
SpamapSwow.. gluster.. really sucks in per-char io mode00:50
robertpayneWill a *.domain.com dns record catch www.domain.com as well? I noticed my old host automatically added a dns record for www.domain.com on top of the *.domain.com was curious if any reason for it00:57
smw* should include www00:59
robertpaynesmw: I figured as much just unsure why host added it as a seperate entry..00:59
robertpaynethx :)00:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #620792 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 2.4.2-1ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus post-installation script a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62079201:06
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smw!hi | kakis01:57
ubottukakis: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-server! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:57
kirklandhggdh: i'm merging 1232 now02:04
kirklandhggdh: make that 123302:07
hggdhkirkland: I tried, but got stuck on how to create the package from the bzr02:16
pmatulishow can i find out what package created a specific group?02:17
pmatulisthe group is 'ssl-cert'02:17
pmatulisssl-cert package?02:18
kirklandhggdh: let me show you ...02:19
hggdhpmatulis: how to find a group... I do not know, it is probably being created on a post-install. But ssl-cert as a package is a nice bet02:21
kirklandhggdh: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-virt/ubuntu/maverick/eucalyptus/2.0/annotate/head:/debian/README.ubuntu-merging02:21
kirklandhggdh: that doc tells you everything you need to know :-)02:21
kirklandhggdh: you can copy and paste those commands almost verbatim02:22
hggdhkirkland: thanks. Next time I hope I will be able to gwt it done on my own, and free you folks02:22
kirklandhggdh: and I have uploaded ../eucalyptus_2.0~bzr1233-0ubuntu1_source.changes now02:22
kirklandhggdh: heh, we're here to help one another02:22
hggdhkirkland: exactly. I need to do my part of 'helping one another' ;-)02:23
kirklandhggdh: oh, BS ... you're kicking butt and taking names02:23
* hggdh blushes02:23
kirklandhggdh: anything else you need from me?02:27
kirklandhggdh: i'm about to call it an evening02:27
hggdhkirkland: go for it02:28
allquixoticIs there any tool I can use (preferably, graphical or web based) that will make bridged networking slightly less of a messy hassle for KVM guests? I always end up breaking my host's networking whenever I mess with brctl etc, and that's a royal pain because I don't have physical access to the box (it's hosted).02:39
ryanakcaScottK: Finally got a CD image that a) existed and b) worked. It's installed, I'll tinker with Kolab tomorrow night or Saturday.03:29
ScottKryanakca: Great.  I'll be offline most of the weekend, so we'll probably need to catch up next week.  dovecot-metadata-plugin is the plugin that's supposed to be all you need to get it working with dovecot.03:59
mathiazzul: hey04:19
mathiazzul: is there a list of bugs related to the upstart conversion?04:20
mathiazzul: the spec status says that it's currently blocked on review04:20
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anthony_guy's do you know a program that will help. defragment my hard drive. it is a ntfs. pls guys help me.05:09
twbanthony_: I believe Windows can do that.05:15
ogexanthony_: run chkdsk on windows05:16
anthony_ogex: you mean we dont have the tool to deframent a ntfs partition.05:19
ogexrun chkdsk first n then we see next05:19
anthony_ogex: how will i run that on linux or windows. i don't have an idea. pls help.05:21
ogexu use dual boot with grub linux boot loader /05:22
ogexcan u use windows now ?05:23
anthony_yes i can. do just that. so how will i run. chkdsk05:24
ogexopen command prompt05:25
ogexu must join other channel :D05:25
ogexthis in ubuntuers channel right ?05:25
anthony_i don't have an idea.05:28
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twbThis channel is for discussion of Ubuntu server issues.05:54
sailerboyi get this error running supybot06:16
sailerboyOSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/logs'06:16
twbSounds like you've managed to set its working directory to the empty string06:17
glickhey why does lucid use such an old version of mod_wsgi06:18
glickwhen 3.3 is out06:18
sailerboyso what do i do?06:18
twbsailerboy: talk to the supybot people, I guess06:20
sailerboyit's in /home/sailerboy/RainBot06:20
twbglick: because Lucid is released.  That means it's stable; it doesn't change.06:21
sailerboytwb, it seems that supybot is trying to edit messages.log but isnt allowed to06:21
sailerboyhow do i allow access?06:21
twbglick: if you want new features (and the concommittant new bugs), migrate to the unreleased version of Ubuntu (currently maverick).06:22
twbsailerboy: I don't know, nor care.06:22
twbsailerboy: ask #supybot06:22
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-server's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots06:50
corpseHey, i just got a wireless card working on my server, but for some reason my speeds are incredibly slow. downloading from an outside server i am getting 10kbps when if wired i get 1.6mb. any ideas?06:58
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\shfross: bad signal quality of your wifi?07:04
ActionParsnipHey guys. When I input text to the tty (even at the local system), the text starts typing over itself and text appears to append to the prompt but if I hit CTRL+L its fine again but not for long07:26
ActionParsnipIs this a known issue?07:26
alex88never heard about that07:27
ActionParsnipNot tried last nights kernel update yet but will be tonight07:28
\shpeople, does anyone have a solution to the problem I blogged about on http://www.shermann.name/2010/08/openldap-passwd-and-crypt-passwords.html  it would be interesting to hear your opinions and thoughts on this07:40
binBASHMoin \sh08:04
\shmoins binBASH08:06
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binBASHstrange issue what you wrote in your blog08:07
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\shbinBASH: yes.08:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #620942 in openldap (main) "Failed to install java (for running applets): package slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62094208:27
glickexcuse me, whats the deifference between postfix and dovecroft?08:32
sorenglick: You mean dovecot?08:33
glickyeah thats it, lol dovecroft is a soap08:33
sorenpostfix is an smtp server. dovecot is a pop3/imap server.08:33
glickso postfix sends and recieves email, and dovcot allows you to retrieve it and send it with clients, and to create mailboxes, and folders and such?08:35
qman__dovecot only does the retrieval to clients08:38
qman__smtp does all sending, and receiving from other mail servers08:38
glicki see08:38
glickin my postfix config i have myhostname = mail.something.com08:39
glickand then mydestination = something.com, localhost08:40
glickbut the actual machine its on is the same as my www server08:40
glicki want emails to be sent and recieved from someone@something.com08:40
glicknot someone@mail.something.com08:40
qman__then the mailname should be something.com08:41
glickqman__, you mean the hostname?08:41
qman__not exactly08:44
qman__but changing that will cause it08:44
qman__mail configuration can be very complicated, and that's just one example of how08:45
glickhow should i set this up, my postfix install, basically i want it to be able to send email to anywhere, but only recieve email from the localhost(i have a webapp that generates the emails from a contact form)09:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #620959 in dovecot (main) "Please compile --with-solr" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62095909:07
glickdoes postfix run chrooted by default?09:27
glickon buntu09:28
robertpayneps aux only shows started processes correct?09:32
ND-moviehey guys09:43
ND-moviei'm having a permissions problem09:43
ND-moviei'm trying to create a folder in whic ha user could read, write but not delete09:43
ND-movieany help?09:43
robertpaynethat they own?09:46
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robertpayneor is it ok if it's owned by root and group is set to them?09:46
robertpayneit's just chmod stuff09:46
a_okHow can I view all user installed applications?09:48
a_okI'm going to move from 32 bit to 64 buty09:49
g0rd0na_ok: you mean dpkg -l ?10:01
a_okg0rd0n: no, that shows all installed packages10:01
a_okI don't want the deps10:02
a_okand not the base packages either if I can help it10:02
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robertpaynedo all scripts inside /etc/init.d get run on start if they are chmod 755?10:32
ghostlineshmmm I would think so10:33
robertpaynehmm having problems with one of them starting up :(10:34
ghostlinesyou made this initscript yourself?10:34
robertpayneyeah copied nginx's as reference didn't change much10:35
robertpayneit works from command line10:35
ghostlinesreal strange then10:38
robertpayneghostlines: yeah :(10:38
RoyKrobertpayne: the scripts need to be symlinked to the appropriate rcn.d dir10:39
RoyKwhere n is the runlevel10:39
RoyKnormally 210:39
robertpayneRoyK: thx10:40
RoyKls -l /etc/rc2.d10:40
robertpayneRoyK: is the rc# the order it boots the scripts? I'm a little confused about that10:41
robertpayneRoyK: like I see nginx in all of the rcX.d folders in /etc10:41
RoyKrobertpayne: no, rc2.d means 'run this when entereing runlevel 2'10:42
RoyKS* means start - K* means kill10:43
robertpayneRoyK: ahhh10:43
RoyKso just add a symlink to rc2.d10:43
RoyKgiven you're on runlevel 210:43
RoyKwhich is the normal in ubuntu10:43
robertpayneRoyK: ok any information about the other runlevels? Just curious as to the technical details of different run levels10:44
robertpayneRoyK: thanks a ton10:45
robertpayneRoyK: works beautifully! thx again10:50
ghostlinesenabling ssl on apache with a2enmod ssl, should be enough to allow ssl to work with the default snake oil certifcate right? But can't seem to get it working11:13
alex88how do i set locales?11:22
xperiahello to all. i need help with restarting mysql on my ubuntu server. i hod some mysql attack becouse i host simple mashine forum on the server and now the mysql server cant restart.11:23
xperiasyslog has this lines here11:23
xperiaAug 20 11:30:41 /etc/init.d/mysql[7758]: 0 processes alive and '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping' resulted in11:23
xperiaAug 20 11:30:41 /etc/init.d/mysql[7758]: ^G/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed11:23
xperiaLooks like the demon cant start.11:23
xperiaHave reinstalled mysql and still nothing helps11:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #621038 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.2 failed to install/upgrade when using mpm-itk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62103811:26
adhordenHi all, we are having a debate in the office, what should the swap space be on a 16 gig of memory box? I went with atleast 4 gig.12:14
binBASHit depends on which applications you run and how much ram they take12:20
binBASHsimple: If all your apps take the ram system will swap. If there's no swap left you will be introduced to the OOM killer :)12:21
adhordenIts a large database server, running on Postgres12:22
adhordenI wanted to make it 4 gig swap, but at the moment its set at 2 gig, but we are flatening it this afternoon to start fresh with a 64bit os12:23
binBASHand what is current swap usage?12:24
binBASHand which value shows cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness ?12:24
adhordenat load I have seen it eating 1 gig of swap but the system has 4 gig of mem at the moment I was putting in 16 gig this afternoon12:25
adhordenat the moment with 4 gig I get a swappiness of 6012:25
alex88have you really seen swap used? i've 2gb ram and it's always at 012:25
binBASHalex88: you are lucky :D12:25
xampartis it a bad policy to keep swap 1.5 times as big as physical?12:25
adhordenyes I see it regually12:25
adhordenbut in this case should we increase the swap?12:26
adhordenat load we get a swapiness of 4012:26
binBASHhow you measured swappiness of 40?12:27
alex88that's why i've removed. :)12:27
adhordensorry its set at 4012:28
adhordenlong day!12:28
binBASHso it means 40% will be os cache12:28
alex88if i've set lang=it_it, how can i use apt-get in english for 1 time?12:28
binBASHhere I set swappiness to 012:28
binBASHmysql at least doesn't like swap usage at all12:28
binBASHfor safety I have swap partition which is same size as the server ram12:29
adhordenbinBASH, in our case there are arguments for increasing it and decreasing it, should we jsut go with 4 gig as I recomended or keep it at 2 gig?12:29
adhordenI mean whats the harm of increasing swap? I cannot see any12:29
binBASHadhorden: There is no harm12:29
binBASHThe system should not swap at all.12:29
adhordenIs there any aregument for removing it?12:30
adhordenI do not want to end up in the relaims of OOM killer12:30
binBASHI think there is no reason to remove it. If it doesn't get used at all there is no harm.12:31
* Patrickdk is lazy :)12:31
binBASHPatrickdk news?12:31
Patrickdkthese days I say screw it and just setup a 25gig swap12:32
binBASHWell, diskspace is inexpensive12:32
PatrickdkI mainly do that for hibernation12:32
Patrickdkincase I loose power here at home12:32
adhordenthanks guys this is an argument that has been going around the office for two days now12:32
adhordenno one seems to be able to put in a good technical argument12:33
Patrickdkmy servers in datacenters, I vary swap size, many systems I just do 512megs12:33
binBASHadhorden: Using no swap is like driving car without airbag ;)12:33
adhordenthis is a production server postgres running in a datacenter12:33
Patrickdkbinbash, dunno about airbags, but maybe seatbelts12:34
Patrickdkyou normally fine without it, but sometimes :)12:34
binBASHNever say never12:34
adhordenSo if there is no swap we are basically in the shit, with 2 gig we should be ok, but 4 - 8 gig would be ideal and to be safe 16 gig so it matches system memory?12:35
binBASHIf you don't have problem with server downtimes you can disable swap surely :)12:35
Patrickdkadhorden, system swap = mem size is normally not needed12:35
Patrickdkyou just need as much swap, as you want protection :)12:35
adhordenbinBASH a few people might get angry with downtime, we have lots of it at the moment as we keep running out of memory hence why I am off to stick in 16 gigs later12:35
Patrickdkif a program goes nuts12:35
Patrickdk2swap might be fine, 4might, or 16might12:35
Patrickdkit depends on the program and how it goes nuts12:36
Patrickdkhell, you might need 100gigs to protect it12:36
Patrickdkbut normally at some point, the disk i/o is going way out weigh any swap size you give it12:36
Patrickdkcause it will become unusable anyways12:36
adhordenits a postgres server running on ubuntu-server at the moment12:37
adhordenthe only thing running is postgres12:37
PatrickdkI personally would say, if you sould never use swap, and you don't plan to ever hibernate, 2-4gigs should be enough12:37
Patrickdkhibernate, swap=mem, has to be12:37
adhordenthis is a server so I doubt we are going to be hybernating it12:37
Patrickdkwell, lets say this12:38
Patrickdkat 4gigs swap, and disk write speed of 100mb/s12:38
Patrickdkthat says the system will be unusable for 40seconds if it goes nuts12:38
Patrickdk8gigs would be up to 80seconds12:38
Patrickdkat what point do you not care if it's unusable?12:39
binBASHUnusable? :D12:39
Patrickdksystem is too busy swapping to do anything else, like ssh12:39
Patrickdkhave it happen several times12:39
binBASHhmm ok, never had this :D12:40
binBASHhere it had things like, oom killer killed sshd or mysqld12:40
PatrickdkI haven't had that12:40
Patrickdkbut generally I will reboot the system if it gets bad12:41
Patrickdkwhen I can't get into it for >5min12:41
binBASHsure ;)12:41
Patrickdkand at 512megs swap, that happened several times12:41
Patrickdkcause the disk was busy doing many other things that just swap at the time12:41
binBASHHere I look at KVM console first12:41
binBASHif there is no chance -> reboot12:41
Patrickdkmine are normally related to forkbombs12:42
binBASHadhorden: I would btw. never go higher than 8GB swap12:42
Patrickdkoh, and if your on 32bit, you can't go over 4gig anyways12:43
binBASHIf you need 8 GB swap at all, there is something seriously wrong12:43
Patrickdkoh, maybe you can now12:43
Patrickdk/dev/mapper/crypt640a-swap              partition25165816245208-112:44
Patrickdkit used to only use 4gigs of that 25gigs12:44
adhordenthanks guys I am going to get lunch12:44
adhordenI will when out there set it to 4 gig12:44
Patrickdkthis system hibernates, with 4gigs currently12:45
Patrickdkupgrading to 12gigs next month12:45
Patrickdkor more, if I can12:45
binBASHthis system = your desktop? ;)12:46
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alex88if i've set lang=it_it, how can i use apt-get in english for 1 time?12:58
shaunoalex88: just put LANG=C at the start of the command.  so "LANG=C apt-get install foo".  that'll set the LANG env, but only for that single command13:06
alex88shauno: thank you very much13:07
patdk-wkbinbash, this system = desktop/home server13:15
samoangunnerhi is this the ubuntu server help chat?13:31
sorenThat's what it says in the topic.13:31
samoangunnerwhat is the best graphical interface to use with ubuntu server?13:33
pmatulisheh, nice one13:34
samoangunneris it easy to install and use?13:34
ivokssamoangunner: putty is an graphical SSH client13:34
samoangunnerhow is it used?13:34
ivokssamoangunner: you know what ssh is?13:34
ivoksso, ubuntu doesn't have GUI13:35
ivoksit only has CLI13:35
ivokscommand line interface can be utilized remotly13:35
ivoksbest way to do that is via ssh protocol13:35
samoangunneroh ok13:36
ivoksputty is popular GUI ssh client on windows13:36
samoangunnerso everything is done in a command line only13:36
ivoksit has a window bar13:36
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox13:36
samoangunnerebox ah13:37
samoangunnerI will tri it13:37
samoangunnerdo I install it on the server or on a different computer and login13:37
ivokson server13:38
samoangunnerok I'm downloading it now on my server13:38
ivokstime to go...13:39
ivokstake care13:39
samoangunnerhey thanx for your help13:39
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks_away
binBASHnot crap13:50
patdk-wkwho crapped in the channel?13:51
binBASHpatdk-wk: 20 mins ago :D13:52
patdk-wkiphone4gs crapped13:52
samoangunnerjust downloaded and installed ebox in my server13:52
samoangunnerhow do I use it?13:53
samoangunnerhow do I open it13:53
patdk-wkeboxen was my friends company13:53
binBASHsamoangunner: http://trac.ebox-platform.com/wiki/Document/Documentation/InstallationGuide13:53
binBASHmaybe read here?13:54
binBASHgoogle skillz........13:54
patdk-wkbinbash google up how to install and setup an android dev enviroment :)13:55
patdk-wkI plan on doing that this weekend :)13:55
patdk-wkI'm completely annoyed with android email and k9 mail, so going *fix* it13:56
binBASHpatdk-wk: http://tinyurl.com/289wn3p13:56
patdk-wkblackberry email is so freaking nice :(13:58
patdk-wkI need atleast, message/rfc822 support, and better html support (but I think a, view as plain text button will be better)13:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #617731 in clamav (main) "package clamav-daemon 0.96.2 dfsg-3ubuntu5~lucid1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61773114:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #619170 in openldap (main) "package libldap-2.4-2 2.4.18-0ubuntu1.1 failed to install/upgrade: Paket libldap-2.4-2 ist schon installiert und konfiguriert" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61917014:07
samoangunnerI just install ebox on my server and its asking me to type in the Distinguished name of the search base? what is that?14:11
shaunothat sounds like ldap.  not something I know anything about, but might get you searching in the right direction14:12
samoangunnerhow could I set up ubuntu server to be a packet shaper / bandwidth manager14:17
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hallynanyone have a few cycles available for review of https://code.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/maverick/etherboot/e1000fix  ?15:01
mathiazzul: hi!15:02
hallynlike maybe mathiaz :)15:02
zulmathiaz: hey got the list for you winbind 612958 ntp 604717 dhcp 61297515:02
patdk-wkwouldn't that require a system with a e1000 to try it on?15:11
osmosisanyone aware of kvm issues with cpu frequency scaling? i seem to have hit that.15:18
* patdk-wk wonders why your kvm console would do anything to cpu scaling? unless it was stuck pressing keys :)15:21
hallynosmosis: more details?15:23
hallynI see some old bugs...15:23
zulhallyn: looks good15:36
hallynzul: cool, thanks.15:40
zulhallyn: want me to upload it for you?15:41
hallynzul: that'd be great, thanks.15:41
hallyn(especially since there's another, separate bugfix against hte same pkg, so then maybe i can port the fix on top of this one tomorrow :)15:42
samoangunnerI am tring to put my server online but not able to15:58
patdk-wkplug it in?15:58
samoangunnerI set the ip15:58
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
samoangunneryes its plugged in15:58
samoangunnerI think I got the dns in15:58
patdk-wkwell, your going have to describe the issue15:59
samoangunnerhow do I check if the dns is set15:59
patdk-wkdig google.com15:59
samoangunnerI just install the server15:59
samoangunnernew install15:59
patdk-wkdig google.com @
samoangunnerI have been digging and found nothing15:59
patdk-wkfirst one broken, second one works15:59
patdk-wkit has internet, dns is screwed, fix /etc/resolv.conf15:59
patdk-wkboth broken, your internet is broken16:00
samoangunnerthe internet is working16:01
patdk-wkshould see something like:16:01
patdk-wk;; ANSWER SECTION:16:01
samoangunnermine says timed out16:01
patdk-wkfor both?16:01
patdk-wkthen internet is broken16:02
patdk-wkor your internet settings on that server are broken16:02
samoangunnerI think its the eth0 settings16:02
patdk-wkwell, I dunno what those should be16:02
patdk-wkas your isp should be telling you that16:02
samoangunnerI know what they should be but I dont know if I did it correct16:02
samoangunnerthe ip should be
patdk-wkI don't know either :)16:03
samoangunnerhow do you set it to dhcp in the command line16:03
\shserver or desktop? desktop should dhcp be the default (network manager) on the server you edit /etc/network/interfaces auto eth0 \n iface eth0 inet dhcp and /etc/init.d/networking restart16:04
samoangunnerok I am in the ect/network/interface16:06
samoangunnerhow do I type in the command?16:06
\shwith your favorite editor16:08
samoangunneryes i am using nano16:09
samoangunnerwhat is the command16:09
zulSpamapS: to be extra sure can you run the mysql testsuite with your /tmp change?16:14
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
Error404NotFoundhow can i restrict samba to only listen on LAN interface?16:21
kpettitError404NotFound: Look here http://samba.org/~tpot/articles/multiple-interfaces.html16:22
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Error404NotFoundkpettit, thanks :)16:25
zulmathiaz: you spelled "Future" wrong on the statusreport for the release team :)16:26
mathiazzul: oups16:29
mathiazzul: you can fix it if you want16:29
zulmathiaz: sure...luckily i know frenglish ;)16:29
Error404NotFoundthere was a tool just like tmpwatch in centos, i did find it and even try it, have forgotton its name...16:30
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pmatulissmoser: you're plugged in to the server docs right?16:43
smoseri dont know what that means. i dont have an outlet here :)16:43
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pmatulissmoser: you can get the server guide edited?16:44
pmatulissmoser: just noticed something in the lucid (at least) guide16:44
smoseri've never tried.16:44
pmatulissmoser: nothing major but if i don't say it now i never will  :)16:44
smosersommer is the owner (maybe you were confusing he and i).16:44
smoserbut sure, what is it?16:44
pmatulissmoser: sigh, yes16:45
pmatulissmoser: looks like he's not in16:45
smoserbut what is it man!16:46
smoseri'm on the edge of my seat16:46
pmatulissmoser: heh16:46
pmatulissmoser: it's just that the ssl-cert packaage needs to be installed in order to add a user to the ssl-cert group16:46
pmatulissmoser: as instructed here: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html16:46
pmatulissmoser: this package is not installed if you use the minimal install16:46
pmatulissmoser: that's all!16:47
zulhallyn: it seems im having issues better ask someone else16:48
smoseri'm not sure what the proper mechanism for bringing that up would be. maybe zul or mathiaz know better.16:48
zulpmatulis: sommer is the guy you want16:48
pmatuliszul: yeah16:49
pmatulissmoser: the process is fairly heavyweight, bazaar, mailing list16:49
Error404NotFoundhow do i exclude directories from aide? say /var/log16:50
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
hallynzul: what sorts of issues?  with my code, or just with the merge process?17:03
zulno its just my computer17:04
hallynok, just so i didn't do something wrong - thx17:05
SpamapSzul: I haven't tried it17:31
SpamapSzul: I still haven't heard back about whether to go further and lock it down to /var/tmp/mysql ...17:31
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
m0t3jlHi. I've recently dist-upgraded to 10.04 on my desktop (yes, I use the server version on desktop ;)) and it's got a splash screen ;) Why the heck would there be a splash screen on server? :D17:45
RoyKm0t3jl: dunno - perhaps someone thought it looked nice? :)17:50
RoyKm0t3jl: it's not like it'll eat much resources17:50
RoyKthe cool thing about lucid is that it uses far higher resolution than before, so unless you're on an old 14" CRT, the console is sufficiently big to use it for something real :)17:51
zulSpamapS: yeah go ahead and lock it down to /var/tmp/mysql but once you do run it with the qa-regression-test testsuite17:52
SpamapSm0t3jl: dig through the ubuntu-server archives at lists.ubuntu.com , somebody posted how to disable the splashiness.17:55
SpamapSzul: will do17:56
zulSpamapS: thanks17:56
SpamapSzul: so how is this supposed to work.. if we start adding stuff to existing upstart jobs, while still encouraging users to modify them.. users have to hand merge upstart jobs on upgrade?17:59
zulSpamapS: it should prompt you when upgrade if the upstart job has changed and its up to the uesrs18:00
SpamapSzul: frankly, that sucks.18:00
zulSpamapS: you get the same problem with initscripts18:00
SpamapSYeah, people shouldn't be modifying them.18:00
SpamapSI guess what I mean is, the script code shouldn't be in the init dir.18:01
mathiazSpamapS: right - that's why /etc/defaults/* have been introduced18:01
mathiazSpamapS: it seems that with upstart defaults files are no longer needed18:01
SpamapSlike, pre-start should be  'pre-start /usr/lib/mysql-5.1/pre-start'18:01
mathiazSpamapS: ie init scripts and default files are merged into an upstart job18:02
zulSpamapS: next version of upstart should fix that18:02
SpamapSmathiaz: I need to assert that /var/tmp/mysql exists. I can't rely on maintainer scripts for this.. I have to do it right before mysqld is started. I hae to put this in pre-start .. but now I'm changing code in a conffile.. seems rather counter-intuitive.18:02
SpamapSzul: we can do it now w/ policy though18:03
mathiazSpamapS: why can't you rely on the maintainer scripts?18:03
SpamapSmathiaz: because /var/tmp can be cleared at any time18:03
SpamapSsame reason /var/run/mysqld is asserted in pre-start. ;)18:03
mathiazSpamapS: oh - right18:03
sherrError404NotFound: see the examples on the aide.conf man page. It tells you how to skip a directory.18:07
talcitehey guys. I'm getting crashes on my server when I'm writing to an OCFS2 array18:12
talciteare there any known stopper bugs with OCFS2?18:12
cemcis there a way to see the changes before updating a package on a hardy server install ?18:14
sherrtalcite: did you look in launchpad?18:14
sherrcemc: according to the apt-get update, there's a "dry run" option.18:15
sherr*"apt-get man page"18:15
talcitesherr: there's no open bugs in launchpad18:20
cemcsherr: no, I mean to see what changed in the package (the one you see if you're updating with Synaptic in GUI)18:21
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talcitecemc: what you're talking about is called a changelog. It may return more google hits.18:22
talciteoh wow. ocfs2 really blew up18:28
cemctalcite: thanks, found it18:33
mathiazzul: hi - bug 28441618:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 284416 in whois "whois package contains unrelated binary 'mkpasswd'" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28441618:34
zulmathiaz: bi18:34
zulmathiaz: er hi even18:34
mathiazzul: is there a good reason to keep the delta with Debian?18:34
mathiazzul: I don't think it's worth keeping the delta with Debian just for bug 28441618:34
zulmathiaz: no i dont think so debain might want it18:34
mathiazzul: you mean that debian may want to have the split package?18:35
zulmathiaz: correct18:35
mathiazzul: it causes issues with the PO files: bug 60180318:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 601803 in whois "when whois and mkpasswd are build locally they have .mo file conflicts" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60180318:35
zulyeah i know....might want to create a whois-common or something18:36
mathiazzul: or put mkpasswd back into whois18:36
mathiazzul: and keep one package18:36
zulmathiaz: doesnt matter to me...its just having mkpasswd in the whois pacakge18:36
zulmathiaz: grrr...i mean its weird having mkpasswd in the whois package18:40
mathiazzul: why?18:40
mathiazzul: it's small18:40
mathiazzul: doesn't take a lot of space18:40
mathiazzul: same for whois18:41
mathiazzul: if you just want mkpasswd, whois doesn't take so much space18:41
zulwell the function is totall different from whois :)18:41
mathiazzul: it may seem strange - but it's not that bad18:41
mathiazzul: if the po files is put in the equation it seems to take more work to maintain the delta with Debian18:44
osmosishallyn, hmm..what kind of details.  Intel system. ubuntu 10.04 mostly default. kvm libvirt.  error is  BUG: soft lockup - CPU#2 stuck for 61s! [kdmflush:248]18:48
hallynand it's the host kernel getting lockup?18:52
hallyncan you pastebin mord of the dmesg output?18:52
zulmathiaz: agreed18:54
hallynosmosis: this is uptodate lucid with lucid-updates on x86-64?  or 32?  (or w/out lucid-updates archive)19:03
hallyni see a few things on launchpad - is this definately only with kvm?19:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #621315 in whois (main) "Sync whois 5.0.7 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62131519:06
VladGhguys, I know this is a really newbie question but once I compiled a program from sources with make and make install, can I just copy the resulted binaries when I reinstall the system as long as I install the required dependencies?19:15
talciteVladGh: did the program make available any other dynamic libraries?19:17
VladGhtalcite: I'm talking about php 5.3.3 compiled with all the necessary librarie and dependencies, and I was wondering if when I am reinstalling Ubuntu on the same server I could just copy the /opt/php5 folder in which I compiled it after I install all libraries with apt-get?19:18
talcitenot likely with php19:19
talciteyou'll probably need to do some ld magic as well19:19
talciteyou're better off recompiling I would think19:19
talcitewhy can't you recompile anywyas?19:20
VladGhok, thanks, I already have sh scripts to do all the recompile stuff. I was just wondering if it is possible to skip that step. Thanks19:20
SpamapSVladGh: you know, php 5.3.3 is available as a source package in Maverick, you can always just rebuild that on your version of Ubuntu.19:21
VladGhyes I know but I prefer to have complete control on what I install (my own configure script and my own patches).19:22
SpamapSVladGh: one way to do that and still get system portability is by building your own .deb19:23
VladGhI will get to that too, but as you see I still ask some basic questions19:23
SpamapSVladGh: But.. php is pretty massive, so I could see where that might get ugly. ;)19:23
SpamapSVladGh: Also if you have multiple servers, its a good idea to go with something like puppet or chef to manage those build/deploy steps.19:24
SpamapSVladGh: even if you only have 2 servers, if you might have 3 or 4 later, it makes a big difference in long term efficiency.19:24
talciteSpamapS: puppet only makes sense if you have a lot of identical machines19:25
VladGhFor the moment I just have my small linode vps and a few small websites19:25
VladGhthanks for the adive anyway19:25
VladGhI will do very soon replication and high availability so I will definetly look into puppet or chef19:25
VladGhwhere can I find some good tutorials on how to create a deb from sources for more complex software like php or jetty7, solr etc19:29
kpettitAnybody know of any good python or other cli type tools that will allow me to ready/write config files from different apps.  Like apache, mysql, asterisk, etc?19:31
SpamapStalcite: not really. 99% of the time you have 90% of the same configs on each box.. little things that when missed, screw up all your other stuff19:33
SpamapStalcite: I think of puppet more as managing the mundane repetition, not the boxes.19:33
SpamapSkpettit: config files are vastly different from program to program.. some use established patterns like ini, yml, or xml, but others just sort of made up their own thing (like apache..)19:34
kpettitexactly, that's why I don't really want to write one :)  Trying to see if something already exists19:35
SpamapSkpettit: you might look at what ebox/webmin do19:36
kpettityeah, that's why I want to write my own.  Not to happy with those19:36
kpettitthat and I'd like it to be in python instead of perl.19:36
hallynosmosis: see the bottom of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/333201.  Assuming you see the messages in the guest, you may be better off using another clocksource?19:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 333201 in linux "Virtual machine soft lockup - CPU gets stuck for XX seconds" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:36
kpettitI like ebox OK, but it's not as easy to exten and add custom stuff as I'd like.  And the web UI is freaky slow.  Webmin is cool but everything is too seperate19:37
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brad__i'm having massive DNS problems setting up BIND9 ... any DNS pros out there will to lend a hand?19:53
brad__if i use dig @SERVER_IP mydomain.com on the server, i get a response.19:58
brad__if i use dig @SERVER_IP mydomain.com from my desktop, i get SERVFAIL19:58
brad__any ideas?19:58
DelemasI'm trying to get VMBuilder to make a ubuntu 10.04 LTS VM but the resulting VM won't boot i.e. SeaBIOS reports "Boot failed: not a bootable disk". I'm building with a 4096MB root. What am I missing?19:59
DelemasI've enabled debug mode but it isn't helping much...19:59
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brad__kinda quiet today, eh?20:06
Delemasbrad__, are you using views?20:10
brad__no, what's views?20:11
Delemasbrad__, they are a bind9 feature...20:11
brad__nope, not using them to my knowledge.20:12
brad__would that be helpful?20:12
DelemasNo one less complication. hmm I'd check your logs. You might have to increase logging.20:13
xperiahello to all. have big problems with a innodb table. everytime i call a website on my ubuntu server i get the error message20:13
xperiaIncorrect information in file: './mydatabase/mytable.frm'20:13
xperiaHow can i fix this Problem ?20:13
brad__Delemas: I've tried looking at logs, i just installed sysklogd, not much help though20:14
brad__Delemas: the thing that gets me is all the checks in the ubuntu guide pass, but it's been a couple days and no propagation.20:16
sherrxperia: "call a web site"? Error message where? From what? Exact message?20:17
Delemasbrad__, firewalling?20:17
brad__nah, I can telnet in from my desktop20:17
brad__on port 53 at least20:17
Delemashmm so bind9 is listening to the right IP?20:18
CarleasIf I'm setting my VPS as both a web server and a nameserver, do I put it as its own nameserver in my zone file?20:18
CarleasAnd then put the secondaries?20:18
brad__Delemas: i'd guess so20:18
xperiasherr: as written its about a innodb table in mysql. it is corrupted and becouse of this i get every time the error message20:19
xperiaIncorrect information in file: './mydatabase/mytable.frm'20:19
xperiaSo need now to repair this innodb table but dont know how20:19
Delemasbrad__, check netstat -n -l -p20:19
brad__tcp6       0      0 :::53                   :::*                    LISTEN      1394/named20:21
brad__does that look right?20:21
DelemasThat shows ipv6 listening. What about ipv4?20:22
DelemasMine shows listening lines for tcp and udp.20:23
brad__yeah, it's on there too20:23
jpdsDelemas: IPv6 sockets are v4 sockets.20:23
brad__yep, both tcp and udp20:23
Delemasah k then...20:23
CarleasAlso, in some zone files the NS lines start with an '@', and in others they do not.  Which should I use when?20:23
brad__Carleas: trying to figure the same questions out myself :)20:23
DelemasAn @ uses orgin.20:24
Delemasorigin I mean...20:24
qman__yes, @ refers to the origin20:24
qman__so if you have a zone for example.com, the @ record is example.com, and the other records are site1.example.com, etc20:25
brad__named-checkzone returns OK20:25
brad__i believe named-checkconf is also returning OK20:25
brad__(just returns empty blank with no errors, from the man page  I'm assuming that means it's OK)20:26
qman__bind logs to /var/log/syslog, in case you haven't figured that out yet20:26
qman__and it is fairly verbose by default20:26
qman__grep named /var/log/syslog20:27
brad__i've got a few "error (network unreachable) resolving 'ns/AAAA/IN':"20:27
brad__qman__: there are also a few errors about "couldn't add command channel"20:30
CarleasWhat about IN?  Some seem to use, others not.20:30
SpamapSHonestly, BIND's format is so archaic .. does anybody actually use BIND because they like it?20:31
brad__nope, people tell us to use it and we follow like sheep to pasture ;)20:32
brad__so i'm tailing var/log/syslog, and i keep getting more and more of these "error (network unreachable)" errors20:34
DelemasAh crap I think I'm seeing this bug with vmbuilder https://bugs.launchpad.net/vmbuilder/+bug/52595220:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 525952 in vmbuilder "specifying part prevents raw from working" [Low,Triaged]20:34
CarleasI think Bind uses me more than I use it.  I always feel dirty after our interactions.20:35
brad__Carleas: lol20:35
nerihi what`s the difference btw apt-cacher and apt-mirror if i want to create a repo server in my lan?20:37
brad__qman__: is there anything in particular I should be looking for?20:37
Delemasneri: apt-cacher downloads what you use. apt-mirror downloads all files.20:39
brad__if i use the command "dig @SERVER_IP mydomain.com", shouldn't that be able to bring up the result even if it hasn't propagated?20:40
neriDelemas: if I'm using a ubuntu server, obviously my packages will be different from my workstations... the apt-cacher will download the workstation packages also?20:40
Delemasneri, It should be able to cache whatever is configured on it...20:41
kirklandhallyn: ping20:42
kirklandhallyn: i'm working on a fix to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/etherboot/+bug/57087020:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 570870 in etherboot "pxe boot doesn't work with kvm" [Low,Confirmed]20:42
kirklandhallyn: i want to make sure we're not stomping on one another20:42
neriDelemas: Thx for info. Changing topic, is it possible to use nis, but withou mounting home on nis server? (Something like remote profile in ad)20:46
nerioffline profile*20:46
CarleasWhat does the IN mean on some lines of a DNS zone file?  Do I need to include it on all files?  I've seen zone files in which no line contains the 'IN' flag.20:46
maswanIN means internet, it's also the default20:47
maswanthat's why you can leave it out20:47
nerinoone know?20:48
DelemasI don't use nis.20:48
hallynkirkland: well I do have a package waiting to build, but it's basically your fix20:50
hallynoh, and finally did so.  https://launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/+archive/kvm-pxe-usrshare20:50
kirklandhallyn: yeah, i was just about to build/upload that to lucid-proposed now20:50
kirklandhallyn: i can debuild -S this on amd64, though20:50
hallynme neither.  I assumed that's always been the case20:51
kirklandi do it in an i386 vm20:51
hallynand i can't do a sbuild -d lucid-i386 bc it wants to play with grub, which it can't do in a chroot20:51
hallynkirkland: the only thing i added to your original debdiff was20:52
hallyn        ln -s $(CURDIR)/debian/kvm-pxe/usr/share/qemu $(CURDIR)/debian/kvm-pxe/usr/share/kvm20:52
hallynjust in case some applications are expecting the roms in kvm20:52
RoAkSoAxsmoser: WOuld you like to see all the UEC images (both daily and releases) in on single list of images or would you like to see them separated?20:54
pmatulisin may 2011 (karmic EOL) can i still upgrade to lucid?20:54
jpdspmatulis: Yes.20:55
pmatulisjpds: thanks20:55
smoserRoAkSoAx, i would think probably separated.20:55
RoAkSoAxsmoser: do you care of other releases besides maverick ones? such as lucid, or in the future, when ubuntu+1 is out, would you care about previous releases?20:56
smoseri would think ideally you'd show all releases that could be booted.20:57
smoserthat will only be maverick at this point in time20:57
smoserso basically, show all releases => 10.10 and all dailies 10.10.20:57
smoserbut really, i'd like it to be "just like anything else"20:58
smoserso i dont really know how you're handling other stuff.20:58
hallynkirkland: hah but i did that wrong anyway20:58
hallynkirkland: so pls go ahead and push your own original debdiff and let's be done with it :)20:58
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DelemasOMG so stupid... vmbuilder creates VMs in raw format, converts them to qcow2 but it wrote out libvirt config which lists disk device type of raw! FAIL! s/raw/qcow2/g;  it suddenly it all works.21:00
RoAkSoAxsmoser: Ok, basically, it will be like this: http://imgur.com/eEXzK.png where repository would be uec-release and uec-daily. Both will contain different releases eventually right?21:01
RoAkSoAxand in the -cli, i guess it would be something like 'testdrive --repo uec-daily' and etc etc21:02
smoserwell, they'll always include different content.21:02
smoser(they do now).21:02
RoAkSoAxsmoser: that's the thing, I can handle it both ways, as a different repository with different releases, or as a single repository and put eveyrthing in one list. IMO, handling it as a repository would be better, given that way I keep separated cdimage.u.c, releases.u.c, and uec-images.u.c21:04
smoseryour call. i dont care.21:06
smoseri'd like to somehow know that some thing is released versus daily, though21:06
RoAkSoAxsmoser: I guess that'd be just the using different repo's. Anyways, I'll prolly have it by sunday. Will let you know21:07
smoseryou can cheat21:07
smoserand know under the covers21:07
smoserwhat list you pulled it from21:08
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RoAkSoAxsmoser: iĺl pull .manifest and .manifest-daily as different repoś, or cache files, and they will be independent between each other21:09
RoAkSoAxsmoser: something similar with cdimage.u.c which is mainly for dailyś and releases.u.c21:09
RoAkSoAxsmoser: anyways, I'd rather just show you when it is done21:12
osmosishallyn, thanks, ive added myself to the bug list.21:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #621380 in nagios-plugins (main) "bad output from check_linux_raid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62138021:32
kirklandhallyn: firgin awesome .... kees just showed me this ... "linux32 bash"21:43
kirklandhallyn: and then i could build etherboot on my 64-bit desktop21:44
kirkland(build the source package at least)21:44
kirklandi'm sanity checking it now21:44
kees(it just tricks uname())21:45
keesso anything actually sensitive will usually explode once gcc gets involved. but then -m32 may solve it21:46
hallynsweet :)21:46
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ND-AtWorkhey guys question21:50
ND-AtWorkcan you use a parrelel port as a serial port in any way in linux?21:50
ND-AtWorki would like to use a dummy terminal, but i dont have any null modem adapters21:50
sailerboyhey, if i have a user account (craig) which doesnt have access to the killall command, but i want it to be able to launch a script that contains "killall supybot" or "kill -9 `pgrep supybot`", how would i do that?21:51
sailerboyon a server edition21:51
sailerboyim sure i have to edit visudo21:51
mathiazSpamapS: zul: jdstrand: any reasong/thouhgts on demoting php5-sybase to universe?21:56
SpamapSmathiaz: +1 for demoting drivers for closed source daemons. :)21:57
mathiazSpamapS: hm - http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/php5-dbg21:59
mathiazSpamapS: php5-dbg depends on php5-sybase21:59
SpamapSmathiaz: can those files be moved into php5-sybase-dbg ?22:00
zulmathiaz: indifferent :)22:08
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mathiazSpamapS: it should be possible to create a php5-sybase-dbg file22:11
mathiazSpamapS: package22:11
SpamapSmathiaz: I think if you did that, you can kick libsybdb5 out of main too22:15
SpamapSwait.. no.. kexi22:15
mathiazSpamapS: hm?22:16
mathiazSpamapS: I'm not sure I follow what you're saying22:16
SpamapSmathiaz: libsybdb5 is the sybase/mssql driver (freetds) .. all of its rdepends are universe except kexi and php5-sybase22:18
SpamapSbut, actually, its pretty cool that kexi supports mssql... as that makes ubuntu more useful for mssql administrators and developers.22:19
SpamapSkexi == graphical data management program22:19
jdstrandmathiaz: I have no strong opinion. dropping it out of main means less official support, but I have no idea how many people use it22:41
guntbert!hi | hsr23:07
ubottuhsr: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-server! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:07
=== unreal_ is now known as unreal
hsrI need help on spam assasin23:07
hsrI want to try spamassasin on ubuntu desktop on virtualbox23:09
guntberthsr: start with http://www.akadia.com/services/postfix_spamassassin.html23:13
guntberthsr: or with https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/mail-filtering.html23:14
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hsrguntbert: Will it be very easy to install for a newbie??23:30
hsrguntbert: What else should i know?23:31
hallynkirkland: your quick push invalidated my awaiting merge proposal :)23:44
* hallyn hopefully out for a bit now23:45

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