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tefalhi, there !00:59
tefaldoes someone know how to have the ubuntuone applet in ubuntu 10.04 ?01:00
duanedesigntefal: hello01:02
duanedesigntefal: theapplet was replaced by the Ubuntu One Preferences Panel accessed by going to Me menu --> Ubuntu One01:02
tefalduanedesign: ok, so is there a way to have notifications, like the applet used to do ?01:03
duanedesigntefal: Ubuntu One does not use the Notify USD Notifications anymore01:17
tefalduanedesign: ok, don't know if it's a good thing, yet... :)01:18
tefalduanedesign: thanks !01:18
duanedesigntefal: no probem, anytime :)01:19
Chipacamwhudson: ping02:25
mwhudsonChipaca: hi02:25
Chipacamwhudson: lucid?02:25
mwhudsonChipaca: yes02:25
mwhudsoni just read that this might be much better in maverick...02:25
Chipacamore or less (a.k.a. "oh **** yes"02:26
Chipacamwhudson: lots of small files was the worst case we had. It still won't be brilliant, but the difference on reconnect makes it usable02:26
mwhudsonChipaca: is there a ppa i can try?02:27
Chipacamwhudson: I don't know if it'll work, but you can try02:27
Chipacamwhudson: some other bits have changed, and I'm not sure if they'll all work in lucid *today*02:28
mwhudsonwilling to try02:29
Chipacamwhudson: also, it's a one way road02:29
ChipacaI mean, it upgrades the metadata02:29
Chipacaso the old client won't read it afterwards, you'd have to nuke it and start over02:29
mwhudsonand indeed, it seems to be the rescan on reconnect that means this hasn't got anywhere yet02:29
mwhudsonChipaca: will an old client on another box be able to read it?02:30
Chipacaif you're experimenting, you should be ok02:30
mwhudsonthen fine02:30
Chipacaok. Let's see what's the least cutting edge ppa I can get you on :)02:31
Chipacaapparently, the nightlies :(02:32
* ajmitch guesses that crack-of-the-day should work fine02:32
Chipacamwhudson: ppa:ubuntuone/nightlies02:32
mwhudsonChipaca: should i u1sdtool -q before upgrading?02:33
Chipacamwhudson: can't hurt02:33
mwhudsonThe following packages have been kept back:02:34
mwhudson  python-ubuntuone-client ubuntuone-client ubuntuone-client-gnome02:34
ajmitchmwhudson: you're trying apt-get upgrade, aren't you?02:34
mwhudsonajmitch: yes02:34
Chipacaah, try dist-upgrade02:34
ajmitchthat won't work if there are new packages02:34
ajmitchdist-upgrade ought to :)02:34
mwhudsonah ok02:35
* mwhudson installs other updates first02:35
Chipacaif it says "I'll remove X", be suspicious02:35
ajmitcheither ubuntuone gets no bugs, or subscribing to bugmail  just isn't working for me02:35
Chipacasorry, got disconnected. Did I miss anything?02:41
ajmitchjust me complaining about not getting bug mail02:42
Chipaca ajmitch: what're you subscribing to?02:42
Chipaca(copied from my history :) )02:42
ajmitchubuntuone, ubuntuone-client, ubuntu-sso-client02:43
ajmitchI seem to be getting bugmail for only the latter02:43
ajmitchit's probably something I need to take up with a LP person (hi mwhudson!)02:44
* mwhudson puts his linaro hat on, sharpish02:44
* mwhudson escalates his efforts to get ubuntuone-syncd to exit02:45
ajmitchkill -9 tends to work in most situations02:45
mwhudsonyeah, it might come to that02:46
ajmitchI'd hate to think what it may do to files on disk02:46
Chipacajust kill should work02:49
Chipacaespecially if it's stuck in local rescan or something :)02:49
Chipacakillall ubuntuone-syncdaemon02:49
Chipacatadaa :)02:49
Chipacamwhudson: how's it going?03:03
mwhudsonChipaca: ah, i hadn't restarted the daemon :)03:04
mwhudsonthe log now just says03:11
mwhudson2010-08-19 14:04:13,970 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.fsm - INFO - loading metadata from old version '4'03:11
mwhudsoni guess this will take a while?03:11
mwhudsonlots of io is happening03:11
Chipacanon-solid state drive?03:13
Chipacahow many files?03:13
mwhudsoni like to make life hard for people :)03:13
Chipacayep, that'll take a while, because we don't persist the metadata index03:14
Chipacathat'll happen during N03:14
mwhudson'while' == 'an hour' ?03:14
Chipacanot sure03:15
* Chipaca checks03:15
Chipacamwhudson: i have ~30k files and it takes a minute on my ssd03:15
Chipacaso, x10 for ssd->non-ssd, and x2.5 for num of files03:16
mwhudsonit's taken 10 so far03:16
Chipacaroughly, 15 minutes03:16
Chipacathat must be so much *fun*!03:16
mwhudsonso nothing unexpected yet i guess03:16
Chipacayou *like* suffering, dontcha03:16
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ajmitchgiven what he works on..03:17
Chipacamwhudson: I know who we'll go to to test perf improvements03:17
lifelessmwhudson: so; bzr ? :)03:17
Chipacamwhudson: there is an implementation of FileShelf that used sqlite, but we scrapped it. That was a long time ago, before people storing 10k files was reasonable. We might have to revisit that.03:17
mwhudsonlifeless: i'm helping make u1 better!03:17
lifelessflamingspork was putting his notmuch stuff into rev control03:17
lifelessmwhudson: you could put your repo in u103:18
* ajmitch is glad that he's not sticking all his mail in u103:18
lifelessChipaca: what does fileshelf do ?03:18
Chipacaone of our tests was checking out bzr inside Ubuntu One, and seeing how long it took to work on the other side03:18
lifelessChipaca: generations?03:19
lifelessChipaca: I meant to say03:19
Chipacalifeless: persists a big-ass dictionary to disk03:19
lifelessChipaca: you should add a busy commit-edit-commit-edit loop to that03:19
lifelessbecause what you03:19
lifelesswhat I saw your test do was unlikely to trigger bugs unless your code was -really-broken- :)03:19
Chipacalifeless: I've lost track of the syncdaemon development in detail, as I now manage desktop+03:19
mwhudsonah hah03:21
mwhudsondifferent stuff in the log now03:21
Chipacamwhudson: "OM_NOM_NOM_FILES"?03:21
mwhudsonso 15 minutes was a pretty good guess :)03:21
ChipacaI levelled guessing after three years of physics :)03:22
Chipacamwhudson: u1sdtool -s should now say "READY"03:23
mwhudsonlast log entry is03:23
mwhudson2010-08-19 14:20:17,881 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.local_rescan - DEBUG - comparing directory '/home/mwh/Ubuntu One/Maildirs/INBOX/cur'03:23
Chipacaso, first it reads in the metadata, then it does local rescan, then "ready" state (i.e. "let me connect already")03:24
Chipacayou can say u1sdtool -c to ask it to connect when ready03:24
mwhudsonu1sdtool says "Failure: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken."03:24
mwhudsonthis is the big directory it's on i guess03:25
Chipacanot sure why, but local rescan seems to block a lot03:25
ChipacaI'd call it a bug, this being twisted03:25
mwhudsonis guess even stuff like os.listdir maybe takes a while03:25
Chipacawhat's your memory looking like? (32bits, or 64?)03:25
mwhudson260 meg RSS, 64 bit03:26
mwhudsongrowing slowly03:26
Chipacaok, not too bad03:26
Chipacayou're probably the biggest controlled-but-in-the-wild case of lots-of-small-files I've seen so far :)03:26
Chipacaos.listdir is pretty bad, by the way03:27
Chipaca(I guess you know that already)03:28
Chipacathe bad thing is that os.walk uses os.listdir, so memory use is stupid big03:28
lifelessnot -that- bad, bit its slow enough03:28
lifelessso bzr has an optimised one03:29
lifeless(which you should be using :P)03:29
Chipacalifeless: how is it memory-wise? we're not too worried about speed, but memory can kill us03:29
* mwhudson wonders what fraction of the io is writing 500 lines to the log file every second03:29
lifelessChipaca: tight03:29
lifelessChipaca: bzr worries about memory too03:30
Chipacalifeless: and have you done an optimized walk too?03:30
lifelessChipaca: yeah03:30
lifelessdifferent interface, stats optimially, that sort of thing03:30
Chipacalifeless: where?03:32
Chipacamwhudson: if you're going to run it with debug on, maybe make ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log a symlink to /dev/shm/u1log ?03:33
Chipaca(or just mount a tmpfs there)03:34
mwhudsonactually i don't think it's so bad03:35
Chipacamwhudson: still local rescan?04:21
mwhudsonChipaca: how do i tell?04:22
mwhudsonu1sdtool is still hanging04:22
Chipacamwhudson: that's a "yes", then :(04:23
Chipacamwhudson: also, every MARK_INTERVAL, it prints the current state to the log04:24
Chipacamwhudson: grep NOTE.*MARK | tail should work04:25
Chipaca(on the log)04:25
mwhudsonwhat's MARK_INTERVAL usually?04:33
mwhudsoni haven't seen one in the last 6-7 minutes or so04:33
* Chipaca looks in /etc/xdg/ubuntuone04:34
Chipaca2 minutes04:34
duanedesignChipaca, I am liking the Nautilus improvements04:54
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leeb9972anyone know how i can add machine on ubuntuone, i do not get the option?11:13
ryeleeb9972, hi, what distribution are you running?11:18
ryeleeb9972, ok, have you had your computer authorized in the past or this is the first time?11:21
leeb9972i had it authorised in past, but i delted the machine11:21
ryeleeb9972, ok, just a moment11:22
ryeleeb9972, # open seahorse utility (Karmic, Lucid: Applications/Accessories/Passwords and Encryption Keys; Maverick: System/Preferences/Passwords and Encryption Keys)11:23
ryeremove the entry called "Ubuntuone token for https://ubuntuone.com".11:23
ryerun ubuntuone-preferences from MeMenu again and it should prompt you to re-add the machine11:23
mandelvds, ping11:50
vdsmandel pong11:53
mandelvds, did you get my last msg?11:53
vdsmandel: yes but I see strange thing in xchat :)11:54
mandelvds, such as?11:54
vdsmandel: that's the same error I get running the script from nant11:54
vdsmandel: have you tried to run the script from cmd?11:55
vdsit works11:55
vdsmandel: btw did you get my msgs?11:55
mandelvds, so, it looks like nant makes the script to behave strange when dealing with sockets11:55
vdsabout multiple items, s3 and static file system?11:55
vdsmandel: pretty strange11:55
mandelvds, bulloks, I'll try to get the debugger and see what is going on11:55
vdsI have no idea of how fork works on win11:56
vdsmandel: before you do that11:56
vdscan we talk a bit about the idea of updating the rss instead of generating a new one>11:56
mandelsure, give me a sec11:57
vdsas I said the name of the installer is the same so we need different url11:57
vdsI can easily do it with s3 now11:57
vdsbut we've been told we'll store the installers on a static folder11:58
vdswell static folders11:58
vdsso we'll have to change the script11:58
vdsmandel: I do it with multiple items, later we'll figure it out11:59
vdsmandel: byw I need some help with the uids11:59
mandelvds, I'll be back in 2 min, something is going on with the network11:59
vdsah ok11:59
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mandelvds, ok, I'm back I should be able tow ork now12:05
mandelvds, you were saying??/12:05
vdsmandel: I was saying12:05
vdsthat we can list multiple items in the rss12:06
vdsthat means having more than one installer available at the time12:06
vdsthat means store the installers in different folders12:06
mandelvds, yes, that is the idea of the rss feed12:06
mandelvds, ok, is that a problem in s3?12:07
vdsnot at all12:07
vdsbut s3 is temporary12:07
vdsso we'll have to change when we go in production12:07
vdsnot a big issue12:07
vdsI'm working on it12:07
mandelvds, ok, so the plan is, you work on that and I debug the stupid nant issue?12:08
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vdsmandel: yep12:11
mandelvds, cool, I'll let you know how it goes12:12
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mandelvds, ok, found the issue, when executing with nant we ran out of retries to make the connection, I'm looking at the exact reason right now12:33
vdsmandel: that's interesting12:33
mandelvds, we get several times the existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host, this is comming from the TCP stack from windows12:35
mandelvds, I'll pocking the boto code to take a look12:35
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mandelvds, looks like the issue is when we try to upload the package, I wonder if the S3ReposneError leaves the connection unusable and we have issues with that12:52
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mkarnickigood afternoon!13:12
mandelvds, fixed the bug, you script does not like relative paths, why, no fucking clue but the boto connection does not like it, I fixed it by making the build copy the msi to the utils dir, upload and clean13:15
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dnielsenthere appears to be a problem with the last version of libubuntuone in maverick with regards to the CIL bindings14:25
ubot4Gnome bug 626962 in Community Extensions "Ubuntu One Music Store extension fails to build" [Normal,Resolved: notgnome]14:25
* ajmitch takes a quick look14:26
ryednielsen, bug #61894514:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 618945 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Maverick: with the ubuntuone store plugin enabled Rhythmbox can not import files or folders (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 1745)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61894514:27
ryednielsen, please ignore my reply14:29
ajmitchlooks to be a slightly different issue14:30
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ajmitchI see the bindings did change a bit in 0.3.214:34
dnielsenajmitch, okay so they aren't as feared borked?14:42
ajmitchI'm not sure, I'm rebuilding it now to check them :)14:42
ajmitchor trying to14:42
ryeduanedesign, you might be interested in http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-publish-service.py - automatic publishing of the files based on their path and nice pynotify notification about file publishing state (for all files)16:35
ryeduanedesign, lives in bzr:~rye/+junk/ubuntuone-scripts16:35
mkarnickirye: you mean, lp:~rye/+junk/ubuntuone-scripts ?16:36
ryemkarnicki, ah, yes, you are right16:37
mkarnickirye: I'll gladly branch it to learn some python on that :)16:38
ryebecause i find the need to publish files pretty often, and this script can be put to startup applications...16:38
ryemkarnicki, please note that i am learning python at this time as well, so the code can be baaaaad16:39
mkarnickirye: no probs, I'm sure I'll only gain from it :)16:39
mkarnickirye: btw I haven't started learning yet, so that branch is for pleasure reading :)16:40
duanedesignrye: that is neat! thank you17:17
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duffydacknice idea17:37
duffydackhow do I get the notification back like you have ?17:38
ryeduffydack, that's not Ubuntu One notifications, thats generated by the script17:39
duffydackI know they are for the script, but  Ijus want it back for general17:39
ryeduffydack, me too17:49
lahwranis it just me, or is updown going really slow?17:59
Chipacalahwran: it seems to be tripping up more than usual, yes18:00
Chipacanot sure what's up with that18:00
mbarnetthmm, it does look like updown is having a bit of a hard time.  Beating it with a stick now.18:00
Chipacadnielsen: updown servers are the ones that put things in and out of ubuntu one through the web18:00
Chipacadnielsen: for the file sync part, that is18:01
lahwranmight it have anything to do with my file not having synced in a day or two?18:01
lahwranI thought updown was the web only18:01
Chipacalahwran: nope, updown is only through the web18:01
dnielsenthat will teach me to irc with a fever18:01
Chipacadnielsen: yeah, only irc with people. ircing with fevers is always trouble.18:01
* lahwran downloads file that didn't sync with this computer and adds it manually18:02
* lahwran is a little annoyed at ubuone now ... looks like it doesn't have the latest version of this file18:04
lahwranit's not on my cloud part18:04
Chipacalahwran: is your syncdaemon connected?18:06
lahwrannot sure18:07
Chipacalahwran: u1sdtool -s ?18:07
lahwranis on this machine at the moment18:07
lahwranI think it only just connected a minute or two ago18:07
Chipacalahwran: what odes u1sdtool -s output?18:07
lahwranand idle18:08
Chipacaand which is the file that didn't sync?18:08
lahwranit's a script i'm writing18:19
ryerodrigo_, ping, how do I use libsyncdaemon from python?18:45
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ryeanybody here tried using libsyncdaemon with python?19:33
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dobeyalo govna20:42
popeyhaving fun playing with new music store features :)20:44
dnielsenajmitch, any update on the bindings issue?22:28
* ajmitch didn't have much of a chance to look at it - it was nearly 2AM & things weren't cooperating :)22:31
ajmitchnow I recall, I was trying to build stuff & one of the NZ mirrors was dead22:34
rodrigo_rye, you need pygi, the new python bindings that use the introspection stuff23:01
rodrigo_rye, not sure how it's used, look for info on live.gnome.org23:01
ryerodrigo_, here's the problem23:01
ryerodrigo_, syncdaemon has connect() method and it overrides connect() method of GObject23:02
rodrigo_hmm, oh23:02
ryerodrigo_, so it is impossible to get any signal assigned23:02
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rodrigo_rye, so, gobject's connect is g_signal_connect binding?23:02
ryerodrigo_, and if i rename connect to e.g. do_connect / do_disconnect it does the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480629/23:03
ryerodrigo_, so first bug report will be about inability to tie the signals and the second one is to convert gpointers to gslist or something python-list-compatible23:04
rodrigo_rye, well, we need probably to make the Python bindings do all that, or do you mean renaming the methods in libsyncdaemon?23:06
ryerodrigo_, regarding connect/disconnect - there is not much we can do w/o renaming connect/disconnect methods within syncdaemon, unfortunately23:08
rodrigo_hmm, ok23:08
rodrigo_rye, so, what do they do in the GLib python bindings to have GObject.connect match g_signal_connect23:12
rodrigo_that doesn't seem to be automatic at all23:12
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rodrigo_it looks to me there's custom code to do that mapping, so can't we do that?23:13
rodrigo_mainly, because a API change now, not sure how it would get seen for Maverick23:13
rodrigo_but I'm ok with renaming the methods and provide #define's to provide the old API23:13
ryerodrigo_, bug #62073523:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 620735 in ubuntuone-client "libsyncdaemon gobject introspection cannot be used from python (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62073523:22
mwhudson2010-08-20 10:25:53,082 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: <State: 'QUEUE_MANAGER'  (queues WORKING_ON_BOTH  connection 'With User With Network')>; queues: metadata: 64712; content: 75226; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=5109776 miss=504593) ----23:26
mwhudsonthis is going to take a while?23:26
mwhudsonthe queues don't seem to be going down very fast...23:26

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