether empathy or pidgin is better09:39
csisThat's on you to decide, isn't it ?09:40
royprateekim a complete beginner which is easier to use09:40
csisBoth are easy to use, I prefer pidgin.09:41
Kingsy101does anyone know if pdfcreator is in the ubuntu repos?09:45
dwatkinsapt-cache search pdfcreator says it is not, Kingsy10109:47
Kingsy101hmm what is the best pdf creator software for linux?09:47
Kingsy101has anyone got adobe acrobat to work under wine?09:48
dwatkinsI don't know the best one, but you can exprt as PDF from OpenOffice, Kingsy10109:48
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Kingsy101dwatkins - naw I need to be able to create a a pdf thats editable09:48
Wipstergot a problem with sending over ftp, I set my ip to be static and connect to the device and send a file in binary to it then if I try again it stops on the first hash block (in debug) and doesn't progress. The only way I have found is rebooting my machine, is there a quicker way, ifconfig eth0 down doesn't solve it09:48
gimpy283csis: The app playing the audio is fine, when I did an "info" I found a line which says "muted: yes".  The other apps (aumix and alsamixer) do not show this, but I was able to unmute it, which set the volume to 0% and refuses to change that now with set-sink-volume09:49
dwatkinsKingsy101: PDFs are not supposed to be editable, though.09:49
oxidkorhello everyone - how can I install metacity themes? can someone please help me?09:49
oxidkorI am un lucid09:49
oxidkorI am on lucid09:49
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Kingsy101dwatkins - isnt that what adobe acrobat is for?09:50
dwatkinsKingsy101: acrobat is for creating PDFs09:50
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ihsancan anyone help me09:50
Kingsy101dwatkins - ah09:50
dwatkinsKingsy101: if you want a document to be editable, why not use a format designed to be edited?09:50
csisWipster, that's weird. Maybe there's a timeout on that FTP server, for example you have to wait one minute or so to upload again ..09:50
ihsanmy comp cant produce any sound09:50
Kingsy101dwatkins - yea good point09:50
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gimpy283Anyone have any clues why pulseaudio refuses to play any sound?  pacmd shows unmuted but volume as 0% on sink and source index 0.10:21
julianoliverahah.. here we go.10:21
droopalI tried stopping the terminal, then tried to update again, and got a message saying that bI had to sudo dpkg --configure -a which I did, then its stuck at exactly the same place10:21
droopalbeen stuck for ages10:22
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billi sneaked in during the net split10:22
billlinus told me to do so10:22
billto give you a small message10:22
billthere will be a new linux kernel soon10:22
julianoliverdroopal: i would sudo aptitude install firefox and then continue the upgrade. really though you should use update-manager and not 'apt-get upgrade'.10:22
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billi will be leaving you soon10:22
billbut be prepaired for the new kernel10:22
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billit will be so good10:22
rwwubottu: ot | bill10:22
ubottubill: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:22
billit will be the new linux for all10:22
droopalhi, well the problem is, I get told by one person when something goes oh, you use the terminal, then somebody else comes alng and something different, and for about 2 years I have update using that method, and it was sudo apt-get update, not upgrade.......what am I supposed to do?10:23
shiloh09Ubuntu noob here, just testing irc10:24
droopalhello anybody still there? Dont know what is going on with irc right now10:24
nibbler_droopal, update just updates the packetinfo, upgrade upgrades the packages10:25
shiloh09i see you droopal10:25
deuteriumdroopal: update only updates the list of available packages/updates. upgrades actually installs the updates.10:25
nibbler_droopal, and dist-upgrade and safe-upgrade so upgrades10:25
droopalthank you, but that still does help with the fact that its stopped doing anything when it says it was updating Furefox, with a blank next line, so I cant even use the terminal, it wont do anything10:26
droopaldoesnt help*10:26
droopalits stopped there10:26
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kubanchow do i disable login screen of Ubuntu, so i can see messages, when I run selected kernel for ubuntu? when you are in grub menu isn't doesn't somethig have to do with ESC ?10:27
rileypmay not be defaultdroppal it might be an internet problem as  this is pyscho10:27
rileypdid it download ok10:27
webczatWhat can i do if i want/must manually create an ubuntu usb pendrive for lucid? i want it to have language selection screen/etc too!10:27
rileypthe updfates10:27
erUSUL_!unetbootin | webczat10:27
webczaterUSUL_: hmm, i see you read my question. :D10:28
rileypor if you have a windows machine pendrivelinux10:28
webczaterUSUL_: i sait, manually10:28
webczati don't have ubuntu or windows, and unetbootin is qt, i'm blind10:28
webczatand qt is inaccessible10:28
webczathmm, and in addition, usb-creator doesn't want to work for me because udisks is not running. i want to say to you that yes, it is running10:29
droopalsorry, having problems reading fast enough, to leep up, rileyp: the updates downloaded fine with no problems,10:29
rileypif you dont have ubuntu or windows you on your iphone?10:29
erUSUL_webczat: dd + syslinux ?10:29
domedagenAnyone one else having trouble messaging NickServ?10:29
Gneadomedagen: it's down10:29
rileypdomedagen irc is stuffed atm10:29
webczatrileyp: is ubuntu the only type of linux? :)10:29
rileyponly 761 connections10:29
deuteriumrileyp: what's up with irc today?10:30
rileyplol no there are more versions of linux than you can count prolly10:30
Seveasit's about split in half, usually there's about 1400 people at this time10:30
webczaterUSUL_: you still don't read: i sait that i also want language selection screen, and i heart this is gfxboot, and i don't know how to configure it, new syslinux have it as a module.10:30
deuteriumSeveas: ic10:30
domedagenGnea and rileyp: k, that's sad10:30
Seveasdeuterium, probably two core nodes in the freenode network refuse to talk to each other for some reason. Maybe hormones.10:31
rileypIts either freenode server is having heart attack or in ainetrnational inetrenet cable /connection falling over10:31
domedagenGnea and rileyp: I can't join ##c without it10:31
deuteriumSeveas: lol10:31
Seveasdomedagen, you'll have to wait a bit then until the split servers come to terms10:31
N3VV3Khey guys i haad ubuntu installed on an entire harddrive i used gparted to allocate enough room for a windows partition but when i go to install windows xp i get an error that almost looks like blue screen of death but just says to scan my harddrive for viruses and disconect any other harddrives i tried formating the new partition to ntfs but that hasnt help either10:31
erUSUL_webczat: ok i see you are two steps ahead of me. good luck10:32
rileypN3VV3K,  install windows first then ubuntu10:32
webczati am confuuuseed!10:32
rileypthen it just works easy10:32
Gneadomedagen: just got to wait until they fix it10:32
alkisgI want to backup an ext3 partition, format it as ext4 (it has some bad sectors so I want a full format), and then restore the data. That ext3 partition also has a lot of symlinks, hardlinks etc. I'm thinking first to dd the ext3 partition to a file, and then try to restore it to the ext4 partition with tar - would that work for hardlinks etc?10:33
rileypwebcatz theer are hundred of versions of linux10:33
ectospasmN3VV3K: install WinXP *before* Linux, you'll be much happier10:33
ectospasmN3VV3K: WinXP doesn't play nice with other OSes10:33
royprateekis there anyway to configure the notification area10:33
rileypits like cars all run on petrol but made by differnt manufacturers for diff purposes10:33
Seveasor just don't install windows and be even happier :)10:33
N3VV3Kok so ill have to wipe out my linux partion o well10:33
Seveasroyprateek, what do you want to change about it?10:33
domedagenGnea: I guess so. You don't happen to know anything about Shellsort?10:34
royprateeki am a beginner removed empathy by remove from panel10:34
royprateekit removed my transmission also10:35
Gneadomedagen: what's that?10:35
Terminusalkisg: i don't know about tar, but you can use rsync and preserve hard links.10:35
N3VV3K_ectospasm, so if i format my entire hdd to ntfs with a live cd windows will insta10:35
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Gneayay, services are back (nickserv works)10:36
kubanchow do i disable ubuntu splash sceen before starting selected kernel in grub menu?10:36
domedagenGnea: :(10:36
Gneadomedagen: now, what is shellsort?10:36
SeveasGnea, a nice sorting algorithm10:37
alkisgTerminus: thank you, so, I could mount -o loop the dd'ed image, and then just run rsync -av /dd-image /target-image ?10:37
Sonderbladehow do you stop gnome from hiding some programs such as gconf-editor in the start menu?10:37
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phoenix90kubanc try editing /etc/grub.conf there should b something for the splash screen10:37
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SeveasSonderblade, rightclick on the ubuntu logo in the top left corner and select "edit menu"10:37
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Seveas!pm | royprateek10:38
ubotturoyprateek: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:38
kubancyes, but what if i am in grub menu... Does the solution with ESC button, then editing booting options still works for ubuntu 10.04?10:38
erUSULkubanc: edit /etc/default/grub and quit splash from kernel parameters10:38
ddavidshi all, pls can i share a video using ubuntu one?10:38
Seveasddavids, yes. ubuntu one does not filter filetypes.10:39
SonderbladeSeveas, is there no way to make it so items are never hidden?10:39
ddavidsSeveas: thanx10:39
minimeckubanc: /etc/default/grub ;) Don't forget to do 'sudo update-grub after the changes...10:39
SeveasSonderblade, I don't think so10:39
royprateekcan  anybody help me with configuring the norification area10:39
Seveasroyprateek, what do you want to change about it?10:39
domedagenGnea: It's a imo very complicated sorting program. I think it is supposed to number from input in increasing order10:40
minimecroyprateek: There is not much to configure I guess...10:40
ex_how can i format my flash disk in gparted pls?10:40
Gneadomedagen: okay, and it's relevance to ubuntu is...?10:40
domedagenGnea: *fuction10:40
royprateeki removed empathy along with it mtransmission also wenty vol control and10:40
SeveasGnea, he was looking for ##c but could not enter :)10:40
Aliselyncan someone help me interpret what scanModem's info in ModemData means? I'm trying to get my modem to work, and find the correct driver10:41
logan_wolfHi all10:42
logan_wolfhey I am facing an issue10:42
logan_wolfI am not able to mount my external drive on my box10:43
Sandkingis there some alarm clock app that would wake my computer from sleep and start selected actions ?10:43
minimecroyprateek: That command in a console would reset the panel to it's defaults... gconftool - -recursive-unset /apps/panel10:43
webczatHey again, why the usb-creator tells me that i don't have udisks when it is both present and running?10:43
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »10:43
webczatversion latest10:43
slacker-Hi, I have an old pc standing around which I would like to use to display some munin graphs10:43
zambai'm trying to set up openldap as a -transparent- proxy for active directory.. does anyone have any experience doing this? i know this is a meta question, but i'm looking for someone who can help and guide me through the whole process..10:44
slacker-I don't want to install X on it so I was hoping I could use the framebuffered console in combination with a console programm to display those images. Any suggestions?10:44
slacker-I found fbi but it doesn't seem to reload the image even if it changes its timestamp10:45
logan_wolfcan anyone help me10:46
Gnea!ask | logan_wolf10:46
ubottulogan_wolf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:46
Sonderbladehow can you access samba shares in the shell?10:46
ectospasmSonderblade: smbmount10:46
ectospasmSonderblade: or cifs.mount10:46
ectospasmSonderblade: that's mount.cifs (oops)10:47
Sonderbladeectospasm, thanks but i thought that was what nautilus did when you connect to a share?10:47
logan_wolfi asked it : I am not able to mount an external drive on the box10:47
logan_wolfI am using lucid10:47
ectospasmSonderblade: you can mount it to a local directory, and navigate it like a normal directory10:47
ectospasm...with smbmount or mount.cifs10:48
logan_wolfI was able to mount it earlier but not now10:48
logan_wolfwhat could be the problem10:48
Sonderbladeectospasm: so you can't mount samba using nautilus?10:48
ectospasmSonderblade: use the URI smb:///10:48
ectospasmSonderblade: I thought you said the shell10:48
ectospasmlogan_wolf: does anything happen in dmesg when you insert the drive?  Try disconnecting it, and watch "sudo tail -f /var/log/messages" as you insert it.10:49
Sonderbladeectospasm: nevermind, i thought nautilus would mount the share when you click the "connect to sever" option but apparently it doesnt10:50
logan_wolfok i will do that10:50
itsux2budesktop ubuntu installs differently than server unbuntu... where's the option to install LAMP/OpenSSH/Samba like i did on the server version?10:52
stanman246hi in here, i've got me a brand new ssd disk i want to put in my ubu 10.04 laptop. What's  the best way to do so?10:52
stanman246what filesystem should i use?10:52
rwwubottu: lamp | itsux2bu10:52
ubottuitsux2bu: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:52
itsux2bui know all that10:53
antagomiranyone succeeded to install Ubuntu without problem on Sony Vaio Z12M9E/B ?10:53
fabioHi guys. I am using ubuntu Lucid on my Desktop PC. When I plug in my headphones, the speakers are not muted. Both play the audio (headphones and speakers). I want speakers to be muted when headphones are inserted, or at least to have the option to mute them while headphones keep playing. However in the Sound Preferences I don't see a headphones option. Can someone help me? Thank you.10:54
ectospasmSonderblade: you have to record it as a bookmark for that.10:54
volatile_rinchi all, did you ever run in to "permission denied" problem with tftpd-hpa?10:55
logan_wolfecolitan, no error message10:55
minimecitsux2bu: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server Voilà your LAMP10:55
logan_wolfecolitan, hey, it shows sdc unknown partition table10:56
itsux2buso in a desktop install things like  LAMP/OpenSSH/Samba are separate manual steps?10:56
phoenix90logan_wolf, means u'll have to set up a partition on it first10:57
volatile_rinchow to remove tftpd-hpa package if "apt-get remove tftpd-hpa" returns error?10:57
phoenix90logan_wolf, try fdisk10:57
logan_wolfphoenix90, Can I get my data after that10:58
phoenix90logan_wolf, u have data on that? no once u make a new partition your old data is lost10:59
rob_p_volatile_rinc: Try, "sudo apt-get remove tftpd-hpa" or, "sudo apt-get --purge remove tftpd-hpa" to remove all configs, for it etc.10:59
PrototypeHello, can anyone help me ? :/11:00
logan_wolfphoenix90, Have you tried ddrescue??11:00
LjLphoenix90, logan_wolf: that's not entirely accurate. unless the partition was formatted (zero-filled), the data is probably still there, just a bit harder to recover11:00
LjL!info testdisk11:00
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-1 (lucid), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4672 kB11:00
LjL!recover > logan_wolf11:00
ubottulogan_wolf, please see my private message11:00
minimecitsux2bu: Ubuntu is like a big modular box. You install what you need, the rest is available, but not installed. You can use graphical tools like the software center or Synaptic, or install the software via console with apt-get, aptitude... so for smaba... 'sudo apt-get installsamba' ...11:00
=== rob_p_ is now known as rob_p
logan_wolfLjL, thnx man11:01
itsux2buminimec, thx.. i'm just saying that the server install was a little more automatic11:02
minimecitsux2bu: Never used that one, but that's possible. Normally a Desktop User doesn't need a full Lamp Server, does he?11:03
gypsymaurothere is a tool like "ms query" for ubuntu?11:03
volatile_rincdesktop users usually needs games, films and music. lamps? no11:04
laxmiI am facing a problem in karmic update11:05
laxmi: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FF370EF786F4C28E11:06
logan_wolfhad anyone ever used ddrescue??11:06
rwwubottu: gpgerr | laxmi11:06
ubottulaxmi: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »11:06
slacker-hm, I guess the times of consoles are over then ... :(11:06
itsux2buminimec, yes.. each install.. server vs desktop is geared toward the type of user11:06
deuteriumdoes anybody of you use http://www.gandi.net/ for domain registrations and/or hosting? any opinions? or are there any other recommended .com domain registrars that don't try to trick customers into signing up for hosting plans etc.?11:06
rwwubottu: ot | deuterium11:07
ubottudeuterium: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:07
deuteriumrww: ok11:07
leeb9972i dont get option to add macine on ubuntu one, any ideas?11:07
minimeclaxmi: How did you add that ppa? With add-apt-repository? There is the signed key missing for the ppa.11:08
webczatI have the problem, i manually installed the newest usb-creator and it freezed after "create startup disk". unless the process is long?11:08
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laxmihi webczat I will try to freez it if so11:09
ranjanhi all is there anyone with an nvidia graphics chipset using Ubuntu Lucid??11:09
JanhouseHow much space do i need for boot partition?11:09
minimecitsux2bu: Exactly. In fact, the Server edition and the Desktop edition are the same 'Ubuntu' just bundled differently...11:09
DASPRiDranjan, yes, i assume there are about 40% or so ;)11:10
JanhouseFor ubuntu server. What would be optional11:10
ranjanDASPRiD, so are you one among them?11:10
DASPRiDranjan, yes, on all 4 machines11:10
ranjanDASPRiD, so are you using the proprietary drivers?11:11
DASPRiDon three of them, yes11:11
ranjanDASPRiD, ok great then i want to know your experience  on the boot experience and plymouth11:11
DASPRiDranjan, same as anyone using nvidia blob there: low resolution11:12
ranjanDASPRiD, so is there any workaround for that??11:12
itsux2buhow do i change the desktop gui's resolution?11:13
DASPRiDranjan, nope, nvidia has to implement kms for that11:13
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DASPRiDranjan, but I don't really see that as a problem, you usually see the plymouth screen for about 5 seconds a day ;)11:14
DASPRiDwebczat, shhh, kids in here :>11:15
rwwwebczat: watch your language, please11:15
minimecitsux2bu: on gnome desktop ->system->preferences->Monitors. If you installed some property GPU-driver from Nvidia or ATI, there is a special configuration tool for the driver.11:15
david__Since there is no linux-image-vserver for marvic, yet, I am thinking about using lucid server 32b with bttrfs for root and ext4 for /boot. How is the experience about that? Will I ran into too much trouble?11:15
rwwdavid__: maverick support in #ubuntu+1, not here11:16
itsux2buminimec, i have a nvidia video card11:16
minimecitsux2bu: Do you use the restricted driver from ->System->Administration->Hardware Drivers ?11:17
david__rww: I know and also asked there but I forgot to mention that I am thinking about using this setup in lucid11:18
itsux2bui haven't used anything yet11:18
rwwdavid__: btrfs isn't supported on Lucid ;)11:18
minimecitsux2bu: So try ->system->preferences->monitors to change resolution.11:18
david__thats a definite answer rww ;)11:18
rwwor am I mixing up filesystems again11:19
Gneafinally!!! dpkg-deb: building package `linuxsta-rt3572' in `../linuxsta-rt3572_2.4.0.1+20100709-1_i386.deb'.11:19
david__I thought btrfs is shipped with ubuntu since karmic11:19
rwwdavid__: yeah, I think I'm thinking of something else. sorry11:20
bazhangdavid__, no, perhaps with #ubuntu+111:20
david__ok, ubuntu+1 definitely has it. Thanks guys11:20
bazhangdavid__, you can certainly go there, and ask about the debian-installer way to do it (alternate cd) but currently not an option11:20
bazhangdavid__, welcome11:20
david__bazhang: I have it running: marvic + btrfs11:20
bazhangdavid__, yep, that's the correct channel for support and discussion as its the development version11:21
david__bazhang: but I need linux-vserver and these are not yet available for marvic but a repo exists that provides them for lucid11:21
itsux2buminimec, it gives me no choices.. just lame 800 x 60011:21
webczatwhy usb-creator freezes after i pressed create-startup-disk?11:21
david__seems like I have to compile my own kernel11:22
battiI have this hp machine that I wanto to put ubuntu on, but I do not want to loose the OS of HP also that boots up before windows does and gives me webbrowse etc options11:22
minimecdavid__: maverick not marvic ;)11:22
webczati see installing but it doesn't do anything11:22
battiso if install, will i lose the HP OS11:22
david__minimec: oh ;)11:22
volatile_rincu will lose hp os if you install ubuntu ova it11:22
bazhangwebczat, tried unetbootin?11:23
battivolatile_rinc:  thats sad, is there a way out? i really dont want to run ubntun on a virtual machine11:23
minimecitsux2bu: So try to activate the restricted driver in ->system->administration->HArdware Drivers... Then reboot... You should then have a new Nvidia-Configuration Software in 'Applications'11:24
volatile_rincjust make space for ubuntu and install into separate partition11:25
splashotehey guys, i want to start a discussion on flattr in the forums but im not sure where to open the thread, what do you think?11:25
splashote(and girls...)11:25
bazhangsplashote, try #ubuntuforums11:26
splashotebazhang: yeah, but which subforum?11:26
bazhangsplashote, its an irc channel11:26
minimecitsux2bu: THe Software is called Nvidia Settings and it's in ->System->Administration ;)11:26
itsux2buminimec, nothing listed there11:26
minimecitsux2bu: THe Software is called Nvidia Settings and it's in ->System->Administration ;)11:26
splashotebazhang: oh, ok11:26
battii have just one disk, so i can only make partitions in it, i could put ubuntu on the partition, i know i can get boot windows as i have done dual boot before, but i m not sure about the HP Os which is so fantastic11:26
noplamodoHmph...I'm trying to validate my PGP-key on launchpad. Currently i try to decrypt the email (which i put into a text-file) with 'gpg --decrypt [filename]' but i can't put any passphrase11:27
noplamodoneither by typing, nor by copy-paste11:27
lamefunThe bittorent links are broken: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#bt11:27
zvacetlamefun: try http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/11:29
royprateekhey does anyone knows how to switch off join left messages in empathy clent11:31
phoenixandthordoes anyone have trouble connecting to unsecured (wide open, fully public) access points using the BCM 4312 wireless card and the b43 driver?11:31
phoenixandthorrunning ubuntu 10.04 here on a netbook11:31
royprateekis there any good instructions for notification area11:33
phoenixandthorI can get the card to conect to encrypted networks okay, but when trying to connect to other networks (the public library, for example) it will always fail to grab an address with dhcp11:34
ex_pls give me link to czech ubuntu server11:34
rizzuh_laptopI'm starting to consider switching my laptop to mainly use Ubuntu, even though I've been a Windows user for over 10 years. The moment I played a song I immediately noticed the volume was more than twice as high as it was on Windows :D11:34
phoenixandthorI can't find anything in the logs, but then again, I don't know what to look for11:35
lyhuxhello all11:35
phoenixandthorgoogle isn't helping either11:35
Illuminatuswhat programa can I use to record the desktop ?11:36
IlluminatusI wanna make a video tutorial11:36
phoenixandthoranyone in here to actually answer questions? I kind of need to get this done before class11:37
bassoim having problems with EDUROAM on ubuntu, it systematicly disconnects and reconnects, anyone at another university having the same problem?11:37
phoenixandthordoes anyone have trouble connecting to unsecured (wide open, fully public) access points using the BCM 4312 wireless card and the b43 driver?11:37
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blq_I just switched to ubuntu .. I m a bit confused about upstart :/ somehow the init scripts in /etc/rc*.d dont get startet ....11:38
rwwphoenixandthor: BCM4312 doesn't work with the b43 driver for me at all. I use the STA/bcmwl driver instead11:39
phoenixandthorokay, i'm using the jockey thing to change it right now11:40
atudeHow do I turn this automatic brightness decreasing stuff off?11:40
atudeIt's so annoying11:40
Kyuusai-Sandoes anyone have any experience with links211:41
atudeask your question11:41
arfollhow do I find out what package a file belongs to?11:41
Kyuusai-Sanatude im trying to get my links2 to to run in -g mode in my command line11:41
Kyuusai-Sanbut i cant get it to go11:41
Kyuusai-Sanand cant find the configuration file to edit it11:42
atudeKyuusai-San: it's just `links2 -g`11:42
atudewhat error does it spit out?11:43
Slartarfoll: apt-file might be useful, or you can use the bot here in the channel11:43
bluenineUrgh, having problems with fonts/symbols :( I've finally got my computer to work with UK english, but now firefox is showing some text as weird symbols11:44
bluenineIs this a firefox thing, or a bunty thing?11:44
NevroPus_Hi. How can I set keyboard shortcuts for a user in ubuntu?11:44
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rkavalaphow do i get to detect my wireless card ?11:44
blq_I just switched to ubuntu 10 on one of my vservers ... I've never used ubuntu/upstart before, and somehow the init scripts dont get executed while booting ... I ve read http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html but everything looks fine as far as I can tell :/11:44
phoenixandthoryou still there rww?11:45
rwwphoenixandthor: yes11:45
Kyuusai-Sanatude its moaning at me because its saying theres no mouse but im using a touchpad11:45
blq_rkavalap: what kind of wireless card is it?11:45
Kyuusai-Sanlol and its also moaning about the video mode11:45
rkavalapits intel ipw2200 cant find it when i check lspci11:45
Kyuusai-Sanbut thing is i dont know where or how to edit the ./config file11:46
phoenixandthornow I have a new problem. I can get this thing to connect to my neighbors access point (who has graciously agreed to temporarily disable his WPA), and it connects just fin11:46
webczatI really don't know why usb creator 0.22 freezes after i pressed make startup disk. aaaaargh!!!11:46
arfollSlart, awesome thanks - apt-file looks like the ticket11:46
rkavalapblq_:its intel ipw2200 cant find it when i check lspci11:47
phoenixandthorbut now, iwconfig is reporting this card as eth1, I can't get current connection info with a plain iwconfig command, and my conky netstats just quite working11:47
rwwphoenixandthor: yeah, STA reports as eth1 instead of wlan0. no idea why.11:47
webczatany ideas?11:47
blq_rkavalap: are u sure that it doesnt show up on lspci | grep -i net ?11:47
phoenixandthorso why did all my network related programs stop working?11:48
rwwphoenixandthor: the driver kinda sucks at interacting with other software, but the performance is better for me. stupid non-Free stuff :(11:48
* webczat wrrs loudly!11:48
=== blq_ is now known as blq
rkavalapblq_: I get the broadcom ethernet but not the intel wireless.11:48
rkavalap02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5751 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 01)11:49
hassanzhi is there any algx channel?11:49
phoenixandthoriwconfig won't work, conky won't work (and yes, I changed it from wlan0 to eth1), and my xfce panel applets stopped working. the thing that can get any info at all about my connection is NetworkManager11:49
rwwphoenixandthor: yup.11:49
ranjanHey where is that nvidia guy11:49
volatile_rincis anyone alive here who touched tftpd-hpa?11:49
phoenixandthoris there any way to fix it so that I can at least have conky working?11:49
ranjanDASPRiD, are you there?11:50
blqrkavalap: hm.. it should show up ... are u sure it isnt deactivated in bios?11:50
rwwphoenixandthor: not that I've ever found. Like I said, STA doesn't play nice, and it's not open source so we can't fix it.11:50
blqrkavalap: maybe you switched it off by some key on your laptop?11:50
rww(and this is why I'm looking for a new wifi card :\)11:50
phoenixandthornow I need one too!11:51
rkavalapblq: i checked the bios as well. its enabled. I used Fn+F2 key and checked iwconfig it doesnt detect the wireless card11:51
blqI could really need some help getting init scripts work with upstart .. I m kinda screwed up with that :/11:51
phoenixandthorand how you make your text red like that?11:51
* dreamtraveler brb11:52
blqrkavalap: lspci should definitly show the device if its correctly mounted into its slot and turned on11:52
rwwphoenixandthor: that's your client highlighting my messages because I'm putting your nick at the start of them with tabcompletion11:52
webczatUsb-creator 0.2.22 freezes immediately after i press make startup disk and i really don't know what it is. installing window shows but nothing else.11:52
rwwubottu: tab11:52
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:52
phoenixandthorrww, like this?11:52
rwwphoenixandthor: yes11:52
rkavalapcan't believe it isnt showing :(11:52
magicianlordwhat isnt11:53
phoenixandthorand that makes my stuff come up in red for you?11:53
phoenixandthora bit of a noob at irc11:53
Kyuusai-Sanatude do you know where the config file is for links211:53
* webczat fires a fireball at everyone11:53
phoenixandthor(and asking for help in general)11:53
DankerDoes current ubuntu livecd have LVM tools?11:54
phoenixandthornot that I know of11:55
blqI could really need some help getting init scripts work with upstart .. I m kinda screwed up with that :/11:55
magicianlorduse rc.local?11:55
CescIf someone gets access to your unprotected wifi network or hacks your password, what can he/she  do apart of using your internet connection for free? Can the hacker see your documents?11:55
phoenixandthorwell, I got to go out and find a new wireless card now11:55
phoenixandthorcatch ya later11:55
Kyuusai-Santhey will have complete access to your entire network11:56
blqmagicianlord: the problem is that somehow the scripts in the /etc/rc2.d/ folder arent getting executed11:56
Kyuusai-Sanif you do not have any passwords on your machines11:56
magicianlordok blq11:56
Kyuusai-Sanor if you have any unprotected shared resources11:56
Kyuusai-Santhey will have entire access11:56
CescKyuusai-San, thanks.11:57
sinurgewhatz a good and easy firewall11:57
NevroHi. How can I set keyboard shortcuts in gnome? I wish to add Meta + a to open my terminal, but don't know how I set it. Tried system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts, but that opens the terminal in / instead of ~11:58
Kyuusai-Sando you need to be root11:59
rwwzerocool: something we can help you with?11:59
blqmagicianlord: any ideas? it looks like /etc/init.d/rc isnt getting executed properly by rc-sysinit11:59
NevroKyuusai-San: I'm not root. I don't wan't to be root either. I just want to start a terminal in ~ when I press meta+a11:59
Kyuusai-Sanoh cant help ya then11:59
zerocoolfuck lol12:00
Cescsinurge, have a look at Guarddog, Firestarter, GUFW, iptables12:00
rwwzerocool: watch your language, please12:00
Nevroanyone else then?12:00
rwwubottu: firewall | sinurge12:00
ubottusinurge: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.12:00
=== root____ is now known as lyhux
NevroI could set fluxbox as my wm though, but how do I do that?12:00
sinurgeCesc, thanks, firestarter and gufw but am not sure they are so simple to understand....12:01
Kyuusai-Sanhow do you start services in ubuntu in command line12:01
pejayWhoa - has anyone checked the date today with 'ddate' ?12:01
rwwfirestarter is a mess, but gufw isn't hard12:01
rwwpejay: yes, what about it?12:01
pejay"Today is Sweetmorn, the 12nd day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3176"12:01
rwwpejay: standard Discordian calendar ;)12:02
sinurgerww, had gufw was able to get the torrent service registered, but when tried to get chromium running i just could nt not configure it12:02
pejaySurely that's gotta be the most useless command included in every distro?!12:02
abhijithello!!! :) I am back!!!12:02
Cescsinurge, I cannot help you on this, I just gave you a few names of firewalls for linux.. if someone with more expertice can give you a hand....12:02
sinurgei opened up http for it12:02
rwwzerocool: stop that12:02
magicianlordhi, rww12:02
zerocoolfuck you ok12:02
rww!ops | zerocool12:02
ubottuzerocool: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!12:02
sinurgeCesc, thanks....will check that link that ubottu, the friendly bot gave12:02
Cescsinurge, yes could be a good start point12:03
rwwpejay: possibly, yes. I find it useful, though :)12:03
bastid_raZorrww: not only are you popular in -ot .. you're very popular here too :P12:07
bastid_raZori think that was one of the more despondent candidates for marriage.12:08
rwwbastid_raZor: I'm not that popular ;P12:08
=== Prototype__ is now known as Prototype
bastid_raZortime for bed. bask in the moment.. for it will fade12:09
skumarai just uninstall avant manager. a message pop out when i was updating software sources saying there are 3 broken package and ask me to do something. how do i seek and uninstall these broken package?12:10
rcdavisPlease help :  Blank screen on irregular basis.  The only way to recover is to reboot.  Ver 10.4  Intel,  LG Flatron W2243S.12:11
NevroSeriously! Does anyone know how to start xterm using meta+a, and start it in ~ instead of /?12:11
MSHughesrcdavis, you mean W2234S?12:12
=== lucy is now known as Guest727
Oerskumara, open synaptic, in the edit menu > fix broken package,  or use  terminal sudo apt-get install -f12:12
MSHughesrcdavis, ok then never mind, just curios, I have 2 of them, and theyre both faulty after 1y, could be the monitor12:13
skumaraOer, thanks12:13
=== Blue-Omega is now known as Guest37866
rewtbawtcan anyone here help with arabic scripts not showing correctly ?12:14
rwwGuest727: watch your language in here, please12:14
MSHughesGuest727, you honestly have nothing better to do?12:14
rwwubottu: tell Guest727 about guidelines12:14
ubottuGuest727, please see my private message12:14
=== Guest37866 is now known as Blue-Omega
North_Italian69how to stop unwanted services?  I have at least 10 services to sop http://paste.ubuntu.com/480378/12:14
minimecskumara: open Synaptic... On the left half you have some buttons... One sais 'Status'. Click on that. Then choose broken packages on the upper lft half.12:14
Guest727what doudo12:15
skumaraminimec there are installed and not installed packages. there are no broken packages.12:16
North_Italian69how to stop unwanted services?  I have at least 10 services to stop loading at startup http://paste.ubuntu.com/480378/12:16
Guest727who ismybff12:16
rcdavisCan anyone please help :  Blank screen on irregular basis.  The only way to recover is to reboot.  Ver 10.4  Intel,  LG Flatron W2243S.12:17
skumaraminimec i found it. it is in custam filters and choose broken.12:17
SonderbladeHow do you disable metacity's desktop effects?12:17
Kyuusai-Sananyone know how to get links2 graphically in a commandline12:17
logan_wolfi have installed ddrescue on lucid12:17
logan_wolfI want to know how it works???12:18
logan_wolfi have a memory stick which I want to recover12:18
sbdccjtdoes there exists a cd image of 10.10 Alpha 3 that is smaller than 650MB?12:18
rwwsbdccjt: Maverick questions and support are in #ubuntu+112:18
minimecskumara: oh 'custom filters'... thanks ;)12:19
KiLLeRRohi evryone12:20
rizzuh_laptopHow do I get the temperature of the processor in Lucid?12:21
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KiLLeRRoim noob in linux i have intel graphic in my laptop, but no drivers for this card in backtrack 412:22
KiLLeRRohelp me12:22
rwwubottu: lm-sensors | rizzuh_laptop12:22
ubotturizzuh_laptop: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.12:22
rwwKiLLeRRo: Backtrack isn't supported here. Try #backtrack-linux12:22
muellisoft!backtrack | KiLLeRRo12:23
ubottuKiLLeRRo: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)12:23
rizzuh_laptopthanks rww12:23
KiLLeRRothx rww12:23
=== ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca
amorphineHello all12:27
rizzuh_laptopIs it generally safe to enable the proposed and backports repos?12:28
rwwrizzuh_laptop: backports is fairly stable. proposed is not, and I'd recommend not enabling it12:28
rwwrizzuh_laptop: Personally, I don't enable backports either unless there's something I need from it12:29
rileypmy real name symlinks open and play perfect on the be but on the FE they folder is empty If i put a std file in the symlionk folder it appears on the fe though12:30
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
amorphinehey, guys, why don't you use jabber?12:31
* [gnubie] waves12:31
rwwamorphine: because I don't use instant messaging. I imagine #ubuntu-offtopic would be more likely to get you a response, since that isn't really an Ubuntu support question :)12:31
amorphinerww, jabber is not only an instant messaging, there're conferences12:32
[gnubie]i'm using ubuntu lucid amd64 on my pc. how can i authenticate to my open directory hosted in mac os x snow leopard server?12:32
rwwamorphine: I don't use them, either. IRC works a lot better for me.12:32
rizzuh_laptoprww, I need the k10temp driver but it's available in the next kernel release only (2.6.33). What can I do?12:33
amorphinerww, IRC has nothing better, than Jabber. And the Jabber needs to be populated as the best IM12:34
rizzuh_laptopI get this error when trying to install the k10temp driver, after compiling it: http://codepad.org/TbSzx1pR12:35
rwwrizzuh_laptop: -backports and -proposed won't have 2.6.33 in them. As far as I know, there isn't a supported way to get anything above 2.6.32 in Lucid right now (though there was talk during the development cycle of setting up a process for that. Perhaps when Maverick comes out...)12:35
cinnabarisland12ubuntu 10.04.1 has been released but no upgrade notification?12:36
[gnubie]i'm not sure if my question is considered ot on this channel.. i'm running mac mini server snow leopard with open directory for authentication. now, my ubuntu lucid amd64 cannot authenticate or getting an error of: failed due to unknown user.. any advice you can share?12:36
rwwcinnabarisland12: point releases don't get upgrade notifications in update manager, because they're just ISO updates with updates that 10.04 users already got12:36
rww10.04.1 = 10.04 + lucid-updates + lucid-security12:36
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sathishHi, I've Ubuntu install freezes a lot on my desktop12:41
sathishbut works fine on my laptop :/12:41
wildmanwhere can I find the firewall settings (and how can I modify 'em) for an Ubuntu 10.04 x86 desktop?12:42
dagleesCan I create a symbolic link where i connect through ssh?12:42
dagleessomething link ln -s user@host:/some/path12:42
abhijit!ufw | wildman12:42
ubottuwildman: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.12:42
bridieHi guys, I installed 10.04 on my mother in law's computer, and today I ran an update which updated flash, and certain things don't work, e.g. youtube12:42
bridieBut the flash test, for example, does12:42
wildmanabhijit: thx, I was expecting also a pre-installed frontend to it :)12:42
sandr1xToXa ûõû12:42
abhijitwildman, sudo apt-get install gufw12:43
sandr1xwildbat sudo apt-get install firestarter12:43
the_germanbridie: Adobe Flash or something open e.g. gnash??12:43
rcdavisCan anyone please help :  Blank screen on irregular basis.  The only way to recover is to reboot.  Ver 10.4  Intel,  LG Flatron W2243S.12:43
abhijitsandr1x, no12:43
bridieAdobe Flash12:43
sandr1xwildman sudo apt-get install firestarter12:43
wildmanabhijit, sandr1x: yeah... on my way12:43
wildbat sandr1x and then?XD ;p12:43
sandr1xwildbat to many WILD people here :)12:44
wildbatsandr1x, i know XD12:44
the_germanbridie: did you try purging it and reinstalling it...?12:44
bridieTried that using AIRAid for Firefox, yeah, the_gernan12:44
abhijitwildman, sandr1x firestarter is completly separate new firewall. gufw is only frontend for ufw. so install gufw12:45
=== Kingsy101 is now known as Kingsy
wildmanabhijit: already did... and found out that the firewall is disabled by default... so I cannot mount NFS shares for another reason then :)12:46
wildmanabhijit: I thought my NFS problems (as a client) were firewall related12:46
abhijitwildman, hmm12:46
mikebeechamI'm on 10.04...is it worth upgrading to 10.10 yet?12:46
abhijitmay be12:46
mikebeechamor leave it till proper release?12:46
abhijit!10.10 | mikebeecham12:46
ubottumikebeecham: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:46
the_germanbridie: well that only removes the firefox plugin, but not the whole package. Try apt-get purge and then reinstall...worked for me a couple of weeks ago12:47
bridieOkay, I'll give it a try12:47
the_germanbridie: btw...what version of firefox??12:48
sipiormikebeecham: if you want to be a beta (actually, alpha) tester, and write up bug reports when things break, go ahead. they can use all the testers they can get, i'm sure.12:48
sandr1xabhijeet wrong12:48
KiLLeRRo*rww help, i heve register nick in backtrack chat but i have autoresponder is not a valid email address.12:48
sandr1xfirestarter - iptables front-end12:48
bridie3.6.8, the_german12:48
abhijitsandr1x, check firestarter description in your software center12:49
mikebeechamsipior, the only problem, is that this is also a family machine.  I dont want to really break something that will affect more than me12:49
sandr1xabhijeet check wiki12:49
sipiormikebeecham: well, there you go :-)12:49
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abhijitsandr1x, he wanted the ufw frontend not the another firewall12:51
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sandr1xabhijeet <wildman> where can I find the firewall settings (and how can I modify 'em) for an Ubuntu 10.04 x86 desktop?12:54
sandr1xdon't see 'ufw'12:54
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=== defexion is now known as defex
wastlsudo iptalbles -L12:55
wildmanabhijit, sandr1x: already installed gufw, but the firewall wasn't my pb (I think ;)), thanks anyway, and forget it ;)12:55
wastl- one l12:55
wastlsudo iptables -L12:55
greennodehi, it is possible that after application of most recent updates in ubuntu 10.04 the one of the users vanished?12:56
greennodewith its home catalogue...12:56
greennodei will check it again then.... it seems impossible12:57
sipiorgreennode: a system "user", or a human one?12:57
greennodesystem user ofcoz12:58
sipiorgreennode: why "ofcoz"?12:58
greennodeman, this is not some cartoon:P12:58
greennodeand i have not drinked anything12:58
andersenany one installed ubuntu10.04 server with raid1(fakeraid)?12:58
sipiorgreennode: i mean, a user like "backup", or "news" or "syslog". don't be daft.12:59
greennodea user account. it not shows on the login screen as an option12:59
greennodeanymore, only my root an this is all13:00
=== muellis3 is now known as muellisoft
psyt7I'm having problems with pulseaudio in 10.04. suddenly I cannot change volyme with the speaker applet in the panel notification area. not possible anymore to get rid of pulseaudio in an easy manner?13:00
sipiorgreennode: have you tried logging in as that user at a terminal?13:00
greennodeyes, and the system not recognized this name as a user13:00
sipiorgreennode: and the home directory is gone as well?13:01
greennodei will check this again. if nothing will work then this must be some sort of bug or sth...(?)13:01
greennodehome directory too13:01
greennodeto my regret;/13:02
tenochslbis there a way rhythm box can sync to micro sd cards?13:02
=== maku`off is now known as maku
hassanzhi how do i build a program?13:03
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abhijithassanz, you mean building from source or you mean how to create linux program?13:04
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greennodeto create linux program?13:08
Sandkinghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_1PykOXo2c5I/TGoDeyJ20bI/AAAAAAAAAaA/5Ms5WBZHzv8/s1600/ryan-desktop.png wjat13:08
taomasteri have 10.4 installed. do i have to reinstall ubuntu 10.4 with the new release 10.4.113:08
Sandkings the monitoring app on the right?13:08
greennodewhat is the best tool?13:08
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sipiortaomaster: no, regular updates will get you there13:09
taomastercool thanx13:09
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Sonderbladewhen i move files to a samba share, mv says "Preserving times for "filename": Operation not permitted" how do i fix that?13:11
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csisSonderblade, You're not root ?13:12
Sonderbladecsis: no13:12
csistry as a root,  i guess13:13
Dr_WillisI dont recall ever seeing  that befor. Is it NOT moving the files Sonderblade or is it just giving a warning and moving them?13:13
Sonderbladecsis: with sudo it works, but i want it to work for normal users too13:13
SonderbladeDr_Willis: just the warning13:13
csisSet permissions ..13:14
Dr_Willischeck that its actually  perserving the times.. Im not even ure what times its talking about13:14
karthihello all13:14
SonderbladeDr_Willis: it actually appears to be "preserving the times" so i have no idea why it gives me a warning13:15
Dr_WillisSonderblade:  i wonder if 'cp' would also give the same warning,.13:18
Niglopis there a channel for general internet based chat?13:18
SonderbladeDr_Willis: cp -p does13:18
abhijitNiglop, #off-topic13:18
itsux2buwhere do i get NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT drivers for ubuntu desktop?13:19
abhijit!nvidia | itsux2bu13:19
ubottuitsux2bu: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:19
itsux2buubuntu desktop 64-bit13:19
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  use the hardware-drivers tool in the menu.13:19
ayekatHi. Is there a way to extract a raw binary floppy image out of an ISO file?13:19
itsux2buDr_Willis, its blank13:19
Dr_Willisthats weird. You sould of said that in the first place. :)13:20
wastlayekat: mount it  and copy the files to somewhere?13:20
wastlargh...I should read more carefully13:21
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  check the package manager for  the nvidia-???? package.    I forget the exact name.13:21
Dr_Willis!find nvidia13:21
ubottuFound: nvidia-173-modaliases, nvidia-96-modaliases, nvidia-common, nvidia-settings, nvidia-173 (and 26 others)13:21
tommy^mdefault font size should be 9 in the next ubuntu release, and radiance as default theme. look much better13:21
wastlusually the hardware-drivers tool should find and install it for you13:21
Dr_Willis!brainstorm | tommy^m13:21
ubottutommy^m: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!13:21
ayekatwastl: what do you mean with "copy"? What about the bootsector and so on?13:21
wastlthat's the easiest way13:21
tommy^mubottu: ok thanks ddue13:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:22
wastlayekat: I didn't read carefully enough...am too tired....13:22
neil_dI have a weird problem here... I have 4 hot-swap sata drives... 2 or those are used in a raid 1 for a boot partition... A fault has developed somewhere.. the system isn't showing the grub screen when booting :( ... If I remove one of the other drives (i.e. not part of the raid 1).. grub will start properly.. I then plug that drive back in and everything works OK... this didn't use to happen until a few days ago!  I have replaced the driv13:22
neil_de with another... what could cause this?13:22
greennodeeverything is fine now13:22
ayekatwastl: :-)13:22
greennodethe user is back13:22
wastlayekat:  not sure if that is  possible....most live and install cd 's use a packed fs wich won't fit on a floppy13:23
Dr_Willisa bootable cd. has some sort of 'floppy' image (or at least used to) to make it bootable  thats built into the iso some how isent it? Ive never dug that hard into bootable cds13:23
greennodeit was caused by two ubuntu installations 10.0413:23
greennodeone 64bit and one3213:23
erUSULneil_d: someone reordered the drives in bios and the hd containing the grub mbr is not the first in the boot sequence ?13:23
greennodeonly one of them has two users13:23
greennodethe other only root13:23
* wastl suggests using unetbootin and put it onto usb stick13:23
erUSULneil_d: s/someone/something/13:23
greennodelooks like grub switched the list13:24
ayekatwastl: so IMG -> ISO is possible but not vice versa?13:24
itsux2buDr_Willis, synapic package manager?13:24
wastlIMG _> ISO is not possible directly hence its different formats13:25
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  yes. or the command line..13:25
neil_derUSUL: ok I don't see how, but I will reorder the drives.. (it this computer) ... so bye for now.13:25
ayekatwastl: ok, I'll look for unetbootin13:25
wastlsudo apt-get install unetbootin should do13:26
wastlafair its somewhere in universe or multiverse repo13:26
hji've got a question about ubuntu server, sometimes it doesn't respond for a minute or so.. i can't find anything about it in the log files. what should I check next?13:26
wastlwhat exactly don't respond hj? No ping, no http, no something? no natwork traffic at all?13:27
abhijithj, try in #ubuntu-server13:27
hjnothing, not even ssh13:28
wastljoin #ubuntu-server13:28
spazmiwhy do I get the following errors on my Torrentflux installation? - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/554kXGK913:28
spazmiit still works but I get all these errors13:28
hji'll try server, thanks13:28
rizzuh_laptopIs there a program to edit .iso files in the repos?13:28
erUSULayekat: http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=30849113:28
csisrizzuh_laptop, mount that iso13:28
csismount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt/test13:28
wastlsudo it csis :)13:29
wastlwe're on ubuntu :)13:29
csisyeah :)13:29
DJAshnark.  10.10 Alpha 3 is installed.  Who dares me to reboot?13:29
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DJAshnarI WUBI'd it13:29
icerootDJAshnar: #ubuntu+113:29
=== Guest93265 is now known as Blue-Omega
Dr_Willisrizzuh_laptop:  i think there is.. but i dont recall everusing it..  Ive seen other ask in here and get an anser)13:31
Dr_Willis!info kiso13:31
ubottukiso (source: kiso): program to create manipulate and extract CD Image. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-0ubuntu7 (lucid), package size 348 kB, installed size 1052 kB13:31
itsux2buDr_Willis, ok.. several entries have green dots next to them..13:31
rizzuh_laptopcsis, that's read-only.13:31
rizzuh_laptopcsis, I need to edit a .iso.13:32
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  clarify what you are talking about please. on IRC - we tend to have an attention span thats only as long as the screen buffer is tall...13:32
=== AZRAEL is now known as Guest4236
csisrizzuh_laptop, --rw13:32
csisor -w13:33
csisUse man frequently13:33
wastlrizzuh_laptop: you cannot simply "edit" an iso image13:34
wastlyou can mount it13:34
wastland change it13:34
wastlthen unmount it13:34
rizzuh_laptopYeah well mounting it results in... read-only13:34
neil_d_reordering the drives did fix it :)  ... had to try two times.13:34
itsux2buin synaptic are several "nvidia" entries with green dots next to them.. which looks as if that indicates they are installed, maybe?13:34
csiswell pass the -w argument13:34
DJAshnargonna reboot!  WOOWOO!  *prays ACPI works*13:34
rizzuh_laptopcsis, oh...13:34
csisuse "man mount"13:34
DJAshnarMAN MOUNT!?!?!  AHHHHH!13:35
* DJAshnar hides13:35
wastlrizzuh_laptop: mount -o loop,rw -t iso9660 isoimage.iso /mnt13:35
wastlops forgot the sudo too13:35
DJAshnarFirst Linux command to teach GF....13:35
DJAshnarAFTER "SUDO get-me-beer"13:35
anuraghow can get connect my spice mobile for internet acees13:35
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=== emacser is now known as lonelyibex
itsux2buhow do i exit a gui in *nix?13:37
guyfromplutohi all13:37
ravenhow to display boot-logfile?13:37
anuraghow can get connect my spice mobile for internet acees ,can any one help me13:37
ThomasB2kCtrl Alt F1 i think13:37
rizzuh_laptopwastl, still says read-only :|13:37
csiswhat's a spice mobile ?13:37
ayekaterUSUL: thanks, but to be honest, I'm trying to create a floppy disk image of a Windows copy. I know, this is not the right channel, but I intend to do that on a Linux machine...13:39
=== Guest3433 is now known as LjL-Temp
aeon-ltdold spice?13:39
_raven_how to return to graphical mode after ctrl-alt-f1?13:39
anuragavtually my some friend having spice and samsung,these devices wil not  support for establishing connection,nokia is working very good13:39
aeon-ltd_raven_: ctrl alt f713:39
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest93778
_raven_aeon-ltd, tnx13:40
ravenhow to ctrl-alt-f1 in a vbox vm?13:40
csisanurag, you're pakistani ?13:40
aeon-ltd_raven_: or ctrl alt-f(X) what ever amount of ttys you have13:40
ayekat_raven_: the right ctrl+f113:41
anuragi am hindustani13:41
guyfromplutoknew it13:41
csisthat's a big difference13:41
ravenhow to ctrl-alt-f1 in a vbox vm?13:41
anuragi am pursuing MCA 5Th sem from BHU13:41
AngelFireis there a way to search in ppa for specific package ?  seems the search page searches only the names and descriptions of ppa repos but not the packages inside ...13:41
ayekatraven: Ctrl+F1, using the right Ctrl-key13:41
Dr_WillisAngelFire:  ive seen a 'ppa search' tool somewhere... that i think gave more info.13:42
olskolircPaltalk is down for maint13:42
csisHell, anurag i kindly suggest you to use google translate, I actually might help If I could figure out what are you talking.13:42
olskolircsmooches Dr_Willis13:42
ayekatif you didn't change the VBox settings, then the right Ctrl-key ist the "god-like" key for stuff like that13:42
ibrahim-kasemwho is using freeNX ?13:42
AngelFireDr_Willis: interesting, i'll take a look. Thanks13:42
itsux2buwhy did my command line prompt change from ~$ to ~# after a sudo -i    maybe to tell me i'm root now?13:43
aronaliaga_q tal estais por ahi?13:43
aeon-ltditsux2bu: yes13:44
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:   You got it.13:44
ravenayekat, my fault it is already textmode in that vm. i need to see the bootlog from this machine13:44
chosenim trying to make a workspace directory in my var www directory but when i try to use it with eclipse it says to choose a different one13:44
aronaliaga_donde esta?13:44
csisaronaliaga_, hola13:44
anuragmr. csis i am just talking about how could get connected via mobile phome modem as spice or samsung for internet access13:44
csisaronaliaga_, e tu, como estas ?13:44
Pici!es | aronaliaga_13:45
ubottuaronaliaga_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:45
guyfromplutoomg i can view windows files of password protected users via ubuntu, how cool13:45
blue_annamy computer is failing to install the cabextract update13:45
psychoI'm trying to connect my xbox 360 to me computer...and its not working!!13:45
csisaronaliaga_, si,  habla13:45
itsux2bui'm going to do a   apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade.. because i just installed ubuntu.. ther has to be out-of-date software on here13:45
Picicsis: Please use #ubuntu-es for spanish.  #ubuntu is english only.13:45
aeon-ltdblue_anna: what is it showing?13:45
blue_annathe process freezes while unpackaging it -- and I have to kill apt and clean up the lock and dpkg stuff because of it13:46
ayekatraven: you mean something like dmesg?13:46
csisPici, I don't know Spanish13:46
csisThose are from tv soaps13:46
blue_annaDesempaquetando el reemplazo de cabextract ...13:46
csisThose lines *13:46
Picicsis: Then I suggest that you don't try to speak it here.13:46
ravenayekat, i thought but there is nothing what was displayed during bootup13:46
blue_annait'll sit there all day -- I know, I eft it running over night13:46
dagon666csis: :D13:46
psychothe xbox can't see the computer, but the computer can see the packets from the xbox through `wireshark` (a packet scanner)13:46
csisPici, Oky Doky13:46
aronaliaga_de golpe y repente13:46
aronaliaga_no puedo reproducir mp313:46
_F-117wireshark on xbox ?13:46
csispsycho, routing tables, checked ?13:47
chosenim trying to make a workspace directory in my var www directory but when i try to use it with eclipse it says to choose a different one13:47
ayekatraven: well, ok, I can't help you on that, sorry :-(13:47
psychocsis: iptables -L shows nothing13:47
psychocsis: route shows:     *        U     0      0        0 eth013:47
blackswani installed netbook ubuntu 10.04 on an eee, then installed emacs23. when i run emacs, i can't seem to get it to get the input focus so no keystrokes do anything. mouse commands work, though. any ideas?13:47
rizzuh_laptopIs there a program to edit .iso files available for Ubuntu? mount -o loop,rw -t iso9660 gives me a read-only fs.13:48
Dr_Willis!info kiso | rizzuh_laptop13:48
ubotturizzuh_laptop: kiso (source: kiso): program to create manipulate and extract CD Image. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-0ubuntu7 (lucid), package size 348 kB, installed size 1052 kB13:48
Dr_Willisrizzuh_laptop:  and proberly some others in the repos/sesrch the package manager tools13:48
rizzuh_laptopDr_Willis, oh... sorry, KIso won't save.13:48
psycho_F-117: I'm trying to play videos from the computer on the xbox 360...using `ushare`13:48
blue_annayou'd think something that is designed for cab files would be amazingly stable -- cab file format hasnt changed in like 20 years13:48
rizzuh_laptopAside from being a total pain in the back to browse for the file.13:48
anuragmr. csis i am just talking about how could get connected via mobile phome modem as spice or samsung for internet access13:48
olskolirc!info iso |olskolirc13:49
ubottuNone: Package iso does not exist in lucid13:49
blue_annathats an MSDOS file format13:49
itsux2buis there a difference between exiting a gui and getting a command line while gui is still in the background? how do i make sure i have completely exited a gui?  ps?13:49
csisrizzuh_laptop, what you do is: copy after mount every file in /mnt/whatever to somewhere on your hd, then change it as you like it; after that make iso out of it13:49
olskolircwow ubottu knows what version im on13:49
dagon666how to put an mbr onto pendrive - I want to make a bootable drive13:49
_F-117psycho: where does packet captures come into play13:49
csiscsis, add a route to your PC (if you're over router)13:49
csispsycho, *13:49
olskolirc!info googleearth-package  |olskolirc13:50
ubottuNone: googleearth-package (source: googleearth-package): utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.5.7 (lucid), package size 10 kB, installed size 68 kB13:50
rizzuh_laptopcsis, that's pretty crude...13:50
csisrizzuh_laptop, what exactly do you want then ?13:50
anurag_dear sir how can i resolved my problem mr. csis i am just talking about how could get connected via mobile phome modem as spice or samsung for internet access13:51
rizzuh_laptopTo simply add a file to a .iso. There's a bazillion programs to do that on Windows or OS X, looks like next to none for Linux-based.13:51
csismr. csis :) Oh Lord13:51
_F-117anurag_ : root the phone or jailbreak then tether13:51
Gnearizzuh_laptop: looks like you're not looking and giving up easy13:51
blue_annahow can I instruct my system not to EVER update the cabextract package?13:51
csisanurag_, I'm sorry, I cannot help you, Keep trying though, I'm not so experienced13:52
Gnearizzuh_laptop: k3b will do it13:52
guyfromplutoexcuse me, am new to irc, when trying to connect to ##python the channel instructs me to identify myself with nickserv13:52
guyfromplutocan anyone help me on this please?13:52
erUSULrizzuh_laptop: file-roller the default ubuntu archive manage4r can do it easily like to any other archiver format13:52
itsux2buis there a difference between exiting a gui and getting a command line while gui is still in the background? how do i make sure i have completely exited a gui?  ps?13:52
DarkStar1what's a good image posting site?13:52
guyfrompluto"/help <NickServ> does nothing13:52
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.13:52
anurag_thank csis13:52
psycho_F-117: I used packet capturing to see if the computer was able to hear the xbox 360.  When the xbox tries to test the network connection, it sends these packets: DHCP, "who has", ARP Requests/Reply, NOTIFY HTTP/1.1....all being totally useless because the computer does not respond to the xbox.13:52
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.13:52
_F-117anurag_ : hmm isnt ping easier13:53
erUSULitsux2bu: sudo stop gdm; sudo pkill X13:53
csisguyfrompluto, register your nickname, like this: /ns register your@email password13:53
Pici!register | guyfrompluto13:53
ubottuguyfrompluto: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:53
rizzuh_laptoperUSUL, file roller lists all files and folders with names comprised of only underscores. Hardly helpful.13:53
blue_annahow can I instruct my system not to EVER update the cabextract package?13:53
rizzuh_laptopGnea, will take a look at k3b.13:53
guyfromplutothank you very much13:54
psychoWhy doesn't Mr. Computer want to talk to Mr. Xbox 360? :(13:54
blue_annathe version I have is the last version I want to install13:54
blue_annacome on, no one knows apt ?13:54
psychoIs Mr. Computer sick? :(13:55
erUSUL!info acetoneiso | rizzuh_laptop13:55
ubotturizzuh_laptop: acetoneiso (source: acetoneiso): feature-rich application to mount and manage CD/DVD images. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-1 (lucid), package size 1061 kB, installed size 1612 kB13:55
rizzuh_laptopHow do I unmount a mount point forcefully? I have no idea what program might be using it.13:55
sipiorpsycho: sorry, missed your earlier posts: how are the two connected?13:55
psycho`sudo route` OK. `iptables -L` OK.13:55
psychosipior: an ethernet cable.13:56
sipiorkunka: try #tourettes13:56
psychosipior directly13:56
Dr_Willisrizzuh_laptop:  if you cd to teh mountpoint, then 'sudo -s'  or -i, that can still be using it.  ive had that happen befor13:56
erUSULrizzuh_laptop: "sudo lsof /dev/sdxx" should show what is using it13:56
rizzuh_laptopOh, and "system testing" has been running "gathering information" for over two hours, what's the process name so I can kill it?13:56
battleranyone who can help me with a corrupted grub?13:56
rizzuh_laptoperUSUL, it's a .iso file, not a device; will that still work?13:56
Dr_Willisrizzuh_laptop:  if it has a GUI window. use the xkill command13:56
sipiorpsycho: a crossover cable? does the xbox nic do auto-MDIX?13:56
blue_annaI should not have to remove the lokc file and reconfigure dpkg from an automatic update that wont go away :(13:56
ddvladhi, i can't install libgtk2.0-dev; it says that it requires libgtk2.0-0=2.20.1-0ubuntu1, but i have version ubuntu2 -- any workaround to this other than downgrading libgtk, which has a lot of consequences?13:56
sipiorpsycho: or your computer's card, for that matter?13:56
blue_annadefinitely not more than once13:57
erUSULrizzuh_laptop: iso got mounted in loop devices. /dev/loop013:57
csisbattler, where's the problem ?13:57
Pici!pinning | blue_anna this may help13:57
ubottublue_anna this may help: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto13:57
ranjanhi all where is the skin directory for latest xbmc13:57
Picirizzuh_laptop: iirc, the process is checkbox.13:57
erUSULrizzuh_laptop: but i think « sudo lsof /mount/point » also work13:57
itsux2buerUSUL, thx.. worked perfectly13:57
rizzuh_laptoperUSUL, looks like bash is using it... how I don't know.13:57
battlercsis: well I tried to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.4 after that the entire system was screwed.13:57
csisbattler, grub you mean ?13:58
erUSULrizzuh_laptop: see Dr_Willis comment. do you have a terminal open on the folder?13:58
Pici_F-117: This is a support channel, please don't advertise  here.13:58
battlercsis: 9.10 uses grub and 10.4 uses grub2 this messed up my system13:58
rizzuh_laptoperUSUL, nope I don't. I'll close bash and try then.13:58
battlercsis: Maybe someone can help me with fixing my grub13:58
rizzuh_laptopYeah that did it13:58
erUSULrizzuh_laptop: anyway; lsof gives you the PID of the process and the owner. just kill it13:59
blue_annaPici - thank you13:59
csisbattler, use your live cd 10.4 and fixmbr13:59
erUSULrizzuh_laptop: kill PID13:59
csisedit grub.conf as needed.13:59
battlerIf I try a live cd I get a blank screen.13:59
blue_annaoo wow I got a preal problem .. it's trying to unpackage the cabextract file before it will do anything.13:59
csisbattler, why is that ?13:59
blue_annaLike I just ran sudo apt-get autoremove, and it went back to unpackaging the cabextract.deb file14:00
battlercsis: i'm trying to "recover a system mode" from ubuntu server14:00
blue_annawhich hangs14:00
rizzuh_laptoperUSUL, I used xkill14:00
KE1HAbattler, try using the ALT ISO, when prompted select rescue14:00
KE1HAthen re-install your Grub from there.14:00
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olskolirceasier said than done KE1HA14:01
battlerKE1HA: Where can I get the ALT ISO? Is this from ubuntu self?14:01
KE1HAbattler, http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/14:01
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abhijit!alternate | battler14:02
ubottubattler: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal14:02
battlernice thank you all! Downloading it right away14:03
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aronaliagaestas ahi?14:03
battlerit will take about one hour to download that. Can someone give me a few steps of things I should do14:04
KE1HAbattler, then follow "Recovery Using the UB ALT Install CD" section from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows14:04
collabra!es |aronaliaga14:04
ubottuaronaliaga: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:04
blue_annahow can I repair the state of a package I uninstalled14:04
aronaliagaESTAS AHI?14:04
KE1HAit says for Windows, but the process is for Grub recovery, so should not present a problem if done correctly.14:04
aronaliagaare you here pici?14:05
abhijitPici, he wants to talk to you14:05
battlerKE1HA: Thank you very much!14:05
aronaliagai thing that i have the solution to my problem14:05
blue_annaaronaliaga, q quieres?14:05
erUSULblue_anna: editting /var/lib/dpkg/status by hand???? dangerous thing. make a backup14:05
aronaliagaesq anetes he comentado un problema14:05
nonameHi guys i'm new with ubuntu and trying to install a virtual machine on it .Any help abt the best one for linux and the way to download and install it .thanks14:05
aronaliagacon el audio14:05
KE1HADont thank me yet, lets see if it works first.14:05
erUSUL!es | aronaliaga14:05
ubottuaronaliaga: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:05
blue_annathis all happened from automatic updates!14:05
_nicknoname, virtualbox14:05
aronaliagaesq no me va el chat español, por tanto14:06
aronaliagavoy a hablar por aca14:06
aronaliagamientras no me baneen14:06
noname@_nick : can you guid me how to unstall it :)14:06
blue_annaaronaliaga, pero sí puedes decirlo en ambos - bien. otr vez, debes usar la otra canal14:06
aronaliagaesq mi ingles es a nivel de usuario y tal14:06
ayekatnoname: use APT => (as root): apt-get install virtualbox14:06
aronaliagaanna, no me seas asi,jejejeee   q no te he hecho nada malo14:07
blue_annaaronaliaga, pues .. vale14:07
ayekatnoname: or "aptitude", if you like14:07
aronaliagaesto es personal?14:07
neil_d_I can play a movie with vlc and mplayer.. but I can't use mencoder on it :(.. I think it is because mencoder tries to read the DVD at maximum speed and the others don't ... can I tell mencoder to slow down its reading of the DVD?14:07
guyfromplutoyeah done it14:07
_nicknoname, search it on ubuntu software center14:07
erUSULaronaliaga: no; no está bien. No hay ningun problema con el chat en español. Si te quedas aqui usa ingles.-14:07
noname@_nick : i'm gunna test that thanks14:07
aronaliagaesq no me va el chat español14:07
aronaliagale doy y no entra14:07
blue_annaaronaliaga, its ok, just try in english :)14:07
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:07
blue_annahe can't access the es channel for some reason14:08
aronaliagamy inglish is very very bad14:08
blue_annaaronaliaga, sí, bueno, vale la pena :P14:08
aronaliagalo intento14:09
aronaliagapero no entra14:09
KE1HAnoname, follow the instructions on the VirtualBox site, it yields a better installation. Also, you need build-essential and linux headers to install the add-on's.14:09
blue_annayou need to say more english than that :)14:09
battlerKE1HA: I'm using a LVM will this tut still work?14:09
aronaliagami duda es super rapida14:09
aronaliagasi me haces el favor14:09
blue_annaaronaliaga, lo siento, no tengo la razón para eso14:09
noname@KE1HA : Give me the link ?14:09
collabracmon,... this is not a spanish channel14:10
ayekatKE1HA, noname: why not use a package manager? Easier to learn, to use and to maintain...14:10
KE1HAbattler, I'e tried it on a standard LVM, but not encrtypted.14:10
aronaliagacollabra excuse me14:10
blue_annaaronaliaga, charlar conmigo privadamente14:10
KE1HAayekat, you can if you so choose, but the VirtualBox site instructions has a better implementation.14:10
noname@ ayekat : i'm new with linux ..what's package manager ?14:10
ortsvorsteherHi, on my laptop sound doesnt works. after switching from also to oss4 still no sound. ubuntu 10.04, intel soundcard. any idea how to manage that sound works?14:11
battlerKE1HA: Only my home dir is encrypted so that should be ok14:11
ayekatKE1HA, noname: Ok, the package manager only provides the opensource edition... without USB support but -14:11
KE1HAayekat, if you read the site, you will see what the diffrences are.14:12
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ayekatnoname: in Ubuntu (and also other distros), many programms are also provided in so-called "packages"14:12
MrDudlewhy does the download page say 64bit isn't recommended for daily usage14:12
MrDudlewhat is the perk of 3214:12
ikoniaMrDudle: that's a old statment that needs removing14:12
ayekatnoname: you can use "Synaptic" (a GUI tool) to install/uninstall/update packages14:13
hassanzhi how do i fix this error? configure: error: no acceptable C++ compiler found in $PATH14:13
MrDudlecause my system came with win7 64bit so i was like wut14:13
LjL!b-e > hassanz14:13
ubottuhassanz, please see my private message14:13
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collabraMrDudle: I've been using the 64 bit flavor of kubuntu since 10.04,... I'ts stable and secure... I've had no problems14:13
godbodHello, someone knows how to get DHCP and static ip activated on the same eth0 card for instance ?14:13
ayekatnoname: it's faster than searching for the programm on the web and then download and compile and install it all by hand.14:13
noname@ayekat : where can i find that tool ?14:13
wastlhassanz:  check if you have the c++ compiler and dependencies installed14:13
hassanzi have gcc installed14:14
wastlhassanz: sudo apt-get install build-essential should install all you need14:14
hassanzok thanks14:14
minimecMrDudle: In my ees that comes 'from ancient times', when there were some incompabilities with very current software... Shlouldn't be a problem anymore.14:14
collabraMrDudle: I've been apologizing for that 'suggestion' since the beginning... It's a mis-nomer of sorts... I wish they wouldn't have posted those comments.14:14
ayekatnoname: you can also use the console, if you prefer, with "apt-get" or "aptitude"14:14
ortsvorsteherHi, on my laptop sound doesnt works. after switching from also to oss4 still no sound. ubuntu 10.04, intel soundcard. any idea how to manage that sound works?14:15
MrDudlenow if only ubuntu would download faster than 10kb/s... ---14:15
wastlgodbod: you can't. What you can do is let eth0 do dhcp and create a "virtual" eth0: with  a static config14:15
ylmfosi don't know how to perfect my system14:15
wastlgodbod: but in this case mind your routing14:15
ayekatnoname: although I would recommend "Synaptic" for the beginning...14:15
collabraMrDudle: lol,... yeah :)14:15
abhijit!sound | ortsvorsteher14:15
ubottuortsvorsteher: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:15
MrDudlecollabra, wait is that normal?14:15
nonameayekat : thanks for info14:15
MrDudlecause i'm very used to things downloading at 100kb/s+14:15
_raven_need help with ubuntu and openMOSIX please14:16
ortsvorsteherabhijit, i tried all the links yesterday, still no sound...14:16
* abhijit have upto 40KB/s14:16
godbodwastl > how can I do that ?14:16
abhijitortsvorsteher, i cant help14:16
collabraMrDudle : the website is throttled,... not much you can do,... but I usually get around 170 to 230 KBs14:16
blue_annaI need help cleaning the system state after an automatic install blew up my system -- detailed help please, because editing a dangerous file without any idea of what Im doing just sounds like the wrong way™14:16
MrDudlecollabra, omfg14:16
* MrDudle detests throttlingn14:16
collabraKbits,... sorry14:16
ortsvorsteherHi, on my laptop sound doesnt works. after switching from alsa to oss4 still no sound. ubuntu 10.04, intel soundcard. any idea how to manage that sound works?14:16
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ayekatayekat: you're welcome - of course you might also want to install programms that aren't provided as pacakges - such as VirtualBox14:17
MrDudleoh even greater collabra14:17
MrDudlethe torrents aren't there -_-14:17
collabraMrDudle: lol,.. yeah.14:17
MrDudleapparently i'm not supposed to download it14:17
hassanzortsvorsteher: press that mute button14:17
ayekatnoname: as KE1HA said, there are differences between the opensource version ("sudo apt-get install virtualbox") and the original version (=> website)14:17
nonamei need to install flash player to make my youtube videos work in ubuntu .how to do that guys14:17
ortsvorsteherhassanz, an then?14:18
hassanzit worked for me14:18
MrDudlecollabra, is there some weird bs going on with downloads today14:18
_raven_need help with ubuntu and openMOSIX please14:18
nonameayekat : yes i get it14:18
blue_annaseems like there aught to be a apt-get clean pkg_name or something14:18
ortsvorsteherhassanz, i tried, it doesnt work14:18
hassanzortsvorsteher: the mute button on laptops just change the mixer settings and dont show it on gui14:18
collabraMrDudle: if you have an ethernet connection, I suggest downloading the ubuntu minimal.... from there you can do a net install,... your final product will be fully updated.14:18
minimecortsvorsteher: First, go back to the default pulse+alsa settings and check the properties of the volume applet. If your card is not listed there, you have an alsa problem. In my eyes oss is depreciated14:19
olskolircPaltalk is still down :-(14:19
nonameayekat : do you know what's the package name of flash player14:19
MrDudlecollabra, yeah i'm too lazy for that14:19
BluesKajnoname, install flashplugin-installer14:19
* MrDudle just wants his slightly less than 700mb iso to burn and go14:19
collabraMrDudle: It'll save you alot of time...14:19
olskolircI wish irc would go audio/video chat14:19
nonameBluesKaj : thanks14:19
olskolircwe need to get a team together and make it happen14:19
collabraMrDudle: the download is about 17mb14:19
* MrDudle just goes to find a copy he has on a flashdrive or cd14:19
BluesKajnoname, np14:20
olskolircyou guys ever hear of paltalk?14:20
collabrahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD <---- MrDudle14:20
crankyadminolskolirc == FAIL!14:20
aeon-ltdolskolirc: why not just use skype?14:20
olskolircthey made an audio video chat for linux and mac14:20
crankyadminunless your a pervert14:21
ortsvorsteherminimec, i see that oss supports my soundcard, but the documentation seems to be for 9.10. why should i switch back to alsa when alsa doesnt support my hardware?14:21
olskolircaeon-ltd, paltalk is a chat room with audio and cams14:21
furunoHello, I'm accidentaly broken my bash autocompletion (by trying to install groovy autocompletion), what's the quickest way to restore autocompletion?14:21
crankyadminPaltalk == Good for perverts14:21
olskolircskype is just skype14:21
* crankyadmin knows!14:21
aeon-ltdolskolirc: irc is better this way, unless you want to see 600 users cameras in #ubuntu]14:21
BluesKajolskolirc, i think bandwidth would be a problem...check the number of ppl here14:21
olskolirclol aeon-ltd right14:21
jasonmchristosgood morning all14:21
olskolircoh snap 149814:21
minimecortsvorsteher: Are you sure that you checked all possible errors in alsa?14:21
erUSULfuruno: what exactly you did ?14:22
nonameBluesKaj : doesnt work i get an error message "packege flushplugin-installer is not available ,but is reffered by another package "14:22
olskolircholy netsplit lol14:22
ortsvorsteherminimec, i think so... i tried yesterday the whole day...14:22
nonameBluesKaj : doesnt work i get an error message "packege flushplugin-installer is not available ,but is reffered by another package "14:22
blue_annawoohoo, I didi it ! I manually changed /var/lib/dpkg/status and got rid of cabextract from the install queue :)14:22
furunoerUSUL: http://www.grails.org/Grails%20Bash%20Completion, I suppose14:22
erUSULfuruno: you can try to reinstall bash-completion. but without knowing what you did is hard to know if that will be of any help14:23
jasonmchristosi am having a problem where disk usge ana. says i have 4.1 gb in the log directory but when i open it in the file browser it says 2.5 gb freespace which doesnt make snse to me14:23
KE1HAayekat, the main problem with using the repo version is, when you install Guest-Add-On's you'll get failures, which causes issues in screen resizing, mouse control and sometime even networking issues.14:23
BluesKajnoname, open your package manager and enable canonical partners and other sources in the sources option14:23
blue_annawhat's going on? now I'm having problems unpacking the next package in the install list ..14:23
olskolircI can't install google earth14:23
jasonmchristosplease halp!14:23
blue_annait looks like suddenly my computer started having problems unpackaging things14:23
blue_annalike, in general14:23
olskolircit crashes on lucid14:23
minimecortsvorsteher: what does dmesg |grep Audio give you as output?14:23
BluesKajnoname, then install14:23
nonameBluesKaj: as i told you i'm new with ubuntu . can you guid me to package manager14:24
furunoerUSUL: umm, let me recheck the user's bashrc and global bashrc, but I seems to forget where...14:24
jasonmchristosolskolirc: why not?14:24
erUSULfuruno: undo your modification to ~/.bash_profile ( or ~/.profile )14:24
olskolirccrashes jasonmchristos14:24
ortsvorsteherminimec, nothing.14:24
ayekatKE1HA: I see - well, then maybe better use the non-opensource edition...14:24
minimecortsvorsteher: Audio not audio14:24
erUSULfuruno: that's alll that's needed ( and remove the script if you are not going to use it )14:24
olskolircI read getting google earth on Lucid was a problem jasonmchristos14:24
collabrablue_anna: sounds like you otta put cabextract back in... lol14:25
ortsvorsteheryes minimec, i tried Audio14:25
jasonmchristosolskolirc: i dunno ive had it on karmic and havent tried it it runs much better on windoz anyway14:25
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minimecortsvorsteher: Stupid me... lspci |grep Audio14:26
blue_annaI dont understand .. I mean its not required for linux packages .. its required for microsoft updates and stuff14:26
jasonmchristosin my experience14:26
blue_annaits basically the old Z "zip" format14:26
BluesKajnoname, the same package manager you used to try to install flashplugin-insyaller14:26
blue_annawith fixded block sizes14:26
ortsvorsteherminimec, 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)14:26
olskolircit always ran better for me on linux jasonmchristos and i can run virtualbox at the same time without cpu problems unlike windows14:26
furunoerUSUL: Just in case, I want to check the global bash profile, but I forget where it is... any enlightment?14:26
nonamei used terminal for that14:26
blue_annaand I was having this problem before I removed cabextract14:26
nonameBluesKaj: iused terminal for that14:27
jasonmchristosolskolirc: well im not ure i did it on karmc and had no problems try and figure out why it is crashing14:27
collabrablue_anna: maybe cabextract was a pre-requisite for the next on the list?... :(14:27
blue_annain fact, this is the problem I -had- removing cabextract14:27
erUSULfuruno: /etc/profile ? /etc/skel/.profile ? you should know what files you edited14:27
olskolircim on Lucid jasonmchristos14:27
blue_anna** upgrading it14:27
BluesKajnoname, look in the panel14:27
olskolircits a tuffy14:27
erUSULblue_anna: apt-cache rdepends cabextract14:27
olskolirci have the crash log but im to exhuasted to go through it or use pastebin jasonmchristos14:27
blue_annathere are a few things in that list14:27
blue_annabut I know that at least some of them are not installed14:28
jasonmchristosolskolirc: yes i know alls i can offer is try to figure out why it is crashing, seems like if its crashing its already installed14:28
collabrablue_anna: try what erUSUL suggested14:28
blue_annalike liborange and orange, I saw that in synaptic when I went to deinstall cabextract -- it wasnt ever isntalled14:28
blue_annacollabra, I did14:28
minimecortsvorsteher: Did you see that post (just found that) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103650814:28
blue_annacollabra, it lists things regardless of whether they are actually installed14:28
collabrablue_anna: Ah,.. and...?14:28
erUSULcollabra: blue_anna that only shows the packges that need cabextract14:28
jasonmchristosolskolirc: get some rest and things will come together much easier try again tomorrow14:28
olskolirci should dump 057 and use an older one jasonmchristos14:28
jasonmchristosolskolirc: 057?14:29
jasonmchristosof google earth?14:29
nonameBluesKaj : panel .(Applications -Places - system) pachage manager under which opetion ?14:29
blue_annacollabra, I did the uninstall through synaptic -- so before it had problems it first uninstalled the depeneds I had that had it .. there was just the ttf microsoft installer14:29
ortsvorsteherminimec, so i try to switch back to alsa and after that i try that link which you gave me. thank you14:29
minimecortsvorsteher: The line you pasted is a good start for bug tracking... http://www.google.ch/search?hl=de&source=hp&q=Intel%20Corporation%2082801I%20ubuntu&meta=&aq=f&oq=14:29
jasonmchristosi usually go with the newest version unless for some reason it wont work14:30
minimecortsvorsteher: No problem.14:30
furunoerUSUL: I guess I've cleaned the files... just in case should I just reinstall bash completion?14:30
blue_annabut this is the first thing I noticed .. cabextract was hanging when being updated .. during the unpackaging. it sat overnight, never completed14:30
BluesKajnoname, sources14:30
jasonmchristosi have a dell computer that i have to use old karmic intel drivers for but its rrunning lucid or else it will crash xorg14:30
blue_annanow thats gone, and Im running the updates .. and it is hanging on the next (unrelated) file in the update list14:30
erUSULfuruno: if you only did what that page says there shouldn't be needed14:31
jasonmchristosit had that problem in karmic also though14:31
blue_annaso it looks slike something more fundamental than cabextract was the issue all along14:31
BluesKajnoname or you could do alt+f2 , gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources list and remove the # from the deb url repositories then in the terminal. sudo apt-get update , then sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer14:31
olskolirci have Meerkat in virtualbox jasonmchristos ITS SWEET - when it gets stable its going to rock14:31
jasonmchristosbut it seems xorg doesnt want to fix it its an problem thats been repored14:31
furunoerUSUL: well, will try rebooting now (reinstalled video driver), thanks!14:31
jasonmchristoswhats meerkat?14:31
nonameBluesKaj : well now the answer is clear14:31
olskolircthe new ubuntu coming out in October jasonmchristos14:31
collabrablue_anna: I always use aptitude for installing and uninstalling.... I feel i have more control... like when uninstalling,... I'll pick the package I want to uninstall,... then select the depends and the recommends,... hit enter and it automatically keeps the packages i need and uninstalls the orphans14:31
nonameBluesKaj :thanks14:31
olskolircRC3 is out now jasonmchristos14:32
blue_annakinda like a praerie rat14:32
jasonmchristosoh cool14:32
Piciolskolirc: No, Alpha 3.14:32
blue_annacollabra, this was the system automatic update :P14:32
rileypsymbolic link on front end not showing up in mounted dir when both symlink folder and original file folder are both mounted locally in exact same dirs14:32
BluesKajnoname, you're welcome14:32
AzaTothI've got an older HP Pavilion tx1000 and trying to figure out how to get both cores to work, at the moment only one of them is working14:32
blue_annacollabra, I didnt do a damn thing to start this, just turn on my computer the other day14:32
collabrablue_anna: that would be frustrating14:32
rileypCan anyone help me with this14:32
jasonmchristosi am having a problem where disk usge ana. says i have 4.1 gb in the log directory but when i open it in the file browser it says 2.5 gb freespace which doesnt make snse to me14:33
bobthemilkmanI think I broke apt-get. I was trying to install flashplugin-nonfree, but due to some issues with it not properly respecting $HTTP_PROXY or ctrl+c interrupts, I killed the process. Now nothing works with apt-get.14:33
blue_annaI still dont understand why cabextract is getting yearly updates .. nothing about that software has changed in _at least_ 20 years14:33
sburjanhello. is there a way to shring a linux partition ?14:33
blue_annafor as long as microsoft was a major company14:33
Piciblue_anna: Have you looked at the changelogs?14:33
jasonmchristossburjan samba14:34
bobthemilkmandebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable14:34
minimecbobthemilkman: open a console and type sudo dpkg --configure -a in it. Close synaptic before...14:34
_raven_how to run ubuntu as openMOSIX-host?14:34
furunoerUSUL: well, I got "normal" bash completion but cannot have autocompletion with apt-get...14:34
sburjanjasonmchristos, : not to share, to shrink .. to make it smaller14:34
bobthemilkmanminimec: Done it, does nothing.14:34
bobthemilkmanAlso gives me the same error about resource temporarily unavailable.14:34
collabrablue_anna: the linux community,... or ubuntu,.. need to come up with some sort of system restore for linux.14:34
minimecbobthemilkman: ok. sudo apt-get update14:35
bobthemilkmanupdate works.14:35
_raven_how to run ubuntu as openMOSIX-host?14:35
minimecbobthemilkman: ok. sudo apt-get upgrade14:35
p1und3rhey all, does anyone know the best way to mount the SAME drive to the SAME mount point everytime? i have 2 externals but one time they may sdc another time it could be sdd14:35
bobthemilkmanupgrade doesn't.14:35
bobthemilkman"2 not fully installed or removed." then same error.14:35
=== oligo is now known as trainhax
minimecbobthemilkman: error mesage?14:35
bobthemilkman"debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable"14:35
blue_annaI wouldnt know where to restore it to if I did it14:35
jasonmchristossburjan im sure there is a way not sure if gparted would do it or not14:36
blue_annaI never saw what broke, I just saw afterwards, when my system apparently started having problems unextracting all deb files14:36
minimecbobthemilkman: ok. there is another apt process hanging...14:36
bobthemilkmanThere isn't. ps -ef | grep apt only returns the grep command.14:36
furunohmm according to some threda in a forum, I seems to be missing "/etc/bash_completion", anyone kind enough to give me a sample?14:36
bobthemilkmanpgrep apt returns nothing.14:37
minimecbobthemilkman: If there is no other package software open, I would consider a reboot to kill that process. You can also kill it in the gnome-system-monitor, I guess.14:37
furunoor should I just reinstall bash_completion?14:37
bobthemilkmanminimec: There is no process.14:37
sipiorfuruno: that'd be simplest, i think14:37
bobthemilkmanHold up, the problem fixed itself.14:37
BluesKajbobthemilkman, sudo dpkg --configure -a14:37
bobthemilkmanI think when I killed apt-get before, there was a hanging thread or something.14:38
bobthemilkmanAnyway, it's fixed itself after about 10 minutes.14:38
minimecbobthemilkman: That's the calssic error message. Try a reboot first.14:38
erUSULfuruno: reinstall the package  then...14:38
collabrablue_anna: you're making me a little pensive about having my system automatically update.14:38
bobthemilkmanThe problem just went away.14:38
blue_annawow I see like a dozen dpkg apps running here14:38
minimecbobthemilkman: So we are lucky ;)14:38
furunosipioir, erUSUL: did that, now all's good :) many thanks14:38
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
bobthemilkmanminimec: If you call having the latest version of flashplayer lucky :(14:39
erUSULfuruno: ... you did more ( damage ) that what that web page said....14:39
bobthemilkmanI swear to God, every single thing about flash makes me want to kill myself.14:39
furunoerUSUL: indeed14:39
ljsoftnetit eats too much CPU power for just a simple youtube video14:40
jasonmchristosis it safe to delete whats in var/log14:40
blue_annaerr .. they don't respond to kill -9 either14:40
blue_annaguess Im gonna reboot14:40
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minimecbobthemilkman: I do agree, but I was rather thinking about a sane package system ;)14:40
jasonmchristosquestion: is it safe to delete whats in var/log14:40
collabrablue_anna: that's what i'd do...14:40
erUSULjasonmchristos: if it is a file too big; it is safer to zero it14:40
bobthemilkmanIn that sense, yes, I'm lucky :P14:40
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mikebeechamhi guys...quick question.  I want to download the 10.04 iso...using grub2, will I need to place this somewhere in order to boot from it, or can I just double-click the iso from the HDD?14:41
jasonmchristoserUSUL: i have 4.1gb of logs its rediculous14:41
furunomikebeecham: you'll need to burn the ISO to a CD14:41
_raven_how to run ubuntu as openMOSIX-host?14:41
erUSULjasonmchristos: first findo out the culprit ( the actual log file) then check what is spamming the log14:42
mikebeechamfuruno, someone mentioned that Grub2 would allow me to do it differently somehow?14:42
furunomikebeecham: if you're using windows 7, there's should be very easy, just select the ISO and choose Burn Disc Image from the menu14:42
jasonmchristoserUSUL: i think i t might be system mail14:42
mikebeechamfuruno, Ubuntu14:42
jcrawfordhey guys currently my /usr/bin/java points to alternative, how can I make this use the sun java?14:42
erUSULjcrawford: sudo update-alternatives --config java14:42
jasonmchristosi have something sending every ip connection to my usemail14:42
mikebeechamI'm using 10.04, and I want to do a completely clean install...I've been using linux 3 years and think I've built up loads of rubbish14:42
mikebeechamI was going to start fresh14:42
csgeekI've removed /var/lib/posgresql, and removed all the postgres related packages, now I'm trying to re-install all of them but its not re-creating the directory or the binaries needed.14:42
furunomikebeecham: GRUB2 is a bootloader, which give you the ability to choose what operating system you want to use in a pc with more than one OS (like Win7 and Ubuntu)14:43
csgeekany suggestions on how to fix this?14:43
mikebeechamfuruno, so it might be better to just download to a Pen Drive14:43
mikebeechamI dont have blank CDs14:43
jcrawfordhmm says there is a manual and auto mode both point to the same java-6-sun so it seems it is using sun :)14:43
furunomikebeecham: using a pendrive is fine too (and actually faster)14:43
atudeI need a rubiks cube application. which do I use?14:43
atudeare tehr eany?14:43
atudether e*14:43
BluesKajjcrawford, place a copy of sun java in usr/bin. that's the normal dir for app executables14:43
minimecjcrawford: Is sun java installed? How did you install it? Via the Partner repository?14:43
mikebeechamfuruno, will do that then....as an aside.  Is this something that is actually advised on Linux, or am I still looking at this from a Windows persepctive?14:44
furunomikebeecham: actually, I do a lot of install using a pendrive14:45
mikebeechamwill a 2Gb pen drive be sufficient?14:45
furunomikebeecham: yes, you'll only need about 700 MB14:45
meatbuni am using 10.x ubuntu. cpu on flash video is high, even after i press pause. how to fix?14:45
mikebeechamok...and furuno , back to my previous question.  Reinstalling...is this really an advised thing to do?14:46
meatbunmy windows machine, upon clicking of pause, cpu drops to 10%.14:46
mikebeechamor am I still too windows-oriented?14:46
furunomikebeecham: you want to reinstall Ubuntu?14:46
mikebeechamfuruno, yessir...I reckon after 3 years I've collected too much rubbish on my hdd14:46
mikebeechama clean reinstall seemed a good way to go14:46
mikebeechamwipe the HDD and start again14:46
furunomikebeecham: it's completely OK14:46
csgeeknvm.. got it14:47
roberto_ubuntu - designed from the ground up with fault tolerance in mind14:47
roberto_that is, with the idea that you shouldbe fault tolerant14:47
mikebeechamfuruno, well, lets hope it goes well...I've only installed linux once 3 years ago...and even then had help.  Someone told me recently to create a second partition for files....a / partition...correct?14:47
ivers_anyone knows what Firewall Throughput in munin displays ?14:48
furunomikebeecham: nope, linux installation is *much* more easier these days14:48
snoopta little problem, when i`m switching to tty1 i`ve got just a blinking cursor. Anyone knows how to fix it14:48
furunomikebeecham: and you can always chat while you're installing :)14:48
MrokiiHello. I have the problem that whenever I try to copy large files to a usb-stick, the copy-speed varies a lot and stalls sometimes inbetween. And it *especially* stalls, after the copy-process is over (0 seconds left). I mean, Nautilus' copy-process window stays open for a very long time.14:48
mikebeechamfuruno, oh?  Can I?14:48
furunomikebeecham: yes, because Ubuntu is a live cd14:49
mikebeechamoh mind you...I'll have irc on my windows machine...would you mind me asking lots of annoying questions whilst I go through the install process?14:49
Bizzehhi, im looking at setting up an ubuntu server install as a semi-router/server install.. pretty much the only thing i want it to do at the moment is act as a DNS server, i want to pipe all office DNS quereies via the server so that i am able to filter out certain ones from being accessed in the office.. all the routing and ip assignment is done via an off the shelf router for now. does anyone have any sort of guide for setting this type of system up14:49
_raven_how to run ubuntu as openMOSIX-host?14:49
furunoMrokii: well, it how it'll work, at the end, it's looks like Linux is "finalizing" the file14:49
collabrablue_anna: ... you there?14:49
furunomikebeecham: you can even use IRC from the ubuntu installation, just try it14:50
romankrvHi. What can get login for irc.freenode14:50
ibrahim-kasemwhy there is no modem support for ubuntu :(14:50
Vroomfondle_raven_: I thought openMOSIX only worked on 2.4 kernels?14:50
mikebeechamoh, I didnt realise :D  great news furuno14:50
collabra!register | romankrv14:51
ubotturomankrv: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:51
furunoromankrv: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup14:51
furuno!hi | ShapeShifter49914:52
ubottuShapeShifter499: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:52
=== ibrahim-kasem is now known as syria
mikebeecham1furuno: I'm now on my windows machine (it sits next to my linux machine!!) So I'll chat in a bit....thanks for all your help anyway mate!14:52
mikebeecham1be back soon14:52
acidqual o canal ubunto em portugues?14:52
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Pici!pt | acid14:53
ubottuacid: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:53
Mrokiifuruno:  So, it is *supposed* to work like that? If so, it doesn't make much sense to me. What could Linux "finalize", once the file is copied?14:53
zacharyif i leave the computer for five mins it makes me log back in. how do i remove that?14:53
zacharyany help would be greatly appreciated14:53
furunoMrokii: I don't know the in-depth detail though... it just works like that...14:53
furunozachary: System > Preference > Screensaver14:53
ayekatzachary: you will probably have to configure your screensaver settings14:53
zacharyfuruno, ty i will try this!14:54
zacharyayekat, ty i will try this!14:54
ShapeShifter499can someone help me... I'm trying to backup my netbook via ethernet and ssh but every time my netbook turns off its display due to inactivity my other comp stops copying files how do I prevent my comp from shutting off its display or whatnot?14:54
Mrokiifuruno:  okay, thank you. Not really satisfying, but it seems as if I can't do anything about it :/14:55
furunoShapeShifter499: see System > Preference > Sceensaver14:55
furunoMrokii: just note that USB flash drive performance will degrade after time14:55
CoreGate1Hi *!14:55
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:55
Mrokiifuruno:  It doesn't really matter which usb stick I connect. It's all the same with all of them.14:56
sakekasi1994I have a bunch of partitions on my laptop, and they look like this: http://goo.gl/AtSo. How can I grow /dev/sda5 by the 40 gb of empty space I have?14:56
collabrasakekasi1994: gparted14:57
ShapeShifter499furuno, I've tried that but I can't seem to keep my comp from turning off its display14:57
acidalgum bras na sala?14:57
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:57
sakekasi1994collabra I am using gparted14:57
sakekasi1994I still can't grow the partition by the free space14:57
furunoShapeShifter499: How about System > Preference > Power Management14:57
acidalguem poderia me dar um help?14:58
aeon-ltdsakekasi1994: you can't do it while its mounted use the liveCD14:58
SahrGot a wireless question. thanks to you guys I have managed to get ubuntu picking up wireless signals, HOWEVER when I try to connect to my wireless connection it wont work, it just keeps trying to connect and failing, even tho the signal is there and every minute or so it keeps making me reenter the password. This happens no matter what encryption I use, so what should I do?14:58
sakekasi1994aeon-ltd it's not mounted14:58
ColbyLudwigDoes GRUB2 recognize HFS+ partitions?14:58
acidqual é a sala do ubuntu em portugues?14:58
furuno!pt | acid14:58
ubottuacid: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:58
aeon-ltdsakekasi1994: contiguous space?14:59
ShapeShifter499furuno, Iol I just saw that...14:59
ShapeShifter499furuno, now to see if it works14:59
sakekasi1994aeon-ltd I don't know what that is, but /dev/sda5 is inside another thing with the name /dev/sda414:59
sakekasi1994aeon-ltd it's all in the link15:00
sakekasi1994aeon-ltd http://goo.gl/AtSo15:00
collabrasakekasi1994: where is your linux partition.... I only see ntfs15:00
n0rbeer7hello! I know my question is not about ubuntu, but do you know, cat5e is capable of 1000 mbps?15:00
sakekasi1994collabra it's a wubi installation15:00
ShapeShifter499furuno, seems to be working thinks15:01
collabrasakekasi1994: i don't know if you can expand a wubi installation.15:01
sakekasi1994collabra I'm not trying to15:01
sakekasi1994collabra http://goo.gl/AtSo is a screenshot of my gparted15:01
ZykoticK9n0rbeer7, try ##hardware if you don't get an answer here15:01
n0rbeer7okay, thanks15:02
collabrasakekasi1994: ok,... so what are you trying to extend,...15:02
n0rbeer7I am going to try there15:02
n0rbeer7have a nice day15:02
FloodBot4n0rbeer7: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:02
sakekasi1994collabra my documents partition15:02
sakekasi1994sakekasi1994 I just use it to keep my files separate from my OS15:02
collabrasakekasi1994: why don't you use windows to do this...?15:03
sakekasi1994collabra windows won't let me either15:03
KE1HAMay as well install Windows all those NTFS partitins.15:03
collabrasakekasi1994: yeah,... I can't help you to extend a ntfs partition using gparted,... I've never heard of it,... try using partition magic.15:04
sakekasi1994collabra ok can I get a link?15:04
rileyphow can I cllaim owner ship of symllink on a remote front end that list them like this15:04
KE1HAand it's all on one physical drive, so not much point in makig all the partitions in the first place.15:05
rileypl????????? ? ? ? ?                ? Shaun the Sheep.9.mpg15:05
collabrahttp://www.symantec.com/norton/theme.jsp?themeid=partition_magic&depthpath=0&header=0 <--- or try a torrent if you want it for free.15:05
sakekasi1994KE1HA it's for organizational reasons and when I switch from windows to ubuntu, i can still access my files15:06
ZykoticK9!warez | collabra15:06
sakekasi1994thanks collabra15:06
ubottucollabra: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o15:06
aeon-ltdcollabra: shameless advertising for piracy eh?15:06
collabrai'll not be shamed,... save it for the corporations.15:06
sakekasi1994collabra norton discontinued partitionmajic15:06
KE1HAsakekasi1994, fare enough, to each his own, but NTFS and EXT don't play well together.15:06
sakekasi1994KE1HA i'm using a wubi installation15:07
sakekasi1994KE1HA also, I agree with you15:07
ZykoticK9collabra, respecting copyrights = respect for open source (open source is based on copyrights)15:07
KE1HAsakekasi1994, you'd be better off with a SAN or NAS soluiton.15:08
sakekasi1994KE1HA ok15:08
collabraZykoticK9: which corporation owns open source?15:08
wilhartcan u use kde4 effects with X screen15:08
kekcollabra: oracle owns it15:08
nikitisI need some help on setting up multiple ftp servers through one external IP Address.  When i change port 21 to a different port on the server, and port forward on my router, i can connect, but I never get directory listings, and a message that says I get an unroutable address.  Can someone please tell me what the hell is goin on here?15:09
ZykoticK9collabra, it's not a corporation.  GPL is a copyright document.  !ot for this channel.15:09
ivers_use a ftp proxy, nikitis15:09
KomiaPoikais there a package for truecrypt in ubuntu?15:09
collabraagain,... save your shame for those who deserve it...15:09
nikitisivers_, how does that work?15:09
erryHi, my network applet says device not managed15:09
erryhow can i fi xit?15:09
ivers_nikitis: http://www.ftpproxy.org/15:10
sakekasi1994i just realized what was wrong15:10
sakekasi1994I forgot to resisze my extended partition first15:10
ZykoticK9erry, if you have set anything in /etc/network/interfaces you'll get that message15:10
KE1HAKomiaPoika, have a look at easycrypt15:10
erryZykoticK9, i havbe15:11
erryyhow can i undo it?15:11
SahrGot a wireless question. thanks to you guys I have managed to get ubuntu picking up wireless signals, HOWEVER when I try to connect to my wireless connection it wont work, it just keeps trying to connect and failing, even tho the signal is there and every minute or so it keeps making me reenter the password. This happens no matter what encryption I use, so what should I do?15:11
ZykoticK9erry, reverse what you did15:11
erryZykoticK9, so i just remove everything?15:11
ZykoticK9erry, probably not "everything"15:12
ayekatSahr: does dmesg|tail say something like "disconnected by local choice; reason=3" ?15:12
nikitisivers_, i don't think that is an option for me15:12
ZykoticK9erry, mine has 2 line --- line 1= auto lo --- and line 2 = iface lo inet loopback15:12
SahrLet me have a look ayekat15:12
monitoronline on brasil15:12
Pici!pt | monitor15:12
ubottumonitor: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:12
erryZykoticK9, i put mine like that and restarted networking15:13
errybut it wont do15:13
BluesKajSahr, you have use the encryption you set the router up to use and if needed a user password15:13
SahrNope ayekat, want me to copy what it comes up with?15:13
KE1HASahr, what type of encryption are you using WEP / WAP ?  try turning it off and connecting first, then enable and try it again to see if it connects.15:13
nikitisI've search for days on how to run multiple ftp servers, and i got nothing, can someone help me out with this?15:13
minimecerry: You will have to logout the session and login again.15:13
SahrKE1HA, I have tried all types of different encryption, even without enryption it does not work15:13
ayekatSahr: Well, no, it's just that I also had some wireless problems15:13
erryminimec, but if i do that maybe internet will break forever15:13
erryI don't want to15:13
errythen i'll have to re-install again15:14
errywell i have to restart anyway15:14
ivers_ /whois ivers15:14
KE1HASahr, ok, try it without a password on the router.15:14
=== ivers_ is now known as ivers
SahrKE1HA done that already, no luck15:14
Sahrit keeps trying to connect and connect and failing, only difference is it does not ask me for a password15:14
KomiaPoikawith ubuntu on dual screen, how can i have 2 different backgroud pictures on the laptop screen and on the external screen?15:15
nikitisanyone know how to change the control and data ports that vsftpd uses?15:15
KE1HASahr, pass then, not much more I can suggest then.15:15
SahrOk ke1ha mate15:15
BluesKajSahr, what kind of wifi , on a laptop or usb adapter or...?15:15
SahrIts a odd problem, and I have no idea whats wrong with it15:15
Sahrusing a Broadcom Driver on a dell Mini 10 Blues15:15
iverslol Sahr15:16
iversinstall firmware15:16
ZykoticK9KomiaPoika, do both screens act as a single large desktop?  or are then completely independent X windows?15:16
SahrWith wpa-psk encryption15:16
SonderbladeHow do you check which files an installed package provides?15:16
iversSahr: have you installed firmware ?15:16
SahrYeah ivers, I installed all the drivers15:16
KE1HAI will be so glad with the kernel supports all these these broadcomm cards !15:16
BluesKajSahr, b ut what kind of connection to your dell mini , usb wifi or pci ?15:16
SahrWifi using WPA-PSK15:17
erryOk it works15:17
errybut now my notification area disappeared15:17
KE1HAOn mt dell, I had to update firmware for WPA-PSK.15:17
errynvm its there15:17
collabraoracle owns linux... lol.15:17
ZykoticK9!enter > erry15:17
ubottuerry, please see my private message15:17
errysorry :(15:18
ZykoticK9!ot | collabra15:18
ubottucollabra: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:18
SahrI cant figure out what is wrong with it15:18
collabraPlease,... ZykoticK9... I'm just finishing a conversation.15:18
ComplexeHi all15:19
BluesKajSahr, I'll ask one more time ...what kind of connection to your dell mini , usb wifi or pci ?15:19
SahrWIFI blueskaj15:19
=== Guest25300 is now known as michealH
SahrSaid it 2 times mate15:19
Complexei want to use a script mIRC, like other script with windows15:19
* BluesKaj bangs his head on the dek15:19
=== michealH is now known as MichealH
SahrOr do you meen something else BluesKaj?15:20
PiciSahr: BluesKaj wants to know if you're using an internal adapter or something that plugs in your usb port.15:20
SahrUsing a wireless card, so a internal adapter I would think?15:20
Sahr(Not really that good with this stuff, sorry)15:20
erryBtw, anybody got wireless to work on a toshiba t110?15:21
KomiaPoikaZykoticK9: are independants X display areas15:21
erryI have rtl8187se card and it causes kernel panics15:21
erryI posted a bug report about it which nobody seemed to pay attention to15:22
KE1HAerry, Not a T110, but on an ASUS-A6V my RT carrd is working wiht WPA15:22
erryKE1HA, rtl8187se?15:22
minimecKomiaPoika: So they have different size and you don't use compiz?15:22
erryKE1HA, it matters. rtl8187b which i have in another laptop works fine, but se won't.15:22
KomiaPoikawhat is compiz?15:22
KomiaPoikayes, they have different sizes15:23
KE1HAIm not sure which one it is specificalyl, but it's an 8-Series RT card I know htat15:23
erryKE1HA, well seems i got really unlucky with the specific model./15:23
KE1HAAhh, ok15:23
erryAlthough it may be a combination of the card and something else on that netbook, n/i15:23
minimecKomiaPoika: the 3D Gimmick Desktop. What happens if you do <ctrl><alt>arrow right?15:23
KomiaPoikaminimec: it changes virtual desktop15:24
erryIf the prob was the card and i loaded it on another computer without that card, would it panic or just not load it cause the hardware isnt' there?15:24
SahrWell guys, thanks for the help anyway15:24
BluesKajSahr, ok do lspci in the terminal and tell us what is listed as either mobile/ network devices, or pastebin the list p;s.15:24
SahrBluesKaj, I gotta go in about 10 mins man15:24
KE1HAerry, did you looke at the UB-WiFI docs ?15:24
SahrBluesKaj, Ok I will look tho15:24
abhijit!compiz | KomiaPoika15:24
ubottuKomiaPoika: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz15:24
minimecKomiaPoika: do you get a smoll window that indicates the change or a big transparent one?15:24
erryKE1HA, don't think so15:24
KomiaPoikaalso, i don't have any sound when i plug speakers15:25
erryKE1HA, it's not just that it doesn't work... It crashes the system15:25
KomiaPoikai use gnome15:25
KE1HAerry, it's for 804 / 9.10 but worth a shot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b15:25
erryKE1HA, B works fine.15:25
erryKE1HA, i have a problem with SE\15:25
gz0I'm trying to install a wusb54g v1 on ubuntu lucid, the device is recognized in lsusb but I cant bring it up with iwconfig15:25
KomiaPoikaminimec: a small transparent rectangle15:25
SahrBluesKaj uploading to pastebin 2 mins15:25
KomiaPoikaalso, i have video in flash player, but i cant play any video with xine, vlc or mplayer15:26
BluesKajSahr, ok good15:26
minimecKomiaPoika: not all at the same time...15:26
KE1HAerry,: http://www.eukhost.com/forums/f15/have-realtek-rtl8187se-wireless-ubuntu-will-work-7093/15:26
KE1HAseem after 9.10 is shold eb supproted out of the Box, are yo sure the cards functional ?15:27
KomiaPoikawhen i try to play a video file, i get some vague line on top of the screen, but not any playback15:27
BluesKaj!medibuntu | KomiaPoika15:27
ubottuKomiaPoika: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:27
SahrBluesKaj http://pastebin.com/gF6wwqSB15:27
KomiaPoikai have medibuntu15:27
errythanks. i'll try it out.15:27
erryWhen i had googled, i didn't see that thread :p15:27
foobarbecueHi, any idea why my gnome-volume control is using 100mb of memory?15:27
abhijit!enter | erry15:27
ubottuerry: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:27
minimecKomiaPoika: COUld you just start with one screen first, before we plug the 2nd. That would help us.15:27
BluesKajKomiaPoika, youll find the required repos for libdvdcss2 etc there15:28
KomiaPoikai have15:28
SahrAND ALSO  I have something else that someone told me to enter, dunno if this helps15:28
rizzuh_laptopI had a weird problem where no mouse click or key press would do anything, but the mouse would move fine, so I had to drop power hard to the computer and restart. What could be causing it? Using Lucid with all supported updates.15:28
mikebeechamhi there...can anyone help me partition my hard disk for new Ubuntu install15:29
mikebeechamit's telling me that I have sda1 and sda5 (swap)15:29
mikebeechamis this all I need?15:29
KE1HAmikebeecham, what sort of install are you wanting to do ?15:30
erryKE1HA, the binaries in that forum are for an older kernel..15:30
erryis it ok to get them anywya\/15:30
mikebeechamKE1HA: I'm wanting to format my hard drive and reinstall 10.04 onto it15:30
KE1HAerry, according to the WiFI docs, ur card is natively supported, so I dont dont know what the deal is there.15:30
erryKE1HA, it crashes the system if i load the driver.15:31
KE1HAmikebeecham, ok, so a complete installaiton, no other OS on th3e drive ?15:31
BluesKaj!broadcom | Sahr15:31
ubottuSahr: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:31
mikebeechamKE1HA: I originally put the swap partition on there because I was dual-booting...I'm no longer doing that15:31
erryKE1HA, perhaps if it didn't crash the system it would work15:31
mikebeechamKE1HA: only Ubuntu now15:31
minimecmikebeecham: KE1HA: I told him on #ubuntu+1, that he should consider a seperate /home partition for his data, and maybe an SWAP=RAM partition for suspend...15:31
SahrBluesKaJ looking now mate15:31
KE1HAmikebeecham, I'd recommend using the option, to "Use The Entire Drive" is you dont want to Dual-Boot anymore.15:31
jimmy51_how can i output a diff between two folders, recursively?15:31
jimmy51_(i'm in the maintanence shell)15:31
pZombieThis is the third time, on two different PCs i run into problems after installing ubuntu, it failing to boot of the right HDD after installing a boot sector on the correct HDD15:32
geirhajimmy51_: diff -ur dir1/ dir2/15:32
mikebeechamKE1HA: is minimec's advice of good use to me?  about a seperate /home partition for data?15:32
the_germanpZombie: I had the same problem. Try reinstalling grub with a live DVD15:33
KE1HAmikebeecham, that's an option for Manually partitioning, yes, but it's more complicated.15:33
collabramikebeecham: I would at least go with the SWAP=RAM15:33
jimmy51_geirha: thanks.15:33
alkisg_My laptop hard disk temperature is 91° C, should I be worried? (I did see some bad sectors...)15:33
KomiaPoikaminimec: with only 1 screen, i can play a video, but with 2 monitors, the videos are black or grey15:33
pZombieSomething is going seriously wrong with linux distros or ubuntu distros developement. How hard can it be to put a few bits on a sector for the boot loader to check if the partition is actually the right one?15:33
mikebeechamcollabra: I already have a 3Gb swap on there15:33
pZombiehonestly this is unexcusable15:33
BluesKajpZombie, what is ?15:33
minimecKomiaPoika: So. With one screen, for you everything seems ok? Is that true?15:33
KE1HAmikebeecham, for a standard installation, you need 3 partitions, /boot /swap and /root  and that's it, using RAM for swap is not standard.15:34
mikebeechamKE1HA: so currently I have a 76Gb Ext3, and a 3Gb Swap...is this ok?15:34
errynow it wont read my usb15:34
hvhow can I fix "locale" issues between different ubuntu and debian machines? some have $LANG=C some have $LANG=..._utf8.15:34
andre_plis it possible to connect to a VPN only for one ssh connection and have the rest of my network traffic stay on my "normal" connection?15:34
pZombieinstalling ubuntu or other linux distros which install fine, and then the distros being too stupid to set grub up properly to boot from the right partition for WHATEVER reason15:34
SahrHmm BluesKaj I got a message when I entered sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl15:34
mikebeechamKE1HA: I only have two partitions...15:34
pZombiethe reason of course is, that they try to boot of some other HDD/partition after the splash screen15:34
SahrWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.15:35
minimecKomiaPoika: ok. Do you use any driver of the ->system->administration->HArdware Dirver for your Graphics CArd?15:35
SahrIt said that 3 times in a row15:35
collabramikebeecham: you don't need the /boot if you have the /root15:35
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KE1HAmikebeecham, I dont knwo why your tryignt o set you partitions manually, yo dont knwo how to do it, however, like I said, you need three /boot /toot and /swap.15:35
pZombiethis could be prevented so easy by installing some bitcode on a specific sector location the boot sequence looks for when in doubt15:35
KomiaPoikaminimec: checking15:35
errypZombie, if it's so easy do it yourself15:35
* erry hides15:35
KE1HAsri /boot /root /swap15:35
gnubiemikebeecham; http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/  there is a rather long video that takes you through the partition options here. You need to scroll to find the partition video.15:35
mikebeechamconfused KE1HA and collabra seems to be contradicting each other15:35
KomiaPoikaminimec: no proprietary drivers are in use on this system15:36
pZombieerry - easy for those who are developing. i am not involved but allow me to theorize about it, yes?15:36
collabramikebeecham: i think keisha is talking,... you need a /boot if you are encrypting your entire drive,... if you are not you do not need the /boot15:36
KE1HAmikebeecham, Im not, My Advise, is to Use the Install CD and Do a Full disk Install. If you choose to partition manuallt, I can't help you.15:36
minimecKomiaPoika: Ok. That's not so bad, as everything should be handled by the system.15:36
the_germanAnyone using Kerberos with Ubuntu 10.04 ?15:36
collabramikebeecham: /root will suffice15:36
KomiaPoikaminimec: it's a macbook15:36
mikebeechamKE1HA: collabra thanks guys15:37
erryFunnny, i have more complaints about windows which costs some hudreds of dolars than about linux which is free15:37
mikebeechamI'm going automatic :D15:37
AnxiousNutI just wanna make sure, init 0 sutdowns and init 1 reboots, right?15:37
collabramikebeecham: lol15:37
pZombieerry - at least windows detects all my harddrives and does not fail to boot after an install15:37
BluesKajSahr, what is the message ?15:37
SahrBluesKaj WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.15:37
pZombieubuntu seems to have problems with more than one harddrive installed15:37
errypZombie, never had that problem15:38
the_germanpZombie: For how long have you been using linux??15:38
SahrIt repeated that 3 times in a row BluesKaj mate15:38
jimmy51_ok, after a DIFF check it seems many files are missing on my target.  how can i order only a copy of the different/missing files?15:38
harmandeepguys, is using RELOAD option with SERVICE command , equivalent to process SIGNAL 1 = SIGHUP ( which r15:38
harmandeepSignal name Signal number15:38
minimecKomiaPoika: Now I want you to go to go to ->system->preferences->Appearence in the 'Visual Efects TAb' Select 'None' there.15:38
harmandeepSIGTERM     1515:38
harmandeep                          eread the configuration file.15:38
FloodBot4harmandeep: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:38
errypZombie, i have a single hdd but multiple partitions15:38
harmandeepwhich re-reads the config file15:38
pZombiethe german - i used linux quite often, but only when needed it for special tasks. it s not really worth the time and effort trying to fix all problems it has.15:39
KomiaPoikaminimec: was already on none15:39
pZombieif i was to write software, i would first write my own OS15:39
Alcohol52Can any one tell me what is wrong with mac number 01:1E:90:D9:4C:5B? I cannot change the mac number of laptop to that same mac thoaugh it can be changed to other mac numbers?15:39
KE1HApZombie, is there a quesiton in that somwhere ?15:39
bazhangpZombie, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic15:39
erryi only have problems with wireless, but i can't really compl--- crap, i got the 32-bit.15:39
PicipZombie: This isn't a complaint channel, its a support channel.  If you'd like support, ask.  If you want to make a suggestion, try http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com15:40
erryKE1HA, those binaries you linked me to are 32 bit and i have 64 bit15:40
minimecKomiaPoika: ok. now. PLug the 2nd monitor and go to ->system->preferences->monitors15:40
pZombiethe question is, why does ubuntu install on a HDD and then try to boot from another?15:40
KomiaPoikaminimec: i see a vague 1 line animation on 1st line of the big monitor when i try to play a video15:40
KE1HAerry, Sri mate, that's the only one I could find.15:40
pZombieand where do i fix this?15:40
ZykoticK9Alcohol52, i notice all my MAC addresses start 00, certainly not sure that's the issue ;)  Goog luck man.15:40
KomiaPoikaminimec: im there15:40
minimecKomiaPoika: We are not yet there...15:40
stefan33I have been hitting Google looking for help, has anyone seen issues with Switch User on 32-bit installs?  I have two machines with troubles there....15:40
the_germanpZombie: Maybe it is configured wrong in your BIOS??!!15:41
harmandeepGuys, what is the difference b/w RELOAD and RESTART options with SERVICE command ,     is RELOAD equivalent to   process SIGNAL 1 = SIGHUP ( which re-reads daemon config file , instead of restarting it completely ) ???15:41
erryisn't there a way to force 32 bit15:41
minimecKomiaPoika: Do you see both monitors in there now?15:41
errytheres a command but i cant remember15:41
stefan33(please bear with me, I am relatively rusty at IRC)15:41
pZombiethe_german then why does windows have no problems with it?15:41
KE1HApZombie, well it all depends on how you installed, how did you perform the Ubuntu Installation ?15:41
KomiaPoikawith correct resolution15:41
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KE1HApZombie, retorical question, we can't answer Windows Questions15:41
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the_germanpZombie: I am not aware of your whole configuration that is why we are all just speculating here...15:42
minimecKomiaPoika: NOw configure both monitors. First do 'detect monitors'. You can also choose the position with drag&drop on a monitor15:42
pZombieke1ha - i installed from my USB hdd made bootable to act like a CDrom, using unetbootin. Ubuntu 10.4 server, detected only one of my HDDs , i just used the whole HDD. It installed all, then when booting, i got only the splash screen, and it just got stuck.15:42
KomiaPoikaminimec: i already done that15:42
stefan33:harmandeep - I think you have it right, reload re-reads the configs (if supported), restart kills the process and starts a new one.15:42
erryKE1HA, it says r8180 wasnt found15:42
harmandeepthanks stefan3315:43
stefan33:harmandeep  Side note....dhcpd does not support reload, must restart.15:43
hvI am connecting to another machine, looking at a unicode file there, and some characters do not show well (multiple characters for certain unicode ones). What could be the problem?15:43
stefan33(there is a long discussion of this in the man pages)15:43
KE1HApZombie, what chipset is you machine running ?15:43
minimecKomiaPoika: Ok. SO you have both monitors in front of you and on one of them there is a panel, but not on the other?15:43
KE1HAerry, sri, I can't help any further on that one.15:43
errywish someone could15:44
pZombieit s a p6x58d-e asus motherboard with a x58 chipset15:44
BluesKajSahr, what's the output if you do , sudo apt-get install broadcom-wl15:44
pZombiei7-930 cpu15:44
ZykoticK9stefan33, if you want to re-load dhcp use "sudo dhclient eth0" for example15:44
harmandeepdoes it means that dhcpd doesn't represent RELOAD option in SERVICE command ?15:44
shledahi, can I print ubuntu logo  on T-shirt for free?15:44
erryKE1HA, maybe if i update the kernel?15:44
minimecKomiaPoika: What software are you using?15:44
KomiaPoikaminimec: yes, the small monitor has the panel, the big monitor has only windows15:44
KE1HApZombie, abd this is a native install, not a Virtual VM install ?15:45
Alcohol52ZykoticK9: I have a desktop with THAT MAC number and connected to internal lan that uses mac filtering for internet connection. I want to use laptop to connect to that network since my desktop is down.15:45
stefan33:harmandeep - I believe it will balk if given a reload command....if it doesn't...I know it will not re-read the config file (from experience).15:45
KomiaPoikaminimec: i can't play video with any player, each of that works when only 1 monitor is active15:45
SahrBluesKaj, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)15:45
SahrE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:45
ZykoticK9Alcohol52, sorry i gave my 2 cents worth - but that's all I got ;)  Good luck man.15:45
pZombieke1ha - this is a native 10.4 lucid lynx server install. all installed fine. after the reboot, splash appeared, then stuck15:45
KE1HAerry, pass mate, have no idea why it's not working.15:45
errydid my laptop just turn itself on?15:45
stefan33:harmandeep - I don't remember the specifics, but basically the developers talked about the issues with concurrency or some such and suggested if it really bothered someone, they could try and come up with a solution...they had much bigger fish to fry.  I would love to help them out...but I too am lacking time (and skill) and not that bothered by it.15:46
pZombieke1ha - installed on a single 250gb HDD using default partitioning it suggested. It failed to detect my second 250gb hdd. it failed to detect my 80gb SSD15:46
KE1HApZombie, well there's many bugs on the Black Screen After Boot issue, I would only be guessing if I said I know the specific problem.15:46
shledahi, can I print ubuntu logo on T-shirt for free?15:46
stefan33:harmandeep - the restart takes all of a couple seconds, and dhcpd isn't exactly under "constant" use.15:46
BluesKajSahr,sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a15:46
minimecKomiaPoika: This was a laptop right? What monitor is configured as main monitor?15:46
stefan33(ie, little harm in restart vs. reload)15:46
KE1HApZombie, SSD technology is not fully supported in Linux.15:47
SahrBluesKaj, Gonna have to pastebin this one, its asking me Y/N, give me a sec15:47
Picishleda: See http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy , particularly the part about Permitted use.  There is a 'contact us' link on that page for more information.15:47
Alcohol52ZykoticK9: I may be mistaken I will recheck the mac tomorrow. Thanks any way15:47
xektrumI have / before /home, /home is almost full, and / have at leas 30 GB free, so I want to reduce / and expand /home, is it too dangerous to do this?15:48
shledaPici: thanks, i will look at it15:48
SahrBluesKaj, http://pastebin.com/zdgF08Vj15:48
SahrDo I press Yes Or No15:48
KomiaPoikaminimec: the laptop's monitor has the taskbars15:48
erryCan you remind me which is the file that says15:48
BluesKajSahr, it means you have either a pckage manager or another terminal open which is attempting to execute a command15:48
errySearch lan15:48
errydomain whatever15:48
KE1HApZombie, and for a Native server install, what splash are you referring too, as the service install does not install X1115:48
erryi really cant remember15:48
SahrAhh right15:48
FloodBot4erry: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:48
SahrBluesKaj, So I should press yes?15:49
pZombieke1ha - the initial ubuntu splash screen, with the dots below flashing15:49
Picierry: Please stop pressing enter between every two words, you've been told this a number of times already.  I will be forced to remove you if you continue.15:49
SahrBluesKaj, This is what I get15:49
SahrKill process 1930 ? (y/N) y15:49
Sahrdpkg: status database area is locked by another process15:49
errycan you please tell me what the file is?15:49
KE1HApZombie, that's my point, the server installation doesn't ahve a "splash screen"15:49
stefan33erry:  Your are looking for /etc/resolv.conf I believe15:49
stefan33(your -> you)15:49
BluesKajSahr, close the other terminal or the pkg manager , whichever is open15:50
pZombieke1ha - cannot be. it was the server i installed... it has a splash.15:50
minimecKomiaPoika: Your problem seems to be hardware related. Check glxinfo and glxgears (sudo apt-get install mesa-utils).15:50
KE1HApZombie, ok.15:50
pZombieke1ha - maybe it was because i installed the ubuntu desktop as package as well?15:50
stefan33erry:  'man resolv.conf' should give you lots of info on the behavior and get you well on your way.15:50
monokromeHey, Ubuntu only allows me to choose 6 channel and 8 channel audio... I just want 2 channels :/15:50
pZombieke1ha - you installed the raw server only?15:50
errystefan33, i know how it works i just forgot its name15:50
KE1HApZombie, I would say, yes, that is most likely the problem.15:50
stefan33erry:  No worries, just making sure you can get all the info you might need :)15:51
minimecKomiaPoika: CAn you give me your exact type of MacBook?15:51
KE1HApZombie, I ahve installe "many" servers and have never seen a splach screen.15:51
KE1HAoosp splash screen.15:51
stefan33Sorry to ask again, but anyone on here seen issues with Switch User?15:51
SahrBluesKaj, I did it then reentered the command, this is what I got15:51
stefan33(or better yet know of solutions for Switch User making X have problems, garbling the screen?)15:51
pZombiei picked quite a few packages from the standard. i have no clue with what servers are actually good for. all i care about is getting xen ready and several OSes on top, just to see how this is supposed to work15:52
KE1HApZombie, Ensure you ISO says ubuntu-server-arch.ISO, where ach is either i386 or amd6415:52
KomiaPoikaminimec: a white macbook from 200715:52
Roastedbazhang, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:53
KomiaPoikaminimec: what should i do with glxinfo and glxgears15:53
errymy lan is messed up ;/15:53
BluesKajSahr, did you run sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source , already?15:53
minimecKomiaPoika: They are almost all white... ;) Is that the small tiny version?15:53
stefan33erry:  HOw big is your LAN?15:53
RoastedDear Bazhang, I would greatly appreciate it if you could teach me the secret of life when it comes to successfully getting the Atheros AR5001 wireless card working in Ubuntu 10.04.15:53
errystefan33, a few computers15:53
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:53
errybut i just got a new isp and router15:53
minimecKomiaPoika: Check if you have direct rendering with both screens activated.15:54
KE1HApZombie, well I would say that "I have noe clue" is the problem. Download the proper Server ISO, and istall that pse.15:54
stefan33erry:  All running Linux?15:54
erryand now they won't resolve eachother15:54
errystefan33, yeah15:54
erryand i have to get their ips each time15:54
errythat's really frusterating15:54
stefan33OK...problem lies in the router, not Linux most likely.15:54
mikebeechamI'm currently reformatting my HDD and using the partitioner within the Ubuntu install to carry out the work resizing partitions.  it's now been at 50% for about 10 minutes now...is that about right?15:54
errystefan33, i know -_-15:54
mikebeechamor should I be worrying?15:54
stefan33What is your DNS set as on the boxes?  Is it the router or your ISP?15:54
SahrHmm, BluesKaj is it saying I have yes, and everything there is installed15:54
pZombieke1ha - http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04.1-server-amd64.iso this is what i downloaded15:54
KomiaPoikaminimec: i have 3300 fps on both screens15:54
pZombieke1ha - this is not the server?15:54
archana         E: Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) how to remove this?15:55
airtonixif i compile a glade-sharp project using monodevelop and specify that it create both linux and win32 binaries... am i to expect that the win32 binaries would run on windowsXP with at least .Net3.5?15:55
Sahrbcmwl-kernel-source is already the newest version.15:55
Sahr0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.15:55
erryHey guys15:55
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erryabout my wireless problem, if i modprobe the same driver in another laptop it doesn't crash15:55
erryBut maybe that's b/c it doesn't ahve the hardware for it?15:55
minimecKomiaPoika: That's ok.15:55
KomiaPoikaminimec: when i play a flash video on a website, it works15:55
KomiaPoikaminimec: it just doesnt work when i try to play a local video file15:56
_F-117how would i transfer a ralink setup from BT to ubuntu15:56
KE1HApZombie, that is a server ISO yes.15:56
minimecKomiaPoika: and your sound problem is only related to local media too, or also for flash video?15:56
BluesKajSahr, open your package manager and enable the canonical parteners and other sources in the "sources" option.15:57
KomiaPoikaminimec: i have sound from the laptop itself but when i plug then jack for speakers, the sound is off even tho the speakers are on and with volume15:57
pZombieke1ha then it is the server i installed.15:57
SahrBluesKaj, Ok, doing that now, give me 5 minutes15:57
erryI guess there's no hope :/15:57
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1469799 Roasted check post #415:57
KE1HApZombie, I have no Idea what you installed, all I know is that is a Server ISO.15:57
_F-117erry: way 2 stay positive15:58
KE1HApZombie, and server installations, Do Not have X11 installed.15:58
SahrBluesKaj,  I am really not sure what you meen mate15:58
pZombieke1ha - i wasn t looking for your confirmation. just telling you what i installed15:58
stefan33erry:  Do you want to try and sort out your local name resolution, or worry about that another time15:59
erry_F-117, i dunno ;/15:59
KE1HApZombie, what your saying you did, and what your seeing, does not add up.15:59
errystefan33, no that's fine I'd rather i sorted out my wireless15:59
stefan33Fair enough, best of luck.15:59
erryI'll try getting 9.0415:59
errybut it's not supported anymore is it15:59
minimecKomiaPoika: For the speaker. Go to the volume-applet on the panel and click on it. ->sound preferences 'OUtput'-TAB -> 'Connector'=Analog Headphones. Try that.15:59
stefan33I believe 9.04 updates are still available for a few more months (but don't go to court with that)16:00
pZombieke1ha - well, the server installation got me to a menu allowing me to pick several desktop environments as packages, which i did. i picked ubuntu desktop. or are you saying that it is impossible to install x11 on top of a server?16:00
matrixa1is it possible to do a "compact" backup in ubuntu? I mean that it will only remember a list of currently installed programs and fetch them16:00
KE1HApZombie, See, now your changing what you said you did.16:00
erryis it possible to download like a kernel update in this computer and move it in another?16:00
erryWith all the dependancies?16:00
pZombieke1ha - no, i said the same before.16:01
matrixa1or even better, can I make a list of currently installed programs, and export it to another computer's synaptic?16:01
_F-117anyone good with vbox settings16:01
KE1HApZombie, and yes, the service installation CD does allow for Desktop installation, however, the base server installation does nto include a desktop by default.16:01
BluesKajSahr, look in synaptic , settings/repositories  then enable all repositories in ubuntu and other sources , except for the cdrom one16:01
Professor_Ghi all16:01
pZombieke1ha - i know that.. and that is what i already told you16:01
KE1HApZombie, Im sorry I can't help you further, you did this yesterday as well.16:02
mikebeechamminimec: I'm re-partitioning as we speak....its been sat on 50% for about 20 mins now...would that be right?16:02
harmandeepguys, when i want ssh server to re-read config file , what command should be run .... 1) service ssh reload   or     2) service sshd reload    ???  1 or 216:02
Professor_Gwi-fi signal is intermitant unless i'm in the same room as wireless box16:02
SahrBluesKaj, Done it, now what should I try?16:02
minimecmikebeecham: The whole installation or the formatting process?16:02
pZombieke1ha - no need to be sorry. i am not paying you for this..16:02
erryi guess i should just forget about it16:02
Seveas-trainProfessor_G, buy a better wireless box or remove the lead wallpaper :)16:03
SahrAnd BluesKaj Not leaving, just back in 2 minutes mate16:03
guampaharmandeep: whatever the script name in /etc/init.d is16:03
mikebeechamminimec: formatting process16:03
BluesKajSahr, in synaptic look for the broadcom-wl and install it16:03
mikebeechamit's on "resizing partition"16:04
mikebeechamand has been on 50% for a while16:04
bazhangmikebeecham, what is the partition size16:04
harmandeepbut what is normally ssh server script name is ???16:04
SahrBluesKaj, Doing it now16:04
minimecmikebeecham: No. that is far to long. How much partitions did you choose, did you reformat the entire disk?16:04
BluesKajSahr, specifically look for BCM431216:04
Professor_GSeveas-train,  its fine on another laptop just not this one16:05
meek_does the universe component also include non-free software?16:05
KE1HAharmandeep, sudo service sshd restart / stop / start etc16:05
andre_plIs there a way to get a better error message from ubuntu about VPN Failures? Even /var/log/messages just tells me "Connection Terminated" I have no idea why16:05
andre_pli h ave tried tons of combinations of settings.16:05
mikebeechamminimec: i chose the automatic option - so it's resizing the main partition of 73Gb, and the swap of 3Gb16:05
mikebeechamit did nothing for a while, then shot to 50% and has sat there ever since16:06
minimecmikebeecham: OK. Rezising takes time!!! Don't touch it. ;)16:06
mikebeechamok :D16:06
mikebeechamsince you smile as you say it...I'll trust you :D16:06
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minimecmikebeecham: It may happen that it suddenly jumps to 90%16:07
mikebeechamminimec: I'll be waiting for that to happen :D16:07
CescIt would be interesting in those chats .... a way to mark a question (ok question mark ? is fine, maybe another) so the IRC client would interpret which questions have been asked and instead of have to read all the text all the time and scroll up and down.. be able to in a separate window (a window catching questions) be able to detect those question and be able to give to the people formulating the question your opinion. I'm saying th16:07
Cescat because i left the xchat open for a while.... I don't know if there exist such a thing already or a script that does this.. would be interesting.16:07
SahrBluesKaj, Now its not picking up any wireless signals at all16:07
PyLinXhi everyone16:07
JayRorcan I install Ubuntu 10.04 on a flash card and have the same seettings ?16:08
JayRorI read somwhere I can do that dont remember where !16:08
BluesKajSahr, go into NM and choose wirelss edit , then choose you encryption that was setup on your router put in your pw16:09
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.16:09
poffHi folks ! is there a way to limit ethernet frame size to 1514 bytes? When I xfer (ftp) a file on the lan I can see huge frames (16450 bytes).16:10
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »16:10
bazhangCVirus, /msg ubottu please16:10
CVirusbazhang: sorry16:11
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mhall119does anybody know if ext4 cache is flushed before my laptop suspends?16:12
JayRoranyone know if I can install on LIve USB, and use ubuntu without installing it on a computer ?16:12
arfollhow would I go about executing an application in X from an ssh terminal16:12
bazhangJayRor, sure. use unetbootin16:12
bazhang!usb > JayRor16:12
ubottuJayRor, please see my private message16:12
KE1HA!wubi > JayRor,16:12
SahrBluesKaj, When I do that it has established the connection, but wont let me browse internet16:13
SahrSo IDK man16:13
Guestthe built in microphone on my acer aspire 1 doesnt work when i use skype or empathy, but works when i use sound recorder (ubuntu 10.04). any help?16:14
Thqrmthow the heck do I open an .epub ebook on ubuntu?16:14
CViruswhere is add-apt-repository ?16:14
CVirusin which package I mean .. I'm running lucid server16:15
bazhangThqrmt, perhaps epub-utils can help16:15
arfollarfoll, ok found it with DISPLAY=:0.0 and nohup16:15
Guestthe microphone on my acer apsire one doesnt work with chat clients, but works with sound recorder. any help on fixing it?16:15
KE1HAThqrmt, in the package manager, in search type in epub, there's some extensions, and reader options there.16:16
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Thqrmtfbreader is installed16:16
BluesKajSahr, try a reboot16:16
Thqrmthow would I run that...16:16
dzupis there something to boost up the volumen of my speakers?16:16
JescHi guys, i have a bit of a problem: I installed ubuntu 10.4 from dvd drive, i got this message: "end-request: I/O error dev sr0, sector 502544" then as i restart the machine i can use the install cd but i cannot use a cdrom version of maple 12 nor the dvd version of maple 13" Ive tried mounting other cds/dvds i cannot even force mount them, each time there is an error about needing to input filesystem type16:16
KE1HAThqrmt, Systems >> Admin Synaptic Package manager16:17
SahrBluesKaj,  Doing it now, back in 5 mins16:17
ThqrmtKE1HA I got the reader open but the file is blank...16:17
Guestdzup: cant u manually adjust the speaker vol in sound preferences? you can set it above 100%16:17
KE1HAWhich reader ?16:18
dzupGuest everything is on 100%, laptop speakers here, on windows sounds louder, i wonder if there is a aquelizer or some kind of volumen boost.16:18
KE1HAin any case, I'd try installing ebook-tools-dbg for additional format support.16:19
JayRorI have a Ubuntu 10.04 on a starting disc but everytime I start it from my computer it doesnt install Ubuntu16:19
Professor_Gwhats python?16:19
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/16:19
Professor_GJesc,  yes16:19
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JescHi guys, i have a bit of a problem: I installed ubuntu 10.4 from dvd drive, i got this message: "end-request: I/O error dev sr0, sector 502544" then as i restart the machine i can use the install cd but i cannot use a cdrom version of maple 12 nor the dvd version of maple 13" Ive tried mounting other cds/dvds i cannot even force mount them, each time there is an error about needing to input filesystem type16:20
Jescits not a maple problem, just DVD drive problem16:20
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:23
ubottuAu revoir!16:24
candreaJesc: hi, did you get the "end-request: I/O error..." from the installation cd?16:25
tmwsiy2012Hi Im stumped on this, have some excutable files that I own, have execute for and will tab complete when in the directory. But I get a no such file or directory when I try to run... the file stats ok... Any ideas? other files can be written and read16:25
Jescyes i did16:25
Jescits the only cd i can mount16:25
mkarnickitmwsiy2012: chmod u+x filename; ./filename16:25
KE1HAtmwsiy2012, did you change the file to 75516:25
ZykoticK9tmwsiy2012, are you running 64bit Ubuntu?16:25
ThomasB2kHello, I am using Xchat GNOME. I noticed that the original Xchat has a Friends list feature, and I was wondering if there's a way to access this in Xchat GNOME16:26
candreaJesc: probably there were a problem when you downloaded/burned the Ubuntu installation cd, try to re-download and re-burn it (at a slow speed, possibly)16:26
SahrBluesKaj, It picks up the wireless connection but I get the same problem as before16:26
tmwsiy2012yes 64 bit ubuntu server 10.4, permissions are 75516:26
Jesccandrea, installed lucid on another machine with same cd and no such error16:26
ZykoticK9tmwsiy2012, install ia32-libs16:26
KE1HAThomasB2k, you can't that's why I use xChat too, they change allot of things in Gnome-Xchat16:26
ThomasB2kOkay, thanks for answering16:27
candreaJesc: is your cd reader damaged or is the cd surface dirty?16:27
tmwsiy2012ZykoticK9: will try that thanks!16:27
Jesccandrea, i suspect maybe a damaged reader, but then why can i only mount the ubuntu cd and nothing else?16:28
SahrIncase anyone else thinks thhey can help, Basically I am using a Dell Mini 10 with a broadcom wireless card, Ubuntu CAN pick the connections up but it cant connect to them nomatter what encryption type I use, currently I am using a WEP-PSK16:28
SahrSo yeah, if anyone could help it would be nice16:28
Jesci havent tried a music cd admitedly16:28
KE1HAcandrea, +1 on the reader issue, I see that on a USB DVD drive, an it's go issues similar to what your seeing.16:28
candreaJesc: if you got an error from the installer, it means that Ubuntu were not installed correctly, so it may misbehave16:29
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candreaJesc: I strongly suggest you to try to reinstall it16:29
aljosawhere does ubuntu define current runlevel (was /etc/inittab)?16:30
Jesccandrea, yeah i would suspect the same, but it did install fine on another machine16:30
ZykoticK9!runlevels | aljosa16:30
ubottualjosa: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.16:30
tmwsiy2012ZykoticK9: that worked like a charm THANKS!16:30
ZykoticK9tmwsiy2012, glad to help16:30
candreaJesc: yes, but if the cd drive is damaged (or something) something may fail, also if the cd is OK16:31
BluesKajSahr, run sudo dhclient16:32
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, i think you need to add a device eth0 to that command16:32
aljosaZykoticK9:  update-rc.d also manages upstart scripts?16:32
JayRorDoes the 10.04 version has minimum system requirement ?16:32
SahrBluesKaj this is going to be a pastebin job, 2 minutes16:33
ZykoticK9aljosa, for backwards compatibility i "believe" so (NOT sure however)16:33
BluesKajZykoticK9, I just want to see the output16:33
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, ahh sorry16:33
KE1HAJayRor, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements16:33
SahrBluesKaj,  http://pastebin.com/kiBJk9g816:33
mikebeechamminimec: I realised what had gone wrong with my install.  I had chosen the wrong option, and it was installing 10.04.1, next to 10.0416:34
gartralis it possible to make my wifi card work in repeater node? so i can temporarily extend a wifi network?16:34
BluesKajZykoticK9, , Sahr can connect by wifi to his router but not thru to the internet16:34
KE1HAgartral, you mean man an ad-hoc network, yes.16:34
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, verify that /etc/resolv.conf has valid entries16:34
KE1HA .. mena make .. ..16:34
goranguys i am trying to install ati fglrx on lucid with 34 kernel16:35
goranis this doable?16:35
Jesccandrea, ok well ive reinstalled 2 times already, ill clean cd once again and hope for the best16:35
gartralKE1HA: no, a repeater, it extends an existing AP and keeps infrastucture profile16:35
candreaJesc: can you try with a different cd reader too?16:35
Jesccandrea, no :( just have one16:36
SahrWhat does that tell you BluesKaj16:36
BluesKajSahr, can you surf now ?16:36
minimecmikebeecham: so you have two parallel ubuntu installs on how many partitions? Ha sthe new installation a seperate /home partition?16:36
SahrWith a wireless connection no.16:36
KE1HAgartral, so you want to make an AP, I think so, nore sure about an"extender" never heard it called that before.16:36
candreaJesc: well, good luck then. I'm sorry that I can't give you more help :(16:36
SahrIt keeps trying to connect, says connection established then I go to firefox and bang nothing16:36
Jesccandrea, i think i may just need a new reader, but ive read online that many people have the same issue with lucid, also had hardy installed previously with no problems, so i think it may be just a driver problem16:36
Jesccandrea, thanks no worries :)16:37
KE1HAgartral, Het a Higher Gain Antenna, much simpler solution.16:37
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SahrBluesKaj, Like I said it picks up the connection, says its connected but it wont do anything16:37
NAJII need help with something in ubuntu please!!16:37
abhijit!hi Guest4665616:37
ZykoticK9!ask | NAJI16:37
abhijit!hi | Guest4665616:37
ubottuGuest46656: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:37
ubottuNAJI: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:38
candreaJesc: when you insert a cd, typing `dmesg` in a terminal after a while may show some useful information16:38
mikebeechamminimec: I stopped it when I realised and re-did it16:38
mikebeechamI'm now on the new install already :D16:38
NAJII need something to automate packages downloading after fresh installation of ubuntu16:38
NAJIpackages I use most16:38
ZykoticK9NAJI, create a script (method I use)16:38
voodootikigodI am having a problem where after powerloss shutdown, certain services to not return seems like it does not get past a certain number of init scripts. Any pointers/assistance appreciated16:38
ActionParsnip!clone | NAJI16:38
ubottuNAJI: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate16:38
NAJII don't know programming!16:39
Jesccandrea, [ 2465.956341] VFS: busy inodes on changed media or resized disk sr0 (does that over and over)16:39
gartralKE1HA: neither the wifi router, nor the wii, has an external antenna.. neither does my comp. so this is a must-work issue16:39
NAJIjust converter from win16:39
ZykoticK9NAJI, well scripting != programming (i don't program either ;)16:39
KE1HAI know, Hold on there's ways to make the ANt much better very easy.16:39
abhijit!manual | NAJI16:39
ubottuNAJI: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:39
BluesKajSahr,, pastebin iwconfig16:39
SahrKk BluesKaj16:39
ActionParsnipNAJI: you dont have to "know programming". The factoid text gives exact commands how to clone the package's installed no one system to another#16:39
NAJIthat llok nicer16:40
TheAppleMando you use backtrack?16:40
ZykoticK9!backtrack | TheAppleMan16:40
ubottuTheAppleMan: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)16:40
NAJIcan I do it with gedit?16:40
ActionParsnipNAJI: if you make a text file with the packages you want to install you can use that in the same sort of commands/16:40
bazhangTheAppleMan, in #backtrack-linux not here16:40
SahrBluesKaj, http://pastebin.com/amS2TvpZ16:40
ActionParsnipNAJI: sure, any text editor will do16:40
NAJIin what way shall I write that script??16:41
bazhangTheAppleMan, /join #backtrack-linux  it is not supported here16:41
TheAppleManok thx16:41
NAJIand where to get the names of all the packages??16:41
voodootikigodanyone on the init script not starting after power loss?16:41
mathkubottu: !windows > mathk16:42
ActionParsnipNAJI: you can search software centre or use: apt-cache search something16:42
ubottumathk, please see my private message16:42
KE1HAgartral, Wll, in the case of all "internal" may be a bot tricky, but the parabolic is the same in frequency. But thie is OT for her, have a look at this: http://www.card-wireless.net/2009/01/parabolic-wifi-reflector.html16:42
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NAJIokay, thanks so much, link I love links!!16:42
ActionParsnipNAJI: the packages currently installed can be seen using the command ubottu gave16:42
ZykoticK9mathk, if you want to privately see a factoid use "/msg ubottu !foo"16:42
Bebe /join #backtrack-linux16:43
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BluesKajSahr, you using an ethernet connection on the same pc we're trying wifi with?16:43
candreaJesc: such messages are not errors, it happens sometimes when you eject a cd with the drive button16:43
SahrYes BluesKaj16:43
Bebewhy am i banned from backtrack-linux?16:44
ZykoticK9!register > Bebe16:44
ubottuBebe, please see my private message16:44
mikebeechamminimec: horrible...i was running the default drivers on install, and the boot screen looked lovely.  I've just installed the recommended drivers and now the boot screen looks like windows :(16:44
ActionParsnipBebe: you may have to register, if you are registerd, goask in #freenode16:44
Jesccandrea,.....hmm thats interesting16:44
BluesKajSahr, are you disconnecting the cable when trying wifi ?16:44
ActionParsnipmikebeecham: use this guide until you hit the embedded video; http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/16:44
SahrBluesKaj,  Yeah16:44
mathkZykoticK9: thanks for the tip I am looking for an article about why most beginner quite linux for windows16:44
Jesccandrea, thats odd since it wont even mount that disk16:45
mathkI remeber on the ubottu has but can find it16:45
meek_does the universe component also contain non-free software? the homepage does not clearly state this16:45
ZykoticK9mathk, you could ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or perhaps ##windows16:45
figuringouthi, i'm installing 10.04 via wubi. For some reason ubuntu fails to recognize by Broadcom wireless card. Is there something I can do so that it does? I dont have a wired line at present.16:45
KE1HAmeek_, I dont think so, but let me check.16:45
minimecmikebeecham: what? Oh you get the logo of the GPU manufactor?16:45
mathkZykoticK9: the ubottu has one IIRC16:45
ZykoticK9figuringout, do all updates and try System / Admin / Hardware Drivers (i'm not sure about Broadcom mind you)16:46
minimecmikebeecham: You can turn that in the settings tool for your GPU.16:46
candreaJesc: you could try to: 1. restart ubuntu; 2. insert a cd; 3. wait a while; 4. type `dmesg` without ejecting the cd16:46
candreaJesc: this would give some useful information16:46
BluesKajok Sahr , sorry but I came across this same problem in the past with broadcom running the wifi and intel on the ethO  , but couldn't figure out how to use both ...I'm out of ideas :(16:46
ZykoticK9mathk, you could try looking on my list of factoids page at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/reference/ubottu-factoids16:47
SahrBluesKaj, Thanks for the help anyway man16:47
BlueEaglefiguringout: Just to be clear: The wireless card is recognized when you install Ubuntu 10.04 without wubi but not when you install it with wubi?16:47
KE1HAmeek_, I think it's in restricted, but try this:16:47
figuringoutZykoticK9: is there something I can do in windows to get the driver before hand?16:47
KE1HAmeek_, $ grep "restricted\|multiverse" /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -v "^#"16:47
KE1HAshould return nothing16:47
KE1HAand this16:47
figuringoutBlueEagle: it's never recognized16:47
KE1HAmeek_, dpkg -l linux-restricted-* |  grep -vE "^[a-z]n"16:47
SahrBluesKaj, if you could give me a quick rundown on what its doing, I have 3 days of doing nothing so odds are I can sort this out by then16:47
ZykoticK9figuringout, sorry i don't know16:47
KE1HAshould both return nothign16:47
mikebeechamminimec: nope....I get the ubuntu logo fine...but now it's HUGE and looks like it's 256 colours16:47
mikebeechamvery pixelated16:47
rp2is anyone here keeping a (personal) journal on an Ubuntu machine that, like mine, is too old to comfortably support a blogging web app?16:48
BlueEaglefiguringout: I see. Then wubi or not is quite irrellevant. First off we need to figure out which chipset the wireless network card is buildt around. To do that open a terminal and type: lspci|grep broad16:48
Jesccandrea, ok will do, be back in 516:48
rp2i'm considering org-mode, but i'd have to learn emacs16:48
mathkZykoticK9: that was this one: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm16:48
mathkZykoticK9: thanks16:48
ZykoticK9mathk, glad to help16:49
mikebeechamminimec: if that makes sense?16:49
JayRorwhy does writing Ubunto 10.04 to disk fails at arroun 58% ?16:49
mikebeechamActionParsnip: the video was a little abstract...not sure what I should be looking at?16:49
minimecmikebeecham: Ok. Try a 'sudo update-grub' in a console. That will reset the framebuffer.16:50
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, if you have a proprietary driver it will probably NOT use proper graphics for Plymouth (by default)16:50
BluesKajSahr, the wifi section isn't looking for a broadcast from the router , since the ethernet connection seems to replace any others ,whether the cable is connected or not . That's the only way I can explain it .I had the same problem with a usb belkin wifi adapter , that used tow ork on wicd on karmic but no longer works on lucid16:51
mikebeechamminimec: updating now16:51
minimecmikebeecham: In fact it will regenerate the boot menu and options -> resolution.16:51
meek_KE1HA I'm not using ubuntu. There are licence policies for main and restricted on the homepage, but not for universe. the homepage says: "The universe component is a snapshot of the free, open-source, and Linux world.". what does that mean?16:51
mikebeechamminimec: cool...will reboot in a min to make sure :D16:51
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, grub-update isn't going to help...16:51
mikebeechamthanks for being here today minimec - very helpful16:51
minimecmikebeecham: no problem.16:51
KE1HAmeek_, means it's covered by GNU Lic.16:52
mikebeechamZykoticK9: then is there anything I can do?16:52
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, ya - but I've never bothered - there is something you can config/install to get it working16:52
Gangrelanyone knows the install directory of audacious?16:52
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, see http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/16:52
KE1HAmeek_, See here for more info on GNU open-source Lic: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html16:52
ActionParsnipmikebeecham: not the video, the ext and commands above it16:52
meek_KE1HA so it means it contains free and only free software?16:52
BlueEagleJayRor: because you have a broken download?16:53
meek_KE1HA I know the definition of free software16:53
meek_KE1HA I just found the sentence unclear16:53
KE1HAmeek_, well non-free doesn't mean it costs you anything.16:53
minimecGangrel: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/audacious/download16:53
KE1HAmeek_, I try to rationalise it similar to restricted drivers, there free, but non open to open-source development.16:54
ZykoticK9Gangrel, for the binary use "which audacious"16:54
minimecGangrel: sorry http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/audacious/filelist16:54
KE1HAmeek_, But agreed, it is kind of confusing.16:54
meek_KE1HA they are not free in terms of free software foundation16:54
BlueEagleJayRor: Try running a md5-sum on your downloaded file and check it against what it is supposed to be.16:54
KE1HAmeek_, yes, that's what way I understand it.16:54
rp2does anyone here happen to  know an Xorg expert whom I can pay to fix my setup in Eindhoven, .nl ?16:55
figuringoutBlueEagle: its defintiely the Broadcom 43xx series, 4315 in all probability16:56
DrPoOrp2, whats the issue?16:56
houserockrhey guys! I am running lucid (10.04) and I've just installed kernel (from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.35.2-maverick/). I am now encountering some severe lag-issues where my mouse hangs for a certain amount of time and the sound playback also hangs. are there any known issues?16:57
rp2I can't get a decent resolution. the ones I had with previous distributions and XFree no longer work16:57
Sonderbladehow do you stop ubuntu from trying to use ipv6?16:57
meek_KE1HA I mean there's no explanation for what "free" and "open-source" means for the universe component. and "linux world" could also include non-free software. there's a detailed licence policy for main and restricted, but not for universe16:57
ZykoticK9!latest | houserockr16:57
ubottuhouserockr: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.16:57
rp2this is an old computer with a very old video card btw16:57
DrPoOrp2, what video card do you have?16:57
KE1HAhouserockr, for maverick, or related support pse use #ubuntu+116:57
Jesccandrea, I get these two lines: 1)sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 12x/40x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray, 2)sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr016:57
rp2i think it's a Diamond Stealth, but i'd have to look it up16:58
rp210 years old at least in any case16:58
ZykoticK9KE1HA, it's not a maverick issue if they are using Lucid with upgraded kernel16:58
Jesccandrea, associated with the drive, of course16:58
KE1HAIt's a Maverick kenernel is it not ?16:58
DrPoOrp2, open a terminal and run lspci16:58
Ariohi guys i have a quick question, i just installed opensuse 11.3 but it doesnt show up on grub how do i add it?16:58
rp2yes, i will when i get home ...16:58
ZykoticK9KE1HA, yes, but it's not Maverick is it.16:58
DrPoOrp2,  there should be a line that reads VGA compatible controller16:58
BlueEaglefiguringout: Please check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1390979&page=316:58
KE1HAmeek_, I suspect there's legal begal stuff in all that, I just dont have the "legal begal" answers :-)16:58
rp2i've spent a couple of evenings on this already and i'm tired of it.16:59
itsux2bui want to sech all the files in my current directory for  "-powersave"16:59
BlueEaglefiguringout: This does not need to be a thumb drive as the .deb should be availible on any CD you install from.16:59
KE1HAZykoticK9, I wold say yes, as it's not a Lucid 10.04xx kernel right?16:59
rp2i think it's using VESA mode, from what i remember16:59
ZykoticK9KE1HA, they've asked in +1 already - awaiting replies ;)16:59
rp2itsux2bu: grep -e -powersave *16:59
DrPoOrp2, it should be fixable16:59
figuringoutBlueEagle: i'm installing from wubi, so I can potentially download the .deb in windows and then install from ubuntu offline?17:00
KE1HAand he clearly stated Im using [ http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.35.2-maverick/ }17:00
gnugrI'm calling Poedit but it doesn't appears, whats wrong with it17:00
antlongwhat command do i need to run, to remove the need to sudo everything17:00
rp2fixable, but not by me. i have a whole stack of such problems lined up17:00
ZykoticK9antlong, you don't17:00
goldyHey all :)17:01
antlongZykoticK9: i really dont need sudo17:01
BlueEaglefiguringout: Or you could just boot linux, mount the CD and open the files there...17:01
rp2but i'll go home and return here, it would be great to have one more try ...17:01
=== goldy is now known as GoldWyvern
Ariohi guys i have a quick question, i just installed opensuse 11.3 but it doesnt show up on grub  so how do i add it?17:01
BluesKajfiguringout, you can just install debs within ubuntu17:01
figuringoutBlueEagle: but I dont want to write a new CD, dont have one on hand for the moment17:01
KE1HAArio, you asked this yesterday, have you tried talking to the OpenSuse folks17:02
abhijiti need a code to convert all audio and video in bulk to ogg??????????????????????/17:02
BlueEaglefiguringout: Did you not have one when you installed?17:02
gnugranyone knows about Poedit17:02
itsux2bui want to sech all the files in my current directory for  "-powersave"17:02
Ariothere irc is dead and i had a different problem. all i want to do now is update my grub to show the opensuse when i boot17:03
GoldWyvernMy question is that I need to know how to properly document what I believe is a bug on boot up, so I might get some assistance with it. If someone has a moment, please let me know. It's pretty busy in here.17:03
minimecArio: And OpenSUse didn't rewrite the master boot? JUst start Ubuntu an do 'sudo update grub' in a console.17:03
figuringoutBlueEagle: no, i've been doing wubi throughout17:03
DrPoOabhijit, what file format do you want to convert to ogg?17:03
Ariook will give it a go thanks17:03
guampaGoldWyvern: you can file a bug report17:03
airtonixitsux2bu, grep -Rin powersave ./17:03
abhijitDrPoO, all - mp3 anything you can imagine all17:04
ZykoticK9abhijit, just an FYI but converting lossy to lossy will lower the quality...17:04
abhijitDrPoO, approximately 20 gb of data17:04
GoldWyvernGuampa: Yes, but I need to know how to gather information from Ubuntu, since it's Ubuntu that crashes on reboot but not cold boot.17:04
BlueEaglefiguringout: Well then you'll need to find the .deb-files and dependencies (should be three). Download them to a shared location and you should be good to go.17:04
abhijitZykoticK9, ohhhh17:04
DrPoOabhijit, So you have 20Gb s of mp3s that you want to convert to Ogg?17:04
minimecArio: sudo update-grub ;)17:04
abhijitDrPoO, not only mp3 all of them mp3 mp4 real player mpeg all of them17:04
Arioyeah it doing it now17:05
candreaJesc: I've tried to use a dirty cd and I get exactly the error you are seeing17:05
ActionParsnipabhijit: converting from one lossy format to another will damage quality17:05
figuringoutBlueEagle: where can i manually download the deb files?17:05
gnugrhey guys do you know why Peodit is not workong on Ubuntu17:05
Arioit showed suse in the list of operating systems so i am guessing it worked17:05
abhijitActionParsnip, how to know if the one i have is lossy format?17:05
ZykoticK9abhijit, i'm all for opensource codecs, but converting might not be the best idea... except for flac files ;)  Good luck though.17:05
ActionParsnipabhijit: mp3 is a lossy format17:05
abhijitZykoticK9, ok17:05
abhijitActionParsnip, lossy means not good?17:06
xapantuBonjour tout le monde !17:06
ZykoticK9abhijit, lossy just means "non-perfect" quality17:06
maco!fr | xapantu17:06
ubottuxapantu: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:06
guampaGoldWyvern: it's in ubuntu launchpad where you want to file the report then, and start by describing the conditions of the error and maybe a dmesg17:06
abhijitZykoticK9, ok17:06
itsux2buin a server (non-desktop gui) where does ubuntu put Alias defs?17:06
xapantumaco, oops, sorry...17:06
abhijitActionParsnip, ZykoticK9 DrPoO ok. i decided not to convert. thanks all ! :)17:06
ActionParsnipabhijit: it means when the sound is digitised you lose quality as digital levels sample sound at intervals. If yuo then sample that again it can lose quality17:06
GoldWyvernGuampa: I have operating systems, type of drives, install areas, conditions and error messages. Will this be enough?17:07
abhijitActionParsnip, ok17:07
guampaGoldWyvern: seems plenty17:07
GoldWyvernGuampa: Thank you very much!17:07
winjournalanyone know how to view windows journal files in ubuntu?17:07
guampayour welcome17:07
abhijit!ntfs | winjournal17:07
ubottuwinjournal: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:07
ActionParsnipabhijit: like this: http://musikality.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/quantised_waveform.png17:07
ActionParsnipabhijit: more bits mean the sample is closer as there will be fewer gaps17:08
winjournalabhijit: that was not even close to my question17:08
abhijitActionParsnip, ohhh ok17:08
minimecitsux2bu: For the network? /etc/hosts17:08
abhijitwinjournal, sorry17:08
arioThanks minimec just did a quick reboot and it now shows suse, vista and ubuntu.17:08
minimecario: no problem17:08
pepePluhey peeps, before i traveled i had to put windows as default os and sat the timeout in grub.cnf to 0 how can i  fix it17:09
winjournalanyone know how to view Microsoft Windows Journal (R) files in ubuntu?17:09
itsux2buok... i put  'setterm -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 0' in a startup file.. but i can't remember which one..17:10
TiKitsux2bu: in a startup file?17:10
ZykoticK9winjournal, just FYI but Journal Viewer gets a Garbage rating on winedb http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=723817:10
winjournalZykotick9: i know it won't work with wine, is there a linux/ubuntu program that can open these files; i need them for school17:11
DrPoOwinjournal,  you can always use a virtualbox17:11
itsux2buinit.rc  or bash i don't remember17:11
Jesccandrea, ok! well then ill clean and install again! ill let you know what happens17:11
winjournalDrPo0: so run windows is the answer?17:11
TiKinit.d ?17:11
RaptorsHey guys, does the ubuntu live CD have a memory test?17:11
TiKRaptors: yes17:11
erUSULRaptors: yes;17:11
DrPoOwinjournal,  lol yup17:11
pepePluhow to sudo files from live cd please17:12
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DrPoOwinjournal,  or try it out with wine... but i dunno if it will work17:12
utkanosis there a way to have a bottom panel in gnome with dual monitors that lets you span the window list to both panels?17:12
DrPoOpepePlu, use su -s17:12
winjournalDrPoO: okay, will try17:12
TiKcan anyone get mytheon to work in linux?  its a free mmorpg17:12
ZykoticK9DrPoO, wine is fail for this  http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=723817:12
itsux2bui think it was in  etc17:12
utkanosright now they're just stuck on the left panel, i cannot get it to span both panels17:12
pepePluDrPoO i will try17:13
ZykoticK9utkanos, i've never seen that as an option i'm affraid.  Good luck.17:13
utkanosit used to work in ubuntu 9 just fine17:13
DrPoOpepePlu, it might be sudo -s actually17:13
utkanosie having one giant panel that spans both monitors17:13
DrPoOthat way you login as root17:13
winjournal!hello | krax17:13
ubottukrax: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:13
utkanosits a PITA to have all the windows crowded up17:13
pepePluok going to try both hope it works17:13
pepePluthanx DrPoO17:14
SahrI just tried to connect again now, resetting the router, and it bloody worked =D. Thanks so much mate17:14
winjournalDrPoO: wine will install but not even run the GUI for Windows Journal Viewer (R)17:15
DrPoOwinjournal, as ZykoticK9 pointed out, windowns journal will not work on wine...17:16
utkanosanyone had success getting window list to appear across two monitors in gnome? this definitely used to work17:16
winjournalDrPo0: are the Windows Journal Viewers xml based? so they can be opened in gedit?17:16
DrPoOwinjournal, so you will have to try a virtualbox and install windoze17:16
JayRorDo I just stick the CD with Ubuntu 10.04 into the drive and restart my computer to install Ubuntu ?17:17
m15kdoes anyone run a local webserver?17:17
uazureWhy mplayer and vlc builds in ubutu are so old?17:17
ZykoticK9utkanos, i believe that would mean windows would also span both monitors, i doubt you want your webbrowser to maximize across both monitors (or perhaps you do?)17:17
DrPoOwinjournal, you could use any text editor, but making sense of them will be another issue17:17
kraxwinjournal: could you tell me by visiting your native ubuntu video player not vlc  edit>preference.> display and tell me what you see in "type of visualization"]17:17
uazureffmpeg too17:17
uazureit cant play webm :(17:17
utkanosZykoticK9, thats how twinview used to work17:17
DrPoOm15k, yes17:17
utkanosit appears theyve changed it to act more like xinerama17:17
winjournalDrPoO: okay, maybe i'll unzip the files and read in gedit, thanks all17:17
utkanoswhich helps in the sense that windows dont start in the middle and i can maximize based on monitor position17:18
utkanosbut ive also lost the ability to actually utilize a giant task bar17:18
uazurem15k: i do17:18
BluesKajSahr, really ?17:18
utkanosin the meantime ive installed a second panel and a second window list that manages the iwndows for the second monitor but thats a dirty hack17:18
JayRorI am having proble imstalling ubuntu, Do I just stick the CD with Ubuntu 10.04 into the drive and restart my computer to install Ubuntu ?17:18
SahrBluesKaj,  YEah, I am on wireless now17:18
kraxcould you tell me by visiting your native ubuntu video player not vlc  edit>preference.> display and tell me what you see in "type of visualization"17:18
SahrBluesKaj, Tried it before, so its something you have done17:18
ZykoticK9JayRor, assuming your BIOS is set to boot from CDROM before HD, yes17:19
SahrThanks so  much mate anyway17:19
BluesKajSahr, cool :)17:19
BlueEaglefiguringout: That was a very good question. It does appear that you would need to grab a new image with them on and burn it to a disk or unpack the files with some cd-emulator.17:19
kraxcould you tell me by visiting your native ubuntu video player not vlc  edit>preference.> display and tell me what you see in "type of visualization"17:19
uazurewhere can i ask to upgrade mplayer, vlc and ffmpeg to recent versions?17:19
JayRoryes ..it is17:19
m15kDrPoO uazure may you confirm a possible bug: what happens when you start your local webserver and disconnect your internet connection. It is still possible to connect to your webserver?17:19
DrPoOm15k, yes it is...17:19
figuringoutBlueEagle: ouch! ok, thanks. what about this? http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/b43-fwcutter17:19
DrPoOm15k, did you install apache2?17:19
uazurem15k: guess it depends on config17:19
SahrBluesKaj, Thanks so much for the help, I had been trying for about 3 days before you did this17:20
SahrSo I am now a full time ubuntu users, huzzah17:20
m15kgot the problem with glassfish v3 and h2 database web interface17:20
DrPoOm15k, which server did you install and how?17:20
ZykoticK9uazure, you could search https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas for PPAs with the updated versions17:20
uazureif the socket is opened on *:80 then everything should be ok17:20
BlueEaglefiguringout: No clue.17:20
uazurei guess17:20
figuringoutok, thanks! let me see how it goes17:20
BluesKajSahr, maybe it was just the right driver for broadcom that did the trick17:20
SahrBluesKaj,  I think that could be the case17:21
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DrPoOm15k, is there any particular reason on why you are using glassfish?17:21
DrPoOm15k, have you tried tomcat?17:21
m15knot yet17:21
m15kbut h2 web interface is the same problem17:21
kraxhelp c ould you tell me by visiting your native ubuntu video player not vlc  edit>preference.> display and tell me what you see in "type of visualization"17:22
m15kDrPoO and gf is well integrated in my ide17:22
DrPoOm15k, what is "h2 web interface"??17:22
m15kDrPoO h2 is a database17:23
DrPoOm15k, and you cant run you database natively on an SQL server?17:23
ganja_hi, I have a problem about burning an iso file, how can I check that it comes from the DVD writer?17:23
DrPoOm15k, or on another RDBMS17:24
m15kDrPoO this is for developing purpose17:24
abhijitganja_, try another software?17:24
DrPoOm15k, you should probably ask gf people about this problem then17:25
Stavai accidentally change permissions on /var/lib/php5, how do i restore them? :p17:25
ganja_I tried it doesn't worked either. I bet it's that17:25
ganja_I can't understand the brasero log file17:26
m15kDrPoO its strange cause h2 interface is standalone and not does not contact with gf17:26
coz_ganja,   could you pastebin the log file at pastebin.com maybe one of us can see the issue17:26
ZykoticK9ganja, honesetly i find Brasero pretty poor... (just a personal opinion - NOT fact)17:26
coz_ZykoticK9,  I agree17:27
ganja_I will coz17:27
ganja_what do you use?17:27
uazuresorry )17:27
ZykoticK9ganja, i use K3b (BUT that requires KDE Libs, not what most would want)17:27
coz_ganja,   personally I trust gnomebaker  on gnome17:27
DrPoOm15k, are you using sun-java6-jre/jdk?17:27
abhijitganja_, try k3b17:28
coz_ganja,   or gnomebaker if you have  gnome as your Desktop Environment17:28
ganja_I will...but I'm not fond of KDE17:28
m15kDrPoO thinking of an jre bug?17:28
coz_ganja,   then dont install that...it will pull down a whole host of kde libs17:28
abhijit!k3b | ganja_ to use k3b you dont need to install kde or kubuntu. issue is to make your cd drive work not - not using kde17:28
ubottuganja_ to use k3b you dont need to install kde or kubuntu. issue is to make your cd drive work not - not using kde: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto17:28
DrPoOm15k, well the opensource java has always given me problems with eclipse and tomcat17:29
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DrPoOm15k,so i always install those programs by hand (not using apt-get)17:29
ZykoticK9!away > easter_egg|off17:29
ubottueaster_egg|off, please see my private message17:29
ganja_I already have the kde libs for some applications, that's why I know I don't like a lot the KDE style17:29
ganja_I will try gnomebaker, this some good17:30
ganja_but why is brasero installed by default if gnomebaker is better?17:30
duffydackgrowisofs -Z /dev/dvd=isofile.iso always does me :)17:31
coz_ganja,   I have no idea.... developer desires maybe17:31
waleryhello, can somebody tell my how to set cron as respawn, i don't understand this event.d idea17:31
coz_ganja,   I cant recall any issues with gnomebaker   however with  brasero   burning iso images seems to fail all the time or  more often than not17:31
abhijit!cron | walery17:31
ubottuwalery: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm17:31
duffydackI used to have probs with brasero, but its fine now since 10.0417:32
coz_ganja,   I personally dont like k3b at all  but out of the ones available gnomebaker or k3b  would be the better 217:32
uazurewho advised me to use ppa for mplayer, vlc etc?17:32
ZykoticK9uazure, that would be me17:32
ganjacoz_, ganja_ is using my nick . Please dont ping with ganja_ in messages17:32
coz_uazure,  are you having issues?17:32
coz_ganja,  ah  I see17:33
ZykoticK9coz_, uazure just stated they wanted updated versions17:33
uazure$ mplayer17:33
uazuremplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libva-x11- cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:33
m15kDrPoo i tried it on another machine seems to be working, same jre :-/17:33
coz_ganja_,   those were for you apparenlty    gnomebaker is my choice17:33
abhijitganja, do you own that nick? then you can enable nick protection17:33
ganjaabhijit, how17:33
ganjai own this nick17:33
waleryubottu: i need cron as respawn in my computer, i know how to use it. With dabian i was using inittab, but ubuntu do it in other way17:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:33
Cl1FFis there any way to give a command that maximizes a window?17:33
abhijitganja, no i forget the exact procedure but you can ask in #freenode17:33
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DrPoOm15k, sometimes you must rely on "magic"... :p17:33
coz_which one is having the burning issue   ganja   or ganja_17:34
ganjaabhijit, thanx i l do so .17:34
ganjaganja :)17:34
=== ganja_ is now known as ganjaman
ganjanow better17:34
ganjamanI'm lazy to find a nick17:34
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coz_I am definitly confused17:34
murlidharganjaman: me too very lzy17:35
ganjamanit'as me who have a burning issue17:35
murlidharganjaman: so i decided to have my name as nick17:35
abhijitdo that word 'ganja' have some meaning?17:35
abhijitmurlidhar, me too17:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:35
ganjamanmy name is already taken :(17:35
coz_ok so now who is having burning issues   ganja   or ganjaman17:35
ganjaabhijit, ya :) meaning bald , and ... intoxicant :D17:35
ganjamanyeah it's a sanskrit world for hemp17:35
abhijitganja, :D17:35
boghogdoes anyone know how one can install a newer version of the subversion client on Ubuntu 10.04? neweest I can get in synaptic is 1.6.6, but I need a newer version to work around a problem with subversion 1.6.6 being strict about SSL certificates used by subversion/httpd servers17:35
oCean_can we move on?17:35
duffydackthe 42017:36
m15kis there any repository which provides actual jdk versions?17:36
ActionParsnip!ppa | boghog17:36
ubottuboghog: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.17:36
ActionParsnipboghog: there may be a ppa with a newer one17:36
abhijit!java | m15k17:36
ubottum15k: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.17:36
ZykoticK9m15k, add the Partner repo17:36
nesuno2Hi! In NetworkManager's ipv4 settings what means "Link-local only and lastly" and "Shared to other computers"?17:36
boghogActionParsnip, thanks17:37
coz_boghog,  which version do you need ?17:37
KE1HAboghog, if it's not in the repo's, only thing I can suggest is to build it from upstream sources. but there's risks in deps on that.17:38
boghogcoz_, not sure, something that is newer than 1.6.6 I guess :s  I only know that it works with 1.6.12 that I have running on a gentoo box17:38
KE1HAboghog, Try a source build in a VM and see how it plays for you.17:39
coz_boghog,  ok I have a link to download the source for 1.6.12   although I never have from this site    http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Version-Control/Subversion-3007.shtml17:39
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m15kabhijit ZykoticK9 : 1.6.0_20-b02 might not based on update 21?!17:40
boghoghmm I found https://launchpad.net/~mdiers/+ppa-packages17:40
m15kwhich came witch partner repo17:40
boghogseems there are some >1.6.6 packages in there17:40
SYstem_Of_A_Hi all!17:40
SYstem_Of_A_How are you?17:40
ZykoticK9!hi | SYstem_Of_A_17:41
ubottuSYstem_Of_A_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:41
DrPoOgreat how are you?17:41
boghogoh I found one with 1.6.12: https://launchpad.net/~svn/+archive/ppa  thanks for the pointers guys <317:41
mrandrzejakhello all! is there an ubuntu netbook specific IRC channel?17:41
SYstem_Of_A_I am feeling great!17:41
ZykoticK9mrandrzejak, nope - here17:41
sed`How can I make a 2nd hard drive (S-ATA connected) behave like an external storage device? If it's connected, it should show up on the desktop like a USB stick, possibly auto-mounted without an entry in /etc/fstab.17:41
coz_boghog,  there you go :)17:41
mrandrzejakok, thanks. is there any way to increase the size of the icons in Ubuntu netbook?17:42
mikebeechamhi there, is there an easy way to access SMB shares on 10.04 or will I need to install SAMBA?17:42
sed`would I have to modify the UDisks rules for that?17:42
ZykoticK9sed`, mutually exclusive - fstab mounted stuff doesn't show on desktop17:42
sed`ZykoticK9: i don't want it in /etc/fstab17:42
SYstem_Of_A_What is the topic of this room?17:42
oCean_SYstem_Of_A_: this is ubuntu technical support, for social chat join #ubuntu-offtopic17:42
ZykoticK9sed`, then i don't think it's going to show up???17:42
murlidharSYstem_Of_A_: do a /topic :)17:43
abhijitSYstem_Of_A_, type /topic17:43
KE1HAsed`, if you've not partitioned it, use the Disk Utility to create a partitions & Mount Point.17:43
sed`ZykoticK9: yeah, that's the point. I want it to behave like an external storage device, e.g. an USB storage medium.17:43
KE1HAas in /data or something17:43
ZykoticK9sed`, i'm unaware of that option - best of luck17:43
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KE1HAThat's how I mount an LVM 2x 1TB drives / data17:44
sed`KE1HA: at the moment I've manually created an fstab entry and it works just fine but I'd rather have it behave like a USB stick. I guess one would have to modify HAL or UDisks rules for that?17:44
KE1HAJust make it a (rw) mot ping /dev/sdx /data (rw) and should be good to go.17:45
sed`at some point in the hotplug chain some script obviously decides whether a drive should be treated as "removable" and auto-mounted17:45
KE1HAMounting it not mot ping :-) sri17:45
Vigo_mrandrzejak: I am sure there is, although I do not use the Netbook remix, it is usually in gconf or System>Preferences>Appearance17:45
KE1HAsed`, it wont Hot-Plug as a normal USB device, there's no way to do that, unless it's actually a USB device.17:46
sed`KE1HA: okay, well thanks for pointing out the GUI way to determine mount points. that's good enough for this case.17:46
KE1HAIt's simple, and workes pretty easy.17:46
govindits the first time i an using xchat17:47
sed`hello govind17:47
govindhello sed`17:47
abhijit!hi | govind17:47
ubottugovind: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:47
=== grzegorz is now known as elektryk
govindguys i have problems browsing some websites in firefox17:48
govindin linux x86_6417:48
govindsome pages never load17:49
ZykoticK9!enter | govind17:49
ubottugovind: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:49
govindthanks for the info17:49
mikebeechamhi there, is there an easy way to access SMB shares on 10.04 or will I need to install SAMBA?17:49
Vigo_govind: Are you also new to Ubuntu?17:49
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, Places / network17:49
BluesKajbbl, stuff to do17:50
govindwell not exactly to new17:50
Picimurlidhar: There is no bug parsing here.17:50
govindbut only now i am knowing it in depth17:50
mikebeechamZykoticK9: will I be able to mount each share under 'places' upon reboot?17:50
murlidharoh. i guess there was earlier. as far as i remember.17:50
Picimurlidhar: Never.17:50
Vigo_govind: Ok, Is your system updated and such?17:50
murlidharPici: i remember.17:50
mikebeechamZykoticK9: or will I need to edit fstab again?17:50
govindi tried to install firefox 4 beta17:50
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, sorry i don't understand?  Places looks for SMB shares, do your shares change after reboot?17:50
abhijitmurlidhar, that is in bug channel, not here17:50
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, fstab not required17:51
govindbut couldnt even go to the webpage to download it17:51
murlidharabhijit: you mean ubuntu+117:51
Wavesonicsi need JAVA_HOME in my path, but i cant find where it should point to, im using OpenJDK, any ideas?17:51
abhijitmurlidhar, ubuntu-bugs17:51
Vigo_govind: I am guessing that it is some browser settings, did or have you edited any of the Prefs settings?17:51
murlidharnah in feisty days... it was here.17:51
mikebeechamZykoticK9: perhaps I am not explaining myself here.  I know that I can view my shares under network...but what I want is to be able to have those shares automounted for when Ubuntu reboots....so I switch on my machine, Ubuntu boots, I go to places...and my shares are all listed there17:51
Piciabhijit, murlidhar; Many ubuntu channels parse bugs, but not this one.17:51
abhijitPici, i see17:52
mikebeechamZykoticK9: so I wondered if there was an easy way to do that17:52
govindi just installed flashblock to see if i can disable any problems due to falsh17:52
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, ya, add them to fstab17:52
govindbut so for no positive results17:52
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, easy as editing fstab?17:52
govindinstalled opera and chrome too17:52
govindstill a negative result17:52
mikebeechamZykoticK9: I backed up my old fstab, just in case :D17:52
mrandrzejakIs there any way to increase the size of the icons in Ubuntu netbook?17:52
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, wise man :)17:52
mikebeechamZykoticK9: i thank you :D17:53
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Vigo_govind: That is the error then, or appears to be, there is a clicky on that to allow or dis-allow scripts, there in is usually where the page load error occurs.17:53
Vigo_govind: Have you restarted since these installs?17:54
uazure1govind: u can block flash by opera (10.60+)17:54
govindthis problem has been going on for a month17:54
skumarahow do i find out what is using my network bandwith?17:54
uazure1in opera:config17:54
uazure1google for it17:54
Vigo_govind: Have you ran the CLI apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade?17:54
ZykoticK9!google > uazure117:54
ubottuuazure1, please see my private message17:54
govindthe  thing is my internet connection is very slow <0.5 Mbps> and it takes eons to download a lot of packages17:55
govindso i install only specific ones17:55
uazure1govind: u should do that :)17:55
govindi will run an update overnight17:55
govindthanks for the help uazure117:56
govindand vigo_17:56
ganjamanre, k3b told me that cdrecord didn't have a permission, when I grant it I got "cdrecord returned an unknow error (code 254)" and "Sometimes using TAO writing mode solves this issue"17:56
uazure1does anyone can help me in testing .webm video17:56
Vigo_govind: That is wise, a system that is not updated is very poorly configured, also make backups in the off line times.17:56
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uazure1someone with opera 10.60+ browser for example17:57
govindyeah . i just got a new HDD yesterday17:57
uazure1of some chromium build that supports webm17:57
wilhartdo i have to format usb stick before i unetbooting image on it?17:57
abhijitm back17:57
govindso i am in the process of backing up data17:57
=== kjeldor is now known as Kjeldor
abhijitwilhart, yes17:57
abhijitwilhart, with fat16 or 3217:57
wilhartabhijit: how doi format it 32?17:57
abhijitwilhart, using gparted17:57
PsyNetI've installed an application however the bin isn't in the /usr/bin/ dir, So I can't run it via just putting dmd in terminal17:58
PsyNetHow mite I fix this?17:58
tucemiuxgovind, what's the question? all in one line17:58
Kjeldorwhere is my setting that when i close the lid on my laptop, it should be "nothing happens"17:58
mikebeechamZykoticK9: ok...can i REALLY test your linux knowledge now?17:58
israfelwilhart, I believe when it says FAT it means the 32 version.17:58
Frankiitaadoes somebody knows some software to know how much download?17:58
coz_psych787,  which application is this?17:58
Vigo_govind: You are wiser than many many users, I can never stress how important and easy it is to repair a broken system with a  simple backup plan/routine.17:58
wilhartisrafel: what is the command in console?17:58
coz_PsyNet,  which application is this17:58
govindwell . its just that my browsers are not loading webpages17:58
coz_psych787,  sorry wrong nick17:58
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, ummm is it about mounting SMB shares with fstab?  if so I'm NOT the person to ask - i don't do Windows stuff anymore.17:58
PsyNetcoz_ dmd the D compiler17:59
govindwell its just that a lot of webpages like wired.com17:59
coz_PsyNet,  ok hold on17:59
mikebeechamok, I would have thought it's more linux based...if I may?  you can always say...Dont know!17:59
govind techreport.com are not loading in my browsers17:59
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, ask away17:59
govindso i wanted to know if there is anything i can do to solve it17:59
Dravekxcan someone help me transfer files from my CD to a directory on ubuntu server? I'm not sure how to do it via SSH.17:59
Kjeldorwhere is my setting that when i close the lid on my laptop, it should be "nothing happens"17:59
Frankiitaahow can i to know how much download from inet?18:00
Vigo_govind: Have you tried any of the Debian or unbranded browsers?18:00
wilhartisrafel: what is the command in console?18:00
ZykoticK9Kjeldor, System / Preference / Power Management18:00
mikebeechamZykoticK9: I have moved across my fstab, and I now see my shares listed under Places....I will click on one...let's say "albums"...it mounts albums and now I have two lots of Albums listed....why the duplication?18:00
wilhartisrafel: for formatttin fat5318:00
govind vigo_18:00
govindi just use firefox , opera and chrome18:00
uazure1govind: try "nc techreport.com 80"18:00
guampaFrankiitaa: what do you mean?18:00
uazure1in console18:00
ortsvorsteherubuntu 10.04, fresh installed but no sound. in lspci i can see my intel hda card, the modules are loaded and i tried the soundproblem documentation. so i dont know where i can find the solution to get sound working18:00
uazure1they type "GET /"18:00
{bosco}i have installed 2 copys of winxp and one copy of ubuntu 10.04 when i installed grub2 it removed my windows from grub any ideas on how to get that back when eding the grub file???18:00
uazure1and press enter18:00
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, don't use Places if you have them in fstab - just use Nautilus/cli to go to the mount point you used in fstab18:00
uazure1until get somethign18:01
govinduazure1 :18:01
govindmid if i ask what nc is ??18:01
KjeldorI dont want to "suspend" my laptop when my lid closes, can i do something about that?18:01
coz_PsyNet,  I did find this  http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/learn/dmd_on_ubuntu_installation_16486.html18:01
Frankiitaaguampa i want to know my total download by mont18:01
uazure1ortsvorsteher: try to switch over device outputs in sound settings18:01
Frankiitaaor week18:01
uazure1govind: nc is netcat18:01
KFChow can I make grub react to my arrows keys better18:01
mikebeechamZykoticK9: so if I want them listed under places, for easy accessibility, I will have to put up with the double listing?18:01
ZykoticK9Kjeldor, System / Preference / Power Management18:01
KFCit lags18:01
Vigo_govind: That might be a good test, your choice there, Empathy , IceCat, Midori or about twenty others, is always worth testing to see if it is the rendering or capture agent.18:01
Oergovind, http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/wired.com18:01
ortsvorsteheruazure1, i try18:01
uazure1govind: raw tcp/udp viewer :)18:02
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, sounds like you don't really want the in Fstab if you want to use Places instead18:02
KjeldorZykoticK9 there is no option for what I want there18:02
uazure1govind: nice in testing network18:02
govindgot it :)18:02
ZykoticK9Kjeldor, really?  I'd have to go grab my laptop - but i was sure there was an option about "lid" in there18:02
mikebeechamZykoticK9: I just want them easily accessible without me having to go into network all the time.  Also it means that I can add music to Banshee / RB easier if they are listed?18:02
mikebeechamunless I'm missing a trick somewhere18:03
gnugranyone knows what i need to make Poedit works18:03
DravekxCan someone help me mount a second drive, copy files to it, and make it a symlink?18:03
govindOer : it says its just down for me18:03
KjeldorI dont want to "suspend" my laptop when my lid closes, only options are SUSPEND, HIBERNATE AND SHUTDOWN. I dont want any of those. I want "Do Nothing" can i do something about that?18:03
govindso shall try updating it tonight18:03
ZykoticK9gnugr, "poedit - gettext catalog editor" what is poedit exactly?18:03
Oerhere it is up, govind. but it is a test, handy18:04
tucemiuxDravekx, do you want to mount that second drive permanently or just temporarily?18:04
guampaFrankiitaa: vnstats maybe18:04
Dravekxtucemiux, its permanent18:04
gnugrtext editor for C and g++18:04
govindOer : yeah . thanks for the info . it will help me in the future18:04
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, personally, i'd recommend using Fstab and forgetting about Places...18:04
ortsvorsteheruazure1, still no success18:05
govindanyway thanks for the help guys . i was a little intimidated in using IRC first18:05
m15kDrPoO also tried with tomcat18:05
govindnow i like it18:05
Frankiitaaguampa ok thanks i ll take a look18:05
mikebeechamZykoticK9: but putting them into fstab displays them in places, no/18:05
m15kDrPoO same result18:05
uazure1govind: so u still can't open that page?18:05
govindwill update my system18:05
govindand see it that helps18:06
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, then perhaps I'm not understanding...  Places double mounts them when you click though?18:06
Dravekxtucemiux, it is already installed, but I do not know how to access it. I want to symlink it so I can access my files on it via the web.18:06
mikebeechamZykoticK9: yessir18:06
uazure1ortsvorsteher: make some music "play"18:06
Dravekxtucemiux, all my files are on a DVD18:06
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, sorry I have no idea then?  good luck man.18:06
tucemiuxDravekx, step 1. make a mount point, sudo mkdir /media/mymountpointhere step 2. Identify the device, sudo fdisk -l  3. Now that you know which drive it is, ex /dev/sdb you need to find the UUID: sudo blkid, 4.  Configure your /etc/fstab to mount it to the mount point your created using the UUID -- once you have a mount point and UUID let me know and Ill help you with this step18:06
PsyNetcoz_ I tried using $ PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dmd/linux/bin  but that didn't work18:06
uazure1do u see any channels of your audio device?18:06
uazure1govind: see private message18:07
ortsvorsteheri try with aplay to play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav uazure118:07
=== murlidhar is now known as ^murlidhar
ortsvorsteherany channels? uazure118:07
tucemiuxDravekx, forget about my last post, you are NOT explaining yourself, you ask about a hard drive now a DVD -- ask your question again -- ****all in one line ***18:07
=== ^murlidhar is now known as murlidhar
uazure1i have about 15 different outputs18:08
Dravekxtucemiux, ty :)18:08
Ariohay guys i have a new problem, i for some reason can no longer use my wifi, i ran the nm-tool and it shows wlan0 state as disconnected how do i go about sorting this?18:08
coz_PsyNet,  mm  let me check again18:08
uazure1for my emu10k sound card18:08
uazure1two of them works18:08
ActionParsnipArio: if you run: sudo iwlist scan   ,do you see access points?18:08
KFCHow can I make grub react better to my arrow keys?18:08
ActionParsnipKFC: make sure your BIOS has keyboard set to legacy support18:08
tucemiuxDravekx, i dont know what youre doing, dont know i helped, youre not being clear as to what the problem is18:08
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, "It's like teling water to "be wet" it achieves nothing."  excellent :)  </ot>18:09
KFCActionParsnip, it won't affect anything else will it?18:09
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: some people just need telling18:09
minimecArio: Do you have a harware switch for wlan? ;) That's a common error...18:09
ActionParsnipKFC: no, shouldnt do18:09
KFCok, also, grub is a bit slow on the loading time18:09
coz_PsyNet,   not sure   I now dmd  is closed source and it open source  buddy is  gdc18:10
psych787coz_: No problem.18:10
tucemiuxArio, either hardware switch you can just switch on or something like "Fn+F2" key combination that would turn off your wireless18:10
abhijainabhijit: helo18:10
Ariowlan0 said failed to read scan data18:10
mikebeechamIs anyone here who really understands SMB shares, Fstab, etc?18:10
abhijitabhijain, ??18:10
coz_PsyNet,   have you tried using gdc ?18:11
abhijainabhijit: any idea how can i  install devnagri font for open office18:11
Vigo_KFC: Grub2?18:11
tucemiuxmikebeecham, i understand fstab -- but what's the real question: ****all in one line***18:11
abhijit!smb | mikebeecham read this18:11
ubottumikebeecham read this: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:11
coz_abhijain,  have you installed it on the system?18:11
abhijitabhijain, you can type in oo in devanagari using ibus18:11
ActionParsnipmikebeecham: i'd give you mine but my wifi needs the driver compiling when i get home18:11
Ariomy wireless is controlled by a touch panel above the keyboard and it doesnt do anything in ubuntu18:11
KFCsorry for caps18:12
PsyNetcoz_ It's ok I'm using an IDE & in amongst the settings it does allow you to alter the location of the dmd bin18:12
abhijainabhijit: i have book.doc format e book which is in hindi and now i want to read it18:12
coz_abhijain,   if you installed it on the system did you also refenerate the font cache?  it should show up18:12
coz_PsyNet,  cool... i was getting a bit confused  :)18:12
mikebeechamtucemiux: very good point...sorry!  Ok, I have just done a clean install of 10.04 and used my backup of fstab.  I can see all of my shares listed under 'places'.  This is what I want.  However, when I click any of the shares within Places, it then seems to mount the share and list it twice under places.  Is there any way I can just have them listed under Places, click them and keep the share listed only once?18:12
mikebeechamI dont understand why it duplicates18:12
Dravekxtucemiux, I have a sda1 *boot* (Linux), a sda2 (extended) and sda5 (linux swap) .. does that mean my 2nd drive is split?18:12
abhijitabhijain, follow coz_18:13
Vigo_KFC: Have you added or made any configuration edits to the .grub loaded?18:13
Dravekxtucemiux, sda 1 is my main drive, but i think sda 2 and sda5 are one drive.18:13
coz_abhijain,   did you already install it in  /usr/share/fonts  ?18:13
KFCI've added a custom menu, but it was slow before that Vigo_18:13
abhijaincoz_: no18:13
abhijit!font | abhijain18:14
ubottuabhijain: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer18:14
ZykoticK9Dravekx, sda is all one drive, the numbers after are different partitions on that drive, sdb would be a 2nd drive18:14
KE1HADravekx, no, those are all /dev/sda  there just diffrent partitions on the same physical drive.18:14
abhijit!hi | panbinji18:14
ubottupanbinji: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:14
ActionParsniptucemiux: its all one one drive.../dev/sda  the numbers after are partition numbers18:14
panbinjiwho is i18:14
coz_abhijain,   what is the name of the font again?18:14
DravekxOh, i see18:14
sed`Dravekx: PC drive partitions are numbered /dev/sd*[1-4] for the primary partitions, /dev/sd*[5-...] for logical partitions18:14
Vigo_KFC: Dual Booting? (I am looking at some data on that now)18:15
Ariowlan0 said failed to read scan data: network is down18:15
KFCDual booted with windows 7 Vigo_18:15
guntbertpanbinji:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?18:15
SwissFoxHey everybody18:15
coz_SwissFox,  hey guy18:15
tucemiuxmikebeecham, sounds like youre mounting the shares twice, how do you have the shared places configured??  Everything in your fstab should have its own mount point and be mounted, must be something with your fstab18:15
Dravekxsd', cool. ty.18:15
ActionParsnipArio: ok, what is the output of:  sudo lshw -C network | grep -i product    ? One line will identify the wireless chip18:15
klayi have a question, i am trying to take a online test, all they require is flash, java, and mozilla.18:15
maco!cn | panbinji18:15
ubottupanbinji: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:16
madmax_xhello all quick question...i have a pptp server i connect one of my ubuntu servers to...the problem is the connection will drop and i have to manually reconnect to the vpn...is there a quick and dirty way to have it autoreconnect if the ubuntubox cannot ping 192.168.x.1?18:16
* SwissFox has been trying to get compiz to work on a powermac g5 with an ATI graphics card18:16
ActionParsnipklay: ok, install them18:16
klaybut the problem is for some reason even if you have those installed on your machine, they wont let you procede18:16
SwissFoxBut I take it it doesnt work18:16
klaycause your not running windows18:16
mikebeechamtucemiux: I have created folders relevant to the shares under Media....so I have media > albums, movies, tv shows, etc....would this be a good first point?18:16
klayi dont want to mess with virtual box now18:16
tucemiuxDragnslicer, /dev/sda means hard drive one, you can break up the hard drive into partitions, /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda5 is the same hard drive just different partitions18:16
madmax_xi have autoconnect enabled in nm-applet but it doesent reconnect18:16
coz_madmax_x,   I dont know but if no one here can answer that go to the ##linux channel ...they may be able to solve it18:16
abhijitwhen i do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in my ctrl alt fn session (while i am in my non sudo account) then it say there is no updates. but when i come in my admin account and manualy check for update then there are updates? how this possible?18:16
ActionParsnipklay: can you use: www.pastie.org   to give the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf; dpkg -l | grep java18:17
klaybut i thing its screwed up they deny you the test cause you are running linux18:17
madmax_xthnx coz_18:17
tucemiuxActionParsnip, he has a problem with his hard drive or his DVD or something18:17
ZykoticK9klay, as an alternative to VBox you could try installing firefox (and pluggins) in Wine (which will appear to the site to be running on windows)18:17
ActionParsniptucemiux: gotcha18:17
mikebeechamtucemiux: may I go to pm with you, so that I can show you a pastebin of my fstab?18:17
abhijitabhijain, ping18:17
SwissFoxso does anybody know about the whole compiz on a G5 deal?18:17
coz_ok guys I have to break here    hopefully retune later18:17
Dravekxtucemiux, the 2nd drive is /dev/sdb1 and the UUID is 6C50BBAD50BB7D00 (NTFS)18:17
klaythat works?18:17
SwissFoxI would mess around, but today is my second day using ubuntu...18:17
tucemiuxmikebeecham, sorry im kinda busy, your best bet is the room, if I dont reply someone else will18:18
abhijit!manual | SwissFox18:18
ubottuSwissFox: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:18
qwwcheck out this site www.usawireless,com18:18
SwissFoxthanks guys18:18
tucemiuxDravekx, umm... I still dont know what your question is, you were talking about a hard drive and then about a DVD, you need to ask your question again, all ***in one line****18:18
mikebeechamtucemiux: no worries - ok, so as a first port of call, am I right to create elevant share folders within /media?  so media/albums, etc?18:18
SwissFoxDo I type !manual into the terminal?18:19
ActionParsnipArio: I use the AR5001+ in my server and is the one I screwed. You can use this guide to compile the driver: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148424218:19
abhijitSwissFox, no18:19
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SwissFoxbecause that didnt do anything XD18:19
SwissFoxwhere do I put that then?18:19
abhijitSwissFox, folow the link given by ubottu18:19
ZykoticK9SwissFox, !manual was just sent for the link to the Ubuntu Manual (general Ubuntu help)18:19
KFCVigo_, I might be doing something else if you could please highlight me18:19
Vigo_KFC: I found an older, (9,10) on it, may help: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/420933 <: there are sublinks at top I am still looking...18:19
KFCok thank you18:19
wilharthow do i in dolphine see .* files?18:19
ZykoticK9SwissFox, don't think that will help you with your ATI+Compiz issue :|18:20
macoSwissFox: do you have restricted drivers enabled for the ati card?18:20
pkunduI am trying to install 10.04 in my computer But after the boot where it says to chose to install or run live CD my keyboard freeze and cant give input. I am using ps/2 keyboard and mouse.My processor is Pentium D 820 on an Intel MB.18:20
macoSwissFox: im not even sure they're available for powerpc...18:20
pkunduplease help me18:20
Dravekxtucemiux, I have a 2nd hard drive on my home server. I have videos on a DVD.  I want to symlink the 2nd drive to a media folder i haave created, then copy the videos from the dvd to the 2nd drive, so i can access them via the network.18:20
klayzykotic k9 have you done this before?18:20
abhijitwhen i do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in my ctrl alt fn session (while i am in my non sudo account) then it say there is no updates. but when i come in my admin account and manualy check for update then there are updates? how this possible?18:21
tucemiuxmikebeecham, i dont know what you mean by "shares", what is your definition of a "share"?  A share is usually a folder that you can make accessible to other computers on the network18:21
ArioActionParsnip i will give it a go18:21
ZykoticK9!tab | klay18:21
ubottuklay: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:21
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tucemiuxDravekx, step 1. make a mount point, sudo mkdir /media/mymountpointhere step 2. Identify the device, sudo fdisk -l  3. Now that you know which drive it is, ex /dev/sdb you need to find the UUID: sudo blkid, 4.  Configure your /etc/fstab to mount it to the mount point your created using the UUID -- once you have a mount point and UUID let me know and Ill help you with this step18:21
ldleworkCan anyone help me get Baderports working for Synaptic?18:21
macoabhijit: your non-sudo account cant check for updates18:21
ZykoticK9klay, yes - but last time i tried it failed :(  My steps documented at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/cbc-videos-on-ubuntu18:21
_TrulloI have a disks installed in my computer, they are named sdc/sdb/sde/sdf, I put in one more, then sde became sdf.. is this normal?18:21
Dravekxtucemiux, i did that already. now what?18:21
ldleworkI did what the site said, but I don't see its packages anywhere18:21
abhijitmaco,  you ddnt read the question correctly18:22
Dravekxoh wait. LOL18:22
Vigo_KFC: And here is one on Lucid,Windows and such: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/53364318:22
tucemiuxDravekx, so basically what I need you to do is to A) have a mount point created for the hard drive B) you need to knwo the UUID of the hard drive, do you have that information on hand?18:22
macoabhijit: "(while i am in my non sudo account) " doesnt mean you're in your non-sudo account?18:22
klayall they ask for is mozilla2.0+ , java VM and ability to spam you with popups and winblows9818:22
klayor greater18:22
mikebeechamtucemiux: ok...On my mac downstairs I have an external HDD connected to it.  This contains a number of folders, such as albums, movies, tv shows, etc.  These have all been shared.  Now, upstairs on ubuntu I have used fstab to access these shares in such a way as they auto mount upon bootup and list under Places...18:22
abhijitmaco the sentest just before that bracket read that18:23
macoabhijit: im reading that as "i run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade as my non-sudo account" since you put that parenthetical there.  if that's not what you mean, then why the parenthetical?18:23
mikebeechamtucemiux: so now, I want to be able to click one of these shares under places, and it open up.  This it does, but upon opening up the share it then duplicates the share name within Places.  So if I click on the share "albums", I then see Albums listed twice within Places18:23
abhijitmaco,  ok forget that18:23
tucemiuxmikebeecham, go to your "/etc/fstab",  most likely youre mounting these shares --- you need to make sure the mount points exist in your hard drive,  your fstab should hav ea reference to something like /media/shareone etc. make sure these exist18:24
abhijitwhen i do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in my admin account in ctrl alt fn session  then it say there is no updates. but when i come in my admin account and manualy check for update then there are updates? how this possible?18:24
abhijitmaco ^^^^18:24
ZykoticK9_Trullo, the sdX letters are determined by drive input on the motherboard/controller18:24
SomelauwI installed a propierty driver of Nvidia, but now it takes much longer to boot.18:24
macoabhijit: are you actually clicking the "check for updates" button or just still seeing a notification of updates?18:24
klaywasnt the tool to setup wine called wine-tools18:24
Dravekxtucemiux, yes. but i need to repartition the drive. it seems to be in NTFS format instead of ext4. or do I mount it first?18:24
abhijitmaco,  no i am going to update manager and clicking on update button18:25
mikebeechamtucemiux: yes...I have done this.  In line with fstab I have created relevant 'receiving' folder within 'media'...so on my ubuntu machine I currently have media/albums, media/movies, etc18:25
tucemiuxDravekx, you need to unmount your hard drive to format it18:25
abhijitmaco i want to know why my ctrl alt f1 session dont show updates?18:25
macoabhijit: i'm guessing a bug18:25
abhijitmaco ohhh18:25
KFCvigo_ It doesn't take a few minutes18:25
abhijitmaco should i submit bug?18:25
Piciabhijit: Can you try doing apt-get dist-upgrade and seeing if it gives you updates?18:25
KFCbut it takes quite some tim18:25
KE1HAThe other question, why use ctrl+alt F1, when a simple terminal wouls suffice.18:26
macoPici: oh yeah good point18:26
tucemiuxmikebeecham, chown the mount points to yourself, sudo chown username:username /media/mountpoint18:26
madduckhow do I encrypt an Ubuntu system, i.e. the entire harddrive?18:26
ZykoticK9abhijit, i don't see updates available on terminal?  is that a feature/option?18:26
abhijitPici, but thats the distribution upgrade naa?  i am talking about regular updates?18:26
madduckmust I go via external harddisk?18:26
Pici!dist-upgrade | no abhijit18:26
ubottuno abhijit: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.18:26
abhijitZykoticK9, hey you all wait you all are getting me wrong18:26
macoabhijit: dist-upgrade != do-release-upgrade18:26
Dravekxtucemiux, ok. first then. how do I repartition a secondary drive and format it to ext4?18:26
abhijitsee i explaing again18:26
abhijitno wait18:26
FloodBot4abhijit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:26
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tucemiuxDravekx, first isntall gparted, sudo apt-get install gparted18:27
macoabhijit: apt-get dist-upgrade, despite the stupid name, does not change what version of ubuntu you have18:27
macoabhijit: it just lets new packages be added and old ones be removed. aptitude (smartly) renamed it to full-upgrade to remove the confusion18:27
tucemiuxDravekx, after you install gparted, fire it up, sudo gparted --- once in gparted make sure your phasers point to the correct drive, you will have the option to unmount the hard drive then format it18:27
ZykoticK9abhijain, sorry - re-read your earlier question.  I use "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" for most command line updates?18:28
m15kabhijit do you use amd64?18:28
ActionParsniptucemiux: gksudo gparted    dude, sudo isnt for gui apps18:28
abhijitcondition 1) i am log in to my admin account. then i go to system->admin->update manager then i click on update button then it shows me updates and i install those updats. now see condition 2) now i log into my non sudo account. ok? now i press ctrl + alt + f1 right? now it will take me to witought x session. right? then from there i login to admin account i tpe admin username i typ admin password. now i do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. and the18:28
abhijitn it dotn show any update? but actaully there are update?????18:29
abhijitmaco ZykoticK9 Pici now you got me?18:29
tucemiuxDravekx, gksudo gparted as ActionParsnip sez18:29
abhijitm15k, yes18:29
Dravekxi dont have a gui18:29
macoabhijit: /after/ you install updates in condition 1 there should not be any remaining18:29
tucemiuxDravekx, you have ubuntu server?18:29
Piciabhijit: The gui does the equivilent of an apt-get dist-upgrade, so if you aren't doing that on the tty, then you won't see the same thing.18:29
Dravekxtucemiux, yes.18:30
macoabhijit: but "apt-get upgrade" will only show SOME of what "apt-get dist-upgrade"  shows18:30
abhijitmaco,  Pici ok i understood. so i need to do dist-upgrade? ok thanks18:30
tucemiuxDravekx, you have to use a command line utility to do that then, sorry I forgot the utility to do that18:31
Dravekxtucemiux, (gpartedbin:5978): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:  ~ I think this only works with a gui18:31
tucemiuxDravekx, use the command line utlity, try fdisk [hard drive]18:32
ZykoticK9Dravekx, gparted is GnomeParted - you could check out the cli app "parted"18:32
tucemiuxDravekx, sudo fdisk [HARDDRIVE]18:32
guntbertDravekx: did you see the ubuntu server guide?18:32
abhijitmaco, so sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get upgrade will be right command? if not then?18:32
Dravekxgunbert, im looking as tucemiux helps me.18:32
macoabhijit: no18:32
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guntbertDravekx: ok :)18:33
macoabhijit: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:33
abhijitmaco,  ok thanks18:33
qweHello. Is there any network manager package GNOME analogue for KDE18:34
tucemiuxDravekx, you should be able to format the drive with fdisk, let me know when youre done18:34
qweCan anyone help me here?18:35
abhijainabhijit: hello18:35
erUSULqwe: knetworkmanager ?18:35
fredoI want to install package but the order of installing is wrong??18:36
guntbertqwe: there is the network manager applet, it should be installed on your system18:36
fredowat 2 do??18:36
qweerUSUL: Is it installed by default in KDE?18:36
abhijitabhijain, not to me ask in general18:36
erUSULqwe: dunno; i guess so. probably in #kubuntu they know for sure18:36
guntbertqwe: sorry, I misread -- ignore me18:36
fission6how do i get application / window icon to show in my windows? they show when minimized18:37
qweerUSUL: Thanks18:37
erUSULqwe: is network-manager-kde nowadays18:37
qweCan anyone give me proper details about using SpamAssasin??18:37
m15kabhijit do your webserver use ip4 or ip6?18:37
ZykoticK9fission6, screenshot?18:37
fredoIf i inatall any package it gives always an error ...this package is not install first install it....18:37
abhijitm15k, i dont know :-o18:37
qweerUSUL: lemme chk18:37
abhijitm15k, why are you asking me that? :-o18:38
fredowhat is t order??18:38
cbrinke1Is Upstart ready for developers to be making jobs for it?18:38
abhijitabhijain, come in im18:38
ZykoticK9fredo, "sudo apt-get -f install" if you have a broken package(s)18:38
cbrinke1I am hitting multiple serious bugs, some of which I can only recover from if I reboot?18:38
qweerUSUL: No thats an applet18:38
m15kabhijit because i cant access mine via browser, when im not connected to the internet18:38
qweCan anyone give me proper details about using SpamAssasin??18:38
erUSULqwe: what do you expect it to be? nm-applet is an applet too18:39
abhijitm15k, i dont know18:39
Dravekxtucemiux, i keep getting this. should I reboot the server? WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy. The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8) Syncing disks.18:39
=== Mud is now known as Mud|afk
ZykoticK9Dravekx, that message mean you have to reboot to apply changes to partition table18:39
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fredomy frnd gave me the d/w packages.... how should i make order i.e. repository???18:40
Dravekxcool :D hope it comes back online. LOL18:40
shro0msit's not letting me copy anything to my usb. its telling me that its a "Read-only file system"18:40
ZykoticK9!away > Mud|afk18:40
ubottuMud|afk, please see my private message18:40
tucemiuxDravekx, what did you use for HARD DRIVE in fdisk ?18:40
ZykoticK9fredo, d/w?18:41
qweerUSUL: Well.. no not an applet.. Have you used Network Manager (from Administration option in menu maybe) in GNOME?18:41
* Mud|afk slaps ZykoticK918:41
fredo download18:41
Mud|afkcya :W18:41
ZykoticK9fredo, are these standard ubuntu DEBs or from a 3rd party?  (can you install these programs using default repository is my question)18:42
fredothird party18:42
TiKshro0ms: it mounted ro ?18:42
ZykoticK9fredo, 3rd party - or they are in the default repo?18:42
fredothey are third party18:43
ZykoticK9fredo, then order is important - sorry I can't help.18:43
fredoextension is .deb18:43
abhijitabhijain, come in im18:43
TiKfredo: dpkg -i filename18:43
fredoany hint18:43
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.18:43
StPierehello, i after updating grub i cannot start windows 7 - NTLDR is missing18:43
e01how can i setup to resize windows with alt+2nd button of mouse instand of alt+scroll18:43
StPiereany solution ?18:43
Ariohow do i get the network applet back in the system tray?18:43
fredoi tried dpkg18:43
e01when using compiz18:43
TiKfredo: whats th error then?18:44
tucemiuxStPiere, that is not a problem with grub, it's a problem with windows, first fix windows and then reinstall grub18:44
guntbertfredo: are you certain that the software you want is not in the repos anyway?18:44
ZykoticK9fredo, there is an alternative to dpkg which does some dependency checking - sorry i don't remember the name18:44
StPiereok ,thanks18:44
xanguaArio: first, do you have the notification area in the panel¿ if not add it first; second: alt+f2 > nm-applet > enter18:44
TiKfredo: whats the error?18:44
dagleesHow do you make your machine respond to pings?18:44
aeon-ltde01: http://wiki.compiz.org/CCSM#Keybindings18:44
abhijitabhijain, ping18:45
qweCan anyone give me proper details about using SpamAssasin??18:45
dagleesI can access its web server and other services but I can't ping it18:45
blinkybhow to retrive system information using terminal? or any other way?18:45
fredoerror is it says these package r not install  first inatall them18:45
dagleesIt doesn't respond18:45
aeon-ltdblinkyb: like what kind of system info?18:45
shro0msTiK: yea, i don't know why18:45
TiKfredo: uhm paste me the acctual error in PM18:45
blinkybaeon-ltd: ram, cpus, etc..18:45
fredoi want to know the order18:45
TiKshro0ms: remount it?18:45
erUSULblinkyb: sudo lshw18:46
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Arioxangua it showed me  this when i used nm-applet ** (nm-applet:10618): WARNING **: <WARN>  constructor(): Couldn't initialize the D-Bus manager.18:46
TiKshro0ms: idk why it mounted in ro18:46
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blinkyberUSUL: yeah exactly. thanks a lot.18:46
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shro0msTiK: thanks. worked. tha'ts really freaking weird18:47
fredowhen i install wine by using dpkg then it says first install these 3 packages18:47
boscohttp://pastebin.com/nbReL9UT look at this anytime i select anther file from grub to boot other than ubuntu it loads windows loader MBR and not just loading windows how to dii fix that that is my grub .cfg  file??????18:47
ZykoticK9fredo, wine is in default repo (or updated PPA)18:47
e01aeon-ltd, i am setting it up18:48
fredoi m giving u an example18:48
e01but it won`t initiate resizing18:48
TiKZykoticK9: the repo wine sucks18:48
Dravekxwhat's the command line to create a ext4 file system?18:48
KE1HAwine1.2 is fairly descent.18:48
|PHANTOm|is anyone having trouble with suspend/hibernate after last kernel upgrade?18:48
lov255dravekk: fdisk18:48
TiKKE1HA: I installed wine1.2 from the repos and it wasnt 1.218:49
ZykoticK9Dravekx, mkfs.ext418:49
DravekxZykoticK9, ahhh :)18:49
TiKfredo: if you don't start your problem I can not help you18:49
TiKer state18:49
lov255bocco whats the question?18:49
KE1HATiK, Sri, dont know why, mine is 1.218:50
ibrahimopen vpn configuration18:50
TiKfredo: what is th problem?18:50
ibrahimopen vpn configuration18:50
ibrahimopen vpn configuration18:50
ibrahimopen vpn configuration18:50
FloodBot4ibrahim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:50
TiKKE1HA: with wine --version whas it say18:50
aar Hi, I've got a small cluster running (3 clients). 1. Is it possible to run mencoder on the cluster as a distributed process? 2. Would I need to recompile mencoder for it to work as a distributed process?18:51
TiKKE1HA: weird mines 1.3 now :P18:51
boscohttp://pastebin.com/nbReL9UT look at this anytime i select anther file from grub to boot other than ubuntu it loads windows loader MBR and not just loading windows how to dii fix that that is my grub .cfg  file??????18:51
KE1HA:-) .. So Im behind as well :-)18:51
TiKKE1HA: its dev.. not stable the one from repos was 1.1.418:51
jimcooncatI'm preseeding a lubuntu install -- what do I put in for tasksel tasksel/first multiselect?18:52
TiKKE1HA: for me..18:52
fredoTik: my friend download 3 party package for me,now when install using dpkg it says first insatll given packages in the order....18:52
KE1HATiK, Ahh Ok that may be it then.18:52
fredothird party18:52
KE1HATiK, I only use it fer testing small apps, Notepad and things to make sure it works.18:52
TiKfredo: wel it might be the .deb ...18:52
TiKKE1HA: it wouldnt run MAME for me18:52
pepePluplease help :D18:52
KE1HAI have no real need for Wine18:53
fredoyes it is .deb18:53
abhijitin which file does google desktpo sotres its indexing?18:53
blinkyberUSUL: what is that colored terminal-like thing in this picture? http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/161/5/5/My_June_Linux_Screenshot__s_by_soresvan.png18:53
abhijit!hi | hager18:53
ubottuhager: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:53
KE1HAchannel monitor18:54
qweHas anyone used Spam-assasin?18:54
fredotik : any idea18:54
KE1HAqwe, yes but t's been a long time.18:54
TiKpepe: ou have to chroot on the livecd and update grub18:54
erUSULblinkyb: dunno; sorry18:54
sipiorqwe: what specific question did you have about it?18:54
Dravekxim so lost. is this right or should i use sdb1?: /dev/sdb is entire device, not just one partition! Proceed anyway?18:54
TiKfredo: no I can't do anything without the actual error18:54
qweKE1HA: sipior: Could you give poper detail instruction about it?18:55
VCoolioblinkyb: it's a terminal, probably rxvt-unicode18:55
sipiorqwe: when i said specific...18:55
KE1HAqwe, What is the specific quesiotn you ahve ?18:55
VCoolioblinkyb: it IS urxvt, check the panel18:55
qwesipior: Sorry? What ?18:55
abhijit!details | qwe18:56
ubottuqwe: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:56
qwesipior: As if i cannot ask general question on specific package?18:56
KE1HAqwe, You want to configure spam-assassin with Postfix or something ?18:56
sipiorqwe: well how exactly am i supposed to answer a general question? just start typing a few megabytes of data until you get what you need?18:56
guntbertqwe: and please be more patient, don't leave a channel 2 minutes after asking18:56
sipiorqwe: look here: http://www.debuntu.org/postfix-and-pamassassin-how-to-filter-spam18:57
HounddogHi, i am just trying to create a partition as reiserfs but getting an error filesystem tools not installed and i do not know which packages would be required now18:57
qweWow! Got no other user to be tamed?18:57
KE1HALOL.. ok that was good.18:57
qweThank you18:57
|PHANTOm|sipior: i think it's "reiserfsprogs"18:58
Jordan_UHounddog: reiserfs is a dying filesystem, is there a particular reason you want to use it?18:58
erUSUL!find reiser18:58
ubottuFound: libreiser4-dev, reiser4progs, reiserfsprogs18:58
KE1HAqwe, More details: http://townx.org/blog/elliot/simple_spamassassin_setup_with_postfix_and_dovecot_on_ubuntu_breezy18:58
sipior|PHANTOm|: mis-tell?18:58
|PHANTOm|or reiserfs-tools18:58
erUSULHounddog: reiserfsprogs18:58
HounddogJordan_U actually not really... but i want to use the virtualbox and it is complaining about ext418:58
KE1HAmay be diffrent for Lucid :-)18:58
Jordan_UHounddog: What is the exact error you are getting from Virtualbox?18:59
Hounddogone sec... need to start again18:59
HounddogJordan_U need 5 mins... i just formated the partition where i had the vb harddisks19:00
guntbertHounddog: you misread: with ext4 and sata you have to switch on "use host i/o cache" -- virtual box support in #vbox19:00
mikebeechamtucemiux: sorry mate...had to nip away...what is CHOWN?19:01
mikebeechamwhat will that do?19:01
Hounddogguntberti read something about problems with ext4 also19:01
clhmy china19:01
abhijit!cn | clh19:01
ubottuclh: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:01
Hounddogguntbert or is there no issue if i use it on ext4?19:01
KE1HA!chown > mikebeecham19:02
ubottumikebeecham, please see my private message19:02
qweThank you.. will brb19:02
Hounddogsorry for asking... was  actually using it on a windows machine and now switching to a linux host...19:02
LinuxGeekChown is used to change file owner and group.19:02
guntbertHounddog: please join #vbox, there we can have a look at it19:02
mikebeechamI dont understand WHY I'm going to chown...are they double-listing because of permissions?19:03
test_my keyboard device uses specific ALT CODES. Is there any existing solution to remap these key sequences without writing a xim server/filter?19:05
_eXeCuTeRis it possible to install fluxbox on ubuntu?19:05
qweHow to test Spamassasin?19:05
_eXeCuTeRand btw, what does LTS mean?19:05
KE1HA_eXeCuTeR, ye19:05
qweHow to test Spam-assasin?19:05
macoqwe: just wait?19:05
ZykoticK9_eXeCuTeR, sure "sudo apt-get install fluxbox"19:05
ZykoticK9_eXeCuTeR, Long Term Support19:05
qwemaco: What?19:05
macoqwe: i mean... a day doesn't go by without you getting spam, does it?19:05
macoqwe: so, install it and check tomorrow and see if it caught all the spam19:06
_eXeCuTeRZykoticK9, what does this essentially mean?19:06
aeon-ltdqwe: look for websites to sign up to get free ipods19:06
ZykoticK9_eXeCuTeR, 3 years desktop support instead of the regular 18? months19:06
_eXeCuTeRZykoticK9, hmm what do you mean? regular what? im pretty new to these things19:06
qwemaco: Thank you aeon-ltd19:07
ZykoticK9!lts | _eXeCuTeR19:07
ubottu_eXeCuTeR: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)19:07
tucemiuxmikebeecham, change of ownership, man chown19:07
_eXeCuTeRZykoticK9, oh then it's a great version of ubuntu!19:07
mikebeechamtucemiux: sure...but why?  will this resolve the issue?19:08
qwe_eCeCuTeR: Just start using Lucid.. its the best till now....19:08
Dravekxwhere do people normally mount other hardrives to? I mean.. on the root directory? media directory? etc?19:08
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_eXeCuTeRqwe, I just downloaded the latest version available on ubuntu.com19:08
ZykoticK9Dravekx, /mnt is sorta a quasi-standard - but it doesn't matter19:08
Dravekxcd /mnt19:09
KE1HADravekx, Depends, are they just data / storage drives ?19:09
macoDravekx: depends how you want it to act19:09
qwe_eCeCuTeR: Great! Burn it and do a fresh install19:09
FriarI'm having some problems with openvpn and I could use some help. I'm not really sure where to start though.19:09
DravekxKE1HA, yes. media files and storage19:09
macoDravekx: if you want it to act like an external device and show up on the desktop, then /media .. but if you dont, then /mnt19:09
qwe_eXeCuTeR: Great! Burn it and do a fresh install  (Sorry)19:09
_eXeCuTeRqwe, yeah i have had linux fo a pretty long time, just wasn't sure about LTS :p19:09
KE1HADravekx, Just mount them to a name you like then /data /media /music etc etc19:09
ZykoticK9maco, really is stuff is mounted under /media it shows up on the desktop?  Good to know thanks - oops for my message to someone earlier ;)19:10
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qwe_eXeCuTeR: Good.. how are you finding Lucid till now?19:10
macoZykoticK9: yep19:10
_eXeCuTeRqwe, hmm i just finished burning at, installing it atm19:10
macoZykoticK9: thats how nautilus determines which devices to show if you enable showing devices on desktop19:10
_eXeCuTeRqwe, thanks for the help. thank you ZykoticK9 too!19:10
hoareguys I have mistakenly chmod 777'ed a directory19:11
hoarehow can I fix it back19:11
hoarejust an ordinary folder under ~19:12
_eXeCuTeRoh one last question - i wanna install my ubuntu distro over my openSUSE one, but there's also Windows XP in here.19:12
abhijitso what is the question?19:12
_eXeCuTeRIs this possible to just override where openSUSE sits and keep XP alive?19:12
ortsvorsteherhoare, try chmod 75519:12
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, yes19:12
hoareortsvorsteher: thankds19:12
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, how exactly? i clicked on the specify partitions manually but it didn't open anything. should I move forward?19:12
KE1HAhoare, no need to bash all the files / folders with execute, 750 / 740 is fine19:13
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, you mean delete suse, install ubuntu in the place of suse and keep xp. right?19:13
KE1HA600 is you want to get real tight with premissions.19:13
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, yeah. essentially just tell the ubuntu install to reside over openSUSEs partitions19:13
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, i clicked on Specify partitions manually but nothing opened or popped. should I press forward?19:14
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, then you just delete suse partition from ubuntu installation process? and install ubuntu there?19:14
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, yeah. how is that possible in this installation?19:14
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, no after selecting the cirlce of specify partitions manualy you need to click on forward buttont then it will show19:14
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, ok19:15
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, should I first erase all partitions taken by suse, then create only one single partition for ubuntu?19:15
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, I know that swap is needed but I'm not sure if it'll automatically allocate space for it19:16
aarcanehow do I launch the touch screen calibration utility ?  I can't find it anywhere.  (Ubuntu 10.04)19:16
guntbertroot333: don't irc (or any regular tasks) as root19:16
KE1HA_eXeCuTeR, Just select the full drive option, Ubuntu installer will do the rest, assuming you want nothing but Ubuntu on the disk when your done.19:16
kubancis there any how to look for how long i have Ubuntu OS installed?19:16
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, yes first you make clear which is xp partition and DONT touch it and then delete suse partition, it will create new free space now create new partitin in that freespace and tell ubuntu to be instaleld there19:16
macokubanc: ls -l /var/log/installer/*19:16
_eXeCuTeRKE1HA, no..I wanna keep XP alive19:16
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, in manual partition sheme it dont automatically alocates swap. you need to alocate it19:17
KE1HA_eXeCuTeR, then use the Migrate option.19:17
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, is that possible to delete openSUSE partitions, then go back and choose the free space option?19:17
kubancok, thnx19:17
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, when you will delete suse partitino then you are going no where. you will be inside that same windows only19:17
Jordan_U_eXeCuTeR: Yes, that would work.19:17
_eXeCuTeRabhijit and Jordan_U, thanks19:18
jackillhi all19:18
jornhey guys, is it possible that scripts in /etc/cron.daily were not executed on a server (so always running) in Ubuntu 8.04 ?19:19
asuskoi tva 4e ne razbiram neshto19:19
_eXeCuTeRJordan_U, didn't work :o19:19
aarcanejorn, that's not possible19:19
aarcaneasus, english please?19:19
=== _NG is now known as _ng
jornin /etc/crontab I find lines which test for anacron's existence, if it's there they do nothing... and anacron is started on boot, but exits after running all jobs that were left out19:20
Jordan_U_eXeCuTeR: In what way did it not work?19:20
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, well now openSUSE is erased and I have a block of free space. how could I tell ubuntu to use it?19:20
aarcanejorn, if you restart frequently, it could have malfunctioned somehow to cause them to run constantly..  but unless you did somethign strange, it's highly unlikely.19:20
DravekxI have the UUID, what do I put in fstab to automount the new hard drive (sdb1) when rebooted?19:21
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, first click on that free space then select add button19:21
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jornaarcane: hmm, so 5 minutes after reboot there's no entry in ps aux | grep ana19:21
jornso how is anacron going to run those jobs?19:21
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, yes I'm there. I'm just not sure about swap (it's size and filesystem on it) and also about ext4 vs ext3 - never heard of ext4 in fact19:21
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_eXeCuTeRabhijit, and also about partition type19:21
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, which version of ubuntu you are installing?19:21
KE1HADravekx, if you use the Disk Utility under System >> Administration, it will sort that out for you.19:21
jornand in crontab the lines look like this: test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )19:21
aarcaneDravekx, device mount point fstype options dump pass19:22
jorn(cron is running)19:22
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, last one available on ubuntu.com19:22
DravekxKE1HA, I dont have a gui.19:22
Dravekxaarcane, ty :)19:22
=== _ng is now known as _NG
jornbut as anacron is installed it tests for its existence and quits without invoking it19:22
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, assuming you mean lucid then filesystem type is ext4 and for swap there is separte option called swap19:22
Some_Person_eXeCuTeR: ext4 is generally faster, but incompatible if you want to mount it from windows.19:22
KE1HAAhh, Ok, that aint gonna work then :-)19:22
aarcanejorn, then none of the jobs needed to be run.19:22
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, and how much ram do you have?19:23
jornaarcane: either you or I don't understand...19:23
AdityaHello ! Need some help ! I inadvertantly removed the top right panel where the shut down option would be available....How do i retrieve it ??19:23
aarcanejorn, I think it's some of both19:23
aarcanehow do I launch the touch screen calibration utility ?  I can't find it anywhere.  (Ubuntu 10.04)19:23
AdityaNot adding the shut down button to the panel again..19:23
jornare jobs in /etc/cron.daily executed on a daily basis even when the server is not rebooted?19:23
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, hmm I think 512MB. not sure, might be 1GB but these are slight chances of 1GB. old laptop, can't recall19:23
xaviermdcAditya, right click on top panel and click "Add to panel"19:24
KE1HADravekx, Somthign close to this: /dev/sdb1    /media/mynewdrive   ext3    defaults     0        219:24
jornif yes: by hom?19:24
abhijit!panels | Aditya19:24
ubottuAditya: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:24
Adityaxaviermdc - that's what i said..that i did...19:24
KE1HAwhere ext3 or 4 which ever you formated it too.19:24
VCooliohow do I download a folder like http://ports.gnu-darwin.org/x11/gtk-themepreview/work/ ? I tried wget -r, works, but that also takes all parent folders, so, the complete site19:24
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, swap space shoud be double the size of your ram in your case19:24
qweHow to switch from CD1 to CD2 during linux installation in virtualbox19:24
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_eXeCuTeRabhijit, im also not sure about type (primary/logical) and of the location (begging/end)19:24
agibdoes anyone know if there's a reason `apt-get install openjdk-6-jre` on 8.04 would be failing all of a sudden? I'm getting "Package ca-certificates-java is not available, but is referred to by another package."19:25
KE1HADravekx, then you need to: sudo chown -R USERNAME:USERNAME /media/mynewdrive19:25
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, I'll go for 1500MB for swap, is that good?19:25
AdityaThe default one(shut down button) has a drop down list when u click on it.. However, the newly added would display a new window..19:25
abhijitqwe, when it ask you to enter 2nd cd that time eject 1cd and then after inset 2nd cd?19:25
aarcane_eXeCuTeR, he told you how much swap to use, use that or quit asking.19:25
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, swap on logical. / on primay and all other on logical19:25
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, dont worry abotu beggineng/end19:26
skeeboI was wondering about the tool remastersys (which I have used before perfectly). What I wanted to know is if would keep my custom kernels and my grub.cfg exactly the same as well (my best instinct says yes it would) but I would like to be sure before doing anything. Does anyone know?19:26
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, no set swap to 2gb atleast19:26
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, if you have that much space ofcourse19:26
jornaarcane: ok, so what I think what happens is not that the jobs do not need to be run, but that anacron is never started again if you do not reboot19:26
skeeboJust want to be sure it will preserve everything (granted that there is no errors in the process)19:26
rob_pjorn: all the scripts in the directory will be run *if* /usr/sbin/anacron is executable.  They will be run by root as per the crontab entry.19:26
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, 2gb? ok. yeah, i've got 40GB available for linux19:26
qweHow to switch from CD1 (iso) to CD2(iso) during linux installation in virtualbox? I have media file link in virtualbox to the respective cd iso images19:26
VCoolio_eXeCuTeR: if RAM is 512 1500 for swap is plenty, I have that also 512, is fine, I hardly use it; depends what you're going to do on ubuntu of course19:26
jornrob_p: no, that would be &&19:27
jornbut there's an ||19:27
ghoois anyone here?19:27
jornwhich is if first fails then second19:27
jornif first succeeds (which it does) then nothing19:27
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, so just press on Begging for all? what does it mean?19:27
jornwrite: false || echo "jorn's right"19:27
_eXeCuTeRVCoolio, I'll just use 2GB. thanks19:27
KE1HA!ask | ghoo19:27
ubottughoo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:27
mikebeechamarghghhhhh....I have a new Ubuntu install, and for some reason no sound is coming from my Audigy 4 sound card...can anyone help?19:27
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, dont press anywhere just leave the begining/end section as it is19:27
qweHow to switch from CD1 (iso) to CD2(iso) during linux installation in virtualbox? I have media file link in virtualbox to the respective cd iso images19:28
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aarcaneVCoolio, swap is a funny thing..  on my debian router, I have 10GB of swap PER DRIVE, but on my netbooks, I keep NO swap because if I'm swapping, I shouldn't be on those systems19:28
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, begging is selected. btw, where should swap be mounted?19:28
rob_pjorn: the || acts as a stop if the first argument exits with a status of 1 otherwise the second will proceed19:28
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, nevermind :p19:28
jornrob_p: in what language?19:28
aarcanehow do I launch the touch screen calibration utility ?  I can't find it anywhere.  (Ubuntu 10.04)19:28
rob_pjorn: shell script (sh, bash, etc.)19:28
jornrob_p: just go to your shell and write this: "true || echo 'something'"19:28
jornand see how it does _not_ echo19:29
jornthat's why anacron is never run by cron again19:29
Adityaabhijit - I want the same shutdown button, this is different from what it used to be as default..It's drops down a list..where as the added button would show up a new window..How do i get the default panel..19:29
jornso you boot, it does all the leftover work... but then when your server's up for ages, it's never run again19:29
guamparob_p: maybe you're confusing || with &&19:29
abhijitAditya, http://www.watchingthenet.com/restore-panels-in-ubuntu-back-to-their-default-settings.html19:29
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, back to ext3 vs ext4 - i didn't really realize. someone told that ext4 is not compitable with windows19:29
qweAditya: Are you using GNOME or KDE?19:29
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, and I might mount windows partitions in future. any suggestions?19:30
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, ext4 for lucid thats it19:30
jornbut it would be quite awesome to have this bug in ubuntu since 8.04 (and actually being fixed by upstart?)19:30
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, wait19:30
KE1HAaarcane, have a read of this, may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147887719:30
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, if you are mounting windows from linux then its not the issue. but if you are mouting linux from windows then you need to concern about that ext3/ext419:30
qwe_eXeCuTeR: I'd recommend using ext3 for better security and file integrity19:30
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, oh ok19:31
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, and i dont know if ext4 is or not compatible with windows19:31
MagnetroAhh, good old IRC.19:31
lov255You know I am v ery interested in doing a windows mount with windows 7, however my win 7 laptop is already loaded with win 7, would there be a way to partition some room for ubuntu without having to reinstall my system or Win 7?19:31
_eXeCuTeRqwe, why is that?19:31
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, ext4 is defautl for karmik onwards so use it19:31
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, could you rephrase? couldn't understand last statement19:31
MagnetroQuick simple question to anyone with remotely more sense with linux than I..19:31
abhijitAditya, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tip-howto-recover-gnome-panel.html19:31
rob_pguampa: && will regardless19:31
KE1HAlov255, Use the Migration Option, that's its intended purpose.19:31
guamparob_p: no that's ";"19:32
fabio_Hi. Does someone know how can i have writer always use the same password when a document is pass protected? i have tons of documents that are protected with the same password, and i want to be able to open them without hassle in this computer. can someone help me? thx19:32
lov255migration from win or ubutu?19:32
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, the default partitioning scheme for the ubuntu verstion 9.10 karmic koal and onwards - they use the type ext4 as default19:32
astrojpAfter a new ubuntu install, I forgot where I need to go to stop the terminal cursor from blinking. Can anyone help?19:32
hoodooshey guys! why shouldn't it work? exec sudo -u www-data chroot /usr/local/mcore/ /usr/local/bin/node/ /usr/local/mcore/core.js? it says: chroot: cannot change root directory to /usr/local/mcore/: Operation not permitted19:32
hoodoos. Is it related to some lack of permissions of www-data?19:32
MagnetroAnybody dare knows with my mouse cursor vanishes in Wine?19:32
SportChick- ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T STOP THE FLOODS. INCOMPETENCE OR JUST DON'T CARE? SportChick- pZombie cangeceiro taget ubuntu-user astrojp Andy_B jimmybaker jskulski fabio_ tempel_dirne Shurakai Magnetro canesin Erikpost janek isolat3dsh33p ldlework xaviermdc _polto_ dreamtraveler marcuy Belserusk ara daglees__ RichieRich ghostcube_ rek vect wissem yrkxek thune3 digitalsanctum agib madmax_x qwe am0k0815 gonzojive lov255 19:32
SportChick- ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T STOP THE FLOODS. INCOMPETENCE OR JUST DON'T CARE? ishan snowrichard jorn IronOctavian ivo_ yotta911 pixel baba AlbertoP jenkins Some_Person noname punch Naynay well_laid_lawn shamster root333 yacc hoare dreamer000 harmandeep_ Gnea FiremanEd _GoRDoN_ test9473 Erikw ^hiku^ hoodoos frrod Somelauw FloodBot2 drygrain cs278|laptop natschil LjL urlwallace kyheo hebz0rl EspadaV8_W_ pheonixman dri219:32
qwe_eXeCuTeR: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext319:32
KE1HAlov255, is a tool on the Ubuntu Install, to migrate disk space from Windows for Ubuntu. Please read up on it before trying though.19:32
ErikpostHi, can someone help me solve a problem with mplayer on lucid lynx?19:33
qweHow to switch from CD1 (iso) to CD2(iso) during linux installation in virtualbox? I have media file link in virtualbox to the respective cd iso images19:33
lov255thank you very much Keiha19:33
agibanyone having trouble with openjdk-6-jre?19:33
AlbertoPcan someone just ban that guy forever?19:33
KE1HAqwe, Disconnect from the ISO, and reconnect to ISO-219:33
agibapt-get installing it, that is19:33
Some_Persondamn floodbots19:33
Friaranyone here know anything about openvpn? I having some connection problems along with kvpnc19:33
KE1HAoe Add a Second ISO connection.19:33
qweKE1HA: i am using iso iages on HD19:33
KE1HASame process.19:34
SomelauwDid someone call me?19:34
_eXeCuTeRabhijit & qwe, thank you very much19:34
rob_pguampa: || means if the exit status of the first command is not 0, then execute the second command19:34
qwe_eXeCuTeR: Welcome19:34
Professor_G_shockwave for linux? where form?19:34
snowrichardhmm wonder why my name was in that list lol19:34
KE1HAqwe, Best blace for virtual box quesiotn is in the #vbox channel19:34
Jordan_Usnowrichard: It's a troll that just includes random nicks to get a rise out of people. Please ignore.19:35
syn-ackMan... that guy again19:35
MagnetroShockwave on linux?19:35
qweKE1HA: Thank you19:35
MagnetroNah, you just can run through wine..19:35
Professor_G_magnetro thats what i want19:35
rob_pguampa: It can be thought of as a logical OR.19:35
AlezI am here and you are there..19:35
KE1HAAlez, and your question is ?19:36
guampai know the meaning, just not aware that OR exists in that form  in bash19:36
MagnetroI'm actually a newborn to linux but I found out how much better it is than windows.19:36
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, have you completed?19:36
AlezI am trying to get redmine working...19:36
hoodooswhat is this SportChick talking? oO19:37
Alezon my ubuntu 10.04 installation19:37
spazmiwhy do I get the following errors on my Torrentflux installation? - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/554kXGK919:37
qweKE1HA: Hey...19:37
spazmiit still works but I get all these errors19:37
MagnetroMy unbuntu is like 8. something.19:37
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, last thing..should the Format checkbox be checked?19:37
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, oops didn't mention - for swap19:37
MagnetroI got this off cragslist for 125 >_>19:37
aeon-ltdMagnetro: say wut?19:38
syn-ackguampa: OR sure does.19:38
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, when you crete new partition from free space the format option is checked by defualt19:38
MagnetroYeah i'm quite sure my unbuntu is old.19:38
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, Hmm well swap partition is now checked. when trying to change, option doesn't exist19:38
KE1HAAlez, http://library.linode.com/development/project-management/redmine/ubuntu-10.04-lucid19:38
* guampa has run false || echo "i'm a sucka" and shuts up19:38
Magnetroas heck, if I can't curse in here.19:38
AlezI once didnt have to install each package from tar balls which was ok19:38
KE1HAqwe, Yes?19:38
Erikposthm, Am I doing something wrong, or am i being ignored?19:38
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, swap will not have this format option you just select from mount point - swap area thats it about swap19:38
Magnetromy unbuntu is old, smh.19:38
mikebeechamguys, can anyone help?  I've just installed 10.04 and I have no audio whatsoever with my audigy 4 card?19:39
qweKE1HA: Hey... there is small panel below the running screen whihc indicates HS usage, USB selection and even CD/DVD ...there one can find the option to switching to previously selected option. There exactly is the option for changing CD...oversight :-)19:39
abhijit!sound | mikebeecham19:39
ubottumikebeecham: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:39
KE1HA!patients | Erikpost19:39
qweKE1HA: *which *HD19:39
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, alright. yeah, im fimiliar with swap concept and page replacment, just not sure about the word `format` and what does it mean in essence19:39
aeon-ltd!patience | Erikpost19:39
ubottuErikpost: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com19:39
nasserhi at all, guys! i've installed gifTUI with ares plugin, but actually it doesn't connect! this is what appears in my terminal: http://pfpf.pastebin.com/rg28MNkC19:40
MagnetroIf I get an update from this 8. w/e to a more recent model when Iose all my current programs and such?19:40
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, hmm19:40
syn-ackMagnetro: Depends on how you upgrade19:40
MagnetroI lose*19:40
Alezhave anyone tried to setup redmine?19:40
Magnetroreally, how so?19:40
Alezor am I the only one?19:40
abhijit!enter | Magnetro19:40
ubottuMagnetro: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:40
frrod!ask | Erikpost19:40
ubottuErikpost: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:40
KE1HAqwe, I dont know what screen your on. Best place for virtual box quesiotns is #vbox channel19:41
rob_pguampa: A good example of the || is in the crontab when it checks to see that anacron is executable.  If it is, then the actual command (run-parts) gets executed.19:41
TiKalez: porb bete rto post in the forums about that19:41
Magnetroreally, how so Sorry channel lol..19:41
nasserhi at all, guys! i've installed gifTUI with ares plugin, but actually it doesn't connect! this is what appears in my terminal: http://pfpf.pastebin.com/rg28MNkC19:41
syn-ackMagnetro: if you do a fresh install you'll lose anything you've not backed up; if you do an inline upgrade, you may lose a couple deprecated app, but that's about it19:41
Alezhave anyone installed redmine?19:42
MagnetroInline upgrade? Google that for instructions huh?19:42
guamparob_p: i'm not sure i follow you. a  logical OR executes regardless the precondition is TRUE or FALSE19:42
guampaa logical AND only if its TRUE19:42
syn-ackMagnetro: Before any upgrade though, it is highly advised that you back up19:42
KE1HA!redmine > Alez19:42
AdityaAbhijit - Thank you !19:42
rob_pguampa: Actually, I have it backwards!19:42
abhijitAlez, what is you actually wanted to do?19:42
nassern't connect! this is what appears in my terminal: http://pfpf.pastebin.com/rg28MNkC19:42
abhijitAditya, does it worked?19:43
AlezI wanted to get it up running19:43
syn-ackMagnetro: that's what you do when you upgrade from the repos instead of installing from a CD19:43
AlezI have installed LAMP19:43
rob_pguampa: I was thinking of the exit status, not the OR function.19:43
bathacidif i have 6GB of ram and a 64 bit compatible prossessor is it really that much better to get the 64bit ubuntu os or is the 32 bit fine?19:43
nasserhi at all, guys! i've installed gifTUI with ares plugin, but actually it doesn't connect! this is what appears in my terminal: http://pfpf.pastebin.com/rg28MNkC HELP!19:43
AlezLinux Apache Mysql and PHP19:43
AlezI did the easy way of installing redmine with packages19:43
aeon-ltdbathacid: it will be but right now the gains you'll net is minimal19:43
abhijitAlez, see this?19:43
abhijitAlez, http://wiki.ousli.org/index.php/RedmineUbuntu19:43
rob_pguampa: If anacron is executable, then *don't* run the run-parts utility! :-)19:44
minimecbathacid: With that amount of RAM you need the 64bit version.19:44
rob_pguampa: Sry about the confusion!19:44
qweKE1HA: Thank you.. i was conveying the solution alone19:44
KE1HAAlez, next best place is #ubuntu-server channel19:44
MagnetroI see, syn-ack....thanks for the advise; what kind of model do you have?19:44
ZykoticK9bathacid, OR use PAE kernel for 32bit19:44
nasserhi at all, guys! i've installed gifTUI with ares plugin, but actually it doesn't connect! this is what appears in my terminal: http://pfpf.pastebin.com/rg28MNkC Anyone can help me please, that's so frustating!19:44
Alezthank you:)19:44
syn-ackMagnetro: I generally do a fresh install when I upgrade.19:44
semi-flyis it possible to see what games are available in the repos without being on/in Linux?19:45
blinkybanyone uses qmmp with custom skins, private message please.19:45
syn-ackMagnetro: Anymore I only run the LTSs until the EOL so yeah19:45
Alezthank you abhijit and KE1HA19:45
KE1HAqwe, I dont have a VBOX install on this Workstation, and don't have all the screens committed to memory, sri.19:45
abhijitAlez, welcome.19:45
TiKI have vbox19:45
abhijitAditya, does it worked?19:45
TiKwhat do you need?19:45
syn-ackI don't, I have VMware. :P19:45
MagnetroDo you use wine as well? Maybe only a hunch, but i'm dealing with seriously annoying problems with it.19:45
qweKE1HA: Thank you for all the help till date :-)19:45
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, what stage you are now?19:45
TiKvirtualbox is faster19:46
TiKive used both...19:46
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, installation :)  thanks again!19:46
syn-ackMagnetro: I don't touch wine if I can help it19:46
bathacidis there any downfall to using 64bit ubuntu?19:46
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, 55% so far19:46
syn-ackbathacid: not really.19:46
TiKbathacid: no19:46
abhijit_eXeCuTeR, ok. good luck. now i am going. bye !!! :)19:46
seisetepcenter, entre, go in #io_group is a chat for hackers muahauhsauhsua19:46
seisetepcenter, entre, go in #io_group is a chat for hackers muahauhsauhsuaenter, entre, go in #io_group is a chat for hackers muahauhsauhsuaenter, entre, go in #io_group is a chat for hackers muahauhsauhsua19:46
_eXeCuTeRabhijit, bye, thanks! :)19:46
MagnetroYou don't deal with windows eh?19:46
qwe_eXeCuTeR: That would get installed pretty fast19:46
syn-ackMagnetro: I use Virtual Machines instead.19:46
KE1HAbathacid, some driver support is still in developement, so be mindfull of that is switching.19:46
qwe_eXeCuTeR: You are trying KDE or GNOME?19:47
semi-flycan anyone rec. a good flight sim. game to try?19:47
KE1HAif switching .. .19:47
KE1HAls -al19:47
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Friarsemi-fly, maybe flightgear....19:47
ZykoticK9semi-fly, X-Plane has a demo version19:47
* syn-ack bets lov255 was in the wrong window. :P19:47
syn-ackI've heard that flightgear19:48
Magnetro**Virtual Machines? That's a system like, uh Virtual box right?19:48
syn-ack's gotten really good. Sorry about that19:48
semi-flyokay, thanks.19:48
syn-ackMagnetro: yeppers19:48
lov255lol sorry about that I keep doing that19:48
KE1HAsemi-fly, try #ubuntu-offtopic19:48
MagnetroI couldn't get that to download for this system.19:48
martianjoin #musicbrainz19:48
Magnetroyou forgot the /19:49
busisiemasz :D19:49
nasser hi at all, guys! i've installed gifTUI with ares plugin, but actually it doesn't connect! this is what appears in my terminal: http://pfpf.pastebin.com/rg28MNkC19:49
nasser<nasser> i'm so frustated because i can't find a solution.19:49
nasser<nasser> theorically, it should run correctly as i've done all steps successfully. i mean i've installed all the files i needed as well as i compilated another ones.19:49
FloodBot4nasser: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:49
MagnetroLike, through my conversation from Windows to Unbuntu I only departed from two things in which I still can't get.19:49
mikebeechamI dont suppose someone can help me get sound working in 10.04 could they?  I'm using an Audigy 4 and I've tried everything i know to try19:50
klayzykotick9 it worked!19:50
MagnetroThat's streetfighteronline,and Mugen..19:50
ZykoticK9!tab > klay19:50
ubottuklay, please see my private message19:50
ZykoticK9klay nice!19:50
lov2555what is the chat room for misc Ubuntu talk?19:50
FloodBot4weton: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
klaySo why are folks so ademint on using auto compleate19:51
ZykoticK9klay, i was just trying to save you time/effort ZykoticK9 is a pain for most to type but "Z y TAB" is a lot easier19:51
Adityaabhijit - Apologies ! I was trying to learn what those commands mean..Yep, it worked..3 commands, restored !19:52
klayi see it as like if a search engine would automaticly bring you result of searches19:52
klaylets say if your 5 year old is doing a book report about wild asian donkeys19:52
klaywould you really want that to be a "feature" of your software?19:52
KE1HAklay, and this has to do with Ubuntu How ?19:52
klaybye folks19:52
WillWork4FooHi all - can I just ask, is this bug (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=621435) affecting anyone else in here?19:53
WillWork4Fooor am I the lucky one?19:53
blinkybhow can i download winamp for linux? without the use of Wine.19:53
dflkwe ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T STOP THE FLOODS. INCOMPETENCE OR JUST DON'T CARE? dflkwe user1 WillWork4Foo Leif bsaibes__ kancerman tmwsiy2012 DrPoO bsaibes_ lov2555 bsaibes tiina brontoeee busi _Lau_ Fandekasp _marix aerovista Aliselyn CARABOBO Prodego punch lhorning semi-fly fcuk112 LouisJB goshawk nikolaj_basher klandwehr Humle imcsk8 DrGrov moayad_ Line_ jaykub nasser dashua ortsvorsteher Alez syn-ack Friar cangeceiro taget ubuntu-u19:53
dflkwe ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T STOP THE FLOODS. INCOMPETENCE OR JUST DON'T CARE? ldlework dreamtraveler marcuy daglees__ ghostcube_ rek vect wissem yrkxek thune3 digitalsanctum am0k0815 lov255 skeebo jazzjunkz Workchemist Aditya Andre_Gondim Kaie` thing12 serianox FloodBot1 dEVOted ishan jorn IronOctavian ivo_ yotta911 pixel AlbertoP jenkins Some_Person noname Naynay well_laid_lawn shamster root333 yacc hoare dreamer000 Gnea FiremanEd _19:53
dflkwe ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T STOP THE FLOODS. INCOMPETENCE OR JUST DON'T CARE? kyheo hebz0rl EspadaV8_W_ pheonixman dri245 IamReck Harry_Slaughter awe BeWolF Hounddog jcole epure_ wechat cchapman EmanuelM85 VCoolio DJVistaMan rsr glaucous epsalon135 jdobrien Jorkar Topy44 meeksi Akuma samuel gtaylor misnix shubbar_ JonMelamut fission6 krafty Kafka bcbc2 trism yoshx trefn aeon-ltd ezraw pptf nx7 Enissay_ pting madduck SteveGriff ShrekL19:53
dflkwe ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T STOP THE FLOODS. INCOMPETENCE OR JUST DON'T CARE? gnugr mathk m00se klay Professor_G_ spinningcompass PsyTrance durarara j_ack zatan RotesOHM FeedHunter shutz vinithra Bobdroid CodingDistrict nibbler_ amr _ruben maxwave3 progre55 pickett becomingGuru Serideru minimec k5220 amgarching kthomas_vh Frankiitaa davidelv mudnick kbrosnan lyxx nicoulaj manio FrankLv uRock DeEM0N YankDownUnder patholio zus erUSUL k19:53
FloodBot4dflkwe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:53
ZykoticK9blinkyb, wine is required to run windows programs19:54
WillWork4FooI have reverted to running (and paying for!) Windows 7 on my netbook instead of Ubuntu, because it doesn't seem to be able to handle my battery at all.19:54
hoarespammers are really bullshit19:54
KE1HAWillWork4Foo, best palace to check is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu19:54
rob_pjorn: You still around?19:54
blinkybZykoticK9: i heard there is a winamp alpha release for linux19:54
klayspam flamer19:54
minimecblinkyb: Use audacious... It's winamp for gtk...19:54
ZykoticK9blinkyb, that was like 5+ years ago i believe19:54
AliselynI'm not part of a flood....19:54
WillWork4Foothanks KE1HA19:54
PiciPlease ignore the spam.19:55
klayblinky you mean xmms?19:55
WillWork4Foochecking now19:55
WillWork4FooAliselyn - I think it just named a bunch of us19:55
blinkybZykoticK9: can I use winamp skins as well?19:55
AdityaThe function keys to increase the brightness of my screen isn't working. Is it not possible or there is something i need to install in order for me to make use of it ?19:55
blinkybminimec: can I use winamp skins as well?19:55
ZykoticK9blind, winamp2 skins work in audacious i believe19:55
bathacidi know this may sound odd just bear with me is there a way like in windows to upgrade your machine from 32 to 64 with out del your files or is there no way to "upgrade" only fresh install?19:55
yotta911!flood >  dflkwe19:55
AliselynWillWork4Foo: I guess so, I'm just not used to bots, if that was a bot19:55
ZykoticK9blinkyb, sorry ^^19:55
minimecblinkyb: The old winamp skins yes. But not the winamp5 or so ones...19:56
Piciyotta911: Hes been removed from the network.19:56
crazyguy510Anyone know what the ip address of irc.freenode.net is?19:56
Picicrazyguy510: you're on freenode now.19:56
minimecblinkyb: http://audacious-media-player.org/19:56
crazyguy510I realize the other IRC client I want to use won't take irc.freenode.net19:56
crazyguy510It  needs the ip address to connect19:56
crazyguy510it needs the ip of the server19:57
Picicrazyguy510: Pick one: http://pastebin.com/fKcXZN3819:58
klayblinkyb just use xmms19:58
thune3crazyguy510: use nslookup <address>19:58
m15khi, is it normal that "route -n" does not list my loopback?19:58
llutzcrazyguy510: konrbluth
KE1HAcrazyguy510, just ping it19:58
mikebeechamI'm pretty much ready to start giving away free cash for anyone who can make the audio work on ubuntu!!!19:58
crazyguy510Thanks! I'll try it out!19:58
klaywhat system are you using19:58
klayand what version of ubuntu19:58
KE1HAmikebeecham, Free Cash / That's almost a double negative.19:59
mikaelmif they can get the audio to work, then its not free cash19:59
minimecklay: blinkyb: xmms inot inclided in the ubuntu repository anymore, due to the gtk1 interface.19:59
WillWork4Foooh FFS. The usual picky silliness that plagues bugfixing efforts appears to have strangled the one bug that most concerns me, and that is preventing me from using Ubuntu.19:59
mikebeechamKE1HA: lol...I know mate, but I'm now desperate bro19:59
klayoh no19:59
klaywhat about just dling a *deb file19:59
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: whats the problem?19:59
mikebeechamKE1HA: dont know what else to do...19:59
jornrob_p: yupp19:59
klaywho cares if its in repository19:59
KE1HAmikebeecham, I'd have a go at it, but Im definitely not a audio driver guru.19:59
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: is this a laptop?20:00
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: I did a fresh install of 10.04 today, and now I have no sound from my audigy 4 card.  The card is recognised, and I have enable the sound through also mixer, but there is still no sound20:00
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: double check alsamixer do they all show 00 and are all outputs maxed out?20:01
rob_pjorn: Yeah, I inadvertently misled you earlier.  If the anacron is executable then *don't* execute run-parts.  Sorry about that.  I always forget that an exit status of 0 is success, not 1!  :-)20:01
jornrob_p: actually I see that the problem is solved in 10.04 by including an anacron cronjob: /etc/cron.d/anacron the line which is commented out is the one I use now ;)20:01
thune3WillWork4Foo: there is some possible gconf workaround (which I'm still looking for), and a module loading thing to check.20:01
aarcaneKE1HA, the link you posted did include a calibrationt ool, but running it (repeatedly even) didn't result in a properly calibrated touch screen :(20:01
Professor_G_castironpi,  hows the caydog shape going20:01
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: tI have alsa-mixer open at the moment, but they're not all maxed out20:02
justnulling2hi, last couple of days my mouse doesn't left click anymore till i restart the X, right click works fine (show contextual menus) also hover works but when i left click nothing happens, is there a way to fix it?20:02
jornrob_p: but would be nice to see this backported to 8.04 (it's actually only adding this file in the anacron package). I regard this a serious security problem as it hindered my server updating its antivir-db for months now20:02
KE1HAaarcane, I've not used it b4, just searched fer it for others, so its no good ey ?20:02
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: max'em20:02
m15kanyone running < 10.4?20:02
WillWork4Foothune3: I've tried the gconf workaround, and it prevents the thing from randomly hibernating... however, I'd really like to get accurate battery status reporting!20:02
jornbut I don't know how long LTS is ;)20:02
Professor_G_how do i get shockwave for ubuntu20:02
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)20:02
aarcaneKE1HA, it seems good, but I don't think my touch screen wants to calibrate.  it's a T91, and this thing has been a linux nightmare from day 120:03
bathacidis there anyway to check to see if my hard drive is good enough to format with out becoming damaged this wont be my first time formating20:03
minimecmikebeecham: I would check the 'Sound Preferences' of the volume applet first. Is pulse using the correct hardware? Also check the 'Connector' in the 'Output'-Tab.20:03
thune3WillWork4Foo: so you tried the "use_time_for_policy" change?20:03
ubottujorn: please see above20:03
KE1HAaarcane, Ok, so may be more HW specific then.20:03
fcuk112does anyone use shuttle pc here?20:03
jornubottu: k, in that case I'll file it as bug20:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:03
Professor_G_how do i get shockwave for ubuntu? anyone20:03
aarcaneKE1HA, that's what I think.  I'm going to give up and go back to win7 for that netbook for now, thanks for the help20:03
PiciProfessor_G_: You don't.  there is no shockwave for Linux.20:03
KE1HAfcuk112, Nice shop btw, shuttle you mean shuttle barebones build ?20:04
snoopthello. if i switch to tty1 i see just blinking cursor, anyone knows how to fix it?20:04
WillWork4Foothune3: yep, doesn't change things. For some reason, Ubuntu randomly decides my battery capacity is about 4% and then won't change it's mind until I hibernate and resume20:04
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: all maxed out no sound20:04
=== edwin is now known as Guest4145
fcuk112KE1HA, nice shop?  yea i mean the barebones build.20:04
WillWork4FooI have a 6 cell 6100mAh battery20:04
Professor_G_Pici,  :( i just found a game whitch needs shsockwave i cant play it now:(20:04
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: what are you using to test?20:04
babu__wat is the applcn kadu means20:04
mikebeechamminimec: i have tried all options within hardware, none work20:04
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: I have an mp3 locally stored on my desktop20:05
KE1HAfcuk112, :-), yeah that's a brand name shop in the UK, anyways, yes, I've built many what's the question?20:05
mikebeechamI have also tried some web-based videos20:05
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: what player?20:05
WillWork4Foothune3: I am waiting until Natty Narwhal comes out, then I'll see how it behaves.20:05
mikebeechamI've tried RB and Banshee20:05
minimecmikebeecham: 'Output'-Tab 'Connector'? What are the options there?20:05
mikebeechamit only shows "Dummy Stereo"20:05
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: go back to alsamixer press f6 make sure its your card being selected20:06
WillWork4FooI was just investigating to see if anyone was actually working the bug or aware of it. Glad to see you know about it too, thune320:06
thune3WillWork4Foo: there are too many related bugs in launchpad, very frustrating!20:06
minimecmikebeecham: These are both gstreamer applications. Open a simple youtube video...20:06
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: my card is recognised, and I select it with enter20:06
snooptmikebbecham, and try play some wav file with 'aplay'20:06
bathacidis there a way to check if your hdd is healty enough to format again?20:07
AdityaHello ! can anyone help me with the following......My function keys to increase the brightness of my screen isn't working. Is it not possible or there is something i need to install in order for me to make use of it ?20:07
Adityain ubuntu20:07
KomiaPoikaminimec: i don't have sound at all now20:07
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: all 0020:07
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: youtube playing - no sound20:07
KE1HAbathacid, best test, if it fails to format = no, it's not good enough.20:07
snooptcheck s.m.a.r.t20:07
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: all 0020:08
lolcat93Is there an easy way to share my laptops wired connection trhough the wireless card?20:08
bathacidbeacuse this will be like the 4th format on this drive in its life20:08
iverslolcat93: yes.20:08
fcuk112KE1HA, one of them is an SB81P - i am trying to make it quiet.  i replaced the cpu fan and another fan which blows against the heatsink with silent ones.  there are 3 more fans, 1 in the PSU and 2 small ones which blow against the hard drives.  the wires of these fans seem to go into the PSU tho, so i was wondering how to replace em.20:08
KE1HAbathacid, another program you can run to test test HD performance, IO-Test .. that will find all weaknesses20:08
lolcat93ivers: Elaborate20:08
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: what card is this (specifically)20:08
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: Audigy 420:08
iverslolcat93: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing20:08
mikebeechamwhen I hit f6, I can choose "SB Audigy 4 [SB0610}20:09
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minimecKomiaPoika: Did we talk before? I don't remember...20:09
gianni32hay alguna sala en español soy peruano20:09
KE1HAfcuk112, this is OT, but, I cut them off and placed resisters in series with the rd leads to slow them down.20:09
KomiaPoikaminimec: to fix the sound output on lucid lynx on a macbook, didn't make sound when speakers are plugged20:09
KomiaPoikaminimec: now i don't even have sound at all20:10
_eXeCuTeRqwe, i installed it. hmm right now i think it's gnome but im thinking of switching to fluxbox for better performance20:10
KomiaPoikai see 7 sound profiles20:10
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: the funny thing is, apart from alsa mixer, I dont see any option for my card20:10
KomiaPoikaok i found20:10
mikebeechamnot sure if I should or not, just find it curious20:10
fcuk112KE1HA, sounds too complicated for me :(20:11
KomiaPoikaminimec: i can get sound from the laptop, but not from speakers plugged in the headphones hub20:11
KE1HA_eXeCuTeR, also consider the Xubuntu ISO, nice light and has allot of featured apps.20:11
minimecKomiaPoika: I remeber now... Put the 'Connector' back to 'Analog Output' That should give you the sound back.20:11
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chkdskIs it possible to enlarge a wubi virtual install disk (ubuntu 10.04)20:11
babu__which s good banshee or rhythmbox20:11
KomiaPoikaminimec: i do that, but it doesn't fix it20:11
_eXeCuTeRKE1HA, i might look at it, thanks20:11
KE1HAfcuk112, roger than, check the BIOS, and take it out of AUTO, and set to 25/35% Fan speed then.20:12
_eXeCuTeRoh i have no internet on ubuntu? but wlan0 is up i guess, any ideas?20:12
itsux2bu i added   'setterm -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 0'  to one of my startup files.. can't remember which file.. can anyone figure out how i can find the file i edited?20:12
minimecKomiaPoika: My guess was, that if you change the connector to Analog Headphones, that it would cut the speakers and redirect sound to the Headphone (other speaker)20:12
fcuk112KE1HA, thanks i'll try that.20:12
KE1HAfcuk112, make sure you enable all the CPU C1E, etc etc throttling, else it will overheat.20:12
KomiaPoikaminimec: only with "analog speakers" i have sound, with "analog output", i don't have sound at all, even trying all 7 sound profiles in the hardware tab20:13
KE1HAchkdsk, Im not done it, but you could run the installer again, and re-set the disk allocation.20:14
minimecKomiaPoika: Check alsamixer in a console and verify, that the volume settings are correct for 'Headphones'20:14
sometuxHow to move the notification area to the lower right corner ???20:14
_eXeCuTeRany ideas how to find wireless connections on a laptop with ubuntu? router is right next to me20:14
chkdskKE1HA: Would that even work?20:14
tweak_hi. im having a bit of an issue with sound output. i have 2 different cables that go from the pc output to RCA to my kenwood stereo. no matter what even when paused i get a low humming sound in the background as if i have a faulty ground although i have 2 dif cables and the pc is brand new. any ideas?20:14
syn-ack_eXeCuTeR: Then I guess you've found it. :D20:14
edbiansometux, Right click on the panel you want notification area on.  Add to panel, select the notification area.  Remove it from the other panel.20:14
edbiansometux, It's easy.  You're most likely over thinking it.20:15
_eXeCuTeRsyn-ack, lol, i mean establish internet connection in ubuntu20:15
KE1HAchkdsk, I dont honestly know, but the setup allows your to define disk space allocation, that much I know.20:15
syn-ack_eXeCuTeR: use Network Manager.20:15
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_eXeCuTeRsyn-ack, where's that?20:15
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: long solution but supposedly this works mcswain guitar pythagoras20:15
syn-ack_eXeCuTeR: you're in a Gnome desktop, right?20:15
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: whoops20:15
sometuxedbian, I mean the notification balloon20:15
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: before we do that...20:16
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edbiansometux, I'm not sure what you mean?20:16
KomiaPoikaminimec: alsamixer doesn't show a headphones tab20:16
_eXeCuTeRsyn-ack, i think - how to check?20:16
AdityaHello ! can anyone help me with the following......My function keys to increase the brightness of my screen isn't working. Is it not possible or there is something i need to install in order for me to make use of it ?20:16
chkdskI just need to add literally like 10GB to the disk size. I can't find a guide for this anywhere and I can't even put it in its own partition because LVPM doesn't support that for 10.0420:16
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-emu10k1#Introduction_for_Creative_EMU_based_soundcard20:16
mikebeechamI just rebooted, and I got the bongos at login...20:16
syn-ack_eXeCuTeR: it's regular Ubuntu, right?20:16
mikebeechamso there IS sound20:16
mikebeechambut when I got into the desktop, no sound20:16
_eXeCuTeRsyn-ack, yeah..just finished installing 10.04 LTS20:16
sometuxedbian, the blackbox the appear on the upper right corner20:16
edbiansometux, I guess it really doesn't matter.  Bottom line.  If it's on the panel it's an applet.  You just have to figure out what applet it is so you can add it to a new panel.20:16
KE1HAmikebeecham, the Bongo's :-) is that liek the opposite of trumpets ?20:16
syn-ack_eXeCuTeR: network manager lives in the upper right of your screen by the clock20:16
edbiansometux, Ooh, Do you mean the notification system?  I don't know if you can move those.  If you can I don't know how. I'm sorry :(20:17
mikebeechamKE1HA: the short bongo-sound when you enter the login screen20:17
AdityaGuys..........any help would be highly appreciated !20:17
syn-ackyou should see something "Network Related" there20:17
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: so there IS sound20:17
edbiansometux, Ubuntu custom wrote those and I don't actually use Ubuntu from day to day so I don't think I can help.20:17
snoopt if i switch to tty1 i see just blinking cursor and no invitation message, anyone knows how to fix it?20:17
mikebeechambut nothing when you logon20:17
mikebeechamand get to the desktop20:17
Plazzma ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T FIX THE SPAM PROBLEM AND SEE THIS AS A SOLUTION : <tomaw> Ignore them, it's just spam. Plazzma rwlove pbarros genny_ bcbc2 malikeye|123 Andy_B jefinc edbian mike_kay squirrel_labs baba simar sometux tweak_ drygrain astrochimp Freejack` goshawk underdev chkdsk Missingno255 danopia_ vaya2vaya EspadaV8_W poff dreamtraveler_ oCean_ Badegakk moayad_ genny dragontoe Oer isolat3dsh33p arooni-mobile Jurkki ze20:17
Plazzma ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T FIX THE SPAM PROBLEM AND SEE THIS AS A SOLUTION : <tomaw> Ignore them, it's just spam. snoopt CyberGabber user1 WillWork4Foo Leif bsaibes__ kancerman tmwsiy2012 DrPoO bsaibes_ lov2555 bsaibes brontoeee busi _Lau_ Fandekasp _marix aerovista Aliselyn Prodego fcuk112 nikolaj_basher klandwehr Humle imcsk8 DrGrov Line_ jaykub nasser dashua ortsvorsteher Alez syn-ack Friar cangeceiro taget ubuntu-user jimmy20:17
Plazzma ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T FIX THE SPAM PROBLEM AND SEE THIS AS A SOLUTION : <tomaw> Ignore them, it's just spam. Workchemist Aditya Andre_Gondim Kaie` thing12 serianox FloodBot1 ishan jorn IronOctavian ivo_ pixel AlbertoP jenkins Some_Person noname Naynay well_laid_lawn shamster root333 yacc hoare dreamer000 Gnea FiremanEd _GoRDoN_ Erikw ^hiku^ frrod Somelauw FloodBot2 cs278|laptop LjL urlwallace kyheo hebz0rl dri245 IamReck H20:17
Plazzma ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T FIX THE SPAM PROBLEM AND SEE THIS AS A SOLUTION : <tomaw> Ignore them, it's just spam. gtaylor misnix JonMelamut fission6 krafty Kafka trism yoshx trefn aeon-ltd ezraw pptf nx7 Enissay_ pting madduck SteveGriff ShrekLappy jhuliana derdon Niamor lysek DeathCrawler arianit herbmonk gnugr mathk m00se klay Professor_G_ spinningcompass PsyTrance durarara j_ack zatan RotesOHM FeedHunter shutz vinithra Bobdr20:17
FloodBot4Plazzma: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:17
Plazzma ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T FIX THE SPAM PROBLEM AND SEE THIS AS A SOLUTION : <tomaw> Ignore them, it's just spam. kbrosnan nicoulaj manio FrankLv uRock DeEM0N YankDownUnder patholio zus erUSUL k0rupted geowany undecim Mikelevel pre7o balans1 JamesVoss uazure1 decto walery guntbert Vanadis [ND] Ruddles veenenen Therstrium brianchidester assoupis McPeter tuxifier wyclif dhruvasagar skrite quake_guy luis_lopez sidh h4z|da acuster 20:17
wilhartif i have kde4.5 pulseaudio--equalizer-gtk (gtk) to run gtk in kde?20:17
hoarebored and leaving this room!!!!20:17
hoarefuck spam20:17
minimecKomiaPoika: That is not a good sign. Looks that alsa is not recognizing your card correclty. Did we do a 'lspci | grep Audio'? The output could give you a start for tracking the bug.20:17
KE1HAmikebeecham, that's sounds ( no pun intended ) liek the sound driver is working correctly if your hearing that at log in.20:17
_eXeCuTeRsyn-ack, thanks man, found it. trying to connect20:18
wilhartwhat apt-get should i do to run gtk applications20:18
mikebeechamKE1HA: exactly, so why is there no sound when I get to desktop20:18
wilharti dont want gnome-desktop20:18
Professor_G_by all20:18
KomiaPoikaminimec: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)20:18
AdityaAnyone there ?????????????20:18
AdityaHello ! can anyone help me with the following......My function keys to increase the brightness of my screen isn't working. Is it not possible or there is something i need to install in order for me to make use of it ?20:18
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: gnome alsamixer might help http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-no-sound-sound-blaster-audigy-after-upgrading-from-ubuntu-9-04-to-9-10.html20:18
UImageUp|Alianyone know nething about creating bots? if so pm me, thanks in advance20:18
KE1HAmikebeecham, that I do not know mate. It's not muted is it ?20:18
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: been onto that website20:18
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: did you try it?20:19
catyirc.ohaithar.eu #hai Do this nao. Epicness spam.20:20
minimecKomiaPoika: There is a french guy, having the same problem... http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=365862320:20
KE1HAmikebeecham, also check the sound preferences are both set to the analog input / output.20:20
VCoolioAditya: don't know about your keys, but try redshift (search for it on launchpad.net)20:20
sometuxHow to move the black notification box that appears on the upper right corner to other locations???20:20
ModocYes, hello. Let's all talk about freenodes spam problem and how every oper here is terrible at their job and would rather babysit channels, scolding anybody asking about why the attacks are not being mitigated or well handled. Spam is never off-topic while its on-going. I will be abusively and instantly k-lined for even bringing this subject up. Have a nice day.20:20
_F-117errr vbox is reading my wifi drivers as lan !20:21
AdityaVCoolio - Thank god someone responded :P...I'm using Lenovo...n the function keys to adjust brightness alone isn't working but the volume control is working...20:21
VCooliosometux: you can't unless you install a hacked version from somewhere; it's some policy to put it there and just there20:21
vectgood question, why can't freenode fix this god damn spam problem20:21
mikebeechamKE1HA: I've set the hardware to Analogue stereo output20:22
vectsecond time i've been highlighted in here today20:22
KomiaPoikaminimec: i guess i can survive with sound from laptop. in the meantime, i still didn't fix the video problem when 2 monitors are plugged20:22
minimecKomiaPoika: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1439408.html <-- He has the same card (rev 01)20:22
VCoolioAditya: is it a special key or is it supposed to be a keybinding?20:22
sometuxVCoolio, do you think this must be add to 100 papercuts20:22
AdityaNormal function keys that we've on any IBM thinkpad ....20:23
VCooliosometux: you don't stand a chance; some people have thought about it and decided for all users that this is the best20:23
ortsvorsteherfresh installed 10.04, sound does not work. i have an intel soundcard, codec is ALC1200 but i cannot find any help in the web to run sound.20:23
=== kalusn_ is now known as kalusn
AdityaVCoolio - Normal function keys that we've on any IBM thinkpad ....20:23
ashley__<ortsvorsteher> i hae samw problem20:23
sometuxVCoolio, As the location of the main panel???20:23
ortsvorsteherashley__, which soundcard do you have?20:24
KomiaPoikai installed gnome-alsamixer and linux backports20:24
VCoolioAditya: I know nothing about thinkpads, but redshift is a nice application20:24
ashley__<ortsvorsteher> erm20:24
VCooliosometux: the panel can be moved, no problem20:24
ashley__<ortsvorsteher> hang on20:24
KomiaPoikabrb, reboot20:24
ortsvorsteherlspci | grep Audio ashley__20:24
KE1HAmikebeecham, I dont know, if it's playing at log-in, it should be playing normally.20:25
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: have now installed alsa-mixer...when I click on and click off the Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack, I can hear the thump of my speakers which shows it's doing something...but no audio20:25
minimecKomiaPoika: If I remember correctly. You can play a youtube flash file on both of the Monitors, but no local video, right? Did you try alternate software like vlc or mplayer?20:25
ashley__lspci | grep Audio20:25
Stavrosis there a way to configure ubuntu to do raid when i don't have a screen?20:25
ortsvorsteherashley__, try it in an terminal20:25
KE1HAor just aplay -l20:26
dini have a usb drive that used to work but now fails. i tried it on another machine and it's fine. i keep seeing rejection i/o to offline device in dmesg. can anyone point me in the right direction?20:26
yonahwI am running an installation of ubuntu server. trying to add a user to the admin group which I understand to automatically have sudo access and receiving an error that the admin group doesn't exist.  Is there an equivalent on server version? is there any documentation explaining this?20:26
gonzojivemy computer has been super unstable the past few days.  is there an issue with any recent kernel?  I'm getting Bug: soft lockup - CPU#1 stuck for 61s in dmesg right now20:26
ashley__<ortsvorsteher> nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2)20:26
AdityaVCoolio - Just like any other keys on the keyboard except that we've to use those key along with fn key just like "Shift+c" for copy ...."Fn key+up arrow" to increase the brightness20:26
sometuxVCoolio, I just was thinking to make my desktop appear as WinXP so that why i wanted to move the notifications also20:26
_F-117who is the vbox guru on ubuntu ?20:26
VCooliosometux: you could uninstall osd and install the old nofitication app20:27
KE1HAgonzojive, what kernel version you on ?20:27
bazhang_F-117, try #vbox20:27
ZykoticK9_F-117, #vbox?20:27
Stavros_F-117: what do you need?20:27
ortsvorsteherdid you read the !sound website ashley__20:27
Stavrosyou want to run windows on a hard disk in a vm, don't you20:27
ortsvorsteher!sound | ashley__20:27
ubottuashley__: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:27
VCoolioAditya: run 'xev' and see if the key is recognized20:27
_F-117thx , need configuration of bridged wifi networks20:27
_F-117or wlans20:27
gonzojiveKE1HA: 2.6.32-24-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP x86_6420:27
ashley__<ortsvorsteher> thanks20:27
Stavrosnot sure then :/20:27
ToadayAnyone know why a MKV file would playback with incorrect color on Ubuntu, but not in windows?20:28
gonzojiveI was running fine for 60 days without a reboot, now 10 reboots the past 3 days20:28
vecsee bazhang20:28
vecthis is the host i'm normally on20:28
vecNOT BANNED20:28
ZykoticK9Toaday, nvidia?20:28
FloodBot4vec: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:28
dini have a usb drive that used to work but now fails. i tried it on another machine and it's fine. i keep seeing rejection i/o to offline device in dmesg. can anyone point me in the right direction?20:28
vecso no, i'm not ban evading20:28
ToadayZykoticK9, Yessir20:28
itsux2bugrep -i -n -r ‘powerdown’ *    ok.. i created this grep command from googling.. but got questions.. the * does what?  all files in current directory?20:28
erUSULitsux2bu: yes20:29
Vigo_din: Is it a Driver or just storage device?20:29
ports88hello, my admin told me I can ssh into port 88, hows that possible ?20:29
ZykoticK9Toaday, see http://www.wiredrevolution.com/ubuntu/fix-blue-tinted-video-in-ubuntu20:29
erUSULitsux2bu: and all dirs too20:29
KE1HAgonzojive, you have nVidia GPU ?20:29
gonzojiveKE1HA: yes, I do20:29
ToadayThanks ZykoticK920:29
itsux2buthe -r does each subdirectory?20:29
erUSULports88: he changed sshd default port20:29
harmandeepguys, what is the benefit of downloading DVD iso v/s CD iso20:29
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: any further thoughts?20:29
KE1HAmake sure you use the (recommendded) restricted driver, 173 and the other one drives CPU usage way up, and can lock cores.20:30
erUSULitsux2bu: yes; recursive. grep has a fine manual « man grep »20:30
tweak_has anyone used a ground loop isolator for audio output in here before and does it work?20:30
mikebeechamnot wanting to push you20:30
KE1HANot 173.20:30
harmandeepof UBUNTU 10.04.120:30
gonzojiveKE1HA: do you know how to check via command line?20:30
minimecToaday: THat's a codec issue. MKV is a container format (Matroska). Try to add the ubuntu-restricted-extras and maybe the medibunto repo.20:30
Zirtscan anyone recomend some decent video creating,editing program?20:30
AdityaVCoolio - Yep it did..coz, there is nt any problem with adjusting volume..we use the same key for adjusting volume as well...20:30
KE1HAgonzojive, No I dont, I jsut use the desktop.20:30
itsux2buso how do i 'cd' to the top of the directory structure if i'm logged in as root?   last question..20:31
harmandeepguys, what is the benefit of downloading DVD iso v/s CD iso of UBUNTU 10.4.120:31
ports88erUSUL: then how can I login to the system i tried sshd username@ip it doesnt work20:31
erUSULitsux2bu: cd /20:31
KE1HAgonzojive, are you unable to get into the Desktop ?20:31
itsux2bucool.. thx20:31
erUSULports88: ssh username@ip:88 ?20:31
gonzojiveKE1HA: well, looks like it just looked up anyway.   Do you know if there was a recent update to the nvidia driver?  I usually just do apt-get upgrade and let everything update20:31
Vigo_harmandeep: The CD has the standard install, the DVD usually has extra language packs and other stuff. But please read the site or official documents to make certain that you are getting what you need.20:31
oCean_ports88: -p 8820:32
minimecharmandeep: With the DVD you get the whole bunch of packages. With the CD only the default system. The rest is installed via internet and the ubuntu repositories.20:32
erUSULports88: no is -p 8820:32
edbhi. how the heck does one get rid of notifications?20:32
babu__how to increase the internet download speed in lucid lynx20:32
KE1HAgonzojive, No, but that 173 Driver and the stock UB NV driver has been causing issues. In restricted driver, go with the (recomended driver), that seems to resolve the issues.20:32
edbclicking doesn't shift them, they go translucent on rollover, and they stay forever20:32
edbwhat obvious thing am I missing?20:32
yonahwwhat is the "adm" group and is it related to "admin"?20:33
smwbabu__, you mean like a download accelerator?20:33
edbright clicking, left clicking, clicking then pressing escape or space, clicking then pressing alt f420:33
ZykoticK9yonahw, not sure what adm is - but it is NOT admin20:33
KomiaPoikaminimec: re, i installed the backends and gnome alsa mixer and it fixed it :) i had to put up the speaker slider.20:33
harmandeepi m not able to find proper links explaining what is covered in DVDs ...~~ can anyone provide URL20:33
KomiaPoikai have sound on speakers now20:33
gonzojiveKE1HA: no, I can get to the desktop.  I have NVIDIA Driver Version: 195.36.2420:33
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
minimecKomiaPoika: Nice ;)20:33
KE1HAgonzojive, you want the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version current) recommended.20:33
KomiaPoikanow i wanna fix the video problem20:33
smwharmandeep, anything in the dvd can be downloaded later anyways20:33
VCoolioAditya: sorry, don't know; google seems to say it's a known issue, but I don't see an easy fix20:34
edbcome on, this has to be stupidly obvious. what am I missing?20:34
yonahwZykoticK9: thanks, I am running ubuntu server and don't have an admin group. is this to be expected?20:34
KE1HAgonzojive, you can boot the desktop at all ?20:34
minimecKomiaPoika: If I remember correctly. You can play a youtube flash file on both of the Monitors, but no local video, right? Did you try alternate software like vlc or mplayer?20:34
ports88erUSUL, thanks a lot man, it works :)))20:34
smw!who > babu__20:34
ubottubabu__, please see my private message20:34
sometuxVCoolio, that worked!, thanks!20:34
ZykoticK9yonahw, i don't think so...  you could as in #ubuntu-server to be sure20:34
harmandeepbut i don have internet connection always ....20:34
gonzojiveKE1HA: yes, I can.  I just get crashes intermittently every few hours20:34
KomiaPoikaminimec: yes, that is correct. no matter the player, it shows a black video in window or grey video in fullscreen, with the sound playing normally20:34
yonahwZykoticK9: thanks20:34
edbIt's driving me mad - also, I have a room full of these machines, and I haven't seen one person work it out yet20:34
smwbabu__, I like to use axel.20:35
edbbe it IM notifications, the apparmor thing, whatever20:35
minimecand you tried totem and vlc?20:35
ZirtsCan anyone recommend me a decent free video editor?20:35
minimecKomiaPoika: and you tried totem and vlc?20:35
KE1HAgonzojive, log in, go to the restricted Driver setion, and load that recommended driver. Im using Dual 8800GT's on this box, and that solved my issue similar to what your seeing on the SMP kernel.20:35
=== Ziaeon is now known as Ziaeon_
erUSULZirts: openshot, pitivi, avidemux, cinelerra kino ...20:35
KomiaPoikaminimec: yes, same result with any player20:36
edbCome on, everyone else is getting past this with ease, and I'm being an idiot20:36
edbfeel free to inform me in an insulting way if you want20:36
babu__how to download it20:36
KE1HAgonzojive, or, you could donload the latest NV drivers, install build-essential and kernel-headers and build them yourself, that's worked for me also.20:36
smw!who | babu__20:36
ubottubabu__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:36
ubottubabu__, please see my private message20:36
smwbabu__, eh?20:37
babu__how to download axel20:37
edbhow does one make, a notification, go away?20:37
minimecKomiaPoika: That is really strange. I have a ATI 9600 in Dual mode here and a Nvidia 7600GS (Dual too) I never had that kind of problems... Also if I remember well 'Direct Rendering' is working ok, right?20:37
edbubuntu 10.04, gnome20:37
smwbabu__, sudo apt-get install axel20:37
KomiaPoikaminimec: how do i check that? glx gears are working at 3.5jfps20:38
edbnotifications stay around for minutes.20:38
KomiaPoikaminimec: how do i check that? glx gears are working at 3.5kfps20:38
edbcannot make them disappear20:38
IRC_BOT_2932#0 - quiznoBot20:38
IRC_BOT_2932#1 - quiznoBot.o20:38
IRC_BOT_2932#2 - quiznoBot.c~20:38
trismedb: you don't, you need to wait for them to timeout in notify-osd, I believe notification-daemon has the functionality though20:38
smwbabu__, then you can run it with the command axel -a <url>20:38
romulobrI have serious screen tearing on ubuntu, i have a radeon 5750 on ubuntu 10.4, any help?20:38
=== levon is now known as Guest54738
edbso in effect, it is a very very bad idea to have it on IMs by default, then, for instance20:38
minimecKomiaPoika: Hehe... 3,5fs? So no direct rendering. Check the output of glxinfo20:38
Zirtsyou using proprietary or open-source?20:39
minimecKomiaPoika: Ok. Direct rendering is working ;)20:39
KomiaPoikadirect rendering: Yes20:39
babu__is it able to downlaod video files also....because wget sometimes cannot downlaod the video file20:39
gonzojiveKE1HA: I think i've got the recommended driver installed now.  what do you reccommend for diagnosing video card issues?  is there a log for it?20:39
edbbecause people will assume part of their private conversation went away like it does with.. well, everything else ever20:39
edband bang, they minimise a window and there it is20:39
KomiaPoikawith only the laptop's monitor, video plays fine, with 2 monitors, only black output20:40
Zirtsand have you tried the open-source ones?  ATI proprietarys are ofthen caousing such problems20:40
minimecKomiaPoika: That is really strange and goes beyond my experience.20:40
romulobri have serious screen tearing, even on browser window with no video, scrooling is terriblr.20:40
smwbabu__, did you read what ubottu said?20:40
aronaliagadonde esta el chat en español?20:40
KE1HAother than syslog or dmesg I dont think so.20:40
mikebeechamI think aeon-ltd's given up on me already :D20:40
ZirtsI myself have a ATI too, and for me the open-source ones are a 10x better option20:40
smwbabu__, you need to prefix messages with my name20:40
Stavroshow can i install ubuntu on a raid5 drive?20:40
romulobropen source works as bad20:40
oCean_!es | aronaliaga20:40
KE1HAI've not had any trouble wiht the recomended NV restricted driver though.20:40
ubottuaronaliaga: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:40
martianbabu__: yes... but so can wget. Why do you say wget can not download video files?20:40
smwbabu__, it can download whatever wget can. wget should be able to download anything20:41
minimecKomiaPoika: lspci |grep VGA20:41
Zirtshave you configured your xorg.conf?   and do you have direct rendering on ?20:41
edbfor instance, and this is not a very hypothetical example, "Can you come in for an interview on Monday"20:41
babu__sometimes it did not download youtube video files20:41
edbrefusing to go the hell away in front of my boss20:41
romulobri don't even know where is xorg.conf I don't know about direct rendering20:41
harmandeepguys , is DVD ISO for UBUNTU 10.04.1released ... i had seen a few mirrors pointing to 10.04.1 DVD ISO directory , but having old ISOs ( see modification time )20:41
babu__! smw sometimes it did not download youtube video files20:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:41
ports88I want to reboot this server, but I dont want to make sure if there were any service running now it should also start once I reboot, how do I find out what services are running (e.g. TOmcat)20:41
babu__!smw sometimes it did not download youtube video files20:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:42
harmandeepand version number of ISO files20:42
ports88I want to make sure, correction20:42
KomiaPoikaminimec: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)20:42
smwbabu__, ! means you are talking to the bot20:42
Picibabu__: Please stop starting your messages with '!', it is confusing our bot.20:42
thune3harmandeep: even when I click through to 10.04.1 dvd, it is still 10.04 dvd. So be aware.20:42
ports88I want to reboot this server, but I want to make sure if there were any service running now it should also start once I reboot, how do I find out what services are running (e.g. TOmcat)20:42
edbwell thanks :)20:42
AdityaVCoolio - That's ok ! Thank you for your time! :)20:42
pbarrosedb: so do you just want to disable notifications all together?20:42
harmandeepcan anyone get me link for 10.4.1 if out yet ?20:42
edbI can do, and am going to20:42
edbI think it's necessary for subtlety20:42
ports88ps - aux ?20:42
ZirtsSection "Device"20:43
Zirts Identifier "ATI Radeon"20:43
Zirts Driver "ati"20:43
Zirts Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"20:43
Zirts Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"20:43
FloodBot4Zirts: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
Zirts Option "AccelDFS" "true"20:43
harmandeepthune3: what are additional items included in DVD ISO ... can u get a URL listing all those covered items !20:43
martianbabu__: If wget was unable to download something, it means that something went wrong outside of wget's control. Perhaps it's because of the copy protection youtube has on things.20:43
luisalfonsohello, how can I configure a printer with windows xp and ubuntu? The printer is connected to the pc with ubuntu, and I need to use the same printer to print from a computer that has windows xp. The computers are both connected to a router that connects to the internet. Thanks20:43
gonzojiveHere are a series of /var/log/messages output after a crash.  Can somebody please help make sense of this?  http://paste.lisp.org/display/11367820:43
edbnot much point in going off the record for a moment then having half your conversation glued to the fricking desktop20:43
aeon-ltdmikebeecham: last resort try OSS20:43
edbshame, as popping notifications are very useful, maybe I should fix it :)20:43
pietimeDoes anyone know where I can find plugins for pcmanfm? Specifically, I'm looking for a plugin that will show video thumbnails.20:43
ports88I want to reboot this server, but I want to make sure if there were any service running now it should also start once I reboot, how do I find out what services are running (e.g. TOmcat), how do I find that out ps - aux ?20:43
edbanyway, thanks for the help20:44
babu__k.. i downloaded axel..but there is no option named -u in axel man page20:44
martianbabu__: they said -a20:44
oCean_harmandeep: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download as always20:44
minimecKomiaPoika: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140912820:44
smwbabu__, -a is for a better looking interface20:44
smwbabu__, it is not required20:44
raptoi close from the electricity the computer and i re-open it. now  does not coming sound from ubuntu 10.04 (updated). can you please help me ? (but windows still works fine)20:44
Arcidiashi all20:44
thune3harmandeep: i did a diff of the manifests of dvd vs cd. There is actually very little useful on the dvd that is extra. http://pastebin.com/WABPvejd20:45
smw!hi | Arcidias20:45
ubottuArcidias: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:45
mikebeechamaeon-ltd: ok?20:45
rapto i close from the electricity the computer and i re-open it. now  does not coming sound from ubuntu 10.04 (updated). can you please help me ? (but windows still works fine)20:45
KomiaPoikaminimec: i don't think that will help me, the monitors have very different resolutions20:46
minimecKomiaPoika: I guess you have to do some further investigation. The so called x-edgers ppa is maybe a solution, but I never used that with Intel. https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa20:46
harmandeepthune3: is same applicable for ubuntu SERVER DVD ISO ?20:47
tweak_anyone else having buzzing or hum problems outputing their pc to home theatre?20:47
minimecKomiaPoika: I can only recommend that, if you know what you are doing.20:47
smwharmandeep, you are spending way too much time on this :-P. The dvd has stuff that they can't fit into the 700MB including languages, fonts, and some programs20:48
smwharmandeep, anything you need can be downloaded anyways after intall20:48
lolcat93I cant seam to get connection sharing to work20:48
KomiaPoikaminimec: thank you20:48
luisalfonsowhere can I find information on how to setup a shared printer, or how to create a network between windows xp and ubuntu 10.04_20:48
thune3harmandeep: i could run that again for server. But as you see for desktop, it is basically language suppoert + java on DVD.20:48
erUSUL!samba | luisalfonso20:48
ubottuluisalfonso: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:48
minimecKomiaPoika: no problem20:49
rapto i close from the electricity the computer and i re-open it. now  does not coming sound from ubuntu 10.04 (updated). can you please help me ? (but windows still works fine)20:49
erUSULluisalfonso: or you can try using a IPP driver for windows XP20:49
clarinet46dobry wieczór20:50
_eXeCuTeRanyone knows a good IDE for C/C++ in ubuntu?20:50
Frankiitaasomebody knows how to use sxinjected in ubuntu ?20:50
worldsayshiIs there a irc channel for ubuntu server?20:50
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server20:50
clarinet46czy można po polsku?20:50
luisalfonsoerUSUL, the problem is that the printer is connected directly to the computer that has ubuntu via usb and that computer is connected to a router. Do you think that I will be able to make the winxp computer print?20:50
=== Cain is now known as Guest99377
rapto i close from the electricity the computer and i re-open it. now  does not coming sound from ubuntu 10.04 (updated). can you please help me ? (but windows still works fine)20:51
smwworldsayshi, read ubottu's comments20:51
k5220it's 4 anything into world of Ubuntu20:51
seguratecquien me puede intruir en ubuntu20:51
clarinet46nikt nie polskiego20:51
smw!es | SegFaultAX20:51
ubottuSegFaultAX: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:51
IdleOne!es | seguratec20:52
ubottuseguratec: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:52
smw!es | seguratec20:52
rapto i close from the electricity the computer and i re-open it. now  does not coming sound from ubuntu 10.04 (updated). can you please help me ? (but windows still works fine)20:52
Somelauw_eXeCuTeR, Netbeans or Bloodshed.20:52
asscoHi, i'm having a problem with pm-suspend no putting my comp to sleep nor leaving it able to resume. I've tried setting the xorg.conf file and blacklist options in the     * NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend20:52
smwthanks IdleOne :-)20:52
asscowoops... sory20:52
k5220!translate es ru quien me puede intruir en ubuntu20:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:52
thune3harmandeep: there is no manifest available for server editions, and no such server DVD exists. (remember that 10.04.1 does *NOT* seem to be out, if it ever will be).20:52
=== pbarros is now known as turt1e
seguratecdonde escribo eso20:53
raptoubottu: are you kidding us ?20:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:53
harmandeepok thanks20:53
IdleOneseguratec: in esta bentana, escribe /join #ubuntu-es20:53
vectthanks for -q'n me20:53
raptoubottu:  how it is possible ? i ask you something and you answer me... ?20:53
vectthat was unfair20:53
thune3harmandeep: 10.04.1 DVD is not out that is20:53
k52208-) so so20:53
Ntemisis there a reason why ubuntu 64 bit is not recommended for daily usage?20:54
harmandeepi m not downloading those DVDs , i thought they might be covering software PACKAGES in DVD release20:54
SomelauwNtemis, do you use apps that rely on 32bit?20:54
Ntemis64-bit - Not recommended for daily desktop usage20:54
vecti've used 64bit Ubuntu for years, it's fine20:54
SomelauwNtemis, I use it.20:54
erUSULNtemis: already reported as bug in the webpage20:54
vectdaily too20:54
Ntemisbug in webpage?20:55
Ntemisis there for too long :)20:55
Ntemisi have an ion 330 with 9400 gpu and 4gb ram20:55
Ntemiswitch version i should install?20:55
thune3Ntemis: i feel it is appropriate to steer new-to-linux users away from 64-bit, but that is my opinion.20:55
clarinet46chcę pogadać o chórach mieszanych20:56
Ntemisam not new ;)20:56
k5220Ntemis: Are you Updated your system 8.04 > 9.10 > 10.04 ? Or you reinstall it every release?20:56
tweak_im using 64bit ubuntu and it works just fine20:56
Ntemis1 system comes from 8.04 to 9.1020:56
IdleOne!pl | clarinet4620:56
ubottuclarinet46: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:56
Ntemisnot 10.04 yet20:57
vectunban everyone, w0020:57
Ntemisother 10.04 fresh install buggy20:57
azlonhow can i only use my dhcpd server for pxe boots, but use my SOHO router for all other dhcp?20:57
k5220Ntemis: ok. I saw 9.10 and now running on 10.0420:57
DJonesNtemis: This was the official explanation of why the comment is in the webpage https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/585940/comments/6220:57
IdleOnevect: Please stay on topic. commenting on ban removals, etc is not on topic for this channel.20:57
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clarinet46i am director choir20:58
vectIdleOne: so let me get this, you guys ban me, throw this big fit that i'm ban evading, which i honestly thought i was unbanned, and now you're unbanning me20:58
vectwhatever, fuck your little "fiefdom", you treat regular users like shit in here20:58
k5220:-D 1,5k users = not bad $)20:59
vecti got another host opened in here20:59
Ntemisso for an ion platform 64bit capable what bit version?20:59
IdleOnevect: if you want to talk about your ban and subsequent removal of the ban come to #ubuntu-ops20:59
k5220on this channel20:59
smwIdleOne, he left :-P20:59
KomiaPoikaminimec: re20:59
IdleOnesmw: I saw20:59
KomiaPoikaminimec: with resolution of 1024x768 on both screens, i have video working on both screens20:59
KomiaPoikaminimec: only when i put higher resolution on the big screen , the video turns black21:00
KomiaPoikaminimec: i can even play fullscreen21:00
minimecKomiaPoika: Ok. So you card may have a maximal output resolution, I guess.21:01
KomiaPoikaminimec: but it works with no problem in macosx21:01
_eXeCuTeRhmm the number of available packages in ubuntu is really low. how can i expand it? even sudo apt-get install geany/netbeans doesn't work!21:01
KomiaPoikaand the rest of the desktop looks fine at 1900x120021:01
ZykoticK9KomiaPoika, with mplayer try using "mplayer -vo gl $filename" or "mplayer -vo x11 $filename" and see if either gives you non-black video21:02
Jordan_U!info netbeans | _eXeCuTeR21:02
ubottu_eXeCuTeR: netbeans (source: netbeans): Extensible Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.8-0ubuntu5 (lucid), package size 1403 kB, installed size 3252 kB21:02
Jordan_U_eXeCuTeR: Do you have universe enabled? (unless you're in a LiveCD session it should be enabled by default).21:02
minimecKomiaPoika: Ask the Intel gurus on the channel. I am more ATI ;) This is a driver thing...21:02
_eXeCuTeRJordan_U, when I go to synaptics, there are really not much of packages.21:02
Zirtsin windows you can use charmap to see all possible characters, but where can I see it on Linux?21:03
_eXeCuTeRJordan_U, universe enabled? don't know what's that and i'm not using LIVECD21:03
Vigo_I did not see Tor in the Software Center, I did see Tork, can I load that one and use it on other WMs or do I go to Synaptics and get search for the one that matches the WM I may be using? Ubuntu 10.04, older hardware.....21:03
chkdskis there a channel for wubi? #wubi appears to be empty21:03
_eXeCuTeRJordan_U, running sudo apt-get update now. hold on21:03
ZykoticK9chkdsk, no wubi channel (i wish there was)21:04
KomiaPoikaZykoticK9: i can play video with mplayer -vo gl :)21:04
KomiaPoikaminimec:  :)21:04
KomiaPoikaZykoticK9: thank you21:04
sabayonuserhello.. i am having trouble joining some channels21:04
ikoniasabayonuser: #freenode can help you with that21:04
ZykoticK9KomiaPoika, glad to help21:04
Jordan_U_eXeCuTeR: Open System > Administration > Software Sources and make sure that all of the "Downloadable from the internet" check boxes (except source, which isn't needed but can't hurt) are checked.21:04
KomiaPoikaok i have one last problem but a small one21:04
Jordan_Uchkdsk: What's your question?21:05
KomiaPoikahow can i put 2 different background pictures on the laptop screen and on the external screen?21:05
ZykoticK9!register > sabayonuser21:05
ubottusabayonuser, please see my private message21:05
Jordan_Uchkdsk: Looking through the log, yes it is but AFAIK you'll have to do it manually.21:05
chkdskHow would I go about that?21:05
Jordan_Uchkdsk: How comfortable are you with the terminal?21:06
chkdskThe extent I've used it to so far is mountaing/unmounting, installing applications and changing file permissions21:06
mikebeechamStill nothing aeon-ltd...not sure if you've thought about it any further, but I'm out of ideas...I've put myself into an audio group, enabled and maxxed everything out.  Audio continues to work at login level, but no further in...I know the speakers are working because I can hear them hiss21:06
Jordan_Uchkdsk: Do you have enough space to store a backup of your current virtual disk?21:07
chkdskI do21:07
Jordan_Uchkdsk: Can you boot from a LiveCD?21:07
minimecKomiaPoika: The coolest thing would be to install e17 as window manager, because that would give you to totally indipendant screens ;) This way, you will have to create your own background with the exact size of the two screens.21:07
chkdskI don't have a LiveCD handy21:07
mikebeecham...and aeon-ltd Output continues to show "Dummy Output - Stereo"21:07
chkdskbut I only really have about 50MB of anything actually worth backing up.21:08
chkdskI'm just not sure what to do about it21:08
guntbertmikebeecham: did you create a new user to check with that?21:08
ianwizard1I'm trying to write a script to do something when grep finds something.  so I need to (would like to) do a while [no output from grep]; do command; done      I can't find the best way online, so I thought I'd ask the vets.  how should I write the while?21:08
chkdskI could back the stuff up, delete the wubi installation and then re-create it larger21:08
KomiaPoikaminimec: i think i need gnome to get the airport working21:08
Jordan_Uchkdsk: It can be done without a LiveCD/USB, but it's *much* harder.21:08
blip-what graphics driver does Linux use during booting (plymouth screen) ?  I have a Nvidia Quadro FX card - does the driver not support 1600x900 ?21:09
KomiaPoikaminimec: what package installs e17?21:09
ianwizard1KomiaPoika: you have to find and add the repo for it21:09
chkdskThat's another thing, my screen has a native resolution of 1440x900 but ubuntu refuses to display at anything other than 1024x76821:09
minimecKomiaPoika: it's not in the official repository.21:10
jgcampbell300is it at all possible for a bot net to take over ubuntu server 10.04. I have been getting some strange traffic to one of my server21:10
Jordan_Uchkdsk: You can move the files you want to keep to your windows partition, it's avaialable within your wubi install in /host.21:10
ianwizard1KomiaPoika: you can find it if you go to enlightenment.com21:10
chkdskOkay, I'll go start backing stuff up then21:10
Jordan_Ujgcampbell300: Yes. Especially if you are using scripting languages like PHP to host dynamic web pages.21:10
KomiaPoikawill the wireless airport still work? if i don't use gnome anymore? i configured airport from gnome's taskbar.21:11
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ianwizard1KomiaPoika: if you're talking about wifi, you can still use network manager, or use wicd21:11
jgcampbell300ahh crap ... ok what steps do i take to secure / retake my computers lol21:12
minimecKomiaPoika: http://packages.enlightenment.org/  --> deb http://packages.enlightenment.org/ubuntu lucid main extras in /etc/apt/sources.list21:12
minimecKomiaPoika: You can use the gnome settings in e17 (loading gnome-settings-deamon and nm-applet at the beginning of a session)21:13
litercolawhere would one go for a little netwokring help?21:14
minimeclitercola: You're at the right place ;)21:15
guntbertlitercola: if it is ubuntu-related this is the place - if just general networking: ##networking21:15
markymarkhi, i normally connect to a network printer from windows. now that i'm on ubuntu i'm unable to do so. The instructions i have ask me to connnect to a server "something.something.edu" and I have a usernanme and a password. How do I do this on ubuntu?21:15
bazhanglitercola, ubuntu related can ask here; there is also ##networking as well21:15
guntbertbazhang: :)21:16
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litercolathanks all, ive installed an ltsp server with the alternate cd, but my interfaces don't seem to want to come up consistently21:16
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest12710
jordo2323Hey all21:17
Seveasmarkymark, from that description I guess you connect to that printer via SMB (it is a windows shared printer). You can do that in ubuntu by going to system -> administration -> printing, clicking add and selecting "windows printer via SAMBA"21:17
minimeclitercola: are we talking about hardware, or software configuration?21:17
=== Jinxed- is now known as wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Tabmov ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T FIX THE SPAM PROBLEM AND SEE THIS AS A SOLUTION : <tomaw> Ignore them, it's just spam. Tabmov boomshankerx isolat3dsh33p DBO quake_guy g0bl1n schmidtm markymark litercola erle- dreamer000 magnetic_ chrono__ Andy_B decto thing12 ortsvorsteher Guest90086 CadeSkywalker desti bdiu sacho jgcampbell300 blip- Sumo-Ente johnny` Kvik_sverige ianwizard1 moayad_ gnubie belak sabayonuser seatek rdavila Ramza KE1HA ttl- alphar21:18
Tabmov ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T FIX THE SPAM PROBLEM AND SEE THIS AS A SOLUTION : <tomaw> Ignore them, it's just spam. Robert_Zenz x2dz Ntemis GMeola Cain sjg156 charmer bleaked internalkernel wedwo PC-Ente mawst chancegarcia kancerman lolcat93 noname AxeZ MichealH ivo_ lov255 kkruit _eXeCuTeR krafty Fuzzy EspadaV8_W scullez xiong samuelbryner Arcidias Wi1d DavidLevin blindMoe 17SABCJYK temposs wildbat solid_liq rjune Maarten_ dudewhat aronaliag21:18
Tabmov ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T FIX THE SPAM PROBLEM AND SEE THIS AS A SOLUTION : <tomaw> Ignore them, it's just spam. sactodave blackMatrix_NY Martinp23 cyonyx hoodoos Shadowmat al0x snowrichard jabba grzesag ghoo mondragon Vigo_ jimius gonzojive congiman ssureshot bsod1 Dantonic psycho_oreos CARABOBO kalusn binni ndeah ryoohki SirDidi rwlove turt1e bcbc2 jefinc mike_kay squirrel_labs baba simar drygrain astrochimp Freejack` goshawk underdev Mi21:18
Tabmov ASK FREENODE STAFF WHY THEY CAN'T FIX THE SPAM PROBLEM AND SEE THIS AS A SOLUTION : <tomaw> Ignore them, it's just spam. Shurakai seidos sgh Mike__ justnulling2 pvl1 Nephyrin CyberGabber user1 bsaibes__ tmwsiy2012 bsaibes_ bsaibes busi _Lau_ Fandekasp _marix aerovista Aliselyn Prodego fcuk112 klandwehr imcsk8 DrGrov Line_ syn-ack Friar cangeceiro ubuntu-user jimmybaker jskulski janek ldlework marcuy daglees__ ghostcube_ rek yrkxek thune3 digitalsa21:18
FloodBot4Tabmov: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:18
=== wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww is now known as wwwwwwwwwwww
rjunewhat's up with tabmov?21:18
martiansomeone with a lot of free time and way too much anger21:18
solid_liqthat bot has been doing that in #freenode for days21:18
al0xkick anyone?21:18
Seveasrjune, hormones21:18
solid_liqIP addresses are in China21:18
xiong"Don't disrupt ... to make a point"?21:19
MichealHrjune: He is a Spambot21:19
=== Eruantalon is now known as sgldrlrkb
=== CptPlankSpank is now known as thyri0n
Prodegoit has been handled already21:19
=== sgldrlrkb is now known as Eruantalon
elkclone_lots of action today.21:19
rjuneSeveas, that time of month, eh?21:20
Seveasrjune, neh, probably male. Testosteron overload after having seen the expendables I guess :)21:20
ZolI love ubuntu<321:20
elkclone_welfare wed was yesterday lol.21:20
MichealHCan we please get back on topic21:20
SeveasZol, glad you like it :)21:20
MichealHIts a support channel?21:20
ZolBut I really do hate realVNC. Can't use shift-key. :(21:20
bazhangyes please get on topic21:20
SeveasZol, try remmina21:20
Seveasit is awesome21:21
ZolSeveas: Ah, thanks!21:21
ttl-Tabmow: ?21:21
ZolSeveas: Am on a windowbox. :/21:21
MichealHttl-: Its a spambot, just ignore it21:21
ttl-ttl-: what spam?21:21
SeveasZol, ah, you're trying to vnc *to* ubuntu?21:21
ttl-MichealH: ok21:21
ttl-MichealH: thks21:21
MichealHttl-: Cos I get it everyday nearly21:22
iverslolcat93: Did you manage to share your internet connection ?21:22
ZolSeveas: Yes. I have my server in the other room, but I need a windowbox for work. Waste too much time running between the rooms. :)21:22
SeveasZol, try tightvnc perhaps?21:22
blindMoeZol: make sure your firewall rules allow vnc to pass through21:23
Vigo_I am not spam....21:24
ZolSeveas: blindMoe: Thanks :)21:24
andreiutzhello, I have just booted ubuntu 10.04 live cd on my laptop(fujitsu-siemens amilo A1650G) but I have no sound. How can I install the sound driver ?21:24
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KomiaPoikahow can i chose from different keyboard models from gnome?21:24
SeveasKomiaPoika, system->preferences->keyboard21:25
binnidid Tabmov just list me as a spammer? How come?21:25
bmaxhallo.. anybody know problem with moovida and lucid?21:25
KomiaPoikai found21:25
Seveasbinni, no, he only listed himself as spammer. Please ignore him.21:25
agibis something going on with openjdk-6-jre?21:25
MaRk-IKomiaPoika: system/preferences/keyboard/layouts21:26
binniSeveas, alrighty :)21:26
agibhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/openjdk-6-jre => is up/down21:26
KomiaPoikaall the apple keyboard layouts are bogus :(21:27
thune3agib: can you clarify the issue you are seeing?21:28
agibthune3: `apt-get -q -y install openjdk-6-jre=6b18-1.8.1-0ubuntu1~8.04.2` => openjdk-6-jre: Depends: openjdk-6-jre-headless (>= 6b18-1.8.1-0ubuntu1~8.04.2) but it is not going to be installed21:29
erUSUL!intelhda | andreiutz21:29
ubottuandreiutz: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:29
agibopenjdk-6-jre-headless: Depends: ca-certificates-java but it is not installable21:29
erUSULagib: aptitude why-not ca-certificates-java21:30
andreiutzerUSUL, thank you21:31
agiberUSUL: No justification for removing ca-certificates-java could be constructed.21:31
rafazedhas someone tried wacom tablet with ubuntu?21:32
aguitelare the wireless chipset rtl8180 compatible with ubuntu 10.04 ?21:32
davidelvanyone know how to get the gobi 2000 3g internal model working under 10.04?21:34
itatzuissue with "language-pack-kde-en-base" on fresh install - update now marked as broken21:34
itatzucan not remove21:34
itatzucan not upgrade21:34
itatzucan not do anything - have filtered on broken21:34
itatzuhave tried to rm package but it repeats broken install21:35
lov255Anyone know if I can get Skype for Ubuntu?21:35
itatzuchanged repo country too21:35
erUSUL!skype | lov25521:35
ubottulov255: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga21:35
lov255thanks erUSUL21:36
aeon-ltditatzu: reinstall then remove21:36
itatzuaeon-ltd: i tried, it will not uninstall21:36
aeon-ltditatzu: whats dependent on it?21:36
ianwizard1bash scripting?       using command output (or lack thereof) as condition for a loop?21:36
erUSULianwizard1: is allways better to relay in the return value of the command.21:37
rvnhow can i add a custom menu category to the menu in LXDE?21:37
itatzuaeon-ltd: all the language-pack-en-base stuff21:37
erUSULianwizard1: what command are you using ?21:37
ianwizard1erUSUL: grep, and it's time critical so I need to react as quickly as possilbe as soon as grep returns output21:38
erUSULianwizard1: if grep -q file; then [do things here]; fi21:39
erUSULianwizard1: grep returns true ( 0 ) if it finds something21:39
litercolaanyone wanna help me with an ltsp server that won't bring up both interfaces at boot reliably21:39
erUSULianwizard1: -q supress output21:39
=== Maarten_ is now known as Maarten
_eXeCuTeRhow can i tell ubuntu to open text files always with gedit?21:40
rvnhow can i add a custom menu category to the menu in LXDE?21:41
ianwizard1erUSUL: so it returns an error code if it doesn't find it, but no output?21:41
erUSULrvn: maybe they know better in #lubuntu ?21:41
erUSULianwizard1: yes; you can add an else clause to the if statement for that case21:42
ianwizard1erUSUL: ok, that's great, thanks :)21:42
erUSULianwizard1: if grep -q file; then [do things here]; else [do some other thing.... ]  ;fi21:43
rvnerUSUL, i asked in #lubuntu, #ubuntu, and #lxde, no response in anywhere but here yet,21:43
erUSULrvn: i do not use lxde; sorry21:43
erUSUL_eXeCuTeR: right click on a text file, choose properties go to open with tab21:44
coz_rvn,  #lxde takes a long time to get an answer ....21:44
coz_rvn,  check here   http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=126521:45
coz_rvn,    maybe   The menu can be customized in ~/.config/lxpanel/LXDE/panels/top21:45
_eXeCuTeRerUSUL, didn't work. I pressed but the next .c file tried to open, asked me to run it21:45
_eXeCuTeRerUSUL, didn't work. I pressed but the next .c file tried to open, asked me to run it21:45
_eXeCuTeRoops sorry21:45
coz_rvn,  also look here    http://u-lite.org/content/lxde-capable-custom-menus21:45
erUSUL_eXeCuTeR: maybe they have the execution bit set ? see properties21:46
rafazedhas anyone tried a drawing tablet on ubuntu?21:46
agibman... something broken in the openjdk-6-jre package between yesterday and today -- I revered to mirrors of yesterday's packages and apt-get install openjdk-6-jre installs just fine21:47
_eXeCuTeRwhy su didn't work and sudo su worked instead? :o21:47
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erUSUL_eXeCuTeR: there is no root user in ubuntu21:48
erUSUL!rootshell | _eXeCuTeR21:48
ubottu_eXeCuTeR: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)21:48
erUSUL!root > _eXeCuTeR21:48
ubottu_eXeCuTeR, please see my private message21:48
TiKthere is a root in ubuntu21:48
MichealHTiK: Yes, Its like any other LInux Distro21:49
TiKtik@tik-laptop:~$ su root21:49
ZykoticK9!noroot | TiK21:49
ubottuTiK: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:49
MichealH!root | TiK21:50
ubottuTiK: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:50
rafazeddrawing tablet on ubuntu?21:51
TiKsudo passwd21:51
TiKthere is a root password now21:51
erUSUL!wfm | TiK21:51
ubottuTiK: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/21:51
MichealHTiK: Well, sudo does the smae thing as root21:51
erUSULrafazed: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom21:53
lolcat93ivers: No, I lost my internet connection on my computer following those instructions22:01
iverslolcat93: oh how nice. :)22:01
iverslolcat93: it's really simple and easy with ubuntu.22:01
Mixxithey all i'm having some trouble iwth the netinst it says my kernel version is wrong22:02
Mixxitim using ubuntu-lucid-mini22:02
tarvidTrying to install Ubuntu on a machine that has been running Ubuntu for years but has a CPU upgrade that requires CoolnQuiet or it overheats. Desktop installs fail to bring up X after install. Alternate failed almost at reboot.  Any suggestions on getting far enough for the kernel to turn on CoolnQuiet?22:02
lolcat93ivers: Huh? It didn't work, and I had to revert the changes and reboot.22:03
iverslolcat93: running a firewall not compatible with network manager ?22:03
lolcat93ivers: Not that I know of22:04
_eXeCuTeRhow can i change screen resolution in ubuntu?22:05
aeon-ltd_eXeCuTeR: should be a tool in the administration part of the menu22:06
aeon-ltd_eXeCuTeR: corrected by erUSUL22:06
aeon-ltderUSUL: thanks22:06
_eXeCuTeRyeah, i tried to find one but couldn't22:06
erUSULaeon-ltd: no problem22:06
mikebeechamguntbert: what did you mean by "did you create a new user to check with that?"22:06
minimectarvid: CoolnQuiet is handled by the BIOS and (I think) turned on by default if you have a compatible mainboard and BIOS. Did you have to update the BIOS for the new CPU?22:08
_eXeCuTeRaeon-ltd, can you be more specific?22:08
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guntbertmikebeecham: as your sound works until you login I wanted you to test if that is an issue just with your existing account or system wide: so I suggest you create a new user and see if you have sound as that one or not22:08
ZykoticK9_eXeCuTeR, System menu at the top then "prefereneces" then click on "monitors"22:08
mikebeechamguntbert: now THAT is a great idea...sec22:09
tarvidminimec: yes22:09
_eXeCuTeRZykoticK9, thanks. btw, I can't use any larger resolution than the maximum in here?22:09
ZykoticK9_eXeCuTeR, depends on card/drivers22:09
mikebeechamguntbert: just creating new account now22:10
blackswani want to build a custom kernel exactly like the default ubuntu kernel except for a few lines of code i need to change. what do i do?22:10
_eXeCuTeRZykoticK9, ok thanks22:10
wildejasorry i was disconnected. Did anyone post about my installing apps issue?22:10
ZykoticK9!kernel | blackswan22:10
ubottublackswan: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages22:10
guntbertmikebeecham: ok22:10
bazhang!compile > blackswan22:10
ubottublackswan, please see my private message22:10
minimectarvid: So CoolnQuiet should be running.22:11
tarvidminimec: Tried underclocking. Still overheating. This may be time to pull the new CPU and call it a bad day22:11
minimectarvid: Did you check for some options in the BIOS?22:11
tarvidminimec: passing the machine on to my wife and giving her an unstable machine is not a good idea, may have to change plans22:12
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minimectarvid: Definitly not ;)22:12
pZombieDoes ubuntu 10.4 lucid lynx server have Dom0 support?22:13
mikebeechamguntbert: ha!  a new user account plays audio fine22:14
blackswanzykotick9: what does !kernel | blackswan mean22:14
bazhangblackswan, it means read those links22:14
mikebeechamguntbert: so what would be stopping MY account, which is root, from playing audio mate?22:15
ZykoticK9blackswan, that sent the ubottu message about kernel22:15
jsemarcan someone recommend a tool (open source, available on linux of course) that I can a) interact with the commandline (so i can use python to do it) b) slow down a video segment to a specified speed, c) combine that resulting video with an audio file22:15
guntbertmikebeecham: nice, so we now know that is is something in the settings of your original account -- did you say root account? don't do that22:15
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minimectarvid: I have a 'CPU Feature' menu in a AwardBIOS. In that menu my settings are 'Cool&Quiet' [auto]22:16
mikebeechamguntbert: when I installed today, I had two partitions....ext1 and swap22:16
mikebeechamI just created an account22:16
mikebeechamis that not what I should be doing?22:16
erUSULjsemar: ffmpeg or mencoder ?22:16
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, in a terminal run "whoami" does it return root or your user name?22:16
wildejaHi. Is it possible to install an app downloaded from the repos on another machine, without having to download it again. Mobile broadband is limiting?22:17
ubottublackswan, please see my private message22:17
mikebeechamZykoticK9: it just tells me my username22:17
ubottuvalbaca, please see my private message22:17
ZykoticK9wildeja, move the DEB to /var/cache/apt/archives22:17
mikebeechamwhich, in this instance, is 'test'22:17
erUSUL!aptoncd | wildeja22:17
ubottuwildeja: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline22:17
ZykoticK9mikebeecham, so you aren't root then :)22:17
mikebeechamnot on this test account, no22:17
guntbertmikebeecham: misunderstanding!  the root account is not activated by default and you should not do it, that has nothing to do with partitions and mount points22:17
mikebeechambut then I am not logged into my test account22:17
mikebeechamguntbert: ok22:17
mikebeechammy other account is called, simply, 'Mike'22:18
dajhornjsemar: Look at the libraries that are provided by the VLC project and/or used by programs like mplayer.22:18
mikebeechamif I sudo, it asks me for a password22:18
lap_dragonenter your passwrod then22:18
guntbertmikebeecham: and that password is your own22:18
wildejawow, info overload. You have been very helpfull i shall get reading. Thanks for such a quick and concise answer. You guys are the best :)22:18
mikebeechamguntbert: yes, I chose it at installation22:18
guntbertmikebeecham: yes - back to your problem: as you just installed the system and didn't create any data yet your could ditch the mike account and use the test account (don't do it yet!)22:20
guntbert*you could22:20
mikebeechamguntbert: I COULD do...22:21
bonksHow do I automatically connect to the internet when my connection disconnects and reconnects?22:21
mikebeechamI would need to back up fstab, etc from the mike account, but it shouldn't take too long to do22:21
mikebeechamwhat would be helpful is to understand what is going on!22:21
guntbertmikebeecham: no, I said nothing about a fresh install22:22
wildejaerUSUL, Sorry, just one more. Before i go get APTonCD, dose it make any difference if the two machines are networked (i.e. do over network). And will aptoncd be able to send the quasi-repository to a HDD instead of CD maybe. (I realise this is technically two, sorry)22:22
guntbertmikebeecham: I'm looking for the easiest way to go on22:23
mikebeechamguntbert: no worries22:23
mikebeechamI'm fine doing that22:23
Corevette789I keep getting disconnected from a IRc channel22:23
Corevette789It says my connection was reset22:24
erUSULwildeja: may be easier to just copy the debs from /var/cache/apt/archives/ in that case.22:24
erUSULwildeja: but you can move the iso file ( without burning it ) as well22:24
Corevette789Someone will say something weird then I get disconnected and I have used a lot of clients22:25
Corevette789I don't know whats going on22:25
atheistfundyI have Ubuntu 10.04, with an encrypted home folder. When I run a disk scan, I see that $HOME and /home/.ecryptfs are the same size. Why?22:25
wildejaerUSUL, your the best cheers, B ye all22:25
bonksI just reset my router, now I can't access my ubuntu box via ssh. What happened?22:26
erUSULatheistfundy: because both are the same thing ?22:26
erUSULbonks: your nat rules where removed when resetting ?22:26
guntbertmikebeecham: are there any data/settings you want to keep (in your personal account)?22:26
mikebeechamguntbert: nope...I only installed today.  Everything I need is on a SMB share, connected to my mac downstairs22:27
bonkserUSUL: Well I mean I rebooted my router, all config remained the same.22:27
erUSULbonks: then i dunno ;) sorry22:27
bonksI have a reserved IP for that box too, so the ip could not have changed.22:27
og420joshDCC SEND "gettanewrouter" 0 0 022:29
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.22:30
DexterFgot a game, precompiled, CG Madness. starting the binary it says ./cgmadness: error while loading shared libraries: libGLEW.so.1.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:30
bonkserUSUL: hmm I plugged in my keyboard and dvi cables to check its screen, did not even log in, tested ssh via my phone, and it could connect again. weird22:31
DexterFldd says "not found", too but looking into /usr/lib the lib is there22:31
DexterFnow what?22:31
ZykoticK9DexterF, are you using 64bit Ubuntu?22:31
DexterFZykoticK9: yes22:31
guntbertmikebeecham: create a new user (call him mike2 or so), and set the account type to administrator then delete the "test" account and keep (but don't use) the "mike" account22:31
ZykoticK9DexterF, you probably need the 32bit version of that lib - see the script getlibs (makes 32bit lib install easy)22:31
mikebeechamguntbert: can I not delete the other mike account once everything is set up/22:32
ZykoticK9DexterF, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479022:32
guntbertmikebeecham: yes you can but I would keep it "just in case" (and be it only for playing with the sound settings...)22:33
mikebeechamguntbert: good call22:33
guntbertmikebeecham: if there are more questions please put them to the channel again -- bed time here :-)22:34
mikebeechamguntbert: yer a star...thanks22:34
guntbertmikebeecham: you're welcome :-) and Good luck :-)22:34
rafazedhow do i add ubuntu-touch server?22:34
ZykoticK9rafazed, i have no idea what ubuntu-touch is - but could be be looking for "utouch - A meta-package to install gesture libraries and tools"22:35
jasonwastehi can i get some help please i messed up real bad22:36
jasonwasteive tried everything i can22:36
ZykoticK9!details | jasonwaste22:36
ubottujasonwaste: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:36
Eryn_1983_FLhey how do i put packages on hold so i dont install these depends for wine it screws up pc22:36
DexterFthanks ZykoticK922:36
ZykoticK9DexterF, :)22:36
jasonwasteok Im running ubuntu 10.4 and i reinstalled windows, which deleted my grub. I booted the live cd and reinstalled grub but now when i boot up i just get the command line and not a choice of which os to pick22:37
erUSULjasonwaste: how did you reinstalled grub ?22:38
rafazedhow do i add the ubuntu-touch irc channel?22:38
jasonwastei either need to fix that, or find a way of copying my old files from my filesystem, which i dont have permissions right now22:38
jasonwastei um22:38
wedwoum is not an answer!22:39
jasonwastedid apt-get install grub, sudo grub, root(hd0,4), setup (hd,0)22:39
ZykoticK9rafazed, "/join #ubuntu-touch"?22:39
jasonwastei tried a different way before that from the forums as well22:39
bazhangrafazed, you'd need the irc council approval for that22:40
erUSULjasonwaste: from a livecd ? maybe you used indtructions fro grub1... but you have grub2 if you have 10.0422:40
erUSULjasonwaste: reinstall grub again following the instructions in the grub2 wiki page22:40
erUSUL!grub2 | jasonwaste22:41
ubottujasonwaste: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:41
jasonlifeIs there any place where I can check the xorg version and video driver version for Ubuntu 8.10 ?22:41
jasonwaste1.98 it says i have22:42
DexterFjasonwaste: thats 2beta22:42
ZykoticK9jasonlife, "Xorg -version" from a terminal for the version22:42
erUSULjasonwaste: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling from LiveCD <<< 3 method chroot is the one i recommend22:42
Jordan_UDexterF: It's not beta.22:42
jasonlifeZykoticK9: sorry, i don't have 8.10 machine around..22:43
DexterFJordan_U: yeah, that's why there's no final release number and hardly docs22:43
DexterFjasonlife: glxinfo | grep OpenGL  should give some driver info22:43
Jordan_UDexterF: The release number is 1.98, just like the last release of grub legacy was 0.97.22:43
lov255okay anyone know how to make logmein work on Ubuntu?22:44
jasonwasteok thanks guys, i'll try that22:44
jasonwastethank you very much22:44
jasonlifeanyone has 8.10 around?22:44
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bazhanglov255, what?22:44
ZykoticK9jasonlife, there is some way to specify distro with "!info xorg" command - but i can't figure it out :(22:44
DexterFJordan_U: grub1 just grew like that and never was officially titled "1" - the "2" is set22:44
lov255if you know how to get logmein (logmein.com, a remote computer service) to work on ubuntu?22:44
rwwjasonlife: hopefully not, since it hasn't gotten security updates since April22:45
rwwubottu: eol22:45
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:45
DexterFjasonlife: why are you still on 8.10?22:45
rafazedis there any "probably" reason, why my Lubuntu is very slow now? From one day to another it went very slow, mostly on youtube and Flash web pages.22:45
bazhanglov255, that has nothing to do with ubuntu22:45
DexterFthat's sorta... old22:45
shawnboyI need some GParted help. I'm trying to help my nephew. He wants to remove a Jaunty partition and its swap, leaving Lucid and its swap.22:45
DivecksHey guys, I just formatted a partition of an external USB2 hard drive, and I notice a folder "lost+found", that is locked and I do not have privlages to, even though I have chowned the entire partition. What is this folder, and how can I remove it?22:45
lov255bazhang it has everything to do with Ubuntu seeing that I am trying to get it to run on Ubuntu22:45
jasonlifeDexterF: can you check xorg version and intel driver version for me?  dpkg -l "*xorg*"  and dpkg -l "*intel*"22:46
bazhanglov255, try #ubuntu-offtopic22:46
jasonwasteoh i tried that method too22:46
lov255bazhang it is not an offtopic matter22:46
jasonwastebut i can't find the location of the partition22:46
lov255anyone know how to get it to work in Ubuntu?22:46
Jordan_UDexterF: That directory is on all extN filesystems, it's where files that are recovered during fsck are put if the original path can't be determined.22:46
DexterFjasonlife: packages.ubuntu.com - you can check versions for any package for any release there22:46
DexterFJordan_U: uh?22:46
erUSULDivecks: is a folder where extn fsck moves files that were lost but it found during check. it is needed do not remove it22:46
jasonwastei dont have the pencil thing to the left or the location bar22:47
jasonlifeDexterF: no 8.10 there..22:47
Jordan_UDexterF: Sorry, wrong nick.22:47
shawnboythe swap partitions are locked even though he booted to LiveCD.22:47
Jordan_Ushawnboy: Run "sudo swapoff -a"22:47
DiveckserUSUL, Oh okay. Is there any way to prevent nautilus from seeing it? It seems to me like that folder shouldn't really be visible at all. Perhaps putting a period before it?22:48
shawnboythat was it. thanks Jordan_U22:48
DexterFjasonlife: hey, indeed - weird... I'm on 9.10, can't help22:48
ZykoticK9Divecks, i think you just have to ignore it22:48
lov255are we in #ubuntu-unregged or #ubuntu?22:48
Jordan_Ushawnboy: You're welcome.22:48
Diveckslov255, #ubuntu22:48
lov255Anyone have any experience with using logmein on Ubuntu?22:48
DivecksZykoticK9, Really? That seems pretty silly to me, but okay.22:49
osmosisany good tools to figure out what is filling up memory and why Im going into swap sometimes?22:49
bazhangosmosis, top or htop22:49
jasonlifewhat is the code name for 8.10 ?22:49
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.22:49
osmosisbazhang, what about something with a history ?22:50
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:50
shawnboyJordan_U: nephew put on 2 swap partitions when he created paritions. Does it matter which he deletes now?22:50
Oerlov255,  no, ubuntu users use ssh, or vnc and logmein has a linux client and info  @ https://secure.logmein.com/labs/ but it is not supported here :-)22:50
DexterFjasonlife: curios: why no upgrade?22:50
ZykoticK9shawnboy, not really22:51
lov255oer: I can not get it working, the reason I need it is for my clients, I ahve all their windows machines in my logmein22:51
erUSULosmosis: "vmstat 1" ?22:51
jasonlifeDexterF: I just want to check the X version and intel driver version in 8.10..22:51
Jordan_Ushawnboy: It's likely that one was created during the jaunty install, and the other during the lucid install. Check lucid's /etc/fstab to see which it's actually configured to use.22:51
DivecksIs there any way to have my system wake up from wireless? Like wake on lan, only without a wired ethernet connection.22:51
DexterFjasonlife: ah - intel video driver madness?22:51
lov255Well let me ask a different question - is there a way to log into my ubuntu machine from a windows machine?22:52
ZykoticK9jasonlife, perhaps you could check on http://packages.ubuntu.com/22:52
DexterFlov255: putty22:52
jasonlifehttp://packages.ubuntu.com/ doesn't have 8.1022:52
DexterFZykoticK9: told him that - for reasons beyond me pbu doesnt list intrepid22:52
ZykoticK9jasonlife, ops sorry 8.10 has been removed - that won't work22:52
DexterFwhy was it removed? even 8.04... ah! LTS!22:52
DexterFlov255: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html22:53
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ZykoticK9DexterF, jasonlife obviously packages only shows supported versions22:53
jasonlifeI see22:53
DexterFit even lists 6.06 tho, and that's EOL since june I'd guess22:53
ZykoticK9DexterF, not for servers22:53
DexterFseriously? how long will 606 be supported?22:54
lov255what is the offical site for Putty?22:54
rafazedsome know if DW1501 Lan is compatible with linux?22:54
Jordan_Ulov255: Is it a java applet? (logmein)22:54
ZykoticK9lov255, 5 years on server22:54
DexterFlov255: hte one I linked, if you wanna play it safe search wikipedia and follow their links22:54
ZykoticK9DexterF, 5 years on server (sorry lov255)22:54
* DexterF just remembered it's 2010 :D22:54
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lov255Thanks DexterF - did not see the link posted22:55
* DexterF takes his medicine (10 yr Glen Morangie single malt)22:55
KE1HAWhat a mess this is.22:55
alecstoryHi, I'm running Lucid on an eeePC 1000, and I can't seem to get nm-applet to authenticate with a WPA2 protected wireless network.  What steps can I take to troubleshoot?22:56
krysisSystem Bandwidth:22:56
krysisMain RAM: 25.6GB/s22:56
krysisVRAM: 22.4GB/s22:56
krysisRSX: 20GB/s (write) + 15GB/s (read)22:56
krysisSB: 2.5GB/s (write) + 2.5GB/s (read)22:56
FloodBot1krysis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:56
WillWork4Foohi all :) Anyone have any idea why my wireless network icon in the notification tray is showing as disconnected - and I'm clearly connected (coz otherwise I wouldn't be on here!)22:56
DexterFalecstory: got any error msg? checked dmesg? var/log/messages?22:56
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bazhangWillWork4Foo, after a recent update?22:57
alecstoryDexterF: I'm not sure how to check that, but I'll look in v/l/m22:57
DexterFalecstory: just open with less and jump to the end, see if there's anything suspicious there. same with dmesg | less22:58
WillWork4Foobazhang, I've JUST installed from scratch and applied all the latest updates this evening.22:58
DexterFjust see if it tells about network stuff22:58
alecstoryDexterF: kk, will do22:58
bazhangWillWork4Foo, networkmanager applet bug I suppose; having the same issue here and Firefox assumes offline22:59
WillWork4Foobazhang, that's even more annoying. My networking works, but my networkmanager icon is showing as disconnected22:59
bazhangWillWork4Foo, yes, same here; likely a fix is in the works as its so widespread23:00
alecstoryDexterF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480648/23:00
alecstorylots of that, but nothing else23:01
WillWork4Foobazhang, hope so. I've got my fingers crossed that Natty Narwhal will solve all my current annoyances, and give me a minimal number of new ones.23:01
DexterFalecstory: doesnt look too odd. didi it work before? on another OS/distro/version? what hardware you got? what happens when you try to connect?23:02
alecstoryDexterF: I just resuscitated this laptop, but WPA worked back in June23:03
alecstoryI'm on an eeepc 1000, I'm not sure how to tell you the wifi card.23:03
ubottuPuTTY is an !SSH client for Windows. Please see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage and downloads. See also !scp (Secure CoPy)23:03
erUSULalecstory: lspci | grep -i net23:03
DexterFalecstory: so - what happens when you try to connect?23:03
alecstoryDexterF: it tries and tries and tries and then spits me back to a password prompt.  I've re-typed the password, and copy-pasted it from the router's config, so I'm pretty confident23:04
DexterFalecstory: does the network manager *see* your wifi net?23:04
alecstoryDexterF: yes, sorry if I'm being unclear23:05
alecstoryerUSUL: RaLink RT286023:05
DexterFalecstory: what router you got?23:05
alecstoryDexterF: Belkin Wireless N, it works with other peoples' mac and windows computers23:05
DexterFgot any other wifi client around to test? mobile, laptop,...?23:05
alecstoryit works on other computers around me23:06
DexterFi see23:06
alecstoryyeah, I've never had a problem like this before23:06
DexterFso - that's the same installation as when you last used the machine?23:06
DexterFno reinstall or such?23:06
alecstorybut I didn't use it on this network23:06
alecstoryshould I go find some other network to test it with?23:06
DexterFif you can I guess it helps ruling out that the wifi soft isnt broken altogether23:07
alecstoryyeah, I'll go try that, and report back.  Could be a while23:07
DexterFill be back myself in 10 or so23:07
alecstorykk, bbl, thanks23:08
DexterFalecstory: MAC filter on the router?23:08
alecstoryDexterF: sorry, missed that last one, saw it as I hit quit23:09
alecstoryplease repeat23:09
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Nilosneed help with a wireless connection, pm for details23:17
bazhangNilos, please ask here23:17
Nilosok, well I got the driver working and it sees my device.However when I attempt to run some scripts that USED to get me connected I got the message NO DHCP OFFERS RECIEVED23:18
Nilosok, well I got the driver working and it sees my device.23:19
NilosHowever when I attempt to run some scripts that USED to get me connected I got the message: NO DHCP OFFERS RECEIVED23:19
Nilosnone of the packets went through23:20
NickHansonNetDose anyone know how to install Ubuntu 10.04 on a old eMac G4 Power PC with Mac 10.4.11?23:26
DexterF<DexterF> alecstory: MAC filter on the router?23:27
ZykoticK9NickHansonNet, i'm not sure (i don't think) that 10.04 supports PowerPC (i could certainly be wrong)23:27
DexterFfrom what you tell us it rather sounds like the router is locking you out23:27
OerUbuntu 6.10 was the last officially supported PowerPC version of Ubuntu.23:28
NickHansonNetHow do you become a moderator here?23:28
kitcheNickHansonNet: have you check out the community page for ppc support really23:28
kitche!ppc | NickHansonNet23:28
ubottuNickHansonNet: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ23:28
DexterFNickHansonNet: checked if there's ppc install media?23:28
DexterFah, there we go23:28
MichealHNickHansonNet: Don't ask that.23:29
alecstoryDexterF: don't think so.  I'm not going to be able to get to another network soon, sadly23:29
alecstory /sigh23:29
DexterFalecstory: if all else fails you could give wireshark a shot and see what's what... that's voodoo then, tho23:30
AliselynI'm having a bit of trouble with my dialup connection, with gnome-ppp not being able to open/see my modem. I've downloaded the driver from the manufacturer's website, and ran it through wine, but it was not for  my model. I then tried downloading the conexant version of my driver, and it still cannot open my modem to connect. is there anyone that knows what I should try next?23:30
MichealHAliselyn: Drivers through Wine?!? Sorry, Can't happen.23:31
xaviermdcAliselyn, you shouldn't install drivers through wine.23:31
ZykoticK9Aliselyn, ya, you can't use windows drivers - you'd need a linux driver23:31
xaviermdcthose won't work23:31
KE1HAValiant Effort though23:32
MichealHYa it needs to be compatible with Linux things :)23:32
KE1HAWhat model conx modem is it?23:32
alecstoryDexterF:  wireshark?23:33
DexterFalecstory: if you never heard of it, you don't wanna go there, really :)23:33
hiexpo? having problem compiling  .c23:33
DexterFnetwork sniffer, shows you the data packages sent over a network interface23:33
hiexpogetting this error  crunch.c:1: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘<’ token23:33
MichealHHeixpo: Try to say your question on one line.23:34
alecstoryDexterF: so where else should I take my problem?23:34
MichealHHeixpo: but anyway... What is the issue that arises?23:34
hiexpoMichealH,  i amd tring to compile a c code and   ^  is the output23:35
DexterFalecstory: well.. next steps are ruling out culprits. so: test eee on another wifi, if that's succesful check out the router. if you have access to it try temporarily disabling encryption and other security measures23:35
lookhiexpo, there is obliously an error in the syntax23:36
alecstoryok, thanks, I'll try that23:36
MichealHHiexpo: You using gcc?23:36
DexterFalecstory: maybe the folks from aircrack-ng can help, they have a channel here. they're surprisingly friendly towards "normal" people :D23:36
KE1HAhiexpo, this probably is not the best channel for programming questions like that.23:36
hiexpook i gotta go brb soon thanks23:37
MichealHHeixpo: We can't do the code for you! :S23:37
lookhiexpo, look back on your code, three should be a ( before < some where find it like a good programmer.23:37
DexterFalecstory: then again - install wireshark, run as root and see if you can make somethign useful of it. perhaps googling specific functions helps.23:37
lookhiexpo, ive code C++ and i hear C is much like it so i might be right23:37
DexterFI'd check youtube for tutorials, too23:37
MichealHDexterF: Were trying to help the user, not pass the help over to a site.23:38
zusi downloaded a .iso image from the net. k3b shows a md5sum of one thing, the read me shows an md5 of another, this doesnt mean i got a bad file would it?23:39
DexterFMichealH: yeah, liek you spent the last hour to help, thanks a lot, mr self righteous23:39
MichealHZus: Yup23:39
AliselynI'm having a bit of trouble with my dialup connection, with gnome-ppp not being able to open/see my modem. I've downloaded the driver from the manufacturer's website, and ran it through wine, but it was not for  my model. I then tried downloading the conexant version of my driver, and it still cannot open my modem to connect. is there anyone that knows what I should try next? (sorry for the repeat, my internet died after I p23:40
MichealHDexterF: :/23:40
TiKAliselyn: you cant run things via wine23:40
AliselynTiK: what do you mean?23:40
TiKAliselyn: you can not install drivers with wine23:41
MichealHTiK: Agreed23:41
KE1HAAliselyn, you can't use wine for the driver, it doesn't work that way. What model Modem do you have ?23:41
MichealHThey don't have the compatibility23:41
sinusoidyo yo yo23:41
zuswould redownloading the file fix it?23:41
AliselynKE1HA: CXT AC-Link Modem23:41
TiKKE1HA: still at it. you are a help machine23:41
TiKzus:most likely23:41
TiKzus: www.ubuntu.com :D23:42
KE1HAAliselyn, ok, hold on one.23:42
MichealHAliselyn: Also, repeating your question won't help.23:42
NilosHaving trouble with my wireless connection.I did a "iwconfig" and I see the interface, also it does see the wireless adapter, but whenecver I try to connect I get the message NO DHCPOFFERS RECEIVED23:42
AliselynKE1HA: thank you23:42
sinusoidwhats output of iwconfig23:42
sinusoidcan you priv msg me?23:42
matt2I would like to hear line-in through my headphones (with no delay). I have unmuted and turned everything up in alsamixer but still hear nothing. Thanks  (running 9.10)23:42
AliselynMichaelH: I couldn't see any responses after mine, because my internet died, and disconnected me. I didn't know what else to say23:43
TiKNilos: does your isp offer automatic DHCP ip's or do you have to specify one?23:43
MichealHAliselyn: Ahhh, Okay :D23:43
NilosTik,  its automatic23:44
sinusoidairhgt --- did you run "iwconfig eth1 essid "network name"23:44
Nilosyeah I did all that23:44
sinusoidyeah and its not associating23:44
MichealHSinusolid: What are you doing?23:44
sinusoidthat's interesting23:44
KE1HAAliselyn, Not looking too good at the moment. Sttill looking a good Install procedure.23:44
Nilositb kept sending packets \23:44
sinusoidmichael -- helping... did i get in the middle of you guys helping him23:45
MichealHSinusolid: Nope, It's just you were saying his nickname. Which was a bit weird :/23:45
sinusoidi actually had the same problem with my wifi23:45
KE1HAAliselyn, Here's the Site, but unless you've got an Inet Connection already, you can't really Download the needed files: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Conexant23:46
sinusoidlol -- been a while since I did IRC23:46
sinusoidnilos -- have you looked at /var/log/jockey... yet?23:47
Nilosno I have not23:47
sinusoidrun an iwconfig eth1 essid "networkname"23:48
sinusoidthen dhcp obtain23:48
sinusoidthen tail -n 30 /var/log/jockey23:48
sinusoidmsg me output if you could23:48
MichealHOr pastebin it23:48
Aliselyn<KE1HA> Aliselyn, Not looking too good at the moment. Sttill looking a good Install procedure. (this was the last message I saw, my internet died again (it's storming here, lightning and all). what other info did you post?)23:49
sinusoidnot familiar with that23:49
KE1HAAliselyn, just this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Conexant23:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:49
sinusoid!pastebin fdf23:49
sinusoidgot it23:49
ZykoticK9!enter > sinusoid23:49
ubottusinusoid, please see my private message23:49
AliselynKE1HA: Thanks, hopefully that will work23:50
KE1HAHope so, but Modems, not allot of those needed these days :-)23:50
sinusoidanyone know how I might test my graphics card to know if it can handle 1080I23:51
sinusoidlspci = 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600]23:52
AndrewMCsinusoid~ well your could play a 1080p YouTube video23:52
MichealHMaybe "lspci" in terminal?23:52
AliselynKE1HA: do you think the Jaunty download would work on Lucid?23:52
KE1HAI think so cuz you have to compile it.23:52
sinusoidit is not doing it well, so i am wondering if it is a driver issue...  (also, I keep hearing flash playback sucks in ubuntu anyway, so narrowing it down is really difficult)23:52
zusare theyre any good tutorials on how to make files into iso? like an "OS" files23:53
MichealHAliselyn: No promises though :P23:53
sinusoidzus -- there is a utility in unix...23:53
MichealHWB heixpo23:53
Oervlc 1.1.2 use hardware encoder23:53
AliselynKE1HA and MichaelH: Thank y'all both23:54
kishhow the  do you disable services in lucid lynx23:54
kishi want a nice  window23:54
MichealHAliselyn: No Problem23:55
sinusoidOer: were you talking to me?23:55
xanguawhat services kish¿23:55
kishthat will let you click and disable23:55
kishxangua, ALL OF THEM23:55
ZykoticK9kish, you might want to check out BUM (boot up manager)23:55
kishis BUM installed23:55
ZykoticK9kish, not by default23:55
ZykoticK9!info bum23:55
ubottubum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-1 (lucid), package size 83 kB, installed size 520 kB23:55
kishsounds good23:55
xanguakish: not a goo idea disable ALL OF THEM23:55
kishxangua, leave ideas to me!23:56
MichealHOnly some of them23:56
kishsome are just annoying23:56
MichealHkiss, ?23:56
MichealHKish, ?23:56
kishwhat MichealH23:56
AliselynMichaelH: I've been working on this dialup issue for a total of about 12 or 13 hours, so I really hope this can be solved soon23:56
kishAliselyn, my god why dialup23:57
Nilossinus it didn't work23:58
Aliselynkish: it's the only thing available where I live that is cost-effective23:58
kishAliselyn, dare i ask where you live23:58
kthomas_vhhow to lower default font sizes for a particular app (if possible)?23:58
kishkthomas_vh, just lower them all23:58
Aliselynkish: the boonies, that's all you need to know :) somewhere cable does not run23:58
kthomas_vhkish,  point taken23:59
allquixoticHi, I have an Internet-facing Ubuntu 10.04 server. I am planning to use a regular user account + sudo for sysadmin purposes and NOT set a root password, so root can't login over SSH no matter what. I also want to enable mandatory public key authentication (in addition to password). Is this a good idea for security?23:59
kishoh florida23:59
kishallquixotic, its not a bad idea23:59
kthomas_vhAliselyn,  and no 3G?23:59

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