
askhl_godbyk, very strange.  Maybe it's a launchpad issue00:00
godbykaskhl_: It may be. I'd ask in #launchpad.  See if they have any ideas.00:00
askhl_Our translation was up to 56% (or 54%), is now slightly less than 50%00:00
godbykIt'd be nice to know what causes it.00:00
godbykLet me know if you figure anything out.00:00
askhl_I'll try tomorrow when the Canonical people are online.  This seems rather serious IMO00:06
godbykI think the Launchpad translation folks hang out in #launchpad during European work hours.00:07
askhl_I'll figure it out - I've talked to them on numerous occasions.  Very helpful people, launchpad's a mess though sometimes00:08
godbykTrue on both counts.00:09
godbykThey've always been friendly and helpful when I've talked to them.00:09
godbykI think they just have a ton of things to do.00:09
jenkinshello all16:27
ChrisWoollardHello all20:11
ChrisWoollardI noticed that nobody has created an agenda for sunday's meeting. So I have started one.20:13
jenkinsevening all20:22
godbykThanks, ChrisWoollard.20:23
ChrisWoollardjenkins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Meetings20:24
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: np20:24
jenkinsI should be there I don't think I have anything to add20:24
godbykBen said he could probably make the meeting, too.20:26
ChrisWoollardI think I am going to add myself to the ubuntu membership for the next meeting.20:26
ChrisWoollardeurope that is.20:26
godbykWe also need to look into translating e2 (someone needs to update the .pot file for e2).20:26
godbykChrisWoollard: Cool!  I may do that one of these months.20:26
ChrisWoollardWell, looking at the others on the list, I don't think it should be too difficult <fingers crossed>.20:27
ChrisWoollardShould that go on the agenda? Or is somebody that knows about it just going to do it?20:28
godbykChrisWoollard: you can add it to the agenda if you like.20:29
godbykusually dutchie handles it (I think).20:29
godbykbut I haven't seen dutchie for a bit.20:29
jenkinsI think I can remeber how to update translations I will look for the command in the log20:30
jenkinsgot it20:31
godbykjenkins: cool.  if it's just one command, we should add it to the Makefile.20:31
jenkinsyou need to build the manual first, then run po4a -v --no-translations -MUTF-8 --copyright-holder "The Ubuntu Manual Team" --package-name ubuntu-manual --package-version `bzr revno` po4a.conf20:32
godbykBtw, if anyone out there is better at Makefiles than I am, feel free to clean it up and make it all snazzy.20:32
jenkinsbut you need to get the latest po files from launchpad first as well20:32
godbykWhy does it need the latest po files?20:33
ChrisWoollardI was thinking ok hacking around with the meetings wiki page a bit. i.e. to move all the older meetings to an archive page.20:33
godbykChrisWoollard: That's probably a good idea.  Maybe have an archives page for each edition?  (Instead of one really long page?)20:34
jenkinsgodbyk: I think otherwise you will over write the translations20:35
dpmhey all, I'm just idling here and I saw this conversation. I haven't used po4all much, but if it works like other i18n tools, there is no need to fetch the translations if you only want to update the template20:37
ChrisWoollardIs it me or does it feel like working with bazaar / launchpad / rosetta is bit like guess work / Hit and miss / peeing into the wind?20:37
dpmChrisWoollard, the workflow is * update the pot template * commit it * let LP import it. When you want to fetch translations, you simply need to merge the branch containing the PO files comitted automatically with the branch you need translations for20:38
jenkinsdpm: so launchpad only needs to import the pot file to update all the translations?20:40
ChrisWoollarddpm: It is nice to have people around that know the process20:41
jenkinsyep we all seam to find translations a dark art20:41
dpmjenkins, yes. Launchpad imports the new templates you commit, exposes the relevant strings to translators. Then translators do their work and the translations (PO files) are committed to a branch of your choice. When you are ready to release, (or whenever you feel you want to test translations), you can just merge that branch containing translations20:42
jenkinsthat makes sense, i think we stopped merging in the po files from a branch for some reason, i will ask josh20:43
dpmroughly, apart from letting translators know about releases, maintainers just need to take care of updating the template (POT file) whenever there are new strings to translate, and merge the translations (PO files) from the translations branch from time to time, most especially before a release20:44
jenkinswhen a program is released where on the file system do the po files go?20:44
dpmjenkins, yeah, importing templates and translations was causing problems. I talked to some of you guys some weeks ago and an admin chose the right setting: import only templates20:45
jenkinsI now understand this now it thanks dpm20:45
dpmjenkins, usually they go to /usr/share/locale/<langcode>/LC_MESSAGES or /usr/share/locale-langpack/<langcode>/LC_MESSAGES in the form of binary .mo files (basically compiled .po files). In the case of u-m, however, the po files are simply converted to translated latex files20:46
dpmno worries20:46
ChrisWoollarddpm: Sorry if I offended you. I guess it is lack of knowledge on my part. Thanks for the explanation.20:46
jenkinsdpm: thanks I was asking for quickshot :)20:47
dpmChrisWoollard, really, no offence taken. I wasn't intending to respond in a manner that seemed I was, either :)20:47
ChrisWoollardYou didn't. I just suddenly thought that my comment wasn't the best thing to say.20:48
dpmno worries :)20:48
dpmjenkins, then for quickshot they'd go to /usr/share/locale/<langcode>/LC_MESSAGES, <langcode> being a 2-letter or 3-letter ISO 639 code, plus optional _CC country or region suffix20:48
dpmoh, need to run now, movies night!20:49
dpmbye all!20:49
jenkinsI am still running the update thing20:51
jenkinsright pot file pushed so launchpad *should* update mavrick21:01
godbykwe need to push the pot file to lucid-e221:03
godbykthe maverick branch will probably get wiped and restarted or something.21:03
godbyk(the whole history thing is irksome)21:04
jenkinsnow you tell me :P21:05
jenkinsChrisWoollard: did you say you were going for ubuntu membership?21:14
godbykjenkins: Found my conversation on #launchpad for when I set up the e2 branch: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/05/08/%23launchpad.html#t06:4721:14
ChrisWoollardjenkins: Yes21:14
jenkinsI may have to try and sort mine out no harm in trying21:15
ChrisWoollardI think it is worth it. And if you don't try you don't get.21:16
jenkinsyep I need to sort out my wiki page21:17
jenkinsgodbyk: that was what I was trying to do but we can't delete the branch as one is linked to it21:17
ChrisWoollardYes. I seem to remember a few people said they would write something.21:17
jenkinsI will add a comment when is your meeting?21:20
godbykjenkins: can we unlink the branches?21:23
godbykI don't know how any of it works. :)21:23
jenkinsI will try21:25
jenkinsupdated lucid-e2 all being well21:27
godbykjenkins: I might have you update lucid-e2 again in just a moment.21:29
godbykI'll fix those little typo bugs that were just reported21:29
godbyk(so the translators don't translate the wrong text.)21:29
jenkinsif I knew which branchs were linked it would help and i can't see it in launcgpad21:30
godbyktry disconnecting the branch from the series first.21:33
godbykthat's what I apparently had to do for e1.21:33
jenkinsI think I am going to aim for the September the 7th 8.00utc meeting of the membership board21:33
jenkinsnope still got the same message21:35
jenkinsI have put everything back as it was so not to break anythign21:37
ChrisWoollardAll: Have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Meetings21:40
ChrisWoollardThat is a board I was thinking of going to.21:41
jenkinsmuch better wiki ChrisWoollard, hopefully i will see you there21:43
ChrisWoollardHopefully. I haven't checked by schedule yet, but i think it ok.21:44
jenkinsdoes anyone know if nissh got his membership?21:46
godbykjenkins: I fixed the one main bug I cared about. :)21:46
dakerjenkins, he didn't21:50
jenkinsgodbyk: pushing the updated file now21:50
jenkinsdaker: any idea why?21:50
dakerhe got the notification 1hours before the meeting21:51
jenkins:( what basically saying he was not ready yet?21:52
dakeryes like they say21:53
dakerthey that he should prepare a good intro21:53
dakerand get more testimonials21:54
ChrisWoollardhopefully Jenkins and myself can get some good testimonials ready for sept 7th ;)21:55
jenkinswell my page needs some work https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LukeJennings21:56
jenkinsbut feel free to start thinking about those testimonials21:56
dakerChrisWoollard, jenkins do you apply for a membership ?21:56
jenkinswe are on the 7th of september21:56
dakeroh good!21:57
ChrisWoollardSomebody at canonical seems to have broken launchpad21:58
godbykWhat should be on our wiki pages besides the testimonials?21:58
MuscovyI plan to apply sometime this year, maybe.21:58
ChrisWoollardLook at ben's21:58
ChrisWoollardhis seems quite good. I borrowed most of it and changed it for my own purpose.21:59
jenkinsI took rhe motu template22:00
godbykjenkins: where's the motu template?22:01
jenkinsI don't know i found it once and never again just copy it from mine22:02
godbyksounds good22:02
ChrisWoollardmine is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/cwoollard22:02
jenkinsooo chris has someone from cononical22:03
ChrisWoollardHe is a salesman i know.22:05
ChrisWoollardI know. But i had to do it.22:05
ChrisWoollardI know ben got Jono Bacon. Now, that is cheating!22:06
MuscovyI wish the guidelines were a bit more comprehensive. I'm worried about being turned down if I apply too early.22:07
ChrisWoollardI can't believe that nissh got turned down!22:08
ChrisWoollardI am going to send a meeting notification out as nobody else has done it.22:09
godbykChrisWoollard: good idea.22:11
godbykWhy'd nissh get turned down?22:11
ChrisWoollardHe wasn't prepared. He didn't get notification until just before the meeting. Plus lack of testimonials.22:12
OmegaWhat kind of questions do they ask?22:16
jenkinsdoes anyone else see http://paste.ubuntu.com/481144/ when thumper and zkriesse entered?22:21
zkriessejenkins: Im on my ipod so its probably why it happened for me22:22
jenkinsok cool, just wondered22:23
godbykjenkins: yeah, I saw that, too.22:25
ChrisWoollardThe meeting e-mail has gone out.22:29
godbykHey, daker.  How's it going?22:36
godbykhumpreybc asked me the other day how the new website design was coming along, but I didn't know anything about it.  Do you know anything?22:36
dakerbtw i need you to install django22:37
godbykI can do that.22:39
godbykAny particular version?  Or just whatever the latest released version is?22:39
dakeri am runing the repos version22:40
dakeri think it's 1.1.122:40
jenkinsnight all23:03
ChrisWoollardtoo late23:03
ChrisWoollardG'night all. Time for bed.23:36
godbykG'night, ChrisWoollard.23:39

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