
askhl_Hi.  The Danish translation of the Ubuntu manual has dropped from 56% or 54% to slightly below 50% at some point these last days.  The manual people have made no changes to the template.  What might be happening?00:02
askhl_I have a previously exported po-file from Launchpad on my hard drive.  This file contains strings that now only have suggestions.00:03
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intgrHi, I just created a branch on lp and I'm trying to push a single commit to it, but it's ticking over 9MB already and taking forever01:11
intgrAm I doing something wrong?01:11
beunointgr, that is odd01:13
intgrPhew, after pushing >10MB it finished01:13
beunoand this single commit, it doesn't contain any binary files?01:13
intgrNope, just a single line changed in a short file01:13
wgrantintgr: Which project was this, and how did you create the branch?01:13
wgrantWhich version of bzr are you using?01:14
intgrI went to their project home, chose "Submit code" and entered branch name01:14
intgr'bzr push lp:~intgr/listen/tweaks' failed with:01:14
intgrbzr: ERROR: Target directory lp:~intgr/listen/tweaks already exists, but does not have a .bzr directory. Supply --use-existing-dir to push there anyway.01:14
intgrSo I added --use-existing-dir01:14
intgrSorry, that's where I should have started01:15
wgrantAh. So, you should probably have just run 'bzr push lp:~intgr/listen/tweaks', without creating it through the web UI first.01:15
wgrantThat way it would have shared revision data with lp:listen, and you would have only been uploading your changes.01:15
wgrantYou don't actually need to go through the web UI at all; just push, and the branch will be created.01:16
intgrThat's kinda non-obvious at first01:16
intgrGitHub and Bitbucket work the other way around.01:16
wgrantThat's because Git is somewhat crippled: it doesn't really have the ability to share revision data between repositories.01:18
wgrantSo you have to copy it all server-side first.01:18
wgrantWith Bazaar, your branch just has a reference to lp:listen.01:18
intgrWhy can't the web UI do that when I'm branching?01:19
wgrantI think bzr will avoid stacking if the directory already exists, but I couldn't be sure.01:19
intgrThen lp needs an advance warning when creating branches :)01:20
wgrantProbably, yes.01:20
thumperman I want to fix the +register-branch page02:06
wgrantDelete delete delete.02:07
thumperwgrant: not quite that easyu02:08
wgrantStick imports and mirrors into a single field. Then delete.02:09
thumperthat is part of it02:09
thumperbut the register branch page should give instructions on how to push02:09
lfaraonedo the launchpad PPA builders have internet access?02:46
mwhudsonlfaraone: no02:48
lfaraonemwhudson: great, thanks.02:48
taiyalyay this channel exists03:10
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pooliewhere do people tend to talk about common patterns for using ppas? if anywhere?06:09
poolielike scripts they might use06:09
nigelb#ubuntu-motu might be a good place.06:11
pooliemm good idea06:11
poolieis there a list or forum?06:12
nigelbmotu does  have a list but I don't think ppa audience would be there06:13
nigelbppa uploader audience rather06:13
pooliethumper: is there any concept in the recipe builder of building just one tag, or the latest tag, rather than the tip of a branch?06:30
poolieor maybe of building only when the tag changes?06:30
thumperpoolie: I'm not sure, that'd be a bzr-builder question06:30
wgrantpoolie: There is #ubuntu-packaging. But it's fairly dead.06:31
thumperone thing we are trying to do is to use the builder manifests06:31
wgrantAs for lists, there's really only launchpad-users.06:31
thumperwhich contain the revids of the different branches used06:31
thumperand compare against the last manifest06:31
thumperso if the revids of the branches change, we build again06:31
thumperso if bzr-builder started to support tags (if it doesn't already)06:32
thumperthen it shouldn't be too hard (I think) to hook it all up to work as expected06:32
poolieso it would perhaps need only a builder change and nothing else?06:34
pooliethat would be nice06:34
pooliei'm going to post to udd06:34
poolieyou two should join, if you haven't already06:34
pooliecan i copy from the main archive (for maverick) directly into a ppa?08:58
wgrantYes, but it's generally discouraged. Why?08:59
noodles775wgrant: via the API its not discouraged is it?08:59
pooliei want to make maverick's up-to-date bzr-rebase available in our ppa for lucid08:59
pooliefor example08:59
wgrantnoodles775: Well, it's often not the right solution.08:59
noodles775wgrant: ah, you mean policy-wise...08:59
poolieit should be pure python08:59
wgrantpoolie: Does it need a rebuild?08:59
wgrantIf not, you can do a copy with binaries through the API.08:59
pooliei don't think so? would it?08:59
wgrantYou'd have to test. But it's probably fine.09:00
pooliei don't suppose there's a standard tool for that?09:00
wgrantdpkg -i :P09:00
pooliesnort, i meant an api tool to copy it09:00
wgrantUse that.09:02
wgrantOh wow, that's still close to timing out.09:02
wgrantWhat is that view doing..!?09:02
noodles775wgrant: *that* was what I thought was discouraged... hence the API ;)09:03
wgrantnoodles775: Well, with the filter prefilled it tends to work.09:03
poolieyou just made up the url by hand?09:03
wgrantpoolie: Yes.09:03
pooliei'm not complaining09:03
wgrantMake sure you copy with binaries, though.09:03
poolieoh, or what?09:04
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wgrantOr you'll end up with identically-versioned binaries that are in fact different.09:04
wgrantAnd that is wrong.09:04
pooliethat says it copied the ppc, armel, sparc packages etc09:06
pooliei assume that's just "will try to copy"?09:06
poolieor it's misunderstanding the arch=any09:06
wgrantThe same thing happens when copying within a PPA, which is a little confusing.09:06
pooliesorry, =all09:06
wgrantWhile normal PPAs build only for the Big (Three|Two), they publish on all.09:07
wgrantWhich means arch-indep packages publish everywhere.09:07
wgrantAnd arch-dep binaries copied from the primary archive will also publish everywhere.09:07
poolieso, seriously, it seems like we ought to put tools to do this into hydrazine or something09:16
poolienot just this specific case but ppa copying in generally09:16
poolieit's very amenable to scripting09:16
pooliesome oopses on that page09:19
poolieprobably i should add that09:19
pooliemaybe not tonight09:20
pooliethat's timing out a bit fwiw09:26
noodles775poolie: yeah, that url is not meant to be used with the main archive (which is why its not linked anywhere, and if you remove the /+copy-packages it'll even redirect to the distro page instead).09:30
pooliewell, thanks for the tip09:30
pooliethat saved me some time09:30
poolie(assuming it worked)09:30
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poolieand then i may add that to hydrazine in a cleaner way later09:30
poolieprobably not next week though09:30
noodles775Great (the api version works well.09:31
poolieare you on the udd list?09:31
noodles775I am, but have not been keeping up with it.09:31
poolienp, there's not a lot of stuff09:31
pooliei'm just about to post some thoughts on the packaging exprerience09:32
poolienot to load more work on you09:32
noodles775Great, I'll look out for it :)09:32
poolieperhaps people can tell me i'm doing it wrong09:32
* wgrant subscribes to udd@09:32
wgrantIs it a Launchpad mailing list?09:32
poolieyes, but its actually ubuntu-distributed-devel09:33
wgrantWell, there's ~ubuntu-distributed-development, which tells me to use a lists.u.c list.09:33
* wgrant does so.09:33
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poolieoh, sorry09:41
poolieit's that policy thing about ubuntu lists being over there09:41
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Tucosthere are no post-push hooks in launchpad are there? (looking for an irc commit bot without too much labour ^^)17:00
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jelmerTucos: That's correct.17:02
Tucosany polling commit bots you know of?17:03
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ChogyDanI'm trying to put a kernel into a ppa, and I don't want to upload the full source every upload.  In Maverick, when I grab the source, it includes the minor version number, linux-2.6.35-17.23.tar.gz, where as in lucid, it was just linux-2.6.32.tar.gz.  How do I get the debuild and dput commands to recognize the proper source file?  I'm not sure what to name it18:57
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maxbChogyDan: linux_2.6.32.orig.tar.gz (assuming your source package name is just 'linux')19:40
ChogyDanmaxb: thanks19:46
ChogyDanI realized the error may not be with me.  It looks like when I apt-get source, it is giving me just one big tarball instead of the upstream tarball and then the ubuntu patches.  o well!  Just a little extra upload19:47
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* mtaylor has once again lost the "merge users" link ... 20:04
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maxbmtaylor: /people/+requestmerge20:26
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micahgjcastro: do you think an adopt me button in LP is worthwhile for packages instead of the wiki?21:03
jcastromicahg: sort of like "Bug Supervisor"?21:05
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micahgjcastro: well, not exactly it could be a little different than subscribe so that people would know that they take care of it21:08
micahgand a lp/~me/+adopted-packages could be created21:08
micahgone might want to be subscribed, but not adopt21:09
lifelesswhat would adopt do *differently*21:11
micahglifeless: well, hmmm..I guess the only application is for triage...21:12
* micahg gives up on the idea21:12
jcastroI think it's worth discussing21:13
* jcastro jots it down21:13
micahglifeless: I guess they could be the distro "experts" on the package21:13
jenkinswhen I click "delete branch" i get "This branch cannot be deleted as it has 1 branch sharing revisions." how do i work out which branch and unlink them?21:25
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gregcoitI think I broke lp: Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.22:53
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thumpergregcoit: were you browsing a branch?23:11
gregcoitthumper: yes23:11
thumpergregcoit: the branch browser is somewhat flakey23:12
gregcoitit's back btw23:12
gregcoitand no worries23:12
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* maxb bemoans the build queue23:39
wgrantI believe jelmer is working on a fix for most of that.23:44
wgrantAll manual. Yay.23:44

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