
CIA-71partman-iscsi: cjwatson * r57 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1501:06
CIA-71partman-uboot: cjwatson * r13 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 401:09
CIA-71debian-installer-utils: cjwatson * r697 ubuntu/ (27 files in 3 dirs): merge from Debian 1.7701:53
CIA-71debian-installer-utils: cjwatson * r698 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.77ubuntu101:57
CIA-71grub-installer: cjwatson * r858 ubuntu/ (31 files in 3 dirs): merge from Debian 1.5402:01
TeacherTomLHi everyone.  I am having a problem installing xmms because it requires GLib (says GLib 1.2.2 in the error message.)  I can't for the life of me find anyplace to download GLib.  GTK, yes, but not the subset GLib.  Any suggestions?02:02
cjwatsonTeacherTomL: this channel is about initial installation rather than installing various packages - suggest you try #ubuntu02:11
CIA-71grub-installer: cjwatson * r859 ubuntu/debian/po/ (10 files): debconf-updatepo02:11
TeacherTomLThanks cjwatson.  I will do that.02:25
ograhmm, ev still on vacation ?12:48
CIA-71casper: cjwatson * r827 netboot/ (debian/changelog scripts/casper): merge lp:~mathieu-tl/ubuntu/maverick/casper/netmount_if_conf_in_initrd13:12
CIA-71casper: cjwatson * r828 netboot/ (3 files in 3 dirs):13:32
CIA-71casper: Parse the machine-readable file written out by ipconfig rather than13:32
CIA-71casper: trying to parse its human-readable output.13:32
* ogra struggles with bug 61658113:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 616581 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "oem-config fails to run (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 459)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61658113:37
ograif os.path.exists('/usr/bin/xfsettingsd'): .... why the heck would it fail on the next line, xfsettingsd is nonexistent on the images so the condition is false13:40
ogra(i.e. it shouldnt be executed so shouldnt fai)13:42
cjwatsonif it's an out-of-memory error, then you might just be tweaking something essentially random13:42
ograthe system has 512M13:42
ograi dont think its OOM (and i cant see any indication for that in dmesg)13:44
cjwatsonconsider that there may be multiple different problems reported by different people in this bug13:44
cjwatsonwhich is why I'm always endlessly going on about different people filing different bugs13:44
cjwatsonthe crash reported by Tobin is here:13:44
cjwatson                extras.append(subprocess.Popen(13:44
cjwatson                    ['/usr/lib/ubiquity/panel'],13:44
cjwatson                    stdin=null, stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile,13:44
cjwatson                    **maybe_drop_privileges))13:44
ograright, we all get the same crash currently13:44
ograif i comment that part of ubiquity-dm it fails on the next if clause13:45
ograif i comment that one too, all works fine13:45
ogra(as i described in the last comment)13:45
cjwatsontry 'file /usr/lib/ubiquity/panel'13:46
cjwatsonif that looks wrong, consider the possibility that it might be some underlying facility that's buggy, such as the fs returning wrong data13:46
ograi have to use a new image first, the one i'm using already removed oem-config13:46
ograyeah, thats something i was suspecting13:47
ograespecially since i get e2fsck errors under that kernel, but no fsck errors at all if i run it on a virgin image on any other HW13:47
cjwatsonrandom ENOEXEC errors are usually a sign of something below the application layer going wrong, unless the executable file in question really is toast13:48
ograwell, we got that new toolchain after the sprint so i'm a bit careful if i see NOEXEC now13:49
ogracould always be a broken binary13:49
cjwatsonlp_archive@cocoplum:~/ubuntu/pool/main/u/ubiquity$ dpkg -c ubiquity-frontend-gtk_2.3.7_all.deb | grep panel13:51
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x root/root      9660 2010-08-15 09:17 ./usr/lib/ubiquity/panel13:51
cjwatsonthere are three very important bad letters there13:51
cjwatsonor maybe this is clearer13:52
cjwatsonE: ubiquity-frontend-gtk: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object ./usr/lib/ubiquity/panel13:52
ograwell, that explains the second issue, but not why the xfsettingsd lines are executed13:53
cjwatsonseparate bug report if it's still reproducible after this13:54
ograthanks a lot for the help, i would never have thought of such an issue13:58
cjwatsonI'm working on a fix, just will take a while to build14:01
ryanakcaI'm modifying a LiveCD for work (the local university), it'll be distributed to all of the CS students / used as the image for our labs, so this has a rather high priority on my end: Wubi successfully copies the contents of the CD to the hard drive, but when it boots from the HD, ubiquity / whichever installer doesn't get called to finish the installation. The end product is a system identical to my LiveCD. How can I fix this? I've ...14:25
ryanakca... had to revert to revision 189 because of random build and install errors.14:25
ryanakcaI've been meaning to speak with xivulon, but he's been away for the past few days. Is there anybody else I can talk to regarding it?14:25
ryanakcaBRB, kernel upgrade requires a reboot.14:27
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
CIA-71ubiquity: cjwatson * r4212 ubiquity/ (d-i/update-control debian/changelog): Update d-i/update-control for Dpkg::Deps changes in dpkg
CIA-71debian-installer: cjwatson * r1347 ubuntu/ (7 files in 2 dirs): Move to 2.6.35-17 kernels.16:32
CIA-71debian-installer: cjwatson * r1348 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20100211ubuntu2116:47
=== komputes_ubuntu is now known as komputes
robbiewcjwatson: I have a question, that I should know the answer to...are we enabling jockey in the installer?17:04
robbiewwe are right?...we being ev17:04
robbiewspec has :17:05
robbiew[ev] Install ubuntu-restricted-addons if option checked: INPROGRESS17:05
robbiew[ev] Create copy for the 'needed for a better experience' checkbox and get legal to sign off on it: INPROGRESS17:05
robbiew[ev] Add a Jockey hook: TODO17:05
CIA-71ubiquity: cjwatson * r4213 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog control rules):17:06
CIA-71ubiquity: Make ubiquity-frontend-gtk Architecture: any, due to17:06
CIA-71ubiquity: /usr/lib/ubiquity/panel (LP: #616581).17:06
cjwatsonogra: ^- any chance you could test-build and try the above, if it's feasible?17:06
cjwatsonrobbiew: I won't really know until ev gets back, but I thought we were still intending to do that17:06
cjwatsonI suppose it's at risk at this point17:06
robbiewcjwatson: ok...I'll follow up with ev17:07
robbiewlast we spoke, I think he had made some good progress there17:07
cjwatsonI haven't spoken with ev since debconf17:07
ogracjwatson, i'll try it over the weekend17:08
ograthe awesomeness of the preinstalled images is that i can just dpkg -i packages in the rootfs as needed ;)17:09
CIA-71ubiquity: cjwatson * r4214 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog rules): Remove build-locale on clean.17:13

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