
jessebyetime to reboot... gbye00:00
jesse_OK, I'm back. How much faster is Xubuntu compared to Ubuntu??00:09
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jessebyeanyone there?00:13
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pietimedoes thunar work with samba03:25
LeoIIIMay anybody help me?03:49
LeoIIII'll be here03:51
LeoIIIif someone wants to talk03:52
LeoIIIAre you reading this?03:54
LeoIIII speak spanish03:57
LeoIII63 users and none wants to help me.03:57
LeoIIII need help with Xubuntu.04:00
kiilophello :-) i just installed xubuntu on my netbook (toshiba nb200) and I'm having a few problems with the sound... it was working only using headphones, but not from the speakers. then I tried the common fix, disabling pulseaudio and adding OSS. now the sound works great, but even if I plug a headphone on it, the sound doesnt stop coming from the speakers, which annoys me and the people around me... i tried to "mute" the speaker from t04:14
charlie-tca!audio | kiilop04:17
ubottukiilop: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:17
charlie-tcakiilop: there is also a channel specific to audio issues, which may be more than we can be here.04:18
pietimei dont understand how you can say xubuntu is less resource hungry when it idles at only 20 mb less ram than ubuntu04:18
charlie-tcaIt is  #ubuntu-audio-hhelp04:18
charlie-tcapietime: is 20mb less than what ubuntu uses?04:18
charlie-tcathat would make it "less"04:19
kiilopcharlie-tca: thank you, I'll give a look on these links and then join the channel you mentioned. thanks again. :-)04:19
charlie-tcaDoes it use less hard drive?04:19
charlie-tcakiilop: You are welcome04:19
pietimethats not a significant difference04:19
charlie-tca20mb less ram also depends on what you have installed yourself.04:20
charlie-tcaWe count what the default installation is.04:20
pietimei think xubuntu's days are numbered now with this new freak out on the market called lubuntu04:21
pietimesorry am i being a butt head04:22
charlie-tcaLubuntu has its own place. It is not a replacement for Xubuntu.04:23
charlie-tcaHave you tried it?04:23
pietimesure have04:23
charlie-tcaIt does use 30% less resources than Xubuntu. It also leaves a lot to be desired, at least by my standards of use.04:23
pietimeMy system idles at about 110 mb04:24
charlie-tcaHere is a pretty accurate test of the available desktops - http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_desktop_vitals&num=104:25
kiilopcharlie-tca: This may be really dumb, but I don't even know how to check my Sound Preferences on Xubuntu. the "options" the bot told me to follow don't exist in 10.04... or I'm really blind.04:31
charlie-tcadouble-click the speaker04:33
charlie-tcathen click the controls tab and see if there is a headphones in there. If there is, you need to select it, then mute the master volume04:33
* charlie-tca thinks, anyway04:34
charlie-tcacould be wrong, though04:34
charlie-tcaI don't know the audio side of things very well04:34
kiilophmm, lemme see...04:35
Ciruelohi, how can start 2 sessions on xubuntu? (to be switch by CTRL ALT F7 - F8) like Ubuntu?04:38
kiilopactually it shows me 2 sound cards available. both have the same name, but one has (v4 Audio Mixer) next to it. this one has at least 15 options on Select Control, none of them is called headphone and actually, only one (PCM1) really changes the volume (from both speaker and headphone).04:38
kiilopand the first card, which I haven't mentioned, just has one control  called volume, which also changes the volume for them both04:39
charlie-tcaCiruelo: should be the same way you do it in Ubuntu04:39
charlie-tcakiilop: I am out of ideas, I'm sorry to say.04:39
kiilopcharlie-tca: that's good :-) gonna try the channel you mentioned before! thank you!04:40
charlie-tcaYou said you want to do it "like Ubuntu". You should be able to04:40
CirueloXubuntu isnt Ubuntu... i dont know how to do that in Xubuntu04:40
charlie-tcaHow do you do it in Ubuntu?04:40
charlie-tcaBoth use gdm to login to the sessions.04:41
Cirueloy just click my other user name and a put my password... and im in gnome session.... but xubuntu dont show user names to click and start new session04:42
charlie-tcaoh, ok. Maybe you need to add the User Switching applet to the panel, then. I think that is similar.04:43
charlie-tcaright click the panel, left click add to ... ,04:43
charlie-tcaI hope that helps you with it.04:44
Ciruelo?   mmmh, with that i cant change my user sesion but still in Ctrl Alt F7  isnt new one... is the same session04:44
nimbioticsguys, in ubuntu I can switch  between users using ctrl-alt-F7/F8, how cna I do this in xubuntu?04:44
charlie-tcaI don't think I know then04:44
charlie-tcamaybe google it?04:45
kiilopoh dear, 4 people online on ubuntu-audio-help hahaha :P04:45
charlie-tcanimbiotics: don't know. Probably have to google for that one04:45
nimbioticscharlie-tca: thanks04:45
charlie-tcakiilop: I thought I said that was a chance?04:45
charlie-tcathe question is "are they the right people" ?04:45
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Leroyhello all, does anyone know what the use startup notification check box does in the proporties window of a launcer icon? i notice that firefox has it checked by default.10:07
TheSheepit makes the application tell the window manager when it started, so that it can change the mouse cursor from the waiting one to normal10:08
Leroyok, thanks TheSheep i think i follow you. i'll play with that and check it out.10:10
Leroyahh, yes i see now10:11
Leroythanks TheSheep :)10:11
janekI've had some problems with xubuntu upgrade, one lib haven't upgraded well and now I can't open a terminal when in X10:12
janekit gives me an input/output error10:13
janekwhat can I do?10:13
Leroymaybe try a different type of terminal?10:14
Leroyxterm maybe10:14
janekand what's the name of the default xfce terminal? I'll try to reinstall it10:14
Leroy /usr/bin/xfce-terminal i think10:15
Leroyterminal 0.4.310:15
janek/usr/bin/xfce4-terminal: error while loading shared libraries: libvte.so.9: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory10:23
janekand libvte9 is installed properly10:23
janekso, what can I do? o.O10:23
well_laid_lawn!info libvte910:26
ubottulibvte9 (source: vte): Terminal emulator widget for GTK+ 2.0 - runtime files. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.23.5-0ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 540 kB, installed size 992 kB10:26
janekit used to work before the upgrade :/10:26
well_laid_lawnmaybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure libvte910:27
janekok, I'll try10:27
janeknothing changed10:27
janekreconfiguring xfce4-terminal has no effect, either10:28
well_laid_lawniirc xfce4-terminal is based on xterm - try to reconfigure that10:29
well_laid_lawnor   sudp ap-get reinstall xfce4-terminal   maybe10:30
well_laid_lawnor   sudo apt-get reinstall xfce4-terminal   maybe10:31
well_laid_lawnI should watch what I type...10:31
janekdoes apt get have reinstall option?10:32
janekmine doesn't want it10:32
well_laid_lawnit might be -reinstall - I'm not on a ubuntu based box atm to check10:36
janek--reinstall, you're right10:36
janekand it works10:37
janekI thought that upgrades are always safe10:37
janekso thanks and bye10:38
UbuntuFlohi, can somebody confirm, if xubuntu 10.04 ist also long-term supported?11:28
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UbuntuFlohi, can somebody confirm, if xubuntu 10.04 is also long-term supported?12:04
Darkmoon_UKNoob question... I have an xfwm4 theme that I've put in ~/.themes/13:35
Darkmoon_UKso that the associated image files etc, end up in ~/.themes/themeName/xfwm4/...13:35
TheSheepthat's correct13:36
Darkmoon_UKBut, the theme's not showing up in the Xubuntu, Appearance, Themes tab13:36
Darkmoon_UKI have restarted, same.13:36
TheSheepDarkmoon_UK: it's a window manager theme, it shows in window manager13:36
Darkmoon_UKAh. Thanks, so how does the Appearance tab relate to that - just colour settings for the current Window Manager theme?13:37
Darkmoon_UKWhee! So many choices now. Thanks :-)13:37
Darkmoon_UKMaking Xubuntu look at sexy as it deserves.13:37
Darkmoon_UKAt least, without compositing... mustn't lose sight of the reason I installed it in the first place heh13:38
Darkmoon_UK(Speed, minimalism)13:38
TheSheepDarkmoon_UK: http://www.sheep.art.pl/misc/shot.png ;)13:39
TheSheep(some ideas)13:39
Darkmoon_UKNIce, is that with the ... Arg I forget the name... AWS ?13:40
Darkmoon_UKthe dock.13:40
TheSheepstandard xfce panel13:40
Darkmoon_UKOk, I see.13:40
TheSheepthose are not icons, it's the desktop switcher13:40
Darkmoon_UKTo idea you back; www.alphacoder.com is, I've found, possibly the best source of lovely Desktop Wallpaper on the 'net.13:41
Darkmoon_UKSorry www.alphacoders.com13:41
Darkmoon_UKNot that theres anything wrong with the clouds mind13:41
TheSheep'buy this domain'13:41
TheSheepnoted, thanks13:42
TheSheepthis is actually one of my more fancy wallpapers, normally I just use some texture, like wood13:42
Darkmoon_UKI'll usually go basic myself, but I just couldn't resist this delicious pair from alphacoders last night13:43
Darkmoon_UKgah, 1 sec13:43
Darkmoon_UKI do'nt mind saying, its one of the most sexalicious backdrops my rigs been treated to in a while.13:45
TheSheephttp://sheep.art.pl/misc/now.png <-- this is my current13:45
Darkmoon_UKvery natural, anyway better get back to work, thanks for helping me with my theme/manager confusion13:46
TheSheepthanks for the wallpapers13:46
UbuntuFlohi, can somebody confirm, if xubuntu 10.04 is also long-term supported?13:49
dopeyI have a working wifi connection using on a live cd but I can't get it to work on an installed version14:25
bazhangwhat chipset14:26
dopeyis there a way to ccopy the working bit onto the installed partition?14:27
bazhang!broadcom | dopey14:29
ubottudopey: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:29
dopeylpci gives BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)14:30
bazhangdopey, check the link above14:33
dopeywill do thanks14:35
UbuntuFlohi, can somebody confirm, if xubuntu 10.04 is also being long-term supported?14:36
Sysi_it's LTS14:37
UbuntuFlothx, Sysi_14:37
UbuntuFloi couldn't find any pointrelease yet. that's why i asked…14:38
Sysi_there should be14:39
Sysi_haven't checked though14:40
KE1HAUbuntuFlo, the point release was on the 8/17 for 10.0414:40
UbuntuFloSysi_, KE1HA, i looked up here → nothing14:41
KE1HAYou wont see a point release for Xubunt14:41
Sysi_it can be late14:42
UbuntuFloah, ok. so it's lts but no points. didn't know that14:42
KE1HAas in an ISO image release that is, but the Updates are in the Repo's14:42
KE1HANo, they only respin the three Major Branches for ISO Images, Ubuntu, Kubuntu & Edubuntu14:42
Sysi_lts is lts even before point releases14:43
KE1HAon your Xubuntu machine do ls_release -rd and that should state 10.04.1 if you'14:43
KE1HAdid all the updates14:43
UbuntuFloyeah. i just wondered about the "missing" pointrelease. but thanks for the infos. thx a lot, guys.14:44
KE1HAsri, that should be lsb_release -rd14:46
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rdingramOne of the few annoyances I have with Xfce is that it doesn't respond well to a new monitor resolution. Every time I resize my desktop the upper panel doesn't seem to get the memo that the resolution has changed, so it is only as wide as my originally set res. Has anyone else experienced this?18:44
rdingramIs there a public upload for screenshots anywhere so I could visually demonstrate this problem?18:48
Aicasnon my xubuntu64 box I have trouble with flash (closed-source version) in firefox. every once in a while any page with a flash app on it will stop working and need to be reloaded.  are problems like this more common for 64-bit linux than 32-bit linux?19:03
Sysi_closed stuff is more propably problematic with linux19:03
Sysi_flas is bad case19:03
Aicasni should ask if it's more problematic with 64-bit firefox vs 32-bit...not linux19:04
Sysi_it's not about firefox, it's about linux and 64 vs 3219:05
Aicasnthe 64-bit closed-source flash plugin is relatively new, is it not?19:05
Sysi_do you use 32bit plugin with ndiswrapper or gnash?19:05
Aicasni'll take that back.  it's 32-bit flash with nspluginwrapper19:06
Sysi_that's problematic19:07
Aicasnso... wouldn't you think it would be more stable if I put a 32-bit fox on my 64-bit linux and used the adobe flash plugin w/o the wrapper?19:07
Sysi_or get (older) 64bit flash19:07
Sysi_would adobe say something if i uploaded my copy..19:08
Aicasni'm updating my xubuntu 9 to 10.04.1 now.  i'll see if it has the same problems as 9 in about half an hour19:10
Aicasnthere are so few things remaining to be fixed/implemented in the linux world before I'm ready to drop my windows installs for good. two of the bigs ones are flash and wine(x) with solid hw accel for games19:14
Sysi_games using opengl work very well with wine (and nvidia)19:14
Aicasnyes they do, but not all games work perfectly.  specifically, not all the games that I like to play work perfectly19:15
Aicasnit's very close, though.  much closer than 5-10 years ago19:15
Sysi_i'm lucky in many ways for not being gamer19:15
Aicasnif you don't have any interest in games, then that's definitely one less reason to want windows around19:16
Aicasni don't play that much, but I need windows for when I do get in the mood19:16
Aicasnas far as I'm concerned, the Wine project guys are kicking ass. i'm sure it can't be easy19:17
Sysi_i'm just currently irritated with linux, alsa is lost in every second boot19:17
Sysi_and netbooks wifi seems to not work very well on fedora19:18
Sysi_too long since using and hating windows19:20
Sysi_it was easier with xp..19:21
Aicasnwhat do you mean "lost" ?  module not loaded, or fails to load?19:22
Sysi_cannot open mixer: File or folder not found19:22
Sysi_(translated badly)19:23
AicasnSysi_: hmm... sounds like the /dev entries aren't being created19:48
Aicasncould it be a timing problem?  have you tried running the alsa startup scripts by hand after the system has booted?19:49
Sysi_not, how?19:49
Sysi_LOL if my boot is too fast19:52
Sysi_it is really fast, ssd19:52
Sysi_i think that can't be possible19:52
Aicasnnot so much boot speed as device probe ordering19:54
Sysi_do you know those alsa scripts?19:54
Aicasni'm supposing that the alsa load should be later in the order19:54
Sysi_let's get bootchart19:56
Aicasntry /etc/init.d/alsasound restart19:56
Sysi_doesn't exist19:57
Aicasnif you don't have that script, do  /sbin/alsa force-reload19:57
Aicasn :)19:58
Aicasndid it list any other modules?19:58
Sysi_lots of modules19:58
Sysi_should i have that init-script?19:59
Aicasnnext time you reboot and alsa does not work, check  lsmod  for rogue sound drivers.  if you find one, add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf so that it won't get in the way anymore19:59
Aicasnthat would be the proper fix20:00
Sysi_it worked on proper xubuntu install20:00
Sysi_this piece-by-piece is broken20:00
Sysi_no, alsamixer only works for root20:02
Sysi_nm-applet says "Couldn't initialize the D-Bus manager"20:10
Sysi_maybe i should do reinstall20:10
earthling_How do I open an .odt file in Abiword?20:22
Sysi_..just open?20:35
Sysi_right click → open with.. or File → open in AW20:36
KE1HAcody-somerville, you around today ?20:37
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thetechchairhey guys21:25
thetechchairNew to Xubuntu here - looking forward to leaving Windows behind me!!!21:25
pietimeHi, I don't have Xubuntu installed I'm actually using Lubuntu, but I would just like to know if anyone knows how to get SAMBA to work with Thunar without having to install a bunch of dependencies.22:11
earthling_Sysi, yes, but it says error importing file22:34
earthling_I'm probably just going to install openoffice but I thought abiword should be able to handle it22:36
Sysi_my abiword can do that22:37
Sysi_up-to-date xubuntu?22:37
earthling_I'm on my windows machine atm22:43
pietimecan anyone please tell me how to upgrade to thunar 1.1.0?23:00
well_laid_lawnif it's not in the repos then there might be a deb at getdeb or dotdeb23:02
pietimei dont have xubuntu23:03
pietimei have lubuntu23:03
well_laid_lawntry in terminal   apt-cache policy thunar23:04
Sysi_try to find ppa23:04
pietimethe ppa says 404 not found23:05
pietimeoops that was for something else23:05
earthling_is xubuntu lighter,faster than ubuntu?23:06
earthling_one review says xubuntu uses more ram than ubuntu23:06
Sysi_see phoronix tests23:07
Sysi_they're accurate and reliable23:07
Sysi_for my experience, xubuntu is lighter23:08
earthling_so I can install xfce without uninstalling gnome?23:10
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels23:10
earthling_Sysi, have you tried lxde?23:11
Sysi_some time ago23:12
KE1HAlxde is light, but if you want anything that resembles a desktop environment, xfce-desktop is the way to go.23:13
Sysi_it's not easy to configure23:13
KE1HAThat could be said abt all of the desktops23:13
earthling_xfce is officially supported23:13
earthling_that means its more stable and secure?23:14
pietimeSysi_, what specifically is not easy to configure?23:14
pietimeearthling_, lubuntu will be officially supported as of 10.1023:14
pietimethats october 201023:14
KE1HAIm saying xfce4 because I;m here in the xubuntu channel, Im saying that in regards to usability, support and overall functionality.23:15
KE1HAIm not say it because .. .. .23:15
pietimebut here i am trying to get xubuntu features23:15
Sysi_pietime: everything23:15
Sysi_items in panel, workspace switches23:15
KE1HAppa are not officially supported distro's23:16
KE1HAthere use at your own risk, and can, in some cases cause more harm then good,, Do i use some of them, sure, but I do it knowing there of limited support.23:16
KE1HAYeah, Launchpad PPA's23:17
Sysi_lubuntu-desktop is in official repositories23:17
KE1HANot supported by canocial. neither is xubuntu fer that matter.23:18
earthling_I thought xubuntu was supported23:18
Sysi_it kinda is but not very much really23:19
Sysi_canonical focuses on gnome23:19
KE1HANo, that's why you dont see point ISO's being respun. Ubuntu, Netbook, Kubuntu are officially supported.23:19
KE1HAIm not sure where Edubuntu stands in all that, havn't dove into it yet.23:20
KE1HABut it's more or less Ubuntu (Gnome GTK) wiht some special apps.23:21
Sysi_xubuntu is as supported as kubuntu23:21
KE1HAI guess its all how you mean by supported.23:21
Sysi_it's official derivative23:22
KE1HAYou wont See Xubuntu on the official Ubuntu Site being advertised.23:22
Sysi_if you used kde, you really wouldn't think canonical supports kubuntu23:22
Sysi_ubuntu is gnome-distro23:23
KE1HAIm not bashing any of them, I use most of them, but you cab be sure Canonical Ltd supports KDE.23:23
earthling_what more does gnome do besides being more visually appealing?23:24
earthling_compared with xfce23:24
earthling_I guess I'll try xfce out23:25
KE1HADo, I dont know, nut there are certainly a laundy list of diffrences fer sure. That' similar to asking, What does KDE do that Gnome doesn't.23:25
KE1HAxfce is xfce, gnom is gnome. It's really all about prefrence I think.23:26
earthling_I guess you could put all of them on one machine?23:26
earthling_and just try them out23:27
KE1HAThis is not a bad looking DK if you ask me: http://xfce-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=128831&file1=128831-1.jpg&file2=128831-2.jpg&file3=128831-3.jpg&name=Dark-linux23:27
earthling_looks a bit like win 723:27
KE1HAGosh, and this looks familiar: http://xfce-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=128857&file1=128857-1.jpg&file2=128857-2.jpg&file3=&name=Arbeit+Radiance+Theme23:27
earthling_xfce made to look like gnome,eh23:28
KE1HAHow about some Woody ! :-) http://xfce-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=128767&file1=128767-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=Wooden+Lex+theme23:28
earthling_a theme for every imagination23:29
KE1HAA little BSM to brighten your day: http://xfce-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=121685&file1=121685-1.jpg&file2=121685-2.jpg&file3=&name=BSM+Simple23:29
earthling_looks like Mac23:30
KE1HAThe nice think about Linux, is you can do whatever you want (for the most part). What I like, some may not. I get alsed all the time, what's the Best This, What's the Best That. It's really up to the individual.23:32
earthling_I want to try out alot of stuff, but I don't want to bog things down and then have to do a reinstall23:33
earthling_thats been my experience on windows23:33
KE1HABest place to Play, is in a VM. Start with a base install of whatever distro, and clone it, mod it, play around with it, see what you like.23:34
KE1HANove thing about VM's, delete the hacked one, clone another and start somethign else.23:35
KE1HANice thing...23:35
KE1HAI have some 15 VM's all with diffrent Bootloaders, desktops, etc. So are for testing new apps, some are for testing Themes, so are just to ding around in.23:36
KE1HAIf I want to lean something, or build an app from source and dont want to muc up mu main system, I use a VM23:37
KE1HAIf it works, I test the install a few times, then do it on my main sysyem.23:37
KE1HAEasy Pezy23:37
KE1HAAnd never have to worry about OMG my video Driver's busted, My sound dont work, can't get this or can't get that etc etc etc23:38
KE1HAOn the 17th this month, I tested / installed 10.04.1 ISO's, 80%+ were in VM's the rest were test box native installs.23:40
KE1HAand I did 64 of them in total.23:40
KE1HAand my main Box is not busted :-) !!23:40
KE1HA../end speach :-)23:41
KE1HA:-)  --> http://xfce-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=48092&file1=48092-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=The+Mice+Want+It!23:57
earthling_which VM do you use?23:57
KE1HAI like that one :-)23:57
KE1HAand I compile it from source, and follw the install directions form the VirtualBox site.23:58
KE1HAMake sure to install Guest-Add-On's .. and have already installed build-essential and your current linux-headers23:59
KE1HAmakes using the Mouse and Screan changes smooth, and without issue.23:59

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