
=== root is now known as Guest95972
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sysfailure0x5aCan someone help me find some information.  I am sure it is documented somewhere but cant find anything.02:03
illunatic!info info02:05
ubottuinfo (source: texinfo): Standalone GNU Info documentation browser. In component main, is standard. Version 4.13a.dfsg.1-5ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 206 kB, installed size 396 kB02:05
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bernardoctHi everyone03:11
bernardoctI'm having a problem with the twinview and wasn't able to find an answer to the problem on foruns03:11
bernardoctCan someone give me a help on this?03:11
wea0What's the reason for having dramatically decreased game performance in wine after updating karmic->lucid?03:33
bernardoctIs someone there? :)03:38
illunatic!info tty03:42
ubottuPackage tty does not exist in lucid03:42
wea0What's the reason for having dramatically decreased game performance in wine after updating karmic->lucid? (I am using the same wine version as before)04:10
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harmandeep__guys need help with using SSH without PASSWORD authentication ,  as described here http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch17_:_Secure_Remote_Logins_and_File_Copying#Using_SSH_and_SCP_without_a_password     .... but i am confused , whatif USERNAME on client SYSTEM ( who generated key pair ) is different than the USERNAME @ server machine04:25
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yudongx llkjlkjlkj05:20
RoastedSo, question. in kubuntu I can set up screen edges to show all active windows. Can that functionality happen in gnome05:22
well_laid_lawnmaybe try in #ubuntu ?05:25
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=== dan___ is now known as Dan_L
RoastedI installed kubuntu desktop and decided I didnt want it. I did a remove + purge and autoremove, yet I still have kde-isms hanging around in gnome land, such as the mouse cursor and the 2 spinning balls and the font style.05:37
Roastedhow can I revert this back05:37
Dan_LRoasted, revert it back to KDE?  Or revert it back to gnome?05:42
Dan_LBecause you really should stick with KDE.  :)05:42
Roastedrevert back to gnome05:43
RoastedI'd love to use kde full time.05:43
Roastedbut it does a lot of things I just cant handle on a work laptop05:43
Roastedsuch as not unmounting devices in dolphin (errors out no matter what usb drive I plug in)05:43
Roastedsound is funky at times05:43
Dan_Lguilty as charged, all counts.  There's some quirkyness.05:43
Roastedno OS is fool proof05:43
Roastedbut Ive had a more reliable experience on gnome05:44
Roasteddont get me wrong tho. I fricken love kde.05:44
Roastedbut as a work laptop, sometimes requirements dictate certain DEs :P05:44
RoastedI think I found out how to do this now. Theres a link on ubuntus site about going "pure gnome"05:44
Dan_Ltbh, my 'work" machine (I do some freelancing) runs KDE with winxp in a vbox.  So I'm hardly a purist.05:45
Dan_LI'm rereading the undo on the KDE stuff right now, it's been quite sometime since i"ve done so, because I am a total ktard.05:45
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome05:53
noaXessgood morning05:56
noaXessthere is a command since karmic: add-apt-repository.. i have a karmic installation, but i can't found this command.. in which package is it integrated?05:57
well_laid_lawnI think the command is apt-add-repository05:58
Roastedso I got rid of kde on my ubuntu system and even used pure gnome, but I still have weird font in firefox and whatnot due to kde being installed06:05
RoastedIm seriously about to do a fresh install cause Im sick of this, but is there any way I can get ALL of KDE's changes out of my system06:05
Roastedits quite annoying06:05
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well_laid_lawnif puregnome didn't do it I can't suggest anything else - there is for reinstalls06:06
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate06:06
Roastednever installing kde again06:08
Roastednot even firefox preference changes with font makes a difference06:08
Roastedeven purged firefox's settings completely06:08
well_laid_lawntried renaming .mozilla?06:11
Roastedheck I even deleted .mozilla and created a new profile all together06:12
Dan_LI'm actually having a bizarre mozilla problem right now.  I made my dad switch to linux.  He had a problem with 'downloading codecs' if you know what I"m saying.06:13
Roastedjust going to do a reinstall and chalk this up to a lesson learned06:13
Roastedleave kubuntu-desktop to a fresh kubuntu install and dont screw with crossing them over06:13
well_laid_lawnthere might be a clue at #mozilla06:13
noaXesswell_laid_lawn: which add-apt-repository /usr/bin/add-apt-repository06:13
Dan_Lfor whatever reason, he goes to the home depot site, searches for a product, search page renders without the results.  It works in konqureror and it works on my kubuntu06:13
well_laid_lawnnoaXess: not add-apt but apt-add06:14
well_laid_lawnnoaXess: apt is the package manager you are working with06:14
noaXesswell_laid_lawn: ok.. also that.. but in which package is it.. cause i can't find it on that karmic machine06:14
noaXesswell_laid_lawn: i really know ;)06:14
well_laid_lawn!find apt-add-repository06:16
ubottuFile apt-add-repository found in python-software-properties06:16
well_laid_lawnnoaXess: ^^06:16
noaXesswell_laid_lawn: ok,, thanks06:16
well_laid_lawn!info python-software-properties06:16
ubottupython-software-properties (source: software-properties): manage the repositories that you install software from. In component main, is optional. Version 0.75.10 (lucid), package size 29 kB, installed size 1100 kB06:16
well_laid_lawn!info python-software-properties karmic06:16
ubottupython-software-properties (source: software-properties): manage the repositories that you install software from. In component main, is optional. Version 0.75.4 (karmic), package size 27 kB, installed size 1104 kB06:16
noaXesswell_laid_lawn: ok.. i see.. thanks again ;)06:17
well_laid_lawnnp :]06:17
noaXessdoes anybody know the status of ch.archive.ubuntu.com? it's down.. yea.. but when will it come back06:30
well_laid_lawnDan_L: here prob doesn't have flash06:32
well_laid_lawn!info flashplugin-nonfree06:32
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 2 kB, installed size 44 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)06:32
Dan_Lwell_laid_lawn:  it doesn't seem to be a flash issue.  (http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Search?keyword=caulk+gun&langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053) the items in the center of the page do not show up.  At all.06:36
Dan_LThe element is there---it's just empty.06:36
Dan_LAs an aside:  Project Dad On Linux is otherwise working really well.06:36
well_laid_lawnit is a resource heavy site so could his connection speed play a part?06:38
Dan_LI don't believe so.  His cable modem seems to handle everything else fine.06:39
Dan_Lit runs ok in Konqueror.06:40
Dan_LIt's a mozilla specific problem, I just brought it up here ot out of frustration.06:40
well_laid_lawnthat's a strange one - you could try renamimg .mozilla so firefox starts with the defaults again06:40
SolowHow can I reset the taskbar?06:43
SolowIts mixing up all open applications06:43
well_laid_lawnI wonder if06:44
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:44
well_laid_lawnyep -it's for gnome06:44
Solowyeah but kubuntu is kde :/06:45
SolowI love kde but the taskbar is annoying06:45
Dan_LSolow:  you can pretty much make it do whatever you want06:46
well_laid_lawnhow is it mixing up all open applications ?06:46
SolowWell, it starts nicely06:46
Solow[ app ] [ app ]06:46
Solowbut after a while it starts to do this06:46
Solow[ ap[ app ]p ]06:46
noaXessSolow: have you enabled compositing?06:47
noaXessSolow: try to disable desktop effects and test06:47
Solow[ ap [ a p ] pp ]06:47
noaXessSolow: system settings / desktop / effects..06:48
SolowWhere are the desktop effects located at? I couldnt find the theme manager the other day06:48
noaXessSolow: ^^06:48
Dan_LSolow:  lemme share a lil tip.  Use the keystroke launcher for _everything_.  If you don't know where it is, it will just find it06:49
Solowcompositing is disabled06:49
SolowDan_L, keystrok launcher?06:49
noaXessSolow: also desktop effects.. hm..06:49
harmandeepguys, in what instances would i be prompted to enter GPG  KEY  PASSPHRASE ... ?     would i be asked everytime i use mine GPG PRIVATE key ???06:49
Solowno desktop effects is enabled06:50
Solowshould I disable it?06:50
Dan_LSolow:  Krunner.  Alt+f2 by default, I believe.06:50
Solowah crap06:51
Solowseriously, what is compositing?06:51
Solowit said it was suspended by another application06:52
Solowand now my taskbar is gone06:52
Solowall it does, is change the color of my taskbar.06:53
Solowit just came back06:53
SolowDan_L, Thanks, cool :)06:53
SolowI seriously want to know wth is wrong with my taskbar :/06:57
well_laid_lawnI'm thinking hardware issue if it starts ok then goes bad - what driver you using for the graphics card?06:58
Solowhardware issues?06:59
SolowI went here from ubuntu, didnt have a single problem with ubuntu06:59
hooberKubuntu is KDE ontop of Ubuntu, yes or no?06:59
Solowbesides, its not a hardware problem, its a software problem06:59
hooberWhy has my computer been slow since the install of KDE07:00
Solowwell, a bit mote07:00
Solowbut basically07:00
hoobermy specs are enormous. KDE should not be a problem07:00
SolowMine is starting to become slow as well07:00
SolowIt started off perfectly07:00
hooberis this because of a recent update?07:00
hooberi will uninstall it immediately07:00
poseidon2010Slow ???? well my comp was Slow woth Ubuntu (Gnome).... now with Kubuntu it flyes..... like having XFCE  or something  similar07:01
SolowWell it is true that gnome is a tad faster that kde but, it makes no sense07:02
SolowOverall, ubuntu is very lightweight compared to windows07:02
SolowWindows runs smoothly, and kubuntu does all this weird shit07:03
poseidon2010I THINK I THINK..... the Gnome in the lates Ubuntu... is sort of broken.... and that is why KDE is faster now....07:03
poseidon2010I have here both.... Windows 7 and Kubuntu.... and Kubuntu is good as Windows 707:03
Solowposeidon2010, Gnome aint broken, its working perfectly fine.07:03
poseidon2010well....... it was slower for me.... than Kde07:04
SolowI've installed kubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu 10.04 though07:04
SolowAll I know, is that the KDE session is killing me07:04
Solowand that this is a software issue07:05
SolowI wish I had the time.....07:05
poseidon2010I had Ubuntu...... and then I just wiped out everything and installed Kubuntu.... I am  happy with this KDE07:05
wea0Solow: Have you tried removing and re-adding the task manager widget? If you want to mess with the config file: All settings regarding panel applets are stored in plasma-desktop-appletsrc07:05
Solowwea0, I've done that, multiple times07:05
wea0I had Kubuntu karmic and everything was fine. Then I upgraded to lucid and everything is slow...07:06
poseidon2010Solow, maybe maybe u should just install Kubuntu from sctrach.....and save headaches...07:06
Solowposeidon2010, why? ubuntu 10.04 was running just fine, all i did was give it a new shell07:06
Solowso the headache aint because of the new shell07:07
poseidon2010Dunno my friend07:07
SolowSo re-installing is pointless07:07
poseidon2010I just headed in the safest direction.... Install Kubuntu.....07:07
hooberI took a screenshot of my system monitor. Why has KDE slowed down my computer since the install? http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/3957/kdeslowness.png07:07
SolowThis IS kubuntu07:07
hooberthis Spubuntu. Sparta? no07:08
hoobercan you help :(07:08
hooberKDE is Kubuntu. or KDe on Ubuntu == KUBuntu07:08
poseidon2010:(  I was slow with Ubuntu (Gnome) and now with Kubuntu  I am fine... I am runnning like 7 VMachines.....07:09
hoobercould this be related to canceling a system test ? i had to like reboot because it never stopped gathering data07:10
poseidon2010no idea hoober07:10
Solowposeidon2010, stop the freakin promoting m807:11
SolowWe're already using kubuntu07:11
well_laid_lawnhoober: what was the test you cacelled ?07:11
Solowso unless you have something useful, please shut it.07:11
poseidon2010yes sir07:11
well_laid_lawnplay nice everyone pls07:12
SolowI'm just freaking out because of this :p07:12
hooberi will look07:12
SolowI love kubuntu, I do, It's just starting to get annoying07:12
hooberon KDE the name is just System Testing07:12
wea0hoober: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/checkbox/+bug/556636 ?07:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556636 in checkbox (Ubuntu) "Program backend consumes more than 90% CPU after System Testing (dup-of: 553328)" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553328 in checkbox (Ubuntu Lucid) "Backend does not get terminated" [Undecided,In progress]07:12
hooberi am not alone :)07:13
wea0try "sudo killall -9 backend" and see whether it helps.07:14
Solowthat's a kill07:14
Solowwithout a new launch, or reset even it will kill the backend applications right?07:15
poseidon2010Anyone...... has tried FAI with Ubuntu ? Thanks...07:16
bryan_r59i just realized i see no process stealing 90% of my cpu07:19
bryan_r59so what else could cause the slowdown07:19
bryan_r59or do you have that launchpad link again07:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556636 in checkbox (Ubuntu) "Program backend consumes more than 90% CPU after System Testing (dup-of: 553328)" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553328 in checkbox (Ubuntu Lucid) "Backend does not get terminated" [Undecided,In progress]07:20
poseidon2010Ummmmmm....Flash-plugin is a KILLER07:21
poseidon2010it eats CPU like crazy07:21
wea0I don't have that problem either, still... my system feels much slower than before the upgrade.07:21
bryan_r59wea0, did you see my screenshot? i can't find the backend program name07:22
SolowI cant enable desktop effects anymore07:22
bryan_r59is it normal for root to have 1% cpu and all others be asleep07:23
well_laid_lawnalot of services run under root07:24
poseidon2010lets say..... that u should have like an uptime smaller than 1 ......07:24
bryan_r59i need to reboot once a day07:24
poseidon2010unless u are running some background program.... or listening to music... etc etc07:25
bryan_r59xorg and ksoftirq have been up longest07:25
wea0I think he means the load average displayed by uptime?07:25
bryan_r59i will try runnign a system clean07:26
bryan_r59then doing system test07:26
bryan_r59and reboot07:26
poseidon2010u can even try to kill the KDE desktop.... and  just from console see ur  uptime...07:26
wea0Anyway, my whole system feels sluggish since lucid.07:28
solowOk kubuntu has some serious issues...07:28
wea0Is it normal that simple things like repeatedly min/maximizing a window causes ~50% CPU usage? Could anyone running kubuntu lucid on recent hardware check this out for me?07:28
solowit just signed me out07:28
bryan_r59solow, what issues?07:28
solowand now it runs smooth again07:29
solowWhich is great, except for the fact I just lost 2 hours of work07:29
bryan_r59you scare me solow. i might go back to gnome until people say KDE is safe07:29
poseidon2010wea0, recente hardware here.... 5 VM ...... nothing  bigger than 10% CPU07:29
solowbryan_r59, I've gone to KDE 3 days ago. I like it, but it looks a bit unstable07:30
poseidon2010Im not scared :)07:30
solowno, you're a god.07:31
bryan_r59KDE seems like it has very useful utilities and the GUI looks nice. but from Gnome to it, I have really lost production speed07:31
solowIt seems to have a lot of windows functionality07:32
solowlike becoming slower after a while :p07:32
poseidon2010well.... true.... it  gets slower.... after I do HIbernate or make Sleep the machine.....07:33
solowposeidon2010, doesnt that seem weird to you?07:33
solowThats something microshit windoze does07:33
poseidon2010Sort of......07:33
solowit goes against all laws of linux07:34
poseidon2010In my case07:34
solowlinux should be lightweight, yet kick ass.07:34
poseidon2010I blame the Virtual Machines...... I was running Windows 7 insde one of them.......07:34
solowwindows 7 is actually pretty stable07:34
solowAnd the fact it slows down, is just wrong07:34
poseidon2010and it was fine..... but after the SLEEP it woke up like a DRINK machine :P07:34
solowMy machine is a pc on steroids07:35
solowthis shouldnt be happening07:35
solowkde has some issues07:35
poseidon2010do u have as well W 7 in that machine ?07:35
solowit has great potential, but some serious issues07:35
solowposeidon2010, on a vm yes07:35
solowI need photoshit07:35
poseidon2010but I mean.... as the real OS.... Windows 7 .... Dual system ?07:36
solowI dont do dual boot07:36
solowI hate dual boot.07:36
solowI only need linux. And photoshop, so I'm using a stripped down version of windows07:36
poseidon2010hold on.....07:37
solowand please, why all the dots?07:37
solowwhere's pacman when you need him07:37
poseidon2010I noticed a great deal of improvement after I upgraded to the LATEST kernel....07:37
bryan_r59How many hours do I have to wait before System Testing finishes?07:38
jussi!enter | solow07:38
ubottusolow: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:38
jussibryan_r59: system testing?07:38
solowjussi, seriously? where did I go overboard.07:38
bryan_r59Jussi, i found it on KDE07:39
solowI'm trying to function normally on 1.5 hours of sleep, it's really not that easy :p07:39
poseidon2010well.... a pint of beer will always help..... or not... :P07:40
solowmaybe.......not.....becau...se.......beer.............makes....me...............sloooow........         .......07:41
solow( < . . . . . . . . . . .07:42
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bryan_r59em, hi07:45
bryan_r59em, how long should i wait for system testing? KDE has this application, i want to see waht it does. but so far it just gathers info for a very long time07:45
bryan_r59i am feeling uneasy07:46
bryan_r59please answer me07:46
poseidon2010dont understand..... how did you  get into that system testing ?07:47
poseidon2010bryan , are u still with us ?07:49
wea0poseidon2010: I think that's what he's running.07:50
poseidon2010weao, ok...... but well hes not with us any more....07:52
buckfastI'm trying to do a software update and for some reason it shows me I have 141 blocked updates08:02
buckfastwhat should I do?08:02
buckfastthe new kde version is also blocked there08:03
poseidon2010Good Night People....08:05
wea0buckfast: You might need to do a dist-upgrade instead of a normal upgrade?08:06
buckfastwea0: but I already have the newest version of the kubuntu distro08:06
well_laid_lawnA "blocked update" is often reported by the apt update system used (mostly) by distributions in the Debian family, and usually means that the (proposed) update would install a newer version of a library that's used by a program you've already installed, and that the installed program has not been tested with the newer version of the library. So the update is "blocked" 'til the testing is finished. (The "block" can also go the o08:06
well_laid_lawnther way: a new version of a program may require a newer library, and the library may still be in the "testing" repository, so the update is "blocked" 'till the library is available.)08:06
well_laid_lawna quote from http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/blocked-updates-733914/08:07
buckfastso updating in this case is not recommended?08:09
well_laid_lawnit means you can update stuff if it won't wreck something else08:10
well_laid_lawnelse an update will be blocked 'till it won't wreck other things08:11
well_laid_lawnit would be nice if apt said at the end the apps were blocked because of version conflicts08:12
wea0buckfast: What exactly are you trying to update anyway? Are you trying to install kde4.5 on kubuntu lucid?08:14
ezra_Dolphin isent remembering preview settings for some folders? :(08:16
well_laid_lawnezra_: some folders? - which ones?08:19
wea0ezra_: Might that be related to you not having write access in those directories?08:19
ezra_any now, a few worked but I dont think it saves anymore now. Such as the sub folders of home>documents08:19
ezra_well.. its my home dir... so.. if I dont have acces... then something weirds going on...08:20
well_laid_lawnezra_: to check if you own all the files in your home dir you could run in konsole   ls -l ~ | grep -v <your_user_name>08:23
wea0ezra_: Dolphin uses a hidden file named ".directory" to store those settings. Navigate to a folder where it doesn't work and examine whether that file exists, whether you have write access and whether it has a "ViewMode=" line inside.08:23
buckfastwea0: yes, the kde update is blocked, but there could be other packages08:23
wea0buckfast: In that case you will most likely need apt-get dist-upgrade for it to succeed; however be careful as you might run into bug 615865.08:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615865 in Kubuntu PPA "Blackscreen after login, after update to kde 4.5" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61586508:24
buckfastdamn bugs08:25
well_laid_lawnyou know that you use 4.5 at your own risk don't you - not for production machines08:25
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.08:25
buckfastit's my desktop comp, but I still don't want to mess it up08:26
well_laid_lawnyou should be aware that using the latest and greatist comes with a risk is all08:27
buckfastthe kde version in the stable lucid still crashed for me sometimes08:28
buckfastand seemed buggy08:28
buckfastso that's why I updated08:28
wea0I would think that you will be fine as long as you make sure to reinstall the kubuntu-desktop package, if it gets removed by the dist-upgrade. I would not vouch for that however.08:28
wea0That worked for me though.08:28
alvinNepomuk zombies are fixed in KDE 4.508:28
alvinFor blocked update to KDE 4.5, see bug 61590208:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615902 in Kubuntu PPA "Upgrade to KDE SC 4.5 blocked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61590208:29
well_laid_lawnbuckfast: you were worried about the blocked updates - that's 'cause you installed 4.5 and there are lib versions clashes between it and 4.408:29
buckfastokay, maybe I'll just wait until they fix their mishap08:30
buckfastwell_laid_lawn: I didn't install 4.5 yet08:30
buckfastit's blocked08:30
ezra_wea0: .directory exists, but ViewMode= is not in it08:30
well_laid_lawnbuckfast: sorry - don't know why I thought that then... :]08:30
ezra_instlling 4.5 dosent indeed break kubuntu08:31
buckfastok, good to know =)08:32
well_laid_lawnit doesn't - just needs some extra maintenance and not alot of 4.4 apps to conflict with08:32
alvinSome bugs are fixed, some new ones are introduces, but it's installable.08:33
buckfastI think I'll stick with the old ppa version at the moment08:34
ezra_for some reason i thought 4.5 was stable. 95% of the way though installing I noticed the "In development trunk" uh oh....08:34
alvinBye, bye printer applet08:34
alvinKDE 4.5 is declared stable, but it uses Qt 4.7 beta08:34
well_laid_lawnwhere's it declared stable?08:35
wea0ezra_: Try adding a [Dolphin] section (if that doesn't exist yet) and under that add ViewMode=108:35
wea0Thats for detail viev. ViewMode=2 is comumns view08:35
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ezra_wea0: sigh, i'll try that next time.. unless theres a way to restore the system to before i installed 4.5, I need to reinstall again. Dolphin is unusable08:36
well_laid_lawnWhile focus within this release cycle lay on stability...08:36
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest34934
alvinezra: I don't notice any problems with Dolphin. Are you sure you have all packages? To check: $ sudo aptitude install08:37
alvinwell_laid_lawn: That's a common mistake. LTS means ' longer support', not 'more stable'.08:38
ezra_i dont, the blocked updates still remain uninstalled08:38
wea0Overall I have to say I like 4.5 much better than 4.4, because it no longer has stupid bugs like the mouse wheel scrolling in the wrong direction on the taskmanager, and activities are actually useful now, and oxygen-settings08:38
alvinezra_: In that case, see the workaround in bug 615902 (keep running $ sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade until done08:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615902 in Kubuntu PPA "Upgrade to KDE SC 4.5 blocked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61590208:38
ezra_alvin: ok08:39
ezra_alvin: konquera also broken.. anything to be launched is broken lol08:39
ErtheHey folks.08:40
* ezra_ passes the cookies to Erthe08:40
buckfastdefinitely a failure update then08:40
buckfastdoes more harm than good08:40
alvinAfterwards, you can clean your system with aptitude in a few steps: [# aptitude install] to see the conflicts. Now for every package that says [not installed], uninstall it! [# aptitude purge freespacenotifier] and so on. Do this until [#aptitude install] doesn't complain anymore. Make sure you keep kubuntu-desktop08:40
ErtheI just added the source for backports for KDE 4.5 and all the updates were blocked.08:40
well_laid_lawnalvin: that was a quote from the website08:40
wea0ezra_: Yeah, I'd try to go through with te update; and when you're done make asolutely sure that kubuntu-desktop is installed, or you won't be able to ligin next time.08:41
ErtheRunning 10.0408:41
alvinwell_laid_lawn: What website?08:41
buckfastErthe: Yes.08:41
wea0Erthe: yeah we're just discussing that08:41
ezra_wea0: okie dokie08:41
buckfastErthe: kDE 4.5 is a failure08:41
buckfastErthe: It will mess up your system08:41
Erthebuckfast: Well, the packaging maybe, I'm sure KDE 4.5 is fine  :D08:41
wea0Erthe: bug 615902, bug 61586508:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615902 in Kubuntu PPA "Upgrade to KDE SC 4.5 blocked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61590208:41
alvinno, just the packages. There are several valid reasons.08:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615865 in Kubuntu PPA "Blackscreen after login, after update to kde 4.5" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61586508:41
well_laid_lawn<alvin> http://www.kde.org08:42
alvinwell_laid_lawn: Ah, now I see. I thought you meant Lucid.08:43
alvinI actually find KDE 4.5 more stable. Some things are broken because of Qt beta (krdc) and python (printer-applet), but nepomuk doesn't want to eat brains anymore.08:44
Erthealvin: How'd you get it to install?08:44
alvinErthe: See above bug08:44
ErtheHow'd you get beyond the KDm issue?08:44
alvinNow, if only they'd fix the NFS kioslave in such a 'focus on stability release'.08:45
alvinErthe: What kdm issue? (I know there are issues, but which one are you referring to)08:45
ErtheEveryone's reporting that after doing full-upgrade KDM is blank08:45
alvinThat's because their upgrade is not complete08:45
alvinYou have to do dist-upgrade --force several times until completed08:46
ErtheSo full-upgrade will work?08:46
alvinno, aptitude will notice too much dependency problems08:46
alvinI prefer aptitude myself, but you have to go woth apt-get this time08:46
Erthe--force is not an option to apt-get08:47
alvin-f then08:47
ezra_alvin: so despite what aptitude install says, ONLY uninstall the ones that say [not installed] ?08:47
alvin(note that aptitude will be removed in the next version of Ubuntu)08:47
alvinezra_: Ah, that's after the upgrade itself.08:47
alvinAnd yes. I think it's freespacenotifier and another08:47
alvindo them one by one08:47
ezra_alvin: yes, upgrade complete08:47
ezra_Keep the following packages at their current version:08:48
ezra_kdebase-plasma [Not Installed]08:48
Ertheupgrading, bbiab08:48
alvin$ sudo aptitude purge kdebase-plasma08:48
alvinIt's not installed and KDE 4.5 doesn't use it08:49
ezra_grrr i need paste bin08:50
ezra_but browser broken08:50
ezra_alvin: it want to remove kdebase-workspace etc, and leave plassma-dekstop etc, Score is 126??08:51
ezra_accept solution?08:51
alvinHmm, no08:51
alvinBetter to do things by hand first08:51
alvinWhat does aptitude show kdebase-wokspace say about the package?08:51
alvinok, you need it08:52
alvinYou also need plasma-desktop. Strange. Try another apt-get dist-upgrade08:53
ezra_alvin: well it dosent show anymore [not installed] .. ok08:53
alvinah, ok, in that case, you can safely remove the package with [not installed] first08:53
alvinand retry aptitude install08:53
ezra_i have08:54
alvinother packages with 'not installed'?08:54
ezra_upgrade shows nothing to upgrade08:54
alvinand just 'aptitude install'08:54
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alvinit should also show you that nothing should be done08:54
ezra_The following packages have unmet dependencies:08:55
ezra_  kdebase-workspace-bin: Conflicts: freespacenotifier but 0.0svn1061317-0ubuntu1 is to be installed.08:55
ezra_  kdebase-workspace-data: Conflicts: freespacenotifier but 0.0svn1061317-0ubuntu1 is to be installed.08:55
alvin$ sudo aptitude purge freespacenotifier08:55
ezra_ok install returns clean now08:55
alvinTadaam :-) Your system is clean after the upgrade. You're good now. Enjoy KDE 4.5.08:56
alvin(and learn the cups command line. printer-applet breaks after each upgrade anyway)08:57
* ezra_ looks around at the GTK window decorations and broken shortcuts... mmmm this is blisss08:57
ezra_alvin: im assuimng some kind of restart now?08:58
alvinI suppose so. I always upgrade stuff like that from the console, with X down08:58
ezra_eeks, i forgot something!!!! 0_o08:59
ezra_alvin: hmm nvm,.. dident seemt to make any difference...09:00
ezra_the backports repo was disabled when i ran that upgrade on konsole09:00
sobczykhi, anyone testing kde 4.5 backports repository?09:03
sobczykthe question is, is it stable09:04
wea0lol, there seems to be only one question today09:04
sobczyksomeone asked it before? :)09:05
sobczykI need to upgrade to either 4.4.5 or directly 4.5 so I'm asking09:05
wea0I personally would deem the packages reasonably stable for testing use, however there are bugs with installing the packages themselves, namely bug 615902 and bug 61586509:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615902 in Kubuntu PPA "Upgrade to KDE SC 4.5 blocked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61590209:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615865 in Kubuntu PPA "Blackscreen after login, after update to kde 4.5" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61586509:05
ezra_alvin: wow.... looking good 4.5 =D09:07
ezra_alvin: <3 Thnkx =D09:09
wea0I know. Definitive inprovment over 4.4. If only I could have the looks and features of my 4.5 running lucid with the speed of my karmic ;)09:11
alvinezra_: You're welcome.09:17
* alvin is off to buy a nettop and try out kubuntu-netbook 09:17
ezra_uh oh...09:22
ezra_is "air" the default KDE theme? or is it Kubuntu's?09:37
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ypubuntu6man all i have is 256k of ramon this old guy10:43
ypubuntu6nothing speeds it up.. any help10:43
ypubuntu6256mb of ram10:43
ypubuntu6on this10:43
buckfastypubuntu6: try a lightweight window manager like fluxbox10:50
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nebulasemulator for psx one  for ubuntu11:27
manolopm Hi, I'm trying to personalize my livecd based on kubuntu one. There is any documentation to change the content of the home directory of the default user?11:30
Peace-manolopm: ok ... lets start11:40
Peace-manolopm: every stuff you need to change is on $HOME/.kde11:40
Peace-that contains every configuration file11:40
Peace-if you delete it you will get the standard configuration11:40
Peace-te standard configuration is stored i think in a another folder11:41
Peace-manolopm: /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/11:42
Peace-that is the folder where you will find kubuntu default settings11:42
manolopmPeace-:  Mmm yes ok, I think I explain it wrong. I got the squash uncompressed and I want to add another folder to the home user of the default user for the livecd. In the squash the home user don't exists so I supposed that someone create the home in the boot process11:44
Peace-i have created my own live cd some time ago11:45
Peace-and it used my own home my own settings to create the home11:45
Peace-just install kubuntu11:46
Peace-make every change youi like11:46
Peace-in your home and in the default settings folder11:46
Peace-and it will create the copy as you want11:46
manolopmPeace-: mmm ok, its look like that you use another way that I'm trying to use... You build your fresh live from your installation (it seems) but I'm trying to modify the current live...11:48
Peace-i think remastersys is very handy11:49
Peace-install modify you installation and :) remastersys11:49
Peace-that's all11:49
manolopmok I'll try that thanks11:50
nobarkingshould i defragment an NTFS partition that's shared by my gnu/linux partition?12:09
solowWhere is the 'share' option in kubuntu o.012:37
solowI want to share a folder on my lan, but i cant find the share button12:37
replmanHi! I installed 10.04 on my pc with an intel p4 cpu. I wanted to see the current cpu frequency, but the /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufrequ directory doesn't contain any files12:38
replmanpowernowd -v prints 8 speed steps12:39
wilhartwwhat is MEDIBUNTU and where do i get latest mplayer smplayer says that my mplayer is outdated13:21
gnomefreakwilhart: here http://www.medibuntu.org/13:22
gnomefreakits got nonfree apps in it apps we may not provide13:22
wilhartgnomefreak: what apps exaplevise?13:23
gnomefreakgoogleearth is one of many13:23
gnomefreakwilhart: you would have to look to see the other apps13:23
* gnomefreak doesnt use it alot13:23
wilhartgnome i need mplayer from there? Adding the Repository <- this i must do?13:24
wilhartthis is outdated: w64codecs13:25
gnomefreakwilhart: i dont know if they provide it. you can ask in #medibuntu13:25
gnomefreakwilhart: http://packages.medibuntu.org/ will also list them for you13:26
rethusi have removed a package (yabs) but in the menue, the entry still exist. if i click to the menu-entry, nothing happend.13:26
rethushow can i clean the whole kmenu?13:26
wilhartgnomefreak: i made repo and upgrade no mplayer that has to be upgradeeeed?13:29
gnomefreakwilhart: ask in #medibuntu as they would know13:29
gnomefreaki can not give you info on the repo and all its packages13:29
wilhartgnomefreak: check out packages, all says 404 error13:30
gnomefreakdiddnt look all that far. what version of ubuntu are you using13:30
gnomefreakif lucid use the link i gave you or join #medibuntu since ubuntu does not support it13:30
gnomefreakwilhart: yeah it is 40413:31
gnomefreaksee them for more info13:31
wilhartgnomefreak: i made new mirror so now i got mplayer :D13:32
wilhartgnomefreak: it upgraded mplayer but it has same version ? hmm13:32
wilhartgnomefreak: do you know any repos where the latest mplayer is?13:33
starslightswilhart:  i has same as you and to update i have needed to use the ppa repo but that's not a offical update, if you want i give you the link13:33
wilhartstarslights: just giev! :D13:34
starslightsit was the only way to have i.e VDPAU working13:34
starslightsoky 1 min13:34
solowI want to share a folder on my lan, but i cant find the share button.13:35
starslightsso keep up to date with both :D13:35
wilhartgnomefreak: what is this: kubuntu-restricted-extras13:35
gnomefreakwilhart: that has extra packages. same ones we have in repos just as a meta package. (so you dont have to install each package)13:36
wilhartgnomefreak: i should apt-get it?13:36
gnomefreakwilhart: yes if you want but mplayer is not in it13:37
gnomefreakit has java flash and such13:37
gnomefreakstarslights: care to help wilhart so i can go back to work?13:37
starslightsyes sure gnomefreak, no problem, have a great day :)13:38
gnomefreakstarslights: thanks13:38
wilhartgnomefreak: are they codecs orseomthing?13:38
starslightswilhart: you mosty don't need it, when you install smplayer, it will install most useful plugins13:39
starslightsor just look what you need for codecs if not in the infoormation menu about codecs in smplayer13:40
kishhey, what calendar app that lets you take notes can you suggest13:41
solowI want to share a folder on my lan, but i cant find the share button.13:42
wilhartstarslights: ok btw, what is mencoder?13:42
kishtrying evolution13:42
starslightswilhart:  mencoder are to can encoding and depends of mplayer if i am right13:42
wilhartstarslights: is it for playback or ripping?13:43
wilhartstarslights: btw, what lib was it to apt-get vpdau ?13:43
wilhartso i can -vo vpdau13:43
wilharti forgot.13:43
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starslightshumm , better don't install like that, if you have Nvidia Card who support it, it come with the "Nvidia current driver"13:44
wilhartlibvdpau1 ?13:44
wilhartstarslights: oh .....13:44
wilhartThe version of MPlayer (SVN r1) installed on your system is obsolete. SMPlayer can't work well with it: some options won't work, subtitle selection may fail...13:45
wilhartPlease, update your MPlayer.13:45
starslightsi am not enough sure to answer you.... i think that must be as a dependance13:45
starslightswhat kubuntu version are you running ?13:46
starslightsthat's my smplayer : Version : 0.6.9 (SVN r3447)13:46
starslightsfrom the repo i gave you before13:47
wilhartstarslights: 4.5.013:47
wilhartstarslights: 10.0413:47
wilhartstarslights: vpdau dosent work and gl doent work13:47
wilhartstarslights: with smplayer13:47
wilhartstarslights: i'm using xv now13:47
starslightsyeah i know with the old version, that's why you need to update ;)13:48
wilhartupdate mplayer ?13:48
wilhartor smplayer?13:48
starslightsbut maybe miss somthing as librrary, a devs will better to help you13:48
solowI want to share a folder on my lan, but i cant find the share button.13:48
starslightsboth, smplayer are a gui for mplayer13:48
wilhartcan you help with it?13:49
wilhartThis is SMPlayer v. 0.6.8 (SVN r3213) running on Linux13:49
wilhartMPlayer SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team13:49
starslightsi run same version as you for OS , so i don't know why you don't get the same version, sorry i don't see why you still on older version ...13:51
solowahw come on I just want to share a folder, how hard can that be :(13:51
RoastedHow can I restore my GTK font settings in Firefox and Thunderbird? I had KDE installed alongside Ubuntu and I have removed KDE, ran PureGnome, but I still have the weird fonts in Thunderbird and Firefox. I even nuked the Firefox profile... still there. There has to be a way to reverti t.13:53
starslightswilhart:  i have libdvau1 and current nvidia installed about graphic libary13:54
wilhartstarslights: is taht a typo ?13:59
starslightssorry i don't understand ? i don't speak English very well ,  what do you mean ?13:59
wilhartstarslights: it's libvdpau1 not libdvau114:00
starslightsah yeah sorry14:01
wilhartstarslights: ok now vpaud works.14:01
wilhartstarslights: do you know what gl2 and gl are? for ati cards?14:01
starslightsah good, be happy for you14:01
wilhartstarslights: i'm getting flickering!!14:02
wilhartstarslights: do you have glx removed in xorg.conf14:02
wilhartcan you paste your .mplaer/config and /etc/x11/xorg.conf14:03
starslightsit's  a library too, ATI and Nvidia handle both, but for more infos, you must see with people who have good knowlege with it.   Nope, i need to have glx  for gaming and use Opengl14:04
starslightswell my xorg will not useful for you, it pretty bugged for the time, i wait the futur kernel to fix it14:05
wilhartstarslights: ok14:08
starslightsbut if i am right xorg,conf need nothing anymore for a config, it must auto  detect your screen and peripherical, that's what it do for me14:10
wilharti'm geting teraing!14:10
wilhartthere is a mplayer-pdau14:11
starslightswilhart:  i must go to a rendez-vous, i am happy that you get smplayer working now, after their some options i don't tested, so have a good day and cya soon14:12
dhqi use kubuntu, my laptop has 3 front jack in which the mic port can be turned into a 5.1, but after an upgrade i dont have this option and am stuck with 4.0 sound14:13
dhqcan anyone help14:13
wilhartstarslights: do you find mplayer-pdau for me?14:14
starslightsi don't know what's that , never hear14:15
starslightsi am sorry ..14:15
starslightsok i am out , cya14:16
glaucousIs it safe to install the latest kernel from this ppa? http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/kernel-ppa14:28
wilharti get tearing when twinview, when disableing desktop monitor and using projector only it doesnt tear? what to do?14:31
wilhartshuld i try X screen ?14:32
wilhartcant get x screen to work14:39
solowis there like windows has, some sort of application manager?14:42
solowSo I can uninstall etc14:42
solowfound it14:43
solowokay, I havent. Ubuntu software center crashes after I enter my password.14:44
wilhartgot rid of teraing and flickering14:49
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wilharti got solution for teraing with nvidia and (S)mplayer14:55
wilhartcan you use glx for twinview ?14:59
glaucousAnyone got a tip of a good QT MPD client?15:05
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solowI just uninstalled gwibber, and my entire applications menu is empty15:08
solowwhat happend!15:08
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wilhartanyone with nvidia and twinview?15:10
wilhartusing mplayer?15:10
wilharti lost my pbkacback/recording through the pulseaudio sound in phonon - sytem settings, how do i get this back?15:16
wilhartit's disabled (gray)15:16
wilhartunder that is my soundcard15:16
wilhartmy pulse volume control says: Connection failed: Connection refused15:25
wilharthow do i fix this?15:25
alvinHmm, is there a bug in KDE 4.5: 'can't burn images with K3B anymore'?15:36
alvinI used K3B to erase a cd. That worked. The device notifier says it's a blank cd now, but I can't burn to it.15:37
okapi14hi all, I have this error that I can not fix. Anyone has an idea "Errors were encountered while processing:  /var/cache/apt/archives/libswt-gtk-3.6-java_3.6-1~ppa4_i386.deb"15:41
troopperiokapi14: sudo dpkg --configure -a; sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get update15:45
RoastedHow can I restore my GTK font settings in Firefox and Thunderbird? I had KDE installed alongside Ubuntu and I have removed KDE, ran PureGnome, but I still have the weird fonts in Thunderbird and Firefox. I even nuked the Firefox profile... still there. There has to be a way to revert it.15:46
okapi14trooper: did that without chance15:48
troopperiokapi14: no errors?15:49
okapi14trooper: yes, still have my error15:49
troopperiRoasted: first backup your bookmarks and mails, then go to your home folder, change to see hidden folders (alt+.)and delete .mozilla folder. Its zero your settings to browser.15:53
Roastedtroopperi, wanna know something funny15:57
RoastedI did that....15:58
RoastedI even uninstalled firefox, purged it, and reinstalled.15:58
troopperiRoasted: you restart your machine?15:58
Roastedtroopperi, of course. I even reinstalled Ubuntu (but kept my home dir)15:58
RoastedI didnt uninstall, reboot, and reinstall tho15:59
Roastedif thats waht you mean15:59
wilhartanyone here? guru on soundblaster and pulse?16:03
BluesKajhello folks16:09
okapi14troopper: do you have any other idea for me?16:12
okapi14troopperi: do you have any other idea for me?16:13
troopperiokapi14: Do you use newer version that program? My kpackagekit shows that version is 3.5.116:13
okapi14troopperi: on my synaptics I have the version 3.616:15
wilharthow do i get pulse server workin i get: E: main.c: Daemon startup failed.16:15
wilharti want pulseaudio in system settings -> sound16:15
BluesKajwilhart, which kubuntu version are you running and which souyndcard ?16:28
wilhartBluesKaj: i got soundblatser f-xi audio16:30
wilhartBluesKaj: i want pulseaudio to go for the frist selected device but there is nothing just my soundblatser there16:31
wilhartBluesKaj: the thing is that i need to get an equalizer16:31
wilhartand pulse has en global equalizer16:31
BluesKajwilhart, you can find an eq in your package manager, you don't need pulseaudio for that.16:34
BluesKajwilhart, you can always install pulseaudio if you want16:34
wilhartBluesKaj: no i want equalizer dont need pulse if there is a eq manager?16:35
BluesKaj!pm |wilhart16:36
ubottuwilhart: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:36
wilhartBluesKaj: ok i removed whole pulseaudio16:42
wilhartBluesKaj: how do i enable equzalizer now?16:42
wilhartBluesKaj: i have x-fi extreme audio SB0790) (ca010616:42
wilhartBluesKaj: i need global equalizer for x-fi extreme16:43
wilhartthat' need pulse audio device drivers! i need one for soundblaster16:46
BluesKajlook in the package manager for sound equalizer, wilhart, Tom's Audio Processing LADSPA plugins16:47
BluesKajwilhart, why did you remove pulseaudio , I didn't tell you to remove it16:48
wilhartBluesKaj: give me a url for lucid how toinstall pulseaudio, i've googled 50 times in google for a good site16:49
BluesKajwilhart, in the terminal , sudo apt-get install pulseaudio16:50
wilhartBluesKaj: ok then?16:51
BluesKajwilhart, did it install ?16:51
wilhartBluesKaj: yep16:51
BluesKajok check system settings/multimedia16:52
wilhartphonon ?16:52
wilhartBluesKaj: yes there nothing there just x-fi extreme audio and ca0106 and jack audio16:52
wilhartBluesKaj: this is odd, why doesnt it work......16:54
BluesKajphonon, yes16:55
BluesKajok wilhart, in the terminal type alsamixer ,16:56
BluesKajmake sure the Master, PCM, Line & CD are all unmuted ,by using the "M" key'16:56
BluesKajthen turn those controls up to the max.16:56
wilhartBluesKaj: my sound works16:57
wilhartBluesKaj: but not pulseaudio16:57
wilhartwilhart@dragonfly:~$ pulseaudio -D16:57
wilhartE: main.c: Daemon startup failed.16:57
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:01
sergiotutto bene17:03
wilhartblueskaj got any iidea?17:05
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hagabakaanyone using radeon r300/r300g with x-edgers ppa, and cannot get KDE desktop effects to enable?17:31
ScuniziI goofed.. opened Akonadi Configuration > Clicked on "Local Folders" > clicked on Modify > clicked Cancel .... now Akonadi doesn't know where the "Outbox" is for kmail.. how do I remedy this?18:01
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Guest83563Hi there, does anyone experiences problems with digikam after upgrading to 4.5? There is a dependency to libmarblewidget4, which is not fulfilled here.18:40
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buckfastdependency hell...18:40
Guest83563So there is no digikam package in backports using the current libmarblewidget10?18:42
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:58
nikitisHow do I make KDE connect to my router wirelessly without having to log in first?19:02
Tm_Tnikitis: then it won't be KDE doing the job19:04
Tm_Tnikitis: I wonder if there's commandline tools for networkmanager19:05
nikitisTm_T: Okay, know how I can make init or whatever auto connect to my router?19:05
jimmy51_from a terminal, how can i partition a drive such that the last 5 GB are swap, and the rest is ext3?19:24
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BluesKajjimmy51_, best to burn a gparted live cd and use that to setup your partitions ...it's not possible edit partitions that you are running on.19:28
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jimmy51_BluesKaj: i'm not running on it.19:31
BluesKajjimmy51_, http://www.ehow.com/how_1000631_hard-drive-linux.html19:36
ablysswhats up w/ ksystemlog viewer asking permissions everytime?19:49
leeb9972gah! how do i list channels on this server? using Konversation19:51
ablysstry /list19:52
leeb9972lol thanks, i found the command :D19:53
ablyssu tried opera's built in irc ?19:54
Pici/msg alis help list19:54
leeb9972didnt know opera had a built in irc?19:54
leeb9972what irc client u guys reccomend?19:54
leeb9972i used mirc on wondows19:54
ablyssopera irc.  and i've tried them all19:55
brad__kvirc is pretty good19:55
ablyssmirc is fun for scripting but little buggy, non-free, and bloated19:56
ablysswhen I used mirc I scripted the GUI to look like opera, lol19:57
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nikitisAnyone know why When i mount a usb ntfs drive I cannot see the files?  I can create new files and it's mounted but I cannot see the previously made files20:10
brad__nikitis: are you looking at the files with konqueror or dolphin, or in something like openoffice?20:13
nikitisbrad__, dolphin20:13
nikitisbrad__, but i couldn't see them via commandline either20:13
nikitisbrad__, i plugged it into a windows box and the files are there20:14
brad__ah, i see.  dunno if i have an answer, probably don't.  what version of kubuntu are you running?20:14
nikitisbrad__, 10.0420:14
brad__yeah, i don't know, sorry bro20:15
nikitisbrad__, i mounted it in fstab here are my options. ntfs  auto,rw,user,exec,sync   0       020:15
BluesKajnikitis, dolphin / places ?20:21
nikitisit's mounted to /home/<me>/Freeagent20:21
heroI have 14e4:4357, please help my connect with wireless.20:22
nikitisthe whole line is uuid="<uuid of blkid here for drive>"  /home/<user>/freeagent ntfs auto,rw,user,exec,sync 0 020:22
nikitisBluesKaj, it seems to mount, but when i go into the drive, the current contents aren't listed.  I know the files are there as they show up on the windows box20:23
nikitisBluesKaj, do I have to set a UID or something?20:23
BluesKajnikitis, are they encrypted?20:23
nikitisI didn't think so, i just now checked, and nope20:24
heroCan somebody help me? I have Broadcom 14e4:435720:26
heroI can't use wireless :S20:27
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heroCan somebody help me use wireless?20:35
jlabamarok isnt finding my itunes music. could somebody help?20:36
odlahero: what card?20:36
odlajlab: are you telling amarok to look in the correct directory?20:37
odlahero: no pm please20:37
odlawhat does it say from lspci (run that command in a terminal)20:37
jlabodla, yes. its in a seperate partition (obviously) but i selected it in the collection menu. Im also using Ubuntu20:38
hero02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 01)20:39
hero03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Device 4357 (rev 01)20:39
odlajlab: and the partition is mounted?20:39
jlabodla, yes because i share my windows profile so I have all the same bookmarks, and that works fine20:39
odlahero: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153906420:40
odlahero: sounds you just need to install the drivers :)20:40
odlajlab: hrm ... so it isn't an easy fix :(20:40
odlai don't know then20:40
heroHow can I install them?20:41
heroI have them downloaded in my desktop20:41
odlahero: kubuntu or ubuntu?20:41
odlahero: kmenu -> Applications -> System -> hardware drivers20:42
jlabodla, have you heard of this problem?20:42
odlahero: see if kubuntu will automatically install it20:42
odlajlab: no i haven't :(20:42
odlajlab: you might ask in #amarok20:42
herothanks, I am trying20:42
heroodla do you have msn?20:43
jlabodla quit20:44
odlahero: any luck?20:46
jlabodla, so i right click an mp3 and say open in amarok but it doesnt play20:47
jlaband it works in the default player20:47
odlajlab: oh ... do you have the codecs installed?20:47
jlabodla, i thought i did, but maybe not. how do i do that again?20:48
odlajlab: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras20:49
jlabodla i did that still does play also amarok never closes when i say close20:52
odladoesn't play?20:52
odlajlab: yeah when you 'close' amarok ... it really just hides in the indicator area20:52
odlajlab: you have to go and close it there :p20:53
jlabi do haha20:53
jlaband yes doesnt play20:53
odlahrm ... i don't know why it doesn't play though20:54
jlabodla no problem i'll figure it out later thanks for your help20:54
herothank you very much odla20:57
heroit all worked20:57
odlaglad to hear it20:57
herodo you have msn?20:57
brad__hero: i'll bet he has irc ;)21:02
heroI doubt it ^^haha21:02
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odlayes i bet he has irc too21:03
Pokerhi , i have problem with hdmi resolution , i plug my labtop to the lcd screen via hdmi but the resolution is not correct , my laptop dell inspiron dell laptop and video card is intel Graphics Media , and my os kubuntu 10.421:34
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korlI can start KDE22:07
korlI can't start KDE It crash22:08
korlI use ATI Free driver22:08
korlany idea?22:11
Guest77846FloodBotK2: test22:20
Poker hi , i have problem with hdmi resolution , i plug my labtop to the lcd screen via hdmi but the resolution is not correct my  taskbar out of sight! , my laptop dell inspiron dell laptop and video card is intel Graphics Media , and my os kubuntu 10.422:46
JuJuBeeI just did fresh install of 10.04 on a box that sits between my home network and my cable modem but cant get both ethernet interfaces up.22:47
JuJuBeeMy /etc/network/interfaces is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/481152/22:47
olskolircill take a look JuJuBee22:49
Poker hi , i have problem with hdmi resolution , i plug my labtop to the lcd screen via hdmi but the resolution is not correct my  taskbar out of sight! , my laptop dell inspiron dell laptop and video card is intel Graphics Media , and my os kubuntu 10.422:53
gio_gtPoker: first thing I would try to do: with your lcd screen connected, open a terminal and execute command "xrandr --auto"22:57
JuJuBeeolskolirc: did you see anything wrong?22:58
olskolircoh snap JuJuBee i got side tracked22:58
olskolircok ill look now JuJuBee22:58
Pokergio_gt, i do it before22:58
Pokergio_gt, second thing ?22:59
gio_gtPoker: before? what do you mean? did you do it before connecting the screen?22:59
gio_gtPoker: you should do it after connecting the screen23:00
Pokerno i mean i do that thing23:00
Pokeryes after connecting the lcd i do it23:00
Pokerthat what i mean23:00
gio_gtPoker: oh, I see.. have you tried to go in System Settings => Display and Monitor and configure it from there?23:00
Pokergio_gt, yes23:01
olskolirci don't know JuJuBee I don't have an /etc/iptables.up.rules23:01
olskolircthe problem might be in your iptables23:01
gio_gtPoker: have you tried to change the screen resolution to a lower one then set it again to the correct one?23:02
Pokergio_gt, yes23:02
JuJuBeeI use iptables for firewall.23:02
Pokergio_gt, and i try to set new resolution for my lcd by xrandr --addmode etc ..23:02
gio_gtPoker: uh, you did try that, too. So unfortunately I am running out of ideas.23:03
Pokerlol np23:03
olskolircdoes ubuntu "need" a firewall?23:03
gio_gtPoker: I hope that someone more prepared than me on this subject could help you23:03
JuJuBeeolskolirc: only if the box is between internal LAN and Internet.  I use it cause I have kids...23:04
JuJuBeeWas working fine before fresh install23:04
olskolircPoker, "sudo jockey-kde" and upgrade your video driver23:05
Pokergio_gt,  my laptop resolution is 1280x800 and i make new resolution for my lcd the 1280x800 , but when i try to refresh the new resolution i get no signal lol23:05
Pokerolskolirc, ok23:06
JuJuBeeolskolirc: Im just looking to get my eth0 to come up automatically on restart with the settings in /etc/network/interfaces23:06
gio_gtuh, actually that _is_ a good idea23:06
Pokerolskolirc, there is no video card only wirless23:07
gio_gtPoker: no video card? impossible.23:07
Pokergio_gt, really !23:07
olskolircI don't understand that Poker no video card23:07
Pokerolskolirc, wait i capture my screen23:08
olskolircPoker on the machine that has no video card do: sudo ifup eth123:08
Pokerolskolirc, rsv23:09
Pokerolskolirc, Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1.23:10
gio_gtPoker: you said you have a laptop, right? So that laptop must have a video card inside, otherwise you would not see anything in laptop screen23:12
olskolircPoker, dear, don't send files without permission23:12
olskolircthe best i can tell you is to install dongle support for wireless23:12
Pokerolskolirc, to make u understand what i mean with no card video lol23:13
Pokerolskolirc, i don`t need the wireless right now , i want to solve the problem with my screen23:13
olskolircright Poker but ask anyway you just crashed my ms virtualbox, i don't have the cpu right now23:13
Pokerolskolirc, :S How i do that ?23:14
JuJuBeeolskolirc: how do I get eth0 to get the desired settings on restart?23:14
olskolircsudo apt-get install orange: Poker23:14
olskolircoh wait23:15
olskolircthat orange was for JuJuBee23:15
olskolircPoker, it looks like you have no video support23:15
JuJuBeeolskolirc: ?23:15
Pokerolskolirc, ok then bring coffee please :P23:15
Pokerolskolirc, how i support my video card ?23:15
olskolircJuJu do "sudo apt-get install orange" for your wireless support and see if that helps23:16
olskolircwhat card is it exactly Poker23:16
JuJuBeeolskolirc: wireless?  Don't have wireless23:16
JuJuBeeboth are wired interfaces23:16
Pokerolskolirc, what the command for video card ? i forget it23:16
olskolircsudo jockey-kde Poker23:17
olskolirceverything is hard wired JuJuBee ?23:17
Pokerolskolirc, there is nothing on jockey-kde , only wireless card not activated23:17
JuJuBeeI have 2 Gig interfaces23:17
Pokerolskolirc, anyway my video card is intel23:18
olskolircsudo ifdown eth1 JuJuBee23:18
olskolircor sudo ifconfig eth1 down JuJuBee23:18
JuJuBeeI can't do that, I am ssh'ed into that box over that interface23:18
olskolircand then up JuJuBee23:18
JuJuBeeBesides, it is eth0 I am having trouble with.23:18
olskolirci don't know then JuJuBee23:18
olskolirceth0 it then23:18
JuJuBeeifdown: interface eth0 not configured23:19
Pokerolskolirc, btw the problem only on hdmi , on RGP there is no problem23:19
olskolirci hate when that happens lmbo :-(23:19
joinerany idea?23:19
ersomy pc is getting slow :(23:20
joinerI can't start kde from kubuntu or Live-cd23:20
olskolirchttp://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=ubuntu+hdmi+support+SOLVED&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=7db4f7af4a13aa89 have at it Poker23:20
Pokerolskolirc, ok thanks wait i will try it23:21
olskolircim going back to work now23:21
JuJuBeeolskolirc: seems it is iptables causing the problem...  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/481172/23:23
olskolircJuJuBee, look at line 47 of your iptables rules in your config file23:25
olskolircline 47 is wrong JuJuBee23:25
JuJuBeeolskolirc: there is no line 47 only goes to line 4323:26
Pokerolskolirc, not solved :(23:26
solowkubuntu isnt recognizing any of my usb flash drives... why?23:26
olskolircyeah Poker your interface doesn't look supported23:26
joinerany idea?23:26
solowJuJuBee, Dont forget that includes also take up lines.23:26
JuJuBeesolow: still, last line is line 43 according to nano ^c23:27
Pokerolskolirc, :(23:27
solowJuJuBee, what is it, bash? sh?23:27
solowJuJuBee, any line saying: . ./some/path23:28
solowanything starting with a dot, ending in a path23:28
JuJuBeeI did iptables-save > iptables.20100820.txt before doing upgrade then iptables-restore < iptables.20100820.txt after so the rules should be ok23:28
solownot if it gives you a non existing line23:29
JuJuBeehttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/481174/ = my iptables-save file23:29
solowSo, any idea why it's not recognizing any of my flash drives?23:29
olskolircwhatever you do JuJuBee make sure you copy and .bak your file23:29
JuJuBeeolskolirc: which file are you talking about?23:30
olskolircyour iptables JuJuBee23:30
olskolircin case you cause a total disaster23:30
solowJuJuBee, I just joined, is it about an error?23:30
JuJuBeesolow: kind of.  I am trying to figure out why eth0 doesn't come up.23:31
olskolircthis is his problem solow http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/481172/23:31
JuJuBeesolow sudo ifup eth0 gives...23:32
JuJuBeeSIOCADDRT: No such process23:32
JuJuBeeFailed to bring up eth0.23:32
solowdid you mess with it?23:32
JuJuBeeI just did a fresh install23:33
solowifup: interface eth0 already configured23:33
solowah i see23:33
solowConfiguring is a bitch23:33
JuJuBeein a new partition, so I still have previous install23:33
olskolirchow do I update my kernel to the current Lucid kernel folks?  I keep logging into 2.6.31-22-generic23:34
olskolircon karmic23:34
solowSorry I cant help you out, thats not my code, so i dont know what it does.23:34
JuJuBeesolow these rules were working as of 9am this morning.23:35
solowJuJuBee, what did you change23:35
JuJuBeesolow nothing in iptables23:35
JuJuBeeif i comment out the pre-up statement in my interfaces file, it still won't come up.23:36
solowpebkac, if it stopped working, you did something wrong.23:36
joinerCould not open library ksmserver: Cannot load library /usr/lib/libkdeinit4_ksmserver.so: (libatiuki.so.1: no se puede abrír el archivo de objeto compartido: No existe el archivo o directorio)23:36
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joinerI unninstalled fglrx23:43
Pokergio_gt, are u here ?23:50

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