
RAOFWoo!  Gem!00:01
soreauabout ppa-purge, is it a tool to purge any repo for ubuntu? but ppa-purge itself is provided by xorg-edgers?01:31
RAOFIt'll purge any PPA; it's also in Universe as of Maverick.01:37
soreauoh cool, thanks03:20
virtualdi tried running x as user and it put my password on irc04:04
virtualdeverything i typed at tty1 got onto irc somehow04:05
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gordFYI guys, all the sluggish nvidia 2d performance is solved if you turn off subpixel font rendering in gnome-appearance-properties 15:33
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Sarvattwell ditching compiz slowed down the memory leak on intel at least, 370MB after 24 hours instead of 2gb+ and it was 300MB or so when I disabled compiz. haven't figured out whats causing the leak yet :(18:50
brycehheya Sarvatt18:55
Sarvattheyo bryce!18:55
cndbryceh, do you have a moment to chat about ABI dependencies between evdev and xserver-xorg-core?21:10
cndI'd like to figure out what the best way to handle it is21:10
brycehcnd, sure21:11
brycehcnd, tjaalton or jcristau probably are the best people to give advice here21:12
brycehcnd, the xorg package has files in debian/scripts/vars.* which set up dependencies on the drivers21:14
brycehXSERVER_XORG_INPUT_DEPENDS="xserver-xorg-input-evdev, \21:14
brycehxserver-xorg-input-synaptics, \21:14
jgbryceh: I'm finally back to trying to get this HP 2540p going (eDP display); I have a maverick install running; but screen is flashing at a couple hertz; any prayer of xorg-edgers working this instant?21:15
brycehso that's sort of where my concern about a circular dependency is21:15
cndbryceh, would it be better to just assume that things will work?21:15
brycehjg, no idea I haven't been keeping up on it; Sarvatt would be better to ask21:15
cndthere's api/abi changes that x goes through all the time21:16
brycehcnd, probably... could you explain particularly what motivated it?21:16
jgbryceh: I would have asked him, but he wasn't around....21:16
cndbryceh: the new evdev module will require the server to have gesture support, and that support landed in the *-1ubuntu2 version of the server21:17
cndthat version has been there for a week now21:17
jcristaucnd: the server installs files in /usr/share/xserver-xorg/ that driver packaging uses to set up dependencies.21:17
cndjcristau, thanks, I'll take a look21:17
jcristaucnd: so if you bump that in the server, drivers built against it will get the bumped dependency21:17
jcristauor should, anyway21:17
brycehjcristau, thanks21:17
cndjcristau, bryceh, so the input abi/api hasn't changed, but I see that the file also has xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:
cndshould I bump that to xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:
cndit's not really an issue for anything other than evdev21:19
jcristaucnd: debian/serverminver in the server package21:20
nigelbAnyone heard of an issue where the screen's flickr after about 30 minutes of switching on?21:20
nigelbthey just flickr like a barcode :(21:20
cndjcristau, ok, so you would recommend bumping that up to *-1ubuntu2?21:22
jcristaucnd: yep21:22
cndjcristau, ok, thanks!21:22
cndjcristau, should I add a build-deps in evdev against the new version of xorg-server?21:26
jcristauprobably, yes21:26
cndso that we're sure the right serverminveris picked up21:26
cndbryceh, if I upload a new server package with just the bump in debian/serverminver to people.canonical.com, can you upload that to the archive for me?21:29
cndit's the only change I'll make21:29
brycehcnd, certainly21:29
cndk, thanks21:29
festerhi, i'm trying to get kernel 2.6.35 to work with fglrx 21:40
festeri run aticonfig --initial=dual-head and it writes a new xorg conf, but it always errors out on a rebot21:41
festeranyone have any experience with this?21:41
festeram i in the wrong place?21:42
cndbryceh, I've got a new source package pushed to http://people.canonical.com/~cndougla/x/21:43
cndthat's for xorg-server21:43
cndbryceh, actually, I should do a quick build test with that just to be sure21:51
cndI'd feel bad if I somehow screwed up something so small :)21:51
brycehheh, ok21:51
brycehand one day we'll have a test suite to run too ;-)21:53
brycehcnd, I've gone ahead and committed this change to our git tree21:57
bryceh(and pushed)21:58
cndbryceh, to the git tree but not the archive, right?21:59
cndbryceh, looks good for me22:04
cndplease upload to the archive22:04
cndI'll send out a new email with my updates to evdev22:04
brycehcnd, done, uploaded to maverick22:05
cndbryceh, I just updated the evdev git repo and sent a reply to your review22:08

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