
blindcan I install ubuntustudio from a usb drive? It boots into the setup, but the setup has the incessant need to bring CD-ROMs into the picture.00:44
blindlike pfft, who uses those things anymore00:45
holsteinblind: you can07:24
holsteintheres a link...07:24
* holstein looking07:24
holsteinim pretty sure that it it^^07:28
holsteinyou want to find the way the alternate installer is used via USB sticks07:29
holsteini was told that it is possible07:29
philinuxHi, I cant get any sound from microphone or guitar plugged in to  pc. Sounds works fine otherwise12:38
crysazphilinux: you need to more specific with your problem12:57
philinuxcrysaz: Hi, I can get mic1 to record with sound recorder but nothing through speakers during recording12:58
philinuxIf I switch to line in with guitar plugged in I get  nothing through speakers12:59
crysazcheck your alsamixer configuration. have you muted your inputs?12:59
philinuxChecked that nothing muted13:00
crysaz..and you are using jack? have you patched input to outputs?13:00
philinuxNo jack at all13:01
philinuxI used to be able to plug guitar into mic socket of subwoofer and it played fine in previous ubuntu's13:01
philinuxrunning 10.0413:02
crysazso you are using pulseaudio for routing. have you double checked setting there?13:02
philinuxDefault install, what do I check?13:02
crysazsystemp->prefs->sound  input13:03
philinuxInput set to mic1 which will record silently with sound recorder. Playback is fine13:04
crysazso you can record from input and play it over, but you can't get any direct sound of the machine?13:05
philinuxThats it. Playing vids cd's or flash on net is fine13:07
crysazi think that's a feature. in conventional applications, it would be a bad thing to route microfone to output13:08
philinuxAh feedback etc13:08
philinuxJust tried guitar through line in and same thing silently records, playback fine13:09
crysazyou should use jack instead. that way, you can use your computer as an amplifier and as an efect box13:09
philinuxrighto, is it easy to setup. How come pulse cant do it?13:10
Blank__what about using jack because it's just naturally more awesome :p13:10
crysazpulse tries to be simple. if you need more, there's jack. it is awesome. you know, awsome.13:13
philinuxDo I just install jack or are there other packages too13:13
Blank__chances are you've already got it in some form13:18
Blank__do you have/use ardour?13:18
philinuxThis is a vanilla 10.04 install. I just installed jack. Newbie at sound stuff. I want to record mic and guitar. Effects can come after I got it set up ok13:21
Blank__if you install jack, also get qjackctl and patchage13:21
philinuxI got synaptic up so hang on13:22
Blank__both incredibly useful, although qjackctl has a more basic way to connect stuff than patchage, i like patchage's GUI13:22
Blank__qjackctl will help with running jack if you aren't using something like ardour that attempts to start jack automatically13:23
philinuxok installed. I ticked enable realtime priority13:23
Blank__lowering... frames i think it is, lowers latency, at the cost of potential skips13:24
Blank__but yeah, if you can get jack started successfully, you're halfway there13:25
philinuxok what do I do now I got Jack control and patchage in menus13:26
Blank__is jack running?13:26
philinuxIt says stopped13:27
Blank__so if you try pressing start nothing happens?13:27
philinuxErrors. http://imagebin.ca/view/tbEzKsw.html13:30
philinuxWhat do i do next to get this going?13:33
Blank__let's see13:35
Blank__ah... thought realtime would be a problem13:35
Blank__i think your user needs to be in the audio group or something13:35
Blank__not entirely sure but it's a permissions thing13:36
philinuxWhich group, and thanks13:37
Blank__i think the "audio" group13:37
Blank__(would need confirming)13:37
philinuxgksu /usr/bin/qjackctl works fine so it is permissions13:39
Blank__seems to be something with /etc/security/limits.conf in addition to adding yourself to the audio folder13:39
philinuxThere is no audio group13:39
Blank__apparently adding "@audio          -       rtprio          99" to that file helps13:39
Blank__you'll have to add it then :p13:39
Blank__sudo addgroup audio13:40
Blank__hmm, possibly sudo addgroup -system audio13:41
philinuxdone that with gedit13:41
Blank__(again, i'm a bit rusty on this... i've been relying on things like ubuntu studio and kxstudio to do this stuff for me :( )13:41
philinuxThats it, it running with added audio group13:42
philinuxI've got no errors and I've got the connections pane up13:42
Blank__ah ok13:42
Blank__do you have a "system" client showing in each side?13:42
Blank__mine shows up system on both sides, and a pulseaudio jack sink13:43
Blank__from there all i have to do is drag capture_1 to playback_1 and capture_2 etc13:44
Blank__that *should* let you hear it13:44
Blank__but again, only if they're there in the first place...13:44
philinuxAh hang on13:44
philinuxNo it's the permissions thing again. I forgot I launched it with gksu13:45
Blank__did you add yourself to the audio group?13:46
philinuxlets just try it that way for now see if anything works13:46
Blank__i'm sure there's a command for it but the way i've had to do it is to use gedit/nano and edit /etc/group manually13:46
philinuxYep I now got system on both sides13:46
Blank__expand it and see what you get13:46
philinuxCapture1 and 2 and 8 playbacks13:47
Blank__o... sounds like a bit of a challenge to find the right ones :o13:47
philinuxCapture 1 is probably the mics13:47
Blank__patchage should give you a better idea of which one is which13:47
Blank__capture 1 and 2 are your stereo input, so 1 = left channel, 2 = right13:48
Blank__if it's a mic then chances are both will be the same thing13:48
philinuxI clicked connect on capture one and mic is working it connected to all 8 playbacks13:48
Blank__i've got to get to sleep, but if you're using something like audacity for recording, all you need to do is select jack as the audio system, and after a bit of fiddling you'll be away13:49
philinuxok guitar now works on line one. Yeah. Far bit of lag though about a tenth of a second13:50
Blank__try lowering frames/period and restarting jack, hopefully you can get it closer13:51
philinuxSettings is manic wow13:51
Blank__good luck with it, hopefully you get it sorted out (with someone more helpful :p)13:52
philinuxLearning curve here I see. And the perrmissions need sorting out.13:52
philinuxThanks for hlep At least I knopw it should all work now13:52
Blank__no problem :)13:52
philinuxHi, Just got jack up and running ok. How can I get 2 inputs going e.g mic and linein. Seem to be able to only have one in sound prefs16:52
=== komputes_ubuntu is now known as komputes
holsteinphilinux: if this is an internal card17:00
holsteinits only a 2 channel deal17:00
holsteinif you were going to use the mic and line intputs at the same time17:01
holsteinthe hardware would need to support 4 channel recording17:01
holsteinim not saying its impossible17:01
holsteinBUT it might be the kind of thing that would require some ALSA hacking and a soldering iron17:02
philinuxErr integrated, motherboard is asus m3a78-eh. Manual says alc883 hd audio 8channel codec supports jack-detect etc17:03
holstein8channel out17:03
holstein2 channel in17:03
philinuxAh ok, newbie here re sound stuff17:03
holsteinno worries17:03
holsteinintegrated consumer grade cards dont usually have more than a stereo in17:04
philinuxSo does that mean one input at a time17:04
holsteinthat means 2 channels17:04
philinuxAh stereo you mean17:04
holsteinphilinux: if your trying to do guitar and something else17:04
holsteinyou can utilize the stereo in17:05
philinuxguitar and mike both mono17:05
holsteinas a 2 track recorder17:05
holsteinphilinux: exactly17:05
holsteinright and left dont matter17:05
holsteintil you mix down17:05
holsteinyou can have 2 mono channels coming in to JACK17:06
philinuxI have a mixing deck old tascam 4 track tape17:06
holsteinphilinux: you can do some fancy routing to those 4 channels17:06
holsteinwith the 8 outputs from that card17:06
holsteini wouldnt17:06
philinuxAh ok17:06
holsteinthose little 1/4 inch consumer jacks will add more noise than its worth17:07
philinuxOr what you saying is split stereo into two channel input with plug splitter of some sort17:07
holstein1/8 inch ***17:07
holsteinphilinux: do you have any preamps?17:07
holsteinmic preamp?17:07
philinuxpreamp in guitar, electro acoustic17:08
holsteini usually suggest getting a cheap mixer17:08
philinuxOh well already there then with tascam eh17:08
holsteinsomething like this http://www.guitarcenter.com/Behringer-EURORACK-UB802-Mixer-102331477-i1153481.gc?source=4WFRWXX&CAWELAID=2948477017:09
holsteinthe tascam tape deck?17:09
holsteinits got preamps?17:09
holsteinthese little mixers are cheap17:09
holsteinand you can use them on the way into the card17:09
philinuxLooks like my tascam mixer deck. It was £350 when new ten years ago17:10
holsteinand pan inputs however17:10
holsteinOR join other inputs together into one channel17:10
holsteinand since the quality is decent17:10
holsteinwhen you decide to upgrade17:10
holsteinyou can move that to the monitoring side of your setup17:11
philinuxIt's a portastudio 41417:11
holsteinits a tape deck17:11
philinuxNot used it for ages17:11
holsteinyou might want a mixer17:11
philinuxpops up images on google though17:12
holsteinsomething with some decent preamps on it17:12
philinuxHas it not got preamps17:12
holsteini had one of those ;)17:12
holsteinyou can try using it17:12
holsteinphilinux: just think signal path17:13
holsteinyou got you nice guitar17:13
philinuxI've still got a 4mm stereo jack to to phono lead. I could plug that into pc subwoofer mic input17:13
holsteinand your going to route it through those preamps17:13
holsteinsome bunch of little adapters from the radioshack17:14
philinuxyamaha apx 6la17:14
holsteininto you consumer grade 1/8 inch input17:14
holsteinyou might want to think about replacing some of that signal path17:14
holsteinas you go17:14
philinuxAlready got those adapters17:14
philinuxBrain was not in gear this aft17:14
philinuxWhat do you mean signal path?17:15
holsteinwhere your signal is going17:15
holsteinbefore you record it17:15
holsteintake those adapters17:15
philinuxYou mean better sound card17:15
holsteinphilinux: when you go to a pro studio17:15
holsteinthink about the signal path17:16
philinuxOk  you mean like gold plated connectors etc17:16
holsteinthey're going to have a nice high-end mic17:16
holsteinphilinux: NO17:16
holsteinthat dont matter17:16
holsteinim talking about gear17:16
philinuxAh I got a nice mic17:16
holsteinthat doesnt have 1/8 inch connectors17:16
holsteinnon-consumer level gear17:17
holsteinphilinux: SO17:17
holsteinthe studio17:17
holsteinplugs the mic in to a nice preamp17:17
holsteinand that goes balanced to tape17:17
holsteineither a hard disk17:17
holsteinor anolog17:17
holsteinthe signal *never* goes through any 1/8 inch adapters17:18
holsteinand there are some relatively resonably priced ways to get that kind of signal path going17:18
holsteinin the future17:18
philinuxAh ok . You loose signal through those 1/8 inch things then I guess17:19
holsteinit unbalanced too17:19
holsteinyour mic has 3 wires17:19
holsteinOR should17:20
philinuxYeah just check large 3 socket connector17:20
holsteinand that gets paired down to 2 wires somewhere before you record it17:20
holsteinthats a loss right there17:20
philinuxAh ok17:20
holsteinnot that you cant get started with what you got17:20
holsteinand make some nice recordings17:20
philinuxTascam only has 1/8 inch stuff I see now17:21
holsteinyour sound card only has that17:21
holsteintascam probably has 1/4 inch outs17:21
holsteinbut i think they are unbalanced17:21
philinuxYeah, and phono, So for home use should be ok then17:21
holsteinphono is unbalanced17:22
holsteinjust depends on what your trying to accomplish really17:22
holsteinthats why i really like the firewire and USB interfaces17:23
holsteinwith decent preamps17:23
holsteinand balanced ins17:23
holsteinyou plug into those17:23
holsteinand the signal path stays clean and balanced17:23
philinuxAre you saying a better sound card with balance inputs17:23
holsteinall the way to the hard drive17:23
holsteinand some of those can be quite cheap17:23
holsteinphilinux: im just saying, consider a sound card that is appropriate for recording17:24
holsteinthat card is made for surround sound output17:24
holsteinand probably does a great job of it17:24
philinuxRighto. What do you consider a good budget card with decent inputs.17:25
holsteinthe delta 1010lt is cheap17:25
holsteinand has 2 nice preamps17:25
holsteinno phantom power17:25
holsteinand the other 6 inputs are unbalanced17:25
holsteinbut, its a pci card and under 200US17:26
holsteini think there are some ALSA compatible maudio USB interfaces too17:26
holsteinunder 200US17:26
holsteinwith a couple balanced inputs17:26
holsteini dont think the preamps are great though17:27
philinuxOk. Cheers. For now I'll have a go with the tascam to get the two inputs and see where we go and what the sound recorded is like.17:28
holsteinis not balanced either17:28
holsteinbut quite a step up17:28
holsteinphilinux: yeah17:28
holsteini think its a good idea to get rolling with what you have17:28
holsteinand then you'll find out what you need as you go17:28
holsteinhow many imputs you need17:28
holsteindo you need preamps?17:29
holsteinthat kind of thing17:29
philinuxJust  a basic set up to start with 2 inputs guitar and mic. I just located my 1/8 inch stereo to  2 mono 1/4 inch cabel lol17:30
holsteini still have some of those around here :)17:31
holsteinfrom when i used to do it that way17:31
philinuxYamaha guitar doesn.t sound to bad through pc subwoofer and satelite speakers17:32
* holstein doenst trust subwoofers17:33
holsteinwhen checking for phase cancelation and whatnot17:34
philinuxOnly budget labtec stuff but has passable sound17:34
holsteinbut yeah, i bet it sounds great :)17:34
* holstein finally got some decent headphone17:34
holsteinsome comfortable ones17:34
philinuxThanks for your help. The fog has cleared a bit now.17:35
holsteinwithout a bunch of boomy extra bass17:35
holsteinphilinux: anytime17:35
philinuxWonder what the fender will sound like17:35
holsteinelectric guitar?17:35
philinuxAmerican strat17:35
holsteinif you mic the cabinet17:35
holsteinprobably get some warmer sound17:36
holsteinrakarrack is awesome17:36
holsteini think its in lucid17:36
philinuxok i'll check that out17:36
holsteinnice effects processor17:37
holsteincan be annoying with 10+ms latency though17:37
holsteinyou can add it to the track after you record it though17:37
philinuxIs there a jack effecst plugin17:38
holsteintheres a bunch17:38
holsteini tend to use rakarrack17:38
philinuxChoices eh17:38
holsteinfor a lot of things17:38
holsteinbecause its fast and light17:38
holsteinand sounds good17:38
holsteinbut theres jackrack?17:38
philinuxDoes it utilise jack17:39
holsteinyeah JACK rack17:39
holsteinthat lets you load effects that way17:39
holsteinand route in JACK17:39
holsteinphilinux: rakarrack loves the JACK :)17:39
* holstein is a rakarrack fanboy17:39
holsteincheck out #opensourcemusicians17:40
holsteintheres a podcast17:40
philinuxI got a epiphone gibson les paul too17:40
holsteinthere was a review not too long ago of rakarrack and guitarX17:40
holsteinphilinux: nice17:40
holsteinmy girlfriend has an old L-0017:41
holsteinquite an amazing acoustic axe17:41
holsteinshe came up with a little slogan for them..17:41
holstein'gibson, the wrong note never sounded so good'17:42
philinuxSad to say I let my marshall amp go two years ago. Too big. Got a line 6 combo instead17:42
holsteinline 6 is nice17:43
* holstein not a big fan of the marshall gear really17:43
philinuxThe marshall was heavy17:43
philinuxAnd the preamp had gone17:43
* holstein uses acoustic image17:43
philinuxThe line 6 is a spyder 217:44
holsteini got the older version of http://www.acousticimg.com/products/prod_corus.html17:44
* holstein hates amps17:44
holsteinif i gotta use one17:44
holsteinthat one will do17:44
philinuxDo soundblaster make any useful audio cards17:45
holsteinphilinux: sure17:46
holsteinfor the output side17:46
holsteinphilinux: think of it this way17:46
holsteinwhat professional studio uses sound blaster gear?17:46
holsteinnone of them17:47
holsteinnot that you gotta go drop 10 grand17:47
holsteinbut you can find some gear with a lot of bang for the buck17:47
holsteinBUT you want something where the inputs are being considered17:47
holsteinnot only the outputs17:48
philinuxWhat about this. http://www.westenddj.co.uk/Product/M-AUDIO/DJ_Effects_and_Production/DELTA44/GoogleBase/17:50
philinuxDJ gear I know17:50
holstein4x4 analogue break-out box accepts balanced or unbalanced connections on 1/4 inch tip-ring-sleeve (TRS) jacks17:50
holstein4x4 24 bit/96kHz full-duplex recording interface17:51
holsteinMeasured A/D specs: 99dB (A-weighted) dynamic range, 0.0023% THD @ 0dBFS17:51
holsteinthats a good price too17:51
philinuxNeed a translation here lol17:51
holsteini would check and make sure linux likes it17:52
holsteinbut im pretty sure it does17:52
holsteini go to http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main17:52
holsteini like it17:53
holsteinyou go out and buy a 800 dollar preamp in the future17:54
holsteinand you got nice balanced inputs to support that17:54
holsteinSO this thing will grow with your needs17:54
holsteinuntil you need more than 4 inputs17:54
philinuxWell I'll have a go with two first and that's a fairly cheap option17:55
holsteinphilinux: totally17:55
holsteini had priced that card way back17:55
holsteinwhen i was looking17:55
philinuxWould you still need the tascam mixing deck with that or..17:56
holsteinyou would want some preamps17:56
holsteindepending on what your doing17:56
philinuxOk well lets keep it with what I've got for now. Play with it and see17:56
holsteinyou can build yourself 4 of these17:57
holsteinphilinux: good idea17:57
philinuxOk well cheers. Gotta eat! lol. Many thanks for help17:58
philinuxHi, Got jack and ardour working. Recording and playback works fine. If I use rakarack I get silence how do I get sound19:26
* philinux has sorted it out. Apart from noise on gary moore and satriani effect. Like clicking annoying19:50

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