
DaskreechIs it always this quiet?00:09
well_laid_lawnthis time of the week it is mostly00:12
Daskreechwell_laid_lawn: Saturday?00:13
well_laid_lawnmore like early sun morning I guess00:15
well_laid_lawnit's 9am sun here00:15
Daskreechnice. where is here?00:19
well_laid_lawnAustralia - you?00:25
well_laid_lawnheh - the other side of the world :]00:26
DaskreechYes :)00:26
Daskreechhi Ludacris00:28
Daskreechwell_laid_lawn: Aussies seem to have a fairly high tech threshold00:29
well_laid_lawnour gov had a push to make us the "smart nation" - seems to slowly be working00:29
LudacrisDaskreech: hey00:30
Daskreechwell_laid_lawn: or Govt had a push. then they couldn't be bothered to keep pushing the push. Seems to be bearing fruit :)00:31
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CoJaBoIs it possible to disable the fade effect when using a slideshow as desktop background? It freezes my computer for several seconds every time the background changes.00:37
Ludacriswhats better Kubuntu or Ubuntu?00:37
well_laid_lawnit's a matter of taste - kde usage some more resources then gnome00:38
DaskreechLudacris: which do you like better?00:38
CoJaBoLudacris: The only difference is Kubuntu uses KDE, Ubuntu uses GNOME. I like KDE better :P00:38
CoJaBoLots better. GNOME reminds me of Win98. Ick.00:38
DaskreechCoJaBo: Think so. Never tried. Jump into #plasma and ask00:39
LudacrisI use Ubuntu and I don't know the differences other than KDE and Gnome00:39
DaskreechLudacris: there is none besides that :)00:39
Ludacrisso is it the same with Xubuntu00:39
well_laid_lawnkde has it's own apps like kopete for messaging etc00:39
LudacrisI use Choqok and its for KDE00:39
DaskreechLudacris: so which ever you like using better. It's generally accepted that Gnome is more streamlined but less configurable and KDE is a little less polished but much more willing to bend to the users wishes00:40
CoJaBoLudacris: Xubuntu uses XFCE, which is very buggy- I'd stay away from it.00:40
Ludacriscool thx for explaining00:40
DaskreechCoJaBo: Down boy00:40
DaskreechLudacris: You can of course use XFCE if you like :)00:41
James147Ludacris: the only difference between ubuntu variants are the packages that are installed by default... kubuntu uses kde but you can easily install gnome alongside kde00:41
Ludacriswell g2g to a restaurant bye guys00:41
CoJaBoLudacris: Of course, thats only my experiance- XFCE is intended to be minimalist, but it loaks memory like a firehose for me.00:41
Daskreechrekonq is going to be default moving forward from Kubuntu?00:52
andersonWhat is the channel Kubuntu Brazil?00:58
andersonPlease!!! I'm complete lost!!! Help!!!01:01
Tm_T!br | anderson01:01
ubottuanderson: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:01
poseidon2010is there   a Kubuntu Brazil channel ?01:01
poseidon2010ohhhh there is one :P01:02
andersonI don't speak english!!!01:02
poseidon2010Fair  enough, I dont  speak  portuguese01:03
ubottuEntre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:05
Daskreechanderson: ^^^01:05
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truefxhi guys01:10
truefxi ve got a question01:10
andersonThanks!!! Friends!!01:10
truefxi was just trying to write a dvd01:10
truefxmy k3b program has been stuck01:10
truefxi try to kill it01:10
Daskreechanderson: :-)01:10
truefxbut when i write ps01:10
truefxi see nothing related iwth k3b01:10
truefxi try to log out01:10
truefxbut k3b does not let it01:10
FloodBotK3truefx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:10
truefx-  /usr/bin/k3b does not let me log out01:11
truefxwhat  am i supposed to do ?01:11
truefxany idea ?01:11
Daskreechkillall k3b ?01:11
truefxlet me try01:12
poseidon2010Kill Kenny.... Kill Kenny  ( A joke ) :P01:12
truefxok its done01:12
truefxwhy i cant list it with ps ?01:12
truefxand use kill -9 pid to kill it ?01:12
truefxnow i cant eject my dvd :)01:13
truefxone more problem01:13
truefxI may be a neophyte01:13
truefxpardon my silllly questions01:13
truefxfrom windows 701:13
Daskreechtruefx: :)01:15
Daskreechsudo eject01:15
truefxi still cant eject01:16
truefxmy dvd is captured there01:16
truefxI cant take it out of there01:16
truefxit doesnot work01:17
poseidon2010u can  try  to unmount the dvd01:17
FloodBotK3truefx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:17
Daskreechtruefx: you can try a lazy unmount01:17
truefxok I will not use enter as a punctuation mark and I will try to write more question if it makes you happy01:17
truefxwhat does lazy unmount mean ?01:17
truefxhow is my dvd write is unmounted *01:18
Daskreechsudo umount -l /dev//dvd && sudo eject /dev/dvd01:18
truefx  /dev/dvd or /dev/dvdrw not mounted01:19
truefxwhen i write mount on konsole i cant see anything related with dvd01:20
Daskreechtruefx: hmm ok01:21
poseidon2010well try to do a "df -h" and you will see what is mounted....01:22
truefxDaskreech:any idea ?01:22
Daskreechtruefx: what's on mount?01:23
ringlejI'm getting "KNetworkManager cannot start because the installation is misconigured" message after I upgraded to 10.0401:28
Daskreechringlej: Maybe it's misconfigured?01:29
poseidon2010maybe there is a process that has "locked"  the dvd.... but I dont know how to find out from the shell....01:29
truefxits my mount01:30
ringlejDaskreech: obviously. The message says that. I haven't touched anything regarding KNetworkManger since I upgraded. The next line says: "System DBUS policy does not allow it to provide user settings;"01:31
Daskreechtruefx: Seems to be ok01:31
Daskreechringlej: ick. Umm i'd move the .networkmanager directory as a first test01:32
ringlejDaskreech: I don't have a ~/.networkmanager directory. Maybe that's the problem?01:33
ringlejI created the directory and it didn't help01:33
Daskreechringlej: do you have a ~/.kde/share/config/networkmanagerc?01:34
ringlejDaskreech: There is a networkmanagementrc in there (not networkmanagerc)01:36
ringlej$ cat networkmanagementrc01:36
DaskreechSounds goodenough01:37
Daskreechwhat's in ~/.dbus ?01:37
jschalldoes kde sc 4.5 from backports repo work well?01:37
jschallor does it cause problems?01:37
ringlejDaskreech: there is also a knetworkmanagerrc there too01:37
ringlej$ cat knetworkmanagerrc01:38
jschalleww network manager. get wicd!01:38
ringlejDaskreech: in ~/.dbus there is a session-bus dir only01:40
ringlejand in the session-bus dir there are 3 files: c03de93800e53a7a7dd4b8414ab9a7c4-{0,10,2000}01:41
DaskreechOk those should be ok01:42
`DT`what is the command to start KDE from a command line boot?02:07
`DT`"error 27: Unrecognized command"02:09
`DT`i haven't run the computer if a while, and when i try to boot, it gives me "kernal panic -- attempting to kill the idle process" and does nothing02:10
well_laid_lawnyou might have to boot into an older kernel then02:11
`DT`tried all of em, no dice02:11
`DT`does a call trace, ends with "Code: Bad EIP value"02:11
`DT`then i get the kernal panic - not syncing: attempted to kill process02:11
well_laid_lawnmight be time to check the memory then - is memtest in the grub menu?02:11
`DT`i do'n't remember..lemme reboot02:12
`DT`nope not there, possible memory issue then?02:14
well_laid_lawnit could be it is hard to say - that's why the memtest would have been handy02:14
well_laid_lawnit should be on a live cd if you have one02:14
`DT`i don't, but considering i took all the ram out of this computer for another on and just shoved a few sticks in to fire up, it sound pretty likely it's the memory02:15
well_laid_lawntry with one stick - don't mix brands or whatever02:16
`DT`hrm i had a PC100 in with 2 PC133s02:17
well_laid_lawnI've found diff brands can muck things up too02:18
`DT`well i used to have three 128 sticks of different brands in there before02:19
`DT`and it booted now02:19
`DT`going to wait for it to go all the way through before attempting to add another stick02:19
well_laid_lawnI did say "can " :]02:20
Daskreech`DT`: The order you put them in can matter02:21
`DT`i was thinking that as well02:22
`DT`stupid power button -_-02:34
`DT`ok, putting the ram in order of 133, 133, 100 makes everything work02:35
well_laid_lawnexcellent to here :]02:36
`DT`bet it's got like 9000 updates too02:37
`DT`it was my first kde box02:38
`DT`i think it's 6.**?02:39
`DT`hasn;t been turned on in about a year and half02:39
Daskreech`DT`: Any data on it you need02:40
`DT`bunch of stuff02:40
DaskreechWhere "need" means you don't since it's not been turned on for oodles of ages02:40
`DT`and it won't run KDE402:40
`DT`i've got alot of backed up info on it02:40
DaskreechOlder machine?02:41
`DT`old gateway desktop02:42
`DT`maxes out at 380mb of ram02:42
`DT`i think it's an AMD K502:43
DaskreechWow I loved K5s :)02:43
`DT`nope, Pentium 202:43
DaskreechDidn't like those as much :)02:43
`DT`i know i had KDE on a K5 somewhere...02:44
Daskreechgranted it was the first processor I've ever bought02:44
`DT`it's a 39702:44
Daskreech and all my friends came over to my house to see a Processor that was more than 200 Mhz and the crazy things you could do with it :)02:44
poseidon2010hey....so u have 390M RAM  and is running KDE..... which version ?02:44
Daskreech.5 would be my guess02:45
`DT`how does 3 128mb sticks equeal out to over 500mb of physical memory?02:45
DaskreechOne of them is double sided?02:46
`DT`KDE 3.5.1002:46
`DT`no, they are all single sided, 128 mb sticks02:46
`DT`process manager says i have 392mb, which makes sense02:47
`DT`K-Info saiy other wise02:47
poseidon2010ok..... I need to install Linux in an "old" machine... like yours :) with probably same ammount of memory.... any Distro u  guys can  recommend ? Yes I will need some  sort of Windows Manager .. Thanks02:48
`DT`i suspect 7.10 and 8.04 will work as well02:48
`DT`xubuntu of those same versions will probably be a little faster02:48
poseidon2010DT, all right... thanks02:49
`DT`i've actually run Xfce4 on a machine with only 100mb of ram02:49
`DT`that was the K5, real old laptop02:49
`DT`with a hard drive to big for the bios02:49
poseidon2010XFCE...... nice light WM :)02:49
`DT`everytime it lost power, it wiped out the MBR02:50
wrigglesworthHi guys. I just installed ubuntu 10.1 on my pc and basically every looked normal for a while but after a restart everything is huge. When I try to change the screen resolution it just expands the desktop to off the screen. Sound familiar to anyone? Can anyone help?02:51
Daskreechposeidon2010: What do you want to use the machinefor?02:51
well_laid_lawnthere's #ubuntu+1 for 10.10 wrigglesworth02:52
poseidon2010Daskreech, Browse the Internet...... But I think it will die with  Flash videos.... nothing major as compiling or things like that02:52
coteyrand .deb people around?02:53
Daskreechposeidon2010: Flash kills my computer which is much newer. Flash needs to die :)02:53
Daskreechcoteyr: Starting off a conversation with "And". nice02:53
poseidon2010hehehe....sorry gotta go.... a lady is looking for me.... bye now.... and thanks....02:54
coteyrwell nothing like a typo, but the question was clear; Any .deb people around need help building a simple package.02:54
Daskreechcoteyr: too complex for checkinstall?02:55
`DT`well, i am off for the night, tootles02:56
`DT`and thanks for the help again ^_^02:56
well_laid_lawntootles :] heh02:56
well_laid_lawndoesn't gdebi also build debs?02:56
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.02:57
well_laid_lawn!info gdebi02:57
ubottugdebi (source: gdebi): Simple tool to install deb files - GNOME GUI. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 32 kB, installed size 236 kB02:57
well_laid_lawnmaybe not02:57
coteyrDaskreech; well its really really simple I have some config files that I need in palce on about 40 servers, so I build the package (http://users.telenet.be/mydotcom/howto/linux/package.htm) but one of the configuration files is also installed by a nother package02:57
coteyrbasically I want to install a nagios.cfg file and a nagios_local.cfg file that is custom.02:57
Daskreechthose two?02:58
Daskreechdo they need versioning?02:58
coteyrand do so on a bunch of machines, so  in the controll file I added the dependencies and then the two files in the right place and when I try to install I get the error.02:58
coteyrHow do one version a cofig file in dev (they are versioned in my SCM but I don't think that is what you meant)02:59
coteyrdev = deb02:59
DaskreechJust like any other deb03:01
Daskreech Number goes up and it becomes a new version :)03:01
coteyrOk but the config file is custom and I need it to replace a file from another package.03:02
coteyrso the verion of my file is say 0.2 but I need it to replace the config file of nagios-nrpe-server 0:2.12-3ubuntu1 (in this case)03:03
Daskreechcoteyr: ah I see03:04
Daskreechcoteyr: why are you using debs to do this?03:12
coteyrgood fit03:12
coteyr40 server03:12
coteyrall ubuntu03:12
coteyrexisting private repo03:12
coteyrbetter then tar -xzf file.tgz and then manually installing the dependencies03:13
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well_laid_lawnthere is03:18
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate03:18
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dylan_hraykaok this is proly such a newbie question but how do you change the wallpaper?06:29
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dylan_hraykaok this is proly such a newbie question but how do you change the wallpaper?07:24
dylan_hraykaok this is proly such a newbie question but how do you change the wallpaper?08:29
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raddyHello Everybody08:46
jussidylan_hrayka: hi08:46
jussidylan_hrayka: right click the descktop -> desktop settings :)08:47
jussihi raddy08:47
dylan_hraykaa thanx jussi08:47
raddyI am using the KDE 4.5 back port Lynx,08:49
raddyIt appears Kopete has not been compiled with Jabber video support.08:49
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raddyCan anybody try to figure out whether my findings are correct?08:49
jussiraddy: 1 sec08:50
jussiraddy: Im not sure. (cant see much at this second). perhaps its better to check in #kubuntu-devel08:52
raddyjussi: Ohh ok08:53
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wilharthello peeps, how do i enable 5.1 sound i got this in stereo now and can't hear my front center?11:39
abhijitis there any project like ubuntu manual.org for kubuntu?12:21
wilhartpulseaudio -D12:33
wilhartE: main.c: Daemon startup failed.12:33
wilhartnobody help me12:36
SurunveriI m using kubuntu 10.0412:38
Surunverithere  was this automatic update feature12:39
Surunveriso I updated the files but12:39
SurunveriI ran out of HD space12:39
Surunveriand i went to sleep too12:39
Surunverior to take a nap12:39
Surunveriso when iwoke up12:39
Surunverithere was this message that you have 0 hd space left12:39
Surunverii dont remember exactly12:39
Surunveriand the computer was frozen so i had to use the restart key12:40
Surunverinow when kubuntu starts it gives me a login popup which it normally didnt give due to installation preferences12:40
Surunveriand when i enter the correct User/Pass12:40
Surunveriit loads for a second and then refuses12:40
Surunverithe login details are correct becasue i tried with incorrect un/pw and it didnt try to load anything  in that case12:41
Surunveribut the console12:41
Surunverithere was 2 buttons12:41
Surunverione of them allowed Console login12:41
Surunveriand so this works12:41
Surunveriand apparently also internet works and irsssi does12:41
Surunveribut idont know how to get the graphical desktop back or how to fix this12:42
Surunveriso anyone12:42
Surunveriand i also removed a non-system package with sudo aptitude remove to get more freespace12:42
Surunverithat was 450mb approx12:42
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Surunverii guess i'll have to reinstall this piece of crap OS again D:12:52
SurunveriIs theree anyway to do that without plugging the CD    drive and the CD12:53
Surunverilike some repair installation feature12:53
dD0THi guys. I'm running a Ubuntu 10.04 and want to switch it over to a KDE environment. Apparently kubuntu-desktop will do the job but is there a way to get rid of all the gnome stuff in a safe manner? I did a bit of searching and it seems most stuff concerning this issues is outdated or pretty hackish (or both).12:55
mint_Why you want to switch to KDE?12:57
TorchSurunveri: your kde settings might be broken because they could not be saved correctly when the disk was full.12:57
TorchSurunveri: try moving away $HOME/.kde12:57
dD0Tmint_: Because I don't like the chubbiness of Gnome. Everything takes so much space and there's no theme that fixes it while not looking ugly. Also gnome is outdated tech imho.12:58
TorchdD0T: if all else fails you can go through the dependencies of ubuntu-desktop and uninstall any that aren't also dependencies of kubuntu-desktop13:00
dD0TTorch: I guess this is what this guy did? http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde . Anyone tried those commands?13:01
TorchSurunveri: move away the directory $HOME/.kde13:01
Surunverihow do i do that13:01
Surunveriin the console13:01
TorchSurunveri: on a shell in your home dir, run "mv .kde .kde_bak"13:01
Surunveriok how can i close irssi from the console to do that :D13:02
TorchSurunveri: "/quit"13:02
TorchSurunveri: you have more than one console though13:02
dD0TAh well. It's a vm anyway. Might as well just give it a shot ;-)13:03
TorchdD0T: maybe. can't tell. also, terrible idea with the scroll bars so you can't really read it ;-)13:03
Surunveriok i tried mv .kde .kde_bak13:04
Surunveribut nothing happened13:04
TorchSurunveri: you still cannot log in?13:04
Surunverii tried logging in, didnt work13:04
Surunveriim not sure if it was in the correct folder13:05
Surunveribut there was no error message13:05
TorchSurunveri: then it should have worked13:05
TorchSurunveri: there's enough free space available?13:06
Surunverithere's at least 400mb after removing a package that took 400mb13:06
Surunverii could get more space freed but i dont know the console commands for deleting folders13:08
Surunveriand trying del delete help and such didnt produce any hints on what they might be13:08
TorchSurunveri: you can check from the console with "df -h" how much free space is available. you don't have to quit irssi to do so, you can switch virtual consoles with alt+f1, alt+f2 and so on.13:09
TorchSurunveri: it's "rm"13:09
Surunveriaccording to this there's 334mb13:09
TorchSurunveri: you can also try to run "startkde" and see if that gets you somehwere or what error message it produces13:10
Surunveri$DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the Xserevr13:10
Surunveri* Xserver13:10
Surunveriis  the error message13:10
TorchSurunveri: nothing else but that single line?13:11
Surunverinothing else13:11
Surunveribtw is there away to change the console fontsize13:12
Surunveriwell.. that's not important13:12
Surunveriis ther a way to fix the installation somehow13:12
Surunveriis there a console command for deleting files?13:16
dD0TSurunveri: rm13:16
dD0TSurunveri: rm -R deletes directories with content. But be careful with that one13:16
dD0TSurunveri: What did you even do to mess up your installation? ;-)13:17
dD0T(not that it's particularily hard to do so, just curious)13:17
Surunverithere was a pop up 'you have X new updates'13:18
Surunveriand I was running low on HD space i didnt know how much exactly13:18
Surunveribut I didnt read into the content of the updates very much13:18
Surunveriapparently one of them was a Kernel Image update13:18
Surunveriand during the update HD space ran out13:18
Surunverii was napping in the meanwhile13:18
dD0TSurunveri: Ah. That's unfortunate. You'd think they'd check for such stuff13:18
Surunveriso when i woke up there was this popup message telling me that you have 0HD space left13:18
Surunverithe reason i musing linux in the first place is because my old HD died13:19
Surunveriand i havent bothered getting windows D:13:19
Surunveribut every now and then something happens13:19
dD0TSurunveri: Tried to apt-get update && apt-get upgrade to continue the installtion? Or is the host system not working at all?13:19
SurunveriI've been trying to ask questions about if there are such commands13:19
dD0T(maybe there's even a real continuation and cleanup command...but I don't know any out of the top of my head. Check manpages I guess^^)13:20
Surunverii mean13:20
Surunverithe update works but13:20
dD0TSurunveri: Eh well. Prefix sudo13:20
dD0Tunless you have a root shell that is13:20
Surunveriyea it doesnt work anyway13:21
dD0Tsudo apt-get update && sudo blabla13:21
Surunveri0 new...13:21
dD0TSurunveri: Ah. To bad.13:21
dD0TSurunveri: So the system comes up but x does not?13:21
Surunverii dont know exactly13:21
TorchdD0T: he says he cannot login in kdm.13:21
dD0TTorch: KDM comes up?13:22
TorchdD0T: that's what i gathered, yes.13:22
Surunveriso what now13:23
dD0Tdpkg-reconfigure random stuff and if that doesn't help reinstall? I'm not that much of a linux guru ;-)13:23
Surunveriany ideas+13:23
dD0TSurunveri: You could try sudo apt-get check for the lolz13:23
TorchSurunveri: create a new users. try if you can log in with that new user.13:23
Surunverih0w d0 i do that13:24
TorchSurunveri: man useradd13:24
Surunverii dont know how to use that13:27
TorchSurunveri: use what? just run that command. it will show you the help ("man page") for the useradd command.13:27
Surunveribut i stil dotn knwo how13:27
Surunverii'll ujst try to find the CD and see if there's an install repair function or whatever on it13:28
dD0TSurunveri: I think you can just type useradd (maybe with a name after it) and it'll ask you for everything it needs13:28
TorchSurunveri: there is not.13:28
Surunveriso reinstall13:29
dD0T(unless I confuse it with adduser which I do all the time...who came up with this ***** naming)13:29
dD0TSurunveri: I guess that might safe you some time if you didn't heavily customize the system13:29
Surunveriwell yeah13:29
Surunverii didnt heavily customize it13:29
TorchSurunveri: and you won't learn anything in the process.13:29
Surunveribut this does piss me off13:29
dD0TTorch: He wants to use his system I guess ;-)13:30
dD0TTorch: Not much to learn if your time is burned away with you getting nowhere.13:30
Surunverijust an OS and not very good to my opinio neither13:30
* Torch shrugs.13:30
dD0TSurunveri: Be prepared to have such encounters from time to time when using linux (though most of them aren't that grave)13:30
Surunveridunno when i had windows i thought it's crap. that changed as soon as i got this :D13:30
dD0TSurunveri: Nah, 7 is actually pretty decent13:31
Surunveriyeah that's what I meant13:31
Surunveriin contrast it was a lot better13:31
dD0TSurunveri: So was XP but it was getting old13:31
Surunverixp worked fine indeed13:31
* dD0T skipped Vista13:31
Surunveriwell it's not like i made many any serious isntallations13:32
Surunverijust hope i dont need to format the drive13:32
dD0TBut back @ topic: Linux is nice if you either want to do nothing with your system but a bit of surfing and text processing. Or if you are a real poweruser willing to dig in. But for the average users it won't usually be worth the trouble (sry guys^^)13:32
Surunveriyea i agree on that13:33
dD0Tmileage may vary of course. But that's my experience13:33
Surunverithat's pretty much how i thought too13:34
dD0TThat said KDE 4.X really has come a long way and is a pretty decent desktop. If they'd manage to make it a coherent experience that would be great13:34
Surunveribiggest flaw of linux is that13:35
Surunveriwindows was here first D:13:35
Surunveriso everything is made for windows first.. well almost everything13:35
Surunveriand since you basicly dont use the OS, it's justa  neccesity for being able to use everything else13:35
Surunverithe fac that all programs are more available for win is a big factor13:35
Surunverioh well13:36
Surunverireinstall time :D13:36
dD0TSurunveri: Sure. But it would also help if they didn't keep breaking stuff that already worked *audiocoughcough* But I think we should stop that discussion in here ;-)13:36
dD0TKinda offtoopic^^13:36
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dD0TOh. The current KDE has Aero Snap functionality setup and ready to go. Loving it already ;-)13:50
dD0TThough I wonder: Is it normal that the fonts in the configuration dialogs are huuuge or is this kde getting confused by running in a vm that changes resolution from time to time?13:51
jussidD0T: define huge? (screenshot?)13:52
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Dan_Lwhat's aero snap?14:01
dD0Tdefinitely broken :-( http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/6177/snapshot2f.png14:07
dD0TI'll reboot and see if it makes things better14:08
Dan_LdD0t:  there's definitely some queer going on there.14:10
ubuntuhi there14:11
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dD0TDan_L: And it's reproducible. Boot in the vm. Everything is fine. Start aps. They look normal. Maximize the vm. Still everything looks right, deskop enlarges as expected. Open a new app: Font sizes completely off14:12
dD0TSeems it's getting the dpis wrong...fixing them to 120 works.14:13
dD0TBut that's not like it's supposed to work...14:13
Dan_LdDot:  what are you using for the VM?14:13
Dan_Ldd0t: rather14:14
Dan_Ldo you have compsoting enabled?14:14
dD0TDan_L: No compositing afaik. glxinfo says I have direct rendering available though14:18
niteyei deleted my swap partition and created (and then activated) a new one, everything goes great except that hibernate (suspend to disk) doesnt work, it does some stuff and then shuts down but when rebooting it just does a normal boot instead14:22
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cookiedos anyone know any software that lets you view your mobile broadband signal?14:28
dD0TSeems like this issue is pretty old....I guess I'll just force the dpis then if it won't get fixed :-)14:30
paddywangHey anyone is free to answer me one question please?14:36
paddywangHow to patch the whole directory using the patch command?14:37
ganeshphi, i have upgraded my kubuntu lucid amd64 with KDE 4.5 yesterday. Everything is working fine, except while applications run as root user, their looks are obsolete.  Not sure how to fix them. Kindly advise.14:44
BluesKajganeshp, yeah , if you check some of those apps are probly gtk , not kde14:49
surunverireinstalled kubuntu14:49
ganeshpfor example when I run kdisk partitioner, or kuser these use to run fine with original kubuntu installation.14:49
surunverisudo aptitude install firefox14:50
surunveriwrong window :D14:50
surunveriwhich reminds how to install java.. i forgot it twas something java.sun or similiar14:51
surunverianyone ?/14:55
BluesKajganeshp, I don't see kdisk listed in the default apps14:55
BluesKajbut I do KDE partition manager, and right it does have datred "look " :(14:57
ganeshpBluesKaj, I believe it is part of standard KDE.  Just now I checked the application name and that is partitionmanager.  When I run this as myself as user, it works just fine.  My problem is only with root user :(14:57
BluesKajso you have  ultiple users and you're the admin ?14:58
BluesKajerr multiple14:58
BluesKajjust wondering why you run them as root14:59
ganeshpyeah, I have three users. And I do run few apps using kdesudo, when I run any application with kdesudo, I face this gui problem14:59
surunverihi sorry.. I remember installing java was something like 'sudo aptitude install default-java6-jre'14:59
surunveribut icant remember what the line was14:59
BluesKajare you running all apps from the run box ?14:59
surunveriso..anyone know ? im using kubuntu 10.0414:59
ganeshpBluesKaj, ok few applications such as partitionmanager or apt-get clean etc wont run without root priviledges.15:00
ganeshpBluesKaj, I also tried running applications as root from Konsole.  results were identical15:00
BluesKajganeshp, but it's just graphics you find annoying , that otherwise the apps all run ok ?15:01
ganeshpBluesKaj, you are right. There was no issue other than graphics.  Everything else worked just fine.15:02
najlaanybody can help me??15:02
najlahow can i get indonesian channel??15:03
BluesKajganeshp, I think the issue will be solved soon , kde4.5 is still in dev15:03
ganeshpBluesKaj, alright then. I will wait for a month or two more.  Thanks for your time & attention.15:04
glaucousIs it possible to write zeros to drive with KDE Partition Manager?15:07
glaucousOkay you can do that with shred, never mind15:08
surunverianyone know how to install java on kubuntu 10.0415:09
surunverii should've written it down somewhere 0|15:14
BluesKaj!java | surunveri15:16
ubottusurunveri: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.15:16
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.15:17
surunveriwhat is lucid and how od i check partner repository15:17
surunveriand what does multiverse repository mean15:17
surunveriim sorry i dont get it :<15:18
BluesKajlucid is the latest (k)ubuntu release15:18
BluesKaj!repository | surunveri15:19
ubottusurunveri: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:19
surunveriok but i'd just liek to isntall java15:19
surunveriand if i remember correctly last time it was just typing sudo aptitude install default-java6 or something liket hat15:20
BluesKajsurunveri, java can be tricky, check the url tutorial above15:20
baxeicohi guys. i'm willing to upgrade to kde 4.5.0 from backports15:20
baxeicobut aptitude suggest to uninstall libqt4-phonon to restore broken dependencies15:21
baxeicois it safe?15:21
baxeicolibqt4-phonon: Depends: libphonon4 (= 4:4.6.3-0ubuntu1) but 4:4.7.0really4.4.2-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1 is to be installed.15:21
BluesKajbaxeico_, is there an option to use the package maintainer ?15:32
surunveriis there anyway to slowdown the mouse15:32
surunveriother than from System Settings, Keyboard&Mouse and minimizing the mouse acceleration15:33
Dan_Lsurunveri:  what's wrong with minimizing the mouse acceleration?15:33
surunveriit's probably because of my mouse or something15:34
surunveribut it's still kind of quick15:34
surunverii suppose it's ok when15:34
surunveridoing normal stuff like browsing15:34
surunveribut it's hard to draw15:34
FloodBotK3surunveri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:34
Dan_LSurunveri:  the first thing that comes to mind is adjusting the mouse settings under mouse15:35
surunveriis there another place to adjust settings15:35
surunverithan the keyboard/mouse section at system settings?15:36
Dan_LNot that I know of.  What's wrong with doing it under system settings?15:36
surunveriwell it's still too fast15:36
surunveriit's probably because of15:38
surunverithe mouse or something15:38
Dan_Lwhut kind of mouse?15:38
surunverii think it's Logitech G something. I think it's G115:39
surunverii dont know about that15:39
surunveriIt would just be nicer if it was 2-4 times slower15:39
surunverinow im using maybe 1/16th of the area of the mat15:39
Dan_LI've had the occasional issue with the high end logitech mice15:40
surunveribut it's not that big a deal.. i just thoughgt of asking about it again15:40
Dan_Lcan you depress your web wheel?15:40
Dan_LMy MX series was moving painfully slow15:41
surunveridepress your webwheel15:42
FloodBotK3surunveri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:42
surunveriwrong window with nevermind15:43
surunveriwhat do you mean depress webwheel?15:43
Dan_Lis the web wheel a button?15:45
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mangan88Anybody care to give some helpful advice? Using Kubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx and my iPod Touch isn't recognized when connected via USB. I'm interested in the best way to troubleshoot the cause of this.17:42
BluesKaj!ipod | mangan8817:45
ubottumangan88: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod17:45
mangan88I checked the documentation at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone, which just tells me ipod touch is natively supported. Are there any steps I can take to ensure the system sees/mounts my ipod? It's as if it's not connected at all17:49
mangan88I've ensured that libimobiledevice and amarok are installed and up-to-date17:50
funkeyDuderI am trying to modify a package but when a change the source code and rebuild with debuild it complians about failing a test18:12
funkeyDudersorry when I change the source18:12
MoryddHow can I make my external drive mount to a specific location? The problem I'm having is that if I have both my external USB drive and my phone mounted at the same time, I can't get at the one that was mounted second it seems.18:15
kalibHi there. How can I install skype on my kubuntu 10.04? I'm using x64. Can't find skype on my aptitude sources.18:58
panoRiddell: are you the Riddell that edited https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/TranslationsDay ?^^18:58
panoRiddell: just a quick note: rekonq does have “upstream” translations ;-)19:01
panoI don’t know why one would think rekonq does not have *any* translations at all^^19:02
panoRiddell: Just take a look here (it may be *very* slow though): http://i18n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kde4/po/rekonq.po/19:06
iconmefistokalib: download it from www.skype.com19:08
panoyou can fetch the po files in $kdesvn/trunk/l10n-kde4/$language-code/messages/extragear-network/rekonq.po19:08
MoryddHow can I make my external drive mount to a specific location? The problem I'm having is that if I have both my external USB drive and my phone mounted at the same time, I can't get at the one that was mounted second it seems.19:10
iconmefistoMorydd: edit fstab so the ext drive mounts where you want it19:11
iconmefistoMorydd: what fs type is the ext drive? does the partition have a label?19:13
Moryddthe external drive is ext319:14
windycitybrohave a question on how to extract and install via command line19:28
windycitybrovery confused , need step by step. Most of the help pages seem to assume that you're familiar with command line and so dont include all the steps for us Noobies19:29
Walzmynwindycitybro: what are you trying to install?19:30
windycitybrotrying to extract a file I downloaded. Dont know where the tar file went to and where to extract it to19:30
Walzmynwindycitybro: well, the first thing would be to find it, what browser did you use to download it?19:31
windycitybrofirefox 3.5 and i'm using Karmic19:31
James147windycitybro: downloads should end up in ~/Downlaods   sometimes they end up in ~/Documents  depending on the browser19:32
Walzmynehh, is that 10.04? I can't keep the goofy names straight19:32
Walzmynif you haven't changed anything, firefox downloads to the desktop19:32
James147Walzmyn: no, 10.04 is lucid19:32
Walzmynagain, I can't keep the goofy names striaght19:33
James147Walzmyn: :D19:33
windycitybrook, as a slight side step............19:33
windycitybroIf it downloads and extracts automatically I'm ok19:33
James147most broswers dont automatically extract files19:34
windycitybroin those cases where I have to manually extract, I know I can do it from the terminal, not clear on all the proceedures19:34
Walzmynwindycitybro: what is this application?19:34
James147windycitybro: its easier to use ark to extract files (a gui program)19:34
James147windycitybro: it should alunch if you click the archive in dolphin19:35
windycitybroit "was" splashy-screen for the boot screen, (before I deleted it from frustration019:35
Walzmynfirefox's default download spot is the desktop. If it's not there, go to >>Edit>>preference>>General  -  There you can see where you're downloading19:35
windycitybroyes part of the problem is that I dont know "where" to extract the file to using ark. I get the really long list of files asking me wher e i want to put it19:36
James147^^ ~/Desktop  :)19:36
Walzmynjust use "extract here, autodetect subfolder"19:36
windycitybrowouldnt it be ez'er to do it via the terminal19:37
WalzmynIf everything inside is in a single folder, it'll be dropped onto the desktop, if not, Ark will stick it in a folder named the same as your compressed file19:37
Walzmynwindycitybro: no19:37
windycitybroI'm sure if i knew the commands it'd go through in a snap19:37
Walzmynwindycitybro: it might be faster, but not easier19:37
James147windycitybro: just right click it in dolphin and click "Extract here, autodetect subfolder"   thats easier then trying to remember the command :)19:38
windycitybroso do I right click the file and select from the menu? or shud I open ARk form the applications toolbar19:39
windycitybroI dont have dolphin19:39
Walzmyndon't have dolphin?19:39
windycitybroI'm using Gnome19:39
macowindycitybro: why ask here instead of #ubuntu then?19:40
macothis channel is for kubuntu, which is kde19:40
James147then you probally dont ahve ark... we assumed you where suing kde as you are in #kubuntu not #ubuntu :)19:40
Walzmynok, we're glad to help you, but if you're in the KDE forum, running Gnome should be one of the first things you tell us19:40
windycitybroI'm running Kubuntu, but I have ubuntu as well so I log into ubuntu cuz I have lot of stuff on desktop19:40
windycitybroI guess the dolphin file browser is default on Kubuntu?19:41
Walzmyndolphin is part of KDE19:41
James147windycitybro: yes... but i ask... do yuo ahve kubuntu and ubuntu as seperate installs?19:41
Walzmynwindycitybro: do you realise there is a diffence between ubuntu and gnome?19:41
James147windycitybro: because you can save space and make it easier to switch if you install "ubuntu-desktop" in kubuntu or "kubuntu-desktop" in ubuntu19:41
windycitybroI think so..........I loaded Ubuntu from live Cd, then DL Kubuntu from software apps menu, it was a full DL so my flash screen shows Kubuntu splash first then..............19:42
windycitybroubuntu, then I can log in under either19:42
Walzmynok, what you did was install the Ubuntu distro, then you installed the KDE desktop into that19:43
windycitybroWOW! how do I do that ?19:43
James147windycitybro: ahh :) then it sounds like you dont have a seperate install... in which case you should beable to run dolphin in gnome19:43
windycitybrook, that sounds familiar, I think i did it .........once19:43
windycitybrohow to do?19:43
WalzmynJames147: but what will his default compression utility be?19:43
Walzmynwindycitybro: hit alt+F2 and type dolphin19:44
James147Walzmyn: I have no clue, but that might depends n which enviroment hes in... either way I think dolphin will probally sue ark19:44
James147(and if not it dosent really matter as long as the option is there)19:44
Walzmynwindycitybro: it has been my expreince that trying to use diffrent desktops is a pain. I'd pick one, then install that *buntu flavor19:45
* Walzmyn nods at James14719:45
James147windycitybro: also... if you know know already... you can switch to kde from the login manager (there should be a button somewhere on it)19:46
Walzmynwindycitybro: hey, are you trying to fix the splash screen 'cause it goofed up when you installed KDE?19:47
windycitybrofrom the login screen right? Can I also do it from the toolbar "switch User"? and do I "Have" to log into Kubuntu to extract those filke19:49
macowindycitybro: do you know the name of the tar?19:50
macoor heck...19:50
Walzmynwindycitybro: KDE and Gnome are just interfaces. The applications (Ark for KDE) will run nomatter what you're logged into19:50
macofind ~ -name *.tar*19:50
James147windycitybro: i wouldnt use switch user.... that will just create another login session... also you `should` beable to do it from gnome aas all kde apps will work in gnome19:50
macothere itll list all the tars youve got19:50
Walzmynwindycitybro: hey, are you trying to fix the splash screen 'cause it goofed up when you installed KDE?19:51
macoWalzmyn: i think windycitybro is trying to install software from a tar he cant find19:51
maco<windycitybro> trying to extract a file I downloaded. Dont know where the tar file went to and where to extract it to19:51
Walzmynmaco: yeah, but he's trying to fix the splash screen. I'm thinking there's a way to do that though apt that'd be better19:52
WalzmynWhen he installed KDE if he told it to use kdm instead of gvm durring the install process it'll mess the spash stuff up.19:52
Walzmynbut reinstalling the Ubuntu/gnome splashing thing will solve it19:53
macosudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth19:53
Walzmynyeah, what he said19:54
macoand, sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm     <-- to change the login screen19:54
windycitybrosorry dont know what happened i musta hit somethin...typical nooby goof19:55
windycitybroconcerning sep. installs How do i know if I have them?19:56
windycitybro.......I thought I did19:56
macowindycitybro: if you installed the kubuntu package through software center, you do not have separate installs19:56
macoseparate installs would mean you used an ubuntu CD and a kubuntu CD and dual-booted19:57
maco(or if you also have windows..... triple-booted)19:57
James147windycitybro: you will only have seperate installs if you install from a live cd twice... from what you said you did it i would say you dont19:57
windycitybroWow...ok.......ohhhh ok19:57
panoRiddell: if you read this, and have any questions, you can find me in #rekonq :-)19:57
James147windycitybro: so you should beable to access alla your files/programs from either gnome or kde19:58
windycitybrook... its clear now. I went towards the Kubuntu for the educational suite19:58
windycitybro_ok...I see that after no reply...180secs, I'm kicked out. Can I fix this?20:03
James147windycitybro_: thats a no ping replay... it happens when you have network problems20:03
macowindycitybro_: just means your network was slow20:03
windycitybro_ok, now about about wine?20:04
aftertafhey, anyone good with ATI cards ? cant use the ATI drivers anymore but need energy-saving capabilities to stop laptop from overheating20:05
James147windycitybro_: what about wine?20:05
windycitybro_I DL it, used it for uTorrent and it worked fine, but............20:06
windycitybro_I'm partial to CdBurner XP, so I DL...installed via the Wine Program installer, ........20:06
James147windycitybro_: why utorrent? is ktorrent not good enough?20:07
windycitybro_but when I try to open/run the app with Wine, it does nothing at all20:07
windycitybro_I know I can use Brasso, but I like CdBurner20:07
aftertafwindycitybro_: for burning with linux, use k3b. Its feature full and easy to use20:07
aftertafor brasso...20:07
aftertafwine isnt really meant for acessing the hardware in such a way . .20:07
James147windycitybro_: wine cannt run `all` windows programs... and it  runs allot of them poorly... its best to use native applications if they are availble20:08
Walzmynk3b's as good as anything I ever used in windows (better than many)20:09
aftertafyou can use a coat hanger to open a bottle of wine, but a corkscrew is better20:09
* James147 agrees with Walzmyn20:09
Walzmynaftertaf: or you could get something worth drinking...20:10
aftertafWalzmyn:  :))))20:10
windycitybro_Ktorrent is ...ok, but transmission works better. I'm just in the "Ooh, what does that button do ?" stage of  Ubuntu lol20:11
windycitybro_I saw k3b only AFTR installing DeVeDE last night. arrgh20:11
windycitybro_I didnt know Ksb was for that20:11
FloodBotK3windycitybro_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:11
James147you might want to see to you connection :) if your running torrents then that can affect irc20:12
James147windycitybro: ^^20:12
surunveriI dont have sound in firefox /w flashg20:13
surunveriim not sure why20:13
FloodBotK3surunveri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
surunveribut i had to reinstall kubuntu today20:13
Walzmynwindycitybro: Krunner is awesome - just start typing what kind of app you're looking for "word processor" or "cd burner"20:13
Walzmynsurunveri: it's because flash sucks. My sounds drops out every other reboot20:14
surunverino but20:14
surunveribefore i had to reinstall kubuntu20:14
James147surunveri: but you can try reinstalling it to see if that helps :)  (sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer && sudo aptitude install flashplugin-installer)20:14
surunveriit worked20:15
surunveriwithout such problems20:15
FloodBotK3surunveri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:15
surunverii'll try those ... do i do it with the && or separately?20:15
James147surunveri: either.. && just means run the next command if the first one dosent fail...20:16
surunveriso it should maybe work now?20:18
James147surunveri: if you restart all yopur browsers it `should`20:18
James147but flash is anoying :p20:18
surunverihmm sitll ntohing =|20:19
surunveriim not sure what's this about20:19
surunveriim not sure if i got audio at all20:19
surunveribecause i've not tested it anywhere20:19
FloodBotK3surunveri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:19
James147surunveri: then you might want to see if your system actuall have audio first :)20:20
surunveriyea.. how 8D20:20
surunverioh wait neverminmd :D20:20
surunverihmm there's no sound at all20:21
James147then thats a completely different problem :)20:21
surunveriyeah but i have no idea what that's about20:22
surunverii didnt do anything special just installed kubuntu20:22
surunverisame cd as before20:22
James147surunveri: ^^ might want to install kubuntu-restricted-extras to make sure you ahve the right codecs for playing music first :)20:22
windycitybroaarrgh......... Cant burn files to dvd w/ k3b. Why does it have to preformat, and then that doesnt work so it says Erase Failed, and I can burn. Brasso doesnt work.....why ....dont know20:43
windycitybrohelp please20:43
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surunveriok i did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras and did some system updates20:47
surunveriand then restarted computer20:47
surunveriand then i tried to open a video file20:47
surunveriand got error message 'alsa default output' doesnt work20:48
netsavy006I understand this mainly for kubuntu and not ubuntu, but I'm in ubuntu chat and I'm not getting any help.20:48
netsavy006I  can't figure out how to fix my problem. I went to system >  administration > hardware drivers, and it mentioned of a driver for  my ati driver for my computer that would allow me to have 3d settings  since I was told by an app I didn't have that, I decided to activate the  driver. It installed it and told me I needed to reboot. But after that I  couldn't get into my computer. I just see the Ubuntu name / logo and  the 4 do20:49
Krtzhi, I think since KDE 4.5, I have a problem with aMule and the its tray icon, it is like another windows get open for the tray. Has anyone the same problem or a solution? http://yfrog.com/7eamuletrayiconinkde45p20:58
NRyan115hello.... does anyone want to help a noob like me to install kubuntu onto my machine? I got an error and the "check disk" utility before install says the disk is fine21:16
WalzmynNRyan115: what was the error21:17
NRyan115The error was "The ext4 file system creation in partition #9 of seriel ATA RAID nvidia_bgbhdedb (RAID5_LS) failed."21:18
NRyan115I tried it again with reiserfs and it was the same mesage21:18
NRyan115I already have Windows Vista installed21:18
WalzmynNRyan115: err, I don't know. The partition utility should be able to format the parititon21:20
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:20
NRyan115I have 3 drives in RAID 5 and previousely have Windows XP in one partition, and Vista in another..... along with a seperate partition for games, and for storage etc. I have decided I no longer need XP and want to start using Kubuntu21:20
NRyan115But I get that error everytime no matter what file syste I choose21:21
WalzmynNRyan115: typically you'll use 3 partitions for Linux - Swap, root and home21:21
NRyan115Well I set a 10gb partition for swap, and a 50gb partition for root - it never asked about home21:21
WalzmynNRyan115: sounds like you need to check the physical disk, but I think this is over my head21:21
Walzmynhow much ram do you have?21:22
NRyan1152 GB21:22
Walzmyn4 GB for swap would be fine then21:22
NRyan115I am not having any disk errors. I have checked my Windows logs and no signs of bad sectors or anything21:22
NRyan115that is fine but I already had a 10gb slice free21:23
WalzmynNRyan115: sorry, bud. Yer over my head :(21:23
NRyan115well thats fine but could you possibly tell me which direction I should go?21:23
NRyan115typing the errer into search engine didnt help21:23
WalzmynNRyan115: if it were me, I'd delete those partitions and re-create them, see if the linux utility can work with that21:24
WalzmynNRyan115: just make sure you've got everything backed up from the working Winders partition21:25
NRyan115I've been using Vista on this computer for 2-3 years now, and Xp before that - I just want to use Kubuntu and aside from the fact that I am using RAID5 with a few partitions I really am not trying to do anything advanced21:25
NRyan115You want me to erase all of my partitions? No I can not do that21:25
WalzmynNRyan115: not all, just the one's you're trying to stick linux on21:26
NRyan115But they do not have any file system on them at all how do you want me to erase them?21:26
NRyan115they are both just "fre space"21:26
Walzmyngo grab a gparted live CD21:27
Walzmynbut they exist. remove the partition competely21:27
James147NRyan115: try partitionmanager ... you should be able to install it on the livd cd21:27
WalzmynI've got company, I've got to go21:27
NRyan115ok thank you21:27
NRyan115I still dont quiet understand why I have to use another live cd to delete blank un formatted partitions so that kubuntu can format them21:28
James147NRyan115: you dont... you can install gparted or partitionmanger on the kubuntu livecd21:29
NRyan115ok so lets assume I dont know how to install anything yet - lets pretend I'm a noob21:30
NRyan115(looks both ways... yes pretend)21:30
James147NRyan115: assuming you already have a internetconnection up... either run this command in knosole "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install partitionmanager"  or launch the program "kpackagekit"  to do it through a gui21:31
NRyan115ok well I am using the computer in question so I will have to leave to do this/ Thank you for the suggestion I will try this.21:32
James147NRyan115: once in the live cd run quassel to get back ehre :)21:33
James147NRyan115: then we should be able to help :)  (note, select try kubuntu rather then the install kubuntu option from the cd.. that will boot a full ddesktop)21:34
NRyan115ok thanks james...21:34
zeltaki need help...urget...moved to kubuntu from arch a few days ago and had system freezes once every few hours...now its every few MINUTES :(21:38
zeltaki am looking at syslog but not seeing much each time..21:38
zeltaki really like kubuntu but my system is unusable..anyone mind helping me getting this sorted?21:39
LineVassI'm having intermittent issues with kubuntu 10.04 on x64. occasionally (maybe 30% of the time) when I boot in my monitors stay in power-save mode. syslog shows: kdm[887]: X server died during startup21:44
LineVassEverything else is fine. I can ssh in, ec.21:44
NRyan115still here james?21:45
James147NRyan115: yup21:45
NRyan115im in live cd and typed in that command into terminal21:45
NRyan115can we private?21:45
James147NRyan115: prefure not to... others might know something I dont21:45
James147NRyan115: did the command run succefully?21:46
NRyan115yes, it asked me to continue and I hit yes it is all done now21:46
NRyan115although I do not see partitionmanager listed under utilities21:46
James147NRyan115: you should now be able to launch partitionmanager  and edit the partitions manualy21:46
James147NRyan115: try: <Alt>+<F2> and type "partitionmanager" in it21:47
NRyan115but I do see KDE partition manager listed under system21:47
James147NRyan115: thats it21:47
NRyan115do programs not get auto added to the ... (sorry) start menu21:47
NRyan115oh that is it?21:48
James147yes.. partitionmanager is the packagename... and also the executable name... but the menus get a nicer name :)21:48
NRyan115ok well I alreayd have a problem21:49
James147what problem?21:49
NRyan115it lists my drives seperately saying there are no partitions on them.... instead seeing it as 1 RAID5 array21:49
James147NRyan115: ... hmmm21:49
NRyan115instead of* seeing them as an array21:49
* James147 wonders if it can do RAID partitions...21:50
James147NRyan115: are you using software or hardware raid?21:50
James147NRyan115: huh... would have through then that they would appear as one disk21:51
NRyan115Kubuntu install saw the array only but the live cd is only seeing the individual drives21:51
James147NRyan115:  when you did the install before did you select manual partitions?21:52
* NRyan115 is confused21:52
LineVassdoes anyone have any ideas about how I can restart kdm/kde4 remotely?21:52
LineVasswhen I do startkde I get an improper $DISPLAY warning21:52
James147LineVass: there are many ways depending on exactly what you are trying to do21:53
LineVassand I can't even alt+f2 into a text login screen21:53
James147LineVass: try "sudo restart kdm"21:53
James147NRyan115: on the installer during that partition bit what option did you select?21:53
NRyan115do you think its just partitionmanager or is it the live cd?21:54
LineVassJames147: Ok.... hm. ok, worked but didn't light up the monirtors. Here's what syslog just showed: kdm[2948]: X server died during startup21:54
James147LineVass: dont know why you are getting that error sorry21:54
LineVassI've looked at Xorg.0.log but I'm just seeing option lists... not any specific reason21:55
James147LineVass: would guess you ahve a problem with your x server... :) but thats as much as I can help21:55
LineVassheh... yeah. Well it's really strange becuase it's intermittent. Do you think this is more suited for the X86 guys?21:55
James147NRyan115: Trying to figure out what option you picked in the installer :)21:56
NRyan115OK so if I use the file browser and go into /dev/disk/by-label  I can then see my existing partitions by name21:57
NRyan115so it seems like its just partitionmanager21:57
NRyan115also, in the installer I only selected "english" my time zone, my keyboard, thenit asked how to install and I clicked advanced, and choose my 50gb partition as ext4 and my 10gb partition as swap  - it asked for my user name and thats it21:58
James147NRyan115: whats the output of "ls  /dev/sd*" ?21:58
NRyan115then I got the could not create file system error21:58
NRyan115"/dev/sda  /dev/sdb  /dev/sdc  /dev/sdd  /dev/sdd1"21:59
NRyan115sdd1 I believe is my external hard drive22:00
NRyan115it shows up in partitionmanager as well as such22:00
LineVassJames147: I might have found something.... ubuntu xorg bug #44165322:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441653 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "radeon graphics mode and console does not start - xf86OpenConsole: VT_WAITACTIVE failed: Interrupted system call" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44165322:01
LineVassThanks for the restart command... was having a lot of trouble messing around with startkde... at least i have something to go on now22:01
James147NRyan115: wonder if you can delete the partition from the installer then... (you should be albe ot run it from the desktop)22:02
NRyan115so going back to /dev/disk/by-label if I click on one of the drives it wont show me the files it just says "open with"22:02
NRyan115AND also I have noticed something22:02
James147NRyan115: thats because they are device files... they need to be mounted to see the contents22:02
NRyan115in /dev/disk/by-label it shows me my custom partition labels and I notice that my "Vista" partition is not showing up, but I have another partition called "Kubuntu10.04" that I did not have before22:03
NRyan115ok I am starting Kubuntu installer from here22:04
LineVassWow, that's a cool bot22:04
James147NRyan115: what does sudo blkid -c /dev/null output (pastebin it please)22:04
NRyan115ok I feel stupid but how do you escape from a man page?22:05
James147NRyan115: "q"22:06
NRyan115ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo blkid -c /dev/null22:06
NRyan115/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"22:06
NRyan115/dev/sda: TYPE="nvidia_raid_member"22:06
NRyan115/dev/sdb: TYPE="nvidia_raid_member"22:06
NRyan115/dev/sdc: TYPE="nvidia_raid_member"22:06
FloodBotK3NRyan115: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:06
NRyan115/dev/mapper/nvidia_bgbhdedb1: LABEL="Boot_Plus" UUID="60B4B181B4B159EC" TYPE="ntfs"22:07
NRyan115did you see that or did it get flood blocked?22:08
James147NRyan115: some of it... can you pastebin it22:08
NRyan115what is pastebin?22:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:08
NRyan115but again, there should be another partition that is NOT showing up which has vista installed onto it22:10
James147NRyan115: how many partitions should there be in total?22:11
NRyan115or maybe that is showing up as the one with no label?22:11
James147NRyan115: probally22:11
NRyan115ok then its fine then22:12
NRyan115I though it was labled byt maybe it is just"local disk" (Windows default)22:12
James147"sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/mapper/nvidia_bgbhdedb5 /mnt" should mount it to /mnt22:12
James147so you can see the contents of the drive and check22:12
NRyan115wow control+v doesnt paste? wtf is that22:13
James147NRyan115: id dose... in konsole its ctrl+shift+v22:14
NRyan115is that changeable?22:14
James147(due to ctrl+c being the keys to terminate a running command)22:14
NRyan115ahh right22:15
James147NRyan115: it is... but you cant use crtl+c I dont think and quite a few other crtl+ combos due to them being taken by the termnial22:15
James147NRyan115: best to leave it as is for konsole :)22:15
NRyan115ok um I did that command but the file browser shows /mnt to be blank22:16
James147(note that middle mouse button pastes in konsole as well)22:16
James147NRyan115: did it error?22:16
NRyan115nope it just brought me to another line22:16
James147NRyan115: can you apstebin the output of "mount"22:16
NRyan115just mount - not the command you gave me?22:17
James147"mount" should list the drives mounted :) want to see if anything wrong22:17
NRyan115ok this is easy nothing happened at all22:17
NRyan115just a new line22:17
James147NRyan115: that means it was a success22:18
James147NRyan115: or are you talking about "mount"?22:18
NRyan115how? if it liste dnothing it means nothing is mounted isnt that a failure?22:18
James147never see it not list anyhting before22:19
NRyan115the output of "mount" = the output of "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/mapper/nvidia_bgbhdedb5 /mnt" = nothing22:19
James147NRyan115: no i mena just type "mount<Enter>" in konsole22:19
NRyan115I am22:19
NRyan115they both result in a new line22:20
NRyan115with no messages22:20
NRyan115I can screenshot if you want22:20
NRyan115I tried it several times22:20
James147was just making sure we are taking about the same command :S22:20
* James147 is confused22:20
* NRyan115 is saddened that a user wishing to use Kubuntu instead of Windows is unable to do so lol22:21
James147NRyan115: well, we could try the install again... :)22:21
NRyan115well.... as well as - maybe not instead22:22
NRyan115I did click the installer it opened for a second but it looks liek its gone now22:22
James147NRyan115: Its most likly due to the raid... I am afraid I dont know much about using raid in linux so dont know why its not working]22:22
NRyan115ok the setup is still running... good thing I know about alt-tab or I would have lost you22:23
NRyan115I do not remember it giving me an optiont o delete my partitions but I will double check22:23
James147are the windows not appearing in the task manager?22:23
James147(thing at the bottom of the screen)22:23
NRyan115I know i'm a linux nub but I actually a pretty good windows expert22:24
NRyan115the task manager does not show when you click on the install screen22:24
NRyan115it goes full screen22:24
LineVassRyan. I'm sorry, I haven't followed the enitre conversation above... what's your issue exactly?22:24
James147ahh yeah :) but you should be able to alt + drag it to move it :D22:25
James147LineVass: trying to install kubuntu onto a raid drive but was having problems with being unable to format the drive... partitionmanager dosent list the raid partition just the raw drives22:26
James147NRyan115: anyway... tell me once you get to the manual partition option22:26
NRyan115i am there22:26
James147(NRyan115btw I am assuming you are trying this on the latest 10.04 (lucid) )22:27
LineVassNRyan115: and you're doing this raid-122:27
James147LineVass: raid 5 i think he said22:27
NRyan115correct I downloaded it yesterday 10.0422:27
NRyan115I have a 3 drive RAID 5 array that I have been dual booting with XP and Vista for a few years22:28
James147NRyan115: can you print screen the window?22:28
NRyan115I decided I do not need XP and want to dual booth Vist and Kubuntu22:28
NRyan115I had 5 NTFS partitions before (XP, Vista, Programs, Games, Storage)22:28
LineVassSorry if you've already covered this ground, but mdadm handles soft-raid in all linux flavors and i've used it a long time ago... i never have used partitionmanager22:29
LineVasshave you tried gparted perhaps?22:29
NRyan115Unfortunately, my boot.ini file is stored in my XP partition22:30
LineVassI know gparted can set the raid flags22:30
James147well, lets see what the install says first...22:31
NRyan115so I didnt want to delete the partition altogether. Instead I reduced the partition's size by 10 GB (for my swap) and I also have 50GB of free space that I was trying to use ext4 to install on22:31
NRyan115I am using hardware RAID522:31
James147NRyan115: can you take a screen shhot f the window please22:31
NRyan115and I am not intersted in anything that will change my vista installation or other personal files on my other partitions22:32
LineVassNRyan115: I wouldn't want to be raiding my swap... Oh I see. well hardware is another animal.22:32
LineVassbut clearly part manager needs to be looking at the raid device, not the underlying drives22:32
LineVassdo you know what yoru raid device is called?22:32
NRyan115sorry james I am working on it22:33
James147NRyan115: ksnapshot (printscrren button should launch it) will take one22:33
NRyan115I do not know its name, but although the live cd + partitionmanager only sees my individual drives, the installer itself DOES see my raid array and partitions. It just gives me a "cannot create file system" type of error22:34
=== andy is now known as Guest80617
NRyan115i know b ut i am spending all my time re explaining22:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:35
NRyan115I dont know where ot "save" it to22:35
NRyan115the screenshot I mean22:35
NRyan115so that I can upload it to pastebin22:35
James147NRyan115: dosent really matter ~/ will do22:35
James147(~/ means home)22:36
James147NRyan115: anywhere under /home/ubuntu/  will do (~/ is equlivent to /home/USERNAME  in the live cd thats ubuntu)22:36
NRyan115this is so frustrating22:37
NRyan115I took a screenshot, the box poped up I clicked save as - it defaulted to home so I saved it as screenshot1.png (whatever was default)22:38
NRyan115took another one and saved it in the same place but as #222:38
James147then you should be able to upload one to  http://tinyurl.com/imagebin22:39
NRyan115now in pastebin i click browse, and it went to my home folder and it doesnt show the images, just a few other folders like Documents, Music, Images - so I go into images and its also blank22:39
NRyan115so where did they save to?22:39
NRyan115I do understand this - those folders didnt even show up in my home folder when I was saving them22:40
James147NRyan115: could they be in ~/Documents?22:40
NRyan115yes they are22:40
NRyan115but seriousely WTF22:40
James147(yea, some programs anoyingly default to ~/Documents... hatre it when they do)22:41
James147NRyan115: thats the right option... :) can to post a screen shot of the next page?22:42
NRyan115uhrg wtf22:42
James147prefubally without the ksnapshot window coving the important parts :)22:42
NRyan115how did that dialog box insert itself into the picture?22:43
NRyan115it wasnt there when I took the shot22:43
James147not sure... noramlly it hides itself22:43
NRyan115were they both liekthat?22:43
James147no only the second22:43
James147although that is weird as the preview dosent show it :S22:43
NRyan115ok i'm sorry just frustrated and venting but there is no way you can tell me this is "as easy as windows"22:44
James147ahh... there are 2 ksnapshot programs running22:44
NRyan115If I was my mother this woudl make sence to me but I own a computer repair business and have a degree in computer engineering - this shoudl not be so un intuitive22:45
James147NRyan115: it can be :) there are jsut a few differences that can anoy people that are useto how windows works :)22:45
NRyan115I feel like an idiot but i'm just doing exactly as directed22:45
NRyan115inserting that dialog box doesnt make a lick of sense22:45
James147NRyan115: in kde the print screen button runs ksnapshot taking a screenshot first... after then either close it or click the "new snapshot button"22:46
LineVassHey Ryan, you're running the linux box right now right?22:46
NRyan115LineVass: what?22:47
LineVassYou're in Linux right now right?22:47
|sysop|every day22:47
NRyan115yes I am running off the live cs and have started the installer22:47
James147NRyan115: i take it the blank one if the one you want to format?22:48
LineVassif you are at a terminal... and do "sudo fdisk -l" how many devices do you see?22:48
NRyan115yes it is 50gb (ish)22:48
|sysop|here is my question is there anything like seahorse for kde4? so I can pgp encrypt things from inside of other applications?22:49
|sysop|like I can with gedit.22:49
James147NRyan115:  if your sure then I would click the "delete" button while its selcected... that will delete the partition and allow you to create another one22:49
James147|sysop|: kgpg?22:49
James147NRyan115: when creating a new partition set the filesystem as ext4 and the mount point as /22:50
NRyan115I cannot select it, once I click on it it opens the 'pick a file system and mount point' dialog box22:52
|sysop|kpgp doesnt allow you to encrypt something in kate, they way you can in gedit.22:52
|sysop|unless I am missing something.22:52
NRyan115so any other ideas?22:53
James147NRyan115: well... try selecing ext4 and /  and see if it works...  if it fails again you might want to try the alternitive cd.... that can handle more situations then the live cd can22:55
NRyan115Its almost 6PM - I started this at 2.... I could have installed Windows 7 5 times by now lol. I hate being stuck22:55
James147NRyan115: not sure why its being such a pain... I have always found it worked better for me then the windows isntaller did :)22:56
NRyan115OMG it hasnt errored this time22:56
NRyan115and I have done nothing different at all!22:56
James147no clue why it errored before then22:56
NRyan115I tried these settings 5 times before with that same error and this time it works22:56
NRyan115the Only difference is I am running from a live cd before install22:57
James147NRyan115: o well at least it works now :) sorry it took so long to get it to work22:57
NRyan115dont you dare be sorry22:57
NRyan115its not your fault22:57
James147NRyan115: hope you enjoy actually using it :) although it might take some getting use to as linux works differently to windows22:59
NRyan115I know, I will probably never like it as much as windows for my desktop stuff - and I cant play all of my steam games but it will shame windows when I use it for c programming23:00
James147NRyan115: i dont know... I find the general interface much nicer then windows was (and about 50 times more custamisable) + some steam games work in wine :D  (got portal working the other day without much effort... well any effort)23:01
James147NRyan115: also steam are builting a native linux client so we should start seeing some of their titles eventually :D23:02
NRyan115I am sure they wil both have their things - I have used linux before, but only as a basic user at college for programming - never as the computer owner or admin23:02
James147NRyan115: every since I started I have been liking it more and more... Keep finding new ways to do things on it that I never throught possible on windows23:03
James147although kde is still lacking a few things... but they are rapidly fixing the holes in it23:04
NRyan115one thing I always hated was that I purchased a tv tuner card that said it was compatible with vista but then found out that for 64-bit windows its driver only, no software so I HAVE to use windows media center (barf) and it doesnt let me watch one channel while recording another23:04
bronzeI see that 10.04.1 is out. So far the dvd images up on the download page are still on 10.04. If I install from that image, can I just update to get in sync with 10.04.1?23:04
James147NRyan115: and we have http://www.mythtv.org/  for that :)23:05
NRyan115and when you record with MCE its like 3 GB for every hours of tv.... thats terrible for standard defenition23:05
NRyan1151 hours*23:05
moldyi installed kubuntu 10.04 on a thinkpad x100e. it freezes upon kde start (both when booted from live medium and when booted from hard disk)23:05
=== flavio is now known as Guest43882
James147bronze: 10.04.1 is just a new cd with all the updates done to 10.04... if you install 10.04 and update you will effectivly have 10.04.1  (although you dont really need the dvd unless you plan on installing on a computer with a slow network)23:06
moldythe log files contain nothing useful, some seem to contain binary rubbish23:06
bronzeJames147: thanks!23:06
NRyan115so, once this installed how do I update it?23:07
James147NRyan115: you can use kpackagekit and go to the software updates tab  (or the way i tend to: "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade")23:08
NRyan115mythtv i believe makes windows applications as well but for some reason I could neverfind any 64bit program for windows and the 32bit programs do not work... its frustrating. Will I run into similar problems with 64-bit Kubuntu?23:08
James147(well, i have the alised to "upgrade" so i dont need to type it out all the time :D)23:09
Ash-FoxNRyan115, everything in the ubuntu repositories should work fine.23:09
NRyan115what exactly does full-upgrade upgrade? all of ubuntu or ubuntu plus all of your installed software?23:09
NRyan115I have ot be honest that I do not fully understand how update knows if my random software has an update or not23:09
Ash-FoxThere are updates and upgrades.23:10
Ash-Foxupdates are usually just fixes. Be it for bugs and security issues.23:10
James147NRyan115: it upgrades all packages to their latest version...safe-upgrade will do the same but it will not remove and packages or install new software (safer but wont install everything)23:10
Ash-FoxUpgrades are new program versions that may have significant changes23:10
NRyan115but if I go to www.SomeStrangeSoftwareWebsite.com and download program xyz how on earth would kubuntu know if, and how to upgrade that random software?23:11
NRyan115that is what I dont understand23:11
macoNRyan115: it wont know23:12
NRyan115in windows, windows only updates software maade by microsoft... which makes sense23:12
James147NRyan115: the way aptitude knows about upgrades are by the package version... when you run "sudo aptitude update" it will fetch a new list of packages and vertsion from the repos... it then compares this to installed software to see if anything needs updating23:12
macoanything you install from the repositories, our upgrader will upgrade23:12
macoif you grab things from elsewhere, they are your responsibility though23:12
James147NRyan115: aptitude will only upgrade things installed through a package manager (apt-get aptitude or kapckagekit)  but you will find most of what you want in the repos anyway :)23:13
NRyan115ok but you are not being clear to me, a windows only user who is new to linux..... how on earth would the 'repositories' even have versions of software that are made by other companies / groups of people23:13
Ash-FoxDo note that a lot of us mention command lines to do things beause it's eaiser (copy paste), rather than saying, click the big K, now go to system, now click this.. that this, that etc. - Nothing mentioned with software is required to know any commands to install or upgrade them23:14
James147NRyan115: also allot of major linux programs (such as wine) have repos you can add so that you will get updates directly from them23:14
Ash-FoxA lot of linux distributions provide their own 'packages' of other people's software. Ensuring it meets quality, distribution guidelines and other things.23:15
Ash-FoxThe distributions do the hard work of ensuring all the packages are up to date, patch any security issues, ensure it works properly with the specific linux distribution configuration23:15
James147^^ although with kubuntu they dont tend to upgrade to newer major software version of things (ie lucid is on kde 4.4.2 not 4.4.5 or 4.5) although there is a repo for kubuntu to upgrade you to 4.523:17
James147many other developer also maintain their own repos for kubuntu (such as wine do) or other distros so you can get the latest stuff directly from them23:18
NRyan115ok but like... if Kubuntu is a company that makes an OS and it includes 100 other free programs (this is an example only) then Kubuntu the company would go download the current version of those 100 programs and combine them with the Os to distribute as one package... but in order to keep 'up to date' someone would have to check the 100 website for each 100 programs daily to see if there are updates... and if there are then to re download23:18
NRyan115 them... that doesnt seem feasible - especially with 1000's of programs23:18
macoonly bug fixes happen on stable releases23:19
maco!sru | NRyan11523:19
ubottuNRyan115: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates23:19
James147NRyan115: there are many many many packages for kubuntu... also kubuntu is a OS not a company :)23:19
NRyan115I know I was using it as an example23:20
macobut, we have scripts that are run a few times each development cycle that check for new upstream releases. if they exist, we package them23:20
macowithin debian there are a few people assigned to watch each upstream project, and they keep up on the security bulletins going out from upstreams23:20
James147NRyan115: what tends to happen is the developers package new versions for the development release.... and once they release the version they do minor bug fixes or add newer software to backport repos23:20
macoif the package they maintain has a security patch, they package up the patch and push it into debian, and we pull it into kubuntu23:21
maco(debian has over 1000 developers, ubuntu has only ~150)23:21
macoif you split the task of watching for emails notifying of new releases over ~1200 people... it becomes much smaller :)23:22
LineVassIf I'm setting up /tmp on a separate FS, what does the permission mask need to be?23:22
NRyan115ok having a script to check for updates makes things easier except how can you know that the script is chekcing the right place? I mean, some projects have a website and if they create a new version they change their website to say "new version 2.0 click here to download" and then you know they have a new version. You can write a script to check for that because they could change their site at any time or decide not to post that on the23:23
NRyan115 homepage but rather just change the download link23:23
maco(which isnt to say we couldnt use more help in ubuntu...we dont have nearly as many developers as debian yet!23:23
macoNRyan115: watch files can be done many different ways23:23
James147NRyan115: most project follow a naming scheme to make it easier...23:23
moldyi installed fglrx. now, the system does not hang anymore, but i cannot login in kdm. i am immediately thrown back at the login prompt. logging in on the console works fine.23:23
macoa very common one is to say "look for a .tar.gz in this directory on this server, and check the version number in its filename"23:23
LineVassNRyan115: All of this stuff you're asking about is handled in a standardized way through the package manager, in ubuntu's case apt-get (or whatever GUI you throw on top of it)23:25
James147moldy: check to make sure you dont ahve any files owned by root (or anyone other then you) in your home directory (specifically look at the hidden files)23:25
LineVassIn gentoo it's emerge, in centOS it's yum, etc23:25
NRyan115I am aware of naming convensions but I have used tons of software in the past that when I go to download the newest version I find that they moved the entire download location to another link, or changed from a dedicated file server to rapidshare or so many other things23:25
=== albuquerque is now known as albuquerquehow
Ash-FoxNRyan115, again, the distribution packages the software.23:26
albuquerquehowhow are you23:26
NRyan115I just dont understand how you can make it sound so simple to 'just check for the latest version' in the repositories23:26
LineVassNRyan115: If you don't install it through the package manager then the package manager won't handle it in any form including installs, updates, etc.23:26
James147NRyan115: thats windows not linux :) linux do things the proper way23:26
albuquerquehowwhere are you23:26
moldyJames147: hm, i will check that, but it shouldn't be the case. this is a fresh install.23:26
James147NRyan115: allot of software is on site like sourceforge and can be easaly checked23:26
LineVassNRyan115: For example, if I build something from scratch, like download the tar.gz off sourceforge and build it myself... then the package manager won't update it or alert you when it's out of date. you have to do that manually in that case.23:27
NRyan115ok LineVass I am not asking how I the end user keep my software up to date I am asking about how the repositories are kept up tot date because I want to understand how everything works not just how it affects me like a dummy user23:27
LineVassoh, like their internal management structure?23:27
James147moldy: just mantioning it as being thrown to the login is a symptom of not being able to access a file in your home directory23:27
moldyany idea which log file i could look at to diagnose the error?23:28
macoNRyan115: want to become a developer? we could use more hands23:28
NRyan115Right now, the only ting I understand is Windows - and I want to learn more about Linux and Kubuntu. I am not a dumb person, just an ignorant one in reguard to Linux.23:29
James147NRyan115: allot of the software in kubuntu os free opensource software... allot of open source progjects use sourceforce or similar sites to host their entire project... it makes things alot easier for people to get the latest stuff in a standard way then23:29
moldyhmm. i created another user. when i login as that user, it works.23:30
NRyan115So, what I am "used to" is Windows update which is run by Microsoft and only updates Microsoft products. Alternatively, you can get hardware updates too but only if the 3rd party company provides the updates to microsoft23:30
James147moldy: then that hevaly suggest a problem with your home directoy23:30
macoNRyan115: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule this is how our release schedule works.  ive already linked you to the stable release updates info page23:30
LineVassBut is your question how a project, say Mozilla's Firefox team, communicates with the Ubuntu team to coordinate updates? Maco's link should have details on that.23:31
moldyJames147: i will try with an empty one23:31
James147moldy: I highly suggest checking for root owned files in ~/  (~/.ICEauthority  has abeen a problem in the past)23:31
moldyJames147: all files in ~ are owned by the user23:31
macoNRyan115: for example, here's a package i help maintain http://dehs.alioth.debian.org/report.php?package=spim&Display=Submit+Query23:31
moldyJames147: i didn't search the entrie ~ tree, but the files directly in ~ are fine23:32
LineVassJames147: The issue I had earlier... I can resolve it when I remove the /tmp setup from my fstab. What _should_ the /tmp permission mask be?23:32
James147moldy: even the hidden files?23:32
moldyJames147: yes23:32
James147moldy: hmm...23:32
NRyan115That is one way to word my question.... except I wouldnt word it that way because it seems unlikely that with 100+ distros that Mozilla is sending updates to each distro... ok wlel Maybe Mozilla is, but not Mom & Pop software hobbiest23:32
James147not sure which one is causeing a problem then... but its defently somewhere in ~23:32
macoNRyan115: check out the alioth link i showed23:32
NRyan115maco: can you do me a favor?23:33
macoNRyan115: thats how the maintainers of a package know when they need to package something new23:33
macoNRyan115: what?23:33
James147LineVass: full read write exec i think23:33
NRyan115My install of Kubuntu is requiring me to restart so would you be so kind to re link me to those 3 links after I restart?23:33
NRyan115I am still in live cd23:33
moldyJames147: http://pastebin.com/e7zd84EQ23:34
LineVassJames147: What about sticky bits? I was using 2777; This error blows my mind because it's clearly related to some other issues with kdm, but the tmp fixed it. I'd still like to have my tmp on a tmpfs filesystem... but right now letting /tmp be part of the root system lets everything work23:35
NRyan115I genuinely appreciate anyone and everyone who is putting up with my ignorance and who are trying to help me learn. AND especially for helping me with my install problem23:35
NRyan115I will be back in a minute23:35
surunvericould someone help me with installing java for firefox :D23:36
James147LineVass: what where you using to mount it in fstab? (the full line)23:36
surunverion kubuntu23:36
bronzeAnyone know if its possible to convert an LVM based system into regular device-partitions based system?  i want to conver a Fedora system to a multi-boot - Kubuntu-Fedora23:36
LineVasstmpfs   /tmp    tmpfs   size=1G,mode=2777       0       023:36
moldybronze: i think you will have to copy it over23:36
James147LineVass: i had it working without the mode=2777 optiuon23:37
LineVassI'll remove that  and see what happens23:37
moldyJames147: i copied all the stuff from the backed up homedir into the empty one, and now everything seems to be fine. weird.23:38
James147bronze: short answer: no   .... long answer: if you have the space to create the partitions you should be able to copy the files over to that partition without much issue (you may need to edit /etc/fstab  and reinstall grub)23:39
James147moldy: must have been a config error.... just not sure which errored :)23:39
bronzeJames147: good thoughts. Thank you.23:39
LineVassJames147: Thanks. It works. I guess I did something odd to the permissions.23:40
James147(btw, thank you LineVass for reminding me to set that up again on my system :D )23:42
NRyan115ok so I have a new problem23:42
NRyan115it asked me to restart after I installed kubuntu so I did.... but it didnt install any boot manager so I still only have a choice of Vista or XP23:43
NRyan115I thought Linux was supposed ot Install grub or something23:44
* James147 wonders why it didnt do that... isnt sure how grub works in a RAID array23:44
James147NRyan115: it is ment to...23:44
James147!grub2 | NRyan11523:44
ubottuNRyan115: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:44
NRyan115yeah so umm now what?23:45
LineVasshaha, no problem23:45
NRyan115I only get the default Microsoft Vista boot manager23:45
James147NRyan115: you could try that part int the above link about "Reinstalling from a livecd"  but I do not know how grub is ment to behave in a hardware RAID23:45
LineVassNRyan115: Depending on how well supported your hardware driver is, you might need to create a separate /boot partition for it23:46
James147^^ although you probally want to replace /dev/sdX[y] with /dev/mapper/YOURRAIDDRIVE23:47
James147LineVass: why should that matter... if /boot is raided it wont matter if its on a seperate partition23:47
James147LineVass: and I dont see a way to unraid one partiton :)23:48
NRyan115I have already delete XP manually - just not from my boot manager yet, but where XP used to be can be used for any boot manager needed23:48
NRyan115what I do not understand is if there was an issue with installing the boot manager why ddint it ask me what I wanted to do, or give me an error23:48
James147NRyan115: that wont matter... grub will install over windows bootloader and should handle bootin windows and linux23:49
NRyan115this seems like the hardest OS install I have ever done lol23:49
NRyan115yes but it clearly didnt lol :(23:49
LineVassI wasn't claer enugh. I meant to say the /boot might need to be non-raided, because the boot loader needs someway to access the raid-5, and so that driver has to fit into the boot loader23:50
James147NRyan115: its not normally that hard :) although most people dont have a raid array :)23:50
James147LineVass: although on a system with 3 raied drives it is almost impossible to create a seperate /boot partition on a non raided drive.... without losing data23:51
NRyan115True most do not, but raid arrays are common enough nowadays that they have been hardware integrated onto motherboards for 5+ years now23:51
surunverijava works for me with konqueror23:51
LineVassOut of morbid curiosity, is this an nvidia on-board raid controller?23:51
surunveribut not with firefox23:51
LineVasshaha, ok23:51
LineVassi have one of those too. never have used it23:51
surunverihow to make it work with firefox too?23:51
NRyan115err I believe so23:52
James147NRyan115: try reinstalling grub from the live cd https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20223:52
NRyan115ok I can try to follow those directions23:53
NRyan115also, there should be no need to have a non raid partition. Kubuntu should be better than windows right? So fi windows can do it, linux should be able to as well :p23:54
James147NRyan115: I would think so :)23:54
LineVassRyan: that's a good point. I don't know if those raid drivers are supported, but they're not so esoteric23:54
LineVassso there's a good chance they are23:55
LineVassbut if they're not, then you'd need a separate one.23:55
James147NRyan115: i am not entirly sure which drive you want to install grub to though... never done it on a RAID array before23:55
NRyan115ok stop saying that james... you dont need to end every sentance with "on a raid array before" lol23:56
ikoniagrub goes on the mbr of the physical disk, not the raid array23:56
LineVassall 3?23:56
Nazdraviany one recommend a dedicated from email server package? It can run on a dedicated box...any OS or even it's own OS if possible....23:56
James147although the /dev/sdXY in sudo mount /dev/sdXY   should be where kubuntu is installed (/dev/mapper/....)23:56
ikoniaNazdravi: exim or postfix23:57
Nazdraviikonia: Thanks :-)23:57
NRyan115"Note: If the user has a separate /boot partition, this must be mounted to /mnt/boot" I am not even sure if this applies to me or not23:58
James147NRyan115: i dosent23:58
ikoniaNazdravi: do you have a seperate boot partition ?23:58
James147it ^^23:58
ikoniaNazdravi: oops, sorry, not you23:58
ikoniathat was for NRyan11523:58
surunverihi can anyone telle me how to make Java work with firefox.. it works with konqueror23:58
NRyan115I am not sure what constitused a separate boot partition23:59
James147NRyan115: you only created a partition for / and swap so you dont23:59
NRyan115I had 2 versins of windows dual booting and boot.iti was on the first partition23:59
tortoise7hi folks, i am trying out the latest ubuntu and would like to use Kmail, however, when it comes to the password portion of kmail setup, reports that kwallet is not found....i have kwallet manager and synaptic reports the presence of several other kde aspects but NO wallet.... pointer to a  solution ..... please23:59

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