
RainCTcanesin: What makes it a bit more complicated right now is that Maverick is in "Feature Freeze", which means no new stuff is allowed in. If there is a good reason to have this new paraview version, you can file a bug and explain why it'd be good to have and how risky it might break as opposed to the current version (this is called a Feature Freeze Exception request)00:00
* zooko reads about backports00:07
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micahgbdrung: did I read somewhere about a new vlc PPA?01:11
bdrungmicahg: not on my blog, but i have setup one01:12
micahgbdrung: stable releases?01:12
bdrungmicahg: nope, bleeding edge (1.2.0~git)01:12
micahgbdrung: :(, any chance of a stable PPA?01:13
micahgor should I backport on my own?01:13
bdrungmicahg: https://edge.launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/master-daily01:13
bdrungmicahg: you can ask me nicely when i am back from my vacation and i will setup one01:14
micahgbdrung: I can help maintain if you want :)01:14
bdrungmicahg: if you want to build your own one locally, grab the maverick git branch and use this patch: http://pastebin.com/E4eb2CSE01:16
micahgbdrung: is that for Lucid or maverick01:18
bdrungmicahg: that is for lucid01:19
micahgbdrung: k, thanks01:19
bdrungmicahg: for maverick you can just use the maverick branch :)01:19
bdrungmicahg: but instead of a vlc ppa, we could backport vlc 1.1.3-1+exp1ubuntu1 with the posted patch01:19
micahgbdrung: do you want to backport for every release?01:20
bdrungmicahg: no, for lucid01:20
micahgbdrung: I meant for Lucid for every release :)01:20
bdrungmicahg: if it's not too much work.01:20
bdrungmicahg: at least one backport would be nice (look at the 1.1.0-1 changelog)01:21
micahgbdrung: I'm not in a position to join backporters yet, but you could :)01:21
bdrungmicahg: i want to try to backport something. for self consumption i have a backports PPA: https://launchpad.net/~bdrung/+archive/backports01:24
micahgbdrung: I have one as well :)01:24
micahgbdrung: the only problem with sending vlc to backports is to keep it updated if there's a security vulnerability01:25
bdrungmicahg: if we backport the same version that will end up in maverick the workload will not be increased that much01:26
micahgbdrung: well, I think with backports, tis better to update than patch, but I could be wrong01:27
micahgcan we even patch stuff in backports?01:27
bdrungmicahg: dunno. backporting the fixed version is probably the way to go01:28
micahgbdrung: are you waiting to see if you can sync from expermental before uploading to maverick?01:30
micahgbdrung: nm, I remember the issue now01:30
bdrungmicahg: i am waiting for siretart to upload the packages to sid and experimental01:31
micahgbdrung: ah, ok01:31
bdrungmicahg: then i will upload the package to maverick01:31
bdrungmicahg: i will sync the experimental package once x264 is accepted in debian01:32
bdrungmicahg: if this needs as long as mplayer, it will be in one year ;)01:32
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bdrungmicahg: time to say goodbye. i will be on vacation tomorrow02:06
micahgbdrung: enjoy your vacation, anything I can keep an eye on for you while you're goine?02:06
bdrungmicahg: the sponsor queue :)02:07
micahgbdrung: I can't do much with it, but I'll watch my stuff :)02:07
bdrungmicahg: everything that is listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BenjaminDrung02:07
micahgbdrung: vlc's the only think I can do anything with02:07
micahgoh, eclipse too02:07
bdrungmicahg: you could talk with nthykier on #debian-java - we need to sync -6 (once released). and there are new reports that it doesn't work02:08
micahgbdrung: k, what tz is he in?02:09
bdrungmicahg: mine - utc + 020002:10
micahgbdrung: will try him in the morning then02:11
bdrungmicahg: he lives in Denmark02:11
micahgbdrung: k, well, enjoy, I'll keep an eye on vlc and eclipse then, if siretart doesn't get to it until tomorrow, can I assume you're gone and do the merge?  Do we need an FFe?02:13
bdrungmicahg: i probably check my mails in between. otherwise i will have ~2000 mail when i come home02:13
micahgnm, you did the merge, I mean upload :)02:13
micahgbdrung: k, I won't worry about that one then02:13
micahgbut will try to get 3.5.2-6 for eclipse in02:14
bdrungmicahg: if i am gone, you can ask siretart to do the maverick upload (it's prepared in the maverick branch)02:14
bdrungmicahg: i talked with the release team. we don't need a FFe for vlc02:15
micahgbdrung: k, you know I have upload rights for it, right?02:15
bdrungmicahg: have you access to the git repository?02:15
micahgbdrung: pkg-multimedia?02:16
bdrungmicahg: yes02:16
micahgbdrung: yes, I'm a junior dev02:16
bdrungmicahg: k, then you could do it, too02:18
micahgbdrung: k, if I have any questions, I'll ask siretart02:19
micahgbdrung: I"ll be back in about an hour, you can always send email to my nick at ubuntu dot com if you need something02:26
micahgbdrung: once again, enjoy your vacation :)02:26
lfaraoneHow can I figure out why a package that was in Lucid and is in Sid is not in maverick? searching for "packagename remove from maverick" does not give me antyhing usesul.03:11
lfaraone*anything useful03:11
bdrunglfaraone: which package?03:15
lfaraonebdrung: libunicode-map8-perl-dfsg was formally in main.03:15
lfaraonebdrung: now it's not shipped. libunicode-map8-perl (which is in sid) was in dapper but no other release after that.03:16
bdrunglfaraone: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libunicode-map8-perl-dfsg/+publishinghistory03:16
bdrung(From Debian) [auto-cruft] obsolete source package03:16
lfaraonemakes sense, there's no libunicode-map8-perl-dfsg in debian, because it's libunicode-map8-perl. But libunicode-map8-perl isn't there either <_<;03:16
bdrunglfaraone: then request a sync of libunicode-map8-perl and provide all information for a FFe03:17
lfaraonebdrung: working on it.03:18
bdrunggood night03:18
lfaraonebdrung: thanks03:18
bdrungyou're welcome03:18
LucidFoxI wonder if it's possible to have the same package version in Debian and Ubuntu while building with indicator libraries only on Ubuntu05:00
LucidFoxSomething like, Build-Depends: libappindicator-dev | not-ubuntu05:01
micahgLucidFox: worth a simple delta05:05
LucidFoxmicahg> Even when I'm the maintainer in both? -_-05:07
micahgLucidFox: yes :), unless there's already a convention for what you're proposing :)05:08
micahgLucidFox: maybe ask in #debian-ubuntu05:08
wgrantOr push indicators into Debian :)05:15
wgrantAlthough I get the feeling that anybody trying that would not survive for long.05:15
* micahg thinks someone was working on that05:15
micahgwgrant: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2010/06/msg00293.html05:16
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nigelbLucidFox: might want to talk to kartik and evgeni @ debian end of things05:50
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Zhenechlucidfox, huh? (I'm evgeni)07:36
lucidfoxZhenech> Well, I just had an idea, to avoid introducing deltas, to have the same source package build with Ubuntu-specific libraries under Ubuntu and without them under Debian07:41
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Zhenechlucidfox, from what I've observed, the deltas are usually only the thing that ubuntu ships the packages as -0ubuntu1 earlier as we ship the -107:42
lucidfoxZhenech> Erm07:43
Zhenechfrom the packaging point of view the deltas are zero07:43
micahgZhenech: depends on the package07:43
lucidfoxThing is, suppose I'm the maintainer of a package in both Debian and Ubuntu, and I want -1 sync as is from Debian, but build with indicator libraries07:43
Zhenechdebian has indicator libraries07:43
Zhenechso you could build on both systems with indicator?07:44
Zhenech(or is it something that needs your patched gtk to work with?)07:44
lucidfoxlibindicate, yes, libappindicator, no07:44
Zhenechah, gimme a sec07:45
Zhenechdo you mean https://launchpad.net/indicator-application ?07:45
lucidfoxWell, I suppose I could cheat and write something like libappindicator-dev | build-essential07:46
Zhenechthats ugly :)07:46
lucidfoxto make it, essentially, a "soft build-dependency"07:46
Zhenechmh, maybe we should just pull appindicator to debian :)07:47
micahgZhenech: there was a thread on debian devel a couple months ago about it07:48
Zhenechi added it to our wiki page as to be worked on :)07:49
micahgdholbach: good morning07:51
dholbachgood morning07:51
dholbachhi micahg07:52
micahgdholbach: is there anywhere to track the progress of the new harvest?07:52
dholbachmicahg, "bzr branch lp:harvest; less harvest/INSTALL" I'm afraid07:52
micahgdholbach: oh, is there a working copy up somewhere?  can I set up my own copy somewhere?07:53
dholbachwe want to fix https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/harvest/+bugs?field.importance=Critical and then get it deployed07:53
micahgdholbach: ooh, so soon?07:54
dholbachthe new harvest has been in the making for quite lon07:54
dholbachwe can always get up new improvements later on07:54
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Zhenechtrying to build indicator-application08:07
ZhenechCouldn't find include 'Gtk-2.0.gir' (search path: ['.', '/usr/share/gir-1.0', '/usr/share/gir-1.0', '/usr/share/gir-1.0'])08:10
Zhenechgtk gir is in gir-repository-dev in debian08:12
Zhenechok it at least built08:15
and471if I file a merge request for a package in ubuntu, do I subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug report, or set ubuntu-sponsors as the reviewer of the merge request?08:44
geserI'd do both (if a bug exists but don't file a new one)08:45
and471vish, looks like geser agrees with you :)08:45
vishand471: iirc, only the bugs show-up in the sponsors list..08:46
geservish: depends on which list you look: only the bug gets shown on LP but both get listed on http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/08:49
vishgeser: ah, neat..! that list is what is in the topic.. hence i had told him to do both :)08:50
vishwasnt sure which they might look at..08:50
geserprobably depends on each sponsor08:51
bilalakhtargeser: but, for branch merges, I have always been told to set reviewer but never sponsor.08:59
bilalakhtarI have always been told to set reviewer but never subscribe to bugs09:00
bilalakhtarin case of branch merges ^^09:00
geserhave you been told any reason?09:00
geserperhaps it changed in the last couple of months, but when I did my last branch merging, I also subscribed the sponsors team to the bug because of the poor visibility of merge requests at that time09:02
vishi dont see why doing both is gonna harm though..09:03
vishif some one reviews the bug they'd also be checking the merge of the list09:03
geserI wouldn't file a new bug but if a bug already exists, I see no reason why not subscribe the sponsors09:03
vishyeah , not a new bug09:03
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coolbhavigeser, another thing after a sync request some update will be there say a ftbfs fix and I test that bug and update saying that this is a ftbfs fix for the present version reported in the sync will a sync always be uploaded in the original reporters name?09:06
geserI'm not sure09:09
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bilalakhtarRhonda: I forgot to ping you yesterday!11:35
RhondaOh, right!11:35
bilalakhtarRhonda: np, give me another time to ping!11:36
RhondaWill be offline the next week? :)11:42
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canesinHi all14:26
canesin=) .. here I'm again..14:26
canesinI have run the: grab-merge command and get :14:27
canesin*** WARNING ***14:27
canesinIt looks like this package is maintained in revision control:14:28
canesinthan i trow some git and svn adress14:28
canesinYou almost certainly don't want to continue without investigating.14:28
canesinCan some one help to merge that package ?? it is paraview..14:29
tumbleweedcanesin: you *probably* don't need to worry about it. Many Debian Developers maintain their packages in version control systems, and ubuntu packages we've forked can be maintained in bzr branches on lp14:33
canesintumbleweed: okay.. so I want to merge that package .. what should I do now ??14:35
canesintumbleweed: I have run the grab-merge tool...14:35
tumbleweedcanesin: if the Vcs URLs mentioned are *.debian.org you can ignore it (esp if it's a universe package)14:36
canesintumbleweed: they are .debian.org14:37
canesintumbleweed: so what now ??14:37
tumbleweedcanesin: carry on with the merge14:37
tumbleweedcanesin: you are aware that we are in feature freeze? (and so you'll need a freeze exception for merges that aren't purely for bug fixes)14:38
canesintumbleweed: this is a major scientific application.. it is in 3.8.1 in Debian unstable.. and in years old 3.4.0 in Ubuntu14:39
canesintumbleweed: to be true.. I believe all changes in the ubuntu one do not apply anymore to the current version14:39
tumbleweedyou'll probably get your exception then, but you still need to file for it in your merge bug https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess14:39
tumbleweedyes, your merge should be for maverick. If a newever version is necessary in lucid too, follow the backporting process (once it's in maverick)14:40
canesinI have to wait for maverick launch ??14:41
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tumbleweedcanesin: no, you have to merge the new version of whatever this is into maverick, then you can get it backported to lucid (if it's needed there too)14:47
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* fabrice_sp has just seen that p.u.c knows about maverick packages now! Hurrahhh17:14
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ari-tczewpackages.ubuntu.com fixed \o/18:22
ChogyDanari-tczew: yay!18:23
ari-tczewit's a pity, that scarcely now. I always use packages.ubuntu.com during stricte development cycle (till FeatureFreeze)18:26
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micahgsiretart: since bdrung is afk, I was going to try to update vlc this weekend in maverick, he finished everything in the git repo, but I have to reversion it since you changed the upload to experimental to be -2, will you be around this weekend at all if I run into any issues?21:02
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micahgsistpoty: sorry thunderbird took so long, I was sick half the week22:34
sistpotymicahg: no worries (I mainly wanted it to not being dragged after beta), and big thanks for working on it!22:35
micahgsistpoty: np, do you need any help with release stuff for mozilla related apps this time around?22:35
sistpotymicahg: looks like noone cared about delegates yet :/22:36
sistpotymicahg: however if there's mozilla releated stuff to approve, I assume you'll offer to help, right?22:36
micahgsistpoty: I still want to try to get a few packages updated before beta if I can22:36
micahgsistpoty: sure, I'm a dev this time around as well :)22:37
sistpotymicahg: great, thanks!22:37
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