
pleia2doctormo: in the flesh! ..er, paper! http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/img/reasons-to-love-printed.jpg00:51
nhandlerCool pleia200:52
akgranerpleia2, doctormo too cool!00:56
akgranerwe need to take some of those to OLF00:56
akgranerLife is so good - Pre-Season Football - Woo Hoo!!!!01:02
akgranerNew England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons tonight.... ahhhhh01:04
akgranerbig press push tonight for OLF so if you can blog, tweet, dent, Facebook or whatever about it please do :-)  here's the UbuCon Schedule :-) http://ohiolinux.org/ubucon01:26
akgranerdoctormo, ping01:45
akgranerdoctormo, since you are like the Logo guru I need some help :-)  Do you or someone you know feel like helping come up with a Logo for UbuCon's?01:46
doctormopaultag: See this is what Thursdays need, tripple chocolate martinis03:15
paultagHells yes03:16
paultagI'm so sick right now03:18
pleia2triple chocolate martinis are notably less fun while ill03:18
paultagyeah :(03:19
paultagI had some wine tonight, and it did not sit03:19
Pendulumdoctormo: are you coming down for the con this weekend? (I haven't noticed any chatter on the list or on IRC so I'm a bit confused about all that)03:21
* Pendulum hugs nigelb 03:37
* nigelb hugs pleia2 03:50
nigelbThanks for emaling -news :)03:50
akgranerpleia2, already added to the wiki03:51
doctormoPendulum: Yes, I leave tomorrow with all the gear. Will you be at 5pi-con?03:52
Pendulumdoctormo: I'm going to try, I'm not sure if I have the $ for admission :-/ if I can sort that bit I'm happy to help where I can03:52
doctormoPendulum: We have 2x tickets for MA LoCo.03:53
Pendulumdoctormo: are you the only person going so far?03:53
doctormoPendulum: There is two others, but they have in the past bought their own tickets.03:53
Pendulumsee PM?03:54
Pendulumdoctormo: ^^03:54
pleia2akgraner: oh ok, I've been adding things to UWN-Ideas as they hit the -news-team list03:55
akgraneri'm not seeing anything03:58
akgraneroh the ietherpad03:59
nigelbakgraner: hahah, you link became famouos.  That Naharwal song.03:59
* nigelb saw it on a part message o.O04:00
akgraneri think jono tweeted it04:00
nigelbNO wonder :)04:01
akgranerso i am blaming him for it04:01
akgranerand claiming negative knowledge:-p04:01
akgranernigelb, however it is a catchy tune isn't it :-004:02
nigelbakgraner: It is addictive.04:02
jcastroakgraner: ping06:50
jonohey all, check out http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/08/20/on-visibility-and-change/06:54
jonojcastro, sounds like a cool gig :)06:54
jonoloved your VM06:54
jonoI tried to call you back06:54
jcastroomg sorry06:54
jcastroI couldn't help it06:54
jcastroI had a metal moment06:54
jcastroand I didn't know who to call06:54
jcastrobut I knew you would understand06:54
jcastroI felt something around all those people tonight. I know it sounds lame, but like, man ...06:56
jcastroit all touched nerves, like, this whole belonging thing06:56
* jcastro hand waves something about some book and all that stuff06:57
jcastroI felt like that dude from Columbia in the flight 666 movie tonight.06:57
jcastrojono: save the VM if you can (if you have google voice or whatever), I'd like to capture the moment06:58
jonojcastro, oh I plan on saving it06:58
jonoit was awesome06:58
jcastrodude, it was majestic06:58
jonodude, I am really happy for you :-)06:58
jcastroeverything was perfect06:58
jonoI can't wait to see them06:58
jcastroit was like ... wow06:59
jcastrooh hey, a tip06:59
jcastrothe ticket had testament/slayer/megadeth06:59
jcastrobut they switched06:59
jcastroso don't like try to skip06:59
jcastroI went down and was like "oh, slayer is next" and didn't pee.06:59
jcastroand next thing you know I was slammed with Rust in Peace07:00
jcastroI had to wait until Lucretia to pee (which is like the worst song anyway)07:00
jcastroman dude, kerry king is so brutal07:00
jonojcastro, wow07:00
jcastroit's like a tatted up dave camp07:00
jonoman I love Slayer07:00
jonohaha yeah07:01
jcastrothey did the new song07:01
nigelbwhat the....07:01
jonoI can't wait to see Megadeth play Five Magics07:01
jcastropainted blood or whatever07:01
nigelbyou folks don't have sleep do you?07:01
jcastroand then seasons07:01
jcastroand then only 2 songs07:01
jcastroguess which ones07:01
jcastroraining blood07:01
jcastroand angel of death07:01
jcastrothey were so good07:01
jononigelb, heh07:02
jcastroman, but going back to what you said, 5 magics live07:02
jonojust catching up with more email07:02
jcastroI've waited my whole life for that07:02
jcastroit's the pinnacle07:02
jcastrothey never play that live07:02
jonorock and roll07:02
jcastrooh and dude07:02
jcastroit was so awesome07:02
jcastrothey did holy wars /twice/07:02
jcastroonce during the album set07:02
jcastroand as the encore07:02
jcastroand dude, no talking, no bullshit07:02
jcastroit was the same as putting the CD in07:03
jcastroevery note was immaculate07:03
jcastroI can't even describe it. every little hit of every cymbal and every fret was perfect.07:03
jcastrojono: try to digitize the voice mail I left you, I want to capture every bit of this entire moment07:04
jonojcastro, I am sure I can get it mailed to me07:04
jonojcastro, dude, it was *awesome*07:05
jcastroplease do07:05
jcastroI like, was so messed up07:05
jonoI was in our band studio rehearsing when I got it07:05
jcastronot on beer07:05
jcastroI had like 207:05
jcastroI was drunk on like, the music07:05
jcastroseriously, I didn't even know what to do07:05
jonodude, you got the new maiden album yet?07:05
jcastroI called all 3 of my metal friends07:05
jcastroyeah I did07:05
jcastroI dunno07:05
jcastroI can't dig it yet07:05
jonodifferent, eh?07:05
jcastrotoo complicated07:05
jonowhen I switched it on the first track, I wasnt sure it was even maiden07:06
jonoits almost dancy07:06
jcastromy main fear is I can't hum any melodies07:06
jcastrobecause there are none07:06
jcastroit's like mariner without being ... mariner07:06
jcastrotoo long, too complex07:06
jcastroI dig the effor07:06
jonolisten to it a few times, it get sthere07:06
jcastrobut I need time07:06
jonomaiden is like guinnness07:06
jcastroit's only been 4 times, and I need like 3 years for every album07:06
jcastroI am only now appreciating the last one07:07
jonoan aquired taste that takes time to consume07:07
jcastrothis one will take me more time07:07
jonojcastro, tell me if my new blog entry makes sense07:07
jonoI know we have discussed it before07:07
jonothis is my "I want more face time with out volunteers discussion"07:07
jcastrowork shit07:07
jcastrogimme 150% more time than normal07:08
jcastroie 6 minutes07:08
jonono worries!07:08
jonoif you are knackered, don't worry07:08
jonoyou are not at work now :-)07:08
jcastrodude, I will be up for 5 days in a row07:08
jcastroI was there man07:08
jcastrowhen Dave brought forth his flying V07:08
jcastrohe brought out the M guitar too07:08
jcastrothat bullshit double flying V that looks all impossible to play07:09
jcastroso you're like "oh, how artsy, it must be tuned to some alternate scale like Tool or something"07:10
jcastrobut I read the part in the book where he just thinks its cool07:10
jonowow, the new unity with the maximised in panel thing is sweeeet07:10
jcastroso off the bat07:11
jcastroit's too long07:11
jcastro"I've been busy, and I know it, but you know what, let me spend more time with you people"07:11
jcastrohmm, but I guess people would appreciate the detail07:11
jcastroalso, you kind of concentrate on the canonical team.07:12
jcastroyou try to at least spend time with laura and the other people in this channel07:13
jcastroI think people don't realize the amount of time you put aside for people who aren't your subordinates at canonical07:13
* nigelb agrees to that one.07:14
jcastroor that people have the ability to talk to you by just saying "hey let's have a call"07:14
nigelboh, btw, if you folks haven't head of it yet: http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2010/08/use-linux-now-you-can-video-chat-too.html07:14
nigelb(bye skype, I'll miss you)07:14
pleia2nigelb: have you tried it? no worky on my ole mini9 :\07:15
jcastronigelb: http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/981047411/google-voice-and-video-chat07:15
jcastroI have a retort!07:15
jcastroalso hi pleia207:15
pleia2hey jcastro07:15
nigelbjcastro: that was fast.07:15
nigelbpleia2: No, not yet.  AT work.07:15
jcastronigelb: it was like 30 minutes ago07:15
nigelbI'm just saying TGIF and waiting.07:15
jcastroI was distracted by talking about metal07:16
nigelbjcastro: NICE07:16
nigelbBeautiful retort07:16
nigelbBut, how many ways are there for browser to capture your device?07:17
jcastroit's been in FF for like a year07:17
jcastroit's just that no one cared07:17
nigelbOK, in that case, totaly agree to your point.07:17
jcastroblizzard @ mozilla showed it off to me like 2 guadec's ago.07:18
jcastroand even then it was mostly working07:18
jcastroyou can do an entire youtube thing with just the browser07:18
nigelbNot having a cam in sight at work is severely limiting.07:19
nigelbpleia2: I think its installed.  How do I test it?07:21
pleia2nigelb: restart your browser and log into gmail07:21
nigelbpleia2: did that.07:21
pleia2there will be a video chat option when open a goog chat window07:21
nigelbpleia2: um, I need a cam for that right?07:22
nigelbis there voice option only?07:22
pleia2I don't actually know much about any of this :)07:22
nigelbok, it doesn't work07:23
nigelbI'd rather have the empathy one.07:23
* nigelb hugs jcastro 07:23
jonojcastro, good feedback, thanks07:25
jcastroI've got even better feedback07:25
jcastrodon't come home from a concert and not tell your wife you came home07:26
jcastroshe just called me and was like "are you dead?" and I was like "I've been home for 2 hours"07:26
jcastrothen like, a door opens07:26
jonojcastro, you didnt go and give her a kiss when yo ugot hme?07:26
jcastrowho would have thunk?07:26
pleia2geez, jcastro is going to have a shorter marriage than me07:27
jcastrojono: it's like, 2:30am here, I would have thought she was asleep07:27
jcastroman, I am so glad she has no idea the shirts were $35 each07:28
jcastroI bought _two_07:28
jcastrobut I couldn't help it, they're 20th anniversary shirts, it's like once in a lifetime07:28
jcastroand really, I love metal covers, but what is that green crystal http://www.rankopedia.com/CandidatePix/69714.gif07:29
jcastroit makes no sense07:29
jcastrowhy is vic holding a green crystal07:29
jcastroI know it's not like, omg Operation Cleansweep importance, but really, why is there a green crystal07:30
jcastroI know right, so confusing, it's why you are all so silent07:31
jussijcastro: isnt it with these things that the crystal is like a key or so?07:32
* jussi really has no idea..07:32
jcastroI am pretty sure there's some Stargate thing involved here07:32
jussioh, and jono, an new tool for your team to use :D http://www.google.com/chat/video07:33
nigelbjussi: read scrollback07:44
nigelbjussi: or, I'll just give it to you http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/981047411/google-voice-and-video-chat07:45
duanedesignnigelb: did you see clicompanion got mentioned on OMGUbuntu. :)07:46
nigelbduanedesign: I hardly read tabloids :p07:47
* nigelb hides.07:47
duanedesignnigelb: ;)07:49
duanedesignnigelb: its not on my RSS feed list, but it is popular so I was glad to see it mentioned07:49
nigelbduanedesign: yep, nicely done.  Just read it.07:50
duanedesignnigelb: know if couch replication would get turned back on I could finish working on Stipple07:50
nigelbduanedesign: what does stipple do?07:50
duanedesignnigelb: that is the program that syncs your settings (and packages)07:51
dholbachgood morning07:51
nigelbduanedesign: AH, like what oneconf is planning to.07:52
nigelbmorning dholbach :)07:52
dholbachhi nigelb07:52
duanedesignnigelb: yep07:52
duanedesignmorning dholbach07:53
dholbachhey duanedesign07:54
* kim0 waves morning to everyone07:58
dholbachheya kim007:58
* nigelb waves to kim0 08:01
kim0nigelb: heya .. morning man08:02
* jussi hides from kim008:03
kim0morning jussi :)08:03
kim0why is that hehe08:03
jussidunno, you were looking scary today. too happy :D08:04
kim0hehehe :D :D08:04
* jussi is eating cornflakes08:04
aramorning all!08:12
nigelbmorning ara08:12
nigelbhola dpm :)08:12
aramorning nigelb, dpm08:13
dholbachhey ara, dpm08:16
arahey dholbach08:16
dpmhola nigelb, ara dholbach!08:16
kim0hola dpm08:21
kim0morning ara08:21
aramorning kim008:21
dpmhey kim0 :)08:25
kim0hey :)08:26
nigelbok, ftr, paste.ubuntu.com looks totally kewl :)08:38
nigelberr http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ rather08:38
jonobed for me08:40
jonoback in 708:40
jononight all!08:40
nigelbg'nite jono :)08:40
nigelbok, lunch time.  Later folks :)08:42
dpmI fear that everyone trying to install the gmail videochat package is going to be bitten by bug 62029709:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 620297 in gdebi (Ubuntu) "gdebi-gtk fails with ''dpkg: unable to read filedescriptor flags...." (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62029709:12
nigelbdpm: ok, so that's whats going wrong09:14
nigelbit gets installed all right though09:14
dpmoh, does it? I believe I had to use dpkg last time I tried to use gdebi09:14
duanedesigndpm: glad yoe mentioned something09:32
duanedesigncant type this morning :\09:33
JFothe same happens to me09:34
duanedesigni got: gdebi-gtk crashed with NameError in __init__()09:35
nigelbmorning JFo09:40
nigelbJFo: (where are you again?)09:40
JFonigelb, morning!09:41
JFoI'm in Oxford, UK09:41
nigelbthat explains why you're awake arund the time AlanBell tackles his cornflakes09:42
JFoyeah, I'm headed back to my time zone tomorrow09:43
JFoso next week will be back to normal09:43
duanedesignhaha fixed the NameError in __init__(), *know* i am getting the filedesriptor flag error :P09:45
czajkowskimorning sup ?09:55
czajkowskijcastro: what I do.. coming back to a lotta highlights of my nick09:57
duanedesigndpm: yeah i finally had to use dpkg -i to install the google_talkplugin...10:00
dpmduanedesign, yeah, that's what I did as well. In any case, I'm only installing it our of curiosity, as empathy worked well already with gmail videochat10:03
nigelbdpm: +1 to that.10:04
czajkowskinigelb: are yo free later like after work to give me some help on how to get involved in clean sweep ?10:28
nigelbczajkowski: sure.  tonight probbaly.10:28
popeyhullo doctormo11:42
doctormohey popey, morning, nice audio publication. I should do something with you guys on that.11:42
popeythank you!11:43
popeywhat do you have in mind?11:43
doctormopopey: I could talk about PiCon (which is this weekend) and what we get up to and why it's good to attend non-computer/software events for a LoCo?11:47
doctormoI think your next one is in a few weeks?11:47
doctormoIf not then perhaps the prospect of teaching the girl scouts how to use inkscape.11:50
popeywe record every other monday11:53
akgranerjcastro, pong12:06
* nigelb waves to akgraner 12:17
nigelbGood morning :)12:17
akgranernigelb, Good Morning:-)12:18
akgranerdholbach_, just so you are in the loop we have added an interview page for people to put suggestions of who to interview and teams like the Behind The Circle for the Motu stuff can add the names of people they are looking at so we on the news team can make sure we get them to the Fridge and on UWN in a timely manner12:53
akgranerI just cleaned it up yesterday - but here is the page  - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Interviews12:54
nhandlerakgraner: How will this help us post them in a timely manner?13:01
nigelbnhandler: its to stop us from duplicating efforts13:03
akgranernhandler, because we know what to look for13:03
nhandlernigelb: That I would agree with13:03
akgranerand when things will get published13:03
nigelband with one quick look we know what others are planning13:04
akgranerI am going to be adding some suggestions with timelines13:04
akgranerand if I get hit by a bus then they don't stop b/c someone else (the news team knows about them)13:04
jussianyone want to try out this google voice plugin with me?14:58
paultagjussi: I'd do it, but I'm at work :)14:58
* jussi puts a shirt on, just in case14:59
akgranerjussi, I have to run my kids to their orientations at school but will be back in a few hours - if you haven't tested it by then let me know15:00
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachakgraner, awesome15:07
=== maco2 is now known as maco
* nigelb does evil laugh15:16
nigelbdigging into ice cream, cream, and apricots15:16
nigelbNOM NOM!15:16
Pendulumnigelb: that's so not fair :P15:17
PendulumI can't have ice cream for breakfast :(15:17
nigelbPendulum: haha.  Beeing craving for ice cream for long.15:17
jussiapricots! nom!!15:18
nigelbpaultag: hahaha.  I *need* nerds.  I *so* understand that feeling :)15:25
paultagnigelb: hahaha15:26
paultagnigelb: <3 :)15:26
nigelbjussi: wanna talk?15:27
nigelb(warning: my mic doesn't work and I don't have cam, but we can check if the system works)15:27
nigelbI should be able to hear you if things work out15:27
* dholbach hugs dpm15:42
dholbachdpm, your blog post is awesome15:42
* nigelb goes to check that15:42
dpmthanks dholbach, glad you like it :)15:43
* dpm hugs dholbach15:43
nigelbjussi and I declare that google video plugin is fail :/15:50
* jussi wonders if it needs nvidia drivers...15:50
* nigelb ewws at cpprofits blog post.15:59
nigelbBlades will go down just because you power them down?15:59
nigelbThat sucks to be honest ...16:00
nigelb"According to the vendor if the blades are up for a really long time (yes, mine were) and you remove them from power (yes, I moved them) then they will refuse to power up. The solution is to replace the motherboard. "16:02
nigelbWhat the $foo!16:02
paultagyou spelled it wrong16:03
nigelbpaultag: spelled what?16:04
nigelban extra p?16:04
vishaw, crap! i was up in the page!16:06
nigelbvish: Its a beautiful post.16:07
vishnah, lol>>> * jussi puts a shirt on, just in case16:07
nigelbI wonder how he managed not to swear.16:07
paultagnigelb: me?16:07
vishthen i realized i had to scroll down! :D16:07
nigelbpaultag: cprofit16:07
nigelbvish: haha16:07
JFowhere is the cprofit post link?16:09
nigelbJFo: http://ftbeowulf.wordpress.com/2010/08/20/bad-day-in-the-it-department/16:11
nigelbJFo: (Its on the planet btw)16:11
jussisomeone remind me what I need to put in my xorg to disable abi?16:11
JFonever have the time to go there16:11
nigelbJFo: haha16:12
nigelbJFo: you should write a blog!16:12
JFoI have one16:12
JFothat I never get to update16:12
nigelbJFo: hence the "write"16:13
maconigelb: i just read that to my coworker16:14
nigelbmaco: which one?16:15
maconigelb: the server thing16:15
nigelbmaco: ah16:15
nigelbmaco: what did he/she say? (no more blades?)16:20
macono, just "wow, thats a pretty strong incentive for the vendor to fix it, since they lose money replacing those motherboards under warranty"16:20
nigelbTrue.  What a fail.16:21
Technovikingjcastro: pong16:24
Technovikinghas the UDS sponsorship link ever be posted?16:25
jussinot that I know of...16:27
JFoand they lose customers outside warranty16:27
jussifor this one.16:27
nigelbJFo: That too.16:28
nigelbTechnoviking: They are yet to "officially" announce the UDS.16:29
paultagI came accross the sponsorhip link and already filled it out jcastro -- can you purge me ( sorry :X )16:30
jcastroTechnoviking: it hasn't been published but it's up and working16:31
popeypaultag getting in early huh? :)16:31
paultagpopey: haha, aye aye. :P16:31
nigelbwait, we can fill it up?16:31
paultagnigelb: we can, that does not mean we should16:31
nigelbI was waiting for the official announcement16:31
nigelbpaultag: Right.  No sponsorship for you :p16:31
paultagclearly :)16:31
Technovikinggoogle talk plugin is not working for me in Maverick16:32
* nigelb hugs paultag :)16:32
nigelbTechnoviking: I'm yet to hear of one person claiming it works.16:32
popeyTechnoviking: which browser?16:32
nigelbpopey: worked for you?16:32
popeynot tried16:32
nigelbjussi and I tried.  Fail.16:32
popeyfile bugs!16:33
nigelbProblem's at his end :D16:33
Technovikingbbiab, reboot needed on this server16:34
TechnovikingTrying to do some bug work in Maverick, but LP is very slow today16:41
Technovikingjcastro: disabling edge help16:43
Technovikingyeah about 2-3 minute to LP click for me16:43
jcastromust. avoid. telling. slow. joke.16:44
TechnovikingI for one blame popey16:45
=== komputes_ubuntu is now known as komputes
paultaghumm, the FSF have cloaks on freenode16:58
paultag/mode +b *!*@fsf/*16:58
paultagand yes, I am kidding16:59
jcastrohmm, popey I still owe you a voicemail17:00
vishjcastro: http://blogs.gnome.org/pvillavi/2010/08/20/banshee-bug-day-rocked-the-house-show-me-some-green-fields/  :)17:13
dholbachok my friends - I call it a day17:15
dholbachhave a great weekend everyone17:15
dholbachand see you on monday17:15
* dholbach hugs you all17:15
jcastrodholbach: I will see you in 2 weeks!17:15
jcastro(I am going away)17:16
* dholbach hugs jcastro17:16
dholbachenjoy your vacation17:16
dholbachgive Jill a hug :)17:16
Technovikingjcastro: more vacation, sweet17:23
jcastrohey vish17:26
jcastrowhen I plug in my kindle the icon is some random mp3 player, if I wanted to file a bug for a real kindle icon I would file it under ... ?17:27
vishjcastro: well , first we need to see if nautilus/gvfs recognizes it as a 'Kindle device' , then we need to add it to the icon naming spec17:28
vishjcastro: we can just skip the icon naming spec if nautilus/gvfs recognizes it as kindle , and just add the icon in humanity17:29
jcastroin the ui it shows up as "Kindle"17:29
jcastrois there a command to know if nautilus really knows it's a kindle for real?17:30
TechnovikingThink you can put a .ico file in the root of the kindle which nautilus will use instead17:31
jcastroTechnoviking: I was hoping to fix it in the OS for everyone, heh17:31
vishjcastro: not sure of the nautilus command for devices.. but how we check for mime is to check the type like for example svg is  "image/svg+xml"17:32
vishjcastro: if davidz has a kindle , then most probably it would be recognized ;p17:32
jcastroI think I'll just ask him17:33
vishheh , they made gvfs recognize a load of disk drives and assigned icons for each, just because he had a lot of them ;p17:38
TechnovikingI hate when everyone #canonical-sysadmin is AFT17:41
popeyjcastro: which kindle do you have?17:46
* popey has the mark 2 white one, not the new new one17:47
jcastrothat exact one17:47
* popey is off on holiday tomorrow with it :)17:47
popeyright, home time17:48
ubot2Gnome bug 627516 in general "Support Kindle as an ebook reader, not an mp3 player" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:53
jcastrovish: davidz for the win17:53
jcastroI am sad that kindles have been out for like 2 years and we're only now realizing this lame bug17:56
TechnovikingI have the USA (not international) version of the Kindle 2, thinking about giving it to my son and getting the new black one17:56
Technovikingor a DX17:56
jcastroWhat's the international one?17:57
jcastrois that for the 3g?17:57
TechnovikingIf you got a Kindle in the last 6ish month, you got the interional on with AT&T international 3g,17:58
Technovikingmine is Sprint 3g only in the USA17:58
jonojussi, all set?18:00
jcastroin hindsight I could have grabbed all the right people at GUADEC and had them fix it on the spot18:02
czajkowskilordie what a day, hows folks?18:25
czajkowskiwhoo mark is coming to ireland to give a talk18:26
czajkowskithoigh this also means I'm running two seperate events over 3 days18:26
czajkowskiI need my head examined18:26
jcastrohi2u laura18:27
czajkowskijcastro: ello my dear18:27
czajkowskiso we have this organisation over here called Enterprise Ireland, they are a government body and they give THOUSANDS of euros to hundreds of companies over here to start up and expand.  But I've nagged them over the last 2 years to promote open source. they are finally listening so we're running an afternoon of talks aimed at irish business :)18:28
cjohnstondinda: ping18:29
dindacjohnston: pong18:29
cjohnstonWould you mind logging into LoCo Directory, visiting this page: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/texasteam   Clicking "Edit Details" and add in the location and the language (and anything else you may not have on there)?18:30
dindaok, will try now18:31
cjohnstoncool.. thanks18:31
czajkowskicjohnston: going to poke team by team18:31
cjohnstonits a start18:31
cjohnstonless work for you18:31
czajkowskicjohnston: I plan on working on them tomorrow, just rather annoyed they didnt read the numerous emails that have been sent though :( kinda frustrating18:31
cjohnstonI'd help ya out, but I don't have permissions18:32
czajkowskicjohnston: tis fine I really dont mind and I can get through that in a while tomorrow was just out with the mothership all day18:32
cjohnstondid she tell you no more tattos?18:32
cjohnstononce i learn to spell18:32
dindacjohnston: not really sure what we should put for location?18:33
pleia2cjohnston: sorry, I just asked thebwt in #ubuntu-us-tx too18:34
pleia2well, someone will get it done :D18:34
dindait's done :)18:34
dindathe new site looks fantastic btw18:35
cjohnstoncity can be left blank18:35
czajkowskicjohnston: no she likes to see me off my laptop, she now equates my laptop with Ubuntu, which is good and bad :)18:37
czajkowskiat least she knows what it is now :)18:39
dindapleia2: how do I change the blog I use to post on UW planet?18:50
pleia2dinda: give me an updated feed link18:50
dindapleia2: http://dindafoss.wordpress.com18:50
pleia2http://dindafoss.wordpress.com/feed/ ?18:51
dindapleia2: ack, good question, just set it up last week18:51
pleia2yeah, looks like18:51
dindamaybe doctormo can help me18:56
dindadoctormo: ping18:56
nigelbdinda: which category do you want on the planet?18:59
dindanigelb: trying to figure out my rss feed for wordpress blog, will use tag ubuntu to those posts19:00
pleia2oh, so you don't want to just use http://dindafoss.wordpress.com/feed/ ?19:00
nigelbhttp://dindafoss.wordpress.com/feed/?mrss=off for all posts19:00
nigelbdinda: you need to use a category I think, not tag19:01
* pleia2 nods19:01
PiciMeh.  I had someone in #ubuntu posting a dropbox link to the new Ubuntu font. :(19:02
nigelbPici: :(19:02
Pendulumdinda: he's setting up for 5PiCon so I'm not sure that he's anywhere near his computer19:02
* Pendulum will be seeing doctormo later :)19:02
nigelbdinda: If you're using ubuntu category, http://dindafoss.wordpress.com/category/ubuntu/feed/?mrss=off19:03
dindaok, added the category ubuntu19:03
nigelbPendulum: I'm jealous19:03
Pendulumnigelb: I just talked to him on the phone, too :P19:03
pleia2nigelb: what's the "?mrss=off"?19:03
vishooh new ubuntu pastebin looks awesome!19:03
pleia2no one else in the config.ini has it :x19:03
nigelbpleia2: I do19:04
pleia2nigelb: you're not on the UW planet ;)19:04
nigelbpleia2: that gets the wordpress.com blogs post correctly19:04
nigelbif you don't add it, it will just show first 5 lines :x19:05
pleia2ok, updated feed19:05
nigelbdinda: might want to post something in ubuntu category to test it out :)19:06
* nigelb hugs pleia2 :)19:06
* pleia2 hugs19:06
=== Mamarok is now known as Mamarok_
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
jcastrohey nigelb20:03
nigelbhola jcastro :)20:04
* jussi <3 sauna20:26
jcastropeople are starting to come up with some pretty awesome movies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05AmS5t7KJk21:12
nigelbrm -R /21:19
sensegood afternoon everyone!21:22
nigelbsense is back21:22
senseI'm back indeed!21:22
nigelbsense: how did the vacation go?21:23
senseDid I miss anything?21:23
sensenigelb: Great!21:23
senseAmusing country, England. ;)21:23
nigelbsense: hm, you missed jcastro's awesome lunch a few days abck and his new tattoo21:23
jcastroomg hi sense!21:23
sensehello jcastro!21:23
nigelbAlso Natty is going to be something you're going to learn about soon :p21:23
senseLunch? Tattoo! What has been going on?21:23
nigelbsense: Dunno what he's smoking these days :p21:24
* nigelb runs.21:24
sensenigelb: Look forward tot hat!21:24
* sense is now logging into GMail again. Help!21:24
* nigelb says a prayer for sense 21:24
nigelbok, that's small21:24
senseCould ahve been worse21:25
nigelbyou shoulda subscribed to debian-devel just before leaving.21:25
czajkowskisense: welcome back !21:26
sensehey czajkowski!21:26
czajkowskiit's been very quiet without you21:26
sensenigelb, czajkowski, jcastro and the rest: It's good to see you again. :)21:26
nigelbsense: Its great to see you back :)21:27
senseDid something happen with OMG!Ubuntu!? I saw a dent from Mackenzie suggesting that.21:32
nigelbyes, neck bears are now in fashion21:32
james_wneck bears sound better21:33
sensejames_w: Not sure if I'd want that. ;)21:33
jcastrosense: depends if the claws/teeth are facing in or out.21:35
nigelbjcastro: depends on who's goonna get clawed too21:36
jcastroimagine an outward facing neck bear on dholbach21:37
jcastroevery hug would be deadly21:37
nigelbhe'd be mass murder21:38
akgranerjcastro, I didn't get a chance to email you yesterday - but my idea was to expand on your "Thank People" idea/post21:51
akgranerI want people's names and what they need to be thanked for and include that each week in UWN21:52
jcastrothat sounds like a good idea!21:52
akgranerSo I was wondering if in the short term like the next 2 weeks - if you guys (Community Team) could send me some names and reasons and I would write it all up21:55
akgranerThe when I am able I'll blog about it and get everyone who wants to participate in it - so I can get people willing to be responsible for making sure it gets written up each week21:56
nigelbPendulum: met doctormo? :)22:30
Pendulumnigelb: I met him at UDS. but, yes, I'm with him atm22:31
Pendulumwell, sorta, he's talking to the dealer who has swords and the like22:31
nigelb(Pendulum: met = did you manage to find him at the con)22:31
nigelbWait, what kind of conf are you at?22:31
Pendulumoh, yeah. I just rang him when I got here :P22:31
Pendulumit's a science fiction/fantasy convention mostly22:32
maconot dragoncon is it?22:32
Pendulumwe've just got a table in the dealers' room22:32
nigelbI thought it was a maths cons22:32
Pendulumreally small con22:32
nigelbThe Pi threw me off track :D22:32
Pendulumdoctormo and I were discussing earlier the fact that if we say PiCon out loud to Ubuntu people they get all excitedx22:33
Pendulumbecause they think it's PyCon22:34
macobackslash-p-i con?22:35
* Pendulum thinks this might be a good time to work on action items22:39
* nigelb goes "ah" and adds item to "things-to-do"22:39
akgranerwell that was interesting my computer got up to 88 degrees Celsius and died23:03
macocanned air & thermal compound time?23:03
nigelbakgraner: you need maco's purse.23:03
nigelbShe's got all you need inside.23:04
maconot anymore23:04
macowell i mean lately i dont carry a purse23:04
akgraneroh this happens every cycle on this silly dell23:04
akgranerI have heat issues...23:04
macobut i used to have a backpack in which i carried thermal compound and screwdrivers23:04
nigelboh, this is the one jfo called you "hardware destroyer"23:04
akgranermy fans did not kick on this time23:04
macothat was with me all the time since it had my lappy and schoolbooks in it23:04
jcastroHEY AKGRANER23:06
ubot2PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:06
akgranerjcastro, hey!23:06
jcastrowe are in beta now you can participate in the stack exchange!23:06
jcastrowe only have 1500 users so far. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.23:07
macoand soon i will have 1000 points YAAAAAAAAAY23:07
nigelbI haven't gotten out of double digits yet.23:07
jcastrowe are ubuntu, we should be up to 15,000 by now!23:07
nigelbBut its rather more interesting that forums.23:07
akgranerjcastro, ahhhh I need to add that to my daily todo list23:07
akgranerthanks for the reminder23:07
* nigelb hates forums with a passion.23:07
akgranerIf it wasn't for The Fridge and UWN I would probably never look at them  - forums feel foreign to me for some reason23:11
akgranerweird uh23:11
jcastroforums are nice for discussions23:12
jcastrogetting people correct help, not so much.23:12
macoi used to use forums all the time but now i just check for spam / trolls in the UW subforum23:12
nigelbjcastro: +1000000023:12
jcastroboth sites can totally feed off each other23:12
jcastroIt's just not handy to read a post and then learn after your computer has turned to molten slag that there was a correction on page 52.23:13
akgraneroh I didn't mean they aren't good for stuff  - I just find it difficult to automatically go to them23:13
nigelbjcastro: hahaha, true23:13
nigelbok, bed time for me23:14
nigelbwell, sort of.23:14
nigelbIts actually wake up time.23:15
nigelbAnyway catch you folks later :)23:15
nigelbHappy weekend23:15
nigelbjcastro: HAPPY HONEYMOON!23:15
akgranernigelb, you too!23:15
jcastronite nigelb23:17
macodear global warming: please leave dc alone!23:20
macoakgraner: i feel like your computer :(23:20

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