
kklimondahmm, a branch I've uploaded half an hour ago is still updating and I've already asked for a merge and got a mail from noreply@launchpad.net saying that there are no revisions and my branch.. will my merge proposal get updated once branch is scanned?00:15
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arjunHi I would like to unify my launchpad accounts (created due to some confusion)06:23
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lifelessarjun: you can do that yourself07:00
lifelessthere should be a request merge button on the account page07:01
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orly_owlDo I need to start a project to set up a PPA?08:53
wgrantorly_owl: No.08:53
wgrantProjects are currently unrelated to PPAs.08:53
wgrantYou'll find a link to activate a PPA if you click on your name in the top right of any Launchpad page.08:53
orly_owlah thanks08:53
orly_owlis it ok if Displayname and PPA name are the same?08:59
wgrantorly_owl: It will work. But the PPA name is to be used in a URL, and the display name in the UI (and the name of the archive key), so you probably want them to be different.09:03
wgrantThe default display name used to be something like 'PPA for Some User'09:03
wgrantThere's no default any more, but I'd recommend using something along those lines.09:03
orly_owlBut it still works if they're the same?09:05
wgrantYes. But it's probably not the right thing to do.09:05
wgrantThe name is something like 'ppa', and the display name 'PPA for William Grant'09:05
wgrantIt doesn't matter exactly what they are, but that's the sort of style that's intended.09:06
orly_owli made them almost the same09:06
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geserhmm, did LP always display the LP account name and not the full name next to the "Log out" button?09:35
lifelessthe full name has led to confusion09:36
geserhow so? persons with multiple accounts?09:40
lifelessthe display name isn't unique09:56
lifelessso yes09:57
lifelessthere is/was a bug around it09:57
lifelessgeser: but also09:57
lifelessif you ask someone 'whats your account name' its hard for them to answer with the display name shown09:57
lifelessand there are lots of times you want to ask that: to subscribe someone, to help them with bzr, etc09:58
wgrantlifeless: OTOH, unfriendly names aren't shown anywhere else in the UI.10:03
wgrantIt seems inconsistent to have one in such a prominent location.10:04
wgrantIn particular, it looks really wrong to have an unfriendly name next to the usual person icon.10:04
lifelesswgrant: perhaps we should show both ?10:06
lifelesswgrant: and its a lie to say its not shown anywhere else : branching instructions are a place where its shown. But yes, its not common.10:07
wgrantlifeless: Ah, true, forgot them.10:07
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shadeslayerhi, i cant seem to trigger maverick builds for  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rekonq/+recipe/rekonq-daily15:25
shadeslayerbut i can trigger builds for other ppa's fine15:25
shadeslayerfor eg: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/+recipe/project-neon-kdetoys15:25
jelmershadeslayer: IIRC there was an issue with the maverick build that rockstar was working on15:26
shadeslayerok but why do the other PPA's build fine?15:27
shadeslayeri triggered the builds for the neon ones last night and it built fine15:27
jelmershadeslayer: in that case I'm not sure15:28
shadeslayerim perplexed as well :(15:28
marienzwhat's the right way to push a branch based on a ubuntu branch (like lp:ubuntu/rhythmbox/maverick in this case) to launchpad? I pushed to lp:~marienz/rhythmbox/blah, which worked but took a bit longer than I expected.16:44
shadeslayerid say : lp:rhythmbox : but im not sure that thats what you mean16:46
marienzit stacks it on lp:rhythmbox, yes.16:47
marienzI was wondering if there was a better (faster) way, possibly stacking it on the ubuntu branch.16:47
shadeslayerah.. no idea on that ...16:47
gesermarienz: you branched lp:ubuntu/maverick/rhythmbox?16:47
geserthen push to lp:~marienz/ubuntu/maverick/rhythmbox/blah16:48
marienzahh, that works? I was assuming I'd always need a single component between my accountname and the branch name I make up16:49
marienzis this documented somewhere?16:49
geserI only know of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation/SeekingSponsorship16:51
marienz(this did what I wanted, thanks)16:51
geseryou should perhaps also read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation for more context16:51
marienzperhaps I should (I don't really do this frequently enough for all the details to stick in my memory, if you know what I mean)16:52
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kreugerIm having trouble with referer headers on the site17:28
kreugercan someone help?17:29
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maxbCould someone rescore https://edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/proposed/+build/1928583 ? It missed publication of a build-dep by a few minutes - I've asked for a retry, but now it needs to go through the far too huge queue again :-(19:18
X3that sux19:19
maxbA buildd-admin around at weekends would be nice :-)19:20
X3shame you cant score own packaging19:20
maxbthat would be slightly cheating :-)19:21
X3thers not evven a request solution on launchpad19:21
X3like get rescored for stuff that matters19:21
X3im just saying that there should be a launchpad request opt-in for admins to know who is requesting what19:23
X3irc shouldnt be only port of call specially on sunday19:23
maxbactually never mind, I'm reuploading anyway19:29
MrQuincleDear people, how can I write a proper recipe when the upstream author included an outdated debian directory? Can I somehow remove the debian directory within the recipe?20:47
MrQuincleSomething like this:20:48
MrQuincle# bzr-builder format 0.2 deb-version 0+{revno}+{time}20:48
MrQuinclerun bzr remove debian20:48
MrQuinclenest debian lp:~annevanrossum/robot3d/yarp-packaging debian20:48
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MrQuincleOkay, I did something that is probably not allowed.21:16
MrQuincleI changed at "Branch details" the owner.21:16
MrQuincleIf I now want to get the branch, it gives the following error:21:17
MrQuinclebzr branch lp:~robot3d-team/robot3d/debian21:17
MrQuinclebzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~annevanrossum/robot3d/trunk/".21:17
MrQuincleI will move it back, I hope it will be solved then.21:18
MrQuincleYes: bzr branch lp:~annevanrossum/robot3d/debian does work...21:20
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maxbMrQuincle: it's a bug in Launchpad, where if you move a branch on which another is stacked, the bzr-level stacking metadata isn't updated21:33
maxbThe issue can be worked around by resetting the bzr-level metadata to point to the new name of the branch21:34
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maxbHere is the script I use for doing that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/482024/21:34
* maxb afk21:35
MrQuincleLet's check that because I placed everything back, but now it remembers the other "owner"21:36
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MrQuincleShit, now I am in even more trouble.21:46
MrQuincle"Invalid stacked on location: /~annevanrossum/robot3d/trunk" it didn't say that before...21:47
MrQuincleEverything seems to be normal21:51
MrQuincleThanks a lot for your script21:51
thumperMrQuincle, maxb: I'm hoping to get the fix for moving a branch that is stacked on into LP this cycle22:08
MrQuinclethumper: Nice!22:09
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MrQuincleIs it perhaps possible to mirror something excluding the "debian" directory?22:54
MrQuincleI am still clueless about what to do with an outdated "debian" directory.23:03
MrQuincleI've also been reading through this: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/MeetingLogs/devweek1007/DailyBuilds but it assumes that the "upstream" debian directory is up to date.23:04
MrQuincleOkay, guys, I don't know if it is intended to run shell commands...23:34
MrQuincleOn my local machine I can just do:# bzr-builder format 0.2 deb-version 0+{revno}+{time}23:34
MrQuinclerun rm -rf debian23:34
lamalexI know you guys probably get this all the time, but what's the word on the LP wiki?23:34
MrQuinclenest yarpdeb lp:~annevanrossum/robot3d/yarp-packaging debian23:34
wgrantMrQuincle: You can't nest inside a directory that already exists?23:34
MrQuincleNo, it gives conflicts, and I think that's okay to do.23:35
MrQuincleBut he run rm -rf debian command works fine on my local machine23:35
MrQuincleI am just curious if you are taking that into considering on Launchpad23:36
MrQuincleSome dickhead might do "run rm -rf /"23:36
MrQuincleI hope that's accounted for... ;)23:36
wgrantYou can't use 'run' in recipes on Launchpad.23:36
MrQuincleAha :)23:37
MrQuincleFor me it runs perfectly locally if I include this. So, that's the only thing that holds me back from using it on Launchpad.23:38
MrQuincleDo you want to exact errors?23:38
MrQuincleI will run it again locally23:38
MrQuincleanne@gamix:~/mypackages/tryout$ bzr dailydeb yarp.recipe ~/temp/yarp23:40
MrQuincleConflict adding file changelog.  Moved existing file to changelog.moved.23:40
MrQuincleConflict adding file control.  Moved existing file to control.moved.23:40
MrQuincleConflict adding file libyarp.install.  Moved existing file to libyarp.install.moved.23:40
MrQuincleConflict adding file rules.  Moved existing file to rules.moved.23:40
MrQuincleConflict adding file yarp-bin.install.  Moved existing file to yarp-bin.install.moved.23:40
MrQuinclebzr: ERROR: Conflicts... aborting.23:40
MrQuincleNo surprise of course. But I don't see an easy work around... Perhaps a merge first...23:41
MrQuincleIn which I delete the debian directory.23:41

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