
tntcIf I drop a simple kernel patch into launchpad, how long will it take to be commited?01:02
penguin42tntc: It depends....01:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 609234 in linux (Ubuntu) "Multimedia and battery keys do not work on Dell Studio 1557" [Undecided,In progress]01:03
tntcshit, wrong bug01:03
penguin42tntc: I did that and was told to mail the ubuntu-kernel mailing list, they suggested also forwarding it upstream to the maintainer fo that subsystem, I already had and he said that it was good, and a few days later the ubuntu-kernel guys dropped it in01:03
tntcwait, no, right bug01:03
penguin42tntc: OK, the fact Matthew Garrett says he likes it is a good sign01:04
tntcpenguin42: right, but that wasn't my submission.  Also, it was commited a month ago. http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff_plain;h=d5164dbf1f651d1e955b158fb70a9c844cc91cd101:06
penguin42tntc: It looks like it's due for 2.6.36-rc1, however I think maverick has - if you're sure it isn't in Mavericks kernel then mail the ubuntu-kernel mailing list, showing the bug, point them at the thread where it was described at Mat Garrett said OK and ask them to put it because it fixes your machine for you01:07
tntcokie dokie01:08
tntcthanks penguin4201:08
penguin42tntc: I can't guarantee what they'll say, but a patch I submitted they've put into the Maverick one after a little thinking about01:08
tntcpenguin42: I think it's a regression as well. 2.6.32 works fine01:08
penguin42oh that's an even better argument :-)01:09
lubun2looks like bash completion is broken.  in a root terminal, cant' cd ~user anymore01:56
jcolelubun2: cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~01:58
jcolelubun2: make a backup of your current ~/.bashrc01:58
lubun2jcole, what's that gonna do?01:59
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jcolelubun2: restore your original bash settings02:09
lubun2jcole, sorry but there's nothing wrong in my bash settings02:12
lubun2jcole, it was working until very recently02:15
jcolelubun2: are you sourcing /etc/bash_completion in your current bash config02:15
jcolelubun2: . /etc/bash_completion02:16
lubun2jcole, it's set in /etc/bash.bashrc02:18
jcolelubun2: i would try to source /etc/bash_completion manually and see if that solves you problem... and if it does, then its how you are invoking your shell (gnome-terminal, xterm) or something is messed up in ~/.bashrc02:25
h00kSo, I just had a kernel issue and it is asking me to install the upstream version. I did this once before, but I don't remember what I installed.02:42
h00kis it just 2.6.35-16-generic? because that's what I already have installed02:43
h00kooh mainline02:43
h00kGot it: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.35-rc6-maverick/02:44
bbordwellh00k, your problem was not "BUG: scheduling while atomic was it?02:45
h00kturns out it was. But you left02:51
* h00k scours launchpad02:53
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 16588 in Other "Regression introduced in causes freezing, crashing, oopsing" [Normal,Resolved: code_fix]03:00
h00kOh look. There it is.03:00
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rippsThe latest kernel keeps giving kernel oops04:45
Jordan_Uripps: "Schedualing while atomic"?05:36
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MarkusTI'm missing my middle mouse click to open links and close tabs in Chromium (and Fx). Any ideas on how to get it back?06:57
rippsJordan_U: sorry I was out. Yeah, that's what I'm getting07:05
Jordan_Uripps: I'm getting it as well, can't report it currently as apport is hanging though.07:05
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[diablo]morning all... I have 10.10 (all up to date) as a KVM guest. I notice that the mouse pointer is vanishing when stationary for more than 2 seconds... anyone else encountered this please?08:35
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DanaG[diablo]: it's a "feature".  "unclutter".08:58
DanaGThe timeout is obnoxiously short, though.08:58
* DanaG goes over to whoever thought 2 seconds would be good, and makes his mouse disappear from his desk every 2 seconds.08:59
SwedeMikemy securecrt makes the mouse pointer go away as soon as I type in the window (this is on windows though)09:00
SwedeMikethat could be a good compromise09:00
SwedeMike2 seconds seems fine for me though, I usually don't need to see the mouse pointer unless I'm actgually moving it09:01
[diablo]DanaG, sorry back now09:05
[diablo]DanaG, your kidding me right?09:06
DanaGI'd say 5 seconds would be better.09:06
[diablo]DanaG, I mean that it vanishes ...09:09
DanaG[ Fail ] - Video initialization failed: No available video device.    GLES initialization failed: SDL_gles is incompatible with this SDL version.    GLES create context: EGL failed to find any valid config with required attributes: EGL_BAD_DISPLAY09:31
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nocturnI installed Maverick yesterday, but there's no power-management/battery icon any more, can I get it back somehow or is this a bug?10:05
DanaGTry starting gnome-power-manager in console.10:11
DanaGAh, seen 35 times in rapid sucession earlier today:10:11
DanaG"Report a problem... closed unexpectedly."10:11
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nocturnOk, it's broken10:20
nocturnNo prob10:20
nocturnThe Empathy settings thing is more annoying...10:21
nocturnGnome-power-management issue reported10:33
yofel_btw, packages.ubuntu.com seems fixed10:34
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nocturnIf I log in, my sound is always muted, even though it was normal on shutdown, anyone else experiencing this?10:34
yofelnot here (KDE) but I did hear others talking about that10:35
nocturnOk, than it's not a setting problem here10:35
DanaGnocturn: is yours giving BadAtom on G-P-M?10:36
nocturnDanaG: Yes  (The error was 'BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter)'.)10:37
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DanaGMind linking me to your report?  I'l confirm it.  Happens only with "radeon", for me.10:40
nocturnDanaG: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/62100610:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621006 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Power manager fails to start" [Undecided,New]10:45
nocturnNvidia for me10:45
nocturnMaybe compiz related10:46
DanaGOkay, confirmed.10:49
gnomefreaknocturn: bug 455420 sound bug12:00
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/455420)12:00
gnomefreaknocturn: bug 455420 sound bug12:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455420 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Sound is muted at log-in" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45542012:01
Fudgeooh alpha312:54
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ZykoticK9Trouble trying to create screencast on Maverick.  Using ffmpeg getting "Unknown input 'x11grab', http://paste.ubuntu.com/480934/  Using xvidcap getting, error loading shared libraries: libavutil.so.49 http://paste.ubuntu.com/480937/  Anyone have solution to either of these errors, or suggestions on another screencast option?13:59
penguin42ZykoticK9: libavutil.so.49 looks like it's in the libavutil49 package14:02
* penguin42 hugs apt-file14:02
ZykoticK9penguin42, thank you!  xvidcap is now starting.  guess i'm guilty of not checking the obvious on that one ;)14:04
penguin42ZykoticK9: no problem14:09
gnomefreaki thought that was bumped to 50 or 5114:11
gnomefreak49 and 50 are in marverick14:12
ZykoticK9gnomefreak, libavutil.so.50.15.1 is the actual maverick default version14:12
gnomefreakn/win 414:14
Sbioko10.10 does not want to start up14:28
SbiokoI see(on boot) debug log14:28
SbiokoCall trace14:28
Sbiokosomething like that14:28
Sbiokoand it stops on "waiting_zombie_task"14:28
Sbiokoand my Caps Lock is blinking14:29
Sbiokohow can I fix it?14:29
penguin42Sbioko: Can you take a picture with a digital camera?14:29
penguin42then we can see more of the trace14:29
Sbiokosorry, but no14:29
SbiokoI dont have it at the moment14:30
penguin42ok, what graphics card do you have?14:30
SbiokoNvidia GeForce 7120M14:30
gnomefreakSbioko: are you able to get a TTY?14:31
Sbiokoget what?14:31
gnomefreakSbioko: a terminal14:31
Sbiokoin recovery console?14:31
penguin42can you read a bit more of the backtrace perhaps - it's a bit difficult to know from just the wait_zombie_task - a few lines before might give more idea14:31
Sbiokorecovery mode14:31
gnomefreakSbioko: recovery is good14:31
gnomefreaki think14:31
penguin42gnomefreak: if it's blinking the keyboard lights that's normally an oops bad enough that console switching etc won't work14:32
gnomefreakSbioko: remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf  that might help at least get  a GUI14:32
gnomefreakpenguin42: i thought too but if he is in recovery and we cant see the log we cant help14:33
gnomefreakif he is able to get a GUi he can post the log somewhere14:33
SbiokoI need to reboot and send you a part of those log?14:33
SbiokoI have dual-boot Win-Ubuntu14:33
Sbiokonow I'm on Win14:33
penguin42Sbioko: If you can get recovery to work that would be good14:33
gnomefreakeither that or install pastebinit and post it that way. i dont recall if it works in recovery14:33
penguin42Sbioko: Is this fresh install or an upgrade?14:33
Sbiokofrom 10.0414:34
DanaGsay, the manpages for mount don't say anything about btrfs/15:28
DanaGSo, is it expected for errors=remount-ro to fail (make it not mount)?15:28
DanaGIt seems to not be a valid mount option.15:29
DanaGAnd what about noatime / relatime?15:29
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DanaGext2fs_open: Unknown code ext2 1915:58
DanaGunable to open the Ext2fs15:58
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DanaGThough, I do have backups for exactly that reason: in case things break.16:14
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DanaG"failed to zero device end -5"16:19
sinurgetoday when i booted inot my system xorg.conf was not ther in X11 folder. how could that occur/16:22
ZykoticK9sinurge, it's not there by default.  Had you created one?16:26
sinurgeno i did not i had problems with nvidia16:29
sinurgeso i removed the nividia drivers16:29
sinurgedefaulted to nouveau but today when i boot up ..the nouveau driver isnt working and display is all screwed up16:29
ZykoticK9sinurge, FYI i was able to get nvidia-current working again in Maverick two days ago, by installing nvidia-current (256 version) and adding the ignoreABI to xorg see bug 616023 for details16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616023 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Maverick) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602316:31
sinurgeZykoticK9, thanks, will check up the same again. but now that i removed all of them i cannot see any in hardware drivers16:35
IdleOnesound icon displays as muted but sound is working properly16:35
DanaGYou need modaliases to let Jockey see the things.16:35
ZykoticK9sinurge, sorry - i'm not sure about that one...16:35
ZykoticK9IdleOne, not experiencing that issue here?16:36
ZykoticK9IdleOne, doh - sorry i'm on my Lucid install :(16:36
sinurgeDanaG, guess that was for me...got that and installing the again16:40
sinurgeZykoticK9, did u add ignoreABI again?16:40
ZykoticK9sinurge, i didn't have it before i added it?16:41
DanaGer, note to self: start putting names on messages.16:41
DanaGGreat, now I'm getting "unknown size descriptor t"16:43
sinurgehmm laright lets see ....hope it works now16:43
DanaGsay, where can I go for btrfs help?16:50
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sinurgehow to know what driver is being used16:58
Picisinurge: your xorg logs16:58
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gnomefreakwell at least next nvidia upload most issues should be fixed :)18:35
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IdleOnegnomefreak: you promise18:43
kblinhi folks18:43
IdleOneheya kblin18:44
kblinif I bump into a broken dependency (-dev package not matching the library package), which package do I file the bug against?18:44
IdleOnehmm, I would file against the package that is calling for the missing/broken depends18:46
IdleOnebut that is me, maybe ask in #ubuntu-bugs18:46
gnomefreakIdleOne: from what one of the bug reports said18:55
IdleOneSo I won't need to start in text mode and then startx anymore?18:55
gnomefreaki hope not18:55
IdleOnebecause it is a little annoying18:55
gnomefreakIdleOne: see bug 61602318:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616023 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Maverick) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602318:55
IdleOnehmm well that was 8 days ago18:59
IdleOnewill see what happens I guess18:59
gnomefreakim sure it will be a few days -> a week at least18:59
* gnomefreak done filing pidgin bugs for today19:00
gnomefreakbe back smoke19:00
ishanMy maverick got hanged and i force shutdown. But after restarting it shows crosses on screen and when i try to log in shows two process running.19:25
ishani am using virtual box19:25
ishanPlease suggest some method to correct it19:28
penguin42what do you mean 'shows crosses' ?19:28
gnomefreaklooks like font is trying to load but gets generic display19:28
* gnomefreak guessing19:29
gnomefreaki think i saw it the other day here but it went away when i left it long enough19:29
MarkusTDoes anyone besides me have problems with the mouse middle click in Maverick? I just can't open and close tabs with the mouse any longer, neither in Fx, nor in Chromium. Any ideas? (works with Lucid on the same machine)19:30
gnomefreaki had a total of maybe 7 from one side of screen to other but only on that one line19:30
ishangnomefreak, may be you are correct as it displays waiting for processes to respond19:30
gnomefreakishan: it only happened once for me and im on Lucid the past few days19:31
* gnomefreak trying to find cheap mem for my maverick box19:31
gnomefreakand they just dont make it19:31
* gnomefreak smoke i think19:32
penguin42what's so odd about the box?19:36
gnomefreakpenguin42: its got some damn memory i have to replace 2 at a time19:39
gnomefreak256 well over $100 but i have to find some before i can price it. rather not get it online but looks like i have to19:39
gnomefreakmaybe ill upgrade this box when nvidia upload19:40
penguin42tried crucial.com?19:40
gnomefreakboth boxes have same nvidia card in them19:40
gnomefreakno i have not. let me look19:40
* ishan is still waiting for the application to end19:45
penguin42ishan: Which application?19:45
ishanpenguin42, the one which is not responding19:45
penguin42which one is that?19:45
gnomefreakmaybe i was doubling price when i shouldnt have?19:46
ishanpenguin42, unknown is what it displays19:46
gnomefreak1 gig $170.19:46
penguin42gnomefreak: Is it an old machine?19:46
gnomefreakyep its a dell optiplex gx40019:46
penguin42ishan: Displays using what?19:46
penguin42gnomefreak: ddr1 or something?19:47
penguin42youch, RIMMs19:47
penguin42now that's obscure19:47
ishanpenguin42, it displays a error box displaying unknown application not responding at the time of logging19:48
gnomefreakan expensive. i was thinking since i can get a dell for ~$400 its cheaper to go that way19:48
penguin42gnomefreak: Yeh, I mean I think I've only ever seen 2 machines that used RDIMMs19:48
gnomefreakishan: reboot. if it has been like that for more than 3 minutes reboot19:48
ishanpenguin42, okay let me try19:48
penguin42gnomefreak: But RAM for older machines is more expensive; in general it just doesn't get cheaper19:49
gnomefreakpc133 is fairly cheap and that is real old19:49
ishanpenguin42, still same problem19:50
penguin42ishan: Hold the power button down, after abotu 10seconds it'll switch itself off19:50
gnomefreaki am going to check with one the guys that rebuilds pcs to see what he has19:51
gnomefreakfriend so i should get it at minamal to free19:51
ishanpenguin42, it sometimes does not displays the power button as well19:51
gnomefreakishan: does it ever load?19:52
ishanpenguin42, i was some how able to log in but only the background is diplayed19:52
gnomefreakeven if you have an intel or ati im still going to blame nvidia :)19:52
ishanpenguin42, all the menus on the screen are missing19:53
penguin42ishan: What graphics card?19:53
gnomefreakno nvidia bugs that i am aware of have that symptom19:53
MarkusTDoes anyone besides me have problems with the mouse middle click in Maverick? I just can't open and close tabs with the mouse any longer, neither in Fx, nor in Chromium. Any ideas? (works with Lucid on the same machine)19:54
gnomefreakMarkusT: not i19:54
penguin42MarkusT: Yeh19:54
ishanpenguin42, mine is 1Gb ATI radeon19:54
gnomefreakand im using all kinds of browsers19:54
penguin42MarkusT: I was thinking it was my mouse going faulty; if I click it enough it does do it eventually19:54
gnomefreakati == nvidia's fault :)19:54
gnomefreakthere are only a few ati bugs but i dont remember them19:55
penguin42ishan: OK, when you boot, stop it in Grub and edit out the line that says set gfxmode=keep and see if that helps19:55
ishanpenguin42, i am using a virtualbox19:55
penguin42ishan: OH, so it's an emulated graphics card19:56
penguin42ishan: Still, it's worth a try19:56
ishanpenguin42, i dont think there is a problem with graphics19:56
penguin42hmm the RAM prices for my Dual Athlon have come down to something sensible; it might be worth getting it a Gig19:56
gnomefreakoh crap, i made a boo boo19:57
ishanpenguin42, the problem is due to the forced shutdown which i did19:57
gnomefreakishan: do a full shut down walk away for 20 minutes and start it up again19:58
penguin42ishan: OK, when you select the username as you are about to login can you select a failsafe session using the menu at the bottom?19:58
gnomefreaki didnt think it would help but it does19:58
gnomefreakill be back i need food19:59
ishanpenguin42, still the same error box being displayed for the safe mode as well20:00
penguin42ishan: Remeind me, what EXACTLY does the erro box say?20:01
ishanpenguin42, it displays   waiting for the program to finish. Interrupting program may cause you to loose some work20:03
penguin42and this happens during boot?20:03
penguin42sorry, just after logon ?20:04
ishanpenguin42, yes20:04
penguin42hmm odd20:04
penguin42ishan: OK, well probably the easiest thing would be to move all your dot files out of the way and see if that helps; are using Gnome or KDE?20:04
ishanpenguin42, gnome20:04
penguin42ok, so can you get to a terminal (send it a ctrl-alt-f1)20:05
ishanpenguin42, at the log on screen20:05
ishanpenguin42, no20:06
penguin42ishan: try ctrl-alt-f2 - note you'll have to figure out how to send ctrl-alt-f1 using virutalbox - I can't remember the magic20:06
ishanpenguin42, check http://imagebin.org/11056020:12
penguin42oh, on the login screen - that's odd20:12
penguin42so what happens if you press logout anyway?20:12
ishanpenguin42, http://imagebin.org/11056120:16
penguin42ok, so, can you get a text console?20:16
ishanpenguin42, do you mean terminal20:17
penguin42well, I mean outside of X - like if you hit ctrl-alt-f120:18
ishanpenguin42, no20:18
ishana blank screen comes up20:19
penguin42completely black?20:19
ishani am able to open my home folder if that could help20:19
ishanon pressing ctrl+alt+F7 the screen reappears20:19
penguin42try ctrl+alt+f220:20
penguin42and hit return - it should give you a login prompt20:20
ishanpenguin42, no results20:21
penguin42you're going to need to boot off a CD image and fix up the filesystem20:21
gnomefreaknot as fun as it sounds20:22
penguin42not being able to get to the ctrl-alt-whatever consoles is odd20:23
gnomefreakkernel problem normally20:23
penguin42gnomefreak: Although that's odd for that to happen while still being able to get that type of GUI stuff20:24
yofelpenguin42: actually I had that too a few days ago, X worked fine with nvidia, but ttys were blank20:25
penguin42yofel: Hmm then that's definitely a bug that needs seeing to!20:26
yofelwell, It's working fine currently so I can't debug it, not sure how that happened20:26
feydrshutdown/reboot doesn't poweroff my laptop under maverick; what log file should I be looking at to see what the prob is?20:28
penguin42feydr: I'd look if there is anything in /var/log/meesages, dmesg or /var/log/kern.log20:29
penguin42feydr: After you've done the shutdown command - is it actually shutting everything down and just not powering off?20:29
penguin42interesting, I just tried ctrl-alt-f1 and back, and it worked but did trigger an oops20:30
feydrpenguin42: yeh... I def. don't have access to any terms at that point and it looks like it gets to runlevel (whatever)20:30
penguin42what's the last thing on the display or is it black?20:30
feydryeh.. ctrl-alt-f1 will display a login but I can't type or anything20:30
feydrit stops responding during the shutdown splash stuff...20:30
penguin42hmm but ctrl-alt-f1 still works?20:31
penguin42so that means it's not just the actual power off that's failing20:31
feydrpenguin42: yeh... actually now that you bring that up ... I can switch to those I just can't login20:32
gnomefreakcan log in?20:32
gnomefreak^^^ is odd20:32
ishanpenguin42, i am able to open terminal20:34
ishancan you tell me what to do next20:34
penguin42feydr: You could try alt-sysrq-t when at the text console, it should list all remaining running tasks20:34
penguin42ishan: Make a directory - lets say broken-dotfiles and then  mv .gnome* broken-dotfiles and do it for .gnome* .gconf* and .config*   then restart and see if it works20:35
feydrpenguin42: I'll do that and report back in...20:35
gnomefreakpenguin42: what key is sysrq-t?20:35
penguin42gnomefreak: alt + sysrq key (that's printscreen/sysrq) and t - all at the same time20:36
gnomefreakah i do have it :) thanks20:36
ishanpenguin42, still same result at log in screen20:39
* penguin42 is out of suggestions20:39
* ishan guess re installation is the only option left20:41
gnomefreaki have one more suggestion20:41
gnomefreakre-install :)20:42
gnomefreakishan: i dont see it being any different at this time20:42
gnomefreaklikely to have same issue, unless it was something you did but even than you/we dont know what that was so you may do it again20:43
gnomefreakthis is why its normally better to wait until after beta release20:43
* penguin42 is afk for a while20:44
ishangnomefreak, penguin42: thanks20:44
* gnomefreak may go lay down before i cook20:45
feydrpenguin42: http://tweetphoto.com/40251447 bunch of stuff scrolled like mad and then I got this -- is it stored in a log somewhere?20:45
ishangnomefreak, is there anyway through which i can close the application which is not responding20:45
ishani can access the terminal20:45
gnomefreakishan: what app is it?20:45
ishanit shows unknown application20:46
gnomefreakishan: does it give you a process #20:46
ishangnomefreak, not sure20:46
gnomefreakishan: if you knew what to look for ps aux would have given a process # than you can kill it20:46
ishangnomefreak,  before shutdown i had firefox,updatemanger and a folder opened20:47
gnomefreakis they were open when you shut down or did you close them first?20:47
ishangnomefreak, i tried closing but it got hang and so i forced shutdown20:48
ishani was able to close one -two of them maybe20:48
gnomefreakishan: if you type in terminal ps aux |grep firefox   what does it show20:48
* gnomefreak wonders if you can stop and start gdm if that would work20:49
ishangnomefreak, it displays a line20:50
gnomefreakwhat does it say on this line20:51
gnomefreakthe grep command will be listed as a grep process so nomrally more than 1 will indicate of it is running20:51
gnomefreakishan: in a terminal type the following without the "   "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"    and yes i know that is the old way, i cant recall the service command20:52
ishanishan  1401 0.0 0.1   4008  768 pts/0 S+   01:20  0:00  grep  --colour=au to firefox20:53
gnomefreaktha tis the grep process20:53
gnomefreakonce you run that command let me know what it says if anything20:53
ishangnomefreak, didnt got your point20:54
gnomefreakishan: in the terminal type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" without the "20:54
gnomefreakyou are using gnome not kde right?20:54
ishangnomefreak, gnome20:55
ishanscreen just went black20:55
gnomefreakishan: ok let me know after you run that command20:55
gnomefreakishan: blank or black?20:55
gnomefreakblank will have a slight lighter color than black20:56
ishangnomefreak, confused20:56
gnomefreakok do you have a prompt or not?20:56
gnomefreakgood. restart20:56
gnomefreaki had this bug using nvidia drivers i removed xorg.conf it fixed it but you are not using nvidia20:57
ishanstill the same result20:57
gnomefreakishan: what same result?20:58
ishanstill displays the error box after log in20:58
gnomefreakwhat does the box say20:58
ishanwaiting for the program to finish20:59
gnomefreakwell crap20:59
ishaninterupting may cause to loose work20:59
gnomefreakhave you tried shutting it off for >20 minutes than starting it up. on a full shutdown it may takes somer time but it  should kill all process including kernel indexing21:00
ishangnomefreak, not yet21:00
ishanwhat you mean is to shutdown machine for more that 20 mins and then restart21:00
gnomefreakishan: try it. i normally let mine sit for 30 minutes or longer but 20 should be ok21:01
gnomefreakishan: i mean shut the power off and just start it as nomral 20-30 minutes later21:01
ishangnomefreak, okay21:01
gnomefreakmay have to hold power button in for a few seconds before it shuts down21:02
gnomefreakill be in and out for the next hour or so21:02
ishangnomefreak, sure21:02
gnomefreaklike out for a few now21:02
gnomefreaksong on a cd are not .wmp right?21:17
Andre_GondimI opened the oo writer and looks like with Qt, is it correct?21:18
gnomefreakit has a qt package IIRC21:18
gnomefreakor at least a kde one21:19
gnomefreaksorry that is .wma21:22
DanaGBase class package "Debconf::DbDriver::Cache" is empty.21:24
DanaGoops, looks like my backups excluded "*Cache*" too aggressively.21:28
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGaNaruto
lamalexHey people, I'm having a problem getting maverick. When i boot my live usb key i get an error about an unknown configuration value and a prompt that just says boot:22:41
lamalexif I hit enter it hangs indefinitely22:41
BUGabundoanyone knows tha bug for the power button to shutdown instead of asking what I want to do?22:42
lamalexsha256sum checks out- is this possibly a bug in the ubuntu startup disk creator?22:45
kklimondaBUGabundo: you here? I've assumed you were dead ;)22:45
BUGabundoI'm here daily dude22:46
BUGabundojust not on work hours22:46
kklimondawell, I don't see you talking anymore :)22:46
BUGabundoat least a good evening I say everyday22:46
yofellamalex: that sounds familiar, give me a sec22:49
yofellamalex: bug 608382?22:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608382 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Maverick images build on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60838222:50
lamalexyofel: thanks! im gonna reboot and see if this works now22:56
redDEADresolveanyone know if you can get a vanilla gnome in the new ubuntu 10.10 I really like my notification area23:19
penguin42redDEADresolve: I'm not aware of one23:26
penguin42redDEADresolve: I think you can run the standard gnome-volume-control for example23:26
redDEADresolvepenguin42, thanks. I didnt want to leave ubuntu but i dont like indicator applets23:27
penguin42redDEADresolve: I have the same problem23:27
redDEADresolvepenguin42, sucks to be old and set in yoru ways lol23:34
penguin42redDEADresolve: Hell yeh23:35
* yofel isn't that old but doesn't the new ubuntu way either23:35
yofelthen again, I like KDE, some people seem to find that odd23:36
redDEADresolvepenguin42, you know it has to be in their somewhere. Xubuntu still uses the notification system in Alpha 323:37
yofelthe old notification system should be libnotify23:37
penguin42redDEADresolve: Yeh I think most stuff is in there one way or another - not sure everything is23:37
redDEADresolvepenguin42, only one way to find out right? gonna hve to download an iso23:38
penguin42redDEADresolve: I did try xfce for a few days but found some things it didn't have that also annoyed me (I've got a patch to add the alt-space menu accelerators that Metacity uses to xfwm4)23:38
yofelwhat does alt+space do there?23:40
* penguin42 isn't quite sure how to push the xfmw4 guys to take it - I've let it stew in their patch system23:40
penguin42yofel: alt+space brings up the window menu23:40
redDEADresolvepenguin42, i love xfce on my netbook. and i just learned something new with the alt-space23:40
penguin42yofel: And then there are bunches of accelerators on that menu that are quite cute - e.g. t to keep stuck at the top23:40
penguin42yofel: So on gnome you can do   alt-space t  and the window wil stay at the top or   alt-space w2 would send the window to the second workspace23:41
yofelpenguin42: the menu that you get when you klick on the window icon?23:41
yofelopening the menu is alt+f3 in KDE, there isn't a shortcut for keep on top, but you can define one23:42
penguin42so does wireshark work for no one on m? i.e. does everyone else see bug 606063 that me and one other guy have seen?23:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 606063 in wireshark (Ubuntu) "[maverick] ERROR:capture.c:177:capture_start: assertion failed: (capture_opts->state == CAPTURE_STOPPED)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60606323:43
DaekdroomBtw, I loved the new indicators :323:44
yofelwe got thunderbird 3.1 o.O23:56
yofeland enigmail doesn't support it, great -.-23:56

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