
bcurtiswxsistpoty: hey, i see it still FTBFS (folks).. I had that problem until libgee updated this afternoon00:08
bcurtiswxbut it works in pbuilder00:08
sistpotybcurtiswx: let me check my build log again (not too sure if I'm using a mirror, that would explain it)00:09
bcurtiswxsistpoty: OK, thx00:09
sistpotybcurtiswx: yep, I've still got -1ubuntu1 draw in for the build... I'll recheck00:11
bcurtiswxsistpoty: sounds good :)00:11
sistpotybcurtiswx: oh, just a small comment, please fix the bug in changelog (as in LP: #<bugnumber>). I can add that if it builds00:17
bcurtiswxsistpoty: ah ha, yeah since I created the bug after the fix I forgot to.  I will make sure to next time, ty.00:19
sistpotybcurtiswx: no worries, builds fine with the new libgee, looking at the binaries now :)00:19
bcurtiswxsistpoty: :)00:20
sistpotybcurtiswx: thanks, uploaded00:22
bcurtiswxsistpoty: you are welcome, have a great weekend00:41
ari-tczewsistpoty: are you busy?00:43
sistpotyari-tczew: slightly, just reviewing libgda4 ffe, but feel free to ask any question,00:44
sistpotyari-tczew: now I'm all yours ;)00:56
sistpotytumbleweed: thanks for your thorough checks on sbackup (I admit that I didn't review the packaging at all, only the feasibilty of the new upstream version)00:59
ari-tczewsistpoty: I have a patch for sponsor, but my pc has been hanged and now I have to retry build :(00:59
sistpotyari-tczew: oh, ok, I'll be around for maybe half an hour or an hour yet, but then I definitely need to go to bed01:00
tumbleweedsistpoty: I've seen taht package before and so was a little extra-weary (mixed tabs and spaces in python is a recipe for disaster)01:00
sistpotyheh, changing home directories contents in a postinst is certainly a blocker01:01
tumbleweedyeah, most of the rest of it is just ugly. that is evil01:02
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ari-tczewsistpoty: my pbuilder has been crashed :(  -> Attempting to satisfy build-dependencies01:12
mathiazSpamapS: hey01:13
ari-tczewsistpoty: okay, I did: sudo pbuilder-dist maverick clean and now it's building01:13
mathiazSpamapS: on the WI tracker would it be possible to put inprogress WI before done WI?01:13
mathiazSpamapS: actuall - inprogress WI should be listed first, then TODO, then done01:14
ari-tczewsistpoty: bug 62149701:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621497 in gwget2 (Ubuntu) "gwget should depends on epiphany-extensions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62149701:22
sistpotyari-tczew: I'm sorry, but I don't really understand the rationale for the change as I've almost no knowledge about the gnome stack (and try to avoid gnome packages where possible)01:32
ari-tczewsistpoty: okay, so I'm leaving this one for other sponsor01:34
sistpotyari-tczew: yes, please01:34
ari-tczewsistpoty: then unsubscribe from bug you could please :)01:35
sistpotyari-tczew: done, thanks01:36
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ajeetHello All03:09
ajeetI need some help regarding kernel releases  and Ubuntu03:09
ajeetanyone out there?03:10
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voobscoutwho knows how to uupdate a source package from git repo? debian/watch is empty... aside from "We track StumpWM Git revisions, thus no need for a watch file."12:14
tumbleweedvoobscout: normal approach: add a get-orig-source rule in your debian/rules that does a git pull and creates a tarball12:15
voobscouttumbleweed: thanks! gonna try it12:18
tumbleweedvoobscout: here's an example (package of mine, using hg not git): http://bzr.debian.org/loggerhead/collab-maint/re2/trunk/annotate/head:/debian/rules12:20
voobscouttumbleweed: thank you!12:21
heyson-aliceHi, there's a package named "teeworlds" which is out-of-date. Who should I contact if I want to upgrade it?12:54
voobscoutheyson-alice: you should probably do it yourself... or wait for the new release12:57
Laneyheyson-alice: probably #debian-games @ OFTC12:57
heyson-aliceI have updated it locally, but I want everyone to get the new upgrade.12:57
heyson-aliceThanks, Laney.12:57
voobscoutheyson-alice: submit to PPA12:57
Laneythat won't get it in the distribution12:58
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windydaysg@ joined15:54
windydays[22:50] *** fta quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)15:54
windydays[22:50] *** fta_ changed nick to fta15:54
windydays[22:52] *** schmidtm_ (~schmidtm@
windydaysI have a LAMP server run UBUNTU10.04. I think upstart is really nice. But I found that apache is not started by upstart,that is why?15:54
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hvin grub, how can I suppress generation of "load_video" and "set gfxpayload=keep" altogether?17:21
hvIt seems it is causing a lot of trouble with my graphics card17:22
penguin42hv: Yeh I think you can edit /etc/default/grub17:27
geseryes, I'm looking for the option right now17:27
penguin42hv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/605614/comments/1117:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 605614 in linux (Ubuntu) "[ATI] GPU lockup with gfxpayload=keep" [Undecided,New]17:28
geseryep, exactly that bug I was looking for :)17:28
hvpenguin42: thanks. btw, do you know how I can find out what are the options for that var (GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX) ?17:30
penguin42hv: No I don't; the ones I've seen are keep and text17:30
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hvthanks, I guess that workaround fixed it for me :)17:32
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cjwatsonhv: 'info grub' documents them18:14
cjwatsonhv: the bit about unsetting the option is wrong, it should say to set it to 'text' - that'll be fixed with the next upload18:17
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robertzaccourI remember the customization customizing control I had in 9.04 Jaunty before it was taken away. Is it likely that we will get that back?18:49
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hvcjwatson: thanks, I should have read that. the info pages for grub seem well written.19:00
cjwatsonhv: thanks ;-)19:38
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MTecknologyHow hard is it to convert an init script to an upstart script?23:43
OlognI'm on Lucid Lynx and when I do23:52
Olognps axu|grep dbus-daemon...system|grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'23:52
OlognI get 102...but my /etc/passwd has messagebus as UID 102...I wonder why that happens23:52
OlognI wonder what other Lucid Lynx users get when they run23:53
Olognps axu|grep dbus-daemon...system|grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'23:53
cjwatsonwhat's wrong with that?23:54
penguin42Ologn: It only displays names upto 8 characters23:54
cjwatsonoh, I see, that23:54
cjwatsonI thought you were wondering why it was running as messagebus23:55
Olognpenguin42: Oh right, thanks23:55
Olognpenguin42: I thought I might have misconfigured something, I forgot that23:55
penguin42cjwatson: Can we add a pointer to the ati lockup with gfxmode=keep to the known issues on the alpha3 page - we get someone every hour or so on +1 and I'm guessing a lot more don't make ti that far23:56

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