
=== ofirk_ is now known as ofirk
newz2000mdke: I've submitted the wiki theme for live testing. The plan is to set up an alias domain like wiki-testing.ubuntu.com where it can be broadly viewed. (not sure what the domain will be yet)14:33
newz2000mdke: I'll subscribe you to the branch14:37
newz2000not sure if that does anything useful for you though :-/14:38
mdkenewz2000: thanks I'd be happy to have a look and test it on a desktop wiki22:46
mdkenewz2000: one thing I'd be interested in is making sure that we can distinguish in a nice visible way between wiki.u and help.u - to avoid confusion between the two22:47
newz2000mdke: I've got an idea for that22:47
mdkenewz2000: ooh22:47
newz2000mdke: for example, see this page: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community22:47
newz2000Where it says Community support Overview22:48
newz2000someone here is calling that the "breadcrumb"22:48
newz2000and it displays context22:48
newz2000I think the combination of the selected item in the top menu, context provided in the 2nd menu (grey bar below the top) and the breadcrumb we can make it pretty clear22:48
mdkeyes, that sounds sane. A lot of vertical space though22:49
mdkewe could consider a modified logo in the top right I guess, on top of your idea, because just changing the top menu and breadcrumb doesn't make it look like a separate website22:49
newz2000Do you think it needs to look like a separate website or is it only necessary to let people know where they are?22:50
mdkeI was asking myself the same question. I'm not sure22:50
newz2000I will get you access to the code for testing by Monday at the latest, but I will see if I can get it to you sooner22:51
mdkeit's not a public branch?22:51
newz2000no, I foolishly combined all the themes, even non-public ones, into one branch22:51
newz2000I've got to fix that22:51
mdkeoh, I see, you have themes for multiple wikis already?22:52
mdkeI'd be happy just to look at a base one if it is easier22:52
newz2000well, canonical intranet and this new one are the interesting ones22:52
newz2000I subscribed you to a branch called something like canonical-webmonkeys, did you get some kind of notification about that?22:52
mdkenor ywr22:53
mdkeor rather, "not yet"22:53
newz2000ok, it was this morning so that means "not ever"22:53
newz2000mdke: can you see https://code.launchpad.net/~newz/canonical-webmonkeys/wikithemes22:54
mdkeyes :)22:55
newz2000can you branch from that?22:55
newz2000actually, I'm just going to send you a zip file of everything you need22:55
mdkethe webpage tells me I can branch it22:55
mdkeI'm not on an ubuntu system though but will try tomorrow22:56
newz2000please keep in mind that I've not gotten permission to share this publicly so please use this for personal testing22:56
mdkeof course22:56
newz2000don't sweat it, it's probabbly too late to be hacking on wikis anyway22:56
newz2000oh, wait, you've married over a year now, so maybe its not too late22:56
mdkeheh. 3 years, but it probably is too late for me anyway22:57
mdkefunny how the time flies eh?22:57
newz2000yeah, that's amazing22:57
newz2000so you'll get two things from me, one is a wiki theme branch, you've seen it before I believe22:58
mdkeok, I'll check it over the weekend, thanks for working on it and sharing22:58
newz2000you'll also get a brahcn of assets, css and images22:58
newz2000I'll send you instructions on how to make them work together22:58
mdkeok, that's great22:59
mdkethanks again22:59
newz2000my pleasure, have a nice night and weekend23:00
mdkeyou too23:00

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