
fluvvelllooking for some pointers with mythbuntu-diskless, I have dhcp and pxe booting working, but my nbd-server is not playing ball. I end up at  Negotiating:  on the client01:25
fluvvellsorry Negotiation:  then it seems to hang, but comes back to the initramfs  prompt sometime later.01:25
stratagem_botI should be able to pass-thru digital audio from hdmi going to tv, and out to a speaker/amplifier system right?  logitech Z-550002:11
stratagem_botI tried setting audio output device to ALSA:hdmi, speakers 5.1, upconvert, digital output device to default, and enabled dolby/dts02:12
stratagem_botalso turn off use internal volume controls02:13
stratagem_botI see hdmi as device 0,3 and mythfronend setup even lists alsa:digital, hdmi, and plughw:0,3 but none of them work?02:23
oobeHi Im running mythbuntu 10.04 for a few months with out problems05:22
oobenow all of a sudden the frontend takes ages to load05:22
oobeand then crashs half the time05:23
oobeand its slow and unresponsive when it does work at all05:23
oobeafter googleing i see im not the only one with this problem05:23
oobei didnt see a solution though05:23
oobeis anyone aware of what im talking about and able to give some useful advice05:23
mrandoobe: did an upgrade occur that triggered the slowness?06:11
oobeprobably i didnt notice exactly when cause i rarely shutdown the FE and restarted it06:16
oobei use pm suspend06:16
ChaorainI'm having a slight problem, Mythtv plays wmv files but I don't get any audio, help please?06:16
oobesome wmv files use various codecs that ffmpeg is yet to support you can try using an alternate player06:18
oobelike mplayer or vlc06:18
Chaorainworks in vlc just fine but I'm trying to get all my media in one place06:19
rhpot1991stop using a closed format?06:19
Chaoraingot it from a website06:19
rhpot1991tell them to stop using a closed format :) (and don't hold your breath)06:19
Chaorainwhen I make videos I will explicityly NOT use wmv06:19
oobeyea i know how it is06:21
oobei come accross video files made by the dumb and lazy windows loving fools too06:21
oobepeople use wmv cause it is easy and they make the mistake of thinking it is widely supported cause its part of windows06:22
oobeand windows makes the mistake of not releasing codec info06:23
oobeit would only help them in the long term06:23
oobeit would make they're shit more accepted06:24
Zinnoobe: Please watch your language.06:24
oobeZinn, please watch your automated responses06:24
ZinnHi oobe, something I can help you with today?  I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do.06:24
Zinnoobe: you watch your non automated responses :)06:26
oobeok haha06:26
fluvvellDoes anyone know if diskless-server is going back into mcc at some stage?07:03
tgm4883fluvvell, only if one of the devs decides to port the plugin from the old MCC16:42
tgm4883the dev that was responsible for that got busy with school16:42
dewmanso i just noticed that newegg has refurbished hd homeruns for 89.00....20:17
* tgm4883 is waiting for the HDPVR to get cheap20:21
tgm4883although is you need a tuner thats a great price20:21
Azelphurtgm4883: btw I solved that weird transparency problem by being a noob and reinstalling Ubuntu20:30
Azelphurdunno what caused it \o/20:30
rhpot1991dewman: HDHR is great, and thats a pretty good price20:34
dewmanrhpot1991, thats what I was thinking.....20:58
dewmanI might have to get one...20:58
rhpot1991dewman: what kind of tuners do you have now?21:01
dewmanrhpot1991, a frame grabber....ecck...http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Pinnacle_PCTV_HD_Card_%28800i%2921:09
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Pinnacle PCTV HD Card (800i) - MythTV21:09
rhpot1991dewman: yes, buy a HDHR immediately21:10
tgm4883rhpot1991, is the HDHR have analog at all?21:10
rhpot1991tgm4883: does analog exist anywhere?21:10
tgm4883rhpot1991, a few places21:10
tgm4883comcast still does it21:10
rhpot1991tgm4883: most cable stations moved their analog to clear QAM21:10
rhpot1991so in theory you can pick that up until comcast turns it off21:11
rhpot1991I just ignore it cause I know one day it will go away21:11
rhpot1991tgm4883: my comcast gave out DTAs a while back21:11
tgm4883I was just saying, if it doesn't, then the only benefit the HDHR has over his current card is it has a 2nd tuner21:11
rhpot1991tgm4883: its not a frame grabber21:11
dewmanless load on my poor little system.21:11
rhpot1991and it does multirec21:11
tgm4883rhpot1991, his card is a digital+analog card21:12
tgm4883digital cards just write the stream to the disk21:12
rhpot1991ah, good catch21:12
tgm4883it's already compressed21:12
tgm4883so analog is all that matters when talking about frame grabbers and software encoding21:12
rhpot1991well mutirec and the fact that the HDHR is a good device are still reason enough to get one IMO21:12
rhpot1991extra tuners is always a good thing21:13
tgm4883Thats a big confusion when people switched over to digital, everyone was like, "all of the digital tuners suck, they don't have hardware encoding"21:13
Azelphurtgm4883: do you happen to know if there's a way of me getting the version of MythFrontend that's in Lucid, on Karmic?21:59
AzelphurI have some funky hardware that won't boot anything beyond Karmic :(21:59
tgm4883autobuilds :)22:00
Azelphurwhich one do I want, 0.23?22:00
Azelphuryea my PC has 0.23.0+fixes2415822:01
tgm4883what are you running on lucid?22:01
Azelphurso probably 0.23 :)22:01
Azelphureverything is on 0.23+fixes24158 atm22:01
tgm4883yea you can upgrade to 0.23.1 on karmic22:01
tgm4883only thing that is wonky on karmic is themes don't autobuild22:02
tgm4883and ATM, vdpau is broke22:02
Azelphurhehe, no VDPAU on said funky hardware22:02
AzelphurI'm installing it on a photo frame \o/22:02
Azelphurtgm4883: hmm, 0.23.0++fixes25362-0ubuntu0++mythbuntu1 is what the ppa seems to give me22:08
AzelphurI don't think that works with my backend :(22:08
tgm4883Azelphur, why wouldn't it?22:11
AzelphurI seem to remember protocol errors, it's nearly done installing so we'll find out soon enough :p22:12
tgm4883any 0.23.0 version should be compatible with any other 0.23.0 version*22:12
Azelphurgo little photo frame, go :p22:12
tgm4883*except for a few builds22:12
Azelphur(MythTV on a photo frame \o/)22:12
tgm4883what are you installing it on?22:13
Azelphura digital photo frame22:13
tgm4883Azelphur, which one?22:23
Azelphurthe Joggler22:23
Zinn[yourfamily.o2.co.uk] O2 - O2 Joggler: touch-screen device to organise family life.22:24
Azelphurit's a calendar/photo frame/video playing/youtube type thing22:24
AzelphurI did it a while back but it messed up, been meaning to set it up again22:24
Zinn[www.youtube.com] YouTube - Joggler running mythtv with gesture support22:25
Azelphurhere it is being a happy Joggler.22:25
Azelphurclearly needs more MythTV22:33
quinteni'm trying to make an iso of a dvd that has a scratch23:33
quintenany good tools to make a copy that ignores the scratches?23:33
quinteni have a feeling it will still be watchable even with the errors23:33
quinteni remember this software existing for CDs23:38
Azelphurquinten: maybe dd23:41
quintenAzelphur, already tried dd23:43
quinteni'm looking for something like cdparanoia23:44
Azelphurwill it play in VLC?23:45

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