
=== stochastic_ is now known as stochastic
* abogani waves11:08
jussihello abogani!!!11:09
aboganijussi, Hi Jussi!11:09
aboganiAnyone could remove all references to -rt from Studio's seeds, please?11:09
=== ScottL_ is now known as ScottL
scott-workabogani: you really want all reference to -rt kernel removed from the seeds?14:19
scott-worki've been meaning to update the seeds for some time now14:19
scott-workand i just haven't gotten to it...now things are stacking up :(14:19
aboganiscott-work: Yeah. I don;t have choice I'm ignored at all from UKT so they don't neither upload the old -rt  kernel nor upload the -realtime one. Also -lowlatency (which was the old -preempt and was created and supported by that team) is totally since March.14:21
aboganiSo what can I propose to different?14:22
aboganiWithout upload right the only thing that I can do without depends from others is give up.14:23
scott-workhmmm, i don't know abogani, i don't have a good understanding of the UKT and howit works, or quite frankly a lot of the politics involved around the kernel14:46
=== irvy is now known as irv
falktxscott-work: hi15:11
falktxscott-work: is ubuntustudio interested on a wine-rt patch ?15:11
scott-worki'm not sure falktx, abogani was actually talking about removing the -rt kernel from ubuntustudio-seeds15:12
falktxscott-work: this one is different... you should read that page, I'm not the best guy to explain it...15:12
scott-workfalktx: which programs used in ubuntu studio would need both wine and -rt functionality?15:13
falktxscott-work: any wine applications15:14
falktxscott-work: also dssi-vst, fst/festige or similar15:14
scott-workfalktx: while i wouldn't say that any wine application might need -rt i could see dssi-vst and fst/festige needed it :)15:14
falktxit's not about the rt-kernel, just making wine apps getting higher priorities15:17
scott-workoh, and less dropped audio then, cool15:31
falktxeheh, someone finished reading...15:32
holsteinwhat is going on with linux-rt?16:33
falktxholstein: will be removed from US afaik16:34
holsteinscott-work abogani jussi 16:39
holsteincan we wait on that -rt removal16:39
holsteintheres a couple UKT guys local to me16:40
holsteinone of them is im my LUG16:40
holsteinmaybe i can help make some communication happen between them and abogani ??16:40
scott-workholstein: that would absolutely rock!16:40
holsteincouple days...16:43
holsteini'll get back to you scott-work when i hear from one of them16:43
holsteinscott-work: this is JFo 17:02
scott-workhi JFo  :)17:02
JFohi scott-work 17:02
JFohow are things?17:02
scott-workdoing okay...can i ask a few questions about the -rt kernel, i'm pretty ignorant about the UKT and how things are messing17:03
scott-worki guess first i should ask about the -lowlatency and -preempt kernels...i've heard rumours that they might be included in the main, any thruth?17:03
JFothe -rt kernel is community sponsored, but I'll answer what I know :)17:03
JFoscott-work, I can find out about that17:04
JFoone sec...17:04
JFolet me see if I can catch the ear of one of the engineers17:05
scott-workcertainly, i'm working with one eye anyways :)17:05
JFoabogani, have you heard anything about them while I'm asking?17:06
falktxscott-work: do you really want to remove rt kernel from ubuntustudio?17:07
JFothey are usually deep in code, so it may be a minute before they see my request :)17:07
JFoso 'preempt is an official flavour for Lucid, not for Maverick' I am told17:07
scott-workfalktx: ideally, no.  some users will greatly benefit by having the -rt kernel17:08
scott-workJFo:  :(17:08
falktxhave to go17:08
scott-workwas an rationale offered?  (not trying to sound rude)17:08
scott-workfalktx: see ya17:08
JFoand I am told there is nothing for -lowlatency in Lucid or Maverick17:09
JFoscott-work, I can ask about that17:09
JFoit is no problem :)17:09
scott-workJFo: sorry i'm distracted, i have people coming to my desk and asking questions as work17:10
JFoscott-work, <tgardner> the -rt guys are providing a kernel AFAIK, so it was duplicated functionality.17:11
JFono problem17:11
JFowe can discuss later if you like17:11
scott-workJFo: i would like to explain my concern about the kernels17:11
JFoI am all ears17:11
scott-workwe can certainly create any flavour we like and host it in ppa but the precludes us from it being installed by default17:11
JFoI understand your concern there17:12
scott-workwe have several types of users who either don't understand ppa's, are unwares of them, or simply choose to not use them17:12
scott-workso we lose the functionality for those users17:12
scott-worki understand as well that we multiply the work for the UKT by having soo many flavours for such a niche group of users though17:12
scott-worki was hoping we can find some compromise that would allow us to provide fucntionality to our users without appreciably increasing the workload on UKT17:13
scott-workJFo: i'm not sure i understand your quote about providing the -rt kernel but duplicated functionality17:14
JFosorry, I'm in a meeting so my attention is divided as well17:16
JFolet me read back a bit17:16
JFoI completely understand your comment about PPA;s17:17
JFoI'm working on something around that myself now17:17
JFoI think that there is a movement toward the -rt, but I have not pushed into it myself17:18
JFoI'm not sure why they decided not to have a preempt or lowlatency kernel17:18
JFobut I think they are under the impression that the -rt met those needs17:18
JFois that not true17:19
JFoor is there an issue in the -rt kernel in this case17:19
scott-worki hope other's will chime in as well (for my experience is more with -generic and -rt) but i  ** think ** the -rt will provide what the other two do not, with one caveat17:20
scott-worklaptop users will find that possible the -generic isn't enough but that the -rt might each up too much battery17:20
scott-workbut please don't misunderstand me, getting the -rt kernel supported would be an incredibly awesome milestone17:21
scott-worknot to sound to jono-ish, that would absolutely rock!17:21
scott-workJFo:  does this mean we might see the -rt kernel available for maverick?  or possibly natty?17:27
JFounfortunately I can't answer that17:27
JFoI believe abogani is doing the -rt kernel17:27
JFobut I could be mistaken17:27
JFoI do know that it is a community effort17:28
JFoso I don't have much in the way of detail17:28
JFobut there again, it is something I can bring up with the team17:28
JFoboth so that I can get some detail for myself and so that I can see why we aren't doing it ourselves17:29
scott-workabogani: are you around?17:29
scott-workJFo: that would be really appreciated!  sometimes it is hard to find the right channels to get accurate information17:29
JFoI understand17:30
JFobut you can freely ask me or anyone else on the team in #ubuntu-kernel17:30
scott-workJFo: i was under the impression that the kernel team wasn't interested in abogani 's -rt kernel , but perhaps i misunderstood his position17:30
JFoI'm in there all the time :)17:30
JFoscott-work, that isn't my impression17:30
JFobut I'd love to talk to him about that17:31
JFoand see what isn't getting done for him17:31
scott-worki might join #ubuntu-kernel this afternoon when i have more time :)17:31
scott-worki hope your impression is right ;)17:31
JFosounds good :)17:31
JFothere could always be some miscommunication too17:32
JFoall of us have our tons of work :)17:32
JFoone thing to consider is that all of these guys are deep in the code, so it may take some time to get to you and your question should you ask one :)17:33
scott-workvery, very true.... JFo thank you for your time and consideration, it really helps :)17:33
JFoit took them a minute to answer me and they work with me :-)17:33
scott-workoh, no problem in that, i understand17:33
JFoscott-work, I'm always happy to chat17:33
JFoany time you like17:34
JFoI'll add this to my channel list so you guys can ping me with questions too. I'll answer any I can17:35
scott-worksweet, thanks17:36
JFomy pleasure17:42
JFoand I am serious about being available for your questions. you can send me e-mail to jeremy@ubuntu.com if I'm not online17:42
JFoI'll do my best to get the information you are asking for and get back to you17:43
JFoif you find that useful17:43
scott-workwow, that is very, very gratious of you!  and really appreciated, thank you very much17:52
JFoit's no problem :)18:03
=== astralja1a is now known as astraljava
astraljavaAnyone else have trouble with cdimage.u.c ?19:21
holsteinastraljava: i'll confirm something if you need19:22
astraljavaholstein: Downloading is clipping real bad. Halts for minutes, then slowly gains bandwidth, then grinds to a halt again.19:24
astraljavaMight be my connection though, 3G is a joke.19:25
* holstein just complaining about verizon in another channel ;)19:25
holsteinastraljava: shoot me a link if you want, and i'll check it out for you19:26
astraljavaholstein: Thanks, but I'm fairly confident it's my end.19:28

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