
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
lfaraonedfarning_: I just made sure ~sugarteam was sub'd to all the packages that are sugar-related in Ubuntu, so we can use the "bug supervisor" operator to list all of our bugs.05:02
lfaraonedfarning_: re bug 307178 (s-calculate-a needs updating to fix resolution bug) would this be a good task for somebody at SEETA?05:10
dfarning_lfaraone, thanks -- and yes 307178 would be a good bug for us.11:26
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=== alsroot_ is now known as alsroot
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kandarpkalsroot, hi.15:20
alsrootkandarpk: hi15:20
kandarpkalsroot: how can I create an icon for the activity ?15:20
alsrootkandarpk: there is an article on http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Making_Sugar_icons15:22
kandarpkalsroot: thanks.15:23
manusheelkandarpk: Hi Kandarp.15:59
kandarpkmanusheel sir: hello sir.16:00
manusheelkandarpk: How are things coming along?16:02
manusheelkandarpk: Did you get a chance to draft the description, and add details in the files?16:02
kandarpkmanusheel sir: air, adding the necessary files to complete the activity before adding read to it.16:02
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I need an activity icon.16:04
manusheelkandarpk: You can design one quickly using Inkscape, image editor.16:05
kandarpkmanusheel sir: is that available in debian ?16:06
manusheelkandarpk: need to check.16:06
kandarpkmanusheel sir: np, I'll check that.16:07
ankurhi alsroot17:04
alsrootankur: hi17:05
ankuralsroot,  will you be around for some time , is it a good time to ask questions?17:06
alsrootankur: yup17:06
dipankarlfaraone: hi17:08
manusheelalsroot: Hi Aleksey. Great.17:08
ankurwell , i was studying the code of control panel so that i would be able to easily understand the variuos bugs associated with it and also be capable of entertaining feature requests easily.So what will be best strategy to approach this. What i was doing right now was to check the starting code of control panel and then move functions wise and document them for reference17:08
dipankarlfaraone: Shachi is facing some problem with her repository at git.debian.org17:09
alsrootmanusheel: hi17:10
lfaraonedipankar: okay.17:10
lfaraonedipankar: what is the problem?17:10
dipankarlfaraone: Shachi is working on image viewer activity17:10
dipankarand has made a new repo : http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-imageviewer-activity.git/sugar-ImageViewer-activity.git;a=summary17:11
dipankarby some mistake17:11
dipankarlfaraone: there already exists a repo by some other maintainer: http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-imageviewer-activity.git;a=summary17:11
ankuralsroot,  can you provide some pointers if that is the best strategy.17:12
alsrootankur: well, from sugar pov, all control panel components look the same, you can see how it is implemented from sugar side in src/jarabe/gui.py:_setup_section()17:12
lfaraonedipankar: uh-huh. <_<;17:13
dipankarlfaraone: she contacted the maintainer and some reply came in17:13
lfaraonedipankar: you should probably delete the *newly created* repository and rename the *existing* repository.17:13
kandarpkalsroot, manusheel sir: LCMS not found during installing inkspace, any idea ?17:13
lfaraonedipankar: what did17:13
lfaraoneSiegfried say?*17:14
dipankarlfaraone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/481023/17:14
* dipankar : ubuntu pastebin has changed!17:15
manusheelkandarpk: Let me check.17:15
dipankarshachi__: ping17:15
shachi__Hello Sir17:15
lfaraonedipankar: okay.17:15
dipankarlfaraone: shachi__ is online17:15
ankuralsroot,  will be bothering you with my questions :)17:15
lfaraoneshachi__: see my above comments about what to do with the repository17:16
alsrootankur: np, just ask17:16
shachi__lfaraone,  Hello. Sure.17:16
dipankarshachi__: lfaraone>dipankar: you should probably delete the *newly created* repository and rename the *existing* repository.17:16
dipankar^^ lfaraone's comments17:16
* dipankar will be back in 15. Dinner17:17
dipankarshachi__: in case of any doubt ask lfaraone, he will help you solve the problem17:19
shachi__dipankar, sure sir17:19
dipankarshachi__: Are you through with what luke told you to do?18:05
* dipankar is booting into ubuntu18:16
dipankaralsroot, hello good morning18:25
alsrootdipankar: hi18:26
dipankaralsroot, I am starting with the gtkrc. How shall I start, understanding it? I am completely new to gtk18:27
alsrootdipankar: well, for my own, I didn't learn it as well, just tweaked gtkrc.em/gtk.rc file (it is pretty obvious what their content mean)18:30
alsrootdipankar: but you can ping bemasc on #sugar, he is our artwork maint18:31
dipankaralsroot, I think I am getting the gtkrc files too18:32
dipankaralsroot, please correct me if I am wrong:18:32
dipankar1. -100  means: run like XO machine18:32
dipankar2. -72 means: About 72% of the XO size18:33
dipankaradjusted so that toolbuttons work18:33
dipankarI guess this came after you reported the problem at sugarlabs?18:34
alsrootdipankar: at least I thought the same :)18:34
alsrootdipankar: nope, the problem came after positioning sugar not only to XO18:35
alsroot..I guess18:35
dipankaralsroot, so if I make a new set of value for a rc file, then I need to add them here18:37
alsrootdipankar: yup, to artwork project, btw I think, the right fix should contain not only new gtkrc files but also a patch I attched to bugs.sl.o to switch to cells from 800x60018:38
alsroots/cells/16x12 cells/18:39
dipankaralsroot, can you send the ticket number too? please18:39
alsrootdipankar: http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/174718:39
kandarp_alsroot: is there a way by which activity does not adds an entry to the journal while closing ?18:49
alsrootkandarp_: pass create_jobject=False to Activity class18:50
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kandarpkalsroot: I used 'create_jobject=False' in the init method of the class18:56
kandarpkbut I dont think that is what you meant18:56
alsrootkandarpk: you need to bass it to Activity.__init__ invocation in YourActivity.__init__ method18:57
dipankaralsroot, Now I am totally confused :(19:01
dipankaralsroot, in that bug you reported, what does HIG mean? I tried searching a lot19:01
dfarningdipankar, Human Interface Guidelines19:02
dfarningdipankar, basically design of the UI and and people interact with it.19:03
alsrootdfarning: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Sugar_Interface/Layout_Guidelines19:03
dipankardfarning, HI. how are you doing?19:03
dfarningdipankar, good how are you?  It looks like you are learning alot from alsroot:)19:04
dipankardfarning, I am doing good. I think alsroot is having a tough time explaining me about scaling :P19:05
dipankarIts a bit confusing19:05
manusheeldipankar: It is not tough.19:06
* dfarning hope alsroot is able to find a good division of time between his paying job(mentoring) and his passion(0install)19:06
manusheeldipankar: Try to follow the bottom-up approach.19:07
dipankarmanusheel, ohk Sir19:07
manusheeldipankar: Can you elaborate on your question?19:07
alsrootwell, for now, mentoring doesn't take much time19:07
dfarningdipankar, scalling is what happens when you press CTRL+ and CTRL- in a browers such as firefox.19:07
dipankarohk. thats great19:07
kandarpkalsroot:   activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle, create_jobject = False)     << is this way ok ?19:08
manusheelalsroot: Glad to hear. I wanted to ensure that you are asked questions only when our team member have done homework from their side.19:08
dipankars/ohk thats great/ohk19:08
alsrootkandarpk: yup, that is I meant19:08
dfarningdipankar, On my next book I have a tiny screen with a really high resolution.  thus I usually scale pages up before I look at them.19:08
manusheelalsroot: That helps in bringing focus to the discussion, and ensures quality in points discussed.19:09
dipankardfarning, ohk19:09
dipankar*same with me19:09
kandarpkalsroot: it is not allowing the toolbar, thereby activity to launch19:09
alsrootkandarpk: you mean activitity failed to start?, could you attach logs19:10
kandarpkalsroot: logs http://paste.ubuntu.com/481070/19:10
dfarningdipankar, The challange with scalling is that everything has to scale together or the page layout gets jumbled.... just like poorly designed web pages.19:10
dipankardfarning, ok19:10
alsrootkandarpk: yeah, thats right, you are trying to use ds related stuff (activity icon) but disabled ds support in activity19:11
alsrootkandarpk: so, the problem is in your code19:12
manusheelkandarpk: Right, Kandarp.19:12
alsroot..or sugar-toolkit needs to be patched19:12
dfarningdipankar, has a scalling factor built in because netbooks tend to have small screen ... with very different resolutions.19:12
manusheeldfarning: +119:12
dfarningdipankar, the XO has a very high resolution while other can be 480X64019:13
dipankardfarning, now that means the scaling should vary with screen size for readability?19:13
dfarningdipankar, +119:13
dfarningdipankar, my guess is that with USR scalling with be a parameter set in Ubuntu-Sugar-Remix-Setting by the OEM.19:14
alsrootdfarning: btw, I guess we need to organize something like sugar courses i.e. "Ask your dumb question" on irc (I mean not paid), several skilled people could spend their time (e.g. several hours per week) to ask, if we well have several answers we can cover entirely week19:14
alsroots/to ask/to be asked/19:15
manusheelalsroot: +119:15
dfarningalsroot, plus one:)19:15
alsrootat least /me knows that will be his next target after implementing 0sugar stuff.. but it will be not soon19:16
dfarningdipankar, your challange with the control panel bug is that everything on the page must be scalling aware to keep the page layout looking correct.  ie not cutting icons in the middle.19:17
dipankardfarning, then we should have different scalings available as options?19:17
dfarningdipankar, does that help?19:17
dfarningdipankar, Yes. I think the two most commonly used scalling options are 100 and 72.19:18
dipankardfarning, I am working on the fullscreen bug at 800x600 :P . Not control panel bug. Neeraj is handling that19:18
dfarningdipankar, ahhh it is the same basic problem.19:19
dipankardfarning, but neeraj removed that by setting the no. of columns variable with screen size19:19
dipankar*s/screen size/ resolution19:20
dfarningdipankar, sounds right.19:21
dipankardfarning, now that scaling is clear19:22
dipankarwhat is alsroot's suggestion with cell sizes?19:22
dipankardfarning, thats a bit confusing19:22
dfarningdipankar, sorry I was not following the discussion.19:23
alsrootdipankar: you mean particular values for gtkrc, well, the core thing here is having real screean with dpi you are targeting.. then just looking how it is good19:23
alsroots/you mean/if you mean/19:24
alsrootalsroot: but maybe bemasc can advise more useful scenario19:25
alsrootdipankar: ^19:25
dipankaralsroot, you are indicating its a bit of trial and error?19:25
alsrootdipankar: at the end it is about how it will look on real dispalays..19:26
* dipankar is going on to #sugar to talk with bemasc19:30
dipankardfarning, alsroot : Correct me if I am wrong:19:46
dipankarif scaling is changed, then I need to change the cell_size?19:46
kandarpkalsroot: what could be causing the error I reported : http://paste.ubuntu.com/481070/19:46
dipankar*to properly display the emulator?19:47
dfarningdipankar, What cell size do you mean?  can you point to the code?19:49
dipankardfarning, in a minute19:49
alsrootdipankar: the whole picture is: there is gtkrc files(pargeting to particular dpi) with hardcoded widgets sizes, scale value which is passed to sugar command will affect choosing the right gtkrc file, also scale value is using for the rest of widget sizes (that can't be hard coded to gtkrc), see sugar/graphics/style.py:zoom()19:49
dipankaralsroot, yup I am opening that file only19:50
alsrootkandarpk: you create widgets.ActivityButton widget which uses activity.metadata but since you disable journal support by create_jobject=False, activity.metadata wasn't created19:51
dipankardfarning, def zoom(units):19:51
dipankar    return int(ZOOM_FACTOR * units)19:51
dipankar* oops, my mistake19:51
kandarpkalsroot: OK.19:52
kandarpkalsroot: any workaround ? I do not want the activity to ask to save entry before closing19:53
alsrootdipankar: Re: if scaling is changed, then I need to change the cell_size -- yup, and not only cell_size(subcell_size) but also (depend on your dpi) another settings19:53
alsrootkandarpk: you can use custom widgets.ActivityButton (i.e. copy&paste and remove any activity.metadata mentions), the other way is patching sugar(sugar-toolkit) itself19:54
dfarningdipankar, do you have any other bugs on your list?  It might help to come back to this one after sleeping on it for a few days.19:55
dipankaralsroot, the main thing is scaling then! once scaling is decided, then change the other settings too to reflect the scaling? Am I correct in this?19:55
dipankardfarning, I guess no.19:56
dipankardfarning, other bug was the 'No gsm connection was set in Gconf' which I did away with warning level in Logging19:56
kandarpkalsroot: you mean sugar doesn't allow what I was asking for ?19:56
kandarpkusing toolbox and no journal entry19:56
alsrootkandarpk: using standard toolbox (with ActivityButton), but you can use ToolbarBox widget to add any widgets19:59
alsroot..that don't use journal object19:59
kandarpkalsroot: got it. thanks20:00
* dipankar is off for the night. Goodnight to all20:11
manusheelkandarpk: Were you able to create the .xo file?20:25
manusheelkandarpk: Is it running well in Sugar?20:25
kandarpkmanusheel sir: the three basic steps were ok.20:26
kandarpkmanusheel sir: trying to add read, but using modules is a bit confusing.20:26
manusheelkandarpk: Ok.20:32
manusheelkandarpk: Will we be able to have a running activity in .xo bundle by today?20:32
manusheelkandarpk: Or, we'll need some time.20:33
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I can make the.xo for the basic one, if that is desired.20:33
manusheelkandarpk: Since, this is your first activity, you'll see some hurdles. But, it can be resolved.20:33
manusheelkandarpk: Yes, that would be appreciated20:33
kandarpkmanusheel sir: integrating other activities into it seems a bit difficult20:33
manusheelkandarpk: We can then move into the second part.20:34
manusheelkandarpk: Not difficult. Can you send me an e-mail on the approach you are following.20:34
kandarpkmanusheel sir: sir, I tried to make a submodule but that didn't work.20:35
manusheelkandarpk: But, before that package the first version of the devtutor activity, and make it available at FTP acc for API documentation.20:35
kandarpkOK sir.20:36
manusheelkandarpk: I'll need more details on your approach. Let us first package what we have. We'll then move into the second phase of our hurdles.20:36
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mukulhi alsroot21:48
alsrootmukul: hi22:05
mukulalsroot : Can you help me understand a bit of code of sugar-calculate-activity-->layout.py. I am required to solve a resolution bug22:09
alsrootmukul: sure22:10
mukulThe link to the bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-calculate-activity/+bug/30717822:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 307178 in sugar-calculate-activity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "sugar-calculate not at right resolution for non 1200x900 screens... (heat: 5)" [Medium,Triaged]22:11
mukulubot2: hi , thanks22:14
ubot2Factoid 'hi , thanks' not found22:14
alsrootmukul: I guess this bug is only relate to old calculate, for now it uses new style toolbar22:14
mukulalsroot: ok22:15
manusheelalsroot: Ok. Can we change its status to Won't fix, and add a comment below?22:15
alsrootmukul: at least, current Calculate looks fine for me22:15
manusheelalsroot: Ok.22:15
manusheelmukul: Has calculate activity been updated?22:16
mukulmanusheel sir: No22:16
manusheelmukul: Let us update it to the latest version.22:16
mukulmanusheel: Sorry , yes it has. Version 32 has come up22:16
manusheelmukul: Ok.22:16
manusheelmukul: So, we have the latest package in Debian and Ubuntu of calculate?22:17
mukulmanusheel: No22:17
manusheelmukul: Ok22:18
mukulmanusheel sir: No we were unable to package it.22:18
manusheelmukul: What were the packaging issues?22:18
mukulmanusheel sir: It had some patch which was creating some problems.I had consulted Neeraj Sir on this and he too was getting the same error. However, after removing a file the packaging was successful. Also, automerge fails in a file da.po and in packaging we needed to merge a file manually22:20
manusheelmukul: Right, the reason is we need to get Danish translations to core, on which Neeraj has been working on.22:22
mukulmanusheel sir: However, there manual merge is possible. Even Jonas had done the same. But I guess we need to remove a file and then package built successfully22:22
manusheelmukul: Ok, great.22:22
manusheelmukul: Please do that.22:22
manusheelmukul: We'll take care of that po file.22:23
manusheelmukul: I'll ask Neeraj to expedite the work quickly.22:23
mukulmanusheel sir: What is to be done of the current bug?22:23
manusheelmukul: Neat. Once you update the package of calculate, please inform me.22:23
manusheelmukul: We'll have to get the updated package in the eco-system. Once that is done, this bug is solved.22:24
manusheelmukul: I'll assign you a new bug now. You can work on it tomorrow.22:25
manusheelmukul: Kindly update the calculate activity package for today.22:25
mukulmanusheel sir: Ok22:25
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satellit_dfarning: is there an .iso of USR I can download and test ? link...23:35
manusheelsatellit_: Let me send you the link of the available isos. Did daveb get back to you on jabber server issue?23:37
dfarningsatellit_, nothing very recent:(  I am having trouble figuring out why the build system start crashing when I moved it to the new build machine.23:38
manusheeldfarning: Ok. David, is it an insufficient space issue?23:39
satellit_manusheel: Yes the link would be good to have....23:39
satellit_I tested activities against build USR-i386-20100804.iso  http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Soas_V4/ASLOxo_Activity_Test_Table#Activity_Test_Results     (listed here)23:41
satellit_manusheel have surf 115 which works with it23:42
satellit_manusheel jabber is up... has been for quite a few days23:43
manusheelsatellit_ : I think the build machine has moved. So, I'll ask David on the place for finding the new isos. We used to use
manusheelsatellit_ : Glad that surf works well, and that jabber is up.23:45
manusheelsatellit_: Neat.23:46
satellit_http://  yes that is link I had...23:46
manusheelsatellit_ : Yes, the build machine has moved. So, we need to find the details of the new parking place of the isos.23:47
satellit_ok when you get it I would like to have it here   thanks....23:48
manusheelsatellit_ : Sure. I think we plan to move to http://usr.sugarlabs.org. That page is not opening right now. David will get back on this soon.23:50
manusheelsatellit_: Is there any bug you found in USR functionality recently?23:51
manusheelsatellit_ : Not in activities, but core platform features.23:51
satellit_It has been about a week..nothing major.... I will test more thoroughly when I get links to newer .isos  surf 115 makes install of activities easy....23:53
manusheelsatellit_ : On core features, I found this link to be a good starting point - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Test_cases_8.2.0. I know lot has changed since 8.2.0. But, looks good.23:53
manusheelsatelllit_ : OK, let me check on who is maintaining surf at this juncture.23:54
manusheelThat is good to hear.23:54
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