
bbordwellWhat is with all the BUG: scheduling while atomic bugs?01:36
penguin42kernel bug somewhere01:39
bbordwellshould they all be marked as duplicates?01:40
penguin42bbordwell: I don't think kernel bugs get merged unless someone who is familiar with the exact problem knows it's not related to a bunch of different pieces of hardware01:41
penguin42bbordwell: A bunch of them seem to be related to wifi01:42
bbordwellpenguin42, I think this is the problem: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1658801:44
ubot2bugzilla.kernel.org bug 16588 in Other "Regression introduced in causes freezing, crashing, oopsing" [Normal,Resolved: code_fix]01:44
bbordwellahh that was a dup here: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1658901:45
ubot2bugzilla.kernel.org bug 16589 in Scheduler "BUG: scheduling while atomic: udevd/960/0x10000001" [High,New]01:45
penguin42bbordwell: It looks like it's still being worked on there; it looks to me like it's the fix for the X exploit01:47
bbordwellya it was01:48
bbordwelllinux patched it himself nice01:48
bbordwelloops linux/linus01:48
penguin42anyway, yet another case where X really shouldn't be running as root01:50
bbordwellpenguin42, The fix for that exploit is in the new lucid kernel as well right?01:50
penguin42I don't know; I've not been following Lucid01:50
* penguin42 goes to bed01:51
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* devildante goes to bed; good night :)03:58
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ansgarHi, I have a question about the first response from <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Fixed in Development release while still existing in a previous release>06:28
ansgarDoes Ubuntu really require the bug submitter to find out how the bug was fixed and to prepare a patch when asking for a bug to be fixed in a stable release as well?06:29
micahgansgar: someone has to do it06:29
micahgansgar: so the idea is if the person wants it, they can do the steps06:30
ansgarWell, if they are able to.  But I am fine with that, I just don't want to prepare an upload for old releases myself (I only use Debian myself).06:32
micahgansgar: that's the idea, the person might have already migrated off the release and no longer care06:33
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jibelnigelb, Hey, I cannot reproduce the bug 533369 in lucid (but was able in karmic). How did you reproduce it or could you confirm that the version in -proposed fixes the issue ?09:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 533369 in debootstrap (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 2 other projects) "Fails to debootstrap squeeze chroot due to missing apt-get (affects: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53336909:06
nigelbjibel: can you give me a few hours?09:14
nigelbI ran karmic on my system and I can test it in the evening.09:14
jibelnigelb, no emergency, I was just wondering if you were able to reproduce it in lucid because I'm not. In karmic I can reproduce and the fix is fine.09:15
jibelnigelb, just add a comment on the report if you can test the fix in lucid-proposed. Thank you.09:16
nigelbjibel: oh, wait, you want me to reproduce in lucid.09:16
jibelnigelb, yes, that would be great09:16
nigelbjibel: I'm on lucid now.  Let me test it.09:17
njincan someone help with this ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/43202409:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 432024 in ubuntu "Keyboard layout initialization (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New]09:25
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trinikronowow goodjob on the hugday, you totally nailed it lol10:40
trinikrono*hugs for everybody10:41
penguin42mornin hggdh12:39
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hggdhmorn penguin4212:57
nigelbhggdh: TGIF :D13:08
hggdhnigelb: heh13:21
nigelbhggdh: And yes, in 40 more minutes, I'll be out partying :D13:21
hggdhin 40 more minutes I will still be working13:24
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stanley_robertsoh iall14:05
zeroseven0183Is it OK to advertise here?14:10
zeroseven0183I mean, advertise open source?14:10
kklimondazeroseven0183: no, this channel is for triaging bugs14:14
zeroseven0183Ok. I was thinking of promoting Firefox beta14:15
zeroseven0183...ooopppsss anyway, I just did14:16
devildantepedro_: here?14:17
pedro_devildante, yeah14:17
pedro_morning kamusin14:18
devildantepedro_: you should write on the QA blog about the bug day results, just like you did after operation cleansweep bug day ;)14:18
pedro_devildante, yeap that's on my todo tasks for today ;-)14:19
devildantepedro_: thank you :) we need more publicity :p14:19
pedro_you're welcome, I'll let you guys know as soon as i send the post14:20
pedro_so you can twitt, digg, send it to identi.ca etc14:20
pedro_the more buzz the better ;-)14:20
kamusinmorning pedro_ , devildante14:22
devildantehi kamusin :)14:22
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pedro_devildante, http://blogs.gnome.org/pvillavi/2010/08/20/banshee-bug-day-rocked-the-house-show-me-some-green-fields/15:34
pedro_devildante, somehow the qa blog doesn't allow me to add images so blogged it there, which is added to the planet ubuntu as well15:35
devildantepedro_: thank you ;)15:35
pedro_devildante, thank *you* for the hard work ;-)15:36
pedro_can't wait for next week bug day :-)15:36
devildantepedro_: np ;)15:36
pedro_i'm sure its going to be great15:36
devildantepedro_: yeah :) and thank you for the 50+ bugs you triaged :)15:38
pedro_i enjoy so much to work with you guys that i can't resist to squash some bugs ;-)15:40
pedro_morning fabio15:40
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ashamshello all16:27
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simarashams ???17:29
stanley_robertsohi all17:50
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simarstanley_robertso: hi18:17
simarstanley_robertso: have you got my email?18:17
simarstanley_robertso: I'm you mentor for bugsquad..18:18
njinpedro_: arounnd ?18:27
simarstanley_robertso: there?18:35
=== IdleOne is now known as idleTwo
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simarstanley_robertso: are you there??18:44
njinpedro_: launch ?18:47
vishthekorn: hehe , you retraced that unity-applications bug yourself :)18:47
vishthekorn: i have a similar bug waiting for retracers :s18:47
vishit seems a dup btw..18:47
thekornvish: yes, do you know if the retracer are running at all?18:48
vishthekorn: they seem stuck , seb128 was looking at them yesterday i think, but he has been swamped/overloaded with all stuff ;)18:49
thekornvish:as always ;)18:49
seb128vish, thekorn: they are broken by a launchpad bug18:49
vishbad launchpad!18:50
kblinhi folks18:50
seb128the launchpadlib api breaks while trying to download a file in a private bug now18:50
kblinif I bump into a broken dependency (-dev package not matching the library package), which package do I file the bug against?18:50
thekornseb128: oh? apport-retracer works fine when I run it locally (on maverick)18:51
Picikblin: Presumably, they both have the same source package, which is how lp separates packages out, so file it against that.18:53
PiciOr I'm misunderstanding the question.18:53
kblinPici: dunno, the source package I can get with apt-get source is a completely different version as well18:54
Picikblin: What packages are we talking about?18:55
kblinlibgoogle-perftools0 and libgoogle-perftools-dev18:55
kblinlibgoogle-perftools0 claims version 0.8-5.1, libgoogle-perftools-dev claims version 0.98-1ubuntu118:56
Picikblin: Which version of Ubuntu?18:56
kblinmaverick, updated today18:57
kblinI just did a dpkg-buildpackage on the source tree "apt-get source google-perftools" gave me, and those packages claim version 1.5-118:57
kblinI don't care much either way, that's just a dep I need to build ceph packages, just wanted to report the broken packages18:58
Picikblin: Sorry, I got distracted.  I'd file it against google-perftools and explain the issue.19:05
kblin"Package google-perftools does not exist" :)19:06
hggdhkblin: libgoogle-perftools0 is an older package, -perftools-dev is build against the current one in maverick (google-perftools)19:07
hggdhand google-perftools did not make it yet in the archives... hum19:08
kblinwell, whatever. I'm trying to build a package that depends on -perfools-dev and that won't install :)19:09
kblinand launchpad won't let me file a bug against the source package19:09
kblinand of course I can't file it against the package I just built myself, because that's not an official ubuntu package19:13
kblinthe bug report will have to wait until my other build is finished then19:13
yofelwell, that's interesting too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/481074/ amd64 and i386 have different versions o.O?19:17
hggdhyofel: perftools0 is still at 0.98, but perftools-dev is at 1.5-1. perftools 1.5-1 also depends on pertools019:18
hggdhbut perftools did not make it in the archives yet (for whatever reason)19:19
vishwhen was paste.ubuntu updated? it looks awesome now!19:19
hggdhkblin: you can directly download perftools from https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/amd64/google-perftools/1.5-119:20
hggdh(for amd64)19:20
Picivish: huh? paste.u.c looks the same that it always has to me.19:20
kblinhggdh: I've already built it myself19:20
vishPici: new theme19:20
micahghggdh: it's in maverick19:20
vishpreviously it was the drab brown..19:20
hggdhmicahg: yes, it made it there in the last 15 minutes or so19:22
kblinah, so if I update, it should work?19:26
micahghggdh: maybe went through new19:27
* micahg goes back to not paying attention19:28
* hggdh does the same19:29
kblinthanks folks19:38
shmengiecan you tell me?19:46
chilicuilI'm trying to upload a new debdiff to the bug #462193 , however my diff (http://pastebin.com/dHLELxfE ) looks different to one uploaded by the last person ( http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52823113/lp462193.debdiff ) , since it's a dumb change I'd not like to upload the wrong diff, I've make it with $ bzr diff --old ../previous_copy, do you think is it ok?19:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 462193 in djvulibre (Debian) (and 3 other projects) "djvulibre-bin produces garbage in the root (/man1/*) (affects: 18) (dups: 2) (heat: 109)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46219319:46
shmengiehow do you go about refreshing a package eg. rdesktop19:46
shmengiestock ubuntu rdesktop has keyboard issues19:48
shmengierdesktop.sourceforge.net does not have the same issues.19:48
hggdhshmengie: have you opened a bug against it?19:48
shmengieWhat do I need to do to get the stock version of rdesktop.sourceforge.net embedded into ubuntu?19:49
shmengieOnce, I think...19:49
hggdhonce, when?19:49
shmengieI have users and myself, that find this very frustrating19:52
hggdhok, so this is bug 49431119:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 494311 in rdesktop (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu patch for rdesktop breaks keyboard handling. (affects: 1) (heat: 13)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49431119:52
shmengieI"ve built rdesktop a few times to avoid the issue...19:53
shmengieI would really like for rdesktop not to suffer19:53
shmengieor users that require it19:53
shmengieUbuntu is wonderful, but this makes office implementation difficult.19:53
shmengieEverytime a win station gets infected, I choose ubuntu when possible.19:54
shmengieok, sorry, don't mean to sound angry, just venting a little frustration.19:55
shmengieI want to do whatever I need to, to get rdesktop fixed in Ubuntu19:55
yofelchilicuil: not sure, usually we define the output of the 'debdiff' application as a debdiff (diff between two packages), if you're already using bzr, why not file a merge against the ubuntu package?20:20
yofelbut it seems like your diff was accepted anyway20:21
chilicuilyofel: yep, but I had to rebuild the debdiff using $ debdiff20:21
chilicuilyofel: I've tried to merge some other patches, I just had that question20:22
yofelah, well, your debdiff looks ok, the other diff wanted to add a few misc:Depends that were missing  too20:24
chilicuilyofel: ok, then I'll think I can use bzr diffs when needed, thx a lot! =)20:26
hggdhshmengie: yes, rdesktop needs some love20:28
shmengieHow can I give it some luv?20:29
bcurtiswxis this appropriate discussion?? :P20:31
hggdhshmengie: directly affecting you: finding out which patch is the culprit in your case, and what this patch intends to do20:32
hggdhshmengie: generically -- looking at the bugs for rdesktop, triaging them, checking upstream20:33
hggdhshmengie: on the other hand, the project at SF seems to be dead20:34
shmengieThe project at sourceforge has had very few changes.  But the keyboard support works much better in the stock.  What I don't know is what other packages would be affected by reverting to stock flavor.20:40
shmengieWhich is, I suppose why it's been in need of luv.20:40
MichealHAnyone avalible to triage?20:41
shmengieBut this has gone on long enough.  The Ubuntu version is not usable by anyone who needs Capslock and the Keybad.20:41
shmengieerr..  Numberpad20:41
hggdhshmengie: it has been going long, indeed. But we need help. I, for example, do not have time to look at it20:43
hggdh(but then I do not use it anyway)20:43
hggdhMichealH: what do you mean?20:44
shmengieThat's why I asked what can I do.20:44
MichealHIs anyone avalible to triage a bug?20:44
shmengieYou gave me some hints, thatks.20:44
MichealHhggdh: ^^20:44
hggdhMichealH: we are all here to help.20:45
MichealHhggdh: Can you please triage Bug 61998120:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 619981 in banshee (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Banshee crashed while sitting idle on omap4 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61998120:46
MichealHI beleive it has the necessary information20:46
MichealH(having looked at the log)20:47
MichealHIt seemes he has it on some sort of shuffle :/20:47
MichealHhggdh: ping20:49
jpdsMichealH: You pinged him like 5 minutes ago. ;)20:50
MichealHUmm... Yes?20:51
micahg!patience is a virtue :)20:52
micahgoh, that did the wrong thing...20:52
ubot2Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com20:52
micahgjpds: how do I undo a factoid change request?20:53
Picimicahg: don't worry about the request notice, it'll be ignored.20:53
micahgPici: good :)20:53
PiciJust like all our other factoid requests, mwhahaha.20:53
MichealHmicahg: But Im not looking for triages not support :(20:53
nigelbPici: haha20:53
hggdhMichealH: did you try to reproduce?20:53
micahgMichealH: you're still asking for help, give people a few minutes :)20:53
MichealHhggdh: I dont use Banshee20:54
nigelbPici: but, micahg and I have changed factoids20:54
hggdhMichealH: so *what* did you do to confirm it?20:54
MichealHmggThere is enough infor for a developer to look at20:54
MichealHhggdh: ^^20:54
hggdhI do not think so. I am not even sure if the exceptions reported caused banshee to end20:54
MichealHI TabFaile'd20:54
MichealHBut wont the devs pick that up?20:55
MichealHIf its true.20:55
hggdhthey might. They might just return it if it is *not* true. But the point is I am not sure why it failed.20:56
hggdhogra: why did you mark bug 619981 confirmed? Do you also experience it?20:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 619981 in banshee (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Banshee crashed while sitting idle on omap4 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61998120:57
MichealHhggdh: It was me wasnt it?20:59
hggdhoh yes, ogra milestoned it21:03
* MichealH hides21:04
* MichealH avoids all the tomatos being thrown at him21:04
hggdhMichealH: anyway, you would have to be running Maverick to test21:05
* hggdh goes on to install banshee21:05
MichealHhggdh: So you are trying to replicate?21:07
hggdhMichealH: yes21:07
sensegood afternoon everyone!21:22
yofelhey senseĀ°21:23
yofeler.. sense!21:23
sensehey yofel!21:23
hggdhMichealH: cannot reproduce...21:24
hggdhsense: long time, sir21:24
hggdhMichealH: this does not mean there is not a problem -- but I would like the OP to check on the errors in the debug log21:25
sensehggdh: Hey! Just came back from holiday.21:25
hggdhoh, this is why, I had a feeling you had not been online for a while :-)21:25
nigelbhggdh: he had announced his holiday21:25
hggdhnigelb: this would require me to really pay attention on this channel ;-)21:26
nigelbhggdh: or the planet21:26
nigelbor to twitter21:27
nigelbor identi.ca21:27
=== CieD is now known as Ciemon
senseOMG! Pedro blogged!21:28
=== MichealH is now known as OffTopicGuy
=== OffTopicGuy is now known as MichealH
hggdhnigelb: I do not follow (or have accounts) on indenti.ca, twitter, facebook, or other similar places...22:08
nigelbhggdh: In that case, we should kick you for not following planet :p22:08
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGaNaruto
nigelbvish: poke me when you're awake.  Need your help with something :)22:51
devildantenigelb: vish is always asleep, talking by experience (though this experience was during 3 AM, so I'm not the best example :p)23:41

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