
loadedelix1on: not to mention different CNC´s, plotters etc etc00:00
loadedelix1on: thats why they use Linux00:00
elix1onloaded: well i've found inkscape to replace illustrator, gimp for PS, and Scribus for indesign, they all look good. I'm not using Rhino too much and ain't that good at it, so Blender should be fine to learn. AutoCAD is the one I use a lot, and that's probably the most important one, but I can always run it under a VM00:00
loadedelix1on: flexible, reliable tweakable etc etc00:00
loadedelix1on: Autocad runs with platinum under wine if im not mistaken00:01
loadedelix1on: since the inputs i had on qcad aint that good00:01
elix1onloaded: i only find the old ones from like -03 -04 having Gold, the new ones are Garbage apparently :(00:02
elix1onloaded: but tbh, sincie i got vmware fusion i hardly boot in XP when I use autocad, so i might just as well VM it under Linux anyway, won't make a difference i suppose. VirtualBox is supposed to be good i've read00:04
loadedelix1on: yeah i checked latest versions suck under wine00:05
loadedelix1on: thats an option00:05
elix1onloaded: and if i can panic using the linux alternatives gimp etc i can run everything under Win 7 or something, been running what i can under os x just because there are mac versions of them.00:06
elix1onloaded: will leave me with booting a single linux distro and VM the rest, a bit easier than now. and Studio had so many extra nice apps for image editing and colors etc00:07
loadedelix1on: well my  sugestion would be for you to start using the Linux versions along with Win Apps until u feel confortable with the*unix ones00:07
loadedelix1on: or the mac ones00:07
elix1onloaded: yeah i won't be able to make a complete sudden change, will take me some time to get used to the change, but oh how much better it will be once i'm used to it!00:08
loadedelix1on: thats what im doing with audio Apps...instead of a total rupture im doing a slow transition00:08
loadedelix1on: cause its been a steap learning curve (for me anyway)00:09
elix1onloaded: how tricky is it to install the RT kernel for a beginner like me? will i be crying at night over it?00:12
elix1onand i'm not really sure what a real-time kernel is, i don't understand the whole thing with giving immediate CPU without delay etc.00:12
loadedelix1on: u can install RT from synaptic00:14
elix1onloaded: oh well, in that case it should be find :)00:15
loadedelix1on: about the advantages u can read this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real-time_operating_system00:15
elix1onso how come not every OS has a RT kernel then? does a RT kernel has its disadvantages too?00:17
loadedelix1on: good question i think it has to do with memory allocation control or something..but im not the person to answer that00:18
loadedelix1on: let me ask00:20
loadedelix1on: join #rakarrack00:21
elix1onok will do00:21
elix1onloaded: ok i won't really need the RT kernel, or i wonät need it at all actually, saves me some time i guess00:31
loadedelix1on: yes ..  still doesnt make sense cause it comes pre packed with lots of graph Apps00:34
elix1onyeah but the RT kernel isn't default anymore though?00:35
loadedelix1on: it is but since 2.6.28 it has had some issues00:37
loadedelix1on: thats why i told u to check for packages and dependencies00:37
elix1onloaded: now i remember, wasn't sure what you meant by that really?00:38
loadedelix1on: spend this afternoon with halborn runing around about that same issue trying to solve some audio related App issues00:38
loadedelix1on: had to edit some conf files for some Apps run correctly etc etc00:39
loadedelix1on: thats what i meant by having to tweak ur system00:39
loadedelix1on: the guys u just met usually know the how tos to solve that type of probs xD00:40
elix1onloaded: so it would perhaps be easier for me using the regular lucid lynx and adding all the graphics things i need, even though there was a lot of thingd added in studio?00:41
loadedelix1on: another channel u should join imo is #opensourcemusicians (dont let the name missdirect you)00:42
elix1oni mean, i dunno how to tweak everything, probably not even with help :P00:42
elix1onokay, thanks, will join00:42
loadedelix1on: exactly ... just look 4 what u want under synaptic00:42
loadedelix1on: most of the folks that ive came across in here are really nice and allways willing to help out00:43
loadedelix1on: and so far they know their grounds00:43
loadedelix1on: u can also join the channels that are really aimmed to ur work #blender #gimp etc etc00:44
elix1onloaded: are they all in the freenode.irc?00:45
elix1onwill google them otherwise00:45
loadedelix1on: yes dude just it search there are 2 least one per App00:45
elix1onloaded: thanks a lot for everything. unfortunately i need to sleep now, it's the middle of the night where i am00:46
elix1onreally appreciate the help :)00:46
loadedelix1on: on u go dude00:46
loadedelix1on: hope i helped you00:46
elix1onloaded: yes defo, thanks00:47
loadedelix1on: cya xD00:47
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plotinoi have problem starting jack server in ubuntu studio22:33
holsteinhey plotino22:33
plotinomy card is SB Live 5+122:33
plotinohi holstein22:34
holsteini forget22:34
plotinovery strange22:34
holsteindid you say you have another card you were going to try?22:34
plotinoyesterday it worked22:34
holsteintertle beach?22:34
holsteinplotino: hmmm22:34
plotinonad today not again!!!!22:34
holsteinplotino: are you sure your booting in to the same kernel22:34
holsteinare you sure the hardware is not broken?22:35
holsteincould be a bad card22:35
plotinohardware broken??22:36
plotinono dont think so22:36
plotinothe only difference between today and yesterday22:36
plotinois that today before to start jack22:37
plotinoi have use audio of flash plugin22:37
plotinowith pulseaudio22:37
plotinoand after that i have tried to start jack getting the usual error22:37
plotinoCould not connect to JACK server as client.22:37
plotino- Overall operation failed.22:37
plotino- Unable to connect to server.22:37
plotinoPlease check the messages window for more info22:37
holsteinpulse should suspend22:38
plotinook but not manually isnt it?22:38
holsteinits audo22:38
holsteinplotino: get you one of these http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/422094-REG/Behringer_UCA202_UCA202_USB_Audio_Interface.html22:38
plotinoin the message window does not seem to be suspended22:38
holsteinplotino: you not what is great about those SBlive cards?22:38
holsteinnothing ;)22:38
plotinoholstein, i know22:39
holsteinits just not worth the trouble22:39
plotinothis is what i have22:39
plotinoi like to use my old hw22:39
holsteinme too22:39
holsteinbut if you want a clean input22:39
holsteinthat is the way to go22:39
plotinono new brand (i dont like global/consumistic society ;) )22:39
holsteinbest case scenario22:39
plotinoim interested having my card working22:40
holsteinand that card is working properly22:40
holsteinyou still dont have a really great input22:40
plotinocan i post the messeges or it's not relevant to discover the issue?22:40
holsteinplotino: please do22:40
holsteinplotino: feel free to post that to the email lists too22:41
holsteinthose seem to be more active22:41
holsteinwith tech related questions22:41

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