
=== em is now known as emma
macoanyone else seeing quassel do its word warp just before the last letter in a word instead of at the whitespace?02:03
yofelyes, Sput said it was an issue with qt4.7beta02:21
crimsun_jjesse: I'm not sure what you mean in bug 620840. The report clearly shows that the daemon is running.03:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620840 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Pulseaudio is not running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62084003:16
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shadeslayer_apachelogger: Riddell bug 62090006:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620900 in choqok (Ubuntu) "FFe: Upload new choqok release" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62090006:39
shadeslayer_ScottK: thanks :D06:40
shadeslayer_wheee  : http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2010/08/use-linux-now-you-can-video-chat-too.html06:40
shadeslayer_ScottK: if you can upload k3b from same ppa as well :D06:41
shadeslayer_cya later.. till then ^_^06:42
nigelbshadeslayer: squeee!06:48
valorienice, when will that be available through Kubuntu?06:58
valoriesince it's a deb, I assume it can be packaged?06:58
jussishadeslayer: oooh!!  nice!07:30
=== emma is now known as em
apacheloggershadeslayer: we've only just now got audio support and then they unroll video for linux :O08:29
apacheloggervalorie: cannot... it is closed source08:29
apacheloggerpossible could go into canonical's partner repo, but that is for canonical to work out08:30
valoriethe only reason I'd like it is to test my sound08:30
valorieso far, nothing gets sound08:30
valorieI wonder if they put a mic in this laptop08:30
valorieor hooked up the wires08:30
valoriecamera works....08:31
valorie.....skype is open?08:31
* valorie has skype08:31
apacheloggervalorie: well you could just install google's deb :P08:32
valorieI could08:32
valoriebut generally prefer to stick with the wisdom of you packaging wizards here08:32
apacheloggergoogle's debs are as good as ours usually ;)08:33
valoriewell, it was going to be automatically installed in ~/Documents08:34
valorieand since I don't think that's probably the proper place to put it08:34
valorieI didn't08:34
apacheloggerit would have downloaded the deb :P08:34
valoriewhich is silly08:34
valorieI have a downloads folder for that purpose08:34
apacheloggerthat is up to the browser08:34
apacheloggera website cannot dictate where a download should go08:35
valorieI guess08:35
valorieperhaps mine got reset at some point08:35
valorieI found a lot of dreck in Docs folder today08:35
apacheloggeronly ought to be one file :P08:36
valorieI might try it later08:39
valorieright now I have gchat shut off08:40
valoriebecause people keep interrupting!08:40
valorieget into IRC if you wanna talk, geez08:40
apacheloggeron irc I always get highlighted for no good reason :P08:45
apacheloggerwhich is also not better08:45
valorieeverybody loves ya!08:47
valorieand values your opinion08:47
valorieand help08:47
valorieand all around fluffiness08:47
apacheloggervalorie: unfortunately ;)08:57
apacheloggeroh oh oh09:01
* apachelogger thinks today is neversfelde's bday09:01
apacheloggerneversfelde: happy day of birth!09:01
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu and KNR 10.04.1 released | Maverick Feature Freeze in Place | Kubuntu, making your PC friendly | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Happy birthday to our beloved MOTO neversfelde!
Sputmaco: yeah, fixed in newer versions of Qt 4.7... the b*stards changed behavior of a text metrics-related function mid-release...09:35
dpmgood morning everyone09:39
dpmright, I've installed Kubuntu maverick in a VM to test translations. When I chose "Install Kubuntu" on the first screen, it went to the live session instead of starting the installer (actually, to the login screen, it would not login automatically) - is this a known bug?09:40
apachelogger\o/ final eval done09:43
Riddellapachelogger: did you pass?09:47
apacheloggerRiddell: I only filled in the eval form09:48
apacheloggerbtw, working on a blog post about the techy things of u1-kde09:48
Riddellgood morning dpm 09:49
Riddellare you using an alpha or a daily CD?09:49
RiddellI've no idea what state the daily CDs are in, ubiquity has had too many changes09:49
dpmhey Riddell, daily, using TestDrive to test09:49
dpmok, I'll fetch an alpha and update09:49
Riddellshadeslayer: k3b and choqok uploaded, many thanks09:59
Riddellright, time to dist upgrade, wish me luck10:00
ulyssescross the fingers10:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
dpmRiddell, the A3 ISO has the same problem: the installer does not run and it takes you to kdm. There I need to log in (ubuntu/no password). I'm now trying to run the installation from the live session10:52
dpmno luck with that, either. It kicks me out of the session and I'm back at kdm10:54
apacheloggeropinions on http://imgur.com/1ZDqK10:57
apacheloggerdiagram of the internal structures of ubuntuone-kde10:57
apacheloggerright then11:00
apacheloggerRiddell: I am switching rekonq for konqueror11:00
* apachelogger is sick of loosing data11:00
dpmI'll try the OEM install mode now11:01
Riddellapachelogger: still getting crashes?11:04
apacheloggervery random too11:04
apacheloggerso it is not even like I could avoid them11:04
Riddellooh la la, c'est tout francais11:12
=== Guest59228 is now known as seawolf
Riddellexcept for bluedevil, to be expected11:13
ulyssesRiddell: where comes Maverick's current networkmanager applet from?11:20
Riddellulysses: from KDE SVN11:21
Riddellit's in extragear/network now although we haven't updated in a while (because I tend to update it when suse update it since they're the upstream)11:21
Riddellagateau: La francais pour "Notes" est "Notes"?11:22
agateauRiddell: I think so, what's the context?11:22
Riddellagateau: Kontact sidebar11:23
agateauRiddell: yes, "Notes" is good11:23
Riddellaussi "Contacts" "Messages" et "Journal"?11:23
ulyssesRiddell: there are plasma-applet_networkmanagement.po, libknetworkmanager.po and desktop_extragear-base_networkmanager.po in trunk/l10n-kde4/hu/messages/extragear-base, maybe these belongs to the NM applet?11:26
agateauRiddell: yes11:26
Riddellulysses: also knetworkmanager.po ?  or maybe that no longer exists11:27
Riddellagateau: j'aime "Flux", c'est un mot bon 11:27
dpmRight, OEM installer also not working. I'm going to download the alternate iso and install kubuntu from there... :/11:27
ulyssesRiddell: yes, I didn't see it because it is translated11:28
Riddellulysses: what made you look at networkmanager applet?  you noticed it was missing translations?11:30
=== ofirk_ is now known as ofirk
RiddellKontact seems good for translations, guess the 4.4 backport magic worked11:30
ulyssesRiddell: yes, there are untranslated messages11:30
Riddellulysses: you're running latest maverick in Hungarian?11:31
ulyssesRiddell: yes, however I didn't rebooted it, and there were language pack updates11:32
Riddellulysses: groovy, let me know where else you find missing translations11:33
Riddellkoffice seems a bit patchy with its French translation11:33
Riddellhmm, koffice is 2.2.1 but koffice-l10n is 2.011:34
ulyssesoh, we have to work lot on KOffice, the hungarian is only at 57%, and we need 75% to earn11:34
ulyssesKDE upstream translation needs lots of work, but the translator resources are limited:(11:38
rerxhi! I'm running the Amarok 2.3.2 beta from https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta11:45
rerxunfortunately it loses the options "move/copy to collection" from the context menu in the file browser11:45
rerx#amarok tell me that it should still be there, so I guess there was an oversight building that package11:45
Riddellrerx: I have it, right Click on MP3 file Copier dans la Collection -> Collection locale11:47
ulyssesme too, running Kubuntu 10.10 and Amarok
rerxthat's strange11:48
Riddellrerx: got a screenshot?11:48
rerxI'm running 10.04 with KDE 4.5 from the updates ppa11:48
rerxI mean backports ppa11:48
shadeslayerRiddell: whee :D11:48
rerxI'm going to prepare one, just a sec11:49
rerxhere you go: http://www.abload.de/img/context-menu-missing-ohy06.png11:52
shadeslayerRiddell: also.. choqok's icon is now green :P11:55
rerxRiddel: could this be related to running KDE SC 4.5 on Lucid?11:56
Riddellrerx: wouldn't think so11:57
Riddellrerx: just checked on 10.04 with KDE Platform 4.4 and Amarok, also no problem there11:58
rerxhmm, I guess I won't be able to avoid building it on my own to try if it makes a difference11:59
shadeslayerbtw are kdepimlibs and kdepim-runtime are located in two different svn locations?12:01
rerxbut that will have to wait a little, thanks for now!12:01
apacheloggermaco2: ping12:12
RiddellI love how gnome keyring doesn't tell you why it wants your password12:15
* Riddell tracks down the koffice-l10n build failure12:15
Tm_TRiddell: and how it steals your keyboard too even when it's not focused12:17
Riddellsystem settings doesn't set $LANG, GTK apps are translated as long as you are using qtcurve, openoffice is not12:17
Riddell^^ does that seem like a fair summary ?12:17
shadeslayerRiddell: should i upload rekonq 0.5 for lucid to beta backports?12:18
shadeslayerapparently apachelogger thinks so :P12:18
apacheloggerRiddell: system settings?12:19
apacheloggeryou mean the locale KCM?12:19
Riddellapachelogger: yes12:20
Riddellshadeslayer: can't it go into normal ubuntu backports?12:21
apacheloggerwell yeah, we do not patch the KCM other than adding language-selector12:21
shadeslayerRiddell: afaik deps on kde 4.512:21
apacheloggerwhich is the reason JontheEchidna should be given to possibility to take a shot at improving that12:21
Riddellshadeslayer: surely not, they wouldn't consider bugs that affected 4.512:22
Riddellapachelogger: but that's horribly broken surely12:22
shadeslayerRiddell: i dont follow12:22
apacheloggerRiddell: the language-selector or the locale KCM?12:22
Riddellshadeslayer: rekonq 0.5 depends on KDE Platform 4.412:22
Riddellapachelogger: locale KCM12:23
Riddellapachelogger: how do you change the setting for non KDE apps?12:23
apacheloggerI do not think that KDE very much is concerned with whether non-integrated apps intregrate far enough to get the locale right12:23
apacheloggerRiddell: language-selector12:23
shadeslayerreally? alright then, backports it is12:23
Riddellapachelogger: for which you need to change the whole system and you need to have admin rights12:23
apacheloggerRiddell: IMHO the KDE-only widget thing should be replaced by language-selector embedding into the KCM12:23
apacheloggerRiddell: oh, good point12:23
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe it should just drop a script for exporting LANG in the folder with scripts for KDE startup?12:24
Riddellapachelogger: yes I think so, but I'm amazed this isn't something everyone moans about12:25
apacheloggerthen again ... I wonder how we would reliably translate the KDE language codes to system language codes (they surely are different)12:25
RiddellKDE can hardly slag us off for bad i18n when it can't even set the i18n12:25
Riddellunless I'm missing something12:25
apacheloggerRiddell: every distro implements their own junk for locale so I doubt people notice12:25
Riddellhow ironic, qt-language-selector isn't translated12:43
apacheloggerdantti: after upgrade the view does not refresh suggesting that one needs to upgrade again or the upgrade was unsuccessful12:59
apacheloggerafter refreshing the view is updated12:59
Riddellhi jimhu 13:06
jimhuRiddell: I'm here to report some problems that are ralated to kimpanel/ibus and im-swtich13:07
Riddelljimhu: just some problems or does it not work at all?13:08
jimhuRiddell:First of all, Kubuntu uses ibus as its default input method, but it's a GTK+ program.  Though QTCurve is used to make QT and GTK+ have the same look, ibus does not.13:09
jimhuRiddell: ibus works great but looks really ugly, since it has a unthemed gtk+ look13:09
jimhuRiddell:ibus is loaded by im-switch which starts before kde itself starts, so ibus won't apply qtcurve theme13:10
jimhuRiddell: and i've noticed that im-switch has "ibus-qt" opion which makes ibus uses kimpanel as its frontend.13:12
Riddellusing kimpanel would be the sensible thing, but I've no idea if kimpanel works13:12
jimhuRiddell:But since the same reason, it won't work at all.13:12
Riddellit won't work because it gets loaded too soon?13:13
jimhuRiddell:if you start ibus by add the  entry "ibus-daemon --panel=/usr/lib/ibus/ibus-ui-kde" in the "autorun" module in System setting, everything works fine13:14
jimhuRiddell:the fact that im-switch loads ibus before kde starts breaks the constant look of GTK+ program(ibus itself only) and kimpanel13:16
dpmRiddell, 13:17
dpm<yurchor> Thank you for fixing these problems. There is also some constant overloading of kdelibs in Kubuntu: it has +320 strings from katepart and other things in kdelibs module.13:17
dpm<yurchor> Cf.:  https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+lang/uk/+index?start=150&batch=7513:17
dpm<yurchor> http://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/stable-kde4/team/uk/kdelibs/13:17
dpm This prevents smooth integration with upstream.13:17
Riddelljimhu: so sounds like we want to fix im-switch to not start ibus but instead put an autostart file for that command when configured to use KDE?13:17
dpmAny ideas where the extra strings can come from? ^13:17
jimhuRiddell: Yeah, that will fix everything13:18
Riddelljimhu: I can't even seem to add kimpanel to my plasma panel :(13:19
jimhuRiddell:try to add it to desktop and than drag it onto the panel13:20
Riddelldpm: he's complaining about strings in katepart4.pot ?13:20
yurchorNo, i'm complaining about strings in kdelibs itself.13:20
Riddelljimhu: so having added kimpanel and run ibus-daemon --panel=/usr/lib/ibus/ibus-ui-kde   how do I get it to input something?13:23
RiddellI'm using English locale, but how do I tell kimpanel I want to write in Chinese or whatever?13:24
jimhuRiddell:you should install ibus obviously, and then install some input method, like ibus-pinyin13:24
jimhuRiddell: you may have to install plasma-widget-kimpanel-backend-ibus13:25
jimhuRiddell: after that, run ibus-daemon --panel=/usr/lib/ibus/ibus-ui-kde in the terminal13:26
jimhuRiddell: Open Kate or anything that can input characters13:26
jimhuRiddell:Press Ctrl+space to switch to PinYin input method, and then input "nihao".13:27
jimhuRiddell:   Press13:27
jimhuRiddell: if you have install the proper fonts, you can see "你好" in the bar that comes out13:29
Riddellhmm, nope, doesn't do anything13:33
shadeslayerany ideas why i get -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull: command not found 13:34
Riddellshadeslayer: because you're missing the "cmake" ?13:35
* shadeslayer looks13:35
shadeslayerRiddell: http://pastebin.com/VpuQU1Gt13:36
Riddelljimhu: if I click on the pencil icon I just get a menu with "disable" in it, presumably there should be something else there?13:36
shadeslayerRiddell: line 11913:36
dpmRiddell, to write in Chinese, the best thing is to use language selector to install the language. It will also install additional fonts and the necessary input methods for ibus13:37
Riddellshadeslayer: I'd try removing line 11813:37
jimhuRiddell: you can refer to this article which explains how to use kimpanel in Kubuntu13:38
shadeslayerRiddell: same thing13:39
shadeslayerfixed now13:41
shadeslayer( didnt source :P )13:41
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
JontheEchidnaWe build our packages in debug mode and then strip the debug symbols into a separate package, yes?13:44
apacheloggerblogging is way too exhausting :(13:44
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: yep13:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol :P13:44
JontheEchidnaIn that case, I believe that as a result qDebug()'s are on by default13:45
apacheloggersrsly I started working on a somewhat more technical blog post about u1-kde like 4 hours ago13:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: Qt packages are not built with debugfull by default I think13:45
JontheEchidnaMaybe we could add -DQT_NO_DEBUG to vars.mk13:45
apacheloggerKDE packages should not be using qdebug anyway13:46
JontheEchidnaI'm mainly thinking of libdbusmenu-qt13:46
JontheEchidnait has srsly annoying qDebug()'s13:46
apacheloggerit ought not be built with KDE build system if it is qt13:46
apacheloggeror manually defie QT_NO_DEBUG13:46
apacheloggerdoing it in KDE is probably a bad idea as qDebug ought to only be used if the author deliberately wants to work around kDebug being controllable at runtime13:47
JontheEchidnawonder what that means13:49
Riddelljimhu: well I'm now running in chinese and set the autostart file, still can't type anything chinese13:54
Riddellchinese is the default system language and input method 13:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: uses /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/*-debian.cmake IIRC13:59
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also I think that actually sets QT_NO_DEBUG14:00
* apachelogger looks14:00
apachelogger./FindKDE4Internal.cmake:   set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBIAN         "-DNDEBUG -DQT_NO_DEBUG")14:00
apachelogger./FindKDE4Internal.cmake:   set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBIAN           "-DNDEBUG -DQT_NO_DEBUG"14:00
apacheloggerthose vars come from build_type14:00
shadeslayerthe stuff people report.... ( bug 620789 )14:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620789 in KDE Base "kwrite crashes when trying to open a 2.8 GB text file" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62078914:03
Riddelldpm: well I do see some kate strings in kdelibs4 which are also in katepart4 (where upstream has them)14:04
Riddelldpm: they're not generated by our packages, so I blame launchpad14:04
shadeslayerneversfelde: happy birthday :D14:04
shadeslayerNeed to get 128MB/238MB of archives. After unpacking 655MB will be used. << from my own doing :(14:06
jimhuRiddell: try not to close terminal windows after running that command14:06
shadeslayerproject neon might just make it in time for maverick :P14:06
Riddelljimhu: how does im-switch start ibus at login?14:07
Riddellah, must be /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80im-switch14:07
jimhuRiddell: it starts ibus before X starts14:07
txwikingerWhat packages do I need to install to compile Kubuntu themes?14:16
Riddellwhat do you mean by Kubuntu themes?14:17
Riddellln: creating symbolic link `/home/jr/.xinput.d/en_US': Permission denied 14:18
RiddellI think language-selector is broken ^^14:18
RiddellPlease install following packages: "( plasam-widget-kimpanel-backend-ibus )"14:20
Riddellin more ways than one, spot the typo ^^14:20
txwikingerwell something that could replace oxygen14:21
txwikingerNot my question someone asked that and I thought the question itself does not make sebnse really14:21
Riddelltxwikinger: replace oxygen what? icons?  widget style?  plasma theme?14:23
Riddellsystem settings will let you do them all anyway14:23
Riddellbut compiling, dunno what he means there14:23
txwikingerI think it is about creating such a theme14:23
txwikingeryou can do all of that in settings, right?14:24
apacheloggersettings is for settings, not creating14:24
* apachelogger has odd key mapping issues :O14:25
txwikingerapachelogger: how do you create them14:25
apacheloggerI wonder why it is that my system always breaks shortly after feature freeze14:25
apacheloggertxwikinger: google:how to create kstyle; google:how to create kwin style; google:how to create kdm theme14:26
txwikingerok ok14:26
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
maco2apachelogger: pong14:35
apacheloggermaco2: did you ever use the ubuntuone gnome version?14:35
maco2apachelogger: one one of my laptops. thats how data got to U1 initially14:35
apacheloggeralso, do you have gnome-keyring running on your systems?14:35
* apachelogger just noticed that ubuntu-sso might do silly things if both kwallet and gnome-keyring are installed14:36
apacheloggerand ubuntu-sso-gnomekeyring and ubuntu-sso-kwallet for that matter ^^14:36
maco2the one that had the gnome version has gnome-keyring. i cant figure out how to get it to shush though14:36
maco2the one im on right now just has the kde kind14:37
maco2i can try removing the gnomey stuff from the other when i get home from work14:40
apacheloggerI find this all very odd 14:47
apacheloggerRiddell: http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2010/08/20/ubuntu-one-technical-aspects/14:48
* apachelogger cannot think straight no more @.@14:57
jussiapachelogger: you are very odd, so that shouldnt be a suprise :D14:58
* jussi hugs apachelogger14:58
* apachelogger rehugs jussi14:58
\shapachelogger is an awesome rockstart...:) 15:00
\shapachelogger: and now you have a lifetime flatrate for the ubuntu one music store? ;)15:00
Riddellanyone want to file a FFe for bluedevil?15:00
apachelogger\sh: yeah, sure :P15:01
\shapachelogger: lol...good work btw...you really rock :)15:01
\shapachelogger: btw did you use inkscape for the diagramm? it really looks like the ones I'm creating for my manager about new HW infrastructure ;)15:02
shadeslayerim still backtrace-less :/15:02
apachelogger\sh: yes15:03
* apachelogger is starting to get the hang of doing diagrams in inkscape15:03
shadeslayermaybe this has something to do with it15:03
shadeslayerany ideas? ... im not getting traces in my kde-devel account15:05
=== maco2 is now known as maco
dpmRiddell, after a quick test with a new installation, I've seen the first things which are not translated:15:20
dpmCould you help me confirm that these are genuine bugs and if so find out the packages where translations should come from?15:20
dpmThe most visible ones are the menu entries and the system settings app, which is completely untranslated apart from a few items15:21
apacheloggerdpm: run this action https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/kubuntu-notification-helper/+pots/notificationhelper/ca/6/+translate15:26
dpmnice, not a bug15:27
dpmthanks apachelogger15:27
apacheloggerdpm: same domain should be the origin of that notification15:27
Riddelldpm: what language are you using?15:27
apacheloggerdpm: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/kubuntu-notification-helper/+pots/desktop-kubuntu-notification-helper/ca/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=upgrade+not15:28
apacheloggerthe untranslated bits in the menu worry me though15:28
dpmnice, another one done. I'll take care of translating those15:28
dpmapachelogger, yes, those and system settings not being translated are the ones that look critical to me15:29
apacheloggerwell, it does not seem to be a problem with the patch I get german translations for the menu15:29
apacheloggerRiddell: do you get a translated menu in french?15:29
dpmThere was a message at some point telling me that the language support was not complete, but I discarded it the first time and it never came back since. I'm not sure if that is supposed to make a difference. I believe that message comes from language selector15:30
Riddellapachelogger: kickoff menu?  yes15:30
apacheloggerok so it is not the patch that is failing15:31
dpmI tried to install a new language (German) trying to get that popup back, but then language selector told me that it had had a problem and that it was not possible to install new languages :/15:31
dpmYeah, that one comes from upstream and it's translated, not sure why it's not being loaded15:32
apacheloggerdpm: it should only try to install kde-l10n-foo after installation for additional resources such as sound files and what not15:32
apacheloggerin fact I think it does do that as part of the installation these days15:32
dpmI'm not sure if it makes a difference, but that's a new installation. Seeing that you are not seeing problems and that no one has complained yet, most probably upgrades are fine for some reason15:33
apacheloggerdpm: can you please try running kbuildsycoca4 and then relogin15:35
apacheloggerbetter yet15:35
apacheloggerkbuildsycoca4 --noincremental15:35
Riddelldpm: trying Catalan I get the kickoff menu translated completely15:35
apacheloggermaybe the desktop file cache is out of date 15:35
dpmapachelogger, let me try that15:36
dpmRiddell, mine is a new installation - is yours as well? The only entry I get translated is the "Ajuda" one (Help)15:36
Riddellapachelogger: oui15:38
Riddelldpm: I think I last reinstalled at alpha 3 and have upgraded15:39
Riddelldpm: what version of language-pack-kde-ca-base do you have installed?15:39
Riddelldpm: do you have the file /usr/share/locale-langpack/ca/LC_MESSAGES/desktop_kdebase-workspace.mo ?15:39
Riddelldpm: under System Settings -> Localisation (UN flag icon) what order are the languages?15:40
dpmRiddell, I've got the latest langpack installed from 3 days ago, the mo file is there. When I first run langage selector there weren't any languages there, so I had to add Catalan (it was already installed, but not on the list). So the list has now only got Catalan. In any case, I had done that already and logged out and in before reporting the problems, and it didn't seem to make any difference.15:43
JontheEchidna"This library is actually very simple to use but got some fine internals, in fact I spent hours just looking at the code and scrolling through its glory (because there was a bug  )." <-haha15:48
Riddelldpm: hum, I'm out of ideas then15:50
dpmRiddell, apachelogger, hm, running 'kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental' logging out and back in did not seem to make a difference16:08
Riddelldpm: this is from a daily alternate CD?16:10
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
dpmIs rekonq the default browser? I see it is not translated as well. Is that an official KDE app?16:24
Tm_Tdpm: no, it's not part of KDE SC16:25
Tm_Talso IIRC it's not default browser16:26
Riddellit is currently default browser16:26
Riddelland its package comes with no translations currently16:26
Tm_Tin Lucid?16:26
Riddellupstream will change that before release but it'll be a first try16:26
dpmare they using gettext by any chance?16:27
* dpm hopes16:27
JontheEchidnaIt's just a useless sidebar at the moment, but it's a start: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopha155016:29
JontheEchidnaneed a better Kubuntu icon though16:29
Riddelldpm: yes16:32
RiddellJontheEchidna: goodness16:33
dpmah, cool. Riddell, do they have any kind of i18n support already in place? Is there anything they might need help with?16:33
Riddelldpm: yes it's all there, they just haven't entered string freeze for 1.0 yet16:34
Riddellalthough that might be today16:34
dpmRiddell, so, if all is there, and regardless of the string freeze not being in place, could we not already import the .pot template in the package. I'm just thinking in terms of doing it as early as possible to ensure it is translatable in Maverick. Upstream could also benefit from the Ubuntu translators contributions 16:36
Riddelldpm: I assumed we did16:37
dpmRiddell, oh, we do, we do. I just hadn't realised. It's all here: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/rekonq16:38
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: i want to help!16:39
shadeslayerwith kubuntu software center16:39
shadeslayeri might just be able to learn something :P16:40
Riddellthere was me thinking you wanted to do MIRs and FFe for bluedevil :)16:43
JontheEchidnabug 614699 needs taking care of, too16:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614699 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Qt 4.7.0 breaks QX11EmbedWidget" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61469916:44
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu and KNR 10.04.1 released | Maverick Feature Freeze in Place | Kubuntu, making your PC friendly | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Happy birthday to our beloved MOTU neversfelde!
JontheEchidnaanyways, I have to wait until I open muon trunk, which means I have to make a 1.0.x branch, which means I have to wait until I can move it out of kdereview in 6 days16:45
shadeslayerRiddell: i can, will have to wait till sunday tho :P16:45
shadeslayerand more work can be done on tuesday.. holiday :P16:46
JontheEchidnaBut I'm not sure what junior jobs would be available, other than maybe coding the status bar16:46
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: anything will do :P16:47
apacheloggerdpm: I have a feeling that rekonq will become un-defaulted though16:48
dpmapachelogger, why is that? And what's going to be the default, if that happens?16:48
apacheloggerback to konqueror because rekonq is made out of crash16:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: im trying to fix rekonq whenever i haz the time ;)16:50
shadeslayerwhich is not alot these days seeing that my teachers are frickin loading me up with assignments16:50
* apachelogger feels compelled to just switch to firefox so that kubuntu has a working browser just once16:50
apacheloggerdid something break in the kernel?17:02
* apachelogger got loads and loads of traces when booting 17:03
* apachelogger is now using windows :P17:03
RiddellI do too17:03
apacheloggernot good17:04
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_
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Riddelldpm: well I can't install from today's daily, it gives me a red screen with error in Catalan which I can't understand17:18
Riddellso I can't recreate your issue17:18
dpmRiddell, right, what was the error text and where did it appear?17:19
Riddellin the installer during main package install17:19
dpmcan you do a screenshot if it is running in a VM?17:20
shadeslayerNightrose: help!17:21
shadeslayeramarok cries with my ipod :(17:21
shadeslayersomething about not being able to initialse it17:21
shadeslayer*initialize 17:21
shadeslayer:'( http://imgur.com/lwvUk17:22
shadeslayerand then going through the hoops i get http://imgur.com/TrhMC17:23
* apachelogger declares maverick broken17:25
* shadeslayer declares amarok broken17:26
macoRiddell: why is your vbox chinese?17:26
apacheloggeris a work of crossdesktopness17:27
apacheloggerif it used gdm explicitly anymore I am sure we could sell it as upstream work17:27
dpmRiddell, here's the translation: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/481028/17:29
Riddellmaco: the real question is why is my input not chinese :(17:29
apacheloggerand the fact that my inputs are being rendered to death by Somethin in maverick does not make me happy17:29
apacheloggertime to rant away17:29
macoRiddell: setting your reading language and your keyboard layout or IME are two different operations?17:29
shadeslayerdebfx: wheres my amarok 2.3.2!!??17:36
Riddellsee kubuntu.org17:36
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
Riddelldantti_: kpackagekit has no translations?18:24
Riddellor rather, I packaged it from svn without translations, where can I get them?18:25
dantti_Riddell: I'll ask probably this weekend for it, since I broke many of them18:25
dantti_well normally the guy who package it for fedora give me the files he grabs from kde svn18:26
Riddellfair enough, extracting translations from svn can be fiddly18:26
dantti_I have now just 3 issues before I belive it's stable :P the hardest one is to fix KCMultiDialog18:27
dantti_which btw I don't know if I ask you to patch kde 4.5.0 or if I stay with an internally fixed version of it18:27
dantti_before it can go upstream18:28
Riddelldantti_: is that the same issue as k3b had?18:29
dantti_I'm not aware of it18:30
dantti_the issue is that this class if broken since I know it...18:30
dantti_it connects all KCM slots to the buttons so you click apply and it call save() in all of them :P18:30
RiddellJontheEchidna: presumably we don't need qapt-batch in the seeds?  it'll be brought in by whatever needs it18:36
JontheEchidnaRiddell: Presumably.  (install-package was in the seed before qapt-batch, so I assumed there was a reason)18:36
JontheEchidnabut if there's not, then it's not needed in the seed18:36
RiddellJontheEchidna: where are translations for qapt done?18:37
JontheEchidnaRiddell: kde svn18:37
JontheEchidnaIt doesn't have any .desktop files, so the .po's shipped with the tarball have all the l10n-y goodness18:38
RiddellJontheEchidna: where is it in svn?18:39
JontheEchidnaRiddell: kdereview (http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-kde4/templates/messages/kdereview/ for l10n)18:40
JontheEchidnashould move to extragear in a week tho18:40
RiddellJontheEchidna: what about kcm-gtk, where are the translations from that?18:42
RiddellI see them in the package, where do they come from?18:42
JontheEchidnaThose are stored in the source repository in bzr. They came from launchpad + people emailing them to me18:43
RiddellJontheEchidna: so just use https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/kcm-gtk ?18:43
RiddellJontheEchidna: any idea where kcm-touchpad gets its translations?18:50
JontheEchidnalaunchpad and people emailing the author, iirc18:50
Riddellkubuntu specific translations listed at bottom of https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/TranslationsDay18:53
Riddelllet me know if you can think of any that are missed18:53
Riddelldpm: can we get those priorities in launchpad?18:54
dpmRiddell, sure, I need to go in a bit, but I'll take care of arranging them today18:54
dpmRiddell, after installing a few updates on that alternate iso system, the menus appear now translated. No idea what happened there18:55
dpmAlso, the desktop entry for usb creator appears untranslated. Any ideas if it's handled differently from the one used in Ubuntu?18:55
Riddellshouldn't be18:56
Riddellbut it's on the needs checking list in the wiki page above so I'll look at it later18:57
* Riddell out18:57
dpmRiddell, ok, have a good weekend and see you on Monday18:57
dpmDoes anyone know what's up with  qaptbatch? It's listed as Kubuntu-specific, but translators are asked to translate in SVN? Why can't the translations be fetched from LP and committed all at once? Not many Ubuntu translators have got upstream svn accounts18:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: maverick is truly broken19:01
apacheloggertold ya19:01
shadeslayerRiddell: small rekonq update, were about to enter FF19:02
shadeslayerjust deciding whether to put the bookmark star on the left or right :P19:02
shadeslayerAND... we might not have a 1.0 release... adjam is thinking of a 0.6 release 19:03
JontheEchidnadpm: Hmm, I wouldn't really call it Kubuntu-specific. Debian could package it if they wanted, too19:03
JontheEchidnaobviously not during their freeze and all, but there's nothing stopping any debain-based distro from using it19:03
dpmwhere is the upstream?19:03
JontheEchidnainside kde svn19:04
JontheEchidnahttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/kdereview/libqapt/ <- source code19:04
dpmright, then we should take it off that list19:05
dpmand what's up with qapt, same situation?19:06
apacheloggerkde rev 99520919:06
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=995209&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 995209 | SVN_SILENT follow Qt coding style (comments) improve comments19:07
dpmah, I see, it's the same thing, sorry19:07
=== Mamarok is now known as Mamarok_
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
dantti_Riddell: and btw yesterday I fixed packagekit to emit the speed of downloads...  http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopq13253  and today I improved how aptcc emits installing packages :)20:16
odlamay i ask what menu bar this is and is there a way to get this global bar on lucid? http://jontheechidna.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/oneperntoh.png20:47
JontheEchidnaodla: plasma-widget-menubar. Not sure about it's lucid availability20:48
odlaJontheEchidna: thanks ... does it work just with Qt or Qt, GTK, FF, and OO.org?20:48
JontheEchidnaIt should work with regular Qt and GTK. FF and OO.org have to be patched20:48
JontheEchidnathough I don't know if those apps have patches yet...20:49
nigelbgah, just when I looking for him... Johntheechidna...21:06
ejatapachelogger: will ya backport the ubuntuone-kde for lucid ? 21:33
ScottKejat: No.  Too many incompatible changes in Ubuntu One packages.22:19
maconigelb: we nicknamed him Jon the Taco at UDS Dallas22:24
nigelbmaco: Noted for Future.  Why may I ask?22:25
maconigelb: because for all of us who've had mexican food, "enchilada" is what we read "echidna" as at a glance, so someone (nixernal?) actually said "jon the enchilada" to refer to him. only, thats long to type, so we shortened it to an easier-to-type mexican food: tao22:26
maco(and yet i still cant...)22:27
nigelbmaco: hahaha22:28
nigelbyou typed enchilada correct and screwed up taco.  the irony.22:28
macoi tend to misspell the last word before i hit enter22:28
macobecause the rest of 'em i have time to backspace before i hit enter :P22:29
ejatScottK: thanks for da info .. so its mean .. all the dependecies are all in maverick .. rite?22:51
ScottKYes, but I'm not familiar with the details.22:52
ejatits ok .. 22:52

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