
Raugturibazhang: I'm not sure actually why I'm in here.  I joined #ubuntu and it put me here instead.00:07
bazhangRaugturi, you were ban forwarded here00:07
RaugturiWeird, any idea why?00:08
bazhanglet me check, hold on a moment please00:08
bazhang*** Raugturi (Raugturi!chris@cpe-174-109-215-070.nc.res.rr.com) has quit IRC (Quit: :(){ :|:& };:)00:10
bazhangthe quit message00:10
RaugturiThat's funny.  I forgot I'd even set that.  If I change it can I get back in?  (Although admittedly anyone randomly executing other people's quit messages would deserve it. :-))00:11
bazhangnot funny at all00:11
bazhangand no one deserves it, particularly new users who know no better00:12
RaugturiHow on earth is putting something like that as a quit message taken as intent to get others to run it?00:14
bazhangwhy on earth put it there at all00:14
RaugturiThe concept of forkbombs amuses me.00:15
bazhangokay then00:16
RaugturiShouldn't moderation come from a standpoint of "why not?" vs "why?" in which case the argument you're using is that by having it new users may execute it and crash their machine.  If that's really a threat then I'll change it.  The idea of someone randomly executing my /quit message never crossed my mind.00:17
bazhangyou asked the reason for the ban. that is it. it's not funny, nor does anyone deserve it.00:18
RaugturiAlright, well how do I go about getting unbanned?00:18
bazhangI see no reason to unban you at the moment as you think it's quite humorous and/or okay00:19
RaugturiOk, so do you not believe that it was an honest mistake?00:28
RaugturiI'm just trying to understand how I can get you to see that I never expected anyone to run it.00:29
RaugturiSo I wan't being malicious.00:29
RaugturiAnd it doesn't even seem like a careless mistake to me because the concept of someone randomly executing various /quit messages seems so bizare.00:30
RaugturiEven so, I'm not arguing to keep it.00:30
RaugturiIt's your channel and if you dislike it that's fine.  But it seems harsh to permanently ban someone for an honest mistake.00:31
bazhangalmost never are there permanent bans. just wanted you to see/understand how that is not appropriate, especially in a channel with many new users00:36
KB1JWQYou'll find that most channels on freenode will take a similarly dim view of such things.00:39
RaugturiHaven't been banned from any so far, but like I said I changed it.  I just thought it was funny to give a forkbomb as the reason I quit.  Right, like "haha, my computer died" not like "hey, try this!"  if that makes sense.00:40
RaugturiBut if it seems potential malicious, like I said now it says "the hamster died" which I doubt will cause any harm so long as I avoid #peta00:41
RaugturiI debated "forkbombs aren't funny" but htought you might ban me even longer for being a smartass. :-)00:41
RaugturiSo how long exactly does the ban last so I can take the channel out of my autojoin list?  Or I can keep getting redirected here I suppose.00:46
* funkyHat pokes bazhang 00:49
bazhangRaugturi, you can speak with the operator that banned you , if he is around.00:50
RaugturiAlright, I've got to step out for a bit just now.  Who is the operator and I will follow up later?00:50
RaugturiThank you.00:51
andrew_708476Is anyone here good with Ubuntu01:16
bazhangandrew_708476, this is not a support channel01:17
andrew_708476does Ubuntu have a Support chanel01:17
andrew_708476I've tryed01:18
macoargh @ edbian01:37
bazhanghe said he'd change the quit message yet did not05:25
* Flannel sets mode +b on *!*@ubottu/bot/ubottu06:08
elkyoh please, can we?06:11
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ActionParsnip appears to be abusive (test - contact LjL if this misdetects too badly))07:10
ikoniait's not getting funny about the bot now07:43
ikoniaI'm starting to find it a little rude that it's still here after it was asked to stop doing it while solutions where looked at07:44
ikoniajussi: can you please disable the bot messaging the channel07:44
bazhangjungli banned in -ot?08:31
topylibazhang: yeah08:35
bazhangtopyli, okay, thanks08:35
topylibazhang: specifically, banned by the jungli ident08:42
bazhangJohn-Smith, you have some issue?08:56
John-Smithi say sorry at channel but agian i am banned :@08:56
bazhangJohn-Smith, as there seems to be nothing you wish resolved, please part the channel09:00
rwwHow does #ubuntu-unregged work? Is FloodBot1 supposed to issue "Please register to join #ubuntu - Instructions at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - Type !why to know why" itself periodicially, or is there some command to prompt it?09:01
bazhangthought it was test me09:02
rwwthat's #ubuntu-read-topic, isn't it?09:02
bazhangwhoops proxy users09:02
John-Smithtopyli: why you banned me there ?09:03
topyliJohn-Smith: you were already banned09:03
bazhangJohn-Smith, no need to play games you know why09:04
John-Smithtopyli: how much banned i have ?09:04
John-Smithok tommorrow cut my banned :)09:04
bazhang!appeals | John-Smith09:05
ubottuJohn-Smith: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.09:05
topyliJohn-Smith: it's enough to know you are banned. i also won't remove the bans in the near future, so you might as well /part09:05
John-Smithtopyli: where is ikonia ?09:05
topylithat's nobody's business but his09:06
bazhangJohn-Smith, you got that appeals message before. no need to join here09:06
John-Smithok i talk with ikonia g\for unbanning me :)09:06
bazhangJohn-Smith, that's not going to happen09:06
* ikonia watches jungli attempt to get a shellium account10:13
=== gord_ is now known as gord
bazhangikonia, that fellow with the forkbomb in his quit message was here earlier raugturi10:52
Tm_Tbazhang: as long as staff doesn't react, leave him be without the attention10:52
bazhangTm_T, jungli trying to get cloak in #freenode you are referring to?10:53
bazhanghe already lost two, no doubt they remember him10:53
bazhangfloodbots in -unregged are not giving the correct info11:01
bazhanghttp://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup <--- used to say this, now just tell users to register without it11:11
bazhangwish the floodbot in -unregged gave out the !register factoid instead11:30
bazhangfloodbot back to normal now giving out the pertinent info on -unregged11:56
bazhangugh. recommending dist-upgrade to change versions12:21
gnomefreakseems ubottu coughed in +1, is he getting sick?12:25
ikoniabazhang: thanks for the heads up, I messaged him but he was offline13:10
junglihey unbanned me :(13:21
junglii'm missing ubuntu-offtopic :@13:21
ikoniajungli: I'm sorry no13:21
jungliplz i don't create any conflict :#13:22
ikoniajungli: you have had the process for appealing your ban explained to you multiple times, it will not be progressed in here13:22
junglihey i like the ppl of ooftopic they are crazy :))13:22
ikoniajungli: it's not going to happen. Please leave the channel and follow the appeals process13:23
junglihey if you don't want my presence there but atleast give back my cloks :213:24
ikoniajungli: we do not control cloaks as you know, that is #freenodes issue13:24
ikoniajungli: now please leave the channel13:24
gnomefreakyou think by now he would have learned. we should really have someone from staff that knows why we removed his cloaks to be there so they just dont add one back13:27
ikoniastaff are well aware13:27
* gnomefreak thought it is easier to dodge bans without a cloak13:28
gnomefreakcool so no worries :)13:28
bazhangalabd back at it13:32
gnomefreakhe needs to join the iran channel as they would know the legal rights13:32
bazhanghe's writing a book he claims13:33
gnomefreakdoesnt change my mind, but #u is IMHo no tthe place for it13:34
bazhangasking for the 128bit jre package13:34
gnomefreakthere is one?13:34
bazhangdon't think so, no13:35
gnomefreakthis guy is working on my last nerve.13:35
gnomefreakwin 513:35
gnomefreakbut he is not doing anything but bothering me so i have to deal with it :\13:37
topylii think it's safe to say we will never see this book13:40
topylihe's been asking basic questions on our channels for ages13:40
ikoniabazhang: he now says he's not writing a book13:43
popeyis this humble?13:43
topylipopey: yes13:44
ikoniabazhang: that was one of the arguments he made when he was banned from all the wikipedia channels13:44
popeyhumble == jungli?13:44
popeyoh, sorry.13:44
ikoniaalabd = humble13:44
ikoniajungli = time waster troll13:44
gnomefreaktell him to buy ubuntus book13:44
bazhangor just dl the free and excellent manual13:45
ikoniawe all know it's nothing to do with a book, he's trying to do suspect stuff13:45
bazhangseems so13:45
ikoniaeg: he was caught using the comments in wikipedia to claim work as his own13:46
ikonia(one of the reasons he was banned)13:46
ikoniathat was for an educational assigment13:46
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1228 users, 11 overflows, 1239 limit))14:26
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1228 users, 11 overflows, 1239 limit))14:26
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1229 users, 10 overflows, 1239 limit))14:27
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1229 users, 11 overflows, 1240 limit))14:27
PiciHave we been set +r for long?14:27
ikoniaI didn't know we'd set it14:27
bazhangaround 12 hrs14:28
ikonialets remove it14:29
ikoniapici already did it14:30
bazhangthe floodbots in -unregged are not doing it14:30
ikoniasorry, too slow14:30
ikoniaHmmmm IRCAnswersBot I never like that nick14:30
Picibazhang: not doing what?14:31
bazhangPici, not giving out info on how to register, and at times not even telling users they need to register14:31
Picibazhang: they only do that for a few rounds, you need to tell them to 'nag' in #ubuntu-ops-monitor.14:32
bazhangPici, okay thanks14:32
ikonianag pici14:32
PiciBecuse the bots don't think that +r should be set for that long.14:32
bazhangtime to reset +r ?15:03
Piciyep ;(15:04
bazhangjust brings out the worst commenters, a la vect et al15:04
PiciI expected someone to tell me to stop spamming for even saying.15:08
=== maco2 is now known as maco
* popey hugs Pici 15:45
ikoniameowbuntu/its-me-again is in the mint channel asking for help on his mint system15:57
ikoniahe has done this before and been told to stop, so now he's banned15:58
ikoniahello sonny_jim16:06
sonny_jimI cannot join ubuntu due to my hostname16:06
sonny_jimThis makes me a sad panda16:07
ikoniahello bacta16:07
ikoniasonny_jim: there are no bans in place for you in #ubuntu so you can join16:08
sonny_jimubuntu on efnet this is16:08
sonny_jimWhich is the main channel, efnet or freenode?16:08
ikoniafreenode is the official channel16:08
sonny_jimThe efnet one autobans people with mail.xxx.xxx16:09
sonny_jimFreenode doesn't16:09
IdleOneit is going to be an interesting release season16:09
bazhangcant wait!16:10
bazhangsomeone claimed that maverick was rc3 yesterday16:10
IdleOnebazhang: me either, I'm already bored with maverick I want to upgrade to natty :)16:10
bazhangIdleOne, hehe16:10
Picibazhang: I corrected them.16:23
bazhangPici, yes I saw.16:24
jussimeh... maverick is very poor here16:27
gordjussi, how so?16:29
IdleOnejussi: I have been running maverick since day 3 of +1 opening and have no issues except for having to startx to get gui loaded16:29
IdleOneit's a pain but I don't reboot very often so16:30
PiciI've had no issues at all.16:30
jussigord: well I havent had nvidia drivers for so darn long, I begin to wonder if Illever get them. then there are all the other little issues, like occaisionally just freezing on boot, requiring hard reset etc16:30
IdleOnePici: my issue has to do with nvidia16:30
gordjussi, you don't have nvidia drivers? wuh?16:30
IdleOnejussi: install nvidia-current ?16:31
jussigord: proprietry drivers dont work, nviidia-current, yes16:31
jussitried the adding no abi to the xorg, works for one or 2 boots then goes away16:31
jussivery frustrating16:31
IdleOnefrom what I understand it has to do with dkms not building the modules properly or somesuch16:32
gordso you do have drivers then, they work. its just that something is reseting your xorg.conf16:32
topylilucid works pretty well!16:43
gordmaverick is going through hicups right now because everyone is getting things in for freezes, but honestly its been a very nice stable place to be all dev cycle16:47
gordi upgraded about a week or two after uds because i'm crazy ;)16:47
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1265 users, 10 overflows, 1275 limit))16:57
ikoniahi Raugturi17:11
ikoniaRaugturi: sorry I missed you earlier, if you're free now we can resolve your ban17:12
RaugturiYeah, I'm here.17:14
RaugturiI talked to bazhang about it yesterday and was advised to talk to you instead.17:14
ikoniaI read the conversation earlier, so as long as you can change your quit message we are all happy17:14
RaugturiOk cool.17:14
RaugturiYeah, it should be changed already.17:14
ikoniano problem, I read that conversation, so if you can change your quit message, no more problems17:14
ikoniareally ? it wasn't when you left here yesterday, can you check please17:14
Raugturimaybe i forgot /save17:15
Raugturii'll test it now, 1 sec17:15
ikoniastill there17:15
Raugturiok that's bizarre, let me go ask in #irssi17:16
ikoniano problem17:16
ikoniathat's looking better17:19
RaugturiAlright, what that time?17:19
IdleOneRaugturi has quit (Client Quit)17:19
Raugturiworks for me17:19
IdleOnethat is good :)17:19
ikoniagive me 1 minute17:19
RaugturiThank you.17:19
ikoniaRaugturi: ban all fixed17:20
ikoniaRaugturi: you're welcome to rejoin ubuntu17:20
RaugturiThanks again, and sorry for causing issues.17:20
=== IdleOne is now known as idleTwo
=== idleTwo is now known as IdleOne
Tm_Thi LimaBrain, how can we help you?18:58
delachello! It seems that webchat is banned from #ubuntu again.18:58
IdleOnedelac: are you being sent to #ubuntu-proxy-users ?19:00
IdleOneif not join there and the bot will give you permission to join #ubuntu19:00
PiciI'm looking at it19:00
PiciITs working now.19:01
IdleOneprobably needs to be reset in #k also19:02
delacyes. now it is working. thanks!19:02
IdleOnedelac: good to know. Please part this channel if there is nothing else.19:02
* gnomefreak feels stupid but what is webchat?19:05
Picignomefreak: http://webchat.freenode.net19:05
gnomefreakoh damn that ok19:05
* Tm_T huggles gnomefreak19:06
gnomefreakdelac: can we help you with anything else this sunny afternoon?19:06
gnomefreaki dont even let my wife huggle me but why not19:06
* gnomefreak huggles Tm_T 19:06
IdleOnewondering if Bryanstein jcastro LimaBrain persia all need to be idle here19:06
jcastrooh sorry I am left over from the other day19:07
IdleOne2 down19:07
IdleOne3 to go19:07
IdleOneerrr few more to go*19:07
Piciheh, ubuntulo1.19:08
IdleOnecanonical bot?19:08
PiciIts ubuntulog, but I read it as ubuntulol19:08
IdleOneoh haha yeah i did that also19:09
Picipersìa isn't identified, he gets voiced here.19:10
IdleOneahh ok19:10
IdleOnewasn't sure about persia19:10
Picidavìey too.19:10
IdleOneyup and Mamarok19:11
IdleOneso if the shellium issue is resolved?19:11
PiciLets wait for the next ircc meeting to go through first.19:11
IdleOneokie dokie19:12
gnomefreaklet me guess next meeting is 1st weekend in Sept?19:16
mneptokIdleOne: Bryanstein works with shellium, and is here in case we have problems with them again.19:24
MamarokIdleOne: ?19:31
=== Mamarok is now known as Mamarok_
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
Mamarokhm, I guess I have to log out and in again19:32
Picimeh, I was using other unicode characters to avoid hilighting people.19:32
IdleOnesorry didn't mean to highlight Mamarok19:44
Picidid you just do it again?19:44
IdleOnehaha I did but with intention19:44
IdleOneI don't see why people get all bothered about highlights19:45
gnomefreakit bothers people if they are working or sleeping at desk19:56
Picile sigh20:24
jpdsPici: That's my line.20:25
marienzand vect is really starting to get a little bothersome20:26
jpdsWow; DrGrov was rude in -kernel20:35
* Pici isn't in there.20:38
gnomefreakhe was impatient waited 3 minutes than said something like no help, nevermind20:38
gnomefreaksomething like that20:38
gnomefreakits not that much of a support channel anyway20:39
macoits not a support channel at all20:39
gnomefreaki have gotten help in there 1 or 2 times but i dont look at it as a support channel as it is a dev channel20:40
PiciI warn people that its not a support channel if I forward them there.20:40
gnomefreaki have sent people to -motu without thinking (once or twice) but never -devel -desktop -kenrel ect..20:41
gnomefreak!info pidgin maverick20:44
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.7.3-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 536 kB, installed size 1656 kB20:44
gnomefreak^^ is wrong20:44
gnomefreakno it isnt20:44
gnomefreakthe bot updated20:44
* Pici pats gnomefreak 20:46
gnomefreakan hour ago it was wrong20:46
PiciIf anyone is having access problems in -ops-monitor, please poke me or another irccer.20:49
gnomefreaknot sure if im in there20:50
Piciyou're on the access list anyway20:50
gnomefreakah im htere too20:50

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