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mwhudsonqueues: metadata: 63695; content: 75231; hash: 001:46
mwhudsonthe metadata queue is going down at the rate of about 15 every 2 minutes01:46
mwhudsonat this rate, the queue will be empty in 6 days01:47
mwhudsonChipaca: does this mean anything to you?01:48
Mahjongghello I have synced folder on my desktop on PC A which is connected to the same u1 account as PC B and PC C. PC A and PC B can see the synced folder but C can't. What could be the reason?03:49
MahjonggI tried creating the folder in PC C and then doing u1sdtool --refresh thatFolder but did not work03:49
lahwranhow do I check if the ubuntu one client is running?06:42
lahwranI suspect lubuntu is not starting it06:42
mwhudsonlahwran: u1sdtool -s06:43
lahwranargh. http://www.pasteall.org/1508107:01
lahwranany idea what could be causing those dbus errors?07:06
duanedesignhello lahwran07:14
lahwranduanedesign, have an answer, or are you just saying hi? :D07:15
duanedesignlahwran: try :  u1sdtool -q07:15
duanedesignboth :)07:15
duanedesignthen:  u1sdtool -c07:15
lahwrantaking a long time on -c ...07:16
duanedesignyou usually get that dbus error when the syncdaemon is too busy doing other stuff to take your command07:16
lahwranwhat could that be?07:16
lahwransame dbus error.07:16
lahwranwhat would it be doing right after startup?07:16
lahwranI mean, ubuntu one hasn't worked on this lappy for 3 days07:17
duanedesigntry u1sdtool -q  again07:18
duanedesignthen run :  ps aux | grep ubu07:18
duanedesign1 of the processes will be  grep ubu07:19
duanedesignbut are there others?07:19
lahwranI know my command line ;)07:19
lahwranthere are others; they all match because of 'lubuntu'07:20
duanedesignguess that is not to useful then07:20
lahwranrunning -q again .. without having manually started the syncdaemon .. says it quit.07:21
wgrantContacts have been down for roughly four months now.07:28
lahwranoh ...07:29
lahwranit may be gnome-keyring07:29
lahwranthat was the answer! D07:29
duanedesignlahwran: ahh, was the daemon not running/07:31
lahwranit appears not.07:31
duanedesignwgrant: yes it is very frustrating07:31
lahwranI have had some weird boot problems ever since my semi-fail attempt to speed up the boot process; not sure what I broke, but I appear to have broken something.07:32
wgrantduanedesign: That's not what I'd call it.07:33
duanedesignlahwran: a good log file to look at if you have an issue with U1 is ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log07:34
duanedesignlahwran: you might find gnomekeyring.IOError from the gnome-keyring issue07:35
lahwranit's been 'processing queues' for like 10 minutes now07:44
duanedesignlahwran: u1sdtool -s shows 'With user With network'?07:53
lahwranlooks like it just took 10 minutes07:54
duanedesigni like to use:  u1sdtool --waiting-metadata | wc -l07:55
duanedesignand: u1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l07:55
duanedesignto see how many items are in the queue07:56
duanedesignit is a good way to gauge progress as the numbers should geet smaller over time. It processes the metadata first, then the content07:56
duanedesignajmitch: you were the one working on getting Ubuntu One into Debian, correct?08:41
duanedesignbug 41242408:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 412424 in ubuntuone-client "Please support Debian too (affects: 2) (heat: 7)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41242408:42
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ryewooow, paste.ubuntu.com is shiny!10:26
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mandel_rye, wow, the mush have just changed it, I was using it like 5 min ago and look as usual10:45
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ericedgelooking at the ubuntu one api slides from oscon 2009, it appears there's an open api I can use for ubuntu one, but there's no indication of a server name.19:39
ericedgeI have a test account with ubuntu one now; where can I find more info on the api?19:39
verterokericedge: hi, let me check the slides19:42
verterokericedge: for the couchdb stuff?19:45
ericedgeyeah; there's reference to simply doing an HTTP PUT against a path, but no server name is provided.19:45
verterokrye: do you know how to do that ^ ?19:46
ericedgeI'm under the (possibly mistaken?) impression that Canonical has a server somewhere I could test against19:46
verterokericedge: you can install desktopcouch and play with your local couchdb server19:47
ryeericedge, there are couchdb servers in canonical dc that provide the same API that your local couchdb will do. Currently direct access to couchdb api is restricted while the service is being switched to a newer version (this is actually happening as we are talking)19:47
ericedgeok, yeah, I saw that some of the services are down currently, that makes sense.19:48
ericedgeI think I'll just download the client source and dig through that for some ideas.  Thanks for the help!19:49
ryeericedge, the file sync client is separated from couchdb19:50
ericedgethat also makes sense.  Shucks.19:51
ericedgeallrighty, I'll dig down a different path; I thank you sincerely for your help!19:54
ryeericedge, you are welcome, feel free to ask any ubuntuone-related questions here :)19:56
Chipacaericedge: typically what you'd do is interact with your local couch and then let it replicate20:09
Chipacaericedge: our (canonical) servers are not the only ones you could have set up to replicate against20:09
Chipacaericedge: e.g. you could be replicating locally to other machines as well as to the cloud20:09
Chipacaericedge: there's an app in desktopcouch-tools that lets you pair couches to set that up easily20:10
Chipacaericedge: the process is similar to bluetooth pairing20:10
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ericedgeChipaca: Cool, thanks for the tips!20:52
Chipacaericedge: furthermore, couch.io providers (for now) free couchdb instances, you could sync to those as well as or instead of the canonical ones20:53
ericedgerockin', thx21:00
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