
andrew_708476Is anyone here good with Ubuntu01:19
zkriesseandrew_708476: Heh...01:21
zkriesseandrew_708476: just ask away01:21
zkriesseIf we can answer your question we will01:21
andrew_708476I was using firefox and I dont know what I did but now theres no web browser can someome help me get it back01:22
andrew_708476and I cant type in web pages at all01:23
zkriesseAh please join #ubuntu and ask your question there01:23
andrew_708476I've tryed01:23
Pendulumandrew_708476: where do you live?01:47
andrew_708476melbourne Australia01:50
andrew_708476and you01:51
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=== Schtroumpf is now known as juju2143
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