
asackenvandine: yes00:09
asackenvandine: check mail00:09
asactell me quick00:09
asacotherwise i set it to incomplete :)00:09
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robert_ancellslomo, hey06:38
slomohi robert_ancell06:38
slomoi committed some changes to the gtk3 packaging yesterday, it's still far from complete but at least one step closer ;)06:39
robert_ancellslomo, I packaged up libpeas for Ubuntu - what's the best way to push that into Debian?06:39
slomoask me :) you only build the gtk2 variant? does the gtk3 variant of it have a different soname or something?06:40
robert_ancellslomo, only the gtk2 version06:40
slomoare the parallel installable?06:42
robert_ancellslomo, not sure, wasn't aware there's a problem there06:44
slomowell, there will be a problem later if they're not parallel installable06:45
slomoyou can either have gtk2 or gtk3 in a process, both will fail06:45
slomowe'll see... could you sent me a mail with some url to your packaging? i'll try to review it after breakfast06:46
robert_ancellslomo, will do06:47
pittiGood morning07:25
* bryceh waves07:52
* nigelb o.O07:52
nigelbmorning bryceh :)07:52
brycehheya nigelb07:53
nigelbNo sleep or are you on the other side of the atlantic?07:53
brycehhere in Portland it's not even midnight yet07:54
brycehnigelb, what's new?07:55
micahgnigelb: he's on the other side of the Pacific08:00
nigelbbryceh: oh nothing much.  planning on hacking on LP08:00
nigelbmicahg: the wrong side of the pacific.08:00
* nigelb runs :p08:00
brycehnigelb, oh really?  cool...  what in lp particularly?08:01
nigelbbryceh: I dunno.  I kinda want the pubsub model to work.08:01
nigelbfor now, CIA bots down work out of the box with LP08:02
brycehnigelb, I don't know much about pubsub but if you need general guidance on how to hack on lp lemme know08:02
nigelbbryceh: I will.   I will :)08:02
nigelbbryceh: If I make it to UDS, I wanna talk to the LP guys (like you :D)08:03
brycehmy LP hacks this week have been fixing up how importance and status are taken from upstreamed bug reports08:03
brycehnigelb, yeah hope you can come.  Where are you located?08:04
nigelbbryceh: India :D08:04
nigelbeven if I get sponsorsip, visa is a bit scary.08:05
brycehyeah, having to get visa's sucks08:05
* bryceh plays with iftop08:08
and471who updated the ubuntu pastebin look - it looks great! :)08:23
and471vish, hey, how is this for the frozen bubble description http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480815/08:23
vishand471: nice! sounds good. :)08:27
and471vish, should I create the merge request?08:27
vishand471: tried sending upstream?08:28
vishi mean debian..08:28
and471vish, you mean debian?08:28
and471ah yes08:28
and471vish, yep, I sent up a long time ago, but they are being slow again, I have had to word from them08:28
and471vish, hopefully they can pick it up by natty08:28
vishand471: when was the package last updated in debian?08:29
* vish checks08:29
and471vish, a long time ago I think08:29
vishand471: oh! a really long time ago !08:31
vishand471: submit a debdiff or a branch whichever you prefer and subscribe the sponsors08:32
kiwinoteand471: hi! re my comment last night: because the desktop file is in the fof-game pkg, app-install-data will still assign it to fof-game rather than fof, so it's probably best to revert the name change for that file08:32
kiwinoteand471: to still get the description it is probably best just to replace the old description of fof-game with the new one you had written for the metapackage08:33
vishand471: for the frets on fire , we should probably have two bugs , because the problems are not really related..08:33
kiwinoteand471: or if you feel comfortable with it, you could actually just get rid of the fof metapackage and rename fof-game to fof (as the metapackage doesn't help us here at all really)08:34
and471vish, for the merge request, do I need to set reviewer to ubuntu sponsors, or subscribe them to the bug?08:41
vishand471: we can do both.. i dont think it would harm  ;)08:42
and471vish, I just wanted to know which was the way everyone else is doing?08:42
vishand471: some do both, some do just one of those.. i did both for one bug08:44
and471vish, what do you think I should do for fretsonfire then?08:45
and471vish, I am not really comfortable removing the metapackage08:45
and471vish, should I just update the fretsonfire-game package?08:51
vishand471: not really sure how this issue needs fixing, i would ask mvo or one of the motu folk08:52
and471vish, k I will put it on hold, I have removed the merge request08:52
vishand471: nah , sponsors dont immediately respond.  they take time ;)08:53
bilalakhtarHey and471 , if you are merging using branch, set reviewer to ubuntu-sponsors and DONT SUBSCRIBE08:56
bilalakhtarvish: ^^08:56
bilalakhtarthat's the revised method08:56
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and471bilalakhtar, don't subscribe them to the bug?08:57
vishbilalakhtar: did you read what geser just said? ;p08:57
pittihey bilalakhtar, good morning08:57
bilalakhtarand471: no, no need to subscribe08:57
bilalakhtarpitti: hey08:57
vishbilalakhtar: on -motu ..08:57
* bilalakhtar reads the scrollback08:57
bilalakhtarpitti: good morning to you too!08:57
robert_ancellseb128, hey, empathy is uploaded but it needs the libfolks synced from debian.  It's not working for me, can you do that?09:00
seb128hey robert_ancell09:00
seb128robert_ancell, we need to patch it for the vala versioning09:00
seb128ie at least the build-depends09:01
seb128robert_ancell, what is not working?09:01
robert_ancellseb128, requestsync is just timing out.  Dunno why09:01
seb128you need to merge anyway09:01
seb128I think you will need to add -0.10 to the vala build-depends09:01
robert_ancellseb128, ah, right.  I'll upload then09:03
seb128robert_ancell, thanks09:04
seb128robert_ancell, did you have a nice day otherwise? ready to call it a week I guess ;-)09:04
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robert_ancellseb128, one of those days where it all went fast :)09:04
robert_ancellI'm out of here as soon as this is done09:05
seb128robert_ancell, enjoy your weekend!09:05
pittiRAOF: still here by chance?09:06
robert_ancellseb128, bye!09:08
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seb128dpm, hi09:41
seb128dpm, thanks for the translations update ;-)09:41
dpmhi seb128, ah, you are welcome, which one update, though?09:42
seb128dpm, new langpacks09:42
seb128not sure if that's you to thanks ;-)09:42
seb128in maverick09:42
dpmseb128, I initiated the process, pitti did the hard work :)09:43
seb128dpm, pitti: thanks then ;-)09:43
RAOFpitti: Kinda?  What are you after.09:49
pittiRAOF: in udev we still have some delta wrt. linux-backports-modules09:52
pitti+SUBSYSTEM=="lbm-drm", KERNEL=="card*", TAG+="udev-acl"09:52
pittiand /lib/udev/rules.d/78-graphics-card.rules09:52
pittiRAOF: I wonder if we still need that in maverick?09:52
RAOFNo, it's not.09:53
pittiRAOF: ah, so we can remove the drm rule, and the DRM parts of 78-graphics-card.rules?09:54
RAOFIn fact, I don't think it's technically necessary in the Lucid rules, either.09:54
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RAOFpitti: You mean just the “lbm-drm” rules, or all the DRM rules?09:55
pittiRAOF: just the "|lbm-drm" thing; we probably need the rest09:56
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* kiwinote wonders how nautilus can think a folder on my harddrive is 128TB big10:28
RAOFkiwinote: It's got a large, sparse file in it?10:30
kiwinoteseems to be something with mounting /proc in a chroot10:31
RAOFI seem to recall having a 3 exabyte file in ~ at one point.10:31
kiwinotehehe, impressive10:32
RAOFI was wondering why rsync was taking so long :)10:32
seb128I'm away for an hour or so, bbl10:32
pittiRAOF: glad that we have 64 bit systems these days :)10:32
* pitti holds breath and reboots with new udev, brb10:32
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asacis mvo on vac?10:51
kiwinoteasac: yep, back next week11:03
dpmhi pitti: could you upload the -nb and -lt langpacks in lucid-proposed to lucid-updates? They were not signed off during the last call for testing, but they have been now. They would fix bug 565294 and bug 57161611:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 565294 in language-pack-kde-lt (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "Plural translations are broken for Lithuanian language (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56529411:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 571616 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "ubuntuone-preferences freezes with Norwegian locale (affects: 10) (dups: 2) (heat: 74)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57161611:08
kiwinotempt: filled in the evaluation11:09
mptkiwinote, ok. That's on my to-do list for today too. :-)11:10
kiwinotempt: thanks ;)11:11
asackiwinote: kk11:30
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bilalakhtarseb128: A package is maintained in Debian. It doesn't have a -XubuntuY version number. Can I get it upgraded to the latest GNOME Upstream here in Ubuntu?11:34
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chrisccoulsondpm - re bug 559083 - upstream don't provide any desktop files, so we maintain our own11:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 559083 in firefox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Incomplete Vietnamese translation for items listed in desktop main menu (affects: 1) (heat: 35)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55908311:50
dpmchrisccoulson, ah right, thanks for the info. And what do other distros do? Do they also have their own translations for the .desktop file?11:53
chrisccoulsondpm - i assume that they must do, but i'm not that familiar with what other distro's are doing11:53
alf__slomo: Hi! Did you get a chance to look at the cairo-perf patches?11:53
slomoalf__: yes, i'll upload them when the next cairo release is there11:55
alf__slomo: Thanks, you rock!11:55
pittidpm: seems they are already11:56
pittidpm: Arne might have asked me to do that already11:57
dpmpitti, ah, thanks, I'll close the bugs then11:59
rodrigo_seb128, is lp:ubuntu/intltool the correct branch for intltool package? it seems to be an import of debian, so how do I submit a package fix?12:05
rodrigo_also, what am I missing:12:07
rodrigo_Can't locate Dpkg.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/bin/dpkg-parsechangelog line 21.12:07
rodrigo_ah, I guess libdpkg-perl12:08
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seb128bilalakhtar, yes12:10
seb128rodrigo_, I guess that one is not maintained in a vcs but usually synced on debian12:11
rodrigo_seb128, yes, seems so, so how do I submit danilo's patch then?12:11
rodrigo_seb128, I'm just changing the version to be x.x.x-xubuntu112:11
rodrigo_seb128, the patch will be sent upstream, but for now we need the package for the evolution mail translation12:12
seb128rodrigo_, right, just take the autoimport and do your change over it12:12
rodrigo_seb128, ok12:12
alf__Hi guys! Is it feasible to apply the cairo-perf patches in ubuntu before they land in debian (if that takes too long)?12:54
mptkiwinote, the Maverick software-center package knows that there's "What's New" stuff, but a project branch doesn't show that section at all. Do you happen to know how I can get it to show?13:35
kiwinote mpt: hm, I don't sorry. I thought that that it would show by default13:36
kiwinotempt: coming to think of it do you get a 'no cataloged time' error if you start s-c from the terminal?13:37
mptkiwinote, no. I get two WARNINGs and one INFO, but neither seem related.13:38
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kiwinotempt: sorry, then I don't know :/13:39
kiwinotempt: is the branch a pushed one?13:40
mptkiwinote, yes, <https://code.launchpad.net/~mpt/software-center/fit-and-finish>.13:42
mptI don't get the same behavior with trunk, curiously.13:42
kiwinotempt: ok, I'll take a look, what command are you using to execute it?13:43
mptkiwinote, just "./software-center"13:43
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seb128alf__, slomo is usually responsive so is there any reason that could be accepted in debian?13:44
nessitahappy friday everyone!13:44
seb128hey nessita, happy friday to you as well!13:45
alf__seb128: No, I am just worried that we would hit freeze and make it super difficult to get it in then :)13:45
nessitaseb128: :-)13:46
kiwinotempt: same issue here when I use that branch, just looking into the changes13:46
nessitaso, does anyone know what's wrong with the gnome-terminal? it no longer remembers where the window was placed nor the size, and the atl/meta key doesn't work as such13:46
mptkiwinote, oh, it's because of my most recent changes. I revert them, and the section appears.13:46
seb128alf__, let's see if it gets late and those are still blocked13:46
seb128kenvandine, asac: the libgwibber mir, can we promote it while you guys sort issues?13:47
kenvandineseb128, i hope so... i think the issues are things only consumed by itself and are just a side effect of how vala generates the code13:53
alf__seb128: I just saw the updated clutter packages. Thanks a million!13:59
* alf__ hugs seb12814:00
alf__asac: ^^14:00
seb128alf__, you're welcome14:00
* seb128 hugs alf__ and asac for getting that done properly with upstreaming etc14:00
alf__asac, seb128: group hug, LOL14:01
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mptkiwinote, I figured it out. I was doing too much search and replace -- it seems the "New Applications" category is applied to the packages elsewhere, so I need to match that in the code, even if that's not what USC is visibly calling it.14:02
kiwinotempt: nice!14:02
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mptkiwinote, so now I'm stuck on having the pathbutton show "Get Software > What's New" instead of "Get Software > New Applications"14:08
kiwinotempt: I'll take a look14:09
kiwinotenjpatel, kenvandine: see the last comment of bug 62001114:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 620011 in software-center (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "software-center crashed with AttributeError in _parse_and_or_not_tag() (affects: 4) (dups: 3) (heat: 32)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62001114:09
mptkiwinote, pushed r103314:10
kiwinotempt: thanks14:10
kenvandinekiwinote, great14:11
njpatelkiwinote, awesome!14:11
kenvandinekiwinote, now to get it merged into trunk, I assume we need mvo for that?14:13
kiwinotenjpatel, kenvandine: the change itself is trivial, so that should be fine. I don't really have experience with testing fresh installs with updated packages though, so if one of you could either verify the steps I took, or test it in a different way, that would be great!14:13
kiwinotekenvandine: yes, he's back on Monday14:13
seb128rickspencer3, hey14:16
kiwinotempt: it seems like you may be able to use your previous revision14:21
kiwinotempt: in addition in /data/new.menu.in you can rename the category14:21
kiwinotempt: a local branch doesn't pick up this change, so for testing you can just edit /usr/share/app-install/menu.d/new.menu14:22
kiwinotempt: after that it's just a question of balancing the \u2019 with the real unicode character in the correct places to make it work correctly14:24
mptAnd I guess the same with featured.menu to rename "Featured Applications" to "Featured"14:25
kiwinotempt: yep, although this time you don't have the unicode characters to worry about as well ;)14:26
devildantemorning, kiwinote, mpt :)14:28
mpthi devildante14:28
kiwinotegoodafternoon devildante ;)14:28
* devildante is bored... Can you give me work? :p14:29
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mptdevildante, are there any FIXMEs left in the add-ons branch? :-)14:34
mptdevildante, and was it you who tried to implement the "Hide %s technical items" toggle, or was that and471?14:35
devildantempt: all ones are either not important (like upgrading add-ons, while upgrading is not yet covered at all), or I don't know how to fix them :p14:36
devildantempt: it was and47114:36
mptdevildante, do you think you'd be able to do it?14:36
devildantempt: the Hide technical? I'll see14:37
kiwinotedevildante, mpt: my branch contains a two way show/hide toggle14:37
mptoh, sweet14:38
kiwinotethere are a few inaccuracies though, as we have to use an approximation of the number of results rather than the exact number14:38
devildantekiwinote is too fast :p14:38
kiwinotefor channel panes it works fine, it's for the category panes that every now and then we get show 4400 tech items and then hide 3700 tech items..14:38
kiwinoteor equivalently we get show 1 tech item and then there is nothing to hide14:39
kiwinoteI had a look at this, but we have to use these approximations, otherwise we get massive performance regressions which we don't want14:40
devildantekiwinote: is your startup-speed branch working?14:43
kiwinotethe startup-speed branch works, but isn't fast yet14:43
kiwinoteI'm having a bit of trouble loading all the panes on demand and getting it to work in every single case14:44
devildantekiwinote: then I order you to finish it, or my brain will explode with the slow loading speed :p14:44
kiwinotedevildante: the sc-and-the-need-for-speed branch is super super fast, but I haven't grabbed any changes from trunk recently14:45
kiwinotedevildante: I won't be updating that branch though because I have conflicts I have to resolve by hand in every single file :/14:45
devildantekiwinote: no excuses, finish it :P14:46
kiwinotedevildante: but it's very fast, so if you want to give the sc-and-the-need-for-speed branch a go, then it's well worth it ;)14:46
devildantekiwinote: I'll see later ;)14:46
bcurtiswxi c empathy waits for libfolks-dev, can't wait to see what contact merging look slike14:46
kiwinotedevildante: if you're looking for something to work on, there's a bug which would be worth fixing: -14:49
kiwinotesteps to reproduce are: open synaptic and leave it open. now launch s-c and click install for something, it appears in in-progress, now close s-c. Open a new instance of s-c and notice that the in-progress section is not visible. We do want the in-progress section to be visible on startup when there are pending transactions14:51
bcurtiswxkenvandine: looks like you'll have to upgrade libfolks to finish empathy build.14:51
kiwinotedevildante: you will want to work against lp:~kiwinote/software-center/getting-the-small-things-right , rather than against trunk14:52
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rickspencer3hey seb12814:53
seb128rickspencer3, how are you?14:53
devildantekiwinote: okay, will work on it :)14:53
rickspencer3seb128, doing alright, how are things going?14:55
seb128rickspencer3, going alright, quite busy getting changes in still14:56
seb128which is a bit later for changes that it should have but that's still ok we have a reasonable number14:57
rickspencer3still lots of changes?14:57
rickspencer3where are they coming from?14:58
seb128not lot but mostly unity14:58
seb128the gesture stack as well is still not in, that has been dropped on us the day after feature freeze14:59
seb128some remaining dx and ols bits as well14:59
seb128well that's clearing now14:59
seb128rickspencer3, btw you have a workitem to help design paper cut about copy and paste, should that be closed?15:00
seb128rickspencer3, ted has a summer of code student working on that15:00
rickspencer3let me look15:00
seb128rickspencer3, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/design-m-papercuts15:00
rickspencer3it might have been nice if someone told me15:01
rickspencer3and maybe assigned me the bug15:01
rickspencer3seb128, I'll postpone that15:01
seb128rickspencer3, thanks15:02
rickspencer3I have asked allison to address this issue in Natty15:02
seb128tedg, how is your summer of code student doing on that?15:02
seb128tedg, got some fix in upstream projects by then?15:03
seb128rickspencer3, I'm not sure if we should have some sort of clipboard manager by default or if softwares just need fixing to store the clipboard before exiting15:03
seb128rickspencer3, the summer of code project has been about fixing random applications15:03
seb128I'm not sure if that's enough though15:03
rickspencer3seb128, I dunno, let's let allison take it up for Natty15:03
rickspencer3she'll figure out a good solution, I'm sure she'll be interested in your input15:04
tedgShe fixed Webkit and worked on the Mozilla patch.  Though apparently someone beat her to porting it to 1.9.2 (not sure on the version) of xul runner.15:04
tedgAlso she got a Tomboy patch done that I believe is upstream now.15:04
tedgrickspencer3, I'd be happy to get allison and her in contact as she spent a bunch of time investigating it.15:05
tedgFor the most part, it comes down to most applications do need fixes :(15:05
rickspencer3tedg, sounds good15:05
tedgAll the "standard" toolkit widgets work for the most part, but when app developers make their own they don't do it right.15:05
seb128tedg, do you think we should get a clipboard manager in g-s-d rather?15:05
tedgseb128, I don't.  It just slows things down and limits formats.  I think we should kick anything out of main that doesn't do it right :)15:06
tedgThat's one thing I'd like to see us start to do, is more requirements on apps.  Don't use the XDG directory structure, out.  Don't support cut-and-paste completely, out.  Etc.15:07
seb128the "out" is not realistic but having a list of those issues and trying to make sure they get worked15:08
tedgseb128, Yeah, probably.  I guess I'd more like to see them as part of the MIR.15:09
tedgSo it's not an "out" but a "you can't get in".15:09
tedgWe just need to ensure it doesn't get insane: "Don't support tweeting your high score?" ;)15:10
micahgtedg: about the mozilla clipboard patch, I've been meaning to follow up on it, I'll probably check next week, it missed 3.6.9, but I'll try to get approval for 3.6.10 before Final Freeze and I can still upload to maverick15:13
tedgmicahg, Cool, thanks!15:13
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bcurtiswxis it currently known that when you launch rhythmbox from the Applications-->Sound and Video you get the rhythmbox icon up top.  But, when launching it from the sound menu, that icon does not show15:50
devildantebcurtiswx: as I understood, the goal is to banish the rhythmbox indicator in favor of the sound menu15:53
bcurtiswxdevildante: OK, (haven't searched yet) but would this need a bug report or is it in the works?15:54
devildantebcurtiswx: I think it is in the works, but you should rather ask #ayatana15:55
bcurtiswxdevildante: OK, will do15:55
robbiewseb128: rickspencer3:  both gary and mvo are out today, and I was wondering if either of you know who should be doing the unassigned workitems at the top of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-maverick-buy-something?  Or should I just wait to they get back to ask.15:56
seb128robbiew, unassigned items go to spec assigned15:57
seb128ie to mvo15:57
seb128speaking of who15:57
seb128mvo, hey15:57
mvoseb128: hi, I'm not here ;)15:57
seb128mvo, how are you?15:57
seb128mvo, <robbiew> seb128: rickspencer3:  both gary and mvo are out today, and I was wondering if either of you know who should be doing the unassigned workitems at the top of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-maverick-buy-something?  Or should I just wait to they get back to ask.15:58
mvoseb128: good, thanks!15:58
robbiewsorry mvo...tried to honor your holiday :)15:58
seb128mvo, you shouldn't have started IRC ;-)15:58
mvoseb128, robbiew: I'm just here for the summer of code final evalulation15:58
rickspencer3mvo, I thought you were on holiday15:58
* rickspencer3 kicks mvo15:58
seb128you could think mvo learn that lecon over the years :p15:58
mvorobbiew: if it can wait until monday, that would be great, otherwise I can look for it today15:58
robbiewmvo: it can wait15:59
mvorickspencer3: I am …15:59
mvoyou guys are just too quick to spot me :)15:59
robbiewmvo needs to have an alternate nick...so he can be undercover :)15:59
=== mvo is now known as mvo|undercover
* mvo|undercover wonders if that is too obvious15:59
robbiewwell..that's not very creative15:59
* seb128 hugs mvo|undercover16:01
* mvo|undercover disappears again to finish the SoC eval and then to enjoy the remainaing vacation16:01
* mvo|undercover hugs seb12816:01
devildantemvo appears and disappears quickly :p16:02
rickspencer3I <3 mvo16:07
rickspencer3he is so awesome16:07
tedgI can't seem to get iBus working, can someone grab the ID it passes to indicator-application for me?16:09
tedgAlso, do anyone know which package this dialog belongs to?  It has a typo: http://imgr.us/images/nszuz3a3u1zxl9c6q79v.png16:10
tedgFound the IBus ID, FWIW it's "ibus" :)16:12
bcurtiswxseb128: apologies if your busy, but looking at empathy's build dep wait on libfolks-dev, the one it wants failed to build due to a make target not being available.  talking to the libfolks guys they say you need gobject-introspection for that not to fail.16:13
seb128right known issue16:13
seb128in the release team meeting right now though and having a busy day16:13
vishseb128: hi, when are we expecting new empathy upload?16:13
seb128if nobody steps in that will be for monday16:13
bcurtiswxvish: i can answer that16:13
seb128vish, it was uploaded today and see what bcurtiswx just said16:14
bcurtiswxseb128: thanks for letting em interrupt, g'day16:14
vishseb128: ah cool, thanks..16:14
seb128sorry I've no time for that today16:14
seb128try finding somebody on #ubuntu-devel or there with upload rights and some time or wait on monday16:14
mptkiwinote, remember to propose your branches for merging :-)16:15
bcurtiswxvish: empathy was uploaded this morning, depends on a higher libfolks, that was uploaded but failed to build due to missing gobject-introspection.. waiting on that i assume16:15
kiwinotempt: will do ;)16:16
vishbcurtiswx: yay! so its on its way .. ;)16:16
bcurtiswxvish: yuppers16:16
mpttedg, "xprop | grep CLASS" is good for identifying mysterious windows16:17
vishdevildante: bored, eh? finished renaming update-manager? ;)16:17
devildantevish: yes ;)16:18
tedgmpt, Ah good idea!16:18
devildantevish: but I need to re-rename update-notifier :p16:18
tedgmpt, Heh, it's zenity ;)16:18
mptdevildante, you can't be bored, we have 326 open bug reports16:18
mpttedg, then "ps aux | grep zenity"? :-)16:18
devildantempt: bored + lazy = disaster16:19
tedgmpt, Yup, there looks like "im-switch"16:19
mptdevildante, you could do some testing and wiki editing: <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter/SearchTesting>16:20
devildantempt: perfect!16:22
vishdevildante: is the renamed branch linked to the bug report?16:23
* vish doesnt see it..16:23
devildantevish: no, I forgot to edit debian/changelog to reflect it :p16:24
devildantevish: done :)16:25
mpt"Remove user choice to enable system choice"16:28
mptWho wrote this imswitch nonsense?16:28
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and471james_w, did you do the merge on frozen-bubble?16:47
james_wand471: I did not16:48
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seb128asac, chrisccoulson: do you know why bug #606728 has a maverick task?17:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 606728 in ubufox (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "about:home always gets redirected to http://start.ubuntu.com/10.04/Google/ (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60672817:02
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it's not fixed in maverick yet17:02
chrisccoulsonasac - want to do an ubufox release? ;)17:03
seb128chrisccoulson, should that be assigned to you?17:03
seb128chrisccoulson, does it only needs an upload?17:03
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, can do. i wasn't sure if asac was going to do a release of ubufox or whether i should just patch it instead17:04
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks17:04
vishdevildante: you linked to the wrong bug ;p17:05
vishdevildante:   618723 is the other one.. 2 bugs :)17:06
devildantelet's see... bug 61872317:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 618723 in update-manager (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Rename Update Manager to Software Updater (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61872317:07
devildantevish: done :) but is it me, or is edge lp really slow?17:08
vishdevildante: heh, dont use edge ;)17:08
devildantevish: but I wanna test! :p17:08
nessitaseb128: ping17:09
seb128nessita, hey17:09
nessitaseb128: hi there! I have a question for ubuntu-sso-client. The test suite depends on python-mocker, which was recently added to the repos. Until today, we were using a mocker.py within our tree. I was hoping to be able to remove that mocker.py file and depend on python-mocker package17:10
and471kiwinote, you know you were saying how in app-install-data you cant change the pkg name as it is auto generated, how come you could with this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/app-install-data-ubuntu/+bug/44535217:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 445352 in app-install-data-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Glade can't be installed from software center (affects: 4) (heat: 26)" [Undecided,Fix released]17:10
nessitaseb128: dobey mentioned this might either break the building of the package, or that I may need to file  a MIR for python-mocker17:11
nessitaseb128: can you clarify a bit what would be needed?17:11
devildantevish: I don't take orders, especially not from you :p17:12
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seb128nessita, you need to file a mir for it17:12
seb128nessita, do you know how to do that?17:12
nessitaseb128: not really :-)17:12
seb128nessita, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess17:13
nessitaI think I have to open a bug somewhere?17:13
seb128nessita, read that ;-)17:13
devildantempt: I've done rearranging https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter/SearchTesting :)17:13
nessitaseb128: sure I will! thanks17:13
mptdevildante, nice work, thank you. I think there are a few bug reports on particular searches, which could be added as rows to the table.17:15
devildantempt: okay, I'll see17:15
kiwinoteand471: hey, good catch17:16
kiwinoteand471: when I made that revision I did not know how much was automatically generated17:16
and471kiwinote, ah okay17:16
kiwinoteand471: this is what stayed after merge: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/app-install-data-ubuntu/ubuntu/revision/63717:17
kiwinoteand471: significantly less ;)17:17
asacchrisccoulson: no ... can you push out a 0.10~bzrXXX ?17:17
devildantempt: do you know a few ones?17:17
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, can do. have you got any plans for ubufox at all btw?17:17
asacchrisccoulson: lets talk about that at some other point ;)17:18
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, sounds good17:18
mptdevildante, searching for "searching" should find them17:18
asacchrisccoulson: thanks!17:18
* asac out to get some rest17:18
and471mpt, yeah there are quite a few, and quite a few are alarming17:19
and471mpt, especially the Alex the Alligator one! :D17:20
devildantempt: thanks :)17:21
kiwinotedevildante: if you can have the precise version number as the column header, that way there is still room for improvement before 3.0 ;)17:22
devildantekiwinote: okay :)17:23
nessitaseb128: done https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mocker/+bug/62124217:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 621242 in mocker (Ubuntu) "[MIR] moker (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]17:25
seb128nessita, thanks17:25
nessitathank you!17:25
seb128nessita, did you read the whole page I gave you?17:25
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nessitaseb128: yeah. What did I miss? /me feels like in highschool17:27
nessitaseb128: I was going to ask about the seed to dobey17:27
seb128nessita, usually you check write that you checked all the requirements and that there is no issue17:28
seb128nessita, you can probably read some of the other open bugs assigned to the mir team for example17:28
nessitaseb128: I'll do that17:28
nessitaso I can have an clearer idea17:28
kiwinotedevildante: we have automated testing in place for search results located in test/test_search_per_spec.py17:29
and471nessita, do you ship the tests?17:29
devildantekiwinote: oh17:29
kiwinotedevildante: it would be great if any new testcases were also added there17:29
nessitaand471: not for the binary package, but we plan to ship a separate package with the tests17:29
and471nessita, ah okay17:30
kiwinotedevildante: we don't run the tests yet though, as the results are a bit sad :/17:30
devildantekiwinote: adding a reference to the test can do the trick?17:30
kiwinotedevildante: to run it, just cd to test and then 'python test_search_per_spec.py'17:31
seb128dpm, there?17:31
kiwinotedevildante: if you want the test results, then you need to uncomment the two lines in assert_first_pkg_in_model()17:31
kiwinotedevildante: so yes, it would be great to add any new test cases to that file17:32
* kiwinote has to run now17:32
and471kiwinote, from whom?17:33
seb128dpm, I've updated bug #615874, we will probably go back to ship a static template for this cycle this there was some concern about the gettext solution17:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 615874 in evolution (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Add Ubuntu One email to Evolution fresh install (affects: 1) (heat: 16)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61587417:36
seb128it's getting a bit late for those changes17:36
seb128we will get it probably next cycle17:36
and471mpt, are you on maverick?17:44
mptand471, yep17:44
and471mpt, is software-center working for you?17:44
and471mpt, I just booting up an ISO and it doesn't work for me17:44
mptand471, yes, it worked for me in alpha 317:44
mptand ever since17:44
and471mpt, I guess we will just have to watch this for the next milestone, hopefully it is just me :)17:46
dpmright, thanks for the info seb128 - what does a static template mean? Will there be a template available at all in LP for the U1 welcome e-mail?17:46
and471mpt, ah, after running update-sftware-center it worked17:47
seb128dpm, no17:47
seb128dpm, that's basically what didrocks and you did discuss before his holidays17:47
dpmseb128, ah, sorry, yes, I've just read the comment. Yeah, that's fine, I can arrange the wiki page and the call for translations17:48
seb128dpm, let's wait for monday for things to settle, I still want to see how danilo's changes are coming but that seems a bit late for me17:50
seb128especially than dobey has concerns on how those are done17:50
dpmseb128, ok, got you, let me answer the bug comment.17:51
seb128dpm, thanks17:51
dpmno worries17:55
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nessitaseb128: me again :-). So, dobey is pointing out that I may have incorrectly phrased  the python-mocker question. Do I need to fill a MIR for it even if the test suite for ussoc is not being run at built time?18:31
nessitaseb128: and another question would be, is the test suite for ussoc being run at built time? :-)18:32
seb128nessita, well the package is in main so security team will ask you to run the testsuite a buildtime18:32
seb128nessita, ie in the debian rules18:32
seb128nessita, so we can regressions on upload18:32
seb128not sure if it's now18:33
seb128usually you need to tweak the rules to call make check18:33
dobeyseb128: ah, so security team is requiring that now? or will be soon?18:33
seb128or whatever is doing the test18:33
seb128dobey, well it's recommended18:33
dobeyyeah, the tests aren't running for it right now18:33
seb128they usually ask for it when they see a mir for something which has a testsuite18:33
seb128it's not an hard requirement but nice to have18:33
seb128no reason to not do it18:33
nessitaseb128: makes sense18:33
dobeyseb128: this is why i asked the other day about how feasible it is to do an MIR for a couple packages at this point18:33
seb128the mirs for that should be alright18:34
seb128getting new depends in the default install not so much18:34
chrisccoulsonwow, my laptop is nearly out of disk space :/18:34
nessitadobey, seb128: I'll keep working on the MIR then18:34
seb128nessita, thanks18:34
dobeyseb128: ok yeah, i don't want to add anything to the default install yet :)18:34
seb128you can always file the mir requests18:34
mptAh, vish, you did so well in Karmic to get application icons into Nautilus's "Open With" submenu, and now bug 621303 takes them all away18:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 621303 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) "Application icons missing from Nautilus's "Open With" submenu (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62130318:39
devildantempt: does appmenu-gtk support menu icons?18:42
mptdevildante, yes, but they appear in a few places they shouldn't and not in a few places they should18:43
devildantempt: I'm going to take a really quick look at the code, maybe I'll find something erroneous ;)18:44
mptdevildante, have fun. https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdbusmenu is probably about the right place to start18:45
devildantempt: not appmenu-gtk?18:46
mptIt might be18:46
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devildantepff, I hate C GTK+... Who was the one who thought POO in C would be a good idea? :p18:48
kklimondameh, you can get used to it18:49
chrisccoulsonC is awesome18:50
kklimondawell, I wouldn't go THAT far but it's not as bad as some people make it ;)18:50
devildanteC is really great, but trying to force OOP on it doesn't work very well :p18:52
devildantebtw, can we test appmenu-gtk in normal gnome?18:52
kiwinotempt: re bug 62051119:01
ubot2kiwinote: Bug 620511 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/620511 is private19:01
kiwinotempt: the invisible item is the a11y text for the title and the description19:01
kiwinotempt: do I understand correctly that you want a focus ring around the title and description?19:02
mptkiwinote, no. :-)19:02
mptkiwinote, by "description" do you mean the sigle line below the title, or the multi-paragraph description?19:02
kiwinoteoh, sorry, I meant the summary19:03
kiwinotethe single line one just below the title19:03
mptkiwinote, and I guess the invisible item after the "Install" button is the full description?19:07
mptkiwinote, I really don't know what to do about that then. We don't want to make it inaccessible, and it would look ugly with a focus ring around a lot of text, but it is weird that focus disappears.19:11
* mpt wonders why the months in the USC history are ordered August, April, July, March, February, July, June, May, March19:12
kiwinotempt: yep, agreed, then we can leave it open until sometime later we come up with a good way to handle it19:13
kiwinoteum, yeah, that history stuff is a bit odd :/19:14
devildantempt: I haven't found anything in either appmenu-gtk or libdbusmenu that's weird. Guess I'm not familiar with the code to find out :(19:14
mptdevildante, probably the icons for that particular menu are being populated slightly differently from icons in other menu items (e.g. Nautilus's Places menu)19:15
mptand that difference is tripping up indicator-appmenu-gtk19:16
devildantempt: I need to test it first :p do you know of a way to test appmenu-gtk in normal gnome?19:16
devildantempt: nvm, found how :)19:19
mptdevildante, sure, install indicator-appmenu, then right-click on the panel and choose "Add to Panel" > "Indicator Applet Appmenu" [sic]19:19
devildante"mpt: nvm, found how :)"19:20
mptyeah yeah, so I was two seconds slow19:20
devildanteso yes, I can confirm this19:21
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webczatDoes someone know why orca has english language by default even if ubuntu is in polish?20:40
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Laneyjcastro: no problem re smuxi20:43
Laneydunno how long ago you sent that20:48
Laneycatching up on highlights20:48
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james_wcan anyone tell me how the "post release apps" will appear in software center? I can't find it in the spec?23:43

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