
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
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ToStItOsI almost have my modem recognized question for all: 1. How do I edit the isp info. 2. What if I don't have a user id and password???02:21
ToStItOsI am using by the way wvdial02:22
ToStItOsmy modem is a usb 3G modem data card02:23
ToStItOsI have a usb 3g modem from my Cellular company. I am trying to use wvdial to get my modem to work. But I do not have a user id and password. Will that be a problem???02:35
ToStItOsAlso how do change the isp info in wvdial????02:35
charlie-tcaToStItOs: have you looked at /etc/wvdial.conf ?? Is there such a file?03:21
ToStItOsI got charlie thanks now I just gotta plug my modem and do a wvdial03:23
=== tuvok302Lappy is now known as tuvok302
edakiriIs the webmaster present?07:58
edakiriin ~/.Xdefaults , this looks evil.  Xft.dpi: 96 . I haven't found documentation for that XResource, but is that to pretend the monitor has a DPI of 96?08:28
Sysii think it's about font08:28
edakirithat the font be rendered as if the monitor has a DPI of 96?08:29
Sysiidk, change and try?08:29
edakirichanging had no visible immediate effect. (presuming i used xrdb correctly). perhaps it only takes effect when restarting X08:33
edakiritesting, xresource xft.dpi .  It does set affect dpi for font rendering in some programs.  My GTK programs seem to be getting DPI from some place else.  XTerm also seems unaffected.09:22
edakiriCan FreeType not get the DPI from the X Windows server?  or what is the reason for setting this resource?09:23
well_laid_lawnI thought .Xresources was superseeded by .Xdefaults... ?09:24
edakiriwell_laid_lawn: the contents of .Xdefaults are still X resources.09:32
well_laid_lawnbut if some apps have moved to the newer naming convention...09:33
edakiriI'm not talking about file names here except for the file in the xubuntu-defaults package09:34
well_laid_lawnok you figure it out09:34
edakiriIf this setting is to work around a bug, it would be great to track it to the bug somehow, like putting a comment above the setting with a bug #.09:37
edakiriOtherwise, if there is no bug and FreeType can get its information from the X Windows server, this is not something that should be set by default.09:39
well_laid_lawnor you missed something in your approach to it09:40
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* dreamtraveler brb11:52
Aninha_17i have changed the res on my xubuntu laptop and now i cant see anything. how can i change the res back?12:04
Aninha_17hello? :)12:05
Aninha_17anyone here?12:06
brotis there a command where i can see which packages i installed last?12:36
edakiribrot: if you installed with 'aptitude', it is logged by default13:17
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
AleX_Ciao! Con un HDD da 20 GB devo far co-esistere Win98 e (X)Ubuntu... Che partizioni mi consigliate di fare (oltre a quella di Win98)?22:22
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:29
AleX_I'm sorry... I have an HDD (where is installed Win98) and I want to install both Windows and Xubuntu... How should I create partitions on it?22:36
AleX_The HDD is 20GB22:36
Sysi_at least 5GB to xubuntu, and 512mb-1gb swap22:37
AleX_Win98 8 GB, should be ok?22:50
Sysi_i guess so22:59
AleX_Hmm... 10 GB to Win98 - 6 to Xubuntu?23:00
AleX_Should I create the /home partition?23:00
bazhangAleX_, no idea about windows. with only 6GB for xubuntu you are really pushing it though23:01
Sysi_i wouldn't, for that small space23:01
AleX_Now, I'm using 2GB on Win98...23:01
AleX_PC is only for Internet23:02
bazhangnot really important23:02
Sysi_bazhang: what do you need to do to get over 5GB root full? maybe if you have data also there..23:02
AleX_I don't have some files to save on this PC23:02
KE1HAThe standard install is only about 2.5GB23:03
bazhangAleX_, any reason not to have all xubuntu? with a drive that small 6GB is really pushing it23:03
Sysi_but yeah, 6GB isn't much23:03
KE1HAWhat you putting in there to get 6GB ?23:03
bazhangroot and home all on 6GB?23:03
AleX_My brother plays some games that are installed on Win9823:03
AleX_Yes, no?23:03
bazhangthat would take about a week to fill up23:03
Sysi_bazhang: i have on 8gb netbook xubuntu and lots of music23:04
KE1HALOL.. yeah, That's allot of space for Linux.23:04
KE1HAMusic can eat space quick though.23:04
AleX_So... 8GB Xubuntu / 6 GB Win98?23:04
bazhangit's tiny23:04
Sysi_you said it's 20gb?23:04
AleX_I don't have to save any type of document23:05
bazhang18 xubuntu 2windows23:05
Sysi_win98 really don't need much space23:05
Sysi_but neither xubuntu :P23:05
AleX_Yes, but the true space is about 16GB23:05
Sysi_how much RAM, btw?23:06
KE1HAwin 98 Specs: 195 MB of free hard disk space (the required space may vary from 120 MB to 295 MB, depending on your computer's configuration and the options you choose to install)23:06
AleX_320 MB23:06
AleX_:P 5 GB are ok! :)23:06
KE1HA2GB is WAY more than enough.23:06
AleX_Thanks KE1HA...23:07
KE1HAbeen a Long time since I looked up Win98 Specs :-)23:07
AleX_But, probably I will install a total of 512 MB23:07
bazhangrun the games in a vm23:07
Sysi_i'd say 4gb is tarting to be tiny for xubuntu, but more is better23:07
Sysi_even all win98 stuff don't work on wine :/23:08
KE1HA+1 on VM, probably the best option.23:08
Sysi_but you should try those games, they propably will23:08
AleX_I will do this: 5 GB Win 98 - 1 GB Swap - 10 GB Xubuntu. Is this ok?23:08
Sysi_or VM23:08
KE1HAThe /boot will be bigger than the Win98 install LOL23:08
AleX_I want Win98 native :)23:08
bazhangAleX_, sure23:08
AleX_Thanks bazhang23:08
bazhangno point in a separate home imo23:09
KE1HAbazhang, did you get the must register buiz from the freenode server ?23:09
AleX_I create only two partition: / (ext4) 10 GB - linux-swap 1 GB23:09
KE1HAYou need a /boot as well23:09
bazhangKE1HA, for #ubuntu?23:10
AleX_I have to create it?23:10
KE1HAit thru me to the ubuntu-register channel23:10
Sysi_no you don't23:10
bazhangno as I'm registered; that's only temporary KE1HA as the channel was under severe bot attack23:10
AleX_Ok :)23:10
KE1HAAhh, ok, well I registerd anyway, and got my PW in the login-manager now.23:11
bazhangwe'll set it back soon enough23:11
bazhangie back to -r23:11
Sysi_AleX_: basically everything can be in one partition, but separate swap is nice23:11
AleX_Swap partition is set "logical"?23:11
KE1HAAleX_, just a good general Practice, 3 is the norm /boot /root and /swap  .. wiht your /home bing in the /root partition.23:12
Sysi_iirc that's failure of automatic23:12
AleX_I have to set it to "logical" not "primary", true?23:12
KE1HAYou can set 4x Primary partitions23:12
Sysi_(with msdos partition table)23:13
AleX_Yes... Swap partition would be Primary?23:13
Sysi_doesn't matter, but no need for logical partitions, keeping it simple23:14
AleX_Or I can create an Extended partition with Swap partition as a logical one?23:14
KE1HAfor /swap = Primary too23:14
AleX_Ok! :)23:14
KE1HAkeep them all simple, primary partitions23:14
AleX_Do you have the D-Link DWL-G132?23:15
KE1HAno, I have a Cisso Router23:15
AleX_Yes, I know... But the DWL-G132 is a USB Wi-Fi adapter23:16
AleX_I works only with ndiswrapper :(23:16
KE1HAI have no idea abt that23:16
KE1HAhere's my router: https://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10977/prod_view_selector.html23:16
AleX_It's good! It works great?23:17
KE1HAWell It stops all this DOS ping crap dead in it's tracks, so yeah, works for me.23:17
AleX_It's so big!23:18
KE1HAI bought it surplus23:18
AleX_Has it got Print Server function?23:18
AleX_So, you can share a printer through it?23:18
KE1HAI use a WAP for that.23:19
KE1HAYou better off wiht a Home Wireless / LAN router23:19
TopHatSirxubuntu is pronounced zoo-bun-too, right?23:19
Sysi_CUPS supports sharing any printer connected to some linux machine23:19
AleX_I bought a TP-Link print server23:20
AleX_I think it works with all OS23:20
TopHatSirthen where's the x?23:20
AleX_Win, Linux and Mac OS X23:20
Sysi_i say ksubuntu23:20
KE1HAYeah, those little Plug in printer srevers are nice.23:20
AleX_eheh... How much it costs?23:21
KE1HAWe just hung our printer on the Acess point, works fine.23:21
AleX_Thanks Sysi_ for the link! :)23:21
KE1HAhow much what cost ?23:21
KE1HAhey bazhang why does it say on the top of my xchat window #xubuntu-unregged whn I jsut did the registration ?23:24
AleX_Your router?23:24
KE1HAnot too much abt 400 or so.23:24
KE1HAwhere did bazhang go, he still here?23:25
AleX_Hmm... It's ok if it works great :)23:25
AleX_I think of NO :)23:25
KE1HAWell I originally got it fer another purpose, it's overkill for what Im using it for atm.23:26
KE1HAAnyways, we're way OT here.23:26
KE1HAAt The Moment23:26
AleX_Thanks! :)23:26
AleX_So... I go! Good bye! Thanks for all!23:27
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knomeinsane_umlaut, please stop nickflooding23:35
insane_umlautjust trying to get a nickname I can use for the rest of setup23:36
knomeokay, no problem there then23:36
bazhangKE1HA, you got the registration email and then identified after confirming?23:46
KE1HAYes, but it has that thing on the top of xchat23:47
KE1HABut my Identified, what do you mean? I put the line in the /msg {info form email}23:48
bazhangKE1HA, could we do this in #freenode ?23:49
KE1HASure. just got to #freenode   ?23:51
jessebyejust installing xubuntu23:57
jessebyeI'm wondering how much faster it is compared to Ubuntu23:58

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